Published by THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Memphis, Tennessee ......._ . . . . ...-1. NUMBER 2 SUMMER 1981 VOLUME 28 - CONTENTS - OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK 51 • • • • .' • • • ,. . . . BOOK. REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . · ." '. . . . . HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE 18-36 TAX RECORD · · · · · · · · .. · .• . . THE FAMILIES OF WHITE· COUN'rY ,TENNESSEB IN 1860 • ·········. FAMILY GATHERINGS. • • • • • · • · · · · · · · · · .. EARLY RECORDS OF GRAINGER COUNTY, TENNESSEE • . . · · · · · · · · · · · ,. ROANE COUN'rY,TENNESSEE MARRIAGE BONDS, 1801-1826 ·..... WILL BOOK, 1808-1847 • ·.. ... DEATH RECORDS FOUND IN MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - 1866 · .. . . NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS ' . ~RANKLINCOUNTY,TENNESSEE ",' TENNESSEE •• QUERIES • ., • • ,_ '. • ._ . c _,~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 52 54 59 65 n 77 81 87 92 95 96 THE TENNES'SEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY " P.O. BOX 12124 " MemJ)his" Tennessee 38112 President " Vice President Recording Secretary Correspondence Secretary " Librarian Assistant Librarian "" Surname Inde~" ,Secretary Treasurer "'" , , " " Editor Managing Editor Director Director Wilma Sutton Cogdell Jane Cook Hbllis . Marilyn Johnson Baugus R. F. Simpson, Jr. Louise Tittsworth Tyus Evelyp. Duncan Sigler Betty Key Jean Williams Turner Betsy Foster West '. Herbert Ray Ashworth Eleanor Riggins Barham Laurence B. ,Gardiner < EDITORIAL STAFF Pauline Casey Briscoe \ Lucile Hendren Cox Lynn Hodges Craven Amelia Pike Eddlemon Mary Frances Gertz Helen Culbreath Hamer Emma Fisher O'Neal Jessie'Taylor Webb Herman L. Bogan Eleanor W. Griffin Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Myrtle Louise Shelton Margaret"N. Sinclair Gerry Byers Spence . Jean Alexander West· Henrietta.D. Gilley 'Betty Cline Miller "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: published quarterly in March, June, September, and December; annual subscription $8.00. All subscriptions begin with' the first issue of the year. Non-delivery of any issue should be reported to THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL ' SOCIETY within two months of date of usual delivery i f a second copy is to be supplied free of charge. Subscribers may submit one query'each year for free publication; additional queries will be accepted ,on a "space available" basis. Contributions of all types of genealogical information will be accepted. We publish previously unpublished Te.nnessee-connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates. All material for publication is subject to editing to conserve space. Every effort will be made to publish accurate material; however, neither THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, nor the Editor can assume responsibilities for errors on the part of ~oI1tributors. Corrections of proven. errors will be published. Publishable and unpublishable contributioIisare put,on file in our library for the use of our members. Books donated to our library will be reviewed in the earliest possible tssue of the quarterly. paid at Memphis, Tennessee. Sunnner 1981 51 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK Many of our more recent subscribers are not familiar with the background of the Tennessee Genealogical Society and its quarterly magazine; therefore, it seems appropriate to give here a few of the facts. The society started in 1952 as the Memphis Genealogical Society with 25 local members, but as the interest and numbers grew beyond the Memphis area, the name was changed in 1965 to the Tennessee Genealogical Society. We are in no way funded by the state, but are simply a group of volunteers who like to promote our favorite hobby. We earn our funds by publishing this quarterly, "Ansearchin'" News, and offering for sale books which have been given to us by the compilers and which are listed on our back blue page. The profits from our labors are used to support and build our genealogical library, which now contains over 3700 volumes. "Ansearchin'" News, as it appears now, is the result of the ideas of nine different editors over the twenty-eight years of publication. There is a story told about its unique name. One of the early members called another whose maid answered the phone with the reply, "She ain't here. She's out ansearchin' ." From this coined word, the ti.t1e was formed. For the first six years, the publication was called a bulletin and carried much local news on fewer pages. These were later combined in a second edition of 201 pages titled Volumes I-VI, 1954-1959, omitting some of the outdated news. We greatly appreciate the kind comments we receive and welcome contributions of Tennessee-related material. The earliest dated material receives priority, and we prefer that it should be at least 100 years old. ( Each subscriber is entitled to one free query per year; this must be fifty words or less, however we do sometimes allow a few more words to complete a sentence. Some subscribers send us several queries at a time, but I cannot recall having enough space to go back and pick one up at a later date. Information we cannot use in print is placed in our vertical tiles. * * * lbe Sevier Family Reunion will be held June 19-21 in Gatlinburg, TN. Contact James S. Corbitt, 118 Gardner Ave., Martin, TN 38237 for details. If we don't get this issue to you in time for this year, mark your calendar for two years hence; this is the 13th biennial reunion. A newsletter from the Van Buren County Historical Society has been received announcing the formation of that group and inviting others to join. This county was formed in 1840 from Warren, White and Bledsoe counties, but has had no historical society until last September when this group began its meetings. They have made great strides in a very short time , probably because each of the members has undertaken a specific project. One has compiled a list of all Civil War veterans from the county. Another has copied every cemetery marker and supplied additional information on the families wherever known. Still another has collected information on all the post offices of the past, and others are delving into the history of railroads, schools, doctors etc. Annual dues of $5.00 may be sent to Margaret Rhinehart, Treas. Box 128, Spencer, TN 38585. In our last issue, Volume 28, story on Atkins lineage. The reported, but we neglected to 3700 HhHehorn Cove, Memphis, No.1, we printed in Family Gather,ings the interesting original information did come from Mrs. Knapp, as we add that it was passed on to us by Marilyn Johnson Baugus, TN 38134. 52 "Ansearchin'" News NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Prepared by Amelia Pike Eddlemon NEWSLETTER OF THE PARKE SOCIETY, 125 Amity St., Amhearst, MA 01002. Application fee $5:annua1 dues $4. News, history, queries, and genealogical records of Parke name. COWETA CHATTER, Norma Gunby, Hwy. 54, Rt., 1, Sharpsburg, GA 30277. $7.50 individual membership. Published quarterly. Contains genealogical and historical information for Coweta County, GA, and surrounding areas. PHILLIPS FAMILY NEWSLETTER, Catherine James, 349 Ellis Road, Havertown, PA 19083. It is published quarterly. $9.50 per yr. Seven legal size sheets contain much Phillips' genealogical information in various states. FAMILY. TRAILS, Historical & Genealogical Association of Mississippi, 618 Avalon Rd., Jackson, MS 39206. $15 individual membership. Vol. 4, No.4, 80 pages (also index) contains funeral home records, cemetery records, newspaper abstracts, family Bible information, marriages of Lawrence Co. 1811-1828, Wilkinson Co. marriages 1804-1823, etc. Also includes queries. Publication is packed with genealogical information. THE SEARCHER, Southern California Genealogical Society, 103 South Golden Mall, Burbank, CA 91502. $12 annually. Vol. XVU1, No.1, March, 1981. This booklet type publication (35 pages, 8~ x 5~) features story-type articles (one on the Donner family) of some interest to genealogists. Also contains queries and book reviews. HUXFORD GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. MAGAZINE, Huxford Gen. Society, P.O. Box 595, Homerville, GA 31634. Dues $20 per couple: magazine subscription alone $15. Vol. V111, No.1. This issue contains 109 pages packed with genealogical information, including death records of Blackshear, GA, Echols Co. marriages, cemetery inscriptions, sketches of Revolutionary War soldiers, family sketches, muster rolls, and the Wayne Co. 1900 census. WILSON WAREHOUSE, Charlotte Magee Tucker, #19 Crinklerfoot Court, The Woodlands, TX 77380. $9 (sample copy $3 and may apply on cost of subscription). Has marriage,census, pedigree, birth and other genealogical information pertaining to the Wilson surname in the 15 pages of this issue. Also publishes The Cooper Collection, The Hall of Fame, and lbe ~lite Papers. GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE, Rev. Silas Lucas, Jr., Editor and Owner, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $16. No. 79 Winter issue contains marriage records of Whitfield Co., marriages abstracted from newspapers, Cri~nal Court records, estate and deed information, 1810 census of Putnam Co., names of Georgia soldiers buried at Camp Douglas, and miscellaneous records of Union County. ROOTS AND LEAVES, E. Nebraska Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 541, Fremont, NE 68025. Vol. IV, No.1. Check with the Society regarding membership dues. Twenty pages in this issue contain death and census information, newspaper abstracts, ships' passenger lists, marriage records, etc. Queries free for members--$l for non-members. BULLETIN, of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon Co., Inc., P.O. Box 938, Forest City,NC 28043. $5 subscription membership. Vol. VH, No.4, includes family sketches on Davis, Lowery, and Morehead, as well as cemetery, census records, queries, etc. Also contains book reviews. Sunune.r 1981 53 MISSISSIPPI GENEALOGICAL EXCHANGE, P.O. Box 16609, Jackson, MS 39206. $10. Vol. 27, No.1, has 52 pages and includes information on Lincoln Co. marriages, and deaths, land sales, Confederate grave registrations, Jefferson Co. marriages, etc. DEEP SOUTH GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY, Mobile Genealogical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 6224, Mobile, AL 36606. $8.50. Vol. XV111, No.2, features a listing of officers, alumni, and students of the University of Alabama 1821-54, Torrent Fire. Co. No. 5 membership roll, cemetery records, family Bible information, records on the Third Regiment of U. S. Volunteer Infantry Spanish American War 1898, Rainbow Division World War II, baptismal records, naturalization records, government papers, queries, etc. VALLEY QUARTERLY, San Bernardino Valley Gen. Society, P.O. Box 2505, San Bernardino, CA 92406. $6. Vol. 18, No.1, contains 16 pages of biographical sketches, queries, Martin family informatiol1, probate records of San Bernardino Co., births, etc. BLUE GRASS ROOTS,Kentucky Gen. Society, Inc., P.O. Box 153, Frankfort, KY 40602. $10. Vol. VIII, No.1, 46 pages. This issue features cemetery inscriptions of Kentuckians who went to Indiana and are buried in Greene Co., IN. Also has a list of delinquent taxpayers of Nicholas Co., KY for 1828, a listing of aged people living in Montgomery Co. in 1889 (in addition to their names, it includes other genealogical information, such as birthdates, place of birth, etc.). Other information includes newspaper abstracts, Madison Co. marriages 1789-1799, queries, etc. ( THE GENEALOGICAL JOURNAL, Genealogical Society of Davidson Co., P.O. Box 1665, Lexington, NC 27292. $15. This is anew publication, and their first issue is very good. They plan to publish previously unpublished material on Davidson Co., Rowan Co. (before 1822), Anson Co. (prior to 1753), and Bladen Co. (before 1734). Vol. 1, No.1, (48 pages) includes wills, Bible records, list of Civil War veterans, court rE!cords, family information, cemetery inscriptions, marriage bonds 1822-1938, deaths 1911-1913, diaries, queries, etc. Indexed. Very good. lli~~OLD FAMILY ASSOCIATION OF THE SOUTH, 565 So. River St., Marshfield, Mass. i02050, Mrs. Hazel Arnold MacIver, Editor. $10 annual membership (mail to Mr. Ted Brooke, . Treasurer, 79 Wagonwheel Court, N.E., Marietta, GA 30060.) Queries or other requests to Ms. Marian C. Ledgerwood, Secretary, 1655 Imperial Crown, Houston, TX 77043. Membership entitles oue to receive the annual newsletter. Vol. Xl, December, 1980 newsletter (145 pages) is indexed and includes English records, immigrant information, Indian records, state and county records of Georgia, Illinois, and Kentucky, and much other information as well as an article on Zachariah Arnold of Lincoln Co., Tennessee. THE SAGA OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS, Genealogy Society of Southern Illinois, P.O. Box 104, Carterville, IL 62918. $8 (includes subscription to monthly newsletter and quarterly publication)--mail to Elizabeth P. Leighty, 511 W. College St., Carbondale, 1L 62901. Vol. VIII, No.1, Spring, 1981 (64 pages including index).Contains cemetery records, marriage abstracts of 1820-1893 Jefferson Co., Union Co. records, church information, queries, and an article on the family of George Read, etc. BOONE COUNTY HISTORIAN, Boone Co. Historical & Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 58, Harrison, AR 72601. Vol. III, No. IV, contains an interesting reprinting of an 1893 Fair booklet, as well as cemetery and marri~ge records of Boone County and queries. GEURIN GAZETTE, 457 A Manzanita Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Vol. 3, No.5, May, 1981 issue includes a photo of Sarah Tennessee Geurin born in Tennessee in 1856. Monthly publication of interest to researchers of Geurin surname. "Ansearchin'" News 54 BOOK REVIEWS By Ilerman L. Bogan, Evelyn D. Sigler, Eleanor W. Griffin, Edith L8cDuke EARLY SETTLERS OF BARBOUR COUNTY, ALABAMA, Volumes I and II Godfrey. 1979. Hard back. 346 pp. c/o The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. compiled by Marie H. Indexed. Order from Southern Historical press, P.O. Box 738, Easley SC 29640. $22.50 Barbour County was formed in 1832 from parts of Pike and Henry Counties, and from Creek Indian lands, but after the Civil War, parts of Bullock and Russell Counties were taken from it. Information in this book was gathered primarily from Barbour County probate records, census records and descendants of early families. Eightysix families, alphabetized from Adams to Zorn, with the sources of information for each family are included. In some cases, official records from other states and counties other than Barpour were used in the family records. Here is much helpful information for those who have family connections in Barbour County. THE DESCENDANTS OF NICHOLAS DIXON SUrname listing. by Joel Dixon Wells. 1980. 44 pp. Soft Back. Order from the author, Rt.2 Box 895, Hampton, GA 30228 $11 .00 This book was compiled as a family reference for descendants of Nicholas Dixon, who died in 1826. It is in looseleaf format, and the author plans to update information on both the descendants and the ancestors of this line whenever ,the information becomes available, either from family members or from research. Contents of the book include family group sheets, biographies, military records and old records of interest. Anyone 'interested is invited to contribute to each of these catagories. CASEY FAMILY HISTORY 195 pp. by Alvin Harold Casey and Robert Brooks Casey. Order from Harold Casey, 1002 Westwood Dr., Stillwater, OK 1980. Hard Back. 74074, $16.50 This first edition from the Casey compilers begins ,with the d~scendants ,of Abner Casey, the Irish immigrant, who was born ca i700 and immigrated to Virgtnia about the middle of the eighteenth century, moving on to South Carolina about i1760. The primary focus is on Abner's' great-great-grandson,Ambler Casey, and his descendants. Information has been obtained from many sources, and references are listed with each descendant in order to aid future search. Suggestions for additions and corrections are welcomed. This history is enhanced with photographs, copies of records, charts. MOONEY-GARNER ANCESTRY Indexed. by George Order from the authors, w. ~nd B. Irene Mooney. 1980.', Hard back. 133 pp. P.O. Box 10264, Glendale, CA ,91209 $15.00 In 1973 the authors found an old typewritten copy of a Garner family history, and this led to seven years of intensive genealogical research. They have located seventeen Revolutionary ancestors in the process of documenting their two families, but caution that they have left in a few minor errors for those who like to look for such things! The arrangement of m~terial is unique and concise. Ninety-four fami~ lies were catalogued and arranged alphabetically, with maternal lines merging into paternal tines at the proper place by a'simple reference, [See Hanks] [See Ford] etc. ~EMIAH WOOD OF SHENANDOAH COUNTY. VIRGINIA 1980. Hard back. 419 pp. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Indexed. $18.00 by Leo G. Lawler ,and Hazel P. Lawler. Order from the authors, 1233 Seacobeck Street, wben the authors started research on the Wood family fifteen years ago, it was not with any intention of publishing a book, but to learn something about the family ~ ""'. Summer 1981 55 Book Reviews (continued) to find its place in history, and to meet some of its members. As time passed, more and more people sent in their family records, and so this publication was born. Especially interesting are certain wills and deeds which are quoted verbatim, and accounts of soldiers of Revolutionary and Civil Wars. This genealogy begins with William Wood, who obtained land in Stafford Co., VA in 1729 in that part of the county which became Prince William and later Fauquier County. Some allied lines are: Atwood, Austin, Franklin, Fridley, Rage, Lawler, Moody, Potter, Tharp, Truman, Young. THE GOODSPEED BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF WESTERN ARKANSAS: Yell, Pope, Johnson, Ogan, Scott, Polk, Montgomery, and Conway Counties reproduced from an 1891 edition. 1978. Hard back. 626 pp. Indexed. P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640 $35.00 Order from Southern Historical Press, Each of the counties is described in great detail arid every aspect of life there treated with care; biographical material on many, many families ends each county section. Early settlers of the county are named along with the date each arrived. Most of the county histories include the names and dates of judges, clerks, sheriffs, treasurers, coroners and state representatives. Many times referendes are made to citizens' state and county of birth, which gives valuable clues on what county to chl~ck in the state they came from. There is a wealth of material here; be sure and check the two separate indexes. HENRY'S HERITAGE, A HISTORY OF HENRY COUNTY, ALABAMA, Volume II compiled by Dr. Hoyt M. r-varren. 1980. Soft back. 392 pp. Index of primary family names. Order from Henry County Historical Society, P.O. Box 222, Abbeville, AL 36310 $20.00 Information contained in this publication is a supplement to Volume I and a conscious effort has been made to.record new and different facts about the county and its pe:ople. Persons from allover the county, state and nation have made contributions which are presented in this book. There is a wealth of material here to be gleaned page by page; which is recommended in addition to a quick check of the index. Qlaracter sketches and description of churches and members are extremely interesting. Also included are Henry Co. AL Marriage Records, 1821-1868, The United States Census in Henry Co. - 1840, and family charts on Henry County Pioneers. WEjUCLEY COUNTY, TENNESSE~ MARRIAGES, 1843 - Sept. 4, 1863 compiled by the Weakley County Genealogical Society. 1980. 86 pp. Soft back. Alphabetized by surname of grooms. Brides indexed. Order from the Society, Attn: Martha J. Hutchens, P.O. Box 92, Martin, TN 38237 $8.00 All marriage records prior to 1843 have been lost in Weakley County, but these transcriptions have been copied from records in the office of the County Court Clerk in Dresden, TN. The names of groom, bride and officiant are given with the date of the return or of the issuance of the bond. With 36 marriages per page, large clear print, and pleasing appearance, this book is well worth it's price. BRADLEY COUNTY by Roy G. Lillard. 1980. Hard back. 133 pp. Memphis State University Press, Memphis, TN 38152 $12.50 Indexed. Order from This is another of the Tennessee County History Series and chock full of information of all kinds. Included are the history of settlement, family names, churches, businesses. anecdotes, and an extensive bibliography. Very well written, this is a valuable volume for those who wish to become better acquainted with Bradley. 