HERALD STATESMAN. YONKERS. N.Y., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1962 13, 1879. a son of the late George and Marianne Adams Karlan. He came to this country in 1900 and married Anna Jesonls | in 1901 in Long Island. She died MRS. EMANUEL SCHREINER | the Yonkers Auxiliary of the He-; several years ago. I brew Home for the Aged. He was a member of the Widow of Tailor , Surviving are two daughters, i American Lithuanian Citizens' Mrs. Regina Glasberg Schreincr of 30 Post St. died yesterday Mrs. Morris (Lillian) Geller of Club in Yonkers. Surviving are a son. Julian of at Mount Vernon Hospital after Yonkers and Mrs. Echio (Esther! a long illness. She svas in her Rand of Israel: a son, Samuel of Yonkers; four daughters, Mrs. late 70s and was the widow of Middlctown. Conn.; and five \ Harry (Marianne* Buros of Newburgh. Mrs. Joseph (Anna) Emanuel Schreiner, a tailor, who grandehildren. Henwood of Tuckahoe, Mrs. John died in 1951. - . IGNATIUS KARLAN (Regina) Garnsey and Mrs. WalA Yonkers resident 37 years. tcr (Claire* Hassleman. of EastMrs. Schreincr was born in Aus- Retired Carpenter Ignatius Karlan, 82. of 82 Dun- i Chester: a brother, William, of tria and was married there. The couple and their children came woodie St., Eastchestcr, a re-j Florida; 10 grandchildren, and tired carpenter, died Saturday at 22 great-grandchildren. to Yonkers in 1924. Grasslands Hospital after an ill She was a member of the SisMRS. GEORGE A. JUST six weeks. terhood of Congregation Sons of n e s s -of. „. .-. , K^a(tv Bn)ker Israel, the Golden Age Club, and I He was born in Lithuania Aug. | ^ ^ ^ L J u g ( Q[ g ? R o c k le<ige Ave., White Plains a retired real estate broker and mother of George A. Just of 900 -Palmer Road, Yonkers. died last On FeLtuary 3. night in an upstate hospital. She AUCHARD Raymond A On February MALI IN—Mar tha 1962. Of 304 Palisade A\e . Yon- was 86 years old and the widow 5 1962. IUloved father of Elizabeth Kmily and Msrtr.j Margaret. Resting j kers Resting at Harry's Funeral : of George A. Just. Home Inc . 107 North Bro.tdway. at Havey's Funeral Home Inc.. 107 Yonkers. Mass of Requiem at 8t. N'or'.h Broadi Mr. Yonkers Grave- | Josephs Surviving also are a daughter, R. C. Church. Ashbirton :-k}e servkes arid interment. Ml. Avenue, on Wednesday. February Mrs. Ethel L. Rhodes of the Hopp Cemetery on WednesQuy. 7 at 10.00 A.M. Interment Calvary . White Plains address: four grandFebruary 7 at 2 00 P.M. 2-7 Cemetery. 2-7 children and nine great-grandBOl.AN- Louise, (nee Fischer*. Of 17 MULLINS—Lillian O. Of 249 Broad- children. Seymour Street. On February 4. way. Dobbs Ferry. Formerly of Ca^lino OBITUARY NEWS (Continued from Page One) Union Asks W. Electric Contract Talk say, is that stores didn't want to stock up on dated milk. They were afraid that if they (Continued from Page One) had any left over at day's end, times off the same truck, went they couldn't sell it the next day sour in New York Gty but not because the date on it would in Westchester, Suffolk and Nas- show it was "old." sau counties where milk dating is not an issue and is not in effect. Kern said that while there were complaints of sour milk last summer, "we could not pin down the cause or the circumstances. "When we went to the (city) health department to get further Wl AlWAYS HAVE TlMt information on it (the complaints) r o t i rtttEKOLV they could supply nothing. We offered to supply private investigators but the health department turned us down." Milk