A CMS Energy Company General Offices: One Energy Plaza Jackson, MI 49201 LEGAL DEPARTMENT Tel: (517) 788-0550 Fax: (517) 768-3644 or (517) 788-1682 Direct Dial Number: (517) 788-0036 E-mail Address: [email protected] February 15, 2010 By Electronic Filing The following affidavits of publication or electronic tear sheets affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U-16191 On February 4, 2010*, **. *NOTE: The Battle Creek Enquirer published the Notice of Hearing on 2/9/2010 due to their error. **NOTE: The affidavit from The Big Rapids Pioneer was not received before the pre-hearing date of February 16, 2010. Verification was made that the Notice of Hearing was published on February 4th, 2010 in The Big Rapids Pioneer newspaper. An affidavit will be forthcoming. www.consumersenergy.com ELECTRIC ONLY CASE HEARINGS Electronic MPSC Case No. U-16191 Date Notice Was Published: February 4,2010*, ** Pre-Hearing Date: February 16,2010 Ad No. 5227-E Affidavits Due to MK Polack: February 10,2010 Interventions Due: February 2,2010 NEWSPAPER AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED CENTRAL REGION The Bay City Times ............................... The Flint Journal .................................... NEWSPAPER AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED NORTHWESTERN REGION eTear 2/4/10 eTear 2/4/10 Sentinel-Standard - Ionia .................... 2115110 Cadillac Evening News ...................... 2/8/10 Cheboygan Daily Tribune .................. 2/9/10 Midland Daily News .............................. 2/8/10 Ludington Daily News ....................... 2/8/10 Morning Sun-Mt. Pleasant ..................... 2/8/10 Manistee News-Advocate ................... 2/8/10 The Saginaw News ................................. eTear 2/4/10 Petoskey News-Review ...................... 2/8/10 The Big Rapids Pioneer ...................... ** SOUTHERN REGION Herald Palladium-St. Joseph .................. 2/11/10 Traverse City Record-Eagle ............... 2/9/10 Adrian Daily Telegram ........................... 2/5/10 The Grand Haven Tribune .................. 2/8/10 Hillsdale Daily News .............................. 215/10 The Holland SentineL....................... 2111/10 Jackson Citizen Patriot ........................... 2/8/10 The Muskegon Chronicle ................... 2/8110 Monroe Evening News ........................... 2/8/10 The Daily News-Greenville ................ 21ll/10 Kalamazoo Gazette ................................. 2/8110 The Grand Rapids Press ..................... 2/9110 *Battle Creek Enquirer ........................... eTear 2/12110 METRO REGION The Argus Press-Owosso ....................... 2/8/10 Detroit Free Press (Western Zone Only) ...................... The State Journal-Lansing ...................... 2/9/10 eTear 2/4/10 *NOTE: The Battle Creek Enquirer published the Notice of Hearing on 2/9/2010 due to their error. **NOTE: The affidavit from The Big Rapids Pioneer was not received before the pre-hearing date of February 16,2010. Verification was made that the Notice of Hearing was published on February 4th, 2010 in The Big Rapids Pioneer newspaper. An affidavit will be forthcoming. affidavit log form - electric NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U-16191 Consumers Energy Company may Increase Its retail electric rates to provide additional revenue of approximately $178 million annually above current base rate levels, If the Michigan Public Service Commission approves Its request ATYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTDMER USING Gao KIlOWATT HOURS {kWh) PER MONTH MAY SEE AN ELECTRIC RATE INCREASE OF ABOUT PER YEAR. m Thl\ Informatlon below describes how a person may partiCipate in this~case: You may call or write Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, Michigan 49201, (800) 477-5050 for a free copy of Its application. Any person may review the application at the offices of Consumers Energy Company, or at the Commission's lanSing offices, 6545 Mefcantile way, Suite 7,lansing, Michigan. The first public hearing in this matter will be held: DATFITIME: February 16, 2010, at 9:00 am. , This hearing will be a prehearing COIIference to set future hearing dates and decide other procedural matters. BEFORE: Admlnishatlve law Judge Sharon l. Feldman LOCATION: Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 7 lanslng, Michigan PARTICIPATION: Any Interested person may attend and participate. The hearing site is accessible, including handicapped parklng. Persons needing any accommodation to J?8l1iclpate should contact the Commission's Executive secretary at (517) 241 6160 in advance to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance. The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a public hearing to consider the January 22, 2010 application of Consumers Energy Company (Consumers Energy), seeking approval to Increase Its e~ng retail electric rates to provide additional revenues of approximately $178 million annually and for ollier relief. Consumers Energy's application states that tactors contributing to the requested Increase Include: (I) ongoing Investments in electriculillty geneiatlon facilities, distribution ~ facilitieS, and other electriC utility infrastructure In order to provide safe and reliable service; comply with environmental and legal requirements; and invest in technofogy improvemllnts; (ii) increasing operation and maintenance costs, and Qil) maintaining a reasonable capital structure and balance sheet to maintain credit ratings and to attract capital necessary for utility operations during a period In which Consumers Energy is experiencing higher financing costs, costs of capital are IncreaSing, and Investors are more risk averse. Consumers Energy states that, as set forth In 2008 PA 286, if the Commission has not acted upon the Company's application within 180 days of the filing, the Company may implement up to the amount of the proposed annual rate request through Increases applied to all rates. . , All documents filed In this case shall be submitted electronically through the Commission's E-Dockets Website at:~mlcb!gan.govlmoscedocketS. Requirements and instructions for filing Can be foUnd In the User Manual on the E-Dockets help page, Documents may atso be submitted, In Word or PDF format, as an attachment to an email sent to mDSCelkJcketsOmlchlgaD.goy. If you require assistance prior to e-filing,contact Commission staff (517) 241-6171fbr bye-mall at m~mlchIg8!!.goy. Any person wishing to intalVene and become a party to the case shall electronically 'file a petition to intervene with this Commission by February 9, 2010. (Interested persons may elect to file using the traditional paper format) The proof of service shall indicate service upon Consumers Energy's attorney, H. Richard Chambers, one Energy Plaza, Jackson; Mlchigiln 49201. . . Any per,ron wishing to make a statement of position without becoming a party to the case, may participate by filing an ,appearance. To file an appearance, the individual must attend the hearing and advise the presiding administrative law judge of his or her wish to make a statement of position. All informatlorlsubmltted to the,Commission in this matter will become public information: available on the Michigan Public Service Commission's Web site, and subject to disclosure. Requests tor adjoornmllnt must be made pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure R 460.17315 and R 460.17335. Requests for further intormatlon on adjQumment should be directed to (517) 241-6060. ~ . A copy of Con!!Umers Energy's request may be revtewed on the Commission's Web site at michiQan.govlmoscedocketS, and at the !lfIice Of Consumers Energy Company, One Energy plaZa, Jackson, Michigan. For more intormation on how to participate in a casei you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 241-6170. . Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 106, as amended, MCL 460.551 et seq.; 1919 PA 419, as amended, MCl460,54 etseq.; 19~ PA 3, as amended, MCl 460.1 et seq.; 1982 PA304, as amended, MCl 460.6h Ilt seq.; 1969 PA 306, as amenped, MCL 24.201 et seq.; and the Commission'S Rules of Practice and Procedure, as amended, 1999 AC, R 460.17101 et seq. at [DetailS of the proposals are contained in the application and filing materials.) ~ . [CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY HAS REQUESTED THE INCREASES AND OTHER PROPOSALS DESCRlB~ IN THIS NOnCE. THE MICHIGAN PUBUC SERVICE COMMISSION MAY GRANT OR DENY THE REQUESTED INCREASES AND OTHER PROPOS4LS, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, AND MAY GRANT LESSER OR GREATER INCREASES THAN THOSE REQUESTED AND MAY AUTHORIZE ALESSER OR GREATER RATE FOR ANY CLASS OF SERVICE THAN THAT REQUESTED.] 5227-E E-H committee starts the school closing research ANDREW DODSON What's Next iKI<ldWilCbo:-~m"-c""'I\9IfflS'U-~ The committee has a public meeting at Officials on the Euexville-Hampton Public Schools Building Advisory Commit~ tee have many options to examine before deciding the fate of one of their elementary school buildings. Tuesday marked the first of many meet~ ing! fOT the committee that contlists of school board members, building principals, administration, teachers and parents of stu dents in the district. "this committ~e figures nut it dosing a building is feasjble/' said Assistant Super~ intendent Douglas Trombley, chairman of the committee. "The $ch()Qt board makes the final d~cislon to close a ~uilding." __ p,m. TU6$day. Mel:r!bQfS soon will tour aU oi the elementary schools - from teft above, Bush, Hughes and Verelen. cost us over $300,000. Ii SiOM. Since: the 2.00l~04 school year, the dis Cramer Middle $chooJ. 