SPORAZUM O VPRAŠANJIH NASLEDSTVA - 15 LET POZNEJE AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Ljubljana, 2016 / Ljubljana, 2016 Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva po nekdanji Jugoslaviji je bil sklenjen “… v interesu vseh držav naslednic in njihovih državljanov, interesu stabilnosti v regiji ter dobrih medsebojnih odnosov…” (iz preambule sporazuma) The Agreement on Succession Issues among states successors to the former Yugoslavia was concluded “... in the interests of all successor States and their citizens and in the interests of stability in the region and their mutual good relations ...” (From the Preamble to the Agreement) CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 341.218.3 SPORAZUM o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje = Agreement on succession issues - 15 years later / [uredil Grega Pajnkihar ; prevod v angleščino Tea Mejak]. - Ljubljana : Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije = Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, 2016 ISBN 978-961-6566-27-8 1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Pajnkihar, Grega 284884992 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Ob otvoritvi konference Foreword Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva po nekdanji Jugoslaviji (SFRJ) iz leta 2001 je glede na svoj zgodovinski, politični, finančni in pravni pomen nedvomno ena ključnih mednarodnih pogodb, ki jih je sklenila Slovenija kot samostojna država. Ureja namreč temeljne odnose med novonastalimi državami v regiji, ki izhajajo iz njihove skupne preteklosti v Jugoslaviji. Owing to its historical, political, financial, and legal significance, the 2001 Agreement on Succession Issues after the former Yugoslavia (SFRY) undoubtedly claims its position as one of the major treaties concluded by independent Slovenia. It namely regulates the fundamental relations between newly-emerged countries in the region stemming from their common history within Yugoslavia. Toda ta sporazum je še nekaj več – po svoji vsebini in dometu presega zgolj okvire interesov posameznih držav naslednic. Vsebuje spekter jasnih in inovativnih nasledstvenih določb in s tem kot lex specialis pomeni pomemben prispevek k razvoju mednarodnega prava v svetovnem merilu. Ker od vseh držav pogodbenic zahteva dosledno in bona fides spoštovanje, je prepoznaven temelj za poglobitev dobrih sosedskih odnosov in iskrenega sodelovanja v regiji. Nastanek novih držav je v moderni mednarodni skupnosti vezan predvsem na ero dekolonizacije, povod za katero je bila uveljavitev pravice narodov do samoodločbe, ter pozneje na padec komunističnih režimov in razpad večnarodnostnih tvorb v Evropi. Med njimi je jugoslovanska zgodba zaradi več let trajajoče vojne daleč najbolj tragična in kompleksna. To velja tudi za ureditev vprašanj nasledstva, ki je bila odložena za celo desetletje po razpadu Jugoslavije, saj si je ena od držav naslednic (Zvezna republika However, there is something more to this agreement: its substance and scope transcend the bounds of successor states’ own interests. With a whole spectrum of clear and innovative succession provisions, this lex specialis marks an important contribution to the development of international law on a global scale. Demanding consistent and bona fides respect by all states parties, it is valued as a solid foundation for enhancing good neighbourly relations and sincere cooperation in the region. In the modern international community, the creation of new states has been associated with the period of decolonisation, instigated by the desire of nations to assert their right to self-determination, and later to the fall of communist regimes and the disintegration of multi-national states in Europe. Among these, due to the years of war, Yugoslavia’s story is by far the most tragic and complex. The same holds true for the settlement of 3 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Jugoslavija) želela neupravičeno prisvojiti njeno ekskluzivno kontinuiteto. Ko so tudi tam politične elite privolile v enakopravno delitev pravic in obveznosti med vseh pet držav naslednic – Bosno in Hercegovino, Hrvaško, Makedonijo, Slovenijo in Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo – danes Srbijo, so dozoreli pogoji za sklenitev tega pomembnega mednarodnega sporazuma. Tako je bil na Dunaju 29. junija 2001 pod pokroviteljstvom mednarodne skupnosti in sira Arthurja Wattsa podpisan Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva. Dunajski dogovor ureja ključne pravice in obveznosti po nekdanji Jugoslaviji, od delitve kulturne dediščine, veleposlaništev in rezidenc v tujini, finančnih sredstev in dolgov, do arhivov, zaščite premoženja posameznikov in pravnih oseb itd. Čeprav so določbe sporazuma po posameznih področjih zapletene in podrobne, je temeljno načelo, ki je hkrati rdeča nit sporazuma, delitev pravic in obveznosti na pravičen in enakopraven način. Takšna bilanca delitve mora biti tudi končni cilj vseh prizadevanj držav naslednic pri uresničevanju sporazuma. Brez doslednega zasledovanja načel enakopravnosti in pravičnosti dokončna razdelitev pravic in bremen nekdanje Jugoslavije ne more biti uspešna. Ob 15. obletnici podpisa sporazuma smo se, s predsednikom državnega zbora dr. Milanom Brglezom ter 4 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER succession issues, postponed by a whole decade after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, as one of the successors (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) unjustly claimed the exclusive continuity of the SFRY. After its political elites agreed to the equal distribution of rights and obligations among all five successor states – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, and the FRY (today Serbia) – conditions became ripe for the conclusion of this important treaty. Thus, on 29 June 2001 the Agreement on Succession Issues was signed in Vienna under the patronage of the international community and by Sir Arthur Watts. The Vienna Agreement stipulates the fundamental rights and obligations inherited after the former Yugoslavia, ranging from the distribution of cultural heritage, embassies and diplomatic residences abroad, financial assets and debts, to archives, the protection of of property of individuals and legal entities, and other matters. Although the provisions of the various chapters are complex and detailed, the core principle woven into the Agreement is the just and equitable division of rights and obligations. Such distribution balance must be the final objective of all successor states’ efforts. Without full respect for equality and justice, the chances for success of the final distribution of the rights and burdens that constitute our inheritance from the former Yugoslavia are much too slight. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje podpredsednikom vlade in ministrom za zunanje zadeve g. Karlom Erjavcem, odločili, da ta pomemben dogodek tudi ustrezno počastimo. Ljubljana 7. junija 2016 gosti mednarodno konferenco Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva – 15 let pozneje, katere poudarek je na zgodovinskih, pravnih in aktualnih političnih vidikih sporazuma, njegovem izvajanju ter na dosežkih in dogovorih, uresničenih na podlagi njegovih določil. Na ogled je razstava Zgodbe iz zapuščine (Slovenija in nasledstvo po Jugoslaviji) v organizaciji Arhiva Slovenije in pod vodstvom kustosa dr. Bojana Cvelfarja, ki predstavlja ključne dogodke, fotografije, posnetke in dokumentacijo v zvezi s konkretnimi dosežki Slovenije na področju nasledstva. V tej brošuri, ki spremlja konferenco in razstavo, želimo poudariti pomen sporazuma, iz zgodovinske in današnje perspektive, ter tako predstaviti že rešena vprašanja in pridobitve Slovenije ter nakazati na vrsto še nerešenih in nedorečenih zadev. Glede na to, da je od podpisa sporazuma minilo že petnajst let, bi dejavnosti pogodbenic morale biti usmerjene v njegovo celovito izvajanje in uresničitev glavnega poslanstva - ureditev pravic in obveznosti iz preteklosti, zato da bi v prihodnosti države v regiji, zlasti v interesu svojih državljanov, lahko še krepile medsebojna politična, gospodarska