public confidence in its government and the state shelter program. Lane declared that Carllno's NEW YORK UH — The Comremarks, constituted "an obvious effort to divert the attention of munication Workers of America the public from the basic issues" sought* today to hold informal meetings with representatives of of his charge. Lane, an attorney himself, said the Western Electric Co. in hopes he would consult with other law- of working out a new contract yers on the possibility of suing and averting a strike. Carlino for slander. The call for the informal talks The speaker said that "the was sounded yesterday after a communist party line" included conference of union negotiators "an effort to beat down this fall- with Joseph Beime, international out shelter program throughout president of the CWA. the country.' 1 Union members have authorAsked whether he thought ised a strike, with the date—if 2 Name* Refuspd SERVICES WERE conducted Lane was among the "enemies any—to be set by Beirne. Any A health department spokesyesterday for Bartolomeo Pas- of the United States," Carlino strike must start within a 30man commented: "The milk insaid that "subsequent events" day period that ends at midnight cucci, 69. of 82 School St., who dustry asked for names of people would tell. HARRIET HUBBARD AYER~ Feb. 27 under the terms of the was a retired employe of U.S. who complained. This we would Lane said that "the only ef- current contract. Vitamin and Pharmaceutical not give them »because we did fort to change the government" Corp. The dispute involves contract he had made involved an effort reopener negotiations between not know whether the complainto "permit legislators to read Western Electric—the manufac- ants wanted us to do this or bills before they vote on them." turing arm of the Bell Telephone not. They had filed complaints, 'I Am Not a Communist' System—and 16,000 workers who and they expected them to be Asked whether he were a mem- hook u» and service equipment treated confidentially." ber of the communist party, at central telephone exchanges The department spokesman said Lane said: "No, I am not a throughout the nation. investigation of the complaints Communist." showed "nothing to substantiate 1962. Beloved wife of Warren J.. Irvington. N Y . Reposing at tiie . j n / m i n n U A Y n He said he had served in the mother of Warren C. and Robert | Edwards Funeral Home I n c . Doots ; K A VY M Rockefeller's charges. We haven't U.M) A. A K U 1 A K U Boifcn and sister of Mrs. Anton ; Ferry. High Miss of Requiem at I K a i l r o a d E m p l o y e U.S. Army during World War II found any evidence of milk being lErina) Back. Mrs. James <Lora> the Immaculate Conception Church. | r > q v m o n ( 4 A Archard 70 of "to protect the government of Bolan. Mrs. Samuel .Blanche) ' Irvington. N Y doctored." on Thursday at U a > m o n a A. rtundiu, IU. o i Bc-rdctte. Mrs. Ah.ii lAlicei Rhodes, i the United States." Kern and Meyer Parodneck, Charles C and Wa'.rcr D. Fischer. ! 10:00 AM. Interment Sleepy Hollow Y o n k e i S , 3 foiTner e m p l o y e Of t h e The controversy Involves a 27 v ^ . y 0 r k Central Railroad, died Funeral lrom the K. W. Maloney ! cemetery. vice president of the Milk Conand Sons Funeral Home. 732 Yon- ROMAN—John. On Saturday. $100-million shelter program auFeb- yesterday at Grasslands Hospital sumers Protective Committee, kers Avenue, on Wednesday. Feb. I ruary 3. 