Selected bibliography SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COUNTY, CITY, AND TOWN HISTORIES AND RELATED PUBLISHED RECORDS IN THE SOUTH CAROLINA ARCHIVES REFERENCE LIBRARY Robert H. Mackintosh, Jr. The South Carolina Department of Archives and History 1 Selected bibliography CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................... 5 Abbeville County ........................................................................ 6 Aiken County .............................................................................. 7 Allendale County ........................................................................ 8 Anderson County ....................................................................... 8 Bamberg County ...................................................................... 10 Barnwell County ....................................................................... 10 Beaufort County ....................................................................... 11 Berkeley County ....................................................................... 11 Calhoun County ....................................................................... 12 Charleston County ................................................................... 12 Cherokee County ..................................................................... 15 Chester County ......................................................................... 15 Chesterfield County ................................................................. 16 Clarendon County .................................................................... 17 Colleton County ....................................................................... 17 Darlington County ................................................................... 17 Dillon County ........................................................................... 18 Dorchester County ................................................................... 19 Edgefield County ...................................................................... 19 Fairfield County ........................................................................ 20 Florence County ....................................................................... 21 Georgetown County ................................................................. 22 Greenville County .................................................................... 23 Greenwood County .................................................................. 25 Hampton County ..................................................................... 25 Horry County ............................................................................ 25 Jasper County ........................................................................... 25 Kershaw County ........................................................................ 26 3 Selected bibliography Lancaster County ..................................................................... Laurens County ........................................................................ Lee County ............................................................................... Lexington County .................................................................... McCormick County .................................................................. Marion County ......................................................................... Marlboro County ...................................................................... Newberry County ...................................................................... Oconee County ........................................................................ Orangeburg County ................................................................. Pickens County ......................................................................... Richland County ....................................................................... Saluda County .......................................................................... Spartanburg County ................................................................. Sumter County ......................................................................... Union County ........................................................................... Williamsburg County ............................................................... York County .............................................................................. 4 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Selected bibliography ❚ Introduction This bibliography provides an easy-to-use list of the county, city, and town histories and related published records—abstracts of wills and deeds, cemetery records, marriage and death notices, and so forth— available in the Department’s reference library. The list is organized by county, each followed first by a brief description of its origin, then by cross references to related counties, and finally by the author, title, place of publication, printer or publisher, date of publication, and the Reference Room call number of each publication held. The card catalogue located at the entrance to the Reference Room Library holds information on all our holdings—general South Carolina histories, histories of specific periods, statewide genealogical compilations, and so forth. You should consult it as well. Archaeological and architectural studies appear in this bibliography only if they contain county histories, or if published material on a particular county is limited. For more extensive holdings on South Carolina history, including both published and unpublished family genealogies, you may wish to visit the South Caroliniana Library on the University of South Carolina campus. 5 Selected bibliography ❚ Abbeville County This county was established in 1785 from part of Ninety–Six District. This list contains entries for Ninety-Six District. See also Greenwood County and McCormick County. Bowie, C. Newell. Boonesborough Township: Plats, Trails, and Towns, 1763 through 1775. Donalds, S.C.: Donalds Historical Society, 1993. F 279 .B66 B68. Bratcher, R. Wayne. Cemetery Records of Abbeville County, South Carolina. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1982. F 277 .A2 B4. _______. Index to Commissioner of Locations Plat Books A & B, 1784–1788: Lower Parts of Old Ninety-Six District. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1986. F 277 .N6 B4. Cann, Marvin L. Old Ninety-Six and the South Carolina Backcountry, 1700–1775. (Greenwood, S.C.): Lander College, 1970. F 277 .N6 C3. Dundas, Francis de Sales. The Calhoun Settlement; District of Abbeville, South Carolina. Staunton, Va.: N.p., 1949. CS 71 .C15 1949. Ferguson, Lester W. Abbeville County, Southern Life-Styles Lost in Time. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1993. No call number. Holcomb, Brent. Ninety Six District, South Carolina; Journal of the Court of Ordinary, Inventory Book, Will Book, 178l–1786. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .N6 H4. ________. Two 1787 Tax Lists; Ninety Six District, South Carolina. Columbia, S. C.: Brent Holcomb, l974. F 277 .N6 H5. Lander, Ernest McPherson. Tales of Calhoun Falls. Spartanburg, S.C.: Reprint Co., 1991. F 279 .C15 L36. Langdon, Barbara R. Abbeville County Marriages 1780–1879 Implied in Abbeville County South Carolina Equity Records. Aiken, S.C.: Langdon & Langdon Genealogical Research, 1994. No call number. Lucas, S. Emmett, Jr. Abbeville District, South Carolina Marriages, 1777– 1852. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press (Reprint), 1988. F 277 .A2 L8. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986. F 268 .R4. Some Cemetery Records of Abbeville County, South Carolina. Baltimore, Md.: Clearfield Co. Inc., 1982. F 277 .A2 S6. 6 Selected bibliography United States. Bureau of the Census. Abbeville County South Carolina 1860 Census. Augusta, Ga.: Augusta Genealogical Society, Inc. 1991. F 268 .A2 1860. ________. The 1850 Census of Abbeville District, South Carolina. Compiled by Harold A. Lawrence. Tignal, Ga.: The Boyd Publishing Co., 1981. F 279 .A17 L38. Ware, Lowry. Due West: South Carolina’s Oldest College Town. Due West, S.C.: L.P. Ware, 1993. F 279 .D83 W37. ________. Old Abbeville: Scenes of the Past of a Town Where Old Time Things Are Not Forgotten. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research (hereinafter SCMAR), 1982. F 279 .A2 W3. Wooley, James E. A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records. 3 vols. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1972– 1982. F 268 .W54. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 1, Abbeville County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1938. CD 3500 .H55 No. 1. Young, Pauline. A Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and Records. 2 vols. Vidalia, Ga.: Georgia Genealogical Reprints; Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1969–1984. F 268 .Y68. ________. A New Index to “Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds”. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1977. F 277 .N6 Y6a. ________. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. Greenville, S.C.: Greenville Printing Company, 1950. F 277 .N6 Y6. ________. Tombstone Inscriptions of Old Little River Church, Founded 1791, Abbeville County, South Carolina. N.p., n.d. F 277 .A2 Y6. ❚ Aiken County Created in 187l from parts of Orangeburg, Edgefield, Barnwell, and Lexington counties. See also Barnwell, Edgefield, Lexington, and Orangeburg counties. Aiken-Barnwell Genealogical Society, comps. Aiken County Cemeteries: Vol. 1. Aiken, S.C.: Aiken-Barnwell Gen. Society, 1989. F 277 .A3 B25. 7 Selected bibliography Braddy, Edgar N. The Story of Aiken Told by Local Citizens: Centennial Celebration Commerating the Founding of Aiken South Carolina April 4th– 6th 1935. Aiken, S.C.: Edgar N. Braddy, 1955. F 279 .A3. Hanson, Glen T. The Cemeteries of the Savannah River Plant Site: An Inventory of Relocated and Remnants Cemeteries. N.p.: U.S.C., 1981. F 268 .S3 H3. Henderson, P.F. A Short History of Aiken and Aiken County. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1951. F 279 .A3 H4. North Augusta Historical Society. History of North Augusta South Carolina. North Augusta, S.C.: North Augusta Hist. Soc., 1980. F 279 .N4 N4. Toole, Gasper Loren, II. Ninety Years in Aiken County: Memoirs of Aiken County and Its People. Charleston, S.C.: Walker, Evans & Cogswell, n.d. F 277 .A3 T6. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 2, Aiken County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1938. CD 3500 .H55 No. 2. ❚ Allendale County South Carolina’s last county. Formed in 1919 from parts of Barnwell and Hampton counties. See also Barnwell and Hampton counties. Searson, Louis Arthur. The Town of Allendale. Columbia, S.C.: N.p., 1949. F 279 .A4 S4. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 3, Allendale County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, l938. CD 3500 .H55 No. 3. ❚ Anderson County Formed in l826 along with Pickens County from part of Pendleton District. This listing includes Pendleton District. See also Pickens and Oconee counties. Alexander, Virginia Wood. Pendleton District and Anderson County, S.C. Wills, Estates, Inventories, Tax Returns, and Census Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1980. F 277 .A5 A43. Bratcher, R. Wayne. Anderson County Cemeteries. 6 vols. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1985. F 277 .A5 B5. 8 Selected bibliography Clayton, Frederick Van. Settlement of Pendleton District, 1777–1800. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1988. F 277 .P4. Dickson, Frank A. Journeys into the Past; the Anderson Region’s Heritage. N.p., 1975. F 277 .A5 D5. Holcomb, Brent. Marriage and Death Notices From Pendleton (S.C.) Messenger, 1807–1851. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, l977. F 268 .A5 H4. Johnston, Olin D. Anderson County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina, l923. HC 107 .S7 J6. Klosky, Beth Ann. The Pendleton Legacy. Columbia, S.C.: Sandlapper Press, 1971. F 279 .P36 K55. McFall, Pearl Smith. So Lives the Dream.: History and Story of the Old Pendleton District South Carolina, and the Establishment of Clemson College. New York: Comet Press Books, 1953. F 277 .P4 M2. Pendleton District Historical & Rec. Commission. Historic Pendleton, South Carolina. Pendleton, S.C.: N.p., 1970. F 279 .P36. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986. F 268 .R4. Simpson, R.W. History of Old Pendleton District With a Genealogy of the Leading Families of the District. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .P5 S4. Stevenson, Mary. The Diary of Clarisa Adger Bowen (1865) and the Pendleton-Clemson Area, South Carolina, 1776–1889. Pendleton, S.C.: Research and Public Comm.,1973. F 279 .P36 S74. Stewart, William C. 1800 Census of Pendleton District, South Carolina. Annotated by the editor. Washington, D.C.: National Genealogical Society, l963. F 268 .A5 1800. United States. Bureau of the Census. 1820 U.S. Census, Pendleton District, South Carolina. Transcribed by Loye E. Nations. N.p., n.d. F 268 .A5 1820. Vandiver, Louise Ayer. Traditions and History of Anderson County. N.p.: McNaughton & Gunn, 199l. F 277 .A5 V3. Wilkinson, Tom C. Early Anderson County, S.C. Newspapers, Marriages, and Obituaries, 1841–1882. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .A5 W54. 9 Selected bibliography Willie, Betty. Pendleton District, S.C. Deeds 1790–1806. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, l982. F 277 .P6 W4. Young, Pauline. A Genealogical Collection of South Carolina Wills and Records. 2 vols. Vidalia, Ga: Georgia Genealogical Reprints; Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1969–1984. F 268 .Y68. ❚ Bamberg County Formed in 1897 from part of Barnwell County. See Barnwell County. ❚ Barnwell County Formed in 1800 from part of Orangeburg District. See also Orangeburg and Aiken counties. Davis, Patricia Lightsey. Barnwell County, South Carolina, Plat Books 4 & 5, 1788–1826. Homerville, Ga.: Huxford Genealogical Society, 1988. F 277 .B25 D38. Hanson, Glen T. The Cemeteries of the Savannah River Plant Site: An Inventory of Relocated and Remnants Cemeteries. N.p.: U.S.C., 1981. F 268 .S3 H3. Holcomb, Brent. Winton (Barnwell) County, South Carolina: Minutes of County Court and Will Book 1, 1785–1791. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .B25 H6. Huxford, Folks. Court of Equity Records of Barnwell District, S.C.: Abstracts of Genealogical Data Found Therein. N.p.: S.C. Society, Sons of the American Revolution, 1966. F 277 .B25 H8. Langdon, Barbara R. Barnwell County Marriages 1775–1879 Implied in Barnwell Co. S.C. Deeds. Columbia, S.C.: Langdon & Langdon Genealogical Research, l989. F 277 .B25 L3. ________. Barnwell County Marriages 1775–1879 Implied in Barnwell County, S.C. Probate and Equity Records. N.p.: Barbara R. and Shirley P. Langdon, 1984. F 277 .B25 L3. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S. C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. Reynolds, Emily B. The County Offices and Officers of Barnwell County, S.C. 1775–1975: A Record. Spartanburg, S.C.: Published for the Southern Studies Program, U.S.C. by Reprint Co., 1976. JS 451 .S69 B77. 10 Selected bibliography United States. Bureau of the Census. Barnwell County, South Carolina, 1870 Federal Census Index. Bountiful, Utah: Historic Resources, Inc., 1993. F 268 .B25 1870. Williston Tricentennial Committee. History of Williston South Carolina. Williston, S.C.: Anderson Oil Co., 1987. F 279 .W54. ❚ Beaufort County Established in 1785 from Beaufort District. See also Hampton and Jasper counties. Burn, Billie. An Island Called Daufuskie. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Comp., 1991. F 277 .B3 B86. Caldwell, Benjamin P., ed. No. II a Longer Short History of Bluffton, South Carolina and Its Environs. Bluffton, S.C.: Bluffton Hist. Pres. Society, 1988. F 279 .B4 C3. Carse, Robert. Department of the South; Hilton Head Island in the Civil War. Columbia, S. C.: State Printing Co., 1961 E 470.6 .B3 C3. Graydon, Nell S. Tales of Beaufort. Beaufort, S. C.: Beaufort Bookshop, 1963. F 279 .B3 G7. Hilton, Mary Kendall. Old Homes and Churches of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: State Printing Co., 1970. F 277 .B3 H5. Holmgren, Virgina C. Hilton Head; a Sea Island Chronicle. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 277 .B3 H51. Jones, Katharine M. Port Royal Under Six Flags. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1960. F 277 .B3 J5. Peeples, Rev. Robert E. Tales of Ante Bellum Hilton Head Island Families. Hilton Head, S.C.: N.p., 1970. F 279 .H54 P4. United States. Bureau of the Census. The 1850 Census of St. Luke’s Parish, Beaufort County, South Carolina. Transcribed by Betsy M. Caldwell. Bluffton, S.C.: Bluffton Hist. Pres. Soc., 1984. F 268 .S2 C3. Woofter, T.J., Jr. Black Yeomanry; Life on St. Helena Island. New York: Octagon Books, 1978. F 277 .B3 W9. ❚ Berkeley County Formed in 1882 from part of Charleston County; it includes part of an earlier Berkeley County formed by the Proprietors in 1682. See also Charleston County. 11 Selected bibliography Berkley County Historical Society. Cemetery Records: A Documentary of Cemetery or Burial Ground Reports and Grave Relocations by Santee Cooper from the Project Area, 1939–1941. N.p., 1986. F 268 .B5. Cross, J. Russell. Historic Ramblins Through Berkeley. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1985. F 277 .B5 C5. Heitzler, Michael J. Historic Goose Creek, South Carolina, 1670–1980. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1983. F 277 .B5 H16. Irving, John Beaufain. A Day on Cooper River. 2d ed., ed. Louisa Cheves Stoney. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1969. F 277 .B5 I72. Orvin, Maxwell Clayton. Historic Berkeley County South Carolina 1671– 1900. Charleston, S. C.: Comprint, 1973. F 277 .B5 O1. ________. Monck’s Corner, Berkeley County, South Carolina. N.p.: Privately printed, 1950. F 279 .M6 O78. Preservation Consultants, Inc. Berkeley County Historical andArchitectural Inventory: Survey Report. Charleston, S.C.: Preservation Consultants, Inc., 1989. F 277 .B5 P4. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Charleston Chapter.Berkeley County Cemetery Inscriptions. Charleston, S. C.: Charleston Chapter S.C. Gen. Society, 1985. F 277 .B5 S7. ❚ Calhoun County Formed in 1908 from parts of Orangeburg and Lexington counties. See Orangeburg and Lexington counties. ❚ Charleston County Charleston District was formed in 1769 from the earlier Berkeley County, which had formed around the city of Charleston. Charleston County was formed in 1785. Because of the immense number of books covering all phases of the history of Charleston, what follows is a large-but-still-selected list relating to Charleston County and the city of Charleston. Consult the card catalogue in the library under Charleston and under South Carolina— especially the Colonial Period—for general reading. Baldwin, Agnes. First Settlers of South Carolina 1670–1700. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1985. F 272 .B31. Bowes, Frederick P. The Culture of Early Charleston. Chapel Hill, N.C.: 12 Selected bibliography The Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1942. F 279 .C4 B6. Burton, E. Milby. The Seige of Charleston, 1861–1865. Columbia, S. C.: U.S.C. Press, 1970. E 470.65 .B87. Charleston, S.C., City of. Descriptive Inventory of the Archives of the City of Charleston. Charleston, S.C.: City of Charleston, 1981. CD 3508 .C4. Coté, Richard N. The Genealogist’s Guide to Charleston, S.C. Ladson, S.C.: Coté Genealogical Publ., 1978. F 268 .C4 C5. Fraser, Walter J. Charleston, Charleston: The History of a Southern City. Columbia, S. C.: U.S.C. Press, 1989. F 279 .C4 F69. Hagy, James W. People and Professions of Charleston, South Carolina, 1782–1802. Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Co., 1992. F 279 .C4 H3. ________. This Happy Land: The Jews of Colonial and Antebellum Charleston. Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1993. F 279 .C4 H34. Hemperley, Marion R. Federal Naturalization Oaths, Charleston, South Carolina, 1790–1860. N.p., 1964. JK 1834 .H4. Holcomb, Brent. Marriage and Death Notices for the Charleston Times. Balt., Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979. F 279 .C4 H5. ________. Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827– 1845. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1980. F 279 .C4 H6. ________. Probate Records of South Carolina Vol. 1: Index to Inventories (1746–1785). Columbia, S.C.: Brent Holcomb, 1977. F 268 .H61. ________. Probate Records of South Carolina Vol. 3; Journal of the Court of Ordinary, 1764–1771. Columbia, S.C.: Brent Holcomb, 1979. F 268 .H61 V3. ________. South Carolina Deed Abstracts 1773–1778. Columbia, S. C.: SCMAR, 1994. F 268 .L3. ________. South Carolina Marriages. 2 vols. Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publ. Co., 1980–1984. F 268 .H64. Jervey, Clare. Inscriptions on the Tablets and Gravestones in St. Michaels Church . . . Charleston, S.C. Columbia, S.C.: The State Company, l906. F 279 .C4 J5. Jowitt, Thad C. Jowitt’s Illustrated Charleston City Directory and Business Directory, 1869–70 . . .. Charleston, S.C.: Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Printers, 1869. F 279 .C4 J6. 13 Selected bibliography King, Susan L. History and Records of the Charleston Orphan House 1790– 1860. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1984. F 268 .C4 K5. Langley, Clara A. South Carolina Deed Abstracts 1719–1772. 4 vols. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1983. F 268 .L3. McCowen, George Smith, Jr. The British Occupation of Charleston, 1780– 82. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1972. E 241 .C4 M3. McElligott, Carroll Ainsworth. Charleston Residents, 1782–1794. Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, Inc., 1989. F 279 .C4 M37. McKnight, Gene. The Charleston Orphan House, 1790–1951. Charleston, S. C.: Privately printed, 1990. F 268 .C4 M2. O’Brien, Michael and David Moltke-Hansen., eds. Intellectual Life in Antebellum Charleston. Knoxville, Tenn.: Univ. of Tenn. Press, 1986. F 279 .C4 O2. Pinckney, Elise, ed. Register of St. Philip’s Church, Charleston, South Carolina; 1810 through 1822. N.p.: The National Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of S.C., 1973. BX 5980 .C3 S6. Preservation Consultants, Inc. Historical and Architectural Survey Charleston County: Survey Report. Charleston, S.C.: Preservation Consultants, 1992. F 277 .C4 P7. Ravenel, Harriet Horry. Charleston, the Place and the People. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. F 279 .C4 R2. Rogers, George C. Jr. Charleston in the Age of the Pinckneys. Norman, Okla.: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1969. F 279 .C4 R6. Rosen, Robert. A Short History of Charleston. San Francisco, Calif.: Lexikos, 1982. F 279 .C4 R67. Salley, A.S., Jr. Register of St. Philips Parish, Charles Town, South Carolina, 1720–1758. Reprint. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1971. BX 5881 .C4. Salley, A.S., Jr. rev. by R. Nicholas Oldsberg. Warrants for Land in South Carolina 1672–1711. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1973. F 272 .S69 05. Southern Historical Press. An Index to Deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina, 1719–1785, and Charleston District, 1785–1800. Easley, S. C.: Southern Historical Press, l977. F 268 .H60. Trinkley, Michael, ed. The History and Archaeology of Kiawah Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: Chicora Foundation, 1993. F 277 .C4 H55. 14 Selected bibliography Walsh, Richard. Charleston’s Sons of Liberty; A Study of the Artisans, 1763– 1789. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1959. F 279 .C4 W25. Waring, Joseph Ioor. The First Voyage and Settlement at Charles Town 1670–1680. Columbia, S.C.: U. S. C. Press, 1970. F 279 .C4 W3. Williams, George Walton. St. Michaels, Charleston, 1751–1951. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1951. BX 5980 .C3 S36. ❚ Cherokee County This county, also called the Old Iron District, was formed in 1897 from parts of Spartanburg, Union, and York counties. See also Spartanburg, Union, and York counties. Malone, Samuel L. Black Families in Cherokee County, South Carolina, As Taken From 1910–1920 Federal Census. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1993. No call number. Moss, Bobby Gilmer. The Old Iron District: A Study of the Development of Cherokee County—1750–1897. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, 1972. F 277 .C5 M5. Moss, Bobby Gilmer and Dennis R. Amos. Tombstones and Cemeteries of Cherokee County, South Carolina and Surrounding Areas. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1984. F 277 .C5 M51. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 11, Cherokee County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, l941. CD 3500 .H55 No. 11. ❚ Chester County Formed in 1785 from part of the Camden District. Catawba Regional Planning Council. Historic Sites Survey Chester County. N.p.: Catawba Reg. Planning Council, l976. F 277 .C55 C3. Chester County Genealogical Society. Roster of Names of Persons Buried in Old Purity Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Chester, S.C. Richburg, S.C.: Chester County Genealogical Society, 1980. BX 9211 .C55 C55. Crowder, Louise Kelly. Tombstone Records of Chester County and Vicinity. Vol. 1 Compiled from Old Family and Abandoned Church Graveyards. Chester, S.C.: Privately printed, 1970. F 277 .C55 C7. 15 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. ________. Chester County, South Carolina: Minutes of the County Court 1785– 1789. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, l979. F 277 .C55 H6. Langdon, Barbara and Shirley P. Langdon. Chester County Marriages 1778–1879 Implied in Chester, S.C. Probate and Equity Records. Columbia, S.C.: Langdon and Langdon, 1985. F 277 .C55 L3. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S. C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986. F 268 .R4. United States. Bureau of the Census. The 1820 Census: Chester District, South Carolina. Trans. Faye Berry. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1985. F 268 .C55 1820. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 12, Chester County. Columbia, S. C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1937. CD 3500 .H55 No. 12. ❚ Chesterfield County Formed in 1785 from part of the Cheraw District, which also included Marlboro and Darlington counties. Gettys Associates. Historic and Architectural Inventory: Cheraw Historic District. Catawba, S.C.: Gettys Assoc., n.d. F 279 .C44 G4. Gregg, Alexander, Rev. History of the Old Cheraws . . ..Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Company, 1982. F 277 .P3 G73. Holcomb, Brent H. Saint David’s Parish, South Carolina, Minutes of the Vestry 1768–1832; Parish Register 1819–1924. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1991. BX 5980 .S6 H6. ________. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol. 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. United States. Bureau of the Census. Second Federal Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 1800. Comp. by Walter B. King., Jr. N.p., n.d. F 268 .C57 1800. 16 Selected bibliography ❚ Clarendon County Originally established in 1785 from Camden District, it became part of Sumter District in 1800 and reverted back to the name of Clarendon County with the same 1785 boundaries in 1855. See also Sumter County. Holcomb, Brent and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S. C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Hornsby, Benjamin F., Jr. Stepping Stone to the Supreme Court: Clarendon County South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: S.C. Dept. of Archives and History, 1992. F 275 .H6. Santee-Wateree Regional Planning Council. The Santee-Wateree Historic Preservation Plan and Inventory. Sumter, S.C.: Santee-Wateree Reg. Planning Council, 1972. F 277 .S28. United States. Bureau of the Census. Eighteen Sixty Census Clarendon District, South Carolina. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Society, 1983. F 268 .C7 1860. ❚ Colleton County Established in 1798 from part of Charleston County and part of an earlier Colleton County. See also Charleston County and Dorchester County. Bryan, Evelyn M. Colleton County, S.C.: A History of the First 160 Years, 1670– 1830. Jacksonville, Fla.: The Florentine Press, 1993. No call number. Bryan, Evelyn M. and Gibson Howard Bryan. Cemeteries of Upper Colleton County, South Carolina. Jacksonville, Fla.: Florentine Press, 1974. F 277 .C8 B78. Glover, Beulah. Narratives of Colleton County, The Land Lying Between the Edisto and the Combahee Rivers. Walterboro, S.C.: N.p., 1963. F 277 .C8 G56. Harley, Lillian H. Cemetery Inscriptions of Colleton and Orangeburg Counties South Carolina Vol. III. St. George, S.C.: The Dorchester EagleRecord Pub. Co., 1980. F 268 .H31. ❚ Darlington County Established in 1785 from the Cheraw District. See also Florence County and Lee County, both formed in part from sections of Darlington County. 17 Selected bibliography Ervin, Eliza Cowan and Horace F. Rudisill. Darlingtoniana; A History of People, Places and Events in Darlington County, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L.Bryan Co., 1964. F 277 .D2 E7. Gregg, Rev. Alexander. History of the Old Cheraws . . .. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Comp., 1982. F 277 .P3 G73. Hartsville Centennial Commission. Milestones (Hartsville Centennial 1891– 1991). Hartsville, S.C.: Hartsville Cent. Comm.,1991. F 279 .H3 M5. Holcomb, Brent H. Saint David’s Parish, South Carolina, Minutes of the Vestry 1768–1832; Parish Register 1819–1924. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1991. BX 5980 .S6 H6. _______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol. 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol.2. Neely, Lucile Boswell. Hartsville, Our Community. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co.,1965. F 279 .H3 N4. Pee Dee Regional Planning and Development Council. Historic Preservation Survey and Plan. Florence, S. C.: Pee Dee Regional Planning and Dev. Council, 1972. F 277 .P3 R4. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Old Darlington District Chapter. Old Darlington District Cemetery Survey Volume One. N.p., 1993. F 277 .D2 O42. United States. Bureau of the Census. Eighteen-Fifty Census of Darlington County, South Carolina. N.p.: Peggy B. Altman, n.d. F 268 .D2 1850. ❚ Dillon County Formed in l910 from part of Marion County. See also Georgetown and Marion counties. Braddy, Dolph. Early Homes of Dillon County and Other Historical Sketches. Columbia,S.C.: The R. L. Bryan Co.,1982. F 277 .D5 B5. Cemeteries in Dillon County and Upper Marion County. N.p., 1976. F 268 .B43. McLaurin, G.G. The Dillon County Bar, 1888–1974. Dillon, S.C.: Herald Publishing Co., 1976. F 277 .D5 M35. Pee Dee Regional Planning and Development Council. Historic Preservation Survey and Plan. Florence, S.C.: Pee Dee Regional Planning and Development Council, l972. F 277 .P3 R4. 18 Selected bibliography Stokes, Durward T. The History of Dillon County, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1978. F 277 .D5 S85. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 17, Dillon County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1938. CD 3500 .H55 No.17. ❚ Dorchester County Formed in 1897 from part of Berkeley and Colleton counties. See also Berkeley, Colleton, and Charleston counties. Harley, Lillian H. Cemetery Inscriptions of Dorchester County, South Carolina. 2 vols. Dorchester, S.C.: Dorchester Eagle-Record Publishing Co., 1978. F 277 .D6 H3. Kirkland, Randolph W. Dorchester County and Township Confederate Service Enrollment Book. 1993 (unpublished). F 277 .D6 K57. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. The Epitaphs in St. Paul’s Cemetery: Summerville, South Carolina, August 1855–October,1977. Summerville, S.C.: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1977. F 277 .D6 P3. Walker, Legare. Dorchester County. A History . . ..Charleston, S.C.: Privately printed by Josephine Walker Parker and others, 1979. F 277 .D6. ❚ Edgefield County Formed in 1785 from part of the Ninety-Six District. See also Abbeville County (for Ninety-Six District entries) and Aiken County. Burton, Orville Vernon. In My Father’s House are Many Mansions; Family and Community in Edgefield, South Carolina. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U.N.C. Press, 1985. F 277 .E2 B5. Chapman, John Abney. History of Edgefield County From the Earliest Settlement to 1897. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1980. F 277 .E2 C48. Edgefield County Historical Society. Publications and Proceedings 1939– 1990. Edgefield, S.C.: Edgefield Co. Historical Society, 1990. F 277 .E2. Edgefield, South Carolina. N.p., n.d. F 279 .E2. Hendrix, Ge Lee Corley. Edgefield County, S.C. Deed Books, 1786–1796. V.1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1985. F 277 .E2 H31. 19 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. Edgefield County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1785–1795. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979. F 277 .E2 H6. Ingmire, Frances Terry. Edgefield County, South Carolina, Old Wills 1787– 1806. 2 vols. St. Louis, Missouri: Francis T. Ingmire, 1982. F 277 .E2 I5. Langdon, Barbara R. Edgefield County Marriages 1769–1880 Implied in Edgefield County South Carolina Probate Records. Barnwell, S.C.: Landgon & Langdon Genealogical Research, 1990. No call number. McClendon, Carlee T. Edgefield Death Notices and Cemetery Records. Columbia, S.C.: The Hive Press, 1977. F 277 .E2 M44. _______. Edgefield, South Carolina, in the War of 1812. Edgefield, S. C.: The Hive Press, 1977. F 277 .E2 M2. Revill, Janie. Edgefield County, S.C. Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1984. F 277 .E2 R4. Tillman, Mamie N. and Hortense Woodson. Inscriptions from Edgefield Village Baptist Cemetery. . .. Edgefield, S.C.:Edgefield County Historical Society, 1958. F 279 .E2 T5. United States. Bureau of the the Census. Edgefield County South Carolina 1860 Census. Transcribed by Margaret V. McKinney. Augusta, Ga.: Augusta Gen. Society, n.d. F 208 .E2 1860. _______. Second Federal Census 1800, Edgefield County, South Carolina. N.p.: Carlee McClendon, 1959. F268 .E2 1800. Fairfield County Established in 1785 from part of the Camden District. Bolick, Julian Stevenson. A Fairfield Sketchbook. Clinton, S.C.: Jacob Brothers, 1963. F 277 .F3 B6. Fant, Abner. Index to Census to Fairfield District of South Carolina, 1829. N.p., n.d. F 268 .F3. Holcomb, Brent H. Fairfield County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1785–1799. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1981. F 277 .F3 H6. _______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol.1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. 20 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 277 .C2 H6 Vol 1. Langdon, Barbara R. Fairfield County Marriages 1775–1879 Implied in Fairfield County, S.C. Probate Records. Columbia, S.C.: Langdon & Langdon Genealogical Research, 1986. F 277 .F3 L3. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.,1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. McMaster, Fitzhugh. History of Fairfield County, South Carolina, from “Before the White Man Came” to 1942. Columbia, S.C.: The State Commercial Printing Company, 1946. F 277 .F3 M3. Obear, Katharine Theus. Through the Years in Old Winnsboro. Spartanburg, S. C.: The Reprint Company, 1980. F 279 .W7 O2. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986. F 268 .R4. Rice, C. Crosby and Beverly E. Rice. Fairfield County, South Carolina, A Pictorial History. Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Co., 1989. F 277 .F3 R5. Florence County Formed in 1888 from parts of Clarendon, Darlington, Marion, and Williamsburg counties. See also Clarendon, Darlington, Marion, and Williamsburg counties. Baker, Steve. A Brief History of Florence. (Florence, S.C.?): Home Federal Savings and Loan Association, (1974?). No call number. King, G. Wayne. Rise Up So Early; A History of Florence County South Carolina. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1981. F 277 .F5 K56. _______. Some Folks Do: A Pictorial History of Florence County. Norfolk, Va.: The Donning Company, 1985. F 277 .F5 K565. Pee Dee Regional Planning and Development Council. Historic Preservation Survey and Plan. Florence, S.C.: Pee Dee Reg. Planning and Dev. Council, 1972. F 277 .P3 R4. Shaw, Elizabeth. Florence, South Carolina. Florence, S.C.: N.p.,nd. F 279 .F4. Vernon, Amelia Wallace. African Americans at Mars Bluff, South Carolina. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1993. F 279 .M326 V47. 21 Selected bibliography Why the Proposed New County of Florence Should be Established. Florence, S.C.: C.H. Princes’s Steam Printing House, 1888, reprinted, 1988. F 277 .F5. Georgetown County The county of Georgetown was formed in 1785 from the Georgetown District. Entries for the early Pee Dee Region appear here. Bridwell, Ronald E. ‘. . . That We Should Have a Port . . . ’ A History of the Port of Georgetown, South Carolina, 1732–1865. Georgetown, S.C.: The Georgetown Times, 1982. No call number. Bull, Henry DeSaussure. All Saints Church, Waccamaw—The Parish, The Place, The People, 1739–1948. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1949. BX 5980 .W2 A5. Burgess, James M. Chronicles of St. Mark’s Parish Santee Circuit, and Williamsburg Township, South Carolina, 1731–1885. Reprint for Clarendon Co. Historical Society. Sumter, S.C.: Wilder & Ward, 1968. BX 5980 .S2 B8. Cook, Harvey Toliver. Rambles in the Pee Dee Basin South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: The State Comp., 1926. F 277 .P3 C7. Georgetown County Library. A View of Our Past. The Morgan Photographic Collection Depicting Georgetown South Carolina c.1890–1915. Georgetown, S.C.: The Georgetown Library System, 1993. F 279 .G35 V53. Gregg, John M. Early Pee Dee Settlers. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books, Inc., 1993. F 277 .P3 G7. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage, Death, and Estate Notices from Georgetown, S.C. Newspapers, 1791–1861. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979. F 277 .G35 H5. Julien, Carl and James McBride Dabbs. Pee Dee Panorama. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1951. F 277 .P3 J8. Lachicotte, Alberta Morel. Georgetown Rice Plantations. Columbia, S.C.: State Printing Co., 1955. NA 707 .L3. Lumpkin, Sarah Parker. Heritage Passed On. History of Prince George Winyah Parish. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1992. BX 5980 .P7 L8. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw, Ann:Dom:1713 [1713–1778]. 22 Selected bibliography Baltimore, Md.: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1916. BX 5980 .W5. Rogers, George C., Jr. The History of Georgetown County, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1970. F 277 .G35 R6. United States. Bureau of the Census. Eighteen-Eighty Census Georgetown County, South Carolina. Transcribed by Dorothy T. Teel. Hemingway, S. C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1985. F 268 .G35 1880. _______. Georgetown County 1850 Census. Transcribed by the Three Rivers Historical Society. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1985. F 268 .G35 1850. Winyah Indigo Society. A Short History of the Winyah Indigo Society of Georgetown, South Carolina 1755–1958 With Lists of Deceased and Living Members. N.p., 1958. F 277 .G35 W4. Greenville County Established in 1786 from part of the unorganized Indian land that lay northwest of the Ninety-Six District. Ashmore, Nancy Vance. Greenville; Woven from the Past. An Illustrated History by Nancy Vance Ashmore. Northridge, Calif.: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1986. F 279 .G79 A5. Batson, Mann. The Upper Part of Greenville County, South Carolina. Taylors, S.C.: Faith Printing Co., 1993. F 277 .G6 B37. Browning, William D., Jr. Firefighting in Greenville, 1840–1990. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1991. No call number. Campbell, Mary Schuyler. A Bicentennial History of Greenville County: A Guidebook to It’s Historical Markers. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, Inc.,1981. F 277 .G6 C3. Coleman, Caroline S. and B.C. Givens. History of Fountain Inn. Fountain Inn, S.C.: The Tribune-Times, Inc., n.d. F 279 .F6 C6. Ebaugh, Laura Smith. Bridging the Gap; A Guide to Early Greenville, South Carolina. Greenville, S.C.: Greenville County Events—S.C. Tricentennial, 1970. F 277 .G6 E31. Flynn, Jean Martin. A Short History of Chick Springs. Travelers Rest, S.C.: Loftis Printing Company, 1972. F 279 .C45 F69. Gilbert, Horace E. The 588 Marriages Performed by Rev. Charles Lethco Boyter from 1918–1966. 1993 (unpublished). F 268 .G54. 23 Selected bibliography Greenville County Historical Society. The Proceedings and Papers of the Greenville County Historical Society. 5 vols. Greenville, S.C.: Greenville Co. Historical Society, 1965. F 277 .G6 S15. Gullick, Guy A. Greenville County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina, 1921. HC 107 .S7 G8. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from the Upcountry of South Carolina as Taken from Greenville Newspapers 1826–1863. Columbia, S.C.: SCMAR, 1983. F 277 .G6 H5. Lent, Robertalee. Greenville County, South Carolina Deed Book Index, 1787–1802. N.p.: Robertalee Lent, 1966. F 277 .G6 L4. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, l989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Marsh, Kenneth F. and Blanche Marsh. New South: Greenville, South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1965. F 279 .G79 M3. McCoin, Choice. Greenville County: A Pictorial History. Norfolk, Va.: Donning Co., 1983. F 277 .G6 M2. McCuen, Anne K. Abstracts of Some Greenville County, South Carolina Records Concerning Black People, Free and Slave, 1791–1865. Spartanburg, S.C.: Reprint Co., 1991. F 277 .G6 M23. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986. F 268 .R4. Richardson, James M. History of Greenville County South Carolina; Narrative and Biographical. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co.,1980. F 277 .G6 R52. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Greenville Chapter. Greenville County, S.C. Cemetery Survey. 5 vols. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1977– 1983. F 277 .G6 G5. Storey, Bill and Anne K. McCuen. Genealogical Abstracts from Greenville, S.C.: The Earliest Minute Books of Ten Baptist Churches, 1794–1850. Saline, Mich.: McNaughton & Gunn, Inc., 1992. F 277 .G6 S75. Walker, Mae. Mauldins Legacy and Its People. N.p.: The Mauldin Legacy Committee, 1984. F 279 .M3 W3. Whitmire, Beverly T. The Presence of the Past: Epitaphs of 18th and 19th Century Pioneers in Greenville County, South Carolina and Their Descendants . . .. Baltimore, Md.: Gateway Press, 1976. G 277 .G6 W46. 24 Selected bibliography Greenwood County Formed in 1897 from parts of Abbeville and Edgefield counties. See also Abbeville, Edgefield, and McCormick counties. Rodeffer, Michael J. Greenwood County: An Archaeological Reconnissance. Greenwood, S.C.: Lander College, 1979. F 277 .G7 R6. Watson, Margaret. Greenwood County Sketches; Old Roads and Early Families. Greenwood, S.C.: The Attic Press, Inc., 1970. F 277 .G7 W37. _______. Tombstone Inscriptions from Family Graveyards in Greenwood County, S.C. Greenwood, S.C.: Drinkard Printing Co., 1972. F 277 .G7 W3. Hampton County Formed in 1878 from part of Beaufort County. See also Beaufort County. Hampton County Tricentennial Commission. Both Sides of the Swamp; Hampton County. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1970. F 277 .H3 H3. Horry County Formed in 1801 from part of Georgetown District. See also Georgetown County. Horry County Historical Society. The Independent Republic Quarterly, 1967–1974. Conway, S.C.: Horry County Historical Society, 1967– 1974. F 277 .H6 I6. Horry Herald. A Guide to Selected Topics of the Horry Weekly News, 1871, 1874–1877, and the Horry Herald, 1887–1894, 1897,1899–1914. Conway, S.C.: U.S.C. Coastal Carolina College, 1986. F 277 .H6 H6. United States. Bureau of the Census. 1850 Census of Horry County, South Carolina. Transcribed by Janet H. Woodard. Greenville, S.C.: A Press,Inc.,1980. F 268 .H6 1850. _______. 1880 Census of Horry County, South Carolina. Conway, S.C.: Horry County Historical Society, 1970. F 277 .H6 1880. Waccamaw Regional Planning and Development Council. Horry County Survey of Historic Places. Georgetown, S.C.: Waccamaw Reg. Planning and Dev. Council, 1973. F 277 .H6. Jasper County Formed in 1912 from parts of Beaufort and Hampton counties. See also Beaufort and Hampton counties. 25 Selected bibliography Perry, Grace Fox. Moving Finger of Jasper. N.p.: Jasper County Confederate Centennial Commission, n.d. F 277 .J3 P4. Kershaw County Formed in 1791 from portions of Claremont (no longer in existence), Fairfield, Lancaster, and Richland counties. It was also part of the Camden District. See also Fairfield, Lancaster, and Richland counties. Draine, Tony and John Skinner. Kershaw County South Carolina Tax List 1848 & 1849. Columbia, S.C.: Congaree Publications, 1986. F 277 .K3 D4. Holcomb, Brent H. Kershaw County, South Carolina; Minutes of the County Court, 179l–1799. N.p.: Brent H. Holcomb, 1986. F 277 .K3 H5. _______. Marriage and Death Notices from Camden, South Carolina, Newspapers 1816–1865. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 279 .C2 K5. Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Johnston, Louise. History and Homes of Liberty Hill, South Carolina. N.p., n.d. F 279 .L5 J55. Kershaw County Cemetery Survey Project. Kershaw County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey. 3 vols. Camden, S.C.: Kershaw County Historical Society, 1991. F 277 .K3. Kershaw County Historical Society. Camden, South Carolina Kershaw County, Scenic-Historic, 1976. Camden, S.C.: Kershaw County Historical Society, 1976. No call number. Kirkland, Thomas J. and Robert M. Kennedy. Historic Camden . . ..2 vols. Columbia, S.C.: The State Company, 1905–1926. F 279 .C2 K5. Lewis, Kenneth E. Camden: A Frontier Town in Eighteenth Century South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1976. F 279 .C2 L4. United States. Bureau of the Census. Kershaw District South Carolina Census, 1840. Compiled by Tony Draine and John Skinner. Columbia, S.C.: Congaree Publications, 1986. F 268 .K3 1840. _______. The Second Federal Census 1800 South Carolina Kershaw County. 26 Selected bibliography N.p.: Kershaw County Historical Society, 1970. F 268 .K3 1800. _______. The Third Federal Census 1810 South Carolina Kershaw County. N.p.: Kershaw County Historical Society, 1972. F 268 .K3 1810. Wittkowsky, George H. and J. L. Moseley, Jr. Kershaw County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1923. HC 107 .S7 W5. Lancaster County Formed in 1785 from part of the Camden District. See also Kershaw County. Catawba Regional Planning Council. Historic Sites Survey Lancaster County. N.p.: Catawba Regional Planning Council, 1976. F 277 .L2 C3. Crockett, Nancy and Mamie G. Davis. Old Waxhaw Graveyard. Lancaster, S.C.: Nancy Crockett, 1965. F 277 .L2 W3. Floyd, Viola C. Lancaster County Tours. Lancaster, S.C.: Lancaster Co. Historical Comm., 1956. F 277 .L2 L3. Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Jeffcoat, Frances Reeves. Confederate Records Lancaster District, South Carolina. . .. N.p.: Francis R. Jeffcoat, 1986. F 277 .L2 J5. Lancaster County Historical Commission. Inscriptions from Old Cemeteries in Lancaster, South Carolina. Lancaster, S.C.: Lancaster Co. Historical Commission, 1974. F 277 .L2 A1. Lancaster County, South Carolina Black Heritage Committee. Lancaster County Black History: A Photographic and Literary Document, 1785– 1991. N.p.: Lancaster County, South Carolina Black Heritage Comm., 1991. F 277 .L2 S6. Paul M. Gettys & Associates. Historic Properties of Lancaster County. N.p.: Professional Printer, Ltd., 1988. F 277 .L2 H57. Pettus, Louise and Martha Bishop. Lancaster County: A Pictorial History. Norfolk, Va.: Donning Co., 1984. F 277 .L2 P47. Steen, Andrea D. V. Stoneboro—An Historical Sketch of a South Carolina Community. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1993. No call number. United States. Bureau of the Census. Lancaster District 1850 Census . . .. Waxhaw, N.C.: Francis R. Jeffcoat, 1984. F 268 .L2 1850. 27 Selected bibliography Laurens County Formed in 1785 from part of the Ninety-Six District. See also Abbeville County for Ninety-Six District entries. Bolick, Julian Stevenson. A Laurens County Sketchbook. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, 1973. F 277 .L3 B6. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers 1843–1865. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1977. F 268 .S6 H4. Ingmire, Frances Terry. Laurens Co. South Carolina Will Books, A—C, D—E, F, A—Vol. II (1777–1853). 4 vols. St. Louis, Mo.: Ingmire Pub., 1982. F 277 .L3 I5. Laurens County Historical Society. South Carolina’s Distinquished Women of Laurens County . . .. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1972. F 277 .L3 T64. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.,1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Nash, Sara M. Abstract of Early Records of Laurens County, South Carolina, 1785–1820 with Name Index and Revolutionary War Service. N.p.: Sara M. Nash, n.d. F 277 .L3 N3. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Laurens District Chapter. Burying Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries: Laurens County, S.C. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.,1991. F 277 .L3 S6. United States. Bureau of the Census. Second Federal Census, Laurens County, South Carolina, 1800. N.p.: Irene Dillard Elliott, 1959. F 268 .L3 1800. Lee County Formed in 1902 from parts of Darlington, Kershaw, and Sumter counties. See also Darlington, Kershaw, and Sumter counties. Dick, Anthony W. Lee County, Economical and Social. Columbia, S.C.: Univ. of S.C., 1925. HC 107 .S7 D5. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 31, Lee County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1937. CD 3500 .H55 No. 31. 28 Selected bibliography Lexington County Formed in 1785 from part of the Orangeburg District. See also Orangeburg County and Calhoun County. Able, Gene, ed. Irmo and the Dutch Fork Legacy. A Centennial Celebration. Irmo, S.C.: The Independent News, 1990. F 279 .I7. Bayne, Coy. Lake Murray: Legend and Leisure. Sunset, S.C.: Bayne Publishing Company, 1992. No call number. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers 1843–1865. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1977. F 268 .S6 H4. _______. Memorialized Records of Lexington District, South Carolina, 1814–1825. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .L5. _______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol. 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol.1. Lexington Genealogical Association. Lexington Area Cemeteries. 4 vols. Columbia, S.C.: Universal Printing Co., 1988. F 277 .L5 L5. _______. Lexington County South Carolina 1850 Census, with Genealogical Data on Many Families. N.p.: Lexington Genealogical Association, 1985. F 268 .L5 1850. Seay, June Anderson. Silent Cities: A Tombstone Registry of Old Lexington District South Carolina. N.p., 1984. F 277 .L5 S4. Stockman, James Edgar. Lexington County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1923. HC 107 .S7 S8. McCormick County Formed in 1916 from parts of Abbeville, Edgefield, and Greenwood counties. See also Abbeville, Edgefield, and Greenwood counties. McCormick County Historical Society. McCormick County, South Carolina Cemeteries. McCormick, S.C.: Dick Mason Printing, Inc., 1987. F 277 .M15. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No.35, McCormick County. Columbia, S.C.: Historical Records Survey, 1940. CD 3500 .H55 No. 35. 29 Selected bibliography Marion County Formed in 1798 from part of the Georgetown District. See also Georgetown County, Florence County, and Dillon County. Altman, Margaret. Marion District School Record (1849) and Miscellaneous Voting List. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1983. F 277 .M2 A3. Cemeteries in Dillon County and Upper Marion County. N.p., 1976. F 268 .B43. Godbold, Sarah Ellerbe. Marion County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1923. HC 107 .S7 G6. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Marion Historical Booklet Task Force. Marion, South Carolina. Marion, S.C.: Marion Historical Booklet Task Force, n.d. F 279 .M2. Sellers, William W. A History of Marion County, South Carolina from Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1902. F 277 .M2 S5. United States. Bureau of the Census. Marion County South Carolina 1850 Census. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1982. F 268 .M2 1850. _______. Marion County, South Carolina 1860 Census. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1982. F 268 .M2 1860. _______. Marion County, South Carolina 1870 Census. Compiled by Margaret Byrd Altman.N.p.: Margaret Byrd Altman, n.d. F 268 .M2 1870. Utley, Lucille. Marion County, South Carolina, Extracts from Equity Rolls. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1981. F 277 .M2 U5. Utley, Lucille and Danny Smith. Marion County Probate Records. 2 vols. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1985. F 277 .M2 U51. Marlboro County Formed in 1785 from part of the Cheraw District. Drake, Elizabeth C. and Jacquelyn M. Rainwater. Records of Marlboro County, South Carolina. N.p., 1970. F 277 .M3 D6. Gillespie, Sarah C. An Index to the 1860 United States Census of Marlborough District in South Carolina (Free Schedule). N.p., 1968. F 268 .M3 1860. 30 Selected bibliography Gregg, Rev. Alexander. History of the Old Cheraws . . .. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1982. F 277 .P3 G73. Holcomb, Brent H. Marlborough County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court 1785–1799 and Minutes of the Court of Ordinary 1791– 1821. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1981. F 277 .M3 H5. _______. Saint David’s Parish, South Carolina Minutes of the Vestry 1768– 1832; Parish Register 1819–1924. Greenville, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1991. BX 5980 .S6 H6. ______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol. 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. Thomas, J.A.W. A History of Marlboro County, with Traditions and Sketches of Numerous Families. Atlanta, Ga.: The Foote & Davies Co., 1897. F 277 .M3 T5. Newberry County Formed in 1785 from part of the Ninety-Six District. See also Abbeville County for Ninety-Six District entries. Abrams, George Carter. Newberry County, South Carolina Cemeteries. Newberry, S.C.: Newberry Publishing Company, 1982. F 277 .N5 A2. Bayne, Coy. Lake Murray: Legend and Leisure. Sunset, S.C.: Bayne Publishing Company, 1992. No call number. Bundrick, Glenda W. Newberry, S.C. Deed Book M Recordings 1818 & 1819 Including Plats. Newberry, S.C.: By the author, 1994. No call number. Bundrick, Glenda W. and Andy Suber. Newberry County South Carolina Probate Estate Abstracts. 2 vols. Newberry, S.C.: N.p., 1991. F 277 .N5 B8. Bundrick, Glenda W. and David E. Sease. Newberry County South Carolina: Abstracts of Deed Book P2 1821–1822 and Plats. Newberry, S.C.: N.p.,1991. F 277 .N5 B86. _______. Newberry County South Carolina Deed Index 1785–1840. [Newberry, S.C.?]: N.p., 1982. F 277 .N5 B862. Carwile, John Brown. Reminiscences of Newberry . . .. Charleston, S.C.: Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., 1890. F 279 .N53 C2. Chapman, John A. and John Belton O’Neall. The Annals of Newberry in Two Parts. 2 vol. reprint of 1892 ed. Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, 1993. F 277 .N5 O53. 31 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers 1843–1865. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1977. F 268 .S6 H4. _______. Newberry County, South Carolina; Minutes of the County Court, 1785– 1798. Easely, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1977. F 277 .N5 H3. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Mayer, O. B. The Dutch Fork . Edited by James Kibler and Brent H. Holcomb. Columbia, S.C.: Dutch Fork Press, 1982. F 279 .D87 M3. Newberry County Egg & Dairy Festival. Newberry County Bicentennial Celebration: Voices from the Past. N.p.: Newberry County Egg & Dairy Festival, 1989. F 277 .N5 N58. Newberry County Historical Society. Bicentennial History of Newberry County. Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Co., 1989. F 277 .N5. _______. Newberry County South Carolina 1850 Census with Genealogical Data on Many Families. N.p.: The Newberry County Historical Society, 1985. F 268 .N5 1850. Pope, Thomas H. The History of Newberry County, South Carolina. 2 vols. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1973–1992. F 277 .N5 P66. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. Summer, George L. Folklore of South Carolina Including Central and Dutch Fork Sections of the State, and Much Data on the Early Quaker and Covenanter Customs, Etc. N.p.: G.L. Summer, 1950. F 280 .A1. _______. Newberry County, South Carolina: Historical and Genealogical. Newberry, S.C.: Privately printed, 1950. F 277 .N5 S9. United States. Bureau of the Census. Newberry County, South Carolina 1870 Census with Mortality Schedules, Agriculture Schedules, Census Index. Chapin, S.C.: Dutch Fork Chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Society, 1990. F 268 .N46. Oconee County Formed in 1868 from the western part of Pickens County. See also Pickens County and Anderson County (for Pendleton District entries). Doyle, Mary Cherry. Historic Oconee in South Carolina. Pendleton, S.C.: Old Pendleton District Historical Comm., 1967. F 277 .O3 D6. 32 Selected bibliography Duncan, Dennis. An Informal History of Mountain Rest, South Carolina. Taylors, S.C.: Faith Printing Co., 1984. F 279 .M68. Hawkins, Benjamin. Benjamin Hawkin’s Journeys Through Oconee County, South Carolina in 1796 and 1797. Edited by Margaret Mills Seaborn. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1973. F 273 .H3. Holder, Frederick C. Historic Sites of Oconee County, S. C.: Part of the History of Oconee County, S.C. Told Through Historic Preservation. N.p.: Oconee Co. Historical Society, 1991. F 277 .O3 H6. Holleman, Frances. The City of Seneca, South Carolina: The City of Opportunity, Its Centennial, August 11–18, 1973. Greenville, S.C.: Creative Printers Briggs & Assoc., Inc.,1973. F 279 .S4 H6. Rich, Peggy Burton. The Old Stone Church Cemetery, Clemson, South Carolina. Clemson, S.C.: Old Stone Church and Cemetery Commission, 1979. F 268 .B9. Rich, Peggy Burton and Frederick C. Holder. Oconee and Pickens Counties, South Carolina: 1868 Voter Registration. Pendleton, S.C.: Pendleton Chapter of the South Carolina Gen. Society, 1990. F 277 .O3 R5. Seaborn, Margaret Mills. Andre Michaux’s Journeys in Oconee County, South Carolina in 1787 and 1788. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1976. QK 277 .M4. Shealy, George Benet. Walhalla: A German Settlement in Upstate South Carolina. Seneca, S.C.: Blue Ridge Art Association, 1990. F 279 .W3 S5. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Pendleton Chapter. Oconee County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey. 2 vols. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1986. F 277 .O3 P3. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 37, Oconee County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1939. CD 3500 .H55 No. 37. Orangeburg County Established in 1785 from part of the Orangeburg District. See also Aiken County, Barnwell County, Calhoun County,, and Lexington County. Bass, Jack and Jack Nelson. The Orangeburg Massacre. Macon, Ga.: Mercer Press, 1984. F 279 .O6 N4. 33 Selected bibliography Gilmore, Leroy Hart. Holly Hill: a Town Grows Around a Tree. N.p., n.d. F 279 .H6 G5. Harley, Lillian H. Cemetery Inscriptions of Colleton and Orangeburg Counties South Carolina Vol. III. St. George, S.C.: The Dorchester EagleRecord Pub. Co., 1980. F 268 .H31. Holcomb, Brent H. Orangeburgh District South Carolina Returns in Partition from the Court of Equity, 1824–1837. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1982. F 277 .06 H5. Holman, Robert H. and Patsy A. Holman. Elloree the Home I Love. A Short History of a Great Little Town. Orangeburg, S.C.: Bill Wise Printers, 1986. F 279 .E3 H5. Orangeburg, County of. Orangeburg County Tricentennial: Souvenir Program. Orangeburg, S.C.: Quality Printing, Inc., 1970. F 277 .07 1970. Orangeburgh German-Swiss Genealogical Society. Orangeburg CSA Enrollment Roster, 1864. Orangeburg, S.C.: Orangeburgh GermanSwiss Genealogical Society, 1991. F 279 .05 06. _______. Orangeburgh Immigrants and First Families. Orangeburg, S.C.: Orangeburgh German-Swiss Genealogical Society, 1991. F 279 .06 062. _______. Orangeburgh Lineage Charts. Orangeburg, S.C.: Orangeburgh German-Swiss Genealogical Society, 1991. F 279 .06 062. Ruple, Jack Damon. Orangeburg Documents. Little Rock, Arkansas: Jack Ruple, 1987. F 277 .06 R5. Salley, A.S., Jr. The History of Orangeburg County, South Carolina: From Its First Settlement to the Close of the Revolutionary War. Reprint of 1898 ed. Baltimore, Md.: Regional Publishing Co., 1978. F 277 .06 S1. Pickens County Formed in 1826 from part of the Pendleton District. See also Anderson and Oconee counties. Allen, Mattie M.A. Central, Yesterday and Today. Taylors, S.C.: Faith Printing Co., 1973. F 279 .C46 A4. Clayton, Faith. Pickens District Jury List 1828–1849. N.p.:Old Pendleton Genealogical Society, 1987. F 268 .P5 C4. Elliot, Colleen M. The Keowee Courier 1849–1851; 1857–1861 and 1865– 1868. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979. F 277 .P5 K46. 34 Selected bibliography Flynn, Jean Martin. A History of Secona Baptist Church and the Pickens Area. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, Inc., 1987. BX 6480 .P5 F6. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. McFall, Pearl S. The Keowee River and Cherokee Background. N.p., 1966. F 277 .P5 K46. Morris, Jane B. Pickens: The Town and the First Baptist Church. Pickens, S.C.: Pickens First Baptist Church, 1991. P 279 .P5 M6. Oconee County Historical Society. The Bailey A. Barton Muster Roll Book of Pickens District, South Carolina (ca.1858). Introduction by Frederick C. Holder. N.p.: Oconee County Historical Society, 1990. F 277 .P5 B3. Rich, Peggy Burton and Frederick C. Holder. Oconee and Pickens Counties, South Carolina: 1868 Voter Registration. Pendleton, S.C.: Pendleton Chapter of the S.C. Genealogical Society, 1990. F 277 .O3 R5. Rich, Peggy Burton and Margaret Gibbs Ogle. Pickens District, South Carolina 1866 Tax List. N.p.: Old Pendleton District Chapter of the S.C. Genealogical Society, 1991. F 277 .P5 R52. Rich, Peggy Burton and Marion Ard Whitehurst. The People’s Journal: Pickens, South Carolina 1894–1903, Historical and Genealogical Abstracts. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books, Inc. F 277 .P5 R5. Sheriff, G. Anne. Black History in Pickens District, South Carolina. Easley, S. C.: Forest Acres Elementary School, 1991. F 277 .P5 S53. _______. Pickensville-Easley History. Greenville, S. C.: A Press, l989. F 279 .P5 S52. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Pendleton Chapter. Pickens County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey. 2 vols. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, n.d. F 277 .P5 P4. United States. Bureau of the Census. Pickens District, S.C. 1830 Census. Edited by Anne Sheriff. Central, S.C.: Central Wesleyan College, 1988. F 268 .P5 1830. ________. Pickens District, S.C. 1840 Census. Edited by Anne Sheriff. Central, S.C.: Central Wesleyan College, 1986. D 268 .P5 1840. _______. 1850 Federal Slave Census of Pickens District, South Carolina: Eastern Division (Present-Day Pickens County). N.p., 1991. F 268 .P5 1850. _______. 1860 Federal Slave Census of Pickens District, South Carolina: 5th Regiment (Present-Day Pickens County). N.p., 1989. F 268 .P5 1860. 35 Selected bibliography Vedder, Ed. Pickens District 1854 Tax List. N.p.: Old Pendleton Genealogical Society, 1988. F 268 .P5 V4. Wooley, James E. A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records. 3 vols. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979– 1982. F 268 .W54. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 39, Pickens County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1941. CD 3500 .H55 No. 39. Richland County Formed in 1785 from part of the Camden District. Draine, Tony and John Skinner. Richland District South Carolina Land Records, 1785–1865. Columbia, S.C.: Congaree Publications, 1986. F 277 .R5 D4. Edgar, Walter B. and Deborah K. Wooley. Columbia, Portrait of a City. Norfolk, Va.: The Donning Co., 1986. F 279 .C7 E34. Graydon, Nell S. Tales of Columbia. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1981. F 279 .C7 G7. Green, Edwin Luther. A History of Richland County. Vol. 1: 1732–1805. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co., 1932. F 277 .R5 G7. Hennig, Helen Kohn. Columbia, Capitol City of South Carolina, 1786–1936. With a Mid-Century Supplement, 1936–1966, by Charles E. Lee. Columbia, S.C.: Columbia Sesquicentennial Commission, 1966. F 279 .C7 H4 1966. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina Newspapers, 1792–1839. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, l982. F 277 .C7 H6. _______. Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina Newspapers, 1838–1860: Including Legal Notices from Burnt Counties. N.p.: Brent H. Holcomb, 1988. F 279 .C7 H6. _______. Record of Deaths in Columbia, South Carolina, and Elsewhere as Recorded by John Glass, 1859–1877. N.p.: Brent H. Holcomb, 1986. F 279 .C7 H5. _______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. 36 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Hopkins, Laura Jervey. Lower Richland Planters: Hopkins, Adams, Weston and Related Families of South Carolina. Hopkins, S.C.: Laura J. Hopkins, 1976. CS 71 .H6. Lucas, Marion Brunson. Sherman and the Burning of Columbia. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University, 1976. E 477.75 .L82. Montgomery, John A. Columbia, South Carolina: A History of a City. Woodland Hills, Ca.: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1979. F 279 .C7 M6. Moore, John Hammond. Columbia and Richland County: A South Carolina Community 1740–1990. Columbia, S.C.: Univ. of South Carolina, 1993. F 279 .C7 M67. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. Selby, Julian A. Memorabilia and Anecdotal Reminiscences of Columbia, S.C. and Incidents Connected Therewith. Columbia, S.C.: The R. L. Bryan Co., 1905. F 279 .C7 S4. Simms, William G. Sack and Destruction of the City of Columbia, S.C. 2d ed. Edited by A.S. Salley, Jr. N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1971. E 477.75 .S3. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 40, Richland County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1940. CD 3500 .H55 No. 40. Saluda County Formed in 1895 from part of Edgefield County. See also Abbeville County (for Ninety-Six District entries) and Edgefield County. Saluda County Tricentennial Commission. Saluda County in Scene and Story. Columbia, S.C.: The R.L. Bryan Co., 1970. F 277 .S26. Wise, Allen C. Physicians of Saluda County, South Carolina. N.p., 1988. R 321.1 .W1. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, No. 41, Saluda County. Columbia, S.C.: The Historical Records Survey, 1940. CD 3500 .H55 No. 41. 37 Selected bibliography Spartanburg County Formed in 1785 from the Ninety-Six District. See also Abbeville County (for Ninety-Six District entries) and Cherokee County. Gilbert, Horace E. The Cemetery Survey for Sharon United Methodist Church near Reidville, Spartanburg County, South Carolina. 1993. Unpublished. F 279 .R44 G54. _______. The 588 Marriages Performed by Rev. Charles Lethco Boyter from 1918–1966. 1993. Unpublished. F 268 .G54. Hembree, Michael and David Moore. A Place Called Clifton: A Pictorial History of Clifton, South Carolina. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, 1987. F 279 .C65 H4. _______. Clifton: A River of Memories. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, 1988. F 279 .C65 H45. Herbert, William C., Jr. A Brief History of Medicine in the Spartanburg Region . . .. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1992. No call number. Holcomb, Brent H. Marriage and Death Notices from Upper S.C. Newspapers 1843–1865. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 268 .S6 H4. _______. Some South Carolina County Records: Vol. 1. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1976. F 268 .H6 Vol. 1. _______. Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1785–1799. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1980. F 277 .S7 H6. _______. Spartanburg County, South Carolina Will Abstracts, 1787–1840. N.p.: Brent H. Holcomb, 1983. F 277 .S7 H5. Landrum, John B. O. Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper South Carolina . . .. Greenville, S.C.: Shannon & Co. Printers, 1897. E 263 .S7 L2. _______. History of Spartanburg County. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1985. F 277 .S7 L3. Langdon, Barbara R. Spartanburg County Marriages 1785–1911: Implied in Spartanburg County South Carolina Probate Records. Aiken, S.C.: Langdon & Langdon Genealogical Research, 1992. F 277 .S7 L36. Lawrence, James Walton, Sr. Shadows of Hogback. Landrum, S.C.: News Leader, 1979. F 279 .L3. Leonard, Michael. Our Heritage; A Community History of Spartanburg County, S.C. N.p.: Band & White, Inc., 1986. F 277 .S7 L4. 38 Selected bibliography Pruitt, Albert Bruce. Spartanburg County/District South Carolina: Deed Abstracts Book A–T, 1785–1827 (1752–1827). Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1988. F 277 .S7 P7. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. Smith, Alma Spires and Jean Smith Owens. Patent Land Survey . . . 1770–1820 . . .. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1978. F 268 .S6 O9. South Carolina Genealogical Society. Pinckney Chapter. Spartanburg County, S.C. Cemetery Survey. 2 vols. N.p., n.d. F 277 .S7 S68. United States, Bureau of the Census. The Census Records of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, for the Years 1790–1800–1810–1820–1830–1840. Transcribed by Horace Elbert Gilbert. N.p., 1974. F 268 .S7 1790. _______. 1850 Census Spartanburg District, South Carolina. Transcribed by Horace E. Gilbert and Rodney D. Hoft. Cincinnati, Ohio.: Gilbert & Hoft, 1978. F 268 .S7 1850. Sumter County Formed in 1798 from Claremont, Clarendon, and Salem counties which had been formed from the Camden District. See also Clarendon County, Florence County, and Lee County. Gregorie, Anne King. History of Sumter County, South Carolina. Sumter, S.C.: Library Board of Sumter County, 1954. F 277 .S8 G7. Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Lucas, Rev. Silas Emmett, Jr. Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2. Easley, S. C.: Southern Historical Press, 1989. F 268 .H6 Vol. 2. Nicholes, Cassie. Historical Sketches of Sumter County: Its Birth and Growth. 2 vols. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co.,1975–1981. F 277 .S8 N4. Poindexter, John R. Sumter County: a Photographic Chronicle, 1845– 1955. Sumter, S.C.: The Sumter County Museum, 1989. F 277 .S9 P6. Ramsey, Ralph and A.H. Green. Sumter County Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1922. HC 107 .S7 R3. 39 Selected bibliography United States. Bureau of the Census. Eighteen-Fifty Census, Sumter District, South Carolina. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1983. F 268 .S8 1850. ______. Eighteen-Sixty Census, Sumter District, South Carolina. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1983. F 268 .S8 1860. Union County Formed in 1785 from part of the Ninety-Six District. See also Abbeville County (for Ninety-Six District entries) and Cherokee County. Bailey, Rev. J. D. History of Grindal Shoals and Some Early Adjacent Families. Greenville, S.C.: Reprinted by A Press, Inc., 1981. F 277 .U5 B3. Calvert, Jesse III. History of Jonesville. N.p., 1970. F 279 .J6 C3. Catawba Regional Planning Council. Historic Sites Survey Union County. N.p.: The Catawba Reg. Planning Council, 1976. F 277 .U5 C3. Charles, Allan D. The Narrative History of Union County South Carolina. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1987. F 277 .U5 C42. Holcomb, Brent H. Union County, South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court, 1785–1799. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979. F 277 .U5 H4. _______. Union County Will Abstracts, 1787–1845. N.p.: Brent H. Holcomb, 1987. F 277 .U5 H5. Hope, Robert Meek. Union County, Economic and Social. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C., 1923. HC 107 .S7 H6. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1986. F 268 .R4. Smith, Alma Spires and Jean Smith Owens. Patent Land Survey . . . 1770–1820 . . .. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1978. F 268 .S6 O9. Union County Historical Society. A History of Union County, South Carolina. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1977. F 277 .U5 U3. Whaley, E.D. Union County Cemeteries. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, Inc., 1976. F 277 .U5 W3. 40 Selected bibliography Williamsburg County Formed in 1804 from part of the Georgetown District. See also Georgetown County and Florence County. Boddie, William Willis. History of Williamsburg County . . .. Columbia, S.C.: State Co., 1923. F 277 .W7 B8. Burgess, James M. Chronicles of St. Mark’s Parish, Santee Circuit, and Williamsburg Township, South Carolina, 1731–1885. Sumter, S.C.: Wilder & Ward (Reprint for Clarendon County Hist. Society), 1968. BX 5980 .S2 B8. Eaddy, Elaine Y. Williamsburg County Deed Abstracts from Deed Book C & D. Hemingway, S.C.: Elaine Y. Eaddy, 1982. F 277 .W7 R5 C & D. _______. Williamsburg County Probate Records 1806 ca. 1900 and Notes from Other Miscellaneous Sources. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, n.d. F 277 .W7 E31. Eaddy, Elaine Y. and Mary R. Reid. Abstracts from Williamsburg County Equity Records 1823–1870. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1981. F 277 .W7 E3. Reid, Mary R. Abstracts from Deed Book “E” Williamsburg County South Carolina. N.p.: Mary R. Reid, 1983. F 277 .W7 S6 E. _______. Williamsburg County Deed Abstracts from Deed Book A & B. Kingstree, S.C.: Mary R. Reid, 1982. F 277 .W7 S6 A&B. Smith, Danny. The Call To Arms. Hemingway, S.C.: The Three Rivers Society, n.d. E 577 .S5. United States. Bureau of the Census. Eighteen-Fifty Census of Williamsburg County South Carolina. Kingstree, S.C.: Mary R. Reid, 1975. F 268 .W7 1850. _______. Williamsburg County South Carolina 1860 Federal Census. Transcribed by Mary R. Reid. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1977. F 268 .W7 1860. _______. Williamsburg County South Carolina 1870 Federal Census. Transcribed by Mary R. Reid. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1977. F 268 .W7 1870. 41 Selected bibliography _______. Williamsburg County South Carolina 1880 Federal Census. Transcribed by Mary R. Reid. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1981. F 268 .W7 1880. _______. Williamsburg County South Carolina 1900 Federal Census. Transcribed by Mary R. Reid. Hemingway, S.C.: Three Rivers Historical Society, 1981. F 268 .W7 1900. Williamsburg County Historical Society. An Early Manuscript Copy of the Witherspoon Family Chronicle & and Later Notes on Related Families. N.p., 1967. CS .71 W5. _______. Williamsburg County, South Carolina: A Pictorial History. Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Co., 1991. F 277 .W7 W7. York County Established in 1785 from part of the Camden District. See also Cherokee County. Blumer, Thomas J. Bibliography of the Catawba. Native American Bibliography Series, No. 10. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1987. Z 1210 .C37 B57. Brown, Douglas Summers. A City Without Cobwebs. A History of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co.,1975 (reprint of 1952 ed.). F 279 .R6 B7. _______. The Catawba Indians, The People of the River. Columbia, S.C.: U.S.C. Press, 1966. E 99 .C24 B74. Bullock Creek Cemetery Association. Roster of Cemetery and Historical Sketch of Bullock Creek Church, No. 120. N.p., 1941. BX 9211 .Y6 B5. Catawba Regional Planning Council. Historic Sites Survey York County. N.p.: The Catawba Regional Planning Council, 1975. F 277 .Y6 C3. Chandler, Marion C. and others. Hickory Grove the First Hundred Years. Hickory Grove, S.C.: Printed for the Town, 1988. F 279 .H52 C4. Hart, Joseph E., Jr. Supplement to Confederate Veterans Enrollment Book of York County, S.C.—1902. York, S.C.: Joseph E. Hart, Jr., 1984. F 277 .Y6 H3. Holcomb, Brent H. York, South Carolina, Newspapers, Marriage and Death Notices, 1823–1865. Spartanburg, S.C.: The Reprint Co., 1989. F 279 .Y67 H64. 42 Selected bibliography Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker. Camden District, S.C. Wills and Administrations, 1781–1787. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1978. F 277 .C2 H6. Jaegar Company. York County Historical and Architectural Inventory: Survey Report, 1992. N.p.: The Jaegar Company, 1992. F 277 .Y6 J3. Langdon, Barbara R. York County Marriages, 1770–1869, Implied in York County, S.C., Probate Records. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1983. F 277 .Y6 L3. Merrill, James H. The Indians New World: Catawbas and Their Neighbors from European Contact Through the Era of Removal. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U.N.C. Press, 1989. E 99 .C241 I53. Moore, Dr. Maurice. Reminiscences of York. Edited by Elmer O. Parker. Greenville, S.C.: A Press, 1981. F 277 .Y6 M6. Owens, Jo Roberts and Ruth D. Thomas. Confederate Veterans Enrollment Book of York County, S.C. 1902. Clover, S.C.: Westmoreland Printers, Inc., 1983. F 277 .Y6 O9. Revill, Janie. Some South Carolina Genealogical Records. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.,1986. F 268 .R4. United States. Bureau of the Census. 1850 Federal Census: York District, South Carolina. York, S.C.: Jo Roberts Owens and Ruth D. Thomas, 1987. F 268 .Y6 1850. Wells, Laurence K. York County South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court 1786–1797. Columbia, S.C.: SCMAR, 1981. F 277 .Y6 W4. West, Rev. Jerry Lee. A Historical Sketch of People, Places and Homes of Bullocks Creek, South Carolina. Richburg, S.C.: Chester District Genealogical Society, 1986. F 279 .B84 W4. Yorkville Cemetery Association (?). Rose Hill Cemetery: York, S.C. N.p.: Yorkville Cemetery Association (?), 1983. F 279 .Y6 R6. Yorkville Historical Society. Welcome to Historic York, South Carolina: A Historic District Walking Tour. York, S.C.: Yorkville Historical Society, 1987. F 279 .Y6. ❚ 43
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