in kulturna razmerja. International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Together with President of the National Assembly Milan Brglez and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec, we decided to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Agreement appropriately. On 7 June 2016, Ljubljana is hosting an international conference entitled Agreement on Succession Issues – 15 Years Later focusing on historical, legal, and current political aspects of the Agreement, its implementation, as well as achievements and arrangements reached pursuant to its provisions. An accompanying exhibition, Legacy Stories (Slovenia and the Succession after Yugoslavia), has been mounted, organised by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and curated by Bojan Cvelfar, which presents the central events, photos, recordings and documents related to Slovenia’s concrete achievements in the area of succession. This brochure is intended to highlight the significance of the Agreement from historical and present-day perspectives, outlining the issues that have been settled and pointing to matters that remain unresolved. As fifteen years have passed since the conclusion of the Agreement, the activities of the states parties should focus on its full implementation and main purpose – the settlement of rights and obligations from the past, so that, in the future, the countries in the region will be able to even strengthen mutual political and economic and cultural relations, especially in the interests of their citizens. 5 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Ob tej priložnosti se želim v imenu gostiteljev zahvaliti kolegom iz Državnega zbora, Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve, Arhiva Republike Slovenije, Urada Vlade za komuniciranje ter RTV Slovenija, ki so sodelovali pri pripravi in organizaciji konference in razstave. dr. Ana Polak Petrič visoka predstavnica Republike Slovenije za nasledstvo 6 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER On this occasion, I would like to thank, on behalf of the hosts, all our colleagues at the National Assembly, the Foreign Ministry, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government Communication Office and RTV Slovenija, who contributed to the preparation and organisation of the event. Ana Polak Petrič High Representative of the Republic of Slovenia for Succession Issues Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Pot do podpisa sporazuma je bila dolga Lengthy process to the Agreement Po letu 1991, ko je SFRJ razpadla, je bilo treba urediti vprašanje njenega nasledstva med pet enakopravnih suverenih držav naslednic. After the dissolution of the SFRY in 1991, the issue of its succession by five sovereign and equal successor states had to be settled. Kronologija: Chronology: • • • • • • • • • • 25. junij 1991 – razglasitev samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije 11. januar 1992 – mnenje Badinterjeve arbitražne komisije št. 7 o priznanju Republike Slovenije 15. januar 1992 – priznanje Republike Slovenije s strani Evropske skupnosti 27. april 1992 – ustanovitev Zvezne republike Jugoslavije (ZRJ) 22. maj 1992 – članstvo Slovenije v Organizaciji združenih narodov (OZN) 4. julij 1992 - mnenje Badinterjeve arbitražne komisije št. 8, da je SFRJ razpadla in več ne obstaja 1. november 2000 – članstvo ZRJ v OZN 29. junij 2001 – podpis Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva 2. junij 2004 – začetek veljavnosti Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva • • • • • • • • 25 June 1991 – Declaration of independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia 11 January 1992 – Opinion No. 7 of the Badinter Arbitration Commission on international recognition of the Republic of Slovenia 15 January 1992 – Recognition of the Republic of Slovenia by the European Community 27 April 1992 – Creation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) 22 May 1992 – Slovenia’s membership of the United Nations 4 July 1992 – Opinion No. 8 of the Badinter Arbitration Commission that the dissolution of the SFRY is complete and that the SFRY no longer exists 1 November 2000 – FRY’s membership of the UN 29 June 2001 – Signing of the Agreement on Succession Issues 2 June 2004 – Entry into force of the Agreement on Succession issues 7 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Prva udeležba Republike Slovenije v Organizaciji združenih narodov Vir: Foto BOBO First participation of the Republic of Slovenia in the United Nations Source: Photo BOBO 8 Od razpada SFRJ do doseženega sporazuma o ureditvi nasledstvenih vprašanj je preteklo celo desetletje. Dogovor pred tem ni bil mogoč, tako zaradi oboroženih spopadov na območju Jugoslavije ter tudi zaradi nasprotujočih si stališč glede usode nekdanje skupne države. A whole decade had to pass from the dissolution of the SFRY before an agreement regulating succession issues was possible. Before that, no agreement could be reached due to the armed conflicts on Yugoslav territory and also conflicting views on the status of the former common state. Medtem ko so Slovenija, Hrvaška, Bosna in Hercegovina ter Makedonija trdile, da je skupna država razpadla, je Zvezna republika Jugoslavija vztrajala, da sama ohranja pravno kontinuiteto SFRJ, druge republike pa so se od nje odcepile. Diplomatska bitka o tem vprašanju se je najbolj odločno bila v Organizaciji združenih narodov, kjer sta tako Varnostni svet in Generalna skupščina pritrdila prvemu stališču. Whereas Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia claimed that the former state had been dissolved, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia insisted that it alone constituted the legal continuity of the SFRY and that the other republics had seceded from the common state. A hard diplomatic battle on the issue was fought within the United Nations, with both the Security Council and Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Vsebinska pogajanja o vseh vidikih nasledstva so se zato lahko začela šele leta 2000, ko je Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (danes Srbija) kot nova članica zaprosila za članstvo v OZN in s tem privolila v enakopravno nasledstvo vseh petih suverenih držav. Najpomembnejšo vlogo na poti do sklenitve sporazuma je imela Mirovna konferenca o Jugoslaviji, sklicana leta 1991, in z njo povezana t. i. Badinterjeva arbitražna komisija. Ta je v letih 1992 in 1993 sprejela 15 pravnih mnenj v zvezi z razpadom Jugoslavije. Z vprašanji nasledstva se je ukvarjala v mnenjih št. 1, 9 in od 11 do 15. »… države naslednice SFRJ morajo skupaj rešiti vse vidike nasledstva sporazumno … države naslednice morajo doseči pravično razdelitev …« (iz mnenja Arbitražne komisije Mirovne konference o Jugoslaviji št. 9). Mednarodna konferenca o nekdanji Jugoslaviji (ICFY) v Ženevi je znova vzpostavila delovno skupino o nasledstvu držav, po Daytonskem mirovnem sporazumu pa je ključno vlogo prevzel Svet za implementacijo miru (PIC). Ta je leta 1996 za posebnega predstavnika za nasledstvo imenoval sira Arthurja Wattsa, pod pokroviteljstvom katerega je nastalo končno besedilo Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva. Treba je poudariti, da se je proces dezintegracije na območju nekdanje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER the General Assembly upholding the former position. Substantive and comprehensive negotiations on succession were only possible as of 2000, when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (today’s Serbia) applied as a new state for UN membership, thus agreeing to the equal succession of all five sovereign states. The decisive role in reaching an agreement was played by the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia convened in 1991 and the related so-called Badinter Arbitration Commission. In 1992 and 1993, the Arbitration Commission adopted 15 legal opinions with regard to the dissolution of Yugoslavia, specifically referring to succession in its opinions 1, 9 and 11 to 15. “... the successor states to the SFRY must together settle all aspects of the succession by agreement ... the successor states must try to achieve an equitable solution ...” (From Opinion No. 9 of the Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia) A Working Group on Succession Issues was re-established at the Geneva Peace Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (ICFY), and after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) assumed the main role in the process, appointing Sir Arthur Watts as Special Negotiator 9 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Jugoslavije nadaljeval še leta 2006 in 2008 z razglasitvijo samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Črne gore in Kosova, kar pa nima vpliva na nasledstvo po SFRJ. 10 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER on succession issues in 1996. Under his leadership, the Agreement on Succession Issues was finalised. It has to be pointed out that the disintegration process on the territory of the former Yugoslavia continued in 2006 and 2008 and the declaration of independence and sovereignty of Montenegro and Kosovo, respectively. However, this does not affect the succession after the SFRY. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Podpis Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva Signing of the Agreement on Succession Issues Po dolgotrajnih pogajanjih ob pomoči mednarodne skupnosti, ki so trajala skoraj deset let, so Bosna in Hercegovina, Zvezna republika Jugoslavija (danes Srbija), Hrvaška, Makedonija in Slovenija v palači Hofburg na Dunaju 29. junija 2001 podpisale Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva. Slovensko pogajalsko delegacijo je vodil dr. Miran Mejak. On 29 June 2001, after negotiations facilitated by the international community that took almost a decade, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (today’s Serbia), Macedonia, and Slovenia signed an Agreement on Succession Issues at Vienna’s Hofburg Palace. Slovenian delegation at negotiations was headed by Miran Mejak. Sporazum dokončno opredeljuje in določa pravično razdelitev pravic, obveznosti, premoženja in dolgov nekdanje Jugoslavije med njene naslednice. Sedem prilog ureja posamezna področja nasledstva: The Agreement on Succession Issues finalises the just distribution of rights, obligations, assets and liabilities of the former Yugoslavia among its successor states, regulating various aspects of succession in its seven annexes: Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva Vir: MZZ RS Agreement on Succession Issues Source: MFA RS 11 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje • • • • • • • Priloga A: Premično in nepremično premoženje Priloga B: Premoženje diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništev Priloga C: Finančna sredstva in obveznosti Priloga D: Arhivi Priloga E: Pokojnine Priloga F: Druge pravice, pravne koristi in finančne obveznosti Priloga G: Zasebno premoženje in pridobljene pravice • • • • • • • Annex A: Movable and immovable property Annex B: Diplomatic and consular properties Annex C: Financial assets and liabilities Annex D: Archives Annex E: Pensions Annex F: Other rights, interests, and liabilities Annex G: Private property and acquired rights Sporazum so podpisali zunanji ministri držav naslednic SFRJ: The Agreement was signed by the foreign ministers of the successor states to the SFRY: • • • • • • za Bosno in Hercegovino dr. Zlatko Lagumdžija za Republiko Hrvaško Tonino Picula za Republiko Makedonijo Ilija Filipovski za Republiko Slovenijo dr. Dimitrij Rupel za Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo dr. Goran Svilanović ter visoki predstavnik OZN za Bosno in Hercegovino dr. Wolfgang Petritsch. 12 AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER • • • • For Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko Lagumdžija For the Republic of Croatia Tonino Picula For the Republic of Macedonia Ilija Filipovski For the Republic of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Goran Svilanović and the High Representative of the UN for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Wolfgang Petritsch. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Wolfgang Petritsch, Miran Mejak, Dimitrij Rupel in sir Arthur Watts na Dunaju, 29. junij 2001. Vir: Foto BOBO Sporazum je bil podpisan v sedmih izvirnikih, od katerih so po enega dobili vsaka država naslednica in Urad visokega predstavnika, eden je bil deponiran pri generalnem sekretarju Organizacije združenih narodov. Potem ko je sporazum kot zadnja od podpisnic ratificirala tudi Hrvaška, je sporazum začel veljati 2. junija 2004. International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Wolfgang Petritsch, Milan Mejak, Dimitrij Rupel and Sir Arthur Watts in Vienna, June 29, 2001. Source: Photo BOBO The Agreement was done in seven original copies, one for each of the successor states and one for the Office of the High Commissioner, while the remaining text was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. After the ratification of the Agreement by the last signatory Croatia, it entered into force on 2 June 2004. 13 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Podpis Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva, minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel, 29. junij 2001, Dunaj Vir: Foto BOBO 14 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Signing of the Agreement on Succession Issues, Minister Dimitrij Rupel, June 29, 2001, Vienna Source: Photo BOBO Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Pomen sporazuma za Slovenijo in regijo Significance of the Agreement for Slovenia and the region Sporazum je ključni del enega najpomembnejših političnih procesov v regiji – procesa, ki je konec 20. stoletja sledil razpadu Jugoslavije, nastanku novih, neodvisnih držav, tudi Slovenije, ter njihove integracije v mednarodni skupnosti. Ker gre za edino mednarodno pogodbo med državami nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki ureja pravna in vsebinska nasledstvena vprašanja, ga nekateri, v političnem smislu, imenujejo »Mirovna pogodba Jugoslavije«. The Agreement is the culmination of one of the most important political developments in the region towards the end of the 20th century: the creation of new, independent states from the ashes of Yugoslavia, Slovenia among them, and their integration into the international community. Being the first treaty involving all states that were part of the former Yugoslavia and regulating outstanding legal and substantive succession issues, it is in political sense also referred to as the “Peace Treaty on Yugoslavia.” Celovita uresničitev sporazuma je temelj za stabilne, dolgoročne in prijateljske odnose med državami podpisnicami. Zato prizadevanja za učinkovito reševanje še nerešenih nasledstvenih vprašanj ostajajo ena od prednostnih nalog slovenske zunanje politike v regiji. »V okviru … ciljev je izvajanje zunanje politike Republike Slovenije osredotočeno na naslednja prednostna področja in območja: … – celovita uresničitev Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva in rešitev odprtih nasledstvenih vprašanj; « (iz Deklaracije o zunanji politiki Republike Slovenije, 10. julija 2015) »RS bo nadgradila svojo prisotnost na Zahodnem Balkanu … Za prihodnje dvostranske odnose z državami regije bo izrednega pomena dinamika in kakovost reševanja nasledstvenih The comprehensive implementation of the Agreement is the foundation of stable, long term and friendly relations between the signatories. For this reason, efforts to effectively resolve the outstanding succession issues remain a priority of Slovenia’s foreign policy in the region. “In the context of the foregoing objectives, the implementation of the foreign policy of the Republic of Slovenia focuses on the following priority areas: … – attaining the full implementation of the Agreement on Succession Issues and settlement of unresolved succession issues;” (From the Declaration of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Slovenia, 10 July 2015) 15 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje vprašanj oziroma cilj dejanske in celovite uresničitve sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva, saj gre pri tem za urejanje pomembnih medsebojnih pravnih razmerij in znatnih finančnih obveznosti po razpadu skupne države, pa tudi za politično odgovornost. RS bo pozorna na vse materialne in pravne vidike nasledstva ter z njim povezanih vprašanj, zlasti tistih, ki so pomembna za njene vitalne interese.« (iz Strateškega dokumenta zunanje politike Republike Slovenije, 29. julija 2015) Pomen sporazuma pri krepitvi regionalnega sodelovanja je potrjen tudi v EU v okviru spoštovanja mednarodnih obveznosti. »Nerešene spore in vprašanja bi bilo treba reševati v skladu z mednarodnim pravom in uveljavljenimi načeli, tudi z izvajanjem pravno zavezujočih sporazumov, kot je sporazum o nasledstvu.« (iz Strateškega dokumenta zunanje politike Republike Slovenije, 29. julija 2015) Države naslednice čaka v prihodnje še veliko dela pri izvrševanju Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva. Za Slovenijo so ključna področja: • • 16 pravična razdelitev jamstva za devizne vloge varčevalcev, dokončanje delitve diplomatskokonzularnih objektov SFRJ ter dopolnitev seznama teh nepremičnin, International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER “Slovenia will strengthen its presence in the Western Balkans.... The future of bilateral relations with Western Balkan countries greatly depends on the dynamics and quality of resolving succession issues and the aim of truly and fully implementing the Agreement on Succession Issues, as these pave the way to settling important legal relations and substantial financial obligations arising from the dissolution of the common state, as well as demonstrating political responsibility. Slovenia will look into all material and legal aspects of succession and associated issues, in particular those concerning Slovenia’s vital interests.” (From the Strategic Document on Foreign Policy of the Republic of Slovenia, 29 July 2015). The importance of the Agreement in fostering regional cooperation has also been confirmed by the EU when referring to respect for international commitments. “Outstanding disputes and issues should be solved in line with international law and established principles, including through implementation of legally binding agreements, inter alia the Agreement on Succession Issues.” (From the Council conclusions on Enlargement and Stabilisation and Association Process, 15 December 2015) Much remains to be done as regards the implementation of the Agreement Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje • • • • • • • • fizična razdelitev ali prodaja največjih veleposlaništev in rezidenc SFRJ, delitev kulturne dediščine, odprt in prost dostop do vseh arhivov nekdanje SFRJ, delitev in vračilo arhivskega gradiva, ki pripada državam naslednicam, digitalizacija skupnega jugoslovanskega arhivskega gradiva, razdelitev dolga SFRJ do mednarodnih organizacij, med drugim do Organizacije združenih narodov, delitev finančnih sredstev v bankah z mešanim kapitalom, dosledno varstvo zasebnega premoženja in pridobljenih pravic državljanov in pravnih oseb nekdanje SFRJ v državah naslednicah. AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER on Succession Issues. For Slovenia, the following issues are key: • • • • • • • • • • A fair distribution of the guarantees for foreign currency deposits; The final distribution of the remaining diplomatic and consular properties of the SFRY and the completion of their list; The distribution in kind or sale of the largest embassies and diplomatic residencies of the SFRY; The distribution of cultural heritage; Free and open access to all archives of the former SFRY; Distribution and return of archives pertaining to successor states; Digitalisation of common Yugoslav archives; Distribution of the SFRY debt to international organisations, including the United Nations; Distribution of financial assets in banks with mixed capital; Consistent protection of private property and acquired rights of citizens and legal entities of the former SFRY in successor states. 17 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Zasedanja Stalnega skupnega odbora visokih predstavnikov za nasledstvo Meetings of the Standing Joint Committee of Senior Representatives of successor states S 4. členom sporazuma je bil ustanovljen Stalni skupni odbor visokih predstavnikov držav naslednic, katerih naloga je, da bedijo nad njegovim učinkovitim uresničevanjem in razpravljajo o nerešenih vprašanjih, ki izvirajo iz nasledstva. Pursuant to Article 4 of the Agreement, a Standing Joint Committee of senior representatives of each successor state was established, which is tasked with overseeing the effective implementation of the Agreement and discussing outstanding succession issues. Doslej so visoki predstavniki sprejeli 18 priporočil vladam držav naslednic. Ker je uspešnost dela visokih predstavnikov vezana tudi na dinamiko njihovih srečanj, bi v prihodnje veljalo premisliti o možnostih, ki bi skladno s poslovnikom zagotavljale redna srečanja dvakrat letno. Tak način delovanja bi omogočal učinkovito reševanje še neurejenih nasledstvenih vprašanj. Visoki predstavniki pri svojem delu sodelujejo s skupnimi odbori, ustanovljenimi za posamezna področja prilog k sporazumu. V Sloveniji od leta 1994 deluje Sklad Republike Slovenije za nasledstvo, ki je javni sklad, ustanovljen z namenom izvajanja sporazuma ter uveljavljanja pravic in poravnave obveznosti Slovenije v postopku delitve premoženja, pravic in obveznosti nekdanje SFRJ. 18 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Thus far, the senior representatives have made 18 recommendations to the governments of the successor states. Since the effectiveness of the senior representatives’ work is also linked to the dynamics of their meetings, then in accordance with the rules of procedure, possibilities should be explored of holding regular meetings twice a year, so that outstanding succession issues can be effectively settled. Senior representatives work in cooperation with joint committees for individual areas covered by the Annexes. In 1994, the Succession Fund of the Republic of Slovenia was established as a public fund tasked with implementing the Agreement and exercising Slovenia’s rights and settling its liabilities in the division of property, rights and obligations of the former SFRY. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Zasedanje visokih predstavnikov za nasledstvo v Sarajevu, 12. november 2015 Vir: MZZ RS Meeting of senior representatives for succession issues in Sarajevo, 12 November 2015 Source: MFA RS Zasedanje visokih predstavnikov za nasledstvo v Sarajevu, 12. november 2015 Vir: MZZ RS Meeting of senior representatives for succession issues in Sarajevo, 12 November 2015 Source: MFA RS 19 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje 20 AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Dosedanji Visoki predstavniki za nasledstvo Senior Representatives on Succession Issues to date Bosna in Hercegovina Mirsad Žuga Vjekoslav Bevanda dr. Nikola Špirić Dragan Vrankić Ljerka Marić Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirsad Žuga Vjekoslav Bevanda Nikola Špirić Dragan Vrankić Ljerka Marić Hrvaška Andreja Metelko-Zgombić dr. Snježana Bagić dr. Božo Marendić Croatia Andreja Metelko-Zgombić Snježana Bagić Božo Marendić Makedonija Elena Kuzmanovska Zoran Petrov Nikola Todorčevski Dušanka Hristova Minčo Jordanov Macedonia Elena Kuzmanovska Zoran Petrov Nikola Todorčevski Dušanka Hristova Minčo Jordanov Slovenija dr. Ana Polak Petrič dr. Miha Pogačnik Rudolf Gabrovec Slovenia Ana Polak Petrič Miha Pogačnik Rudolf Gabrovec Srbija dr. Rodoljub Etinski dr. Oliver Antić dr. Gašo Knežević dr. Dobroslav Mitrović Serbia Rodoljub Etinski Oliver Antić Gašo Knežević Dobroslav Mitrović Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Kulturna dediščina Cultural heritage Po Prilogi A sporazuma premično in nepremično premoženje Jugoslavije skladno z načelom teritorialnosti pripade tisti državi naslednici, kjer se nahaja. Izjema so predmeti, ki so velikega pomena za kulturno dediščino ene od držav naslednic in po izvoru pripadajo tej državi. Pursuant to Annex A to the Agreement, the movable and the immovable state property of Yugoslavia should pass, according to the