Huawei HCPA-Telepresence and Videoconferencing-ENU H19-306-ENU Practice Exam

Exam Code: H19-306-ENU
Exam Name: HCPA-Telepresence and Videoconferencing
Q & A: 201 Q&As
Happy New Year. At Killtest, you can get 28% off on all products from Dec.27, 2017 to Jan.20,
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The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. Exam
: H19-306-ENU
: Huawei Certified Pre-sales
Specialist -Telepresence &
Version : DEMO
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. 1. The anti-packet loss capability supported by the RP is ().
A. 0.05
B. 0.1
C. 0.15
D. 0.2
Answer: D
2. RP Multifunction Telepresence can connect the power and network cable through the outlet hole under
the device.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
3. The features of SMC/SC include: (Multiple Choice)
A. Meeting Management
B. Resource Management
C. GK/SIP Server
D. Public-private network crossing
E. Equipment Management
F. Third-party integrated docking
Answer: ABCDEF
4.The ability of TE40/50 MiniMCU is ().
A. 4V+3A
B. 6V+3A
C. 9V+3A
Answer: B
5. Which of the following models do not have built-in GK?
A. VP9630
B. VP9650
C. VP9660
D. VP8650
Answer: C
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