World Congress & Expo on Biotechnology & Bioengineering March 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE Tentative Program Email: [email protected] Day 1: March 27, 2017 Keynote Presentations Genetics and Molecular Biology Title: Expression of Shiga-like toxin fused to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF/SLT) in E. coli for targeting angiogenesis Presenting Author: Osama O. Ibrahim, Bio Innovastion LLC, USA Title: Phenotyping Precision Medicine Presenting Author: Zachary Rapp, BODYQuant, Inc., USA Title: Detection of NOTCH1mutation exon 34 (PEST and TAD), and screening for HOX11L2/TLX3fusion gene transcript in T-ALL Egyptian pediatric patients Presenting Author: Mohamed El-Beltagy, MSA University, Egypt Title: Therapeutic Strategies for the Management of Achondroplasia: Revelations from Clinical Studies Presenting Author: Raja Chakraverty, Bengal School of Technology, India Title: Interactome Analysis and Docking Sites Prediction of MutS Homologs (MSH) Proteins in Arabidopsis Thaliana Presenting Author: Mohamed Ragab Abdel Gawwad, International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Title: Assessment of PEP,FNDC5,C2C12,PGC1α pattern of Genes expression during differentiation of Human embryonic stem cells into heart cells in TABRIZ city IRAN Presenting Author: Shahin Asadi, Islamic Azad University, Iran Title: Cloning and Extracellular Expression of Thermostable Alkaline Protease Gene from Bacillus stearothermophilus AEAL2 in Pichia pastoris Presenting Author: Essam F. Alwan Al-Jumaily, University of Baghdad, Iraq Title: Analysis of Selected Milk Traits in Palestinian Holstein-Friesian Cattle in Relative to Genetic Polymorphism Presenting Author: Zyiad Abu Khaizaran, Biotechnology Research Center, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine Title: Automatic optical molecular cancer image segmentation via Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution Presenting Author: Jiwan Kim, Korea University, Korea Title: Investigating the selected genes expression in wheat under lead stress Presenting Author: Rafiq Ahmad, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan Title: Cytokine gene polymorphism (IL-17A G197A, TNF-alpha G308A, IL-6, C174G) and Human Major Histocompatibility Complex (HLA DRB1) – specificities control in bronchial asthma Presenting Author: AJILOSEDA Charles Adeniyi, Adyghe State University, Russia Speech Opportunity Available Day 1: March 27, 2017 Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Title: Possibility Using Camphene as Biorational Insecticide Against the Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Colioptera: Curculionedae) Presenting Author: Aziza Sharaby, National Research Centre, Egypt Title: Biotechnology Infrastructure Development in the GCC and by Qatar “Qatar Foundation” Presenting Author: M. Walid Qoronfleh, Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI) and Hamad bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar Title: Genome-wide expression profiling of the transcriptomes of selected Faba bean in response to drought stress Presenting Author: Salem S. Alghamdi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Title: Effect of endomycorrhizae in the control of tomato seedlings damping-off disease through the activation of some hormones and defending enzymes secretion Presenting Author: Mohammad Imad Khrieba, National Center for Biotechnology (NCBT), Syria Title: Agro-morphological Characteristics of Different Varieties of Nigerian Sesame (Benniseed) from Different Locations Presenting Author: Friday Nwalo Nweke, Federal University Ndufu Alike, Nigeria Title: Evaluation of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Two Nigerian Cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz) cultivars TME 419 and “Okwuoto” Presenting Author: Ene-Obong. EE, University of Calabar, Nigeria Title: Study of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of seeds of Plantago ovata Presenting Author: Saadia Mohammed Ali, Integral University, India Title: Identification of QTLs for Physiological Attributes in wheat mapping population under salt stress Presenting Author: Nazima Batool, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan Title: Tolerance to Salt Stress by Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Brassica rapa var. glabra Presenting Author: Khalid A. Hussein, Assiut University, Egypt Title: Development of Cytoplasmic Male sterile (CMS) and Restorer lines as well as their Maintenance Using Diverged Cytosources of Rice Presenting Author: M. Ariful Islam, EXIM Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh Title: Biological Control of the date Palm tree