Mi iMHsmi " WPfjPfl^ vs^m • % THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N. Y., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, Fund say when or where, leaving his family mystified, since he was reported to have been captured nearly a year ago. Efforts are being made by the parents to learn more details. Another brother, Sgt. Charles C. Dente, is with the U, S. Army in France. De Rosa A B-24 Gunner Sergeant De Rosa, a gunner on a B-24 Liberator stationed in England, wrote his last letter to his parents Dec. 1, one day before his last mission. In this letter he told of having had a two-day furlough to "see the sights of London," and said he had a "wonderful time" after meeting two friends from Mount Vernon, whom he had not seen in two years. De Rosa's crew participated in bombing missions over Hamburg, Misburg and other war production centers of Germany, and was cited recently by Major General Wil-> liam E. Kepner for "outstanding performance of duty in combat." A native of Mount Vernon, the young airman is a graduate of Edison Vocational and Technical High School, class of '43. -He enterd the service in August of 1943, and after basic training at Miami Beach, Fla., received his wings at Tyndall Field, Fla. Dinner Off To Jan. 31 the Westchester Wax Fund dinner is Mid to White Plains the night, the final dinner ig of the Mount Vernon aunity War Fund camhas been postponed Jan. 30 until the follownight—Wednesday, Jan. at 7 P. M. at The Knolls. The "Report to the Armed dinner will include a summary of the and citations will be ited to all district chairmen for distribution among their workers. Death Notices _ora Thomson, on January S. IMS. 17* *axk Avenue, beloved wife of Dr. mel X. Tves, mother of Mrs. AMn Johnson sod Mrs. Walter 8. WhiteService at the Church of the Park and Sidney Avenues. 1:11 P. M. Interment, Kenslco eterv. private. Reposing at the^. Davig Chapel, 15 Fourth Avenue* Wttl noon, rridav. WnmrtKO-JwH. January 1. 1*4*. bekrvad husband of Margot and father of • Yvonne, brother of Harry. Oustarr, Jonn, Lillian, Ellen and Dihna. 8erv}«•• at Walter B. Cooke Inc. Funeral BOOM 1 West lWth Street. Bronx. ThUTsdav S P. M. Funeral, Friday 10 A. M. Interment. Kenslco Cemetery. (Staff Photo i MOUNT VERNON'S first baby of the new year seemed more interested in a little sleep than anything else, when an Argus photographer visited the maternity ward of Mount Vernon Hospital yesterday. Linda Louise Harburger is pictured with her mother, the wife of Staff Sergeant Julius D. Harburger, of 485 Grmmatan Avenue. The baby was born at 4:56 A. M. Jan. 2. Sergeant and Mrs. Harburg** will receive the gifts offered by local merchants to the parents of the city's first "arrival" of 1945. MO•CTTRB-^John J , on January 3,'1945. tftioved husband of Catherine McDonMi) father of Sergeant John Mclntyre, TJ. 8. A, Mrs. Robert Mclntyre. S#rs Oerard DeLorme and Muw Agnes MrItttyre Reposing at residence. 175 Cotteae Avenue, until 9 30 A. M Monday Haw at Our Lady of Victory Church. 1M A. M. Interment, Holy Sepulchre rtery. Central Veterans Elect Pearsall Denton Peatrsall, Jr., .former Mayor of Mount Vernon and past commander of Post 596, Veterans of Foreign Wars? was elected chairman of the Central Committee for Veterans' Affairs at an annual election meeting Tuesday in the clubrooms of the V.F.W., 11 South Third Avenue. Fred Republicans Weigh Huge Publicity Plan cione, of this city, and Corporal Arthur A. Liccione, U. S. Army, UOJARRIKTA— Manuel, of 128 Beechwood in England; four daughters, Mrs. Avenue, on January 3. 1945 at Mount Irma J. Mazzarella, of Buffalo; Vernon Hospital. Member of Independ-. eat order of Foresters. Hi«h Court of Mrs. Hilda Tetreault, of New 3 OM&sctlcut and RT.c** Island; Lodge York City, and Mrs. Florence A. | Hwndaleone of New York City No. 445«: Harold Pennington I s*» member of New York City Fire DeCarmody and Miss Clelia Liccipartment. Division of Combustibles Harold Pennington, forty-two, one, of this city; also 11 grandierrtcea tonight at * P. M . Rev. Tlgner Vernott Heights Church officiating. of 702 Bradley Street, Mamaro- children. tomorrow 10 o'clock, at neck, assistant treasurer of the awood Cemetery. Broosjyn. Reposat his late residence. Arrangements Dry Dock Savings Institution of Mrs. Willis Rider | Yannantu6no. New York City, died yesterday