Exot.se växtlista 2017 Livet är för kort för tråkiga växter! Vår idé är att erbjuda ett enormt utbud av roliga och härdiga växter till mycket låga priser. Det kan vi göra genom att ta in beställningar, sedan ta hem plantorna och därefter kan ni hämta dem hos oss i Häggum (söder om Skövde). Som en vanlig plantskola fast fler och större växter till lägre priser. Ganska enkelt!-Det enda svåra är att bestämma vilka rariteter ni vill ha! Ludvig Johansson, trädälskare Vi fokuserar på buskar och träd, men kan även erbjuda perenner, bärbuskar och fruktträd. Förutom beställningssortimentet kommer vi försöka ha ett antal växter hemma för impulsköp. Tipsa dina vänner om växtlistan. Det gör att vi kan fortsätta hålla ett lågt pris. Vi har lagt till växtbeskrivningar i listan (engelska), hoppas det kan vara till hjälp. Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Beställning Beställ så här: 1) 2) 3) 4) Skriv en lista med nr, växtnamn och antal; ett växtnamn per rad. Glöm inte dina uppgifter: Namn, adress, telefonnummer, gärna e-post. Skicka beställningen via brev eller epost (helst epost). Vi hör av oss när växterna kan hämtas hos oss i Häggum Vi vill ha din beställning senast 31 januari 2017! Skicka beställningen till: Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Leverans och betalning: Vi hör av oss när ni kan hämta växterna. Det är vår ambition att ni ska kunna göra det i början av april 2017. Växterna betalas i samband med att ni hämtar dem (vi tar kort). Plantskolan ligger bredvid kyrkan i byn Häggum, ca 1,5 mil söder om Skövde (mellan Skultorp och Stenstorp). OBS! Vi förbehåller oss rätten att neka en beställning. Dessutom kan det hända att växter tar slut. Då gäller först till kvarn. Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Förklaring till växtlistan: Nr Artikelnummer Växt Växtens vetenskapliga namn och beskrivning Kruka Alla växter är krukodlade. Krukan är ett sätt att mäta storlek på växten. C2 = Container rundkruka 2 liter, P7 = Fyrkantig kruka med sida 7cm Höjd Växtens ungefärliga höjd i cm. Vår erfarenhet är att de flesta växterna som levereras är markant högre. Omkr. betyder omkrets i cm Omkrets Anger stammens omkrets i cm t.ex. 10-12 cm omkrets innebär att stammen är ca 3,54cm grov (dela med pi 3,14). Jämför med växter i naturen och din trädgård för att få en uppfattning hur stort ett träd med viss stamgrovlek är. Form PA = Standard trädform, # = jordklump, specialform t.ex. klot anges Pris Ditt pris vid avhämtning med reservation för (större) valutaändringar. Priset är i svenska kronor (SEK). Moms ingår i priset. OBS! Listan är lång! Överväg att inte skriva ut den. Vi tar gärna emot förslag på växter ni skulle vilja beställa i framtiden som inte finns på årets lista. Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 Växt Lövträd och buskar ABELIA Abelia mosanensis frost hardy species of abelia; light pink flowers; nice red autumn leaves; ABELIOPHYLLUM Abeliophyllum distichum forsythia resembling shrub; white flowers; Abeliophyllum distichum 'Roseum' pale pink flowers; ACER Acer barbinerve very rare species native to Eastern Asia; Acer buergerianum tall shrub; tiny shining dark green leaves; Acer campestre short trunk tree or tall shrub; tiny yellow autumn leaves; 7 8 9 10 11 Acer campestre 'Anny's Globe' spherical crown; Acer campestre 'Carnival' up to 2 m high shrub; leaves with white margin; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Acer campestre 'Magic Spring' yellow orange variegated leaves in spring; Acer campestre 'Nanum' dense spherical variety; Acer campestre 'Postelense' yellow leaves; Acer campestre 'Pulverulentum' white dusted leaves; Acer campestre 'Schwerinii' purple red leaves in spring, become green over time; Acer campestre 'Silver Celebration' leaves with delicate white margin; fast growing; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd Kruka 30-40 C3 75 60-80 C5 125 60-80 C5 125 280-300 C30 80-100 C5 100-120 C10 160-180 220-240 140-160 C10 C7,5 C30 80-100 C5 100-120 C10 PA 550 140-160 100-120 120-140 C10 C10 C10 PA 575 1025 1150 120-140 C10 PA 650 100-120 160-180 C7,5 C10 PA PA 350 575 80-100 120-140 C10 C7,5 PA 350 400 100-120 C10 120-140 C7,5 PA 400 120-140 C7,5 PA 400 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form 8-10 Pris 925 275 buske 175 flerstammig 150 175 650 325 400 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 23 Växt Acer capillipes small tree; 3-lobed leaves; dark grey bark with green and white stripes; 24 25 26 27 28 Acer capillipes 'Antoine' - New! columnar habit, decorative striped bark; Acer carpinifolium rare Japanese species; leaves confusingly resembling leaves of hornbeam; Acer circinatum tall shrub; palmately lobed leaves; Acer cissifolium leaves composed of 3 leaflets; rare very decorative species; 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Acer crataegifolium rare species with tiny leaves with beautiful red autumn foliage; Acer davidii smal tree; non-lobate leaves; bark with blue stripes; Acer griseum cinnamon brown peeling bark; outstandingly decorative shrub; Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' - New! deeply indented leaves; umbrellashaped habit; Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium' - New! large fan-shaped leaves; beautiful orange autumn foliage; Acer mandshuricum - New! leaves with three-leaflets; beautiful autumn red or orange foliage; Acer maximowiczianum (Acer nikoense) intensly hairy leaves composed of 3 leaflets; beautiful red autumn leaves; Acer mono small tree with fan-shaped leaves; native to Far East; Acer monspessulanum tall shrub; tiny 3-lobed leaves; recommended for dry positions; Acer negundo 'Auratum' gold yellow leaves; yellow orange young growths; Acer negundo 'Aureomarginatum' leaves with wide irregular yellow margin; 41 42 43 44 Acer negundo 'Elegans' leaves with wide yellow margin, curled; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd Kruka 120-140 C5 260-280 C30 80-100 C5 575 160-180 C10 275 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 180-200 C5 400 180-200 C5 275 160-180 C5 275 140-160 C5 400 100-120 C12 1400 120-140 C20 1400 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 120-140 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 140-160 C10 160-180 C7,5 140-160 C10 80-100 80-100 120-140 C10 C10 C10 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 275 10-12 925 PA 400 325 PA 400 PA PA 325 350 400 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 45 Växt Acer negundo 'Flamingo' leaves with white margin; pink young growths; 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Acer negundo 'Kelly's Gold' gold yellow leaves; Acer negundo 'Sensation' pink red spring and autumn leaves; Acer negundo 'Tadeusz Szymanowski' large deeply indented leaves; Acer negundo 'Variegatum' leaves with white margin; Acer negundo 'Winter Lightening' variety with decorative gold yellow bark; especially attractive in winter; Acer opalus rare species native to the Southern Europe; Acer ORIENTALIA 'Minorient' yellow orange spring foliage; Acer PACIFIC SUNSET 'Warrenred' new American variety characterised by vibrant orange autumn leaves and high resistance to urban conditions; grows up to 6 - 8 m high; Acer palmatum 'Aka-shigitatsu-sawa' cream white leaves with green red nerves in spring; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 140-160 C7,5 140-160 160-180 C10 C20 PA 400 575 140-160 C10 PA 400 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 325 120-140 C7,5 80-100 C5 275 140-160 C10 275 180-200 C7,5 325 280-300 C15 700 120-140 C20 1175 120-140 160-180 C20 C30 1700 2100 80-100 C15 1100 100-120 C5 925 80-100 C10 1175 120-140 C15 1100 100-120 C5 925 60-80 80-100 C5 C7,5 575 925 350 PA 400 Acer palmatum 'Atrolineare' (syn. 'Scolopendriifolium Atropurpureum') 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 long filiform lobes; purple leaves; Acer palmatum 'Asahi-zuru' - New! white and pink variegated leaves; Acer palmatum 'Beni-komachi' dense dwarfish variety with tiny red purple leaves; Acer palmatum 'Beni-otake' - New! red purple leaves; narrow and elongated lobes; Acer palmatum 'Beni-shichi-henge' leaves with irregular white and pink margins; Acer palmatum 'Beni-shi-en' red purple leaves with cream margin; in summer the color changes to brown green; Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' very dark, purple leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 66 Växt Höjd 140-160 Kruka C20 Omkrets Form Pris 1700 67 Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' 7-lobed leaves with purple deeply indented leaves; up to 1.5 - 2 m high; 80-100 C12 1175 68 Acer palmatum 'Crimson Princess' variety with pendant shoots and broadspherical habit; purple red dissected leaves; 40-60 C5 575 80-100 C10 1175 50-60 C7,5 925 100-120 C15 1925 40-60 60-80 80-100 60-80 100-120 100-120 C5 C10 C10 C12 C15 C15 575 925 1175 1175 2100 1700 40-60 C5 575 60-80 100-120 160-180 C10 C12 C30 925 1175 2100 60-80 C7,5 925 50-60 100-120 100-120 C12 C15 C20 40-60 C5 925 80-100 C10 1175 180-200 C30 1475 40-60 C5 575 60-80 80-100 100-120 100-120 140-160 C7,5 C10 C12 C12 C30 925 1175 1700 2100 2550 120-140 C5 925 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 69 70 Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen' dissected purple red leaves; variety does not become green in the season period; 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Viridis' green dissected leaves; Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' fast growing and resistant variety with large purple red leaves; 79 80 81 82 Acer palmatum 'Garnet' dwarfish form; delicate dissected red leaves; 83 84 85 86 Acer palmatum 'Heartbeat' deeply indented red leaves; variety of low-growing procumbent habit; 87 88 89 Acer palmatum 'Higasayama' leaves with regular white and pink margin; Acer palmatum 'Inaba-shidare' purple deeply indented leaves; quite fast growing; 90 91 92 93 94 95 Acer palmatum 'Kagiri-nishiki' light green leaves with white pink margin; Acer palmatum 'Koto-no-ito' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA PA PA PA PA 1175 2100 1700 Nr 96 97 98 Växt extremely narrow filiform lobes; nice orange yellow autumn leaves; Acer palmatum 'Mikawa-yatsubusa' dense dwarfish shrub with irregular habit; green leaves densely arranged on branches; Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' pendant habit; dissected red orange leaves in spring, change color to purple green over time; Höjd 100-120 Kruka C7,5 30-40 C5 60-80 C12 PA 1175 100-120 140-160 C15 C20 PA PA 2100 2625 80-100 C10 1175 80-100 C5 925 160-180 C20 1400 100-120 C5 575 100-120 120-140 C15 C20 1175 1400 120-140 C12 2100 100 C12 180-200 C30 1475 80-100 C15 1175 180-200 C30 1400 60-80 C15 925 160-180 C20 1175 80-100 C10 1175 160-180 C30 1650 80-100 C10 1175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 99 100 101 102 Acer palmatum 'Oregon Sunset' - New! dense shrub with large red deeply-lobed leaves; Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' tall shrub with large green leaves; beautiful autumn leaves; very frost hardy; 103 104 Acer palmatum 'Red Emperor' fast growing and resistant variety with large purple red leaves; 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Acer palmatum 'Red Pygmy' dark red leaves with elongated linear lobes; dwarfish form; Acer palmatum 'Ryusen' - New! pendant form; green leaves; Acer palmatum 'Sangokaku' vibrant orange shoots; yellowish leaves with orange margin in spring, become light green over time; Acer palmatum 'Scolopendriifolium' New! green leaves enolgated peaked lobes; beautiful vibrant orange autumn foliage; Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' green dissected leaves; upright habit; Acer palmatum 'Shaina' dense, dwarfish shrub with spherical habit; small pink red leaves; Acer palmatum 'Shin-deshôjô' red leaves in spring, become green over time, remain red at the ends of shoots; erect habit; Acer palmatum 'Shidava Gold' dense form with gold yellow leaves in spring, which become light green over time; 115 116 Acer palmatum 'Shirazz' leaves with pink margin; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 925 925 PA 2100 Nr 117 118 119 120 121 Växt Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira' upright habit; curled dark green leaves; Acer palmatum 'Shogun' deeply lobed purple red leaves; Acer palmatum 'Skeeter's Broom' dense dwarfish form with purple red leaves; Acer palmatum 'Tamukeyama' pendant habit; dissected dark purple leaves; 122 123 124 125 Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg' dark purple leaves with flanding margins of the leaf blade; very frost hardy; 126 127 128 129 130 Acer palmatum 'Ukigumo' heavily white-spotted leaves; Acer palmatum 'Villa Taranto' elongated filiform lobes; orange red leaves in spring; become green with red flush over time; 131 132 Acer palmatum 'Yasemin' fast growing, erect habit; very large purple red deeply lobed leaves; very frost hardy variety; 133 134 Acer pensylvanicum beautiful vibrant green bark with silver white stripes; 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Acer pentaphyllum very rare species with palmate leaves; beautiful orange autumn foliage; Acer platanoides popular park tree; Acer platanoides 'Columnare' wide columnar habit; parkway tree; Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' dark red leaves; Acer platanoides 'Crimson King Globe' New! dark red leaves; spherical habit; Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd Kruka 100-120 140-160 C5 C12 575 1100 100-120 C5 575 200-220 C30 1650 40-60 C5 575 60-80 80-100 100-120 C7,5 C12 C12 80-100 C7,5 925 100-120 140-160 C10 C20 1175 1400 100-120 140-160 C12 C30 1400 1650 80-100 C12 1175 140-160 C20 1650 80-100 C7,5 925 120-140 C20 2100 100-120 C5 325 180-200 C7,5 425 120-140 C10 160-180 260-280 C7,5 C10 280-300 C20 160-180 320-340 C10 C20 150 C10 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form korkskruv ORIENTAL PA Pris 925 1700 1700 925 200 350 6-8 725 6-8 625 700 PA 925 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 143 144 145 146 147 148 Växt columnar habit, dark purple leaves; Acer platanoides 'Dissectum' leaves indented up to the leaf stalk; red in spring, become green ove time; Acer platanoides 'Drummondii' leaves with cream margin; Acer platanoides 'Faassen's Black' dark red leaves; Acer platanoides 'Globosum' flat-topped dense crown, 3-4 m in diameter; 149 150 151 Acer platanoides 'Globosum Select' flat-topped crown, visible even in young forms; 152 153 154 155 156 Acer platanoides 'Golden Globe' regular spherical crown, gold yellow leaves; Acer platanoides 'Krupa' new Polish variety with very tiny leaves and narrow columnar habit; Acer platanoides 'Marit' - New! extremely slow growing variety; almost without the leateral branches; dark green wrinkled leaves; 157 158 Acer platanoides 'Novush' dense dwarfish form; very tiny leaves (up to 4 - 5 cm long); 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Acer platanoides 'Paldiski' deeply indented leaves; elongated lobes form peaked leaves; Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' oval crown; gold yellow leaves; Acer platanoides 'Purple Globe' purple red leaves; spherical habit; Acer platanoides 'Pyramidale Nanum' up to 4-5 m high tree; upright habit; Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' dark red, almost black leaves; Acer platanoides 'Rubrum' red autumn leaves; Acer platanoides 'Stollii' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 280-300 Kruka C20 140-160 C5 120-140 260-280 C5 C30 140-160 C5 200-220 C20 200-220 200-220 C43 C43 120-140 C12 160-180 200-220 C15 C15 150-160 C20 40-60 C3 350 25-30 C5 675 80-100 C10 PA 1175 40-60 C5 buske 500 120-140 140-160 C10 C10 PA PA 625 700 100-120 C7,5 350 140-160 C5 350 160-180 180-200 C20 C20 60-80 C3 260-280 340-360 C15 C55 200-220 C15 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets 6-8 Form Pris 1300 350 350 1100 6-8 400 8-10 10-12 6-8 PA 700 PA PA 1425 1700 PA 550 PA PA 650 700 PA 925 PA PA 800 925 275 6-8 10-12 PA 725 1325 PA 650 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 169 170 171 172 173 Växt distorted leaves; sometimes boundary lobes grow together forming a "pocket"; Acer platanoides 'Tharandt' oval, rounded lobes; leaves are often round, non-lobed; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Atropurpureum' red pruple underside surface of the leaf blade; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Brilliantissimum' small treel laight orange leaves in spring; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense' gold yellow leaves in spring, become green over time; 174 175 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset' white pink leaves with red underside surface; slow growing; up to approx. 2 m high; 176 177 178 179 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leat's Cottage' tiny leaves, pink and salmon-colored while growing, become yellow over time; slow growing; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii' large white and yellow variegated leaves; 180 181 182 183 184 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Nizetii' yellow variegated leaves; red underside surface of the leaf blade; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Prince Camille de Rohan' lower part of the leaf is red, the upper one is bright, white and yellow variegated; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Průhonice' large gold yellow leaves in spring; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Puget Pink' tiny leaves, pink in spring, become yellowish over time; 185 186 187 188 189 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Simon-Louis Frères' tiny white variegated leaves; slow growing; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Sunshine' tiny salmon yellow leaves in spring, become yellowish over time; Acer pseudoplatanus 'Worley' gold yellow leaves in spring; Acer pseudoplatanus × Acer griseum very rare interspecific hybrid; indented leaves with red underside surface; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 200-220 Kruka C7,5 Omkrets 6-8 Form PA Pris 425 340-360 C30 12-14 PA 925 100-120 C5 140-160 C12 80-100 C5 350 160-180 C5 425 100-120 C5 350 120-140 160-180 C7,5 C12 PA PA 500 575 140-160 C7,5 PA 500 80-100 C5 300-320 C45 80-100 C5 325 100-120 C5 325 120-140 C5 325 140-160 C10 PA 450 160-180 C10 PA 500 140-160 C10 PA 575 80-100 C5 400 100-120 C5 350 120-140 C5 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se 275 PA 500 325 8-10 PA PA 1175 500 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 190 191 192 193 Växt Acer rubrum tree beautifully changing color to red in autumn; Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' columnar habit; nice autumn leaves; Höjd Kruka 160-180 C7,5 200 160-180 200-220 C7,5 C20 325 725 160-180 C7,5 325 240-260 C20 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 40-60 C5 350 160-180 C7,5 325 200-220 C20 725 160-180 C7,5 325 240-260 C20 6-8 725 320-340 C20 8-10 1325 160-180 C7,5 325 220-240 C20 725 160-180 240-260 C7,5 C20 325 725 100-120 C5 275 280-300 C30 160-180 C7,5 200 100-120 C5 400 180-200 C7,5 575 100-120 C7,5 350 140-160 C5 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Acer rubrum BURGUNDY BELLE 'Magnificent Magenta' very regular spherical habit; beautiful red autumn leaves; 194 195 196 197 198 Acer rubrum 'Candice Ice' white and pink variegated leaves; Acer rubrum 'Green Pillar' very slowly growing; narrow columnar variety; Acer rubrum 'October Glory' upright habit; orange red autumn leaves; 199 200 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' one of the best parkway varieties of red maple; beautiful autumn leaves; 201 202 203 Acer rubrum 'Scanlon' dense columnar crown; beautiful red purple autumn leaves; Acer rubrum 'Somerset' oval-spherical habit; vibrant red autumn leaves; 204 205 206 207 Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' oval crown; dark red autumn leaves; Acer rufinerve Far Eastern decorative species with beautiful stripped bark; 208 209 210 211 212 213 Acer saccharinum large wide spreading tree; silver grey underside surface of the leaf blade; Acer saccharinum 'Born's Gracious' leaf blade only along main veins; Acer saccharinum 'Laciniatum Wieri' dissected leaves; Acer saccharinum 'Lutescens' yellow leaves in spring; Acer saccharum tree with characteristic sharp-lobed leaves changing their color to yellow in autumn; Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form 6-8 725 PA 6-8 Pris 425 550 925 Nr 214 Växt gold yellow fan-shaped leaves; one of the most decorative maples; 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' gold yellow leaves; orange endings of shoots; Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala large shrub; vibrant red autumn leaves; Acer tegmentosum green bark with silver stripes; large 3lobed leaves; very frost hardy species; Acer tegmentosum 'Joe Witt' - New! variety with extremely decorative silvery stripped bark; Acer triflorum rare species native to Manchuria; leaves composed of 3 leaflets; Acer truncatum 'Akikaze-nishiki' irregularly white speckled leaves; Acer truncatum 'Shune-nishiki' irregularly white speckled leaves; AESCULUS Aesculus 'Autumn Splendor' beautiful orange autumn leaves; Aesculus ×bushii rare hybrid with large red flowers formed in elongated inflorescences; large dark green shining leaves; Aesculus ×carnea 'Briotii' as the type, but flowers are sanguine and large; 227 228 229 230 231 232 Aesculus ×carnea 'Marginata' leaves with yellow margin; pink flowers; Aesculus ×carnea 'Plantierensis' pale pink flowers; Aesculus chinensis very rare species with large shining leaves and peaked inflorescences with white flowers; needs to be carefully covered in winter; Aesculus +dallimorei dendrological curiosity; rare vegetative hybrid of Aesculus flava and Aesculus hippocastanum; large decorative white inflorescences with yellow and pink elements of flowers; 233 234 Aesculus 'Digitata' slow growing variety; small leaves with narrow "digitated" leaflets; 235 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 30-40 Kruka C5 80-100 100-120 C10 C12 1175 1700 80-100 C10 1175 100-120 C7,5 175 160-180 C5 275 100-120 C5 575 160-180 C5 275 120-140 C7,5 PA 700 140-160 C7,5 PA 700 80-100 C7,5 350 60-80 C10 550 60-80 C7,5 300 160-180 C25 60-80 100-120 C5 C7,5 300 325 80-100 C7,5 300 100-120 C10 550 100-120 C7,5 500 180-200 C20 700 60-80 C5 275 120-140 C7,5 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 575 700 350 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 236 237 238 239 Växt Höjd 260-280 Kruka C20 60-80 C5 350 60-80 C5 350 60-80 C5 350 140-160 C10 80-100 C7,5 350 60-80 C5 350 60-80 C5 350 140-160 C12 325 160-180 180-200 C15 C25 425 650 100-120 C7,5 300 100-120 C7,5 400 60-80 C5 350 100-120 C7,5 325 160-180 300-320 C5 C30 80-100 C10 100-120 C7,5 120-140 C15 80-100 C5 350 60-80 C5 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Aesculus glabra 'April Wine' claret red leaves in spring; yellow flowers; Aesculus glabra 'Autumn Blaze' - New! decorative variety with red autumn leaves; Aesculus glabra 'October Red' decorative variety with red autumn leaves; 240 241 242 243 244 Aesculus glabra 'Sofia' yellow leaves in spring, become green over time; Aesculus ×glaucescens small tree; cream yellow flowers; Aesculus ×hemiacantha - New! hybrid of Aesculus hippocastanum and Aesculus turbinata; Aesculus hippocastanum spreading, up to 25 m high tree; palmate leaves; white flowers; 245 246 247 248 249 250 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumannii' large white double flowers; does not bear fruits; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Franek' yellow variegated leaves; variety foung in our nursery; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Hampton Court Gold' yellow leaves in spring, become green over time; slow growing; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Memmingeri' yellow leaves in spring; become white dusted over time; 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 Aesculus hippocastanum 'Monstrosa' small very dwarfish up to 1.2 m high shrub; curled and fasciated shoots; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Schuch' irregularly white variegated leaves; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Umbraculifera' very regular spherical crown, 3 - 4 m in diameter; Aesculus hippocastanum 'Wisselink' cream yellow leaves in spring, become green and white dusted over time; Aesculus ×hybrida orange red flowers; large inflorescences; very rare species; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets 8-10 Form PA 6-8 Pris 700 425 350 1400 12-14 PA 1125 475 6-8 PA 575 Nr 258 Växt Aesculus 'Laciniata' very irregular leaves; indented, partially limited to the main vein; Höjd Kruka 80-100 C7,5 350 120-140 C12 525 80-100 C7,5 350 60-80 C5 425 60-80 100-120 C5 C10 325 350 80-100 C7,5 60-80 100-120 C5 C7,5 60-80 C5 400 80-100 C10 450 80-100 C7,5 60-80 C5 80-100 C10 PA 500 100-120 C7,5 PA 500 100-120 C10 PA 500 60-80 C7,5 PA 475 100-120 C15 PA 500 80-100 C5 325 80-100 C5 350 160-180 C5 325 200-220 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 Aesculus ×marylandica hybrid of Aesculus flava and Aesculus glabra; Aesculus ×mississipiensis - New! yellow green flowers; Aesculus ×mutabilis 'Induta' large shrub; pink yellow flowers; Aesculus ×mutabilis 'Penduliflora' pink yellow flowers; the only one aesculus with pendant inflorescences; Aesculus ×neglecta 'Autumn Fire' beautiful orange autumn leaves; Aesculus ×neglecta 'Erythroblastos' young leaves are carmine pink, then they become yellowish; 268 269 270 Aesculus pavia var. discolor shrub-like dense habit; yellow pink flowers; Aesculus pavia 'Humilis' shrub-like habit; narrow sanguine inflorescences; 271 272 273 274 Aesculus pavia 'Koehnei' dense domed habit; two-color yellow pink flowers; Aesculus pavia 'Purple Spring' purple red leaves in spring; yellow pink flowers; Aesculus pavia 'Rosea Nana' shrub-like dense habit; yellow pink flowers; 275 276 277 278 279 ALBIZIA Albizia julibrissin - New! small decorative tree with delicate leaves and fluffy pink inflorescences; ALNUS-OLCHA Alnus glutinosa 'Aurea' yellow shining leaves; Alnus glutinosa 'Fastigiata' the narrowest variety of Alnus glutinosa with slender columnar crown; Alnus glutinosa 'Greenwood' - New! curled shoots and leaves; Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris PA 425 PA 350 425 PA 500 400 Nr 280 Växt deeply indented leaves; the tree forms uniquely original transparent crown; 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 Alnus glutinosa 'Incisa' tiny curled gently indented leaves; Alnus glutinosa 'Laciniata' indented leaves; Alnus glutinosa 'Luszyn' - New! wide columnar habit; Alnus incana 'Aurea' yellow leves in spring, become light green over time; Alnus incana 'Foliis Aureomarginatis' leaves with yellow margin; Alnus incana 'Monstrosa' up to 2 m high shrub; fasciated shoots; Alnus incana 'Pendula' pendant form; Alnus incana 'Razzmatazz' leaves with irregular yellow margin; Alnus ×spaethii large elongated dark green leaves; decorative very long male inflorescences; Alnus viridis - New! tall shrub, which can be used among others to reinforce scarps; AMELANCHIER Amelanchier alnifolia 'Obelisk' PBR narrow columnar habit; Amelanchier arborea 'Robin Hill' A pinkish flowers in buds; become white once opened; nice regular habit; Amelanchier canadensis RAINBOW PILLAR 'Glennform' wide columnar habit; beautiful red orange autumn leaves; 299 Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form 200-220 C15 450 220-240 C12 450 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 140-160 C10 425 80-100 280-300 C5 C15 325 500 40-60 180-200 C5 C15 325 500 80-100 100-120 140-160 C5 C7,5 C10 325 425 500 80-100 C5 275 100-120 C5 275 100-120 C5 200 80-100 C5 325 140-160 C7,5 250 40-60 C5 250 PA PA Pris 275 100-120 C10 275 300 Amelanchier lamarckii A up to 4 - 5 m high shrub; profusely blooming white; valuable hedge plant; 60-80 C5 150 301 Amelanchier laevis 'Ballerina' A small tree; profusely blooming white in spring; numerous dark red fruits; 140-160 C7,5 250 80-100 120-140 C7,5 C7,5 302 303 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se PA PA 250 275 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 304 305 306 307 Växt Höjd 140-160 Kruka C7,5 40-60 C5 140-160 C7,5 100-120 C5 140-160 C7,5 40-60 C5 250 60-80 C5 125 120-140 C7,5 40-60 C2 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 PA 125 275 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 PA 125 275 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 PA 125 275 40-60 C5 350 80-100 C5 400 30-40 C3 50 20-25 C2 100 30-40 C3 50 40-60 C7,5 125 20-25 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Amelanchier rotundifolia 'Edelweiss' A tall shrub; large white flowers; profusely blooming; silvery grey leaves; ×AMELASORBUS ×Amelasorbus jackii very rare intergeneric hybrid; small red fruits; ×Amelasorbus 'Raciborskiana' A very rare intergeneric hybrid, obtained in Poland in the 1930s; 308 309 310 311 312 ARALIA Aralia elata tall shrub or small tree; shoots covered with strong thorns; ARONIA Aronia arbutifolia large shrub; shining leaves; red fruits; Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliant' profusely fruit bearing vareity with beautiful leaves that change color in autumn; Aronia melanocarpa 'Hugin' A dense low-growing up to 1 m high shrub; beautiful autumn leaves; 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 Aronia ×prunifolia 'Aron' A very prolific fruit variety; Aronia ×prunifolia 'Viking' A popular, very prolific fruit variety; ASIMINA Asimina triloba A original plant with edible fruits; interesting claret brown flowers; 320 323 324 325 BERBERIS Berberis thunbergii up to 1.5 m high shrub; green shining leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Admiration' PBR dwarfish shrub; ligh red leaves with yellow margin; Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' up to 1.5 m high shrub; purple red leaves; 326 327 Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea Nana' dwarfish variety with red leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA Pris 325 250 PA 325 275 PA PA 300 275 50 Nr 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 Växt Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea' gold yellow leaves; Höjd Kruka 20-25 25-30 C2 C3 50 75 15-20 C2 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C3 50 30-40 C3 50 15-20 C3 100 15-20 C2 50 30-40 80-100 C3 C20 100 375 25-30 C3 50 25-30 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 20-30 C3 50 20-30 C3 125 20-30 C3 50 15-20 C2 50 30-40 C3 100 30-40 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Berberis thunbergii 'Bagatelle' very dense dwarfish variety with red leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Concorde' hemispherically shaped, up to 0.5 m high shrub; violet purple leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Coral' - New! dense spherical habit; red leaves with yellow margin; Berberis thunbergii 'Coronita' low-growing procumbent variety; peaked leaves with yellow margin; Berberis thunbergii 'Diabolicum' yellow leaves, most often with red margin; red ends of shoots; Berberis thunbergii 'Erecta' variety with columnar habit, light green leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Fireball' PBR dense spherical habit; orange leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Goldalita' dwarfish form with yellow leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Dream' PBR very tiny lemon-yellow leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Ring' leaves with yellow margin; very nice purple leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Green Carpet' up to 1 m high, wide spreading shrub; Berberis thunbergii 'Harlequin' variety with red, white and pink variegated leaves; 343 344 345 346 347 348 Berberis thunbergii 'Inspiration' red, intensely pink variegated leaves; dwarfish flat-topped spherical habit; Berberis thunbergii 'Joanna' - New! new variety cultivated in our nursery; procumbent habit; white variegated leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Kobold' very dense dwarfish variety; green leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' PBR columnar habit; gold yellow leaves resistant to sunburn; Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Dream' PBR very tiny orange red leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr Växt Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket' PBR Höjd Kruka 349 columnar habit; orange red leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Torch' PBR - New! columnar habit; yellow leaves on young growths beautifully contrasting with orange leaves on the older shoots; Berberis thunbergii 'Pink Attraction' 30-40 C3 100 30-40 C3 125 intensely white variegated leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Powwow' yellow leaves in spring; become green and wite variegated over time; columnar habit; Berberis thunbergii 'Red Carpet' spreading, up to 1 m high shrub; light red leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Red Dream' PBR very tiny dark red leaves; 20-30 C2 75 30-40 C2 50 25-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 100 80-100 C20 375 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 25-30 30-40 C2 C3 50 50 30-40 C3 125 40-50 C3 50 25-30 C3 50 15-20 C2 100 20-25 C3 100 80-100 C5 250 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 Berberis thunbergii 'Red Pillar' red leaves; columnar habit; Berberis thunbergii 'Red Rocket' red leaves; columnar habit; Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow' purple leaves with pink patches; Berberis thunbergii 'Silver Rocket' PBR New! columnar habit; green, white variegated leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Smaragd' very large green leaves; Berberis thunbergii 'Sunsation' tiny gold yellow leaves; variety resistant to sun; Berberis thunbergii 'Tiny Gold' PBR miniature dense form; gold yellow leaves; 364 Omkrets Form Pris BETULA Betula albosinensis 'Fascination' 365 366 367 small tree; peeling cream pink bark; Betula albosinensis var. septentrionalis cream pink bark; up to 10 cm long leaves; Betula alleghaniensis grey brown bark, peeling off in thin layers; 368 80-100 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 220-240 C10 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Betula 'Crimson Frost' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 Växt dark purple leaves; beautiful white peeling bark; Betula davurica - New! peeling pinkish bark; Betula 'Hoseri' tal tree with elongated leaves; characteristic fragrant brown bark; Betula humilis up to 2 m high shrub; rounded leaves; Betula medwediewii tall shrub; large shining leaves; upright habit; Betula nana ground cover plant, up to 0.5 m high; very tiny round dentate leaves; Betula nana 'Golden Treasure' PBR gold yellow leaves; perfect ground cover plant, uniquely frost hardy; 376 Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form 80-100 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 40-60 C5 200 80-100 C5 250 120-140 C5 30-35 C3 100 40-60 C7,5 175 PA Pris 275 350 Betula nigra 'Dura Heat' 377 small tree with decorative peeling bark; drought-tollerant plant; Betula nigra 'Fox Valley' 80-100 C5 250 378 small tree or tall shrub; orange light brown bark; Betula nigra 'Heritage' peeling cinamone brown and white bark; Betula nigra 'Tecumseh Compact' dwarfish pendant variety, growing up to 3 m high; decorative peeling bark; Betula papyrifera 'Renaissance Reflection' pure white bark; very decorative yellow autumn leaves; Betula pendula typical Polish birch with beautiful white and black bark; 80-100 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 100-120 C5 250 180-200 C5 150 340-360 180-200 240-260 C25 C12 C30 120-140 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 120-140 C3 250 80-100 180-200 C5 C5 250 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 Betula pendula 'Crispa' dissected leaves; Betula pendula 'Fastigiata' columnar form; Betula pendula FASTIGIATA JOES 'Jolep 1' PBR new, fast growing, narrow columnar variety; Betula pendula 'Golden Beauty' - New! gold yellow shining leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 6-8 flerstammig flerstammig 625 475 925 Nr 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 Växt Betula pendula 'Golden Cloud' shining gold yellow leaves; Betula pendula 'Golden Obelisk' gold yellow leaves; columnar habit; Betula pendula 'Gracilis' pendant form with dissected leaves; Betula pendula MAGICAL GLOBE 'Globe' PBR - New! dwarfish variety with very dense spherical crown; recommended for cultivation in pots; Betula pendula 'Obelisk' very narrow columnar habit; Betula pendula 'Pendula' old Polish variety bred by Feliks Rożyński; weeping habit, but the tree is taller than in the case of a popular "Youngii" variety; Betula pendula 'Purpurea' dark purple leaves; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 80-100 C5 250 100-120 C5 325 120-140 140-160 C10 C10 PA PA 400 425 100-120 C5 PA 500 80-100 C5 250 100-120 C5 250 100-120 320-340 C5 C43 100-120 340-360 380-400 C5 C20 C30 100-120 C5 275 140-160 80-100 C5 C7,5 400 350 80-100 C5 250 200-220 C7,5 350 