1962. Private services were thorized by the legislature last 7 at 9 30 A.M. HiKh Mass of Re- i held this morning at the Sechny after a long illness. maintained there were fewer sourQUlcm in Holy Trinity Church at | Funeral Home. 447 Walnut Street. Nov. 9. Mr. Archard was born July 7, milk complaints to the health de10 00 o'clock. Interment St. Jo- I 2-6 1S91 at Hastings-on-Hudson and partment last summer than in s»phs Cemetery. The family will j Interment Oakland Cemetery. receive ihclr friends at the Funeral , recent summers past when milkcame to Yonkers in 1913. RUSSELL—William T.. of 62 F a r r a NORTH TARRYTOWN— Home from 2-5 and 7-10 00 P.M. ' gut Parkway. Hastings-on-Hudson. dating was still in effect. He married Mathilda Wilt in 2-6 A carpenter was fatally inN. Y. Beloved father of W. Oorden Russell. Service at Havey's Funeral Yonkers. He was an alumnus of But health department records jured yesterday in a 27-foot fall For a limited time (Continued from Page One) Home. Inc.. 107 North. Broadway. Yonkers schools and was a memDcLAURENTlS-Camillo. Of 206 Wilat. the Chevrolet plant extension dispute this. The department only—g«t a Yonkers. on Tues.. Feb. 6th at 2 low Street. On Monday. February S. P.M. Interment. Beechwood Ceme- | ber of St. Andrew's Episcopal spokesman said about five times project, police report. 1962. Beloved husband of Domenica whole wardrobe of year "our crucial needs have Intery. New Rochelle. N.Y. 2-6 I Church here. Carreia DeLaurcntis. Reposing Sin*, Henry C. Straub, 50, of 125 as many sour-milk complaints tensified and our deficiencies Ay erf as t Lipsticks a t r a Funeral Home Inc.. 315 South Broadway .Complete arrangements, SALCiccA-cenedeito. On KebrutTy ! Surviving besides his wife are have grown more critical," he Clinton Place, Yonkers, died at have been registered since milk at this saving I 6. 1962. Of 294 New Main Street. | t w o d a u g h t e r s , Ml'S. G e o r g e (EllZlater. 2-6 Phelps Memorial Hospital at dating stopped May 1, 1960. said. ERCOLE MAIOLINI, 67, of Exquisite new shades,1 Beloved husband of Agnes rnee ; b e , h E m i l yJ . Y a g e n h o f f of H u d about i p.m. about three hours He said that in 1959, from lolll) Salciccia. Lovlnjt father of I .. v * . * „„ TV,,,,,. 29-1 New Main St., whose obituParis-approved and geared The country must provide faFATH—Emms A. Of Mt. Vernon. N. Y. itaio. Reposing Louis J . Flower j son, N.Y., and Mrs. Truvan ary appeared in yesterday's edi- cilities for 14 million more ele- after he fell. The cause of death May 1 to Dec. 31, complaints On September 3, 1962. Beloved to coming fashions—In wife of. William Fath. Devoted Funeral Home. 283 New Mam St. i (Mathilda Margaret) Gibson of tion, was a food merchant in mentary, secondary and college was apparently internal and head numbered 58. In the first year handsome, golden swivel cases. mother of William J . Fath and J ^ ^ o K e ^ L ^ r ^ T o f ; Arlington T e x , two brothers Yonkers for 31 years. Marion Chalke. Dear sister of students by 1970, the message injuries, the medical examiner's without dating, during the same Mt. Carmei church, looo A.M. i Percy W. of Staten Island and Louise Mackin. Frna Edwards. said, or a n . increase of 30 per office said in a preliminary re- period, complaints rose to 303, Cornelia Baumgarten and Herman interment st. Joseph's cemetery, j i{ ell O. of Brooklyn, and nine he said. And in 1961, complaints 0W *plv> tax cent. College enrollments alone port. Quandt. Religious service at Fred H. L I grandchildren. Mr. Straub, a widower, had totaled 274 for