territorial principle, to the successor state on whose territory it is situated, with the exception of tangible movable property of great importance to the cultural heritage of one of the successor states and which originated from the territory of that state. Slovenija je opredelila 313 predmetov slovenske kulturne dediščine na ozemlju Republike Srbije, med njimi likovna dela slovenskih avtorjev Božidarja Jakca, Matije Jame, Riharda Jakopiča, Lajčija Pandurja, Nikolaja Omerze, Ivane Kobilca in drugih, negovsko čelado iz začetka 4. st. pr. n. št., poštno kočijo, letalo Eda V ter izvirnike slovenskih filmov Kekec, Na svoji zemlji, Jara gospoda in druge. Na področju delitve kulturne dediščine države naslednice čaka še veliko dela, saj se pogovori o razdelitvi še niso začeli. Drugače je pri delitvi umetnin iz diplomatskih predstavništev in konzulatov v tujini. Ker je bila Jugoslavija na čelu neuvrščenega sveta, je v tujini to želela prikazati z razkošnimi veleposlaništvi, konzulati in rezidencami. V svojih predstavništvih je imela tudi več kakor dva tisoč umetniških del avtorjev iz vseh republik in avtonomnih pokrajin. Pogajanja za delitev umetnin so se začela leta 2002, prve predaje so bile Slovenia has identified 313 objects of its cultural heritage, which are located in Serbia, among them artwork by Slovenian authors Božidar Jakac, Matija Jama, Rihard Jakopič, Lajči Pandur, Nikolaj Omerza, Ivana Kobilca and others; a Negau helmet from early 4th century B.C. a mail coach, the Eda V airplane, and the originals of the Slovenian films Kekec, Na svoji zemlji, Jara gospoda and several others. Regarding cultural heritage, the successor states have much work ahead of them, since the talks on the distribution have not yet started, unlike the distribution of artwork from the diplomatic and consular missions. Yugoslavia’s prominent role at the forefront of the Non-Aligned Movement was reflected in luxurious embassies, consular posts, and ambassadorial residences abroad. Its diplomatic missions boasted well over 2000 works of art by artists from all six republics and both autonomous provinces. 21 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje opravljene leto zatem. Slovenija je doslej prevzela že 200 umetniških del eminentnih slovenskih avtorjev. V sodelovanju Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve in Narodne galerije je bila med majem in oktobrom 2015 v Narodni galeriji na ogled razstava Vrnitev ambasadorjev umetnosti. Razstava 68 izbranih umetniških del 34 slovenskih avtorjev, ki so nekoč krasila diplomatska in konzularna predstavništva nekdanje SFRJ v tujini, je rezultat večletnih prizadevanj za vrnitev tega dela kulturne dediščine. 22 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Negotiations on the distribution of these works started in 2002, and the first handovers took place in 2003. To date, Slovenia has taken possession of 200 works of art by eminent Slovenian artists. From May to October 2015, the National Gallery in Ljubljana hosted an exhibition organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs titled Return of Ambassadors of Art. The exhibition featuring 68 selected works by 34 Slovenian artists which had once decorated the walls of diplomatic missions and consular posts of the former SFRY marked the culmination of many years of efforts to achieve the restitution of part of Slovenia’s cultural heritage. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Razstava Vrnitev ambasadorjev umetnosti, Narodna galerija, 2015, The Return of Ambassadors of Art exhibition in the National Gallery, 2015 Vir: Luka Hribar in Janko Dermastja, Narodna galerija Source: Luka Hribar and Janko Dermastja, National Galery Splošno stanje, v katerem so bila dela vrnjena Sloveniji, ni zadovoljivo, zato bo treba v prihodnje opraviti konservatorsko-restavratorske posege. Sanacija poškodb bo ustavila degradacijo kulturne dediščine, medtem ko bo z dopolnjeno in novo opremo zagotovljena primerna reprezentativnost umetnin. In general, these works are in an unsatisfactory condition and several will have to undergo conservation and restoration. The degradation of cultural heritage will thus be halted, while new and modern mountings and frames will ensure that the masterpieces are properly presented. Predstavljamo dve umetnini, ki ju je prevzela Slovenija: The following is a presentation of two works already handed over to Slovenia: 23 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Maksim Sedej (1909–1974) V kuhinji, 1948 olje, platno Rezidenca nekdanje SFRJ v Parizu Vir: Bojan Salaj in Janko Dermastja, Narodna galerija Maksim Sedej (1909–1974) In the Kitchen, 1948 Oil on canvas Residence of the former SFRY, Paris Source: Bojan Salaj and Janko Dermastja, National Gallery Slika Maksima Sedeja V kuhinji je bila leta 1948 odkupljena z razstave v Moderni galeriji in je kot reprezentativno delo enega najvidnejših likovnih ustvarjalcev tistega časa pri nas zastopala državo v svetovni prestolnici umetnosti v Parizu. 24 The painting In the Kitchen by Maksim Sedej, one of the most eminent Yugoslav contemporary artists of the time, was purchased directly from the 1948 exhibition in the Modern Gallery to represent the state in the world capital of art in Paris. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje V slikarjevi domači kuhinji se srečamo z njegovo družino, ki je z rojaki delila povojno pomanjkanje. Žena Ana in njuni štirje otroci so bili Sedejev največji navdih. Njihov dom je bil očetov atelje: stena z vrati, miza, stol in krožnik s te slike se ponovijo na več drugih. Simbolika treh starostnih obdobij: z otrokom, materjo in babico, spremembe v odtenkih barvnih ploskev, ki so drugače enotne, in stvaren izsek iz vsakdanjika so del Sedejevega »barvnega realizma«, ko se je umetnik postavil na mejo med osebno vizijo in starejšo umetnostjo. International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER The artist’s family is portrayed in their kitchen, sharing the misery of their compatriots in the aftermath of the world war. His wife, Ana, and their four children were Sedej’s greatest inspiration. The artist used their home as his studio: the wall with the door, the chair and plate in this painting are found in several others. The child, mother and grandmother, symbolising three different ages, the different shades of otherwise uniformly coloured surfaces, and a realistic fragment of every-day life are characteristic of Sedej’s ‘colour realism’, in which the artist walks the line between personal vision and earlier art. Nikolaj Omersa (1911–1981) Pogled skozi okno v Piranu, 1960–1970 olje, platno Rezidenca nekdanje SFRJ na Dunaju Vir: Bojan Salaj in Janko Dermastja, Narodna galerija Nikolaj Omersa (1911–1981) A View through a Window in Piran, 1960–1970 Oil on canvas Residence of the former SFRY, Vienna Source: Bojan Salaj and Janko Dermastja, National Gallery 25 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Nikolaj Omersa je eden najboljših slovenskih krajinarjev po drugi svetovni vojni. Med njegovimi priljubljenimi motivi je bil poleg Ljubljane tudi Piran, kjer so ga pritegnili ozke mestne uličice, barke in zaliv. Sončni morski prizor je umetnik gradil z navidezno mrežo: steni, jambori, jadra in svetilnika so vertikalne silnice, tlakovano nabrežje, pomola in oddaljena obala pa horizontalne. Za Omerso je bil prelomen študijski obisk Pariza leta 1951. Tam se je spoznal z dediščino francoskih umetnikov z začetka 20. stoletja, ki so posegali po močnih barvah, širokih potezah in se izogibali podrobnostim. Omersa se je odvrnil od temačnih, težkih tonov socialistično-realistične umetnosti, začel uporabljati živahne modernistične barve in pomagal uveljaviti oseben umetniški pogled na svet tudi v nekdanji državi. 