at Jennie Moore Risler, wife of JF1H11IOTON—Harold, of 702 Bradley New York City Hospital after a Willis Risler of 131 South Twelfth •ttvet, Mamaroneck, on January S. 1945. long illness. •'- a* Hew York City Hospital. Husband Born in New York City, he was Avenue, died yesterday at her «t Irene Bdwards Pennington and son ? •< Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Penning- the son of Francis W. Pennington, residence after a long illness. %<waa. Funeral services will be held Sat- who for 15 years was a member Born in Center Bridge, Pa., she urday J P. M., January 6, at Silleck anc Heech Fnueral Home, 7(7 East Bos- of the Mount Vernon Board of lived here for 15 years and was ' ton Post Rood, Mamaroneck. Interment Education: served for five years a member of Minnehaha Chapter :>.'•* Kenslco Cemetery, private, Rev. as trustee of Mount Vernon Pub- 227, O. £ . S. Prank D. Gifford officiating. Besides her husband she leaves lic Library, and for whom the , pin 11 • —--~ ]H*JUBR—Jennie Moore, on January 3. Pennington Elementary a son, William P. Risler of FreeSchool 1H6, after a long illness, at her residence, 131 South Twelfth Avenue, be- was named, and Mrs. Pennington. port, L. I., and a daughter, Mrs. loved wife of Willis. Funeral services He lived at 140 Hillside Avenue Florence R. Smith of this city. « m b* conducted by the Rev. Anthony Marino. Baptist Church, at Tenth Ave- for 28 years, graduating from nue and Fifth Street. Friday at 8 P. M. Mount Vernon High School, class Westchester Deaths • t Sharpe» Funeral Home, 121 South Wth Avenue. Interment, family plot. of 1920, and moving to MamaroPHILIP T. LUTZ, seventy-four, Itosemont Cemetery, Roaemont, New neck 13 years ago. He was a vesof 132 Washington Avenue, Pleastryman of St. Thomas Episcopal antville, yesterday in Northern IIUENTC—Carlo, of 418 South 8econd Ave- Church, Mamaroneck. Westchester Hospital exactly 11 Mount Vernon Hospital, on JanuBesides his parents, who live years to the minute after his wife. lst. Solemn Requiem High Mass irdt be celebrated at the Church of Our at 10 North Fulton Avenue, this He retired in 1935 as a linen buyer Lady of Mt. Oarael. Friday at 10 A. M. city, he leaves his wife, Irene for James McCutcheon and Co. ' neat, family plot. Holy Sepulchre ery. Remain* reposing st hit late Edwards Pennington; a daughter, BERNARD SMYTH, a prison Arrangements by Bhsrpe's Prudence Ann, and a son, Alan keeper at Sing Sing since 1928, Francis; also a brother^ Sergeant died early this morning at his Victor Pennington, U. S. Army home, 6 Pershing Avenue, OssinCard of Thanks Air Forces'. ing. Obituary WASHINGTON, (AP)—Republican Chairman Herbert Brownell, Jr., is in town today to talk over plans and visit new Republican legislators. Some party leaders are said to favor spending $1,000,000 in the next two years for publicity and educational campaigns. NOTICE srican W a r Dads will assemble today OS 7 * 6 P. M. at new head•oarters, SO Stevens Avenue, to pay lost respects to the Of John J. Mclntyre. % OHN ' E. WEINEL, SB. Secretary Mrs. Joseph Liceione Matilde Stanco Liccione, seventy-four, wife of Joseph Liccione of 390 Hayward Avenue, died yesterday at her home after a long illness. She was the mother of the late Dr. William T. Liccione. Born in CaJitri, Province of Avellino, Italy, daughter of the late Michele and Josephine Stanco, Mrs. Liccione lived in the United States for 49 years, the last 41 years in Mount Vernon. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and of the Westchester I t a l i a n Women's Civic Club. Besides her husband, she Is survived by two sons, Manlio M. Lie- IT HAS BEEN SAID: "We ware impressed by the constant attentions of the men in charge of our service." THE BURR DAVIS MORTUARY mm YEAR If FOURTH AVENUE. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. *"• ISaSlfMJaolffiD. Our Service 'Assure* Peace of Mind Years of experience equip us to satisfactorily make all funeral arrangements. Moderate costs REGAN'S 'FUNERAL HOME, INC. a. J. Ream. LU. Mrt a t Ml. Vernon Avenne MO. M i l l - RAy. 9-77** CAIRO FUNERAL tfOME At*.. Tat MO. 1-1 tM 9. CAMtO Maaagw MsaXliMi ***** "*" n <nn>n ; Serving Mount Vernon families far aver 27 Years MO. 8 4 1 2 0 - 8 0974 : George H. Powers, Lie, Mgr. i LABI ATTENDANT Buy Extra War Bonds and Hold On to Them They're another type of insurance. We arc now in a critical period in the prosecution of the wars with Germany and Japan. Now, more than ever before, we must buy bonds for bombs . . . and hold them. C. S. McCLELLAN & CO. i Insure ->tal. lr. Standard noti clion v 4»4SS|fetJSSjr. 