303 Pine, alsa trict has cut more than $3.3 million from its could t;Om~ into play if an eJementary budget. This week, committee members will exam school closes down, Trombley said, "If tbey have dassroom space available, ine total operating costs, size and geographic they may play into it," he said. UI don't location of Bush Elementaty, Hughu EJe.. think it's feasible at all tn close down Cra mentary and Verden Elementary. Committee members musi han a recom mer." Closing an elementary building could mendation by April 12. shift fifth~grade students up to tbe middle Of the three elementary schools, Hughes Elementary, 805 Langstaff. has the school level. "Our most important factor to ex.amine highest building operating cost at about $55.332 er year, acco~ing to information rilht now is available spare," said Tromb~ ley. "and the future Wie at the building.'" Selling a building of significant age is a Departlmnt of Education. "The district did not set out to ha.ve a deficit," said Superintendent John Mertz. "We received a per..pupU wt from the state of Michigan of $165 per student, which diffiOJlt task due to the ntln'i'lYQWS 'Updates NOTICE OF HEARING fOR THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U-16191 of TVs, liquor, cash __ CIIIf@fl!bas8ta11i Il/lfels,illIl&MI!;hlpf'l.!tlll;$tn1Ic$~,pJII_ils~ .rYI'I&AlIlESUtElitv.t~~_lOI..flWAfTlIlUR$tlI:WfI)f'eI MllIm MAl_Ale a..s::JIllCMATEliI!fI',:RfA$IjOF AIG!Jl $171'Efl tIiM TMW_lintIbIl!ow~beI_.~mq~iII1hbo:;&U, mmayClllorWl1ts~Et\ergJCompar!y,OMfJletgyP'lilU,Jad;:rm. Mk:!JgM49al.tsOOI.n.fiQSOfol'afrta<D!'i.:titli~kttperndll may!llVllw ... ~atIlleOfllcllSuf~£Mtgr~IY.tM ~'l~~.6545Me11:aJ11kw."SJitel.~MletlIgM. l'M~~~kttbbmsttl!r""',",!wl16: febnwy 16. iGlil d 11:00 11.,111. ThisllilW4w111""~llOO/IIfflrlIletoSlJ(lrtIri heartllgdMa$wl!i~l!fIefjll'lltedlnlmat\en; M!d!\p'IJWfc~~ "45M1l~_&&7 ........ """'" ~Atry~(i!fflOOmayatlaAttattl~Tha ~.!3aD:eSS1b11!,kitlutlkiQi~~ I"IrnoosnHdintiil1Vaccont/IIO/!ll."~1ihtIlH CMtadIhlCommlslloA'8~SftImIYat~11)2.t- ......... 6160in~»ttqUtStlllQblllltl'l'AAll.tIeaJiIlgGfDlber TheMiclJigal!Mk:SenFiet~~wi\lhoIdapublicllea!Wlg tII~\he.len\lllfyZ2,1UIO~otCoMllmmfllerwComllBllY~ ~,$$;I!ritl,appr!IQ!tGitII;reMitI;~!difwem:t*stG~adona! 4'ft!'\IJftd~$1n1Il11!1!M~aIIIfgf . .rd2t, ~&!e!gy'sapplltaIhlnNtnh1~~totw-~ m-!tIdudI:l)!:lIlPII9~ltteltdlk: . . ~IxIlitIes.GIstriIItt.Ioo ~i1II/I~~_~iII«dI!f.(II'lIri93i!lt_I!lIiItbC!t $ff¥lCe;~liliIII~".«I~2III1tfl/esI:1u~ ~~~~lII'llJmillfrtf:l'lalK;Wlb.nI{iIiJ~. ,~.:a()ilIII$ItudutIIMt1~_ltqm:lifllaitl~l\\I:itIIl_in,a11n£!: .::&lllll1II!tft:tM11otI!Wl\'~durI!1IJ.pe!1odlftl'lllldi~fJletgyil ftI)8I'itndrl!il"~cosb,u.sIsor~artI~<l:Rd~lin lI1!IIertsk_ COMumriI'$E'nrlrgtltWA"'tsseilcJltiR2OOlPA2ae,IfIlte~1!as notllCt.lKlupan"C\!mpaI1f's~""11O_otflllIllIJl!l,lhe~ lMtimpJWnelllliPtoIM!lIIIOlII!tDtUte~Il'IIUIIIIIIt~IIInIIIgh~ IIlfIIledIc-'fJln. M~~"lIIedjn"III __ \Ito~~IcalIy~1M ~"Je.DockeIllWel:lsitQat:~~~ and~liIrft!lll\lea.nbelO\llldlhlt!ctt!s«~,"Im~.jIagI! ~!mJaIsoIt&SIIbmjtbld.WlWOAl4fl'DFltd'lattll;;nai:ladwllenl"an*iMil .!M!IIi:1D~,,",If'Yt)llI'llqlfttsbtw:;cprlattlt-lbIg,t:llI\tIltt C!lmmRDutdal!5'17jZ4Hi110orl!ye-mai!.llu; HA!!1l1S0N - Anned with an assault rifle. JOn R. Prosecutors on Mon~ day authoriz.ed a warrant charging the 27~year--old Lake man with three felony evaluation oounts and it misdemeanor. is scheduled for ordered for Jamison a 2Wright p.m. preliminary hear- A Williams Township man ing' on Feb. 16. after which a judge win decide whether suspected at housing a siz~ able gun collectioo is heading the evidence provides prtm~ able cause to send the case for a psychiatric evaluation. Douglas W. Jamison, 4tit to Circuit Court tor further measures. Investigators claim Wright stonned into the house on South Lake: Station near Beech about 12:20 a.m .. At least tour people were in the bouse and were able to disarm him before deputies arrived, authorities ailege . No one was injured. 'Wright was arraigned on single counts of firstwdegree home invasion. a ZO-year felony; discharging a fire arm in a building, four~year teiony; felony firearms, two year felony; and possession of a firearm while under the influence, a 93-day misde. meanoc. Maglstrate Rid Laboda set a $lOO,OOO cash or sure· ty bond. Wright remains jailed In Clare County. Upon conviction or guilty plea, Wright would forfeit the weapon. Psych to jail, divorce aMc~IJpI)/I(;Qrj_~"'I1)',H.lVI;hlllllctwnbem.(\MfIleIvrPla.tlt, Jad<$Cn,Mit:I!i\lM49tl)1, BAD AXE ~ A Kin4e woman will have to. spend a couple ot weeks injail and divorce one of her hus· bands. Lorn I.- FfCesland was sentenced Monday to 15 days in the Huron County Jail and one year of pro~ bation for one count of Nf'j1!mO~~lDmw.~otpoSllQnlNillMllltbKmmir·Pwtrto 1Reezll,mav)lllt'lleipalal!y1ilinQ.~lIJthan~lI'III~ !!II¥¢a\lIlIII1lt1tllUOOglfli:l _ _ lIIeprcsldlng:~JawjUdgllvfl!b«h!rr wW!tarn:tlbll~otpasilGn.AII~~Itl,IIiII(jolllllliowlcmin I/IbmaUwwN~publt!;~~.1ht~I'I/bIiI:"Semce llIIdsufljettttdlsl:mA ~i~~mantmugtbtmadt~lU"~'!I.R!IIual ~n~t'R4tiO.11315wRoi6Iiln.u.~fwn.tl.-~ Ul'I~sMIlIdb.-«MCledto(5'11)Z41·00tiG. Aaw.C>:!muntfts-~f&\1'IIIIJtlflllYbl~Ul'IlM~'$Wt\I . . at~Qlldatll\ll~Ilf~EruIttY~ onefilefgyi'll29,~"U;:t1lgvkForIMl'l!JntorrmdIolItI1r-kl~lna polygamy. ~rwJlIl'1~lhl~lItllle~addressorty~.{$l1) The 43-year~Qld pleaded guiIty ttl tht charge in 241-61ro. J~l:l!\Uf$tllliM;inlt(lllPA1fI6,u~MI).4tiU.S5Ii!ttllq.;1$1' J'A419.MartiCndtd. MQ..4&ll54at$ll¢.; SS39I'A3,~&l'Ml'ldllld,l\I!ct46/)..1 til., December. 196tI'A:!IC4,lfi_I'IOOd,MCl4lO:AIlCH!l;19i91't1301t,0\$~MCl2U01 etll8q.;afldIhllComml:il!ion"Rvlr.sDlf'radittl_~as:iItIIIII'fdtd, 19991C, R460.111i1rts.q Man pleads to ethnic intimidation ~BDGTeoMI'AHYHAStI!Ql!tSl&'tWE1IItfIfASU MOan\Sl:I'fMJI'OSAU;Ilt$t;M\6JlITlR1mlI::E.TMEMlQIIGD A Munger man accused twUtWMClCOlilMISSIOIMA\' GfIAHJ!lftflflVllIE:~ of letting his supposed rac ~AIIlIotHEIIPRI'JPO$oIII..$,"\lll'Mll.fOllIlllPJUn;M8MM' tst tendencies spur him into assaulting a man han GlWfftBSEAllIGlU'AiEJ!(llfCfIEASHlMI\I'iI1IIOSE~ ANDMAt' AtrfttMZIAl!SSUIORIWATfRIlAJ'EFDftAli'letA$$Of stfI\IItEtlwiJ'iWftl'IMm:II.] avoided trial, Appearing in s.y County Circuit Court onJat\. 28, Kevin J. weUman, 26, plead .....J ed guilty to assauttwith a ,,_ ':::::::::::;.:!!J c.;;;n~_. L..::'''':=~ Shooting Inside house reported Freesfand must go Jltaf'a.:tIo.IISb!i"~:KlPIlI'lImnallThePlQlli'uf~!Ir3II11'1d1ca'\t . intoxicated and .. habitual offender enhancement. Frlesorger, 22, was driv ing on North Huron near Neuman In Pinconning TOVfruihip on Aug.. 12 when he crashed bis car.. The man who was to .serve as best man at Friesorger's wedding the next day suffered .a spinal injury, records show. III"t I ""'~~~~andbecomeaparlytDlIiII':lRsldNdnm!o;ally filfBpetiIioolD~l'!i9tIhsCOmmissklnllyfetlMr/g,2tl1Il.~~ ~'S_ gelist SchooL NWe have not been in any disCUSSion with the Essexville-Hampton dlStrict about purchasing a building," Donlam said, "We are always loo.king for a permanent home someday. Building ownership has been a goal of ours far the past 25 yean, but right now we have an outstanding teasing rela ftonship with St Jobn's." The Building Advisory Committee win meet again at 4 p_RL Tuesday in the Garber High School Ubral'Y, 213 Pine, Essexvine. The meeting is ~en to. the p~lic, The committee wilt dlSCUSS its inittal ideas, before spending the following weeks yisit~ ing each building. Police Briefs weapon and ethnic .intimida tiotL Tn exchange, charges of assault to commit hann less than t'f\Urde( and driving on a Troopers from the Mkhi~ suspended license were dls* gan State Foli:ce Bay City missed, court records show. Post are searclling for indi Bay Couruy Circuit Judge viduals who burglarized a Kenneth W. Schmidt will IlXaI baT Saturday morning. sentence WeHman at Between 1 a.m. and 8:30 a.tn.. on March IS" 7 a.m" intruders broke into On July 20. 'Wellman the Bier- Garten Restaurant, allegedly drove his cat' into 8 Sta~ Park in Bangor a 25-ycaN»d Hispanic man Township, The culprits while yelling "white power:" entered the business after The victim, also of Munger. breaking the glass out of a was: walking his dog near door, troopef'S report. Burns and Gennan when The (hi~s ended up the assault took place, maki~ off with thri::c LCD troopers from the Mit:higan televisl()Os, liquor and cash, State PrlJice Post in Bay City Any witneSje$ or anyone previously reported. with infonnatkm is urged to The victim suffered a seri caU the post at 684~2234, ous cut on his forearm and minor injuries to his right leg and foot, roort records show, Bier Garten robbed C~£neflI1Compaoymay~!tllIetlIIICIce!ri!:I_1JjIP'ld!t ~t~_nt~$l18milMWI!IUIIIy in building codes, said Thomas Trombtey. built in 1927. All three elementary schools bad renova~ director of operations. It could make sense for Bay~Atenac tions completed in 1999. VereUen Elementary. 612 West Borton, Conmumity High School, 1608 Hudson in has the most square footage- at 48,008 square feet:. It also has the most classrooms at 16. .EssexviUe-Ha.rttpton school district. The commumty high school currently leases its building from St John the Evan~ ______________ Freesland was not divorced from the husband she mamed in 2000 in Clinton Township when she married her second husband Aug. 3, 2007. authorities have said. HeT first husband remained in Michigan until :l00G. then moved to Alask.a, Circuit Judge M. Richard Knoblock also toid Free stand she has six months to resolve her marital st.tus, said Huron County Prosecu tOr Timothy J. Rutkowski ASECTJO«f"W··· Racers recover after pile-up Fitness, step by step at Hurley Medical Center Monday, Locking '''d, The other driver whQ was hosp~alized, Larry Lake, LAURA MlSJAK 1mi'ljat0000~.ctJfr'I m0)166-1ij'i4 SWARTZ CREEK Four racers have recovered after they were knocked unconscious Saturday when a horse lost its foot ing during a barness race at Sports Creek Raceway. Two of the drivers were hospitalized but have been released, said Sports Creek Gene:r.d Manager Chris will nood surgery Of! his 5houl~r to repair tom liga~ ments, said Locking. The hone that stumbled was: taken by ambulante hack to the stable, where be had his leg bandaged but was otberwise OK, Locking said. None of the other horses were hurt. Loclting. Mark Webstelj 47. of The tour drivers were Gaines: and a driver in the knocked wtcoosdoos in a race, said he avoided injury' pile-up in the eighth race of by grabbing his hofse's tail the night, t..ocldng said. during the commotion. The lead horse T.K.. When he grabbed the tan. Farnsworth lost bis foot· he was able tl) v~r away ing about three-quarters of from the C'l'lUlh, he said. the way through the race, "At that point, you don't causlng multiple crashes, worry about what's in front Lccldng said. of you, but what's behind "The horse just got pac you,'" he said. '"Those are ing a little faster than It the ones that can hurt could go...