borers, Oryctes spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaidae: Dynastinae) Presenting Author: Mohammed Z. Khalaf, Ministry of Science & Technology, Iraq Title: Enhanced Production of Aloe Mannan Using Plant Biotechnology Presenting Author: Zarreen Badar, H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry-International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, Pakistan Day 1: March 27, 2017 Title: Decontamination of petroleum contaminated soil using earthworm species Presenting Author: Vipin Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), India Title: Effect of different seed priming’s on growth, nutrients uptake and biochemical parameters in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salt sress Presenting Author: Abida Kausar, Government College Women University, Pakistan Title: Elimination of African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV) and East African Cassava Mosaic Virus (EACMV) via Somatic Embryogenesis in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Presenting Author: Nkaa, Francis Agodichi, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria Title: Antimicrobial potential and phytochemical screening of leaf and fruit of solanum thorvum (swartz). A medicinally important plant Presenting Author: Thirunahari Ugandhar, SRR Govt. Arts & Science College Karimnagar, India Title: Molecular Characterization of novel geminivirus from Seasamum indicum in Pakistan Presenting Author: M. Shafiq, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Title: Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Cucurbita Pepo Infecting New Variant of Tomato Leaf Curl Palampur Virus in Pakistan. Presenting Author: M. Shafiq, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Title: A Novel approach to study relationship between Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) and Betasatellites Presenting Author: Ahmad Ali Shahid, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Title: Antimicrobial Potential of edible Plants as alternate treatment of Bacterial Fish Infections Presenting Author: Anakalo Shitandi, Kisii University- Kenya Title: Assessment of comparative growth, nutrients uptake and yield components responses of salt tolerant and sensitive sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes Presenting Author: Abida Kausar, Government College Women University Faisalabad, Pakistan Title: Studies on Tissue Culture of Medicinal Plants Guizotia Abyssinica L.F. (Cass): Micropropagation and Production of Useful Secondary Metabolites Presenting Author: Sumeet Dwivedi, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, India Title: Role of vitamin E on Survival, Development and Fecundity of Legume Pod Borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) Presenting Author: Chitti babu G, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, India Speech Opportunity Available Speech Opportunity Available Day 2: March 28, 2017 Food and Nutrition Biotechnology Algal Biotechnology and Genomics Title: Utilizing Silent Signals of Consumers in Food Product Development and Marketing Activities to Benefit the Competitiveness of SMEs, a case study Presenting Author: Anna-Maria Saarela, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Title: Boosting lipid productivity of the oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana via genome engineering Presenting Author: Rob Brown, Synthetic Genomics Inc., USA Title: Biotechnology of the microalga Spirulina Presenting Author: Yacoub Idriss Halawlaw, University of N’Djamena, Chad Title: Constructible properties and combined bacterial species in pediatric nutrition Presenting Author: Rob te Biesebeke, Academy des Sciences et d’Innovation, Switzerland Title: Mycoprotein – A Fifty Year Overnight Success Presenting Author: Tim Finnigan, Quorn Foods, UK Title: Impact of Acidophilus Milk Supplemented with Calcium Pyruvate on Reduction of the Risk of Obesity in Rats Fed High Fat Diet Presenting Author: Fouad Mahmoud Fouad Elshaghabee, Cairo University, Egypt Title: Escalating Cultivars of Daucus Carota Prove to be Enthusiastic Functional Food Presenting Author: Shahzad Ali Shahid Chatha, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan Title: Estimation of milk protease activity from uninfected mammary glands of Nili-Ravi buffalos, Sahiwal and cross-breed cows of Pakistan. Presenting Author: Razia Kausar, University of Agriculture, Pakistan Title: Response of muskmelon germplasm against Meloidogyne incognita and its management through Aspergillus spp. Presenting Author: Nazir Javed, University of Agriculture, Pakistan Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology Title: Antibacterial