Council of the European Union Brussels, 9 March 2017 6710/17 Interinstitutional File: 2008/0035 (COD) JUR 105 MI 161 ENT 45 CONSOM 61 SAN 76 ECO 12 ENV 195 CHIMIE 16 CODEC 269 LEGISLATIVE ACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS: CORRIGENDUM/RECTIFICATIF Subject: Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products (recast) (Official Journal of the European Union L 342 of 22 December 2009) LANGUAGE concerned: SL PROCEDURE APPLICABLE (according to Council document R/2521/75): — Procedure 2(b) (obvious error in one language version) This text has also been transmitted to the European Parliament. TIME LIMIT for the observations by Member States: 8 days OBSERVATIONS to be notified to: [email protected] (DQL Rectificatifs, Directorate Quality of Legislation, Legal Service) 6710/17 EN PRILOGA POPRAVEK Uredbe (ES) št. 1223/2009 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 30. novembra 2009 o kozmetičnih izdelkih (Uradni list Evropske unije L 342 z dne 22. decembra 2009) Strani 128 do 284, Priloga III, naslovna vrstica tabele, četrti stolpec: besedilo: „Številka ES“ se glasi: „Številka CAS“; Strani 128 do 284, Priloga III, naslovna vrstica tabele, peti stolpec: besedilo: „Številka EC“ se glasi: „Številka ES“. 6710/17 PRILOGA 1 SL
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