DESERT/MOUNTAIN SPECIAL EDUCATION LOCAL PLAN AREA APPENDIX B 17800 HIGHWAY 18 ● APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 ● (760) 242-6333 ● (760) 242-5363/6339 FAX Prior Written Notice Template Provided to Parent Prior to District Initiation or Refusal Regarding Change of Identification, Evaluation, Educational Placement, or Provisions of a Free Appropriate Public Education Student Name: Date of Birth: Date: This Notice is the inform the parent(s) of the above-named student regarding the school district’s: PROPOSAL TO INITIATE OR CHANGE THE: Identification Evaluation Educational Placement Provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education This notice includes a description of the proposed action, an explanation of why the district proposed to take this action, a description of any other options considered and the reasons why those options were rejected, and other factors that are relevant in this proposal. Your written permission must be given before we assess your child to determine his/her eligibility. You have the right to be famliar with the assessment procedures and types of tests that may be given to your child. After the assessment is completed, you will be notified in writing of a meeting to discuss the results of the evaluation and to make recommendations discussed at this meeting without your written consent. If your child is found eligible for special education services, a full range of program options will be discussed. REFUSAL OF YOUR REQUEST TO INITIATE OR CHANGE THE: Identification Evaluation Educational Placement Provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education This notice includes a decription of actions being refused, an explanation of why the district refused to take this action, a description of any other options that were considered and the reasons why those options were rejected, and other factors that are relevant to this refusal. Description of the proposed or refused action: Reason(s) for the proposed or refused action: Description of evaluation procedures, tests, records, or reports used in deciding to propose or refuse this action: Description of other options considered and reasons for rejecting them: Other factors relevant to the proposal or refusal: YOU HAVE PROTECTIONS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARD PROVISIONS. PLEASE REFER TO THE ENCLOSED NOTICE OF PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THESE RIGHTS. For further information about your rights or the proposed action and/or referral, contact: District Contact Name: Position/Title: Contact Phone: E-mail Address: DESERT/MOUNTAIN SELPA POLICY CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX B New 3/13 APPENDIX B.1 SAMPLE PWN ASSESSMENT: PROPOSAL TO INITIATE / CHANGE IDENTIFICATION Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Assessment: Proposal to Initiate or Change the Identification Re: Jane Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, Pursuant to 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 300.503, the District is required to provide written notice to you whenever it proposes to begin or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of your child or the provision of FAPE to your child. The District is proposing to conduct an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education for your child, Jane Doe, Date of Birth: 01/00/00. The evaluation process starts with a review of information that the District already knows about Jane. Following this review, the evaluation team may need to collect additional information in order to determine eligibility for special education and related services. Your consent will be required before the District can conduct additional assessments or place Jane in a special education program. As you know, the District Teacher Assistance Team (TAT) has been working with you and Jane’s teacher to increase her reading ability. The District considered strategies used during the TAT intervention process, which included such things as specific practice on sound-letter relationships, phonemic awareness, and part-to-whole decoding. However, in spite of our joint efforts, Jane has not been making adequate progress in acquiring basic reading skills. The proposed special education evaluation for Jane will begin with a review of what the District knows about her current reading status, learning modes, and general aptitude. We have considered waiting until April in order to give Jane more time to catch on; however, we feel that waiting would likely place her further behind. Your written permission must be given before the District can assess your child to determine eligibility. You have the right to be familiar with the assessment procedures and types of tests that may be given to your child. After the assessment is completed, you will be notified in writing of a meeting to discuss the results of the evaluation and to make recommendations. Your input is vital to this discussion and you will be included in the decisions regarding any special education eligibility. If your child is found eligible for special education services, a full range of program options will be discussed. If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Assessment: Proposal to Initiate or Change Identification Page 2 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 We look forward to working with you and Jane. Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS TRANSITION SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN1-ASSESS APPENDIX B.2 SAMPLE PWN INDEPENDENT EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION (IEE) Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: District Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) dated Date of IEE Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/11/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This letter is in response to your letter that I received on Date District Received Letter, in which you stated you disagreed with the School District’s assessment on Date of Assessment of an initial evaluation of a Multidisciplinary Psycho-educational Evaluation on your child, Johnny Doe, Date of Birth: 01/11/00. Please consider this, the District’s response to your request under 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Sections 300.502 and California Education Code Section 56329(b). Under California Education Code Section 56329(c), the District will be exercising its right to a due process hearing pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 56500) to show that its assessment is appropriate. The District is refusing your request for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) based on the fact that the District evaluation was comprehensive and appropriate. The assessment included all the components of a comprehensive evaluation required by state regulations, including information provided by the parent or primary caregiver (if the student is younger than 18 years of age). Information regarding Johnny’s current classroom performance (observations and assessments), and the observations of his/her teachers and other providers of instructional or educational services were also included. Johnny’s primary language, racial, and ethnic background were considered prior to selection and interpretation of evaluation procedures and measures. All assessment procedures measure a limited sample of a person’s total repertoire. The selected measures should only be interpreted within the limits of their measured validity. Summary of assessment(s) including results of the child’s progress in the general education curriculum and instructional implications were reviewed to ensure progress. Additionally, educational history was based on a review of Johnny’s records and parent information. Developmental information was provided through a social and developmental form that was completed by Parent/Guardian. Tests/inventories completed: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning – 2nd Edition, (WRAML-2) Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement – 3rd Edition, (WJ-III) Test of Auditory Processing Skills – 3rd Edition, (TAPS-III) Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration – 5th Edition, (VMI-5) PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) Page 2 of 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills – 3rd Edition, (TVPS-3) Connors’ 3-Parent Short Connors’ 3-Teachers Short The Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale – 3rd Edition: Home Version, (ADDES-3 HV) The Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale – 3rd Edition: School Version, (ADDES-3 SV) Behavior Assessment System for Children, 2nd Edition – (BASC-2) Parent Rating Scales-Adolescent: (PRS-A [Ages 12-21]) Teacher Rating Scales-Adolescent (TRS-A [Ages 12-21]) The District psychologist who assessed your child has 13 years of experience and is qualified to complete psycho-educational evaluations per California Department of Education. Your statement that your child is failing to make expected progress toward the initial IEP goals is premature as the goals are expected to be met by the next annual IEP, which does not take place until Date Next Annual IEP and the fact that on Date IEP Meeting an IEP was held to adjust his academic placement based on a review of his progress at the time. You have protections under state and federal procedural safeguard provisions. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Procedural Safeguards for an explanation of these rights. For further information about your rights or the proposed action and/or referral, contact Contact Person name at Contact Number, Address School District Office and/or Location. Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN2-IEE SAMPLE PWN PARENT REQUEST TO INITIATE OR CHANGE IEP APPENDIX B.3 Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Parent Request to Initiate or Change Identification Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, The District is in receipt of your letter dated February 1, 2008 requesting that a one-to-one-aide be assigned to your child Johnny Doe, Date of Birth: 01/00/00. Please consider this the District’s response to your request under 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 300.300 and 300.503. The District is denying your request to assign a one-to-one aide to Johnny at this time. Based on the information below, we believe that Johnny does not require a one-to-one aide in order to benefit from his educational program. In reaching this decision, the District considered the following information: Special Circumstances Instructional Assistance (SCIA) Evaluation conducted in November of 2007, a SCIA Evaluation Report dated 12/2/07, Johnny’s first semester report card and progress report, his IEP dated 10/31/07, as well as his triennial psycho-educational report dated 5/31/07. Also, during the 12/14/07 IEP meeting, the team considered assigning a classroom aide during Johnny’s math and science courses, which are the only courses he is having difficulty. The team discussed the possible reasons for Johnny’s difficulty in these classes: failure to turn in homework and missing quizzes due to asthma attacks and leaving school early to visit his grandparents. The team added a goal for homework completion and an accommodation to permit Johnny to take quizzes he misses due to asthma attacks. Therefore, the team determined that the new goal and accommodation would address his difficulties in math and