SANTA CRUZ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INDEX SHEET Creation Date: 6118/08 Source Code: HSDXX Agenda Date: 6/24/08 I NVENUM : 61185 Resolution(s): Ordinance(s): Contract(s): [ I ] 80778-01 [2] 83693 [3] 81192-01 [4] 81768-01 [5] 83485-01 [6] 83486-01 [7] 83267-01 [8] 83618-01 [9] R851 Continue Date(s): Index: --Letter of Human Services Department, dated May 28, 2008 --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 80778 --Independent Contractor Agreement for 80778-01 with Parent's Center Inc. --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 83693 --Independent Contractor Agreement for 83693 - Cabrillo College --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 81 192 --Independent Contractor Agreement for Contract No. 71 192-01 (SC Co. Youth Resource Bank) --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 81768 --Independent Contractor Agreement for Contract No. 81768-01 (United Way) --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 83485 --Independent Contractor Agreement for Contract No. 83485-01(SC Community Counseling Center) --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 83486-01 --Independent Contractor Agreement for Contract No. 83486-01 (SC Comm. Counseling Center) --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement, Contract No. 83267-01 --Reporting Service Subscription Agreement for Internet Access to SafeMeasures --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement Contract No. 83618-01 --Independent Contractor Agreement for Contract No. 83618 (National Council on Crime and Delinquency) --ADM-29 Request for Approval of Agreement Contract No. R851 --Service Agreement for Contract #08-09-001 Item: 42. APPROVED various agreements for child abuse prevention services and approved related actions, as recommended by the Director of Human Services 0481 County of Santa Cruz HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Cecilia Espinola, Director 1000 Emeline Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 454-4130 FAX: (831) 454-4642 May 28,2008 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County of Santa Cruz 701 Ocean Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 I APPROVE CONTRACTS FOR CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PROGRAMS AND CHILD WELFARE DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING Dear Members of the Board: As you will recall, on March 11, 2008 your Board authorized the Human Services Department Director to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and return to your Board on today’s agenda with recommendations for the award of contracts. The proposed child abuse prevention, intervention and treatment programs contribute to a shared vision of an effective community wide collaboration to prevent child abuse and neglect and to enable all children to live in safe, nurturing families. The purpose of this letter is to request that your Board take the required actions in order to execute nine separate agreements including the proposed child abuse prevention and intervention services as well as renewed agreements for services related to data collection and reporting for child welfare services. Funding for all nine agreements is included in the Human Services Department’s proposed budget for FY 2008-09, and represents no additional cost to the County. Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention The Children’s Network Cabinet is responsible for making funding recommendations to your Board regarding four funding streams administered by Human Services. These funding streams provide support to community-based agencies for child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment services. Three of the funding streams are allocated to counties by the State, including Promoting Safe & Stable Families (PSSF); Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) and Community Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP). The third funding source, the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF), is a local resource garnered from birth certificate fees. On March 14, 2008, with your Board’s approval, Human Services, in conjunction with the Children’s Network Cabinet, released an RFP to allocate these funding streams for 0482 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 2 Agenda Date: June 24,2008 Title: Approve Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and Child Welfare Data Collection and Reporting the next three-year period (July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011). In response to the RFP, Human Services received seven proposals from community-based organizations. The Children’s Network Cabinet appointed a proposal review committee to evaluate the proposals based upon quality of proposed services, cost effectiveness, ability to leverage other funds, and ability to serve diverse target populations and geographic areas of Santa Cruz County. The Children’s Network Cabinet met on May 14, 2008 and voted to recommend that your Board approve the following service contract awards from the funds that are available for FY 2008-09, contingent upon the availability of State, Federal and County CTF funds. The contracts will be considered for renewal for two additional years, based on the contractor’s performance and the availability of funds. 1. Parents Center - $48,000 for FY 2008-09 to provide therapeutic supervised visitation services in order to enhance successful family reunification. 2. Cabrillo College - $33,687 for FY 2008-09 to provide adoption promotion and support services. 3. Youth Resource Bank - $33,687 for FY 2008-09 to oversee a flexible fund for tangible support to families receiving Child Welfare family reunification or family mainte na nce services . 4. United Way of Santa Cruz County - $16,991 for FY 2008-09 to enhance the coordination and service integration strategies of the Children’s Network. 5. Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center - $603,532 for FY 2008-09 to continue collaborating with Human Services and First 5 Santa Cruz County to operate Families Together, a countywide Differential Response program that provides prevention and early intervention services to families who have been referred to Family and Children’s Services for suspected child abuse or neglect. Of the total amount of this contract, $124,385 was awarded through the Children’s Network RFP process. The remaining $479,147 has been committed by First 5 Santa Cruz County to support the Families Together program through a revenue agreement described in the following section. Additional Differential Response Agreements - 6. First 5 Revenue Agreement As stated above, First 5 Santa Cruz County has committed $479,147 to the Human Services Department to continue supporting Families Together differential response services in FY 2008-09. As detailed in the attached revenue agreement, these funds will be received by Human Services and will be sub-contracted in turn to Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center through contract #5 described in the previous section. At this time, 0483 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 3 Agenda Date: June 24,2008 Title: Approve Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and Child Welfare Data Collection and Reporting Human Services requests your Board’s approval of the revenue agreement with First 5 for FY 2008-09. 7. Child Welfare Services Outcome Improvement Funds - As your Board may recall, Human Services also receives an allocation from the State for the Child Welfare Services Outcome Improvement Project (CWSOIP). No county match is required in order to accept these funds. Since FY 2005-06 the Department has provided CWSOlP funds to Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center to support a portion of the staffing and operational costs for the Differential Response program. In FY 2008-09, the amount of CWSOlP funds supporting the program will be reduced from $223,924 to $88,924 due to a decrease in the CWSOlP allocation from the State. As a result of this $135,000 reduction in financial support for Families Together, it will be necessary for Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center to discontinue subcontracts with La Manzana Community Resources, Live Oak Family Resource Center, and Mountain Community Resources. These subcontracts provided community-based short-term case management and support services to families at low to moderate risk of child abuse. Due to the reduction in funds, Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center will narrow its focus to provide prevention/early intervention services only to those families assessed as being at high risk of child abuse. At this time, Human Services is requesting your Board’s approval of the agreement with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center in the amount of $88,924 to provide staffing and operational costs for the Differential Response Program. Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) In addition to the contracts outlined above, the Children’s Network RFP also included $15,000 to be awarded to an organization to perform the core functions of a Child Abuse Prevention Council and disseminate child abuse prevention messages (jncluding mandated reporter training) to the community. For the past three years, the amount of funds allocated for this purpose was $60,000; however, due to a reduction in state allocations, the Children’s Network made a decision to reduce funding for CAPC/primary prevention services in order to preserve services to families who are at risk or already involved in the child welfare system. For the reduced allocation of $15,000, Human Services received proposals from two organizations, United Way of Santa Cruz County and Santa Cruz County Child Abuse Prevention Council. Both of the proposals included a recommendation to merge with the Children’s Network and to utilize the Children’s Network Cabinet as the new CAPC. Because the Children’s Network has not yet had an opportunity to explore this option, the Network recommends postponement of a contract recommendation at this time, in order to give the Network an opportunity to discuss and consider this option. The 0484 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 4 Agenda Date: June 24,2008 Title: Approve Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and Child Welfare Data Collection and Reporting Network will begin its discussions of this issue on June 14, and anticipates bringing a contract recommendation to your Board no later than September 30, 2008. Contracts for SafeMeasures and Data Reporting 8. SafeMeasures - As your Board may recall, since FY 2003-04, Human Services has been utilizing SafeMeasures, an internet-based child welfare quality assurance reporting service developed by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). Under a special agreement, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) provides case data to NCCD from the statewide Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS), and NCCD uses the data to prepare an extensive set of county-specific reports that are housed on a restricted-access website in graph and chart format. These reports are invaluable in providing Family and Children’s Services managers and supervisors with information at the program, unit and worker level regarding current workload, compliance with mandated timeframes, as well as performance on the various outcome indicators established by state and federal regulatory requirements. Human Services has negotiated a two-year service agreement with NCCD for continued use of SafeMeasures for fiscal years, FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10. The annual cost for this service is $37,175. 9. Monthly and Ad Hoc Data Reports -Additionally, beginning in FY 2007-08, as part of the Child Welfare Services Self Assessment process, the Department began working with Children’s Research Center (CRC), a division of NCCD, to develop monthly and ad hoc reports that would improve the capacity for the Family and Children’s Services division to report and analyze child welfare services performance indicators and outcomes data. These reports provide local information on child safety, permanency, and well-being based on CWS/CMS data, in order to address areas identified in the self-assessment and to identify the impact of system improvement efforts. The individually tailored local reports are developed in consultation with CRC. Human Services is requesting to renew the agreement with CRC for FY 2008-09 in the amount of $36,000 to continue to develop and submit monthly standard reports and ad hoc reports. IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that your Board: 1. Approve the agreement with Parents Center, Inc, in the amount of $48,000 for therapeutic supervised visitation services for FY 2008-09; 2. Approve the agreement with Cabrillo College in the amount of $33,687 for adoption promotion and support services for FY 2008-09; 0485 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 5 Agenda Date: June 24,2008 Title: Approve Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and Child Welfare Data Collection and Reporting 3. Approve the agreement with Youth Resource Bank in the amount of $33,687 for FY 2008-09; 4. Approve the agreement with United Way of Santa Cruz County in the amount of $16,991 to enhance coordination and service integration of the Children’s Network for FY 2008-09; 5. Approve the agreements with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center in the amounts of $603,532 and $88,924 for the Differential Response Program for FY 2008-09; 6. Approve the revenue agreement with First 5 Santa Cruz County in the amount of $479,147; 7. Direct the Human Services Department Director to return no later than September 30, 2008 to provide a contract recommendation for a Child Abuse Prevention Council; 8. Approve the two-year agreement with National Council on Crime and Delinquency for the use of SafeMeasures in the amount of $37,175 for FY 2008-09 and $37,175 for FY 2009-10; 9. Approve the agreement with Children’s Research Center for monthly and ad hoc data reports in the amount of $36,000 for FY 2008-09; and IO. Authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute these agreements. Very truly yours, RECOMMENDED: Director County Administrative Officer CE:JY: KWDB N:\North\projects\Board~Letters\FY~O7-08\Family & Children’s Services Division\CN and NCCD Contracts Board Letter.doc Attachments: Contracts (8) Revenue Agreement ( I ) ADM-29 (9) 0486 Page 6 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda Date: June 24,2008 Title: Approve Contracts for Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs and Child Welfare Data Collection and Reporting cc: Auditor Controller Family and Children’s Services Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Youth Resource Bank Parents Center, Inc. Cabrillo College United Way of Santa Cruz County First 5 Santa Cruz County National Council on Crime and Delinquency Children’s Research Center Children’s Network 0487 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller By: r--- Revenue Agreemsnt EExpenditure Agreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. and Parents Center, 530 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062 2. ( Name/Address) The agreement will provide therapeutic supervised visitation. 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly 1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 48,000 June 30,2009 '3Fixed L" =Monthly Rate [a Annual Rate Not to Exceed Remarks : Contact: Kelli Kopeck ~ 5 2 2 4 5. 6. Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement Detail: =On II Ill ection IV Contract No: 80778-01 Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 0 R !JlS' Time Agreement (Index) 4080 (Subject) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 available and are not a CiTg 0 ' 7 7 Contract No: have been Appropriations encum bered. Auditor-Controlt% Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Departme t Date: 6/+/,)f By: Countv Adhihstrative Office - U Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4/08) Title I, Section 300 Proc Man Bv: DeDutv Clerk AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. TCllO Auditor Description JE Amount Lines H/TL Date I $ Amount Keyed By Index Sub - 0bject User Code 0488 Contract No. 80778-01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1’‘ day of July 2008 by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and PARENTS CENTER INC., Hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Division: See Attachment A, Scope of Services 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $48,00O,processed for payment in full after receipt of monthly invoice and approval of contract manager. Invoices shall be submitted monthly to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Copies of Invoices shall be submitted to: Family and Children’s Services P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: KeIli Kopeck 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1,2008 through June 30,2009. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time 4. by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property( ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. 0489 B. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute .to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract. If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required / . of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. ( 1) This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. 1,000,000 Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ (4) ned single limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY . *c B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual Page 2 0490 policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the A. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if B. CONTRACTOR employees fifteen (1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees ( 1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1 S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other r% Page 3 0491 forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (1 5 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may SECONDARY FACTORS: exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (0 The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (i) The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on’ this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. NONASSIGNMENT. 9. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Page 4 0492 Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. 12. Presentation and processing of any or all claims arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, wh ch by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract incl ides the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Budget Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance Attachment D: Living Wage Data Report Attachment E: Living Wage Ordinancemon- Wage Provisions from Self-certification Form 14. LIVING WAGE. section is initialed by COUNTY This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100, 2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. 16. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: ( 1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. Page 5 0493 (1) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certify to its inapplicability by initialing here (CA). C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and 17. complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa Cruz. Page 6 0494 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 3. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ pvry SIGNED SIGNED Address: I b Te 1ephone: Fax: Email: 2. APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management " 4. Date DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children's Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management Parents Center, Inc. Document 1 Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0495 i m L! ? ! i3 0 -c 4 a, v) m )r + _- 0 m Q m 0 . I a, > .e 0 a, 9' 0 a, 9 E 3 v) m 0 E m rc a, 3 I496 I l l c. .- * .> I 0497 I l l E s ic 0 a, P, 0 0 v) E c. t P a U S U t E c 0 rn U 3 m -t: .I Q) .-> CI 0 a, s' 0 't: 0 7 5 0 n .-S Q) 9 2 3 tn m !i L 3 0 a, N ..e 3 n N U a .- v) L a Q 3 v1 S 0 n 0499 m 0 m 0 .I Q) .-w U 0 Q) 3 0 Q) 9 2 3 v) m h 0 0 0500 ATTACMENT B Parents Center Supervised Visitation 2008-09 BUDGET PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES INDIRECT RATE @ 8% GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES Human Services 41,400 6,600 48,000 0 48.000 ATTACHMENT C 050 1 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT N0NDISCRI MINAT10N IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS Parents Center, Inc. HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title I I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I),(i),and (j); California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 98413, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91 , 7 CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDOWRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the vendor/recipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 11 135-1 1139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for hrther compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendor/recipient directly or through contract, license, or other provider services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. Date 51.91.B Address of VendodRecipient: 5% 1 P--l won-Profit Attachment] LW Form 1 County of Santa Cruz LIVING WAGE DATA REPORT Fiscal Year Agency Name: Contract No. \ 5\ p77 VCounty Dept. c Please complete this form checking all appropriate boxes for all covered employees in your agency. Covered employees are defined in the ordinance as any employee of a nonprofit contractor who lives or works in Santa Cruz County. The signature and date on this form will serve as self-certification of the agency’s ordinance exemption status. ~. u 0 1 . Collective Bargaining Agreement Check this box if positions in this agency are represented by a bargaining unit or labor union and have a collective bargaining agreement in effect. /bd 2. All Positions Paid Living Wage Rates ($12.65/hr with benefits; $13.80/hr without benefits) If all positions in this agency have pay rates that are at or above the living wage rates, check this box. 0 3. Living Wage Ordinance Exemption Categories Check this box if your agency is exempt from the requirements of the ordinance. Indicate by checking the appropriate box(es) below which exemption(s) applies to your agency: 0 A. Agency has five or fewer employees. 0 B. Agency has cumulative contracts with the County in current fiscal year less than $15,000. If items 1, 2, or 3 are checked, your agency is exempt from wage data reporting requirements. Sign and date this form and return to appropriate County Department. 0 4. A Program In Our Agency Does Not Receive Any County Funds Check this box if a program in your agency is exempt based on the fact that it receives no County funding. Indicate the program in your agency that falls under this exemption and the number of program employees. Program Name: No. of Employees: 0 5. Some Positions Have Pay Rates Less Than Living Wage Rates Check this box if any positions in this agency have any part of their pay ranges at less than the living wage rates. All non-profit agencies not exempt from the living wage ordinance requirements must also provide wage data information for all employees in job classifications paying less than the current living wage standard. A form to collect this information will be distributed electronically to agencies subject to this requirement in January 2008. PMw I certi u d y of perjury, that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. pen k@ Signature of Executive Director Section Below is Optional I B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ ~ ~ B ~ ~ ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B Efforts to Maintain and Increase Wages for Positions (Check all f l o u r agency was able to bring all workers up to a living wage in 0 Our agency was not able to increase pay rates for employee 0 Pay rates for positions in this agency were not reduced in the budget for FY 2007-08. 0 Our agency was able to give our employees the following pay increases (fill in blanks): YO Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases of Step or annual increases of (YO or $$) 0 Our agency was able to increase employer-sponsored benefits (Check appropriate boxes): 0 Health insurance benefits 0 Paid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Unpaid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Other LWForm 1 (5/22/07) ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ B ~ L W Form 2 won-Profit Attachment] County of Santa Cruz FYZCPq-q Hon-Wage Provisions Self-certification Form mpt from the ordinance requirements, shall comply with the following non-wage provisions of the Living Wage Ordinance (Chapter 2.122 of the County Code): 1. Employee rights to report violation and to non-retaliation: (Section 2.122.1 10) Any employee claiming violation of the Chapter may report such acts to the County and may bring an action in the appropriate Court of the State of California or other appropriate administrative agency, against an employer to enforce his or her rights. Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude an employee from seeking any or all forms of relief and damages. 2. Labor relation neutrality: (Section 2.122.130) Contractors for services and subcontractors shall not hinder or fiirther collective bargaining organization or other collective bargaining activities by or on behalf of an employer’s employees. However, this restriction shall not apply to any expenditure made in the course of good faith collective bargaining, or to any expenditure made pursuant to obligations incurred under a bona fide collective bargaining agreement. 3. Employee retention: (Section 2.122.140) In the event that any contract for services for an amount greater than $50,000 is terminated by County prior to its expiration, any new contract with a subsequent contractor for those same services shall include the following term: Contractor shall make best efforts to offer employment to qualified employees of the prior contractor for the performance of this contract. Such efforts shall not be required in regard to employees who are (1) exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, (2) family members of prior contractor, (3) employed by prior contractor for less than six months, or (4) convicted of a job-related or workplace crime. Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the County that good faith efforts have been made to comply with this provision. Within the last five years, has your agency had any violations with the N ional Employees Relations Board or the California Labor Commission? Yes - Y ?& cmw No I certify, under penalty of perjury, that is in (Name of Agency) compliance with all of the above stated non-wage provisions of the County Living Wage Signatkhe of Executive Director L W Form2 (5/22/07) COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller 0502 &LdifG By: ons/revenues are available )”--! p jExpenditure Agreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. and Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 (NamelAddress) 2. The agreement will provide professional counseling services to post-adoptive clients and respite reimbursement for post-adoptive families in the first year following adoption. 