Education and Globalisation –MASTER’S PROGRAMME Term 2017-2018 Koodi 405518Y 408530S 408512S 408513S 408514S 408527S 408516S 408518S 413031S 413030S 408043S 408044S 408045S 407530A 407540P 408502S 407532A 407519A Major studies op/ects Orientation + language studies 5 ects Scientific Practices and Academic 5 ects Skills Perspectives on Globalisation 5 ects Ethics and Education 5 ects Nordic Education 5ects Comparative Education 5ects Educational Policy, Planning, and 5ects Leadership Internship 5 ects Qualitative research 5 ects Quantitative research 5 ects Master´s thesis 30 ects Seminar 5 ects Tiivistelmä/ maturiteetti Elective studies 10 op Minor: Education in Transition 25 ects Defining Education in the Globalised World 5 ects Language, Education, Society 5 ects Development and Education 5 ects Economics of Education 5 5 ects Education and Change 5 5 ects 1 syksy 5 1 kevät 2 syksy 2 kevät 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 5 10 5 5 30 30 5 5 5 30 Total ECTS for the degree * Tarjotaan muille suuntautumisvaihtoehdoille vapaavalintaisena kurssina 30 120
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