science, whereas adding an aide to these classes would likely cause Johnny to revert to his negative behaviors that he displayed last year and increase his dependence on an adult to socialize and communicate appropriately with his peers. The District also considered that when an aide was assigned to Johnny last school year, his negative behaviors increased (inappropriately touching classmates and yelling out answers during classroom instruction). Johnny was overly dependent upon his aide for initiating games and conversations with his peers and resisted volunteering in class. Since the beginning of the school year, when he started School Name without an aide, Johnny initiates games and conversations with only one verbal prompt by the recess aide and appropriately raises his hand during class to respond to questions with the teacher and classroom aide using only 2 visual prompts. PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Parent Request to Initiate or Change IEP Page 2 If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN3-PARENTREQUEST SAMPLE PWN UNILATERAL PLACEMENT & REIMBURSEMENT APPENDIX B.4 Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Unilateral Placement and Reimbursement Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This letter is in response to your request for reimbursement of privately obtained clinic-based speech and language services in the amount of $2,800, and removal of your child, Johnny Doe, Date of Birth: 01/00/00, from the school district program to place him in the CARD Program for 40 hours per week. Please consider this the District’s response to your request under 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 300.500 and 300.503. The District is denying your request because it does not believe changing Johnny’s program will help him receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The placement and services offered by the District at Johnny’s IEP meeting on February 5, 2007, meet his educational needs in the least restrictive environment. In order for Johnny to accomplish his goals and objectives, generalize his skills he learns in the half-day kindergarten special day class (SDC), and to better prepare him for first grade, Johnny requires both a half-day kindergarten SDC and a half-day general education kindergarten class, rather than a one-to-one in-home program like the one provided by CARD. The District considered the Regional Center assessment report dated June of 2006, the private speech therapist’s progress reports dated from October 2007 to the present, the District assessment reports in the areas of speech and language, academics and psycho-education dated January 15, 2007, the report of the private speech and language therapist dated April of 2007, as well as the December 2007 observations of Johnny by the school psychologist and speech therapist while he received services by his private speech therapist. The District considered reimbursement for the privately obtained speech therapy services for Johnny, but decided against doing so because the private speech therapist did not address any of the goals in his IEP and Johnny made progress towards his speech and pragmatic goals worked on by the District school speech therapist before Johnny started to receiving the private speech therapy services during the summer of 2007. Because Johnny is making substantial progress toward all of his goals and objectives and an in-home program would not help him towards generalizing the skills he learns during the school day or help him sustain his friendships at school, all of which will better prepare him for first grade, the District does not PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Unilateral Placement & Reimbursement Page 2 believe changing Johnny’s program will help him receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. You have protections under state and federal procedural safeguard provisions. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Procedural Safeguards for an explanation of these rights. If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN4-UNILATERALREQ1 APPENDIX B.5 SAMPLE PWN CHANGE IN LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT / PLACEMENT Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Change in Least Restrictive Environment/Placement Re: Jane Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, The District is proposing that your child, Jane Doe, Date of Birth: 01/00/00, be considered for placement in the Learning Disability (LD) self-contained program at School/Program Name for the 2012-2013 school year. Pursuant to Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 300.503, the District is required to provide written notice to you whenever it proposes to begin or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of your child or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to your child. The LD self-contained classroom is a smaller class with a lower teacher-student ratio that provides a more structured academic routine. The class, located at Location of School/Program, is closest to where your child currently attends school and will continue to develop and expand your child’s educational opportunities. Based upon this year’s progress of IEP goals, a more intense academic program is recommended for Jane. The self-contained program will provide a smaller classroom setting and a paraprofessional that assists the teacher in working with students individually or in small groups. When special education placement requires a student to change to a different school, we honor least restrictive environment by placing in the school closest to your home. Moving your child out of special education is not recommended at this time because the District is able to meet Jane’s unique needs in our special education program. We feel that the extra service provided in the self-contained setting will allow Jane to progress at a faster rate in closing his deficits in reading and math. You have protections under state and federal procedural safeguard provisions. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Procedural Safeguards for an explanation of these rights. If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Change in Least Restrictive Environment / Placement Page 2 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN5-LRE SAMPLE PWN CHANGE OF PLACEMENT APPENDIX B.6 Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Change of Placement Re: Johnny Smith; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This letter is in response to your request that the District fund and place your child, Johnny Smith, Date of Birth: 01/00/00, at Name of School, a residential school in State/City. Please consider this the District’s response to your request under 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Section 300.500 and 300.503. Based on the information described below, your son does not require such a restrictive type of placement. In fact, he has made progress toward his goals, is appropriately interacting with his peers and school staff, and is on track to graduate with his peers this June. In reaching this decision, the District reviewed your child’s assessments, class work, transcription, recent IEPs and progress reports. In fact, during the April 1, 2011 IEP team meeting, the team heard from your child’s private counselor, classroom teachers and service providers, who all agreed that Johnny is doing well academically, socially and behaviorally at school despite the behavioral issues you are experiencing at home. Also, during the April 1, 2011 IEP team meeting, your child’s IEP team discussed whether a residential placement could be appropriate and it was determined that it would not be least restrictive environment for Johnny. Nor would Johnny be able to interact with non-disabled peers or participate in next month’s senior class events, which we know he has been looking forward to for many months. So even though the District and the IEP team considered other placement options, such as a non-public school as well as a residential school, we continue to believe Johnny will receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment at School, in his current general education classroom with outpatient counseling. As parents of a child with a disability, you are entitled to certain procedural safeguards under the IDEA, including the prior written notice. For your convenience, we have enclosed a copy of these procedural safeguards with this notice. PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Change of Placement Page 2 If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN6-CHANGEINPLACEMENT APPENDIX B.7 SAMPLE PWN CHANGE IN SERVICE PROVIDER Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Change in Service Provider Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/11/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This notice is to inform you of the school District’s decision to change the service provider for the 20132014 school year. The District will be providing occupational therapy (OT) services via the occupational therapy department of the Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). The District was previously using a non-public agency (Horizon Therapies) to provide OT services. The District is making this change in service providers in order to provide quality OT services to our students. The Desert/Mountain SELPA Occupational Therapists (OT) and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTA) are a geographically local department who will be able to provide quality services to our students. Therapists from the previous provider were traveling from the Riverside area. The District does not have an in-house occupational therapist. The District has reviewed and evaluated the various options available as vendors to provide occupational therapy services to our students. We believe the Desert/Mountain SELPA occupational therapy department will fit the bill. The service provider on your child’s current IEP will be changed internally to reflect the change in service provider from NPA to DMSELPA for occupational therapy effective July 1, 2013. This letter serves as the District’s prior written notice which requires the District to notify parents whenever it is proposing to change, or refuse the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of your child or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to your child. If you disagree with the District’s change in service provider, or if you have other questions about your PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Change in Service Provider Page 2 of 2 rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN7-CHANGEINPROVIDER APPENDIX B.8 SAMPLE PWN PARENT REVOCATION OF CONSENT TO SPECIAL EDUCATION & RELATED SERVICES Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Parent Revocation of Consent to Special Education and Related Services Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This letter is in response to your letter dated Date, in which you revoked consent for your child, Johnny Doe, to receive special education and related services from the Name of School District. Please consider this the District’s response to your request under 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Sections 300.300 and 300.503. Based on the receipt of your revocation of consent, the District will discontinue all special education and related services for Johnny on Service End Date. After