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly,1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ to June 30,2009 Fixed c jMonthly Rate Annual Rate [a Not to Exceed Remarks : Contact: Patty King ~ 4 2 2 5 5. Detail: T - O n Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Section I l l Board Letter Required Section IV Revenue Agreement ESection II Contract No: 0R Lalst Time Agreement 0 Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 6. (Subject) (Index) 4080 NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 have been Appropriations available and encumbered. are not Auditor-Contrhe&eputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller- Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4/08) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man By: Deputy Clerk AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. JE Amount Lines H/TL Keyed By Date TC110 Auditor Description Amount Index Sub-object User Code 0503 Contract No. $36 73 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1’‘ day of July 2008, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and CABRLLO COLLEGE, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Division: See Attachment A, Scope of Services 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $33,687, processed for payment in full after project completion, receipt of invoice, and approval of project manager. The June, 2009 claim shall be based on estimates and submitted by June 8,2009. A final June, 2009 claim shall be made no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the month. Invoices shall be submitted to: Family and Children’s Services P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: Patty King, SA1 1 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1,2008 through June 30, 2009. 4. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 5. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnifjl, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property( ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. B. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). Page 1 0504 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage@) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract . If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here / . A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. ( 1) This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract / . and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ 1,000,000 (4) combined single limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY v;”L’F B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: Page 2 0505 “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Patty King P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Patty King P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for A. employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if B. CONTRACTOR employees fifteen ( 1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties, Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. Page 3 0506 (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen ( 15) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (i) The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. NONASSIGNMENT. 9. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract. Page 4 0507 12. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. Presentation and processing of any or all claims arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Budget Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance Attachment D: Living Wage Data Report Attachment E: Living Wage Ordinancehlon- Wage Provisions from Self-certification +- 14. LIVING WAGE. section is initialed by COUNTY This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100, 2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as we11 as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. 16. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: ( 1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Contro I ler. For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. Page 5 0508 B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certify to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” 17. MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa Cruz. Page 6 0509 ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 3. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ SIGNED Fax: Email: 2. 4. APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ Asst,County Counsel DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children's Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management Cabrillo College Document I Page 7 / b ate 0510 ATTACHMENT A Scope of Services Cabrillo College Adoption Promotion and Support Project Objectives: Toward that goal, this project will encompass the following objectives: Provide a high level of culturally competent professional counseling services (both individual and family) to HSD-referred pre- and post-adoptive clients. Provide respite reimbursement for post-adoptive families in the first year following adoption to allow their participation in these services and/or other respite activities. Two licensed therapists, one in North County and one in South County will be identified. The South County therapist will offer bilingual services. Obviously, an exact number of families and an exact number of counseling hours needed is not available. For the purposes of this proposal, this project estimates that 14 families could receive an average of 18 hours of individual/family counseling in the first fiscal year. This would allow approximately 6 weekly visits for crisis intervention or more intensive services followed by 12 hours of follow-up throughout the remainder of the year for each of these families, as needed. These numbers will be revised for the second and third year of the contract to reflect needs and numbers of client families. However, this number will always need to remain flexible, based on need. Because currently no respite services are available for post-adoptive families, and because families involved in our STAP program have reported that the lack of childcare and available respite poses a barrier to their participating in trainings and services and also places a burden on their resources, this project is proposing to provide a minimal amount (approximately 4 hours per month for five post-adoptive families in the first year'following adoption) of respite reimbursement in the first year of the project. As the project proceeds, funds slated for counseling hours that are unused can be used to increase the respite hours for post-adoptive families; however, the counseling hours will always be the first priority for this project. 0511 E 0 t: 0 13 Q a I- z W z I 0 a IF- a 0 0512 ATTACHMENT B CABRILLO COLLEGE Adoption Promotion and Support Services FY2008-09 BUDGET Human PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL EXPENSES INDIRECT RATE @ 8% GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES -031 192.00 31192.00 2495.00 33687.00 0513 ATTACHMENT C ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT NONDISCRIMINATION IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS Cabrillo College HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I), (i), and (j); California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 98413, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91, 7 CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THlS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDOWRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the vendorhecipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 1 1 135-1 1139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for hrther compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendor/recipient directly o services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. Date b/J/of Address of VendorIRecipient: 1 icense, or other provider - -. i - t _ Ir\Jon-Profit Attachment] LW Form 2 County of Santa Cruz FY 2cYqcq Non-Wage Provisions Self-Certification Form Agency Name:County Dept:&c w \bfd. m % Contract No: All nonprofit agencies receiving County funding, unless exempt from the ordinance requirements, shall comply with the following non-wage provisions of the Living Wage Ordinance (Chapter 2.122 of the County Code): 1. Employee rights to report violation and to non-retaliation: (Section 2.122.1 10) Any employee claiming violation of the Chapter may report such acts to the County and may bring an action in the appropriate Court of the State of California or other appropriate administrative agency, against an employer to enforce his or her rights. Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude an employee from seeking any or all forms of relief and damages. 2. Labor relation neutrality: (Section 2.122.130) Contractors for services and subcontractors shal I not hinder or further collective bargaining organization or other collective bargaining activities by or on behalf of an employer’s employees. However, this restriction shall not apply to any expenditure made in the course of good faith collective bargaining, or to any expenditure made pursuant to obligations incurred under a bona fide collective bargaining agreement. 3. Employee retention: (Section 2.122.140) In the event that any contract for services for an amount greater than $50,000 is terminated by County prior to its expiration, any new contract with a subsequent contractor for those same services shall include the following term: Contractor shall make best efforts to offer employment to qualified-employees of the prior contractor for the performance of this contract. Such efforts shall not be required in regard to employees who are (1) exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, (2) family members of prior contractor, (3) employed by prior contractor for less than six months, or (4) convicted of a job-related or workplace crime. Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the County that good faith efforts have been made to comply with this provision. - Within the last five years, has your agency had any violations with the National Employees Relations Board or the California Labor Commission? Yes - No - Ordinance. LWForm2 (5/22/07) ( 1 [Non-Profit Attachment] ' LWForm1 County of Santa Cruz Agency Name: &he( 1lo cfic LIVING WAGE DATA REPORT Fiscal Y e a r ? - m b l o ? Contract No. bQH County Dept. Please complete this form checking all a p p r z e boxes for all covered employees in your agency. Covered employees are defined in the ordinance as any employee of a nonprofit contractor who lives or w0rk.s in Santa Cruz County. The signature and date on this form will serve s self-certification of the agency's ordinance exemption status. dA-40*-+e7 0 1 . Collective Bargaining Agreement LC//LC Check this box if positions in this agency are represented by a bargaining unit or labor union and have a collective bargaining agreement in effect. 0 2. All Positions Paid Living Wage Rates ($12.65/hr with benefits; $13.80/hr without benefits) If all positions in this agency have pay rates that are at or above the living wage rates, check this box. 0 3 . Living Wage Ordinance Exemption Categories Check this box if your agency is exempt from the requirements of the ordinance. Indicate by checking the appropriate box(es) below which exemption(s) applies to your agency: 0 A. Agency has five or fewer employees. 0 B. Agency has cumulative contracts with the County in current fiscal year less than $15,000. If items 1, 2, or 3 are checked, your agency is exempt from wage data reporting requirements. Sign and date this form and return to appropriate County Department. 0 4. A Program In Our Agency Does Not Receive Any County Funds Check this box if a program in your agency is exempt based on the fact that it receives no County funding. Indicate the program in your agency that falls under this exemption and the number of program employees. Program Name: No. of Employees: 0 5. Some Positions Have Pay Rates Less Than Living Wage Rates Check this box if any positions in this agency have any part of their pay ranges at less than the living wage rates. All non-profit agencies not exempt from the living wage ordinance requirements must also provide wage data information for all employees in job classifications paying less than the current living wage standard. A form to collect this informatio ubject to this requirement in January 2008. < y knowledge. rue and correct to th best of ~ . m . m . m . m . m . m . m . m . m m m a m ~ Section Below is Optional m ~ m a m ~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ ~ ~ Efforts to Maintain and Increase Wages for Positions (Check all applicable boxes) 0 Our agency was able to bring all workers up to a living wage in FY , 0 Our agency was not able to increase pay rates for employee positions in the FY 2007-08 budget. 0 Pay rates for positions in this agency were not reduced in the budget for FY 2007-08. 0 Our agency was able to give our employees the following pay increases (fill in blanks): Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases of YO Step or annual increases of (YO or $$) 0 Our agency was able to increase employer-sponsored benefits (Check appropriate boxes): 0 Health insurance benefits 0 Paid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Unpaid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Other L W F o m 1(5/22/07) ~ ~ m a m ~ m ~ m ~ m m 0514 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller By: I"-"- AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) 1 ---< \-<"'Expenditure Agreement i_--J Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. and Youth Resources Bank, P. 0. Box 1844, Capitola, CA 95010 2. The agreement provide (Name/Address) Establish a Family Reunification / Preservation Case Services Fund 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly I, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 33,687 to June 30,2009 rz Not to Exceed _ 1 [IFixed E M o n t h l y Rate LJAnnual Rate Remarks: Contact: Kelli Kopeck ~ 5 2 2 4 5. Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter reauired, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement Detail: /--"]On Sectio"6-II %Section Ill 7Section IV T"I"' k.2 6. AppropriationslRevenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 Contract No: 81192-01 0 R r"."-bst Time Agreement --"-I (Index) 4080 (Subject) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 a have been Appropriations available and are not encumbered. Auditor-Controlkdeputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human 6/islod Services Departme t Date: By: / \ County Adbinisfiative Office ~- Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold tate of California ADM - 29 (4/08) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. JE Amount Lines HKL Keyed By Date TC110 Description Ygrt Amount Index Sub - 0bject User Code 0515 Contract No. 71 192-01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, 2008, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and SANTA CRUZ COU qTY YOUTH RESOURCE BANK, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special ski1 to accomplish the following results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department, Fan ily and Children's Services Division: See Attachment A, Scope of Services 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: a. CONTRACTOR assures COUNTY that an advance payment is necessary in order to maintain program integrity. CONTRACTOR will not use advances to provide working capital for non-county programs. When possible, advances will be deposited in interest-bearing accounts, with said interest being used to reduce program costs. b. COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR a sum not to exceed $33,687 for administering a Family ReunificatiordPreservation Case Services Fund which shall be used to compensate service providers who have been approved by COUNTY to provide to eligible clients those services outlined in the Scope of Services (Attachment A) section of this agreement. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall retain $2,02 1 (two thousand twenty-one dollars) of the Family Reunification/ Preservation Case Services Fund as an administrative fee, to be paid in full by COUNTY to CONTRACTOR on March 1,2009. C. The Family ReunificatiodPreservation Case Services Fund amount and the administrative fee shall be renegotiated for each subsequent fiscal year of this Agreement. d. County agrees to advance CONTRACTOR the sum of $16,844 upon execution of this Agreement. e. In disbursing funds from the Family Preservation Case Services Fund, CONTRACTOR agrees to assume responsibilities outlined in the Scope of Services (Attachment A) and COUNTY agrees to assume responsibilities outlined in County Responsibilities (Attachment B). f. CONTRACTOR agrees to submit monthly expenditure reports on standard COUNTY forms. Reports shall be based on the actual monthly costs of reimbursing service Page 1 0516 providers. Each report shall be submitted to and approved by the HRA PSSF Liaison prior to subsequent advances by the COUNTY. g. COUNTY shall monitor fund expenditures, and advance CONTRACTOR in one subsequent increment of $16,844 when the balance of Family Preservation Case Services Fund drops below $3,500. h. No later than 30 days after the end of the contract period, CONTRACTOR agrees to submit a detailed cost report in the format prescribed the Human Resources Agency. CONTRACTOR shall remit any unexpended funds to the COUNTY at the time CONTRACTOR submits cost report 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1, 2008 through June 30,2009. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time 4. by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property( ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be B. paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements, Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract. If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here / . c Page 2 0517 A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. ( 1) This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here / , Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 (4) combined single limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY -I-. B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Page 3 0518 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the A. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. B. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if CONTRACTOR employees fifteen (1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the non(2) discrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(l) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (1 5 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. Page 4 0519 PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an ernployeremployee relationship; and (j)The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. NONASSIGNMENT. 9. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shal I not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. Presentation and processing of any or all claims 12. arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: County Responsibilities Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance 14. LIVING WAGE. section is initialed by COUNTY This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate Page 5 . 0520 requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100, 2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the 16. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: ( 1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. (1) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certifi to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); (CA). C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and 17. complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, Page 6 0521 mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside Outside of the County of Santa Cruz. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 3. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ NTY YOUTH By: &,hA- SIGNED * Ce& . PRINTED Addres 2. APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management 4. " bate DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children's Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management Santa Cruz County Youth Resource Bank Document I Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0522 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES In accordance with the provisions of the County of Santa Cruz Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) 3-year plan, CONTRACTOR shall furnish the following services: A. Establish a Family Reunification/Preservation Case Services Fund The purpose of the Case Services Fund is to provide flexible, family-based, intensive, time-limited and culturally competent intervention and treatment services, as established by the PSSF three year plan, to families in crisis who live within the County of Santa Cruz. The Human Resources Agency's (HRA) Child Welfare Services (CWS) staff will complete referral forms, assess client and service provider eligibility, and authorize expenditure of funds from the Case Services Fund. B. In disbursing funds to service providers authorized by the COUNTY for payment through the Case Services Fund, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the following: 1. Requiring that the COUNTY submit a completed Family Reunification/Preservation Case Services Fund Check request form with a copy of the service provider invoice and corresponding CWS client case number for each request submitted. 2. Releasing checks to authorized service providers only for case service activities. 3. Paying authorized service providers in the form of a check, payable to the service provider. 4. Submitting a monthly expenditure report to contract monitor (report format shall be jointly developed by COUNTY and CONTRACTOR). 5. Developing procedures for administering the Case Services Fund. These procedures will be subject to review by the County's contract monitor. All Case Service Fund disbursements will have final approval by the CONTRACTOR'S administrator or her/his designee. No fund checks will be drawn without the CONTRACTOR'S administrator or designee's signature. 6. Complying with all County reporting requirements. 0523 ATTACHMENT B COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES A. In assessing, selecting and referring eligible clients to receive services that will be reimbursed by the CONTRACTOR through the Family Reunification/Preservation Case Services Fund, the COUNTY shall be responsible for the following: 1. Establishing Client Criteria: Families who receive intervention and treatment services through Federal Promoting . Safe and Stable Families Program dollars must have a child or children who have previously been or are currently in an out-of-home placement. The placements may be voluntary or court-ordered, and include relative, guardian, foster care or group home placements. 2. Determining Appropriate Event Criteria: Eligible families must be facing one or more of the following immediate crises: Housing/Utility Needs (deposits or one time emergencies) Emotional/Physical Trauma Brief Caretaker Absence Requires Wrap Around Service Activities such as parenting skills, counseling activities, recreation support, tutoring etc. 3. Assessing and Authorizing Eligible Clients and Service Activities. 4. Determining Service Provider Requirements: a. b. c. 5. Service providers must be licensed or recognized as an expert in their field. Selection of providers will be jointly agreed upon by the eligible client and COUNTY. Services providers interested in receiving referrals are encouraged to submit a statement of their professional qualifications and a proposed rate schedule to COUNTY. Authorizing Service Delivery a. COUNTY submits to CONTRACTOR completed Case Services Fund Check request form with a copy of the service provider invoice and corresponding CWS client case number. COUNTY will provide CONTRACTOR with a list of staff with the authority to b. authorize the use of Case Services Funds. ATTACHMENT C 0524 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT NONDISCRIMINATION IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS Santa Cruz County Youth Resource Bank HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I), (i), and (j);California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 9841 3, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91,7'CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDOWRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the vendodrecipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 1 1135-1 1 139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendodrecipient directly or through contract, license, or other provider services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. Date @3rB/ fl D Address of Vendor/Recipient: 1 0525 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller Signature ?!edifies -, L- Revenue Agreement 1-5Expenditure Agreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) that appropriationshevenues are hailable The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. 1. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department and United Way, P. 0. Box 1458, Capitola, CA 95010 2. The agreement will provide ( NamelAddress) coordination of services for the Santa Cruz County Children's Network 3. Period of the agreement is from jUlyI, 2008 4. to June 30,2009 [x Anticipated Cost is $ 16,991 Fixed K j M o n t h l y Rate $r r y Annual Rate -1 Not to Exceed Remarks : Contact: Kelli Kopeck x5224 5. Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement Detail: f-iOn Secti6rlI w e c t i o n Ill "-7 Section IV > "I-, 1.-: 6. Contract No: 81768-01 Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392400 0 R ['l" Time Agreement (Subject) (Index) 5188 NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 Appropriations - have been 0 encumbered. available and will be are not Auditor-Controller Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Departme t Date: S//6/0d ) y B County Addnistrhve Office u Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4/08) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man Bv: Dewtv Clerk AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. TCllO Auditor Description Lines JE Amount H/TL Date I $ Amount Keyed By index Su b-Object User Code 0526 Contract No.-81768-01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, 2008, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and UNITED WAY, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following 1. results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Services Division: See Attachment A: Scope of Services. 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $16,991, processed for payment in full after project completion, receipt of invoice, and approval of project manager. Invoices shall be submitted monthly to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Copies of Invoices shall be submitted to: Family and Children’s Services P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: Kelli Kopeck 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1, 2008 through June 30,2009. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 4. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnifl, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property(ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. Page 1 0527 B. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage@) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract . If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required / . of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. ( 1) This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part ofthe performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ 1,000,000 (4) combined single limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY . -/ - B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual Page 2 0528 policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Serivces Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O.Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the A. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1 S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. B. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if CONTRACTOR employees fifteen (1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, Page 3 0529 demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen ( I 5 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (0 The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (i) The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. NONASSIGNMENT. 9. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR Page 4 0530 hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract. 12. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. Presentation and processing of any or all claims arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Budget Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance Attachment D: Living Wage Data Report Attachment E: Living Wage Ordinancemon-Wage Provisions from Self-certification Form 14. LIVING WAGE. section is initialed by COUNTY )( This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100, 2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the 16. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: (1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. Page 5 0531 (1) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certify to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); (CAh C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” 17. MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa Cruz. Page 6 0532 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 3. COU.NTY OF SANTA CRUZ By: By: SIGNED SIGNED / PRINTED Company Name: Address: Telephone: g3 ! 4 1 ct74 5Ll77 Fax: Email: 2. APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management U L 4. ‘ DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children’s Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management United Way of Santa Cruz County Document 1 Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0533 ATTACHMENT A United Way of Santa Cruz County Coordination Capacity Building SCOPE OF SERVICES Staffing support services includes the following responsibilities: 1. Send out agenda packets and publicly notice all full Network and Network Cabinet Meetings. 2. Maintain current roster of voting members within the Network. 3. Take minutes of all full Network and Network Cabinet Committee meetings. 4. Arrange for meeting rooms for the full Network and Network Cabinet meetings. 5. Coordinate Network annual project or three-year plan, as determined by Network Cabinet. 6. Provide staffing to Network subcommittees as requested. 7. Provide technical assistance for Network activities including: information and referral regarding Network - coordinating Network letters of support and grant applications as requiredhequested. - coordinating funding approval processes - preparing reports as requiredhequested to inform the Board of Supervisors of Network activities. - preparing Children’s Network annual report to Board of Supervisors - 8. Work closely with Network Cabinet Chair to ensure that necessary action items for Network Cabinet approval are included on agendas for Network Cabinet bi-monthly meetings. 9. Subcontract with speakers, trainers and facilitators at the direction of the Cabinet to enhance the success of the Network. IO. Assure Network activities are in compliance with legislative intent and duties outlined in the Interagency Children’s Services Act. 0534 ATTACHMENT B UNITED WAY OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Coordination Capacity Building FY2008-09 BUDGET I I I I I PERSONNEL OP ERATlNG EQUIPMENT PROGRAM TOTAL EXPENSES INDIRECTRATE@ 10 % GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES I I I I I Human Services $11,707.00 $3.585.00 $15.292.00 $1,699.00 $16,991.OO 1 I I I I ATTACHMENT C 0535 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT N0NDISCRIMINAT10N IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS United Way of Santa Cruz County HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I), (i), and (j); California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 9841 3, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91 , 7 CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDORRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. BY ACCEPTNG THIS ASSURANCE, the vendor/recipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 11 135-1 1 139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendorhecipient directly or through contract, license, or other provider services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. Date 5!3b/& Address of VendodRecipient: f ' 4ou Iq 1 [Non-Profit Attachment] L W Form 1 County of Santa Cruz LIVING WAGE DATA REPORT Fiscal Y e a r & m b j07 Contract No. Agency Name: County Dept. Please complete this form checking all appropriate boxes for all covered employees in your agency. Covered employees are defined in the ordinance as any employee of a nonprofit contractor who lives or works in Santa Cruz County. The signature and date on this form will serve as self-certifkation of the agency's ordinance exemption status. 0 I . Collective Bargaining Agreement Check this box if positions in this agency are represented by a bargaining unit or labor union and have a collective bargaining agreement in effect. d 2 . All Positions Paid Living Wage Rates ($12.65/hr with benefits; $1 3.80/hr without benefits) If all positions in this agency have pay rates that are at or above the living wage rates, check this box. 0 3 . Living Wage Ordinance Exemption Categories Check this box if your agency is exempt from the requirements of the ordinance. Indicate by checking the appropriate box(es) below which exemption(s) applies to your agency: 0 A. Agency has five or fewer employees. 0 B. Agency has cumulative contracts with the County in current fiscal year less than $15,000. If items 1,2, or 3 are checked, your agency is exempt from wage data reporting requirements. S i m and date this form and return to appropriate County Department. 0 4. A Program In Our Agency Does Not Receive Any County Funds Check this box if a program in your agency is exempt based on the fact that it receives no County funding. Indicate the program in your agency that falls under this exemption and the number of program employees. Program Name: No. of Employees: 0 5. Some Positions Have Pay Rates Less Than Living Wage Rates Check this box if any positions in this agency have any part of their pay ranges at less than the living wage rates. All non-profit agencies not exempt from the living wage ordinance requirements must also provide wage data information for all employees in job classifications paying less than the current living wage standard. A form to collect this information will be distributed electronically to agencies subject to this requirement in January 2008. I certify, under penalty e information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 6( 5/3+ Date 1 ~ 1 m 1 ~ 1 m ~ ~ ~ m n m ~ m ~ m Section Below is Optional ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ m ~ ~ a ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~ m ~ m Efforts to Maintain and Increase Wages for Positions (Check all applicable boxes) 0 Our agency was able to bring all workers up to a living wage in FY . 0 Our agency was not able to increase pay rates for employee positions in the FY 2007-08 budget. 0 Pay rates for positions in this agency were not reduced in the budget for FY 2007-08. 0 Our agency was able to give our employees the following pay increases (fill in blanks): YO Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases of Step or annual increases of (YO or $$) 0 Our agency was able to increase employer-sponsored benefits (Check appropriate boxes): 0 Health insurance benefits 0 Paid sick leavehacation leave benefits 0 Unpaid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Other L W Form I (5/21/07) ~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ 1 . - - - > , r--. L won-Profit Attachment] L W Form 2 County of Santa Cruz FY 2 l p - q Non-Wage Provisions Self-Certification Form Agency Name: County Dept: Contract No: All nonprofit agencies receiving County funding, unless exempt from the ordinance requirements, shall comply with the following non-wage provisions of the Living Wage Ordinance (Chapter 2.122 of the County Code): 1 . Employee rights to report violation and to non-retaliation: (Section 2.122.1 10) Any employee claiming violation of the Chapter may report such acts to the County and may bring an action in the appropriate Court of the State of California or other appropriate administrative agency, against an employer to enforce his or her rights. Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude an employee from seeking any or all forms of relief and damages. 2. Labor relation neutrality: (Section 2.122.130) Contractors for services and subcontractors shall not hinder or hrther collective bargaining organization or other collective bargaining activities by or on behalf of an employer’s employees. However, this restriction shall not apply to any expenditure made in the course of good faith collective bargaining, or to any expenditure made pursuant to obligations incurred under a bona fide collective bargaining agreement. 3. Employee retention: (Section 2.122.140) In the event that any contract for services for an amount greater than $50,000 is terminated by County prior to its expiration, any new contract with a subsequent contractor for those same services shall include the following term: Contractor shall make best efforts to offer employment to qualified employees of the prior contractor for the performance of this contract. Such efforts shall not be required in regard to employees who are (1) exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, (2) family members of prior contractor, (3) employed by prior contractor for less than six months, or (4) convicted of a job-related or workplace crime. Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the County that good faith efforts have been made to comply with this provision. Within the last five years, has your agency had any violations with the National Employees Date COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller 0536 By: EExpenditureAgreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. 1. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department and Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, 195 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 *. The agreement will provide ( Name/Address) prevention I early intervention services 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly I, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 603,532 to June 30,2009 1 3Fixed m M o n t h l y Rate E Not to Exceed Annual Rate Remarks : Contact: Kelli Kopeck x5224 5. on Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Detail: Section I I =Section Ill L--Section IV 6. Contract No: 83485-01 0R nlst Time Agreement Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 (Index) 4080 (Subject) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 have been Appropriations available and L\W 34E;5 Contract No: encumbered. are not L d Auditor-Controller Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommendedthat the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department b//(/Od Date: BY: h ~ Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4108) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man By: Deputy Clerk AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. TCllO Auditor Description Lines JE Amount HITL Date I $ Amount Keyed By Index Su b - 0bject User Code 0537 Contract No.83485-01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1st day of (July 2009, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and SANTA CRUZ COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Services Division: See Attachment A: Scope of Services 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $ 603,532 processed for payment in full after project completion, receipt of invoice, and approval of project manager. Invoices shall be submitted to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Copies of Invoices shall be submitted to: Family and Children’s Services P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: KeIli Kopeck 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. 4. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property( ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. ’ Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be B. paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in I Page 1 c) d 0538 the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract . If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shal I obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here / . A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here ( 1) Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ 1,000,000 (4) limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. Page 2 0539 All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for A. employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1 S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. B. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if CONTRACTOR employees fifteen (1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1 S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and Page 3 0540 services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (1 5 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. . SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (j)The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. 9. NONASSIGNMENT. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, Page 4 0541 the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Contract. Presentation and processing of any or all claims PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. 12. arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1 .OS of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Budget Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance Attachment D: Living Wage Data Report Attachment E: Living Wage Ordinancemon-Wage Provisions Self-Certification LIVING WAGE.I 14. section is initialed by COUNTY This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100,2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the 16. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: ( 1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. ( 1 ) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. Page 5 0542 (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certifL to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); (CA). I C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract, The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.’’ 17. MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa Cruz. Page 6 0543 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 1. SANTA CRUZ COMMUNITY SIGNED - - Company Name: SIGNED scccc caro/yl/2p&/&W& Email: 2. - APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management J 4. . . APPROVED AS TO FORM: t Asst County Counsel DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children’s Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Document 1 Page 7 05 44 a, u) m J a. 0 )r t .-0 v) v) .E n 3 v) E/ E0 U 0545 1 a e u) m 0 T n 7 7 7 0 0 ? 00 d) ? 00 0 0 0 0 cv cv L L (P 00 $ - cv .. .. a $ I m (P 0 0 v) v) . I . I L L cv cv )r h u) u) a a, + c. F F 5 r0 z t n d) .c. a, a, > > L. m U S 0 0 a, C C S e a, .. 0 .c. S m tn a .* .- e a, L. m U S 0 0 v, a, v, c1 c1 .. S Q) S 0 .. S Q) S 0 ; E 0 0 0 Q) .-0 L Q) tn 0 Q) 0 . I L Q) tn Y- O 0546 7 t- 0 9 00 0 0 .. Ol L 00 cp rc $ m I (0 0 m . I L Ol )r 0 a, .c. ! iij .. c 0 .+ S a, > 9 a. L. m U c 0 o a, v) ; ; S Q) c 0 Q E 0 0 Q) 0 . I L a v) 0 a, 0 m I I 0547 T T 0 00 Q- 0 v) a S .- a E .- . + I , .. CI S Q) S 0 e E 0 0 0548 7 7 0 9 00 0 0 N 00 Y, 0 m U S CrJ 0549 00 rc 0 co c .-c0. ! .-v) c .E U m M )r 0 a, M 2 c, c v) v) 5 0 ..c-r c a, > !I) a. 2 m a, v) v) m S a S 0 E 0 0 CI v) .E U m v) v) 3 tx 2 v) U m v) .. 2 .-c a, a, c, .cI E cE M m .-0 c, U c 0 0 a, c c E v) U a, a, Z U m u) m a. 0550 L L r m L 0 C 0 c, 0 rn C .- $ C 3 0 0 .->r r: CI C E 0 00 0 Y- O N b 2 a, 0 m m n 03 C c, a .. S cr) 0 . I c, mN . I S m c F 0 .* 0 m m C a, > e Q) [L J 5 m L 0 U Q) > C 8 a, m .. . I c, E 0 9 - c, m S Q) C 0 0 0 e )r c, . I Q) .-> *.r 0 Q) 9' 0 Q) I S 9 EE 2 3 0 I 0 P'$ .. v) (P Q) 0551 T T 0 00 L rc 0 00 a, 0 (u a .. c 0 ..c.r c a, > 2 a L. (u U c 0 0 a, m .. CI t Q) r e 0 0 '0 S m 0552 ATTACMENT B FY 2008-09 Families To ether HSD-PSSFII"5IMAA BUDGET PERSONNEL OPERATING EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL SUBJECT TO INDIRECT RATE INDIRECT RATE @ 11% GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES Human Services $437,192 $200,700 0 $547,892 505.817 $55,640 $603.532 0553 ATTACHMENT C ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT NONDISCRIMINATION IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I), (i),and (j);California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 98413, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91,7 CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDOWRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the vendorhecipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel, during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 11 135-1 1 139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendorh-ecipient directly or through contract, license, or other provider services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. Date b!?Jlcili Director's Signbire 1 - won-Profit Attachment] LW Form 1 County of Santa Cruz LIVING WAGE DATA REPORT Fiscal Year zmgl@? Contract No. County Dept. b p R ? scn/lie% boxes for all covered employees in your agency. Covered employees are defined in the ordinance as any employee of a nonprofit contractor who lives or works in Santa Cruz County. The signature and date on this form will serve as self-certification of the agency’s ordinance exemption status. 1 . Collective Bargaining Agreement Check this box if positions in this agency are represented by a bargaining unit or labor union and have a collective bargaining agreement in effect. $I 2. All Positions Paid Living Wage Rates ($12.65/hr with benefits; $13.80/hr without benefits) If all positions in this agency have pay rates that are at or above the living wage rates, check this box. 0 3. Living Wage Ordinance Exemption Categories Check this box if your agency is exempt from the requirements of the ordinance. Indicate by checking the appropriate box(es) below which exemption(s) applies to your agency: 0 A. Agency has five or fewer employees. 0 B. Agency has cuinulative contracts with the County in current fiscal year less than $15,000. If items 1, 2, or 3 are checked, your agency is exempt from wage data reporting requirements. Sign and date this form and return to appropriate County Department. 0 4. A Program In Our Agency Does Not Receive Any County Funds Check this box if a program in your agency is exempt based on the fact that it receives no County funding. Indicate the program in your agency that falls under this exemption and the number of program employees. Program Name: No. of Employees: 0 5. Some Positions Have Pay Rates Less Than Living Wage Rates Check this box if any positions in this agency have any part of their pay ranges at less than the living wage rates. All non-profit agencies not exempt from the living wage ordinance requirements must also provide wage data information for all employees in job classifications paying less than the current living wage standard. A form to collect this information will be distributed electronically to agencies subject to this requirement in January 2008. I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of ExecutiE Efforts to Maintain and Increase Wages for Positions (Check all applicable boxes) 0 Our agency was able to bring all workers up to a living wage in FY . 0 Our agency was not able to increase pay rates for employee positions in the FY 2007-08 budget. 0 Pay rates for positions in this agency were not reduced in the budget for FY 2007-08. 0 Our agency was able to give our employees the following pay increases (fill in blanks): YO Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases of Step or annual increases of (YO or SS) 0 Our agency was able to increase employer-sponsored benefits (Check appropriate boxes): 0 Health insurance benefits 0 Paid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Unpaid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Other L W Form I (5/22/07) - r- -. --r - LW Form 2 mon-Profit Attachment] County of Santa Cruz FY 2csq-e Non-Wage Provisions Self-certification Form Agency Name: 2- q CountyDept:wA d p- y m Pm-nrn!m m m v. P r n W f M r R l c l P J C r Contrdt NO: All nonprofit agencies receiving County funding, unless exempt from the ordinance requirements, shall comply with the following non-wage provisions of the Living Wage Ordinance (Chapter 2.122 of the County Code): 1. Employee rights to report violation and to non-retaliation: (Section 2.122.1 10) Any employee claiming violation of the Chapter may report such acts to the County and may bring an action in the appropriate Court of the State of California or other appropriate administrative agency, against an employer to enforce his or her rights. Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude an employee from seeking any or all forms of relief and damages. 2. Labor relation neutrality: (Section 2.122.130) Contractors for services and subcontractors shall not hinder or hrther collective bargaining organization or other collective bargaining activities by or on behalf of an employer's employees. However, this restriction shall not apply to any expenditure made in the coLirse of good faith collective bargaining, or to any expenditure made pursuant to obligations incurred under a bona fide collective bargaining agreement. 3. Employee retention: (Section 2.122.140) In the event that any contract for services for an amount greater than $50,000 is terminated by County prior to its expiration, any new contract with a subsequent contractor for those same services shall include the following term: Contractor shall make best efforts to offer employment to qualified employees of the prior contractor for the performance of this contract. Such efforts shall not be required in regard to employees who are (1) exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, (2) family members of prior contractor, (3) employed by prior contractor for less than six months, or (4) convicted of a job-related or workplace crime. Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the County that good faith efforts have been made to comply with this provision. Within the last five years, has your agency had any violations with the National Employees Relations Board or the California Labor Commission? Yes - No) ( ' is in I certify, under penalty of perjury, tha@& compliance with all of the above stated non-wage provisions of the County Living Wage Ordinance. Signature ofExL$tive Director LWForm2 (5/22/07) G(Ll0k Date COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller By: ' . u d ~ e) Sfgnature certifiedthat <ppropriations/revenues are availible L z : Expenditure Agreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) 0554 E t Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. and Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center, 195 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 *' The agreement ( NametAddress) provide Promote Differential Response to protect children from maltreatment. 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly 1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 88,924 June 30,2009 Fixed 7 [-,-,iMonthly Rate Annual Rate Not to Exceed Remarks : Contact: Kelli Kopeck x5224 Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement 5. Detail: [-]On I-._ SecticcII Ill IV I 6. Contract No: 83486-01 Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 0R [zlst Time Agreement (Index) 4080 (Subject) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 a have been available and Appro pri ations' are not encumbered. Auditor-Controller Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department Date: ,5/lbjOd BY: Department - Gold AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. Lines JE Amount TC110 H/TL s,,c Amount Date t $ Auditor Description Keyed By Index Sub-Object User Code 0555 Contract No. 83486-01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1‘‘ day of July, 2008, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and SANTA CRUZ COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following 1. results for the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Services Division: See Attachment A: Scope of Services 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $88,924, processed for payment in full after project completion, receipt of invoice, and approval of project manager. Invoices shall be submitted to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Copes 0f Invoices shall be submitted to: Family and Children’s Services P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: Kelli Kopeck 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1, 2008 through June 30,2009. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time 4. by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property( ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. A. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be B. paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in Page 1 0556 the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage( s) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract . If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shal I obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here / . A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. ( 1) This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certi@ to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. 1,000,000 Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ (4) limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. Page 2 0557 All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family and Children’s Services Attn: Kelli Kopeck P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for A. employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1 S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if B. CONTRACTOR employees fifteen ( 15) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and Page 3 0558 services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen ( 15 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRJNCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (i) The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent con tractor. 9. NONASSIGNMENT. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, Page 4 0559 the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Contract. Presentation and processing of any or all claims PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. 12. arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Budget Attachment C: Assurance of Compliance Attachment D: Living Wage Data Report Attachment E: Living Wage Ordinancemon-Wage Provisions Self-Certification 14. LIVING WAGElg&Contract section is initialed by COUNTY is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100,2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REOUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: The A. WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the 16. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: (1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. (1) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. Page 5 0560 (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certifL to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); (CAI- C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notify the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” 17. MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa Cruz. Page 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 1. SANTA CRUZ COMMUNITY 3. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ By: By: SIGNED SIGNED Company Name: 5- Emai 1: 2. APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management 4. $ate DISTRIBUTION: Family and Children's Services 0 Auditor-Controller Risk Management Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center Document I Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 05 6 1 0562 S 0 )r .rc Y 0 3 0 + S ct: E m c e e . e . . . 0563 5 ti c, c, c a, 0 S a, 0 cn cn .-c - t .- a, % c cn S 3 3 0 0 h w .- z S E 0 0 N z 0 m w S m c/) .. S 0 . I 0 'CI m a J 0 .. L L 0 a > . I c, m .-u0cn. N )r u) a, !2 .. t .-0 0 -m0 0 h c, . I z S E 0 0 m c m -c, .. c/) S 0 .I c, mN . . I S m F > 'CJ a, J 2 m L 2 U t 0 0 a, .. S Q) c 0 m a 0 Q) > . I CI 2 0 9 -m 0 E" 0 0 z 0 Q) 0 . I L Q) v) 0 N 0 0 a, 9 S 0 Iz CI c1 Q) E Y- 4d c z S N cn 0 c, ; - z ?! .. .-> 00 cn a, 0 0 0 m iij P 0 0 0 N N S m c 0 Y 00 CI m U 7 CI . I 2 m 7 h S CI . I E 0 0 n 0564 a3 Y- O m a, 0 m n )r 0) a, CI F! Z i r 0 .c, S 9 E n L. m U S 0 0 a, m Q) .-0 L Q) v) 0565 tl c, C a, 0 rn C .- a, cn c 3 0 0 tn tn a 0 E e, 2o 2 s .u r n m aa zi= s 0 0 n )r .- Iz c, C E' E 0 00 0 rc N 0 3 d- 6 a, m C m rn c, .. S 0 . I c, cp N . I S cp P 0 'CI cp Q, 1 L 0 Q, > . I c, .. .cI S a S 0 E 0 0 2 0 9 cp -0 0 % w . I z S E 0 0 'CJ c cer tn a .U .> .e 0 a 0566 00 Y- O rn a, 0) (u I I r 0 .w c a, > 2 a, 2 (u -0 c 0 0 a, m .. w c a S 0 ; 0 0 rn a, S .- .!i a 0567 L a, -c, C a, 0 m .-c 2C 3 7 Y 0 9 00 0 0 nl 0 0 )r + .- I : z C E 00 0 0 Y- N Ul 5m + S m U clt w N C . I clt P 0 m clt a J L. L U 0 0 a, v, a S Q) S 0 F 0 0 F w 0 * .. 0 .w .-tn c .- S c, c m.. . I (0 O 0 > * . I I 2 0 9 clt 0 0 > c, . I S E 0 0 E m S E a, c 0 .* F w .-tn S .E U m .c-' c a, tn tn E a, tn tn tn tn m tn U U a, a, Z a, 2 2tn m + c E U c m m m n 0568 T T 0 9 co 0 0 cv .. L co (II Y- O $ r- I a, (II 0 0 m .- v) n L cv )r m a, 4 !! 5 r0 .- CI c a, > !! n e m U c 0 0 0 m .. c, C Q) 0 . I L Q) cn 0 0569 ,7 T 0 T 00 0 0 cv 00 rc 0 00 a, > .. 0 .* c 2 Q a, > > 2 a, n E 2 m L -0 c 0 0 a, cn s r= Q) 0 0570 ATTACMENT B FY 2008-09 Families Together HSD-CWSOIP BUDGET PERSONNEL OPERAT1NG EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENSES INDIRECT RATE @ 1 1 '30 GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES $55,795 $24,316 0 $80,1I 1 $8,813 $88,924 ATTACHMENT C 057 1 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT NONDISCRIMINATION IN STATE AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI and VI1 of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; the Food Stamp Act of 1977 as amended, and in particular Section 272.6; Title I I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; California Civil Code, Section 51 et seq., as amended; California Government Code Section 11135-11139.5, as amended; California Government Code Section 12940(c), (h) (I), (i),and (j);California Government Code, Section 4450; Title 22, California Code of Regulations 98000 - 98413, and other applicable federal and state laws, as well as their implementing regulations (including 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 80, 84, and 91,7 CFR Part 15, and 28 CFR Part 42), by ensuring that employment practices and the administration of public assistance and social services programs are nondiscriminatory, to the effect that no person shall because of ethnic group identification, age, sex, color, disability, medical condition, national origin, race, ancestry, marital status, religion, religious creed or political belief be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal or state financial assistance; and HEREBY GIVE ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal and state assistance; and THE VENDOWRECIPIENT HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT administrative methods/procedures which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination or defeating the objectives of the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Chapter 2 1, will be prohibited. . BY ACCEPTING THIS ASSURANCE, the vendorhecipient agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations and permit authorized CDSS and/or federal government personnel) during normal working hours, to review such records, books and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance. If there are any violations of this assurance, CDSS shall have the right to invoke fiscal sanctions or other legal remedies in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10605, or Government Code Section 1 1 135- 1 1 139.5, or any other laws, or the issue may be referred to the appropriate federal agency for further compliance action and enforcement of this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is binding on the vendorhecipient directly or through contract) license, or other provider services, as long as it receives federal or state assistance. &- Director’s 3gnature 4 1 . F - -_ --[Non-Profit Attachment] LW Form 1 County of Santa Cruz LIVING WAGE DATA REPORT Fiscal Year z@810? Agency N a m e : & h cmz &mqmmk, Contract No. County D e p t . h m &.lUltCe>. Please complete t l - $ ? ~ h % k $ g f % f ~ r o p ~ t eboxes for all covered employees in your agency. Covered employees are defined in the ordinance as any employee of a nonprofit contractor who lives or works in Santa Cruz County. The signature and date on this form will serve as self-certification of the agency’s ordinance exemption status. 1 . Collective Bargaining Agreement Check this box if positions in this agency are represented by a bargaining unit or labor union and have a ~ y r~ c m collective bargaining agreement in effect. OW &ea./&ad wf en2. All Positions Paid Living Wage Rates ($12.65/hr with benefits; $13.80/hr without benefits) If all positions in this agency have pay rates that are at or above the living wage rates, check this box. Cl 3. Living Wage Ordinance Exemption Categories Check this box if your agency is exempt from the requirements of the ordinance. Indicate by checking the appropriate box(es) below which exemption(s) applies to your agency: 0 A. Agency has five or fewer employees. 0 B. Agency has cumulative contracts with the County in current fiscal year less than $15,000. If items 1, 2, or 3 are checked, your agency is exempt from wage data reporting requirements. Sign and date this form and return to appropriate County Department. 0 4. A Program In Our Agency Does Not Receive Any County Funds Check this box if a program in your agency is exempt based on the fact that it receives no County funding. Indicate the program in your agency that falls under this exemption and the number of program employees. Program Name: No. of Employees: 0 5. Some Positions Have Pay Rates Less Than Living Wage Rates Check this box if any positions in this agency have any part of their pay ranges at less than the living wage rates. All non-profit agencies not exempt from the living wage ordinance requirements must also provide wage data information for all employees in job classifications paying less than the current living wage standard. A form to collect this information will be distributed electronically to agencies subject to this requirement in January 2008. 1 certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signatukk of Executive Director h7 (210K Date Efforts to Maintain and Increase Wages for Positions (Check all applicable boxes) @. Our agency was able to bring all workers up to a living wage in FY 66-67. 0 Our agency was not able to increase pay rates for employee positions in the FY 2007-08 budget. Pay rates for positions in this agency were not reduced in the budget for FY 2007-08. El, Our agency was able to give our employees the followino nav increases (fill in blanks): *qo/kCost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases of Step or annual increases of . - (YO or $$) 4 Our agency was able to increase employer-sponsored benefits (Check appropriate boxes): 0 Paid sick leave/vacation leave benefits EL Health insurance benefits 0 Unpaid sick leave/vacation leave benefits 0 Other L W F o m I (5/22/07) [Non-Pro fit Attachment] LW Form 2 County of Santa Cruz FY2Wq-m Non-Wage Provisions Self-certification Form h. ( ) X ~ A ~ S ~ Lc~ /_ dM f a Contrdt No: x All nonprofit agencies receiving County funding, unless exempt from the ordinance requirements, shall comply with the following non-wage provisions of the Living Wage Ordinance (Chapter 2.122 of the County Code): to report violation and to non-retaliation: (Section 2.122.1 10) 1. Employee rights Any employee claiming violation of the Chapter may report such acts to the County and may bring an action in the appropriate Court of the State of California or other appropriate administrative agency, against an employer to enforce his or her rights. Nothing in this Chapter shall preclude an employee from seeking any or all forms of relief and damages. 2. Labor relation neutrality: (Section 2.122.130) Contractors for services and subcontractors shall not hinder or fhther collective bargaining organization or other collective bargaining activities by or on behalf of an employer’s employees. However, this restriction shall not apply to any expenditure made in the course of good faith collective bargaining, or to any expenditure made pursuant to obligations incurred under a bona fide collective bargaining agreement. 3. Employee retention: (Section 2.122.140) In the event that any contract for services for an amount greater than $50,000 is terminated by County prior to its expiration, any new contract with a subsequent contractor for those same services shall include the following term: Contractor shall make best efforts to offer employment to qualified employees of the prior contractor for the performance of this contract. Such efforts shall not be required in regard to employees who are (1) exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, (2) family members of prior contractor, (3) employed by prior contractor for less than six months, or (4) convicted of a job-related or workplace crime. Upon request by the County, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the County that good faith efforts have been made to comply with this provision. Within the last five years, has your agency had any violations with the National Employees Relations Board or the California Labor Commission? Yes - No is in I certiQ, under penalty of perjury, tha&c)k compliance with all of the above stated non-wage provisions of the County Living Wage Ordinance. - Signature of E x b t i v e Director LWForm2 (5/22/07) CcIzlok Date 0572 - - COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT ~~ ~- ~~~ ~ \ TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Office Auditor Controller &4& By: Signature c e r t i f k that appropriationslrevenues are k d r a b l e AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) Expenditure Agreement Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. and NCCD, 426 South Yellowstone Drive, Suite 250, Madison, Wisconsin 53719 *. The agreement ( Name/Address) provide Web based reporting service utilizing CWWCMS data 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 74,250 June30,2010 jlFixed =Monthly - Rate E A n n u a l Rate Not to Exceed - Remarks : Contact: Kelli Kopeck x5224; FY 08/09 37,125; FY 09/10 37,125 5. Detail: U O n Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCSection II No Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 W S e c t i o n Ill Board Letter Required ["J Section IV Revenue Agreement Contract No: 83267-01 0R Dlst Time Agreement _ I 6. AppropriationslRevenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 (Index) 3665 (Subject) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 have been Appropriations Contract No: encum bered. available and By: are not Auditor-Controller Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Date: Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold tate of California ADM - 29 (4108) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man Bv: DeDutv Clerk ' I AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. Lines JE Amount H/TL Keyed By Date TC110 ~~ I ?scripti& .$ Amount Index Sub - 0bject User Code 0573 Reporting Service Subscription Agreement For Internet Access to SafeMeasuresB This agreement is between‘the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of New York, with business offices in Madison, Wisconsin, USA (”NCCD”) and the County of Santa Cruz on behalf of its Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Services Division (collectively, “Customer”). BACKGROUND AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A. NCCD has developed and owns all rights, title and interest in a certain child welfare reporting service identified as the NCCD Internet Reporting Service, and referred to as SafeMeasuresB. SafeMeasures8 uses case level data from a child welfare agency’s management information system (MIS) and publishes it via a conventional web-browser in a series of concise, interactive management reports. B. SafeMeasuresB is a subscription reporting service which permits customers to monitor service delivery activity by navigating an extensive set of reports presented in graph and chart format. These reports permit them to estimate current workload demand, plan more effective service interventions and monitor certain performance indicators established by state or federal regulatory requirements. SafeMeasuresB includes case level quality control displays which agencies may employ to improve compliance with state or federal performance audits . Acknowledging the sufficiency of the consideration exchanged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Provision of Service. 1.1 1.2 Web Based Reports. During the Term of this Agreement, NCCD will provide Customer with interactive web-based management reports, (“Management Reports”) which permit the Customer to categorize agency compliance with various measures, and permit Customer to identify the specific cases within each category. NCCD will specifically: (a) Provide Management Reports within 45 business days after first receiving raw MIS data from the Customer, and (b) Provide regular updates of Management Reports, provided that Customer or another agency regularly submits raw MIS data to NCCD for processing and analysis. Such updates will be provided within three business days of receipt of the MIS data by NCCD. Access to Customer Data: If requested by NCCD, Customer will supply a copy of the CWSKMS databases, or specifically designated data tables therein, that 0574 store agency data to be used by NCCD. If data is supplied by a third party, Customer will authorize and facilitate release of the data to NCCD. 2. 1.3 Access to Website Restricted: The right to access the SafeMeasures8 website is jurisdiction and agency-specific. Only Customer and its employees or agents may access or use the SafeMeasures8 website for the Customer’s monitoring and reporting needs. Specifically, and without limitation, Customer may not act as a relay or intermediary allowing access to the SafeMeasures8 website to any third party jurisdiction, agency, individual, or business for any purpose. 1.4 Internal Business. Customer may only use SafeMeasures8 for its own internal purposes. Customer’s internal purposes do not include extending this service to third parties, except that data may be provided to state and governmental authorities if required by law. 1.5 Competing Services or Products. Customer shall not use all or any part of SafeMeasures8 or its documentation to create a service or product that competes with, or is used in a product that competes with, all or any part of SafeMeasuresG.9, regardless of whether such service or product is distributed with or without consideration. 1.6 Copvright Ownership and License. Customer acknowledges that NCCD owns the copyright in all graphic interfaces, reports, displays and formats, (“Original Works”). NCCD grants Customer a fully-paid up license to display, reproduce and distribute the Original Works for its internal purposes for the Term of the Agreement. 1.7 Training. NCCD will provide training as specified in Exhibit A. Customer will provide training facility, equipment, and access to NCCD Internet training site. - Data Transmission. Customer, or other party supplying MIS data, shall use one of the following methods to send weekly extracts of agency MIS data to NCCD for processing and analysis: 2.1 Compact Disk. Customer or supplying party will copy data onto one or more compact disks and mail to NCCD via overnight delivery service; or 2.2 Secured File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) over Secure Shell (SSH). Customer or supplying party will send data over a secure channel to NCCD’s secure SSH server. This transfer may be made using a dedicated SSH file transfer client. 3. Reporting Service Subscription Fee. Customer will pay NCCD the fees (“Reporting Service Subscription Fees”) according to the payment schedule specified in attached Exhibit A and all applicable taxes related thereto unless Customer provides evidence that Customer is exempt from such taxes. 4. Updates. During the Term of this Agreement, NCCD will provide to Customer updates, error corrections, and modifications to SafeMeasuresB displays (“Updates”) as such Updates become available. Updates do not include modifications to displays specifically 2 0575 requested by Customer. Any Customer requested modifications must be made by NCCD at NCCD’s published service rates. NCCD reserves the right to use the displays created for Customer, and analyses to produce such displays for other parties whether such displays were suggested by NCCD or the Customer. NCCD shall not use any Customer data in its publishing for other parties without Customer’s permission. 5. Term and Termination. 5.1 Term. The Term of this Agreement shall commence on July 1,2008 and end on June 30, 2010 unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 5.3. After expiration of the current Term, NCCD will not provide any Updates to Customer, and Customer must cease all use of SafeMeasuresB. 5.2 Renewal. If Customer is not in default of this Agreement, Customer and NCCD may renew this Agreement for an additional period (“Renewal Term”). Prior to the expiration of the current Term, NCCD may, in its discretion, issue a quotation of the Reporting Service Fees for the Renewal Term. Renewal of this Agreement will be effective upon (a) NCCD’s issuance of a quotation of the new Reporting Service Fees, and (b) NCCD’s acceptance of Customer’s corresponding purchase order. In order to ensure continuous access to the SafeMeasures internet reporting service, the effective date of any renewal contract will begin one day after the previous contract expires. If a renewal contract is not fully executed and received by NCCD within 30 days of contract expiration, NCCD reserves the right to discontinue access to the SafeMeasures internet reporting service until a renewal contract is in place. 5.3 6. Termination for Cause. A party may terminate this Agreement if the other party commits a material breach that is not cured within 30 days of a written notice of such material breach. This Agreement may be terminated immediately for a breach of Customer’s obligation to pay fees under this Agreement or a breach of Sections 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5 of this Agreement. NCCD Warranty, Disclaimers and Remedies. 6.1 Warranty. NCCD warrants that: (a) (b) Provided that Customer or another designated party regularly submits the required raw MIS data to NCCD, SafeMeasures8 will perform substantially as described in this contract and SafeMeasures8 promotional material. It is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in covered transactions by any federal department or agency. Contractor also warrants that it is not suspended or debarred from receiving federal funds as listed in the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs issued by the General Services Administration. 3 0576 NCCD will utilize all reasonable means and due diligence to protect the confidentiality and security of Customer data. Except for the foregoing express warranties, NCCD neither makes nor grants any other warranties, express or implied. NCCD excludes all implied warranties including specifically any implied warranty arising by statute or otherwise in or from a course of dealing or usage of trade including any and all implied warranties of merchantability, merchantable quality, or fitness for any purpose, particular, specific or otherwise. The foregoing express warranty is the only warranty of any kind for SafeMeasuresB. NCCD makes no warranties whatsoever for any Original WorksB that have been modified by Customer nor does NCCD warrant that SafeMeasuresB will be offered without interruption. Customer acknowledges that NCCD provides no monitoring, analysis or review of the accuracy or quality of the Customer's data accessed through SafeMeasuresB. 6.2 7. Remedies. If SafeMeasuresB does not operate substantially as warranted (hereinafter describe as "Noncompliance"), Customer will provide NCCD with sufficient details available to Customer about the Noncompliance to allow NCCD to reproduce it. As Customer's exclusive remedy for any Noncompliance, and as NCCD's entire liability in contract, tort, or otherwise of such Noncompliance, NCCD will either: (a) correct the Noncompliance; or (b) if NCCD is unable to correct the Noncompliance after a reasonable opportunity to do so, Customer may; (i) Request that NCCD cease publication of any demonstrably incorrect information and request a pro-rata reduction in the Reporting Service fee; or (ii) Terminate the Reporting Service Subscription and receive a prorated refund of the Reporting Service Subscription Fee. Intellectual Property Indemnification by NCCD. 7.1 3- Indemnification. If a third party claims that SafeMeasuresB infringes any copyright, patent, trade secret, or other rights of any third party, NCCD will (as long as Customer is not in material breach of this Agreement) defend Customer against such claim at NCCD's expense and NCCD will pay all damages that a court finally awards based solely on such claim, provided that Customer notifies NCCD in writing of such claim within 21 days of Customer's receipt of notice of the existence or possible existence of such claim, and further provided that Customer allows NCCD sole and exclusive control over the resolution of such claim and that Customer cooperates fully with NCCD, at NCCD's cost, in the defense of such claim and in any related settlement negotiations. 4 0577 7.2 Replacement, Refund. If such a claim is made or appears possible, NCCD may, using reasonable business judgment, either secure Customer’s right to continue to use SafeMeasuresB by modifying or replacing the portion of SafeMeasuresB that is the basis for the claim so that such portion of SafeMeasuresB is no longer infringing, or NCCD may provide Customer with a credit equal to the portion of previously paid Reporting Service Fee prorated to the remainder of the Term or Renewal Term of the Agreement. 8. Limitation of NCCD’s Liability, Consequential Damages. The cumulative liability of NCCD to Customer for all claims relating to SafeMeasuresB and any services rendered under this Agreement, will not exceed the total amount of all Reporting Service Subscription Fees paid to NCCD by Customer for SafeMeasuresB during the one-year period prior to the date NCCD is notified of such claim. This limitation will not apply to third parties indemnification obligations set forth in Section 7. In no event will NCCD be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential losses or damages even if NCCD has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. Except as set forth in Section 7, and solely to the extent provided therein, NCCD will not indemnify Customer in any way against any claim. 9. Customer Warranties. Customer warrants that: 10. 9.1 Customer will only allow access to SafeMeasuresB as permitted under this Agreement. If Customer wishes to extend its use of SafeMeasuresB beyond this Agreement, Customer will obtain NCCD’s prior written consent and pay the applicable Reporting Service Subscription Fees. 9.2 Customer will provide the requested case-based MIS data to NCCD using one of the methods described in Section 2, or if data is supplied by another party, execute all necessary agreements and permissions to release this data to NCCD. General. 10.1 Installation. Customer is responsible for providing access to the SafeMeasuresB website via the Internet to its users. NCCD will, as requested, provide reasonable assistance (up to three hours) with set-up of user workstations and use of SafeMeasuresB via telephone, fax, or email at no additional charge to the fees as outlined in Exhibit A. Customer may hire NCCD to provide additional training or assistance at the prevailing published rates plus travel expenses. 10.2 Notification of Rights. In copying SafeMeasuresB web reports as authorized under the terms of this Agreement, Customer will not remove, suppress, or modify any notice of copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights that appear in SafeMeasuresB. Customer will use reasonable efforts to keep persons with access to SafeMeasuresB from modifying or suppressing any of the copyright notices that appear on SafeMeasuresB media, documentation, files, and banners. 10.3 Service Fees. NCCD reserves the right to charge additional service fees if Customer seeks assistance for any other matters not explicitly covered by this Agreement. 4” *k. 5 0578 10.4 Complete Agreement, Modification of this Agreement. This Agreement contains the complete and final agreement of the parties and supersedes previous understandings related to the subject matter hereof whether oral or written. This Agreement may only be modified by an amendment signed by authorized representatives of NCCD and Customer. Any term in Customer’s purchase order that is in addition to or different from terms of this Agreement other than acceptance of the Reporting Service Fees for the Renewal Term, are not part of this Agreement. 10.5 Non-assiment. Neither this Agreement nor the rights of Customer under this Agreement may be transferred, leased, assigned, or shared without NCCD’s prior written consent. 10.6 Confidentiality. Customer will not disclose SafeMeasuresB Original Works to anyone other than its employees, consultants (who are bound by a written confidentiality agreement), volunteers, and interns except for information that is or later enters the public domain through no fault of Customer. 10.7 Waiver. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other default or breach of this Agreement or a subsequent waiver of that same default or breach. 10.8 Governing Law and Severability. The laws of the State of California and the United States govern this Agreement. Customer consents to jurisdiction and venue in the courts of Santa Cmz County, California or in the Federal District court in the Northern District of California, for any claims arising out of this Agreement. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid, that part will be omitted, but the balance of the Agreement will remain in h l l force and effect. 10.9 Survival. All provisions of this Agreement relating to warranties, confidentiality, non-disclosure, proprietary rights, limitation of liability, indemnification obligations, and payment obligation survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 10.10 Headings. The headings used herein are for reference and convenience only and will not be used to interpret any provision of this Agreement. 10.11 HIPAA Compliance. NCCD will utilize all reasonable means and due diligence to protect the confidentiality and security of Customer data. Customer acknowledges that the privacy and security regulations issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (the “HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules”) do not apply to the Customer data which is the subject of this Agreement, because the data is not subject to requirements of HIPAA. However, NCCD acknowledges that the Customer data may include health information and other information of a personal and sensitive nature, and will adopt and keep current confidentiality and security procedures that are reasonably consistent with the current professional standards recommended by the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. 6 0579 10.12 Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted under this Agreement will be in writing and will be delivered by personal delivery, email (with delivery receipt), registered mail return receipt requested, a "Next Day Air" delivery service, or by facsimile transmission, addressed to the parties indicated below: If to NCCD: NCCD 426 South Yellowstone Drive, Suite 250 Madison, Wisconsin 53719 Attn: Peter Quigley Phone: (608) 831-8882 Fax: (608) 831-6446 If to Customer: Family & Children's Services PO Box 1320 1400 Emeline Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: Deborah Bresnick Phone: 83 1-454-4285 Fax: 831-454-4717 E-mai1: deborah,br esn i ck @; t a- cmz .c Direct invoices to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Phone: 831-454-4187 Fax: 83 1-454-4025 7 0580 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. NCCD: Signature Signature f C e c i l i a Espinola Chris Baird Name Name Director, Human Services Department Title Executive Vice President Title 7/2/08' Date Date Santa Cruz County Counsel: Santa Cruz County Risk Management: A p p e d as to Form ' Date Approved as to Insurance ' Date 8 0581 Exhibit A Reporting Service and Additional Fees July 1,2008 -June 30,2010 Reporting Service $74,250 (reflects a 10% discount for two year contract) Payment Schedule 50% of reporting service fee ($37,125) on 7/1/08 (contract effective date) payable upon receipt of invoice. 50% of reporting service fee ($37,125) on 7/1/09 (anniversary date of contract) payable upon receipt of invoice. Training Included in the annual fee: Refresher training (if requested by Customer) Up to 4 half-day sessions (consecutive) in a computer training facility provided by the County to train all supervisors, managers, and administrators as requested by the County. AdditionaVOnsite Support/Training (if requested by Customet) For any additional onsite support or training, the following rates will apply under a separate agreement. Time and Materials at $150 per hour All Travel Expenses County Responsibilities Provide computer lab for training Designate at least one local SafeMeasures8 administrator to maintain user IDS and to coordinate with CRC the handling of questions or problems regarding SafeMeasuresB Provide access the Internet SafeMeasures8 site Source of Data The required MIS data is currently provided to NCCD by the State of California Department of Social Services (CDSS). In the event that CDSS permanently discontinues its provision of MIS data for SafeMeasuresB, Customer will have the option to either provide the required MIS data itself or terminate this Agreement with 30 days notice and receive a pro-rated refund of the Reporting Service Fee. 9 $. 0582 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO: Board of Supervisors County Administrative Ofice Auditor Controller &&Y By: Signaure certifies that appropriations/revenues are abailableAGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) a Expenditure Agreement Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. 1. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department and Children's Research Center, a division of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 426 SolJth YelloWStotlF! Dri 2. (Name/Address) The agreement will provide Consultation, develop and delivery of data reports of information entered into the two county child welfare databases, CWSlCMS and Structured Decision Making (SDM). 3. Period of the agreement is from jUly1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ to June 30,2009 Fixed E I M o n t h l y Rate Annual Rate Not to Exceed Remarks : Contact: Deborah Bresnick x4285 5. 6. c"-"iOn Continuing Agreements List for FY PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement Detail: Section II Ill ection IV Contract No: 83618-01 AppropriationsIRevenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 0 R =Ist Time Agreement (Subject) (Index) 3665 NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 have been Appropriations available and encumbered. are not Auditor-Confreder Deputy Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Dppartment Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa CruZ Human Services Departme t i5?/,6/0d BY: Date: Countv Adminktratide Office W Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4/08) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man ~ ~~ ~ AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY co Document No. TCllO Auditor Description JE Amount Lines H/TL Date I $ Amount Keyed By Index Sub - 0bject User Code 0583 Contract No. 83618 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT This Contract is entered into this 1st day of July 2008, by and between the COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUNTY, and NATIONAL COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY, located at 426 South Yellowstone Drive, Suite 250, Madison Wisconsin, 537 19, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The parties agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. results: CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following Provide a monthly service for the County of Santa Cruz, Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Division, which will include: consultation, develop and delivery of data reports of information entered into the two county child welfare databases, CWS/CMS and Structured Decision Making (SDM). 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNTY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $36,000, processed for payment upon receipt of invoice and approval of contract manager. Invoices shall be submitted monthly to: Human Services Department Attn: Fiscal - Accounts Payable P.O. Box 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Phone: 83 1-454-4187 Fax: 83 1-454-4025 Copies of invoices shall be submitted to: Family & Children’s Services POBox 1320 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 Attn: Deborah Bresnick Phone: 83 1-454-4285 Fax: 831-454-4717 E-mail: [email protected] 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: July 1,2008 through June 30,2009. 4. EARLY TERMINATION. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Page I 0584 INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless COUNTY (which for the purpose of paragraphs 5 and 6 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any lund or A. nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR’S performance under the terms of this Contract, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the COUNTY. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property(ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be B. paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR’S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minimum, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COUNTY and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COUNTY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR’S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR normally carries insurance in an amount greater than the minimum amount required by the COUNTY for this Contract, that greater amount shall become the minimum required amount of insurance for purposes of this Contract. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carried by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it performs in connection with this Contract. If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor’s Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to that required / . of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both initial here A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker’s Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts. This insurance coverage shall be required unless the CONTRACTOR has no employees and certifies to this fact by initialing here ( 1) Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR’S vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR’S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage is required unless the CONTRACTOR does not drive a vehicle in conjunction with any part of the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. * (4) Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $ Page 2 0585 combined single limit, if, and only if, this Subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COUNTY -I-. B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a “Claims (1) Made” rather than “Occurrence” form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter “post Contract coverage”) and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Contract. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: “The County of Santa Cruz, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured’s performance under its/his/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz.” All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: (3) “This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family & Children’s Services Attn: Deborah Bresnick PO Box 1320 1400 Emeline Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95061 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COUNTY on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Human Services Department Family & Children’s Services Attn: Deborah Bresnick PO Box 1320 1400 Emeline Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95061 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: During and in relation to the A. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 1S), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of Page 3 0586 compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if B. CONTRACTOR employees fifteen ( 15 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees (1) placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 18), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, selection for training (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR’S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for MinoritylWomedDisabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUNTY General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR’S non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs (3) 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (15 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNTY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc .) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNTY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNTY has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNTY may SECONDARY FACTORS: exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The shll required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUNTY supplies the instrumentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COUNTY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNTY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and (i) The COUNTY conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is an indeDendent contractor. Page 4 0587 By their signatures on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contractor. 9. NONASSIGNMENT. written consent of the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literature that the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has provided funding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after final payment under this Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Contract. Presentation and processing of any or all claims PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. 12. arising out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cruz County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Exhibit A: Scope of Services and Budget 14. LIVING WAGE. section is initialed by COUNTY This Contract is covered under Living Wage provisions if this If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNTY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a living wage to covered employees (per County Code Chapter 2.122.050, non-profit contractors are exempt from the living wage rate requirement of this chapter, but are not exempt from, and must adhere to, the “non-wage” related requirements of County Code Chapter 2.122.100,2.122.130, and 2.122.140, as well as all other applicable portions of County Code Chapter 2.122). Non-compliance with these Living Wage provisions during the term of the Contract will be considered a material breach, and may result in termination of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or administrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cruz County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. NON-PROFIT CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract: A. The WEB LINKS - If a non-profit CONTRACTOR has an organizational web site, it shall be a requirement of this Contract to provide links to the HelpSCC (, Santa Cruz County Government (, and Workforce Santa Cruz County ( web sites. MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT AGENCIES. Each of the 16. following requirements shall be met, in addition to any other requirements of this Contract. Page 5 4 0588 A. Within 180 days of the end of each of the CONTRACTOR’S fiscal years occurring during the term of this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Contract Administrator with two copies of Financial Statements relating to the entirety of the CONTRACTOR’S operations. Financial statements normally include: (1) a Statement of Financial Position or Balance Sheet; (2) a Statement of Activities or Statement of Revenues and Expenses; (3) a Cash Flow Statement; and (4) a Statement of Functional Expenses. The Contract Administrator will forward one copy of the financial statements to the Auditor-Controller. (1) For the purposes of this paragraph, “CONTRACTOR’S fiscal year” shall be that period the CONTRACTOR utilizes for its annual budget cycle. (2) The Contract Administrator with concurrence of the County Auditor-Controller may agree to extend the deadline for the Financial Statements required by this paragraph. B. In the sole discretion of the County, the requirements of this paragraph may be exempted where the Contract Administrator and the County Auditor-Controller ascertain that such reporting is not essential, and both certiQ to its inapplicability by initialing here (Aud); (CA). C. The CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to provide the Contract Administrator with timely notice of any event or circumstance that materially impairs the CONTRACTOR’S financial position or substantially interferes with the CONTRACTOR’S ability to offer the services it has agreed to provide as set forth in this Contract. The Contract Administrator shall notifjr the Auditor-Controller of any impairment upon being notified by the contractor. D. For audit authority of the Auditor-Controller refer to the paragraph on “Retention and Audit of Records.” 17. MISCELLANEOUS. This written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the parties’ agreement forming the basis for this Contract. The parties agree that this written Contract supersedes any previous written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a written document signed by all parties. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation arising out of this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one of the contracting parties may reside outside of the County of Santa cruz. Page 6 0589 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. 3. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 1. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY By: SIGNED Company Name: I r_r, Address: 426 South Yellowstone Drive, Suite 250 Madison, WI 53719 Telephone: 608.83 1.8882 Fax: Email: 2. 608.83 1.6446 +&m@ vvLb3sA APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management 4. Dhte DISTRIBUTION: Family & Children’s Services Auditor-Controller Risk Management Contractor Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0590 Exhibit A Scope of Services -Fiscal Year 08-09 Children’s Research Center a division of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency 1. Purpose of Contract: The purpose of this contract is to provide monthly data reporting services to meet the County of Santa Cmz’s Human Services Department, Family and Children’s Services (FCS) specific data analysis needs. These data analysis needs were initially identified in a community assessment process from 2007, which resulted in Santa Cruz County’s current System Improvement Plan (SIP). One of the strategies of the SIP is to increase FCS and stakeholder knowledge on the local child welfare system by having on-going reviews of the characteristics and outcomes of children and families involved with FCS. These reviews will increase the capacity of staff to monitor and affect systems improvement efforts. A key component of this review will be the development and submission of data reports by the contractor, Children’s Research Center (CRC) a division of National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). 2. Contract Description: Children’s Research Center (CRC) shall provide ad hoc and routine monthly reports, developed from the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) data and Structured Decision Making (SDM) data. a. Number of Reports: The contractor will develop and submit a routine set of up to five monthly reports. In addition, each month FCS can request up to three ad hoc reports. Contractor shall provide these ad hoc reports within ten business days of county request. The five routine reports will be provided each month on a date agreed upon by the County of Santa Cruz and Contractor. b. Types of Reports: These ad hoc and routine reports will be conducted via queries on any fields available in CWS/CMS or Safe Measures to which the Contractor can obtain access. Examples of these reports include lists of children with particular characteristics such as having parents who FCS has determined to be abusing substances and reports on the demographics of children with specific risk levels. C. Documentation of Reports: Contractor shall provide a detailed methodology of the development and structure of the report at time of delivery. A web-based trackmg system will be used to submit all requests identifying submission date and time and request status. For routine reports, the methodology only needs to be provided by the Contractor once, and does not have to be submitted with each updated monthly. For any subsequent revisions, the methodology would also only be provided once. d. Phone consultation: Contractor shall provide consultation on reports to assist FCS with developing internal consistency and reliability of data. Phone meetings shall occur on a monthly basis or as needed. A County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department, FCS Analyst will be a liaison to CRC for this project. It is noted that upon learning of data transmission issues with State, Contractor must notify the County via e-mail. e. Other: Concurrent planning resource allocation assessment. Contractor shall provide consultation and analysis for the concurrent planning resource allocation assessment. This is an extension of work started in 2008 and will continue through the contract period. Consulting and analysis will be provided in lieu of ad hoc requests as agreed upon between Contractor and County. Page 8 0591 3. Contract Budget and Deliverables: Costs are based on a monthly service fee. Payments in equal installments will be made over the time of the contract. 1 11 I 1 Services and Deliverables Timeline 1 Total Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc Reports July 2008 $3,000 Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc Reports August 2008 $3,000 Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc Reports September 200 8 $3,000 Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc Reports October 2008 $3,000 Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc Reports Delivery of up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports 1I November 2o08 December 2008 I I $3,000 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports January 2009 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports February 2009 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports March 2009 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports April 2009 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports May 2009 $3,000 Delivery of Up to 5 routine reports and 3 ad hoc reports June 2009 $3,000 I Totalcost Page 9 $36,000 b 1 * '1 ad. t? .-j COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST F ~ APPROVAL R OF AGREEMENT e 4 c TO: Board of Supervisors !ARTM ENT r County Administrative d i c e Auditor Controller 9/!55/g' (Signature) a e) Signature certifies that appropriations/revenues are available k EExpenditure Agreement AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) Revenue Agreement The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. Said Agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department 1. ,:,anoirst 5 Santa Cruz County Commission, P. 0. Box 1456, Capitola, CA 95010 '. 2. The agreement (NarnelAddress) provide First Five funding agreement with Human Services to develop and implement the Differential Response System 3. Period of the agreement is from jUiy1, 2008 4. Anticipated Cost is $ 479,147 to June 30,2009 A DFixed D M o n t h l y Rate PageCCNo Board Letter required, will be listed under item 8 Board Letter Required Revenue Agreement 5. --" Detail: I j O n Continuing Agreements List for FY L.-1 Section II Section Ill Section IV 6. E A n n u a l Rate Contract No: R851 Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 392100 Not to Exceed 0 R r----' L-.."",l 1st Time Agreement (Subject) (Index) 2384 I NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATTACHED COMPLETED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 ~ ~~~~~ 38 t.\, 5 I Contract No; are 01 I\ \ 08 encumbered. Appropriations will be are not Date: By: I t " \ A u d i t o r - C o n k h e puty Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize the Human Services Department Director to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department Date: 6//b/& By: &%tup/t r" ,.-Countv Administrahve Office W r- Distribution: Board of Supervisors - White Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (4/08) Title 1, Section 300 Proc Man .j& , Bv: DeDutv Clerk AUDITOR-CONTROLLER USE ONLY &. co Document No. TC110 Auditor Description JE Amount Lines HT I,! / J' Date I $ Amount Keyed By Index Sub-object User Code Con tract #08-09-00 1 SERVICE AGREEMENT PARTIES TO AGREEMENT: First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission, hereinafter called 1. "COMMISSION", and the County of Santa Cruz by and through the Human Services Department, hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR", hereby agree as follows: TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective as of July 1,2008 2. and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2009 unless sooner terminated in accordance with paragraph 19. 3. BASIS OF PAYMENT: In consideration of services rendered, COMMISSION shall pay CONTRACTOR on A. the basis of appropriate claims submitted to the COMMISSION in accordance with Exhibit "A" ("ExpendituresPositions and Salaries"), incorporated herein by reference, to be submitted by CONTRACTOR to COMMISSION prior to the release of any payments under this Agreement. In no event shall the cumulative payments made by COMMISSION to CONTRACTOR under this Agreement exceed the sum of $479,147 These funds may not be used to supplant other funds. In accordance with Exhibit "A" ("ExpendituresPositions and Salaries"), B. CONTRACTOR shall be permitted to make transfers within the category of "General Expenses." Transfers within the "Personnel Expenses" category may also be made. Transfers between the categories of "Personnel Expenses" and "General Expenses" may be made providing the transfer is less than 10% of the total budget. Transfers between budget categories totaling more than 10% of the budget may be made only upon prior written approval of the Executive Director of First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission. All fixed assets purchased under this Agreement, and valued in excess of $1,000.00 C. at the time of purchase, shall become the property of the COMMISSION at the conclusion or termination of this Agreement unless a different disposition is agreed to in writing by the COMMISSION. D. CONTRACTOR shall submit grant request/expenditure report forms as provided by the COMMISSION for any payments made under this Agreement. E. Upon "final execution" of the Contract and receipt of all required documents, the CONTRACTOR may receive, upon request, a three-month advance. Subsequently CONTRACTOR shall submit a monthly expenditure report by the third Monday of each month for the previous month's expenditures. Upon submission and approval of these reports, CONTRACTOR will receive a reimbursement for the reported month's expenditures within 10 working days. Due to varying dates of when each agency closes its books, an agency shall be granted a three-day grace period to submit a monthly expenditure report. However, if the report is submitted within this three-day grace period, it is not guaranteed that a check will be cut within ten working days. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\O8-09 ContractsV008-09 HSD doc 1 ’ The final report is due to the COMMISSION on or before July 20,2009. All unused hnds, including the unused portions of any advance or interest on any advance, shall be returned to the COMMISSION at that time. CONTRACTOR may receive an advance only if it provides an original Certificate of F. Insurance naming the COMMISSION as loss payee and which must be submitted to the COMMISSION as part of the advance request and at renewal as in paragraph 9B(4). G. CONTRACTOR shall not use cash advances to provide working capital for nonCOMMISSION programs, and when possible such advances shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts, and the interest used to reduce program costs. Carry-over of any portion of an advance or interest from an advance into a subsequent fiscal year is prohibited. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Unless CONTRACTOR is a public entity, it shall comply with evaluation requirements A. to monitor fulfillment of client outcome objectives, terms and conditions and all other requirements contained in COMMISSION approved Exhibit “B” (“Scope of Work-FY 08-09”), attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. CONTRACTOR shall provide all of the work described in Exhibit “B” (“Scope of Work-FY 08-09”). Substandard performance as determined by the Executive Director of First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission shall constitute non-compliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by CONTRACTOR within a reasonable period of time, as specified by the Executive Director of First 5 Santa Cruz County, the COMMISSION may take action to enforce its rights under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, initiating early termination of the Agreement pursuant to paragraph 19. 4. CONTRACTOR shall participate and cooperate fully with any evaluation services vendor selected by the COMMISSION. CONTRACTOR shall also participate and cooperate hlly with any California First 5 Commission evaluation services vendor. CONTRACTOR shall establish and use outcome based evaluation to assess the quality and effectiveness of services provided under this Agreement. This outcome-based evaluation shall, at a minimum, consist of the following: 1. Identification of target population including projected nuinber of clients to be served by this Agreement. 2. Identification of appropriate and measurable client outcome. 3. Identification of appropriate implementation activities to meet client outcome. 4. Identification of appropriate method of measurement. 5. True and complete collection, reporting, and submission of Client Characteristic and Outcome related data to COMMISSION, Commission evaluation services vendor, and/or California First 5 Commission evaluation services vendor. Outcome data will not be deemed final until verified by COMMISSION’S evaluation services vendor. B. Unless CONTRACTOR is a public entity, it shall submit evidence of incorporation by the State of California to the COMMISSION in order for payments to be made to CONTRACTOR. Payments to CONTRACTOR shall not be made if Articles of Incorporation and a valid tax ID number have not been submitted. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\08-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 2 ' CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly reports to COMMISSION on activities as C. specified in Exhibit "B" ("Scope of Work-FY 08-09"), and such additional reports as may be requested by the COMMISSION, describing work progress in completing the approved objectives under this Agreement by the following dates: Quarter 1 - October 20,2008 Quarter 2 - January 20,2009 Quarter 3 -April 20,2009 Quarter 4 - July 20,2009 Quarterly reports shall consist of programmatic and evaluative reports that shall include a fully completed "Quarterly Report on Outcomes" and client characteristic data submitted using the "Client Characteristic Data Sheet" until otherwise determined by Commission. Quarterly submissions shall include all client outcome data collected and presented in the format specified by First 5 Santa Cruz County. D. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for reporting to COMMISSION any difficulties in complying with the terms and provisions of this Agreement at the earliest possible date. E. The Board of Directors of CONTRACTOR shall be vested with responsibility for the administration of the program to be conducted under this Agreement, and shall review all monitoring reports and notices of corrective actions/recommendations provided by the COMMISSION. CONTRACTOR shall report on progress toward completion of corrective actiondrecommendations in its final quarterly report to COMMISSION. F. The timely submission of all reports is a necessary and material term and condition of this Agreement. COMMISSION may stop payments under this Agreement when CONTRACTOR has not submitted quarterly reports to COMMISSION according to the dates specified in subparagraph 4C. G. If applicable, CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all the special conditions contained in Exhibits ''D" ("Amendment of Auto Liability Insurance Requirement"), "D 1I' ("Amendment of Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance Requirement"), or "D2" ("Insurance Representations by CONTRACTOR"), attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, in the provision of services under this Agreement. H. The CONTRACTOR agrees that whenever information related to the program funded under this Agreement appears on or in purchased materials, reports, the media or in CONTRACTOR publications, CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge the financial support of the First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission according to the COMMISSION'S Acknowledgement Guidelines, incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "E" if CONTRACTOR and First 5 Santa Cruz County both initial here &/ / . P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\OE-09 ContractA2008-09 HSD doc 3 The CONTRACTOR agrees to participate in the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities I. (MAA) program, and to include MAA activities (such as Medi-Cal outreach and planning, assistance with Medi-Cal eligibility, and access to Medi-Cal program services) and to report on MAA activities quarterly and/or participate in an annual time-study, if CONTRACTOR and First 5 Santa Cruz County both initial here @ / q. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the Santa Cruz County Cultural Competence J. Guidelines, incorporated herein b,y re erence as Exhibit “F” if CONTRACTOR and First 5 Santa 1% . Cruz County both initial here d A The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the First 5 California Principles on Equity, K. incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “G” if CONTRACTOR and First 5 Santa Cruz County both initial here / The CONTRACTOR agrees to establish a Customer Service Plan by defining its L. agency’s standards and its plan to provide excellent customer service, by reference as Exhibit “H” if CONTRACTOR and First 5 Santa Cruz County both initial here / & FISCAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROGRAMMATIC RECORDS: 5. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Agreement for a period of not less than five ( 5 ) years after the final payment under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to make all fiscal, administrative, programmatic and client records available to the COMMISSION, the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or any authorized representative thereof, upon request, during the term of this Agreement and for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Agreement for monitoring and audit purposes and to verify CONTRACTOR’S compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 6. TRANSFER OF DATA AND RECORDS: CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COMMISSION with all records required by the COMMISSION for the evaluation of the services contracted and/or program. Such records may be used by the COMMISSION for evaluation purposes. CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION agree to comply with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding the transfer of records that contain confidential and/or client-identifiable information. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY: Except as expressly authorized in writing by the client, the CONTRACTOR shall protect from unauthorized disclosure, except as authorized by the client in writing, names and other identifying information concerning persons receiving services under this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall also comply with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding the confidentiality of records and information it acquires. 8. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS: CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County of Santa Cruz and the COMMISSION (which for the purpose of paragraphs 8 and 9 shall include, without limitation, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers) from and against: P.\2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\O8-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 4 ' A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which the County of Santa Cruz or the COMMISSION may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTORS performance under the terms of this Agreement, excepting any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the County of Santa Cruz or the COMMISSION. Such indemnification includes any damage to the person(s), or property(ies) of CONTRACTOR and third persons. Any and all Federal, State, and local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to B. be paid with respect to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR'S officers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Agreement (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). INSURANCE: A self-insured public entity shall be exempt from the requirements of this 9. paragraph, otherwise, CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Agreement (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain at minimum compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Such insurance coverage shall be primary coverage as respects COMMISSION and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COMMISSION shall be in excess of CONTRACTOR'S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor's Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage for each subcontractor equivalent to that required of CONTRACTOR in this Agreement, unless CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION both initial here / . A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits Worker's Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage ( 1) amounts. This insurance coverage shall not be required if CONTRACTOR has no employees and . certifies to this fact by initialing here Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR's vehicles used in (2) the performance of this Agreement, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR'S employees), leased or hired vehicles, shall be provided in the minimum amount of $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. This insurance coverage shall not be required if vehicle use by CONTRACTOR is not a material part of performance of this Agreement and CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION both certifL to this fact by initialing here / . Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the (3) minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad form property damage, (d) contractual liability, and (e) cross-liability. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\08-09 Contracts'12008-09 HSD doc 5 ' Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 (4) combined single limit, if, and only if the subparagraph is initialed by CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION / . B. Other Insurance Provisions If any insurance coverage required hereunder is provided on a "Claims Made" (1) rather than "Occurrence" form, CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration date of this Agreement (hereinafter "post agreement coverage") and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post agreement coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post agreement coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided during the term of this Agreement. For purposes of interpreting this requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last annual policy premium during the term of this Agreement in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post agreement coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (2) Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: "The First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities oJ or on behalfox the named insured performed under agreement with the Commission." (3) All required insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: "This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to: Executive Director, First 5 Santa Cruz County Commission, P. 0.Box 145 7, Capitola, CA 9501 0 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of (4) these insurance provisions and provide COMMISSION on or before the effective date of this Agreement and the time of renewal of each required insurance policy with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. The timely submission of Certificates of Insurance is a necessary and material term and condition of this Agreement. COMMISSION may stop payments under this Agreement when Certificates of Insurance have not been submitted to COMMISSION by CONTRACTOR within fifteen (15) days after effective date of Agreement and within fifteen (15) days after expiration date of each required insurance policy. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: First 5 Santa Cruz County, P.O. Box 1457, Capitola, California 95010. 10. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: During and in relation to the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for A. employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition (cancer related and genetic characteristics), marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age (over 18), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\O8-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 6 * Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: recruitment; advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training (including apprenticeship); employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. The CONTRACTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. If this Agreement provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR B. and CONTRACTOR employs fifteen (1 5 ) or more employees, the following requirements shall apply: (1) The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition (cancer related and genetic characteristics), marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age (over 18), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unrelated to job duties. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR'S solicitation of goods and services. Definitions for Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises are available from the COMMISSION and shall be based on the Definitions authorized by the Santa Cruz County General Services Purchasing Division. (2) The CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMMISSION Equal Employment Opportunity Office information and reports in the prescribed reporting format (PER 40 12), identifying the sex, race, physical or mental disability, and job classification of its employees, and the names, dates and methods of advertisement and direct solicitation efforts made to subcontract with Minority/Women/Disabled Owned Business Enterprises. (3) The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of Subparagraph 1OB to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Agreement by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (1 5 ) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. C. No person or client shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, age (over 18), or veteran status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program conducted under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall implement written grievancekomplaint procedures regarding D. the nod-discrimination provisions of this Agreement within 30 days of its effective date and shall post its non-discrimination policies and said grievancelcomplaint procedures in conspicuous places available to all clients, employees and applicants for employment. In the event of the CONTRACTORS non-compliance with the non-discrimination E. clauses of this Agreement or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further agreements with the COMMISSION. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\OS-09 ContractsVOOS-09 HSD doc 7 ’ 11. PARTISAN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: No monies, property or services received by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall be used in the Performance of any partisan political activity, or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. 12. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP: There shall be no religious worship, instruction or proselytization as part of or in connection with the CONTRACTOR’S performance of this Agreement. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS: The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the Federal and State governments in operating these programs, including Titles I1 and I11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and any other sections of said Act which may apply. SUBCONTRACT AND ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: CONTRACTOR shall not assign this Agreement or subcontract any portion thereof A. without the prior written consent of the COMMISSION. 14. In the event any subcontractor is approved for any portion of the activities carried out B. under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR retains the primary responsibility for carrying out all terms of this Agreement, including the responsibility for ensuring the availability and retention of records of subcontractors. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to monitor all activities of the subcontractor to assure services set forth herein are adequately performed. The CONTRACTOR shall assure the proper administration of all services provided by the subcontractor. CONTRACTOR’S required reports referenced throughout this Agreement shall include information on all subcontractor activities. The CONTRACTOR shall be held responsible by the COMMISSION for the performance of any subcontractor. No funds from this Agreement shall be paid to a subcontractor for work performed C. after termination of this Agreement. 15. INTEGRATED DOCUMENTS PROVISION: This instrument contains all of the agreements, understandings, and representations, warranties and covenants made between the parties hereto. Unless set forth herein, neither party shall be liable for any representations made, and all modifications and amendments made hereto must be made in writing. Exhibits attached to this agreement and incorporated by reference are checked as follows: X X X X X X X “Expenditures/Positions and Salaries” “Scope of Work - FY 08-09” “Tobacco Control Policy” “Amendment of Automobile Liability Insurance Requirement” “Amendment of Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance Requirement” Exhibit D2, “Insurance Representations By Contractor” “Acknowledgement Guidelines Exhibit E, “Santa Cruz County Cultural Competence Guidelines” Exhibit F, Exhibit G, “Principles on Equity” Exhibit H, “Customer Service Plan” Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit D 1, P \ZOOS-2009 Direct Senice Grants\OS-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 8 16. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: CONTRACTOR and its employees, and members including officers of its governing Board shall avoid any actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest pertaining to services provided under this Agreement. 17. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondary factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COMMISSION. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (Worker’s Compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COMMISSION agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for herein. A. PRINCIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COMMISSION has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, B. COMMISSION may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substantial; (b) CONTRACTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather than under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill required in the particular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COMMISSION supplies the instrumentalities, tools, and work place; (f) The length of time for which CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limited duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permissive activity, program, or project, rather than part of the regular business of COMMISSION; (i) CONTRACTOR and COMMISSION believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employer-employee relationship; and (i)The COMMISSION conducts public business. It is recognized that it is not necessary that all secondary factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are significant secondary factors, which indicate that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. By their signatures to this Agreement, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Agreement is in fact an independent contractor. 18. AVAILABLE FUNDS: This Agreement is valid and enforceable only if sufficient funds are available to the COMMISSION for the fiscal year for the purposes of these programs. In addition, this Agreement is subject to any additional restrictions, limitations, or conditions enacted either by the State or Federal government, which may affect the provisions, terms, or funding of this Agreement in any manner. 19. EARLY TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days prior written notice to the other party. 20. TOBAC,CO CONTROL POLICY: The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the Tobacco Control Policyiset fofth in Exhib’it “C” which is attached to and made a part of this Agreement by this reference.. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\08-09 Contracts\Z008-09 HSD doc 9 SIGNATURE PAGE FIRST 5 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY DATED: q*\!b)% By: % j u / Susan True, Executive Director First 5 Santa Cruz County CONTRACTOR DATED: T - l L / W m9 By: CONTRACTOR'S Auth. Representzve Cecilia Espinola, Director Typed Name/Title County of Santa Cruz nt Organization ~ l i n pAvenue Address Santa Cruz, CA 95060 State City Zip 831- 454- 4031 Phone Tax ID # Distribution : Commission Auditor-Controller Contractor 4PPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE: Risk Management P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\08-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 10 Exhibit "A" Expenditures/Positions and Salaries HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL EXPENSES I Ey;es,s I I 1 I (12 months) Program ~~~~ Total to Date Program TOTAL Funds Expenses Remaining 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAI Total Program Budget 12 Months 0.00 0.00 0.00 Period(s) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Period Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 PrintindCopying Telephone/Fax Rent/Occupancy Postage Subcontract-(Funds will be contracted with Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center.) SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479,147.00 0.00 479,147.00 0.00 0.00 0 .oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479,147.00 0.00 479,147.00 None Personnel Benefits & Payroll Taxes I GENERAL EXPENSES Training/Conferences Supplies Travel EQUIPMENT Other SUBTOTALI TOTALS SUBTOTAL: DIRECT EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE/INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 I 479,147.00 0.00 479,147.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 479,147.00 0.00 479,147.00 EXHIBIT "A' a, m m a. Exhibit "B" a, a2 P (3, m T T 0 v 00 0 0 .. N L 00 (P rc $ 0 nl I (P a, v) rn 0 (3, a. . I U N >r z -r (3, a, 2 .-0 c a, > F L1. >r L rn U c 0 0 a, v, .. c, S Q) S = C rn 00 \c 0 M .. Iz .-.0 r C a, > E! a. 2 m U c 8a cn .. .c, C aa c 0 2 0 0 S m $1 0 . I T T 0 9 a3 0 0 cv a3 Y- O a, a, tu n 'p S (II 2 tu 73 I= 0 0 a, CA .. c, C Q) S 0 v) a, ! 3 Z ui 0) .I . I I E 22 'EJ 0) .c1 aa L m .c1 5 . I 3 r 0 tn" m 0 0 > m 'EJ = S m 5 Y I m aa 1= .-0ua m aa z> 9 2 'EJ S m U S m .c1 2 aa U C 3 od .. aa > . I .c1 0 0) 9' 0 0) E (P L 3 ua m 0 0 5 00 re 0 00 E F 0, e Q C .-0 -c, S 9a, .. - C .-0 C a, > E a, >r I (u U c 0 0 a, 03 .. .c, S Q) S 0 E" 0 0 & a, 0) CU [L ABC AGEMCY - BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION I Whereps, the ABC cy is committed to improving the health of children in Santa Cruz County; Whereas, 13% of households with children in Califopia still allow smoking in their homes; Whereas, parental smoking kills more than 6,000children in the U.S. each year from respiratory illnesses, SIDS, perinatal deaths, and fire-related injuries; Whereas, secondhand tobacco Smoke causes up to 3,120new cases of pediatric asthma per year in California; Whereas, the tobacco industry has denied the detrimental effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and has consistently fought regulations that would ban smoking in workplaces and other public places; Whereas, the nicotine found in tobacco is considered to be as addictive or more addictive than cocaine and heroin; Whereas, the profits from selling tobacco, which comes at the expense of human lives and suffering, are being used to fund elected officials, organizations; and special events; Whereas’,. the tobacco industry is contributing money in order to gain legiti organizations, thereby “laundering” the true nature of their product and its good of 9 which states that the agency agrees to their revenues from tobacco products. 1 understand that failure to implement these bolic future funding opportunities with First 5 Santa Cr end of.the contract period may negatively affect . APPROVED: Signature - Board Chair Date Print name .. a. Complete text of policies are outlined in the following pages. Exhibit T” COMPREHENSIVE SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENT POLICY DEFINITION I. NO Smoking: There will be no smoking in any agency facility at any time. Designated smoking Areas: The decision to prwkle or not provide designated smoking areas outside the building will be at the discretion of the Program Director. Designated smoking areas will be located out of children's sight, away from the main entrances to the building, and at least 15 feet away from the main entrance. All smoking trash, including butts and matches, will be extinguished and disposed of in appropriate containers. 2. Outdoor Reasonable Distance: Smoking shall be prohibited at least 15 fed away from the buiiding to ensure that smoke does not enter the area through entrances, windows, ventilation systems, or any other means. The of this requirement is,to ensure that indoor occupants and those entering or leaving the building are ondhand smoke. 3. Agency Vehicles: There will be no smoking in any agency vehicle at any-time. There wjll be no tobacco use in personal vehicles when transporting clients on authorized business. 4. Pmtectiqn of Children: There yilt be no smoking by staff or volunteers when children ire present. This includes or and qutdoor.activities. . . < ,walks, and o!hm &-site mtiv @ofuntd$wing offaff and VOhrRtetxs will the pgrpose of a smoking staff and together they wilt develop 5, B Q X I ~ SSupetiisori : will discuss the issue of l r l ~ iqtdrfere f with the effective solutions tw 6. The policy shall apply to at?ofhite activilies.and'functiods. I PROCEDURE 1. Staff will be informed of this poky through signs posted in the agency's facilities and vehicles, the Procedures Manual, and orientations and/or trainings provided by their supervisors, 2- Volunteers, parentslclients, and participants will be informed through the following methods: a. The policy shall be stated in the clienVparent handbook. bb NO SMOKING signs shall be prominently posted in the facB#is, doorways, and v e h b k w j f h : m m M n g information clearly displayed at the bottom: To Rte a complaint, contact the Santa C n u C M Q Public Health Department, Tobacco Education Program: (SSl) 4544319. Sbns will be posted OR pateMClient bulletin boards on the effective date ofthe policy and i# necessary at other times during the p a r . C. Announcements will be made during PWenffdient orientation and 8s needed. d. Explanations of the policy will be attached to field kip and homevisit notfftcations, e. Other communications mechanisms deemed appropilate by the director. C 2 * 34. 