• he said. "He just you. fen forward. You could Four driwrs finished the race, including Webster. see the horse t.tying tl) catch himself. It took two who also raeed in tlte next eight races of the night or tlttee strides to try and. keep his baLm.ce and the "Wrecks aren't all that horSe directly behind him uru;;0fllffi(ln, ~ he said. "They crashed." do happen •.. We just got Driver Keith Crawford lucky it wasn't any worse suffered a head injury than it was.." with some bleeding in the A dt"iver died in a race acddem: at the track about brain, but was released from the intensive care unit 12 years ago, Locking said, D at 1,802 mites at last count The police chief said he came up with the idea for the program to .p:romote exercise and the tratI itself tbat winds througb a GEORGE JAJCSA wooded area at.mg Black Creel(, with plans to eventually connect with Abernathy Regional Park in DAVISON TWP. - Lori Broeck~ Davison. er is a walker. She walks before "The program is basically and after work, during her 15-min~ designed to get peQple out to ute breaks and her lunch hour. She get some exercise and fresh air," walks on weekends, tal).. Hrinik said. "Irs beautiful out "Whenever 1 bave free time, I'm there, espedally with the wildlife out there," said ,B~er, Davison and change of the seasons." Township chief deputy treasurer. "Right now there is the beau~ Walking adds up for employee group ha~n!~:tge~t:; =;~::r ~;~~:~~s:t~~k.ie~~:~~~t past 2};. years, all on the onc..mile township waJklng trail between tbe township office on lrish Road and Gale Road. In the winter, she Milks about six miles a day; dur~ log summer months, it's eight to 10 mites a day, Broecker- and aU but five of the township's 43 employees have been walking the s..t()()t~w:ide asphalt trail sin<:e the IYack Creek Trail employee walking program started in Juty 2001. Each month, they tum in their mileage to Potict! Chief Larry Hrinik. who ke1!ps tracit of their overall dista.n~, Combined, the employees haw walked more than half the dis-tance around the globe. They have tallied 141219 miles at last count, on their-way to 24,201, the dis~ tance around the earth. Broecker is far and away the leader, followed by Matthew Place, township build~ inspector, at 3,232 miles. Hriruk is in third place ally walks on his lunch hour and before and after w-ork His wife somehmes joining: h.im in the everungs. Oepending on tbe season. walk~ et'S see deer, s,quimJs, beavers, mink, birds and snakes al<mg the tr-ail that makes its w~ around trees and bushes: befol"e" reaching Gale Road where program partici~ pants tum around and head back to township offices. Aside from its physical and mental health attributes, KnoUt said the program has broken down walls between employfls, brought a number of them closer together and developed friendships, Township Supervisor Kurt Soper sees benefits from the program. "We're been ;mprellsed with the employees' -partmpation a! well as the morale and health benefits ;t offers," said Soper. also a program walker. As an incentive, employug: get a wanness certificate for every 250 miles they log on the trail. Employees are now "visiting" state capitals in the United States, and beading state:s, down coast, then Paul. Minn., before heading south and reeenlly reaching Little Rock. Ark. They are now figuratively on their way toward their 30th state =~ :r~~sf~~'T~~:~'and the West. Hrinik determines the miles between state capitals and tra~es the st~s on a map of the NonCE OF HEARING FOR THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U·16191 ~&wrw~nJlTJllrll1(lJ_iblWlleleetntI1ri5Ja~ ~!_~t~ld7$l7amlllo!t~~~~rafe IiJyelsi(NMit~i'lrblk:s..;!;1IClllmli"iMlIlfIM!$Jlt:iaquest A rmcAlRESftlBmAl. tuSTGM£I\USIHG 6BG IaOWAtl JIOORStkWb) m MotmI MAl !Sa Nt B.IiClWIC IWE< \HIeMASE Of ABOUT $11 m UAIt. 'm1l1ll8,::allorwM~Ene.wComp.my.OIlIIEn6/avPlal .. j~ Ml";hiQbrt4Q201,(8OOIm-liG!')lliorahet'CJlf!!lil!l~.AnyperJlm I'I\AfmiiM1ttt.pplil;e.1br!ll#tf;)fficcs'*~£:o.-ovCIJmp!lny.orat1llll ColmtMIjoR'tlallti~QtIkea.fM'i~Vhy.~l,~iftI!IIno.t.IIe., Tile limPllbiic hearing io lhismalleflYllbthllid 1:WtrnM£: ~f16,101O.at9Wa.1'JO. TNsheatini,tll#ilibe.~I'IOItt:ei'lf_$Osetkrtwe ~dla1a$lMdo!:idl~p~lMttm. 8EfORE.: ~""1..aw""1iII.911:lf1)1l1.F8kfma., ~ An'~Pfl$OOmeyaltMd3>ldp~.The 1lI'Miw.l.l,~~~jledpaOO!lQ. miles to go before they need to ~thatout. Broecker said she started waiking at the Sf. John Catholic Church weilness center in 2005 to maintain ber weight and help beal her $lJlOking habit. "I didn't want to gain weight," she said. "r had quit smoking before that and walking helped clean out my lungs f.uter" The 15~year employee said she: started walking the township trail when it was completed in the fall of 2006 and swung into the employee program when it was launched. She doen't particularly COYf!t her top standing in the program. *That doesn't concern me, 1 just do it for me," she said "1 hope somebody passes me because it's good for all of us," -. ~~~flgany~~ _ _ $hoIIfd ~lht~l~ .. il«mvyat(51n241 6'6QilladVQIlr;e!o~mOOiiill,flMI~1I!9theo n.~I'IlI!III:Se!vi:IJ~fI{ClJmI'l'!leskln).mIHW.piJbiklloarint toc:oMidtfUlll~l2.rolO~~.;dCoowmenlE1tBf'il'r;.,"'P8fI'f~ 1':twruy),~lIjIpmMtI~ils~ltIlatll\tlctricmhlllO!lfD'lioo~ _m'IIPmlima.leqS11tlmlllalllMUllly.mIlllDthBflllliBl. CO~&Ietw's~1Iate«iIIalfa:ineonlrillutinvlotl./8qUIS1I(I itw~~:Ol.~~lo_lII!:vIiIit¥Qel1llflltionlacililies,daI!IbuIiotI !aclflies.andDlll~·lric;tdtJ~twtinOldub~~andrdlabie il!ll'Yi:lJ;complJwilllel1lrlrllllmllllhlllfllll,l'*~mtlAaet!tl\ll'G~.y ~:{i!}itltMash'lO~Nld_~amts.1JfI<I~1IMi1'1tlitjtlOa ~dflil!ttlru<:tlll~and~llhItItloflllint!madt~$ldIO~1tntt1 taJiblneo:esaryllr_\lllWl'ilIiorl$Wringaverlllll'"afIictI~EneqrJf$ ~lIigIItIlmineillgtm;,COItIoI~lBI.anJi~,8rldiIwmtB . . m:ntislt_, ~£mtiy~~~$Ctforlllln1OO8PAm,jfft~ha!t IlIJIJlIl\ldUjll)flC\e~~Mwitlllnl80jftj'll"'tiIt_lI~~ mayimpbl!IIIUII91D<;Iw1\ll'!OOMotl!wpmpcsa<lamua/mm~!tmIgII~ IIjlpiadio .. ,.... JilldowlTll!fll!l~ffllllistaR!'lih3II~sufJmilled~!/wooQhlhe: ~',£./loclnIb~at:.i..um/l'l'lffl!!decls!!:.. 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A>:!IP'I'uI~Ertertdsl$iltlllM~bti~oolhe~'$W!I\l SAVE yg $300 ON SELECT DENTURES .......... .. ........ .. ....... .ttmid!ip.l!lvImMetdp!l_,lIndattheQIIiu(lfC--foot0'~ny, Or$EMtwPf!ua.JK_,MictIiqM.forlTJOl'lll~lInmww~ina 1Jak.-pmI!lilf\lQN:adhCOrt1mlraionlll:lhe~~OIby~at!$11} EACH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASpenDentar 24.t...t70 ~ Itp,nwnllll 1909 PI. 10&. "is IIIIlI!IIIed. MCl4S0.5511!'U«l~ 1919 PA4'9,a!I~tiCl400S400t_;19!9PA3.EI$BIlIIt«Ied MC\.4t!(U$l.'leI:h ' 1$!2I'Al!M,'1I!I~,MCl;oo.ilt!!IIseq.;19S9PA306.HiWlIIli'Ide!I,MCl.U201 III s~q.: and IIID CarnIIt~1M$s ofPm:iCll ad P~$,aHnen<lMi 19\11UC, R460.UlOl"'-. {PGtaIIJ()tlMPlopcS1lb,,",~intllD~n~ft~ ......J ~tllS8IIEIIGYCOll1PMVlIAIRt:lltfif8)1lIE1NCltEA$ES AND 0IlItI PROPOSALS 0BCAtI1D I!!iI m;s HIlllC£. mE JIItHIrWI I'UIUC SfIMCe COIIIMISSIOfI MAY UIWU ~ nsrr iME EUIRl£O ~ANDOTIISI:H«II'OSALS,.'MIOlEIJIIiMBtAlft)1W' Flint G3538 Miller Road' Across from Target (810) 424-0400 IUWIllESSEll Gil WA19l INI.lREASE;$ THAN TW:lS1':' IICltI!StiD .AffO MAr AImfORIlEAlISSEllOft GIlWUI RATiRlR ANt et.A$$\'If saMt£ TJWI THAT Re«BfmJ FEB;) 8 CECO ........,,,,,,,,,.•. AFFIDAVIT - PROOF OF PUBLICATION Ct:tse #- 1l-lfRlfl,;/d tf5t2;(1~E STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MIDLAND being duly sworn, disposes and says that I am PAULA C. ST.LOUIS a representative of Midland Daily News, a daily newspaper published and circulated in the County of Midland, andthat a notice, of which the annexed printed notice, is a true copy, has been published in said paper once in each week for I successive weeks times and that the first publication thereofwas 6n the tfF---dayof 2010 and the last publication thereof was on the ~dayof 2010. L EtJIJ ttJh ~~.94\ ~ C. ST.LOUIS ,..,.. Subscribed an~worn to before me this of r~.vl. 20 I ) '5 day - NOTARY PUBLIC for Midland County - Acting in My commission expires 0 l 4- ,4 "y Printers Affidavit chg lotal Charges (!imes i) 8.oD ,iDYC£OJm~ NOTAHY PUBlIC, STATE OF UI COUNTY OF MIDLAND MY COMM!SSION EXPIRES ,fun 16,2011 !\CTING IN ,',1"4 r,r: Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MICHIGAN ss. County of Isabella County of Gratiot County of Clare Al Frattura being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Publisher of the MORNING SUN, a public newspaper printed and published by Morning Star Publishing Company, in the Cities of Mt. Pleasant (Isabella County), Clare (Clare County) and Alma (Gratiot County) in said counties and circulated in said cities and counties, that the annexed printed notice was duly printed and published in said newspaper at least .Lin each week for 1 successive weekes), and that the fIrst publication of said notice in said newspapers was on the 4th day of February, 2010 and that last publication of said notice in said newspapers was on the ~ 2010. Al Frattura Uy~ c: Subscribed and sworn to before me the _ _--LL_ __ day of _ _ _ _-<f---:..{';....;6=_·'_ _ _ _ 2010. Linda Kunkel LINDA KUNKEL NOTARY PUBLIC MONTCALM CO., MI MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Doe 21, 2()11 My commission expires ____A_CT_ING_IN_ISA_BE_LLA_COL_NTY_,M_I_ _ _ _ _ __ Notary Public &AMj Court Briefs William J. COMEt; 21, of Judge delays suspect's trial With aaiminal resp<ltlsibility report not complete, .a judge bas postponed the trial of a Saginaw man who police. say shot at seven cars out~ side the Wolverine HUman Services Secure Treatment Center in mid-July. Saginaw County Circuit Judge William A. Crane is waiting tor the report on Samuel O. Ka lan, 44, of I tuesday but was po paned until Aprili3. Kaplan was a 1S'year employee of Wolverine and resigned in May amid sexual harassment alle gations. police said. He returned to bis former employer. 