121-128 8 o . F i f t h Shop Avenue *&iti Save With McClellan and Ensurt Satisfaction Insurance Since 1878 SIX EAST FIRST ST., MOunt Vernon 7-2100 Offices in Whit* Plains and Larchmont DEPENDABLE OPTICAL SERVICE Ths VALUE OF EYEGLASSB to a patient is determined by: 1. The thoroughness end cere with wMea they have been prescribed. 2. The efficiency with which they serve htm. 3. The assurance that absolutely no ether method * available in his case. Such is the service this office strives to provide where eyeglasses are GOOD CUSSES . . . moderately priced. Rali«tred in S m i n a t a s or Wh«n SMsM itooiach .eldTtuut painful, nffseat* Ins l*t. aour iloasch and twarttmm. doetort anially •fSMHha tha fa«t»«t-»rtln« mMtrln** kaoan fof wmiilomatlo r*IUf-««dVln«« Hsa U»«« In Ball aaa T»bl«*«. No laiatlva. Bail-aiw brlMa ~ jttfT <* doubl* voir money back m n t a m of loss- lSo tt all druttUU. FRIDAY SPECIALS L -E E D S MT. VERNON 33 FOURTH AVE. __ j f t"uLi i - - i m ' every drop of used cooking fat*«-_ is urgently needed.^ 2 RED POINTS a For each pound tarood » i WITH THESE QUALITY MEATS No Points SWIFT'S Golden West SWIFTS SELECTED MILKFED BREAST OF VEAL SWIFT'S SHORT CUT SMOKED TONGUES No Points No Points SWIFT'S CHUCKS of L A M B 3 Points Lean S H O R T RIBS of BEE 1 Point 3 9 lb. 19i 43l 29» c 2lL J N. Y. STATE DELICIOUS Apples 5 bs 25 Swifts CCURED URED* Corned Beef FRESH PIGS FEET Xealb FRESH BEEF KIDNEYS 23: FRESH NECK B FRESH LAMB PATTIES ^ 39: FRESH PORK LIVER - 21: No Points Tomatoes 19c c CALIFORNIA LEMONS *. 2 5 c i LOW POINT NO POINT No Feints MEXICAN i . . n O B B K I t MO KXTBA CHARGE FOR EXAMIWATIOlt Acid Indigestion double your money hack No 1 Point SWIFT'S SALT PORK FRESH BEEF LIVER tSfi&r FRANKFURTERS NEW SAUERKRAUT 23H> No Points 4 Points is: 39:, 33: No Points No SWIFT'S HONEYCOM B T R I P E Folate lb lb lb 25 LARGE BLUE GOOSE GRAPEFRUIT SUPER•FOOD•VALUES 4 <"29c FRESH GARDEN SPINACH !t 3 *29 c * FRUIT SHOP At the 17 *;! i .- (Continued from Page One) SHARPENS FUNERAL HOME •MONTY* VOWS LOYALTY LONDON, (AP)—Field Marshal Montgomery tojd General Eisenhower in a New Year's message that he and the troops under his command would "follow you anywhere." « •*. Keep On Keeping On Three Missing seas last September. "First stationed in the Phoenix Island group and the Gilbert Islands, he was later transferred to New Guinea. His last letter to his mother, dated Nov. 11, and in which he praised members of his crew as "a fine outfit," was received from that theater of operation. His brother, Sgt. William F. Gibson, is serving in Europe with the U. S. Army. Dente Edison Graduate Private Dente is a native Mount Vernonite and a graduate of Edison Vocational and Technical High School. He was inducted in November, 1943, received his basic training at Fort Benning, Ga., and advanced training at Camp Livingston, La., before he went overseas last September. His brother, Sgt. Anthony E. Dente, who was reported to have been taken prisoner by Germans last Feb. 25, is now reported wounded, according to a War Department telegram received last Friday by his parents. The telegram states he was wounded "in the face and thigh," but does not ABVERTunraira THREE DIE IN FIRS AMSTERDAM, (AP) — The death toll in a fire which destroyed a farmhouse near here yesterday stood at three today. A mother, her daughter, seventeen, and son, two, perished. - ^ - -Wo Irish to thank all our kind and neighbors for their many Ions of sympathy and condolence time of our recent bereavement. Mr. Charles Davis and Daughter. Young, retiring chairman, presided. Reelected were Abner Goldstone, vice-chairman; George Hellman, treasurer, and Paul Crames, secretary. Plans were discussed for the coming year, with emphasis on problems of rehabilitating returning veterans. Approximately 30 delegates were present from local veterans' groups. The next meeting of the committee will be Feb. 6 at V.F.W. Hall. Mount Vernon FOOD CENTER 64 FOURTH AVENUE Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com MOUNT VERNON. N. Y
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