VABILO NA PREDAVANJE / INVITATION TO THE LECTURE Prof. Dr. Mogens B. Mogensen Technical University of Denmark, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage Petek / Friday, 21. 10. 2016, ob / at 10:00 Velika predavalnica Kemijskega inštituta / Lecture Hall at the National Institute of Chemistry; Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana Determination of single electrode potentials using impedance spectroscopy without a reference electrode Abstract: It is generally believed in electrochemistry that the only way that a single electrode/half-cell can be experimentally characterized is by using a reference electrode in a three-electrode-set. However, in case of electrochemical devices with thin (< 100 µm) electrolytes such as solid oxide fuel cells / electrolysis cells it is close to practical impossible to arrange a reference cell in a manner that provides correct measurements. The requirements for decent positioning of electrodes in a three electrode set-up is explained, and afterwards it is demonstrated how an electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) of real full cells can be broken down into its contributions from all rate limiting processes via studying the effect of a number of physical-chemical parameters. Based on this, it is possible to construct the i-V curves for each electrode, or even for each electrochemical process such as diffusion and activation overvoltage taking place at one electrode. This construction is done by simple calculations without any application of a cell model. Vljudno vabljeni! / Kindly invited! Info: prof. dr. Robert Dominko; [email protected]
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