2424 N. Outer In Buena VlSta Town~ ~~;:!!J~":!::rr: on the vehicles, doing the most damage to his accus er's, police said, He's charged with eight >counts of cany* fig a roncealed weapon, sev.en -counts ot malicious destruction of personal property worth more than $1,000 but less than $20,000, a !Jingle count of bringing a weapon to a prison, and eight counts of possessing a fIrearm duflo ing the cDmmission of a felony. Kaplan remained jailed Wednesday on a $GOO,QOO bond. 4637 N. Gregory is cbarged with condud:ing a criminal merprise, armed rob. bery. conspiracy to commit that crime, ta.roeny from a building, conspiracy tf) commit that crime, pos~ sesslng a firearm as a felon. and two counts of pose.5sing a firearm dur il!!;,~ commission of a Police allege that Conw nero his cousin Jonathon D. Conner, Jared J, Cameron, and Lula M. Belvin are responsible for the July 26 and Aug. 22 robberies at the Sunoco at South Outer and East Holtand. The r0b beries were inside jQbs, polkesaid. Conner remained jailed Wednesday on a $60,000 or 10 percent cash or surety bond awaiting aRb. 10 preliminary Maring on tbe evidence along with Cameron, 28, and BeMn, 26, before Saginaw County Distric! Judge I\Yle HJggs To""",. Police Ill"! still searchM ing tor Jonathon Conner, 25. who last lived at 1800 Beacon, ApI. G4, in. Sagi naw. Man pleads guill;y to assault A Saginaw man has pleaded guilty to stabbing a woman during a August domestic dispute. Willis T. Mims, 39, who last lived at 2402 Galla gher, pleaded guilty this week to felonious assault, Longtime school custodian dies TOM GIlCKRIST Atkins El@mentary S<:hool where he worked as a autodian. Firefighters credited Cruz's 00 ~~(I>O'! {1IS9in~"9611 When Genera1 r--::om:::-, Motors Corp. laid off Frederick Cruz Jr. from Saginaw's Grey Iron Foundry in the mid-I980s, the Bridgeport-Spaulding Community School District gained a longtime employee, Cruz, 64, of Sagi· Frederick (na naw Township, died J(. Friday, several weeks after collapsing Jan. 11 outskle ~::~ :~brii;:~:na::=i~:ul. tio'~~~~~!~ ~J~:o~?:i:h monary resuscitation to keep Cruz alive until rescuers aniwd. Cruz's mother, 82-year·old Alice Cruz ot Sagjnaw Township, said her son was laid off from GM 4n about 1984 or 1985, and he never went back; he liked that job at the school, and everybody likes him," Cruz was a member of St. Mary's Cathedral, and enjoyed bowling, relatives said, "He was very weD-liked," \iaid Paul Gorney, a special..education teuher Marsha. owner of Mersha Marketing the space to the cause. Solutions in Saginaw, "And it's a two Mersha said he was inspired fold thing, We also want to show what by Saginaw Township's HopevaJe h':;~=~~='::e rubble of Haiti's earthquake days after Cbur<=b, which raised $21,000 in a single collection to help with the Haiti relief effort. the devastation occurred. he knew he event jndudft "Every dollar !hat comes through wanted to do something to help. GO N E , Bislwp R J Shackleford, that door will go to Haiti,'" Mersha So he's put together a beMfit the Coleman Temple Mass Choir. said of the benefit: -concert. ''We've concert called Help Heal Haiti, W()rk~ 'MJrd of Faith Mass Choir. Christ F~l~ devllIIQped.a system 0{ dieclG and bal· iog with Keva Clark from Kc Divin~ 10W$' Mass Choir, a,nces to make sure it's irnmediateiy Christian Enrertairtmtmt and the g-()$.. ,. visible where the funds will go." pel group G.O.N.E. (God or Nothing For infonnation or to make a dona~ Else). The event is 7 p.m. Friday at tioo, cali Mersha at (989) 327-0266, the Annex Event Center, 3435 Sherl~ and Billy CUlberson and the Rose Hill The Rev. Andreas Parsley, pastor of dan. Singers, Rehoboth Outreach Christian Center The cost to attend is free, but tax~ The (!Vent also is part of The at 3329 Lamson, said the benefit c0n deductible donations will go directly Annex Event Center's grand re cert will be a humbling experience. opening following recent renova~ to the Red Cross. on site. "To see that people really do care, "If We're going to saVe lives, we tions. FOl1l'lerly known as the Giant to see this come together in two need to do something quickly," said Public Market, its owners donated weeks, is incredible," Parsley said NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE B.ECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U-16191 weapou. :and possessing a fireann during the commis The- attorney tor a Sagi~ naW man charged with shooting his Vllife and motherwin~law in the- face has requelSted an indep'en~ dent criminal respoos!bi1~ ity e-xam fer his dient. John S. Drouillard, 50. who last lived at 1743 Kendrick is charged with two counts eacll of assault with intent to murder and possessing a firearm dur ing the commission of &, felony. Police- said Drouillard used a handgun to :shoot his wife. then 45, and motheMn~law, then 63, about 9:30 p,m. April! at his h-ome. Drouillard's trial was to begin Tuesday but results of the exam, requested by Saginaw defense attorney Rodney J, O'FatrslJ, are not yet available. Circuit Court officials had yl'!t to set a new trial date for Drouillard, who remained jailed Wednes day (In a $5 mmion bond. w Hearing delayed in abuse case Ajudge has: postponed the preliminary hearing of two Saginaw women charged with torturing. abusing, assaulting, and kidnapping a menially di$ abled man in bis 20s, Henretta 1.: Uttle, 23, and Laprineess t. Jones. 25. are charged with tot ture, first-degree ablUle of a vulnertlble adult, assauk with intent to do great bodily harm less than mur~ der, and kidnapping or, in the alternative, unlawful imprisonment. Polke said the two were living with the man, who was coUecting disability checks trom the state, at 1112 S. Jefferson, The two kept the man in the house and hit him with different instruments, police said. The pair's bearing was scheduled for Monday before Saginaw County District Judge KYle Higgs Tarrant, but the judge postponed it because Jones' attorney wu in the ho.spitat Little and Jones Temained jailed Wednes day on $15,000 ot 10 pel' cent cash or surety bonds. Area suspect turns himself in A Buena VISta Town ship man who police say is one of foor invo~ in two summer robberies at a Buena VISta gas station has turned himself in and faces eight felony charges, sion oJ a felony. In exchange for Mims' plea, prosecutQ('S will drop a charge of resisting and Qbstructing a police officer and anolMr count of pos sessing a fiteann during the commission of a felony, Prosecutors said Mims stabbed the woman, with whom he was romantically involved, after the Aug. 25 dispute. Saginaw County Chief Circuit Judge Rnbert 1.. Kaczmarek is scheduled to sentence Mirna on March ~~~mt1lntRwbRtilil!'lecflk;m. .. ~ ~1"""1If~$l1lmiflloo:lHlIiudy;llJi1w~~rl\hI --'lfll»~I'uIIic:s.Mct~~lbtBqUat AmI(:Al~~tlS8fG680KM..OIWTMOIJU~H1I. MOmtMAY~~~tmClWElJtCIIfM!OFA8OUl1'17nA:'t'WI. leIInarJ.,. S11 5UllllsRillS 813" "CUiDs 22. Pack Deals Judge calls for one less husband BAD AXE - A Kinde woman will have to spend a cauple weeks in jail and divorce Qne of her hus bands. Lorrl L, Freesland was sentenced to 15 days in the Huron County Jail and WING DEAl ~'1I~~,6S45~..,.S\Iile7.lllnsoJ!I.MicI!ip'I. l'he1hl~~"'_1!I~willIleMld: 675 .. 1llto_.... (.... to_. F~16,2Gl0,at9:00a.m 'fhiI;twaringWIIltNt~preMamutoofemntlltol!l.l!~ hl:llingdalcsllfld~IlllWPIOCllduMlIl\llttett. IIUORE: U'lCAllOIt BINE·IN arCHBY OUT lIIIMCalllWlallaal._ Admlnlsll31Mrl3wJ.ShalonLFeldttlan MtchIginP~S6rIIc,COO!rnIssUi 5545Ml:WIIntlitway.~7 ~,MkhigaIl ,.~ Mr~pfI\"$IJIt!11iJattend_p3JIt;i_.The ~$I1e~~ill:/u!!Dg~parkint. FoutPoinIlIj ~1I8!I~!UIf~!ll~11!oo;;Id ~1fI'~1~~"llIarylt{$11)241· 989.%49.Rl8S (7427) fl&G1n~tIl~!I!IDbdIr,~IIIlI,I'leainiI.oih!t .-" SALESAt PEOPLE WANTED! (hr:s'-r Dcdgi:' JE€') n ;~ar~ fl Aliq YOUR INCOME POTENTIAL IS UNLIMITED! Areyoureadyw .... your<areerandinromell>t!1t""'tIewl1_ ~ at Mar1lnGl)TlI<f Ilodgf l<fp in Alma, Mldli<jall, and we boom..., nooIrelia!>le.proIessiooalpeq>le_innewandpre-_ _sates. Mattln""",,,,,,,,,,!tl4!Iret...,"'pport,rompellti.. (ompematlon and.benefit padagethatindud,,; •Training Support •Health In",rance ·4011 RetirementS,ving. •Bon•• lncentiv.. •Vehide AUowance • Paid V,ation. BAY CITY - A man •No Summer Weekend Houl'1 r::~:r:~i~:af~_ ~ motor, ve~icl~ ~alUling JmlYmlewhaj)~at1l\eo(lk;B$rA~ElllrgyCllm(lany,ori.llhl $IWIII&S'Zl19·1OtVIIIIISIIr'llt9 Motorist pleadsguill;y o :: owly injured his best man has pleaded guilty to ~fI ating while Intoxicated MieJIl;IIn49201.Mrn-SOMfNl .... OO9VtliI&~NrJp!IISOl'i MnIlIME: ~~: ~:~:nJ~~~~;or ::d lbelntllmi:lllualxklw.S&tIbelImwapEnllllll!iJ~iA"tuu You may aliiill' \Ide C<m:lfl'lm &teIg; CompllllJ, Gne£nergyPIan,.IacksD&, $t1llll"',IPacbflr'110 .,,"'11tS:5hdflll'&O w The 43-year-old pleaded guilt)' to the charge in December. Freesland was not divorced from the bus band she married in 2000 in Clinton Township when she married her second husband Aug, 3. 2007, authorities bave said, Her first husband remained in Michigan until 20M, when he moved to Alaska. Circuit Judge M, Rich ard Knoblock aJsQ told freesland sne has six months to resolve her marital status, said Pros- e(.UtQr Tjmothy J, Rul~ kowski, the kids, and relate to them," Gomey said. Cruz died at the Cartwright Care Center hospice facility, 3443 Hospiw tal, in Saginaw Township, Relatives said he had been in a coma. Cruz is survived by his nwther and by a brother and sistefloin~law. Frankie and Cathy Cruz of Saginaw. students found Cruz unresponw sive on the- ground near- the school entrance about 1:15 am. Jan. 11, with a snowblower running nearby. Benefit concert will send local dollars to help Haiti SUEWHlTE fel~n~~:r::~~d Attorney wants exam for client who helped perform CPR on Cruz before rescuers took him to CoV~ enant HealthCate Cooper, ftre\!iOIJ.S. sall'!: experien{@iiiplus. for • ,onfidential interview. plea.. conta<!: Toay_at (989) 11H59O.. T..... Mlle. at (989) 68H900 rJ8ffi~ C".YSLER.OOi:)Ge;: .. ~ 2280 West MOlll'Oe (M-46) Alma ott/)eauntroflJS.27 and M-46 in AIm4 II , i. f~ l'hIt~f'IJlIf«:~~~willIc!d~pWk~ Iattnsidcflbe.w-ytt.;!I»O'~",~~~~ Enel'1l)i~fIPIltWlIIin~itII~f_'JI!Idi!Itl'att$tojKWidtaddi:tional ~at~fna~""""lII!I.Ifor(l\herl-.t ~~~~m~~Iolb&~ 1/Itu!aat1nW:lt:0~~jn~\i!I!ItJ~~MlIIuIIM iN:D!5.Md/ltlllfdtttlfcumty~lII_i)jIRIVkIe_-'uIiable ttm:IJ;~YiIII~a'Id.~~ImlitIn~ ~1IIi~~Wld~rmtI,mdlli~· ~OIpIbt~_l!IIaIusMetl8~tttdil.raIinf!!_IDJIhd ~~1wu\llllJ~«mga~.MlldlOimtJmInEnoHw" ~1Ilgher1'ilrlllmqaads,t/lllllsofapltlln~aRdiIMJstMae I!M(.JbI!:1WtfM. ~&!Qr'*lte$IIiIt,UMll'II!tt!lII~PJ\l8!I,J'lM~h15 mlactMd . . ItIQ~~wiJhlnllKl_9l'UIl!jtng,1tI!l~ ltIItj.tHtitwpta1llll:IIII'IN'Itnt. . ~lIMUtIIM~~m ~lIull~ JiII~·II4In"_.NIIIM!~~1(;;j1tJ1IirovgIt1be CommI:uim.~00t;ktI.$W6llW>at:1ItiI1JlII'lfIl'I'Im~~enI$ llIIi~fer_QVlllflllWlllll'iltllelMt,h.nuaIllfllhf£.~IIeIp~. IioalI'l'lWlilJlllly.tlt~,mWol'1lotPDFfur)nal.M3fI~'\DiIIlJIMil mltfD-..c'4,cklll"I/dIIpII.qIw,II)'OUfequI"'~priDrto~·1IIog,aJIII&i Commis9klnIlll1f*,(Snl241-6'1Ootbyot-mllJat~ctmithigSILgov. t.u;j'MIAI)IIl!bhiflglltl!lwlem!!IfldbewmlaPlll1rtal1le cas&sllalie/ecIrnnIcaIJ l'1It.pt\IIIIlnto~Wilh\hiIJcommillolonIlyFellIl*Y9,2010.