160-180 140-160 200-220 200-220 220-240 C5 C10 C30 C43 C43 100-120 10-12 275 1700 12-14 250 575 1100 Betula pendula 'Schneverdinger Goldbirke' 400 401 402 gold yellow matt leaves; PBR 403 Betula pendula 'Spider Alley' spirally curled shoots; slightly crenate leaves; variety especially decorative in winter; 404 405 PA Betula pendula 'Tristis' 406 large tree with scenic weeping habit; 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 Betula pendula 'Youngii' pendant form; 250 325 1450 1650 1950 C5 PA 350 140-160 C5 PA 425 80-100 C5 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Betula pendula 'Zöld Szakáll' dwarfish slow growing variety with umbrella-shaped habit; 414 415 PA PA PA PA Betula pendula 'Zwitsers Glorie' very regular crown; fast growing; Betula ROYAL FROST 'Penci-2' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 8-10 10-12 12-14 Nr 416 Växt large shining purple red leaves; white peeling bark; 417 418 419 420 Betula SENTINELLE D'ARGENT 'Minsent' snow white bark; columnar habit; Betula utilis 'Doorenbos' (Betula jacquemontii) large shining leaves; beautiful white bark; 421 422 423 424 Betula utilis 'Grayswood Ghost' snow white smooth bark; Betula utilis 'Long Trunk' pendant form; large shining leaves; snow white bark; 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 Betula utilis 'Silver Shadow' snow white smooth bark; Betula 'White Light' fast growing; snow white bark; BUDDLEJA Buddleja 'Bicolor' pink and orange flowers on one inflorescence; Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' black violet flowers; Buddleja davidii 'Fascinating' pink flowers; Buddleja davidii 'Ile de France' violet flowers; Buddleja davidii MOONSHINE 'Buddma' PBR - New! variety with yellow leaves beautifully contrasting with dark pink flowers; Buddleja davidii 'Pink Delight' large light pink inflorescences; Buddleja davidii 'Royal Red' purple red flowers; Kruka C5 200-220 C12 350 100-120 200-220 C5 C5 250 275 100-120 C5 250 180-200 220-240 C7,5 C12 425 725 100-120 C5 325 100-120 C5 275 240-260 200 220 C20 C20 C30 100-120 160-180 C5 C5 325 350 100-120 160-180 C5 C5 275 350 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 Omkrets 6-8 10-12 10-12 Form PA PA Pris 275 875 1175 1375 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Buddleja davidii 'White Ball' low-growing, dense shrub; white flowers; Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion' white flowers; BUXUS Buxus microphylla 'Faulkner' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 100-120 Nr 441 442 Växt evergreen dense shrub with regular spherical habit; grows up to 1 m high; Buxus sempervirens dense evergreen shrub; perfect for trimmed hedges; 443 Höjd 20-25 30-40 Kruka C3 Omkrets Form C2 Pris 50 50 40-60 C25 jordklump klot 525 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C5 225 50-60 C7,5 1000 120-140 C7,5 250 120 150 160-180 180-200 C12 C15 C12 C15 PA PA PA PA 425 500 550 575 120 C12 PA 500 160 C15 PA 550 80-100 C12 PA 650 40-60 140-160 C3 C7,5 50 125 220-240 C25 700 30-40 C3 275 140-160 160-180 320-340 C7,5 C10 C43 275 350 1475 140-160 140-160 200-220 C5 C7,5 C10 CALLICARPA 444 445 Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' uniquely decorative shrub because of its beautiful vibrant pink fruits; CALYCANTHUS Calycanthus floridus up to 1.5 m high shrb; red brown fruits redolent of vinegar or strawberries; Calycanthus floridus 'Athens' - New! 446 variety with green yellow flowers; CARAGANA Caragana arborescens 'Lutescens' 447 gold yellow leaves in spring; become green over time; Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' pendant form; 448 449 450 451 452 Caragana arborescens 'Walker' pendant form; leaves reduced almost to veins only; 453 454 455 456 Caragana jubata - New! unique looking shrub with few thick shooths covered with tomentose hair; CARPINUS Carpinus betulus large tree; suitable for high hedges; 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 Carpinus betulus 'Columnaris' very slow growing, wide columnar variety; Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' conical form; Carpinus betulus 'Foliis Argenteovariegatis Pendula' white variegated leaves; weeping habit; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se 10-12 PA PA 325 425 550 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 Växt Carpinus betulus 'Globus' dense, slow growing tree; oval and spherical habit; Carpinus betulus 'Lucas' narrow columnar form; fast growing; Carpinus betulus 'Monumentalis' very slow growing, columnar form; Carpinus betulus 'Pendula' weeping form; Carpinus betulus 'Pinocchio' - New! variety with narrow columnar habit; Carpinus betulus 'Purpurea' red purple young leaves; Carpinus betulus 'Quercifolia' variety with indented leaves resembling oak leaves; Carpinus japonica large tree; very original leaves with immersed veins; beautiful autumn leaves; decorative multiple fruits; CARYOPTERIS Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Heavenly Blue' fragrant up to 1 m high shrub; numerous blue inflorescences emerging in autumn; Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Summer Sorbet' PBR - New! leaves with yellow marhin; blue flowers; Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'White Surprise' PBR blue flowers; leaves with white margins; 35-40 C5 275 80-100 140-160 C5 C10 275 350 30-40 C5 325 120-140 C12 625 80-100 380-400 C5 C20 40-60 C3 250 40-60 C3 250 160-180 C5 250 30-40 C3 75 30-40 Omkrets Form Pris 275 1775 10-12 C3 100 C3 100 20-30 C2 75 100-120 C10 PA 350 100-140 C10 PA 350 160 160-180 200-220 320-340 C20 C30 C30 C43 PA PA PA 550 1250 1575 1950 100-120 120-140 C5 C12 475 575 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Castanea sativa 'Aspleniifolia' long narrow irregularly dissected leaves; Castanea sativa 'Vincent van Gogh' zigzag curled new shoots; CATALPA Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' variety with large yellow leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Kruka 30-40 Caryopteris ×clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' gold yellow leaves; blue flowers; CASTANEA Catalpa bignonioides 'Koehnei' leaves with wide yellow margin; Höjd 6-8 6-8 14-16 Nr 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 Växt Catalpa bignonioides 'Nana' dwarfish form; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 140-160 180-200 220-240 C30 C30 C30 6-8 6-8 6-8 PA PA PA 1250 1575 1775 100-120 C5 500 100-120 C5 250 100-120 C5 475 100-120 C5 500 160-180 C5 200 40-60 C5 175 140-160 C5 200 340-360 C20 6-8 1000 380-400 C30 12-14 1100 80-100 C5 120-140 C5 80-100 C5 180-200 C30 80-100 C3 120-140 140-160 160-180 180-200 C12 C12 C25 C30 80-100 C5 500 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Catalpa fargesii f. duclouxii rare surmia with large pink flowers; needs to be covered in winter; Catalpa ovata light yellow flowers; palmate shining leaves; Catalpa speciosa 'Pulverulenta' white dusted leaves; Catalpa szechuanica - New! vary rare species native to Central China; CELTIS Celtis occidentalis large, North American tree with characteristic grey bark; CEPHALANTHUS Cephalanthus occidentalis interesting shrub with dense rounded inflorescences; grows well in marshy areas; CERCIDIPHYLLUM Cercidiphyllum japonicum up to 15 m high tree; yellow or red autumn leaves; 497 498 499 Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Amazing Grace' slow growing weeping variety with wide spreading habit; 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Chameleon' - New! leaves with irregular yellow margin; Cercidiphyllum japonicum GLOWBALL 'JWW4' PBR - New! tall shrub with regular spherical habit; Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Heronswood Globe' spherical habit; Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendulum' weeping form; Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Rotfuchs' red purple young leaves, which become dark green over time; Cercidiphyllum magnificum Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 500 PA 550 500 PA 1100 425 10-12 PA PA PA PA 650 700 1100 1400 Nr 509 510 511 Växt species characterised by larger leaves than Cercidiphyllum japonicum; CERCIS Cercis canadensis tall shrub; pink flowers on branches and trunk; shining leaves; Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 40-60 C5 175 60-80 C5 550 120-140 C20 1375 40-60 C5 650 40-60 C5 650 100-120 C7,5 1375 40-60 C5 175 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 60-80 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 120-140 C7,5 30-40 120-140 C3 C7,5 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 tall shrub; heart-shaped dark purple leaves; 512 513 514 515 516 517 Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' yellow leaves; slow growing; Cercis canadensis 'Little Woody' - New! dwarfish variety with upright habit; tiny dark green leaves; dark pink flowers; Cercis canadensis RED FORCE 'Minrouge3' - New! new variety with red purple leaves; Cercis siliquastrum tall shrub; pink flowers on branches and trunk of the plant; CHAENOMELES Chaenomeles japonica 'Cido' A low-growing, spreading shrub; orange flowers; variety with uniquely fragrant fruits; 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 Chaenomeles japonica 'Cido Red' A low-growing, spreading shrub; red flowers; variety with uniquely fragrant fruits; Chaenomeles japonica 'Red Joy' red flowers; spoon-shaped petals and leaves; Chaenomeles speciosa 'Nivalis' A pure white flowers; fast growing; Chaenomeles speciosa 'Rubra' A red flowers; Chaenomeles speciosa 'Simonii' A dwarfish form; double sanguine flowers; Chaenomeles speciosa 'Yukigoten' semi-double white or light yellow flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Cameo' semi-double pink salmon flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Colour Trail' A white pink flowers; low growing; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Crimson and Gold' A red flowers with yellow centre; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 275 PA 325 PA 75 325 Nr 529 Växt Chaenomeles ×superba 'Flocon Rose' A light pink flowers, emerging very early in spring; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C3 120-140 C7,5 30-40 C3 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 30-40 120-140 C3 C7,5 PA 75 325 30-40 40-60 120-140 C3 C5 C7,5 PA 75 100 325 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 200 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 200 30-40 120-140 C3 C7,5 PA 75 325 30-40 120-140 C3 C5 PA 75 325 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 275 30-40 C3 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 530 531 Chaenomeles ×superba 'Hollandia' A large dark red flowers; up to 1.5 m high shrub; 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 Chaenomeles ×superba 'Jet Trail' A pure white flowers; slow growing; Chaenomeles speciosa 'Kinshiden' semi-double green yellow flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Nicoline' A scarlet re flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Orange Storm' PBR - New! new extremely attractive variety with large double orange flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Orange Trail' very large orange flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Pink Lady' A very dark buds; pink flowers; low growing; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Pink Storm' PBR - New! new extremely attractive variety with large double dark pink flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba PINK TRAIL 'Interpitra' A intensely pink flowers; low growing; Omkrets Form Pris 75 PA 325 75 Chaenomeles ×superba 'Salmon Horizon' A 545 546 547 548 549 procumbent form; pink salmon flowers; Chaenomeles ×superba 'Scarlet Storm' PBR - New! new extremely attractive variety with large double dark red flowers; CHIMONANTHUS-ZIMOKWIAT Chimonanthus praecox interesting shrub from the Calycanthaceae family; cream yellow flowers; blooms in winter or early spring; CHIONANTHUS -ŚNIEGOWIEC Chionanthus retusus rare tall shrub native to Far East; leaves with mossy underside surface; decorative paniculate inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr Växt Chionanthus virginicus Höjd Kruka 550 tall shrub; coriaceous leaves; large decorative paniculate inflorescences; CLADRASTIS-STRĄCZYN Cladrastis kentukea 30-40 C3 275 551 small tree with decorative white flowers collected in long inflorescences; CLERODENDRUM-SZCZĘŚLIN 120-140 C5 275 60-80 C5 200 40-60 C5 100 40-60 C3 50 40-60 C3 100 80-100 C7,5 125 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C3 75 80-100 100-120 C5 C20 125 350 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 50 40-60 C3 50 40-60 60-80 C3 C5 50 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 552 553 554 555 Clerodendrum trichotomum - New! upright decorative shrub with white flowers and blue berries beautifully contrasting with pink succulent calyx; CLETHRA-ORSZELINA Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spire' tall shrub; long pink inflorescences; CORNUS-DEREŃ Cornus alba 'Aurea' yellow leaves; Cornus alba BATON ROUGE ‘Minbat’PBR red purple shoots in winter; dark purple autumn leaves; 556 Omkrets Form Pris PBR 557 Cornus alba 'Cream Cracker' dense shrub; leaves with cream margin; pink autumn leaves; 558 559 Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' leaves with wide white margin; 560 561 562 563 Cornus alba 'Gouchaultii' fast growing; leaves with wide yellow margin; Cornus alba IVORY HALO 'Bailhalo' PBR dense shrub; leaves with wide white margin; 564 565 566 567 568 Cornus alba 'Kesselringii' dark purple almost black shoots; Cornus alba 'Siberian Pearls' shoots like in the case of 'Sibirica' variety; profusely blooming and fruit bearing; Cornus alba 'Sibirica' red shoots; Cornus alba 'Sibirica Variegata' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 Växt red shoots; leaves with white margin; Höjd 60-80 80-100 Kruka C3 C7,5 60-80 C5 200 40-60 C5 275 40-60 C5 575 40-60 C5 300 80-100 120-140 C5 C20 275 625 140-160 C20 625 40-60 C3 75 80-100 C7,5 825 15-20 C3 125 100-120 C7,5 825 60-80 C5 275 40-60 C5 275 40-60 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 40-60 C5 275 40-60 C5 325 80-100 C7,5 825 60-80 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Cornus alternifolia tall shrub with pagoda shaped branches; Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea' pagoda shaped branches; very tiny, white variegated leaves; Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadows' New! leaves with wide yellow margin; Cornus alternifolia 'Goldfinch' leaves with wide yellow margin; Cornus alternifolia 'Silver Giant' leaves with delicate white margin; Cornus alternifolia 'Yellow Spring' in spring leaves with yellow margin, become green over time; Cornus amomum 'Blue Cloud' up to 2 m high shrub; numerous decorative dark blue fruits; Cornus 'Ascona' - New! tall shrub with slightly pendant habit; flowers surrounded by very large white bracts; Cornus canadensis valuable and wanted ground cover plant; Cornus 'Celestial Shadow' - New! decorative variety with flowers surrounded by white bracts and leaves with wide yellow margin; Cornus controversa 'Candlelight' yellow leaves in spring; Cornus controversa 'Green Carpet' procumbent form; Cornus controversa 'Laska' narrow lanceolate leaves; Cornus controversa 'Marginata Nord' leaves with delicate white margin; Cornus controversa 'Pagoda' variety with very regular "pagodashaped" habit; Cornus controversa 'Variegata' leaves with wide white margin; Cornus 'Eddie's White Wonder' tall, fast growing shrub; very large lobular white bracts are most decorative; Cornus florida very decorative tall shrub; flowers with 4 large white bracts; Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 75 100 Nr 590 591 592 593 594 595 Växt intensly red pink bracts; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 100-120 C12 1325 40-60 80-100 C5 C12 500 1325 80-100 C12 1325 40-60 C5 500 100-120 C12 1325 40-60 C5 500 40-60 C5 500 60-80 C7,5 825 60-80 C7,5 825 100-120 C12 1325 40-60 C5 500 70-80 100-120 C7,5 C12 825 1325 80-100 C3 1100 80-100 C5 675 80-100 C7,5 825 60-80 C7,5 500 40-60 C3 150 100-120 C12 1325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Chief' pink red bracts; Cornus florida 'Cherokee Daybreak' leaves with irregular cream margin; Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' large white bracts; profusely blooming; Cornus florida 'Cherokee Sunset' leaves with wide yellow margin; pink bracts; 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine' - New! profusely blooming variety; purely white bracts; Cornus florida 'Daniela' - New! variety with gold yellow leaves; Cornus florida 'Eternal' - New! variety with double flowers (flowers surrounded by few bracts); Cornus florida 'Firebird' - New! leaves with irregular white margin, which becomes red over time; red bracts; Cornus florida 'Purple Glory' - New! red purple bracts; initially leaves are reddish, become darker over time and are dark purple in autumn; Cornus florida 'Rainbow' leaves with yellow margin; white bracts; 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 Cornus kousa 'Akatsuki' - New! leaves with wide white margin; pink bracts; Cornus kousa 'Bonfire' - New! leaves with yellow margin; white bracts; Cornus kousa 'Cappuccino' - New! new, very attractive variety with red purple leaves on young growths; Cornus kousa 'China Girl' large pointed white bracts; Cornus kousa var. chinensis decorative shrub with large pointed white bracts; blooms in June; Cornus kousa 'Doubloon' - New! large white elongated bracts; fast growing; Cornus kousa 'Elisabeth Lustgarten' New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 500 Nr 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 Växt variety with weeping habit; white bracts; profusely blooming; Cornus kousa 'Eva's Beauty' - New! irregularly white variegated leaves; Cornus kousa 'Gold Cup' - New! leaves with yellow centre; white bracts; Cornus kousa 'Gold Star' - New! leaves with yellow centre; white bracts; Cornus kousa 'Kim' - New! leaves with irregular white margin; Cornus kousa 'Laura' - New! leaves with wide white margin; Höjd 80-100 Kruka C15 40-60 C5 500 100-120 C12 1325 40-60 C5 500 40-60 C5 500 40-60 60-80 C5 C7,5 500 825 40-60 C5 400 100-120 C20 1325 100-120 C12 1325 40-60 C5 500 40-60 C5 500 40-60 C5 500 100-120 C5 825 40-60 C5 400 40-60 C5 500 80-100 C5 825 100-120 C7,5 1100 40-60 C5 500 80-100 C7,5 1100 80-100 C5 500 80-100 C5 825 40-60 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' white pointed bracts; profusely blooming; 619 620 621 622 623 Cornus kousa 'Moonbeam' - New! fast growing and profusely blooming variety; large pure white bracts; Cornus kousa 'Pévé Foggy' - New! slow growing shrub; narrow greish leaves with delicate white margin; Cornus kousa 'Pévé Limbo' - New! narrow leaves with white margin; slow growing; Cornus kousa 'Pink Lips' - New! densely white and pink variegated leaves on young growths; 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 Cornus kousa 'Satomi' large pink bracts; Cornus kousa 'Silver Pheasant' - New! leaves with wide white margin; slow growing; Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' - New! leaves with wide white margin; Cornus kousa 'Square Dance' - New! fast growing; profusely blooming; white rhomboid bracts; Cornus kousa 'Summer Fun' - New! tall shrub with leaves with white margin; white bracts; Cornus kousa 'Tsukuba-no-mine' - New! narrow, elongated white bracts make the inflorescences look star-shaped; Cornus kousa 'White Dusted' - New! yellow and cream marbled leaves; Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes' - New! narrow leaves with white margin; white bracts; Cornus mas A large shrub; edible fruits; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 1325 Nr 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 Växt Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 120-140 C7,5 575 40-60 C5 500 100-120 C7,5 650 100-120 140-160 C7,5 C10 650 700 40-60 C5 500 40-60 C5 550 100-120 C7,5 825 40-60 C3 75 60-80 C7,5 100 40-60 C3 50 30-40 40-60 C3 C5 75 100 40-60 C3 50 60-80 C3 50 40-60 100-120 C3 C7,5 50 100 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 60-80 100-120 C5 C7,5 500 825 60-80 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Cornus mas 'Aliona' A large fruit variety; Cornus mas 'Elegantissima' irregularly light green and yellow variegated leaves; Cornus mas 'Jolico' A one of the best fruit varieties of cornus; Cornus mas 'Schönbrunner GourmetDirndl' A Austrian fruit variety; Cornus mas 'Tricolor' leaves with wide yellow margin; become pinkish in the summer time; Cornus mas 'Variegata' leaves with wide white margin; Cornus nuttallii 'North Star' - New! tall, fast growing shrub with very decorative white large bracts; Cornus sanguinea 'Compressa' slow growing; small dark green wrinkled leaves; 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 Cornus sanguinea 'Green Light' fast and healthy growth; vibrant orange shoots in winter; Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' orange shoots; lemon-yellow leaves; Cornus sericea 'Budd's Yellow' yellow shoots in winter; Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' dense habit; red coral shoots; Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' light green almost yellow shoots; Cornus sericea 'Hedgerow's Gold' large leaves with wide yellow margin; rapidly proliferating variety; Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' dense dwarfish form; up to 0.5 m high; Cornus sericea 'White Gold' green yellow shoots in winter; leaves with white margin; Cornus STELLAR PINK 'Rutgan' - New! large pink bracts; fast growing; CORYLOPSIS Corylopsis pauciflora low growing, spreading shrub; numerous tiny light yellow flowers emerging in early spring; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 100 Nr 658 659 660 Växt Corylopsis sinensis up to 5 m shrub; decorative yellow flowers emerging in early spring; rare variety occuring in Cenral and East China; Corylopsis spicata very rare Japanese species; leaves resemble Corylus; flowers emerging in early spring before the leaves start developing; CORYLUS-LESZCZYNA Corylus avellana 'Agnieszka' Höjd Kruka 60-80 C5 200 60-80 C5 200 40-60 C5 250 100-120 C12 40-60 C5 250 40-60 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 60-80 120 C7,5 C10 325 475 60-80 C5 250 40-60 C5 250 100-120 100-120 C5 C10 120-140 C5 120-140 160-180 C10 C10 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 40-60 C5 250 200-220 C15 425 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 previously offerred as 'Leszek', white variegated leaves; 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 Corylus avellana 'Anny's Compact Red' dwarfish form; dark purple leaves; Corylus avellana 'Anny's Red Dwarf' dwarfish form; dark purple leaves; Corylus avellana 'Aurea' A yellow leaves; Corylus avellana 'Contorta' spirally curled shoots; Corylus avellana 'Heterophylla' A irregularly dissected leaves; Corylus avellana 'Little Rob' dwarfish form; dense spherical habit; light red leaves; Corylus avellana 'Pendula' weeping form; Corylus avellana PURPLE UMBRELLA 'JM 251' PBR new variety with umbrella-shaped habit and purple red leaves; 672 673 Omkrets Form PA PA PA Pris 325 250 475 575 PA PA 875 975 Corylus avellana 'Purpurea' A 674 675 676 677 678 large fruits; dark purple leaves; Corylus avellana 'Stella' A large fruits; shining dark purple leaves; Corylus avellana 'Syrena' A dark purple leaves; large edible fruits; Corylus avellana 'Twister' - New! dwarfish variety with spirally curled shoots and leaves; Corylus colurna tree with beautiful grey bark; Corylus ×colurnoides 'Profesor Władysław Bugała' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 Växt purple red leaves; Corylus 'Red Majestic' PBR spirally curled shoots; red purple leaves; COTINUS Cotinus coggygria GOLDEN SPIRIT 'Ancot' PBR gold yellow leaves; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 60-80 C7,5 325 40-60 C3 175 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C3 250 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C7,5 250 120-140 C30 375 15-20 C2 50 30-40 C3 50 80-100 C5 30-40 C2 80-100 C7,5 20-30 C2 50 25-30 C2 50 25-30 C2 50 140-160 C5 350 40-60 C3 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Cotinus coggygria 'Kanari' light green leaves; palatial cream green inflorescences; Cotinus coggygria 'Lilla' PBR - New! dense shrub up to 1.5 m high; shining dark purple leaves; Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' dark purple leaves and inflorescences; Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' PBR beautiful palatial inflorescences formed on one-year shoots; green leaves: 686 Omkrets Form Pris 250 COTONEASTER Cotoneaster dammeri 'Mooncreeper' 687 low growing, procumbent shrub, up to 1 m in diameter and 0.2 m high; 693 Cotoneaster horizontalis up to 0.5 m high shrub with almost horizontally spreading shoots; Cotoneaster lamprofolius very rare species with large coriaceous leaves and red fruits; changes color to orange in autumn; Cotoneaster lucidus upright loose shrub; red autumn leaves; Cotoneaster ogisui - New! very rare decorative species with large shining fruits; fast growing; grows up to 3 m high; Cotoneaster procumbens 'Queen of Carpets' low ground cover shrub, growing up to 25 cm high and 1 m in diameter; Cotoneaster ×suecicus 'Coral Beauty' low growing, ground cover shrub; 694 Cotoneaster ×suecicus 'Skogholm' low growing, ground cover shrub; 688 689 690 691 692 695 696 +Crataegomespilus +Crataegomespilus dardarii 'Jules d'Asnieres' A dendrological curiosity; intensely hairy leaves; CRATAEGUS Crataegus flabellata 'Variegata' - New! irregularly white variegated leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA 275 50 PA 275 Nr 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 Växt Crataegus laevigata 'Auriculata' large leaves with clear lunular bracts; dark red fruits; Crataegus laevigata 'Crimson Cloud' large single red flowers; Crataegus laevigata 'Masekii' double pale pink flowers; Crataegus ×media 'Gireoudii' white and pink variegated secondary shoots; decorative red fruits; Crataegus ×media 'Paul's Scarlet' double dark red flowers; Form Pris C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 120-140 C7,5 PA 275 60-80 220-240 280-300 C5 C12 C30 buske 200 575 1100 80-100 C3 60-80 C5 buske 275 80-100 C5 PA 300 100-120 120-140 160-180 C5 C7,5 C10 PA PA PA 325 425 575 60-80 C5 100-120 C5 PA 350 60-80 160-180 C5 C5 buske 200 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 100-120 C3 60-80 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 40-60 C3 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Crataegus monogyna A tall shrub or low growing tree; single white flowers; perfect plant for hedges; Crataegus monogyna 'Bicolor' white petals with pink margin; Crataegus monogyna 'Compacta' dense dwarfish up to 1 m high variety; 707 708 709 710 Crataegus monogyna 'Flexuosa' small shrub; spirally curled shoots and leaves; 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 Crataegus monogyna 'Punicea' single dark pink flowers; Crataegus monogyna 'Stricta' columnar habit; Crataegus monogyna 'Variegata' white variegated leaves; Crataegus monogyna 'Versicolor' white-pink flowers; Crataegus monogyna 'Xanthoclada' yellow bark; decorative in winter; Crataegus mordenensis 'Toba' large double light pink flowers; Crataegus orientalis leaves covered with silvery white tomentose hair attractive large orange fruits; Crataegus punctata 'Aurea' A very large decorative yellow fruits; can be eaten raw or upon processing; ×CRATAEMESPILUS ×Crataemespilus grandiflora A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd Kruka 60-80 Omkrets 8-10 PA 50 325 200 Nr 721 Växt rare hybrid of Crataegus laevigata and Mespilus germanica; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 160-180 C5 275 80-100 C5 200 80-100 C3 325 100-120 C5 350 80-100 C5 250 40-60 C2 50 60-80 C3 50 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 60-80 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 100-120 C25 575 40-60 C5 200 60-80 C15 575 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 722 723 724 CYDONIA Cydonia oblonga f. pyriformis A small tree; pear-shaped edible fruits; DAVIDIA Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana uniquely decorative tree; flowers surrounded by pendant white bracts (up to 20 cm long); 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 DECAISNEA Decaisnea fargesii original tall shrub with yellow flowers and sky blue fruits; DEUTZIA Deutzia gracilis 'Variegata' low growing, up to 0.5 m high shrub; leaves with wide yellow margin; Deutzia ×hybrida 'Strawberry Fields' white pink flowers with wide crimson margin; DIERVILLA Diervilla rivularis 'Troja Black' dark red leaves contrasting with yellow flowers; ELAEAGNUS Elaeagnus commutata up to 1.5 m high shrub; oval leaves silvery on both sides; Elaeagnus commutata 'Zempin' - New! variety grows faster than the species; grows up to 4-5 m high; Elaeagnus umbellata A up to 3-4 m high shrub; red succulent edible fruits; ELEUTHEROCOCCUS Eleutherococcus senticosus - New! shrub growing up to 2-3 m high; shoots covered with dense bristle; palmate leaves; EUONYMUS Euonymus alatus up to 2 m high shrub; shoots with corky bark ridges; beautiful color of leaves in autumn; Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' dense up to 1 m high shrub; red autumn leaves; 736 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form buske Pris 200 Nr 737 Växt Höjd 140-160 Kruka C12 160-180 180-200 C15 C15 40-60 C5 120-140 160-180 C15 C12 40-60 C5 100-120 C10 40-60 C5 100-120 C10 PA 350 100-120 C10 PA 350 120-140 C12 PA 400 160-180 C10 120-140 C12 60-80 C5 125 20-30 P9 25 20-30 P9 25 20-30 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 20-30 P9 C2 25 50 60-80 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 738 739 740 Euonymus alatus 'Chicago Fire' fast growing hardy variety; profusely fruit-bearing; changes color in early autumn; 741 742 743 Euonymus alatus 'Fire Ball' dense regular slow growing variety; vibrant red autumn leaves; 744 745 746 747 Euonymus alatus LITTLE MOSES 'Odom' - New! new dense slow growing variety; grows up to 0.8 m; beautiful autumn leaves; Euonymus alatus 'Macrophyllus' slow growing variety with uniquely large leaves; beautiful autumn foliage; Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' dense variety with hemispherical habit; 748 Omkrets Form PA Pris 400 PA PA 475 575 200 PA PA 400 475 200 PA 350 275 Euonymus europaeus 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 tall shrub with decorative fruits and leaves that beautifully change their color; Euonymus europaeus 'Albus' white fruits; yellow aril of seeds; Euonymus europaeus 'Red Cascade' very profusely fruit bearing variety; Euonymus fortunei BLONDY 'Interbolwi' very large leaves with yellow centre; Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold' round leaves with yellow margin; Euonymus fortunei 'Dart's Blanket' fast growing evergreen ground cover plant; Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' oblong white variegated leaves; Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald'n Gold' oblong yellow variegated leaves; Euonymus grandiflorus 'Ruby Wine' decorative shrub with large coriaceous leaves that change color to dark red in autumn; Euonymus hamiltonianus subsp. maackii Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 150 PA 275 Nr 759 760 761 762 763 Växt large coriaceous wrinkled leaves; beautiful autumn foliage; Euonymus latifolius tall shrub with large coriaceous leaves that beautifully change color to dark red; Euonymus macropterus dark red leaves with green nerves in autumn; Euonymus oxyphyllus up to 10 cm leaves that beautifully change color in autumn; decorative fruits; Euonymus phellomanus 4-angled shoots; shrub that beautifully changes color to pink in autumn; 764 765 766 Euonymus planipes large leaves beautifully changing color in autumn; 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 Euonymus vidalii rare species of North America; EXOCHORDA Exochorda racemosa up to 3 m high shrub; white flowers ca. 4 cm in diameter; Exochorda racemosa 'Snow Mountain' PBR - New! dense lower-growing variety with pendant habit; grows up to 1.5-2 m high; profusely blooming; Exochorda 'The Bride' small shrub; profusely blooming; large white flowers; FAGUS Fagus crenata Höjd 120-140 Kruka C10 120-140 Form PA Pris 275 C10 PA 275 120-140 C12 PA 275 100-120 C10 PA 275 40-60 C5 100-120 140-160 C10 C12 80-100 C5 100-120 140-160 C10 C10 PA PA 275 325 120-140 C10 PA 275 40-60 C5 125 C5 200 40-60 Omkrets 175 PA PA 325 400 175 120-140 C12 40-60 C5 300 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 rare Japanese species of beech; slow growing; crenate leaves; Fagus engleriana rare species native to China; pale leaves; very original fruits covered with long leaved protuberances; Fagus longipetiolata - New! large coriaceous leaves on long leaf stalks; very rare variety native to China; Fagus orientalis 'Iskander' - New! columnar habit; PA 625 Fagus sylvatica Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 777 778 779 Växt large tree with characteristic smooth grey trunk; Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 30-40 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 100-120 C5 350 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 200-220 C30 900 80-100 C5 325 30-40 C5 925 100-120 160-180 C7,5 C12 175 200 40-50 C5 500 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 550 60-80 C5 275 40-60 C5 325 60-80 200-220 C5 C43 60-80 200-220 C5 C43 80-100 120-140 140-160 180-200 C5 C5 C7,5 C43 60-80 260-280 C5 C20 40-60 C5 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Fagus sylvatica 'Albomarginata' leaves with irregular white margin; Fagus sylvatica 'Anny's Red Pillar' purple leaves with narrow columnar habit; 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 Fagus sylvatica 'Arcuata' pendant slow growing variety; umbrellashaped crown; Fagus sylvatica 'Argenteomarmorata' white variegated ypoung laves; Fagus sylvatica 'Aspleniifolia' dissected leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Aspleniifolia Compacta' indented leaves; dense habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Asterix' PBR very dwarfish spherical form; Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' red leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Aurea Pendula' gold yellow leaves; weeping habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Black Swan' narrow habit; pendant branches; dark purple leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Brathay's Purple' curled dark purple leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Cockleshell' very tiny round leaves; upright habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Cristata' irregulary curled leaves; slow growing; Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck' columnar form; Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Gold' yellow leaves; columnar habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple' purple leaves; columnar habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Dentata' waved dentate leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Felderbach' irregular habit; slow growing; very tiny leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Franken' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets 6-8 Form Pris 125 jordklump 325 1050 jordklump 325 1050 jordklump 325 425 575 1050 275 900 Nr 804 Växt white dusted, almost white, young leaves; Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 180-200 C43 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 40-60 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 120-140 C5 275 60-80 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 80-100 C5 275 40-60 140-160 C5 C12 350 1700 80-100 120-140 160-180 220-240 C15 C15 C15 C43 40-60 100-120 160-180 C5 C7,5 C30 40-60 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 Fagus sylvatica 'Golden Edge' leaves with yellow margin; Fagus sylvatica 'Green Obelisk' narrow columnar habit; indented leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Greenwood' dwarfish form; tiny spoon-shaped leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Haaren' weeping habit; dark purple leaves; produces leader; Fagus sylvatica 'Incisa' variety with dissected leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Interrupta' green irregularly cut leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Interrupta Purpurea' purple irregularly cut leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Londal' weeping habit; does not produce leader; Fagus sylvatica 'Luteovariegata' leaves with yellow margin; Fagus sylvatica 'Marmorstar' intensely white variegated leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Mercedes' reduced dissected leaves; dwarfish form; Fagus sylvatica 'Millenium 2000' small shining leaves; slow growing; Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula' weeping form; Fagus sylvatica 'Plaswijk' purple leaves; narrow columnar habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Prostrata' weeping form; does not produce