56 "Ansearchin I " News Book Reviews (continued) OLD MARRIAGE RECORDS OF HICKMAN COUNTY, .TENNESSEE, Vol.l compiled by Duck River Chapter, DAR. 1979. 296 pp. Soft back. Indexed. Order from Mrs. Sibyl H. Head, Wrigley, TN 37098 or Mrs. Rubye Tatum, RR#l, Box 140, Lyles, TN 37098 $14.00 This excellent volume is a compilation of marriages of both black and white citizens of Hickman Co. TN through 1894. Because of a courthotlse fire in 1864, the marriage books began with 1868 and went through 1894. The records prior to 1868 were gathered from many sources: loose papers found in the courthouse vault, family Bibles, obituaries, census records, and two earlier publications, Court Records of Hickman County, Tennessee, 1833-1856 and Marriages of Hickman Cou~~~nnessee by Leeper. This is a well-researched and helpful listing of early marriages that cannot be found in official records alone. . THE GEORGIA LAND LOTTERY PAPERS, 1805-1914 compiled by Robert S. Davis, Jr. and the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. 1979. Hard backs. Over 349 pages. Indexed. Order from Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $22.50. The Georgia Surveyor General Department has many loose documents connected with the land lotteries of 1805, 1807, 1820, 1821, l827.and 1832. Among these paper,S are the petitions of the fortunate drawers or thefr heirs for formal grants to land lots, letters by civil officials to correct misspellings of names, statements by Indian Agents concerning, land with Cherokee Indian improvements, records of Cherokees who attempted to return to Georgia, and other miscellaneous papers concerning the lots and people who won them. Those' records with genealogical value were abstracted for this volume. These papers were stored in three large boxes in no particular order, and at the time of publication of this book were not available for public perusal. ·Therefore the information contained here is of great. value to Georgia researchers. THE GOODSPEED BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF ARKANSAS, Reproduced from an 1889 Edition in the O.C. Bailey Library, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas. Indexed. 1978. Hard back. 112 pp. Order£rom The Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, S.C. 29640. $25.00: This is a ge~etai history of Arkansas containing infonnatlonabout the geography, earliest settlers, politics, and state institutions,the formation of the counties, and their citizens. One chapter is devoted to the Sevier, Conway, Woodruff, Wilson, Hemphill, Barkman, Bowie, Faulkner, Hempstead, Trent, Williams, Shinn, Crittenden, Yell, Walker, Royston and Bates families. The extensive index contains many names connected with Arkansas before 1890, which makes the reproduced volume valuable to a genealogist. ABSTRACT OF YALOBUSHA COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI WILL BOOK A 1808 - 1857 by C. Blair Morgan. 1980. Soft back. 20 pp. $6.50 including postage. Order from the author, 3428 Northmoor, Memphis, TN 38128. One hundred and eight wills are abstracted here, followed by additional facts about the individual when known. A wealth of information appears in many of these notes. The wills 'are arranged in alphabetical order according to the name of' the testator. Mr. Morgan has done his homework on the early families of Yalobusha County. He says, however, that should a reader possess added information on those for which there are notations, he is invited to submit. it for. future editions. All future books will be indexed. Summer 1981 57 Book Reviews (continued) A TAYLOR FAMILY by Louise Taylor. 1981. Soft back. 111 pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 644 Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Apt. 105, Washington, D.C. 20002. $10.00 pp. This work is about Mary Jane Basham and James Harvey Taylor of Johnson County, Arkansas and their descendants for three generations. It is an attempt to set down in written form what is generally known but not before recorded. The opening section provides some general information about the area where the original family lived; next is the information now available on the principals themselves and life in their household. Civil War buffs will treasure their oldest son's account of his military service in the Confederate Army. Sources are listed for all of the family records, and a detailed bibliography is included. KENTUCKY, A HISTORY OF THE STATE, by J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin and G.C. Knffin. print:. 1979. Hard backs. 331 pp. Indexed. Order from The Southern $32.50. Re- Histo~ical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. ( This is Part II of the original edition of this history, and it deals with the cou~ ties of Ballard, Callaway, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, McCracken and Marshall counties, with a special section on Paducah. Each county is described as to boundaries, early settlers,establishment of courts, etc., including a list of officials through the years. Many biographies and family histories are given. One chapter discusses the Jackson Purchase, the land which lies between the Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers and makes up the western part of Kentucky. This is the region from which the above named counties were taken. A new and complete surname index has been added for this reprint edition which greatly facilitates the use of the book. A PORTER FAMILY IN AMERICA by Homer W. Porter. 1980. Soft back. 103 pp. Order from author, 6354 Elder Grove Dr., Dallas, TX 76232. $17.50. Indexed. Starting with an old Porter family Bible and the fact that his grandfather was appointed Sheriff of Parker County, Texas in 1858, the author began to do earnest research after he retired from business. After accumulating a mass of information, he decided to publish this summary. Fifty-two pages are given to information on his own family. The remaining pages are filled with accounts of immigrant Porters, speculation on the kinship of some, and records of many other Porters who are indirectly, if not directly, related to the author's great-great-grandfather, Henry Hamilton Porter 1758-1850. He welcomes information on other Porter families. ALL KNOWN CEMETERIES IN FAYETTE COUNTY, GEORGIA by Joel Dixon Wells and Donald R. Schultz. Soft back. 1980. 176 pp. Hampton, GA 30228. $13.50. Indexed. Order from J.D. Wells, Rt. 2, Box 895, With the cooperation of local genealogists and Historical Society members, the compilers have surveyed and listed every cemetery in Fayette County, Georgia that they were able to locate. They are continuing to collect information pertaining to anyone buried in Fayette County, and welcome additions to their listings or any corrections that may perfect the lists. Further information will be used to publish a supplement at no charge to those who have a copy of this book. 1860 FEDERAL CENSUS WAYNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI by Gwen Platt. 1980. Soft back. 32 pp. Indexed. Order from author, 314 Dolley Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72116. This census enumerates 390 families. $5.75. Families have been alphabetized for quick 58 "Ansearchin'" News Book Reviews (continued) reference; also included is a numerical listing by dwelling number of all surnames contained in the alphabetical list. Use of the latter will allow the researcher to study neighbors for possible family connections. Both surnames and Christian names were copied as written on the original, so look under every possible spelling. A map showing Wayne County and counties formed from Wayne County is: helpful as is a list of 140 people who appeared on the 1811 Tax Roll. BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH, CAROLINA ABSTRACTS OF EARLY DEEDS 1738-1804 by Brent H. Holcomb, C.A.L.S. 1979. Soft back. 81 pp. Indexed. Order from the Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, se 29640. $10.00. Bladen County was formed in 1734 from New Hanover County, and at its formation encompassed everything west of the present county. Cumberland County was formed entirely from Bladen, as were Robeson and Anson, and part of Orange County once was in Bladen. Therefore the abstracts in this volume are especially informative, with many long chains of title going back to original grants and many references to Craven County, South Carolina. Three courthouse fireS have destroyed many early records, a fact which makes this book particulary valuable. THE BIOGRAPHICAL ~CYCLOPAEDIA OF KENTUCKY (OF THE DEAD AND LIVING MEN OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY) Compiled and published by J.M. Armstrong and Co., Cincinatti, OH. 1878. New material copyrighted 1980 by The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Hard back. Over 819 pp. Indexed. Order from the Southern Historical Press % The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640. $42.50. Kentucky has had many histories and biographies and other means of recording the early settlement, and organization of the territory as a county of Virginia and as a state., Probably no state is more interesting from an histor.ic point of view. From this state settlers moved north to the Northwest Territories, west to Missouri and the new lands farther west; and south and sou.thwestto the new territories of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas. The famed 'Dark and Bloody Ground' is rich'in biographical material. Many of the men who helped niake history in Kentucky are given space in this publication. The biographies cover the period from the early pioneers to 1878, the date of this publication. Researchers will find much material here. PIKE COUNTY WILLS 1826-1854 by Joyce Hill Gossett. 1980. Soft back. 38 pp. Indexed. 30344.$7.50+ .50 handling. Order from author, 2453 Constance St., East Point, GA " ' Pike County, Georgia was formed in 1822 from Monroe County; Monroe was derived in turn from Indian Lands. Pike is midwestern Georgia in location. Included with Will Books A & B & part of C are certain administrative letters and guardianship records. The book reflects dates from 1823-1854 and approximately 358 individual names. EARLY RECORDS OF HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS by Loraine, Dodson StQry. Indexed. 1979.' Soft back. 42 pp. Order fro~ Search-:-N-prin,t, P.O. Box 777, Farmersvil:le, TX 75031 $6.00. Recorded here are the 1850 Census, 1850 ,Mortality Schedule, 1850 Slave Schedule,. and 93 marriages from 1847-1851. These marriages are recorded in the back of Deed Book A and are therefore not readily avai~able to the researcher who writes for information. The transcriber, a lifelong resident of the county, put in many hours on extremely difficult to decipher handwriting. These records will be a valuable aid and much appreciated by researchers with family in this region of the large state of Texas. Sulllllter 1981 59 HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1836 TAX RECORD Filmed by Tennessee state Library & Archives Transcribed by Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. DISTRICT III ACRES Armour, Lake, Oakley Lot Aden, S.B. 22 Aden, H.E. 32 Arun, Abihu Allen, Andrew Atkins, John R. Armour, Solomon's 14 heirs Town Lot Blythe, Benjamin 343 2 Lots 30 Brown, Mary Barfield, Willie B. Lot Barfield, John 7SL.7 Lots Brown, Benjamin C. 28 2 Lots Brown, Mathew Barfield, Blake Bryan, E. Lot Lot Brown, John's heirs Bourland, Reece Bagby, Cooney, Terrence 8 Lots 26 Cooke, John W. 15 12 Lots Cooney, John 3SL ,3 Lots Cooper, Blount 2 Lots Cr.awford, Thomas 5 Lots 6 Cooney, Oakley & Others 2 Lots Cowan, James 5 Lots 36 Cheairs, Benjamin Lot Collier, Edward lSL Crockett, Nathaniel 2SL Carmine, Samuel J. 12 Dewitt, W.J. Dunl~, John H. 6SL 130 Dunlap, Hugh 150 Davis, Archibald's 303 heirs Lot Erwin, John J. 2SL Lot Edmiston, John H. Edmunds, Howell Lot Ewing, Nathaniel J.? 10 Forrest, Henry Lot Flemming, Wesley 5 Lots Fisher, L.D. 1SL Lot Fitzgerald, Wm. 2SL 10 Forrester, Zachariah Gordon, James ~ Lots Greer & Crockett Lot 29 Greer, James 2 Lots 460 Greer, David S. 608 Gibbs, John 1 Lot 6 GibBon, William Hill, John C. Lot Howard, Thomas A. Hill, William Harris, William R. 11 4 Lots ~' ( POLL 1 1 1 1 1 2SL ISL ISL 1 1 1 lSL 1 1 5SL 1 1 5SL 1 3SL 1 7SL 4SL 1 1 1 1 1 7SL 3SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4SL 1 1 ISL 1 1 2SL ~ISTRICT #1 Holliday. Allen J. Hogan, William G. ACRES 1 36 6 Lots Holliday, Kelly 3SL 3 Lot Hamtramck. Olen M. Hamtramck & McCorkle Lot Harris & Gibbs 2 Lots Hogler, John L. 1/4 Lot Ha~kins, SamuelM. 2 Harris, Hannibal 1 Jolly, Jesse 1 Lot 2 Jackson, Alexander 41 1 Lot Johnson, Thomas Lot Jewell, Sarah Jackson, Hosea Jones, Thomas M. Kane. Alexander H. 32 Lot Kniffen, James Kendafl. Samuel Lot Lamb & Palmer 1 Lot 27 Lamb, Jonathan 2 Lots 2 Lyle, Joseph P. Lot Lourie. William S. Moore, Richard Lot Martin, William B. Lot Min, George W. 10 Min & Peters 15 McMeans, James R. 2 Lots Moore, George W. McFarland, E.J. Malloy, Francis D. 2 Lots Montague, Clement McCowat, Thomas 21 McCampbell, Andrew Lot Martin, Johnson Lot McCampbell, Isaac K. Newble, William Min, John D. Oakley, James 3SL 4 Dury & Miller Lot Palmer, Edmund' 2SL Lot Poiner, Peter .2SL Lot Peden, Cornelius· Lot 13 Poe. William D. Peters, Jeremy 1 Porter. Wm. N. 1SL Lot Porter. Thomas K. Reid, Francis T•. 8 Lot Roberts, Lucy 25 Russell, R.A. Sallie, Samuel K. 1SL Lot Thompson. William Wilson, William Lot Wescoat, William 14 Woodruff, Aaron lSL Lot POLL 1 1 lSL 1 1 1 1 6SL 1 lSL 1 1 lSL 1 1 1SL 1 1 1 1 4SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6SL 1 1 1 1 1 ACRES POLL. DISTRICT III Lot White, Charles M. 1 Wooldridge, ,Will A. 1 3 Lots 2SL Wooldridge. Will A. 2 Lots & Co. l2SL 1 Williamson. Ben S. 1 White, James E. 1 Walker, Eli 3 Lots Waddy, Samuel 1 Willie, Joseph 1 Waddy. Samuel A. 1 Williams, Willis L. 3 Lots 2 SL 1 Williams. Isaac B. 1 Young, James M. Young. V. John 5 Lots 24 1SL DIST #1 DOUBLE TAX LIST Allen, Joseph K. 2 Lots Alltom, Thomas B. Lot 15 Cooke, Giles' heirs 3 Lots Lot Coxe, Marberry T' s heirs 1 Gray, John's heirs 60 Guinn, Duke A. Gillespie, William 3 Lots Hardeman, Sarah Jane Lot Lot King, Ralph's heirs Kennedy, Lucas heirs Lot Martin, John D. 2 Lots McClure, James' 2 Lots heirs McCorkle, Samuel 2 Lots Mason, Daniel's 2 Lots heirs McNees _ Lot DISTRICT 112 Jesse Allmon" 'John Allmon, Aaron J. Bushart, Jacob, Jr Bushart, Jacob SR Bushart, John Brewer, George lSL Brooks, Nelson R. Bevill, William Bushart, Henry Boothe, Papley Bevill, Major Bevill, John Beaver, Henry B. Babb, Henry B. 38L *Berkley, William Boothe, John W. Boothe, Lemuel Brockwell, May ? * Aycock, 140 57 1 1 1 1 196 55 50 111 189 280 36 100 232 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Ansearch1n'" News 60 Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) ACRES POLL ACRES POLL DISTRICT fJ3 POLL DISTRICT 112 220 Crawford, Thomas 1 Rice, Thomas 1 215 Collins, James 1 Ralls, Alford 1 1 219 Crowder, Hardy 2SL 1 Randle, Jarred 3SL 181 1 1 Crowder, Isaac 2SL 1 Roberts, 'John 140 1 1 Covington, Edmund 1 Randle, Tillman 1 Crutchfield, Charles 480 1SL 2SL Ragan, William 71 1 Charles, John lSL Randle, James R. 65L 280 1 1 75 2SL WaH. Cooper, Randle~ John A. 4SL 1 125 Crowder, R.D. 1 Rhodes, J.R. 1 1 Carson, Andrew W. 3SL 1 Stofle, William 39 1 1 119 Dugger, E. 3SL Swift, John 3 lSL ?50 312 5SL Duke,. William P. 2SL Swift, Garland 1 1 Dodd, Thomas 1 Sears, Albert 206 1 1 lSL Dobbins, R,S. ISL SWift, James 1 1SL Dobbins, Agness 2SL Smith, Coleman lSL 356 1 1 Dobbins, Alexander lSL Stith, Abner 5SL 1 677 132 3SL Donnelson, James Stith, Henry's heirs 412 1 Dumas, John lSL 8SL Tharpe, William A. 1710 26SL Dumas, Edmund!s heirs 357 4SL 1 Tharpe, W.A. for 2SL Dobbins, Hugh's heirs 217 Bradfield,' s ',heirs 228 1 Eason, Thomas 2SL Thomas, William 1 1 1015 Edmunds, Howell lSL Turbeville, Joht;l B(?) 1 13SL Vandeave, W.B. 70 1 637 10SL Forrest, Henry 1 Wilkins, James M. 10.3 1 1 Ford, John 1 White, Moses 1 1 6SL Wagster, David, Sr Frost, Stephen 50 1 190 Futrell, Daniel 1 Winsett, Berry R. 1 1 Frazier, Franklin F, 1 Wagster, David, Jr 1 1 Frazier, Constantine 1 Wimberly, George W. 1 1 142 Gardner, Joshua 1 Winsett, Martin 117 55 Gainer, James C. 1 Williams, Rebecca J. 640 Hamilton, John C's 1 Wagster, John 1 ,240 5SL ;Webb, John Q. heirs 50 1 Hartsfield, John 3SL il72 1 ,Hartsfieid, Andrew ; 250 1 , DISTRICT IIJ 2SL 1 *Armour, ~ (tid hot given) 4SL 1 Howard, W,H~ Arnn, Benjamin 62 1 350 3SL Hamilton, Reuben 1 1 Alexander, Jefferson D. .1 115 3SL Hays, Samuel 3SL Atkins, John 17SL 1000 1 170 lSL Hays, William Barnard, Pleasant 1 1 Hays, James 97 1 Blake, James 110 1SL 1 Hous,e, John B. 7SL 230 589 Blake, Leonard H. 1 1 House, Ceorge 1 Boothe, Zachariah 162 1 83 1 Holliwan, Thomas ~eas1ey, Nehemiah C. 282 1 ,'1 1 5 lSL· Hudgeons, K~D. 1 Holleman, Mark P. 15 1 Barnard, John lSL 200 1 1 Ho~ard, Thomas A. 4SL 480 1 Barnard, Luke 3SL 125 Howard', M.H ." & Bumpass, Kendall V. 1 208 1 Thos. N. Bumpass, E.F. 6SL 255 1 Howard, Jane 2SL 1 Brisingtine, Henry P. , 1 Howarc:l, Mary 6SL 1 Bumpass, E.G. 1 Henry ~., William 150 lSL 1512 1 150 Boyd, Abner 295 ' Herrin, Abner 250 2SL 1 * Cooke, John W. 520 5SL 60 6SL Cole, Pleasant 2SL , Hansbrough, Rachel Hendon, Aaron 1SL 60 1 90 Cox,Gova llSL 440 1 Hyers, Lewis (Ayers?) lSL 112 1 Crawford, James M. 1 175 Janes, Edward 1009 12SL 1 Crawford, William 471 4SL 150 Janes, Joseph 100 1 Crawford, John S. 100 1 1 Janes, Edward, Jr 1 Cla,rks, Elizabeth C. 1800 3SL 1 1 Jameaon, Willis L, Crowder, James 1 ACRES DISTRICT 112 Bush, Uriah Bevill, Mastin Bevill, Lewis Bacchus, A.W. Childress, Thomas Compton, Elizabeth 133 Compton, Nancy A. Currier & Cooney 417 Cross, William~ Jr Dollahite, Nathaniel 100 Duvall, Wm. J. lSL 70 Dunlap, Moses 219 Dunlap" Benjamin, Jr Dunlap, Ephraim 80 150 Dortch, Henry 116 Dunlap, Benjamin, 51' Dunlap, Jonathan 50 Fowler, IJi1liam 640 Fowler, C.B. Cibbs, John 400 Greer, James 150 Gibbs, William 91 Gee, James & Co 1808 Hutson, Benjamin Hinchey, Bartlett 70 Hicks, James 343 Hunt, l./iiliam Hughes, Nathaniel Hooper, Joseph Horn, William Hankins, Samuel 82 Harmon, Ambrose Hankins, Samuel W. Jackson, A. 45 Jenkins, Young 100 James, John Kuykendall, Jacob Kirkpatrick, Samuel 134 Largent, (Sargent?) James Looney, Joseph W. Lampley, William Metheny, M.W.C. Myrick, Amos Myrick, William, Sr Myrick, William, Jr f>fyrick, Lemuel Myrick, John J. Metheny, W.H. Myrick, James 2SL Manly, Wm. C. McCampbell, Andrew Nance, Stephen Owen, Peter Pierce, A.C. Powell, Benjamin Potts, Oswald Potts, M,.L. I I Summer 1981 61 Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) ( DISTRICT f!3 ACRES POLL Julian, Newton S. 1 Jones, Willie E. 1 Jackson, A. 135 86 Jones, Samuel Kambill, Joseph 70 1, James A. 1 Kelly, A.M. 150 1 Love, Thomas S. 1SL 410 1 Leeper, James 150 Lamb, Jonathan 300 1 Lamb & Dodd 100 Lewis, Thomas J. 117 1 760 1SL Love, Thomas Sr Love, Albert G. 1 Lumpkins, George 1 Looney, Joseph 1 2SL 185 Millikin, Amos 1 McGeehee, Elijah 8SL 123 1 Morrison, Andrew 50 1 Murrell, Isaac 1 McConnell , Francis 310 McConnell, James 1 MB.llard, Richard 1 1 McConnell, Robert 1 Ma.nning, Exum 24 Mayo, James' heirs 111 1 Marr, Alexander D. 150 Murry, 1 Nichols, John A. 37 Oakley, James 1 Pl.