5. DEFINR'ION 1. The agency shall not receive nor solicit contributions from any tobacco company or its subsidiaries**at any time. PROCEDURE j , In the event that any tobacco CORpanY, tobacco executive, or tobacco-related function attempt to contact agency staff, the details of the activity, including agency staff contacted, name of tobacco representative, date and time of contact, will be reported to the Santa Cruz County Public Health Department, Tobacco Education Program: (831) 454-4319. 2. Staff will be informed of this policy through the Procedures Manual, and at orientations and/or trainings provided by their supervisors. ** A comprehensive list of tobacco companies and their subsidiaries will be provided by the Santa Cruz County Public Health Department, Tobacco Education Program. DIVESTMENT FROM TOBACCO POLICY Investments in the tobacco industry promote the use of tobacco products worldwide by financially supporting the industry. If the investment is to be profitable, the industry must sell its product. Unfortunately, in the case of tobacco in the United States, the industry's product kills more people than AIDS, alcohol, drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires cornblned, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco investments also send the wrong message to the public, especially young peopie. Therefore, it shall be the policy of First 5 Grantees and Contractors to divest any investments in compzjnjes which derive more than 15% of their revenue from tobacco products. Through divestment from tobacco, First 5 Santa Cruz County supports the health of all Santa Cruz County children and families. DEEINITION 1.' The agency shall not invest, in the form of stock or bonds, in any company which derives more than 15y0 Of their revenue from tobacco products. 2. The agency shall divest, or sell any current tobacco stocks and bonds with which it holds in any company**that derives more than 15% of their revenue from tobacco products. PROCEDURE . - I. The agency shall demonstrate a good faith effortto divest from tobacco upon the effective date of this Policy* 3 a h, W event that amy iobacco company, t-eo exwuthe, w €obmm-rdatedfunctwnattempt the details of the activity, including agency 1 ge reported to the Santa Cruz C ?'9. 3. J L 4 the -r o ~ g c oCompanyMlebsitelFunding a Opportunities Subsidiary NarneWebsblBmnds correct since changes in corporate and pmdu Altria Group, Inc. (formerlyPhilip Morris) Altria Group, Inc. includes: Kraft Foods, Philip Morris USA, Philip Morris International, Philip Morris Capita! Corporation, and South African Brewing Company/Miller Beer Major Name Brands: Kraft, Post Cereals, Nabisco, Oscar Meyer, Louis Rich Beveragles Coffee General Foods International Coffees Gevalia. Maxim Maxwell House Sanka Yuban Altria Group, Inc. and Kraft Foods North America provide grants for hunger, domestic violence, arts, humanitarian aid, and environmental programs. Altria Group Inc. “corporafe citizenship”groups include: Hunger Prevention Senior Helpings (a partner of the national Meals on Wheels Foundation) Senior Helpings Community Coalitions Positive Helpings (Meals on Wheels for people living with HIWAIDS) Community Kitchens [training for unemployed men and women in food service industry) Kraft Food Rescue Initiative Kraft Seafood Initiative Q 0 Domestic Violence ’ Frozen‘Treats Koo.l-Aid slushies Powdered Soft Drinks Country Time. lemonade Crystal Light Kool-Aid Tang ReadyltoLDri nk CapriSun Country Time lemonade Crystal Light Kool-Aid Bursts Altria Doors of Hope Program (Domestic Violence Prevention, includes Core services grants for legal assistance, individuallfamily Convenient Meals counseling; Community Awareness’grants for public education; Food forSuyival Bacon grants to hp@individuals seeking fefuge OscarMeyer from abuse-With immediate food ‘neeqs;and Louis Rich corporate outreach including more tMn 40 international conferences to educate business community on domestic violence Cold Cuts issues). OscarMeyer Q VisuallPerforming Arts Funding for emerging artists - and new works Louis Rich Dinner Kits ._.. . Tobacco CompanyMebsitelFunding Subsidfary NameMIebsitelBrands ’ Opportunities Additional ProgjramslPiartnetships m . Frozen Pizza DiGiorno Positive Youth Philip Morris U Jack’s Prevention Program) Tombstone Know Your Money: Azpartnershipwith Natienal Urban League to provide young Hot Dogs African-American professionals with strategies for effective money panagernent) 9 OscarMeyer Humanitarian Aid for national and international disasters Lunch Combinations EnvironmentlAgriculture including Shared Lunchables Solutions program supporting innovative agricultural projects Founding partner of the National AfDS Fund Philip Morris “Communi$y Involvement” Philip Morris USA primarily funds programs in cities where ifsemployees live and work, especially in Richmond Virginia and Cabarras County North Carolina.. Macaroni and Cheese Dinner It‘s Pasta Anytime Kraft Kraft Easy Mac Velveeta Meat AIternaSives Boca Meat Snacks Tombstbne Pastas and Sauces DiGiorno Snacks . Cookies . Barnurn’s Animals B~SCOS Cafe’Creme Cameo GhipsAhty! . c (Pueho Rico M y ) * D 9 I -.. --.- D&& (Puerto Rico only) FWmus Chocolate Wafers Family Favorites Old Fashioned Ginger Snqps ‘obaccoCompanyMlebsitelFunding )pportunities Subsidiary NameMlebsb/Brands D D D B D m m B m I Honey Bran (Puerto Rico only) Konitos (Puerto Rico only) Lorna Doone Mallomars Marshmallo Twirls Nabisco National Arrowroot Newtons Nilla NutterButter Ore0 Peakfreans Pecan Passion Pecanz Pinwheels Snackwell’s Social Tea Stella D’Oro Sweetie Pie (Puerto Rico only) Teddy Grahams Wild Thornberry’s Crackers e Air Crisps m 0 e a e a 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e Better Cheddars Cheese Nips Club Social (Puerto Rico only) Crown Pilot Doo Dad Flavor Crisps Harvest Crisps Honey Maid Nabisco Grahams Nabs . Premium Ritz . Royal Lunch Snackwell’s Stoned Wheat Thins Sportz (Puerto Rico only) c . -- . Tobacco CompanyMlebsitelFunding Opportunities Subsidiary NameMlebsOtelBrands Sultana (Puerto Rico only) Triscuit Uneeda Waverly Wheatsworth Wheat Thins Zwieback Ice Cream Cones CometCups Packaged Food Combinations Handi-Snacks Lunchabies Refrigerated Ready to Eat Jell-0 . Handi-Snacks Snack Nuts Corn Nuts PB Crisps Planters Sugar Confectionary ‘ b b 9 Altoids Caliard & Bowser Cremesavers hard candy Cremesaveis soft candy Jet-Puffed Kraft caramels Life Savers Milka Lil-Scoops Nabisco Fun Fruits Terry’s Toblerone Trolli Cheese Cold Pack Cheese Woody’s 4 ---.. . -, .- . . ...-- ...- . * robacco CompanyMlebsitelFunding Opportunities iubsidiary NameWebsitelBrands >ottage Cheese Breakstone’s I Knudsen Light n’ Lively 1 >ream Cheese Philadelphia Temp-tee 1 1 Stated Cheese Kraft 1 qatural Cheese Athenos Churny Cracker ‘Barrel DiGiorno Handi-Snacks B Harvest Moon B B Hoffman’s Kraft Polly-0 Process Cheese Loaves Kraft Deluxe Old English Velveeta Process Cheese Sauce CheezWhiz Process Cheese Slices Kraft Deli Deluxe Kraft Free Singles Kraft Singles 0. Kraft 2% Milk Slices Velveeta Process Cheese Spread Easy Cheese robacco CompanyMlebsitelFunding >pportunities Subsidiary NameNVebsitelBrands Grocery Baking ChocolatelCoconut 8 Bakers Baking Powder Calumet Barbecue Sauce Bull's Eye Kraft Breakfast Beverage Postum Coating Mix Shake n'Bake OvenFry Con dime nts Grey Poupon Kraft Sauceworks Cooked Cereal Cream of Wheat Cereal Bars Nabisco '=- Dips Kraft Dog Biscuits ' Milk-Bone Dry Packaged Desserts Dream Whip D-Zerta Jeli-0 Knox Gelatine - . - .-.. . _,.___.. obacco CompanyMlebsitelFunding pportunities- Subsidiary ,NameMlebsitRIBrands Minute Energy Bars D Balance Fruit Preservatives EverFresh B Frozen Whipped Topping Cool Whip Ice Cream Topping Kraft Margarine Parkay (Puerto Rico only) aasta Salads 1 Kraft Pectins B Certo Sure-Jell PICkleslSauerkraut Claussen Pie Crusts 0 Honey Maid Nilla Ore0 Ready to eat cereals Post Alpha-Bits Banana Nut Crunch Blueberry Morning Cinna-Cluster Raisin Bran Cranberry Almond Crunch - I Tobacco ‘Gompany/WebsitelFunding Subsidiary NamblWebsklBrands Opportunities Frosted Shredded Wheat Fruit & Fibre e 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 e e e e * . Golden Crisp Grape Nuts Great Grains Honey Bunches of Oats Honeycomb Nabisco (Puerto Rico only) Natural Bran Flakes Oreo 0’s Pebbles Raisin Bran Shredded Wheat Shredded Wheat n’ Bran Spoon Size Shredded Wheat Toasties Waffle Crisp 100% Bran . Rice Minute Rice Salad Dressings I Good Seasons Kraft Sevenseas Sourcream D .’= Breakstone’s Knudsen S poonable Dressing b Kraft Mayo Miracle Whip Steak Sauce, Marinade, Norcestershire 1 A.1 Steaksauce Stuffing Mix I Stove Top Tobacco CompanymebsitelFmding Opportunities Subsidiary NarneIWebsiWBrands Toaster Pastries Kool Stuf . Yogurt Breyers yogurt Jell-0 Light n’Lively Altria Group, Inc. has a ‘36%financial interest in Miller Beer. South African Brewing Company acquired Miller Beer from Altria Group, Inc. After this acquisition the South African Brewing Company changed its n a m e to SABMiller. RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings includes RJ Reynolds, American -8@ifit,and Lane Limited tobacco companies RJ Reynolds Foundation primarily funds programs that serve communities where RJ Reynolds employees live and work. American Spirits’s Santa Fe Natufd Tobacco Foundation grants financial assistance to organizations that support the:pr&sewation, promotion, and advancement ofhperican Indian self-sufficienpy and culture in the united States, including p h h m k for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the MiflerSAB w ww.sabmi - - Major Name Bra.nasin No Miller Lite, Miller Genuine D High Life, Milwaukee’s Best.,.Pilsrier Urq uell, -Foster’s . I , . I * .-- Tobaccr,%%pany@Uebsitelfunding Opportunities Subsidiary NamelWebsitelBrands . preservation and enhancement of American Indian languages. Brown &Williamson Brown and Williamson Corporate Contributions primarily contributes to agencies that serve communities where Brown & Williamson employees live and work in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Loews Corporation includes, Lorillard Tobacco, CNA Financial, Diamond Offshore Drilling, Bulova Corporation, Loews Hotels, and Texas Gas. CNA Foundation primarily supports programs that: 4~'!&t ;*;-id1&;the &duc.ationalneeds of Assist and support ohjldren, youth and adults, in developing vocational and educational skills. USSTC (United States Smokeless Tobacco Company) SSTC provides tobacco-related education and research grants to communities in Tennessee and Kentucky where USSTC employees live and work. u . I Major name brands: Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Grest Snoquaimie United States Tobacco (UST), is a subsidiary of USSTC. International Wine and Spirits Ltd (Iws) is a subsidiary of UST. Ste. Michelle Wine Estates is the marketing and manufacturing c \ Conn'Star i Dorri'aine Ste,.MicheIle i Tobacco CompanylWebsite!Funding Opportunlties Subsidiary NameMlebsiWBrands . subsidiary of IWS. *Breyers is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Unilever, N.V. In 1993,Unilever , bought Breyersm ice cream from Kraft and made it part of the Gold Bond-Good Humor Ice Cream Company in Green Bay,Wisconsin. The company's name was changed to the Good Humor Breyers Ice Cream Company in 1993. Brevers vozlurt is produced by Kraft. Breyers ice cream is a Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream product and no affiliated with Kraft. - "Capri Sun is a registered trademark of Rudolf Wild GmbH & Co. KG, used under license. This beverage is produced by Kraft. "California Pizza Kitchen is a trademark owned and licensed by California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. The company that distributes CPK to grocery stores is a Kraft subsidiary. CPK as a company is not a subsidiary. "Starbucks is a registered trademark of Starbucks US. Brands Corporation. The company that distributes Starbucks to'grocery stores is a Kraft subsidiary. Starbucks as a company is not a Kraft subsidiary. Tazo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Starbucks Corporation. *Seattle's Best Coffee and Torrefazione ltalia are registered trademarks of Starbucks Corporation. *Taco Bell is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Taco Bell Gorp Kraft produces Taco .- r Ben Dipnet Kits .and uses the Taco Bell name under license. Taco Bell as a company is not a subsidiaryof Krati. In addition to sales through our company-operated retail stores, Starbucks sells whole bean coffees through a specialty sales group and supermarkets. Additionally, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccinow coffee drink and a J jne ofpremium ice creams k O U & its joint venture partnerships and offers a line of innovative premium teas produced by its wholly owned subsidiary, Tazo Tea Company. T h e Company’s objective i s to establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world. To achieve this goal, the Company plans to continue to rapidly expand its retail operations, grow its specialty sales and other operations, and selectively pursue opportunities to leverage.the. Starbucks brand through the ilitroduction of new products and the development of new distribution channels. .. EXHIBIT D AMENDMENT OF AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT , dated by Subparagraph 9A(2) of Contract No. and between First 5 Santa Cruz County (hereinafter called COMMISSION) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) is hereby amended to read as follows: / Reduction in Requirements CONTRACTOR represents to COMMISSION that it owns, operates or utilizes one or more personal vehicles and that the result which is to be accomplished under this Agreement does not require use of any such vehicle for other than CONTRACTOR'S personal transportation only (with no passengers, hazardous materials, or valuable (greater than $5,000) property). In reliance on said representation, COMMISSION amends Section 9A(2) of said Agreement to require that said personal vehicles each have insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $100,000 combined single limit per accident. COMMISSION further reduces insurance requirements by permitting CONTRACTOR to comply with subparagraphs 9B (2), (3) and (4) by utilizing the attached "INSURANCE REPRESENTATIONS BY CONTRACTOR" form without request to or refusal by insurance providers as to those requirements. In all other respects, the Automobile Liability Insurance requirements of this Agreement remain in full force and effect. The above paragraph@) shall be operative if initialed by both parties in the space provided, effective July 1, 2008. EXHIBIT D l AMENDMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE OR COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT , dated by and between First Subparagraph 9A(3) of Contract No. 5 Santa Cruz County (hereinafter called COMMISSION) and (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) is amended to read as follows: -I 1. Guest Speaker Waiver CONTRACTOR represents to COMMISSION that it will accomplish the result required by this Agreement by manner and means similar to those employed by a guest speaker, namely by oral and documentary presentation to a group of persons such that no person will be exposed to reasonably foreseeable risk of personal injury or property damage. In reliance thereon, COMMISSION amends the Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance requirement of said Agreement by waiving same. -I 2. Teacher, Instructor, Trainer Waiver CONTRACTOR represents to COMMISSION that it will accomplish the result required by this Agreement by manner and means similar to those employed by a teacher, instructor, or trainer and subject to the following limitations: (1) the results will be accomplished entirely within a classroom setting; (2) no minors will be involved; or, if minors will be involved, the teaching, instructing, or training accomplished (and the activity(ies) involved) will be by such manner and means that a minor of the youngest age allowed to be involved will not be exposed to any reasonably foreseeable risk of personal injury, and (3) no person will be exposed to reasonably foreseeable risk of personal injury or property damage. In reliance thereon, COMMISSION amends the Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance requirements of said Agreement by waiving same. -I 3. General No Risk Waiver CONTRACTOR represents to COMMISSION that it will accomplish the result required by this Agreement by manner and means which will expose no person to reasonably foreseeable risk of personal injury or property damage, namely as follows: . In reliance thereon, COMMISSION amends the Comprehensive or Coinmercial General Liability Insurance requirements of said Agreement by waiving same. The above paragraph@) shall be operative if initialed by both parties in the space provided, effective July 1, 2008. P \2008-2009 Direct Service Grants\O8-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 12 EXHIBIT D2 INSURANCE REPRESENTATIONS BY CONTRACTOR On the basis of the following representations by CONTRACTOR to COMMISSION as initialed and executed below, compliance with Subparagraphs 9B(2), (3) and (4), respectively of the above Agreement, shall be deemed achieved. I Additional Insured [9B(2)1. CONTRACTOR represents that as to the following required insurance coverage( s): it is unable to obtain an endorsement adding COMMISSION as an additional insured pursuant to Subparagraph 9B(2). In reliance thereon, COMMISSION hereby waives said requirement. I Notice of Cancellation [9B(3)1. CONTRACTOR represents that as to the following required insurance coverage(s): it is unable to obtain an endorsement including a clause requiring prior notice of cancellation of or reduction in coverage pursuant to Subparagraph 9B(3). CONTRACTOR hereby covenants and represents that it will noti@ COMMISSION in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to cancellation of or reduction in coverage pursuant to Subparagraph 9B(3). In reliance thereon, and upon performance of said covenant, COMMISSION hereby deems CONTRACTOR to be in compliance with Subparagraph 9B(3). I Certificate of Insurance [9B/4)1. CONTRACTOR represents that as to the following required insurance coverage( s): it has been unable to obtain certification of insurance coverage pursuant to Subparagraph 9B(4). CONTRACTOR hereby covenants and represents that it has obtained, will maintain (and attaches hereto a copy of the face sheet(s) of), the contractually required insurance set forth on the attached self-certification of insurance form. In reliance thereon, COMMISSION hereby deems CONTRACTOR to be in compliance with Subparagraph 9B(4). The above paragraph(s) shall be operative if initialed by both parties in the space provided, effective July 1, 2008. P '2008-2009 Direct-Sewice Crants\08-09 Contracts\2008-09 HSD doc 13 PRIMEROS 5 FIRST5 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Acknowledgement Guidelines for 2008-2009 Investing in Our Children Community Grants Initiative First 5 Santa Cruz County (First 5) is charged with making sure that the general public is aware of the benefit of Proposition 10 tax dollars in our community. The following is a list of guidelines required for all community grants. These guidelines will help keep the public informed of how and where public funds are invested in Santa Cruz County. Place a placard announcing funding by First 5 in a prominent area within your agency’s physical facilities. We will distribute these placards to you. 0 Recognize First 5 using the following phrase, “Funding provided by First 5 Santa Cruz County,” or “Funding provided in part by First 5 Santa Cruz County” in all materials produced with Proposition 10 funding. These materials include, but are not limited to, brochures, flyers, broadcast interviews, radio and print ads, public service announcements, and presentations. Place the First 5 logo on all agency public education and outreach materials. Any questions regarding the appropriateness of use should be directed to the First 5 Program Officer. The First 5 logo must be used in its exact form without any changes to size proportions, colors or design. The logo is available in both English and Spanish. Please use as appropriate. Publicity Guidelines First 5 Santa Cruz County may utilize statewide resources to assist you in publicizing your projects and/or events funded by First 5. Below are the procedures that you should follow in order to receive publicity assistance from First 5. Call the First 5 office within an hour of receiving a media call that is related to projects funded by First 5. Mention First 5 Santa Cruz County in any media communication regarding programs funded by First 5. Notify the First 5 Program Officer of any media communication regarding programs funded by First 5. First 5 California’s public relation team are available to assist in reviewing press releases and providing State Commissioner quotes to round out your press release or outreach materials. Contact the First 5 Program Officer no later than two weeks prior to the date you want to send out the press release so that the appropriate contact can be made. Provide the First 5 Program Officer with any flyers, brochures, etc., announcing’ upcoming events. A copy of such items are placed in your contract file and are distributed to Commissioners and funded partners when appropriate. Exhibit “E” I’ Stan*@:- .- , -. A cdihrral Competen@eTlan shail-be develop organization to assure attainment of culturail co a . ’ 8 . . . L t improvqqxat programs, client satisfac~on assessments, and outcome-based evaluations. T h e Cultural Competence Plan: 0 0 0 oped with the participation and representation of top and middle management administrators, front-line staff, consumers and/or their families, ahd comxnudty stakeholders; Designates individud(s) at the b a d , executive, and mid-management levels with responsibility far hd-mthorityto momtor implementation of the Cultural Cokpetence Plan, based on their level within orgmimition; Includes a process for integrating the Cultural Compet ,cultural mqeteficy in all aspects of .organizationalstrat process; Indudes a proqss for determining unique regionally-based. sactors within the comunities/pop&ations served using ex comrn‘etyneeds assessments, community forums,and key Identifies service modalities and models which are app communities served; olvement of community resources, for purposes of integrated consumer Ensures i d support iil Assures culturJ competence at each level of service withinthe system; Stipulation i of adequate and culturally diverse sg and n&imal skill levels.(including Includes $ gender, ethnicity, and language as well as licensing,certification,and credentialing,) for all volunteers and staff, clerical through executivg management; Includes development of rewards and incentives (e.g., salary, promotion, bonuses) for culturally competent performance, as well as sanctions for culturally destructive practices (e.g., discrimination). Culturqly competent perfonnance is an intqpl part of the employee performance evaluation system, and provider organizationpe~ormanceevaluation system; an to integrate ongoing training and staff development into the ,overdl / 8 e 6 0 0 e 0 Includes angoing monitoring of indicators to assure equal access, comparability of-sefiiCeS,abil outcomes across all services provided through the organization. Exhibit “F” 1 Organizatim composition is propm$ionally area of cultura) competence is .implementedat Accountable: 4 1 levels are accountable for the successful implemdtation af &e. cultural ldentifjl the skilfs-mdhowledge needed to provide *&uraUy competent seivices-toorganization's &getpopulation. Include them in job announcementsand job descriptions, and recruit based upon them.(NEW guideline) Establish, promote, 'support, and encourage visibility of all cultural groups, and effectively qmmunicate an inclusive, non-discriminatory work place environment. 1 - Ensure .that comprehensive and easily accessible proCedures, which are culturally and h g u i sensithe and capable of identifying, preventing, and resolving cross-cultural collflicts, are staff to address and resolve concerns. This includes concerns related to cultural mmpe within the organization. . .. . , t staff, volunteer and board cultural competence training p h . This,may with other agencies for cross agency training. the areas of cultural 'Competence are implemented at aU-3evekand and governing body, as well as for management-and: corporated into ongoing organization stafftraining plan; This plan is Factors which define cultural differences among and between cultural populations including differences related to: history, traditions, customs, values, belief systems, nationdl origin, acculturation and migration patterns, reasons for immigration, dialect and language fluency, raGe, ethnicity, gender, gender identity al orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, religion, spirituality, class/socioecimomic ,edu&.ion, art, music, food, and politics; . . Unique stressors, for example: war, trauma, violence, socioeconomic status, po1iticaI unrest, aspects of cultural sumivd and maintenance, racism, and discrimination; The .effectsof amlturation on individuals; I h W Class, e W c i Q ; social status and other distinguishing factors-influen& behavior, attitudes, values and belief systems; of l&guage use, including: conceptual ffameworks of rndno1hgua.lmid'tiilingual*' individuals, nuaflces of verbal and nonverbal language, speech patterns and communicatiofi Styles, Wd4iteracy.level; Issues of stigma specific to various groups and Subgroups; Other culturally based behaviors and/or circumstances including: help-seeking behaviors, varying effects of commonly used medications on individuals, role and manifestation of spiritual or 2 Assessment tools, 'their limitations and how to tailor their use to better serve various cultural smps. integrated -intooverall agency Wate@cplan, anthuhg development of *mlturalcompetence is reported. ~- Standard: Organization shall conduct evaluation to track progress on implementation and results of its Cultural Competence Plan. I . Standard: Organizations shall be evaluated by the contracting agency in accordance with the Cultural Competence=Plan. ' 1 Identify and track high-use consumers, who qtilize a significant number of resources, and review and adapt programs and/or services to more effe&ve3y address their needs. hplempn!, a process for and keep a record of, appeals;:grievmces, and la~suits,as well as informal complaints, differentiated by cultural groups of the complainant and the specific provider. . _ I . participants, telephone follow-up, s i g h sheets, dnutes, etc. 3 .. . ,. ., Organization shall collect and analyze data to inform decisioiis and to demohstmte progress toward success^ iikplemenwon of,its Ctmml Campetenoe Plan. , s management- Wormation systems, and atilkation and outcomes for all consumers across Develop and maintain data or a,.database,which disability information are collected, integrated kt0 organization's management infomation systems arid periodically updated. *.. . . Track data on staff positions/duties to ensure culturally appropriate services are provided to consumers. (i.e.Are Spanish speaking staff providing sewices to consumers or are they working in an adminktrative , . . . -. , . ~.. . . .