Back pain treatment options If you have back pain, then you should seek for back pain treatment options. Lower back pain can be is a common problem between people within the age 30 and 50. The discomfort can be ongoing or chronic. Some of the causes of the back pain include spinal abnormalities, spinal stenosis, nerve irritation and slipped disk. Treatment options for back pain vary depending on the cause of the condition. Read on to find more about the back strain treatment. Rest One of the back pain treatment options is the rest of the back. In doing so, it will help counter the pain. You may be required to reduce your activity level for a few days. You should lie on your back and place a pillow under your knees. Using the pillow between your knees will help you place your back in a neutral position. You can also opt to lie on the floor with your knees are 90 degrees. It is not advisable that you rest for long time. Most of the lower back pain will resolve within a few days. Avoid longer periods of inactivity since they can weaken your muscles. Heat or ice Using heat or ice will give you pain relief for back pain. Heat and ice packs will reduce the pain and increase mobility. You should put a bag of ice on a towel to help protect your skin. The ice pack will help reduce the inflammation. You can use the ice everyday for 20 minutes. Switch to the heat after a few days of using the cod treatment. Use a warm bath or heating pad. Make sure that you turn off the heating pad before you go to sleep. Over the counter medications You can also use over the counter medications. Some of the medications that you can use are ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen to reduce the swelling and pain. However, it may not alleviate al the symptoms of the back pain. If the symptoms still persist, you should call your back and neck specialist near me to help to provide other treatment options. Prescription medications You can get the best back pain relief by using prescription medications.The doctor can prescribe the medications which you can take to reduce the back pain. Some of the prescriptions are anticonvulsant drugs, codeine and antidepressants. Exercise You need to do exercises it helps heal your back problem. The exercises are an effective way to get relief from the swelling or pain. Exercises will give you pain relief for back pain in over a given period. Some of the exercises that you can do include walking and swimming. Such exercise will help reduce weight which is one of the causes of lower back pain. The above are just some of the exercises that you can do. You can also use lower back pain relief medicine to reduce the back pain problem. You do not have sleepless nights due to back strain when you can treat it with any of the above options. Pain Treatment Specialist 41 Park Ave Unit 1, New York, NY 10016 (646) 904-8873 Social Media Pages GooglePlus
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