Document 53406

in rooming
“Well Written, Well Read”
Vol 4 No 29
reno well
By Katie Strachan
The Oshawa Express
By Katie Strachan and Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
A violent confrontation
between two women in an
Oshawa rooming house has left
one woman dead and the other charged with first
degree murder.
Police were called to the house in the Gibb
Road and Celina Street area around 10 p.m. for an
unknown trouble call.
The officers discovered the body of 61-yearold Audrey Napper inside the home, with obvious
signs of trauma.
Despite initial reports, Dave Selby, director of
corporate communications for Durham Regional
Police, could not confirm that the body had been
in the home for some time.
A 53-year-old woman, an acquaintance to the
victim, who lives in the home was arrested on the
scene and charged with first-degree murder.
She appeared in court the next day and has
been remanded to the Whitby Mental Health
She will be in court again on June 5.
“I’m sure we have been there before but I
don’t know how frequently,” says Selby.
Police have now confirmed that they had been
called to the rooming house back on April 3 for a
disturbance call between the two women.
Neighbours who live in the area were left wondering how something like this could happen.
“I’m just shocked that this happened,” says
John Leo Hayes.
“She (the victim) wouldn’t hurt anyone. It
makes you feel a little uncomfortable.”
This is Durham Region’s fourth homicide of
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rick Summers, owner of the Genosha
building, has been granted the good news he
was hoping for all along.
The region’s finance and administration
committee approved the company’s request for
financial assistance under its Regional
Revitalization Program (RRP).
The $9.6 million re-build is a project that
will turn the old Genosha Hotel into new student-housing facility in downtown Oshawa.
Although most councillors agreed the projSee HOPE Page 9
antics prompt
voting system
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Photo by Lindsey Cole/ The Oshawa Express
Hope for Tori
The effects of a missing Woodstock girl were felt among dozens who released balloons at a community centre in Courtice. Tammy Korkush and her daughter Montana came to the gathering to
show their support for eight-year-old Victoria ‘Tori’ Stafford who has been missing for over a month.
See story page 7
Voting all across the city, or a ward system?
That is the question.
The subject was brought up at a recent
finance and administration committee meeting, after one resident noticed the politics on
City Council was getting out of hand.
James Sprague addressed the committee
regarding the voting-at-large system that was
decided upon for the upcoming September
2010 election.
Employment rally draws hundreds
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Despite the rain and gloomy skies, hundreds gathered at Memorial Park in Oshawa
recently to make their presence known.
These people are not going to give up.
They believe in fighting for timely employ-
ment insurance and pension protection in a
time of economic hardship.
For Tammy Schoep it was a chance to tell
her story.
Laid off from General Motors, Schoep is
a single mom with three children.
She has a home, a mortgage and was
lucky to get a job with a decent wage and
benefits. But now she’s worried. The layoff
is lasting too long and the bills are starting to
pile up.
“GM’s too big to fall, right?” she says she
asked herself. “Now I’m barely getting by.
I’ve come to the realization that it’s not
going to be a short layoff. We need an EI
Driving service fights license fee
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
The bylaw came into effect May 1.
It stipulates that any designated driving
service in Oshawa must pay a $125 city licensing fee, be insured for $2 million in commercial liability insurance and require each
employee have a criminal background check
and a valid ‘G’ licence.
While these requirements may not seem
outlandish or out of the question, for many
businesses in the city it could mean the beginning of the end.
Such is the reason why members of the
finance and administration committee recommended to council that the bylaw be suspended for the time being. They also suggested that
a public meeting be advertised and held for
input to get feedback from all necessary stakeholders, before actually enforcing the bylaw.
During the meeting, several business owners and drivers told members how they felt
about the bylaw.
Glen Willchuk, on behalf of Keys To Us
Ltd., DD4U and Home Safe, told members
these services represent more than 70 per cent
of the market place. Enforcing the bylaw could
cause them to go out of business, as they simply can’t afford the fees.
Keys To US was formed 13 years ago,
Willchuk says, after the couple who owns the
company lost their nephew in a drunk driving
Since then the business has boomed as
many impaired drivers use the service to get
themselves and their car home safely.
“We carry adequate commercial general lia-
bility insurance,” he says, adding it would be
redundant for him to have to follow the bylaw
as he already complies with most of the recommendations.
“There have been no public safety concerns. At no time does Keys To Us want the
city to licence and regulate driving services.
We are concerned...all your financial requirements will have an impact on the viability of
our services,” he says.
He also adds 80 to 90 per cent of the driver
base will be forced to leave because they don’t
make enough to support the city’s requirements on top of their regular maintenance
“Never have I worked in a job that is as personally rewarding as this one. The City of
Oshawa should be grateful our services even
However, others didn’t share the same disdain for the bylaw.
Mack Conway, of DD Express, has been in
Durham Region for more than eight years.
“We support it mainly for the one reason...we have to prove there is $2 million in
liability insurance, for the safety of the customers we’re driving. It keeps everything
above board and honest. We have no problem
with it,” he told members of the committee.
Gail Mushinski, on behalf of all designated
driving services, says the bylaw is asking too
“We can’t afford $1,500 to $2,000 a year
for insurance. This will result in a large void in
our city.”
The matter will be discussed at the next
City Council meeting.
Water bills sky-high for home dialysis patients
By Katie Strachan
The Oshawa Express
Linda Mash’s husband John has
been receiving home hemo dialysis
since December 2006.
This allows him to be at home
with family more often, remain
comfortable during treatments, perform them when he chooses and
keeps him happy and healthy, she
But it doesn’t come without a
large price tag, which shows on the
couple’s water bill.
“On average our water bills have
more than doubled because of the
water consumption during dialysis
treatment,” says Mash, who is also a
volunteer for the Lakeridge Health
Patient Services Committee.
“We do hemo dialysis five
nights a week, 52 weeks of the year,
for eight hours a day.”
And that caused the Mash’s
home water bill to skyrocket to
$1,028 in 2008.
The reverse osmosis machine,
which is needed for dialysis treatments, uses 348 litres of water each
John uses the machine for eight
hours each night, however, by the
time it’s set up, ran its cycle and disinfected afterwards, John’s machine
‘Sophia’ has been running for 10
hours straight.
That’s 3,480 litres of water a
Mash came forward to the
region’s finance and administration
committee pleading with them to
provide some relief for patients in
Durham using home hemo dialysis.
patient’s blood is circulated through
a machine, which contains a dialyzer (an artificial kidney).
Patients are typically hooked up
to the machine through a fistula in
their arm. An artery and vein must
be connected surgically in order to
do this.
Mash refers to the needle as an
instrument of torture.
Another way is an internal graft.
