WT-II Syllabus (2016-17) Class VI Maths Chapter 2- Whole numbers (16 Marks) Chapter 3- Playing with numbers (24 Marks) English Reading (10 Marks) Unseen Passage Writing (08 Marks) Informal letter Grammar (10 Marks) Prepositions Conjunctions Literature (12 Marks) Refugee Blues (Poem) The Happy Prince (Prose) fgUnh olar Hkkx 1 ¼10 vad½ uknku nksLr] pk¡an ls FkksM+h lh xIisAa cky jkedFkk ¼10 vad½ nks ojnku] jke dk ouxeuA O;kdj.k & ¼20 vad½ 1 vifBr xn~;ka”k 2 i=&izkFkZuk&i= 3 laKk &ifjHkk’kk ,oa Hksn 4 lekukFkZd “kCn 1 ls 20 rd laLd`r laLd`r Hkkjrh Hkkx 1 ¼25 vad½ vdkjkUr uiqaldfyax] laKk “kCnA vdkjkUr iq¡fYyax laKk & ,dopu] f}opu] cgqopuA vkdkjkUr L=hfyax] laKk & ,dopu] f}opu] cgqopuA O;kdj.k ¼15 vad½ “kCn:i & ckydA /kkrq :i & iB~ A ydkj & yV~ vkSj y`V~A la[;k&15 ls 30 rdA ikB ds ihNs dk vH;kl dk;ZA Social Science Geography : Chapter 3- Motion of the Earth (Diagram) (15 Marks) History: Chapter 2 - Trail of the earliest people (Mapwork) (15 Marks) Civics: Chapter 2 - Diversity and discrimination (10 Marks) Science CH –3 Fibre to Fabric (12 Marks) Variety in Fabrics (3.1) Fibre (3.2) Some plant fibres (3.3) Spinning cotton yarn (3.4) Yarn to fabric (3.5) History of clothing Material (3.6) CH – 4 Sorting materials into groups (14 Marks) Objects around us (4.1) Properties of materials (4.2) CH –5 Separation of substances (14 Marks) Methods of separation(5.1) WT-II Syllabus (2016-17) Class VII Maths CH:2 Fractions & decimals (18 Marks) CH:3 Data handling (22 Marks) English READING (10 Marks) Unseen Passage Unseen Poem WRITING Paragraph Writing Message Writing GRAMMAR Sentence Reordering Perfect Tenses Idioms And Phrases LITERATURE (10 Marks) The Pickwick Club (Prose) Trees Are Great(Poem) Vocation( Poem) (20 Marks) fgUnh Oklar ¼15 vad½ ikB 3 & fgeky; dh csfV;k¡ ikB 4 & dBiqryh cky egkHkkjr ¼10 vad½ ^Hkhe^ ls ^ikaMoks dh j{kk^ rd O;kdj.k ¼15 vad½ vifBr i|ka”k Loj laf/k &ifjHkk’kk ,oa Hksn o.kZ&fopkj vkSj mPpkj.k laLd`r ikB 3 & vdkjkUr uiqaldfyax ¼izFke iq:’k½ “kCn ikB 4 & e/;e o mRre iq:’k ikB 5 & f}rh;k foHkfDr ¼deZ dkjd½ O;kdj.k ¼15 vad½ “kCn:i & ckyd] yrk /kkrq:i & xe~ /kkrq ¼yV~] y`V ydkj½ la[;k 11 ls 20 rd ¼25 vad½ Science Chapter 3: Fiber to Fabric chapter (14 Marks) Chapter 4 : Heat (16 Marks) Chapter 5: Acids, Bases and Salts (10 Marks) Social Science HISTORY CH-2: New kings and kingdoms (14 Marks) GEOGRAPHY CH-3: Our changing earth (14 Marks) CIVICS CH-1: On equality (12 Marks) WT-II Syllabus (2016-17) Class VIII Maths Ch-2. Linear Equations in One Variable (15 Marks) Ch-3. Understanding Quadrilaterals (14 Marks) Ch-4. Practical Geometry (11 Marks) English Reading (10 Marks) Unseen passage / poem Writing Informal Letter Dialogue Completion (20 Marks) Grammar Editing Omission Perfect tenses( Present and Past) Literature (10 Marks) Chasing the Rainbow Geography Lesson laLd`r 1- laLd`r Hkkjrh ¼31 vad½ ikB% 4 x`/kzektkZjdFkk ¼10 vad½ ikB% 5 egkRek xk¡/kh ¼10 vad½ ikB% 6 fo|k loZL; Hkw’k.ke~ ¼11 vad½ HkkokFkZ vH;kl dk;Z dgkuh 2- O;kdj.k dk;Z ¼09 vad½ /kkrq #i & ue~] iB~] xe~ & y³~ ydkj] yV~ ydkj ¼03 vad½ “kCn # + i & fir`] ekr` ¼06 vad½ Science Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics (10 Marks) Chapter 4: Materials - Metals and Non Metals (15 Marks) Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum (15 Marks) Social Science History: Chap 2 – From Trade to Territory (16 Marks) Geo : Chap 2 - Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources (16 Marks) Civics: Chap 2 – Understanding Secularism (08 Marks) WT-II Syllabus (2016-17) Class IX Maths Chapter-2 : polynomials (22 Marks) Chapter-6 : Lines and angles (18 Marks) English Reading Skill: Unseen Passage, Unseen Poem (07 marks) Writing Skill: Message writing, Formal Letter writing, Informal Letter writing, Diary