°itchett, A.C. lOSL 400 50 Palmer, E.M. 130 Permenter, John 1 65 1 Potts, Willie Potts, William 1 1 Poor, James 267 1 Prater, G.W. 1 Peacock, Willie Ray, Moses P. 1 633 2SL Ray, John 1 Rhodes, David 1 Ray, John, Jr 1800 1SL Short, Moses 1 Sisson, Brown 1 Sisson, Absalom 63 Staten, Thomas, Sr 105 Stanfield, Yi11iam 100 Sweat, Virtue 1 Sweat, Asa 1 Sweat, Edward Stewart, Thomas 1 1 Sparks, George Tarbett, John 1 200 12SL Travis. Edward Thornton, Amelia 5SL 168 Terry, Champion 1SL 1 1SL Vollentine, Ann Volentine, Andy 1 36 Wilson, James K. Wood, William's heirs 640 DISTRICT f!3 ACRES POLL Williams, Purviance 147 1 Waddy, Granville 60 1 Washam, Sarah 4SL Wade, Allen 85 Yow, John 191 Young, William 176 5SL Young, John 137 1 Yates, Person 120 1 Young, Newton 1 DISTRICT 114 Aycock, Robert 3SL Allmdn, Edmund 2SL Allen, Henry Alexander, Randolph Anderson, George Brisendine, Thomas Blythe, Joseph Brisendine, Jona Burks, William Buie, Daniel Baufman, Jacob Ballard, William W. Babb, Watson Boothe, Clemuel Ballard, John Bryant & Jones Bruce, Wilson Boyd, William Blythe, John Conyers, James Crenshaw, Susannah Conyers, William Childress, Thomas Crockett, Nathaniel Cooper, Blount & Co. Cooper, Blount Caldwell, Wm. 1SL Caldwell, Warren Conyers, James H. Cooney, Terence, Admr Coonrod. WilliamC. Crutchfield, Charles Cossett, Lewis Daniel, Ephraim Daniel, James R. Driver, William . Emory, Bird Ellison, Robert Ellison, William Ellison, Robert Edgar, Lewis M. .Ellis, John J. Ellis, Theophi1us Edwards, Oliver 1SL Ellison, Hiram Ellison. Margaret Guthrie, William F. Gibson, David Griffin, Thomas 100 160 15 150 105 77 44 365 65 25 23 242 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 5SL 1 1 14 480 483 128 50 5SL 1 1 1 123 238 175 150 59 60 20 68 5 100 143 34 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1SL 1 1 1 1 2SL ACRES POLL DISTRICT Ii. 513 Greer, James 214 Gibbs. John 1 Gilliam, John 100 Harris, William R. 114 Howard. M.H. 140 Howard. James 1 138 Hansel, Theophi1us 176 1 Hart, John 1 Hart, George 1 Hudspeth. Joseph 1 Hedspeth. Thomas M. 58 1 Hughes, Wm. P. 1SL 50 Hudspeth, Nancy 1 Harmon, Elisha 100 1 Hinson, Benjamin 1 Hudspeth, William P. 1 Hughes, Joseph 1 Hughes, Samuel 160 3SL Iron, John P. 1 Inglish, Ephram 1 Jones, Ralph 90 Jackson, Alexander 42 .lobe, Jesse 12 1 Jones, Mathew 1 Jackson, William ISL 1 Jackson, John N. 4SL 350 1 45 Jones, James 1 Kirk1en, Shedrack Kennedy, Lucas' heirs 200 1 Lacey, Harris H. 1 Lewis, Shedrack 1 Linn, William 1 Lennnons, Isaac 250 Lamb, Jonathan 36 1 Lemmons, William H. 1 Love, Samuel C. 1SL 402 1 Little, Joseph H. 40 Lee, Richard 1 Marberry, Jacob 4SL 282 77 1 Marberry, Francis W. 50 1 McFadden. Samuel 1 Moore. James H. 1 McFadden, James 1SL 50 1 McFadden, John 1 McFadden, Andrew 1 Mu1hollan, William 100 McFarland, William 40 Mason, Asa 1 McFarland, John W. 1 Miller, John 100 McNutt, Margaret V. 1 Marr, Alexander 1 Nance, Stephen 1SL 1 Norred, William 1 Orgdin, Sterling 5SL 263 1 Odier, Robert 28 1 Oury, John S. 20 Oakley, James 105 Palmer, Benjamin 1 Palmer, Solomon 62 "Ansearchin'" News Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) DISTRICT fJ4 ACRES POLL Palmer, Bennett 1 Polston, John R. 1 Pryor, William 1SL 140 1 Porter, Thomas K. 35 Pillar, Joseph B. 1 30 Quissenberry's heirs 200 Ray, Septimus 1 Rogers, Willie 89 1 Rodgers, William 1 Row, Adam 1SL 144 1 Rodgers, Daniel 60 Stephens, John S. 1 35 Studavent, Anderson 172 1 Simmons, John C. 1SL 1 Swift, Garland 58 Seawright, Alexander 60 1 Stephens, Edward 1 Upchurch, John 1 Whartoll, George B. 191 1SL Waldrop, Euring 50 1 1 Waldrop. Alfred WilliBlns, William 242 1 Woodruff, Aaron (Agt) 100 1 135 Wilson. Charles W. Williamson, Ben S. 27 Watson, Willis M. 1 Young, James 108 1 75 Young, V. John DISTRICT 115 Alexander, Mathew Alexander, J.D. Alexander, Robert 1SL Allen, Moses Andrews. Edmund, Alexander, Iven Alexander, Wm. 3SL Atkins, Alfred Alderson, Josiah 1SL Barr, James N. Baker, William Barr, Alexander Berry, Augustin 2SL Bullock, Samuel Berry, Harris 2SL Bi-les. Michael 4SL Bailey, Jeremiah Byrd. William Browning, Williamson Cunningham, Hugh Cheairs, William T. Cowan, James 2SL Collier, Henry H. Crutchfield, Thomas Carroll, James Curlin, Hugh Collier, Harbert Collier, Harvey Cole, R.C. Cheairs, Benjamin 56 100 106 50 537 140 144 350 287 171 500 147 50 180 610 1SL 148 216 256 650 DISTRICT fJ5 ACRES Collier, Harbert, 140 (Guard. ) Carter, James T. Diggs, Elisha 1SL 105 Dunn, Benj amin 2SL 50 Diggs, Thomas Diggs, William Diggs, Benjamin H. 248 Dewitt, Washington J. 320 Dodd, Thomas 150 Ervin, Joseph, Jr Edwards, William W. Edward, Thomas A. Emmerson, Pleasant 155 Edwards, William 190 Edwards, Joseph 390 Erwin, James Guinn, T.P. 3SL Guinn, Duke A. 3SL 1000 Guinn, A.B. 1SL 320 Henderson, Gabriel Hurt, John M. Hillard, David Hays, James W. (Admr) ~rper, William B. Hill, Green Hicks, Willie 2SL Hill, Joseph 1 Hall f William 1 Hall, Hugh M. 2SL 1 Harvey, Rachel Hill, Spencer 1 Hogan, ,Edmund 1 Henderson, Simeon 1 Jernigan, William H. 1 Jenkins, Thomas 1 Jones, Nancy 1 Jernigan, Jesse 3SL Jernigan, Thomas 1 Kendall, Stephen A. 1 Lyon, William 2SL 1 Looney, J.D. 2SL 1 Lankford, JohnM. 1 Lumbrick, Abraham 1SL 1 , Mathis, Jesse 1 Mayer, Jacob McAdoo, Alfred 1 Mathi", Garret 1 McAdoo, William, Sr 1 McAdoo, Joseph 1 McAdoo, Samuel ISL 1 Moore, & Atkins 1 Moore, Sarah 4,SL Moore, George W. 1 Muse, Samuel & I John A. 12SL Newton, Abraham 840 145 250 140 185 73 70 120 32 112 25 141 202 200 40 113 358 144 125 670 100 150 135 100 487 POLL DISTRICT tIS ACRES 104 Owens, William 20 Owen, Josiah 1 Pride, Burton 1 Phelps, WID. L. 1SL 103 87 1 Phelps, William, Sr171 1 Persin, John B. 72 1 Renshaw, Elijah 242 1 Randle, William 320 2SL Rochella, Robert Shell, Richard 2SL 123 Stalls, James 1SL 150 1 Smyth, John 1 Swan, Thomas 92 1 Travis, Benj. W. 200 1 Thomas, William 128 1SL Turner, James 2SL Turner, Robert 3SL Thomason, Goerge 1 Thomas, Tristram 1SL 325 1 Ward, M. 1 Webb, Benjamin I. 1 Watkins, James 150 1 Wright, Tabitha 3SL Wright, George S. 82 14SL Webb, John, Jr 170 1 Williams, Alfred G. 5SL 53 1 , Wilson, Sarah 130 1 Williams, Tabitha, 1. Walton, John -1 DISTRICT 116 1 150 1 * Allen, William Allen, William B. 520 1 Allen, Martha Anderson, Terrill Allmon, Thomas 45 1 Armstrong, Thomas 144 1 Atkins, William P. Burk, Johnson 45 Brown, Richard 199 Bingham, Robert S. 1 1 107 1 Bullock, Isaac 1 Barnes, Henry A. 43 1 Cooney, Terence 360 Collins, William 1 90 1 Coll, Joseph 1 * Crage, James 25 1 C1endennin, Anderson Cu1p~pper, Ba1aam 1 3SL Clement, Isaac 103 Campbell, James 1 C1endennin, John 1 25 C1endentlin, Ava ' 3SL Carpenter, James Deen, Allen 1 1 Deason, John 5SL Dickson, Nicholas 83 3SL Davis, Lewis POLL 1 1 1 2SL 1 1 5SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ISL 2SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '01 1 1 1 1 1 Summer 1981 63 Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) ( DISTRICT 116 ACRES POLL DISTRICT #6 ACRES POLL Dortch, Isaac 100 1 Orne, Edward & 228 Davis, Josiah 1 Alden Gifford Easley, John S. 1 Owens, Wm. L. 1 Ellinor, Etheldred 109 lOwen, James H. 1 Ellinor, Benjamin 75 Orne, Edward & 274 Ellis, Joseph 15 1 Alden Gifford Ell is , James 1 Owen, Henry 1 Ellis, John 42 Perry, Aus tin 1 Ellinor, Alexander C. 1 218 35L Perry, Allen Finch, John 194 Parker, James 1 235 4SL Fitch, James Powell, Allanson lSL 150 1 1 Fitch, Anderson W. Pearce, Sarah Ann 1 71 Foster, Frances W. 150 2SL Porter, Nathaniel 2SL 1 120 Greer, Isaac Peeples, Nathaniel 22 1 Gun, George W. 1 Rayburn, Henry 1 800 Gilcrease, Daniel 1 Rushing, Joel Goffa (Guffee?), John 1 Rice, James P. 1 Grainger, Nathaniel N. 1 Ramsey, William G. 23 Grainger, Benjamin W. 1 Ramsay, John 75 1 Grai.nger, John 280 Russell, Mathew 158 1SL HHl, William 500 Rogers, Benjamin 1 90 Hastings, Henry' 181 1 Reddin, James 180 Hagler, John L. 12SL 950 1 1 Reddin, William 33 Hastings, John M.C. 30 Reddin, Lemuiel 1 1 H()11iday, Henry 1 1 30 Rushing, Jackson Hinson, Obadiah 107 1 Sexton, James 63 Jenkins, Chesley P. 200 1 1 Smith, John T. I' Kendall, Richmond G. 95 Stroud', Morris "1 Kimbrough, John P. 100 1 Sexton, Henry 1 60 Kendall, William 1 Simmons, Henry P. 1 1 Kirkpatrick, Thomas J. 2SL 1 200 Simmons, James P. Lee, George P. 2SL 113 1 Thompson, John C. 1 90 Thompson, George R. 1 Lee, Thomas 55 1 1 Lewis, James L. 1500 Trantham, Jesse 18 68 25 1 1 Townsend, Thomas Leegan, t~derson ToWnsend, James L. 1 1 Leek, James W. 1 Linsay, Edward 30 50 Upchurch, Jesse 1 Marberry, John 200 lSL Vancleave, Stephen 56 1 Moody, Thomas 67 1 Vaughan, William 1 Murrie, William 75 Wright, William 5SL 418 1 Winsett, William B. 1 Mawell, John 1 25 1 1 Williams, Williamson R. McCall, John M. 1 McCall, Margaret 53 Wilson, Allen 1 Medlock, Samuel S. 50 Wilson, Andrew L. 1 Williams, Clarisa 98 Mawell, Henry McVoy, John 1 1 DISTRICT il7 Marberry, Horatio 35 Marberry, John 1 Atcheson, William 79 1/2 Morris, Wm's heirs 200 1 Atcheson, John G. May, Holden 58 1 Atcheson, Solomon S. lSL 1 Metheny, Jonathan 1 1 Atcheson, Adam Murray, Solomon 1 Atcheson, William A. 1 Moody, Henry J. 56 1 . Atcheson, Jacob 1 1 Murray, Thomas Arnett, Samuel, Sr 16 1 Murray, Deborah 50 Arnett, George M. lSL 141 1 Naron, John C. Brown, Henry 1500 Neely, William 150 1 Bowmar, William 1 400 50 1 Northen, William J. Blanton, John W. 1 Nash, Zachariah 74 1 Burton, William R. 1 Nash, William 74 * Bostick, Floyd B. 1 * ** ACRES POLL DISTRICT #7 154 3/4 Bowman, Herrod 1 225 Bush, Uriah 1 302 Brack, Darham 4SL 91 Bush, Lorenzo D. 1 Crews, David 1 Coner, Mark M. 1 Cratcher, Martin 350 Cherry, Daniel 154 Cherry, Darling 750 Campbell, George W. 1 Cheatham, John 1 Cauley, James 1 Callahan, Nathaniel S. 264 2SL 89 1 Davidson, Josiah 1 Dowdy, Benjamin 1 Davidson, William 1 Dowdy, John 1 DeBruce, Robert 1 Eastes, John 100 EasUs, Martha 1 Edwards, Jacob 100 Eastes, Thomas 1 100 Eastes, Barny 100 1SL Franch, Gidens 1 Franch, Samuel C. 1SL 190 1 French, Allison 1 Franch, William C. 1 Foster, Elijah 3SL 137 186 Gibbs, John 1 Gal1imone, Larkin J. 1 Gainer, James C. lSL 1295 1 Holbrook, Griffith 1 Holbrook, Richard 100 1 Hastings, James M. 1 Hillis, Finis E. 64 Hicks, Charles 1 Hollingsworth, George 70 4 Howell, Isaac 15 Harvey, John 1 Hillis, William 125 Horton, Joseph W. 1 Jones ~ .Parley J. 1SL 25 1 430 Jones, Robert 9SL 1SL 1 Jackson, John T. 100 1 Jourdan, William 1 4 Jones, Coleman 2SL 1 Johnson, William 1 50 Johnson, Nathaniel 80 Johnson, Mary 1 100 Johnson, William H. 100 Kane, A.H. 1 Kincard, Andrew C. 89 1 Lowery, James 237 5SL Lowery, Elijah, Sr 102 1 Lowery, Robert 1 Lowery, Elijah, Jr 1 Lowery, Parker 100 1 Lowery, Isaac Bn. 1 66 Lowery, William 64 "Ansearchin '" News Henry County, Tennessee 1836 Tax Record (continued) DISTRICT ./17 ACRES POLL Little, Thomas F. 2SL 100 I Lee, Benjamin F. 2SL 134 1 Monroe, Francis I Moody, George W. 2SL 140 1 Moody, Jeremiah 572 45L Morris, David ISL Moody, William 2SL 150 1 Mathewson, Joqn 122 Manley, B.J. & 200 2SL John A.C. Manley, Isaac N. 50 McCullough, Nancy 97 McSwain, William C. 1 McCollough, Alexander 106 Myrick, Green D. 1 Neisler, Albert 1 Nance, Wil1iam 325 . 35L Nance, Reubin 163 1 Nichols, William I Neisler, Joseph 1 Porter, Joseph K. 3SL 157 1 Porter, James D. 48L 1 Porter, Agness 310 7SL Punn (1), Jane 177 2SL Porter, John C. 3SL 160 1 Palmer, Daniel 100 1 Palmer, William 46 Porter, William 5SL 310 1 Penick, Henry's heirs 343 llSL Read, David 41 Redford, Jethro 94 1 Reynolds, Lewis D. 1 Radford, Abner 93 1 Rinehart, David 1 5SL 316 Routen, Philip 1 Smith, Milton 1 . Smith, Johanan ISL 124 Settles, David 1. Settles, W.M. Swift, Charles 125 2SL Stoddart, WID. 755 2SL Smith, Robert A. 1 98 Swift, A. 200 2SL '1 Throgmorton, James Throgmorton, Josiah 1 Throgmorton, Robertson 1 Tailor, William 42 1 Throgmorton, Richard's heirs 111 Throgmorton, Richard 1 Thomason, Arnold 80 1 Thomason, Edmu~d 1 Upton, James 1 202 Warren, John H. 2SL 1 Walters, William 610 8SL Walters, Spencer 1 4SL Woodson, Jane Woodridge, William .A. 50 Walters, Abraham 385 ISL Wyatt, Zachariah 554 . 4SL DISTRICT U7 Wiley, Joseph Watkins, James Wade, Lewis T. Winbush, Watson Williams, Oney & Green Williams, Green Williams, Thomas Wimberly, Jane & others Williams, Henry Ward, John W. Willett, Lewis A. Walker, John Yarbrough, David Yarbrough, John I ACRES 381 2SL 200 DISTRICT f18 ACRES Hagler, E.W. 2S lSL, Hagler, L.J. 1 Hudson, John H. Harrison, George C. 1 Hester, Franklin 200 Hudson, Richard H. POLL POLL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73 22 25 1 1 I 1 650 175 ) DISTRICT 118 * Armour , Lake & Oakley Allison, Joseph P. Banks, Thomas R. 2SL Babb, John P. 1SL Baldwin, Lewis Bennett, John 2SL Broach, James Broach, George, Sr Broach, George, Jr Bush, Uriah Burch, .Wi11ie H. 1SL .Cooke, John W. Cooley, William Carroll, John " Crews, ,John *Cate, John S. Cate, Green Cate, William A.T. Cate, J.F. Cate, Thomas CrutChfield, John H. Dollahite, Willie Dollahite, Willie, agent Dollahite, Willie, admr. Dol1ahite, Cornelius Dollahite, N. Davis, .John Deets, F.W. Foust, Elijah Foust, William 25 1 80 1 250 1 640 1 80 1 160 1 50 ISL 1, 400 68 274 25 ) ) I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 4SL 155 80 1 1 50 400 45 40 85 Fuzz ell Green, 'William Greesham, James Hester, Edwin Harley, John Hester, James H. Hudson, William A. Hagler, Willis T. Hagler, Joel Hagler"SilasM. 2SL 1 25 25 3SL Hastings, James Hastings, Joseph Heely, Banil (1) Hastings, John Jackson, Willis Jackson, Binns Lightfoot, Henry Lowry, Isaac Malone, Yancey Meeks,; Jeremiah McNorey, John Medcalf, Martin Muzzell, Joseph W. McCord, W.W. Morris, John Manley, Hamblin F. Miller, wm. H. 2SL Malone, Nathaniel McCord, James Malone, Nathan Norwood, William Nelson, Samuel Perkins, Adam Perry, Elisha Rial, William Sinclair, Albert D. Turner, Dempsey Thomas, William Vaughan, Stephen Wallers, William Walton, Simeon 5SL White, John E. Wilson, William Wooten, Sherrard Yarbrough, William S. Nelson, Philip H. 4SL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 75 62 50 1 1 170 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 75 54 550 70 9SL 2' 1 1 1 1 25 50 135 1 1 1 1 1 2SL 1 110 625 29 1 1 1 480 200 500 9SL 1 (to be continued) * (Names listed between the) (asterisks were out of ) (order on the microfilm, ) (but have been included ) (here in proper alpha) (b~tica1 sequence. ) ** (Add to DISTRICT #7) Bowman, Reubin 630 Burton, Jesse 344 Burton, John 7SL ISL 1 65 Summer 1981 THE FAMILIES OF WHITE COUNTY, TENNESSEE IN 1860 Contributed by Harold R. Wallace 6110 Ea~t Fifth St. Apt. 215, Tucson, AZ 85711 (Continued from Sprin~ issue) 145-134 William AUSTIN 50 TN, Ginnetta 42 NC, Lucinda 20 TN, Susan 18, Johnson SMITH 4, Thomas Austin 16, farmer, Nancy 14, Martha 11, Forrest 9, Nathanael 6, James V. 2, William WADDLE 43, farm laborer. 146··135 Charles SMITH 63 TN, farmer, Cyntha S. 55 NC, Davis 28 TN, farmer, Charles 27 (did he marry Mollie A. ANDERSON in White Co. 11 Jan 1871?), Sarah 13, Jane DOYLE 36 (was she the Jane Smith who married David or DanielM.Doyle in White Co. 14 Sep 1853?), James S. 5, F.A. WILLIAMS 30 TN, trader, Tabitha 31 (married within the. year). 147~136 Francis ARNOLD 34 TN, farmer, Martha 34 (Francis Arnold married Martha Ann SMITH 7 Sep 1843 in White Co.), Seth 15, Saphronia 11, Murrill 6. ( 148-137 Elizabeth LOWERY 64 TN, Simpson 27, farm laborer (he was granted C.S.A. pension #3002 for service in 25th Tennessee Infantry), Allison 42. 149-138 John SMITH 53 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 45 NC (she probably. was Elizabeth DOWNING and they got a license. in White Co. 1 Mar 1840 and married 12 Mar 1840), Robert 19 TN, farmer, Amanda 17, Ann IS, Eliza'13, Emily 11, Floyd 9, Joseph 6, Mark 3. . 150-139 C.P. DAVIS 30 TN, farmer, Finetta 26. (Christopher P. Davis married Finetta SMITH 27 Jul 1853 in White Co.) 151-140 A.S. MITCHELL 63 TN, poor-house keeper, Jane 54 NC, Eliza 25 TN, Tennessee 22, Waman 18, farmer, Jabez 15, Clark MEEKS 18, tannery apprentice, Larkin PATRICK 35 AL, Nancy KING 40 TN, Aggie Mitchell 40, George WADDLE 35 TN, Easter Waddle 18. 156-145 William HUNTER 70 NC, blacksmith, Hannah 60, KY, An thony23TN , farmer, Susan 18. 157-146 James SCOTT 52 TN, farmer, Amanda 45, Jonathan 18, Sarah M. 15, Elizabeth 10, Mary B. 7, Lucetta 4, ,John C. REVIS 25, farm laborer, James. W. Revis 22, farm laborer, William MILES 22, birthplace unknown, farm laborer. (James W. Revis was. first lieutenant in Co. D, 8th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, C.S.A. I can find no record of a pension application. I III bet his brother John joined Gen. Dibrell also.). 158-147 John A. CARRICK 58 KY, farmer, Susan 47 TN, Hugh 22, farmer, Nicholas 16, farmer, Mary 13, Louisa 10, Seth 7, A. SCOTT 21, farm laborer (mulatto). 159-148 Frances CARRICK 45 TN, seamstress, Sarah 19, Vance 14. 160-149. James HUDGINS 23 TN, farmer, Ann 16, Seth 7/12. (It is possible that this James Hudgins was the one who received C.S.A. pension #10037.) 161-150 Mary HUDGINS 69 KY, Joseph 30 TN, farmer, Josephine 7, James HUNTER 25, farm laborer. (James W. Hunter received C.S.A. pension #9224. He was not assigned to ,any regiment.) 162-151 James SPARKMAN 34 TN, f~rm laborer, Elizabeth 27, Arthe1a HARRIS 12 (mulattos). 163-152 W.P. COOPER 44 TN, carpenter, E.F. 35, Mary J. 17 MS, Vari11a A. IS, Amanda F. 12, Edgar R. 10, William D. 6, Hariette 1 TN. 164-153 Henry GENTRY 24 TN, farmer, Lucinda 26, Martha J. 2, William '0. 7/12. (I. it possible that this is the George' W. Gentry who married Lucinda TUCKER 17 Oct 1857 in White Co.?) 152-141 Joshua LYLES 25 TN, farm laborer, Mary 35 NC, Nancy J. 11 TN. 165-154 John LEITNER 55 PA, farmer, Mary A. 48 MD, Montrose 13 OH, Mary VICK 35 TN (mulatto). 153-142 William S. POLLARD 34 NC, shoe maker, Christianna 32 TN, Feregus 10, A.S. 6 (male), Florence 5, Alice 2. 166-155 Patsey BRUINGTON 40 TN, Lafayette 15, farm laborer, Nancy 14 (did she marry Eli GOOLSBY 4 Aug 1866 in White Co.?), Eliza 13, Emily, 10, Thomas 7, Sarah 4 (all mulattos), Sarah SIMMS 70 NC (white), Alzira ROBERTS 24 TN (white), Lucinda Roberts 7 (white). 154-143 Anthony Dibrell 72 KY, farmer, Milley (Mildred CARTER) 69, John HIRD 19' TN, Joseph Bird 14, Charles Hird 12. (Anthony and Mildred were the parents of Gen. George Gibbs Dibrell, ~.S.A. See the book Sketches of Prominent Tennesseans by W.S. Speerj published 1888.) 155-144 B1izabeth KIRBY 61 NC, Mary BYBEE 19 TN. 167-156 Turner G. LIZLE (1) 43 TN, farm 1aborer,Dorcas 46 NC, Sarah STINNETT 14 TN. 168-157 John PROCK 21 TN, farm laborer, Louisa 19, William A. 9/12. "Ansearchin'" News 66 The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 169-158 Shaderic HARNESS 47 TN, farm laborer, Elizabeth 40, Louisa J. 14, A.E. 13 (female), Susal;1 10, Rosannah 8, James 4, Mary 5, Thomas 2. 170-159 Mary A. AUSTIN 64 MD. 171-160 Pantha BRAMLET 53 KY, Lucy 24 TN, Louisa 22. 172-161 William BAKER 69 NC, farmer, Joannah 67 SC, Ellender 38 TN, A.S. 22 (male), farmer, Margaret ADEAR (ADAIR?) 19. 173-162 William KIRBY 30 TN, farmer, Justen 31 (female), Malinda J. 7. Nancy A. 5, William H. 2, John B. 1. 174-163 Thomas BOYD 20 TN, farm laborer, Jane 17. Wil1el1um H. 2/12. 175-164 R.H. McMANUS 55 SC, farmer. Tabitha 51 TN, Cyntha 20, Robert H. 17 (Junior?), farmer, Nancy F. IS, Henrietta 10, Mary E. BROWN 23 (I suspect that this is the widow of Norman I. Brown who married Mary E. EVANS 17 Jun 1858 in White Co.), Charles Brown 1. Sevier EAVANS 8 (male) and Willie Ann Eavans 5 were also' enumerated with this family. 176-165 Eliza PASSONS 22 TN. 177-166 A. McCALISTER 60 NC, farm laborer, Sarah 30 TN, Sarah LEWIS 15. Eveline Lewis 8. Emelene Lewis 10. (See Family H155.) 178-167 Rebecca SCOTT 49 NC, Micajah 23 TN, farm laborer (mulattos). 179-168 Archa GRAHAM 30 TN. farmer. Harriette 29, John 6, James E. 1/12. William SCOTT 13, Samuel McCALISTER 18, farm laborer. 180-169 Elias KIRBEY 34 TN, ,Sarah 33, Archa T., 12, Mary J. II, Burton 9, Anginetta 6, Nancy E. 5, Curtis 2, Francis W. 5/12 (male). 181~170 Martha HARRIS 33 TN. William A. 16. Mariah 15, Amanda 11, Milly 7, Louisa 1 (all mulattos), Thomas S. GRAHAM 4 (white). 182-171 Adaline DEMPSEY 34 TN, Francis 8 (male), Tennessee 6 (mulatto), Lucy' 3 (mulat~ to). Elizabeth 5/12 (mulat~o). 183-172 James CUNNINGHAM 37 TN, farmer. Virginia 36, Richard 13, Samuel 6, Marion 4 (male), James M. 3, Sarah 1. 184-173 W.P. FOSTER 27 TN, farmer. Manerva 24, Dicey 6, John 4,Joseph F. 1. 185-174 Jesse WORLEY 68 VA, farm laborer, Charlotte 50, Manerva 25 TN. Lucretia 25. James 18, farm laborer, Benjamin 16, farm laborer. (In the 1850 printed census, Jesse also had Henry 18 and William 14, and his wife was listed: "Charity. 45 years old". In 1860 this family was not indicated to be negro or mulatto. None of them could read nOr write.) 186-175 William WORLEY 26 TN, farm laborer, Sarah 21, George 6, Henry Harden 4, Benjamin 81l2. (Not .indicated to be negro or mulatto, nor could they read or write. ObViously, this was a son of Jesse.) 187-176 Jesse WHITMIRE 33 TN, farmer, Sarah J. 33, James T. 6, Martha A. 3, Wi1li~ W. 1. 188-177 John CUNNINGHAM 41 TN, farmer, Mary 30, Martha 5, Edward 2. (John Cunningham and Mary FRAZIER married ;9 Oct 1854 in White Co.) 189-178 Jonathan McCOY 40 TN; farm laborer, Rilla 36 NC. William R. 15 TN, James M. 13, Alexander II, Susan 8, John W. 5, Ananias 2, Joseph P. 5/12. 190-179 Absolom McCOY 70 VA, farmer, Susan 59, Martha 31 TN, Merrill 14 (female), Rebecca 14, Emeline 10. Absolom Keith 9, Bittie A.GATES ,8. 191-180 John McCOY 20 TN, farmer, Matilda 23, Mary J ~ 5/12. 192-181 Elizabeth WALLACE 61 KY, Me1vipa 26 TN, Sarah 19, Carlee 17. (Elizabeth was the widow of Leban Wallace, one of the younger sons of Elias and Mary Wallace. In the 1850 printed census, it was said she was born in Tennessee. I don't know what her maiden name was. In 1850 they had: James 19, Melvina 17, Merrill 13, Sarah 10, Carol 7. Laban, Jr. 30, a bachelor liVing a few doors away, married Rachel MITCHELL 30 Nov 1852 in White Co. Laban, Sr. was botn in 1795 in CaSwell Co, NC and was one of the executors of Elias t ,will in White Co. in 1821.) 193-182 Merrill WALLACE 22'TN, farmer, Eliza J. 19 (married within the year), William 1. (Son of Laban, Sr., grandson of Elias and Mary Wallace.) 194-183 Madison WILLIAMS 31 TN, farm laborer, Sarah (YOUNG) 32, NC. (They married 8 Jun 1848 in White Co.) ", 195-184 Richard WHITE 60 VA, farmer, Mary 60 NC, Lucinda J. 25 TN, Margaret 22, William 18 (probablythe William who married Rebecca Ann WORLEY in 1861), Richard 4, Eveline 2, Lawson 11/12. (See Family #192.) 