An artery is surgically connected to
a vein with a short piece of special
tubing placed under the skin. The
needles are then inserted into this
Lakeridge Health Oshawa delivers the supplies the family needs on
a monthly basis free of charge,
something Mash says helps significantly.
“If home hemo dialysis was not
need 12 more
Marc Comeau, GM of Canada’s vice-presi- machines,” she
dent of sales, service and marketing, in a explains.
Mash claims
press release.
Even the recall of some Camaros hasn’t the closure of the
Whitby hospital
slowed sales.
Just recently, 23 Canadian Camaros were after the fire has
recalled because of faulty positive battery put even more
cables. Faith says the cable could have con- strain on the hosdialysis
nected to the starter motor housing causing pital’s
wear on the cable’s heat shrink insulation.
“It’s a $22,000
However recently the federal and provincial governments have told the Canadian savings for the
Auto Workers union that they will have to hospital by doing
it at home,” adds
make further cuts in labour costs.
This includes the lack of pension funds. Mash.
Home hemo
Without these concessions the governments
may not provide the bailout cash.
Globally, GM also reported a 6 billion first Lakeridge Health
quarter loss as sales crashed due to rumours Oshawa $30,000,
explains Mash,
of bankruptcy.
“Currently Ottawa provides a
home dialysis grant program for
water consumption relief and we
would like the same for the Durham
Region,” she explains.
Currently there are 28 patients in
Durham using home hemo dialysis
machines - seven of those are in
Oshawa, most between the ages of
18 and 80.
Mash also had to endure an
eight-week thorough training program in order to properly hook-up,
clean and maintain her husband’s
“Kidney disease can strike anyone at anytime,” she says.
In fact, each and everyday in
Canada, 14 people learn their kidneys have failed and they will
require some form of dialysis.
During hemo dialysis, the
Camaro orders keep coming in
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Despite rumours of bankruptcy, bailout
and economic blunder General Motors
Canada employees just got some good news.
The Oshawa plant has added overtime for
seven Saturdays over the summer to help with
the increasing demand for the new Chevrolet
Camaro, says spokesperson Patty Faith.
To top it off, employees will be working
during the first week of the usual summer
shutdown period.
“The purpose of the overtime is to ensure
that we get the more than 19,000 orders and
customer pre-orders into the hands of customers in a timely fashion,” says Faith.
While vehicle sales are doing well, posting a 16 per cent improvement in April over
March, the company has to pose a detailed
restructuring plan to the federal and provincial governments by June 1 to get nearly $7
bailout money.
Part of the
reason for the
increased sales
is because of
the fuel-efficient
Camaro, says
Photo supplied at region presentation
The Mash’s machine which they have
named ‘Sophia’ uses more than 3,000
litres of water a week.
while in-centre dialysis costs the
hospital $45,000.
Patients who go to the hospital
also incur costs like traveling, parking and it’s much less convenient,
Mash says.
Such is the reason why they stay
at home and want need a reprieve on
their water bill.
“There is only 28 people affected
but it is a huge burden,” she says.
“It’s just that added expense.”
The finance and administration
committee decided to refer to staff
for a report.
The matter will be discussed in
an upcoming tri committee meeting.
Woman sexually assaulted downtown
A 44-year-old woman, who was walking home
from work, was sexually assaulted by a stranger along
the footpath in the east end of John Street.
The man pushed the woman to the
ground and then sexually assaulted her
around 11:30 p.m.
The attacker is white, between 20 and
30 years of age, 120 to 130 pounds and
about 5 feet 9 inches tall.
He has dark shoulder-length wavy hair,
which was tied back in a ponytail.
The man is believed to have a moustache with three to four days growth. He was wearing
a white hooded plaid sweater with a zipper and black
Page 2
Before the attack took place, the victim saw the
man talking to a woman on the northwest side of John
and Celina streets.
The woman he was talking to is described
as white, about 150 pounds and around 5’7’’
to 5’10’’ in height. She is about 30 to 40 years
of age with platinum blonde hair.
She was wearing light coloured capri pants
with dark coloured calf boots.
Investigators are looking to speak to her.
Police believe a second man may have witnessed the assault while he was walking along
the footpath and may have interrupted the altercation.
Police would like to speak with this individual as
MAY 13 2009
Reptile owners demand equality
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Her name is Lois and she is a pine snake.
Her rich orange and brown colouring is
vibrant as she gently wraps herself around
Doug Grills, owner of D&D Exotics Limited
in Oshawa.
She is just one of many reptiles looking for
a home.
But first thing’s first, they need to go to a
good, responsible owner.
Photos by Katie Strachan/ The Oshawa Express
Doug Grills, owner of D&D Exotics Limited, holds
Lois, a Sonoran gopher snake to show that this
size of snake is legal to own in Oshawa, but yet
some types of pythons and boas that reach that
size are not.
While she is one of many snakes that are
legal to own in Oshawa, for Deborah and
Doug Grills other species should be allowed –
but all should come with a ‘handle with care’
They recently took their concerns to the
City of Oshawa, where a letter was put forth to
the finance and administration committee at
their most recent meeting.
In the letter, the couple requests that the
city follow suit with Port Perry, which has
already changed its bylaw to include some
exempt animals, in particular reptiles, arachnids and mammals.
The Grills would like to see sugar-gliders, a
marsupial from Australia, included in the
bylaw as well as non-venomous snakes as long
as the full size is not greater than three metres.
The same could be said for non-venomous
lizards up to two metres.
For the Grills it is about keeping the bylaw
safe as well as open for reptile and arachnid
They would like to see tarantulas and
emperor scorpions allowed.
But while they are advocates for these animals they also recognize the importance of
keeping these creatures in the confines of the
home. Anyone wishing to go out in public
would have to get a permit for show, says Mr.
“If you’re going to walk downtown with,” he says. “I realize people outside of
the store are afraid of snakes. It goes down to
responsible pet ownership.”
Currently some snakes are allowed in the
bylaw that measure up to the size of some boa
constrictors and pythons that are banned. This
is simply lack of knowledge when it comes to
breeds, says Mrs. Grills.
What’s more is some places, like Port
Perry, are allowing these pets, which means
people can buy them but not own them in
“It makes our industry even worse,” she
says. “There’s a lot of professional business
people that like reptiles. By having these
bylaws in place, it’s driving our residents
underground. This is about business in
“Where are my customers going?” says Mr.
Grills. “To limit me and say no you can’t have
this, I should be able to handle it.”
While at the recent finance and administration meeting, members decided to schedule a
public meeting for feedback. After a meeting is
held staff will report back and bring forward a
new proposed bylaw for consideration.
“I would like to see people there that are
against this,” says Mrs. Grills, adding she
wants people to ask questions. “It’s a meeting
to express all concerns.”