entry Grammar: Omission, Editing, Modals, Determiners, (15 marks) Verb Forms, Sentence reordering Literature: A Dog Named Duke (Prose), The Road Not Taken (Poem), The Solitary Reaper (Poem) (18 marks) Long Reading Text-Gulliver's Travels (Vol 1, Part I)- Voyage To Lilliput-Chapters 1,2,3 & 4. fgUnh 1- ikB;iqLrd Li”kZ ¼15 vad½ nq[k dk vf/kdkj ,ojsLV esjh f”k[kj ;k=k ¼i| Hkkx½ jghe ds nksgs vknehukek 2- lap;u ¼04 vad½ Le`fr dYyw dqEgkj dh mukdksfV 3- O;kdj.k & o.kZ foPNsn] vuqLokj] vuqukfld@ uqDrk ¼06 vad½ milxZ&izR;;] laf/k] fojke&fpg~u ¼06 vad½ 4- Yks[ku & fp=&fo.kZu] laokn ys[ku] foKkiu ys[ku ¼5$5$5 vad½ Science Physics : (13 Marks) Chapter-8: Describing Motion (09 Marks) 8.4-Graphical representation of motion 8.4.1- Distance –Time graphs 8.4.2- Velocity-Time Graph 8.5- Equations of motion 8.5.1. Equation for Velocity – time relation 8.5.2. Equation for Position – time relation 8.5.3. Equation for Position – velocity relation 8.6-Uniform circular motion Chapter-9: Force and Laws of Motion (04 Marks) 9.1 - Balanced and unbalanced forces 9.2: - First Law of Motion 9.3 Inertia and Mass Chemistry (14 Marks) Chapter1: Matter in our surroundings (09 Marks) Topic No. 1.4 and 1.5 Chapter2: Is matter around us pure? Topic No. 2.1, 2.2 and 2.2.1 (05 Marks) Biology (13 Marks) Chapter 15: Improvement in food resources (06 Marks) 15.2 - Animal Husbandry 15.2.1-15.2.4 Chapter 5: Fundamental unit of life (07 Marks) 5.1 - What are living organisms made up of? 5.2 - What is a cell made up of? 5.2.1- 5.2.4 Social Science History (10 Marks) Ch-1: The French Revolution (7 Marks) + (Map Work -3 Marks) Civics (10 Marks) Ch-1 - Democracy in the contemporary world (05 Marks) Ch-2 - What is Democracy? Why Democracy? (05 Marks) Geography Ch-2 – Physical features of India (13 Marks) (Map work included) Economics Ch-1 – The story of village Palampur (07 Marks) WT-II Syllabus (2016-17) Class X Maths Ch 3 :Pair of Linear Equations in two variables (18 Marks) Ch 6:Triangles (22 Marks) English Reading: (06 Marks) Unseen passage/poem Writing: E-mail Writing Story writing Formal Letter writing Main Course Book (18 Marks) (MCB) Unit 2- Education Grammar: Active & Passive Voice (Headline Expansion & Process Writing) Sentence Rearrangement Literature: (16 Marks) Fiction Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger Poetry The Frog and the Nightingale Long Reading Text The Story of My Life Chapters 1-5 fgUnh 1- i”kZ& dkO;& ioZr izns”k esa ikol] rksi ¼18 vad½ x|&Rkrkajk okehjks dFkk] Rkhljh dle ds f”kYidkj 2- lap;u & gfjgj dkdk ¼04 vad½ 3- O;kdj.k&lekl] okD;&jpukarj.k] eqgkojs] foKkiu] vifBr dkO;ak”k ¼18 vad½ Science Physics: Chemistry: Chap:12-Electricity (10 Marks) Chapter 1. Chemical reactions and equations Resistors in Series Topics1.2.3,1.2.4,1.2.5,1.3.1,1.3.2. Resistors in Chapter 2. Acids bases and salts-Topics 2.1 and Parallel. 2.2 (NCERT till page24) Heating Effect of Biology : (13 Marks) Electric Current Chapter-6: Life Processes (13 Marks) Electric Power • Respiration-6.3 Chap-13 Magnetic effects of current (03 • Transportation-6.4 Marks) (a) Transportation in Human Beings-6.4.1 (Article13.1to13.2.1) (b) Transportation in Plants-6.4.2 • Magnetic Field and field lines • Magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor • Field Due to Current through a Straight Conductor Social Science History: (10 Marks) Chapter-6 Work life and leisure Political Science: (10 Marks) Chapter 1 :- Power sharing (Complete chapter) (5 Marks) Chapter 2 : - Federalism (5 Marks) Geography: (20 Marks) Chapter-2 Forests & Wild life resources (04 Marks) Chapter-3 Water resources (Till multipurpose projects) P-28 (08 Marks) Economics : Chapter-1 Development (08 Marks)
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