leader; Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain' red leaves; columnar pendant habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Pendula' purple leaves; umbrella-shaped habit; Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Tricolor' purple leaves with pink margin; Fagus sylvatica 'Remillyensis' weeping form; does not produce leader; Fagus sylvatica 'Rohan Gold' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 325 jordklump 900 PA PA PA 10-12 jordklump 400 500 950 8625 325 525 1050 Nr 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 Växt yellow irregularly indented leaves; Höjd 60-80 180-200 Kruka C5 C43 60-80 C5 120-140 C12 PA 575 40-60 160-180 C5 C30 jordklump 325 1050 40-60 C5 325 100-120 C5 275 30-40 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 275 100-120 C10 275 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 180-200 C5 C43 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 180-200 C5 C55 325 1050 40-60 C3 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Fagus sylvatica 'Rohan Minaret' columnar habit; purple dissected leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Rohan Weeping' weeping habit; dwarfish form; purple dissected leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Rohanii' purple red dissected leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Rolf Marquardt' - New! heavily white-spotted leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Rotundifolia' tiny round leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Sandrode' miniature variety; indented leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Silbertaler' leaves with wide white margin; dwarfish form; Fagus sylvatica 'Skrzat' tiny round leaves; dwarfish form; Fagus sylvatica 'Spa' columnar habit; slow growing; Fagus sylvatica 'Striata' leaves with yellow stripes along nerves; Fagus sylvatica 'Suentelensis' weeping habit; does not produce leader; Fagus sylvatica 'Swat Magret' large dark purple leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Tortuosa' horizontal habit; slow growing; Fagus sylvatica 'Tortuosa Purpurea' horizontal habit; slow growing; purple leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Tur' - New! variety with uniquely dark, very large leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Viridivariegata' light green and yellow variegated leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Wolke' - New! cream and yellow marble variegated leaves; Fagus sylvatica 'Zlatia' gold yellow leaves; FORSYTHIA Forsythia BOUCLE D'OR 'Courtacour' small, dwarfish profusely blooming shrub; Forsythia ×intermedia 'Era' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form jordklump Pris 325 1050 325 jordklump 325 1050 Nr 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 Växt new Polish variety; densely white dusted leaves; Forsythia ×intermedia 'Golden Times' leaves with yellow margin; Forsythia ×intermedia 'Goldzauber' large bell-shaped flowers; dark green leaves; Forsythia ×intermedia 'Lynwood' tall shrub; profusely blooming variety; Forsythia ×intermedia MIKADOR ‘Minfor6’ PBR dense upright, slow growing shrub; in spring shoots full of large dark yellow flowers; Forsythia ×intermedia MINIGOLD 'Flojor' variety with large multiple flowers on shoots; Forsythia ×intermedia 'Nimbus' PBR very dwarfish variety; up to 0.5 m high; in spring shoots full of large dark yellow flowers; 863 864 Forsythia 'Maluch' profusely blooming, dense, up to 1.5 m high shrub; 865 866 867 Forsythia viridissima CITRUS SWIZZLE ‘Mck Citrine’ dense dwarfish variety growing up to 0.6 m high; leaves with wide lemonyellow margin; FOTHERGILLA Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' shrub that blooms before the leaves are developed; silvery grey leaves; Fothergilla major Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 Omkrets Form 40-60 C3 50 40-60 C3 50 40-60 80-100 C3 C7,5 50 100 140-160 C12 40-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 100 40-50 C5 100 30-40 C3 50 40-60 C5 75 30-40 C3 50 30-40 C3 300 PA Pris 50 575 868 up to 2.0 m high shrub; fluffy white inflorescences; FRANKLINIA Franklinia alatamaha 30-40 C3 225 869 extinct in natural positions; very decorative shrub; conversly oval elongated leaves changing color to claret red in autumn; white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter; FRAXINUS Fraxinus excelsior 'Aarsee' leaf blade strongly reduced; very narrow leaflets; 60-80 C5 425 80-100 C5 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 870 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr Växt Fraxinus excelsior 'Abiona' - New! Höjd Kruka 871 very dwarfish round variety; grows up to ca. 0.8 m high; Fraxinus excelsior 'Allgold' gold yellow shoots, especially visible in winter; Fraxinus excelsior 'Asplenifolia' - New! reduced leaf blade; very narrow leaves; Fraxinus excelsior 'Crispa' dark wrinkled leaves; very slow growing; 60-80 C5 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 120-140 140-160 C12 C15 200-220 C40 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 40-60 C5 125 160-180 C10 175 320-340 C15 120-140 C10 PA 375 100-120 C5 PA 375 100-120 C7,5 PA 400 100-120 120-140 C5 C7,5 PA 350 400 120-140 200-220 C5 C30 40-60 C5 275 40-60 C5 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 Fraxinus ornus 'Mecsek' dwarfish form; spherical habit; Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Aucubifolia' leaves with large yellow spots; Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Dr Józef Rokosza' large white variegated leaves; FUCHSIA Fuchsia 'Riccartonii' one of few varieties of Fuchsia, which can winter while covered; numerous red flowers; GLEDITSIA Gleditsia triacanthos tall tree; produces long brown decorative legumes; 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 Gleditsia triacanthos 'Emerald Cascade' weeping form; forms very regular umbrella-shaped crown; Gleditsia triacanthos 'Globosa' dense spherical crown; Gleditsia triacanthos 'Goofy' weirdly dissected and curled leaves; Gleditsia triacanthos 'Rubylace' purple leaves; Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' yellow leaves; HALESIA Halesia carolina tall shrub or small tree; tiny bell-shaped flowers; Halesia carolina var. monticola up to 15-20 m high tree; bell-shaped white flowers; fruits with 4 winglets; HALIMODENDRON Halimodenron halodendron Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA 10-12 350 PA PA 425 500 PA 1400 10-12 6-8 Pris 350 350 1625 Nr 891 Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 892 100-120 C5 893 894 120-140 140-160 C10 C12 60-80 C5 500 80-100 C15 700 60-80 C5 500 80-100 C15 700 60-80 C5 500 60-80 100-120 C5 C15 500 700 60-80 C5 500 60-80 C7,5 500 60-80 C7,5 500 100-120 C15 700 60-80 C5 500 60-80 80-100 C7,5 C15 500 700 60-80 C5 500 60-80 C5 200 60-80 C5 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 Växt up to 1.5 m high shrub; silver blue leaves; violet flowers; HAMAMELIS Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Aphrodite' New! yellow orange, delicately fragrant flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Arnold Promise' yellow flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Birgit' - New! dark red flowers; one of the darkest ones observed in Hamamelis; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Diane' red brown flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Feuerzauber' copper orange flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Jelena' yellow flowers with copper shade; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Livia' - New! ligh red fragrant flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Orange Beauty' - New! orange fragrant flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Orange Peel' New! light orange fragrant flowers; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Pallida' light yellow flowers; very long petals; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Spanish Spider' - New! large yellow orange flowers with red centre; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Westerstede' yellow flowers; very profusely blooming; Hamamelis ×intermedia 'Yamina' brown red spring and autumn leaves; yellow flowers; HEPTACODIUM Heptacodium miconioides interesting plant native to China; leaves with 3 parallel main veins; large decorative inflorescences in autumn; Heptacodium miconioides TIANSHAN 'Minhep' dense regular habit; variety lower growing than the species; HIBISCUS Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 200 PA 275 PA 350 425 PA Nr Växt Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET PASTEL 'MINDOUB1' PBR 912 double light pink flowers with dissected petals' margins; 913 914 915 Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET PURPLE 'MINDOUV5' PBR - New! double violet flowers with waved petals' margin; Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET RED 'MINDOUR1' PBR - New! double red pink flowers with waved petals' margin; Hibiscus syriacus 'Hamabo' Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 80-100 C5 250 120-140 C7,5 275 80-100 C5 250 80-100 C5 250 916 light pink flowers with dark red centre; Hibiscus syriacus 'Purpureus Variegatus' - New! 100-120 C7,5 200 917 leaves with white margin; light violet flowers with darker centre; Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' white flowers with red centre; Hibiscus syriacus RUSSIAN VIOLET 'Floru' pure pink flowers with dark red centre; Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge' pink flowers with darker centre; HIPPOPHAË Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Askola' A female variety; fruits rich in Vitamin C and E; Hippophae rhamnoides 'Friesdorfer Orange' A self-fertile variety; large juicy fruits rich in Vitamin C; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Frugana' A female fruit variety; rich in Vitamin C; average size fruits; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Hergo' A early female fruit variety; light yellow fruits; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Hikul' dense spherical form; up to 1.5 m high; perfect ground cover plant; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Leikora' A female fruit variety; large dark orange red fruits; late ripening (IX-X); Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Pollmix' A male variety; good pollinator; 30-40 C3 175 80-100 C7,5 200 120-140 C7,5 275 120-140 C15 275 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 20-30 C3 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 HOLODISCUS Holodiscus discolor rare decorative shrub with white flowers collected in palatial pendant panicles; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr Höjd Kruka 929 Växt HOVENIA Hovenia dulcis A tall shrub or low growing tree called "Japanese raisin tree", peduncles of flowers become succulent, sweet and edible; HYDRANGEA 100-120 C5 275 930 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' wide (up to 40 cm) snow white inflorescences; 40-60 C3 50 60-80 C5 100 100-120 C30 350 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 100-120 C30 550 40-60 C5 350 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C3 75 20-30 C2 125 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C7,5 175 30-40 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. arborescens leaves with silvery grey underside surface; flat-topped inflorescences with majority of fertile flowers; Hydrangea arborescens 'Bounty' dense shrub; white almost round inflorescences; leaves with silvery white underside surface; Hydrangea arborescens INCREDIBALL 'Abetwo' PBR variety with very large almost round inflorescences embedded on stiff shoots; Hydrangea arborescens INVINCIBELLE 'Spirit' PBR the first variety of the species with clearly pink flowers collected in large inflorescences; Hydrangea arborescens 'Lime Rickey' New! dense round variety growing up to 1 m high; greenish white flowers collected in round inflorescences; Hydrangea arborescens 'Vasterival' flat-topped inflorescences with majority of fertile flowers; Hydrangea aspera HOT CHOCOLATE 'HAOPR012' PBR elongated purple violet leaves covered with thick tomentose hair; Omkrets Form Pris Hydrangea paniculata BOBO 'ILVOBo' PBR 940 dense up to 0.6 - 0.7 m high shrub; during blooming covered with inflorescences which become pink over time; 941 PBR 942 Hydrangea paniculata 'Bombshell' low growing variety producing numerous white yellowish average size inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 943 Höjd 40-50 Kruka C5 30-40 C3 125 945 60-80 C5 175 946 100-120 C20 400 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 150 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 150 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 150 80-100 C10 275 40-60 C3 75 60-80 C5 PA 225 140-160 C12 PA 250 60-80 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 944 947 948 949 Växt Hydrangea paniculata 'Candlelight' very long peaked inflorescences that become pink; fertile and sterile flowers; Hydrangea paniculata 'Dharuma' low growing dense up to 1 m high shrub; fertile and sterile flowers collected in small inflorescences; rapidly become pink; Hydrangea paniculata DIAMANT ROUGE 'Rendia' PBR up to 1.5 m high shrub; 35-40 cm long inflorescences chainging color to dark pink; Hydrangea paniculata EARLY SENSATION 'Bulk' PBR large conical inflorescences rapidly becoming pink; 950 Omkrets Form Pris 175 Hydrangea paniculata 'Everest' 951 loose, up to 2.5 m high shrub; large elongated inflorescences composed of sterile and fertile flowers; sterile flowers are initially white and become pink over time; 952 953 954 955 Hydrangea paniculata FRAISE MELBA 'Renba' PBR - New! new variety resembling VANILLE FRAISE, but with significantly stoffer shoots; Hydrangea paniculata 'Great Escape' strong growing shrub, up to 2.5 m high; fertle and sterile flowers collected in conical inflorescences; white flowers that become pink while withering; Hydrangea paniculata GREAT STAR 'Le Vasterival' PBR very large 4-platelet sterile flowers; one of the most original varieties of Hydrangea paniculata; 956 Hydrangea paniculata LEVANA 'Cov' 957 PBR white flowers collected in very long (up to 50 cm) inflorescences; very fast growing; Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' PBR Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 958 Växt upright up to 2 m high shrub; light green or yellow flowers collected in large inflorescences; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 Omkrets Form Pris 100 959 60-80 C5 960 60-80 C5 961 100-120 C20 400 30-40 C3 100 40-60 60-80 C5 C20 175 400 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C4 150 60-80 C7,5 200 125 PA 350 Hydrangea paniculata LITTLE LIME 'Jane' PBR 962 low growing dense variety with yellow green inflorescences that become pink; sterile flowers only; 963 964 965 966 Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL CANDLE 'Bokraflame' PBR up to 2 m high shrub; dense inflorescences are initially green white and become pink over time; Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL FIRE 'Bokraplume' PBR low growing dense variety with rounded inflorescences; fertile and sterile flowers that rapidly become pink and red; 967 Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL STARLIGHT 'Kolmastar' 968 large stiff inflorescences composed of fertile flowers and large star-shaped sterile flowers; Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL SWEET SUMMER 'Bokrathirteen' PBR 30-40 C3 75 969 dense variety with stiff shoots; sterile flowers collected in large paniculate inflorescences; white flowers that become pink over time; Hydrangea paniculata MEGA MINDY 'ILVOMindy' PBR up to 1.5 m high shrub; inflorescences are initially white and become pink over time; 60-80 C5 150 30-40 C3 100 60-80 C5 175 970 971 Hydrangea paniculata 'October Bride' 972 up to 3 m high shrub; sterile and fertile flowers collected in large loose panicles; blooms very late - from the second half of September until the first frost; Hydrangea paniculata 'Papillon' 30-40 C3 75 973 strong growing variety reaching 2.5 m height; large conical panicles composed of fertile and sterile flowers; flowers become pink; 30-40 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr Höjd Kruka 974 Växt Hydrangea paniculata 'Pee Wee' shrub growing up to 1.5 m high;sterile flowers are initially white and fastly become pink; 40-60 C5 975 Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom' large oblong inflorescences; profusely blooming; 60-80 C5 976 Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond' large white flowers that become pink over time; 30-40 C3 75 977 Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' PBR up to 1.5 m high shrub; white flowers that become pink in autumn; pink shoots; 40-60 C3 150 60-80 60 C5 C5 40-50 C7,5 60-80 C5 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 30-40 C3 175 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C3 75 60-80 C5 100 40-60 C3 75 60-80 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 Hydrangea paniculata ‘Polestar’ PBR New! new uniquely attactive dwarfish variety; grows up to 0.6 m high; white flowers can be observed in the middle of June; Hydrangea paniculata 'Praecox' very early blooming; very large starshaped sterile flowers; Hydrangea paniculata PRIM'WHITE 'Dolprim' PBR white flowers; inflorescences emerge even at the beginnng of June; Hydrangea paniculata 'Ruby' - New! palatial inflorescences composed of sterile and fertile flowers; white flowers, become intensly pink over time; Hydrangea paniculata 'Shikoku Flash' irregularly yellow and cream variegated leaves; Hydrangea paniculata 'Silver Dollar' upright habit; white sterile flowers that do not turn pink; Hydrangea paniculata SUNDAE FRAISE 'Rensun' PBR up to 1 m high shrub; very large inflorescences that become pink; 987 988 Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' profusely blooming; 989 990 Hydrangea paniculata 'Tender Rose' sterile and fertile flowers collected in large peaked inflorescences; flowers become pink over time; 991 Omkrets Form Pris 150 PA PA 350 200 350 225 PA 275 Hydrangea paniculata VANILLE FRAISE 'Renhy' PBR Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 992 Växt large white inflorescences that become pink over time; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 60-80 C5 80-100 C7,5 175 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 175 140-160 C15 40-60 C5 275 140-160 C5 200 30-40 60-80 C3 C7,5 100 175 60-80 C5 350 80-100 120-140 C5 C7,5 PA 325 350 160-180 C10 PA 400 80-100 C5 120-160 C7,5 140-160 C5 275 80-100 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 993 994 995 Hydrangea paniculata 'White Lady' up to 1.5 m high shrub; inflorescences composed of sterile and fertile flowers; dentate, pure white sterile flowers; Hydrangea paniculata 'Wim's Red' PBR initially white flowers that become pink and then claret red over time; 996 Omkrets Form PA Pris 100 350 JUGLANS Juglans nigra 'Laciniata' 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 deeply indented leaves; KALOPANAX Kalopanax septemlobus original tree from the Aralia family; shoots covered with thorns; leaves resemble leaves of Acer cappadocicum; KOELREUTERIA Koelreuteria paniculata up to 10 m high tree; large loose yellow inflorescences; KOLKWITZIA Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Maradco' gold yellow leaves; +LABURNOCYTISUS +Laburnocytisus adamii dendological curiosity; flowers like in the case of Laburnum, but dirty-violet, sometimes yellow; LABURNUM Laburnum alpinum 'Aureum' gold yellow leaves; 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Laburnum alpinum 'Lucidum' large clearly shining leaves; Laburnum alpinum 'Sunspire' dwarfish regular form; yellow flowers collected in pendant inflorescences; Laburnum anagyroides 'Quercifolium' delicately indented leaves; Laburnum anagyroides 'Yellow Rocket' - New! narrow columnar habit; profusely blooming variety; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA 1175 275 PA 500 Nr 1010 Växt Laburnum ×watereri 'Vossii' very long yellow pendant inflorescences; Höjd Kruka 80-100 C5 275 220-240 300-320 C12 C15 725 875 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 100-120 C5 275 100-120 C5 200 80-100 C5 425 80-100 C5 425 80-100 C7,5 425 120-140 C7,5 PA 475 100-120 C7,5 PA 475 80-100 C5 425 80-100 C5 350 80-100 C5 350 80-100 C5 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 LESPEDEZA Lespedeza bicolor up to 1.5 - 2 m high shrub with pendant habit; pink violet flowers; Lespedeza thunbergii up to 2 m high shrub with pendant habit; dark pink violet flowers; Lespedeza thunbergii 'Edo-shibori' shrub growing up to 2 m high with pendant habit; white pink flowers; LINDERA Lindera benzoin rare shrub blooming yellow in early spring; leaves with characteristic spicy aroma; LIQUIDAMBAR Liquidambar styraciflua tree with decorative cork bark; leaves change color in autumn to orange; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Albomarginata Manon' leaves with wide white margin; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Aurora' yellow variegated leaves; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Czerwony Październik' frost hardy variety; beautifully changing color in autumn; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Gum Ball' dwarfish spherical variety; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' leaves with wide white margin; Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' narrow columnar form; LIRIODENDRON Liriodendron 'Chapel Hill' hybrid of Liriodendron tulipifera and Liriodendron chinense; large gecorative flowers; Liriodendron chinense rare species with large deeply indented leaves; purple red young growths; Liriodendron 'Doc Deforce Delight' hybrid of Liriodendron tulipifera and Liriodendron chinense; large flowers emerge even on young plants; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form 8-10 Pris Nr 1027 1028 Växt Liriodendron tulipifera up to 30 m high tree; decorative lyrate leaves; Höjd Kruka 180-200 C12 350 80-100 C5 325 200-220 C10 575 160-180 C10 475 140-160 C10 425 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Liriodendron tulipifera 'Aureomarginatum' leaves with yellow margin; 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 Liriodendron tulipifera 'Fastigiatum' columnar form; Liriodendron tulipifera 'Glen Gold' gold colored leaves; LONICERA Lonicera kamtschatica 'Bakczarskij Velikan' A oblong and oval blue fruits; very large fruits up to 4.5 cm long; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Docz Velikana' A - New! pear-shaped sweet fruits; dessert variety; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Gordost' Bakczara' A fusiform fruits up to 4.5 cm long; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Jugana' A New! pot-shaped, very sweet fruits; dessert variety; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Leningradskij Velikan' A very prolific variety; large cylindrical sweet fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Morena' A fusiform fruits of average size; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Nimfa' A up to 1.5 m high shrub; blue and violet fusifrom sweet aromatic fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Silginka' A New! profusely fruit bearing shrub; wide fusiform very sweet fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Streżewczanka' A - New! wide fusifrom soft, slightly sour fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Tomiczka' A profusely blooming shrub; narrow oval dark blue fruits with uneven surface, sweet-sour; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Vostorg' A wide fusiform very large fruits - up to 5 cm long; Lonicera maackii tall, spreading, up to 5 m high shrub; white yellow intensely fragrant flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 Växt Lonicera periclymenum CHIC & CHOC 'Inov205' PBR - New! shrub variety of Lonicera; dense spherical habit; strongly fragrant flowers, violet in buds, yellow orange upon opening; LYONIA Lyonia ligustrina Höjd Kruka 30-40 C5 125 40-60 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 140-160 C5 300 60-80 120-140 C5 C15 275 475 100-120 C20 1325 60-80 C5 175 120-140 C20 1325 140-160 C15 1325 100-120 C15 1325 200-220 C12 1325 160-180 C15 1325 100-120 C20 1325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 up to 2 m high shrub from the Ericaceae family; white flowers collected in panicles; in autumn becomes red; requires acid soil; MAACKIA Maackia amurensis low growing tree with oval crown; pinnately compound leaves; white bellshaped flowers collected in upright paniculate inflorescences; MACLURA Maclura pomifera small thorny tree; original large round fruits resembling oranges; MAGNOLIA Magnolia acuminata tall tree; yellow greenish flowers; Magnolia 'Athene' - New! very large cup-shaped white flowers with pink stripe outside petals; Magnolia 'Betty' very early blooming shrub or small tree with very large purple red flowers; Magnolia 'Black Tulip' extremely dark, purple flowers resembling flowers of tulip; Magnolia 'Brixton Belle' large pink round flowers; Magnolia 'Burgundy Star' large purple red flowers; Magnolia 'Charles Raffill' very large flowers, light pink inside and darker outside; Magnolia 'Cleopatra' PBR large (up to 20 cm in diameter) cupshaped dark pink flowers with metallic shine; Magnolia 'Copeland Court' - New! small variety characterised by intensly pink color of very large flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 Växt Magnolia 'Daybreak' Höjd Kruka 100-120 C15 1325 120-140 C15 650 100-120 C15 1325 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 475 140-160 C12 1325 100-120 C20 1325 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 100-120 C20 1325 120-140 C20 1325 100-120 C15 1325 120-140 C15 1325 40-60 C3 125 60-80 160-180 C5 C15 60-80 C5 425 100-120 C12 1325 60-80 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 very large pink flowers with delicate orange shade; Magnolia 'Elisabeth' light yellow flowers; Magnolia 'Felix' extremely large (up to 30 cm in diameter) dark pink flowers; Magnolia 'Galaxy' fast growing variety with columnar habit; purple red flowers; Magnolia 'Genie' PBR dark claret flowers; variety repeats blooming in summer; 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 Magnolia 'Golden Joy' - New! intensly yellow large flowers; Magnolia 'George Henry Kern' dense up 2.5 m high shrub; flowers light pink outside and white inside; Magnolia 'Heaven Scent' shrub or small tree with columnar habit; very large pink white flowers; Magnolia 'Honey Tulip' large cup-shaped butter-yellow flowers; Magnolia 'Hot Flash' - New! intensly yellow large flowers with orange pink damp patches; fast growing; Magnolia 'Ian's Red' large claret red flowers; Magnolia 'J.C. Williams' - New! large (up to 15 cm in diameter) red purple flowers; fast growing; Magnolia kobus tree or large shrub with oval crown; blooms white before the leaves develop; very frost hardy; 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 Magnolia kobus 'Isis' PBR columnar habit; very frost hardy; Magnolia 'Lanarth' large intesely purple flowers; Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra' loosely branched, up to 3 m high shrub; dark scarlet flowers; Magnolia ×loebneri 'Leonard Messel' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form buske Pris 175 475 Nr 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 Växt tall up to 4 m high shrub; light pink flowers with darker stripe on the external side; Magnolia macrophylla North Americal species with the larges leaves (up to 90 cm); Magnolia 'Margaret Helen' very large pure pink flowers; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 60-80 C5 350 140-160 C15 1325 100-120 C10 1325 100-120 C15 1325 100-120 C20 1325 120-140 C15 1325 60-80 C5 175 160-180 C12 1325 140-160 C15 475 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 160-180 C15 1325 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Magnolia 'Old Port' - New! very interesting flowers, violet outside and light pink inside; the variety blooms for about a week later than the remaining spring Magnolias (end of April - beginning of May); Magnolia 'Purple Sensation' large, cup-shaped vibrant pink flowers; Magnolia 'Princess Margaret' - New! pink flowers outside and cream inside, very large; Magnolia 'Red As Red' - New! low-growing shrub with claret flowers; Magnolia 'Ricki' small tree or shrub up to 3 m high; purple red flowers; Magnolia 'Shirazz' very large claret red cup-shaped flowers; Magnolia sieboldii tall shrub; white widely opened flowers; blooming in the 1st half of summer; Magnolia ×soulangeana light pink flowers with violet base, bowlshaped; the most popular magnolia grown in Europe; Magnolia ×soulangeana 'Alba Superba' white flowers slightly pink at the base; Magnolia ×soulangeana 'Speciosa' tall shrub or small tree; large bowlshaped flowers with pink basal of platelets; Magnolia 'Star Wars' large fragrant light pink flowers; Magnolia stellata single star-shaped white flowers; frost hardy species; Magnolia stellata 'Chrysanthemiflora' New! slow growing shrub with double light pink flowers; blooms profusely in the early spring; Magnolia stellata 'Rosea' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 175 Nr 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 Växt slow gowing up to 2-3 m high shrub; pink flowers in buds, become white pink over time; Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' dense, up to 2.5 m high shrub; starshaped semi-double (up to 25 petals) white flowers; one of the earliest blooming magnolias; Magnolia 'Sunsation' lemon-yellow flowers with pink orange stripe; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 60-80 C5 175 100-120 C12 1325 60-80 C5 175 140-160 C12 1325 100-120 C15 1325 100-120 C12 1325 100-120 C15 1325 120-140 C15 1325 140-160 C15 300 140-160 C12 1325 60-80 C5 250 60-80 C5 275 80-100 C5 425 40-60 C5 75 20-30 C3 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Magnolia 'Susan' shrub or small tree with dense habit; purple red flowers up to 15 cm long; repeats blooming by the end of summer; Magnolia 'Susannah van Veen' very large rounded pure pink flowers; Magnolia 'Sweetheart' large flowers intensely pink outside and white pink inside; Magnolia 'Sweet Merlot' barrel shaped flowers, claret violet outside and light pink inside; Magnolia 'Sweet Valentine' rounded flowers, dark pink outside and light pink inside; Magnolia 'Tranquility' - New! light yellow flowers with delicate pink flush on the top of petals; Magnolia tripetala up to 8 m high tree with exotic look; up to 60 cm long leaves arranged in umbrella-like whorls at the ends of shoots; Magnolia 'Vulcan' very large intensely red pink double flowers; Magnolia 'Wada's Memory' - New! tree with wide conical habit; white pendant flowers; Magnolia wilsonii tall shrub up to 8 m high; blooms white in June; Magnolia 'Yellow River' yellow flowers; fast growing; MAHONIA Mahonia aquifolium small shrub with shining evergreen leaves; yellow flowers; Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' - New! smaller dense variety, less vulnerable to mildew than the species; MALUS Malus 'Adirondack' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 175 Nr 1109 Växt upright habit; slow growing; snow white flowers; 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 Malus baccata 'Macrocarpa' - New! tiny fruits but larger than in the case of species; orange; variety valued by birds; Malus baccata 'Pendula' weeping habit; numerous small orange fruits; Malus 'Comtesse de Paris' small elongated vibrant yellow fruits; Malus 'Diable Rouge' red purple lobed leaves; dark purple flowers; red fruits; 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 Malus 'Dolgo' white pink flowers; red shining fruits; Malus 'Fontana' slow growing; weeping habit; single white flowers, pink in buds; 1122 1123 1124 1125 Malus 'Hoseri' red green leaves; dark pink flowers in buds, become brighter after opening; tiny purple fruits; 1126 1127 1128 Malus 'Jadwiga' - New! very large dark pink flowers; 1129 1130 1131 Malus 'John Downie' A numerous orange red fruits; perfects for any type of preserves; Malus 'Kelsey' A semi-double pink flowers; red orange fruits; 1132 1133 1134 1135 Malus 'Leimonei' - New! purple leaves in spring, then they become green; purple red flowers; tiny orange fruits; Malus 'Makowieckiana' - New! dark pink flowers; Malus ×micromalus Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 120-140 C10 60-80 C5 buske 125 180-200 C20 PA 575 220-240 C10 60-80 C5 buske 125 120-140 100-120 120-140 140-160 C5 C5 C15 C20 PA PA PA 175 275 475 550 60-80 140-160 C5 C10 buske 175 225 80-100 C5 PA 325 100-120 120-140 180-200 C5 C12 C15 PA PA PA 400 500 575 60-80 C5 buske 175 140-160 160-180 C5 C10 buske 175 225 60-80 C5 buske 175 320-340 C30 60-80 C5 buske 175 60-80 C5 buske 125 120-140 160-180 C5 C5 buske 175 200 60-80 C5 buske 175 60-80 C5 buske 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form buske Pris 125 225 225 575 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1136 Höjd 180-200 Kruka C5 140-160 C10 60-80 C5 buske 175 60-100 C5 PA 175 60-80 C5 buske 175 180 C20 PA 550 100-120 C5 PA 400 160-180 C10 80-100 C5 1145 1146 120-140 140-160 C10 C20 1147 1148 160-180 200-220 C20 C20 PA 550 725 60-80 140-160 C5 C10 buske 175 225 80-100 C5 PA 275 140-160 C15 PA 500 60-80 C5 buske 175 60-80 C5 buske 125 160-180 180-200 C10 C12 buske 200 250 60-80 C5 buske 175 50-60 C5 PA 200 60-80 C5 PA 275 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1149 1150 1151 Växt small tree; pink flowers in buds, become light pink after opening; Malus 'Ola' A small tree; profusely blooming and fruit bearing variety; Malus 'Paul Hauber' large dark pink flowers; red leaves; Malus POMZAI 'Courtabri' dwarfish form growing up to 1 m high; white flowers; Malus 'Profusion' young leaves are dark red and become green over time; dark pink single flowers; tiny red apples; Malus pumila 'Pendula' A weeping habit; the variety bears large edible fruits; Malus ×purpurea 'Pendula' A umbrella-shaped habit; green purple leaves; red edible fruits; Malus 'Red Sentinel' A small tree with spherical crown; numerous red shining cherry-size fruits; Malus 'Royal Beauty' weeping habit; purple red leaves; dark pink flowers; Malus 'Royalty' dark red leaves; pink fruits; Malus sachalinensis 'Pendula' weeping form of rare botanical species of malus; 1152 1153 1154 Malus 'Szaferi' dark pink flowers in buds, pale pink upon opening; profusely blooming; Malus toringo 'Brouwers Beauty' indented leaves; tiny yellow fruits; narrow crown; 1155 1156 1157 1158 Malus toringo 'Göteborg' - New! very frost hardy, dense shrub with decorative tiny fruits valued by birds; Malus toringo 'Tina' dwarfish form, decorative pink buds and white flowers; 1159 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 175 225 225 PA 275 350 500 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1160 1161 Växt Malus trilobata - New! Höjd Kruka extremally original species native to Lebanon; large lobed leaves - do not resemble any other Malus species; wide columnar habit; Malus 'Van Eseltine' columnar habit; profusely blooms pink in spring; 60-80 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 Malus 'Wierdak' - New! light pink flowers inside; with darker veins outside; Malus 'Yellow Siberian' - New! tiny gold yellow fruits; profusely blooming and fruit bearing; MESPILUS Mespilus germanica 'Bredase Reus' A very prolific variety with large fruits; Mespilus germanica 'Macrocarpa' A very large round fruits; variety cultivated in Europe from the ancient times; Mespilus germanica 'Westerveld' A very prolific variety with very large fruits; MITCHELLA Mitchella repens procumbent evergreen undershrub with tiny round leaves; MORUS-MORWA Morus alba A low growing tree or tall shrub; edible fruits; 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 Morus alba 'Eldorado' A very large juicy white fruits; Morus alba 'Nana' miniature dense form; grows up to 50 cm high; Morus alba 'Pendula' A weeping form; Morus alba 'Shin-tso' A very prolific fruit variety; Form Pris C5 buske 175 60-80 C5 buske 175 140-160 140-160 C5 C10 60-80 C5 200-220 C20 60-80 C5 160-180 Omkrets 175 225 buske 175 575 buske C5 275 275 60-80 C5 buske 15-20 C3 150 60-80 C3 125 120-140 180-200 C5 C15 175 500 80-100 C5 325 60-80 C5 PA 325 120-140 160 200 200 C12 C30 C30 C45 PA PA PA PA 575 1175 1400 1800 80-100 100-120 C5 C7,5 PA 325 350 6-8 8-10 10-12 275 Morus latifolia 'Spirata' A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 Växt zigzag curled shoots; large shining leaves; edible fruits; MYRICA Myrica gale Polish indigenous species occuring in Pomorze district; thrives in moist positions; Myrica pensylvanica - New! rare decorative shrub with coraceous leaves that make it look exotic; NEILLIA Neillia affinis Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 very rare shrub resembling physocarpus; pink flowers collected in clusters; NYSSA 40-60 C3 100 80-100 C5 275 100-120 C7,5 160-180 C5 275 40-60 C5 375 15-20 P11 25 15-20 P11 25 15-20 P11 25 15-20 P11 25 30-40 C3,5 575 Nyssa sylvatica small tree; scarlet red autumn leaves; may grow in marshy positions; OSTRYA Ostrya