The bylaw will also examine other animals,
including pigeons. Problems with feral cats
and aggressive animals will also be looked at.
The date for the public meeting has not
been set yet.
Deborah Grills, owner of D&D Exotics Limited,
holds up a small snake at her store. She wants a
bylaw enacted that will include larger species as
well as arachnids and scorpions.
Nuisance complaints spark bylaw
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
law enforcement services, setting up projects
to combat this type of behaviour as well as
getting them away from the area would be
When it comes to nuisance complaints in some measures to deter nuisance-type behaviours.
the city, municipal law enforcement
“This (the bylaw) would be a
gets a lot.
much more useful tool. It would be
This is reason why city staff took a
report to the most recent finance and
However, before members of the
administration committee meeting to
committee could pass the bylaw in
develop a new nuisance bylaw that
good faith some words had to be
would provide stringent enforcement
measures and some new ways to
First and foremost, Councillor
impose fines for repeat offenders.
Brian Nicholson says he doesn’t
During the meeting Councillor and
committee member April Cullen had Brian Nicholson believe begging, especially in these
times, should be considered an
some questions about enforcement.
City Councillor
offense under the bylaw.
The bylaw would target certain
“I cannot in good conscious,
actions, including littering on city
streets and on public or private property, uri- make it illegal to beg,” he says.
He proposed an amendment to take begnating, vomiting and defecating in public
ging out of the equation, and change the term
Loitering, begging, fighting, carrying open to soliciting in a persistent and aggressive
liquor and vandalism were also considered.
The motion carried.
“How are we actually going to enforce
Defacing various items was also a concern,
this?” she asks, adding she doesn’t usually see
many people urinating on city streets, but thus a motion was passed which said that no
person will knock over, or attempt to knock
knows it does happen.
According to Kevin Feagan, of municipal over or deface street furniture, street polls or
street signs.
The bylaw still has to be presented before
council for final approval.
Oshawa nabs number one spot
The city’s ready to rock and roll
Someone’s going to have to call the bring the legendary rock stars to play at the
Firehouse, Oshawa is burning up the list in GM Centre.
Having KISS play there will not
the contest to get KISS to play in
only promote the GM Centre, but
our city.
also bring visitors to the city and
After holding on to second
place for several weeks, Oshawa
throughout the region.
has finally taken the top spot away
Votes are still needed to keep the
from Winnipeg.
city on top and bring the band here
“It has been a hard fought batto play.
tle,” says Councillor Robert
It’s easy and only takes a minute
“Over the weekend we came and follow
within four votes of Winnipeg
Robert Lutczyk
the steps provided to vote by counseveral times, but they were still
City Councillor
try, typing in Oshawa when promptable to pull ahead. I was excited to
ed for the city name.
see Oshawa finally take first place
“We can’t take our lead for granted,” says
this morning, but it’s still important for us to
keep voting.”
“Now that we’re number one, we’ve
The city, along with Global Spectrum
Facility Management, are urging Durham proven that we can win and it’s up to us to
residents to keep us on the top of the list and keep us there.”
MAY 13 2009
Page 3
Page 4
MAY 13 2009
Songs for Scott
By Robyn DePratto
Durham College co-op student
used to perform as part of a
barbershop quartet.
Once the decision to make
Playing piano and singing
the CD was made, he wasn’t
with his kids in the living room
exactly sure how to go about
was how it all began.
it. “I started out on my
Now Mark Kalbfleisch
own,” he says.
has a CD out with all the
“I thought how am I
proceeds going towards a
going to do this? Who am I
good cause.
going to get?”
“The purpose of the CD
His piano tuner Barb
is to try and raise awareHall suggested he get in
ness of MS,” says
contact with Paul Greco, a
local musician. “I’d sing to
The CD is called I
him and he’d hammer out
Believe in You and he not
only wrote the lyrics, but
also sings every song on it.
Originally there were
His son Scott was diaggoing to be 16 songs on it,
nosed with Multiple
but that was whittled down
Sclerosis (MS) when he
to 12.
was six-years-old.
The CD was recorded
Kalbfleisch says while
here in Oshawa at Quest
it is more common to be
Recording Studio, which is
diagnosed with MS in your
owned by Paul LaChapelle.
mid 20s to 40s, diagnosis
It was released a few
Photo by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express
is happening much earlier Mark Kalbfleisch and his CD, I Believe in weeks ago and Kalbfleisch
now due to technological You. All of the proceeds are going says it has done well so far.
“I’ve had some good
towards raising awareness of Multiple
He and his family were Sclerosis.
feedback and some really
always involved in raising
touching comments from
money for MS awareness,
However, that push from people,” he says.
doing things like the walk for his kids proved to be a strong
The MS Society has told
But one and he decided to do the him if he gets the word out
Kalbfleisch says he wanted to CD. But he didn’t want to just about the record they’ll put it
do something different.
do it for himself. This spurred on their website.
“I felt we needed to do the decision to put the money
The CD is available for
something bigger than that,” raised towards MS.
purchase at several local merhe says.
“I love it, I love writing chants and businesses, a full
“My kids used to tell me to songs,” says Kalbfleisch, who list of which are on the website
do a CD.”
admits he hasn’t had any kind at
Kalbfleisch used to sing in of formal music training.
For more information about
the living room at home and
He says he got his ear for the CD e-mail songsforscotplay the piano for his children, music from his father who [email protected].
MAY 13 2009
Scott and Liana. He would
always say he didn’t really
need to record a CD since they
could just hear him play live
right there.
Page 5
No more
nice guys
and girls
It seems the election games have already
started for councillors with name-calling, back
stabbing and mudslinging becoming commonplace at the council table.
Thing is, people are starting to notice and
they aren’t impressed.
The campaigning has already begun and
the election isn’t until September 2010.
At a recent finance and administration
committee meeting the subject was finally
brought to some councillors attention after
weeks of everyone watching. During this time
they acted like children, placing blame on one
another, bringing up random topics and getting their two cents in every chance they got.
James Sprague is a resident who is fed up
with the way council is conducting business.
While to some it may seem like a leadership issue, the fact remains councillors aren’t
working together as a team.
They aren’t making a decision as a team.
And they don’t care to act as a team. It seems
Oshawa councillors spell the word “team”
with an “i” unlike sports teams.
Councillor April Cullen said the current
council is a joke. She added she would rather
have a root canal done without anesthetic than
sit at the council table. She simply doesn’t
want to be there, she says. This speaks volumes.
Councillor John Henry left a development
services committee meeting recently, stating
he was uncomfortable and embarrassed with
the way the meeting was being conducted.