67 Summer 1981 'The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 196-185 Benjamin WHITE 24 TN, farmer, Hetta J. 21, Alice L. 8/12. (She was Hatty WHITELY and they married 21 Jun 1852 in White Co.) 197-186 Sharp R. WHITLEY 77 VA, farmer, Triphena 59 MA, Nancy BROWN 18, birthplace unknown. (It is very likely that Sharp was Hetta WHITE's father or grandfather.) 198-187 Delila McCALISTER 18 TN, Alexander 4 (female). 199-188 William BURDEN 65 TN, farmer, SarahM. 65 VA, Mary SCOTT 35 TN, Billmira Scott 8 (female). 200-189 Ethereal SPARKS 52 NC, farmer, Lydia 50 VA, Andrew WHITE 24 (probably married Mary JAMES 31 May 1861 in White Co.), farmer, James White 21 (probably married Perdeamy Woosthema KERBY 28 .Jan 1862 in White Co.), John W. White 15 (probably married Helen SMITH 27 Feb 1866 in White Co.), Joseph Sparks 15, Sarah Sparks 12, Henry Sparks 10"Malissa Sparks 5. ( 201·-190 Abner C. SMITH 35 TN, distiller, Martha 28, Sarah A. 9, Mary E. 8, James H. 2. (Abner Carroll Smith married Martha Ann BURDEN 23 Jul 1849 in White Co.) 202-191 Hester A. PROCK 35 TN, D.H.E. 5 (female), Sarah C. 3, Shade W. 1, Thomas T. LIZLE (1) 18, farm laborer. (See Family #156 and Fam11y 11157.) 203-192 Milton R. WORLEY 34 TN, farmer, Sarah 26, Nancy M. 16,' Rebecca A. 14 (married Wilson WHITE 9 Oct 1861 in White Co.), Rutha A. 12, Pleasant F. 10, John T. 8, Milton R. 6, James A. 2, Benjamin BRAZEL 62, day labor. (A MiltonWorley married a Sarah Brazel 8 May 1856 in White Co. Sarah, 26 in 1860, would be too young to be the mother of the older children. The 1850 printed census listed: Milton Worley 24, Margaret S. 23, Nancy 7, Rebecca Ann 6, Rutha 3, Pleasant F. 7/12, Finch 65.) 204-193 Sarah BURDEN 55 TN, William 17, day labor, Henry 13, Franklin 4, Thomas 2. 205-194 Othaniel SWIT 22 SC, farm laborer, Matilda 20 TN, Thomas R. SWITT 1. 206-195 Henry BOYD 45 TN, farm labor, Charlotte 58. 207-196 Nancy CROWLEY 67 NC, Dinitt 24 TN (male), commercial school teacher. 208-197 Avey WALLER 84 NC, William 51 TN, farmer, P. (Pleasant) W. ,42, farmer, Ann WEBSTER 30, Sarah Webster 6, Delia MITCHELL 27, WilliamL. Mitchell 12, Vance Mitchell 7, Waman L. Mitchell I, William BOYD 22, farm laborer. (Avey was Avarilla WALLACE, oldest child of Elias and Mary Wallace and widow of Pleasant Waller. She was born in Caswell Co., Nc and probably married there. Her father, Elias Wallace, was the progenitor of all or most of the White Co. Wallaces. He brought his family there around 1810 from Caswell Co, NC. His White Co. will was dated 6 Aug 1821, witnessed by Turner LANE and Henderson McFARLAN and recorded by the county clerk 25 Mar1822~ His widow Mary died, probably intestate, in 1837, with her son John as administrator of her estate. There was litigation between John Wallace and Pleasant Waller [Sr. or Jr. ?J--regarding certain of the slaves in the estate. Children mentioned in Elias' 1821 will were: Avarilla Waller, wife of Pleasant Waller; Sarah FRAME ,wHeof John Frame; Stephen Wallace; Milly BROWNING, wife of Daniel Browning; Jane BRYAN, wife of William M. Bryan; Laban Wallace and John Wallace, who were executors. Also daughter Mary Wallace, who never married [see Family #3l8J. Elias left his land "evenly divided" to "my two younger sons, Laban and John Wallace.") 209-l98'E.M. MijRRAY beth 17, Lotiisa 14, Nancy 7. (An Edward married 27 Feb 1840 , 49 TN, Martha 39, ElizaBird 12 (male), Emily 10, P.Murray and Martha WHITE in White Co.) 210-199 Monroe JONES 35 ,NC, farm laborer, Sarah 26 TN, John 8, Mary J. 6, Flora E. 5/12. 211-200 C.P.E. GROSS 45 VA (female), Jesse 21 TN, farmer, H.I.W. 18 (male), farmer, Thomas 16, farmer, Annie E. II, D.W. DONGES 25 VA (male), fa~r, James SMITH 26 TN, teamster, Emily HEAL 25 VA, C.F. Heal 11/12 TN (male). 212-201 Joseph HIRD 65 TN, farmer, Sarah 59, A.C. 23, farmer~ E1izab,eth 23, Francis 2 (male), William POSS 15 TN (mulatto), 213-202 Ann FOUITT 65 NC, Martha 21 VA, Ann SCOGGINS 42 TN. 214-203 C.R. SPERRY 60 VA, miller, Henrietta 65, Nancy 23 TN, Maha1ey 21, John 20, sawyer. 215-204 Hosea BROYLES 33 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 27, Isaac .s, Charles 2, Amos 5/12. 216-205 Dawson ANDERSON 21 TN, farm laborer, Cathertne 18. 217-206 Alexander LOWERY 61 TN, farmer, Elizabeth 55 VA, Mary 20 TN, Henrietta 15, Charles 13, Montgomery 21, saddler. 68 "Ansearchin'" News The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) 218-207 Rheuben BAKER 32 TN, farmer, Kitty E. 27, William 5, Elizabeth 3, Matilda 2, Mary WHITE 14. (A Ruben R. Baker married a Catharine Elvira White 9 Nov 1852 in White Co. Kitty E. could be Catharine Elvira. If so, Ruben Baker and Ella White, parents of Francis Baker, born 12 Oct 1872, were probably the same couple. Mary White, 14 in 1860, was probably Kitty's younger sister.) 219-208 Christopher MOORE 20 TN. farm laborer, Susan 22, John H. and George A 1 (twins). (A Christopher Moore married Susan KEATHLY 5 Mar 1856 in White Co. Was this the same couple?) 220-209 David REED 92 VA, farmer, Patience 76 NC, Martha MOORE 26 NC (?), Jane E. 20 TN, Rosetta A. 18, Stacey A. 16, George W. 16,' farm laborer, Samuel A. 14, AndrewJ. 12, John R. EDMONDS 7, Geroge W. Edmonds 4. 221-210 William M. YOUNG 52 TN, farmer, Matilda 38, Margaret 27. Emily,18, Douglass 16, farmer, Charlefl 14, William 12, Elizabeth 10, John 6, Francis 4 (male), Eva 1. (William Martin Young and Matilda WALLACE were married 1 Dec 1842 by Rev. Jl!SSe E. HICKMAN in White Co. She was a daughter of John Wallace and granddaughter of Elias and Mary Wallace. See the book,James Tate Williams published by Joseph Vincent WILLIAMS in 1938. A copy is in ,the, library at ,McMinnville, Warren Co •• TN. It is possible that their son Charles was the Charles C. Yound who served with the 41st Tennessee Infantryapd was awarded C.S.A. pension #13767.) 222-211 John KIRBEY 45 'TN, farm laborer, Susannah 44, William 23, farm laborer, James M. 22, farm laborer, Louisa 20, Mahaley 17, Stacey E. 15, Sarah J. 14, John C. II, Lousana 10, Waman 7, Josephine,3. 223-212 Abell HARRISON 52 NC, farmer, Sinith 53, Benjamin 23, farmer, Thqmas 22 TN, farmer, Joseph 19, farmer, James 18, farmer, Margaret 16, Jane 13. 224-213 John S. DENTON 51 KY, farmer, Matilda 45 GA, Elijah 18 TN, farmer, Samuel ,C. 6, Mary A. 4. 225-214 Lafayette DENTON 28 TN, farmer. Elizabeth 19. Sarah 17. (Lafayette and Elizabeth had been married within the year.) 226-215 Elizabeth KIRBY 22 William 2, Sarah 4/12. TN, Margaret 3, 227-216 Albert McBRIDE 29 TN, farmer, Martha 32, Sarah J. 12, William A. 7, JamesP. 4, .Jeremiah 2/12. 228-217 Samuel CLENNERY 48 TN, farmer, Nancy 42, Margaret 17, Susan 5, Manerva 2, Alice 1/12, Martha WEBSTER 8, Martin JONES 21, farm laborer. 229-218 Joseph D. STEWART 31 VA, farmer, Narcissa 24 TN. Mary F. 3, David 2, John H. 6/12. 230-219 Catherine McBRIDE 36 TN, Elizabeth 17, William 9, Martha 2 • 231-220 Jacob A. STYPES 34 TN, farmer, Eliza C. 28, Catherine 10, ,Sarah A. 5, Samuel C. 1. 232-221 Mary F. STEWART 56 VA, David S. 21, farmer, Thomas W. 17 NC, farmer, John PRICE 27 TN, Saluda 25 VA (female), Martha A. 4 TN, Daniel L. 1. 233-222,Henrj KUHN 50 TN, farmer, Jane 51 SC, Margaret A. 18 TN, John F. 14, JethaE. ll, Jane BAKER 28 IL, Aaron S. 4 TN, Henry J. 2. 234-223 J.B. FELTON 40 TN, farmer, Drucilla 38, John 18, farmer, Martha 15, Mary 13, Elizabeth 11, Mahala 9, James 7. Rutha 5, William 3, Simon 8/12. (This is John B. Felton, son of John ~elton and Rutha DOYLE, and brother to Mahala Felton WALLACE.) 235-224 William LEWIS 86 VA, farmer" Mary 66, James 29 TN. farmer. Lucilius'6 (male). Lafayette,4. Mary 3, Matilda GRAHAM 37. 236-225 William CLENNERY 32 TN. farmer, Thomas BRADLEY 17. farm laborer. 237-226 William WALLACE 53 TN. farmer, Mahala 42. Simcm 22. John C. 15, Stephen M. 13, Ruth II, J.B. 9 (male). Matilda 7. This William Was a son of Stephen Wallace, born 1785 in NC. and Susan YORK. born 1787 in NC, and a grandson of Elias and Mary Wallace. William was bom in Hickory Valley, White Co. and died there in 1876. About 1835 he married Mahala FELTON, daughter of John Felton and Rutha DOYLE. Mahala was born 18 Sep, died 15 Oct 1895, buried in Old Union 'cemetery near Sparta. Children of William and Mahala: 1. James L. Wallace, b 18 Apr 1836, d 25 Aug 1838. 2. Simon Doyle Wallace, b 21 Oct 1837, d 17 Mar 1903, m Laura U. STEPHENS. In the 1870 census this was Family #25 in Civil District #2 of White Co.: ,S.D. Wallace 32 TN. farmer, Laura 21. Charles L. 2. Ella born Jan 1870. Jane CUMMINGS 12, housekeeper. 3. Eliza Wallace. b15 Aug 1840. d 29 May 1843,. 4. Martha Jane Wallace. b 26 May 1842, d 1899, m (1) 4 Nov 1858 James SWAFFORD--two children: Mary J. 10 and James M•• Jr. 7 in 1870. (2) 21 Oct 1866 ,William ,D. PASSONS (PARSO~S) son of Summer 1981 69 The Families of White County. Tennessee in 1860 (continued) ( William J.T. Passons and Celia GRISSOM--two 239-228 Josiah PRATER 18 TN, farm laborer, children by 1870 census: John Lee 2 and Charles Nancy A. 23, Martha F. KIRBY 6. F. b Aug 1869. Family #52-52 in 1870 White Co. census under the name "Parsons." 240-229 John WALLACE 62 ~, farmer, Elizabeth 5. John Calvin Wallace. b 28 Aug 1844, d 1931. 6 TN, Thomas L. 3, John M. GREER 20. farmer, He served in Dibrell's 8th Tennessee Cavalry Martha 17, Mary M. 7/12. Emily HICKEY 17, Wiland received C.S.A. pension #14735. He also anliam S. DOYLE 19, farmer, John R. Doyle 14, swered a Tennessee Archives Civil War questionDaniel M. Doyle II, Matilda Doyle 9. (Martha naire in 1915. "Callie" lIlarried Sally LEWIS Greer and the four Doyle children were from Family #230 in the 1850 census: Daniel M. after the War; there were three or four Sally (Sarah) Lewises in White Co. in the l860s. They Doyle from SC ~nd his wife Mahala. Emily Hickey came .from Family #902 in the 1850 census: Elizdid have children and may have been Family abeth Hickey 46 TN, Abraham SHERILL 86 NC, #182. Civil Dist. #2. White Co. on 1870 census: James Y. Hickey 26 TN, George 22, Sophia 17. W.C. Wallace 32 TN. brick mason, Sarah A 23. Analiza 14, Emily H. 9, Celestine 6. In 1870 Mary J. 2. Sidney 1. 6. Stephen Monroe Wallace. b 27 Aug 1847, d Family #6. :Civil Dis t. 2: John Wallace 73 KY, 10 Apr 1926. m (1) Ida FRANKLIN (2) Florence Lizzie 15, Thomas 12.) GOFF. In the 1870 census: S.Mn. Wallace 23 TN, farmer. Ida 16 KY, Ann WHITE 14 TN. He served 241-230 Daniel RAMSEY 78 VA, farmer, Lucy 67, in the same outfit as his brother Callie but John 25 TN, farmer, Eliza 20. got sick at Corinth. MS and was discharged. 7. Rutha Wallace. b 13 Nov 1849. m (1) James 242-231 Jesse RAMSEY 22 TN, farmer, Martha J. Monroe HILL. 16 and 20 Dec 1865. probably the 21, Daniel H. 11/12, John H. JAMES 14. son of widow Elizabeth Hill. Family #412 in' this present census. (2) James William SCOTT 243-232 Henry BURDEN 34 TN, farmer, Fannie 34 8 Sep 1878. , NC, John H. 13 TN. George W. II, Squire 9, 8. Joseph B. Wallace, b 29 Oct 1850. d,29 May Martha J. 6, David A. 3, William H. 7/12. 1867. never married. 9. Matilda Wallace, b 30 Oct 1852. d l4.Nov 244-233 Thomas 'LEWIS 50 TN, farmer. John 17, 1876, m 8 Dec 1868 James Tate WILLIAMS, b 28 William 29 , Eliza 15, Waman 13, George R. 12. Mar 1847, d 25 Nov 1886; he was the son of . (William I. Lewis served wi th Colms· First Jesse Scroggins Williams, b 1 Jan 1821, d 14 Infantry Battalion, C.S.A. and received PenDec 1883 and Elizabeth Whiteside TATE, b 10 Feb sion/13042.) . 1825, d 9 Jan 1882. James and Matilda were 245-234 Milton V. WHITE 38 TN, f~rmer, Susan Family #95 in the 1870 census with one son, Alonza. born in ~ep 1869. 29, John ll~ Martha 9, Mary 7, Eliz~ 5, Will.iam 2. 238-227 Jesse SCROGGINS 78 VA, farmer, Elizabeth 69 TN. James WILLIAMS 74 MD, Jesse S. 39 246-UNOCCUPIED. TN, cabinet maker. Elizabeth W. 35. James T. 13, Mary C. 6. (To handle this seemingly mixed fam247-235 John WHITE 67 VA, farmer, Dilpha 58 ily properly. we must go back to the 1850 White SC. Daniel M. 25 TN, (armer, Garret M. 18, Co. census. Jesse Scoggin 69 and his wife Eliza- farmer, Sarah E. 22, Louisa 20, Susannah 14, beth were Family #222. Living with them were Mart~a KEATHLEY 40. Martha E. 10, Hyrum 7, William WADDLE 34 TN, farmer. and Elizabeth James A. 4. DAVIS 13. James Williams was the head of Family #69 with Amarilla ARNOLD 43 TN, F.M. Wil248-236 W.J.T. PASSONS 37 TN. farmer, Silah liams 20 TN, farmer. Manerva WORLEY 20, John (the way this enumerator spells "Celia") 35, Arnold 12 and Samuel Williams 6. Family 1170 Wf!J.S William D. 17, farmer. Major 15, Louisa J. 12, James H. Arnold 30 and his wife Amy 32, five James M. 9. (William J.T. Passonsmarried young chilcren and Sarah Arnold 27. Family #68 ·Sealy [Celia] GRISSOM 27 Jan 1842 in Van Buren was Jesse Scoggins Williams 29 and his wife Co; see Family #313 in the 1850 Van Buren Co. Elizabeth Whiteside ~ate Williams 25; they marcensus. William J.T. Passons served with the ried 14 May 1844 in White Co. Their son, James 16th Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A. and received Tate Williams grew up to marry Matilda WALLACE-- Confederate Pension #12938. It would seem logthe girl next doorl [See Family #226 above.] ical to me that his sons William and Major also Matilda died about 1875 and he probably married fought in the War. In the 1870 census the chilJane RANDOLPH 25 Aug l875,in White Co. There is dren at home were: Louisa J. 20, James Monroe a book abput this Williams family in the public 18, Permelia A. 8. Martha J. 5. William .D. had library at McMinnville.) married Martha Jane WALLACE and was Family 1152. Major was Family fl5l: MajorPas.sons 24 TN. 70 "Ansearchin'" News The Families of White County, Tennessee in 1860 (continued) farmer, Agga 27, Sallie 4, William B. 2, James L. born Feb 1870. ously the middle name of Dicey]. Joseph 12. Nancy J. 10. Samuel R. 7. Rachel T. 5, William T•• Jr. 2. Sarah Junior born Feb 1870. 249-237 Leonard DALE 24 TN, farm labor, Amanda 29, John H. 1. (William Leonard Dale married 257-245 Isaac S. BROGDEN 60 NC, farmer. Milly Lamanda GREELEY [or HASTON] 13 Mar 1858 in White 30. Sarah E. 22. Susan 20, Eliza A. 14. Emily Co. William Leonard Dale, Jr. was born 30Jun V. 12, Alexander AIls 7, Susan WANER 41. 1863. In the 1850 census, Family #147 was: Mar(Sarah E. Brogden married Spencer M. PARKER garet DAIL 37, John W. 17, William ~ Dail 13, 8 Jan 1861 in White Co. See Family #331.) James G. 10, Thomas R. 8, Disa 6, Wesley M. 3. In the 1870 census. Family #55 was: Amanda Dail 258-246 Simon WHITE 41 TN. farmer. Eveline 27, 39 TN. John H. 11. Sarah M. 9, William L~. Jr. Mary 13. Maria 5. John B. 1. Abraham KEAnlLEY 6. So you suppose he was killed in the War?) 12. (There has to be a relationship between this family and Family #235 in this census: 250~238 John M. DODSON 25 TN. farmer. Caroline John White 67. In the 1850 White Co. census 20. Family #~70 was: Andrew, Keathley 34 TN. Martha 29. Martha J. 9. Fountain E. 8. JOhn S. 6. 251-239 William L. MITCHELL 54 TN. farmer. Eliz- Dicy A. 4. Abraham 2. In 1860. Andrew appears abeth 49, Spencer D. 22. literary student. Agnes to be dead and Martha is living with John 19. Amanda 17. Harvey FRINT 29, merchant. White. Somebody please tell me.) 252-240 John SMITH 27 TN, farmer. Mary 24. Cynthia lLE. 2, Martha ,E. 1. (John Smith married Mary A. BAKER 26 Aug 1855 in White Co.) 259-247 Benjamin MOSSE 53 NC. farmer. Rebecca 45 TN. Rachel 18. Andrew G. 8. Jacob A. 6, Saphrona 4. 253-241 John SHEPHERD 50 NC. farmer. Temperance '44. Mary A.R. 15. G..M.F.A.R. 13 (female). Tilman C. II, Paralee T. and Martha C. 5 TN (twihs), Elmira E. 4. (In 1870 ceJ?sus. Family 1175: John Shepherd. ~r. 59 TN. Temperance 56 NC. Tilman 19, Paralee 15 TN, Martha C,. 15. Mary A.R. and the girl with five initials were married off and gone.) 260-248 James S. BROGDEN 25 TN, farmer. Mary 22, Francis S. 2 (male). 261-249 Wiley B. BROGDEN 27 TN. farmer. Lou~sa 25. James E. 5, WoodsonS. 3. William M. 1. Agnes ~IMS 28. Milly 5 (mulatto). 262-250 Jesse DODSON 46 TN. miller. Caroline 30 NC. ,Robert 22 TN, farm laborer. America 20. 254-242 Isaac WHITTENBERG 43 TN, blacksmith, Gillaspie 18. farm laborer, William 16. farm Marilla 35, Nan,cy 16" Daniel L. 11. Peter 9. labor. Waman 13, Emily 4. Joseph 3. Mariah 2. Mary 2, Shelby WALLING 15. (Shelby was a son of Harvey M. 4/12. (Jesse Dodson married Mary James Walling and Altamira PENNINGTON,who marCaroline EARLES 22 Mar 1855 in White Co.; his ried 3 Jan 1839 in White Co. but lived in Warren second wife • Her children by Jesse were Emily. Co. at the 1850 census. Shelby was born 3 Oct Joseph. Mariah and Harvey. By the 1870 census 1844 in White Co. and married Martha FLEMING 18 they also had Martha 8. Lee 7, Owen 5. Susan and 25 Dec 1860 in V/ln Buren Co. Children: M.' 3 and Mack 1. At the 1850 census. Family t/295. Amanda 14 Dec 1861. JerryF. 4 Mar 1864. Samuel Jesse was evidently a widower. 35. with Rutha D. 23 Apr 1866, James M. 3 Nov 1868 [above four BRILES 18 keeping house for 'him and Stanfield in White Co.] Nannie J. 4 Mar 1871, Jay S. 8 Dec Dodson 12. America 10. Gillaspie 8. Crockett 6 1881 in Van Buren Co., and 'perhaps other chiland William 4. Stanfield in 1850 and Robert in dren. The Isaac Whittenbergs were Family #312 in 1860 are probably the same man. I don't know the 1850 Van Buren Co. census, living next door yet where Crockett was in 1860; probably workto William j.T. PASSONS. Family #312 also had ing for some other family in White or one of Sarah E. Whittenberg 5 and Mahala, UNDERWOOD 24 the adjoining counties. but he showed up again. and her son Franklin 6.) because he served in the 25th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry. C.S.A•• and received Confederate 255-243 Harrison TURNER 41 SC, farm laborer. Pension #2676. ' Dorcas 40. Betsey A. 18 GA. Mary J. 17. Adaline 16, Melvina 14, Margaret 11, John,M. 9, Susan 263-251 DYer P. WHITE 47 TN. miller. Mariah 32 6. Alfred 5, Howell Cobb TURNER, 2 TN. VA, Russell 26 TN. blacksmith. Martha 22. Elizabeth WORLEY 12. 256-244 William T. MITCHELL 26 TN. farmer. Sarah J. 22. Dicey F. 4. Joseph S. 2, Nancy J.3/l2. (to be continued) (In the 1870 White C~. census. Family #89: Wi1,11am Mitchell 35, Sarah 34" Florence 14 ,[obvi- Sununer 1981 71 FAMILY GATHERINGS Compiled by Jessie Taylor Webb ROY FAMILY RECORDS - From Mrs. Velma J. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 208, Senatobia, MS 38668. As a child about fifty years ago, Mrs. Thompson found a yellowed page with faded handwritten records of the Roy family in an old log house on what was known as the old Dr. Roy Farm west of Millington, TN. The record says: FAMILY RECORD ROY - born 6 July 1590 M.A. ROY - born 20 Dec. 1596 HENRY L. ROY - born 1 Jan. 1615 JOHN B. ROY - born 22 June 1621 MARY A. ROY - born 18 Feb. 1617 JAMES B. ROY - born 16 Aug. 1623 LUCY C. ROY - born 20 Apr. 1619 JOSEPH B. ROY - born 23 Nov. 1625 DEATH MATILDA A. ROY Died 13 Sept. 1599 MARRIAGES M.L. ROY - - - - - - - The balance of this line is obliterated by stains and the penciled record has been rubbed too thin to read, but it is possible that the bride's last name ended in "- - -ton"and that the year is 1614. . Although this piece of paper is very old, it does not seem to have been written in the seventeenth century. It is probably information taken from an older bible record and was the property of M. L. Roy who appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Shelby Co TN (A.N. Vol. 16, p. 116.) M.L. ( Annice McDaniel Bolton of Millington gave this information on the ROY family: MEREDITH L. ROY, born 1806 in South Carolina, became a minister in Shelby Co., Tenn. performing marriages in the 2nd Civil District until 1879. In 1888 he owned 129.74 acres of land on Bear Creek, Herrin~ Hill Road with the CRAINs. CORBITTs. DUNNs, MILLINGTONs. YORKs .and McDANIELs for neighbors. He married on 9 Jan. 1833 in Dickson Co .• Tenn. - SUSAN GENTRY. born 1813, died 1896 in Shelby Co., Tenn. Their children were: 1. JOHN ROY - born 1835 in Shelby Co •• Tenn. 2. WM. T. ROY - born 1836; ml - FRANCES J. MUST (?); m2 - MARTHA TAYLOR; m3 - SUSAN McFADDEN TURNER. 3. ELIZABETH ROY - born 1838 in Shelby Co., Tenn.; died 1892 and buried in Crain Family Cemetery. 4. FRANCES ROY - born 1840 in Shelby Co., Tenn.; mCLARIDGE. 5. JES~E A. ROY - born 1842 in Shelby Co., Tenn. 6. MEREDITH L. ROY. Jr. - born 1845; died 1903 in Miss.(?) 7. ALFRED ROY - born 1849. 