Circumcision and Member Sensitivity

Circumcision and Member Sensitivity
There’s an old wives’ tale that circumcision can lead to a decreased level of
member sensitivity. The idea is that since the head of the male organ is
exposed instead of covered by foreskin, the tissue becomes harder over time,
leading to a more difficult process of getting hard and then feeling the
pleasure of self or partner stimulation. When Canadian scientists tested the
sensitivity of circumcised and intact male organs to touch, heat and pressure,
they found that having foreskin doesn't increase sensitivity.
What is Circumcision?
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the skin concealing the
tip of the male organ. This action began in antiquity because several
different cultures’ rites and rituals, most notably the Jewish tradition, saw
circumcision as a covenant with good. This practice eventually became a
social norm with doctors now performing the removal when not a part of
religious or cultural custom.
Most commonly, circumcision is done within the first few days of a male
child’s life; however, it can be performed any other time as is sometimes the
necessity due to issues with the foreskin or personal aesthetic preference. In
recent years, there has been a backlash to this long-established process on
the basis that parents should not make a life-long decision about their son’s
male organ and also that the act can be traumatizing.
The Canadian Study
Canadian researchers tested the member sensitivity of 62 males aged 18 to
37. Of the group, half were circumcised at birth while the other half had
their complete foreskins. Now, it’s important to talk about the way
sensitivity was measured. Since intimate relations and self-pleasure are
subjective events that rely on a man’s assumption of his member sensitivity,
the had to create a controlled setting and a tool that, when applied to various
pressure points, gave a sensation which yielded a sensitivity to touch
outcome. After that, these men were also tested by other sensations such as
warmth, heat, and pressure.
The researchers found that there were no significant differences in sensation
between men who had circumcised male organs and those that did not. This
information challenges the belief that circumcision negatively impacts
member sensitivity, at least in a controlled environment. The researchers do
contend that intimate relations with a partner may have other results since
there is additional movement, lubrication, and psychological feelings at
Ways to Increase Member sensitivity
There are ways to increase and maintain sensitivity if a man does feel his
member sensitivity is suffering from circumcision or just the wear and tear
of daily life. Smoking can have a negative effect on member sensitivity, so if
a man is smoking, he should stop as soon as possible or at least reduce his
current habit. Also, occasionally airing out the male organ (i.e. going nude
from the waist down, but in the privacy of one’s home or nudist colony),
also gives it a chance to reacquaint with the air and remove itself from the
constriction of pants and underwear. Ditching skinny jeans for straight leg is
also sensitivity enhancer, if not a smart fashion choice.
Another way to maintain sensitivity is to keep the delicate member skin soft
and strong. Rough patches can rob a man of sensitivity as can friction burn
which can cause peripheral nerve damage, significantly decreasing member
sensitivity. Do this by moisturizing daily or more often with a specially
formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend
Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin)
to soften skin with natural emollients and vitamins, while protecting the skin
from nerve damage with the addition of L-Carnitine which specifically
protects against that sensitivity stealer.