Study Abroad at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Architecture and Design Economics and Management Engineering Humanities Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Medicine and Health Sciences Natural History/Archaeology and Cultural History Natural Sciences Social and Educational Sciences NTNU is now Norway’s largest university with campuses in Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund. 1 2 The merger in 2016 gives NTNU more comprehensive educational offerings and a broader platform for research. Together four previously distinct institutions will create Norway’s most exciting, and innovative university. 4 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NTNU campuses NTNU Gjøvik NTNU Trondheim NTNU Ålesund Electrical eng. student’s band during the 1997 UKE parade (NTNU Info/Mentz Indergaard) Note: All pictures taken by NTNU 5 M:\opptak - incoming\exchange or visiting\1 zStudyAbroad at NTNU brochure 2016-12-22.docx updated: 22 Dec 2016 Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway 1. Excellent Academic Quality NTNU represents academic eminence in engineering and the natural sciences as well as in the social sciences, the humanities, the arts, economics, entrepreneurial studies, medicine, health science, architecture, music, fine art and design. There are many courses taught in English. The strategic research areas for 2014-2023 are Energy, Sustainability, the Oceans and Health. NTNU is at the forefront in research in neuroscience, gas technology, marine technology, petroleum engineering, materials technology, and communication systems. There are approximately 33,000 students at NTNU in Trondheim, including over 1200 international students. There are no tuition fees at NTNU. 2. 3. Excellent laboratories and research opportunities Close cooperation with and proximity to one of Europe’s largest research foundations, SINTEF, gives students easy access to laboratories equipped with the latest equipment and ensures that NTNU continues to be a dynamic educational and research community. A pulsating student environment - A vibrant Student Union offering concerts, dances, theatre, debates and more - The biennial International Student Festival (ISFIT) - The three-week long biennial Student Festival (UKA) - NTNUI, Norway’s largest sports club - The Student Lodge and over 20 cabins located all over central Norway, from the coast to high up in the mountains - Student clubs and societies spanning the entire range of academic disciplines and leisure activities 4. Excellent, reasonably priced student housing NTNU received the highest score in a Dutch International Students Housing survey 5. Spectacular scenery The natural beauty of Norway’s fjords, mountains and coastline afford limitless opportunities for year round enjoyment. 6. Cultural and historical cities as well as centers of innovation Trondheim (pop. ~178,000), founded in 997, was Norway’s first capital and holds a special place in its’ history and culture. Ålesund (pop. ~44,000) with its’ unique concentration of Art Nouveau architecture in a coastal location in proximity to breath taking mountains will leave you in awe. Gjøvik (pop. ~20,000) located next to Mjøsa, Norway’s largest lake with a depth of 453 m, offers more than 1,500 km of prepared ski trails, a 100 km network of floodlit trails and the Gjøvik Ølympic Hall. All cities are high-tech centers in their own right as well as cultural and innovative centers. 7. The Norwegian experience The deeply rooted cultural traditions, such as the Norwegian bunad, the Hardanger fiddle and internationally celebrated works of Henrik Ibsen, Edvard Grieg, and Edvard Munch, exemplify Norway’s ability to maintain its unique character. 8. Moderate climate Norway’s climate, moderated by the warming effect of the Gulf Stream, allows residents to enjoy four distinct seasons and the full spectrum of outdoor activities. 9. One-stop shopping for international students NTNU prides itself on being able to offer exchange students “one-stop shopping” for their transition into student life at NTNU, be it in Trondheim, Gjøvik or Ålesund. 10. Proximity to Europe With the discounts available to all students in Norway, there are excellent opportunities to explore the rest of Scandinavia and Europe. M:\opptak - incoming\exchange or visiting\1 zStudyAbroad at NTNU brochure 2016-12-22.docx updated: 22 Dec 2016 APPLICATION PROCEDURES (NTNU in Trondheim): Exchange/visiting students(free-movers) Visit NTNU’s web site and select courses you are interested in. If you will be working on a project or student teaching, write a Statement of Purpose indicating your area of interest. If you have already been in contact with a NTNU faculty member, please let us know her/his name. We will contact her/him to see if your admission has been pre-approved. LINKS: NTNU home page Office of International Relations Course descriptions/ List of courses offered in English NTNU calendar Gjøvik Ålesund Trondheim (Click on “Alphabetically” and select “Show only courses offered in English” Submit the on-line application and send a signed hard or electronic copy to NTNU along with your transcript and a copy of your passport. Students attending universities with which NTNU does not have a formal agreement must also submit a letter from their department