8. DAVE ROY - born 1852. THE ELUSIVE SIDON HARRIS, Sr. - from Virginia Smith Parker, P.O. Box 837, Raymopdville, TX 78580. SIDON HARRIS. Sr. was born about 1770, probably in Virginia. He made an affidavit in 1855 in Madison Co •• Tenn. stating he enlisted in the War of 1812 from Overton Co., Tenn. and at the time of the making of the affidavit was 75 years old and living in Haywood Co •• Tenn. In 1858 he was granted 160 acres of land for his service - location unknown. The 1820 census of Overton Co. lists him with both male and female children. "Ansearchin'" News 72 Family Gatherings (continued) The 1830 census shows him in Madison Co., Tenn. with wife and four females between age of 20 and 30. Only two of his children are known: 1. JOHN HARRIS, born about 1812/13 probably in Tenn. (or KY), came to Texas with David Crockett as a member of Tennessee Mounted Volunteers, and died 6 March 1836 in the Seige of the Alamo. Amelia WILLIAMS in her thesis published on the "Seige .of the Alamo and Its Personnel", states David Crockett and John Harris were first cousins, but proof of this is lacking. John Harris was a single man and could have been named for David's father, John Crockett. 2. SIDON H. HARRIS, born 12 Nov. 1820 in Tenn., married on 9 "Aug. 1842 in Pontotoc Co., Miss. Amanda Caroline ATKINSON, daughter of Samuel Washington and Nancy Jordan Atkinson. She was the granddaughter of Samuel and Sarah WASHINGTON ATKINSON of VA • . and NC and Thomas and Priscilla APPLEWHITE JORDAN of VA and GA. In 1850 Sidon and Amanda were in Lauderdale Co., Tenn. on their way to Texas. About 1852 they settled in Caldwell Co., Texas where Sidon died in 1861 and Amanda in 1866. Both are buried in the Harris family plot in Caldwell Co., Texas. In Daughters of Republic of Texas Library, San Antonio, a WILLIAM HARRIS was found who was said to be a younger brother of Sidon, Sr. In the 1826 census of Atascosita, Texas there is a William, age 44, born in VA, wife -Anna HARMON, age 38, born in LA, 8 children all born in LA. This William is said to have been killed during the Civil War at Cold Harbor, VA. Sidon, Jr. probably went to Texas to take charge of the bounty land given to the heirs of John Harris as he acted as administrator of this brother's estate after hi~ arrival in Texas. All records seem to be of the opinion that Sidon, Sr. married a CROCKETT or a HAWKINS, which would make her a sister of John Crockett or Rebecca Hawkins Crockett, parents of David. Can anyone help on this, or the parents of Sidon Harris,Sr.? HOMESTEAD QUESTIONNAIRE OF WM. F. BROWN - ALIASWM. G. PRICE - from Mrs. Georgene Morris Sones, 6604 Curtis Ave., Omaha, NB 68104. The following information was found among the possessions of Mrs. Eva Morris King, a cousin of Mrs. Sones. WM. F.(or L.) BROWN - P.O. Address: Elk City, Douglas Co., NB Enlisted as Private in Co. B, 3rd Regt. U.S. Inf., Vol. about 10 Nov. 1864 and was discharged about 1 Feb. 1866. Wife's full name: Mary E. BROWN DEUS (1); Date of Marriage: 13 1867. She lived with him on homestead. ---Names and addres~es of two witnesses who have known you since you filed your homestead: Richard MORRIS and H.H. MORRIS, Elk City, NB. Pension Certificate: None Pension Claim: None. Made homestead entry: Forfeit, for the West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4, Sec. 34, Township #15, named Elkhorn, Range 10 in Douglas Co., NB on (about) 10 June 1872· containing 30 acres. Dated 4 Feb. 1899. (Signed) WILLIAM F. BROWN From a series of letters written about 1900 we learn that WM. F. BROWN enlisted in the 3rd u.S. Infantry while a prisoner of war at Rock Island Barracks (IL), for a period of one year. Mrs. Laura Lee MorriS wrote that he had previously served in the ! .-../ 73 ' 1981 Family Gatherings (continued) Confederate Army under the name of William G. PRICE, but for some unknown reason had changed his name to William F. BROWN upon entering the Union Army, which name he used for the remainder of his life. In 1900 his widowed sister, Harriet (Mrs. Willie P.) MATHEWS, was living at 231 Woodland St., Nashville, TN. There were two other sisters: Mary Powell and Emily, who married first SOLOMON and then MILLS (1). The petitioner had a daughter, LAURA BRO~~, born 17 Jan. 1868 in NB, who married Henry Harrison l-lORRIS on 21 Sept. 1887 at Blair, Washington Co., NB. They had a daughter, ,EVA MORRIS KING, born 23 Sept. 1898 in Douglas Co., NB and died 15 Jan. 1979 in Omaha, NB. HENDERSON OF NC, TN, LAWRENCE CO., AL &FANNIN CO., TX - from Etta Henderson (Mrs. Glenn) Barkhurst, 1534 N. San Gabriel Blvd., South San Gabriel, CA 91770. ROBERT P. HENDERSON - born 12 Feb. 1823; died 15 July 1900; married E.A. STEVENS on 28 Apr. 1844. F.J. STEVENS died 12 Feb 1902. ELIZABETH A. HENDERSON - born 7 Aug. 1823; died 20 Feb. 1905 ( SAMUEL T. HENDERSON - born 28 Jan. 1845; died 19 Sept. 1864 'DAVID HE~~ERSON - born 15 Mar. 1851 MARY Z.(LENAH) HENDERSON - born 16 Sept. 1864; married 25 Nov. 1888 HENRY GATES AULINA HENDERSON - born 2 Aug. 1873 MARGARET L. HENDERSON - born 30 Apr. 1846 JOHN G. HENDERSON - born 2 Nov 1847; died 18 Aug. 1889 ROBERT A. HENDERSON - born 11 Oct .1849; married-LEONA AUSTIN .'25 AUg. 1.1872 LEONA HENDERSON - born 19 Jan. 1853; died 9 June 1875 VERA LAUNA GATES - born 11 Sept. 1889 GERTRUDE MALCOME GATES - born 6 Aug. 1892 H~~ERSON S. GATES - born 23 Apr. 1894 MARY ELIZABETH GATES - born 21 June 1896 FLORENCE ONEDA GATES - born 24 Dec. 1898; died 17 Apr. 1899 ROBERT THOMAS SIMPSON GATES - born 21 Nov. 1900 , l-fARGARET ELLA GATES - born 27 July 1903 Mrs. Barkhurst has also sent us photocopies of information on a ROBERT HENDERSON, D.D. (1788 - 1834) taken from "Annals of the American Pulpit", Vol. 3, p. 528-32, Sprague (1858) under section-Presbyterian, and "A Brief History of the Synod of Tenn.", Alexander, Phila., McCalla & Co. (1890), p. 104-5. Mrs. Barkhurst is not sure if this is about the same Henderson family. LOVELADY ~ ELLIS - WATSON FAMILIES - Information from Maybelle DeMay, Box 415, Newberg, OR 97132. JOHN LOVELADY - will probe 24 Dec 1841 Smith Co., TN; buried at Peyton Creek, near Dixon Creek, Smith/Macon Co., TN. A drafted Militiaman in War of 1812 from East Tennessee •. Wife MARY ? , died after 1850. Children: 1. Sarah Lovelady, m Peter SHRUM. 2. Polly Lovelady, m Joseph GIFFORD 3. Rebecca Lovelady, born 8 Feb 1799 in SC, died 1856, m Wm. E. ELLIS. 74 "Ansearchin'" News Family Gathering (continued) 4. Asa Lovelady. 5. Thomas Lovelady. 6. Moses Lovelady. 7. Vincent Lovelady. 8. Nancy Lovelady, m Jesse PARKER. , 9. Susannah Lovelady, m Jeremiah GAMMONS. WILLIAM E. ELLIS - born 25 May 1799 TN; died 29 Jan 1870 Montgomery Co., MO; buried at Providence Cemetery, Montgomery Co., MO; residences at Goose Creek, Smith Co., TN and Montgomery Co., MO. Occupation - farmer. Son of Willis Pressmi11 Ellis. Other wife SARAH H. ? • Married Rebecca Jane LOVELADY - (see above). Children: ,1. Willis P. Ellis; born 1824 Smith Co., TN; m 16 Ju1 1846 Sarah Jane BENTLEY. 2. Nancy Ellis; born 26 Mar 1826 Smith Co., TN; died 1 Apr 1873; married 12 Aug 1858 "m. David LAWHORN. 3. Louisa B. Ellis; born 1829 Smith Co., TN. 4. William H. Ellis; born 1831 Smith Co., TN. 5. Sylvester Lovelady (?); born 30 Dec 1834 Montgomery Co., MO; died 23 May 1917 LaPlata, MO; m1 8 Nov 1860 Mary BYERS; m2 Annie DAILY. 6. Rebecca Ann E111srborn 2 Feb 1837 Montgomery Co., MO; died 5 Jan 1916 La Jara, CO; m 1 Sep 1853 Thomas David WATSON. 7. Elizabeth Ellis;: borm: 1840 'Mc)ntgom-ery-'Cc5;, ·MO: • 8. James P. Ellis; born 1842 Montgomery Co., MO; died single 186_. JOHN K"€TCHEM WATSON - born June 1800 in GA; died 21 Mar 1876 Ashland, Boone Co., MO; buried at Old Goshen Cemetery near Wilton, MO; resided in GA. Smith Co., TN, Callaway and Boone Co., MO; occupation - farmer; religion - Baptist. Married 21 Aug 1821 Sumner Co., TN Sophia STARK - born ca 1802 VA; died after 1880 Ashland, Boone Co., MO; buried with her husband; residences VA, Sumner Co., TN, Callaway and Boone Co., MO, Children: 1. Martha Jane Watson; born 1824 TN; m 9 Sep 1847 Callaway Co., MO AustinW. SHOBE. 2. Nancy S. Watson; bor,n 1827 TN; m 19 Ju1 1847 Callaway Co. " MO George K. HAM. 3. Charles Lee Watson; born 1827 TN; m 19 Ju1 1847 Callaway Co., MO Rebecca Sij.OBE. 4. Thomas David Watson; born 1829 TN; died 19Ju1 1903 Batchelor, MO; m1 Sep1853 Rebecca Ann ELLIS. 5. Lucy M. Watson; born 1832 Callaway Co., MO; m 16 Dec 1857 Eli HARMON • . 6. C1arky M. Watson; born 1836 Callaway Co., NO; m 27 Aug 1857 Boone Co., MO Hyman H. NICHOLS . ,;.,." 7. Mahalia Watson; born 1838 Callaway Co., MO; m 1859 BU1 CALVIN. 8. Sophia Sarah Watson; born 1840 Callaway Co., MO; m 2 Nov 1855 Samuel SAPP. 9. Sarah Ann Watson; m 24 Aug 1865 Milton B. Nichols. THOMAS DAVID WATSON- born 29 Oct 1829 Smith Co., TN; died 19 Ju1 1903 at Batchelor, Callaway Co., MO; buried Oak Grove Cem., Regular Baptist Church. Occupation - farmer; son of John Ketcham Watson and Sophia Stark. Married 1 Sep 1853 Rebecca Ann ELLIS in Montgomery Co., MO. Children: 1. Mary Frances Watson; born 17 Dec 1854 Reform, MO; died single 14 Oct 1875 in Callaway Co., MO. 2. Wm. Lovelady Watson; born 6 Sep 1857; died single 10 Feb 1959 Callaway Co.,· MO. 3. John Stark Watson; born 6 Sep 1857; died 3 Sep 1883; m Mary Jane GLASCOCK. 4. George Washington Watson; born 28 Feb 1862; died 18 Oct 1958 Seattle, WA; m 15 Nov 1881 Mary E1iz. JONES~ 5. James Alvin Watson; born 5 Ju1 1864; died 19 Oct 1958 LaJara, CO; m 22 May 1918 Carie A. BECKETTS in LaJara. CO. 6. Charles Thomas Watson; born 30 May 1866; died single 2 May 1868 Reform MO. 7. Edd Burnnam.Watson; born 7 Sep 1868; died 9 Sep 1936 Ashland,MO;m 18 Aug 1893 Orilla. M. JOHNSON. Sununer 1981 75 Family Gathering (continued) 8. Samuel Doty L. Watson; born 21 Dec 1871; died 21 Mar 1957 Audrain Co., MO; m 27 Dec 1897 Ollie RICHARDSON. BREEDLOVE FAMILY RECORD - Information from Miss Dorothy Rylander, 1808 14th St., Apt. 4, Lubbock, TX 79401. ( ROBERT HENRY BREEDLOVE - born 1804/6 VA; died 1880/1 Henry Co., TN; married about 1825/27 Mary Elizabeth EVANS - born 1804/6 VA; died Henry Co., TN (before date of husband's will Oct 1878.) Their children: 1. Cadace (Cadis) Breedlove; born 1829; died 1880 Henry Co., TN; m ca 1847 Mary Jane STEELE and had children: Virginia, John F., Sarah, Beverly B., Mary Helert, George Robert, Belle, Lula May, Clarissa Elizabeth. 2. William Frank "Dock" Breedlove; born 6 Jun 1830; died 14 Feb 1897 Bell Co., TX; married 23 Nov 1853 Mary Chilton GRAVES·in Bell Co., TX and had children: Robert Henry, Dora L., Benjamin Walter, Frances Emma, James M., Lydia E., John W., Mary Ten~ie, Albert Andrew, Minnie Frank. 3. Frances Elizabeth Breedlove; born 11 Jun 1832 TN; died 20 Mar 1913 Bell Co., TX; married 11 Jan 1848 George Washington WALTON in Henry Co., TN and had children: ~ary Frances, Marshall Ney, George Worth, Franklin Pearce, Ann Elizabeth, Sam Houston, Virginia Ruth, Robert Lee, Paul Newton, Thomas Rush, Esther Alice, Dock Ramsey. 4. Virginia Breedlove; born 30 Jul 1832/33; died 1864 Henry Co., TN; married 14 Oct 1852 William M. TODD in Henry Co., TN and had children: Mary Louisa, Larah Elizabeth, Panolia G., Francis Janie, Romby, Willie Belle. 5. Smith C. Breedlove; born 1835; died 1903 Carroll Co., TN; married first 9 Jan 1866 Mary Jane BAKER and had children: Mary Ann, , Ewin. ~~rried second 1888 Mrs. Robert SURBER (nee Nancy Elizabeth FUSSELL) Carroll Co., TN. 6. Mary Jane Breedlove; born 1836/7; died Feb 1908 Henry Co., TN; married first 11 May lS54 Ezekiah B. RORIE in Henry Co., TN (he was killed in Civil War) and had children: Mary Frances, Robert Ezekiah, William Hubbard. Married second 17 Mar 1877 Joshua McCAIN in Henry Co., TN. Married third 1 Jan 1889 Thomas COTHRON in Henry'Co., TN. 7. Sarah "Sallie" Ann Breedlove; born 1838; died 21 Jun 1909; married 11 Nov 1856 Samuel Wiley TODD in Henry Co., TN and had children: Geneva Tennie, Frances Bell, Smith Cacey, Mary Elizabeth, Beverly Buel, Robert Dudley, Charles S., Sarah Virginia, Mattie Gordie, Doshia Adaline, Hilary Clay, Samuel Villeree, Ulysus Lee, Penolia. 8. Clarrissa Margaret Breedlove; born 1842/3; died 1925 Henry Co., TN; married 19 Dec 1867 J. J. ATKINS in Henry Co., TN and had children: Charles S., Thomas Franklin, Fanny, Pearl. 9. Robert Henry Breedlove, Jr.; born 3 Aug 1845; died 19 Oct 1929 Henry Co., TN; married, 19 Dec 1872 Anna Bell LEWIS in Henry Co., TN and had children: George Edgar, Ethel Mai, Nelle Irene. This information has been compiled from family records, Henry County courthouse ". records, census reports, visits to cemeteries, and interviews with descendants of this family. The date of their arrival in Henry County is unknown, but is thought to have been in the late l830s. The place of burial of some members of the Breedlove family is thought to be Old Breedlove Cemetery near Henry, Tennessee. "Ansearchin'''·News 76 Family Gatherings (continued) ALEXANDER-MARTIN FAMILY BIBLE - Contributed by Robert Young Clay, Richmond, VA. This Bible was owned by Mrs. George McClure, 1539 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, TN. Mr. Clay copied it about 1960, but neglected to ask the geographic origin of the family. Mrs. McClure was the landlady of a friend who brought the Bible to his attention. He believes Mrs. McClure is now deceased. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues; and with the Former 'Translations Diligently Compared and ReVised by His Majesty's Special Cammand Appointed to be read in Churches. Edinburgh,printed by Mark and Charles Kerr, His Majesties Printers MDCCXCI Wri tten on the first few front pages WmA Martin Was Born the 5 Nov. 1824 Jane Alexander was Born November the 11 1763 Mary Amelia Martin was Born the 14 February 1827 Catharen Gray was Born Dec. the 8th 1796 . Isaac Anderson Martin was Born the 5 day of February 1833 Nanc.y Gray Was Born October the 8 1798 Ann Gray Was Born November 11 1799 written on the back pages William Alexander was Born June 30 1739 Elizabeth King was Born June 27th 27th (sic) 1737 Jane Alexander was Borne Nov 11, 1769 Catherine Alexand~r was Born Aug 16th 1765 George Alexander Was Born July 181767 Bar1ra ? Alexander Born Mar 10 1769 Thomas Alexander Born May 16. 1770 Elizabeth Alexander Born Oct 15, 1772 Mary Alexander Was Born April 6 1774 WIn Alexander Born Dec 20 1776 Stephen Alexander Born Aug 19 1778 Ann Alexander Born Aug 20 1780 WIn Died May 7 1828 Elizabeth Died Aug 30 1817 COX RECORDS -What appears to be the old Bible of GEO. W. COX and his wife LAURA ANN LOCKARD was purchased at a shop in Munford, TN by Joe ,A. Phi 11 ips of Harrisburg, AR. It contains the following data: G.W. Cox was' born May 24th 1835 L.A. Cox was born May 9 1866 J.R. Cox was born April 23 1860 William Henry Cox was born Nov 30, 1888 Donia Larine Cox was born Jan. 19,1898 G.W.' Cox died Jan. 1, 1925 Laura Ann Cox died Nov. 16, 1937 James R. Cox died Nov. 1, 1936 Lenard Melton Cox Died Dec. 3, 1920 Nancey Green Francis Cox Died July 9, 1930 George W. Cox and Laura Ann Lockard wasmarried.Sep 19 1887 W.H. Cox and Donia Gillihan was married Nov. 28,<1915. Summer 1981 77 EARLY RECORDS OF GRAINGER COUNTY, TENNESSEE Copied from photocopies of original records in Tennessee State Archives, Nashville, TN by Betty Givens Moore and Betsy Foster West GRAINGER COUNTY 1799 TAX LIST FOR GEN'L ASSEMBLY List of Insolvents living within the Indian Boundary for the year 1797 (sic) which the County Court of Grainger released the Sheriff from the Collection of: (All have one white poll except where given in parentheses, in addition as noted - Ed.) ( Austin, Nathaniel Anderton, Thomas Bunch, Julius Branham, John Chisum, James (2) Cunningham, John Chisum, Elijah Crabb, Joseph Junr Chaney, Francis Cogden, Joseph Clark, Thomas Dodson, Jessee 1 bl poll - 100 A Dodson, Nimrod Duralt, Ab 'ham Dodson, Jessee Junr Gibbons, Thomas Harrison, Jonathan Henderson, Thomas Hardinge, William Hodgson, David Hughs, Samuel Hughs, Theophilus Hensley, Samuel Hamet, Nathaniel Hamet, Nathaniel (sic) Jonston, James Kieth, John Kieth, Thomas Lane, Issac Lane, Tidance Livingston, William Miller, John Miller, Frederick Morgan, John Rayne, John Sims, James Sims, Martin Sullins, Peter Shoats, Jacob 111ompson, Allexander Wallen, John Wier, William Ward, William Allen, William Adkins, James Arthur, John Bruton, Samuel Boling, Jeremiah Barten, Isaral Burdon, Charles Bennet, John Black, Mathew Brown, Morris Bruton, James Busham, Archer Bitson, Thomas Box, John Bitson, James Bowman, William Burton, William Burdsong, John Cope, Andrew Cope, James Crowley, Benjamin Carr, John Cox, Josiah Cowen, Alexander . Cops, Barney Cops, Mathew Claypole, Stephen Callums, George Dougherty, William Dougherty, William (sic) Davis, James 1 bl poll Davis, James I bl poll (sic) Drunden (?), Benjamin Durham, Stephen Douthe, Evan Elam, William Finley, Williain to property Finley, William (sic) Finley, William (sic) Franklin, Edmond Finley, James (0) 3 bl polls . Gibson, George Gibson, Jerry Graham, Spencer I bl poll Hatfield, Richard Hatfield, Joseph Haines, Andrew Hill, Thomas 4 bl polls Henderson, William Hamlen, John Howard, Robert Halfacre, Peter Hill, William Henderson, James Hatfield, John Innis, Jeremiah Inglis, William Jones, Jessee Linch, Jeremiah Lewis, Joel Lusk, SamUel I bl poll McBride ,William Mahan, James Martin, DaIl!!.el McDonald, John McBride, Thomas McDonald, William McBride, Andrew Moore, Lewis McLellan, Thomas Newfort, John Owen, John Owens, William (2) Pelew t Elijah Reynolds, John Rull, George Reynolds, James Ross, Angus 78 11Ansearchin '" News Early Records of Grainger County, Tennessee (continued) Smith, Mathew Shurley (?), Michael Sweeton, Dutton Sharp, Joseph Sweeton, John Star, James Stevenson, John Sears, John Stevenson, William Thomas, Joseph Stinnet, William 1 bl poll Trammell, Dennis Stinnet, Benj. Tinsley, William Stevenson, Edward (0) Vanbiber, John (2) 1 bl poll 1 bl poll Stinnet, John Vanbiber, Peter Vanbiber, James Womack, Jonathan Womack, Jeremiah Womack, David Weaver, Samuel Weaver, Joseph Weaver, John Weaver, Samuel (sic) Yoklham, George I, Ambrouse Yancey Clerk of the County of Grainger do certify the above list of Insolvencys was proven in Open Court by the Oath of Martin Ashburn Collector. Am. Yancey C.G.C. Written vertically across the list is: Allow'd by the Committee of Finance Oct. 4, 1799. GRAINGER COUNTY TAX LIST - 1810, 1811, 1812 This appears to be a list of persons with unpaid taxes for these years. They could be insolvents, but they could also be absentee owners, or could have moved from the county before 1810. State of Tennessee } Grainger County , August Term A.D. 1810 Persons Names Species of Taxation John Vineyard, Junr 1 poll James Richardson, Junr 1 poll James Elkins 100 Acres Alexr Hamil ton 229 Acres Levy Pady (?) and John Vineyard 200 Acres November Term 1810 Phillip Siegler and R.Hall, Admr 600 Acres May Term 1811 Henry Rice 1 poll John Smith 1 stud horse Insolvents Nov Term.18l0 & 1811 Willson Hunt 110 Acres Saml Mynatt 9000 Acres State of Tennessee } Grainger County } When Taxed Persons Names Species of Taxation When Taxed 1810 1810 1810 1810 Saml Blythe Asa Johnston Saml Blythe same same February Term 1812 Stephen Johnson 10,000 A 500 Acres 10,000 A same same 1811 1811 1806 1807· 1808 1810 1810 1811 1811 Wm Kirkham Richd Skelton Chas Matlock 1811 1811 Saml Blythe 1 wh poll 2 bl polls 1 poll 200 Acres 1 poll 125 Acres 1 bl poll 300 Acres 10,000 A 1810 1810 1810 1810 1809 I, Sterling Cocke, Clerk of the Court of pleas and quarter Sessions for said County, Do hereby certify that James Conn, Sheriff and Collector for said County by orders of Court was released from the payment of the above taxes (somewords$cratchf3dt;hroJlgh)<at this terms above set forth. Given under my hand at office the Ei8hthDay ofJu~y 1812. Sterling Cocke, Clk. Summer 1981 79 Early Records of Grainger County, Tennessee (continued) GRAINGER COUNTY PETITIONS To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee The petition of a number of the inhabitants of Grainger County humbly Representeth: That it is believed much inconvenience will result to the Citizens of said county from the operation of an act recently passed by your honorable Body which compells. the Register & Rangers of the respective counties in said State to remove their offices to, & hold them at their respective court-houses. That at a Court held for said county at the court-house in the town of Rutlage in february last the Register of said county tendered his Resignation to the court which was accepted - That although there were sundry persons residing in said Town well qualified to fill the office of Register with ability, yet not one could be induced to accept said office who resided at the court-house - That the said office is one of high importance to the .public, yet the fees of office are so inconsiderable as not to authorize a person comfortably settled on a farm in the country to remove to town to attend to the Duties of said office: We the undersigned your memorialists therefore pray the premises considered that you will be pleased so to modify the abovementioned act as to permit the Register & Rangers of Grainger county to hold his offices at any place in said county Provided the distance from the Registers office to the Court-house does not exceed five or six miles. And your Petitioners as in Duty