that date, Johnny will no longer receive the educational supports contained in his/her Date of Last IEP Individualized Education Program, which include, but are not limited to: List placement, services, accommodations, modifications, and supports, including behavioral supports child will no longer receive. Beginning on Date Student Will Start in General Education, Johnny will be placed in description of General Education placement. At that time, Johnny Smith will have access to list any supports, accommodations and/or opportunities made available outside of special education. Please be advised that after Date Prior to Start Date for Student in General Education, Johnny will be served entirely through a general education setting and will no longer be entitled to the special education and related services and protections provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related provisions in the California Education Code. Johnny will be treated as a student in general education in all respects, including discipline (testing, and graduation, if appropriate). As a result, Johnny’s disability will not be taken into consideration when determining appropriate disciplinary action and he/she will not be entitled to the IDEA’s discipline protections. Therefore, we encourage you to consider the possible consequences of removing your child from special education and related services. Your revocation of consent for special education and related services releases the District from liability for providing your child with a free appropriate public education. If, in the future, you would like your child to receive special education and related services from the District, please contact us. The District will treat such a request as a request for an initial evaluation. The District would like to meet with you on Proposed Meeting Date with Parent to discuss your decision and its potential impacts. However, you are not obligated to meet with us and any meeting will not delay the discontinuation of special education and related services to your child. Please contact my office at 1Area Code + Phone Number to confirm you will attend the meeting. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not wish to meet. PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE RE: Parent Revocation of Consent for Special Education & Related Services Page 2 of 2 I have enclosed a copy of Johnny’s Date of Last IEP IEP for your reference, as well as a copy of the District’s parental rights and procedural safeguards. Please feel free to contact me at the number provided above with any questions you may have at this time. You may also contact the California Department of Education with your questions at P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento, CA 94244-2720. Thank you for your time and careful consideration in this matter. Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Name of Director Title/Position ENCLOSURES: PARENT WRITTEN REVOCATION OF CONSENT NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS COPY OF LAST IEP J:/MANUALS/P&NMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN8-REVCONSENT APPENDIX B.9 SAMPLE PWN STUDENT EXITS FROM SPECIAL EDUCATION: STUDENT NO LONGER QUALIFIES FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Student Exits from Special Education: Student No Longer Qualifies for Special Education Re: Johnny Smith; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, Under the Individuals with Education Act (IDEA), a student must be re-evaluated at least every three years to determine his/her continued eligibility for special education and related services. This is also known as a triennial review. This re-evaluation process starts with a review of all existing data that the District already knows about your child, Johnny. Based on the existing data determined to be sufficient by the IEP team to re-determine your child’s continued eligibility, he no longer qualifies for special education and related services. Federal law requires that the District provide written notice to parents anytime it proposes to begin or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of your child or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to your child. Johnny’s determination for continued eligibility as a student with a disability is due January 26, 2013. Based on the existing data determined to be sufficient by the team to re-determine Johnny’s eligibility, the team found that he no longer meets the criteria for specific learning disability in reading and writing nor does he qualify for any other disability category. The team reviewed all existing data and also determined that the testing from a prior evaluation completed in January 2010 was still current. Johnny’s achievement data from his most recent AIMS scores, current school year’s grades, progress reports, input and feedback from the special education and general education teachers, along with sample of his work in the areas of reading and writing were also reviewed and considered. The data indicates Johnny has demonstrated marked achievement in the areas of reading and writing. He is fully included in the regular class and has been receiving minimal support from the special education teacher. His achievement scores and grade reports indicate he is now performing at grade level. Both of Johnny’s teachers feel he is able to maintain progress without special education services. If you disagree with the District’s proposal to initiate or change the identification of your child, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Student Exits from Special Education - Student No Longer Qualifies for Special Education Page 2 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN9-EXITSE APPENDIX