-. ... .. I. -.. .> . . to the cultural and linguistic characteristic5 .of the servicb-mea. ' your service are of these procedures. Access to services is decentralized and facilitated through multiple outreach strategies and approaches. -- 4 s 4 1 Santa Cruz C O U r q Cultural Competence Guidelines , These approaches include strategic co-location within culturally specific community organizations, social service agencies, community action agencies, health centers, churches, mosques, schools, and neighborhood locales which are accessible through public transportation and in-home, in-comunity, mobile care,When not legally prohibitive, ensure that legal documentation for immigrant groups is not a requirement for service and does not serve as a barrier to service access. Review fee structure to determine if ability to pay is a barrier to accessing sewices. Programs provide culturally inviting environments (e.g., decor, ambiance, cultural symbols) as measured by consumer satisfaction surveys- Develop participatory, collaborative partnerships with cultural communities and providers that serve specific cultural groups. Utilize a variety of formal and informal mechanisms to facilitate community and consumer involvement in designing and implementing culturally competent services. Develop and maintain relationships with community organizations and groups, for example, participate in community forums or neighborhood meetings and/or participate in cultural functions within the community. Develop or revise existing intake and assessment procedures to ensure that they meet the needs of the wide range of cultures (See definition of culture.). Assessments include a multi-dimensional focus including individual, family, and community strengths. All outreach and program services are relevant and respectful of cultural factors and backgrounds. Ensure services for consumers are compatible with the cultural framework and community environment of consumers and family members. Consumers and families participate in the development of their case plans. When appropriate, services involve culturally indicated family leaders and decision makers. Provide to consumers in their preferred language both verbal offers and written notices informing them of their right to receive language assistance services. Offer and provide language assistance services, including bilingual staff and interpreter services, and/or IITY services at no cost to each consumer at all points of contact, in a timely manner during all hours of operation. Assure the competence of language assistance provided consumers by interpreters and bilingual staff, Family and friends should not be used to provide interpretation services. Make available easily understood client-related materials and post signage in the languages of the commonly encountered groups and/or groups represented in the service area. Incorporate consumer feedback into the materials to ensure they are culturally relevant. Services are located in areas readily accessible to and are actively marketed to a wide range of cultural groups in the community. Ensure that conflict and grievance resolution processes are culturally and linguistically sensitive and capable of identifying, preventing, and resolving cross-cultural conflicts or complaints by consumers. 5 r ‘ J I ~ Principles on Equity ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY CALIFORNIA CHILDREN dk FAMILIES COMMISSION (Approved by the State Commission on October 18,2001) Recognizing significant gaps and disparities in the provision of services for children and their families and as observed in educational, health and other outcomes, the State Commissioners adopted a resolution in November, 1999,demonstmting its commitment and leadership towards taking proactive steps to ensure that California including children with disabilities and other specid needs, children and their families fiom diverse p~pulation~, are an integral part of the planning and hplementation of Proposition 10. By the following summer (July 2000), the state Commissioners had established the Advisory Committee on Diversity to serve as their policy advisors on issues related to diversity and equity. For Prop 10, diversity has been defined to be inclusive of children prenatally to five years of age, regardless of immigration status, who: 0 Are from different ethnic, linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, religious, geographical and/or oher historically or currently under-served communities;or Have disabilities and other special needs. The Advisory Committee on Diversity is mponsible for advising the State Commission in fulfilling its mission to adopt policies and practices that equitably provide California’s children (prenatal to 5 ) fiom diverse backgrounds and abilities with accessible, family-friendly, culturally competent,quality early childhood services and programs designed to help them reach their full potential and prepare them for positive educational and life experiences. To achieve this vision, it is critical that parents and other caregivers of children fiom diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities have meaningful roles in the planning, delivery and evaluation of Prop 10 initiatives. W e n historically marginalized groups have a voice in shaping the systems that affect the lives of their children, we can expect cutting-edge and powerful changes. The Advisory Committee on Diversity is confident that only through this increased level of involvement and system improvements will equity be achieved. The Advisory Committee on Diversity determined at its second meeting (November 2000) that its work must begin with the development of Equity Principles, which were originally referred to & Diversity Principles. The State Commission is the primary audience for these Equity Principles; the principles will be used to guide their policy work and funding decisioa. Additionally, the Equity Principles are intended for use by the CCFC staff and contractors. Although the Principles are not mandates, they can serve as guidelines to ensure that the programs and services established and supported by Prop 10 h d s are both culturally and linguistically competent and inclusive in serving children with disabilities - a d other special needs. The Committee also developed these Equity Principles with the local audience in mind and in response to the County Commissions’ requests for support in this area. The Advisory Committee on Diversity feels strongly that the Equity Principles will be beneficial to the children and families served through local programs funded by the County Commissioners. The Advisory Committee on Diversity firmly believes that through assuring improved programs and access for children and their h i l i e s f?om diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities, the services for all children in California will be better served. We offer these Principles to assist the State Commission in Mfilling its commitment to all children and hope that others throughout California will also adopt them. There are four major components to the Diversity Principles: 1. Inclusive Governance and Participation 2. Access to Services 3. Legislative and Regulatory Mandates 4. Results-based Accountability The Advisory Committee approved the Equity Principles on June 29,2001. It is anticipated that the Committee will periodically review and update the Principles. Exhibit “G” Inclusive Governance and Participation Prop 10 recognizes that children develop within the context of their families and communities, and as such, it is essential that Prop 10 programs secure and obtain rneaningfU1 participation and input of the families and other cuegivers of children from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities throughout all program development and implementation phases. Prop 10 programs should: > Use culturally - and linguistically-appropriate outreach strategies, as well as approaches effective in reaching parents of children with disabilities and other special needs and parents who themselves may have disabilities; > Assure that all diverse groups, particularly those who have been traditionally underrepresented and underserved, are actively engaged and involved SO that they can have an equal voice in defining their needs and finding solutiom; > Use community organizations, both formal and informal networks, and other communication vehicles that have been effective in reaching out to and serving diverse groups; 9 Promote and support the development of emerging parent and community leaders; and k Assure that families representing diverse groups participate equitably in the planning, delivery and evaluation of initiatives, which includes the grant criteria process, advisory groups and other committees. Access to Services To assure that children from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities have access to high quality and culturally competent early care and education/developmentopportunities as a critical means for achieving equity, Prop 10 funded programs should 9 Set measurable goals and objectives for increasing access and achieving equity; 9 Use culturally &d linguistically relevant methods of communication and community outreach, which include engaging respected community persons to promote messages; Assure that programs provide access to information, resources and support regarding their child’s development, including strengths and needs for all families; k Conduct assessments that include assets, challenges, and gaps in communities and systems, as well as analyze disaggregated community demographic data (ethnicity, disabilities, language, age, socio-economic status, literacy levels, underinsureduninsured rates, etc.). Use these assessment and data to establish priority desired results and to design program that will remove disparities and attain desired results; k Provide idormation and support h u g h culturally and linguistically responsive service providers and service providers who are knowledgeable about children with disabilities and other special needs and their families; 9 Promote collaboration across disciplines, service delivery systems and communities. This includes implementation of a coordinated service delivery approach to young children, especially children with disabilities and other special needs and their families who are often served by a variety of agencies, programs, and service providers; Develop pMt, audio-visual, and electronic materials that are culturally and linguistidly relevant for all communities served, are written at appropriate literacy levels, and are available for specialized popuiations (e.g., Braille, closed csptioning); Q ~ : Y I C-ue;?h ~ fmdy needs a;ndsituations (work schedules, time ofthe Sckedule sen :ces 2R year, lmguag~,t~aisportalion,etc.3; Support programs that are individualized to address the cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as the range of ability levels and behavioral and learning styles that are representative of California’s children and families; 2 T I p Ensure availability of adapted and specialized services and supports as needed to assure full participation for all children and their families. Individualization of services and supports for 41 families are critical to actively support a child’s learning experiences in natural environments to the maximum extent appropriate; > Demonstrate awareness of, and referrals to, services, resources and other supports available for children with disabilities and other special needs and their families; > Demonstrate a commitment to promote a workforce that has skills, knowledge of, and reflective of the children and families being served, and a worMbrce that is knowledgeable about and supportive of children with disabilities and other special needs and their families; > Demonstrate that staffwho work with or on behalf of children and their families display a positive attitude about working with children with disabilities and special ne& as well children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and k Promote policies to assure training and technical assistance necessary to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills of all hvol~edwith the Commission and build their capacity to work within culturally and linguktically diverse communities,and serve as well as to work more effectively in serving the range of abilities, behavioral and learning styles that are representative of California’s children. Legislative and regulatory mandates Agencies must adhere to all legislative, regulatory and accreditation mandates pertinent to the provision of services to children from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities. Prop 10 programs should: P Embrace the spirit of the law; > Demonstrate leadership in assuring that all swreceive training, are knowledgeable about pertinent legislative and legal mandates and have the skills and resources necessary to implement required modifications or enhancements to services or facilities; > Inform parents of their rights and responsibilities as well as those of their children; > Offer its services to all children and their families regardless of immigration status (California Children and Families Commission Resolution -June 24, 1999); and > Be held accountable for their compliance with key laws and other related mandates, for example: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: requires linguistic access via qualified interpreters and translated materials at no cost to the individual; Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA): prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and promotes equal access, building modifications, hiring practices for persons with disabilities; Language Access Laws Le., Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act (CA); imposes direct obligations statdlocal governmental agencies to provide appropriate tramlation services for languages spoken by 5% or more of population served; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) establishes special education and coordinated, family centered service delivery systems for children with disabilities from birth through age 5 through several programs e.g., California’s Early Start Program, California Department of Education’s Preschool Special Education Program; and Executive Order 13166: issued on August 11,2000 to provide meaningfid access to Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals to federally assisted and federally conducted programs and activities. 3 Results-based Accountability Prop 10 programs will have well defined and meaningfbl outcomes that benefit children from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities and thus should: Commit to attaining their stated program outcomes realizing that their results are crucial to ongoing sustainability and advocacy; Allocate sufficient resources to support accouTltability and evaluation activities; Use program planners, evaluators and other experts who are knowledgeable about children’s differing abilities, and who are culturally competent in regards to the population(s) served in developing effective assessment and evaluation tools and methods; Conduct assessments that include assets, challenges, and gaps in communities and systems, as well as analyze community demographics (ethnicity, disabilities, language, age, socio-economic status, etc.); Assess regularly its inclusive governance process and provide updates on the extent of the family involvement and engagement throughout all phases of program development (planning, imp1ementation and evaluation); Use culturally and linguistically appropriate questions, instruments and other research methods to collect relevant data from the populations and communities served; Include questions on disabilities and other related issues in surveys and other evaluation and research tools/instruments; Collect and report disaggregated data (e.g., ethnicity, disabilities, language, age, socioeconomic status, etc.) describing children and families served and the achievement of access, equity and desired childfamily results; Recognize that accountability and results are crucial to ongoing advocacy and sustainability; and Disseminate best practices and promising practices for the benefit of all children and their service providers throughout California. 4 [Agency] Customer Service Plan Adopted (date) PURPOSE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE PLAN: To define [Agencyl’s standards and its plan to provide excellent customer service. VISION: All customers feel that they are treated with respect and dignity and that their needs are attended to when they interact with [Agency]. The employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors of [Agency] share responsibility for providing excellent customer service, CUSTOMER DEFINITION: All individuals to whom [Agency] provides a service or information, TYPES OF CUSTOMERS: I, Primary External Customer: Clientdparficipants who receive services or information from [Agency]. II. Other External Customers: 0 Ofher service providers who request andlor coordinate services or information from [Agency] on behalf of their clientslparticipants. Funders and/or donors who provide financial, in-kind or other resources to [Agency]. Members of the general public who request information from [Agency]. Ill. Internal Customers: Employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors of [Agency] who request resources, staff support andlor information from [Agency]. DEFINITION OF CUSTOMER SERVICE: Providing services or information in such a way that customers have a positive experience with [Agency], feel their needs have been met and feel satisfied with the way their requests for services or information were handled. CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS Employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors will consistently meet and strive to exceed the following standards in order to provide excellent customer senrice: 1. General Customer Interactions: Treat internal and external customers with courtesy and respect and make them feel welcome every time they interact with someone at [Agency] by: A. Acknowledging and greeting them politely in their preferred language; B. Acknowledging them by their preferred name, whenever possible; C. Introducing yourself by name, when appropriate; D. Asking questions politely and respectfully; E. Being courteous in all forms of communication (in person, in writing, by phone, fax or e-rnail); F. Using words, actions and a tone of voice that demonstrates readiness to help; G. Listening to their questions and comments without interrupting; H. Using words they understand andlor explaining terms that are unfamiliar to them, 1 Exhibit “H” ‘ , II. Telephone Etiquette: Make internal and external customers feel welcomed and respected when they call on the telephone by: Ensuring that there is telephone coverage during normal operating hours; A. Answering the telephone with,in 3-4 rings; 6. C. Answering the telephone in a friendly tone of voice; D, Answering telephone calls in the order they are received; Explaining to new callers that you are on another line and will be with them shortly, if necessary; E. Asking callers if they may be placed on hold or transferred to another person, then waiting for a F. response prior to doing SO; G. Limiting the amount of time that callers are placed on hold to no more than one minute; H. Informing callers if the person they are trying to reach is out of the office or unavailable at the moment. 111, Responsiveness: Be responsive to internal and external customers’ requests for services andlor information by: Responding to or acknowledging the receipt of voice mail, e-mail or handwritten messages within 24 A, hours; Providing information about when a response can be expected, or providing alternate contact B. information when it is not possible to respond to or acknowledge receipt of messages within 24 hours; Helping external customers within 15 minutes of their scheduled appointments; C. Informing external customers who walk inldrop in without an appointment of the projected amount of D. time they will have to wait before receiving assistance; E. Anticipating delays and keeping internal and external customers informed if they will have to wait longer than originally expected before receiving assistance, IV. Helpfulness: Provide accurate and relevant services‘ and information to internal and external customers by: A. Being knowledgeable about [Agencyl’s services, including what can and cannot be offered; B. Communicating the scope and limitations of [Agencyl’s services in a clear and courteous manner; C. Actively taking steps to find the information, resources andlor contact person that would best address their needs; D. Directing them to the person, program or agency that would best address their needs; E, Satisfying their needs within the guidelines of [Agencyl’s policies and procedures. V. \ Cultural Competence: In accordance with Santa Cruz County’s Cultural Competence Standard for Service Delivery, ensure that services are culturally accessible, appropriate and representative. Examples of ways to meet this standard include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Speaking in the preferred language, or utilizing a translator who speaks the preferred language, of the external customer; B. Having brochures, flyers, recorded messages and other written materials available in the languages that are predominantly spoken in Santa Cruz County; C4 Making sure t&it written rnzkrials zre appropriate in terms of cultural context and literacy level; D, Asking questions about internal and external customers’ cultural beliefs and practices, as they relate to providing information andlor services, instead of making assumptions, E. Using words, actions and a tone of voice that demonstrates respect for and sensitivity to different cultural factors and backgrounds: 2 Rev. 5/11/04 1 F. G. VI, Making sure that services and information are accessible to internal and external customers with various physical and developmental abilities; . Developing and implementing a Cultural Competence Plan, as described in the Santa Cruz County Cultural Competence Standards (see Appendix A) Environment: Create an environment for internal and external customers that is attractive, ’ welcoming, clean and safe by: Providing a comfortable place for external customers to wait to be seen; A. B. Offering external customers and their children something to eat andlor drink, as deemed appropriate and within [Agencyl’s resources; C. Having books and toys available for children to play with that are age appropriate, culturally appropriate, culturally diverse and accessible to children with different physical and developmental abilities; Having items in the office that‘represent different cultures (e.g. decor, cultural symbols) D. Offering family-friendly amenities as appropriate and available, such as space to park strollers, E. private space to nurse babies or change diapers, bike racks and bus shelters; Checking for and resolving any safety hazards; F. Keeping lobbies, hallways, common areas, work spaces and restrooms clean; G. Creating ergonomically safe work spaces. H, I VII. Confidentiality: Respect and maintain internal and external customers’ right to privacy at all times by: Informing them that all sensitive andlor identifying information will be *keptconfidential A. unless they have signed a written release of information or unless [Agency] is iequired by law to disclose information; B. , Explaining the implications of signing a written release of information; Maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive andlor identifying information, unless a written C. release of information has been signed by the customer; Holding confidential .discussions in private areas; D. Keeping files that contain sensitive andlor identifying information in locked cabinets; E. VIII. Professionalism: Represent [Agency] in a professional manner by: A. Limiting the number of group discussions held in common areas where external customers might be; B. Holding personal conversations in private areas where other internal or external customers cannot hear; Minimizing personal conversations during work time; C, D. Using professional language that is appropriate for the type of customer; Maintaining a professional appearance that is appropriate for their work environment; E. Maintaining professional boundaries according to [Agencyl’s policies (see Appendix B for sample F. policies); Avoiding a conflict of interests, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, according to [Agencyl’s G. policies (see Appendix C for sample policies). IX. Customer Complaints: Resolve internal and external customers’ dissatisfaction by: Listening to their complaints and gathering pertinent information; A, 3 Rev. 5/11/04 V B. C. D. E. F. X. Taking appropriate steps to resolve their dissatisfaction, within thk’guidelines of [Agencyl’s policies and procedures; Informing them about [Agencyl’s complaint (or grievance) policy if their dissatisfaction isn’t resolved in Step 8; Encouraging them to utilize the complaintlgrievance procedure so that [Agency] may address and resolve the issue; Communicating with the proper staff or departments at [Agency] so that information about the causes of and resolution of complaints can be used for future customer interactions; Asking them if they are satisfied with their experiences with [Agency] and the information or services provided. Teamwork: Foster cooperation and collaboration with internal and external customers by: A. Involving them in the process of identifying options and implementing solutions; B. Keeping them informed about changes occurring at [Agency], as appropriate; C. Recognizing their efforts and successes with nonmonetary rewards (e.g. giving praise, saying thank you, “customer of the month” award, highlight in agency newsletter) and/or tangible rewards (e.g. food, company party, gift certificate) as deemed appropriate and within [Agencyl’s resources; Asking for, providing, accepting and acting on constructive feedback; D. Working together to continually improve the level of customer service. E, ACCOUNTABILITY I. All employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors.of [Agency] are responsible for: Reviewing, accepting, and implementing the customer service standards in this Plan; A. B. Demonstrating personal commitment to providing excellent customer service. II. The management of [Agency] is responsible for: Ensuring that all employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors A. receive a copy of the Customer Service Plan upon joining the agency; Ensuring that all employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors understand B, and implement the Customer Service Plan; Ensuring that all employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board of Directors receive C. customer service training; Providing formal and informal feedback to employees, non-paid workers and members of the Board D. of Directors regarding their customer service skills; Ensuring that all internal and external customers are aware of [Agencyl’s standards for excellent E, customer service; F. Conducting andlor participating in efforts to obtain internal and external customer feedback; G. Sharing internal and external customer feedback results with the appropriate stakeholders; H. Utilizing internal and external customer feedback results when making programmatic and policy decisions, as appropriate; I. Monitoring progress and ensuring that standards in the Customer Service Pian are met; J. ilernonsiraiing leadership and commitment to providing excellent customer service. 4 Rev. 5/11/04
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