Engelska Going for a mammogram CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 1 2017-02-15 14:08:44 BEFORE THE EX AMINATION What is a mammogram? Vad är mammografi? A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast. An x-ray is a way of photographing the breast. A mammogram is performed in order to detect breast cancer. Breast cancer is easier to cure if it is detected early. The doctor looks at the images to see if you have breast cancer. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 2 2017-02-15 14:08:44 Kallelse Välkommen till mammo En tid finns grafi bokad för di g. Tid: Plats: 14 maj 2016 , kl 10.30 Vårdcentra len Gamla väge n 89 Besöket ko star/Besök et är gratis: xxx kr Därför är du kallad till m ammografi Alla kvinno r i Sverige i ålde las regelbu ndet till mam rn 40-74 år kallm undersöknin ografi. Det är g av brösten. en röntgenMammogra tidigt hitta fö fi görs för at rändringar t som kan va ra bröstcan Bröstcance cer. r är bland kvinno den vanligaste typen av r i Sverige. cancer Ungefär två all bröstcan tredjedelar cer som up av ptäcks i Sver screening m ig e ed mammog hittas vid rafi. Varje unde rsökning är viktig för di Små föränd n hälsa! ringar i brös ten är därför vik tigt att du gå känns inte utanpå. Det r på mamm styrelsen re og kommende rar att du gå rafi. Socialfår en kalle r varje gång lse. Om brös du tcancer hitta mycket stor s tidigt är chan att du blir bo tad. Unders sen ökningen är frivillig. Så här går undersökni ngen till Du kommer att få svara på några frå av dig på öv gor och du få erkroppen. r ta En rö om det syns några föränd ntgensjuksköterska tit tar ringar på din röntgas ett bröst i tage a bröst. Efte t. r det Rönt Totalt brukar besöket ta cir gen tar cirka 5 minuter . eventuell vä ka 30 minut er, inklusive ntetid. Vill du ha med dig bra. Svaret någon så gå skickar vi he r det m till dig nä på röntgenb r läkarna ha ilderna. r tittat Vägbeskrivn ing Vårdcentrale n, Gamla vä gen 89. Ingång vid Ap oteket. Anmäl dig i receptionen och följ skyltarna mo t ”Mammogr afiavdelning en”. Ombokning Boka en ny tid om du int e kan komm Kontakta os a. s om du har någon funkti nedsättning onseller om du behöver me för din unde r tid rsökning. • Telefon: xx-x xx telefontid: x.x xx xx x-x.xx • E-post: xx x@xx xx.se • Mina vård kontakter (w ww.mina vardkontak ter.se) – E-legitim ation – Engångsk od: xx x Vill du veta mer? Besök 1177 Vårdguiden: ww w.1177.se /mammogr afi Andra språ k / Other lan guages: ww w.1177.se /mammo Dina uppgifte r sparas i jou Vid behov av offentlighetsrna tolk ring xx och sekretess len i ett så kallat kvalite xx xx xx. För mer inf lagen. Vill du tsregister för ormation se inte att dina utvecklingsa www.1177.se uppgifter spa rbete enligt /kvalitetsre Från 23 år erb ras pa tie i ett kvalitetsr ntdatalagen gister juds du scree egi och ste är r så säg till ning mot liv i samband me skyddade enligt moderhalsc d undersök ancer. Från ningen. 40 år erbjud s du screenin g med mamm ografi för tid ig upptäckt av bröstcan cer. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 3 2017-02-15 14:08:47 BEFORE THE EX AMINATION When you arrive at the clinic När du kommer till mottagningen The letter inviting you for a mammogram will tell you where you need to go. At the mammography clinic you need to register at reception. You then take a seat and wait until your name is called. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 4 2017-02-15 14:08:47 CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 5 2017-02-15 14:08:50 BEFORE THE EX AMINATION When it is your turn När det är din tur When your name is called, it is your turn to have a mammogram. If you have brought someone along with you, that person may accompany you during the examination. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 6 2017-02-15 14:08:50 CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 7 2017-02-15 14:08:52 THE EX AMINATION The nurse will ask some questions Sjuksköterskan ställer frågor – if you have any breast pain – if anything feels odd in your breast – if anything looks odd in your breast Then you take off your top and bra. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 8 2017-02-15 14:08:52 CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 9 2017-02-15 14:08:55 THE EX AMINATION The examination Undersökningen You stand or sit while the mammogram is being performed. The nurse will show you what to do. The mammogram takes a few minutes. When the mammogram is over you get dressed again. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 10 2017-02-15 14:08:55 CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 11 2017-02-15 14:08:58 AFTER THE EX AMINATION Results of your examination Svar på din undersökning When the doctor has had a look at your mammography images you will receive a letter telling you what the mammogram revealed. The letter will come within a few weeks. You may have to have another mammogram if the doctor sees something that requires further investigation. CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 12 2017-02-15 14:08:58 CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 13 2017-02-15 14:09:02 Additional information for you and your support person What is breast screening? Breast screening is a method for detecting breast cancer at an early and curable stage in women who do not have any breast symptoms. You cannot make an appointment yourself to have a mammogram – you must be invited or be referred by a doctor. Having a screening mammogram is free of charge and voluntary. A mammogram can detect most breast tumours before they can be felt or produce any symptoms. Fewer people die from breast cancer as a result of breast screening. It is important for you to become familiar with your breasts and check them regularly. If you notice a lump in your breast you should contact your heath centre or book an appointment at the breast clinic to have it investigated. Invitation to breast screening All women between the ages of 40 and 74 are invited for breast screening on a regular basis. You receive a letter, sent to your home address, with a date and time for your examination. If the appointment is not convenient you can change it. You can call the clinic reception to rebook your CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 14 appointment, or log onto the 1177 Healthcare Guide online service. Women with protected identity If you are living under a protected identity, you will not receive an appointment letter. Contact a breast clinic for an appointment. Call the clinic afterwards to get the results. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding There is nothing to prevent someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding from undergoing breast screening. The radiation dose from a mammogram is so low that there is no radiation risk to the baby. However, if you are breastfeeding, it may be a good idea to empty your breasts by feeding your baby before the mammogram. You do not need to contact the breast clinic beforehand. If, for whatever reason, you still prefer to wait until later for your mammogram, you should contact the breast clinic to get a new appointment. If you should notice a lump in your breast while breastfeeding, you should seek medical advice. A lump should always be investigated, even though most are benign. 2017-02-15 14:09:02 What happens when you go for a mammogram Before the examination you have to answer a few questions about your health. The mammogram is performed using a special x-ray machine. The breast is squeezed very briefly when the image is taken. It takes about five minutes to take the images, and the whole visit takes about half an hour. The x-rays are assessed by two doctors independently of one another. If you have had a mammogram previously, the new x-rays will be compared with the previous images. Study visit Contact your mammography department if you would like to have a slightly longer appointment for your breast screening visit, or if you would like to visit the department on an earlier occasion to ask questions and see what happens. Results A letter will be sent to your home address within a few weeks. If the mammogram revealed anything abnormal, or if it was not clear enough for a satisfactory assessment, you will be recalled for further investigation, usually within one week. Would you like any further information? If you have any questions about cancer you are welcome to call a specialist nurse at Cancer Advice (Cancerrådgivningen). Telephone: 08-123 138 00 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone hours: Monday-Friday 08.30-16.00 You can also call telephone number 1177 for advice. Nurses are available to answer your call day or night. You can also go onto the website and submit a question – you will receive a response within the hour. For further information on 1177 Healthcare Guide: www.1177.se CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 15 2017-02-15 14:09:02 Further information On the 1177 Healthcare Guide website, www.1177.se you can read more about mammograms and breast cancer. You can call Cancer Advice (Cancerrådgivningen) to ask or talk about cancer. This material has been produced by the Stockholm-Gotland Regional Cancer Centre in partnership with Riksförbundet FUB (association for children, young people and adults with developmental disorders). CancerC Mammografi ENG.SLL.SV.indd 16 November 2015 The telephone number is 08-123 138 00. 2017-02-15 14:09:02
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