{)'ItefestedllEfflOllS fIIlY<JIIIGttnftit(l5fng1tlo~lpap«farmalllllllpmQl'gtAOlteshalllndlcatll ~\lp«loCo!wlltrtEtler""*"'Y,H.~~,OnI:fnergyPlln. ~.NId1Ioan4921l1. M'p!IAOflWbNflQMIMII<eIl~orposlllonwilbauibecomlnuapBflylD ffltClAmwyj)lll1idpllteb'llffingWl~e.To!iltlan~bindiwiUI flI\l$\ttl9MtheheWlg_~"'pmu:llnglldmlnlslralvelawjtJdgeollllsf1(her widI\t:IfIIitIIw"a~oljlO6itioltAllWutmalionlWbmittediohCOOlml$$ioItJn ,,*lIJQIIsllllt,*otIItpulJile:~:mlliltMmI!!eMthlganPubUeSeM:e ~"_tlMMljtllttndt!dn\le ~tv~I!IV(II:t»lIIl1(htJlUl$lllll1l\l)1tMIO:Ul'~'ii\llustf I'nIeI:k:ew~f\480.1'131!i_R4$1.llm!W~1ur1'llrl!let1itDfmllllCn urt~~bl~.1li11}l<11·1IOOO. Aoot')'o!c-u.m~~IfIIIf""~llltU.~W!b d'U~~JI'I¢~u.~QfCOll$lJ.'MI'$EMrtr~ O!liIENriwP!ul.~""Fer-.lnIwrrI&IIoooo,nPt¥IrIpallk:Ip&teIli .. 1:Il$b,,1OIlI8tytol!ta::tlh~aI!htIl»r$ _ _ Mbyia'eplDleati5l1} %4H1N. ~$~ltlG""06..~MCt4W,551I!{SII¢.;191li AA,lJl!l$~UQ.46U4_M4i1i3$I'A3.H~m.46il1e1~ 198Z?A3Ot, .. ~MQ,t80.5hd.W4;11/59PAD,$I~MCl14.21n trtlltl¢..;w. . ~\lI1IIetetJ'!iitband~.~,1",{c' 11460.1i)Otetaeq. ~IiJiIi.HTOOMfi'MYtM$~nlElJitIIfAStS WO'MiIfIf\QIIOSMSllESClIllImlJfntlSt«mfL.MMIDfIIWl NtUC stfMCE~ MAY fiIWft 01 0Sff TKERQIHIED See whats going on ... ,,,,,ythi"'tiii',,,y.oom IJiClllEl$llSA!II)01HUI~JNWHOUG\IIPAlff.AlIDNAY #fWff i!$SRoaCN::Amt~ltIIiIf ntO$£ fI!IMSllD ANlmAUJ'llOJl,QfAteS$6lUIIGflfAfEJlIU\ltRIIM'Q.ASSOF $S'\IICEntAN11W'1IEQI&TED.I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF BERRIEN} SS Evelyn Marbut, being duly sworn and says that she is Inside Sales Supervisor of The Herald-Palladium, a newspaper published, printed and circulated in the County of Berrien, State of Michigan: That the annexed printed notice has been printed and published in said newspaper _-,-1_ times. Same being on the following days, to wit: F~.'t d-6{O _ _'"\=--'-_'-,-U _ _ 20 -.L~ 3450 Hollywood Road, P.O. Box 128, St. Joseph Michigan 49085 • (269) 429-2400 or toll free in Michigan (800) 356-4262 • Fax (269) 429-7661 AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Lenawee City of Adrian Vicki Sentle is the being first duly sworn, says that she of The Daily Telegram PRINCIPAL CLERK a newspaper published in the English language for the dis semination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character, which is a duly qualified newspaper, and that annexed here to is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the order was published on the February 4 2010 Paid Amount Due d~ Subscribed and sworn 10 before me Ihis day of February 4, 2010 a / $2.00 U /~ v Jenny L. Ward Notary Public, Lenawee County, Michigan My Commission Expires: Sept. 12, 2014 Acting in County of Lenawee Affidavit of Publication Consumers Energy ON IDA STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) SS COUNTY OF HILLSDALE ) Jenifer Zoll, being first duly sworn, says that she is the Classifieds Account Manager of the Hillsdale Daily News a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news, which is a duly qualified newspaper, and that annexed hereto is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the order was pub lished on the following dates, to wit: February 4,2010 Subscribed and sworn to before me Notary Public for JiY-L this_~----L-_ _ _ _ iIISdaie County, Michigan My commission expires il )JDCt ,/d(j// MARILYNN BAKER "'-;~,;ry Public, State of Michigan County of Hillsdale iV " :::ommission Expires 11"()9-2011 f.t'nQ In the county 01 ,I sad.::. fb day of Jackson Citizen Patriot 214 S. Jackson St., Jackson, MI 49201 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan,) 55 County of Jackson) Sheryl L DeVriendt being duly sworn, deposes and says that helshe is principal clerk of the Jackson Citizen Patriot; that said Jackson Citizen Patriot is a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Jackson, and the attached notice has been duly published in said newspaper on the following dates: February 04, 2010 Customer Name: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of February A.D, 2010 , I T'unes $ _.._ _ F0 IlOS _ _ rend. M. Truskoski NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT, STATE OF MICHIGAN My Commission Expires: January 29,2014 582.00 10.00 Affidavit $ - - Words/Lines 592.00 aR~NDA M, TRUSKO~K! Notary Public, State of MIchIgan County of Kent My Commission Expires: 01/29/2014 Acting in the County of Kent AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION JACKSON CITIZEN PATRIOT JACKSON, MICHIGAN IN THE MATTER OF ATTN: MARY POLACK SUlTE EP-11-238 ONE ENERGY PLAZA JACKSON MI 49201 Received and filed this 5th day of February A.D. 2010 0003591258 U-16191 AFFIDAVlT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF MICmGAN COUNTY OF MONROE 88 r~ A yJ;'/.:JLlI.!"lAJ bemgfirstdulyswom, says that ..he is the -72'&11 ~~"'-G'r' of The Monroe Evening News, a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news and which is a duly qualified newspaper, printed. published and Circulated in the County of Monroe. The annexed notice 1s a printed copy taken from said newspaper. and has been duly published in said newspaper for one insertions. and that the first publicaUon thereof was on the 4th day of February A.D. 2010 and the last publication thereof was on the 4th day of February AD. 2010 -' Sworn to and subscribed AD. 2010. me this 4th day of February 0 JJwvitL~ j' Notary Publ1c. Monroe County. Mich, JANET LATONDRESS My commission expires _---rrN~ota~ry~Pur-b....,.!li....;.::,-~""lO-,;'_:_,rO-G-C_;O-u-n~ty~,_M-=-ich:-,' My GOOlm;,B:3f:tm E;(pir\'1S Jan. 25, 201'3 STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Kalamazoo 58 Being duly sworn deposes and says he/she is Principal Clerk of THE KALAMAZOO GAZETTE DAILY EDITION a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Kalamazoo and otherwise qualified according to Supreme Court Rule; and that the annexed notice, taken from said paper, has been duly published in said paper on the following day(days) .............................................................................................................. . ................................:........................···:..··········.. ··j)·'t!l·················.. ··········'!L.·Z··{L;:·~..~~·C·:·· ..·····..·.. ···ll Sworn to and subscnbed before me this .............. .t..................... day of ...V.;.... k~ .......,..... J.. . . 20 .. I - //U1. . --·~~~~~·ZCk. k(~ Notary Public, Kalamazoo County, Michigan My commission expires 11712012 Tuesday, Feb. 9,2010 LOCALISTATE 1Iio"", C..ok Enqulnr 5A u.s. commits $78.5M for carp HOW THEY V@rED JOHN FUSSEll AND MATTBBW DALy AulXilltedPtess Navigational locks and gates: in Chicago-area waterways: crucial for fmportantvoteslastW«kln the~igoIq~tu;e =t~u::.'rry:ai:s~ andu.s. Congress. MlmlgllllM_ under a$78.$ million c.am~ paign to prevent Asian carp from .overrunning the Great Lakes, fooeral offtcials said ~ay. The plan falls short of closing; the navigational structures. entirely, as Heall:h(arefar~$ _",otedT"""", lO3~\to~lifl!~ hti:dthtilfebEnefilsfur ftJturestatelawmakers. Current law allows former state lawmakers wOO5«VOO atitoasts.ityearstuFtfuil =;.:ed~t7G~~~\: stat~paldhealth _ _ !" OI'KetM,fumS5. Som.-",>soid'" sta(es, They fear the lock::! will provide an opening to the takes fOr the giant carp. O:IIdidnot!JQf.vtfl~ which $Orne SCiell tists say could devastate the region's fI7 billion fish ingindustry. But the Qba:ma admin~ ;md>hoold ... applyto ~sinofflteRQw. The bill r\OWheadstothe s.nat<. istration described the plan as part of anetrective strategy for keeping the invasive feb at bay while Imtg'"tt:nn biologk:aJ con trols are developed. The goveounent said it would take:15 actions to sJow the a4v;mce ofthec3rp, which can reach 4 feet tong and lQopounds. Nancy Sutley, head ofthe White &use Council (In Environmental (@aHly, called the plan "an unpar. al1e1ed effort £In the part of the federal government." But Michigan offtdals said nothing short of ~ ing the locks would give the lakes adequate proteo Jase8o!get,R.-MarsbaII Yes K.........D-a..;,C.m Y.. U.5.M_ _d.b,limit Memh«,.1'f'"'Y!'l111ur.l.y, 117-112.""1~" allowthet.Jri«dStftlOto go$1.9trilimintndtbt. Themeasurt'oowgne to President Barack Obamafor bissignature. $upportetS saki qukk passage wasneeded to quaraJltft> IDe U.S.didn',.,fooltoodebt obIigal!ons,hut_ fe¥edthe:nationaldebt tion. State Attorney Gen~ eral MikeCox, a Republi can runningf()f governor, ac:cused President Rarack Obama of letting politics: dktate policy. Obama "proved today that he'll do anything to protect the narrow inter ests of his home state of Illinois, even if it means destroying Michigan's economy,"Coxliaid, Michigan Gov. fenni fer Granholm, a Demo~ crat and strong Obama :~ee~'cs:~~:asrd:'; be1ieve"thereisanypaur chi:dism happening. I do believe there are great and I'wnest differences of Qpinion." Sutley a(sodeniedpoiit kal motivation; '"We are taking actions based on scie1lce." The Su~reme Court last ASSOCIA1'IDPRES5 hath1sbl. 25,. 2006 photo. .. putfdpM httll.Rtdud: [,up TourllimHl:ilIIW: .. swiat at Alt.. lEU, Inth.IHItMbRiYu.. 11M i1fUW by the.slNlld uti U'II .nutyhabft Iuplftgfrttm.¥Nlu1lh m1u1l•.I.uoUkllagwlUtboabnwith HIMI« .,••klas rorc.. 01', u. II' a'....... IIl;lread'in tbewaterstokiH Also pledged wa:sa $13.1 any Asian carp lurking million for constroction of harriers to prevent tbe nearby. Granholm said she carp from bypassing the feared the measures electric devices by slip~ wouldn't be enough. "You ping into the canal from have to pe'rllUUlel1tiy shut the adjacent Des Plaines these locks down," she River during flooding. said. An .lddidonal $9.5 mil Administnt1onoff;ciab lion will be spent to pro~ said a $10,5 million con mote commerd.a1 fishing tract will be awarded to of carp, researcb chemi~ buildathirdeiectricbarri cal treatments to kill off er in the Chicago Sanitary the carp if the electric and Ship Canal. a ct'tlCiai barriers fail, and study iink with Lake Michigan. other control techniques The two existing barri ers emit pulses designed to repel the carp and give opingpoi.sons that would them a non~ietbal jolt if kill the carp butnot other they don't turn away. fISh. ~~~u:!~~~~ and gates dosed. a move opposed by the Ohama adroinistt4ltion and Illi· nois. 