26 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Nikolaj Omersa is considered a leading Slovenian landscapist after World War II. In addition to Ljubljana, he frequently painted scenes from Piran, where he was inspired by the narrow alleys, the boats, and the bay. The sunlit seaside impression takes the form of a virtual grid; the pairs of walls, masts, sails and lighthouses indicate vertical lines, while the paved waterfront, piers and the distant coast take a horizontal direction. Omersa’s study visit to Paris in 1951 marked a turning point in his career, introducing him to the legacy of early 20th century French artists, who employed vivid colours and broad brushstrokes and avoided detail. Omersa thus broke away from the dreary and heavy tones of socialist realism and took on bold modernist colours. He was instrumental in affirming a personal artistic view of the world in the former state. Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Diplomatska in konzularna predstavništva Diplomatic missions and consular posts Delitev diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništev SFRJ je zaradi velike vrednosti premoženja v tujini izrednega pomena pri uresničevanju sporazuma. Given the considerable value of the property abroad, the division of diplomatic missions and consular posts of the SFRY is one of key aspects of the implementation of the Agreement. Priloga B sporazuma navaja večino objektov Jugoslavije po svetu, od katerih jih Sloveniji pripada 14 odstotkov. Na obsežneam seznamu, ki se lahko še dopolnjuje, je 123 veleposlaništev, konzulatov in rezidenc. Delo na tem področju je eno najuspešnejših, saj je ocenjeno, da je v procesu delitve Slovenija dobila okoli 70 odstotkov kvote diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništev, ki ji pripada po sporazumu. Sloveniji je že s podpisom sporazuma pripadla stavba veleposlaništva SFRJ v Washingtonu, ki jo Slovenija danes uporablja kot veleposlaništvo in rezidenco v ZDA. Annex B thereto lists the majority of state property all around the world, allocating a share of 14% to Slovenia. The lengthy list, which is not yet exhaustive, includes 123 embassies, consular posts and diplomatic residencies. The work in this area is quite effective, and in the distribution process Slovenia has already received about 70 % of the quota of diplomatic missions and consular posts as per the Agreement. Upon signing the Agreement, Slovenia was allocated the building of the SFRY Embassy in Washington, D.C., which today hosts the Slovenian Embassy and the Ambassador’s residence. 27 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Veleposlaništvo v Washingtonu Vir: MZZ RS Embassy in Washington, D.C Source: MFA RS Doslej je Slovenija prevzela tudi te objekte nekdanje SFRJ: • • • 28 generalni konzulat v Celovcu generalni konzulat v Milanu rezidenco v Rimu To date, it has taken possession the following propriety of the former SFRY: • • • Consulate-General in Klagenfurt, Consulate-General in Milan, Residence in Rome. Na zasedanju Skupnega odbora za delitev diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništev nekdanje SFRJ so se 5. aprila 2016 države naslednice dogovorile in potrdile roke za predajo šestih objektov nekdanje SFRJ, ki jih bo Slovenija prevzela še v letu 2016: At its meeting in Skopje on 4 and 5 April 2016, the Joint Committee for the Distribution of Diplomatic and Consular Property of the Former SFRY confirmed the dates for the handover of six of the former SFRY which Slovenia is to take over in 2016: • • • • • • vilo v Brasilii generalni konzulat v Sao Paolu veleposlaništvo v Rabatu Villa in Brasilia Consulate-General in Sao Paulo Embassy in Rabat, Morocco Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje • • veleposlaništvo in rezidenca v Dar es Salaamu rezidenco v Bamaku Države naslednice so se prav tako dogovorile, da bodo v najkrajšem času skupaj prodale nepremičnine SFRJ v New Yorku, Bonnu, Tokiu in Bernu, izkupiček pa si bodo razdelile v skladu z nasledstvenim delitvenim ključem, saj na drugačen način delitve teh objektov ni mogoče dokončati. AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER • • Embassy and residence in Dar es Salaam Residence in Bamako The successor states also agreed to promptly sell SFRY-owned properties in New York, Bonn, Tokio, and Bern and divide the proceeds in accordance with succession division quotas, since otherwise their distribution cannot be finalised. Generalni konzulat v Celovcu Vir: MZZ RS Consulate-General in Klagenfurt Source: MFA RS 29 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Rezidenca SFRJ v Rimu Vir: MZZ RS Residence of the SFRY in Rome Source: MFA RS 30 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Delitev finančnih sredstev in obveznosti Priloga C, ki ureja delitev finančnih sredstev in obveznosti, je v očeh javnosti pogosto videna kot najpomembnejši del sporazuma. Po eni strani zaradi finančnega vidika, ki je vselej občutljiva tema, in po drugi strani zaradi žgočega vprašanja starih deviznih varčevalcev, ki je že dolga leta predmet nesoglasja med državami naslednicami. V tej prilogi gre za eno najbolj zapletenih vprašanj nasledstva, tudi zato, ker so morale države naslednice prevzeti obveznosti nekdanje skupne države do mednarodnih finančnih organizacij in tujih komercialnih upnikov precej pred začetkom delitve skupnega finančnega premoženja. Po razpadu države je varnostni svet OZN sprejel gospodarske sankcije proti Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji, ki so bile dopolnjene s prepovedjo razpolaganja s finančnimi sredstvi Narodne banke Jugoslavije (NBJ) in SFRJ, vendar so bile v praksi le-te različno spoštovane oziroma izvajane. Tik pred dunajskim dogovorom so države naslednice 10. aprila 2001 dosegle sporazum o razdelitvi premoženja nekdanje NBJ pri Banki za mednarodne poravnave (BIS) v Baslu (delnice ter zlato in druga devizna sredstva). Pri tem so soglašale z uporabo delitvenega ključa, ki ga je določil Mednarodni denarni sklad. International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Financial assets and liabilities Among the public, Annex C on the distribution of financial assets and liabilities is often seen as the crux of the Agreement, both due to the financial aspect, which is always a delicate matter, and due to the burning issue of the old foreign currency deposits, which has for many years been an apple of discord between the successor states. This Annex regulates one of the most complex issues, since the successor states had to take on the liabilities of the former common state to international financial organisations and foreign commercial creditors long before the division of the common financial assets. Additionally, after the dissolution of the common state, the UN Security Council imposed economic sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, blocking the assets of the National Bank of Yugoslavia and the SFRY in 1995, which were in practice respected in various manners. On 10 April 2001, shortly before the Vienna agreement, the successor states agreed on the division of property of the former National Bank of Yugoslavia with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel (shares, gold and other foreign currency reserves). They agreed to accept the proportions for distribution proposed by the International Monetary Fund. 31 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje S sporazumom so se države naslednice dogovorile, da je treba razdeliti vsa razpoložljiva finančna sredstva, ki jih je SFRJ imela v tujini (gotovina, zlato, hranilne vloge in vrednostni papirji). Določile so deleže, skladno s katerimi se finančna sredstva delijo – Sloveniji tako pripada 16 odstotkov vseh finančnih sredstev. Odbor držav naslednic, pristojen za ta vprašanja, je delo začel takoj po podpisu sporazuma in je na svojih zasedanjih, na katerih je sprejel že 36 resolucij, rešil številna vprašanja. Sloveniji je bil že vrnjen pripadajoči del premoženja Jugoslavije v obliki gotovine, zlata in drugih dragih kovin, deviznih depozitov pri tujih komercialnih bankah in vrednostnih papirjev. Skupno premoženje Slovenije, pridobljeno na osnovi Priloge C sporazuma, je ocenjeno na 200 milijonov evrov. Države naslednice čaka še delitev sredstev v bankah s t. i. mešanim kapitalom. Leta 2013 so se države naslednice dogovorile o razdelitvi dolga SFRJ do Mednarodne agencije za jedrsko energijo (IAEA). Gre za pomemben dosežek, ki bi se lahko uporabljal kot zgled za reševanje drugih vprašanj dolga nekdanje skupne države do mednarodnih organizacij, kar še čaka države naslednice v