Councillor Louise Parkes’ jaw dropped after
accusations flew around the table as to
whether she withheld letters by the human
rights commissioner from the committee purposely.
She was even more startled when she
asked the mayor to back her, stating he knew
about the letters, to which he flatly denied.
He even said he didn’t know what she was
trying to pull, creating more havoc in the committee room. And these are just a few examples.
Councillors should conduct themselves in
a professional manner, without personal opinions getting in the way.
Councillor Cullen says she used to enjoy
the fact that council was ‘colourful’ - filled
with strong personalities. But when things
start to get personal, that’s when all bets were
off. Mayor John Gray has outwardly called
councillors Henry and John Neal stooges,
implying Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri
was the third member of the trio. This caused
a divide on council with both councillors
deeply offended by the name-calling.
Since then the games have continued with
an apparent feud between councillors Louise
Parkes and Brian Nicholson.
Instead of acting like every single councillor has a bone to pick, they should be trying to
better the city in a time of economic strife.
Residents shouldn’t have to come to the
table to point out council’s actions. These
councillors are technically representatives of
the people.
Can’t we all just get along, for the betterment of the city as a whole?
Page 6
600 Thornton Rd. S.
Oshawa, ON L1J 6W7
[email protected]
phone: (905) 571-7
fax: (905) 571-0
MAY 13 2009
Volume 4, Number 29
Greg McDowell
Advertising Director
Kim Boatman
Sports Editor
Wally Donaldson
[email protected]
Bill Fox
Jennifer Weymark
Glen Goodhand
Jim Bradford
Lindsey Cole
[email protected]
Katie Strachan
[email protected]
Letters to the Editor
Government needs to approve GM’s plan
Dear Editor,
All people in the Durham Region should pull
together this week and hope that GM and the CAW can
get a suitable bailout plan made that will be accepted
by the two governments (Provincial and Federal).
Pensioners and all GM workers will be severely
affected by a negative outcome, as will the general
population of Durham Region.
Recently, I saw some GM related companies adver-
tising for jobs that are open.
To those still employed in dealerships and feeder
plants, I can only advise you to not give up the ship and
if things look really bleak, PRAY.
I can't think of a better time than right now.
Philip Dawson
Oshawa resident
Reader: Ratepayers group is not neutral
Dear Editor
When Oshawa taxpayers worry about their money
problems and high property taxes, they shouldn’t have
to worry about a political party working to undermine
their unfettered wishes of who would represent them in
municipal or higher government.
When Viv Woolford, vice-president of the Oshawa
Conservative Association, set himself up to head a
seemingly neutral ratepayers group and the president of
the same Conservative Association, Mark Sheriff, collects the conservative names to comprise of steering
committee members to decide the Ratepayers executive, such is not right.
To hear how other members of this steering group
encourage the public to join with them to increase their
clout is in fact, a process to build support and membership for the Oshawa Conservative Association.
I find it unconscionable for a political party to even
appear to plan to obfuscate the vote in the next federal
elections or municipal elections for that matter.
Gary Young
Oshawa resident
Annual showcase of talent needed
Dear Editor,
Re: Fox’s commentary on the General Motors
I don’t pretend to know everything but if what he
(Bill Fox) says is true, having not one thing happening
there for four months is wrong, I’m merely responding
from my heart.
Only weeks ago it seems Tom Jones was there and
now KISS is earnestly sought after.
Meanwhile, the Civic is dusty as is the Regent and
generally spirits are low in an ever sickening economy.
From one who has partaken in big entertainment
extravaganzas in Toronto and felt the heartbeat of it all,
I am totally convinced that the following: we
‘Oshawans’ and we ‘Durhamites’ need to display our
god-given talents.
Just now the world is gaga over a contest in England
in which one of its own has become famous over night
(Boyle) and might be defeated by a child singer.
I truly believe beyond idol contests, its time to open
the door to the GM Centre to all, either as spectators or
participants, all in the name of pride in one’s talent or
In houses, in this part of Ontario, are children who
are amazing their parents and grandparents.
In shower stalls, men and women sing to walls as I
once did and these folks need encouragement to go forward before the masses.
Somebody just has to realize in this down time, with
such a beautiful building, that there is potential in filling the seats and rolling the cameras on our own folks.
Let’s get some sponsors who believe in pride to
show their heads, make some plans, set a date and get
on with the show.
What I have in mind could become an annual event
to showcase talent, be it instruments, comedy, impersonation, group, solo or whatever.
People always want to be entertained, that’s why just
now theatres are booming.
A variety show? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Create the event, the atmosphere and let’s allow
those who are shy and not interested to realize, like the
spiders web, everything has a purpose and can instill
hope in an otherwise hopeless world.
Don’t hide your entertaining talent- display it!
Bob Hooper
Oshawa resident
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MAY 13 2009
Balloons released for missing girl Victoria Stafford
Support can be felt from miles away
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
All those close to her can do is hope.
But that hope can be felt from miles away,
as more than 50 people gathered at the
Purple is Victoria ‘Tori’ Stafford’s favourite Courtice Community Complex to release hundreds of purple balloons with Tori’s missing
The eight-year-old girl has been missing person poster rolled up in the ribbons. They’re
since April 8 after she didn’t return home from hoping the message will be carried on and she
school. Since then Oxford Community Police will be found.
She has now become Canada’s little angel,
as well as residents of the Woodstock area
says event organizers Debbie Snow and Alana
have banded together to find her.
“A lot of people cannot
get up to Woodstock,”
Snow says, adding this was
one way to show support.
“It’s about Tori. I think
of them (the balloons) as
Tori’s angels.”
Tori’s father Rodney
Stafford, as well as her
grandparents and 11-yearold brother Daryn, came to
the event to show their support. Their appreciation
was evident.
“It makes me feel really
happy that the word is getting out more,” says Daryn.
“I really miss her and I
want her to come home.”
Although they were
Daryn Stafford, 11, waits to release his balloons in support of the cam- grateful for the support,
paign to bring his missing sister Tori Stafford home.
Tori’s father really just
wanted to be back in Woodstock.
“It means a lot to have it here, but
honestly I don’t really like to leave
Woodstock. We’re just waiting for that
phone call. The more people that know
to keep an eye out the better,” he says.
While many families came out to
show their support, the dark grey skies
reflected the mood of the evening.
Tammy Korkush and her 10-year-old
daughter Montana encouraged the
Stafford family that she will come
“I think it’s amazing that they are
reaching out here,” says Korkush, the
tears welling up in her eyes as she grabs
her daughter for a big hug. “I would
want to same thing if it happened to
The evening could be best summed
up with the actions of one little boy.
Bradley Renkiewicz, 10, found a
four-leaf clover while waiting for the
balloons to be released.
He handed it to Tori’s father, wishing
nothing but the best.
“He said it’s a good sign, a good
sign,” the little boy says.
But even through the darkening
skies, the purple balloons soared
through the air carrying a message that
will hopefully bring Canada’s little angel
Photos by Lindsey Cole/ The Oshawa Express
Callum Lariviere, 3, and Aiden Lariviere came with their
family to release some balloons in the hopes of bringing
missing girl Tori Stafford home.
Seniors home sweet home underway
By Katie Strachan
The Oshawa Express
Construction is well underway for
Oshawa’s newest retirement home.
And while the home will accommodate a number of seniors, it will also
open the doors of employment for
dozens of people in the community.
“The recent economic challenges
have been felt by everyone in one way
or another. We share in everyone’s concerns for Oshawa and are also eager to
contribute as an employer in the city.
We will need a full staff complement
including chefs and cooks, servers,
guest attendants, reception, maintenance and environmental staff as well as
a need for dynamic and skilled leadership with our management team,” says
Jodi Flanagan, vice president of marketing and communications for Specialty
Care Inc., the company responsible for
the new home called Traditions of
“Those wishing to know more about
our employment opportunities can
check out our website at Recruitment for positions will
begin approximately October 2009.”
Traditions of Durham is a retirement
residence, located at 1255 Bloor St. E.,
that will be equipped with 92 suites of
independent retirement living and limited assisted living.
And that’s just the first phase.
Phase two will add an additional 48
suites to the building to coincide with
market demands.
“The amenities of this home are
impressive and include a theatre room,
library, private dining lounge, wine bar,
spa and wellness centre with a visiting
doctor’s office. The suites are a gener-
ous size and the décor- which we have
just been reviewing and finalizing right
now – is incredible,” adds Flanagan.
At the groundbreaking in October
2008, the targeted finish date was originally announced as spring 2010.
However it may be as early as
March 2010, Flanagan explains.
“We are already up two floors. It’s a
great site with a high vantage point and
great neighbourhood surroundings,”
she adds.
Even with the weakening economy,
Flanagan says there have been no
bumps in the road with the project so
“Officially we will be on site taking
reservations starting in October 2009.
At that time you will be able to view
model suites and review a detailed floor
plan and select just the view and suite The retirement home, Traditions of Durham, at 1255 Bloor St. East,
style you are hoping for.”
which is currently under construction.
Harmonized tax causes debate
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Despite the dismay and disapproval of
some, the Liberal Party has not been affected in the polls. A recent poll conducted by
Ipsos-Reid stated the Liberals have a 15Harmony or horror?
point lead over the Conservatives and NDP
It has been less than two months since
the Liberal Provincial Government made
For MP Ouellette this news isn’t
the announcement that it
intends to introduce a harmo“You have to look at where the
Oshawa has been devastated already.
nized tax, combining the GST
information came from,” he says,
and PST to a 13 per cent sales
The spin-off effect is quite dramatic.”
adding this tax is going to cause a lot
tax. Already it has caused much
of dismay, which could in turn affect
-Jerry Ouellette
the current government.
While the tax doesn’t come
Member of Parliament
“I just think it’s going to cost a lot
into effect until July 1, 2010,
of people a lot of money. We’re now
already people are bracing
themselves to pay more for everyday items eral manager of the Greater Oshawa moving to a service sector community.
Chamber of Commerce, it is about being Oshawa has been devastated already. The
such as fast food, gas, haircuts, etc.
spin-off effect is quite dramatic,” he
Some people are already bracing to lose prepared.
“There is a lot of controversy right explains.
their jobs.
Malcolmson says businesses in the comIn Durham Region alone, up to 1,200 now,” he says. “They (the government)
people could be unemployed, says Oshawa brought it in at 13 per cent. There was no munity are looking to save money.
“The position of the business communidiscussion on reducing it. Overall, the
MP Jerry Ouellette.
These workers administer the provincial Ontario Chamber of Commerce wants to ty is we have to cut red tape. What’s the
put in the correct model. If the government bottom line going to be? Is it the right thing
retail sales tax, which will be no more.
“It’s going to have a substantial impact is going to do this, put in the correct to do right now? That’s the subject of
on the average person,” he says.
MAY 13 2009
“What’s taking place is the current government has given up on the province being
a manufacturing place. They know that all
the tax benefits coming in from the manufacturing sector were lost.”
For Bob Malcolmson, the CEO and gen-
Summer work
for students
Have you ever wanted
to travel to another
province, improve your
official second language
skills and earn some
money at the same time?
Then you’re in luck
because the YMCA is currently accepting
applications from 16 and 17-year-olds to be a
part of the Summer Work Student Exchange.
For six weeks during the summer, participants will be matched with youth in another
province where the second language (English
or French) predominates. They will be hosted
in one another’s homes.
Youth are given full-time paid work in the
not-for-profit sector and will participate in
events and activities to give them the opportunity to be engaged and contribute to their new
Eligible teens can apply by contacting Tope
Quadri at [email protected] or by
Candidates are selected on a rolling basis
and available spots are filling quickly.
Applications are due by May 15.
Page 7
A piece of Oshawa’s history
UOIT hosts energy forum
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
By Robyn DePratto
Durham College Co-op Student
also allowed him to see the
potential in a new business
undertaking. When he
Large orange lights
bought the Red Barn in
hang from the ceiling of
1991 he believed bingo
the Red Barn Auditorium
could be profitable.
on Wayne Court in
“I was looking for a
bingo hall. There
The steady
was a lot of money
buzz of the
in bingo.”
lights can be
For 18 years the
heard throughRed Barn operated
out the spaseven days a weeks
cious interior.
with three bingo
games a day.
announcer yells
out a number
and letter as
$25 million was
raised for various
player anxiouscharities. That is
ly awaits the
where a portion of
next call.
bingo profits must
These avid
go according to
bingo players
government regulacarefully examtion.
ine their sheets,
sold the building in
October 2008, and it
Photo by Lindsey Cole/The Oshawa Express has been owned by
and letter combination that The Red Barn Auditorium in Oshawa has a rich history. Some famous faces such as Ontario Fundraisers
make Johnny Cash and June Carter have graced its stage.
ever since.
them a winner.
While bingo may
While the large audito- Reddick was so well business, Reddick wanted not be as popular as it once
rium is now a successful known and because the to retire, and thus sold the was, especially since local
bingo hall, the Red Barn venue was so big both per- structure to Steve Hidvegi casinos caused people to
has seen its fair share of formers and patrons alike in 1984.
move away from the game,
famous faces and exciting ventured to the old wooden
“When Steve had it he it still has a place in
did dances on Saturday Oshawa, says Red Barn
Johnny Cash, June
only,” Manager Kathy Tustin.
