Compliance 360 analysis Helps you to identify strengths and potential gaps in your compliance landscape Compliance 360 analysis | 2017 Compliance 360 analysis There is a constant and increased focus on compliance. The fact is that the world of regulatory compliance is always evolving, with requirements constantly multiplying. Companies have to be compliant with new legislation, amendments to existing legislation, industry guidelines, and stakeholder expectations. A framework that helps you to get an overview of your compliance landscape is crucial in minimizing the risk of non-compliance, which may lead to a financial loss and reputational damage. Getting an overview The compliance landscape is growing. The management of almost every company considers compliance to be a high priority. However, manual, spreadsheet-based procedures are still common in many companies but are becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to use for getting an overview of their various compliance requirements. Further, not all companies perform regular and structured compliance risk assessments to ensure that they continue to meet standards. Getting an overview of your company’s compliance landscape, your maturity level, and the risks of non-compliance is often a complex task. Many companies are therefore interested in gaining transparency in a structured and effective manner. These challenges can easily be overcome by using a tool for the assessment. The tool makes it easier for companies to get a clear overview of their compliance and risk profile from a business perspective, helping to minimise their exposure to risks while saving the compliance responsible both time and costs. The tool would quickly bring key strategic and operational benefits and provide a solid foundation for future business planning. Compliance 360 web tool Deloitte has developed the Compliance 360 web tool that contains compliance standards and legislation of which every business needs to keep abreast. The number of key compliance areas will vary according to the industry you operate in. The web tool groups standards and legislation into three main categories, namely Hard Law, Soft Law, and Stakeholder Expectations, which provide the foundation for our Compliance 360 approach. Each compliance area includes a range of subareas. CSR Accounting rules & regulations Using the Compliance 360 concept as a platform for the analysis helps you to get all the way around in your compliance landscape. The analysis helps you to answer typical questions posed by management. Are all compliance areas important? What should we be focusing on? Competition Law Environmental legislation Customer / Partner Expectations EU Law Governance Stakeholder Expectations Human Rights Hard Law Industry agreements binding Soft Law non-binding Market-specific legislation Standards Tax Law UN Guidelines International Resolutions Workers’ Rights Compliance 360 analysis | 2017 Prioritization and ranking On a scale from 1-5 , where 1 means low and 5 means high, please indicate the level for your company Priority Hard Law ACCOUNTING RULES & REGULATIONS Sarbanes-Oxly Act (SOX) EU LAW EU’s Data Protection Regulation Soft Law Maturity 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Priority 1 STANDARDS ISO27001 (Information Security standard) Maturity 2 3 4 5 1 Priority Stakeholder CUSTOMER / PARTNER EXPECTATIONS Data/market research which identifies customers and other stakeholder’ expectations 1 Maturity 2 3 4 5 1 Your outcome of the Compliance 360 analysis After the workshop, you will be provided with a report that: • Gives you insight into which compliance areas matter the most to your company – on a high level and per sub-compliance area within the categories Hard Law, Soft Law, and Stakeholder Expectations; • Outlines the risk of non-compliance and the potential consequences for the largest perceived gaps between priority and maturity, including recommendations that can help you to address those gaps; • Highlights the strengths identified for your selected compliance areas (maturity higher than priority). 5 Largest Gaps (Pririty > Maturity) 4 Cooperation with s... FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - US) GAAP 3 MyFavoriteTopic Requirements on non-financial reporting in the annual report (CSR) Maturity Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Requirements on n... Requirements on non-financial reporting in the annual report (diversity) 2 IFRS My Favorite Topic ISAE 3402 1 Requirements on n... IFRS IFRS 0 0 1 2 Priority 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 You can use the Compliance 360 analysis for management reporting and thereby give management an overview of where your company is in control and where more should be done. With an overview of your company’s compliance landscape, management can better make decisions on how to utilize the company’s resources and where to initiate compliance projects, decide on efforts relating to compliance investigations, and determine whether there is a need to increase the compliance budget. … or you can show management, customers, suppliers, authorities, and others in a structured way that you are in control of your compliance landscape, which can be turned into a competitive advantage. 5 Contacts Anders Morand Partner Mobile: +45 30 93 61 95 E-mail: [email protected] Kristina Wiese Tranberg Director Mobile: +45 30 93 53 25 E-mail: [email protected] Kristian Laden Andersen Senior Consultant Mobile: +45 42 71 78 89 E-mail: [email protected] Om Deloitte Deloitte leverer ydelser indenfor Revision, Skat, Consulting og Financial Advisory til både offentlige og private virksomheder i en lang række brancher. Vores globale netværk med medlemsfirmaer i mere end 150 lande sikrer, at vi kan stille stærke kompetencer til rådighed og yde service af højeste kvalitet, når vi skal hjælpe vores kunder med at løse deres mest komplekse forretningsmæssige udfordringer. Deloittes ca. 200.000 medarbejdere arbejder målrettet efter at sætte den højeste standard. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Deloitte er en betegnelse for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, der er et britisk selskab med begrænset ansvar, og dets netværk af medlemsfirmaer. Hvert medlemsfirma udgør en separat og uafhængig juridisk enhed. Vi henviser til for en udførlig beskrivelse af den juridiske struktur i Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited og dets medlemsfirmaer. © 2016 Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab. Medlem af Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
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