the corresponding McGrath and Son Funeral Home. are expected to nearly double., Bronxville. on Tuesday. February 6 SCHREINER—Reginla. Beloved mother j four children, Cynthia, Henry N., period, he added. of Samuel. Mrs. Morris Oellert and i M R S . T H O M A S H . T U N N A R D at 8.00 P.M. Eastern Star service The message gave few figures. Richard and Robert, all of the Tuesday at 8:30 P.M. Instead of Mrs. Esther Rand. Services will be * r f i w | p v R ^ s i r i p n t once 'd>year SALE! Those were outlined in Kennedy's home address. flowers, those who wish may make Repeal Recommended held on Fetruary 7 at 1:00 P M ; ^ r a s i e j K e ^ a e n t contributions to the Westchester budget message. It showed that from the Weiss Memorial Inc.. 326 Mrs. G l a d y s G r a c e Tunnai'd, Rockefeller recently recomPolice Lt. John Jandrucko said Cancer Committee, Purchase, N . Y . the requested three-year program Rlverdale Avenue. Yonkers. K . Y . | ^ ^ today at unexpeCtedly 2-6 mended to the Legislature that HARRIET HUBBARD AYER that Mr. Straub and Albert Buhs James Rutherford Munro, 79, of classroom construction and ] her home. 45 Larchmont St., Ard At Peektkui. N.Y. on *™^£?£'&£"%*?£>' sTeV'Ih^^ wasThe^vVfe'oVThomas i f o ^ ^ r l y of Dobbs Ferry, Hast- grants to increase teachers' sal- of Walnut Lake, Peekskill, were the dating prohibition be re0 n l9 I'ORAN—Anne iw5V^ n*«Saad «?AM™B;n Md H. Tunnard, a plumber and for-| ^ and Irvington died yestersetting wooden beams on steel pealed. world-famous Fet-ruary 4. 1962. Beloved daughter father of Mrs. Albert (Anna) Lock- | m p r hnstinp<;<; apent for the d a v i n Orlando, Fla., Where h e aries would cost $2.1 billion over- girders on the third floor at the of the late James and Anne Foran. Dairy farmers and the milk ler all. wood, and Mrs. Samuel (Elfreda) " ousiness agent 101 mc . , , . , Reposing: at the Dall Funeral Home. 19 ? extension of the Chevrolet as- industry wanted to see milk dat100 Lake Avenue. Funeral on inbrogno. Service at Havey's Fun- \ Tarrytown Plumbers Union L o - ' ' The program for aiding higher sembly plant. Just as the two ing go long before it was outWednesday at 9 3 0 A.M. Mass of Mr. Munro was born in Paisley, eral Home. Inc.. 107 No. Broadway. | ca\ 255 Requiem in the Monastery Church Yonkers on Wednesday. Feb. 7 at Scotland, on Feb. 24, 1882. As a education would require $332 mil- men laid a beam in place Mr. lawed. They reported that transof the Sacred Heart at 10:00 A.M. 11 A.M. interment Kensico ceme- j Mrs. Tunnard retired as a clerk young man he played soccer on lion annually over five years— Buhs noticed the other end tilt. portation and handling practices CLEANSER-BEAUTIFIER Interment St. M a r y s Cemetery. 2-6 2 7 " ' in the Ardsley Post Office on dis- several Scottish cup teams for loans to build academic facil- Lt. Jandrucko said that when had become so efficient that datGIBSON-John T. On February 5. STRAUB—Henry Conrad. Of 125 Clin- ! ability two and a half years ago. against England's champions. At ities and for scholarships of up Mr. Buhs looked up he saw Mr. ing was unnecessary to protect 1962. Of 1 Leighton Avenue. Yonton Place. On Monday. February 5, kers. Beloved husband of Emma he was plant to $1,000 a year for "talented Straub fall and land on a pile of families from sour milk. 1962. Beloved husband of the lata : Yonkers born April 24 1907, 1 h i s r e t irement Allison Gibson. Resting at Havey's Josephine (nee Kovach) and devot- ' S h e - W 2 S u! C ^ u g h t e r , ° f ^ r s ' I superintendent of Lord and Burn- and needy" students. lumber. The industry points to a survey Funeral Home Inc., 107 North ed father of Cynthia. Henry Jr., The House has approved only Police said that it was prob- taken by Prof. A. C. Dahlberg Broadway. Mass of Requiem at St. Richard and Robert Straub. Funeral . Anna Robbins Curtin of Yonkers : h a m C o r n p a n v i n Irv jngton-onthe construction portion. The ably due to Mr. Straub's either Denis Church. Van Cortland Park from the Duchynski Funeral Home. ! and the late Patrick Curtin, who j j i u r i s o n Avenue and Lawrence Street on I l l Yonkers Avenue on Thursday, I had been a taxi owner here. She , President therefore aimed at the passing out from leaning over or of Cornell University. The surB csidcs hhis is vi(e Edilh Besides wife, Edith, he Thursday. February 8 at 10:00 A.M. February 8 at 1:30 P.M. Services vey, spokesmen said, showed Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. In St. John's Episcopal Church. moved to Ardsley 19 years ago leaves a son, Professor J. J. R. Senate his appeal that scholar- losing his balance. that when milk was dated, 34 New Rochelle. 2-8 Getty Square, at 2:00 P.M. Inter- 1 and was a member there of St. ships be restored to the bill. Both men were employed by per cent of stores ran out of Munro of Missoula, Mont., of the ment Mt. Hope Cemetery. 2-7 Two administration bills em- Darin and Armstrong, Inc.. the i Barnabas Episcopal Church. faculty of Montana State UniverHOPKINS-Frederlca. Daughter of the late George A. CTiamberlln of Yonbodying segments of Kennedy's general contractors for the pro- milk at the end of the day. When United Brotherhood of Carpenters Surviving besides he/ husband sity and Montana State Director milk dating was abolished, only kers. On February 5 in her eighty- and Joiners of America. Local No. two daughters, program are new this year. They ject. fourth year. Mother of Mrs. Gerald 188. Members are requested to meet j and mother are a daughter, of Education; 9 per cent of stores were out of H. May and Mrs. William H. at 8:00 o'clock. Wednesday. February j Yvonne, and four brothers, Wil- Mrs. M. P. Barbarin of Pompton were to go to Congress after milk at day's end. Fleischmann. Service Wednesday. 7 at Duchynski Funeral Home. I l l the message. 11:00 A.M. at Beecher Funeral Yonkers Avenue, to hold services for j liam Curtin of Ardsley, Arthur Lakes, N.J., and Mrs. William ties and state agencies tackle : The reason, the industry men Home. Pleasantvllle. N. Y.. where o u r i a t e Brother. Henry C. Straub. j of Matamoras, Pa., Harold of J. Rickert of Dobbs Ferry and An appendage of the general BIG 9 0Z. JAR family will receive friends Tuesday, j Joseph G. Plerro. President. j Yonkers, and Daniel of Boston, seven grandchildren. Two sisters public school aid bill would pro- the problem would cost $50 million in five years, but only $3 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Interment Wood- ; 2-6 Peter Nicol. Recording Secretary. REG. 2 . 9 0 Mass. and a brother survive in Scotland. vide $747 millipn over five years million would be spent in the lawn Cemetery. 2-6 j —: TUNNARD—Gladys Curtin. On Feb1Burial will be in Orlando, Fla. to give elementary and high T first year. Thi» incomparable cream, trbJch LI' TEL—Elton Gardner. M. D. On ruary 6. 1962. Beloved wife of HENRY C. STRAUB school teachers up to 2,500 scholFebruary 3. 