'They argue that dMlng the locks would cause miliwns in losses for barge operators and couid lead to flooding. Michigan last week asked the high court to reconsider and is pushing aheadwithaseparate law suit that calls (or perma nently severing rhecefifu. ty'old. map-made linkage between tire Great Lakes lind Mississippi River basil1$. Joining Michigan w (;:! ~~::t!~~~:~ -oowstttoreiKh$i4J tn1tioo-aruldhoveitsOVoYt Burst pipe damages Arbor Academy -''''''''''''"' """"' " MaUsm-,.O-lJedfo<d Township NQ f1edUp.... R-Sl. ....... No Pay·as-yoo-qo _ _ Tiu>day. ANNIEMAlrrtN TMEnquitv 233·187, onbudget rules ~iringfututtspeodin; iocJeas.esortaxQltstobe paidforwithelthefrotsto programS,Qf«l;uNMtax In,,,,,,,. Supporterssaidthemeasure wilhelpreininlhenatiooal defKil.butopjlorteflts saidthenewrulesfailed , toaddress the nation's ·Me~.k~~t~tJfind r......... ,.." i F,edUptoo,R-5I. ....... L~Nn~~~_. . . Arbor Academy's kill dergarten through tbird~ gradestudentsareurnlble to attend classes in their building following a pipe burst in a classroom on Wednesday afternoon. The entire school, located at ss Atbor St. in Battle Creek, was closed Thursday and Frklay. NO' one was _"jured when the burst I)cc;urred at about 2:30 p,m. on Wedndday, and the stu~ dent\! were evacuated, Principal Casundra Trawitz $llid. A 4-incb dry line in the spTinklu system bad water in it when itshoutd have been dry,shesaid. Water from the pipe teft .an inch of water throughout the building, Trawitzsaid. ThescbQol is installing new carpets, cupboards and flooring. part o( the ceiling col lapsed in the classroom where the pipe burst and that room will be CO'ffi p!'Ctely gutted. Trawitz didn't know how the total valueo(therep4iJ'\l, School was back in ses~ sicn today, but kinder· garteners throngh third~ graders weren't able to attend class In their reg ular dassrooms. Today, three classes met atnear by Calhoun Christian School, while the relit met in different parts of the school's c.ampus.. Two classes met in the fourth- through sixth grade building. one class. rt'U!t in a portable facility and one met in the child development center. "Best case scenario- we might be back in Thurn day or Friday," Ttawltz said. "We're just rolling with it." Annie Martin can be (eached at 966~0468 or aimartin@gannltttcom. Marshall expects $750K deficit SA1AB LAMuIl'l' TheEnquir~ fresh ideas, he said. Ideas already are eom ing from public officials acrO$$ the state.. Democratic Gov. len~ nifer Granhvlm has sug gested that the statfl offer an early retire ment incentive fur about 39.000 pubUc school employees who have worked 30yellrtl armore. Those employees wauld be offered an additional -$1,500 to$1.8oo each yeu in retirement money as well as health care ben efiu. Districts. mean while, would be able to hire les.s expensive and less. experienced teachen to realize cost Marshall PublkSchools has to find a way to cut t7)o,ooo from its ::2010 2.011 budget. Superinten dent Randy Davis told the Board of Education on Monday. ·The bottom line is It's Jl dh.mal situation," Dayis said at the board's work $euion, The board has been aware of the looming financial crisis for more than a year, Davis sajd. "We've been doing the bes.t we can, but when you're looking at a $750,000 budget cut, we're 8Qing tQ have to get biggest concern extremely ~reativt'!," he said. that we aU have is. that ihe district ne:e4s to we're going to lose a lot harness the of of seasoned profession« community members to als at the teaching and brainstorm budget cut administrative level/' Ideas, Davis said. Over Davis said, "So it's going the coming months, the to be a rea! struggle at board should send out the state level, but more e-mails and hold pub sp«ificaUy in our com lic discussions to bring munity.Alot offolbwill Sll'!!;f:' creativity NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. 0-16191 ..TmCIIl FBlDINlIALlltIifUl;8.lQli_KUWATJ!I1Im (k... I't:flYQtfnlMAYSRAIIR£C'faCAAtE~IIf""" "'1'.""" -. Th.oilll~IIfIIIbw~Mw'~lMI'~teln1hi! YwIWiQjOf"!fltlt~II£i'iBrVYQ)mp;III'I,Oat£JM!i'UPMk Ja:IriI!lm.~~,~m-SOSUJeriihffXlll'llA_ ~.In; _ _ lMI'!M!w"~aI"lIIIbIlIlIf ~m.w~,orallllt~tlI!&h;14Ob1:t. 1IS4S~IIlWay.Su/hll.~~ ihIIWmipulJlk:llMintklltlltlllllltltwiilMIItH: PARl1Cf'UIU] 1n;~1*PImll1"",IlIId~ 1ht~*"_iIlIG,Rludl!lo.lbaruk"~ ~~r.dinQ3I!J~ _~~I:GIIbct\!le~$ "We'~ been doingthe bestWl'can, but when you're looking ata $15O,OOObudget rut, we'regoing to have to get extremelycreative." 1IAMoY1I.\1II5 superiI>t...... ~PubIi<Sdm, feel they have no choice wbelmingJy want fewer but to take advantage of taxes and more jobs. he this!' said. "But no silver bul Meanwhile. state Sen. let is going to bail us out Mike Bishup., R~Ro(':h~ from projected expecta~ ester, has suggested all tions." The board on Monday public school employees also discussed how to ~~~e:a:e~ !:!ld~~: achieve better commu zen at that rate ror the nication with students, next three years. taxpayers. faculty and This wouid take care staff. This discussion of the district's $750,noo wasthe flIsto{manythat budgetdeitcit, said Board should allow administra President AU Webb. But Bisbop's plan is unlikely to be enacted for politi school board better meet its goals, Davis said. cal reasons, Davis $aid. Help (or Manludl is Sarah Lambert can be unlikely In come from reached at 966vo68S or state ar federal sourc [email protected] es. Constitu~ts over- nett. cant. ~l~~t~h~~:~llte4!t:h: ~~at(!il1)241.e160ig _ _ fo rfIqIIIJai~.'jjIlllll.IitAmg . . . . . ~ TM~I'IbHi:-~CoIll."",~1IfIMi6."'1IIi!: ~1Ct:;:lMjdIlfIhil.hnil.y2%.2(l10~"'~~ ~tonosll\I'''n~.~~tll1Iat3$Ib~mtail 1liIIllrlI:IIII:I$I(1....,.!doll!ldllilmll_IIf~.J18m111D1O jII\MIlIIlylllldlotlllMl'oelilt ~EMvftIll(lkaliM1itiWIlI.1fMI:hlLu .. _lhIMglDlIYI fe!J...IIIl"-'!'idIlte.8!1f1Q11il11~!1,I!tllOOll'k:utI"'1~ fadllkf,~IiIdIIIII!J,MI1 . . . !!Itd:Iei/Wybf~IP""'tr IDIIIV'kk_MI1~MMtt;t'DfllPliIwlllllIMllIRI!IIIfIWl!I1d" ~_"'l!ItI!dII'IDIogJ~lQ;trJ~~ tIId~Q\I&tlldtll3!119ir_l'IgefwmDrQlillli~aM ~Wod,,~()fe6I\IlI""',*,lIIa11ra:1~~tlrlllltt ~dtHIn!Ia~ItI"'Ir.flCcn!.INBEnqyIa~~1Cf\tt ~1I'=*.lXJIbolcapbl ' ' mI. . . ~n:iIMIIIIDn_llIIlllrnk COnsU/nelSEMtf)'~".llJtil'rtl!m7G68f1l,_Jf1i!ft ~hasllllldlll .... 1If~liIpj!k:IIoowlllilillfOday1d 1he1\ll1\O.1Ie~~~.tle.wnolHll.'lI1IIIIp~ooJMI rN~~ ___ !IIlPhd"lIIi'11tl. 1J~~IIIID_$mltIlt1UUmiItBII~1fImII!I'II It!t~[~W$$IItItIlHf"· ....Imtttt1n±± ~ill!dlllMlti:!lIIibrIllllRQII\beloolJdlDa.IlhrMammOO'" E~lWpfllllla.~mIIY.beQun_II!W!mIwl'llFb'1r1'4. _fn~lotll~.,..mlll , . 'Mlf'fll\l ~"""'pOOrlus-Mft\l.-can1:Id~1tdfat{M1J~l-lilll1 (l.!iylt-!qj[at:& Om!:t:t:en"'! kPfpl!rMlnwbbtoa"lIM_aN~._lIIlIiaca:lll!lbalr vlednlnio:;IItyfllfQ1IJI;IIkl'ItliIlIIlrMI¥td"~1lr1'lll!!llllly9, 2Ql0.{lr!leJd\ld~lI'IfjtltdtJlIIrI=I!!Il:"'~JIII9IIIurnoa4 Thlii/mIrI."*,,iIbII~1BMaoUJDlUnImJlllr::n..vnI'rlllrMy, tlAlc.twd~j}Ilf(\Wllyl'1ala,Ja:bo"'~IIII~W kPf~willmtta"'.lOIttIIIIInlrliID:'lIIIIIlwll/lQul~. _1r>1Iie.:as.t,IIIiJ~tlVMIlIIIIn""peara!lf:iLrnfil .. ~ "~ __ .Nftt:.~~IM>IIa.MsaIle~~ - _~rlfI;sQf""\OoIdIlomaM.~III~.u~ ~101httommlsskonlAt'l",'''''wIII~fRIIIile~ &¥llblllwIln1llllM'cIJIJ!anMrt~~Web_\lMtllijwo:ttl 1'II~llItflltil!JOOl1IlIlIIItmw:lllilmaft~III""~iDn·. I'iutMrI~iMd~1I.4III.1T.U$aMlI.48D.'ms.IIequ~JIlr 1u1lll1:f~~~~ae*dldtotsi1)241.D060. Beth Rayner v, Todd Tina Newman byner winje Burke v. Robert Cassie Bueker v. Neil Burl« Ann Mroz v, Richard Bu<ker Barbara Payseno y. Rob Mroz Laura Wrightv. Timothy utPayseno Vktor BaUez v. Tammy WrlghtSr. Dawn EQwards v. Paul SL John-Ballez Nikki Lyneis y. David Edwards Curtis Pyle v. Andrea St. Lyneis Jennifer Wheeler v. Guy Germain-Pyle Fe1eciu. Ward v.Antonio WbeelerUI Troy Gilteylel1 v. Lori Ward Lesa Reynolds v. Todd Gilleylen Amie Choate-Cronkhite Rey..,uu -Yo Christopher Cronkhite Jennifer Martin v. Elofl Steven Bagwell v. XeUie Mutin. Cung Sang v, Hlei Par Bagwell DanaCanales-Jamiers.on s,ng Felton Harrell v. Starlet v. Kenneth Jamierson Anthony Newman v. taHarre11 William Schroer v. San~ draSchroer Ruth Gibson v. WilHam Gib$On Thomas Forde v. Ki~ berlyForde: Debra Miller v_ Michael Miller Tonya Holcombv. Doug~ las Holcomb Peggy Lockwood v, Wil liam Lockwood MaUhewStemaiyv,Ash leyStemaly Amy F~r v, l\n:yan Slb>l GeannaBradteyv,Chris tcpher Bradley Darlene Prado v. Gary Prado Ivy Griffm-Davis v. Roy Davis William Miller v. K3ren Millet Ronald Geeting v. Angel G<erlng Th!borah Forman v, Ran daUForrnan EileenlclHneauv.Steven Delgado Debra Vallance v. Terry JollineauSr. Janice Wedl v. Luke Vallance MaximilUan Eichholz v. W<d! Ellis v. Ernest Sylvia Eichholz Chdsty Sibal v. Robert AOI!P'I'd~~~A'IiIybelWirwudtAl'lhe en_IIUlIf&w...IIIDdirtwl,...,......."...... fInd.INdIa" rm.-1(. . . ~OM£ne!nvPJQa..kII:qm.1.t.:. . fiIl_ ~~liol!tJpddpttt1tl.case.JIlUmilV~'Ihe~'" 1Iieaboo~."_hvtltllli!iI712tI-1l111l ~'-pI4'tIInIll1!115!'AlOS'II$_!l$4,1£l400"S51 "3I4;19'!lPMl9.tII~Mtl.4I><l.!4et,..;t9Jtl'A3,i1IIamlltlded, MCl4>60.1.h8q,;llJ12~lQ4,. _ _ NCl.~dlillf.;rg"PA306. .i!IlMIOOed.MCl24,21;jll1t~R"~~lIfl'nll:tll:falld - PmClld!ft,MlInIfJlej.l999it,II~l71tU§l~ [l1!!t*dlll~In~'"lIItapjlk;dlonwlllll'lll ~8I9IIlTCCIIIIJ'AN1'IIAS~"TIIE ~JM)mIImPROllQ$AU:~1I1M1il I«mtt. MMlQUWlNlUClISI\i'IC!~1IAf GfWIl",oarrlHEl!EIUS1BI~AlHJaRieI: 1'fIIl'OMUl,1rt'MlOU• • I'Aat;AIfI1IAfGlWftU!5SBl QR&ft£IttliRMCf\fA$ESmMmoa:~AIIIDIM't JIUtfIOAlll;.tmaI;tJtlR&\fB\fIA1fF\!RAH'tCWIS ... $B1VK11QI'I'lW~ ID4r Argus-'rrss Q!umpauy 201 E. Exchange Street Owosso, Michigan 48867 Phone (989) 725-5136 • Fax (989) 725-6376 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION In the matter of the Notice of Hearing for the Electric Customers of Consumers Energy Company - Case No. U-16191 Ad number 5227-E STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss Thomas E. Campbell County of Shiawassee ) Being first duly sworn, says that he is the Publisher of THE ARGUS-PRESS, a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news, which is a duly qualified newspaper and that annexed hereto is a copy of a certain advertisement taken from said newspaper, in which the advertisement was published once, and that the only insertion of said Advertisement was on the 4th day of February, A.D., 2010. SIGNED: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February, A.D., 2010 I1~WJ/~'ch Anita M. Pasik, Notary Public Shiawassee County, Michigan My Commission expires: December 1,2012 STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Ingham }ss -""~lO ,(,1\, h \ ................. 