carpinifolia 'Marja Findling' New! dense dwarfish variety with flat-topped habit; Ostrya japonica tree resembling hornbeam with decorative cone-like multiple fruits; OXYDENDRUM Oxydendrum arboreum interesting species from the Ericaceae family; elongated leaves beautifully changing color to orange in autumn; PACHYSANDRA Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' dense habit; very short shoots; one of the best ground cover plants to be grown in shaded areas; Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' clearly shining dark green leaves; Pachysandra terminalis 'Silver Edge' leaves with delicate white margin; Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata' leaves with white margin; PAEONIA Paeonia 'Bartzella' ITOH GROUP very large double lemon yellow flowers; grows up to 0.7 m high; Paeonia 'Golden Treasure' ITOH GROUP - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form PA Pris 275 575 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 Växt semi-double yellow flowers with orange centre; Paeonia 'Old Rose Dandy' ITOH GROUP - New! salmon orange flowers with purple centre; PARROTIA Parrotia persica tall shrub; leaves beautifully change color in autumn; Parrotia persica 'Vanessa' - New! variety with erect conical habit; PAULOWNIA Paulownia catalpifolia rare species of paulownia with lavender pink flowers; Paulownia fortunei large light pink flowers with dark pattern inside the throat; PEROVSKIA Perovskia 'Blue Spire' xerophilous up to 1 m high shrub; blue flowers; PHELLODENDRON Phellodendron amurense small tree with characteristic bark used in cork production; Phellodendron japonicum rare tree with original bark and decorative black fruits; PHILADELPHUS Philadelphus 'Alabaster' cream white single flowers, 3-4 cm in diameter; Philadelphus 'Apollo' fast growing shrub; large (4-5 cm in diameter) single white flowers; Philadelphus 'Biały Karzeł' dwarfish shrub with dense leaves; single white flowers; Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' yellow leaves; dense habit; Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3,5 30-40 C3,5 1325 80-100 C5 325 80-100 C5 325 100-120 C5 275 100-120 C5 275 30-40 C2 50 160-180 C5 200 160-180 C5 250 40-60 C3 50 40-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 50 30-40 40-60 C3 C5 50 100 20-30 C3 50 20-30 C3 50 30-40 C3 150 40-60 C10 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Philadelphus coronarius 'Kostelec WB' New! very dense dwarfish variety with gold yellow leaves; dense spherical habit; Philadelphus coronarius 'Nanus' - New! very dense dwarfish variety with green leaves; dense spherical habit; Philadelphus coronarius 'Variegatus' leaves with wide white margin; 1211 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 1100 Nr 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 Växt Philadelphus 'Karolinka' Höjd Kruka up to 1.5 m high shrub; large single flowers; profusely blooming; Philadelphus 'Little White Love' new dwarfish up to 1 m high variety; double flowers 4 cm in diameter; recommended for container gardening; Philadelphus 'Mont Blanc' up to 1 m high shrub; very large flowers; Philadelphus 'Rusałka' up to 1.5 m high shrub; semi-double flowers with strongly developed staminodes; Philadelphus 'Starbright' PBR red purple leaves on young growths; single flowers; PHILLYREA Phillyrea angustifolia - New! 40-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 150 30-40 C3 100 30-40 C3 50 30-40 C3 100 evergreen shrub with cushion habit; 30-40 C3 250 60-80 C5 200 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C3 125 30-40 40-60 C2 C3 50 50 40-60 C3 75 30-40 40-60 C2 C3 50 75 60-80 140-160 C5 C10 100-120 C20 350 30-40 C2 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 PHOTINIA Photinia villosa up to 4-5 m high shrub; conversly oval leaves beautifully changing color to orange in autumn; vibrant red fruits; PHYSOCARPUS Physocarpus capitatus 'Tilden Park' New! very hardy procumbent shrub; recommended as ground cover plant; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow' orange red leaves; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Chameleon' purple leaves with irregular yellow margin; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' yellow leaves; dense habit; Physocarpus opulifolius DIABLE D'OR 'Mindia' PBR red purple leaves, orange at the ends of shoots; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' PBR tall shrub; dark purple leaves; red fruits; 1227 1228 1229 1230 Physocarpus opulifolius LADY IN RED 'Tuilad' PBR red-leaved variety with pink flowers; dense habit; up to 1.2 m high; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA Pris 100 200 Nr 1231 Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C3 100 1234 60-80 C7,5 125 1235 100-120 C20 350 40-60 60-80 C3 C5 50 100 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 50 60-80 C3 50 140-160 C10 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C5 200 40-60 140-160 C3 C10 180-200 C12 320-340 C30 60-80 C2 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1232 1233 Växt Physocarpus opulifolius LITTLE ANGEL 'Hoogi016' PBR - New! dense shrub with purple red leaves; grows up to 1 m high; recommended for pots cultivation; Physocarpus opulifolius LITTLE DEVIL 'Donna May' PBR dwarfish shrub reaching 1.2 m height; very tiny purple leaves; Omkrets Form Pris 75 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Luteus' 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 yellow leaves; Physocarpus opulifolius MIDNIGHT 'Jonight' PBR dak purple almost black leaves; up to 1.5 m high variety; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nanus' (syn. Physocarpus monogynus) tiny green leaves; fast growing; Physocarpus opulifolius 'Red Baron' up to 2 m high shrub; dark red leaves with noticeable veins; 1241 1242 1243 1244 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Shady Lady' New! fast growing; dark purple leaves; Physocarpus opulifolius SUMMER WINE 'Seward' PBR up to 1.5 m high shrub; purple leaves; Physocarpus opulifolius TINY WINE 'SMPOTW' PBR - New! tiny dark purple leaves; variety grows up to 1.2 m high; recommended for pots cultivation; 1245 1246 1247 1248 Physocarpus opulifolius 'Zdechovice' Czech variety with dark red leaves; PLATANUS Platanus ×hispanica 'Acerifolia' palatial tree with characteristic peeling bark; 1249 1250 PONCIRUS Poncirus trifoliata species with green thorny shoots; green nicely smelling not inedible fruits; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA PA 200 50 200 425 6-8 700 Nr 1251 1252 1253 Växt POPULUS Populus ×canadensis 'Serotina Aurea' large tree; gold yellow leaves; Höjd Kruka 120-140 200-220 C7,5 C10 125 200 100-120 C7,5 125 200-220 C7,5 200 100-120 280-300 C7,5 C20 200 275 160-180 C10 200 180-200 C10 250 360-380 C30 20-30 C2 50 30-35 C3 75 20-30 C3 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 75 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 75 25-35 C3 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Populus ×candicans 'Aurora' tall tree; white and pink leaves of young growths; 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 Populus deltoides 'Fuego' fast growing tree; dark purple leaves; Populus deltoides 'Purple Tower' very large dark purple leaves; Populus lasiocarpa slow growing tree; oval up to 35 cm long leaves; Populus tremula 'Erecta' narrow columnar variety; POTENTILLA Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood' fast growing; white flowers; Potentilla fruticosa BELLISSIMA 'Hachliss'PBR - New! low growing variety with intensly pink flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Chilo' yellow flowers; leaves with white margin; Potentilla fruticosa 'Dakota Sunspot' dense shrub; yellow flowers; Potentilla fruticosa DANNY BOY 'Lissdan' PBR intensely dark pink flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Daydawn' 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 Potentilla fruticosa GLAMOUR GIRL 'KM01'PBR - New! original two-color flowers - peach pink petals with darker margin; Potentilla fruticosa 'Gold Drop' yellow flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' yellow flowers; fast growing; Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldstar' yellow flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldteppich' yellow flowers; low-growing, spreading shrub; Potentilla fruticosa 'Kobold' yellow flowers; dwarfish form; Potentilla fruticosa 'Limelight' cream and light yellow flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets 10-12 Form Pris 1775 Nr 1273 Växt Potentilla fruticosa LOVELY PINK 'Pink Beauty' PBR up to 0.5 m high shrub; very large pink flowers; 1274 1275 Potentilla fruticosa MANGO TANGO 'Uman' PBR up to 60 cm high shrub; yellow orange flowers; upright habit; 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 Potentilla fruticosa MARIAN RED ROBIN 'Marrob' sanguine flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'McKay's White' white flowers; Potentilla fruticosa PINK PARADISE 'Kupinpa' PBR large doube flowers, intensly pink; profusely blooming; Potentilla fruticosa 'Pink Whisper' peach pink flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Pretty Polly' light pink flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Ace' red flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Red Joker' sanguine flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Snowbird' white flowers; dense habit; Potentilla fruticosa 'Thunderhead' yellow flowers; Potentilla fruticosa var. veitchii fast growing; white flowers; Potentilla fruticosa 'Zoë' lemon-yellow flowers; PRUNUS Prunus 'Accolade' large semi-double pink flowers; Prunus ansu A very frost hardy species of apricot, native to China; tiny tasty fruits; Prunus avium 'Pendula' umbrella-shaped habit; Prunus avium 'Plena' double white flowers; 1292 1293 1294 Prunus 'Blireana' large dark purple leaves; dark pink double flowers; Prunus cerasifera A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd Kruka 20-30 C2 50 25-35 C3 100 20-25 C2 50 25-35 C3 100 20-25 C2 50 20-25 C2 50 30-40 C3 75 20-25 C2 50 20-25 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 50 15-20 C2 50 80-100 C5 buske 200 80-100 C5 buske 250 100-120 C7,5 PA 325 80-100 C5 buske 200 140-160 200-220 C10 C7,5 buske 250 275 80-100 C5 buske 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 Växt tall shrub or low growing tree with white flowers and tiny yellow or orange fruits; the so called mirabelle plums; Prunus cerasifera CRIMSON POINTE 'Cripoizam' columnar habit; purple red leaves; Prunus cerasifera 'Hessei' red, yellow variegated leaves; toothed leaf blade; Prunus cerasifera 'Hollywood' dark red leaves; large red fruits; Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' dark purple leaves; pink flowers; Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' × Prunus ussuriensis hybrid grown in Russia; large red leaves; resistant to low temperatures; Prunus cerasifera 'Rosea Plena' dark purple leaves; double pink flowers; Prunus cerasifera 'Złoty Obłok' gold yellow leaves in spring, become green over time; Prunus cerasus 'Rhexii' double white flowers; Prunus ×cistena low growing dense shrub; dark purple leaves; Prunus ×eminens 'Umbraculifera' uniquely regular dense crown; Prunus 'Hally Jolivette' beautiful tall shrub; pink flowers in buds, upon opening semi-double tiny flowers with pink centre; Prunus incisa 'February Red' - New! single pink flowers; the earliest blooming variety; Prunus incisa FRILLY FROCK 'Mattrilly' weeping umbrella-shaped habit; leaves with irregular yellow margin; 1314 1315 Prunus incisa 'Kojou-no-mai' white flowers; dwarfish form with curled shoots; 1316 1317 Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 100 60-80 160-180 200-220 C5 C5 C10 buske 175 200 275 60-80 C5 60-80 140-160 C5 C5 180-200 280-300 C10 C20 80-100 C5 buske 175 60-80 C5 buske 200 120-140 C5 125 120-140 C5 200 60-80 C5 200-220 200-220 C43 C43 60-80 125 buske buske 125 175 325 625 buske 175 PA PA 1700 1925 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 100-120 C7,5 PA 550 120-140 C7,5 PA 575 30-40 C3 125 120-140 C15 275 100-120 C7,5 8-10 12-14 PA 275 Prunus 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 Växt double pink flowers; pendant form; Prunus maackii 'Amber Beauty' very decorative tree with shining orange brown crown; Prunus mume 'Beni-chi-dori' single dark pink flowers; Prunus nipponica 'Brillant' white flowers; up to 2.5 m high shrub; Prunus nipponica 'Ruby' up to 4-5 m high shrub; dark pink flowers; 1325 1326 1327 1328 Prunus 'Okame' tiny tree, profusely blooming before develoment of leaves; dark pink flowers in buds, become light pink after opening, single; 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 Prunus padus 'Albertii' - New! regular conical habit; Prunus padus 'Colorata' purple red leaves; pink flowers; Prunus padus 'Nana' regular spherical crown, up to 3 m in diameter; large coriaceous leaves; Prunus padus 'Nowosibirskaja' large purple red leaves; Höjd 100-120 180-200 Kruka C7,5 C30 80-100 Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 400 1225 C5 buske 175 80-100 280-300 C5 C30 buske 200 325 100-120 C5 buske 200 60-80 C5 buske 200 120-140 160-180 160-180 C10 C5 C7,5 buske PA 250 200 275 60-80 C5 buske 200 120-140 C10 buske 275 80-100 C5 buske 200 30-40 80-100 140-160 C3 C5 C5 buske buske 100 200 250 200-220 C20 80-100 160-180 C5 C5 buske 200 200 80-100 C5 buske 200 120-140 C5 buske 200 200-220 C10 120-140 C10 PA 425 100-120 120-140 150 C5 C7,5 C7,5 PA PA PA 325 350 400 6-8 6-8 6-8 PA 725 Prunus padus 'Watereri' - New! 1337 1338 variety with wide spreading regular crown; Prunus 'Pandora' snow white flowers; dense, profusely blooming tree; 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 Prunus pendula large white flowers; pendant habit; Prunus pendula 'Beni-shidare' (Prunus ×subhirtella 'Pendula Rubra') pendant habit; dark pink single flowers; 250 Prunus persica 'Melred Weeping' A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1344 1345 Växt weeping habit, umbrella-shaped; dark pink flowers; Prunus serrula unusually decorative tree with initially peeling mahogany brown bark, which becomes smooth over time; 1346 1347 1348 Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' columnar form; large double pink flowers; 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 Prunus serrulata 'Kanzan' well-known variety with double pink flowers; 1354 1355 1356 1357 Prunus serrulata 'Little Jeremy' very dwarfish miniature variety; grows by few centemeters per year; white flowers; 1358 1359 1360 Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy' double pink flowers; dark purple leaves; 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 Prunus serrulata 'Shimidsu' large double white flowers; Prunus serrulata 'Shirofugen' large double light pink flowers; Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae' - New! very large (5 cm in diamtere), semidouble white flowers; spreading crown; Prunus serrulata 'Sunset Boulevard' columnar habit; large single white flowers; 1371 1372 1373 Prunus serrulata 'Taihaku' - New! very large (up to 6 cm in diameter) semidouble pure white flowers; young leaves Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 160-180 Kruka C12 80-100 C5 200-220 300-320 C5 C40 80-100 C5 140-160 160-180 260-280 340-360 C5 C10 C30 C30 100-120 C5 140-160 120-140 340-360 C5 C10 C30 40 Omkrets Form PA Pris 700 buske 250 PA 275 1925 buske 200 12-14 PA 8-10 200 300 700 1700 buske 200 buske 200 300 1475 C3 PA 250 80 C7,5 PA 425 80-100 120-140 C5 C5 buske buske 200 250 160-180 180-200 300-320 C10 C15 C20 PA 325 500 1475 80-100 120-140 120-140 220-240 C5 C5 C10 C30 140-160 C5 80-100 C5 80-100 C5 140-160 280-300 C10 C7,5 PA 300 325 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se 8-10 6-8 buske buske 6-8 200 200 300 700 200 buske buske 200 200 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 Växt are brownish and become green over time; Prunus spinosa tall, spreading, dense buske; white flowers; edible fruits, recommended for infusions; Prunus ×subhirtella 'Autumnalis Rosea' pink flowers; start bloowing in the late autumn; Form Pris C5 buske 100 80-100 C5 buske 200 80-100 C5 buske 200 120-140 C7,5 buske 350 100-120 C7,5 PA 325 120-140 180 180 C10 C30 C30 PA PA PA 425 1175 1325 160-180 C5 80-100 280-300 C5 C20 80-100 C5 140-160 C5 180-200 C5 100-120 C5 425 30-40 C3 125 80-100 C10 275 60-80 C5 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Prunus ×subhirtella 'Dahlem' extremely profusely blooming tall buske; semi-double white flowers with delicate pink shade; Prunus ×subhirtella 'Fukubana' tiny tree; semi-double pink flowers; Prunus ×subhirtella 'Pendula Plena Rosea' wide umbrella-shaped habit; double, light pink flowers; 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 Prunus 'The Bride' tall, spreading buske; single white flowers, which become pink while being out of bloom; profusely blooming; Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red' dark purple leaves; Höjd Kruka 60-80 Omkrets 6-8 8-10 175 buske 200 625 buske 200 6-8 Prunus virginiana 'Shubert' 1385 large dark purple leaves; green young growths; 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 Prunus yedoensis 'Ivensii' white flowers; pendant habit; PSEUDOCYDONIA Pseudocydonia sinensis A - New! tall buske related to Quince and Chaenomeles; very large (up to 17 cm) edible fruits; PTELEA Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea' gold yellow leaves; PTEROSTYRAX Pterostyrax corymbosa rare buske native to China and Japan; white bell-shaped flowers collected in palatial paniculate inflorescences; Pterostyrax hispida rare buske with exotic look; delicate white flowers collected in fluffy pendant inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 200 PA 425 Nr Växt PYRACANTHA Pyracantha 'Orange Glow' Höjd Kruka 1392 upright habit; orange fruits; variety resistant to scab; Pyracantha 'Soleil d'Or' 60-80 C3 75 1393 wide buske; yellow fruits; resistant to diseases; PYRUS-GRUSZA Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' narrow leaves as in the case of willows; pendant form; QUERCUS Quercus aliena - New! large tree native to the Far East; large shining leaves with greyish underside surface; Quercus bicolor species native to North America; conversly oval leaves change their color to orange in autumn; Quercus cerris 'Curly Head' PBR slow growing, columnar form; curled dark green leaves; 60-80 C3 75 240-260 C25 40-60 C5 275 140-160 C5 275 80-100 C7,5 575 100-120 C5 350 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 120-140 C5 275 60-80 C5 350 80-100 C5 200 80-100 C7,5 PA 425 100-120 120-140 160-180 C12 C12 C12 PA PA PA 450 650 950 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 Quercus cerris 'Marmorata' yellow marbled leaves; Omkrets Form PA Pris 1225 Quercus coccinea 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 tall tree with large lobed leaves; beautifully turn to scarlet red autumn color; Quercus KINDRED SPIRIT 'Nadler' New! shining dark green leaves with greish underside surface, columnar habit; Quercus macrocarpa tall, spreading tree, native to North America; irregularly lobed, up to 30 cm long leaves; Quercus 'Monument' PBR new Polish variety with wide columnar habit; large shining leaves wth darker underside surface; variety resistant to mildew; Quercus palustris beautiful autumn leaves; deeply indented leaves; Quercus palustris 'Green Dwarf ' 1404 dense dwarfish variety; up to 1.2 m high; 1405 1406 1407 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 Växt Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar' narrow columnar habit; Quercus palustris 'Isabel' dense spherical habit; Quercus palustris 'Windischleuba' irregularly white variegated leaves; Quercus petraea 'Mespilifolia' long leaves with smooth margin; Quercus petraea 'Purpurea' variety with red leaves; Quercus petraea 'Westcolumn' columnar form; Quercus petraea 'Włodzimierz Seneta' new Polish variety of the Cornish oak; irregularly white and yellow variegated leaves; pinkish young growths; 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 Quercus phellos tree with original leaves resembling leaves of willows - 12 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide; Quercus pontica tall buske with large coriaceous oval leaves; very slow growing; Quercus REGAL PRINCE 'Long' columnar habit; shining coriaceous leaves; Quercus robur tall tree with spreading crown; Quercus robur 'Argenteomarginata' leaves with delicate white margin; Quercus robur 'Atropurpurea' purple red leaves; Quercus robur 'Castle Howard' red young shoots; large white variegated leaves; 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 Quercus robur 'Compacta' dense dwarfish variety; Quercus robur 'Concordia' yellow leaves; Quercus robur 'Cristata' comb-shaped curled leaves; Quercus robur 'Cucullata' spoon-shaped leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 180-200 Kruka C20 80-100 180-200 200-220 Form PA Pris 1250 C5 C20 C20 PA 425 650 700 120-140 140-160 C10 C10 PA PA 550 625 120-140 C10 PA 425 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 325 100-120 140-160 C10 C10 120-140 C5 120-140 C10 60-80 C5 325 100-120 320-340 C5 C30 125 950 80-100 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 80-100 C5 325 80-100 C10 PA 400 120-140 C10 PA 425 80-100 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 60-80 140-160 C5 C10 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets PA 400 475 275 PA PA 575 275 425 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 Växt Quercus robur 'Facrist' comb-shaped curled leaves, columnar habit; Quercus robur 'Fastigiata' columnar form; Quercus robur 'Fastigiate Koster' narrow columnar crown; Höjd Kruka 60-80 C5 275 80-100 C5 250 80-100 140-160 C5 C5 250 275 120-140 140-160 C10 C5 PA PA 325 350 120-140 C10 PA 400 60-80 140-160 C5 C10 PA 325 425 60-80 C5 325 60-80 C5 325 180-200 C15 425 60-80 C5 325 120-140 C10 60-80 C5 100-120 C10 PA 350 40-60 100-120 140-160 C5 C5 C10 PA PA 275 350 350 160-180 C10 120-140 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Quercus robur 'Fűrst Schwarzenberg' white variegated secondary shoots; Quercus robur 'Hentzei' slow growing; dissected and curled leaves; Quercus robur 'Heterophylla Cucullata' leaves of various shapes; spoon-shaped; Quercus robur 'Irtha' irregular, curled leaves; Quercus robur 'Jan Kiepura' - New! new variety cultivated in our nursery; narrow columnar, very dense and regular habit; perfect variety for driveways, parkways and other representative places; 1446 1447 Quercus robur 'Jan Zamoyski' up to 20 cm long leaves, narrow white and yellow variegated; lost for almost 70 years, beautiful Polish variety of the Cornish oak native to Podzamcze Nurseries; 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 Quercus robur 'Menhir' columnar habit; dwarfish dense form; Quercus robur 'Miky' dwarfish form; shining green deeply indented leaves; Quercus robur 'Pectinata' deeply indented "comb-shaped" leaves; Quercus robur 'Pendula' weeping form; Quercus robur 'Posnania' new Polish variety of the Cornish oak; very long (up to 30 cm) pendant deeply indented leaves; Quercus robur 'Pyramidalis Punctata' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA Pris 475 275 PA 400 Nr 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 Växt columnar habit; white-spotted leaves; Quercus robur 'Rita's Gold' yellowish green leaves; Quercus robur 'Salfast' leaves with whole margins; resemble leaves of willow; columnar habit; Quercus robur 'Siedlec' one of the narrowest columnar oak trees; Quercus robur 'Strypemonde' irregularly dissected very long pendant leaves; 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 Quercus robur 'Timuki' large red purple leaves; strong and healthy growing variety; Quercus robur 'Zeeland' narrow columnar variety; Quercus rubra large shining leaves changing color to red in autumn; Quercus rubra 'Aurea' large yellow leaves; Quercus rubra 'Boltes Gold' - New! large yellow leaves; not suspectible to sunburn; Quercus rubra 'Rocket' columnar habit; Quercus serrata 'Ishii' white cream spotted leaves; very frost hardy; RHAMNUS Rhamnus frangula 'Aspleniifolia' leaf blade only around the main vein; Rhamnus frangula 'Fine Line' columnar habit; leaf blade only around the main vein; 1473 1474 1475 1476 RHODOTYPOS Rhodotypos scandens up to 1.5 m high buske with spreading habit; snow white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter; RHUS Rhus typhina 'Dissecta' dissected leaves; Rhus typhina TIGER EYES 'Bailtiger' PBR dissected gold yellow leaves; Rhus punjabensis - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 60-80 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 80-100 C5 275 60-80 C5 275 120-140 C10 PA 325 120-140 C10 PA 350 60-80 120-140 C5 C10 275 325 160-180 C10 200 100-120 C5 400 100-120 C5 475 100-120 C5 475 140-160 C10 40-60 60-80 C3 C5 75 125 30- 40 C3 125 40-60 C5 225 40-60 C5 150 80-100 C5 200 100-120 C7,5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form PA Pris 325 500 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1477 Växt rare species of Rhus native to Northeast India; Rhus verniciflua - New! Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 1478 Chineese species of Rhus with long pinnately compund leaves and grey blue fruits; black substance used in China and Japan to decorate everyday objects is derived from the trunk of this species; RIBES Ribes alpinum 'Pumilum' low growing procumbent variety, recommended as ground cover plant for the cooler regions of Europe and Asia; Ribes alpinum 'Schmidt' 80-100 C5 200 30-40 C3 75 dense up to 1.5 m high buske; very tiny leaves; 40-60 C3 50 60-80 C5 100 120-140 C5 250 180-200 C10 425 280-300 C15 575 120-140 C5 250 120-140 C5 250 140-160 C5 250 160-180 C5 250 120-140 C5 250 120-140 C5 250 100-120 C5 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1479 1480 1481 Omkrets Form Pris 200 ROBINIA 1482 1483 Robinia hartwigii large tree; pink flowers; Robinia ×margaretta CASQUE ROUGE 'Pink Cascade' profusely blooming pink; fast growing variety; 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 Robinia pseudoacacia 'Altdorf' gold yellow leaves beautifully contrasting with the reddish shoots; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Aurea' - New! yellow leaves; fast growing; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Fastigiata' erect habit; 5-leaflet leaves; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia' beautiful yellow-leaf variety; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Karolina Zamoyska' leaves of various shapes, white and yellow marbled; lost for many yearsl old Polish variety of Robinia from the famous Podzamcze Nurseries; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Monophylla Pendula' - New! tree with irregular pendant habit; leaves containing most often five sparsely located leaflets; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Myrtifolia' dwarfish form; tiny delicate leaves; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Pendulifolia' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 Växt elongated leaves bending under their own weight; Höjd 120-140 Kruka C5 120-140 C5 250 100-120 C5 250 120-140 C5 275 40-60 C5 100 20-30 C2 125 30-40 C3 150 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C3 50 20-30 C2 50 40-50 C3,5 175 40-60 C5 175 40-50 C3,5 175 40-50 C3,5 175 30-40 C3 150 20-30 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Robinia pseudoacacia 'Rozynskiana' pendant leaves and inflorescences, up to 50 cm long; variety of Feliks Rożynski from Podzamcze Nurseries; Robinia pseudoacacia 'Tortuosa' spirally curled leaves and shoots; Robinia 'Purple Robe' fast growing; dark violet flowers; ROSA Rosa canina the most popular species of rose; light pink single flowers; valuable medicinal plant; Rosa CHARMANT 'Korpeligo' PBR low growing ground cover rose; large double intensely red flowers; 1498 Omkrets Form Pris 250 Rosa ×damascena 'Blush Damask' 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 tall pendant buske with double pink intensely fragrant flowers; very frost hardy; Rosa DART'S DEFENDER 'Defender' low-growing, procumbent buske; large pink flowers; perfect variety for large plantings; Rosa GOLDEN PENNY 'Rugul' ground cover rose; double yellow flowers; Rosa 'John Davis' - New! very frost and pests hardy Canadian rose; semi-double light pink flowers; profusely blooming; Rosa jundzillii rare species resembling popular Rosa canina; pink flowers; Rosa 'Morden Centennial' - New! very frost and pests hardy Canadian rose variety; loose buske growing up to 1.5 m high; large semi-double pink flowers; Rosa 'Morden Fireglow' - New! very frost and pests hardy Canadian rose variety; loose buske growing up to 1.2 m high; large semi-double light red flowers; Rosa NEON 'Kordatura' PBR - New! ground cover rose with numerous tiny double dark pink flowers; Rosa 'Orange Beauty' ground cover rose; double orange flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 Växt Rosa PINK BLANKET 'Wiljans' PBR New! ground cover rose with semi-double pink flowers; Rosa PINK PINS 'Intropi' ground cover plant; double pink flowers; Rosa RIVERDANCE 'Kenfine' PBR - New! ground cover rose with large double pink flowers; Rosa 'Rote The Fairy' ground cover rose; double dark red flowers; Rosa roxburghii light pink flowers; exceptionally original thorny fruits; Rosa rugosa A up to 1.5 m high buske; large pink flowers; Rosa rugosa ADMIRATION 'Rosa Zwerg' up to 0.7 m high variety; large pink semi-double intensely fragrant flowers; Rosa rugosa PASSION 'Rokoko' the variety grows up to 1.2 m high; pink semi-double flowers with narrow dense petals; Rosa SOLERO 'Korgeleflo' PBR - New! ground cover rose with large double lemon and yellow flowers; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C2 100 30-40 C3 150 30-40 C2 100 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 150 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 150 40-60 C5 175 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Rosa 'The Fairy' ground cover rose; double light pink flowers; Rosa TOSCANA 'Korstesgli' PBR - New! profusely blooming ground cover rose with tiny double red flowers; Rosa villosa 1519 1520 1521 1522 pink flowers; fruits of the species can be used for syrups, jams and wines; Rosa 'White Fairy' ground cover rose; double white flowers; RUBUS Rubus cockburnianus GOLDEN VALE 'Wyego' up to 1.5 m high buske; gold yellow leaves; shoots covered with silver white wax coating; Rubus microphyllus 'Variegatus' buske growing to 0.5 m high; tiny white and pink variegated leaves; SALIX Salix acutifolia 'Pendulifolia' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 1523 Växt tall buske with long silvery pendant leaves; shoots covered with blue grey wax coating; Salix alba Höjd 160-180 Kruka C10 1524 popular hydrophilic tree; inherent element of the Polish landscape; Salix alba 'Aurea' yellow leaves; fast growth, typical for the species; 180-200 C30 80-100 C3 100 120-140 C7,5 100 160-180 C7,5 100 140-160 160-180 180-200 C5 C10 C12 100 125 150 120-140 C5 125 140-160 160-180 180-200 C5 C7,5 C12 100 125 150 15-20 C2 100 100 120 150 C3 C5 C5 100-120 C5 100 160-180 180-200 220-240 C7,5 C12 C30 PA 100 125 500 120 150 180 220 C5 C5 C7,5 C10 PA PA PA PA 125 125 150 200 120-140 C5 100 C3 PA 100 100 C3 PA 100 120-140 C5 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 Salix alba 'Chermesina' orange shoots in winter; Salix alba 'Dart's Snake' spirally curled shoots and leaves; Salix alba 'Golden Ness' - New! vibrant yellow shoots in winter; Salix babylonica 'Tortuosa' tree with upright spirally curled shoots; Salix 'Boydii' tiny silver grey leaves; dwarfish up to 0.5 m high form; Salix caprea 'Curly Locks' pendant form with bented branches; Salix caprea 'Mas' variety with levry large decorative silvery catkins; strong growth; 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 Salix caprea 'Pendula' pendant variety; Salix 'Caradoc' curled branches; orange yellow bark; Salix cinerea 'Tricolor' grey green, white and pink variegated leaves; Salix elaeagnos 'Angustifolia' tall buske; narrow elongated silvery grey leaves; Salix 'Erythroflexuosa' curled shoots and leaves; weeping habit; Salix 'Fantazija' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets 15-25 Form PA 925 PA PA PA 8-10 Pris 125 100 125 125 125 Nr 1551 Höjd 140-160 Kruka C5 160-180 C10 125 140-160 C5 125 30-40 C3 75 100 C3 30-40 C3 100 C3 40-60 C3 1559 100 C3 PA 100 1560 1561 150 180 C5 C7,5 PA PA 125 150 100 150 180 C3 C5 C7,5 PA PA PA 125 125 150 160-180 C10 100 C3 120-140 C5 100 160-180 C7,5 125 160-180 C7,5 125 200-220 C12 175 120-140 C7,5 125 30-40 C3 75 140-160 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1552 1553 1554 Växt Russian variety with slightly pendant habit and fancifully waved leaves; Salix 'Flame' vibrant orange shoots; especially decorative in winter; Salix fragilis 'Bullata' variety with regular spherical crown; Salix gracilistyla 'Melanostachys' decorative willow with original black inflorescences ("catkins"); 1555 1556 Salix gracilistyla 'Mt Aso' - New! extremely attractive variety with characteristic red pink catkins; blooms in February; 1557 1558 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' variety with white and pink variegated leaves; Salix integra 'Pendula' pendant form; Salix irrorata shoots covered with grey-blue wax coating; ideal plant for winter garden arrangements; Salix kurilensis low procumbent buske; large coriaceous shining leaves; Salix ledebouriana 'Pyramidalis' upright habit; silvery grey leaves; 1568 1569 Salix 'Pamiati Bażowa' tall tree with slightly pendant habit; orange shoots in winter; very frost hardy variety; 1570 1571 1572 1573 Salix 'Pamiati Mindowskowo' spreading weeping tree; very frost hardy; Salix 'Płakuczyj Gnom' dense dwarfish variety with weeping habit; Salix purpurea 'Howki' columnar habit; silvery grey leaves; decorative reddish inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA Pris 125 125 125 PA 150 50 175 PA 125 Nr Höjd Kruka 30-40 C2 100 C3 PA 125 30-40 120 C2 C3 PA 50 125 160-180 C7,5 175 200-220 C10 200 1580 1581 180-200 240-260 C15 C25 1582 300-320 C30 140-160 C7,5 125 140-160 C5 125 160-180 C7,5 150 1574 Växt Salix purpurea 'Nana' up to 0.5 m high buske; thin frail branches; delicate silvery leaves; 1575 Omkrets Form Pris 50 Salix purpurea 'Pendula' 1576 1577 1578 1579 pendant form; silvery grey leaves; Salix ×sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' tree with spreading crown; long yellow shoots hanging down to the ground; Salix ×sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma' (typ resistenta) tree with spreading crown; long yellow shoots hanging down to the ground; not suspectible to rust; PA 10-12 275 350 550 Salix 'Sieriebristaja' 1583 1584 tall fast growing buske; leaves covered with silvery grey tomentose hairs; Salix 'Swierdłowskaja Izwilistaja II' spirally curled shoots and leaves; olive green bark; very frost hardy variety; 1585 Salix 'Szarowidnyj Karlik' - New! 1586 dwarfish variety with dome-shaped habit; grows up to 1.2 m high; Salix udensis 'Golden Sunshine' PBR 30-40 C3 75 1587 dense buske; gold yellow leaves; Salix udensis 'Sekka' fasciated, flattened and curled ends of branches; 60-80 C7,5 175 100-120 C5 100 120-140 C7,5 125 140-160 C15 175 60-80 C5 100 60-80 C5 100 60-80 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 SAMBUCUS Sambucus nigra A spreading buske; flowers and fruits can be used for juices and infusions; Sambucus nigra 'Aurea' A yellow leaves; Sambucus nigra BLACK BEAUTY 'Gerda' PBR A dark purple leaves; light pink flowers; Sambucus nigra BLACK LACE 'Eva' PBR dark purple dissected leaves; light pink flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1595 Växt Sambucus nigra BLACK TOWER 'Eiffel 1' PBR A columnar habit; dark purple leaves; Sambucus nigra 'Haidegg 17' A Höjd Kruka 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 100 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 100-120 C5 200 40-60 C5 125 60-80 C5 125 100-120 C12 200 80-100 C5 200 80-100 C7,5 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 60-80 C5 200 60-80 C10 125 40-60 C5 125 80-100 C5 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 100-120 C5 275 160-180 C5 400 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1596 Omkrets Form Pris Sambucus nigra 'Laciniata' 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 fasciated shoots; weird look of the buske; Sambucus nigra 'Linearis' very narrow filiform leaves; Sambucus nigra 'Madonna' leaves with wide yellow margin; Sambucus nigra 'Monstrosa' fasciated shoots; weird look of the buske; Sambucus nigra 'Naomi' leaves with white margin; Sambucus nigra 'Obelisk' PBR A new variety of elderberry cultivated in our nursery; columnar habit; fast growing; profusely blooming and fruit bearing variety; 1603 1604 Sambucus nigra 'Pendula' pendant form; 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 Sambucus nigra 'Plena' double flowers; Sambucus nigra 'Pulverulenta' white spotted leaves; Sambucus nigra 'Sampo' tall, prolific fruit variety; Sambucus nigra f. viridis yellowish green fruits after ripenning; Sambucus racemosa 'Goldenlocks' dense up to 0.8 m high buske; yellow dissected leaves; 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 Sambucus racemosa 'Plumosa Aurea' dentate gold yellow leaves; Sambucus racemosa 'Sutherland Gold' dentate gold yellow leaves; Sambucus sieboldiana rare species native to Japan; SASSAFRAS Sassafras albidum dendrological curiosity with very exotic look; a plant with three types of leaves: single, two-lobed and three-lobed; 1616 PA PA 250 250 SHEPHERDIA Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 Växt Shepherdia argentea A wide, spreading up to 2 m high buske; silvery elongated leaves; red fruits are edible after being exposed to frost; ×SINOCALYCALYCANTHUS ×Sinocalycalycanthus 'Aphrodite' New! very large purple red flowers resembling Magnolia flowers; ×Sinocalycalycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' - New! Höjd Kruka 30-40 C5 175 60-80 C5 575 large purple red flowers; ×Sinocalycalycanthus 'Venus' - New! large white flowers with reddish centre; SINOCALYCANTHUS Sinocalycanthus chinensis discovered in 1960s buske with exotic look; decorative large white and coriaceous shining leaves; Sinocalycanthus 'White Dress' - New! new decorative variety with pure white flowers; SOPHORA Sophora japonica 'Pendula' 80-100 C10 800 60-80 C7,5 1100 60-80 C5 200 60-80 C5 350 pendant habit; SORBARIA Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem' PBR pink orange young growths, become yellowish over time; 200-220 C55 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C7,5 125 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 C7,5 PA 325 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 120-140 C5 275 80-100 C5 225 160-180 C7,5 80-100 C5 225 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1625 Omkrets 12-14 Form PA Pris 1650 ×SORBARONIA ×Sorbaronia 'Fallax' A - New! 