characterization and pharmaceutical formulation from leaf extract of Datura inoxia Presenting Author: Priti Mathur, Amity University, India Title: Stevia Rebaudiana Antioxidant Properties and Taste Analysis by Electronic tongue Presenting Author: Rivka Weiser-Biton, ORT Braude College, Israel Title: Role of PCR for evaluation of Short Term Fever with Flu like symptoms in a tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh Presenting Author: Md. Mahabubul Islam Majumder, Comilla Medical College, Bangladesh Day 2: March 27, 2017 Title: In vivo wound healing potential and identification of bioactive compounds from Olea europaea l. leaves by HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS detection Presenting Author: Halima SAIAH, University of Hassiba Ben Bouali, Algeria Title: Coal and alkali pretreated seawater stimulates the production of marine microalgae, clean coal and magnesium Presenting Author: Md. Abu Affan, King AbdulAziz University, Saudi Arabia Title: Predominance of Spirastrella inconstans Protein Over Enzymes of Marine Bacteria against MRSA Presenting Author: Tamil Selvi, Dubai Title: Wild Plant Agropyron Cristatum of Genome Pool Possibility to Use for Improvement of Weeds Salt Sustainability Presenting Author: Aitkhazha Bigaliyev, Al Faraby Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan Title: Variability of CO2 air-sea fluxes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean from Satellite SMOS salinity Presenting Author: Frédéric K. Bonou, Institut de recherche pour le développement, Benin Title: Biotech Research Set to Surge from Abbott Laboratories to AbbVie Presenting Author: Wael Ebied, Abbott Laboratories S.A. – UAE Speech Opportunity Available Bio-Nanotechnology Biology & Biotechnology of Reproduction Title: Synthesis of some perovskite nanomaterials and their applications in photocatalysis and Energy Presenting Author: Islam Ibrahim Ali, Egypt Title: ERI MEDICAL DEVICE - Nanotechnology which reveals Psychosomatic Links in the Body Presenting Author: Elena van Dijk, PRIVATE Clinic Elena van Dijk, Slovakia Title: Nanotechnology: An Innovative Approach for Water and Soil Clean up Presenting Author: Arti Goel, Amity University, India Title: A case report of using Gold Nanorod assisted near-infrared Plasmonic Photothermal Therapy for treatment of chronic extended spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESβL) Klebsiellapneumoniae infected subcutaneous fistula in eight years old Griffon bitch. Presenting Author: Haithem Ali Mohamed Ahmed Farghali, Cairo University, Egypt Day 2: March 27, 2017 Title: How important is the morphology of the semen analysis? Presenting Author: Entela Shkëmbi, Resposabile Seminology Laboratory at Medical Center, Dani Andrology, Italy Title: Biological Photothermal Nanodots Based on Self-assembly of Peptide-Porphyrin Conjugates for Antitumor Therapy Presenting Author: Manzar Abbas, Chinese academy of sciences, China Speech Opportunity Available Biotechnology in Health Care Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering Bioinformatics and Biosensor Title: Investigation of Cardiovascular Activity of Ayurvedic Preparation ‘Mrityunjay’ in rat model Presenting Author: Md. Shah Amran, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Title: Preparation, Characterization and Bioevaluation of Poly (vinyl alcohol)-honey wax hydrogel membranes for wound dressing applications Presenting Author Alaa I. Eid, Central Matallurgical Research and Development Institute, Egypt Title: HIV in The Gambia Presenting Author: Lamin Moko Ceesay, Santa Yalla Support Society of PLHIV, Gambia Title: Inhibition of Phospholipase A2 and Prostaglandin Synthase Activities as Mechanism for the Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Chloroform Extract of Annona muricata Leaves Presenting Author: Joshua, P. E, University of Nigeria, Nigeria Title: Assessment of Analytical Performance of Glucose Meter Using Surveillance Error Grid Presenting Author: Mohit V Rojekar, Department of Biochemistry, Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, India Title: Proactive Model for Locating and Collecting Cybercrime Evidences on Cloud Computing Presenting Author: Abdulghani Ali Ahmed, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia Title: Computational Bioinformatics Architecture to Prioritize Remote Patients in Tele-Monitoring Healthcare Services Based On Data Fusion Algorithm Presenting Author: Omar H. Salman, Al Iraqia University, Iraq Title: Evaluation of Serum Malondialdehyde, Glutathione and Lipid Profile Levels in Iraqi Females with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Shakir .F. Alaaraji, Al- Anbar University, Iraq Title: The effect of MSCs on vascularization and function of liver carcinoma cells Alaa. T. alshareeda, King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC), Saudi Arabia Speech Opportunity Available Day 3: March 27, 2017 Bioenergy, Biofuels, Biorefinery and Biogas Technology Title: Sourcing feedstock for biodiesel Presenting Author: Ibrahim F Gad, Bio Rotterdam for Energy Investment, Jordan Title: Green chemistry approach vs. traditional chemical approach for the biosynthesis of biocompatible drug delivery (DDS) Metal nanoparticles: A Review Presenting Author: Gomaa F. Salma, American University in Cairo, Egypt Title: Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Compost for Municipal Solid Waste from Guntur and Vijayawada Presenting Author: Golamari Siva Reddy, K L University, Vaddeswaram, India Title: “Waste-to-Renewable Energy” a sustainable and green approach towards biohydrogen production Presenting Author: Mahmoud Nasr, Alexandria University, Egypt Title: Beating Treatment to Enhance Degradability of Lignocellulosic Material for Biogas Improvement Presenting Author: Joseph Stokes, Dublin City University, Ireland Title: Methanogenic biodegradation of crude oil storage tank sludge enhances bio-corrosion of mild steel Presenting Author: Okoro Chuma Conlette, Federal University, Nigeria Speech Opportunity Available Environmental Biotechnology and Materials Engineering Cell Biology Microbiology Title: Bio-ethanol project (Economic & Development) Presenting Author: Osama O. Ibrahim, Bio Innovastion LLC, USA Title: Determining the Geographical Origin of Olives by Chemometric Tools Applied to Atr–Ftir Spectra of Mesocarp Presenting Author: A. Oussama, University of Sultan Moulay slimane, Morocco Title: Geothermal Springs as a Source of Thermophiles with Biotechnological Potential Presenting Author: Hovik Panosyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia Title: Analysis of Stem Cell Interactions at a Single Cell Resolution Presenting Author: Andreas Reimer, Germany Title: Direct Differentiation of Human iPS Cells Towards the Erythroid Lineage Presenting Author: Nihal Almuraikhi, Imperial College London, UK Day 3: March 27, 2017 Title: Influence of Epigenetic Modifiers on Stem Cells Differentiation Presenting Author: Ahmed Taher El-Serafi, University of Sharjah, UAE Title: Leishmania mexicana growth phase effect on MHC class I down-regulation Presenting Author: Khdija Suleman Mohamed Ali, Sirte University, Libya Title: Histochemistry of equine damaged tendons and ligaments Presenting Author: De Bastiani, Grasiela, Universidade Federal De Santa Maria, Brazil Title: Probiotic yeast, Pichia kudriavzevii AS-12, induces apoptosis via extrinsic and intrinsic pathways in the Hep-G2 human liver cancer cell line Presenting Author: Amir Saber, University of Medical Sciences, Iran Title: Telomere Length Inheritance in The Egyptian population: Prove the Concept of Germ Cell Mortality Presenting Author: Alyaa Rakha, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt Title: Isolation and diagnose low molecular weight peptides effective in inhibiting pathogenic bacteria from the Iraqi camel milk fermented by bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum Presenting Author: Hussein L. Al-gboory, University Al- Qasim green, Iraq Title: Antimicrobial Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of DroseraSpatulata Presenting Author: Ali Hakakian, Pasteur institute, Iran Title: Prophylactic effects of Bifidobacterium bifidum (strains of human origin), probiotic feeding on Escherichia coli infection, in rats (in vivo antagonism) Presenting Author: Mahmoudi. F Hedadji, University of Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria Title: Direct evidence of viral infection and mitochondrial alterations in the brain of fetuses at high risk for schizophrenia Presenting Author: Segundo Mesa Castillo, Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, Cuba Title: Biochemical characterization of a lipase from an Algerian Isolated Staphylococcus aureus Strain Presenting Author: Nehal Fatima, University Hassiba Ben Bouali of Chlef Algeria Title: A validated LCMS-MS method for the determination of cortisol in human plasma and its application in stability studies Presenting Author: Syed N Alvi, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Saudi Arabia Title: Antibiotics Resistance Pattern and Biofilm Detection of Acinetobacter species Obtained from Tertiary Care Hospital Presenting Author: Rachna Chaturvedi, Amity University, India Speech Opportunity Available Speech Opportunity Available Day 3: March 27, 2017 Toxicology and Safety Bio-Instrumentation Techniques Title: Salmonella Biofilms: Production