bound will ever pray, etc. Philip Sigler Jarimiah Mince Noah Ashly William Asher Peter Hanunick William Webster Jonathen Branson Charles Drake William Waggoner John Blackburn Isaac Long Thomas James Archibald Greer Samuel Waggoner Thomas Morres Thomas Boullon Morten Morres Daniel Hammick Elijah Long James Lane Junr. William Pasley Jeremiah Lovel David Elkins Gorge Lovel Philip Parker Abraham Elliot Samuel Bunch WIn. Sims Obadiah Walters Joel Witt N. Jarnagin Robert Caton William Garrett John Ray Chep(ss1)ley Jarnagin Enouch Winds (1) Jeremiah Jarnagin John Bolton Marten Thornbury Richard Thornbury William Capts John Mapels Isaac Davis Charles Hutcheson William Patton Walker Allen John Baker Benjamin Moon Andrew Seabolt JohnNall Thomas Brown John Parker David Watson William Lane James Lane Senr. John Selvidge Petition - In Senate Augt 11 th 1800 Read and refered to the Committee of Propositions & Grievances and sent to the House of Representatives - Jno. N. Gamble,Clk. House of Representatives - Augt 11 Read and refered as by the Senate * th 1800 E. Scott, Clk. * * * * "Ansearchin'" News 80 Early Records of Grainger County, Tennessee (continued) This record is torn apart in several places and a few naines on the fold of the paper have been lost. Occasionally several signatures are written in the same hand, but no X marks are given. Some names are very faded, some are blotted with ink, and some have been crossed out or removed by erasure. Spellings vary, and i and tare sometimes not dotted or crossed; and like many modern signatures, some are simply illegible. In most cases we have not tried to second-guess, but have copied here the most literal transcription possible for us. BFW To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Tennessee: We the undersigned Citizens of Grainger and Claiborne counties humbly represent that the Turnpike road leading to Kentucky crossing Clinch· Mountain~,at the three stone gap can be much amended by turning to the left at,or near the house of Dawson Cheek on the north side of said Mountain •••• coming ••••present(?) Road at the town of Tazwell, the ground over which the road would pass is much leveller, an excellent and safe ford in Clinch River, clear of rocks, & only one-half mile the furthest, by total measurement. (Your petitioners further?) represent that the present Road is very broken full of large rocks, a bad narrow ford in said river which compells most of the travellors to ferry the River when it can be forded at the other crossing with perfect safety, the hills are so steep and full of Rocks that it is almost impossible to make a road in many places sufficiently wide for waggons to pass each other should they meet in those narrow places, which are in pl(aces?) at least one (quarter of a mile ••. ?) ••. your honorable body to pass an act authorising the commissioners 6f said road or a majority of them to view the two roads & direct the road the best way for the public - And your petitioners as in Duty bound will ever pray ••••••••• Mank Posten Junr Jacob Cooney John Allison James Conn John Hender... Abel Lanham Benjamin (illegible) Anthony Street John Coulter John Harrison _avis(?) Bra___ _ep White Joseph Hickey Samuel Dotson Junr Thomas Dotson Haris Burks Samuel Dotson Senr John Stratton(?) Wm. Bingham Ralph Shelton Marten Bunch Stephen Shelton __ George Campbell George Henderson Js(?) Maicen(?) William Whitehead Aberhan Haley Wm Bingham Monk Posten Sen John LUBPten (?) Wm. (?) Rogers Andrew Mannen Wilborn Megee Nathl Austin John Baker Enos Hobbs Henry Sunpter Sen John Austin William (torn) Joseph Colper Henrey Su~te~ Jun Peter Smith John Davis(?) William Sunpten Senr John Brancecomb William Graham Wm. Mullens Jos. Campbell Samuel Maure(?) Thomas Brancecomb John ~oysetch (?) William Jones Damon(?) Wynne Perin Cardwell Thomas Johnston Edward Shipley(?) John keef John Gaw Isom Clark thomas keef junr Harri,son Akin Ezekiel farmer(?) John Cardwell James Hicky &orge ~tubblefield Obediah Jinnins (?) William Brawn David Jeffris (torn) Jinnins (?) Richard Shockley Thomas Jeffris Gibbones Cross Epham Dickings John Brand Willie harper Siles S. Clark John Jonson Senr Edward Webster John Jonson Junr Daniel lebo Joseph Webster George Jinings henry lebo William Lea Thomas Greesham Peter hario John (?) Webster Isaac Poster William Stroud Rollon Brancecomb William Sunpten(Sumpterf)Junr. st House of Representatives, July 31 1806. Read and refered etc. Edw Scott, Clk. In Senate, July 31 st 1806. Read and refered etc. Jno.N. Gamble, elk , ;-."".; i Summer 1981 81 ROANE COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE BONDS - 1801-1826 Copied from Microfilm by Eleanor Riggins Barham (Continued from Spring issue) These bonds have been copied at a later date on printed forms in a bound book. GROOM BRIDE ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Robert Hewett John Haggard Amos Marney Elisha Williamson James Massy Rebeckah Phillips Sarah Smith Betsey Young Sally Matlock Susanna Lee 13 7 1 20 9 Moore Matlock Joseph Hacker Samuel Nipp Charles Coody John Panky Isaac Keys Hugh Crumbliss Alexander Galbreath Benjamine Evans James Eddington Tandy Lane John Hart Jaco'!) Waren Charles Burk James Preston Calvin Johnson Ruben Phillips Daniel Kirkpatrick John Givins John Rentfro John Black Charles White George White John Jackson James Rogers William Hankins William PennaIan James Hankin James McNair John Mead John Breazeal Clemmohs Phillips Mar Apr May May Jun 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 SECURITY OR OFFICIANT James Robinson John Smith Isham Young James Matlock James Morrow, Jacoh Work Sol: by Jesse Byrd, J.P. Lucy Knight William Anderson 4 Jul 1810 Priscella Haggerty William Small 14 Jul 1810 Charles Coody, John Oden Elizabeth Riley 16 Aug 1810 Ellenor Riley John Oden 18 Aug 1810 Drury Smith Peggy Owens 20 Aug 1810 Gilbert Pool Elizabeth Riley 21 Aug 1810 Betsey Brashear Isaac Brashear 27 Aug 1810 James Gallaher Polly Gallaher 3 Sep 1810 William McKinney Betsey K. Moore 4 Sep 1810 Phebe Butler 14 Sep 1810 Peter Click 18 Sep 1810 Mary Jones Benjamine Preston Ruth Stout James Dearmond 1 Oct 1810 James Hankins 3 Oct 1810 Betsey Elkins Sol: by Thomas McMullin, J.P. John Bowman 2 Nov 1810 Nancy Bowman Uriah Allison 7 Nov 1810 Jinney Allison William McKamy Nancy McKamy 20 Dec 1810 James Robinson 22 Dec 1810 Kitty Bower Joseph Shadden 2 Mar 1810 Peggy Shadden Hugh Franciss 22 Jan 1811 Louise Stubbs James Buchanan 1 Feb i8l1 Sally Lyles John Loyd William Gardenhire 8 Mar 1811 Peggy Eldridge John White 26 Apr 1811 Nancy McPherson Barton McPherson John Loyd 16 May 1811 Hanah McPherson John Harrison 26 May 1811 Jane Preston Wiley Tuton 26 May 1811 Nancy Coody James McMullin 31 May 1811 Nancy Davis Abner Casey 29 Jun 1811 Mary Casey Abraham Stout Robert McEwen 30 Jun 1811 Patsey Reyburn Robert Lyles Rebecka Walker 2 Ju1 1811 Augustus McKinnie Elizabeth Matlock 9 Ju1 1811 Joshua Cox Sol: 9 Ju1 1811 by Isham Cox, J.P. Rhoda Stonecypher David Stonecypher 15 Jul 1811 Drusilla Prewitt 16 Jul 1811 John W. Bowers "Ansearchin'" News 82 Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM BRIDE ISSUED OR CELEBRATED SECURITY OR OFFICIANT Daniel Hostler Thomas Richardson Robert C. Crawford John 1'. Hacker Ruben McKinnie Gilbert Hankins Joseph Thompson Alexander Powell Jacob Perrygin Thomas Anderson William Enoch Charles Hickey Abner Waters Henry Davis James Bowman Daniel Turner James McMullin Jeremiah Evans Alfred Davis Reuben Tiner John Dossett Thomas Eldridge Etheldred Taylor Patrick Sutton Joseph Thompson Abraham Bogart David Breazeal Nancy Nail Elizabeth Ellison Susana Brown Nellie Bazelton Jenny Lyles Polly Pippins Polly Hopkins Fatsey Browder Patsey Mund Patsey Essery Anne Couch Lucinda England Betsey Reyburn Elizabeth Miller Rachel McCorkle Betsey Hill Rebecca Miller Sally Davis Betsey Breazeale Jenny Carter Elizabeth Coatney Jinny Browder Catherine Arbuckle Sally Capshan (?) Polly Hopkins Jenny Preston Rosey Matlock 16 1 27 28 6 9 11 11 12 18 1 4 5 16 24 24 31 6 25 3 7 7 11 24 10 4 22 Jul Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1812 1812 David Thomas Ambler Casey John Loyd James Hunt Robert Lyle John Loyd William Kelly Moses Cavett Thomas Fields Joseph Hankins Ruth P,rigmore Polly Pickel Lucy Holly Betsey Irwine Joseph Browder Ephraim Bridge Samuel Basel John Wiley John England John Owens John Oden Phillip Pritchett Richard Dover Berry Duncan Thomas Stephenson William Beerman James Wilkerson Silas Lutra1l Gilbert Pool Everett Stubbs Eldridge Betsey White Eliza Scott Sally Noel Lennie Hall Betsey Bristol Eliza Eblin Peggy McDonnald Dice Rice Fanny Tummins Rhoda Crisp Susanna Buckanan Lucy Rice Stacy Burnett Betsey Keys Sally Ford 27 26 29 11 11 24 25 5 25 26 6 6 2 13 16 21 26 5 7 16 29 Jan Feb Feb Mar Mar liar Mar May May May Jun Jun Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep 1812 '1812 1812 1812 1812 by 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 Sol: ~ancy Britton Matthews Benjamine Harrison Adam Carson William Gillian Samuel Stout Baze1 Davis Hugh Frances John Casey William Eblin Little B. Briant William Hankins William Coatney Daniel Wester William Brown John Sutton William Bivins James Preston John Matlock Woods Breazea1 James Mays William Brown John Essery Thomas McMullins, J.P. Brittain Matthews Benjamine Shields Samuel Williams Samuel Stout Squire Hendrix John Warren Jeremiah Shelly James Rice Isaac S. McMeans Tandy Lane Jeremiah Buckanan James Rice Moses Burnett Thomas Brown Jonathan Harvey 83 Summer 1981 Roane County, Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM Samuel Hope William D. Miller Oliver Morris Hezekiah B. Moore James Davis Samuel Haggard BRIDE Agness Duncan Elizabeth Wood Katy Eldridge Jensy M. Green Nancy Woods Elizabeth Montgomery Sol: Abner Underwood Polly King John Oden Eliza Eblen Aquilla Nail Sallie Lee Hezehiah K. Hotchkiss Lydia G. Mead John Craig Lucy Eaton James Davis Crow Phebe Rice William Bowman Levisy Edmonds Linsey Robison Delila Jones Sol: George Pickle (corr) Susana Haggard Alfred Haggard Let tice Mason Sol: William Thacker Levina Eblin Sol: Samuel Hall Jenny Lemmons Tandy Senter Alice Crumbliss Edward Kenley Polly Rusk Edward Young Sally Vaughn Jemiah Tuten Rebecca McNatt Peter Gray Elizabeth Wester James Siscoe Sally Branham Sol: James Forrester Polly Bryant Nathane1 Gowens Sebri Midgett John Moore Catherine Warren Nathane1 Applegate Elizabeth Seaton Wiley Tuten Levina Bailey Joshua Birdwell Mary Joans (1) Charles Kitchen Anna Matlock Thomas M. Cannon Elizabeth Manley Enoch Rector Polly Kindrick Paul Blackburn Polly Reynolds John Newman Frances Branham Joshua Dover Passy Rice Alexander Casy Nancy Ross James Cooper Mary Weir Larkin R. Sawyer Elizabeth Chiles Sol: John Wilkinson Anne Woody Sol: William Moore Unity Tucker John Derossett Patsey Pritchett Sol: ISSUED OR CELEBRATED SECURITY OR OFFICIANT 6 9 24 7 19 24 24 28 Jeptha Duncan Charles Wood James Cosby Thomas Green Asa Cobb· Oct Oct Oct Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 l812 1812 by 1812 6 Jan 1812 3 Jan 5 Jan 7 Jan 10 Jan 10 Jan 27 Jan 27 Jan 1 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Apr 8 Apr 11 May 29 May 18 Jun 18 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 23 Ju1 28 Ju1 2 Aug 6 Aug 17 Aug 18 Aug 24 Aug 26 Aug 31 Aug 1 Sep 2 Sep 10 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 23 Sep 23 Sep 30 Sep 30 Sep 28 Oct 22 Nov 22 Nov 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 Thomas McMu11ins, J.P. Thomas C. Clark William Gardenhli.e Benjamine Tippett Elijah Eaton John Leftwick Matthew Edmonds Robert Lane by Richard Richards, M.G. Daniel Grubb George Pickel (corr) by Thomas McMullin, J.P. by Thomas McMullin, J.P. Axham Lawhorn James Crumb1iss John Leftwick John McNatt David Scrivner James Branham by Thomas McMullin, J.P. Samuel Stout David Brown Edmond Warren George Cook William Brown Moses Birdwell John Allen Samuel Stout Richard Rector Talton Branham E1i.sha Wi11imson Abraham Stout William Brown Andrew Weir by Thomas McMullin, J.P. Thomas McMullin, J. P• William Davis Levy Wheat by Thomas McMullin, J.P. by 84 II Ansearchin'" News Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds -; 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM BRIDE Edward Stewart Adam Gardenh:1t.e . William Reynolds Charles. Mitchel Richard Lay Joseph Eccord Benjamine Poor William Bowers William Breeden David Lyle Moses Russell Isaac Roberson Robert Harvey William Shafer George Moore Benagah Penington Smith Bonign Nancy Short Alsey Tippet Jinny Moore Framina Perriman Jane Bryant Elizabeth Lane Nancy Shoemaker Betsv Phillips Patients Phipps Mary Tuten Juda Owings Nancy Talbot Sally Richard Peggy Parker Sally Rice Matilda Emery Patsey Honey John Lents James Flatt Milly McKain Rebecca Rice Sol: Sol: Samuel Owens Sally Randolph Henry Matlock Nancy Rice James G. Williams Nathaniel Ap1egate John Thomas Moses Shoemaker Joseph Starky Rebecca Nelson Elizabeth Smith Barbara Casey Martha Williams Rebecca S. Hadden John Hill Fielding Balden John E. Nelson William Dixson Benjamine Eldridge James Gillispie Bartlett McAnally Elijah Farmer James Allsup William Gillam Virry Lane Nancy Stean Polly Daley Leny Harvey Patsy Jackson Jenny Gallaher Phebe Shields Jane Preston Phebe Childs Betsey Bristol ;S01: i :Sol: Sol: . Moses Mahan Gabriel Richards Betsy Cleck Peggy Ayers ~ol: Sol: Isaac Ciscow Polly Draper Joel Oliver Henry Anderson Celia Vaughn Nancy Man Sol: \'J ISSUED OR CELEBRATED SECURITY OR OFFICIANT 2 Dec 1813 24 Dec 1813 1813 -16~F-eb-· 1814 10 Mar 1814 20 Apr 1814 9 Jun 1814 16 Jun 1814 22 Jun-1814 23 Jun 1814 6 Ju1 1814 9 Ju1 1814 17 Jul 1814 18 Jul 1814 20 Jul 1814 26 Ju1 1814 6 Sep 1814 6 Sep 1814 27 Sep 1814 17 Oct 1814 17 Oct 1814 26 Oct 1814 26 Oct 1814 5 Nov 1814 5 Nov 1814 13 Nov 1814 1 Dec i814 1 Dec 1814 28 Dec 1814 28 Dec 1814 28 Dec 1814 6 Jan 1815 19 Jan 1815 30 Jan 1815 4 Feb 1815 7 Feb 1815 10 Feb 1815 16 Mar 1815 2 May 1815 12 Jun 1815 14 Jun 1815 l4'Jun 1815 5 Ju1 1815 24 Ju1 1815 24 Jul 1815 29 Ju1 1815 29 Ju1 1815 8 Aug 1815 28 Aug 1815 William Rorax John Black George Sickles Lewis Combs Matthew Gowen Joseph Cleft Moses Shoemaker John Brown James Hope Joseph Hankins Eli Shelton Francis Erwin Isham Young Galbreath Barton Joseph Lacy Samuel Owings John Carmichael Thomas McMullin, J.P. Francis Erwin John Rice Thomas McMullin, J. P• Moses Russell John Wintin, J.P. , John Purris Thomas McMullin, J.P. William Brown Richard Fairis Anthony Casey Benjamine Prise Robert Shaden Richard Richards, M.G. Joseph Graham Thomas York Asa Cobb Marmaduke Harvey John Harrison Thomas Gallaher by by by by by by Gilbreath Barton Richard Richards, by Richard Richards, M.G. by Thomas McMullin, J.P. ~.G • 85 Summer 1981 Roane County, Tennessee Marriage Bonds - 1801-1826 (continued) GROOM BRIDE Wright Hankins Nancy Talent Sol: William Eblin Hiram Hide Lucretia Smith Rachel Irwin Jason Matlock, Jr. Robert Riley Samuel R. Walker Abraham Lacy Robert Rentfro, Jr. Betsey Hicks Sally Fields Elizabeth McKamey Betsy Allen Catherine Goodwin Littleberry Noe Sally Sharp Edmund Waren Samuel H. Grigsby Polly Eldridge Polly Lindsey John B. Rice Sally Brashear Thomas Eldridge Jonas R. Arnold Axum Lawhorn Holston Todd Sally Waren Ann Eblin Polly England Peggy McPherson Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: ( Sol: David Adkinson Druci11a Foshee Lewis Robinson James Bower Betsey Stark Betsey Crow Sol: Sol: David Craig Jinney Eaton Able Cowers Rachel Lay William Wallace Sarah Wallace James Moore Lucy Young Samuel Brasher Hannah Tooten Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: John Roberts John Hankins John Oliver Elij ah Prewit t Thomas Ketchum John M. Love SECURITY OR OFFICIANT ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Sol: Elizabeth Blackwell Sol: Priscilla McKinnie Sol: Elizabeth Gallaher Sol: Nancy Hannah Nancy Warren Sol: Peggy Moore Sol: 4 Sep 1815 4 Sep 1815 14 Sep 1815 18 Sep 1815 18 Sep 1815 30 Sep 1815 3 Oct 1815 10 Oct 1815 26 Oct 1815 13 Nov 1815 14. Nov 1815 25 Nov 1815 25 Nov 1815 1 Dec 1815 4 Dec 1815 4 Dec 1815 12 Dec 1815 12 Dec 1815 14 Dec 1815 31 Dec 1815 28 Oct 1815 27 Jan 1816 1 Feb 1816 27 Jan 1816 29 Jan 1816 28 Jan 1816 30 Jan 1816 1 Feb 1816 30 Jan·1816 31 Jan 1816 20 Feb 1816 21 Feb 1816 20 Feb 1816 20 Feb 1816 22 Feb 1816 23 Feb 1816 26 Feb 1816 29 Feb 1816 2 Mar 1816 3 Mar 1816 9 Mar 1816 10 Mar 1816 11 Mar 1816 4 Apr 1816 13 Mar 1816 20 Mar 1816 21 Mar 1816 20 Mar 1816 27 Mar 1816 by Thomas McMullin, J.P. by Thomas McMullin, J.P. by Aud1y Walker George Crow John Loyd J. Purris, J.P. by Thomas McMullin, J.P. Henry Breazea1 Noah Ashley J. Purris, J.P. by Thomas McMullin, J.P. by Willis Miller William Brown bv Solomon Geren. J.P. - Isaac McPherson by Solomon Geren, J.P. by Wm. C. McKamy Wm. C. McHaney James Dearmond Asa Cobb, J.P. James· Lay John Wintin Robert Thompson Wm. C. McHany, J.P. by J. Purris, J.P. by Wm. McHaney, J.P. Edward Roberts Alexander Nesmith, J.P. Jesse Terry Solomon Geren, J.P. Robert S. Gilliland Asa Cobb, J.P. by by by by by by by by Wm. C. McKamy Alexander Nesmith, J.P. James Moore Wm. C. McKamy 86 "Ansearchin'" News Roane County. Tennessee Marriage Bonds GROOM BRIDE George Reed Deborah Cobb ~ 1801-1826 (continued) ISSUED OR CELEBRATED Sol: Charles Kirkpatrick Harriott Churchili John Bowman Peggy Phillips Mishac Rowden David Claunch Sarah McNabb Betsey Pritchet Robert S. Gilliland Peggy McCabe David Davenport John Hood Lucinda Kinchelow Elizabeth Sexton Sol: Sol: Sol: Sol: 4 Sol: John Tucker Jinny Moore Sol: Harmon Culb Thomas York Calvin White Benjamine Haywood Thomas Oden Joseph McPherson Samuel Margrave John Stow Anthony Smith Philip ,Rushing Abraham Davis William Vaughn Charles Stephens William Dudley Absolom Foshee Jacob Casner Ely Hart Charles Kinchelow Uriah Wilkerson Wyatt Gallaher WilliamC Kingston John Scott 5 9 11 11 22 23 3 26 26 13 13 15 Jenny Eaton Sol: Elizabeth McPherson Patsey Wiley Sol: Patsy Stephens Nancy Miller Nancy Williams Sol: Grace Wroe Sol: Permea1y Lane Sol: Ann Baily Sally Breding Rebecca Curtis Sol: Milly Preston Sally Margrave .Sol: Sally Irwin Patty Arnold Polly Matlock Nancy Littleton Betsey Cannon Nancy Wood Sol: Sally Dalton ,Sol: Rhoda Rector Nellie McDaniel . 'Sol: 4 9 9 22 23 27 29 1 1 3 4 4 7 7 12 12 23 8 19 3 26 26 26 27 28 28 2 2 12 12 12 6 30 12 12 Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Ju1 Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Oct Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Jan Oct Nov Nov SECURITY OR OFFICIANT 1816 1816 by Solomon Geren, J.P. Daniel Wester 1816 Wm. C. McHaney 1816 by 1816 1816 by Solomon Geren, J.P. James McNabb 1,816 Phillip Pritchet 1816 1816 by Wm C McKamy, J.P. Wm C. McHany 1816 1816 by Wm C. McHany, J. P• Joseph Lacy 1816 James Sexton 1816 1816 ·by Thomas McMullin, J.P. 1816 1816 by Thomas McMullin, J. P• Jesse Pellum 1816 1816 by Robert Williams, J.P. 1816 William Galbreath 1816 1816 by Asa Cobb, J.P. Charles Stephens 1816 1816 John Williams 1816 1816 by J. Purris, J.P. 1816 John Purris 1816 by J. Purris, J.P. 1816 Samuel Stow 1816 by Wm C McHaney, J.P. Robert S. Gilliland 1816 Mark Rentfro 1816 1816 Shadrick Stephens 1816 by Robert Williams, J.P. 1816 1816 George Grigsby 1816 by Wm C McHany 1816 Jeremiah Fields 1816 George Arnold 1816 George Pickle 1816 Thomas Walker 1816 John Edwards 1816 Willis Stockton 1816 by Thomas McMullin, J.P. 1816 Samuel Silvey 1817 by Asa Cobb, J.P. 1816 Benjamine Rector 1816 George Manifold 1816 by Wm C McHaney (To be continued) 87 Summer 1981 FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILL BOOK 1808 - 1847 Abstracted from microfilm by Betsy F. West Continued from Spring issue I would again remind readers that this abstract is taken from microfilm of a book which seems to be a copy of the original. Some of the interpretations are not mine. The number preceding the name of the testator is the page number of the will book. 107 ~ BOLEY EMBREY: to eldest son Miller, and second son Isaac fifty dollars each ••• two hundred dollars invested to educate four youngest children, Thomas Jefferson, Winny, Elizabeth and Isabela ••• my eight children (viz) Temperance, Jenny, Matilda, Lucy, Thomas, Mimsy, Elizabeth & Isabela ••• brother Thomas Embrey and friend William DUNCAN, executors. 12 May 1832. Witnesses: Samuel CORN, James J. HORRELL. Proven 27 Aug 1832 by both witnesses. Recorded 26 Oct 1832. 108 - JAMES SARTAIN: to wife Nancy Ann home, land and three oldest negroes Jo, Look & Violet ••• son George W. Sartain ••• dau Peggy McGOWAN ••• dau Polly KING ••• dau Betsy WISMAN •• dau Nancy CROCKET ••• son Thomas J. Sartain ••• to son John Sartain money due from Samuel COLQUATE ••• to son James R. Sartain, money due from Hugh KELSO ••• to son Samuel D. Sartain debt due from David MEEKS & a judgement against Martin CROUCH. Executor, Barney BURROW, 22 Jul 1832. Witnesses: Elijah ALLEN, John MOORE, William WARREN. Proved 5 Sep 1832 by Elijah Allen & James (sic) Moore. Barnaby Burrow refUBes to serve as Executor; Elijah Allen appointed, John Morrow & George W. Sartain, Securities. Rec. 26 Oct 1832. ( 110 - THOMAS KENEDY: my two youngest children, Nancy and George, minors ••.