Campus Authors' Publications Sampson-Livermore Library The University of North Carolina at Pembroke April 15, 1999 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT PEMBROKE Campus Authors' Publications 1998 -1999 Aiken, Irene P. "Why Do We Have to Do This?" New Teacher Advocate (Summer, 1998). _ _ _ . "Twenty Impertinent Questions About Pertinent Matters." Presented at the International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives 1998 Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, 15 October 1998. Aiken, Irene P., and Barbara D. Day. "Model of Teacher Education Reform." Presented at the 1998 International Convention of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Dallas, TX, 14 July 1998. Beatty, John E. "Assessing Student Performance: News Articles." Mass Communication and Society Newsletter 32 (1998). _ _ _ . "In Defense of News Quizzes." Mass Communication and Society Newsletter 32 (1999): 2. Berghoff, Paul J. and Linda Metzke. "Cooperative Learning in the Classroom." In Helping Children at Home and School: Handouts From Your School Psychologist, ed. Andrea S. Canter and Servio A. Carroll, 147-50. Bethesda, MD: The National Association of School Psychologists, 1998. Berghoff, Paul J. and Beth Berghoff. Review of Parenting with Love & Logic and Parenting Teens with Love & Logic. In Communique (May 1998): 21. Brown, Monika. "Film Music As Sister Art: Adaptations of The Tum ofthe Screw." Mosaic 31 (March 1998): 61-81. Brown, Robert W. "Horst Wessel Song." In The Encyclopedia of Propaganda, ed. Robert Cole, 338-39. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1998. _ _ _ , ed. Journal of the Association of Historians in North Carolina. Pembroke, NC: Association of Historians in North Carolina, 5 (Fall 1997). _ _ _ . Review of The European Mosaic. Contemporary Politics, Economics and Culture. In The History Teacher 32 (February 1999): 306-07. 1 _ _ _ . Review of Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini: Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century. In Teaching History: A Journal ofMethods 23 (SpringI998): 35-36. Canada, Mark. "The Right Brain in Poe's Creative Process." The Southern Quarterly 36 (Summer 1998): 96-105. Marson, Stephen M. "Uncovering UnCover." The New Social Worker 6 (1998): 23-24. _ _ _ . "Major Uses of the Internet for Social Workers: A Brief Report for New Users." Aretj 22 (1998): 21-28. Marson, Stephen M., B. O. Elufiede, and D. B. Miller. Review of Psychological Issues in Eyewitness Identification. In The Journal ofPsychiatry and Law 26 (1999): 287-89. Marson, Stephen M. Review of Gender Issues In Elder Abuse. In Clinical Gerontologist 18 (1998): 54-55. _ _ _ . Review of The Abusive Elder. In Clinical Gerontologist 18 (1998): 90-92. Marson, Stephen M. and E. DePoy. "Academic Dishonesty." Research poster presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Austin, TX, January 1999. Marson, Stephen M., J. Finn, D. M. Rizzo, and D. Gohagan.. "Internet Ethics." Presented at the 45th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA, March 1999. Marson, Stephen M., and J. Finn. "Using Databases to Manage Field Placements." Presented at the 45th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA, March 1999. Marson, Stephen M., and J. Finn. "Using Databases to Manage Field Placements." Presented at the 15th Annual Baccalaureate Program Directors Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 9 October 1998. Marson, Stephen M. "Cheap Access to the Internet." Presented at the 15 th Annual Baccalaureate Program Directors Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 9 October 1998. _ _ _. "Majors Uses of the Internet for Social Workers: A Report on a Longitudinal Study." Presented at the 2nd Annual Information Technologies for Social Work Education and Practice Conference, Charleston, SC, 21 August 1998 . rd - - -. "Rural Access to the Internet." Presented at the 23 Annual National Institute on Social and Human Services in Rural Areas, Chapel Hill, NC, 17 July 1998. 2 Memory, John M. Some Relationships. Southern Pines, NC: Madison Publishing, 1997. _ _ _ . "Some Impressions from a Qualitative Study of Implementation of Community Policing in North Carolina." In Readings for Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice, ed. M. L. Dantzker, 1-14. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. _ _ _ . "Comparing Disciplinary Infraction Rates of North Carolina Fair Sentencing and Structured Sentencing Inmates: A Natural Experiment." In The Prison Journal 79 (March 1999): 45-71. _ _ _ . "Comparing Disciplinary Infraction Rates of North Carolina Fair Sentencing and Structured Sentencing Inmates: A Natural Experiment." In SystemStats, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 1-6. Reising, Robert W. "What's New in Assessment?" The Clearing House 71 (July/August 1998): 325. Rileigh, Kathryn. "Teaching Communication Skills in Psychology." Teaching of Psychology 25 (1998): 279-82. Ritter, Timothy M. "Energy Level Alignments in Strained-Layer GaInP/AlGaInP Laser Diodes: Model Solid Theory Analysis of Pressure-Photoluminescence Experiments." Physica Status Solidi (B) 211 (1999): 869-83. Ritter, Timothy M., D. J. Larson, Jr., D. Gillies, and M. Volz. "Low Temperature Photoluminescence Characterization of Orbitally Grown CdZnTe." NASA Technical Report, NASAlCR-1998-208803, 1998. Tyner, Bessie H. Fayetteville Observer Marriage and Death Notices, 1841-1850. FuquayVarina, NC, 1997. 3
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