and Regulation Characteristics Presenting Author: Ankara University, Turkey Title: Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Bacteria: Molecular Studies and the Effects of Local Remedies Presenting Author: C.N Ohalete, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria Title: Toxic effects of synthetic pesticides and the need for non-toxic bio-alternatives- A review Presenting Author: Mojisola Esther Ojebode, Moepelorse Bio Resources, Nigeria Title: Strategies for aflatoxin quantitation and their control: New approaches Presenting Author: Kisan B, University of Agricultural Sciences, India Title: Designing Functional Thermally Sprayed Biocoatings – A Statistical Design of Experiments Approach Presenting Author: Joseph Stokes, Dublin City University, Ireland Industrial Biotechnology Biophysics Bioremediation and Biodegradation Biotherapeutics and Vaccines Title: CenC, a Multidomain Thermostable GH9 Processive Endoglucanase from Clostridium thermocellum: Cloning, Characterization and Saccharification studies. Presenting Author: Ikram ul Haq, Government College University, Pakistan Title: In vivo Hepatoprotective and Antidiabetic Activities of Essential Oils from Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Reichb. Ex Heynkh, of Pakistan Presenting Author: Phool Shahzadi, GCRC, PCSIR Labs. Coomplex Lahore ,Pakistan Title: In-Vivo Antibacterial Activities of Croton macrostachyus Methanol Extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Presenting Author: Ashenafi Kiros, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia Title: Site Attachment Inhibition Therapeutics Presenting Author: Simon Raymond, Melbourne University, Australasia Title: Removal of petroleum from produced water by liquid-liquid and adsorption processes Presenting Author: Ana Karla Costa de Oliveira, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Title: Biomineral processing of low-grade ores and industrial wastes for metal recovery and their significance Presenting Author: Lala Behari Sukla, Anusandhan University, India Day 3: March 27, 2017 Title: Antiviral drug from industrial waste of human donor blood Presenting Author: Valentina.A. Divocha, Ukrainian Research Institute for Medicine of Transport, Ukraine Title: Biophysical characterization of a novel universal stress protein of Schistosoma mansoni towards molecular intervention for therapeutic treatment of human schistosomiasis Presenting Author: Adenowo Abiola Fatimah, University of Zululand, South Africa Title: The Best, Simplest and Combined Treatments for AIDS and Cancer Presenting Author: Antoine Sayegh, Syria Title: Efficacy of Polymer gel based formalized killed Brucella melitensis vaccine in Goats Presenting Author: Amit Kumar, College of Veterinary Sciences, DUVASU, India Title: MERS-CoV: An Epidemic Whirlwind Presenting Author: Ilham Qattan, Taibah University, KSA Title: How Successful Pakistan has been to Facilitate Flood Affected Community? With Special reference to July-August 2010 Flood. Presenting Author: Syed Iazaz Ahmad Bukhari, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Title: Paradigm shift in discovery of new generation antibodies & their Biosimilars via Path breaking innovation Radha 108 (Receptol) Presenting Author: Pawan Saharan, Bimix Network Ltd, India Title: New Innovations and Breakthroughs in Regenerative Medicine Presenting Author: Jonathan Schwartz, MedicalMarvels LLC, USA Title: Advances of Bioprocess Engineering- Metabolic engineering Presenting Author: Ravindra Pogaku, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Title: The Efficacy of Malaria Protein Vaccination Using In situ Porous Hydrogel as a Delivery System Presenting Author: Aswan Al-Abboodi, Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia Title: D-cell hypothesis of schizophrenia: A breakthrough for novel therapeutic strategies of neuropsychiatric disorders Presenting Author: Keiko Ikemoto, Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital, Japan Title: MAGE-1 Gene m-RNA and VEGF in Blood as Potential Biochemical Markers for HCC in HCV Infected Patients Presenting Author: Yousri M.Hussein, Zagazig University, Egypt Title: Potential target drug for stomach cancer is revealed finally Presenting Author: Christina Jenny Edward, Madurai Kamaraj University, Germany Title: Utilizing a Viral Vector Platform for Development of Vaccines against Infectious Diseases and Cancer Presenting Author: Farshad Guirakhoo, GeoVax, Inc, USA Poster Presentations Title: Novel Drug Delivery Platform for the Topical Treatment of Cancer Presenting Author: Yaman Tayyar, Griffith University, Australia Title: Assessing the in vitro Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic Extract for Different Plants Used in Libya as Traditional Medicine against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Presenting Author: Abdurrezagh Elfahem, Biotechnology Research Centre, B. O. Box: 30313, Tripoli, Libya Title: Genetic Evaluation for Some Egyptian Annona sp. Via Morphological and Molecular Marker Techniques Presenting Author: Abdelkawy M. M .A, Sabahia Horticulture research station, Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Egypt Title: Application of ISSR analysis for identification of lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from Egyptian milk products Presenting Author: Ahmed Fikry El-sayed Mustafa, National Research Center, Egypt Title: Production of Thermostable Enzymes by New Thermophilic Anaerobic Strains, Isolated from a Thermal Algerian Aquifer Presenting Author: Bouanane-Darenfed Amel, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (Bab Ezzouar), Algeria Title: Adaptation to Heat Stress of Dairy Cows Imported in the Region of Semiarid Setif: Determination of Some Blood Metabolites in Connection with the Performance of Reproduction during Seasons of Summer and Winter. Presenting Author: Chacha Faicel, Laboratory of Animal Production, University CHERIF MS Saadia Souk Ahras. Algeria Title: Microencapsulating of Nutrition with Arabic Gum: Efficiency and Stability Presenting Author: Gamal Abd El-Naim, Advanced Technologies and New Materials Research Institute, Egypt Title: Study of Genetic and Epigenetic Markers in Relation to Tumor Phenotype and Clinical Outcomes in Egiptian Gliomas Presenting Author: Hoda Y. Abdallah, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt Title: Bio-flotation of Eastern Desert Iron Ores Presenting Author: Khaled Ezzat Yassin Abo Talb, Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute, Egypt Title: Isolation,identification and characterization of a new chitinolytic strain: source of bimolecular Presenting Author: Laribi-Habchi Hassiba, University of SAAD Dahlab of Blida, Algeria Title: Detection of Endotoxin Using LAL Test in Injectable Drugs Commonly Used for Parental Administration: A Blind Study from Karachi, Pakistan Presenting Author: Moatter Jan, Jinnah University for women, Pakistan. Title: Molecular characterization Isolates of Pythium spp. isolated from tomato seedlings in the Syri Presenting Author: Mohammad Imad Khrieba, National Center for Biotechnology (NCBT), Syria Title: A Pentacene-Based Organic Misstructures Presenting Author: Najeb A. Elgeme, Zawia University, Libya Title: Biomedical Waste Management Practices in Owerri Municipality, Nigeria and Microorganisms Associated with its Dump Sites. Presenting Author: Nwachukwu, M. I, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria Title: Determination of Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidative Properties of Some Selected Medicinal Plants in Ebonyi State Presenting Author: Friday Nwalo Nweke, Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, Nigeria Title: Treatment on HBeAg Positive or HBeAg Negative in Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV) Presenting Author: Trieu Nguyen Thi, Independent researcher, Vietnam Title: Microbiological biosafety analysis of fresh vegetables from Lahore, Pakistan Presenting Author: Basharat Ali, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Title: Mutations of Residues in the N- and C-termini of the Sweet-Tasting Protein Brazzein Presenting Author: Kwang-Hoon Kong, Chung-Ang University, Korea Title: Effect of Using Sesbania sesban and Its Mixtures with some Summer Fresh Grasses on Lambs Productive Performance in New Reclaimed Soil Presenting Author: Mohamed Zaki, Suez Canal University, Egypt Title: Bacterial Load and Flora of Public Restroom Surfaces Presenting Author: Chidera Obasi, Imo State University, owerri Title: Bioadsorbent Prepared from Rice Husk for Chromium Metal Ions Removal from Leather Tannery Wastewater Presenting Author: Zahratul Syifa, University of Indonesia, Depok City, Indonesia Title: Distribution of CTX-M Group -I and Group III-beta-lactamases produced by Escherichia Presenting Author: Saba Riaz, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Title: Association of Hepatitis C Virus and Diabetes Mellitus with Different Biochemical Markers in Pakistani Females Presenting Author: Muhammad Faisal Bashir, University Of Punjab, Pakistan Title: Determination of Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidative Properties of Some Selected Medicinal Plants in Ebonyi State Presenting Author: Friday Nwalo Nweke, Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, Nigeria Title: Sympathetic Ophthalmia as a Major Sight-threatening Disorder