B.9 SAMPLE PWN STUDENT EXITS SPECIAL EDUCATION – GRADUATE WITH A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Date Parent/Guardian Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Student Exits Special Education - Graduate with a High School Diploma Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/00/00 Dear Parent/Guardian Name, The District is pleased to inform you that your child, Johnny Doe, Date of Birth: 01/00/00 is on track to earn a high school diploma and graduate on May 26, 2012. The purpose of this letter, along with extending our sincere congratulations on Johnny’s expected high school graduation, is also to provide prior written notice pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations Section 300.503, that upon graduation, your child will no longer receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As you may know, when a student graduates from high school with a regular diploma, he/she is no longer entitled to special education or services under the IDEA; nor is the school district legally obligated to continue providing such services to a student with disabilities after high school graduation. Johnny’s IEP team has determined that Johnny is on track to satisfy all requirements for high school graduation, as well as complete or substantially complete his IEP goals, by the end of this school term, based on the following information: For example, grades, class work, test scores, high school IEPs, assessment reports, CAHSEE results, transition plan, etc. The IEP team considered other options, for example, not awarding a high school diploma at this time and continuing to provide special education and related services to Johnny. However, those options were rejected, as Johnny is currently on track to earn a regular high school diploma and he is making progress towards his IEP goals and transition plan. As required by the IDEA, the IEP team previously held a meeting on December 1, 2011 regarding this change of placement, and determined that it is appropriate to award Johnny with a high school diploma, thereby ending his eligibility for special education and related services. As such, District will no longer be providing your child with special education and/or related services, effective May 26, 2012. Under the IDEA, the District is required to provide you with a summary of Johnny’s academic achievement and functional performance, as well as recommendations to assist Johnny in meeting his post-secondary goals. Please find the information in the enclosed document. The District and IEP team have thoroughly enjoyed working with you and your child. We recognize Johnny’s hard work and hope that you are both proud of this great accomplishment. However, if you disagree with the decision to graduate your child from high school with a regular diploma and exit him PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE Re: Student Exits Special Education - Graduate with a High School Diploma Page 2 from special education, or if you have other questions about your rights under the IDEA, please consult the enclosed IDEA procedural safeguards. You may also contact the following agencies for assistance: California Department of Education 1430 N. Street, Suite 2401 Sacramento, CA 95814-5901 and/or Desert/Mountain Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) 17800 Highway 18 Apple Valley, CA 92307 We wish Johnny continued success in his future. Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURES: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS TRANSITION SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN9-GRADHS APPENDIX B.9 SAMPLE PWN EXIT SPECIAL EDUCATION EXCEEDS AGE ELIGIBILTIY REQUIREMENT Date of District Notice Parent/Guardian Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Subject: Exit Special Education - Exceeds Age Eligibility for Special Education Services Re: Johnny Doe; DOB: 01/11/00 Dear Parent/Guardian, This is to notify you that you on June 30, 2013, your child, Johnny Doe, will no longer qualify for special education and related services due to exceeding the age eligibility requirements under law. Based on C.F.R. Section 300.503(a), the District is required to provide you with written notice whenever it proposes or refuses to begin or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of your child or the provision of a free appropriate public education to your child. Under federal law, students with disabilities are entitled to special education and related services until the end of the school year following his/her 21st birthday or, whenever the student accepts a diploma – whichever comes first. Johnny will turn 22 on June 30, 2013, at which time, all special education and related services will be terminated. The District will no longer be responsible for future educational costs for Johnny [E.C. § 56026(c)(4)(d)]. A summary of performance is attached to assist your child as he/she moves from high school. The summary of performance outlines Johnny’s academic achievement and how he functions in activities of daily living. The summary of performance also includes recommendations about how to assist Johnny in meeting his/her post school goals. You have protections under state and federal procedural safeguard provisions. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Procedural Safeguards for an explanation of these rights. For further information about your rights or the proposed action and/or referral, contact Contact Person name at Contact Number, Address School District Office and/or Location. Sincerely, Name Title/Position ENCLOSURE: NOTICE OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS J:/MANUALS/P&PMANUAL/CHAPT7-PWN9-EXITSE-AGEOUT
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