1962. Of 149 Park Ave- j Thomas H. Tunnard. Funeral sersmooths, softens and enriches the Carpenter • AIR* SHIP*KAIL*BUS* r u e , Yonkers. Husband of Anna j vices will be held in the Phillips arships a year for full-time study Wescott Littel and father of Mrs. skin as it cleanses, for over 50 Funeral Home. 50 Ludlow Street on Henry C. StraUb, 50, of 125 at colleges. It also would assist U1I (Harriet Ann' Hansel!. Re3tlnit j Thursday at 10:30 A.M. Interment POLAND years has been acclaimed the Clinton Place, died yesterday at at Havey's Funeral Home Inc.. 107 Oakland Cemetery. The family will the establishment of institutes for North Broadway, Yonkers. Service "Queen of Ciearas." Buy now and receive friends from 2-5 and 7-10 the Phelps Memorial Hospital, Continued from Page One) RUSSIA teachers at colleges. at St. John's Episcopal Church, j P.M. 2-7 save... stock up for months ahead t N. Tarrytown, after an accident Getty Square, on Tuesday, February I HUNGARY The scholarships Would go to GIANT JAR, rUtC. •.00, NOW 1.00 • 6 at 1:00 P.M. Interment St. John's WESTNEY—Luella Rose On February at the Chevrolet Division of Gen- S. Menapace, and district superCemetery. In lieu of flowers, con3. 1962. Wife of the late Norman eral Motors where he was em- intendent Dr. Terence Donahue, teachers in private and parochial •fbufm CZECHOSLOVAKIA tributions may be made In his P. Westney. Funeral from the a, well as public schools. The j also praised the principal's outplowed on a contracting job. OR ANT M * T OFTH1 W O t U t memory to S t . John's Episcopal Phillips Funeral Home. 50 Ludlow first year cost would be $120 Save 60% I standing work. Church. 2-6 Street, on Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. ; A C C O M M O D A T I O N S MADS He was born In Y'onkers and Services in St. John's Episcopal million. Mr. MacDonald was born Feb. Uadarthip Training-Human AYER HAND CREAM Church (Getty Square) at 2:00 P.M. attended School Nineteen and Prompffyl SffjcjontM The second measure embodies 27, 1904, at Norton, Vt., and was Interment Oakland Cemetery. In lieu R#lotlon»-IH«etlv« Sptaklng Huge 10-oz. size of flowers, contributions may be Yonkers High School, schooled in Maine where the farri- Kennedy's announced "massive Enrollm«nt» Ming Toktn Now made to the St. John'i Episcopal His wife Josephine Kovach, I ily moved when he was' a boy. attack on adult illiteracy." REPCIK cod C H M E t A reg. 2.50, now 1.00 Church Building Fund. For Clot* in 2-6 ; whom he married in 19-12 died : He was a graduate of Bates Col- More than two million adult YONKEtS TRAVEL AGENCY Sept. 4, 1957. AH prices plus tax For Information-Writ* or Coil lege, Lewiston, Maine, and re- Americans can neither read nor In Memoriam He was a member of the Yon- ceived his M. A. from New York write, Kennedy said, and the 178 ELM ST. YO 8-1875 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAX Ww. BriiWn, P.O. »ox 1141 Whttt Moln». N.Y. HIDOCK—Miry. In loving memory of kers Canoe Club. Yonkers Re- University. result "is often chronic unemOponWod.Evo.Tii8P.M. our dear mother who passed away publican Organization and the wH»-im NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. ployment, dependency or delinten years aro. February 6. 