1\T.-:\C~ ... Ll~.. !. ........................ , being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is Foremen to the printer of Lansing State Journal a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the County of Ingham, andJ!lat the annexed notice has been published iMaid paper ....... Q:\~..~±R... ~~~.... . and that the first publication thereof was onCJe ...~ .. ~...... day of .....~(..lQ..l~·t .............. in the year ...~Ol.O ........ . Sworn and subscribed to before me this ... 'j.:..~ ...... ....... day of r'~~r.'-:(. ...................... A.D., 20 .. f.Q. ................ . / I.':;~ -.:['I\j.ha~ 47 -~ . ... ... ";' / . .........4 ........N~~';;; p~bii~f~; i~~~ c~~~:'Mi~hi~~~' t/ PROOF OF PUBUCATION COUNTY OF IONIA, 55 5TATE OF MI HIGAN . . . begin .duly sworn, says: I am the Representative of Sentinel-Standard, a newspaper printed and circul~ted in said county. The annexed is printed copy of a notice, which was published, in said paper on the following date to wit _ _---lIo::O{=-r--_.!J....:;...._ ._ A.D. 20 Id _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. A.D. 20_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. A.D. 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.D. 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.D. 20_ Subscribed and stL Day of sw~ \~ before me this. N~~Q~rrly, My commission expires: A.D. 20..!ll. Michigan ?I~(( Sentinel-Standard, 114 N. Depot St Ionia MI48846 2 PROOF of PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Wexford } } SS. Sandra Smith Cadillac ----------------------------------- of News, a published in the County of Wexford and circulated in the Counties of Wexford, Osceola, and Lake; being Business Leader notice of has once and that duly sworn, said been newspaper duly publication thereof was on February A.D. deposed and and published the says that in 4th she paper Missaukee, is a the annexed said paper day of ____________4_t_h___________ day of 2010. Sandra Smith Subscribed and sworn to before me this February A.D. 2010. Brenda Vanderhoef, Notary Public, S County of Osceola, Acting in County rd My commission expires: December 16, 2011 County of Cheboygan, 5S State of Michigan Maf:J uYha I~ am an employee I being duly sworn, says: I of THE CHEBOYGAN DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county. The annexed is a printed copy of a notice which was published in said paper on the Following dates to wit: ~~__ w_rLr_la.,--f---'j=r-_Y~·____ AD. 20 ~ AD. 20 AD. 20 Affidavit of Publication FEB 0 g STATE OF MICHIGAN §§ County of Mason Alan H. Nichols being first duly sworn, says that he is the business manager of the Ludington Daily News, a daily newspaper printed and circulated in said county of Mason, and that annexed hereto is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper, in which the order was published on the following dates, to wit: February 4, 2010 ~xd (Alan Ichols, Business Manager) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of February A.D 2010 1/1 1 /,:r /' 4th Michelle J. Piotrowski Print name Notary Public for Mason County, acting in Mason County Commission Expires: 12-18-2012 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan County of )SS Manistee Marilyn J. Barker ,being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is one of the editors, publishers of the Manistee News Advocate ,a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County of Manistee ,and that the annexed notice of CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U-16191 was duly printed and published in said newspaper once each week for ONE (1) weeks in succession commencing on the 4th day of FEBRUARY A.D. 2010 and ending on the 4th day of FEBRUARY A.D. 2010 ~~r. ~ " ~(~~ (\ . . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ~ 4th FEBRUARY _ _ _ _ ,A.D. 2010 day of _ _ ~'., lic Jeanine M. Barber, Manistee County Acting Manistee County ission Expires March 10, 2012 State of Michigan county of Emmet Shelli Dennis being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is the principal clerk -of the Petoskey News-Review, a newspaper printed and published in the county of Emmet in said state: that the annexed printed notice was published in said newspaper. February 4, 2010 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of February Lisa Sladek Notary Public in Charlevoix County, Michigan, acting in Emmet County, Michigan. My Commission Expires April 22, 2012 \ \ \S,, ~~-~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Grand Traverse Tom Rochford being dulV sworn deposes and says the annexed printed copy of notice was taken from the Traverse City RECORD EAGLE, a newspaper printed and circulated in said State and County, and that said notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates: 02/04/2010 that he or she is the agent of the printers of said newspaper, and knows well the facts stated herein Subscribed and sworn to before me t.hiS 4th of February, 2010. ~. \t... l :-e~ \\c;\ Ceu\ )v\.i~ ~ ,~ \ - I( I Kimberly M Caniff Notary Public, State of MI County of Grand Traverse My Commission Expires AprilS, 2014 Acting in County of Grand Traverse . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBIJI€AJ}I\tiND STATE OF MICmGAN COUNTY OF OTTAWA ROBERT FRANCIS, being fIrst duly sworn, says that he is the ADVERTISING MANAGER of the Grand Haven Tribune, a newspaper published in the English language for the dissemination of local or transmitted news and intelligence of a general character and legal news, which is a duly qualifIed newspaper. And that annexed thereto is a copy of a certain order taken from said newspaper in which t der was published. subscribed and sworn before me on the 4th day of FEBRUARY 2010 ~~~G~~ DEBORAH A EASTERLY Notary public in and for Ottawa County State of Michigan My commission expires DECEMBER 22, 2014 oSentinel Affidavit of Publication 5~ W. 8th Street, Holland, Michigan 4Ji~f';() (616) 392-2311, Fax (616) 392-3526 Consumers Energy Attn: Mary Polack EP11-238 One Energy Plaza Jackson, MI 49201-2276 11050 2.5.2010 - -- 'Golumnsx Depth = Total Linage Dai">-e--- . 'Product" -Descriptioh 2.4.2010 Notice of Hearing for the Electric State of MiChigan} SS County of Ottawa 2 12.5 Gross Rate Gross Amount $15.95 $398.75 25 . Janet Johnson, of said county, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the notice, a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was published in THE HOLLAND SENTINEL, a newspaper which has general circulation in the City of Holland, Counties of Ottawa, Allegan and other counties in the State of Michigan, on the above listed dates, and the affiant further says that is the of said newspaper, and knowing to the facts above stated. Subscribed and sworn to before me "a'N.1i'-B;~ L lu\!1T~ ,;'15NiN fJ'lJiilL'iJ, STAlE OF 8~ {}QD}i~~ft cr- rrfTJ;,,'Y~fj\ this ~. --""--~- day of'----- A.D., dolO / Notar Pu lic in and for Ottawa County, Michigan THIS IS AN AFFIDAVIT, NOT AN INVOICE. If you need further assistance, please call Deborah Hogenmiller at (616) 546-4235 LINDA MARIE ALLARD STATE OF MICHIGAN County of Muskegon Steve S. Westphal being du1y sworn deposes and says that he is the General Manager of the MUSKEGON CHRONICLE, a newspaper printed in Kent County and circulated within the Counties of Muskegon, Ottawa, Newaygo, Mason, and Oceana; that the annexed notice was duly rinted published in said MUSKEGON CHRONICLE for . day~hat is to say, on the day(s) of ~ 20l.Q....., and the day(s) of 20_, a.nd that said publication was continued during said time without any intermission or omission, and that he has a personal knowledge of the facts above set forth. of ~ S' I1us~ SUbscttand sworn to betor~ me thiS. s_ A.D. 20 , . 1)/;. 4fJ\ day . ;; l ,t La LL [{, t No ary Public, Muskegon County, Mich. Jches times, $ SP2S00 FEB f 1 Proof of Publication Daily News, Rockford Independent P.O. Box 340 Greenville, MI48838 Sue L. Carter, agent of Robert Stafford, Publisher of THE DAlLY NEWS Greenville, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the County of Montcalm, State of Michigan, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed notice has been printed, published and circulated in said newspaper at least once each week for 1 successive weekes) and that the first publication thereof was on the 4th day of February A.D. 2010 and the last publication on the 4th day of February A.D. 2010. Run Dates: 2/4/10 Agent signature Subscribed ar:d sworn before me this the . l0 do, of I () I'clxu.o.. r 0- AD 20 V"~ ~ 1YlcLtl.tkJ ~ • Kimberly R. Mathew Notary Public - Ionia County, Michigan My Commission Expires 6119/2015 Acting in the County of -~'-I1I\.IJj~g"'R'Nt;GGaalmmfl-------- Ad Number: 138513 Account number: P0054601 EM 5227-E U-16191 Consumers EM 5227-E U-16191 FF Main News Consumers Energy PUBLISHER'S BILL $444.65 Total cost: Consumers Energy One Energy Plaza Attn: Mary Polack Jackson MI 49201 Grand Rapids Press 155 Michigan St. NW., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Michigan,) ss County of Kent) Sheryl L DeVriendt being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is principal clerk of the Grand Rapids Press; that said Grand Rapids Press is a newspaper published and circulated in the County of Kent, and the attached notice has been duly published in said newspaper on the following dates: February 04, 2010 Customer Name: CONSUMERS ENERGY S ryl L DeVriendt Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of February A.D. 2010 Folios ---' Diane F. Fase NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT. STATE OF MICHIGAN My Commission Expires: February 19,2014 Kf t 1 Times $ 1,383.75 0.00 Affidavit $ - - - - - -Words/Lines 1,383.75 OI~NE: F. FASt; .,0 ary PubliC SrAre of Nf h' CoUiI'ty ~f Kent Ie 19an My Com,miS;Sion Expires: 0;:Y19/2014 Actmg /11 the County of Kent . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION GRAND RAPIDS PRESS GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN IN THE MATTER OF CONSUMERS ENERGY ATTN JAN RIEDE 212 W MICHIGAN AVE RM#M-870 JACKSON MI 49201 Received and filed this 4th day of February A.D. 2010 0003591298 Delphi's 2010 Prius concerns add Judge: ex-CEO "reckless' to Toyota's safety issues g:n :C~S:te~: Battenberg criticized over supplier's forms ye'ii.tt.ru,erg;. an engineer and it was \Inl"easonable to as sume be knew MOt'e about fi.. II)' MARGNU£f CRONIN fiSK aM $T£VEN IW>HA£l $lf.'lt'lMl'itRG~e.ws ~lphi Former Wednesday. In 2006, the U.s. s.curlties and Exchange Cootmission SUE!d Battenberg and other for mer Delphi too:euti~, a!teg~ ing they "engaged in orne or mote fraudulent llCCOlUlting or tlyWSUNKrOE FR£EI"II'ES$WMI4INGf(I~$iAFf WASHINGTON The newedversil'lnofToyota's Pri, m: hybrid has aJl"eady racked up about 140 consumer com~ plaints to U.S. .