confirming enrolment status and approval of the proposed program of study at NTNU. Students applying to the Trondheim Academy of Art (KIT) should also send applications directly to KiT and include your portfolio. see: Contact information Application form Deadlines (click on “How to apply”) Fall semester: April 1st Spring semester: October 1st NOT required for citizens of Canada, Japan, Korea and USA. All others should check to find out if a visa is required Select ENGLISH from the language menu. Required. Please see Select ENGLISH then click on STUDIES NOTE: In some cases exchange students may apply for the residence permit after arrival in Norway, but it is recommended you apply prior to arrival. Visa Residence Permit for STUDYING Apply for a Norwegian Language Course ( For more information please see Questions? please see We look forward to welcoming you to NTNU! Administration Bldg. Gløshaugen Trondheim (Photo by NTNU) M:\opptak - incoming\exchange or visiting\1 zStudyAbroad at NTNU brochure 2016-12-22.docx updated: 22 Dec 2016 ESTIMATED EXPENSES at NTNU (one semester - 5 months) Exchange Rate Tuition Housing *(min.) maximum* Food Books and Supplies Insurance Misc.(max.) Misc.(min.) TOTAL Residence Permit NORWAY USA CANADA JAPAN Rep of KOREA NOK There is no tuition at NTNU NOK/USD 8.66 There is no tuition at NTNU NOK/CAD 6.48 There is no tuition at NTNU NOK/JPY 0.0739 There is no tuition at NTNU NOK/KRW 0.0073 There is no tuition at NTNU ¥ 234,777 ¥ 356,225 ¥ 270,636 ¥ 40,595 krW 2,393,103 krW 3,631,034 krW 2,758,621 krW 413,793 You must present the authorities with proof that you are insured. You must present the authorities with proof that you are insured. You must present the authorities with proof that you are insured. You must present the authorities with proof that you are insured. You must present the authorities with proof that you are insured. 17,350 26,325 20,000 3,000 11,445 2,470 51,795 3,200 $2,003 $3,040 $2,309 $346 $1,322 $285 $5,981 $370 $2,677 $4,063 $3,086 $463 $1,766 $381 $7,993 $494 ¥ 154,871 ¥ 33,424 ¥ 700,880 ¥ 43,302 krW 1,578,621 krW 340,690 krW 7,144,138 krW 441,379 NOTE: The exchange rate may vary. Please check the current exchange rate. * Housing prices are for 2016-17 in Trondheim (Moholt or Steinan student villages) m:/opptak/exchange or visiting/zestimated expenses Last update: Dec 21, 2016 NTNU’s International House in Trondheim M:\opptak - incoming\exchange or visiting\1 zStudyAbroad at NTNU brochure 2016-12-22.docx updated: 22 Dec 2016 NTNUs organisajon fra 1.1.2017/NTNU's organization from 1.1.2017 Abbr. Norsk navn English name Fakultet for arkitektur og design (AD) Kunstakademiet i Trondheim Institutt for design Institutt for arkitektur og teknologi Institutt for arkitektur og planlegging Det humanistiske fakultet (HF) IFR Institutt for filosofi og religionsvitenskap IHS Institutt for historiske studier IKU Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap IMU Institutt for musikk ISL Institutt for språk og litteratur Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier KULT Faculty of Architecture and Design (AD) Trondheim Academy of Fine Art Department of Design Department of Architecture and Technology Department of Architecture and Planning Faculty of Humanities (HF) Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Department of Historical Studies Department of Art and Media Studies Department of Music Department of Language and Literature Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture KiT ID IAT IAP IAL IDI IES IEL IIR IIK IMF ITK EPT IMT IGP IBM KT MTP IHB IVB IHG IHA KIN IKM LBK INB IPH ISM Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikk (IE) Institutt for allmennfag Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk Institutt for elektroniske systemer Institutt for elkraftteknikk Institutt for IKT og realfag Institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologi Institutt for matematiske fag Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap (IV) Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk Institutt for marin teknikk Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleum Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk Institutt for maskinteknikk og produksjon Institutt for havromsoperasjoner og byggteknikk Institutt for vareproduksjon og byggteknikk Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap (MH) Institutt for helsevitenskap Gjøvik Institutt for helsevitenskap Ålesund Kavliinstitutt for nevrovitenskap Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylær medisin Institutt for laboratoriemedisin, barne- og kvinnesykdommer Institutt for nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap Institutt for psykisk helse Institutt for samfunnsmedisin og sykepleie 1 Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) Department of General Science Department of Computer Science Department of Electronic Systems Department of Electric Power Engineering Department of ICT and Natural Sciences Department of Information Security and Communication Technology Department of Mathematical Sciences Department of Engineering Cybernetics Faculty of Engineering (IV) Department of Energy and Process Engineering Department of Marine Technology Department of Geoscience and Petroleum Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Structural