1952. Carpenter's Union Local 18. Durquency." Not just today but always I You are in our hearts; ing World War II he served with The proposal to help universii God bless you Ma the Merchant Marine. i With all our love. I 2-6 Son and dauaHters. (Continued from Page One) Surviving are a daughter, Cynthia, three sons, Henry Jr., RichCard Of Thanks ard and Robert; two brothers, assistance of the Westchester Memorial Home, Inc. Richard of Yonkers, Robert of County Historical Society. St. MACKEN—John R. We wish to thank Paul's church was in the section JOHN J . FLYNN our many kind friends and rel- Sacramento. Calif., and two sis- of Eastchester which later beTHE BOMK OP REGISTERED BLACK AXVVS BEEF atives for their many acts of kind- ters, Mrs. William .Marie) BradJOHN 3. FLYNN, J r . came Mount Vernon. It is a naness during our recent bereavement . • ,-. • The) Difference It In The Taste . ley of South Norwalk, Conn., and I 2-6 The Macken family. WILLIAM L. FLYNN IN THE HEART OF GETTY SQUARE Mrs. Clara Hogan of Grant, Fla. tional shrine for the Bill of Rights. Washington's HeadquarPARKING FOR 500 CARS. 02 LUDLOW STREET ters is in North Castle. THOUSANDS FLEK FIX)OD MISS LILLIAN (J. MULLINS YOXKEtlSt N.Y. M A N I L A . Philippines (.¥> — Was Telephone Co. Employe Floods have driven 128,000 FiliMiss Lillian C. Mullins.'68. of Privait Parking pinos from their homes on Min- 249 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, who P e r f u m e , Cash Stolen of The JERSEY FRESH CUT THE MAINE TOPS. Telephone*! danao Island in the.past 10 days, was found dead at her home yes- At B r o n x v i l l e S t o r e A REAL BUY SAUTE-FRY-STEW and the wafer is still rising in j terday. was a former employe of C Fortify ywr I ( V * M I I T W B W win BRONXVILLE — Four bottles some areas. the New York Telephone Co. in ^1 1WW f^P^PJ of perfume and $25 was stolen Dobbs Ferry. from the Everts-Barthen Pharh«n • f an*n« * « t A native of Irvington, she was macy at 151 Parkway Road yesgive* you that tired born Dec. 2. 1893. a daughter of terday by an intruder who gained andlrritabl* fe*hng, you the late Thomas and Maria Cas- entry by jimmying the front door, BONELESS may b« n*«;l«ctrng the ALBANY'S WEBSTER sidy Mullins, and lived in that police report. LEAN MEAT v i t a l n u t r i e n t s your village until nine years ago when body need*. The theft occurred between 1 LEAN she moved to Dobbs Ferry. She j a n d 3 a m T h p t i m e lock o n t h e • rwy • * • ~>4 * w * • N S a o m m u n i c a n t of TASTIFUL ,? <; Sacred! f r o n t d o o r w a s n o l s c t p o l i c e WITH OUR FAMOUS Heart Church. npori 9*rm H V»*r Uw t«<t^« Surviving arc a sister. Mrs. • H*rw« Ms M T M I an Frank (Klizabeth) Donohue of HACKEEY BOY MISSING abundance of nutritional 1 1 Y O N K W CXD€ST Dobbs Ferry, seven nieces and IRVINGTON— GENUINE STEER wealth in wheat germ, The Hovey pricing system " • rUNHlAl K U V K l two nephews. A l.Vyear old Hackley School FRESHLY OROUND Serve Hot or Cold which supplies superior eliminates the mystery of student who went to find work 0 WESTOUSTW'S PINfST protein a n d over 30 u MRS. FREDER1CA HOPKINS SPECIALS FUNfUAl HOM* was reported missing early this natural vitamins and Funeral costs. Former Vonkern Resident morning by his mother. Mrs. minerals ssasntial to CT COM«TENT MSIOCNT Mrs. Frcderira Hopkins. ' for- C. K. Sutton of Park Road told health and energy. At Havey's, prices are SHOULDER merly of Yonkers, died yesterday police her son had Jeft home • Chun* f»» »»r><», Knt+thOUTSTANDING clearly marked so that at her residence, 55 South State « « t w > « ( O w « | i i f M r H apparently to find a job. She PtO«SSIONAl SftVKt GENUINE SPRING KRAFTS h r w # vs w s l i svsSsta vs Road, Briarcliff Manor. She was said she had not seen her *on, every family may stay 