prihodnosti. Dogovor glede ureditve poplačila deviznih varčevalcev je vse do zadnjega ogrožal podpis sporazuma na Dunaju. Zdajšnja ureditev v 2. in 7. členu 32 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Pursuant to the Agreement, all available financial assets held by the SFRY abroad (cash, gold, deposit accounts, and securities) are to be distributed according to the proportions set, with Slovenia being allocated 16 % of all financial assets. The relevant Committee of the states successors took up its work immediately in 2001 and, during its sessions, tackled numerous issues and passed almost 36 resolutions. Slovenia has already received its portion of Yugoslavia’s assets in cash, gold and other precious metals, foreign currency deposits with foreign commercial banks, and securities. The total assets pertaining to Slovenia based on Annex C to the Agreement are estimated at 200 million euros. The successor states still have to distribute the financial assets in banks with mixed capital. In 2013, they agreed on the distribution of the SFRY debt to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This important achievement could be used as a model for tackling other issues related to the debt of the former common state to international organisations, which remain to be settled. The actual signing of the Vienna agreement was uncertain to the very last minute due to the unresolved question of foreign currency deposits. The present arrangement of Annex C, Articles 2 and 7, is a compromise, Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Priloge C je kompromis, ki je omogočil dogovor, ob zavezi držav naslednic, da bodo vprašanje dokončno uredile v nadaljevanju pod pokroviteljstvom Banke za mednarodne poravnave (BIS) v Baslu. making possible the conclusion of the Agreement and including the commitment of the successor states to settle this issue later under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements. »O prevzemu jamstev SFRJ ali Narodne banke Jugoslavije za devizne hranilne vloge ... se nemudoma začnejo pogajanja, pri čemer je zlasti treba upoštevati zaščito deviznih hranilnih vlog posameznikov. Ta pogajanja bodo potekala pod pokroviteljstvom Banke za mednarodne poravnave.« (iz 7. člena Priloge C sporazuma). “Guarantee by the SFRY or its NBY of hard currency savings ... shall be negotiated without delay taking into account in particular the necessity of protecting the hard currency savings of individuals. This negotiation shall take place under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements.” (From Article 7 of Annex C) Prvi krog pogajanj pod pokroviteljstvom Banke za mednarodne poravnave se je začel že jeseni 2001 in se končal brez dogovora. Slovenija si je odtlej vztrajno prizadevala za nadaljevanje pogovorov med podpisnicami sporazuma. The first round of negotiations under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements began in autumn 2001 and was concluded without producing an arrangement. Since then, Slovenia has been trying to resume the talks between the signatories. Ker se meddržavna pogajanja zaradi nasprotovanja nekaterih držav naslednic niso uspešno končala, so posamezni varčevalci, katerih devizne vloge so ostale nepoplačane zaradi neenotnih pogledov in ukrepov držav naslednic, sprožili številne sodne postopke. V letu 2014 je Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice odločilo v korist varčevalcev. Slovenija je že pričela z implementacijo sodbe. Ne glede na to vprašanje pravične razdelitve tega dolga nekdanje SFRJ med države naslednice ostaja še danes nerešeno. Due to the failure of inter-state negotiations as a result of the opposition of certain successor states, individual savers whose deposits had not been repaid in light of the diverging views and legislation of the successors initiated numerous court proceedings. In 2014, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of the savings deposit holders. Slovenia already started with the implementation of the judgment. Nevertheless, the issue of a just distribution of this debt of the former SFRY among the successor states remains unresolved. 33 Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Večnamenska ladja Triglav Triglav patrol boat Med drugim je Slovenija na podlagi »ruskega« klirinškega dolga pridobila večnamensko ladjo Triglav. As part of the settlement of the “Russian” clearing debt, Slovenia acquired the Triglav patrol boat. Ladja Triglav, posadka Vir: Osebni arhiv porbl. Andrej Pečar Crew of Triglav patrol boat Source: Personal Archives of Andrej Pečar Ladja Triglav ob prevzemu Vir: Osebni arhiv porbl. Andrej Pečar Triglav patrol boat at takeover Source: Personal Archives of Andrej Pečar 34 International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje Osnovne naloge ladje so vojaške, tj. obramba akvatorija in obalnega prostora Slovenije ter zaščita morja in varovanje plovnih poti v okviru zavezništva Nato, vendar je Triglav namenjen tudi za naloge zaščite in reševanja. V pet mesečni mednarodni operaciji EU proti tihotapcem migrantov v Sredozemlju (EUNAVFOR MED) je Slovenska vojska s Triglavom preplula 12.000 navtičnih milj. Od oktobra 2015 je v 58 operativnih dneh na morju izvedla devet reševanj in rešila 1072 ljudi, med katerimi se jih je več kot 500 vkrcalo na krov Triglava. International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Primarily used for military tasks – i.e. the defence of the Slovenian waters and coastline, and the protection of the sea and of waterways within NATO – the Triglav is also tasked with search and rescue missions. In a five-month international operation organised by the EU (EUNAVFOR MED) to target the trafficking of people in the Mediterranean, the Triglav covered 12,000 nautical miles. From October 2015, during 58 days of active operation, the Slovenian Armed Forces crew performed nine rescue operations, saving 1,075 people, 500 of whom were taken aboard the Triglav. 35 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje 36 AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Arhivi Archives Sporazum (Priloga D) ureja delitev, ohranjanje in kopiranje arhivskega gradiva nekdanje SFRJ, predvsem je pomembno, da predvideva tudi prost in neoviran dostop arhivistov držav naslednic do njih. The Agreement (Annex D) provides for the distribution, retention, and copying of the archives of the former SFRY, guaranteeing free and unhindered access to archivists from interested successor states. Arhivsko gradivo nekdanje SFRJ obsega dokumente, ki jih je izdelala ali prejela SFRJ ali ena od prejšnjih ustavnih oblik jugoslovanske države od 1. decembra 1918 do 30. junija 1991, ne glede na to kje so. To so lahko dokumenti v fizični obliki ali pa gre za filmske, avdio in video trakove ter druge posnetke ali pa za vse oblike računalniških zapisov. Arhivsko gradivo je pomemben del kulturne dediščine. The archival documents of the former SFRY are documents drafted or received by the SFRY or any preceding constitutional form of the Yugoslav state from 1 December 1918 to 30 June 1991, regardless of their location. The State archives comprise written documents, film, audio and video tapes and other recordings, as well as any form of computerised records. The archives are an important element of cultural heritage. Arhiv Republike Slovenije že več let opravlja raziskovanje v Arhivu Jugoslavije in Diplomatskem arhivu, v zadnjem času tudi v Vojnem arhivu v Beogradu. Med evidentiranjem in pregledovanjem arhivskega gradiva nastajajo dragocene kopije. Dostopnost skupnega jugoslovanskega arhivskega gradiva se je v zadnjih letih izboljšala. Raziskovalci pa se še vedno srečujejo s težavo, da nekateri jugoslovanski arhivi niso bili prevzeti v Arhiv Jugoslavije, temveč se še vedno hranijo pri ustvarjalcih, ne omogočajo povsem neoviranega dostopa skladno s sporazumom (Narodna banka Jugoslavije, Ministrstvo za obrambo, varnostne službe itd). For a number of years, Slovenian archivists have been conducting research in the Archives of Yugoslavia and the Diplomatic Archives, and recently also in the Military Archives in Belgrade. During the recording and searching of archives, valuable copies are produced. In