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 rare interspecies hybrid; edible fruits; ×SORBOCOTONEASTER ×Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii A tall buske with irregular habit; rare hybrid of rowan and cotoneaster; red shining fruits; ×SORBOPYRUS ×Sorbopyrus auricularis A rare intergeneric hybrid; edible fruits resembling a small pear; SORBUS Sorbus 'Alaja Krupnaja' A Russian fruit variety; large sweet edible fruits; Sorbus alnifolia 'Red Bird' oval dentate leaves; beautiful red autumn leaves; 1631 1632 Sorbus aria 'Lutescens' yellowish leaves; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 120-140 PA 300 Nr Höjd Kruka 140-160 C5 225 120-140 200-220 C5 C7,5 225 325 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 160-180 180-200 C5 C7,5 150 175 80-100 C7,5 buske 225 140-160 C7,5 PA 300 60-80 C5 140-160 180-200 C7,5 C30 140-160 C5 250 140-160 C5 250 280-300 300-320 C10 C15 120-140 C5 200-220 C10 200-220 C30 140-160 C5 225 140-160 C5 225 60-80 C5 buske 225 1655 1656 1657 140-160 140-160 180-200 C5 C7,5 C7,5 PA PA 250 325 350 1658 220-240 C15 260-280 C20 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 Växt Sorbus ×arnoldiana 'Coral Beauty' large yellow pink fruits; Sorbus ×arnoldiana 'Golden Wonder' fast growing; very large yellow fruits; Sorbus ×arnoldiana 'Schouten' wide columnar habit; yellow fruits; Sorbus ×arnoldiana 'Vermiljon' large scarlet red fruits; Sorbus aucuparia A smal tree; red fruits; Sorbus aucuparia 'Beissneri' orange bark; slightly dissected leave margin; Sorbus aucuparia 'Dirkenii' gold yellow leaves; Sorbus aucuparia 'Fastigiata' dark wrinkled leaves; narrow conical crown; 1643 1644 1645 1646 Sorbus aucuparia 'Fastigiata Jacob Ladder' fast growing variety with narrow habit; Sorbus aucuparia 'Fingerprint' PBR new narrow-columnar, fast and healthy growing variety; red fruits; 1647 1648 Omkrets Form Pris 225 PA 6-8 PA 8-10 325 950 450 900 Sorbus aucuparia 'Konzentra' A 1649 1650 large matt-red edible fruits; rich in Vitamin C; Sorbus aucuparia 'Pendula' long curled procumbent branches hanging down to the ground, 1651 1652 1653 1654 Sorbus aucuparia 'Rosina Aurea' yellow or yellow variegated leaves; large edible fruits; Sorbus aucuparia 'Sheerwater Seedling' variety with regular conical habit; Sorbus AUTUMN SPIRE 'Flanrock' PBR narrow columnar habit; yellow fruits collected in numerous multiple fruits; 1659 225 8-10 PA 600 PA 950 425 6-8 PA 575 Sorbus 'Burka' A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1660 1661 1662 Växt large edible brown red fruits, taste similar to chokeberry; variety cultivated by Iwan Miczurin; Sorbus 'Businka' A Russian fruit variety; Sorbus commixta beautiful red autumn leaves; 1666 Sorbus 'Coral Pink' pink fruits; Sorbus discolor small tree or tall buske; fruits are initially white and become pink over time; Sorbus 'Dodong' variety with regular conical habit; large shining leaves that change their color to vibrant orange in autumn; Sorbus domestica A large, pear-shaped edible frits; 1667 Sorbus forrestii tall buske or small tree; tiny white fruits; 1663 1664 1665 Höjd 140-160 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 275 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 225 100-120 C5 225 100-120 C5 225 100-120 C5 225 100-120 C5 225 140-160 C5 225 120-140 180-200 C5 C7,5 180-200 C5 225 80-100 C5 275 80-100 C5 225 120-140 140-160 C10 C7,5 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 80-100 C5 Sorbus 'Granatnaja' A 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 very large sweet navy blue fruits; variety culivated by Iwan Miczurin; Sorbus hupehensis small up to 5 - 8 m high tree; intensely pink fruits collected in large multiple fruits; Sorbus hupehensis 'Rosea' low growing decorative tree with pinkish flowers and intensely pink fruits; Sorbus koehneana small tree; white fruits; 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 Sorbus 'Krasnaja' A Russian fruit variety; sour red fruits 12 15 mm in diameter; can be used for preserves; Sorbus 'Krasnaja Krupnaja' A Russian fruit variety; large sweet edible fruits; Sorbus 'Kubowaja' A large edible fruits; PA PA PA 275 350 250 325 Sorbus 'Likjornaja' A 1678 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se buske 275 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 Växt almost black sweet fruits; suitable for infusions, jams and preserves; Sorbus meinichii A leave ssimilar to the ones of S. intermedia; large fruits; Sorbus ‘Miczurinskaja Diesiertnaja’ A Russian fruit variety; dark red fruits; recommended to be eaten raw or after being processed; Sorbus 'Moravskaja Krupnopłodnaja' A large edible red fruits; Sorbus 'Nevezhinskaja' A Russian fruit variety; large orange fruits; Höjd 160-180 Kruka C5 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 160-180 C7,5 PA 275 160-180 C7,5 PA 225 180-200 C5 250 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 300 120-140 C5 275 160-180 C5 225 160-180 C5 275 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 75 25-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 100 20-30 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Sorbus 'Pink Veil' pink fruits; Sorbus 'Red Tip' pale pink fruits; red ends of shoots; Sorbus 'Rose Glow' pink fruits; Sorbus 'Rubinowaja' A average size sweet dark red fruits; Sorbus 'Sacharnaja Pietrowa' A Russian variety with uniquely sweet fruits; Sorbus 'Titan' A large dark red tasty fruits; Sorbus 'White Wax' white tiny fruits; Sorbus 'Żołtaja' A average size juicy yellow orange fruits; SPIRAEA Spiraea betulifolia 'Island' dense up to 1 m high buske; characterised by uniquely high resistance to frost; Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor' low growing, dense up to 80 cm high buske; white flowers; very frost hardy variety; Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold' PBR low growing, dense up to 80 cm high buske; yellow flowers; very frost hardy variety; Spiraea ×cinerea 'Grefsheim' up to 1 m high buske; tiny leaves; profusely blooming white; 1696 Omkrets Form Pris 275 Spiraea densiflora 1697 buske with flat-topped spherical habit; up to 0.8 m high; light pink flowers collected in flat-topped inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 Växt Spiraea douglasii 'Argentea' expansive up to 1.5 m high buske; silvery grey leaves; pink flowers collected in conical inflorescences; Spiraea japonica 'Albiflora' bright leaves; white flowers; Höjd Kruka 40-60 C3 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 75 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 15-20 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 30-40 C5 100 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C3 50 30-40 C5 125 20-25 C2 50 20-25 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' up to 1 m high buske; carmine red flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Bullata' dwarfish up to 50 cm high buske; tiny dark crenate leaves; Spiraea japonica 'Candlelight' low growing buske; gold yellow leaves; dark pink flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Crispa' low growing buske with indented wavymargined intensely variegated leaves; Spiraea japonica 'Dart's Red' low growing buske; red flowers; Spiraea japonica DOUBLE PLAY BIG BANG 'Tracy' PBR up to 1 m high buske; large leaves which are orange in spring and become yellow over time; pink flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Firelight' yellow leaves, orange brown at the ends of shoots; Spiraea japonica 'Galen' purple red young growths; pink flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Genpei' low growing buske; both white and pink flowers on one plant; Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' dwarfish form; gold yellow leaves; pink flowers; 1710 1711 Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame' low growing buske; dark yellow leaves, the youngest ones are brown orange; 1712 1713 1714 1715 Spiraea japonica GOLDWING 'Bridixspet' low growing, up to 0.6 m high buske; intensly gold yellow leaves; light pink flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Japanese Dwarf ' very dense dwarfish variety; very tiny leaves; Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' dwarfish form; tiny leaves; pink flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 1716 1717 Växt Spiraea japonica 'Macrophylla' very large leaves; pink flowers; nice purple red autumn leaves; Spiraea japonica MAGIC CARPET 'Walbuma' PBR low growing procumbent up to 0.4 m high buske; yellow orange leaves; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C3 50 20-25 C2 50 40-50 C5 100 20-25 C2 50 yellow variegated leaves; dark pink flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Pygmaea Alba' dense up to 0.5 m high buske; white flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Sparkling Carpet' 40-60 C5 100 20-30 C2 50 low growing, flat-topped round up to 0.3 m high buske; orange red leaves in spring, become yellow over time; remain orange only at the ends of shoots; Spiraea japonica 'White Gold' PBR New! low growing buske with vibrant yellow leaves and white flowers; Spiraea japonica 'Yan' yellow leaves, darker at the ends of shoots; pink flowers; variety resistant to diseases; 20-30 C2 50 20-25 C2 75 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 75 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 125 25-30 C2 50 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 Spiraea japonica 'Neon Flash' up to 1 m high buske; dark ping flowers; red young growths; Spiraea japonica PAINTED LADY 'Minspi' PBR Spiraea japonica 'Zigeunerblut' up to 0.8 m high buske; dark pink flowers; brown red young growths; Spiraea nipponica 'June Bride' up to 1 , high buske; shining leave;white flowers; 1727 Omkrets Form Pris Spiraea nipponica 'Snowmound' 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 up to 1.5 m high buske; nice looking dense habit; white flowers; Spiraea thunbergii 'Fujino Pink' up to 2 m high buske; profusely light pink blooming; Spiraea thunbergii 'Ogon' elongated gold yellow leaves; Spiraea ×vanhouttei up to 2 m high buske; intensely white blooming; Spiraea ×vanhouttei 'Gold Fountain' up to 1 m high buske with pendant habit; gold yellow leaves; 1733 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1734 1735 1736 1737 Växt STAPHYLEA Staphylea pinnata tall buske with decorative white flowers collected in pendant inflorescences and original fruits; STEPHANANDRA Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa' procumbent up to 0.3 m high buske; wavy-margined leaves; good ground cover plant; STEWARTIA Stewartia pseudocamellia small tree with beautiful peeling bark (similarly to platanus); white flowers 7 cm in diameter; STYRAX Styrax japonicus up to 2 - 3 m high buske; white bellshaped flowers numerous in spring; Styrax obassia Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 60-80 C5 175 30-40 C2 50 60-80 C5 425 100-120 C5 250 1738 tall buske; oval up to 20 cm long laves; white flowers collected in palatial up to 20 cm long clusters; SYMPHORICARPOS Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus 60-80 C5 250 1739 white round fruits, up to 1 cm in diameter; Symphoricarpos ×chenaultii 'Brain de Soleil' PBR 40-60 C3 50 1740 procumbent up to 0.5 m high buske; gold yellow leaves; Symphoricarpos ×chenaultii 'Hancock' small fast growing buske; white pink fruits; Symphoricarpos ×doorenbosii 'Amethyst' up to 1.5 m high buske; very decorative purple fruits; Symphoricarpos ×doorenbosii 'Magic Berry' up to 1 m high buske; violet red fruits; Symphoricarpos MAGICAL GALAXY 'Kolmgala' PBR dense dwarfish up to 1 m high buske; numerous white fruits; Symphoricarpos MAGICAL SWEET 'Kolmasweet' PBR dense dwarfish, up to 1 m high buske; numerous pink fruits; Symphoricarpos ×doorenbosii 'Mother of Pearl' 30-40 C3 75 20-30 C2 50 50-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 50 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1746 Växt up to 2 m high buske; white fruits that become pearl white over time; 1747 1748 SYRINGA Syringa BLOOMERANG DARK PURPLE 'SMSJBP7' PBR dense regular up to 1.5 m high buske; violet flowers collected in tiny inflorescences; profusely blooming; repeats blooming in summer; Syringa BLOOMERANG 'Pink Perfume' Höjd 30-40 Kruka C2 Omkrets Form Pris 50 40-60 C3 50 40-50 C3 200 PBR 1749 spreading dense up to 0.8 m high and 1.8 m in diameter buske; pink flowers; Syringa ×chinensis 'Saugeana' 30-40 C3 200 1750 up to 3 m high buske; lilac violet up to 20 cm long inflorescences; 30-40 C3 125 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C5 250 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 80-100 C10 200 60-80 C5 175 80-100 C7,5 175 100-120 C5 125 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 30-40 C3 125 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1751 Syringa emodi 'Aureovariegata' 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 large leaves with wide yellow margin; Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'California Rose' light pink single intensely fragrant flowers; Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'Maiden's Blush' single pink flowers collected in panicluate inflorescences; dense habit; Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'Mirabeau' very large single pink violet flowers collected in large inflorescences; Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'Pocahontas' dark purple flowers in buds, a bit brighter after opening, single; Syringa 'Josée' dense buske growing up to 1.5 m high; numerous tiny dark pink inflorescences; Syringa josikaea dense buske; pink flowers; Syringa josikaea 'Oden' - New! Swedish variety with dark violet flowers; very frost hardy; Syringa komarowii subsp. reflexa up to 3 m high buske; pure pink flowers collected in long loose pendant panicles; Syringa 'Laciniata' deeply indented leaves; very numerous light pink flowers; Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' up to 1.5 m high buske; decorative small shining leaves and violet flowers; 1763 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1764 1765 Växt Höjd 100-120 120-140 Kruka C10 C10 Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 825 350 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C5 175 160-180 C15 350 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 140-160 C10 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Syringa microphylla 'Superba' 1766 1767 up to 1.5 m high buske; decorative pink flowers; tiny leaves; Syringa pinnatifolia - New! buske with original large pinnately compound leaves; white flowers collected in small inflorescences; 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 Syringa ×prestoniae 'Basia' tubular dark pink flowers in buds, upon opening pink flowers collected in large panicles; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Diana' dense up to 1.5 m high buske; dark violet flowers in buds, become pink lilac upon opening; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Esterka' carmine pink flowers in buds, become light pink upon opening, up to 3-4 m high; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Goplana' strongly growing variety up to 4 m high; carmine and pink flowers in buds, become light pink after opening; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Jaga' fast growing variety; dark violet flowers in buds, become light pink upon opening; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Jagienka' fast growing up to 3-4 m high buske; light violet flowers open from dark violet buds; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Miss Japan' tall buske; large loose light pink inflorescences; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Miss Poland' tall buske; loose light pink inflorescences; 1777 1778 1779 1780 Syringa ×prestoniae 'Nike' low growing dense up to 1.5 m high buske; dark violet flowers in buds, become light fiolet upon opening; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Octavia' pink flowers collected in palatial paniculate inflorescences; Syringa ×prestoniae 'Telimena' pale pink flowers collected in large loose upright inflorescences; PA 300 Syringa ×prestoniae 'Ursula' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1781 1782 Växt single lavender pink flowers; fast growing; Syringa 'Red Pixie' dense up to 1.5 m high buske; large liliac pink inflorescences; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 30-40 C3 125 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 150 160-180 200-220 C7,5 C12 175 275 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 Syringa reticulata the largest species of Syringa being a small tree; cream white scented flowers collected in loose panicles; Syringa ×swegiflexa up to 3 - 4 m high buske; intensely pink flowers collected in loose pendant panicles; Syringa villosa 'Aurea' vibrant yellow leaves in spring, become darker over time; Syringa vulgaris 'Aucubaefolia' yellow and then white spotted leaves; Syringa vulgaris CARPE DIEM 'Evert de Gier' violet flowers in buds, become bluish after opening; profusely blooming variety; expanded inflorescences; 1789 1790 1791 1792 Syringa vulgaris 'Chmurka' - New! semi-double light pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Emilie Lemoine' double blue pink flowers collected in palatial inflorescences; 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 Syringa vulgaris 'Fale Bałtyku' large light blue flowers collected in peaked inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Gortenzija' single large violet flowers in buds, become pink upon opening; Syringa vulgaris 'Jaunkalsnavas Nakts' single blue violet flowers collected in large inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Johan Mensing' New! single dark violet flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Jutrzenka Pomorza' New! semi-double pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Katherine Havemeyer' double or semi-double pink red flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Kołchoznica' double pink violet flowers with brighter centre; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 200 Nr 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 Växt Syringa vulgaris 'Konstanty Karpow'New! single very large pink violet flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Krasawica Moskwy' double lavender pink flowers; extremely decorative variety; Syringa vulgaris 'Lebioduszka' large white cream flowers in buds, become white upon opening; Syringa vulgaris 'Lila Wonder' PBR light violet flowers with white margin; Syringa vulgaris 'Liliana' - New! new variety of Polish origin; pure white flowers collected in very large elongated inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Maréchal Lannes' Höjd Kruka 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 200 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 80-100 C10 200 60-80 C5 150 60-80 60-80 C3 C5 125 150 50-60 60-80 C3 C5 125 150 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 150 100-120 C10 200 40-60 C3 125 120-140 C10 200 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 double light violet flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Maurice de Vilmorin' double violet pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Michel Buchner' liliac pink flowers with bright centre; Syringa vulgaris 'Mme Lemoine' large white flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Mulatka' single dark violet flowers in buds, after opening become light pink with beige brown shade; Syringa vulgaris 'Niebo Moskwy' double blue flowers collected in large inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Pamiat' o Kolesnikowie' - New! large double pure white flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Pamiat' o Vaviłowie' large double violet pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Pomorzanka' - New! semi-double light pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Prince Wolkonsky' double dark purple flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Primrose' cream yellow flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Princesse Sturdza' single lavender pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Prof. Edmund Jankowski' - New! single blue and violet flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Prof. Hoser' double liliac blue flowers collected in palatial dense inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 Växt Syringa vulgaris 'Prof. Józef Brzeziński' New! single pink flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' dark pink flowers with bright margin; Syringa vulgaris 'Stefan Makowiecki' large single liliac pink flowers collected in palatial inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Tadeusz Kościuszko' liliac pink polymorhpic flowers with peaked petals; Syringa vulgaris 'Utro Rossii' large double violet flowers; Syringa vulgaris 'Znamya Lenina' purple red single flowers collected in large inflorescences; Syringa vulgaris 'Żemczużina' - New! semi-double light pink flowers; Syringa yunnanensis 'Rosea' - New! tall buske with loose pendant light pink inflorescences; TETRADIUM Tetradium daniellii small tree native to China; decorative large compound leaves, flowers and fruits; Tetradium hupehensis rare species native to China; small decorative tree with white flowers and red fruits; TILIA Tilia americana 'Convexifolia' Höjd Kruka 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 60-80 C5 175 40-60 C5 175 100-120 C5 200 100-120 C5 200 C10 275 1832 irregularly curled leaves; Tilia cordata 120-140 1833 popular parkway and street tree; wellknown honey bearing plant; Tilia cordata 'Firecracker' regular conical crown; intensely yellow autumn leaves; Tilia cordata 'Girard`s Pendula Nana' dwarfish dense variety; Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' street tree with very regular crown; Tilia cordata 'Lico' very dwarfish variety with spherical habit; Tilia cordata 'Monto' dwarfish spherical form; 160-180 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 Tilia cordata 'Simone' dwarfish spherical form; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form C10 100-120 C10 100-120 C10 380-400 C45 100-120 Pris 200 275 PA 325 PA 1450 C10 PA 325 80-100 120-140 C10 C10 PA PA 325 350 120-140 C10 PA 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se 12-14 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1841 1842 1843 1844 Växt Tilia cordata 'Swedish Upright' regular conical crown; Tilia cordata 'Villae Aurea' yellow leaves in spring, become green over time; Tilia ×europaea 'Pallida' one of the best varieties of Tilia to be grown in towns and parks; regular dense crown; Tilia ×europaea 'Wratislaviensis' gold yellow leaves, become green over time; 1845 Höjd Kruka Omkrets 80-100 C10 275 100-120 C10 350 400-420 C43 120-140 16-18 Form Pris PA 1225 C10 PA 325 200-220 C10 PA 350 140-160 C10 PA 325 50-60 C7,5 325 80-100 C7,5 275 120-140 C10 275 160-180 C10 200 180-200 C7,5 140-160 C10 140-160 C10 100-120 C5 275 60-80 C5 475 Tilia henryana 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 leaves with very decoratives bristled-like teeth on serrations; young leaves are light pink; Tilia 'Henryk Eder' up to 3 m high buske; irregularly dissected leaves; Tilia japonica profusely blooming species native to Japan; Tilia miqueliana rare species native to Japan; profusely blooming in June; Tilia platyphyllos popular parkway tree with wide domeshaped crown; Tilia platyphyllos 'Henryk' variety cultivated in our nursery; with characteristic pendant habit; older ones with tendency to grow up; Tilia platyphyllos 'Laciniata' dissected leaf blade; slow growing; Tilia tomentosa 'Silver Globe' dense spherical crown; leaves with a silver-white colored bottom-side; TOONA Toona sinensis tall upright buske; in spring evenly vibrant pink leaves, become green over time; needs to be covered in winter; TROCHODENDRON Trochodendron aralioides - New! evergreen buske with coriaceous shining leaves; greenish leaves collected in round inflorescences; ULMUS Ulmus 'Camperdownii' pendant variety; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 120-140 C10 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se PA 400 325 PA PA 425 425 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1857 Växt 1858 1859 1860 Ulmus 'Columella' - New! narrow columnar habit; variety resistant to Dutch elm disease; Ulmus glabra 'Exoniensis' large curled leaves; columnar habit; Ulmus glabra 'Nana' 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 dense up to 2 m high buske; Ulmus ×hollandica 'Wredei' curled gold yellow leaves; wide columnar habit; Ulmus minor 'Argenteovariegata' white variegated leaves; fast growing; Ulmus minor 'Louis van Houtte' gold yellow leaves; regular spherical crown; Ulmus minor 'Pendula' umbrella-shaped habit; tiny leaves; Ulmus minor 'Webbiana' leaf blade folded to the inner side along the main nerve, which makes the tree look unique; Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju' irreglar dwarfish form; tiny leaves; Ulmus pumila 'Aurea' tall buske or low growing tree; tiny dol yellow leaves; Ulmus 'Viminalis Aurea' slow growing irregular buske; toothed gold yellow leaves; VIBURNUM Viburnum ×bodnantense 'Charles Lamont' pale pink flowers emerging in winter or early spring; 1871 1872 Viburnum ×burkwoodii loose buske; semi-evergreen leaves; large fragrant inflorescences; 1873 1874 1875 Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Anne Russell' large round inflorescences; pinkish buds; Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Chenaultii' dense up to 2 m high buske; pink flowers in buds, become white upon opening; blooms earlier than the species; 1876 Höjd 160-180 Kruka C20 200-220 C20 60- 80 C5 325 80-100 C5 325 100-120 C10 60-80 C5 120-140 C7,5 Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 875 950 PA 425 325 PA 350 180-200 C5 350 180 C20 100-120 C5 80 C7,5 140-160 C10 120-140 C7,5 60-80 C5 150 80-100 C7,5 175 40-60 C5 250 140-160 C12 40-60 C5 250 40-60 C5 250 140-160 C15 PA 950 325 PA 350 325 PA PA PA 575 350 350 Viburnum ×burkwoodii 'Conoy' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1877 Växt dwarfish procumbent evergreen buske; white flowers; Viburnum ×carlcephalum Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 1878 up to 2 m high buske; large fragrant inflorescences; 60-80 C7,5 140-160 160-180 C15 C12 40-60 C5 250 40-60 C5 250 40-60 C5 250 80-100 C5 PA 250 120-140 C12 PA 275 40-60 C5 100-120 C15 60-80 C5 100-120 C5 PA 250 140-160 C5 PA 350 30-40 C3 200 40-60 C5 150 80-100 C5 75 40-60 C3 50 80-100 160-180 C5 C15 PA PA 250 350 180 C15 PA 350 40-60 180 C3 C15 PA 50 350 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 Viburnum carlesii up to 1.5 m high buske; slow growing; intensely fragrant flowers; Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora' dark pink flowers in buds, become pink white upon opening; Viburnum 'Eskimo' tiny evergreen profusely blooming buske; grows up to 1 m high; Viburnum farreri 'December Dwarf' dense up to 1 m high buske; pink intensely fragrant flowers; 1885 1886 Viburnum ×hillieri 'Winton' semi-evergreen buske with coriaceous leaves; cream white intensely fragrant flowers emerging at the beginning of summer; 1887 1888 Viburnum lantana 'Aureum' up to 1.5 m high buske; gold yellow leaves; 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 Viburnum macrocephalum - New! rare very decorative spacies with large round inflorescences; Viburnum nudum 'Pink Beauty' elongated shining leaves; pink fruits collected in numerous multiple fruits; Viburnum opulus popular native species, decorative white flowers and dark red shining fruits; Viburnum opulus 'Compactum' A up to 1 m high buske; dwarfish form; profusely blooming and fruit bearing; 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 Viburnum opulus 'Pohjan Neito' large round inflorescences; Scandinavian selection, very frost hardy; Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' large round inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 250 250 PA PA 350 400 225 PA 275 175 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1900 1901 Växt Viburnum opulus 'Tajożnyje Rubiny' A Russian fruit variety; large fruits suitable for preserves (infusions, jellies); Viburnum opulus 'Ulgen' A fruit variety; large fruits suitable for preserves (infusions, jellies); 1902 Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 160-180 C12 PA 350 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C5 150 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C2 100 40-60 C5 225 30-40 C2 125 40-60 C7,5 275 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 225 40-60 C5 225 40-60 C5 225 120-140 C12 PA 275 80-100 C5 PA 250 40-60 C5 225 120-140 C12 250 100-120 C5 225 30-40 C3 75 120-140 C15 Viburnum opulus 'Xanthocarpum' 1903 1904 up to 3 m high buske; yellow fruits; Viburnum plicatum KILIMANJARO 'Jww1' PBR buske with conical habit; profusely blooming white; 1905 1906 Viburnum plicatum KILIMANJARO SUNRISE 'Jww5' PBR buske with conical habiit; profusely blooming white, flowers become pink over time; 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Viburnum plicatum 'Lanarth' up to 3-4 m high buske; horizontal spreading branches; profusely blooming; Viburnum plicatum 'Mary Milton' white pinkish strerile flowers collected in round inflorescences; Viburnum plicatum 'Rosace' numerous round white and pink inflorescences; Viburnum plicatum 'St Keverne' pagoda-shaped habit; large and numerous inflorescences; 1912 1913 1914 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum horizontally located shoots; large flattopped inflorescences; Viburnum 'Pragense' evergreen up to 2.5 m high buske; dark green shining leaves; 1915 1916 1917 1918 Viburnum rhytidophyllum tall evergreen buske; long stiff coriaceous leaves; Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' large inflorescences; reddish leaves; one of the most decorative viburnum; Viburnum sargentii 'Susquehanna' tall buske with regular spherical habit; large flowers collected in flat-topped inflorescences; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se PA 275 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 1919 Växt Viburnum trilobum 'Spring Red Compact' dense round up to 1.2 m high variety; purple red leaves in spring, become vibrant orange in autumn; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C3 120-140 180 C12 C12 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 15-20 P9 25 30-40 C5 100 30-40 C3 50 20-30 C2 100 20-30 C2 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C5 150 40-60 C3 50 30-40 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1920 1921 Omkrets Form Pris 75 PA PA 250 350 VINCA Vinca balcanica 'Darlington Star' 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 very large blue flowers; elongated peaked petals; Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata' leaves with white margin; Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' violet flowers; Vinca minor 'Blue and Gold' - New! leaves with yellow margin; large blue flowers; Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' dwarfish form; white flowers; Vinca minor 'La Grave' large blue flowers; Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugert' leaves with delicately white margin; large blue flowers; WEIGELA Weigela 'Bristol Ruby' buske growung up to 2.5 m high; dark red flowers outside and dark pink inside; Weigela 'Bristol Snowflake' white flowers; light green leaves; Weigela florida ALL SUMMER RED 'Slingco1' PBR new dense low growing variety; intensely red flowers; variety recommended for container gardening; Weigela florida 'Caricature' wavy-margined leaves with white margin; 1933 Weigela florida EBONY & IVORY 'Velda' PBR 1934 1935 new variety with dense habit, up to 1.2 m high; brown purple shining leaves beautifully contrasting with pure white flowers; Weigela florida 'Foliis Purpureis' light purple leaves; Weigela florida FRENCH LACE 'Brigela' PBR 1936 leaves with yellow margin; red flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1937 Växt Weigela florida MONET 'Verweig' PBR dwarfish form; leaves with white margin that become pink over time; pink flowers; Weigela florida 'Styriaca' Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 20-30 C3 125 1938 up to 2-3 m high buske; light pink flowers; Weigela florida 'Variegata' 40-50 C3 50 1939 leaves with cream margin; 20-30 C3 50 20-30 C2 50 50-60 C5 100 40-60 C5 150 30-40 C3 75 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 75 30-40 C2 50 40-50 C3 50 40-60 C5 125 20-30 30-40 C2 C3 50 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 175 C2 100 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1940 Weigela florida WINE & ROSES 'Alexandra' PBR pink flowers; dark purple almost black leaves; 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Weigela MAGICAL RAINBOW 'Kolmagira' PBR low growing dense up to 1.5 m high buske; leaves with yellow and pink margin; light pink flowers; Weigela 'Milk and Honey' white flowers; yellow leaf centre; Weigela MY MONET 'Sunset' PBR New! new very decorative variety with dwarfish spherical habit; reddish leaves with yellow margin; Weigela 'Piccolo' dense dwarfish form; up to 0.5 m high; pink flowers; Weigela 'Rumba' up to 1 m high buske; red flowers, very frost hardy variety; 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 Weigela subsessilis 'Kanari' pale yellow flowers; Weigela SUNNY FANTASY 'Kolsunn' large leaves with white margin; Weigela WHITE LIGHTNING 'WF-2009' leaves with wide yellow margin; light pink flowers; YUCCA Yucca filamentosa stiff peaked linear leaves; palatial inflorescences; Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' - New! stiff green leaves with wide yellow stripe in the middle; Yucca recurvifolia BANANA SPLIT 'Monca' - New! pendant leaves with wide yellow stripe in the middle; ZANTHOXYLUM Zanthoxylum schinifolium - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 20-30 20-25 Nr 1955 1956 1957 Växt rare buske native to Far East; pinnately compound shining leaves; Zanthoxylum simulans rare buske with pinnately compound intensely spicy fragrant leaves; shoots with massive thorns; ZELKOVA Zelkova serrata 'Variegata' leaves with wide white margin; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 275 140-160 C5 100-120 C7,5 90 C2 50 120 C5 150 90 C2 50 120 C5 150 120 C5 150 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 120 C5 150 120 C5 250 90 120 C2 C5 50 150 120 C5 150 60 C2 50 60 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 275 PA 400 Klätterväxter 1958 ACTINIDIA Actinidia arguta 'Geneva' A average size fruits with reddish flush; ripen in September or October; 1959 1960 Actinidia arguta 'Ken's Red' A fruits with red flesh, ripen in September or October; 1961 1962 1963 1964 Actinidia kolomikta 'Adam' A male variety; good pollinator for other varieties of the species; Actinidia kolomikta 'Dr Szymanowski' A leaves with pink and white patches; fruits ripen in August; female variety which may bear fruits without the pollinator; Actinidia kolomikta 'Sentyabraskaya' A female variety; green fruits that ripen in August; 1965 ARISTOLOCHIA 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Aristolochia macrophylla - New! fast growing climbing plant with decorative large heart-shaped leaves; CELASTRUS Celastrus orbiculatus 'Diana' intensely fruit bearing female variety; Celastrus orbiculatus 'Hercules' fast growing male variety; good pollinator; HEDERA Hedera colchica large round coriaceous leaves; Hedera colchica 'Dentata' large lobed leaves; Hedera helix Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1972 Höjd 40-60 Kruka C2 60-80 C2 75 1974 120-140 C5 175 1975 1976 160-180 220-240 C20 C45 500 1100 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 100-120 C7,5 500 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 50 90 C2 100 120 C5 175 90 C2 50 120 C10 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 1973 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Växt the most shade tolerant climbing plant that can be cultivated in Poland; HYDRANGEA Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris early development of leaves; wide white inflorescences; Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Cordifolia' very tiny leaves; Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Mirranda' leaves with green light yellow margin; Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Silver Lining' PBR grey green leaves with white margin; LONICERA Lonicera ×brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet' red flowers; very long blooming period; Lonicera ×brownii 'Fuchsioides' pink flowers; elongated inflorescences; Lonicera ×brownii GOLDEN TRUMPET 'Mintrum' copper orange flowers; Lonicera caprifolium 'Inga' thermophilic climbing plant; cream white flowers; variety resistant to mildew; Lonicera ×heckrottii 'American Beauty' pink flowers; elongated inflorescences; Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' purple pink flowers, white centre; Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton' New! pure yellow flowers; Lonicera ×tellmanniana gold orange flowers; PARTHENOCISSUS Parthenocissus henryana self-clinging climbing plant; dark green leaves with silvery-grey veins; species that is not completely frost hardy; 1989 1990 Parthenocissus quinquefolia red leaves in autumn; very few requirements; 1991 Omkrets Form Pris 50 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Murorum' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 1992 1993 1994 Växt self-clinging variety; Höjd 90 120 Kruka C2 C10 90 C2 100 120 C5 125 90 C2 50 90 120 C2 C5 125 175 90 C2 100 120 C5 125 120 C5 250 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 100 20-25 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Star Showers' self-clinging climbing plant; white variegated leaves; 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Troki' self-clinging climbing plant; large shining purple autumn leaves; Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Fenway Park' stiff shining yellow leaves; Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Veitchii' stiff shining leaves; self-clinging climbing plant; 2000 2001 TRIPTERYGIUM Tripterygium regelii - New! rare climbing plant with cream white flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; Omkrets Form Pris 50 175 Gräs och perenner 2002 ACANTHUS Acanthus mollis up to 100-120 cm high perennial; spiny leaves; white and violet flowers; ACHILLEA 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Achillea 'Terracotta' orange and brink-colored flowers; ACONITUM Aconitum ×cammarum 'Bicolor' perennial with white flowers with violet margin collected in elongated inflorescences; strongly poisonous plant; Aconitum napellus perennial with long very decorative violet and navy blue inflorescences; strongly poisonous plant; Aconitum napellus 'Album' - New! perennial with long very decorative white inflorescences; strongly poisonous plant; ACORUS Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus Aurea' yellow leaves; dwarfish form; ACTAEA Actaea simplex 'Brunette' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2008 2009 2010 2011 Växt up to 1.2 m high perennial; purple red leaves; Actaea simplex 'Pink Spire' - New! perennial growing up to 1.2 m high; light pink inflorescences; fragrant; purple red leaves; AGAPANTHUS Agapanthus africanus violet flowers collected in round inflorescences embedded on stiff stalk; terrace plant; AJUGA Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' - New! dark violet leaves; bluish flowers; low growing ground cover perennial; Ajuga reptans 'Evening Glow' - New! Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 200 40-60 C5 225 40-60 C5 150 20-25 C2 50 2012 pink violet leaves with cream margin; blue flowers; low growing ground cover plant; ALCHEMILLA Alchemilla mollis 20-25 C2 50 2013 grey green leaves; greenish and yellow flowers; used in herbal medicine for a long time; perfect as cut flowers; ANEMONE 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Anemone hupehensis 'Splendens' single dark pink flowers; Anemone ×hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' snow white flowers; Anemone ×hybrida 'Loreley' - New! large semi-double light pink flowers; Anemone ×hybrida 'Pamina' large double dark pink flowers; Anemone ×hybrida 'Whirlwind' - New! semi-double white flowers; Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' single pink flowers; up to 1.2 m high variety; AQUILEGIA Aquilegia 'Black Barlow' variety with double almost black flowers; Aquilegia 'Blue Barlow' variety with double navy blue flowers; Aquilegia 'Nora Barlow' variety with double pink white flowers; Aquilegia 'Ruby Port' - New! variety with double claret red flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2024 2025 2026 Växt Aquilegia 'White Barlow' - New! variety with double white flowers; Aquilegia 'Winky Double White' - New! up to 35 cm high perennial; variety with double white flowers; dense habit; ARMERIA Armeria maritima 'Splendens' - New! up to 20 cm high perennial; pink flowers; recommended for rock gardens; Armeria pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red' New! Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C2 50 2027 up to 20 cm high perennial; reddish flowers; recommended for rock gardens; ARMORACIA Armoracia rusticana - New! 40-60 C2 50 2028 large lanceolate leaves; white inflorescences; long light yellow root, white in the section; edible plant; ARTEMISIA 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C2 50 perennial with deeply indented yellow variegated leaves; ARUNCUS Aruncus dioicus shade tolerant perennial growing up to 2 m high; large white paniculate inflorescences; Aruncus dioicus 'Kneiffii' up to 0.8-1 m high perennial; strongly dissected leaves; ARUNDO Arundo donax 'Aureovariegata' 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 beautiful very tall grass; reaches 2-3 m height; leaves with yellow margin; with width of 8 cm; needs to be covered in winter; Arundo donax 'Variegata' beautiful very tall grass; up to 3 m high; leaves with white margin, up to 8 cm wide; needs to be covered in winter; ASTER Aster ericoides 'Herbstmyrthe' 40-60 C3 100 80-100 C10 250 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Artemisia ludoviciana silvery grey leaves; up to 0.8 - 1 m high; Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' up to 0.9 - 1.1 m high perennial; profusely blooming white; stiff shoots; 2036 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2037 2038 2039 2040 Växt Aster ericoides 'Snowflurry' (syn. 'Prostratus') - New! up to 20 cm high perennial; tiny white flowers in the late autumn; pendant shoots; Aster linosyris Höjd Kruka 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 60-80 C5 125 40-60 60-80 C2 C5 50 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 up to 0.5 m high perennial; yellow flowers; Aster novae-angliae 'Abendsonne' violet flowers, grows up to 1.4 m high; Aster novae-angliae 'Andenken an Alma Pötschke' dark pink flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; 2041 2042 Aster novae-angliae 'Barr's Pink' pink violet flowers; up to 1.5 m high perennial; 2043 2044 2045 2046 Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' violet flowers; up to 1.5 m high perennial; Aster novi-belgii 'Karminkuppel' violet flowers; grows up to 1 m high; Aster novi-belgii 'Marie Ballard' semi-double violet flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 Aster novi-belgii 'White Ladies' white flowers; grows up to 1 m high; ASTILBE Astilbe 'Amethyst' - New! intensly pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe chinensis 'Purple Rain' intensely pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe chinensis 'Purpurkerze' violet pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe chinensis 'Superba' - New! violet pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe 'Deutschland' pure white flowers collected in loose paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe 'Fanal' - New! red paniculate inflorescences; Astilbe 'Feuer' red paniculate inflorescences; dark green leaves; Astilbe 'Flamingo' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 Växt light pink flowers collected in dense panicles; grows up to 0.7 m high; Astilbe 'Weisse Gloria' - New! pure white flowers collected in dense panicles; ATHYRIUM Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 40-60 C5 125 up to 0.6 m high fern; dark red leaf stalks and axis beautifully contrast with green leaves; Athyrium niponicum 'Metallicum' up to 0.4-0.6 m high fern; bipinnate dark green leaves with silver-olive pattern; violet leaf veins; Athyrium niponicum 'Ursula's Red' up to 0.4-0.6 m high fern; bipinnate dark green leaves with silver-olive pattern; violet leaf veins; AUBRIETA Aubrieta deltoidea 'Cascade Purple' New! 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 up to 20 cm high perennial; tiny violet flowers; ground cover perennial for rock gardens; BERGENIA 15-20 C2 50 40-60 C5 150 Bergenia 'Abendglut' vibrant pink flowers; large evergreen leaves; grows up to 0.5 m high; Bergenia cordifolia 'Herbstblüte' - New! Omkrets Form Pris 125 2064 coriaceous smooth green leaves; light pink flowers with dark pink centre; BRUNNERA Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PBR 40-60 C5 150 2065 large heart-shaped silvery-grey leaves with green veins; Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' 40-60 C5 200 2066 large heart-shaped leaves with wide white margin; CALAMAGROSTIS 40-60 C5 150 60-80 80-100 C3 C7,5 100 125 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2067 2068 2069 2070 Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Avalanche' cream white leaves with green margin; Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' tall slender, up to 1.8 m high grass; numerous convex inflorescences; Calamagrostis ×acutiflora 'Overdam' slender, up to 1.2 m high grass; numerous convex inflorescences; leaves with white stripes; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2071 Växt Höjd 80-100 Kruka C7,5 Omkrets Form Pris 125 60-80 C3 100 15-20 C2 50 15-20 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 20-30 C2 75 20-30 C2 75 20-30 C2 75 20-30 C2 75 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C7,5 125 15-20 C2 100 up to 30 cm high perennial; long leaves up to 1.2 cm wide with white stripes; CENTAUREA Centaurea hypoleuca 'John Coutts' large pink inflorescences; grows up to 0.6 m high; Centaurea 'Pulchra Major' 20-30 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 violet flowers; attractivegrey leaves; CHELONE Chelone obliqua perennial that grows up to approx. 1 m high; dark pink flowers resembling the head of a turtle; 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Calamagrostis brachytricha 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 up to 1.5 m high grass; very decorative fusiform inflorescences; CAMPANULA Campanula portenschlagiana 'Catharina' - New! up to 15 cm high perennial; tiny violet flowers; profusely blooming; Campanula portenschlagiana 'Clockwise Deep Blue' - New! up to 15 cm high; tiny blue violet flowers; Campanula 'Sarastro' up to 0.6 m high perennial with large violet bell-shaped flowers; profusely blooming variety; CAREX Carex comans 'Bronze Form' dense clump up to 0.4 m high; pendant brown leaves; Carex comans 'Frosted Curls' pendant silver and light green leaves; Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' leaves with delicate white margin; Carex morrowii 'Variegata' leaves with delicate white margin; Carex muskingumensis up to 60 cm high perennial; leaves grow perpendicularly to the stem ("palmlike"); 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' long pendant leaves with a wide white stripe in the middle; Carex 'Silver Sceptre' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 Växt CHRYSANTHEMUM Chrysanthemum 'Anastasia' - New! pink flowers in a form of pompons; grows up to 0,8 m high; Chrysanthemum 'Herbsbrokat' Höjd Kruka 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 15-20 C3 125 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C3 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 orange red flowers in a form of pompons; grows up to 0.6 m high; CORNUS Cornus canadensis tiny cream flowers supported with four white bracts; valuable and wanted ground cover plant; in autumn leaves change their color to claret; CORTADERIA Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' up to 2 m high inflorescences; dense habit; the most frost hardy variety of cortaderia; needs to be covered in winter; CRAMBE Crambe maritima crenate grey leaves; white fragrant inflorescences; used as valuable plant suitable for cooking; CROCOSMIA Crocosmia 'Fire King' orange red flowers; grows up to 0.6 m high; CYNARA Cynara scolymus decorative silvery grey leaves with attractive round inflorescences; plant cultivated as vegetable with edible inner parts of the inflorescence (the so called "artichoke heart"); DARMERA Darmera peltata large indented leaves; pink white inflorescences in spring; DELPHINIUM Delphinium DELPHI'S DIAMANT 'Diamant' PBR - New! pure white flowers; grows up to 1 m high; Delphinium DELPHI'S MORNING LIGHT 'Morning Light' PBR - New! blue violed flowers; grows up to 1.3 m high; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 Växt Delphinium DELPHI'S SECRET 'Secret' PBR - New! semi-double blue and violet flowers; grows up to 1.3 m high; Delphinium 'Faust' - New! Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 40-60 C5 150 semi-double dark violet flowers; grows up to 1.3 m high; Delphinium 'Finsteraarhorn' - New! single blue and violet flowers; grows up to 1.3 m high; Delphinium HIGHLANDER CRYSTAL DELIGHT 'Flocrysdel' PBR - New! double lavendar green flowers; grows up to 1 m high; Delphinium 'La Boheme' double flowers blue outside and brighter inside, with dark centre; grows up to 1 m high; Delphinium 'Sungleam' - New! 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 200 cream white flowers with yellow centre; large inflorescences; grows up to 1.6 m high; Delphinium 'Yellow Pearl' - New! light yellow flowers; grows up to 1 m high; 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C3 125 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 DESCHAMPSIA Deschampsia cespitosa - New! 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 perennial forming clumps; grows up to 0.5 m high; tiny paniculate inflorescences; DICENTRA Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' up to 0.5 m high perennial; white heartshaped flowers; DIGITALIS Digitalis purpurea tall herbaceous plant with decorative violet pink bell-shaped flowers collected in elongated inflorescence; grows up to 1.2 m high; DISPORUM Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' shade tolerant perennial growing up to 0.5 m high; leaves with delicate white margin; DRYOPTERIS Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' pink orange shining young leaves; grows up to 0.5 m high; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2109 2110 2111 Växt ECHINACEA Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' ligular purely pink flowers; ECHINOPS Echinops sphaerocephalus round blue inflorescences; indented leaves covered with white tomentose hair on the bottom side; ERYNGIUM Eryngium agavifolium green leaves resembling leaves of agave; grey blue inflorescences; Erianthus ravennae - New! Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C5 125 2112 grows up to 2 m high; large attractive cream inflorescences in autumn; ERIANTHUS Erianthus ravennae - New! 40-60 C3 100 2113 grows up to 2 m high; large attractive cream inflorescences in autumn; EUPATORIUM 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C2 50 2114 2115 Eupatorium maculatum 'Phantom' tall, up to 2 m high perennial; pink flowers collected in large flat-topped inflorescences; EUPHORBIA Euphorbia palustris waterside perennial growing up to 1.5 m high; decorative green yellow inflorescences; Euphorbia polychroma 2116 tiny flowers surrounded by palatial gold yellow bracts; FESTUCA Festuca gautieri 40-60 C5 125 2117 evergeen grass with cushion habit; grows up to 10 - 15 cm high; Festuca glauca decorative grass with spherical habit and silvery-grey leaves; up to 25 cm high; Festuca glauca 'Azurit' decorative grass with spherical habit and intensely silvery leaves; up to 20 cm high; FILIPENDULA Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' 15-20 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2118 2119 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2120 Växt up to 1.5 m high perennial; pink feathered inflorescences; Filipendula ulmaria Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 2121 common meadow perennial; white feathered inflorescences; medicinal plant; GAURA Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' pure white flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; GERANIUM 40-60 C5 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 225 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 125 40- 60 C5 200 30-40 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' light blue flowers; grows up to 0.7 m high; Geranium macrorrhizum 'Czakor' tiny pink flowers; perfect ground cover plant; Geranium ×magnificum 'Blue Blood' large intensely blue flowers with darker veins; grows up to 0.3-0.4 m high; Geranium ×magnificum 'Rosemoor' violet flowers with darker veins; grows up to 0.6 m high; Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' upright up to 0.8 m high perennial; tiny dark purple flowers; leaves with decorative purple pattern; Geranium pratense 'Laura' double white flowers; up to 0.6 m high; Geranium pratense 'Splish-splash' white flowers with blue spots; Geranium pratense 'Summer Skies' double lavender pink flowers; Geranium 'Tiny Monster' fast growing procumbent perennial; very large pure pink flowers; grows up to 0.2 - 0.3 m high; GUNNERA Gunnera manicata up to 2.5 m high perennial; impressive leaves up to 2 m in diameter; needs to be covered in winter; GYPSOPHILA Gypsophila 'Rosenschleier' - New! grows up to 30 cm high; double light pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; HAKONECHLOA Omkrets Form Pris 125 Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2134 2135 Växt beautiful shade tolerant "overflowing" grass; leaves with yellow stripes; HELENIUM Helenium 'Biedermeier' upright up to 1.2 m high perennial; orange flowers with yellow margin; 2136 2137 2138 Helenium 'Blütentisch' upright up to 0.8 m high perennial; yellow flowers; Helenium 'Double Trouble' upright perennial up to 0.8 m high; double gold yellow flowers; 2139 2140 2141 2142 Helenium 'El Dorado' - New! uprigh perennial up to 1 m high; large yellow flowers with dark brown centre; Helenium 'Flammenrad' up to 1.3 m high perennial; yellow orange flowers; Helenium 'Kanaria' upright up to 1.2 m high perennial; yellow flowers; profusely blooming; 2143 2144 2145 2146 Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' uprigh up to 1.2 m high perennial; red orange flowers with brown centre; Helenium 'Rubinzwerg' upright up to 0.8 m high perennial; dark red flowers; Helenium 'Ruby Tuesday' upright up to 0.6 m high perennial; tiny dark red flowers; 2147 2148 2149 Helenium 'Wesergold' upright up to 0.8 m high perennial; light yellow flowers; Helenium 'Zimbelstern' upright up to 1.5 m high perennial; orange and yellow flowers; 2150 2151 2152 HELIANTHUS Helianthus decapetalus 'Loddon Gold' dark yellow round inflorescences; grows up to 1.8 m high; Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' light yellow large inflorescences; grows up to 1.7 m high; Helianthus salicifolius Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 20-30 Kruka C3 40-60 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C2 75 40-60 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C2 75 80-100 C7,5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 100 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2153 2154 Växt flamboyant perennial with exotic look, growing up to 3 m high; narrow long pendant leaves; HELIOPSIS Heliopsis helianthoides 'Asahi' up to 0.8 m high perennial; double yellow and orange flowers; perfect for cut flowers; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C2 30-40 C2 75 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 HEMEROCALLIS Hemerocallis 'Anzac' - New! large red flowers; Hemerocallis 'Arctic Snow' white cream large leaves; Hemerocallis 'Awesome Blossom' peach pink flowers with purple "eye" and margin and yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Baltimore Oriole' - New! large red flowers; Hemerocallis 'Berrylicious' - New! red pink flowers with clared centre; crenate petals with clared margin; Hemerocallis 'Black Eyed Stella' tiny cream flowers with reddish green centre; Hemerocallis 'Black Stockings' - New! black claret flowers with yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Brookwood Lee Causey' New! yellow flowers with large red centre; crenate petals; Hemerocallis 'Burgundy Love' - New! large burgundy flowers; Hemerocallis 'Canadian Border Patrol' New! cream flowers with violet centre; crenate petals with violet margin; Hemerocallis 'Cherry Valentine' light pink flowers with red pink "eye" and green yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' pure red flowers with yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Chicago Royal Robe' carmine red flowers with yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Chicago Sunrise' grows up to 0.6 - 0.7 m high; evenly dark yellow flowers; Hemerocallis 'Christmas Is' red flowers with greenish centre; Hemerocallis citrina - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 75 Nr 2171 2172 2173 Växt light yellow flowers with elongated petals; narrow and long leaves; species native to China; Hemerocallis 'Corky' - New! yellow flowers; brown and yellow petals on the external side; narrow ligh green leaves; Hemerocallis 'Crimson Pirate' dwarfish dense variety; dark red flowers with yellow centre; recommended as ground cover plant; 2174 Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 125 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C5 125 Hemerocallis 'Desperado Love' - New! 2175 cream flowers with purple centre; Hemerocallis 'Dragon's Eye' 40-60 C5 150 2176 light pink flowers with large dark pink "eye" and green yellow centre; Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray' 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 Hemerocallis 'El Desperado' large lemon-colored flowers; crenate platelets' margins; flowers with claret centre; Hemerocallis 'Finders Keepers' - New! cream yellow flowers with crenate petal margins; Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' large two-color: yellow and red flowers; profusely blooming; Hemerocallis 'Gentle Shepherd' - New! cream white flowers with delicate green centre; Hemerocallis 'Green Mystique' - New! cream flowers with green centre; heavily crenate petals; Hemerocallis 'Lacy Doily' - New! double salmon pink flowers; Hemerocallis 'Night Embers' very original double claret flowers; Hemerocallis 'Pocket Change' light red flowers with white margin and green centre; Hemerocallis 'Słowik' large intensly orange flowers; Hemerocallis 'Startle' light red flowers with cream margin and green centre; Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' well-known proven dwarfish variety of daylily; yellow flowers; recommended as ground cover plant; 2189 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 Växt Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy' pink flowers with dark pink centre; delicately crenate petals; Hemerocallis 'Summer Wine' Höjd Kruka 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 200 40-60 C5 125 15-20 C2 50 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 200 15-20 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 200 20-25 C2 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 violet red flowers; up to 0.5 m perennial; Hemerocallis 'Venetian Fringe' double dark pink flowers with waved yellow margin; Hemerocallis 'White Temptation' single cream white flowers with greenish centre; HEUCHERA Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' dark purple leaves; one of the most hardy Heuchera varieties; HOSTA Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' - New! variety with blue leaves; originally curled leaves resembling bowls; grows up to 1 m high; Hosta 'Big Daddy' - New! variety with large blue grey leaves; grows up to 1.2 m high; Hosta 'Blue Angel' fast growing variety with large blue grey leaves; up to 1 m high; Hosta 'Blue Ivory' bluish grey leaves with white margin; Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' dwarfish form with round blue grey leaves; up to 20 cm high; Hosta 'Brim Cup' - New! leaves with cream margin; grows up to 40 cm high; Hosta 'Captain Kirk' - New! gold yellow leaves with dark green margin; grows up to 70 cm high; Hosta 'Delta Dawn' - New! green yellow leaves with cream margin; grows up to 0.5 m high; Hosta 'Francee' dark green leaves with clear white margin; grows up to 0.5 m high; Hosta 'Frances Williams' large bluish green leaves with yellow margin; Hosta 'Great Expectations' - New! light green leaves with blue margin; grows up to 0.5 m high; Hosta 'Halcyon' silvery-blue elongated peaked leaves; up to 0.5 m high variety; Hosta 'Liberty' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 Växt dark green leaves with wide yellow margin; Hosta 'Love Pat' - New! intensly blue bowl-shaped leaves; Hosta 'Olive Bailey Langdon' grey blue leaves with wide green yellow margin; grows up to 1 m high; Hosta 'On Stage' - New! yellow leaves with dark green margin; Hosta 'Patriot' green leaves with wide white margin; Höjd 20-25 Kruka C3 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 125 20-25 C3 100 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' very large grey and blue leaves; Hosta 'Stained Glass' yellow leaves with green margin; grows up to 0.6 m high; Hosta 'Sum and Substance' large lemon-yellow leaves; Hosta 'Wide Brim' green leaves with wide yellow margin; grows up to 0.6 m high; IMPERATA Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' up to 50 cm high grass; intensely red leaves; IRIS Iris ensata 'Darling' - New! pink and violet leaves with yellow stripes; Iris ensata 'Variegata' leaves with wide yellow margin; sky blue flowers; Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' - New! leaves with yellow stripes; yellow lowers; Iris sibirica 'Concord Crush' - New! double blue and violet flowers; Iris sibirica 'Contrast in Styles' violet flowers with bright white and yellow centre; Iris sibirica 'Dance Ballerina Dance' sky blue and lavender flowers; folded petals; Iris sibirica 'Pink Parfait' - New! double pink flowers; Iris sibirica 'Ruffled Velvet' large dark violet flowers; folded petals; grows up to 0.6 m high; Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge' blue flowers with delicate bright margin; Iris sibirica 'Sultan's Ruby' dark violet flowers with yellow stripes on petals; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 200 Nr 2227 2228 2229 Växt Iris sibirica 'Welfenprinz' cream yellow flowers; KALIMERIS Kalimeris mongolica 'Antonia' blue violet flowers; grows up to 1 m high; long and profusely blooimng variety; KIRENGESHOMA Kirengeshoma palmata shade tolerant perennial with original yellow bell-shaped flowers; Höjd Kruka 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 100 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 ground cover plant up to 20 - 25 cm high; leaves with grey silver stripe in the middle; Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' New! ground cover plant growing up to 20-25 cm high; lilac purple flowers; silvery grey leaves; Lamium maculatum 'Pink Pewter' New! ground cover plant growing up to 20-25 cm high; light pink flowers; silvery grey leaves; Lamium maculatum 'Red Nancy' - New! ground cover plant growing up to 20-25 cm high; dark pink flowers; silvery grey leaves; Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' ground cover plant up to 20 - 25 cm high; white flowers; silvery-grey leaves with green margin; LIATRIS Liatris spicata 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 violet flowers collected in elongated inflorescences; blooms from the top down; 40-60 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 KNIPHOFIA Kniphofia 'Royal Standard' orange and yellow flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; Kniphofia uvaria - New! orange and yellow flowers collected in clustres; long narrow leaves; the plant forms clumps; LAMIUM Lamium galeobdolon up to 0.5 m high stoloniferous perennial with yellow flowers and leaves with silver grey pattern; perfect ground cover plant; Lamium maculatum 'Argenteum' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2240 Växt LIGULARIA Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford' PBR large dark purple leaves; orange flowers; Ligularia dentata 'Midnight Lady' Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 60-80 C5 200 2241 large purple leaves; orange flowers; Ligularia 'Osiris Café Noir' PBR 60-80 C5 125 2242 large indented brown red leaves; grows up to 0.6 m high; LYSIMACHIA Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker' claret leaves beatifully contrasting with tiny yellow flowers; Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' leaves with cream white margin; yellow flowers; Lysimachia punctata GOLDEN ALEXANDER 'Walgoldalex' PBR leaves with yellow margin; yellow flowers; LYTHRUM Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' upright up to 1 m high perennial; dark pink inflorescences; recommended for moist positions; 60-80 C5 125 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 75 40-60 C2 50 60-80 C5 125 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C5 125 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 MATTEUCCIA Matteuccia struthiopteris tall fern with upright habit; up to 1.5 m high leaves; 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 MELISSA Melissa officinalis leaves with intense lemon scent; white flowers; medicinal plant; Melissa officinalis 'Allgold' gold yellow leaves; Melissa officinalis 'Variegata' gold yellow leaves green in the middle; MENTHA Mentha aquatica green intensely fragrant leaves; pinkish shoots; Mentha ×gracilis green leaves with yellow pattern; nice ginger fragrance; Mentha 'Hillary's Sweet Lemon' variety with intense lemon fragrance; recommended as lemonades' ingredient; Mentha ×piperita 'Agnes' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 Växt unusually aromatic mint leaves; variety resistant to mildew; Mentha ×piperita 'Bergamot' leaves added to black tea make it taste like 'Earl Grey' tea; medicinal plant; Mentha spicata 'Crispa' dark green wrinkled leaves; Mentha spicata 'Moroccan' green dentate leaves; perfect for brews; Mentha suaveolens 'Variegata' decorative leaves with white margin; delicate pineapple scent; MISCANTHUS Miscanthus 'Purpurascens' dense up to 1.5 m high grass; red leaves' endings; Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' dense up to 1.5 m high grass; numerous inflorescences; 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 Miscanthus sinensis 'Augustfeder' dense grass up to 2 m high; silver inflorescences; Miscanthus sinensis 'Blütenwunder' up to 2.1 m high grass; blooms regularly, quite early; Miscanthus sinensis 'Cabaret' up to 2.5 m high grass; wide leaves with white stripe in the centre; Miscanthus sinensis 'Ferner Osten' very large brown red inflorescences; Miscanthus sinensis 'Flamingo' dense habit; grows up to 1.8 m high; loose large inflorescences; 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' up to 2 m high grass; very narrow leaves; nice spherical habit; Miscanthus sinensis 'Grosse Fontäne' up to 2.4 m high grass; early profuse blooming; Miscanthus sinensis 'Hinjo' - New! leaves with yellow stripes; pendat habit; grows up to 1.5 m high; Miscanthus sinensis 'Kaskade' feathered hanging silvery inflorescences; Miscanthus sinensis 'Krater' - New! 2274 2275 Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus' up to 2.2 m high grass; red inflorescences; wide leaves; Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 20-30 Kruka C2 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 60-80 C3 100 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C7,5 125 80-100 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C5 125 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C3 100 80-100 C7,5 125 80-100 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C3 100 60-80 C3 100 80-100 C7,5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 50 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2276 2277 2278 Växt regular spherical clamps; narrow leaves with white margin; Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotfuchs' red brown inflorescences; grows up to 1.5 m high; stiff shoots; Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotsilber' tall slender grass; wide leaves; dark red inflorescences; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 80-100 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 100 80-100 C7,5 125 80-100 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 100 100-120 C7,5 125 60-80 C3 100 80-100 C7,5 125 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C7,5 125 60-80 C7,5 125 25-30 C2 100 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 60-80 C2 C5 50 100 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 40-60 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 Miscanthus sinensis 'Sarabande' up to 2 m high grass; very narrow leaves; copper-yellow inflorescences; Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfeder' up to 2 m high grass; inflorescences visible above the leaves; Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberspinne' up to 1.8 m high grass; numerous silvery-pink inflorescences; Miscanthus sinensis 'Sirene' up to 2 m high grass; wide leaves; silvery-pink inflorescences; 2284 2285 Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' stidd leaves with yellow stripes; up to 2 m high; 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 MOLINIA Molinia arundinacea 'Cordoba' slender up to 0.8-1.2 m high clump; up to 2.5 m high inflorescences; Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' leaves with yellow stripes; MONARDA Monarda 'Elsie's Lavender' light violet flowers; Monarda fistulosa 'Tetraploid' - New! pink purple flowers; Monarda 'Gewitterwolke' dark pink flowers; Monarda 'Jacob Cline' red flowers; profusely blooming; Monarda 'Kardinal' large dark violet flowers; Monarda 'Marshall's Delight' - New! large pink flowers; resistant to mildew; Monarda 'Prärienacht' - New! violet flowers; Monarda 'Purple Ann' - New! purple flowers; Monarda 'Schneewolke' pure white flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 100 Nr 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 Växt Monarda 'Scorpion' - New! violet flowers; NEPETA Nepeta ×faassenii up to 0.5m high perennial; tiny blue flowers; tiny grey leaves; Nepeta grandiflora 'Dawn to Dusk' New! grows up to 0.8 m high, light pink inflorescences; Nepeta manchuriensis 'Manchu Blue' large blue violet inflorescences; long and profusely blooming variety; Nepeta racemosa 'Blue Wonder' - New! dark blue flowers; leaves with lemon scent; Nepeta racemosa 'Grog' blue violet flowers; leaves with lemon scent; Höjd Kruka 40-60 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 up to approx. 