Engineering Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MH) Department of Health Science Gjøvik Department of Health Science Ålesund Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Health Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science Department of Mental Health Department of Public Health and Nursing Abbr. Norsk navn English name ISB Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk Fakultet for naturvitenskap (NV) IBI Institutt for biologi IBA Institutt for biologiske fag Ålesund IBT Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap IBF Institutt for bioingeniørfag IFY Institutt for fysikk IKJ Institutt for kjemi IKP Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi IMA Institutt for materialteknologi Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap (SU) IGE Institutt for geografi ILU Institutt for lærerutdanning IPL Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læring ISA Institutt for sosialt arbeid ISS Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap IPS Institutt for psykologi SA Institutt for sosialantropologi Fakultet for økonomi (ØK) HHS NTNU Handelshøyskolen IIF Institutt for internasjonal forretningsdrift Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse IOT ISO Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet (VM) ? Institutt for naturhistorie ? Institutt for arkeologi og kulturhistorie Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV) Department of Biology Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund Department of Biotechnology and Food Science Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science Department of Physics Department of Chemistry Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (SU) Department of Geography Department of Teacher Education Department of Education and Lifelong Learning Department of Social Work Department of Sociology and Political Science Department of Psychology Department of Social Anthropology Faculty of Economics and Management (OK) NTNU Business School Department of International Business Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management Department of Economics NTNU University Museum (VM) Department of Natural History Department of Archeology and Cultural History updated 2016-12-21 2 CHECK LIST: INCOMING EXCHANGE1 and STUDY ABROAD2 STUDENTS APPLYING (from Canada and the U.S.A. to NTNU) o Apply on-line For details see: Deadlines: Autumn (August-December): April 1st (Beginning 2016) Spring (January-June): October 1st o Send NTNU (by email or regular mail) a signed copy of your application, your transcript, copy of your passport and if they are not listed on your transcript, a list of courses in progress (course code + course title) Trondheim Gjøvik Ålesund NTNU in Trondheim, Office of International Relations ATTN: Ms. Sigrid Hauge O.S. Bragstads plass 3, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway NTNU in Gjøvik, Office of International Relations ATTN: Mr. Gunnar Bergseth Postboks 191, NO-2802 Gjoevik, Norway NTNU in Aalesund, International Office ATTN: Ms. Anne Ulla Postboks 1517, NO-6025 Aalesund, Norway [email protected] Phone: +47 73 59 5180 [email protected] Phone: +47 61 13 5163 [email protected] Phone: +47 70 16 1234 AFTER ACCEPTANCE: You will receive an acceptance letter and a welcome letter by email. Please read these carefully since the letters contain important information regarding your stay at NTNU. o Ifabove). you decide NOT to attend NTNU, please notify us by sending an email to the appropriate contact (listed o Apply for your residence permit as soon as possible. Students from Canada and the USA do not need a visa! Remember to bring a copy of your letter of acceptance with you. Please see and It can take 2-3 months to receive your residence permit. Bilateral exchange students (ie those who attend a university with which NTNU has an exchange agreement) may apply for the residence permit after arrival in Norway, but having it prior to arrival allows you to open a bank account, select a personal physician immediately and easily travel outside of Norway after the first three months. o Make plane reservations o Ifabove) your arrival date has changed relative to the date given on your application, email the appropriate contact (listed REMEMBER: housing costs are based on the date you have indicated you will be arriving. You should o Ifsee:you are interested in a language course, apply before the deadline. inform NTNU of all changes at least two weeks prior to your intended arrival. If you have additional questions concerning application procedures, please contact the appropriate contact listed above. Exchange students are those students coming from universities/institutions with which NTNU has a formal exchange agreement. Exchange students should contact their International Office at their home university so that the exchange coordinator can confirm your nomination for the exchange. 2 Study abroad students are those students coming from universities/institutions with which NTNU does not have a formal exchange agreement. All study abroad students must submit a letter from their home university confirming that their studies at NTNU will apply towards their degree program. Note: Free movers = study abroad 1 Updated 2016-12-22
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