&.lItety officials about braking and sudden ac celeration since hitting Ute market last year - more than three times the numl:rer of complaints about aU .!laws in the 2009 model. ThO! eotnplaints about Toy ota's touchstone model raise fresh quality CQQC*ms just as the Japanese automaker struggles to deal with the fan out from two recalls alrl!3dy euvering 5.6 millwn vehicles. u.s. safety officials have be gun an informal review.of the complaints. as ha'le I,:Ollnter parls in Japan. Toyota said WiNloosday it was "conftrmi¥tg these :re ports/, and declined to com mlilut further while m invest). gation was u~rVlay, According to a review of federal data hy the Free Press. most of the cOI):lplaints allege a Prim; s.ccet~rated after tta~l- ing over a bump or pothole and didn't immediately respond to the hrake pedaL The f~l complaints link the problem to two injuries and two <:ra.shes, Judy Bart, a 2010 Prius owner front Los Angeles, said her car had suftilrred from. the problem. since she bought it in July. She said even though she's: usually riding t.hfI brakes as sbe trawls over a bumpy downhill slope near her house, the car juDgeS forward before itc.~boo. "One of these day~ SOme one is going to 00 in front of me, and I will have an lle('i· dent,." she said. Bart has. taken her Prius in to the dealer twice. "Tlwy'w CEO J.T. Battal'lblttg 1II was "reckless" in failing to ensure that finan eial forms he signed were accu~ rate. a federal judge said Officials see complaints of lurching former parent. General Mo ton. The eompat\Y emerged from bankruptcy undu the new name (If Delphi Holdings: in October. Four other defendan~ in cluding Paul Free, former Del phi controller and chief .ac~ CQUflting offieer, and John 13labruk,. (onner treasurer, are also seeking dismissal of the ~~ before di5closure the auto parts supplier filed for bankruptcy protection in 2005. The claims Batten berg was responsible for the oompany materially misstat ing its financial condition, "He was reekle$$ in his: fail~ ute" to understand the fo't'lll$ he was signing, U.s. District Judge Avent Cohn said at a hearing in federal CQurt in De troit cn Wednesday on mOo tions to dismisa. the lawsuit by Battenherg and four :remam ing defendantlL "Doesn't he have an obliga sec The totO Toyota Prll,l$ is the subject of about 140 complaints about braking and sudden at.ce/«atiM. U,s. safety offidals MvQ begoo an Wormat revWw of the (OmJIla!nts, as hay* offldaIs in Japan, Deak!IS to get cash for customor service Toyota plans to sendit~deal· ef1 tMcks of \ICI to $75-.000 to: boO$t (Ustomer 5efYke as loyo ta owners pour into deaklrsllills fer the pedal re<aiL Toyotil ttlkI dlWers it will WId the <hKiG durintj the next sw eral days. Mtitlg that tMrf ate "1\0 stri~$ attached," The amounts win range from $7,$00 for dffi1lers who saki 500 (drs last ~r to $15,000 fw ~afers who sold 4,000 '1enides last yMr, said Boo Page. owner of Page foyota in SQuthfieid. saki ~ can't find anything and they can't duplicate it," she said. "YouhaVitwhitJtjust ,.,."Oneowr;erf1'00l ComrnerCi! Township told the National Highway Traff'JC Safety Ad· ministration that he or she could reproduce alurchingina Prius every time acert.in pot.. holewashlt "This has "lroost resulted in the Prius striking the car in front of it It makes it imp<lSSi ble to Imfety judge your bntk~ lug distance in order to come to a safe stop because you nev- Page said too amount may break down to only $4 or $5 per recaUe<! vehide beause the NKall covers (ats datioq to 2005. So it fun taf)k Qf gas Of a gift card for dirmer may IX! out of tlW Q\lestion. 8IJt Page said he Mil ~ offuring customers a gift Wd for coffee.. "No matter now you rut it. roo one likes vrsttjng any repair fiKfflty," Paga said. "Irs time, And!)ellpie don't have time." er know when this phenome non will occur," the owner re p<uud. ThePrlu..;;,oWIler saidaToy. ota dealer iwd responded the car was "within spttdfications ... and wejust have to get used to it." All Priuses, and most hy brids, use some form of regen erativ~ braking that slows tbe whiele in part by having the w.ooels cttarge ita: batteries, in addition to regular brakes. Whenitunveiled tbe Prius last Jur, Toyota said the braking controls had ~n "optimized to enhanCti regeneration." ~tITSA does not re'Ullt$l!l the identities: ofpeuple who file vehicle complaints. Studies have ~ted that NUTSA typieally only receives as few .as 10% of all safety-related complaints owners make. The PriU$ is not coverEd by a Toyota recall of 2.3 million vehicles to fix sticking acceler ator pedals. but is cover-ed as partf)f a recall 0.f5.4 millionvc. hides fOT floor mats that could jam. accderator pedals.- Most or the complaints 00 NHTSA about the Prius' brakes: were madeafterToyota told ownen to remove their fioor mats. The .agency has ~ to open a preliminary evaluation. 1M first step of an investigation that can lead to Ii reeaU. Ja pan's $Iuto safety regulators have opened their own prOOe f(lllowing 14 complaints there. The complaints hWiewed by the Free- Press compare with 42 oompiaints about aU ptOOlems with 2009 Prlu.ses re<."eived byfederal regulators. The 2010 PriU$ was an aU-new IawmrlL The SEC initially sued Del~ phi,whkhsettledin 2006 with~ outadmittinganywrcngdQlng. The SECclaimed Delphi ar tificially inflated share prices by issuing misleading state ments in the ~rs b!ni);U the bankruptcy. NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY CASE NO. U·16191 c..!I:!I_&Itu1rrCnlllpanyIU1~II:I:_~"'.JWOidt ~~Ilf~$17I!1!1lbnOOf!\lal.lJ_amwt_,.. . . . .lI. . MIeIIIlPnPutlkS"O;:'COlOImtsnm~!Is~ An'PICM.WtOEtf1W..tUSIONBlIISlNIlAaCll.blUOtIIMHl$!lMlPal fll.llmjMAYmMB£alIltllAltltlCltfASEGF ..... $nPalI'lAA. ~~lNboIdeel:lfbulll!w~p_III$)'~InIhS_ \'co;IouyQIII ... \IIttt~bltfVJCorup.1l\y,IlnoEnwwI'lllll,~ ~'WOl,ii!Q(i;UNIIl50for.",.t"'dltrapplltllbo_ ... pomm my"'""'\IIlI~lttaQl\lUlld~tIwV;~OfallU Com""~~~i64$~wa"SuiIII1,~H1dIIgM. TbcJliJ!;1:pWIO:~iII ... ftQ1WwII ....!d. ~tt,2Il10,fl~I"'" Tl'4I;~wlllk.~~"i$l1uln Mlti!Vditeil1InlIdId:Ie .... p!'K!IdIn!"'.Ucn, WUoIgaIIPIINo:SlIfIiaI~ ~5~WlJ, . . . , Un~,~ f>lr(inIn51rKiperni'lIMf8lWl1"'~lM bGarinfl:sItJ"~IIotWo!;:~~ - '-~loI/IJat~e~ .... omao:t.tCom",iIMIom'1f.-b1Seem!2J.{511j~t· design. il60II>~~~,"""IIiIy."~OflJl.. -.........,. ICl:IN1ICf.ll.l$flK>t1OE::W29O&B"1040R TM~~~CdMimIn(t.oM~wi!hcIo:IIP\bIit~ !!)_,,* . . .bNart22,2U\$'*fikIbIl~Energy~~ &.mmI._lII;llPJ!fIlJAl1lJ ___ \il.~nII(8IIr;tn:"'tarlDpr!Nll:illlkllIIotQI Consumer reaction _.,ilpp'UI....,$I,.~..".wfllr_~IIII, ~&'<tf0"~lItttnllitho;m~(I)N~ ~looIWt;{4~irmtrMmll!~¥Iiit1~IlcI&llft.Illmtu&n Some buyers worry about vehicles, but others shrug off controversy B~ BRENT SNAYaY. GREG CARDN£R ...... JEWUc:OPWAN:I: FRfi:I'IIESSBtJS1NESSW1\l:TERS Kathieen Kazanovicrt of El Dorado, Ark., bought a 2010 Toyota Highlanderin Noyem~ ber $(I she could take her 10 grandchildren to fun places.. Now, she1s not sure it's safe ta drive it. H€ r 2010 Highlander emssover is among the 2.3 million vehicles aJfl?'eted by Toyota's N;CaIl for aceelera~ tor pedals that oould be de fective. "I'tnstilldrivingit. But ... it worries me," Kazanoviez. said, Kazano'lic..: concerneQ [email protected]. Transpurla don Secretary Ray LaHood's confusing remarks un Wednesday about the various: Toyota re('aJls. LaHood said owners of 5.6 million recalled Toyotas should stop driving them un~ til they could be fixed. He lat er recanted portion of hie statement. Kristina Costanm, 29", of Buffalo, N.Y" sakf her 2008 Matrix has suddenly aec~er~ ated Mlveral t:im€s and said the recJAll& should be expan ded, Her vehicle is one mode.! year too oid to qualifyfor TOY~ ""«. ota's repair to fix possibly sticky gas pedals. ~I just don't feel like I'm protected as a consumer," Costa(lUl said. The first time the acceler ation happened, Costanw had thecruise control on dur~ ing a long drive on an inter staUi highway, "ThEre was a definite ac celeratkm issue," she said. "It was jq,~t kind of alarming. You don't expeet your car to accel~ate with this fucce when you didn't ttruch it... Remy Nguyen said he bought a Toyota Corolla for his wife after initially consid ering a Honda Civic. G!t's ,.. the worst buyer's relOOtSe I ever had," Nguyen said in an a-mail to the Free PrMs. ment to get the car Ris today wife has an appointfixed in Cosb Me~a. Caiif., but be questions whether tbe real problem has been identi "This is all politics," said Me; Mustafa, owner of Ad~ vance Au.to Service in War ren. where he is trying to sen Ii 2010 Toyota Camry and is ruing another he intends to sell. "[ have no problem buying another Camry right now,o said Mustafa, who note4 that Toyota's sales were down in January. "'this is working perfect for other car manufacturers." he said. Mike Ciccone, 57, ofCbar lottes,ville, Va" agrees. "r think the whole thing is geUing out of control, in terms of hysteria," said Cic cone, who owns. two T(lYot.a Carnrys that are older than ~ recalled Camrys. "The whole thing is just b~ing blown out of proportion." But for Toyota owners like Barbara Waiton. of BQiUng Springs. N.C., the issue isn't hystJrria -it'sreality. WaU.un's 2008 Toyota Pri us t-ook off last October on a highway n€ a r Murrells Inlet, S.C, Her- hushand, Grover, who was driving, brought the car under control but not until the rear brakes: caught fire. Her PriusW1\scoveradbya floor mat recall, but is not eli gible for a gas pedal repair. ~We have not had another incideot since October;" Bar bara Walton said. ~Myfearis whatiiI>m$top~atatramc light ;)00 a group of school~ children is crossing?" "OONT"CfI'l1lE.nfSI'IA¥UY:J13-n2~511 OR 8SW.111'l_RUI'RESSalM ~F'~~~::,:.~~:;:;:~~~~~11 fi~. "I stilt don't trust Toyota exeeutives. Whateisewtll pop up?" Nguy-en ~id. But not all customers ars shaken by the nationwide mit dia blitz about Toyru's prob lems, which has spilled ave!" into late-night bIle showl! and the Internet. 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