Presenting Author: Mohammed Alkhaibari, King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Saudi Arabia Title: In Vivo Hepatoprotective and Antidiabetic Activities of Essential Oils from Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Reichb. Ex Heynkh, of Pakistan Presenting Author: Phool Shahzadi, GCRC, PCSIR Labs, Pakistan Title: Impact of Bovine Tuberculosis on public Health Hazards from Frozen Bovine Meat consumption in World Presenting Author: Ujjal Sen, Kalinga University, India Title: Plant production of nanosilver; and their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities Presenting Author: Dilek Demirezen Yılmaz, Erciyes University, Turkey Title: Characterization of indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis strains based on their cry genes and Cry protein profile Presenting Author: Shakila Sultana, Primeasia University, Bangladesh Title: Increase perception of safety at C.R.Bt laboratory by development, implementation and training on standard operatory procedures and emergency plans Presenting Author: Imene Amamra, Centre de Recherche en Biotechnologie, Algérie Title: Genomics of regulatory crosstalk between PPAR gamma and 14-3-3 genes in breast cancer cells Presenting Author: Ashraf A. Khalil, Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Egypt Title: Analysis of Genetically modified BT and cp4EPSPS Cotton cultivars for transformation efficiency, acclimatization, expression and toxic levels to insects Presenting Author: Tahir Rehman Samiullah, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Title: Acetylcholinesterase immobilization, characterization and comparison of porous silicon immobilized enzyme activity with the free counterpart Presenting Author: Muhammad Saleem, University of Sargodha, Pakistan Title: Reduction of Pesticide Residues in Egyptian Buffalo Milk by some Processing Treatments Presenting Author: Fawzia Hassan Ragab Abd Rabo, Cairo University, Egypt Title: New Ag NPs/CNT-Intercalated GO Membranes for Detection of Antibiotics by SERS Presenting Author: Haitao Li, Jiangsu Normal University, China Title: Isolation, characterization and bioevaluation of Chrysophanol and Parietin from Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco Presenting Author: Muhammad Rafiq, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan Title: Biodiversity of Pearl Millet [Pennesitum glaucum(L.)R. Br.] In Southern Algeria (Tidikelt Region) Presenting Author: Lemgharbi Mohamed, Laboratoire d’Etude et de Développement des Techniques d’épuration et de Traitement des Eaux et Gestion Environnementale, Algérie Title: GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay for rapid detection of rifampicin resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pulmonary tuberculosis patients Presenting Author: Mulualem Tadesse, Jimma University, Ethiopia Title: Removal of petroleum from produced water by liquid-liquid and adsorption processes Presenting Author: Ana Karla Costa de Oliveira, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Title: Salt stress impacts on Triticum aestivum L. at different growth stages Presenting Author: Nazima Batool, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan Title: Laparoscopy Box Presenting Author: Gasman Ochoa Alvarez, professor of ESPOCH/ Surgeon Hospital IESS-Riobamba, Ecuador Title: Sutainable Utilization of Saline Groundwater for Plant Production IAEA Project (INT/5/144) Presenting Author: Mohamed Aoubouazza, Forestry Research Center, Morocco Title: The amino acid pool in oncology: Plastic substrates, specific regulators of metabolism and markers Nefyodov L, Grodno State University, Belarus Title: Conserve and transfer energy through natural clay DJEBBAR Mustapha, University of Mascara, Algéria Title: Amelioration of cadmium toxicity on rat liver with Vitamin E and ascorbic acid supplements LAYACHI Naima, Mohamed cherif Messaadia University Souk-Ahras. Algeria Title: To enhance the fertility of postpartum cycles and folliculogenesis in the two main equine races Barka Mohammed, University of Mostaganem (UABM), Algeria Title: Production of sweet proteins thaumatin and brazzein in kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. Microtom) through metabolic engineering Luis Felipe Quiroz Iturra, University of Chile, Chile Title: Biomedical Applications of Fibrous Structures; A Study of Collagen Boosters on Smart and Advanced Wound Dressings Muhammet Uzun, Marmara University, Turkey Title: Title:Physicochemical Properties of some Multifloral Honey Collected in Algeria Assia Amri, university Cherif Msaadia Soukahras Algeria Algeria We Wish to see you at Dubai
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