It wasn’t until May 24, night’s
Carter and Ernest Tubbs 1973 that disaster struck Kondyjowski says, adding
“There used to be four
were just a few of the the iconic Red Barn.
he purchased it from bingo halls in Oshawa.
famous country artists
We’re the last standing
that played at the Red
hall,” she says.
Barn during a time
“They (customers) are
when there was no
slowly coming back. It’d
such thing as the
be good to have a younger
Internet, when reputacrowd.”
tion and word of mouth
Frank Sobil, the presimade a business sucdent of the Red Barn
Charities Association, says
According to former
the future looks promising
for bingo at the auditoriKondyjowski, throughum.
out the 1950s the Red
Barn was a hot spot for
younger crowd. As long as
country music fans.
you want the world to go
Photo by Lindsey Cole/The Oshawa Express
The original Red The Red Barn is now a prominent bingo hall in the city.
by, just sit and relax and
Barn had been in
play bingo,” he says.
Oshawa since the mid
The building itself will
It was the long week- Hidvegi in 1991.
1930s, says Kondyjowski, end, ‘firecracker’ weekend
Prior to Kondyjowski be undergoing some more
but it really came to life Kondyjowski explains, and owning the Red Barn, he renovations soon, Sobil
when Harold Reddick kids were being careless had owned a number of says, and a new website
bought it in 1950.
large venues in Ontario. is
with firecrackers.
“When the Reddick’s
Throwing them on the Kondyjowski’s knowledge also in the works.
owned it, they did country roof the Red Barn started of music and business not
“It’s quite the buildand western dances there. the blaze, which caused the only allowed he and ing,”adds Kondyjowski.
They had stars that would complete reconstruction of Reddick to have a pleasant “It’s part of the history of
come in from Nashville. It the building.
working relationship, but it Oshawa.”
held 1,000 people. These
dances would take place on
Back then the barn was
in the middle of nowhere,
he explains, but because
“It went up like a hay
barn,” he says.
The new building was
put up in 1974 and was
made of steel so as not to
burn down again.
After 10 more years of
nuclear generation facilities,
which account for 20 per cent
The power of
Ontario was the topic
of discussion as energy experts from across
the province came
University of Ontario
Technology (UOIT)
campus recently to
talk about the everchanging global enerPhoto by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express
gy sector.
Colin Andersen, president and CEO of
The half-day forum Ontario Power Authority speaks at the
was a part of Energy energy forum.
Forums 2009.
This is a series of forums of the supply of energy. They
leading up to the next World will need to be replaced in the
Energy Congress, which will next 20 years.
be held in Montreal in
Because of these conservaSeptember 2010.
tion measures, Andersen says
Representatives from the there will be higher wages and
academic community, industry significant revenue for the
and government were on hand local government.
to help address future and curOther ways Ontario is conrent energy challenges from a serving energy include using
regional, national, and global smart meters, which will monperspective.
itor energy consumption hour
The keynote speaker for the by hour.
event was Colin Andersen, the
These devices will be in
president and CEO of Ontario every home and small business
Power Authority.
in Ontario by 2010, according
“It’s a real pleasure for me to Smart Meter Ontario’s webto be here on the UOIT cam- site.
pus,” Andersen says.
Andersen says there are
He says the last time he well over two million in use
was at the campus was before already.
he had assumed his current
Andersen told the assembly
position, but he had been building codes and standards
impressed by all the innova- contribute a lot to energy
tive energy saving measures usage and savings.
on campus.
He stated they are going to
He says Ontario will have a increase the Energy Star stangreat story to tell at the 2010 dard and work towards making
Energy Conference and that government buildings greener.
they are currently finalizing
All the talk about conservtheir 20-year plan, called the ing energy came at just the
Integrated Power System Plan. right time for energy conservaAndersen says conserva- tion week, which runs from
tion is their first priority.
May 17-23.
“We have a target of 63,000
Ontario Power Authority
megawatts,” he says.
has all kinds of events planned
This is the equivalent of for the week, including kiosks
taking 1/5 of the people off the that will be set up in Toronto
grid, he explains, adding every where people can learn more
kilowatt saved is one that they about the week and how to
don’t have to generate.
save energy.
According to Andersen,
“I encourage all of you to
energy conservation measures get involved too,” says
will also bring a real opportu- Andersen.
nity for significant investment.
For more information about
“Over 57,000 jobs will energy conservation week visit
result because of these conser- www.energyconservationvation measures,” he states.
Examples include our
Mourning After – The Victorian Celebration of Death
T h e
O s h a w a
Museum and
debuts a new
e x h i b i t
focused on the practices surrounding death
during the Victoria Era. In conjunction with
this exhibit, I thought it might be interesting to
learn a little bit more about the Victorian practice of post-mortem photography.
Postmortem photography refers to photographs taken of people after their death. While
this practice may continue quietly today, with
the photographs taken by members of the family and kept in private, it was an important part
of business for photography studios during the
Victorian era.
The invention of photography allowed
those who could not afford to have a portrait
done to have a lasting image of themselves or
their family.
This included photographs of the recently
Page 8
arranged in a comdeceased. While photography was
fortable position.
more affordable than sitting for a porDeath was considtrait, it was still expensive for the averered to be the “Final
age family.
Sleep” and this was
This would mean that many people
expressed through
were not able to sit for their photophotographing the
graph while they were alive and a
dead as if they were
postmortem photograph might be the
simply asleep. This
only photograph of that person that
style was very poputhey family would have.
lar when taking phoThere were a few different styles of
post-mortem photographs. The photodeceased children.
graphs most easily distinguishable as
post-mortem, are those taken of the
An example of Victorian post- poses such as a
person resting in their casket.
young child in a carOften, casket photographs were mortem photography.
posed with flowers arranged surrounding the riage, giving the appearance of being asleep.
It is not uncommon to find photographs of
casket and, occasionally, mourners were posed
parents posed with their deceased children held
standing nearby.
Another popular style of postmortem pho- in their arms or sitting on their laps.
Most often the child’s eyes would be
tographs was to make the deceased person
appear to be resting in a deep sleep. The per- closed, a clear indicator that it is a postson would be placed on a sofa, or even a bed if mortem photograph.
Occasionally the photographer would
the photograph was taken in the home, and
attempt to pose the photograph in such a manner as to express the sorrow the parents were
However, even when the photograph was
shot simply, with only the parents sitting holding the child they lost, their pain can be clearly seen through the lack of emotion.
Then there are the photographs that you
look at and wonder, what appears to be off
about that person and those photographs may
in fact be post-mortem.
It was popular to pose the person in such a
manner that they appeared to be alive.
