Advertising Using Effective Article Marketing Approach Today articles are not limited only to print media. Far beyond newspapers, journals and magazine’s articles are spreading all over online websites and web pages. While regular surfing activities you must have noticed impressive contents on websites. These catchy articles might spur you to read the whole page again and again. These articles improve site ranking on search engine, web traffic and provide immense source of advertising information. The traditional concept of marketing from Online Advertising Agency was narrow one and it gives importance only to buying and selling activities within the preview of marketing. At the same time the modern concept of marketing stipulates that the company should be organized totally around marketing function, anticipating, stipulating and meeting customer’s needs and wants. This can further give more emphasis on consumer research, consumer welfare and fulfillment of social responsibilities. Although profits are the motive of business, the new marketing concept of Digital Marketing Agency aims profit through consumer satisfaction. The main objective behind an impressive and unique concept of Digital Marketing Agency Durban is to increase number of visitors and readers on web site. Article marketing widely consist articles about new product launches, features and characteristics of products, importance and users, etc. This marketing technique followed by Digital Marketing Agency South Africa favors to improve sales and profits by making publicity of products and technologies. Online media and marketing via articles help an enterprise to create a strong brand image, goodwill in market and absolute product demand. Unlike online media all other options like print media, television media and vocal media have limited scope and budget. Reaching articles providing sites facilitates free access entire population, which is familiar to internet. In addition to content information article based marketing provides discounts and premium on purchase, payment via net banking or debit cum master card, online purchasing facilities, free home delivery and regular after sale services to site visitors and clients. Advantages of Video Marketing There are many people around us who writes content and create video for someone other’s blog instead of themselves and it is called guest posting. There is certain Advantage of Video Marketing and they are as follows: 1) To get traffic to your site you require new readers and these readers can easily be obtained once you create video for some other’s site. But the post should be popular and also be able to get traffic and ranking in SEO. So, writing for others will expose you and your site. 2) Videos from Video Production Company Durban will also give you back links which are helpful to get high ranking in Google’s page rank. This back links will help your site to be among the best ranking sites. 3) the most important thing for any website is to gain traffic. The video marketing will give you readers and high ranking and this both are enough for gaining the traffic. 4) This will make you famous socially and you would be able to build the relations with other bloggers as well. This will allow you to go for conversation with them and indirectly get more subscribers for blog.
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