Cristiano Ronaldo Jr

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. Age, Birthday
Facts and Birthday Countdown
9 years, 2 months, 11 days old age Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. will turn 10 on 17 June,
2020. Only 9 months, 19 days, 5 hours, 31 minutes has left for his next birthday.
Cristianinho Ronaldo Jr. has celebrated the total number of 9 birthdays
till date. See the analysis by days count and bar graph.
Short Biography
Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. (Cristianinho) was born on 17-06-2010 in San Diego in the
state of California, United States. He is an American Media Personality & son of
world famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo & an unidentified mother.
Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. Complete Bio & Career
Cristianinho Ronaldo Jr. was born to superstar footballer Cristianinho
Ronaldo and is his biggest son. He himself is a talented footballer and has
more often than not showed his skills in front of media. He like his father
started playing football from a very young age by playing for a small
Spanish football club called Club de Fútbol Pozuelo de Alarcón.
He rose to prominence after Cristiano Ronaldo posted a picture of him
holding his 2 trophies which he won for scoring goals in the Pichichi and
the Copa 2017 tournament. He is mostly seen accompanying his father at
various events and his football matches. He was seen with his father’s exgirlfriend Irina Shayk, at the FIFA Ballon d'Or 2013. He is also seen with
his father’s current girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez.