Turku BioNet course: Research Projects and Grant applications

Turku BioNet course:
Research Projects and Grant
(0,5 ECTS)
Tuesday January 24th 2017
at 8.30
Auditorium IX, Natura building
Research projects, deciding on a subject, planning and
conducting the research
University lecturer Saijaliisa Kangasjärvi (UTU)
How to write a successful grant application?
What drops the application out of the competition and
what makes it stay along to the finish line?
Professor Emeritus Markku Kulomaa (UTA)
Research Funding Opportunities and Your Academic
Maria Maunula, University of Turku Research Services
Lunch break (at your own expence)
Research plan; Advise on how to write a research plan
Professor Johanna Ivaska (UTU)
Advise on how to present your research results
Professor Jukka Westermarck (UTU)
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Vice Rector Riitta Pyykkö (UTU)
Organized by Turku BioNet: Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG), Doctoral Programme of Clinical
Investigation (CLIDP), Doctoral Programme in Molecular Life Sciences (DPMLS), Drug Research Doctoral Programme (DRDP)​,
Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS), National Doctoral Programme in Informational and Structural Biology ISB (ÅAU),
Turku Doctoral Programme in Molecular Biosciences MolBio (ÅAU), Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine (TuDMM)
Registration deadline: January 16th 2017