The deceased would be posed sitting in a
chair, or at times, even standing upright.
Occasionally the eyes of the deceased would
be left open or the photograph would be doctored to make the eyes appear open. These are
the most difficult style of photograph to determine if they are in fact post-mortem.
The exhibit Mourning After – The Victorian
Celebration of Death runs from the end of May
until November. For more information please
contact the museum at 905-436-7624.
MAY 13 2009
The middle class has had enough
EMPLOYMENT from Page 1
(employment insurance) program now.
Shame on this (the federal) government.”
Schoep was just one of many speakers who not only came to show their
support but also wanted to join together to highlight the issue and send a
message to both the federal and provincial governments.
This rally comes after a massive
demonstration was held last month in
Queen’s Park in Toronto, where thousands protested the lack of funds in the
province’s pension guarantee fund.
As rumours continue about the
potential bankruptcy of GM in Canada,
workers and retirees are becoming
more and more worried there will be
no money for them in terms of jobs and
Some prominent members of the
Toronto protest also made their way to
Oshawa. Canadian Auto Workers
(CAW) Union President Ken Lewenza
came out, along with Mayor John
Gray, CAW Local 222 President Chris
Buckley, several city councillors and
prominent members of the community.
“Other countries are helping those
in need,” Buckley told protestors.
“But what has our government
done? We need to fight for all workers
and all retirees. You (protestors) need
to contact all levels of government and
demand once and for all that they pay
attention. Do not allow (Premier)
Dalton McGuinty to discriminate
against autoworkers. Workers and
retirees helped build the companies
they work for. Be proud of the large
contributions you’ve made.”
Later in the rally the masses headed
to MP Dr. Colin Carrie’s office to
“The middle class has had enough,”
Buckley says. “We will make a difference.”
For GM pensioners, some sort of
answer will be forthcoming as the
CAW and GM head back to the bargaining table this week to make further
concessions as more modifications are
made to the company’s restructuring
Photo by Lindsey Cole/The Oshawa Express
plan, which will be announced June 1.
The truck plant also closes this Despite the pouring rain, many gathered at Memorial Park in Oshawa to fight
for better Employment Insurance as well as pension protection.
Hope for historic hotel
GENOSHA from Page 1
ect qualified for the program, the region was hesitant to commit based on the
City of Oshawa’s procedure.
“Our policies recognize
that these funds are needed
upfront but the City of
Oshawa has them coming in
at a much later time,” says
R.J. Clapp, commissioner of
finance for the region.
Typically, the City of
Oshawa provides the money
to companies once the project is well underway. They
have committed to providing Summers and Company
$736, 991 in total through a
number of loan programs
and grants.
The region was concerned about providing the
funds from the RRP upfront
in case the City backs out.
“I’m not sure you can
ask region taxpayers to bear
all the risk,” adds Clapp.
Regional Chair Roger
Anderson says Oshawa,
“has a lot of forks in the fire
and they can’t do it all.”
Scugog Mayor Marilyn
Pearce echoes Clapp’s comments.
“It’s how the money
flows. There’s no doubt it
qualifies. I think you’ve
sold the staff on it. The
problem is how we get the
money,” she says.
David Tuley, Oshawa’s
officer feels developers
need the money upfront as
“Developers do need the
money upfront and after
stages of development. I
hope one day to mirror our
own program over the
region’s,” he says.
However, he does feel
the City of Oshawa and the
region’s procedures do compliment each other nicely.
“It looks very good to a
bank,” he says.
The application for
$675,000 in financial assistance was submitted to the
region by the City of
Oshawa on behalf of
cent when an occupancy
permit is received.
According to Summers,
the company expects to
obtain a building permit in
the coming weeks. If all
goes as planned the project
should be completed by
March 2010.
Photo by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express
The Genosha Hotel originally opened in 1936 but has been
vacant for years. Rick Summers recently bought the building
and plans to restore it.
Summers and Company.
There are a number of
conditions associated with
the region’s decision to offer
assistance to the company
The money granted will
not exceed more than
$550,000, they must come
up with the funds to cover
the development charges,
the region will enter into a
Oshawa and the region will
transfer the money to the
City for distribution at various stages of the project.
Half of the money will
be given to Summers and
Company once a building
permit is issued. Twentyfive per cent will be given
when a framing inspection
is done and the last 25 per
expected by September
2010, just in time for the
college and university students to move in.
The company is proposing to redevelop the former
six-storey building on King
Street East, which lay
vacant for years, into apartments with a commercial
space underneath.
“This is a project that is
going to be very close to the
downtown campus,” says
Richard Senechal, a partner
in the project.
“It’s an open secret that
the university wants to build
According to Summers
and Senechal, they have met
with University of Ontario
Institute of Technology
(UOIT) President Ron
Bordessa on many occasions, although they say a
downtown campus has not
been confirmed.
“We’re not concerned
about filling the 100 units,”
says Summers, who is confident students will be jumping at the chance to move
into the building because of
all the student housing
issues Oshawa is facing.
“We saw an urgent need
to help with the student
housing problem and I was
always taught to run at a
They already have a
number of potential leases
lined up for the 12,400
square foot commercial
space too, he says.
Currently the company
has more than 100 people
inside working to demolish
the building, which was
built in 1936.
“We need to re-do the
asbestos, insulate the walls,
bring it up to code, put a
new roof in some spots,”
explains Senechal of the
building, which will eventually look similar to when it
opened years ago.
So far they have
removed the bird feces from
inside and are plan to start
on removing the asbestos
next week.
“It’s an interesting project and it’s certainly well
Oshawa,” says Anderson of
the $9.6 million re-build.
“I can’t wait to see the
project proceed. There’s a
lot of good potential in
downtown Oshawa and
these people obviously see
Residents say Park Road South not safe
For one resident, Park
Road South isn’t such a safe
place to have a home.
According to a City Staff
report that was submitted to
the Community Services
Committee April 14, a resident in the area needs some
solutions to make his property less of a target.
Pat Good, who lives at
506 Park Road S., had his
garage rammed twice in the
past five years, he told staff
MAY 13 2009
in February.
Good said he believes he
may have trouble getting
insurance for his property in
the future because of these
researched and found that
16 collisions were reported
on Park Road South in
Good’s area in the past 10
Of these 16 collisions, all
occurred during poor condi-
tions. Six involved a single
Part of the problem,
states the report, is skid
Both the City and
Durham Region met with
Good to discuss what could
be done in terms of
The region has planned
to re-surface Park Road in
2009 but some other measures were also considered.
The reconstruction of the
concrete curb adjacent to
Good’s property, as well as
relocating the driveway curb
and reinstating the barrier
curb will provide more protection, the report states.
