Invitation symposium - Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab

Hans Christian Wulf (MD, DMSc, dr. med & dr. pharm) is a professor of Dermatology and chief
consultant at Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is especially interested in
photodermatology and skin carcinogenesis, and as a natural part of this photodynamic therapy has
had his attention and has resulted in new developments, such as daylight-mediated PDT. Professor
Hans Christian Wulf has until now published more than 530 scientific papers, primarily internationally.
He is a frequent speaker at international congresses with more than 500 lectures.
Thomas Dirschka, Prof. Dr. med.
Thomas Dirschka graduated in medicine at the University of Bochum, Germany in 1993 and has since
specialised in dermatology. After a period of research at the Medical College of Virginia in the USA,
Professor Dirschka returned to Germany and did further research work before entering private
dermatological practice.
His areas of special interest include prevention and treatment of skin cancer, inflammatory skin diseases,
allergy, and aesthetic dermatology.
He is actively involved in clinical study programmes and clinical trials to determine the efficacy and safety
of novel treatments for dermatological conditions. In 2000 Professor Dirschka founded CentroDerm®,
a company for research and development in the field of dermatology.
He was appointed Professor of Dermatology at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany in October
2009.Prof. Dirschka is editor of five textbooks on dermatology and author of numerous publications in
peer-reviewed international journals.
Rikke Skøt Cvetkovski, Speciallæge i hudsygdomme (dermato-venerologi), ph.d.
Karriere og uddannelse:
2011 Praktiserende speciallæge, indehaver af Hudlægeklinikken i Det gamle Apotek, Hørsholm.
2011 Speciallægeautorisation i dermato-venerologi.
2010 undervisning af medicinstuderende ved Københavns Universitet i fagene
klinisk dermatologi og akut dermatologi.
2005–10 Hoveduddannelsesforløb på dermatologisk afdeling på Bispebjerg
og Gentofte Hospital samt Hudlægerne på Banegårdspladsen, København.
Ph.d. grad fra Københavns Universitet. Afhandling: Arbejdsbetinget håndeksem
(Occupational hand eczema – a survey and identification of prognostic risk factors).
2004–05 Reservelæge ved infektionsmedicinsk afdeling på Hvidovre Hospital.
Forskerophold ved Boston og Harvard University, MA, USA.
2000–04klinisk assistent på Gentofte Hospital.
Lægevidenskabelig embedseksamen fra Aarhus Universitet.
Girish Gupta, Dr.
Girish Gupta graduated in 1990 from the University of Manchester, UK. After obtaining MRCP, he specialised in dermatology and was appointed Consultant Dermatologist in Lanarkshire, Scotland in 1999.
His special interests include therapeutics and cutaneous oncology.
Girish has established a dedicated area-wide skin cancer clinic and has set up an innovative electronic
referral system using digital images. He is the Clinical Lead for skin cancer services for the West of
Scotland skin cancer Managed Clinical Network and a member of the European Organisation for the
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).
Girish has established a dedicated Dermatology Research Centre, where numerous clinical studies are
undertaken in inflammatory dermatoses and skin cancer. He has published five book chapters, a number
of review articles and numerous papers in high impact dermatology journals. He has been an invited
speaker at a number of national and international conferences.
Aktinisk keratose, fra teori til praksis
Oven på succesen i 2014 inviterer Meda til det andet dermatologiske symposium.
AK kan behandles med fysiske, destruktive behandlinger og med farmakologiske,
Hans Christian Wulf, (MD, DMSc, dr. med & dr. pharm) professor of Dermatology
and chief consultant at Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
non-destruktive behandlinger. Det er primært usikkerheden om, i hvor høj grad
der sker en malign udvikling, der har medført faglig diskussion og uenighed om,
hvornår og hvordan man bør behandle AK.
Vær med, når der diskuteres om de
nye danske guidelines oven på et stærkt fagligt panel af danske og
udenlandske eksperters viden om aktinisk keratose.
Symposiet ´Aktinisk keratose, fra teori til praksis´ finder sted
Fredag d. 16. september 2016 kl. 12-17
I Mogens Dahl koncertsal, Snorresgade 22, 2300 København S.
Vi serverer en let frokost inden symposiet, byder på kaffe undervejs og sørger for
sandwich til hjemturen.
Tilmeld dig på
Sidste frist for tilmelding er 15. august 2016
Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen
Meda A/S
Med venlig hilsen
Camilla Sloth Østergaard
12.00 Arrival and lunch
13.00 Welcome and introduction to
actinic keratosis, from theory
to daily praksis
13.15 14.15
Hans Christian Wulf, Chairman (MD, DMSc,
dr. med & dr. pharm) professor of Dermatology
and chief consultant at Bispebjerg Hospital,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
New published clinical data
and discussion
Thomas Dirschka, Prof. Dr. med. Dermatology,
University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany
Danish treatment guidelines,
actinic keratosis
(Language: Danish)
Rikke Cvetkovski, Medical specialist,
dermato-venerologi), ph.d., Hørsholm
15.00 Discussion, danish guidelines
Rikke Cvetkovski & Hans Christian Wulf
Coffee break
15.40 Clinical cases actinic keratosis, presentation and discussion
16.45 Concluding remarks
17.00 Sandwich for the journey home
Field Project Manager, Meda
Tlf.: 23 22 02 09
Symposiet vil foregå på engelsk og dansk
Girish Gupta, Dr. Consultant Dermatologist,
NHS Lanarkshire and Honorary Associate
Professor, University of Glasgow
Hans Christian Wulf, Chairman