recent years, access to common Yugoslav archives has improved, being hindered by the fact that certain documents have not been submitted to the Archives of Yugoslavia and are still held by their sources, who do not allow full unhindered access in accordance with the Agreement (the National Bank of Yugoslavia, the Ministry of Defence, security services, etc.). Mednarodna konferenca Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje International Conference AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Pooblaščenci držav naslednic po prilogi D na sestanku glede digitalizacije skupne arhivske dediščine v Skopju, 16. september 2015 vir: Državni arhivi Makedonije Authorised representatives of successor states under Annex D at a meeting on the digitalisation of common archival heritage in Skopje, 16 September 2015 Source: Macedonian State Archives Pridobitev arhivskega gradiva je nujna za normalno delovanje držav, pogosto tudi z vidika zaščite vitalnih nacionalnih interesov. Slovenija je že leta 2006 pripravila seznam arhivskega gradiva, ki večinoma obsega skupno arhivsko dediščino, manjši del pa je predmet vračanja v originalu. Seznam se z rednim evidentiranjem v beograjskih arhivih nenehno izboljšuje in dopolnjuje. Slovenija je identificirala tudi 126 mednarodnih pogodb nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki se nanašajo samo na slovensko ozemlje in katerih izvirniki v skladu z določbami sporazuma pripadejo Sloveniji (na primer pogodbe o državni meji, meddržavnih služnostih The acquisition of certain archival documents is essential for the unhindered administration of states, and also for protecting vital national interests. In 2006, the Slovenian side prepared a list of archives, largely constituting common archival heritage, only a small part of which is subject to the restitution of original copies. Through continuous recording in the Belgrade archives, the list is being constantly updated. Slovenia has also identified 126 treaties of the SFRY relating only to Slovenian territory, the original copies of which should pass to Slovenia pursuant to the Agreement (i.e. agreements relating to state borders, 37 Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje in vodnogospodarskih vprašanjih). Aktivnosti za vrnitev arhivskega gradiva se bodo nadaljevala tudi v prihodnje. interstate servitudes and international watercourses). In future, activities for the restitution of Slovenian archives will continue. Poglobljeno sodelovanje med državami naslednicami na področju arhivov je v letu 2014 s podpisom pisma o nameri v Ljubljani pripeljalo do zagona projekta digitalizacije skupne arhivske dediščine, v katerem sodelujejo vse države naslednice. Pri tem je Arhiv Republike Slovenije prevzel pobudo pri pripravi in izvedbi pilotne digitalizacije. Glavni cilji projekta so: The currently improved cooperation between successor states in the field of archives led to the signing in 2014 of a letter of intent on a project to digitalise the common archival heritage with the participation of all successor states. In this regard, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia have taken the lead in the preparation and implementation of a pilot digitalisation phase. The main objectives are: • • • • • digitalizirati arhivsko gradivo na podlagi mednarodnih in nacionalnih standardov, povečati njegovo dostopnost v skladu s pravili stroke in nacionalnimi zakonodajami, zagotoviti varnostne kopije in s tem zaščititi izvirno arhivsko gradivo, okrepiti arhivsko sodelovanje v regiji z delitvijo in izmenjavo strokovnih in tehničnih virov, poskrbeti za lažje izvajanje sporazuma. Izvedba projekta digitalizacije je velikega pomena za prihodnje rodove, saj bo to pripomoglo k njihovemu ozaveščanju in dostopu do skupne jugoslovanske arhivske dediščine. 38 AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER • • • • • To digitalise archives according to international and national standards; To enhance access to archives in accordance with professional rules and national laws; To procure back-up copies and thus protect the originals; To enhance archival cooperation in the region by sharing and exchanging professional and technical resources; To facilitate the implementation of the Agreement. The digitalisation project will be of the utmost significance for future generations for providing them with comprehensive information and enabling their access to the common Yugoslav archival heritage. Mednarodna konferenca International Conference Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva - 15 let pozneje AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSION ISSUES - 15 YEARS LATER Pokojnine Pensions Vprašanje pokojnin je na podlagi sporazuma zgledno urejeno. Vse države naslednice so med seboj sklenile dvostranske sporazume, s katerimi so bilateralno uredile vprašanja pokojnin. Tako so vprašanja, ki jih ureja Priloga E, med državami naslednicami v celoti urejena. The issue of pensions was positively settled on the basis of the Agreement, with all successor states concluding the relevant bilateral agreements. Consequently, all the issues between successor states in Annex E have been completely resolved. Zasebno premoženje in pridobljene pravice Premoženje, ki je bilo v državi naslednici in do katerega so bili upravičeni državljani in druge pravne osebe SFRJ na dan 31. decembra 1990, morajo države naslednice priznati, varovati in ga znova vzpostaviti v skladu s sprejetimi standardi in normami mednarodnega prava ne glede na narodnost, državljanstvo, začasno ali stalno prebivališče teh oseb. Po načelu nediskriminacije je treba spoštovati vse pogodbe, ki so jih sklenili državljani ali pravne osebe SFRJ. Private property and acquired rights Property located in a successor state and to which citizens or other legal persons of the SFRY were entitled on 31 December 1990 must be recognised, protected and restored by that state in accordance with the established standards and norms of international law and irrespective of the nationality, citizenship, residence or domicile of those persons. According to the principle of nondiscrimination, all contracts concluded by citizens or legal entities of the SFRY must be respected. 39 PUBLIKACIJA Sporazum o vprašanjih nasledstva – 15 let pozneje / Agreement on Succession Issues – 15 Years Later Izdalo in založilo / published by Uredil / Edited by Jezikovni pregled / Language editing Prevod v angleščino / English translation Oblikovanje kataloga / Design Prelom / Layout Tisk / Printed by Naklada / Circulation Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Grega Pajnkihar Tea Mejak (SL), Philip Burt (EN) Tea Mejak Damir Kolar, Urad Vlade RS za komuniciranje / Government communications office of the Republic of Slovenia Damir Kolar, Urad Vlade RS za komuniciranje / Government communications office of the Republic of Slovenia Tisk24 d.o.o. 1000 izvodov / 1000 copies © Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, 2016 © Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, 2016 Projekt so podprli Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Državni zbor Republike Slovenije, Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za komuniciranje in Sklad Republike Slovenije za nasledstvo. The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government Communication Office and the Succession Fund of the Republic of Slovenia CIP – Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana Razpad SFRJ Mirovna konferenca o Jugoslaviji Dissolution of the SFRY Peace Conference on Yugoslavia Badinterjeva arbitražna komisija 15 pravnih mnenj o razpadu SFRJ Badinter Arbitration Commission 15 legal opinions on the dissolution of SFRJ Svet za implementacijo miru imenuje Sir Arthurja Wattsa kot posebnega pogajalca za nasledstvo The Peace Implementation Council appointing Sir Arthur Watts as Special Negotiator on succession Podpis Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva Signing of the Agreement on Succession Issues Končana ratifikacija v državah podpisnicah Sporazum začne veljati Ratification by all signatories The Agreement entered into force
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