•wife Grizzell ••• four sons John, Thomas, William and George ••• three daughters, Jane, Elizabeth and Nancy SWEETHLY (1). Executors, wife Grizzell & son Thomas. Witnesses: John BRIXY (1) and William NICHOLS. Proven 26 Nov 1832 by both witnesses. Executors, Grizzell and Thomas G. Kenedy qualified; William H. MURRY, JohnW. CAMDEN & J.A. RUTHERFORD, Securities. Recorded 20 Mar 1833. 111 - JAMES SANDLIN - to wife Elizabeth, house etc. and negro woman Edy ••• grandson James Sandlin, son of William Sandlin and who I have principally raised from an infant ••• to son William-Sandlin and his wife Mary, the old survey containing 170 A and 100 A addition, provided he pays his brother John Sandlin "should he ever call on him one hundred dollars ••• and at the decease of the said William and Ma~y ••• the land may be sold and the proceeds equally divided among his children (Betsy excepted) who is now in my family and who I have not thought of until in this place ••• " To her furnishings and live stock ••• she to be under the direction of my wife. Executors, James L. BRYANT, JamesF. PHILIPS, Joshua ARNOLD. Witnesses, same three men. 29 Jul 1828. Proven 26 Nov 1832 by Bryant & Arnold, who "fused to take upon themselves the execution of said last will ••• " Recorded 20 Mar 1833. 112 - LEWIS TARWATER, Ray Co. MO, 1 May l83l •••wife Nancy •••Hiram OLIVER be educated as my own children ••• dau Sally MULLEN ••• dau Elizabeth GREENLEE $115.00 as soon as it can be collected out of money which is owing to me in the State of Tennessee ••• dau Fanny LOYD ••• dau Nancy Loyd ••• son Lewis •••dau Cynthia ••• dau Caty ••• son Jacob ••• dau Ann •••dau Huldah. Witnesses Isaac ALLEN, Francis McGUIRE. Proven 1 Aug 1831 Ray Co, MO by Allen & McGuire. At a County Court held in Richmond, Ray Co., MO 8 Nov 1831, before Justices William THORNTON, Daniel PARKER and Henry JACOBS, Nancy Tarwater relinquished her right to administration of the estate and recommended her son John Tarwater (later identified as son of Lewis also). He was approved and made bond with 88 "Anserachin'" News Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808-1847 (continued) John KENNY, William CROSSLAND and Nancy Tarwater as securities. 6 Feb 1832 Ray Co, MO John Tarwater,John Kenny and Lewis Tarwater Jr. declared the estate would amount to more than indicated by the bond and additional securities were A. W. Mullin, Henry Loyd, William Loyd, James W. EARICKSON and Lewis Tarwater, Jr., who signed on 1 Mar 1832. A deposition of John Tarwater declares that besides the widow Nancy, the heirs are as named above, and that all live in Ray Co., MO except Elizabeth, who liv~s in Franklin Co., TN. The next instrument is dated 5 Mar 1833, Franklin Co., TN and is a suit of John Tarwater, Admr. of Lewis Tarwater dec'd vs William Greenlee, Admr. of the Estate of L. Tarwater, dec 'd. With the will annexed, the Franklin County Court awarded administration to John Tarwater. It had been "suggested to the court" that Lewis Tarwater had died intestate and Wm. Greenlee had been appointed administrator in Franklin Co., TN. The letters of administration granted to Greenlee were retracted. Greenlee appealed to the next court, which was granted. Recorded 13 May 1833. 119 - JOSEPH TAYLOR: wife Rebecca ••• to raise the children ••• son Drewry ••• son James ••• to the schooling of my children. 24 May 1833. Witnesses, Abram KEYKENDALL, William COLLINS, Hardin Taylor. Proved Aug 1833 by Collins and Taylor. Recorded 20 Feb. 1834. 120 - ANDREW BROWN, yeoman, 10 Sep 1833: to wife Pheby all my property ••• appoint Josiah BERRY my Adminis trator. Wi tness,es: John FRAYCHURE, Thomas MITCHELL. Proved Nov 1833 by both witnesses. Recorded 20 Feb 1834. 121 - MARTIN ADAMS: wife Elsa ••• balance of my estate to be sold and divided between my children (not named). Executor, Joseph SMITH. 16 Feb 1832. Witnesses: Lewis DAVIDSON, Robert ATKINS. Proven Feb 1834 by both. witnesses. Recorded 10 Mar 1834. 121 - DAVID HICKERSON, 25 Jan 1821: wife Sarah ••• my seven children, Joseph, David, and Litel Hickerson, Mary ADAMS, Nancy COLE, Sarah LUSK and Lucy ALISON ••• and one dollar given to my son John Hickerson alld one dollar to the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth LYON. Witnesses Nathaniel VENNOY (?), Jas. HAGGARD, Richard SANDERS. The will was offered for probate (no date given) by David Hickerson and Isaac Cole, but was contested by Thomas WRIGHT and wife "one heir of the said David Hickerson dec'd" (Could it be that this is daughter Elizabeth, whom the later copyist recorded as Lyon? - BFW) . At the November Court 1833 a jury was called for the Feb. term. A deposition from James Haggard, one of the,witnesses, st.lted that he saw David Hickerson sign the will, and the other witnesses sign. "Sanders is dead and Vannoy the last I saw of him he resided in Greenville District, North Carolina." The deposition was taken 2 Dec 1833 at the law office of M. TAUL in Winchester. Feb 1834 the jury consisted of Benjamin SHERWOOD, William BRAZEl.TON, Joseph BRATTON, John W. IKARD, John COWAN, Andrew S. GOODMAN, Williams BUCHANNAN, Elijah N. STOVALL, Hardeman PRYOR, William WINFORD, James ESTILL, and KindredH. MUSE, who decided in favor "of Hickerson and Cole. Recorded 10 Mar 1834. 124 - ANN WILLIAMSON: to my eldest daughter Sally MURRY, Reuben a negro boy of seven years, and Anthony, five years of age, and Sarah, three years, all to descend to Hiram W. Murry, next heir-at-law ••• to my dau Susan DOOLIE, Fann, a negro woman aged thirty to descend to Hiram W. Murry. 1 Mar 1833. Witnesses, Thos. WRIGHT Jno. HICKERSON. Codicile: E~ecutors John Hickerson and WilliamH. Murry 25 May 1833. Witnesses: S. Murry, Thos. Wright. Proven 26 May 1834 by Thomas Wright and John Sumtner198l 89 Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) Hickerson. Codicile proved 30 May 1834 by Samuel Murry. Recorded 10 Jun 1834. 125 - JOHN BRATTEN: to eldest son Monroe •••wife Susanna •••when any of the children marry ••• Monroe holds an order on Robert BURTON for $400 ••• Executrix, wife Susannah. 26 Mar 1833. Witnesses: Samuel CONN, James 1. HARRELL. Proved 26 May 1834 by both witnesses. Recorded 10 Jun 1834. 126 - MICHAEL BOWLIN: to the heirs of my sister Mary BURTON, dec'd, $5.00 ••• the heirs of my sister Sarah Burton, $5.00 ••• my sister Lucy COVERTON'or her heirs, $5.00 ••• any other lawful heirs $5.00 ••• to my wife Elizabeth E. Bowlin during her lifetime and for her to dispose of at her death as she may think proper, farm, house & negroes Dorcas, David, Silva, William, Malinda, Isaac, Sintha, Mary, Reuben, Zilphor, Adeline, Allen, Sarah, Reason, Louis and Stephen. Executrix, wife Elizabeth. 9 May 1834. Witnesses: J.A. RUTHERFORD, Richard CHARLES, C.B. SQWYER. Proved 25 Aug 1834 by all witnesses. Recorded 30 Sep 1834. 127 - WILLIAM B. HARRIS: to my son James Edward Thomas Harris, the land I bought of John STURDEVANT on 9 Sep l833 ••• to two sons James E. T. Harris and John Augustus Harris, land whereon I now live which I bought of John WINFORD ••• if either should die before John A. comes of age, the other to divide with his sisters as he thinks proper. Executors Marshall W. HOWELL and John W. HOLDER to act until James E. T. Harris comes of age. 1 Oct 1833. Witnesses: James FAGG, George SIMPSON. Proved 24 Nov 1834 by both witnesses. Recorded 6 Jan 1835. ( 128 - WALLIS ESTILL: Executor to retain possession of all my estate for three years after my death ••• son Wallis ••• after three years my Executor to remOve my negro slaves to a 150 A tract on Crow Creek adjoining Helsman King. They are to live and work there under the supervision of my Executor "proceeds thereof to be applied toward the maintainence, comfort and improvement of their minds & morals ••• "for 20 years, then they are to be emancipated. Provision is made for rebellious ones or any who wish to go to Liberia after a period of five years ••• To my wife (not named) my negro woman Fanny and her two youngest children, a boy & a girl ••• son-Wallis to support his mother ••• to son Wallis negroes York, Henry, Ned and negro girl Judah ••• to son James negro man Alex & his -wife Matilda ••• grandaughter Eliza Ann Estill, illegitimate child.of my son John Estill dec'd, negro woman Milly ••• totwo grandaughters, children of my son. Isaac Estill, dec'd, the two eldest children of my negro woman Esther, names Caroline and Corilla ••• to the children of my son Isaac, dec'd, land on Bean's Creek - adjoining Peter NOE where the widow, Flora, & children now live ••• a tract conveyed in trust to Wallis WILSON ••• line from Reupen SCRIVENER's to Archib,ald HATCHETT's ••• land of Zachariah BROWN ••• dau Sally Wilson ~nd her children ••• toson James Estill 1and ••• my dau Mary Ann Scrivener and her children ••• to my three grandaughters, Rebecca and Eliza illegitimate children of my son Wallis and Jane, illegitimate child of my son James ••• all my land in Kentucky, Alabama and Tennessee not otherwise devised to be sold ••• to the children of my dau Matty KINCAID and the children of my dau Mary Ann Scrivener and the children of my dau Rebecca MARTIN ••• son-in-law John Martin ••• I appoint my friends Nathan GREEN, Benjamin DECHERD, Peter I. Decherd, David 'Decherd and Jonathan Decherd my representatives... Executor, son Wallis Estill. 19 Apr 1828. Witnesses: Nathan Green, Michael WARREN, John AKE, Maddison PORTER, 1.M. HOGUE, Jond Decherd. Codicile: Negro woman Elvey & her child given to son Wallis in place of Juda, E1vey being the wife of Jim who already belongs to Wallis. Negro girl Cori1la died, and negro girl 90 "Ansearchin'" News Franklin County. Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) Susan dau of Kate is given to the youngest dau of son Isaac, dec 'd. To wife Polly negroes Fanny, Louisa and Madison ••• to the four youngest children of my son Isaac, dec'd ••• sons James Estill and Wallis Estill appointed Executors. 2 Aug 1831. Witnesses: Nathan Green, P.~. Decherd, Jon4 Decherd, Benjamin Decherd. Codiclle il2: A change of land bequest due to "the uncertainty as to the course my son James Estill may pursue ••• " 26 Feb 1834. Witnesses: Nathan Green, Benjamin Decherd, Jon4 Decherd, P.S. Decherd. Codicile #3. The Cross Creek land devised to the negroes is to be sold & a piece bought "on this side of the Mountain" for them. Executors to furnish suitable farming implements, "beasts" and cart or wagon. To son Wallis, negro man Peter, in place of Ned, whom I have sold. 15 Jan 1835. Witnesses: Nathan Green, W. Estill. Proven 23 Feb 1835 by Nathan Green, Maddison Porter, and Jonathan Decherd. 1st Codicile proved by all witnesses, 2nd Codicile by all three Decherds, 3rd Codicile by Green & Estill. Recorded 3 Mar 1835. 137 - ADAM GROSS (GRACE): to son Isaac Gross land ••• Thomas CUNNINGHAM's land •••wife Elizabeth ••• my young children Barb~ra, Rosy and Mary, minors ••• my sister Christain!!! ••• my children Margaret EVANS, Catherine YOUNG, John Grace, Martin Grace, Abram Grace, Isaac Grace, Barbara Grace, Rosy Grace, and Mary Grace. Executors, Joseph KLEPPER and James ROBINSON, both of the town of Winchester, 2 Dec 1834. Witnesses: James Robinson, Joseph Klepper, Michael CUSTER. Proven 26 May 1835 by all witnesses. Recorded 11 Jun 1835. 139 - WILLIAM HEDGES: my body be interred at the graveyard where my wife is buried in said county (Franklin) ••• all my personal property and valuable papers to James HOWARD, Esq. and Wm. W. HARRIS ••• to Drucilla NICHOLS ••• to Madlina Nichols ••• land contracted to John M. MORROW. Executors, neighbors James Howard and Wm. W. Harris. 28 Jul 1835. Witnesses: John M. Morrow, Stewart COWAN. Proven 24 Aug 1835 by both witnesses. Recorded 3 Oct 1835. 140 - WILLIAM M. RAINES, Taylor (tailor - Ed.): to wife Martha, negroes Judy and her five children, to wit: Julian, Leeticy, William, John, Betsy ••• to my six children, Betsy Sarah, Mary Martha, Ann Mariah & Henry my second son and my two sons Rolla and Charles ••• the lattertwo are "men grown" ••• educating my little dau Ann Mariah •••my sister Francis ••• my boy David be sold. Executors: son Henry A. Raines and Edwin M. TATUM, my son in law. 3 May 1835. Witnesses: Benjamin DECHERD, Z.WORTHAM. Proven 24 Aug 1835 by both witnesses. Recorded 3 Oct 1835. 141 - MICHAEL AWALT: for advance in years •••wife Eve ••• daughters Catherine WEAVER (widow), Barbara TIPPS (widow), Eve PYLANT (wife of Jno. Pylant), Polly BRIMAGE (wife of John Bri~ge),E11sabeth BEAN (wife of John Bean), Sophia WEBB (wife of Reuben Webb), Nancy LIMBOCK (wife of Solomon Limbock). Executors: my son Jacob, John SWILLY, Jr. 13 Jul 1827. Witnesses: William JENKINS, Robert FROST. "P.S." (a codicile) land to son Jacob, deed to which bears date of 5 Nov 1820. Same witnesses 14 Ju11827. Proven 24 Aug 1835 by William Jenkins ••• Robert Frost now lives beyond the limits of this state. Recorded 3 Oct 1835. 143 - HANNAH WOODS: to my nephew Andrew Woods, son of James Woods, negro boy named Summer 1981 91 Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) Samuel and one named Talbot ... to my niece Hannah Ruth Woods, dau of James, negro boy Albert ••• to the heirs of Andrew Woods whom I raised, negro woman America ••• her first child is to be the property of Andrew Woods, Jr. son of Andrew Woods, aforesaid ••• to my niece Hannah Woods, dau of Andrew Woods ••• to my nephew James Woods for his great attention to me since my husband's death. Executors: James Woods, William Woods. 25 Mar 1833. Witnesses: Richard C. ARNETT, Abigail Woods. Aug Court 1835. Richard C. Arnett has moved to Miss. and Abigail GIBBON is expected to remove beyond the jurisdiction of this court before the next term thereof. Court ordered that any Justice of the peace for Fayette Co. (Miss.) take·a deposition of Arnett, and also any justice take a deposition of Abigail Gibbon. Proved by above depositions Nov 1835. Recorded 16 Dec 1835. 144 - ELIZABETH E. BOWLIN: to brother Thomas LITTLEPAGE negroes David, Silva, William, Belinda, Mary, Renda, Talpha, Aline, Allen, Sarah, Lucind, Reason, Lewis & Stephen ••• amongst his children ••• land to nephew Powhotten B. Littlepage, a son (of 1) Thomas Littlepage. Executors: brother Thomas and his son William A. Littlepage. 11 Feb 1835. Wi tnesses: Richard CHARLES, John Charles. County Court Aug 1835, will presented for probate and contested by Elizabeth GILLI- LAND. County Court Nov 1835, parties "came by their attorneys" ••• jury, to wit: Silus FRANCIS, John D. TERRELL, Willis HOLDER, James TAYLOR, Hamilton STEWART, Wiley DENSON (1), AaronG. GRIFFITH, James FARIS, Christopher ACKLIN, Thomas GREEN, Phillip WILLIAMS, William CONN, found in favor of the plaintiffs, and the will was ordered recorded. Recorded 16 Dec 1835. ( 145 - FLEET W. NEIGHBORS: 14 Jan 1834. I have given my daughter Rebecca TAYLOR ••• to my son Isaac W. Neighbo~ ••. to my son Nathan Neighbors ••• to my dau Polly SOUTH ••• to my son Allen Neighbors. Now to my wife Elizabeth, the whole remaining estate. Executor,·· .son Benson Neighbors, who will care for his mother and at her death will inherit tlj,e whole estate, with the exception of a horse, bridle & saddle, and Clne year's schooling for my nephew Fleet Neighbors when he becomes twenty-one. Witnesses: Peter BURROUGHS, W.B. WILLIS, Eli SILMON. Proved Nov 1835 by both witnesses. Recorded 16 Dec~1835. 146 - RICHARD HOLLAND: wife Elizabeth ••• son Greenberry ••• negroes Cate, Jack, Mire, Nance, Ben, Bice and George Ned and Henry ••• on the marriage of any or all of my children who are unmarried (viZ) Pol1yan Sarah and Susannah ••• to youngest dau Susannah, negro boy Lewis ••• 1and purchased of CoIn (1) ANDERSON. Executors: sons Samuel and Greenberry Holland. 26 Dec 1835. Witnesses: Mitchell K. JACKSON, Joseph MILLER. Proved 22 Feb 1836 by both witnesses. 147 - MARY WILSON: to Sary SIMS my negro woman Silvy and her child Christina. Executors: my two friends Mathews Sims and William Sims. 5 Mar 1831. Witnesses: Barnett FORSYTH, George A. BRACK. Proven 22 Feb 1836 by Forsyth and Brock. (to be continued) As we go to press, the outside blue cover has not been delivered to us. If it does not arrive by this mailing, you will receive it with the Fall issue. 92 "Ansearchin'" News DEATH RECORDS FOUND IN MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - 1866 Compiled by Elizabeth R. Nichols & Mary L. Nazor (Continued from Spring issue) For a complete explanation of the sources and abbreviations used here, see page 58 of the Summer issue, Vol. 27. Newspapers and their abbreviations are: Memphis Daily Commercial C Memphis Memphis Weekly Avalanche WA Memphis Daily Memphis Avalanche AV Memphis H signifies the record books Memphis Public Ledger Daily Appeal AP Memphis Daily Post Morning Post MP Daily Argus AG Mortuary Returns of J.W. Holst & Bro., funeral home. Strong, Mrs. M.; 18 Jul, 70y; wid Col Strong; fun res K.J.B.L. Winn, New Raleigh Rd. AG 19, L 20 Ju1 / H; Arr; wm K. J.B.L. Winne L DP MR Taylor, Archibald Henderson; 12 Jul, in duel with Capt Alonzo Greenlaw nr Shocko, MS; fun res bro, Dr. A.K. Taylor; lvs wid, 2 ch. AV, AG, DP 13 Ju1 I H 13 Ju1; Arr: Jesse Page & Dr. A.K. Taylor. Study, Dr. James M.; 31 Aug, 30y; late war in chg of Federal Hosp; fun Calvary Church. AV 1, AG 1, AGMR 2 Sept / H Taylor, Samuel A.; 8 Jun, 23y 8m; res of father, Jas A. Taylor, Haywood Co, TN. 1 Sep; Arr: Capt Jno H. Tighe. AV 22 Jun, long obit. Sullivan, Dan'l.; 15 Sep, 26y. AVMR & AGMR 16 Sep / H; Arr: bro, Eugene. Temple, L.; 6 Feb, 2m. CMR 11 Feb / H bu Elmwood; Arr: Jno H. Temple. Sullivan, wm.; 21 Sep, 4m. AGMR 23 Sep / H; Arr: J.P. Sullivan. Thomas, Anna; 21 Jan, 2y. CMR 28 Jan / H bu Elmwood; Arr: J.F. Thomas. Sweeney, Bernard; 25 Jul, 26y. AVMR 29 Ju1 / H bu Cath Yd; Arr: Esq. Creighton. Thomas, Mrs. Harriet A. Panthea; 19 May, res of D.F. Goodyear. AV 20 May I H bu Elmwood; Arr: husband, J.F. Thomas. Sweeney, John L.; 28 Feb, 58y. AV, AP 1 Mar; CMR 4 Mar / H; Arr: Wm Sweeney & Bros. Thomas, Miss Mattie E.; 2 Nov, 20y, b Mecklenburg Co, VA; d Memphis res A.J. Roach, Esq.; dau of Wynn Thomas, Esq., Sweeney, Mrs. M.M.; 16 Mar, 58y; fun res Daneyville, TN. DPMR 5, AV 9 Nov I H; Mrs. Whitsitt. AP 17 as Mrs. J.L., CMR Arr: Mr. A.J. Roach. 18 Mar / H; Arr: Jno San (sic) & Wm Sweeney. Taggart, Dr. R.L.; 1 Oct, 56y. AVMR 7 Thompson, Esq. E.G.; 3 Sep Elgin, AR, 5ay; native of OH, to Memphis from Cleveland; Wid, 6 ch. DP 8 Sep. OCt / H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Dr. Rodgers. Tannehill, Thos. Frederick; 19 May, 17m 3d; son of Mr & Mrs Frank Tannehill. L 24 May / H bu Elmwood; Arr: F.A. Tannehill. Tarkington, E.; 9 Jun, 11m. CMR 10 May Thompson, Thos. J.; 12 Sep, 50y; home Swan Lake, AR. AV 18 Sep / H bu Elmwood; Arr: W.R. Lucas. Thornton, Miss Ellen K.; 20 Dec; dau of Mrs. H.D. Griffith; Nashville, Helena papers copy. AV 20 Dec / H Elmwood vau1 t; H; Arr; Mother. Arr: Dr. H.W. Pernell. Taylor, Abram B., Sr.; 2 Apr, 69y 10m 19d; at res Crittenden Co, AR, bu Elmwood AV, AP, AG 4 Apr / H; Arr: son. Thornton, Jno F. (or S.), Esq.; 20 Dec, 87y; res "Oakly" - 3 mi frm city; Richmond & Alexandria, VA papers copy. AV 23 Dec 93 Summer 1981 Death Records Found in Memphis. Tennessee - 1866 (continued) I H; Arr: Zent & Rapp. H 22 Dec; Arr: J.B. Thornton. 7 Oct Thumel (Thumer), Frances Johanna; 12 May, youngest dau Mrs. Mary Thumel. AG 12 May I H bu Elmwood; Arr: H. Pante. Tucker, Miss Agnes M.; 30 Sep, 20y 6m lId; res bro. Jno D. Coffee, Memphis. AV4, AVMR 6 Oct as A.!. I H; Arr: brother. Tibbs, Chas H.; 23 Jul, ca 25y; killed by train at Dalton; son of Wm H. Tibbs & formerly of Cleveland (?). AV 24 Jul. Tullis, Mary A.; 29 Jan, lly. CMR 4 Feb H bu Elmwood; Arr: father, E. Tullis (also another dau, 14 Feb, bu Elmwood.) Tiensch, R.W.; 12 Feb, 2y. Turner, John; 8 Sep, drowned. AVMR 17 Feb AG 10 Sep. H bu Elmwood; Arr: A. Tiensch. Tobin, E.; 4 Sep. DP 5 Sep Catholic; Arr: M. Carrigan. I H bu Townes, Virginia; 2 Dec, Sunflower Co, MS, wf of Dr. Lafayette Townes. AV 20 Dec. Towns (or Townsend), George G.; 9 Aug, late res Hernando Rd. AV 9 Aug I H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Mr. McNett. ( Trader, Dodge; 2 Apr, ly. CMR 8 Apr Vanderville, Dr. T.J.; 24 Aug in Shelby Co, TN; Nashville papers copy. AV & L 25 Aug I H; Arr: Wilson Carter & Co. Volkenburg, Mr. Van ~ Mr. _Van Wolkenburg; 5 Sep, St Louis, MO, res Warren Co, AR. AG 19 Sept Vickers, John; 14 Sep, 30y. AGMR 16 Sep H bu Cath. Yd; Arr: IIr. Dougherty of So Express. Vogel, Mrs. Theresa; 3 Jan, 43y. AP 3 Jan; I H bu Elmwood; Arr: EWD Herrman. H; Arr: D.C. Trader. AVMR 7 Jan Trezevant, Hubert H.; 25 Aug, infant son of M.B. & Sue K. Trezevant; fun res Col J.T. Trezevant. AV 26, L 27 Aug I H bu Elmwood; Arr: father. Walker, Mrs. Catherine; 6 Jul; wf of Wm Walker; fun re, Maj A. Warren. AV & AG 6 Jul I H bu Elmwood; Arr: husband. Trezevant, Theodore R. (Matt); 17 Aug, son of Nathaniel M & Amanda Trezevant. AV & AG 19 Aug I H bu Elmwood; Arr: J .P. Tresevant. Trice, Tandy H.; 26 Sept fun res Dr. D. T. Porter. AV 27 Sep as " Tri 11 " & 4 Oct as T.!!.; AG 27 Sep as T.