1 J ¥ COUNTUSS KtSONAl CUBED - TENDER PURE CONCORD a*#*fc sftAf rww# w ^ ic#w 84 years old. Cornelius, since 9:30 last night. KM ANO STA/f SCCVKZS within their budget. In rwflSsSf OTM Mtsirt s w i A REAL TREAT Mrs. Hopkins had lived in Yonb I W J f f l O t A l ACJCNOWUOOMfNT kers most ol her life before movL I SftVKE ing to Briarcliff Manor 29 years • Colsrls fsr <al«rl«, C V rMAMANGCA*NT A ago. K r e t t c h m s r Wheat AOVISOtY S f t V i a s Germ actually offers Surviving, are two daughters, POLISH SLICED HIUMINATEO more all-around nutriMrs. Gerald If, May of the home THE BEST ITALIAN PAtKlNO AMA tion than meat, **«*. Address and Mrs. William II. IN IMPORTS STYLE milk, bread, fruits, and C OSCAR MAYER Fleischmann of Jackson. Wyo ; ALWAYS A TREAT vegetables, MOO€tATE r t i a s , five RmndchiHrf n. and seven VACUUM • Kr«H«hm*r WV**f Otrm C EXCIUSW Alt great grandchildren. PACKAGED It MM "r^wta" mmrt—t WITH MEAT PURCHASE &r V PRICE SALE DEATH NOTICES AYERFAST LIPSTICKS new; high» fashion colors! 27-Foot Fall Kills Yonkers Carpenter Schools Munro Dies In Florida LUXURIA CONSULT US! MacDonald Booklet FLYNN DONT DIET WITHOUT NUTRITION INSURANCE MARKET CITY 10 PALISADE AVE. CHICKEN WINGS END WORLD 99 DIDNT COME. V/2 lbs. 99 3 3 "SOWER UP' 3 lbs. W VEAL STEW PIGS' FEET 5 lbs. SLICED B A C O N c BEEF TRIPE 3 lbs. 99 SALE g « J SALE 99 c W loaded with energy, not calories JlavejyS AAUULANCt SttVKf yj I f f CHJTSTANWNO SftVKE U f f O t AU PAITMS I C T MOOttN MOTOt U J EOUIfMCNT omus&tm VOnltrm k , VEAL CUTLETS UtC- /I 3-2700 107 NQiTH MOADWAY g*rn>l»«M»f h***t — • * * • wksa< sta4s late M»r i>*>f••* a#a*4, a #*M Its •44+4 to »wist, **s4 la • • k i s s sr. fcrssslaff, •» Caller Finds Man,83,Dcad Harry D. Brown, S3, was found dead yesterday orv the kitchen floor of his apartment at 1468 Midland Ave. by a neighbor who entered when knocks on a door went unheeded, police report. A slaft doctor at Ijawrcnoe Hospital, Bronxville, pronounced th« man dead of apparent natural causes. Police said he had lived alone since his wife's death two years ago; 99' n, 99 ^ • •-• 1 *• -S V^B M^^^^M^l^^A I a^S^Mk- M r Y W *W «s^s»^WSTf^s^ fs^r^sr* s Why a** S4M this nutritional Insurance to your low-calorie meals? It's th* most economical diet additiva known, costing about M an o«n«s. You'll And Kratschmer Wheat CVerra, plain or S u g a r 'n H o n e y , In vacuura-sosJed jara in the eorsfel section a t yostr food store. t-s BOVRIL beef troth ••vrti i« « <*nti«ut. touted— » t k M » t h « ribt b*1 brMli 1h»f» id«»l for <1 «t»r« At minimus* c»l«ri« »«»»•••, voo f « * m*i». mom tmownt » f «»t«M.»l rttur. I t n m t n t . Bflvrll l« net lust s bevMkxi—ir« s h*gf» <*n<*nfrtt*Ort of r»»l b*»1\ With «v»ry tip you t«n »lm«$t f**i th» • * • $ » *ew Into you. rV»»*r*« tnttsntrf, too. If you lilt* m u t , you-il l.k* •ovrH. Try It. •ofi/y 14 > Mterisf in* tap of Botn'tfcrefA. Untitled Document l'/i lbs. 99 c lb. 99 3 lbs. 99- MINUTE STEAKS THIN CUT FOR A HOT SANDWICH STEWLICIOUS 3 lbs. LARGE EGGS WHITE JERSEY 1 lb. J Jc FSUMSHM 99' With A Moot Purchase 2 Doz. 99c Fs>a; Our Gmmmimm Blmck 99 CHOPPED SIRLOIN 2 lbs. 99 VEAL STEAK 1 lb. BOILED H A M LAMB COMBO LAMB 1- STEW GENUINE SPRING CHOPS a n d STEW 2 lbs. LAMB CHOPS GRAPE JELLY 3-^ , jars c 99 99c 99 FRANKFURTERS 2 lbs. ITALIAN SAUSAGE SWffT OR HOT 1 VA lbs. TRY THEM 99 99. RIB VEAL CHOPS MILK FED VA lbs. OsJc Ammm* sfe>e>f & ^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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