Rentefastsettelse To: Reference: Date: Nordic ABM ABM 2016-12-14 13:44:32 Det er fastsatt ny rente for følgende lån: ISIN Lånenavn NO0010740228 FRN Advanzia Bank S.a. Hybrid Perpetual Noncumulative Callable Bond issue Ny rentesats (Referanse + Margin) 5,63% (1,13+4,50) Renteperiode (fra og med – til) 16.12.2016 - 16.03.2017 Dager Ticker 90 ADBA01 PRO Den nye rentesats (og rentebindingsperiode) er fastsatt i henhold til avtale, jf. låneavtalens og tegningsinnbydelsens/lånebeskrivelsens bestemmelser. Interest Adjustment New interest has been set for: ISIN Official Name NO0010740228 FRN Advanzia Bank S.a. Hybrid Perpetual Noncumulative Callable Bond issue New Coupon (Reference + Margin) 5,63% (1,13+4,50) Period (from and including – to) 16.12.2016 - 16.03.2017 Days 90 Ticker ADBA01 PRO The new interest rate and period have been set in accordance with the bond agreement; see the loan agreement and loan prospectus/description for regulations. Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards For Nordic Trustee (NO) Cecilie Natalie Haug Page 1 of 1
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