~. I H bu Elmwood; Arr: Dr. Porter. Trigg, James B.; 5 Jun, Bossier Parish, AV 15 Jun I H 9 Jul bu Elmwood; Warham, Jno P.; 22 Mar, 28y; fun res Mrs. R. Bason on Raleigh Rd. AP 22, CMR 25 liar H bu Elmwood; Arr: Mr.• 'r.H. Donnelly. Warr, Mrs. L. Virginia; d 20 Oct 1861, b 8 Apr 1844; m is Jan 1865 J.M. Warr; dau of Mr & Mrs N.H. Isbell of Fayette Co, TN. AP 24 Jan 1866. Watson, Miss Appie; 20 Jun, Desha Co, AR; dau of Mrs. Hattie, adopted dau of F.H. Ayres, 19y l5d. AV 28 Aug. LA. Webb, (Infant); son of Wm H. & Margaret K Webb. C 19 May. Arr: Wm Trigg. Tripp, Harry Lee; 22 Feb; infant son Capt H.A. & Minnie Tripp; St. Louis & Hastings, MN papers copy. AG 22 & 23 Feb I H; Arr: father. Trowbridge, W.W.; 4 Oct, 26y. CMR 4 Mar I H bu EIllMood Cem; Arr: J.P. Schlocker. Webb, Geo K.; 2 Mar, 6y. Weber, H.; 25 Sep, 45y. AVMR AVMR 30 Sep bu Jew Yard; Arr: Beth El Emeth. I H "Ansearchin'" News 94 Death Records Found in Memphis. Tennessee - 1866 (continued) Weir, Miss Maggie; 24 Sept Des Are, AR; eldest dau of Col & Mrs W.W. Weir. AV 30 Sep. Weller, Robert Frazer; 24 Jun, lly; son of Jacob & Caroline E. Weller; Cinn. Enq., Balt~more Sun. York (Penn) gazette copy. AV & AG 26 Jun / H bu Elmwood Cem. Wellton, Geo A.; 5 Sep, 45y. AVMR 8 Sep as "ViI ton" / H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Royston Tresevant & Co. Wendlandt, (Windland), John; FOR wife. Mary, 37y & child. E, 10m, 4 Sep. AG 4 & AVMR 8 Sep / H bu Elmwood. Werner, (Winner). Char; 4 Sept 7d. Av.NR 15 Feb. 23y. San Antonio, TX; wf of Jno W. Wilkerson. AP 11 Mar. Wilkerson. Capt Frank; 7 Aug, 24y. late pilot Stmr Vicksburg. AV, DP 8 Aug / H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Will Houston. Williams. Mr. Ed P.; killed nr Grenada, MS by bro-in-law. Mr Thos J. Robinson. DP 25 Aug. Williams, Fannie Champlin; 21 Oct, 19y; wf of Henry O. Williams; Mem 1st Presby Church. AV 2, DP 5 Nov. Williams, Franklin; 10 Aug, 34y. b TN. AG 30 Sep. Williams. Sarah S.; 33y. wf of Thos Duke Williams; d res Hall Jarman. Lawrence Co. Whalen, Mrs. K.M.; fun notice. AV 17 Jun. AL. L & AG 1 Aug. 8 Sep / H; Arr: Char Werner. Whaples. Prof B.A.; 28 Aug. 27y; native Rochester. NY; frnds of Mr & Mrs J.R. Miles & Mr & Mrs J.M. Larkin invited. Williams. Thos H.; 24 Sep, SOy. AV, DP 29 Aug; AG 2 Sep / H bu Cath. Yd; Arr: Jno R. Miles. Willis, Jennie; 6 Aug, 22y; frm Des Moines, IA; suicide. DP 7 Aug / H bu Elmwood; Wharum. Jno; 25 Aug, 8y. AVMR 28 Aug as "Whannon" / H; Arr: Philip Wharum. Wheelock, Rev. Jno A.; 17 Sep, 35y; rector Grace Church. DP 17, AV 18, AG 25 Sep / H bu Elmwood; Arr: Jas Rose. AVMR 30 Sep / H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Meachen & wf. Arr: Oscar Willis. Wills, Willie A.; nr Atlanta 1st Meth. Church; frnds of parents. P.B. Wills', & J.B. Bingham invited. AV, C 15 Jun / 15 Jun bu Elmwood; Arr: father. Wilson, Edw Rudolph; 16 Jan. 13m; son of White, Alice; 6 May, 3m. CMR 20 May / H Mrs. Caroline A. Wilson, her father R.K. bu Elmwood; Arr: Wm Weadle for R White. Doebler, Esq. AP 16, CMR 21 Jan. White, Robt H.; 13 Sep, late of Giles Wilson, Mr. R.; 14 Aug, 42y. AVMR 19 Aug Co, TN. L & AG 14 Sep / H 14 Sep bu Elm- H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: wf, Mrs M.A. Wilson. wood Cem; Arr: M.E. Eddins & Joe Clarkston. Wickersham, Jas,; 6 Jun, S6y. CMR 10 Jun / H; Arr: Robt & Thos Wickersham. Weigand, Geo.; 12 Sep, 30y; German citizen; lvs wf & ch. AG 13, AGMR 15, AV 16 Sep / H bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: H. Heckle & Bullock. Winn(e), J.L.; 28 May, 4d. CMR 3 Jun / H bu Cath Yd; Arr: S.B. Jones, Sup M & 0 R R for J.D. Winn(e). Winters, Bernard; fun res Mother; St Louis papers copy. AV, AG 20 Sep. Winters, Matthew; 22y, res Thos Winters. AV 23 Jun. Wilkerson, Alice T. Freeman; IN MEMORIAM Wise, Jno A.; 19 Apr. SOy. CMR 22, AV & 95 Summer 1981 Death Records Found in Memphis, Tennessee - 1866 (continued) AG 29 Apr / H bu Winchester Cem; Arr: Hamilton Lodge 299, A.F. & A.M. Wood, Mrs. : 15 JUl» shot by accident Grand Junction» TN; bu Memphis. Wycoff» Jas W.; 20 Aug» 6y. AVMR 28 Aug H bu Ellffllood; Arr: A.B. Rapp for A.J. Wycoff. • AG 18 Jul. Yancey» Mrs. Matilda W.; 5 Jan, 59y; Richmond & Petersburg papers copy. C & AP 7 Jan; CMR 14 Jan / H bu LaGrange, TN; Wood» Capt A.G.; 18 Jul» 64y» formerly of Maysville» KY. AG 19, L 20 Jul Arr: son, C. Yancey. H; Arr: son, Capt W. Wood. Young, Dr. Jos E. & little son; within 24 hrs ea other» 16 Aug; late of Huntsville, AL. AV 17, AG 18 Aug, Masonic. Woodruff» C.L.; 13 Jan» 15m; son of C.L. Woodruff. CMR 14 Jan / bu Elmwood Cem; Arr: Capt Jas Kindred. Zickgraf, Geo P.; 7 Aug. DP / H grave (Ellffllood?); Arr: Wife. Worsham» Mrs. D.C.; 23 May, 86y; Richmond & Petersburg papers copy. AV & AP 24 May / H bu Elmwood; Arr: J.J. Worsham. S01l., Wyant» Eliz; fun res Jos Tagg. AG 1 Aug. Zi~kgraft, Geo P. Mary; 12 Nov, 7d, inft of H bu Ellffllood. Zimmerman, Geo.; 29. May, 36y; fun res bro C.L. Zimmerman. AG 29 May; CMR 3 Jun/ H bu Ellffllood; Arr: Christopher ZimliJerman. Conclusion of Death Records in Memphis, Tennessee - 1866 ( * * * * * * * NEWS ITEMS FROM THE BOLIVAR PALLADIUM - BOLIVAR, HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE Contributed by R.F. Simpson, Jr. May 21, DIED in years. came to and his 1830 this town at 11 o'clock last night, Mr. James B. Smith, merchant, age 33 He has left a widow and four children. He was a native of Baltimore and this town when it was quite small. His remains will be interred this evening, friends are invited to attend. Divine services by Mr. Peck. ESTRAYS - Taken up by Thos. L. Duncan, 17 mi. southeast of Bolivar and 4 mi. south of Simpson's Ferry, one black horse and 1 roan filly. By William Brian» 12 mi. west of Bolivar on the main stage road, 1 iron-gray colt. By James Kines living 3 mi. north of state line on E. Fork of Spring Cr.» 1 sorrel mare. By John Williams living in S.E. corner of Hardeman Co.» 1 small sorrel mare. By Richard E. Price at the Hatchee Bridge 1 mi. north of Bolivar, 1 black mare. June 24» 1831 State of Tennessee, McNairy County Circuit Court, May Term 1831. Polly Hubbard» by her next friend John Anderson - complaint - Petition for Divorce vs John Hubbard» defendant. This day came the complainant by her counsel, and the defendant though solemnly called, came not •.And this being the third calling, it is ordered by the court that publication be made four weeks in the Bolivar Palladium requiring the defendant to appear at the next term of this court to be held at the court house in the town of Purdy on the third Monday of November next. M. Cross, Clk. 27 May 1831. 96 "Ansearchin'" News QUERIES Prepared for publication by Myrtle L. Shelton Subscribers may submit one query of fifty words or less for free publication. queries will be edited. Longer 81-48 NATION-STEPHENSON: Nd pts Nancy Nation b 27 Dec 1807, prob TN; m James Stephenson, Blount Co TN, 29 Sept 1823. Mov Blount Co AL 1824; to Omen, Smith Co TX prior 1850 where she d 1890. Nd maiden name wife 015 Wm Nation who d Claiborne Co TN ca 1807. W. J. Nation, 310 University~ Apt. 232, Wharton, TX 77488 81-49 SIMMONS-BROWN-SHANNON-JEFFORD-COULTAS-O'CONNOR-RYAN: Nd names pts John Simmons & Eliz Brown m 1841 Polk Co MO; b TN: where? Pts b NC. Also searching Shannon: Scotland, Ireland, Australia, CA & OR. Jefford & Coultas: Eng, NY, Australia, New Zealand & CA. O'Conner & Ryan: Ireland, Australia, N Zealand & CA prior 1900. Verna Shannon Jones, P.O. Box 1282, Madera, CA 39639 81-50 BLOCKER-GMHAM::_ Nd pts, d date, bur Michael B Blocker, b 1794 Edgefield Co SC; m Mary (Polly) Ann Graham 1815 Madison Co Ga; in Tuscaloosa Co AL 1830, Perry Co AL 1840-50. Census shows ch b AL early 1820's. Mary Ann Graham liv with dau, 1870 Hale Co AL; where in l860? Mrs. Melba G. Woodson, 1801 Glen Valley, Irving, TX 75061 81-51 HARRISON-DENNIS-McGREGOR: Nd father Audley Harrison liv Warren Co TN ca 1800; m Ann Dennis from KY. Dau Nettie Ellen m Willis Anderson McGregor (s/o Willis Nord McGregor, s/o Ezekiel McGregor, Warren Co). Desc mov Pontotoc Co MS. Will exch. Mrs. J. R. Patterson, 104 East Oxford St., Pontotoc, MS 38863 81-52 ALLEN-REAVIS: Nd proof Harriet Allen was wife of David Reavis, both b NC ca 1800. Matilda, 1st ch b Bedford Co TN 1821. Fam in Cole Co MO 1840 & Ray Co MO 1850 Census. Will exch any desc of founder, Edward Reavis (1680-1751) VA & NC. Ralph T. Reavis, 2242 Kirby Parkway, Memphis, TN 38119 81-53 ENDSLEY: Desire to contact desc of Endsley bros: Andrew Jr, Thos, Jas, John, Samuel, Abraham, Hugh & Peter. From Laurens Co SC to Wayne Co IN, 1805, with pts Andrew Sr & Jane Endsley, Grace Crowder, Rt. 2, Noel, MO 64854 81-54 BUIE-WILCOX-BURNS-BOTSFORD-WEBB-MURCHISON: Researching all Buie families. Also all above named families in CT & TX. Mrs. Margaret Buie Radeke, 16308 Telge Rd., Cypress TX 77429 81-55 SIMPSON-WEAVER-STEGALL-CLARKSON: Ebenezer Simpson b 1806 SC, d 1873 IL; m 1833 Sabrina Weaver. Nd pts both. Info on Martha Steagall bDecatur Co TN, mIl C C Clarkson, m/2 John P Simpson, 1847, Decatur Co TN. Mrs. C. A. Kennedy, 2717 San Paula, Dallas, TX 75228 81-56 PURVIS-CROUCH-PALMER-BROCK: Nd info on these families: Sarah Catherine Crouch b 1848 TN, Thos H Crouch of Warren Co TN, Martha Purvis m Washington Brock 28 Mar 1839 Henry Co TN. Who are her parents? Would welcome any info on Palmer and Purvis. Marilyn Sprague, Rt. 1, Box 237, Gobles, MI49055 Summer 1981 ~eries 97 (continued) 81-57 ELLIS-COOPER: Nd date & pI m Jacob BEllis b 1857 Greene Co TN & Alpha C Cooper b 1852 TN. To Marshfield, Webster Co MO July 1882 with 3 ch: Andrew C b 1878, Greene Co; Fannie May b 1880 & Florence b 1882; where? Jacob Ellis & uncle Wm Ellis medical doctors in Green Co TN. William E. Ikerd, RR 1, Box ll-B, Emporia, KS 66801 81-58 JUSTICE-BLANCHARD-HALL-WATSON: Nd info Mary -.l b ca 1805 NC, m _?Justice; sTillman b 1829 Cocke Co TN, dau Charlotte m __? Blanchard. Liv Bradley Co TN then Pope Co IL. Jonathan & Sarah Hall NC; 1828 Rutherford Co TN; John Curry Watson b 1818 TN. All families Gallatin Co IL early 1800's •. Pat Justice Levin, 1034 Lampeter Rd, Lancaster, PA 17602 81-59 VANLANDINGHAM-HUGHES-DUNN-MARRIOTT: Nd info Saml Henery Vanlandingham, b Dickson Co TN ca 1850-60; m Effie (Etta) Hughes, b 1859 AR. Wm Dunn b 1820 AL m Eliz Marriott b ca 1800 Rhea Co TN. Isaac Washington Dunn b 22 Aug 1845 Meigs Co TN; d ca 1903 Saline Co AR. Will exch. Virginia M. Garner, P. O. Box 609, Trinity, TX 75862. 81-60 RING-SPEIGHT-HODGE: Nd info Nicholas Tate Ring, wife Minne Lou (Speight) Ring. Ch: Paul Dixon b Aug 1906, Anise Alma m ? Hodge, had 2 sons, Howard & Bill, b Knoxville TN. Nd b date & pI, m date & p~d dates. My gpts, father & aunt Geo. D. Reeves, 34924 Norwich Crt., Barstow, CA923ll ( 81-61 CARROLL-POSTELL: Help needed Carroll Cousins. Have copy of tintype picture, old man, white beard & hair with small girl; desc of Wm & Malinda (Postell) Carroll, Weakley Co TN 1830's. Copy of picture sent on request. Dorothy Ward Davis, Box 191, Wellington. TX 7909.5 81-62 ANDERSON-CROWDER-GRIFFIN-BROOKS: Nd pts, pI b & m Robt G Anderson & Angeline Crowder, b TN ca 1820; daus Jane Ann b May 1840, Sarah Glen b July 1843 TN; mov MO 1849. Rev Jesse Griffin, ME Church SO, Somerville, TN 1838, b 1801 SC: m Florence AL 1825, Sarah Brooks b 1805 NC. Liv Fayette Co TN 1829-46. Mrs. C. B. Griffin, Rte. 6, Bbx 4l2R, Texarkana, TX 75501 81-63 McGEE-ROADY: Nd all info Jesse M McGee b 4 June 1845, Cannon Co TN; m Mary A Roady 17 Nov 1864, DeKalb Co; had 2 bros - Joe, Church of Christ Min, d OK; think other named Jas. Jesse served Civil War, mov Dutch Mills, Washington Co AR; d 23 Aug 1883. Will exch info. James R. McGee, Box 184, Pauls Valley, OK 73075 81-64 WALKER-SHARPE-SHUPE-MEADOWS-SCALES-CAMPBELL-BUTLER-BUCHANAN-NELSON: Nd info John A Walker b 1849 NC, m Martha A Sharpe (Shupe) Johnson City, TN (dau Wm & Nancy), Alphus M Meadows b 1825 Lincoln Co, m Martha A Scales b 1831; son Jos b 1852 Marshall Co. Berriman Campbell ca 1800 m Mary Butler, Bedford Co TN; s Jerrett Riley m Louisa Buchanan (dau Leander b 1804 & Margery). Jas Franklin Nelson b 1835 TN. Any Ho1ybees in TN? Mrs. Lavonne Walker, Rt. 3, Box 74, Tecumseh, OK 74873 81-65 BRYAN-WOODARD-HICKS-MARTIN-SCOTT-VINNING: Nd info Benj Bryan b 1811 TN, m Mary Hicks b 1821 TN; Wm Bryan b 1784, w Lucinda; Clement Woodard b 1800, m Martha Martin b 1820 AL. All Lincoln Co. Fannie Scott Vinning b ca 1859, s Leland Scott b 1879 Roane Co. Gloria Self, 303 Rickey Canyon, DeSoto, TX 75115 98 "Ansearchin'" News Queries (continued) 81-66 FERGUSON-MINTERS: Nd info Tolliver Ferguson, m Catherine Minters 5 Oct 1821, Rutherford Co TN.Was this Catherine the widow, Mrs. Catherine Ferguson, b 1804 NC, liv Davidson Co TN 1840-1870? Kathryn F. Henneberg, 1227 Oxford Rd. N. D., Atlanta, GA 30306 ROOKARD (ROOKERD)-RUSSELL: Nd info Brownberry Rookard in TN 1830; w Nancy dau Priscilla m Levi Russell, had son Brownberry & dau Stacy. Mary Thomas, 21332 East American Ave., Reedley, CA 93654 81-67 --!; 81-68 EDMUND-SLATE-RHODES: Nd pts & wife's maiden name: Dyer Edmund b ca 1825, Putnam Co TN; m Mary --! b ca 1828. Son Jas came to MO. Nd pts, bros, sis Henry C. Slate, TN to MO; m Sarah Rhodes; where in TN? Geraldean Bell, 18408 Hanthorn Dr., Independence, MO 64057 81-69 RICHARDSON: Nd info Amos M Richardson, w Sarah; s Chas Polk b ca 1814, Breckinridge Co KY or TN; mov IL 1819; d 1830 in duel. Chas told gch fam from England, vessel wrecked off coast VA. 3 bros sole survivors: 2 settled Jamestown, 1 to Plymouth, MA. We are VA fam. Will exch. Alice Walker, 305 S. 10th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 81-70 GARRISON-HINES: Grace Garrison & Michael Hines liv Nashville, TN 1861. Will help anyone in finding Iowans in return for help in TN. Marjorie B. Kerr, 3635 Cambridge, Des Mqines, IA 50313 81-71 BRADLEY-TOMSON-CLARKE-WEAVER-MOORE-HUGHES: Will of Benj Bradley of VA dated 21 Feb 1768 gives wf Judith & 11 ch: Jesse, Walter, Benj Jr, Devoni~, Jas, Wm, Mary Tomson, Eliz Clarke, Rachel Weaver, Ann Moore & Joice Hughes. Will proved Chas City Co, VA 4 May 1768. Nd names sons' wives & any additional info. Walter L. Bradley, 2104 _Camino Real, Springdale, AR 72764 81-72 OXENDINE-ANDERSON-MAYBERRY: 1850 Overton Co TN census lists Archibald Oxendine 84, wf Patsy 60, on Obed Riv, young Patsy 13 or 23. Was she Patsy Jane Oxendine b 1832, dau Johnson & Rebecca? Nd proof she was adopted by John? Mayberry fam after gpts died? Rebecca Anderson M Johnson Oxendine 14 Mar 1834 Overton Co. Nd proof she was dau Delaware Chief Wm Anderson. Mrs. Irene Snyder, 9215 E. Compton Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 81-73 HAYWOOD-McCORD: Desire corres with desc of Wm McCord b 1810 & Eliza b 1820; in Carroll Co TN 1850 with ch Jas, Lucetta, Alvin, Rufus, Albert~ Rufus in B~ham AL & Albert in Aurora, Marshall Co KY 1882. Eliza McCord's sis Nancy m Hilliard HayHenry H, Jefferson Green, Elias W, Jeremiah, Mavis (Manerva). wood; ch Jas, Mary N. Steed, 18 Springbrook Dr., Rt. 5, Jackson, TN 38301 81-74 BRITTON-TURNER-HICKINBOTHAM: Nd info John S Turner & Kitty Hickinbotham, pos pte Geo Washington Turner, b 1813, & Thos Martin Turner b 1823 & Cynthia. Are they from Jackson Co AL? In Hardin Co TN mid 1840's. Did Cynthia m a Britton? Mrs. O. B. Carter, 3628 Kimberly Lane, Ft. Worth TX 76133 81-75 RENSHAW-POTTS-HILL-HOWARD-NEWHOUSE: Sarah & Jas Renshaw in household of Jos & Tabitha Newhouse Hill in 1850 Henry Co TN census. Jas m Catherine Hill 1854;1", Sarah m Hasting Howard 1859. Are they ch of Elijah Renshaw, 1830 Henry Co census? Grace P. Renshaw, 4263 Airways Blvd., Memphis, TN 38116 Summer 1981 99 Queries (continued) 81-76 HUDSON-CRAWFORD-McPHEETERS-CLOYES: Was Obediah Hudson, b 1766 VA,wife Rhoda? Nd names 5 dau of son WM, b 1791 NC. Nd ch Edward & Jas Crawford, Pres Ministers licensed 1799, KY, VA, E TN, sons Alexander & Mary McPheeters Crawford. Nd 1st wf Jas C10yes, b 1640 MA & dates for father, Peter C10yes. Mrs.· Vi·rg·i1 C. Crawford, BoX' 49·2,. Ma,ryNea1, TIC 79535 81-77 HAMMOND: Wm P Hammond, blacksmith, b TN 1827, d Atkins AR ca 1900; ?, d 1868. Ch Milton, Frank, Grant, Wm, Dow, Ella May. In Giles Co TN m,E1iz 1850; Lawrence Co AL 1860; Conway Co AR 1880. Father Thos, mother Mary. Nd any 'info. Mrs. James C. Sinclair, 3827 Mary Lee, Memphis, TN 38116 81-78 HAYNES-KING-MOODY-THOMPSON: Nd pts & b pI Amanda (Tinnie) Haynes, b 1852 TN; father died in Civil War TN; mother d, 1892 MO; sis Jane mTom Moody, MO; onem Jas Thompson, MO. Nd info John King, son Jackson J, b 1813 TN. Mrs. Deny Comstock, Rt. 2, Box 47A, Shawnee, OK 74801 81-83 LAWSON-CHAFFIN: Nd pts & Rider, b 22 Mar 1818, m May 1839 Martin V B b 1840. Elijah's bro Nd father's name. Came to MO ca Audrey L. Stegall, 771 Tomahawk, fam Elijah Harvey Lawson, Christian Church Circuit Ruth Chaffin, b 6 Jan 1819. Jackson Co TN. Son Joshua b VA; Ruth's mother Mary b 27 Sept 1796 NC. 1846. Will exch info. Brookfield, MO 64628 81-84 SMITH-CROSBY-GOAN-HICKEY: Nd info Wm.? Coleman Smith. b ca 1780 TN; m ca 1810 Rebecca Crosby, dau Urie1 Crosby, Cocke br Greene Bo TN. Want to corr desc Wm. Montgomery Goan, b 1830 Grainger Co & Al11!y M Hickey. d 8 Sept 1893. Hamb1em Co TN. Mrs. Normand L. Peterson, 1606 Laird J\ve •• Salt Lake Ci~l~ UT 84105 81-85 LONG-MURR-HEADRICK: Nd all info Henry Long & wf Ester. Blount Co TN ca 1810. His will prob 1849 naming ch Christian b ca 1795 NC. Jacob b ca 1805, Daniel. Abram, Peter, Susan, John & Fanny. Jacob m ~lry Murr; Sus m John Headrick. Mrs. J. B. Long, 1406 Flamingo Lane. Garland, TX 75042 100 "Ansearchin' II News- Queries (continued 81-86 FORD-CROW-ROBERTS-CASSETTY (CASSITTY)- DoNAHUE: Nd info. Liv TN l800-l900s: Lord Ford, wf Lizzie Ann Crow; son John b 1860 m Mary Ellen Roberts, b 1871; their son Noah b 1894 m Emma Mae Cassitty b 1898. Geo Cassetty m Mary Evelyn Donahue. Cheryl Miller, 509 Lincoln St., Port Townsend, WA 98368 81-87 PALMER-ORAN-TYSON-PATTERSON-TAYLOR: Nd pts of these: Jeremiah Palmer b 1794 SC, m Mary Ann Oran b 1817; liv Hopkins Co KY. Was Ezekiel Tyson b ca 1793 related to Tyson in TN? Alexander Patterson m Sarah Taylor, Rutherford Co TN. Was James his father? Sons King & Aaron. Sylvada TYson Burke, Rt. 4, Major Lane, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 81-88 BUNCH-LEDBETTER-BROWN: Nd info on Solomon, Asa & Eli Bunch b NC; settled Maury Co TN early l800s. Will exch info on Ledbetter faro. Perry Co, and Browns of Giles and Maury Co. David A. Bunch, P. O. Box 5434, Statesville, NC 28677 81-89 THOMAS-KENNAMER: Nd pts & bpI Wm C Thomas b March 1806 TN; m Clara Kennamer 1826-27 At; d Jackson Co AL 1886. Mrs. Harry Cleveland, 2914 Egypt Central, Memphis, TN 38128 81-90 ASHLEY-EAST-DEMOSS: Nd ch John Ashley liv 1820 Rutherford Co TN. Where did he liv next? Did he d Bedford Co l852? Nd wf, pts, fam, Shadrick M. East b SC; liv Giles· Co TN 1840-50 census. Nd pts Deliah m James DeMoss 1813. Joanna A. Baker, 317 Xanthisma, McAllen, TX 78501 81-91 HARRELL-HAITHCOCK-WORLEY-KELLEY-JACKSON-BYRD: Yancy Harrell & Lewis Haithcock in Bedford & Rutherford Co TN. John Hawkins Worley m Sarah Tabitha Jackson; Jas Glaspy Kelley m Margareta Angeline Taylor Byrd, Rhea Co TN. All late l800s. Elaine A. Harrell, 3 Mace Court, Columbus, GA 31904 81-92 ROSS-MELTON-DIXON: Nd pts, sibs John Edw Ross I; liv Monroe Co TN 1836; m Martha Melton (dau Elinor & Jesse) ca 1836; ch Rebecca Jane & John Edw II. Martha Melton Ross liv with Jas Dixon & wife Polk Co TN 1850. Was he a bro-in-law? Ruebena Ross Tower, 1804 Churchill Way, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 81-93 FOX-BROWN-HALE: Researching Fox, Hale, Brown, Flynn Lick, Jackson Co TN. Wm A Fox b 1830 TN m Lettie Roberts Hale, b 31 Jan 1831 TN; father Amon Hale m Lockey Brown, VA. Nd pts all of these. Any help will be appreciated. Geraldine Callaway Reilly, 915 Lovett St., San Antonio, TX 78211 81-94 HASSELL: Nd pts Uriah Hassell b ca 1803 TN; wife Mary. Mov with ch Sarah, Asa, Geo Wm, Milley, Jessee & Nathan to Wayne Co MO ca 1853. Wish to contact desc of these children. Roberta Johnson, 1115 Waverly, Champaign, IL 61820 81-95 MARTIN: Nd pts & any info Lafayette Martin b 18 Feb 1857 Celina TN, now Clay Co; bro named Alonzo Martin. Barbara C.Mendenhall, 44285 Sage Rd., Hemet, CA 92343 81-96 GWYN-MARTIN: Nd info Ransome Gwyn b 1790 NC; d 8 Feb 1872 Viola, Warren Co, TN. Nd desc Wm Martin b 1781 Burke Co NC; d June 1866 Warren Co, TN. Mrs. Billy Trotter, Rt. I, Hale Center, TX 79041
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