0.6 m high perennial; large yellow flowers; OMPHALODES Omphalodes verna tiny sapphire flowers; blooms in spring; perfect ground cover plant; OPHIOPOGON Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Niger' - New! grows up to 0.4 m high; dark violet flowers; violet and white flowers collected in clusters; needs to be covered in winter; ORIGANUM Origanum 'Rosenkuppel' dark green leaves; very attractive pink flowers; Origanum vulgare 40-60 C2 50 20-30 C3 50 20-25 C3 100 20-30 C2 50 popular spice plant; green aromatic leaves; violet flowers; Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' 20-30 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nepeta sibirica up to 0.7 m high perennial; blue flowers; green dentate leaves; Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' violet blue flowers; grows up to 0.8 m high; perfect ground cover plant; Nepeta 'Six Hills Gold' leaves with yellow margin; violet blue flowers; grows up to 0.8 m high; Nepeta 'Walker's Low' violet flowers; grows up to 0.8 m high; perfect ground cover plant; Omkrets Form Pris OENOTHERA Oenothera fruticosa 'Fyrverkeri' 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 Växt yellow leaves, strongly aromatic as the species; violet flowers; Origanum vulgare 'Gold Tip' green leaves with yellow endings; strongly aromatic; Origanum vulgare 'Variegatum' leaves with white margin, strongly aromatic; OSMUNDA Osmunda regalis very decorative fern recommended for moist shaded positions; PAEONIA Paeonia 'Alexander Fleming' nicely smelling round double pink flowers; grows up to 0.8 m high; Paeonia anomala - New! deeply indented leaves; single dark pink flowers with yellow centre; grows up to 1 m high; Paeonia 'Barbara' double pin flowers; Paeonia 'Bartzella' Itoh Group very large double lemon-yellow flowers; grows up to 0.7 m high; Paeonia 'Blaze' - New! single red flowers with yellow centre; Paeonia 'Bowl of Cream' double fragrant pure white flowers; Paeonia 'Celebrity' - New! double pink and white flowers; Paeonia 'Charles Burgess' - New! single red flowers with red and yellow centre; Paeonia 'Charles White' 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 Paeonia 'Claire de Lune' - New! single cream white flowers with yellow centre; Paeonia 'Command Performance' large double red flowers; Paeonia 'Coral Charm' semi-double salmon pink flowers; Paeonia 'Coral Fay' - New! semi-double salmon pink flowers; Paeonia 'Coral 'n' Gold' - New! semi-double salmon pink flowers; Paeonia 'Coral Sunset' semi-double coral-pink flat-topped flowers; Paeonia 'Dinner Plate' - New! large double pink flowers; Paeonia 'Do Tell' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 20-30 Kruka C2 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 200 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 450 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 575 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 100 30-40 C3,5 375 30-40 C3,5 350 30-40 C3,5 275 30-40 C3,5 450 30-40 C3,5 500 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 400 30-40 C3,5 375 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 50 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2334 2353 Växt semi-double light pink flowers with yellow and pink centre; Paeonia 'Duchesse de Nemours' - New! double white flowers; Paeonia 'Felix Crousse' - New! double amaranthine and red flowers; Paeonia 'Flame' - New! semi-double red flowers with yellow centre; Paeonia 'Golden Treasure' Itoh Group New! semi-double yellow flowers with orange centre; Paeonia 'Henry Bockstoce' - New! double dark red flowers; Paeonia 'Immaculée' - New! double white flowers; Paeonia 'Jadwiga' semi-double flowers with indented petal margins; Paeonia 'Karl Rosenfield' - New! double dark pink flowers; Paeonia 'Koningin Wilhelmina' - New! pink flowers with delicate white petals margin; Paeonia 'Lady Liberty' - New! pink flowers with cream pink centre; Paeonia 'Laura Dessert' - New! double white yellow flowers; Paeonia 'Marie Lemoine' - New! double white flowers; Paeonia mascula subsp. triternata New! rounded leaves; dark pink flowers with yellow centre; Paeonia 'Mister Ed' - New! double two-color flowers, pink white; Paeonia 'Mme Claude Tain' double pure white flowers; Paeonia 'Monsieur Jules Elie' - New! double pink flowers; Paeonia 'Moon of Nippon' single pure white flowers with strongly developed yellow staminodes; Paeonia 'Neon' - New! pink flowers with pink and yellow centre; Paeonia 'Nippon Beauty' - New! red flowers with red and yellow centre; 2354 Paeonia officinalis 'Anemoniflora' New! pink flowers with pink yellow centre; 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3,5 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 1100 30-40 C3,5 350 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 450 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 600 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form Pris 350 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 Växt Paeonia officinalis 'Mutabilis Plena' New! double pink white flowers; Paeonia officinalis 'Rosea Plena' - New! double pink flowers; Paeonia officinalis 'Rubra Plena' - New! double red flowers; Paeonia 'Old Rose Dandy' Itoh Group New! salmon and orange flowers with purple centre; Paeonia peregrina 'Otto Froebel' (syn. 'Sunshine') - New! single red flowers with strongly developed staminodes; Paeonia 'Pillow Talk' - New! double pink flowers; Paeonia 'Raspberry Sundae' - New! double cream pink flowers; Paeonia 'Red Charm' double dark red flowers; Paeonia 'Red Magic' double red flowers; Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt' double light pink flowers; Paeonia 'Scarlett O'Hara' - New! semi-double red flowers with strongly developed staminodes; Paeonia 'Sea Shell' - New! semi-double pink flowers with strongly developed staminodes; Paeonia 'Shirley Temple' large double white pink flowers; Paeonia 'White Wings' - New! single white flowers with strongly developed staminodes; Paeonia 'Władysława' single pink flowers with light cream centre; PANICUM Panicum virgatum 'Cloud Nine' up to 1.5 m high grass; blue green leaves; greenish inflorecences, become yellow in autumn; Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' up to 1.5 m high grass; upright habit; silvery-blue leaves; Panicum virgatum 'Prairie Sky' dense upright grass up to 1.5 m high; silvery blue leaves; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C3,5 150 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 1325 30-40 C3,5 350 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 300 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 225 30-40 C3,5 200 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 125 30-40 C3,5 125 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun' up to 1.2 m high grass; leaves change color to dark red in autumn; Panicum virgatum 'Rotstrahlbusch' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 Växt up to 1.4 m high upright grass; dark red endings of the leaves; Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' up to 1.2 m high grass; leaves rapidly change their color to red; PENNISETUM Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' decorative grass growing up to 1 m high; cream white inflorescences; Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Herbstzauber' up to 1.2 m high grass; inflorescences embedded on long axis, picturesquely hanging; Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' grass with spreading habit; wide leaves beautifully change their color to red in autumn; Pennisetum alopecuroides f. viridescens - New! up to 1 m high grass; large dark purple inflorescences; stiff stems; pendant leaves; PHLOX Phlox amplifolia 'Shemeneto' Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 Omkrets Form Pris 75 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 2380 intensely violet pink flowers; grows up to 1 m high; Phlox amplifolia 'Waupee' 30-40 C2 50 2381 pure white flowers; grows up to 1 m high; Phlox maculata 'Natasza' extremely original violet white stripped flowers collected in elongated inflorescences; Phlox paniculata 'Abendglut' - New! amaranthine flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Atlant' large light pink flowers; 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 Phlox paniculata 'Blue Boy' grows up to 0.9 m high; evenly violet blue fragrant flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' violet blue flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Czarodiej' large violet flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Dymczatnyj Koral' large coral pink flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Eva Foerster' - New! salmon pink flowers with white centre; Phlox paniculata 'Gołuboj Dym' pale blue flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 Växt Phlox paniculata 'Graf Zeppelin' white flowers with red centre; Phlox paniculata 'Igor Tałkow' pink flowers with dark pink centre; Phlox paniculata 'Junior Dance' tiny coral pink flowers with white centre; dense variety; grows up to 0.7 m high; Phlox paniculata 'Little Boy' violet flowers; up to 0.5 m high perennial; Phlox paniculata 'Merlinka' pure white flowers; Höjd Kruka 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Phlox paniculata 'Miłyj Drug' large light pink flowers with darker centre; Phlox paniculata 'Miss Pepper' pink flowers with red centre; Phlox paniculata 'Miszeńka' exceptionally original violet white striped flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Morgengabe' - New! light pink flowers with dark pink centre; Phlox paniculata 'Narciss' - New! white flowers with tiny light violet centre; Phlox paniculata 'Niebiesa' white flowers, blue in buds; Phlox paniculata 'Nora Leigh' leaves with wide cream margin; lavender flowers with darker centre; Phlox paniculata 'Olienka' pink flowers with dark pink centre; Phlox paniculata 'Orange Perfection' orange flowers with darker centre; Phlox paniculata 'Priekrasnoje Utro' large pale pink flowers with darker centre; Phlox paniculata 'Prospero' light violet flowers; Phlox paniculata 'Sliedy' light pink flowers with violet stripes; Phlox paniculata 'Tajna' dark violet flowers with brighter flush; Phlox paniculata 'Tequila Sunrise' vibrant orange flowers with dark pink centre; Phlox paniculata 'Uspiech' large dark violet flowers; Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris Nr 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 Växt pure white flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; Phlox paniculata 'Wilhelm Kesselring' violet flowers with large white centre; Phlox paniculata 'Zołuszka' light violet flowers with dark violet centre; PHORMIUM Phormium 'Yellow Wave' up to 1.2 m high; wide leaves with yellow stripes; recommended as terrace plant; needs to be stored in cold place in winter; PHYSOSTEGIA Physostegia virginiana 'Variegata' white variegated leaves; pink flowers; up to 1 m high perennial; POLEMONIUM Polemonium caeruleum BRISE D'ANJOU 'Blanjou' - New! leaves with yellow margin; sky blue flowers; grows up to 0.5 m high; PRIMULA Primula rosea 'Grandiflora' leaves collected in rosette; pink flowers with yellow eye; grows up to 20 cm high; PULMONARIA Pulmonaria saccharata 'Silverado' PBR silvery grey leaves with green spots; blue and pink flowers; PULSATILLA Pulsatilla vulgaris - New! bell-shaped violet flowers with yellow centre; white fluffy multiple fruits; Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Rubra' - New! bell-shaped red flowers with yellow centre; white fluffy multiple fruits; RHEUM Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum New! Höjd 30-40 Kruka C2 Omkrets Form Pris 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 60-80 C15 500 30-40 C2 75 40-60 C5 150 15-20 C2 50 30-40 C5 125 20-25 C3 50 20-25 C5 50 125 large indented leaves; red young leaves; grows up to 2 m high; Rheum rhabarbarum 'Valentine' - New! 40-60 C5 large indented leaves; red stems; white inflorescences; edible plant; RODGERSIA Rodgersia aesculifolia palmate leaves as in the case of Aesculus; white, cream or pink paniculate inflorescences; 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr Växt Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings' Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris PBR 2424 large shade tolerant perennial; large palmate leaves, brown in spring; RUDBECKIA Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' 40-60 C5 200 2425 palatial up to 0.6 m high perennial; numerous yellow inflorescences with black centre constitute the most significant decoration; 40-60 C3 75 60-80 C5 125 120-140 C5 125 60-80 C5 125 120-140 C7,5 150 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C3 50 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle' - New! up to 1 m high perennial; double lemon yellow flowers; Rudbeckia maxima large bluish leaves; yellow flowers with black centre; up to 1 m high perennial; Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstsonne' tall, up to 2.5 m high perennial; large yellow inflorescences; SALVIA Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' violet blue flowers; dark violet shoots; grows up to 0.5 m high; Salvia nemorosa 'Ostfriesland' dense up to 0.5 m high perennial; violet blue flowers; Salvia nemorosa SENSATION MEDIUM DEEP BLUE - New! blue flowers; grows up to 0.3 m high; dense habit; Salvia nemorosa SENSATION MEDIUM PINK - New! pink flowers; grows up to 0.3 m high; dense habit; Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain' - New! tiny violet flowers located around the stems; grey green leaves; grows up to 0.5 m high; SANGUISORBA Sanguisorba officinalis 'Blackthorn' New! up to 1.5 m high; perennial with red pink elongated inflorescences on long pedicles; SAPONARIA Saponaria officinalis 'Rosea Plena' New! grows up to 0.6 m high; double light pink flowers; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2437 2438 2439 Växt SEDUM Höjd Kruka 20-30 C2 75 15-20 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 20-30 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 75 30-40 C2 50 30-40 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 100-120 C7,5 125 20-30 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 60-80 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum' verry effective yellow variegated leaves; Sedum cauticola 'Robustum' tiny claret leaves; dark pink flowers; up to 25 m high; Sedum 'Matrona' violet green leaves and shoots; pale pink flowers; grows up to 0.6 m high; 2440 2441 Sedum spectabile 'Brillant' bluish leaves; pink flowers; grows up to 0.6 m high; 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 Sedum 'Thundercloud' - New! indented bluish leaves; pink flowers; grows up to 0.6 m high; SOLIDAGO Solidago 'Golden Dwarf' dwarfish form growing up to 30 cm high; Solidago 'Hiddigeigei' intensely yellow leaves, most attractive in spring; yellow flowers; grows up to 0.5 m high; Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' dark yellow flowers collected in elongated inflorescences; grows up to 1 m high; very effective in late autumn; Solidago 'Strahlenkrone' yellow flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences; grows up to 0.6 m high; 2448 Omkrets Form Pris SPARTINA 2449 2450 2451 2452 Spartina pectinata 'Aureomarginata' fast spreading grass; grows up to 1.5 m high; pendant leaves with yellow margin; STACHYS Stachys byzantina grey mossy leaves; light violet flowers; STIPA Stipa tenuissima 'Pony Tails' up to 0.5 m high grass with delicate fluffy inflorescences; THALICTRUM Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum' up to 1.5 m high perennial; violet paniculate inflorescences; Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitt's Double' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2453 Växt double violet flowers; THYMUS Thymus citriodorus 'Aureus' - New! procumbent perennial with yellow leaves and lemon aroma; suitable for cooking; Thymus serpyllum low-growing perennial with fragrant leaves used for cooking; violet flowers; TRADESCANTIA Tradescantia 'Blue Stone' - New! Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 15-20 C2 15-20 C2 50 2456 blue flowers embded on green leaves angles; Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' 40-60 C5 125 2457 dark blue flowers beautifully contrasting with gold yellow leaves; TRIFOLIUM Trifolium repens 'Atropurpureum' New! dark claret leaves with green margin; perfect ground cover plant; grows up to 20 cm high; Trifolium repens 'Dragon's Blood' leaves with amaranthine and willowgreen pattern; white flowers; perfect ground cover plant; grows up to 20 cm high; Trifolium repens 'Isabella' - New! red amaranthine leaves; light pink flowers; extremely decorative variety; perfect companion for balcony plants; grows up to 20 cm high; Trifolium rubens - New! grows up to 0.7 m high; elongated purple red inflorescences; 40-60 C5 150 2454 2455 2458 2459 2460 2461 Omkrets Form Pris 200 50 50 20-25 C2 20-30 C2 50 20-25 C2 50 20-30 C2 50 40-60 C5 125 80-100 C5 125 20-25 C2 50 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 TROLLIUS Trollius 'Orange Princess' 2462 2463 2464 orange flowers; indented green leaves; VERBENA Verbena bonariensis beautiful honey bearing perennial, up to 1.5 m high; violet flowers collected in dence inflorescences at the ends of shoots; butterflies-attracting plant; poorly frost hardy plant but winters in the form of seeds; VERONICA Veronica austriaca 'Knallblau' sapphire blue flowers; grows up to 0.3 m high; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2465 2466 2467 2468 Växt Veronica spicata 'Rotfuchs' Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris dark pink flowers collected in numerous spike-shaped inflorescences; up to 0.2 0.3 m high; VIOLA Viola cornuta 'Alba' - New! grows up to 30 cm high; pure white flowers; long and profuse blooming; Viola cornuta 'Etain' - New! 20-30 C3 100 15-20 C2 50 grows up to 30 cm high; yellow flowers with violet petals' margin; profusely blooming; Viola sororia 'Albiflora' - New! white flowers; perfect ground cover plant; 15-20 C2 50 15-20 C3 50 40-60 C5 175 C2 100 20-25 C3 100 15-20 C3 200 15-20 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-60 60-80 C3 C7,5 C20 200 350 500 15-20 C3 200 30-40 C3 100 100-120 140-160 C30 C43 YUCCA Yucca filamentosa 2469 2470 2471 stiff peaked linear leaves; palatial inflorescences; Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' - New! stiff green leaves with wide yellow stripe in the centre; Yucca recurvifolia BANANA SPLIT 'Monca' - New! pendant leaves with wide yellow stripe in the centre; 20-30 Barrväxter 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 ABIES Abies alba 'Barabits Star' - New! dwarfish variety; dense habit; Abies alba 'Ibergeregg' dwarfish irregular form; Abies alba 'Pendula' weeping variety; produces leader; Abies alba 'Pyramidalis' conical habit; Abies cephalonica 'Meyer's Dwarf' dense slow growing conical form; Abies cephalonica 'Pendula' - New! tall tree with pendant lateral shoots; Abies concolor up to 25 m high tree; long silver grey needles on both sides; 2481 2482 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se jordklump jordklump 550 925 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 Växt Abies concolor 'Compacta' dense dwarfish form; silver-blue needles; Abies concolor 'Violacea' pale blue needles; Abies concolor 'Wintergold' gold yellow needles in winter; Abies fargesii 'Headfort' horizontal habit; Abies fraseri medium-sized tree with regular habit; Abies homolepis very decorative fir native to Japan mountains; Abies koreana up to 8-10 m high tree; slow growing; profusely cone bearing tree; 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 Abies koreana 'Aurea' yellow green needles; Abies koreana 'Festival' silver blue needles; Abies koreana 'Kristallkugel' very dwarfish spherical variety; up to 0.3 m high; Abies koreana 'Oberon' very short rounded needles; dwarfish form - up to 1 m high; Abies koreana 'Pancake' dwarfish procumbent variety, up to 1.5 m wide and 0.5 m high; Abies koreana 'Silberlocke' upward curling needles; Abies koreana 'Silver Show' upward curling needles; the best variety; Abies koreana 'Silver Star' upward curling needles; slow growing, dwarfish form, up to 1.2 m high; Abies koreana 'Tundra' dense dwarfish form; long needles; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form 15-20 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C3 100 40-60 C3 100 30-40 C3 75 40-60 80-100 C7,5 C30 20-30 30-40 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 10-15 C5 575 15-20 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 50-60 C3 C30 20-30 C3 200 30-40 C5 375 20-30 30-40 C3 C3 30-40 C3 20-30 80-100 C3 C30 jordklump jordklump PA Pris 200 575 200 900 200 350 Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica 2504 2505 2506 tall tree with regular crown and grey blue needles; Abies lasiocarpa 'Argentea' silver blue needles; 100 jordklump 200 900 Abies lasiocarpa 'Arizonica Compacta' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 Växt slow growing regular form; blue needles; Abies lasiocarpa 'Green Globe' oval dense form; green needles; does not produce leader; Abies lasiocarpa 'Kenwith Blue' - New! tall buske with dense habit; intensly blue needles; Abies nordmanniana 'Aurea' yellow needles; especially intense color in winter; Abies nordmanniana 'Golden Spreader' gold yellow needles; slow growing; dense habit; Abies nordmanniana 'Kolumnowa' slow growing; columnar habit, becomes conical over time; Abies nordmanniana 'Kulista' slow growing; columnar habit, becomes conical over time; Höjd 50-60 Kruka C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 15-20 C3 200 30-40 C3 200 20-25 C3 200 30-40 C7,5 350 20-25 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 80-100 C3 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 275 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C7,5 625 60-80 C5 575 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 Abies nordmanniana 'Lennartz' - New! buske with flat-topped pendant habit; Abies nordmanniana 'Pendula' pendant habit; Abies numidica 'Glauca' fast growing; stiff grey blue needles; Abies numidica 'Pendula' stiff green needles; pendant form; Abies pinsapo 'Kelleriis' grey blue needles; Abies procera 'Glauca' intensely blue needles; Abies procera 'La Graciosa' - New! moderately fast growing variety with pendant shoots; Abies procera 'Sherwoodii' yellow needles; slow growing; Abies veitchii 'Heddergott' dwarfish irregular form; CEDRUS Cedrus libani 'Sargentii' - New! dwarfish form with pendant habit; CHAMAECYPARIS Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Imbricata Pendula' variety with pendant habit and elongated "thread-like" branches; Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minima Aurea' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form jordklump jordklump Pris 975 200 900 Nr 2529 2530 2531 Växt dense dwarfish buske with gold needles; Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Waterfall' New! fast growing variety with loose habit and overflowing branches; GINKGO Ginkgo biloba up to 20 m high tree; yellow leaves in autumn; Höjd 20-25 Kruka C3 120-140 C7,5 725 100-120 C5 275 160-180 C15 700 40-60 C5 325 20-30 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 20-30 60-80 C5 C5 350 500 40-60 C5 400 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 20-30 C5 575 40-60 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 Ginkgo biloba 'Bolesław Chrobry' New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Chotek' dwarfish form with irregular habit; Ginkgo biloba 'Jagiełło' - New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Jan III Sobieski' - New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Kazimierz Wielki' - New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken' very dwarfish form; spherical habit; Ginkgo biloba 'Menhir' PBR narrow columnar habit; Ginkgo biloba 'Mieszko I' - New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Pevé Maribo' dwarfish spherical form; yellow variegated leaves; Ginkgo biloba 'Profesor Łukasiewicz' New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Przemysław II' - New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; Ginkgo biloba 'Saratoga' elongated leaves of various shapes; pyramid-shaped form; Ginkgo biloba 'Troll' very dwarfish variety with irregular habit; Ginkgo biloba 'Władysław Łokietek' New! Polish variety selected by Professor Stanisława Korszun; JUNIPERUS Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Alps' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 75 350 Nr 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 Växt blue silver needles; buskeby form; Juniperus chinensis 'Stricta' wide conical habit; grey blue needles; Juniperus communis 'Arnold' very narrow columnar variety; Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3 30-40 C3 25-30 160-180 C3 C30 25-30 C3 75 25-30 C3 75 25-30 50-60 C3 C5 75 200 30-40 C3 75 80-100 C30 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 25-30 C3 75 20-30 C3 75 25-30 C3 75 25-30 C3 75 20-30 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' yellow needles; slow growing; columnar habit; Juniperus communis 'Green Carpet' very low growing procumbent variety; Juniperus communis 'Repanda' procumbent form; Juniperus communis 'Suecica' dense columnar habit; Juniperus communis 'Suecica Aurea' yellow needles; slow growing; columnar form; Juniperus conferta 'Schlager' procumbent up to 0.5 m high buske; green bluish needles; Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra Compact' dense procumbent variety; green scales; Juniperus horizontalis 'Andorra Variegata' dense procumbent variety; white variegated branches; Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' dense procumbent variety; silvery blue nedles; Juniperus horizontalis 'Glauca' low growing, dense procumbent variety; blue needles; Juniperus horizontalis 'Golden Carpet' procumbent variety; yellow needles; Juniperus horizontalis 'Limeglow' dense procumbent variety; gold yellow needles; Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' low growing procumbent variety; blue needles; Juniperus ×pfitzeriana 'Gold Star' low growing procumbent variety; gold yellow needles; Juniperus ×pfitzeriana 'Mint Julep' juicy green needles; very tall procumbent form; Juniperus ×pfitzeriana 'Old Gold' resembles ''Pfitzeriana Aurea' but is more dense; Juniperus ×pfitzeriana 'Pfitzeriana Aurea' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 75 75 jordklump jordklump 75 575 575 Nr 2569 Växt spreading habit; gold yellow young shoots; Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3 40-60 C7,5 200 30-40 C3 125 30-40 C3 100 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C3 75 100-120 C30 30-40 C3 75 15-20 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 40-50 C3 75 80-100 C5 100 120-140 160-180 C5 C12 150 300 30-40 60-80 C5 C5 PA 325 350 40-60 80-100 C5 C5 PA 325 400 40-60 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 Juniperus procumbens 'Kishiogima' New! slow growing procumbent buske; gold yellow young growths; Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' low growing procumbent variety; slow growing; Juniperus sabina 'Rockery Gem' procumbent buske growing up to 2 m in diameter and 0.6 m high; steely blue needles; Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia' slow growing variety; silver green color; Juniperus sabina 'Variegata' procumbent variety; white variegated branches; Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue Arrow' resembles 'Skyrocket' but has narrower habit; 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet' procumbent variety; intensely blue needles; Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' dwarfish regular variety; up to 0.5 m high; blue needles; Juniperus squamata 'Blue Swede' procumbent variety up to 0.5 m high; Juniperus squamata 'Golden Flame' bowl-shaped habit; blue yellow variegated needles; Juniperus squamata 'Holger' spreading habit; yellow young growths; Juniperus squamata 'Meyeri' buskeby form; blue needles; LARIX Larix decidua tall up to 40 m high tree; seasonal needles; 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 Larix decidua 'Cižovice' witch's broom; regular spherical habit; Larix decidua 'Compacta' dense spherical form; Larix decidua 'Fastigiata' conical habit; Larix decidua 'Horstmann Recurved' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form jordklump Pris 75 625 Nr 2592 2593 2594 Växt spirally curled shoots; green needles; Larix decidua 'Kórnik' regular spherical crown; Larix decidua 'Krejča Mutation' very dwarfish variety; witch's broom found on the root sprout; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 100-120 C10 30-50 C5 50-80 C5 40-60 C5 60-80 C5 PA 400 120-140 140-160 C10 C10 PA PA 600 625 120-140 140-160 160-180 C10 C10 C10 PA PA PA 600 625 700 80-100 C10 PA 400 60 C5 PA 350 30-40 C5 325 40-60 C5 325 100-120 160-180 C5 C15 325 550 80-100 C10 40-60 C5 325 100-120 C10 350 30-40 C5 325 180-200 C10 550 120-140 C10 PA 600 140-160 C10 PA 625 60-80 C5 PA 400 50-60 C5 325 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 Larix decidua 'Pendula' pendant variety; irregular habit; Larix decidua 'Piotr Karski' new dense spherical variety cultivated in our nursery; up to 0.8 m high; Larix decidua 'Puli' weeping form; Omkrets Form Pris 325 PA 400 325 PA 425 325 Larix decidua 'Repens' 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 weeping form; Larix gmelinii 'Dortmund' dense dwarfish form; Larix gmelinii 'Tharandt' dense dwarfish form; Larix kaempferi 'Cruwys Morchard' curled needles and shoots; Larix kaempferi 'Diana' spirally curled branches; bluish needles; Larix kaempferi 'Jacobsen's Pyramid' regular columnar variety; Larix kaempferi 'Little Boggle' irregular dwarfish form; green needles; Larix kaempferi 'Mazanek' very irregular habit; does not produce leader; 2611 2612 2613 2614 Larix kaempferi 'Paper Lanterns' columnar habit; slightly curled shoots; profusely cone bearing variety; Larix kaempferi 'Pendula' weeping variety; produces leader; Larix kaempferi 'Stiff Weeper' regular pendant crown; blue needles; 2615 2616 2617 Larix kaempferi 'Susterzeel' spherical habit; blue needles; Larix laricina 'Pyramidalis Argentea' conical crown; grey bluish needles; Larix laricina 'Steuben' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA 400 Nr 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 Växt irregular dwarfish form; blue needles; Larix ×marschlinsii 'Grot' fast growing; wide conical habit; METASEQUOIA Metasequoia glyptostroboides very original tree; discarding long delicate needles in winter; Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Goldrush' gold yellow needles; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 80-100 C5 325 140-160 C5 200 100-120 160-180 C10 C7,5 PA PA 350 500 120-140 C10 PA 350 160-180 C5 PA 350 30-40 C3 75 30-40 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 20-25 C3 100 60-80 C3 200 80-100 100-120 140-160 180-200 C5 C7,5 C15 C30 250 350 550 900 20-25 C3 100 40-60 80-100 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 100 100-120 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Jack Frost' white variegated needles; Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'White Spot' white variegated needles; MICROBIOTA Microbiota decussata low growing, spreading buske; green scales; PICEA Picea abies 'Aurea' gold yellow needles; Picea abies 'Aurea Magnifica' yellow needles; majestic pendant habit; Picea abies 'Brabant' dwarfish variety; flat and spherical habit; Picea abies 'Cranstonii' snake-like appearance; tree with unique look; 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 Picea abies 'Dundanga' - New! dwarfish form with wide conical habit; Picea abies 'Evergold' gold yellow needles; fast growing; Picea abies 'Finedonensis' cream yellow young growths; Picea abies 'Formanek' procumbent dwarfish form; Picea abies 'Frohburg' pendant variety; tiny needles; Picea abies 'Hage' - New! dwarfish, irregular growth; Picea abies 'Inversa' pendant variety; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form PA jordklump Pris 400 900 Nr 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 Växt Höjd 140-160 Kruka C30 15-20 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-25 C3 100 20-30 60-80 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-25 C3 100 50-60 C7,5 350 20-25 C3 100 15-20 C3 275 25-30 C3 200 15-20 C3 125 60-80 C3 200 80-100 100-120 140-160 180-200 C5 C7,5 C15 C30 250 350 550 900 20-30 C3 200 20-30 80-100 C3 C25 20-25 C3 100 25-30 C3 275 25-30 C3 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Picea abies 'Little Gem' very regular dwarfish form; flat and spherical habit; Picea abies 'Maxwellii' irregular conical habit; Picea abies 'Microsperma' dense spherical variety; Picea abies 'Nidiformis' nest-like habit; Picea abies 'Norrkoping' short gold yellow needles; Picea abies 'Ohlendorfii' dense dwarfish form; Picea abies 'Pendula Major' large tree with majestic pendant branches; Picea abies 'Procumbens' low growing procumbent variety; Picea abies 'Pusch' dwarfish variety reaching 0.7 m height; almost all shoots ended with cones; Picea abies 'Rothenhaus' weeping form; produces leader; Picea abies 'Tompa' dense wide-conical variety; Picea abies 'Virgata' snake-like appearance; long pendant shoots almost without the leateral branches; 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 Picea abies 'Wartburg' pendant form; Picea abies 'Will's Zwerg' dwarfish dense conical form; Picea abies 'Zagwiżdże' dwarfish procumbent variety; dark green needles; Picea chihuahuana very rare species native to Northeastern Mexico; thick very stiff grey green needles; Picea engelmannii 'Snake' - New! "snake-like" appearance; bluish needles; Picea engelmannii subsp. mexicana 'Pervana' - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form jordklump jordklump Pris 1050 125 650 Nr 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 Växt blue needles; pendant habit; Picea glauca 'Biesenthaler Frühling' New! dense conical habit; yellow young growths; Picea glauca 'Conica' very regular dense conical form; Picea glauca 'Daisy's White' as 'Conica'; but with white cream young growths 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 Picea glauca 'Pendula' pendant form; silvery-blue needles; Picea glauca 'Sander's Blue' as 'Conica'', but with silvery-blue needles; Picea jezoensis 'Nana' dense dwarfish variety; Picea likiangensis short dark green needles, silvery at the bottom side; Picea mariana 'Aurea' yellow top of needles; Picea obovata 'Kryłow' short silvery-blue needles; Picea obovata 'Seminskaja' short blue grey needles; Picea omorika up to 25 m high tree; narrow habit; silvery needles at the bottom side; 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 Picea omorika 'Alexandra' very dwarfish spherical variety; Picea omorika 'Aurea' form with yellow needles; fast growing; Picea omorika 'Bruns' weeping form with narrow habit; Picea omorika 'Frohnleiten' dense dwarfish form; Picea omorika 'Pendula' pendant form; Picea omorika 'Treblitzsch' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 25-30 Kruka C3 60-80 C10 275 25-30 60-70 80-90 C3 C7,5 C30 100 200 550 25-30 C3 125 60-80 C10 275 80-100 C30 25-30 C3 40-50 C3 PA 350 120-140 C30 jordklump 900 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-50 C3 75 80-100 100-120 120-140 140-160 C7,5 C30 C43 C43 60-80 C5 20-30 40-60 80-100 C3 C7,5 C30 jordklump 200 350 900 30-40 120-140 C5 C30 jordklump 350 900 15-20 C3 120-140 C30 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form jordklump jordklump Pris 275 900 150 jordklump jordklump jordklump PA 200 500 625 700 350 200 jordklump 900 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 Växt low growing dwarfish variety; Picea orientalis 'Barnes' dwarfish dense variety; shining needles; Picea orientalis 'Early Gold' yellow young growths; Picea pungens up to 25 m high tree; silvery grey needles; 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 Picea pungens 'Baby Blue Eyes' silvery blue needles; Picea pungens 'Białobok' almost white young growths; Picea pungens 'Blue Totem' narrow columnar habit; silvery blue needles; Picea pungens 'Blue Trinket' conical very dense habit; silvery blue needles; Picea pungens 'Compacta Pyramidalis' ('Tokarz') dense regular variety; Picea pungens 'Edith' variety with loose habit; long silver blue needles; 2709 2710 Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' slow growing form; silver blue needles; produces leader; 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 Picea pungens 'Glauca Pendula' pendant habit; silver blue needles; Picea pungens 'Hermann Naue' dense dwarfish form; majority of shoots ended with cones; Picea pungens 'Hoopsii' very nice blue color of needles; regular habit; 2719 2720 2721 2722 Picea pungens 'Iseli Fastigiate' blue needles; wide columnar habit; Höjd 20-30 Kruka C3 Omkrets Form Pris 200 20-30 C3 20-30 60-80 C3 C30 30-40 C3 80-100 100-120 120-140 C10 C30 C43 20-30 C3 15-20 50-60 C3 C30 20-30 C3 275 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C7,5 350 20-30 C3 200 40-60 60-80 80-120 40-60 80-100 C5 C5 C5 C30 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 80-100 100-120 C30 C30 jordklump jordklump 900 1050 20-30 80-100 C3 C30 jordklump 200 900 200 jordklump 200 900 75 jordklump jordklump 200 575 650 200 jordklump PA PA PA jordklump jordklump PA 275 1350 325 350 550 900 1050 Picea pungens 'Maigold' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 Växt yellow young growths; Höjd 20-30 50-60 Kruka C3 C30 40-60 C30 15-20 80-100 C3 C5 20-30 40-60 80-100 C3 C7,5 C30 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 10-15 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 30-40 60-80 C3 C30 30-35 C5 550 30-35 C5 550 30-35 C5 550 30-40 C3 200 30-40 C5 550 20-25 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Picea pungens 'Mecky' dense spherical form; slow growing; Picea pungens 'Montgomery' dense regular variety; produces leader; Picea pungens 'Oldenburg' wide, regular habit; long blue needles; Picea pungens 'Omega' silvery blue needles; Picea pungens 'Pendens' pendant form; Picea pungens 'Schovenhorst' silvery-blue needles; Picea pungens 'Spek' regular wide conical habit; silvery grey