Looking at Tweets and Male Organ Function

Looking at Tweets and Male Organ
That social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives is news to
exactly no one. It is likely that every person reading this tweets or reads
tweets, likes or dislikes posts, and shares pictures using one social media
platform or another. Social media does not, per se, have a direct link to male
organ health; however, as arguably the main medium for self-expression and
public communication in contemporary times, social media is a rich field for
exploring attitudes toward everything, including sensuality and sensual
health. In fact, a new scientific study is one of the first to take a look at
social media tweets and male organ function.
The study
The study, about the sentiment analysis of tweets as a new tool to measure
public perception of male tumescence and seed-releasing dysfunctions, was
conducted by a team of Italian doctors and psychiatrists. It has been
published in a medical journal about sensual medicine.
Sentiment analysis refers to a kind of analysis that aims to summarize the
opinion toward a topic. For this study, the researchers wanted to see what
kind of opinion tweets revealed about tumescence dysfunction and about
early seed release, two common male organ function issues.
Initially, 11,000 tweets on early seed release and more than 30,000 on
tumescence dysfunction were gathered. (These were unique tweets, not
including retweets.) Further purging of duplicates left scientists with 7,020
early seed release tweets and 22,648 tweets on tumescence dysfunction.
(This broke down to an average of 51 tweets daily on early seed release and
164 daily on tumescence dysfunction.)
The scientists stated that they conducted this study “to assess the need to
share personal opinions on these sensual health problems and to measure the
perception by the general population on two important aspects of sensual
dysfunction.” Surprisingly, in spite of the fact that early seed release is
significantly more common than is tumescence dysfunction (about 20% to
30% of men for the former versus 15% to 20% for the latter), the number of
tweets on tumescence dysfunction outnumbered those on early seed release
by about 3 to 1.
In both cases, however, the words in the tweets were most often about
treatments for each of these male organ function issues. One interesting
finding is that, judging by tweets, the availability of pharmacological
treatment for early seed release is far less known than that for dysfunction.
In other words, among tweeters at least, many know about “little blue
tablets” but don’t seem to realize that some other medications have been
shown to help lengthen seed release times in some patients.
The study was not able to provide a quantifiable sentimental analysis,
largely because many of the words used in the tweets could be classified as
either depicting a sensual act or of a common expletive; this dual meaning
impacts the study’s interpretive ability to a significant degree.
Interestingly, there did seem to be a connection between number of tweets
and events during the news cycle, suggesting an increase in activity on social
media corresponding to stories available in or on other media. In other
words, when a news outlet or TV program featured male organ function
challenges, it bumped their tweet status online.
Many tweets on social media about male organ function discuss treatments
or medical breakthroughs. Maintaining adequate male organ health can be a
factor as well, so men are well advised to daily apply a first-rate male organ
health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is
clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not just any crème will do, of
course; men are urged to find one that lists among its ingredients vitamin B5
and L-arginine. The former is one of the B family of vitamins; known also as
pantothenic acid, it is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and
the maintenance of healthy tissue. In addition, L-arginine is an amino acid
that aids the body’s production of nitric oxide; this in turn makes male organ
blood vessels more receptive to increased blood flow and expansion.