needles; Picea pungens 'Stanley's Pygmy' miniature spherical form; Picea pungens 'Thuem' dense regular variety; produces leader; Picea pungens 'Vuyk' silvery blue needles; loose habit; Picea rubens 'Nigrande Snake' snake-like appearance; long pendant shoots with a small number of lateral branches; bluish needles; PINUS Pinus cembra regular dense crown; Pinus cembra 'Aurea' yellow endings of needles; Pinus cembra 'Compacta Glauca' dense habit; silvery grey needles; Pinus cembra 'Stricta' narrow columnar habit; Pinus densiflora 'Oculus-draconis' needles with yellow stripes; Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' long silvery grey needles; conical habit; Pinus heldreichii up to 10 m high tree; dark green shining needles; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form jordklump Pris 275 1350 900 PA 200 350 jordklump 200 350 900 jordklump 125 575 Nr 2750 2751 2752 2753 Växt Höjd 80-100 Kruka C30 20-30 40-50 C3 C5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 50-60 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 80-100 C30 10-15 C3 275 20-30 C3 100 30-35 C5 550 30-35 C5 550 25-35 40-50 60-80 C3 C7,5 C30 75 250 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 30-35 C5 350 30-40 C5 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 15-20 30-40 C3 C5 200 350 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Pinus heldreichii 'Aureospicata' yellow needles' endings; Pinus heldreichii 'Compact Gem' dense dwarfish variety; up to 1.5 m high; 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 Pinus heldreichii 'Den Ouden' variety with buskeby habit; up to 1 m high after 10 years; Pinus heldreichii 'Dolce Dorme' dense slow growing conical vafiety; Pinus heldreichii 'Satellit' columnar habit; shining needles; Pinus heldreichii 'Smidtii' extremely dwarfish spherical form; Pinus jeffreyi - New! tall tree with very long needles and flamboyant cones; Pinus koraiensis 'Silveray' long silvery grey needles; Pinus monophylla the only species of pine with just one needle per fascicle; Pinus mugo buske with pendant branches; Pinus mugo 'Agnes' pendant buske; light green needles; Pinus mugo 'Allgäu' dense dwarfish form; Pinus mugo 'Benjamin' dwarfish spherical variety with long needles; up to 0.6 m high and 0.8 m wide; Pinus mugo 'Carsten' dense spherical variety; gold yellow needles in winter; Pinus mugo 'Chameleon' - New! needles with yellow endings; Pinus mugo 'Dezember Gold' gold yellow needles in winter; Pinus mugo 'Golden Glow' long yellow needles; especially attractive in winter; Pinus mugo 'Hnízdo' Czech miniature dense variety; Omkrets Form jordklump jordklump jordklump jordklump Pris 575 900 900 Pinus mugo 'Humpy' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 Växt dense dwarfish form; Pinus mugo 'Jalubí I' dense buskeby habit; quite long needles, gold yellow in winter; Pinus mugo 'Jakobsen' very dwarfish variety; some shoots are fasciated; Pinus mugo 'Litomyšl' dense dwarfish form; Pinus mugo 'Michal' dense miniature variety; Pinus mugo 'Mops Midget' dwarfish variety; regular habit; Pinus mugo 'Ophir' cushion habit; gold yellow needles in winter; 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 Pinus mugo 'Orange Sun' long needles, dark yellow in winter; Pinus mugo 'Pal Maleter' white endings of needles; Pinus mugo 'Picobello' regular habit; slow growing; shining dark green needles; Pinus mugo var. pumilio very dense low growing buske; Pinus mugo 'Schweizer Tourist' dense buskeby habit; quite long needles, gold yellow in winter; Pinus mugo 'Sunshine' needles with transverse yellow stripes; fast growing; Pinus mugo 'Wintergold' long needles, gold yellow in wniter; Pinus mugo 'Wintersonne' dense spherical variety; gold yellow needles in winter; Pinus mugo 'Zundert' dwarfish habit; long needles, yellow in winter; 2797 2798 Pinus nigra up to 40 m high tree; very dense crown; long dark green needles; 2799 Höjd 30-40 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C5 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 15-20 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 30-40 60-80 40-50 60-80 C5 C5 C30 C30 350 350 900 1050 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 15-20 C3 200 20-30 30-40 60-80 C3 C7,5 C30 75 250 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 60-80 C3 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-50 C7,5 350 30-40 C3 100 60-80 C7,5 200 PA jordklump jordklump PA jordklump jordklump PA Pris 350 200 1050 Pinus nigra 'Aurea' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2800 Växt gold yellow needles in winter, become darker in summer - remain light green; Pinus nigra 'Caprice' Höjd 20-30 Kruka C3 60-80 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C30 jordklump 900 30-40 120-140 C3 C43 jordklump 200 900 20-30 C3 200 30-40 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 140-160 C30 jordklump 900 140-160 C43 jordklump 900 50-60 C30 900 20-30 C3 200 20-30 100-120 C3 C30 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C7,5 350 20-30 C3 275 30-40 C3 100 40-60 C5 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2801 2802 2803 Pinus nigra 'Fastigiata' columnar form; Pinus nigra 'Globosa' regular spherical form; very long needles; 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 Pinus nigra 'Goldfingers' long yellow needles; fast growing; Pinus nigra 'Juda' - New! dense very dwarfish variety; Pinus nigra 'Komet' miniature variety with columnar habit; Pinus nigra 'Nana' low growing dense form; Pinus nigra 'Oregon Green' wide conical habit; long regularly branched shoots make the variety look like Araucaria araucana; 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 Pinus nigra 'Pyramidalis' columnar form; Pinus nigra 'Richard' miniature variety with columnar habit; Pinus nigra 'Rondello' dense cylinder-like habit; Pinus nigra 'Scholz' narrow columnar habit; Pinus nigra 'Spielberg' regular spherical form; slow growing; very long needles; Pinus nigra 'Syców' dense dwarfish variety; Pinus nigra 'Zimmer' dense columnar form; Pinus parviflora 'Fukai' needles with yellow stripes; Pinus parviflora 'Saphir' silvery blue needles; Pinus peuce rare five-needle pine; resistant to Cronartium ribicola; Pinus ponderosa tall tree; up to 25 cm long needles; Pinus sylvestris Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 200 jordklump 900 jordklump 200 900 Nr 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 Växt tall tree; typical Polish forest pine; Pinus sylvestris 'Argentea' long silvery blue needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Aurea Nisbet' light yellow needles; Höjd 40-60 Kruka C3 40-60 C3 20-30 80-100 C3 C30 40-60 C7,5 100-120 C30 jordklump 900 60-80 C30 jordklump 900 20-30 40-60 C3 C7,5 200 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 40-50 C3 C7,5 200 350 80-100 C30 20-30 40-60 80-100 C3 C7,5 C30 20-30 C3 200 40-60 C7,5 350 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 60-80 C20 425 10-15 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 60-80 C5 100 20-30 C3 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Pinus sylvestris 'Beuvronensis' dense form; silver grey needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Fastigiata' blue needles; columnar habit; Pinus sylvestris 'Globosa Viridis' dense up to 2 m high form; very wide dark green needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Gold Coin' yellow needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Paradekissen' very dense dwarfish variety; Pinus sylvestris 'Sandrigham' dense dwarfish variety; Pinus sylvestris 'Saxatilis' low growing dwarfish variety; pale needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Watereri' dense form with pale blue needles; Pinus sylvestris 'Wintergold' yellow needles; feature especially visible in winter; 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 Pinus thunbergii 'Banshosho' dwarfish form with irregular habit; Pinus uncinata 'Bochnik' dense dwarfish variety; short needles; Pinus uncinata 'Grüne Welle' very slow growing; dense plate-shaped habit; Pinus uncinata 'Pyramidata' conical habit; Pinus uncinata 'S.S. 23' miniature dense variety; Pinus uncinata 'Taiga' needles of various length; dwarfish form; PSEUDOTSUGA Pseudotsuga menziesii very tall (up to 40 m), fast growing tree, juicy green needles; Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Holmstrup' conical form; laght green needles; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 75 200 jordklump 200 900 350 jordklump 900 jordklump 200 350 900 Nr 2850 2851 Växt Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Kanina' dense dwarfish irregular form; Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Nana' - New! very dense dwarfish variety; grey blue needles; Höjd Kruka 20-30 C3 200 20-30 C3 200 50-60 C5 20-30 C3 200 30-40 C3 200 30-40 C5 700 30-40 C5 700 60-80 C7,5 550 60-80 C7,5 550 120-140 C5 200 60-80 140-160 C10 C10 350 500 30-40 C3 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140 140-160 C7,5 C43 C43 C43 C43 C43 Klot Kon Kon Kon Spiral 200 1400 1750 1925 2075 2600 80-100 C30 jordklump 600 40-60 C5 575 25-30 C3 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2852 2853 2854 Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Pannenhoef' slow growing variety with irregular habit; Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Serpentine' New! spirally curled shoots; SCIADOPITYS Sciadopitys verticillata 'Grüne Kugel' New! 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 very dense buske with wide conical habit; dark green needles; Sciadopitys verticillata 'Sternschnuppe' - New! very dense buske with conical habit; SEQUOIADENDRON Sequoiadendron giganteum 'Glaucum' grey blue needles; Sequoiadendron giganteum 'Pendulum' pendant variety with a 'monstrous' irregular habit; TAXODIUM Taxodium distichum up to 25 m high tree; seasonal needles; may grow in stagnant water; Taxodium distichum 'Pevé Minaret' very dense columnar habit; Omkrets Form PA PA Pris 350 TAXUS 2862 Taxus baccata tall buske or small tree; very good for topiary forms; 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 Taxus baccata 'David' columnar habit; gold yellow needles; Taxus baccata 'Gracilis Pendula' weeping form with very regular habit; Taxus baccata 'Repandens' spreading low growing form; Taxus baccata 'Summergold' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 75 Nr 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 Växt low growing procumbent variety; dark yellow needles; Taxus ×media 'Hicksii' upright habit; forms seeds early; Taxus ×media 'Hillii' dense variety with upright habit; Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3 40-50 C3 100 40-50 60-80 C3 C7,5 100 250 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C3 75 100-120 140-160 C10 C30 175 700 40-60 C3 75 15-20 C3 75 30-35 C5 200 40-60 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 60-80 C10 200 30-40 60-80 80-100 C3 C25 C30 75 275 400 80-100 C7,5 200 30-40 C3 125 60-80 C7,5 300 20-30 C3 75 40-50 C7,5 200 30-35 C3 100 25-30 C3 75 50-60 C15 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 THUJA Thuja koraiensis loose habit; silvery scales at the bottom side; Thuja occidentalis 'Brabant' pyramid fast growing variety; good for hedges; 2878 2879 2880 2881 Thuja occidentalis 'Buchananii' old fast growing variety with very loose habit; Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' very regular spherical variety; up to 0.5 m high; 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 Thuja occidentalis 'Europe Gold' conical habit; gold yellow color; Thuja occidentalis 'Filiformis' thread-like shoots; original look; Thuja occidentalis 'Globosa' spherical variety; grows up to 1.5 m high; Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe' spherical habit; yellow color; Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Brabant' PBR yellow scaled version of the popular 'Brabant' variety; Thuja occidentalis GOLDEN SMARAGD 'Janed Gold' PBR until now the best yellow sport of 'Smaragd' variety; 2891 2892 Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Tuffet' dwarfish form; dark yellow needles; 2893 2894 2895 Thuja occidentalis 'Green Egg' - New! oval habit; dark green needles; Thuja occidentalis 'Hoseri' old Polish variety; spherical habit; up to 0.8 m high; 2896 Omkrets Form jordklump Pris 125 Thuja occidentalis 'Litomyšl' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 Växt part of shoots without chlorophyl; conical habit; Thuja occidentalis 'Little Champion' regular spherical variety; growing up to 1 m high; Thuja occidentalis 'Magdalena' spherical habit; yellow white variegated; variety cultivated in our nursery; Thuja occidentalis 'Meinecke's Zwerg' spherical habit; white endings of shoots; Thuja occidentalis 'Mirjam' PBR new spherical variety with green yellow color; up to 0.5 m high; Höjd 30-40 Kruka C3 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C7,5 200 25-30 C3 75 20-30 C3 100 30-40 40-50 C7,5 C12 200 325 30-40 C3 75 30-40 C3 75 80-100 C30 50-60 C3 75 80-100 120-140 140-160 C7,5 C30 C30 200 700 725 60-80 C7,5 200 30-40 100-120 120-140 140-160 120-140 C3 C15 C20 C30 C43 75 250 475 650 1425 20-30 C3 75 20-30 C3 100 30-40 C3 75 60-80 C7,5 150 60-80 C3 75 20-30 C3 100 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2902 2903 Omkrets Form Pris 75 Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' 2904 2905 dense wide habit; dark yellow needles; Thuja occidentalis 'Selena' up to 1.5 m high; spherical habit; yellow willow-green color; 2906 2907 Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' pyramid juicy green form; perfect for hedges; 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 Thuja occidentalis 'Wareana Lutescens' cylinder-like habit; yellowish needles; Thuja occidentalis 'Yellow Ribbon' conical habit; gold yellow color; Thuja plicata 'Eschrichs Grüne Kugel' flat-topped spherical form; dark green needles; Thuja plicata 'Kager's Beauty' - New! buske with attractive dome-shaped habit; thread-like flat-topped pendant shoots; Thuja plicata 'Kórnik' conical habit; yellow endings of the shoots; 2920 jordklump jordklump Ball jordklump 400 Thuja plicata 'Martin' 2921 2922 conical form; fast growing; intensely green shining scales; good for hedges; Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' up to 0.7 m high buske; 'thread-like' elongated shoots; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 2923 Växt TSUGA Tsuga canadensis Höjd Kruka evergreen up to 20 m high tree; shade tolerant; good for formed hedges; 40-60 C3 100 60-80 C10 225 30-40 C5 425 20-30 C3 100 140-160 C7,5 250 60-80 C5 150 140-160 C7,5 250 80-100 120-140 C7,5 C7,5 PA PA 250 275 140-160 C7,5 PA 325 40-60 C5 250 60-80 C5 125 120-140 C7,5 40-60 C2 50 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 125 275 60-80 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 2924 2925 2926 Tsuga canadensis 'Cole's Prostrate' slow growing variety with procumbent habit; up to 0.2 m high and 1 m in diameter; Tsuga canadensis 'Jeddeloh' hemispherical slow growing variety; up to 0.8 m high; Omkrets Form Pris Frukt och bär AMELANCHIER 2927 2928 2929 Amelanchier arborea 'Robin Hill' pinkish flowers in buds; white upon opening; nice looking regular habit; Amelanchier lamarckii up to 4-5 m high buske; fruits recommended for juices, jams and infusions; Amelanchier laevis 'Ballerina' small tree; in spring profusely blooms white; fruits recommended for juices, jams, preserves and infusions; 2930 2931 2932 Amelanchier rotundifolia 'Edelweiss' 2933 2934 2935 2936 tall buske; large white flowers; profusely blooming; silvery grey leaves; ARONIA Aronia arbutifolia tall buske, shining red fruits; Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliant' profusely blooming variety with leaves beautifully changing colors in atumn; Aronia melanocarpa 'Hugin' dense, low growing, up to 1 m high buske; beautiful leaves in autumn; 2937 2938 2939 Aronia ×prunifolia 'Aron' very prolific fruit variety; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP PA PA 275 Nr 2940 2941 2942 2943 Växt Aronia ×prunifolia 'Viking' popular prolific fruit variety; ASIMINA Asimina triloba original plant with edible fruits; interesting brown claret flowers; 2944 2945 CHAENOMELES Chaenomeles japonica 'Cido' low growing wide buske; orange flowers; variety with uniquely aromatic fruits; 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 Chaenomeles japonica 'Cido Red' low growing spreading buske; red flowers; variety with uniquely aromatic flowers; CORNUS Cornus mas large buske; edible fruits; Cornus mas 'Aliona' - New! variety with large fruits; Cornus mas 'Jolico' one of the best fruit varieties of cornus; Cornus mas 'Schönbrunner GourmetDirndl' Austrian fruit variety; CORYLUS Corylus avellana 'Cosford' large elongated fruits; ripen in the 2nd half of September; Corylus avellana CUD Z BOLLWILLER 'Merveille de Bollwiller' - New! large sweet very tasty fruits; ripen in the 1st half of October; Corylus avellana KATALOŃSKI large round and angular fruits; ripen in the 2nd half of September; Corylus avellana NOTTINGHAM 'Nottingham Prolific' small narrow elliptical fruits peaked on both sides; ripen by the end of August; Corylus avellana OLBRZYMI Z HALLE 'Halle'sche Riesen' large conical nuts; variety ripens by the end of September; Corylus avellana 'Stella' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Höjd 120-140 Kruka C7,5 60-80 120-140 C5 C7,5 30-40 C3 350 40-60 C5 400 30-40 C3 75 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 60-80 C3 C5 75 100 120-140 C7,5 575 100-120 C7,5 650 100-120 140-160 C7,5 C10 650 700 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Omkrets Form PA Pris 275 PA 125 275 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 Växt large fruits; shining dark purple leaves; Höjd 80-100 Kruka C5 60-80 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 80-100 C7,5 200 40-60 C3 250 80-100 C5 200 60-80 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 150 40-60 C5 175 100-120 C5 275 40-60 C5 125 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Corylus avellana 'Syrena' dark purple leaves; large edible fruits; Corylus avellana WEBBA CENNY 'Webb's Prize Cob' large elongated fruits; ripen by the end of September; Corylus avellana TRAPEZUŃSKI large cylindrical fruits; ripen in the 2nd half of September; CRATAEGUS Crataegus punctata 'Aurea' very large decorative yellow fruits; can be eaten raw or upon processing; CYDONIA Cydonia oblonga f. pyriformis small tree; large pear-shaped edible fruits; ELAEAGNUS Elaeagnus umbellata up to 3-4 m high buske; red succulent edible fruits; HIPPOPHAË Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Askola' female variety; fruits rich in Vitamin C and E; Hippophae rhamnoides 'Friesdorfer Orange' self-fertile variety; large juicy fruits rich in Vitamic C; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Frugana' female fruit variety; rich in Vitamin C; average size fruits; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Hergo' early female fruit variety; light yellow fruits; Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Leikora' female fruit variety; large dark orange red fruits; ripen late (IX-X); Hippophaë rhamnoides 'Pollmix' male variety; good pollinator; HOVENIA Hovenia dulcis tall buske or low growing tree called 'Japan raisin tree'; peduncles of flowers become succulent, sweet and edible; LONICERA Lonicera kamtschatica 'Bakczarskij Velikan' oblong oval blue fruits; very large fruits, up to 4.5 cm long; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Docz Velikana' New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 200 Nr 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 Växt pear-shaped sweet fruits; dessert variety; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Gordost' Bakczara' fusiform fruits up to 4.5 cm long; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Jugana' - New! pot-shaper very sweet fruits; dessert variety; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Leningradskij Velikan' very prolific variety; large cylindrical sweet fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Morena' fusiform average size fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Nimfa' up to 1.5 m high buske; blue violet fusiform sweet aromatic fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Silginka' - New! profusely blooming buske; wide fusiform very sweet fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Streżewczanka' - New! wide fusiform soft slight sour fruits; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Tomiczka' very profusely blooming buske; narrow and oval dark blue fruits with uneven surface; sweet and sour; Lonicera kamtschatica 'Vostorg' wide fusiform very large fruits, up to 5 cm long; MALUS Malus domestica 'Adam Mickiewicz' Höjd 40-60 Kruka C5 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 40-60 C5 125 average size or large yellow green fruits; aromatic sour flesh; fruits ripen in the middle of October; Malus domestica ANTONÓWKA PÓŁTORAFUNTOWA large light yellow fruits; juicy sour flesh; fruits ripen in September; perfect for preserves; Malus domestica ANTONÓWKA ZWYKŁA average size green yellow fruits, rripen at the beginning of September; sour very aromatic flesh; perfect for applie pies; Malus domestica 'Aporta' large yellow green fruits covered with wax coating; greenish crisp sour flesh; fruits ripen in the 1st half of September; Malus domestica BRZOSKWINIOWA large yellow green fruits with pink flush; juicy sweet-sour flesh; ripen at the turn of July and August; Malus domestica 'Bursztówka Polska' 140-160 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 200-220 C10 250 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 125 Nr 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 Växt average size greenish yellow fruits with red flush; light cream sour flesh; fruits ripen at the turn of September and October; Malus domestica 'Calville de Saint Sauver' large green red fruits; ripen in the middle of October; Höjd 140-160 Kruka C5 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 200-220 C10 250 140-160 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Malus domestica CESARZ WILHELM 'Kaiser Wilhelm' average size green yellow fruits with red flush; juicy vinous-sweet flesh; ripen at the beginning of October; Malus domestica CHARŁAMOWSKIE average size yellow fruits with red flush; delicate crisp sour flesh; ripen in August; perfect for preserves; Malus domestica 'Cynamonówka Prążkowana' oblate greenish yellow fruits; sweetsour flesh with cinnamon scent; fruits ripen at the turn of August and September; Malus domestica 'Glogierówka' (syn. 'Pepinka Litewska') average size yellow fruits with red flush; ripen in the middle of September; Malus domestica 'Golden Noble' green orange fruits; ripen in September; fruits used in cider production; Malus domestica 'Grafsztynek Inflancki' large fruits with red flush; juicy sour flesh; ripen at the beginning of September; Malus domestica 'Grochówka' small yellow green fruits with red flush; slightly juicy flesh; fruits ripen in October; Malus domestica 'Kandil Sinap' average size fruits with red flush; juicy sweet-vinous flesh; fruits ripen in September; Malus domestica 'Kantówka Gdańska' large yellow fruits with red flush; slightly juicy flesh; ripen in September; Malus domestica KARDYNALSKA very large conical green fruits; very juicy sweet-sour flesh; ripen in October; Malus domestica KOKSA POMARAŃCZOWA small fruits with orange flush; very juicy flesh with taste resembling pears; ripen by the end of September; Malus domestica 'Korobówka' tiny green yellow fruits with red flush; sweet flesh with honey flavor; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 175 Nr 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 Växt Malus domestica 'Kosztela' average size green fruits; sweet juicy flesh; fruits ripen in October; dessert variety; Malus domestica KRONSELSKA 'Transparente de Croncels' large green yellow fruits; juicy sour aromatic flesh; fruits ripen at the beginning of September; Malus domestica KRÓLOWA RENET large yellow fruits; slightly juicy sour flesh; fruits ripen in the 2nd half of September; Malus domestica KRÓTKONÓŻKA KRÓLEWSKA 'Königlischer Kurzstiel' average size yellow fruits with red flush; delicate vinous flesh; fruits ripen at the beginning of October; perfect for preserves; Malus domestica PEPINA PARKERA green yellow fruits; crips aromatic flesh; fruits ripen in the 1st half of October; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form Pris 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Malus domestica PEPINA SZAFRANOWA 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 oblong yellow orange fruits with red flush; sweet-vinous slightly sour flesh; fruits ripen in the 2nd half od September; Malus domestica 'Piękna Ołtarzewska' large slightly flat-topped fruits with red flush; juicy crisp flesh; ripen in the 1st half of September; dessert variety; Malus domestica PIĘKNA Z BOSKOOP 'Schone van Boskoop' large green yellow fruits; crisp sour flesh; fruits ripen in October; Malus domestica 'Rajewskie' large pale yellow green fruits with blue coating; crisp juicy flesh; ripen by the end of October; Malus domestica 'Rarytas Śląski' average size round flattened yellow fruits with red flush; crisp juicy flesh; best tasting at the end of December; Malus domestica RENETA ANANASOWA average size yellow fruits; juicy flesh; fruits ripen in the first half of September; Malus domestica RENETA LANDSBERSKA large greenish yellow fruits with delicate orange flush; juicy vinous flesh; fruits ripen at the turn of September and October; Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Nr 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 Växt Malus domestica RENETA SZAMPAŃSKA average size flattened yellow fruits with pink flush; juicy crisp flesh; best tasting at the end of December; Malus domestica 'Sary Sinap' small cylinder elongated fruits; white flesh with nice sweet taste; ripen in October; very interesting variety thanks to the shape of fruits; Malus domestica 'Strumiłłówka' average size round grey yellow fruits with brick-colored flush; hard sour flesh; ripen in the 2nd half of September; Malus domestica 'Suislepper' average size greenish yellow fruits; ripen at the beginning of August; Malus domestica SZAMPAŃSKIE average size oblong light green fruits with slight pink flush; ripen in the middle of October; Malus domestica SZARA RENETA large barrel-shaped green orange fruits; juicy sour flesh; ripen in the middle of October; Malus domestica TITÓWKA large yellow fruits with orange flush; juicy flesh with sour vinous taste; fruits ripen in the 2nd half of September; Malus domestica TRUSKAWKOWE NIETSCHNERA average size fruits with red flush; sweet vinous flesh with strawberry flavor; fruits ripen in August; Malus domestica 'Winter Banana' large wide conical yellow fruits with red flush; juicy sweet flesh with banana flavor; best tasting in December; Malus domestica ZŁOTA RENETA average size yellow fruits with orange flush; slightly juicy flesh with sour taste; fruits ripen in the 2nd half of September; Malus domestica 'Złotka Kwidzyńska' average size green yellow fruits; sweet sour flesh; fruits ripen in the middle of October; Malus domestica ŻELEŹNIAK fruiits with pale coating and green yellow skin with dark red flush; not so juicy flesh; fruits ripen in the 2nd half of October; perfect for preserves; Malus 'John Downie' numerous orange red fruits perfect for preserves and sugar candy; Höjd Kruka Omkrets Form 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 200-220 C10 250 140-160 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 100-120 C5 175 200-220 C10 250 140-160 C5 175 140-160 C5 175 60-80 C5 buske Pris 175 MESPILUS Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr Växt Mespilus germanica 'Bredase Reus' A Höjd Kruka 3028 very prolific variety with large fruits; Mespilus germanica 'Macrocarpa' A very large round fruits; variety cultivated in Europe from the ancient times; Mespilus germanica 'Westerveld' A very prolific variety with large fruits; MORUS Morus alba 60-80 C5 160-180 C5 60-80 C5 60-80 C3 125 120-140 180-200 C5 C15 175 500 80-100 C5 325 60-80 C5 PA 325 120-140 160 200 C12 C30 C30 PA PA PA 575 1175 1400 80-100 100-120 C5 C7,5 PA 325 350 80-100 C5 80-100 C5 160-180 C10 250 160-180 C10 250 160-180 C10 250 160-180 C10 250 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 3029 3030 3031 low growing tree or tall buske; edible fruits; 3032 3033 3034 Morus alba 'Eldorado' very large juicy white fruits; Morus alba 'Nana' 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 Morus alba 'Pendula' weeping form; Morus alba 'Shin-tso' very prolific fruit variety; Morus latifolia 'Spirata' zigzag curled shoots; large shining leaves; edible fruits; PRUNUS Prunus ansu frost hardy species natve to China; tiny tasty fruits; Prunus armeniaca 'Early Orange' orange fruits with red flush; ripen by the end of July; very frost hardy; very prolific; Prunus avium 'Kordia' large dark red fruits; ripen by the end of July; one of the latest varieties of wild cherry; profusely fruit bearing; Prunus avium 'Lapins' - New! Polish variety that does not require pollinatiom; large intensely red fruits; red juicy very tasty flesh; ripen in the mid of July; Prunus avium 'Rainier' - New! large light yellow fruits with red flush; juicy very sweet flesh; fruits ripen very late; Prunus cerasifera A Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris buske 275 275 buske 6-8 8-10 275 275 buske 250 Nr 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 Växt tall buske or low growing tree with white flowers and tiny yellow or orange fruits; the so called mirabelle plums; Prunus cerasus ŁUTÓWKA large dark cherry fruits; ripen at the turn of July and August; Prunus domestica KRÓLOWA WIKTORIA 'Victoria' pink red fruits with bluish covering; ripen at the turn of August and September; Prunus domestica RENKLODA ULENA 'Reine Claude d'Oullins' large oval fruits with yellow skin; juicy sweet flesh; ripen in the middle of July; Prunus domestica 'Węgierka Dąbrowicka' average size navy blue fruits with bluish covering; ripen in the middle of July; Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 100 160-180 C10 250 160-180 C10 250 160-180 C10 250 140-160 C10 250 180-200 C10 350 180-200 C10 350 160-180 C12 180-200 C10 350 60-80 C5 100 100-120 C5 425 160-180 C10 250 80-100 C7,5 Prunus persica 'Harnaś' 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 dessert variety with medium sized fruits with light red flush; yellow flesh; ripen at the beginning of August; Prunus persica 'Inka' - New! Polish dessert variety; large yellowish fruits with orange flush; Prunus persica 'Melred Weeping' weeping umbrella-shaped habit; dark pink flowers; Prunus persica 'Redhaven' - New! large round orange fruits with red flush; Prunus spinosa tall spreading dense buske; white flowers; edible fruits, recommended for infusions; PSEUDOCYDONIA Pseudocydonia sinensis A - New! tall buske related to Cydonia and Chaenomeles; very large (up to 17 cm) edible fruits; PYRUS Pyrus communis LIPCÓWKA KOLOROWA small greenish yellow fruits often with orange striped flush; very juicy flesh; fruits collected in the 2nd half of July; RIBES Ribes 'Croma' - New! large black fruits with violet covering; sweet; ripen in July; Ribes nigrum 'Ben Sarek' Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se PA PA 700 200 Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Nr 3060 3061 Växt dessert variety with dense habit; up to 1.5 m high; Ribes nigrum 'Titania' fast growing variety; up to 2 m high; perfect fruits for preserves; Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 60-80 C5 80-100 C7,5 60-80 C5 75 60-80 C5 75 80-100 C7,5 60-80 C5 80-100 C7,5 60-80 C5 80-100 C7,5 40-60 C5 100 40-60 C5 100 80-100 C7,5 40-60 C5 100 40-60 C5 100 80-100 C7,5 40-60 C3 50 40-60 C5 200 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 3062 3063 3064 Ribes niveum BIAŁA WERSALSKA 'Versailles Blanche' fruits collected in long narrow clusters; up to 1.5 m high; Ribes niveum BIAŁA Z JÜTEBORG 'Weisse aus Jüteborg' fruits collected in long narrow clusters; up to 1.5 m high; 3065 3066 Ribes rubrum 'Jonkheer van Tets' fast growing variety; up to 2 m high; wide spherical habit; very large fruits perfect for preserves; 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 Ribes rubrum 'Rondom' very prolific dessert variety; up to 1.5 m high; Ribes uva-crispa 'Czerwony Triumf' prolific variety with red mossy fruits; Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Gelb' prolific variety with yellow fruits; Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Rot' prolific variety with red fruits; Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' prolific variety with medium-sized green yellow fruits; Ribes uva-crispa 'Mucurines' - New! Russian variety; sweet middle-sized yellow fruits; Ribes uva-crispa 'Redeva' - New! sweet middle-sized red fruits; very resistant to mildew; Ribes uva-crispa 'Riversa' very early variety, mildew hardy; yellow fruits; ROSA Rosa rugosa fruits of the species can be used for preserves and wines; jams can be made of petals blended with sugar; Rosa villosa fruits of the species can be used for syrups, jams and wines; RUBUS Rubus fruticosus 'Brzezina' PBR - New! Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 75 75 PA PA 200 200 75 PA 200 75 PA PA PA 200 200 200 Nr 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 Växt fast growing, frost hardy variety with large tasty fruits; shoots up to 2-4 m long; Rubus fruticosus 'Navaho' - New! variety with large tasty fruits; shoots up to 1.5-2 m long; SAMBUCUS Sambucus nigra Höjd 60-80 Kruka C5 Omkrets Form Pris 100 60-80 C5 100 spreading buske; flowers and fruits can be used to produce juices and infusions; Sambucus nigra 'Haidegg 17' very profusely fruit bearing variety; Sambucus nigra 'Obelisk' PBR new variety of elderberry cultivated in our nursery; columnar habit; fast growing; profusely blooming and fruit bearing variety; Sambucus nigra 'Sampo' very prolific fruit variety; SHEPHERDIA 60-80 C5 100 40-60 C5 200 60-80 C5 150 60-80 C5 200 30-40 C5 175 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 C7,5 PA 325 120-140 C7,5 PA 325 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 225 140-160 C5 275 120-140 C5 275 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 Shepherdia argentea 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 wide, spreading up to 2 m high buske; silvey elongated leaves; red fruits are edible after being exposed to frost; ×SORBARONIA ×Sorbaronia 'Fallax' - New! rare interspecies hybrid; edible fruits; ×SORBOCOTONEASTER ×Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii tall buske with iregular habit; rare hybrid of sorbus and cotoeaster; shining red fruits; ×SORBOPYRUS ×Sorbopyrus auricularis rare intergeneric hybrid; edible fruits resembling a small pear; SORBUS Sorbus 'Alaja Krupnaja' A Russian fruit variety; large sweet edible fruits; Sorbus aucuparia 'Konzentra' large matt red edible fruits; rich in Vitamin C; Sorbus 'Burka' large edible brown red fruits, taste similar to chokeberry; variety cultivated by Iwan Miczurin; Sorbus 'Businka' Russin fruit variety; Sorbus domestica Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP 120-140 Nr 3092 Växt large pear-shaped edible fruits; Höjd 100-120 Kruka C5 3093 Sorbus 'Granatnaja' very large sweet navy blue fruits; variety culivated by Iwan Miczurin; 120-140 C5 180-200 C7,5 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 80-100 C5 160-180 C5 275 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 225 120-140 C5 275 120-140 C5 300 120-140 C5 275 160-180 C5 275 160-180 C12 40-60 C3 125 60-80 C5 150 Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 Sorbus 'Krasnaja' Russian fruit variety; sour red fruits 1215 mm in diameter; can be used for preserves; Sorbus 'Krasnaja Krupnaja' Russian fruit variety; large sweet edible fruits; Sorbus 'Kubowaja' large edible fruits; Sorbus 'Likjornaja' sweet almost black fruits; suitable for infusions, jams and preserves; 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 Sorbus ‘Miczurinskaja Diesiertnaja’ Russian fruit variety; dark red fruits; recommended to be eaten raw or after being processed; Sorbus 'Moravskaja Krupnopłodnaja' large edible red fruits; Sorbus 'Nevezhinskaja' Russian fruit variety; large orange fruits; Sorbus 'Rubinowaja' average-sized dark red sweet fruits; Sorbus 'Sacharnaja Pietrowa' Russian variety with unusually sweet fruits; Sorbus 'Titan' large dark red tasty fruits; Sorbus 'Żołtaja' medium-sized juicy yellow orange fruits; VIBURNUM Viburnum opulus 'Tajożnyje Rubiny' Russian fruit variety; large fruits suitable for preserves (infusions, jellies); Viburnum opulus 'Ulgen' fruit variety; large fruits suitable for preserves (infusions, jellies); Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Omkrets Form Pris 225 275 PA buske PA 350 275 350 Ludvig Johansson Häggum Bossgårdenskvarn 521 64 STENSTORP Epost: [email protected] Telefon: 0732-10 36 07 Hemsida: exot.se Orgnr: 721004-7895 Moms: SE721004789501
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