While these improvements still have to be completed, the report says Good
was satisfied with the proposed measures.
City Council received
the report for information.
election debate
He says this alienates some
candidates who may not get the
chance to be heard because they
don’t have the money to run an
elaborate campaign.
He also says this system is
causing current council members to grandstand and mudsling, long before an election
should even be considered.
“I believe the elected officials could just be from one part
of the city,” he says, of the atlarge system, adding voter
turnout has been terrible and
this won’t encourage more people to get out.
Candidates in a ward system
have a more personal approach
and can address issues that matter to those living in that particular area.
Sprague says the system
needs to be changed, despite a
citywide referendum that
changed the old ward-system
type of voting in 2006.
“City Council now sees their
fellow councillors as adversaries for the upcoming election,” he says. “What I do blame
is the vote-at-large system. It
cannot be fun coming into work
in this environment.”
He says he has read and seen
how council is currently operating and there is no teamwork or
initiative to work together.
“What we should demand is
a level of teamwork and
respect,” he says.
Councillor April Cullen
couldn’t agree more.
“This is a joke,” she says,
adding coming to council is
almost as painful as getting a
root canal done with no anaesthetic.
“I don’t even want to be
here. What on earth is it going
to be a year from now? This is
the least respectful council I’ve
ever seen. Somebody can turn
around and stab you in the back
and smile while they do it.”
Councillor Louise Parkes
put a motion on the table
regarding the issue, as
Councillor John Henry’s motion
to receive it for information was
A motion to move the correspondence to council for discussion was carried.
Another case of
H1N1 in Durham
Durham Region now has
seven cases of H1N1 also known
as Swine Flu.
All of the cases are related to
travel to Mexico and are mild.
None of the patients have
been hospitalized.
Symptoms of the H1N1
Influenza A Flu are similar to seasonal flu and
include fever, cough,
sore throat, muscle and
joint pain, extreme
tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and lack
of appetite.
The illness is being
transferred person to person via
the respiratory route, through
coughing, sneezing etc.
The region’s health department warns that if you have travelled to Mexico within the last
seven days and are experiencing
symptoms of respiratory illness,
or were in contact with a confirmed case within seven days of
the onset of symptoms, you are
being asked to contact your
health care provider or call
Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-7970000.
Make sure you mention you
were in Mexico.
People should only go to hospital emergency departments if they have severe
symptoms, such as feeling short of breath.
If you feel ill, you are
being asked to stay home
to prevent the spread to
cough etiquette and washing
hands thoroughly and often with
hot, soapy water is still the best
way to protect yourself, states the
region’s website.
Avoid sharing personal items
like toothbrushes, keep keyboards, doorknobs clean and
avoid touching your mouth, nose
or eyes.
Page 9
Cedarcroft wows
By Katie Strachan
The Oshawa Express
The colours on the walls are serene.
The warm sense of community fills the air and
the inviting staff makes you feel right at home.
After a six-month-long renovation, Cedarcroft
Place retirement residence re-opened their doors
with a fresh new look, which is loved by all residents.
“If you had of seen the before, this is just phenomenal,” says Lisa Pearson, director of marketing.
The home now features an intimate lounge,
Internet café, a games room and a multi-purpose
room where residents can watch television and
chitchat with friends.
The residents were also thrilled to learn the
addition of a formal dining room was in the
The room has since been completed and features a beautiful wood table, chandelier and soothing decor all perfect for welcoming visiting family members.
The dining room is one of Margurite Devin’s
favourite things. She has lived in the home for a
Other amenities to the home are the tearoom,
serene gardens and a beauty salon, which offers
perms, manicures, pedicures and much more.
And who could forget the spa room with a
hydro tub, which is something all residents adore.
“It’s just night and day,” adds Pearson of the
Some of the 83 residents were even in tears
upon entering their updated suites, complete with
a new bathroom, modern colours and lush carpets.
They all feature large windows, lots of space
and keep resident safety in mind.
Each of the five floors have a different colour
scheme and theme, says Pearson.
The home is within walking distance to many
shops, parks, public transport and clinics,
although there is an onsite clinic with a physician
in the home.
Page 10
Cedarcroft offers physiotherapy, foot care, lab
and pharmacy services as well. This allows residents who have less mobility access to proper
“I like it a lot. It’s very quiet and comfortable,”
says Elizabeth Schmidt, a resident of the home.
“We all really seem to like it.”
Residents can also take advantage of any of
Oshawa’s Senior Citizens Centres.
“The city gave us two cats, Tigger and
Blackie,” adds Devin with a smile on her face.
“I have a cat in my room too. All she does is
sleep. She is a great cuddler.”
Although Devin has been nominated for taking care of the kitty litter, she says she doesn’t
Cedarcroft Place offers their residents three
meals each day, weekly housekeeping and laundry services.
While some suites are still undergoing renovations, Cedarcroft’s new look will certainly wow
And judging by the smiles on the resident’s
faces, they’re quite impressed.
Photo by Katie Strachan/ The Oshawa Express
These two residents are happy sitting on the sidelines as a band plays, residents mingle and guests
enjoy the tours of the renovated senior’s home.
MAY 13 2009
Oshawa hospital receives new MRI machine
Shortened wait times, courtesy of new MRI
By Katie Strachan
The Oshawa Express
The line may be shorter in the wait for an
MRI scan, courtesy of Lakeridge Health
Oshawa’s newest addition.
The Ontario government has announced
they are willing to pay the operating costs for
the second MRI machine in the Oshawa hospital, at a cost of $800,000 annually.
Currently the hospital’s only MRI machine
has been running 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, says David Caplan, the minister of
health and long-term care.
This requires patients to come in the middle
of the night.
It performs 10,500 scans per year, states
Kevin Empey, Lakeridge Health’s CEO.
“It can’t produce the scans we need.”
The addition of the new machine in the
breast assessment centre will provide an additional 3,120 scans a year, making it much easier for those who need scans quickly and closer to home.
“We all know this is an expanding community and we all know the demand is there (for
a new machine),” adds Caplan.
MAY 13 2009
Several of Lakeridge Health’s board mem- opening that will be more comfortable for largbers, dignitaries as well as members of the er patients and those with claustrophobia.
MRIs are typically used for sports, spine
Oshawa Hospital Foundation welcomed the
and joint injuries, cardiovascular disease, cangood news.
“Given the current economic climate it’s cer, multiple sclerosis, sciatica and other congreat to have a positive announcement for the ditions such as brain abnormalities.
hospital and the community,” says Doug
Allingham, Lakeridge Health’s board chair.
The $4.85 million MRI machine is courtesy of the Oshawa Hospital Foundation’s
The new MRI machine will allow the
hospital to increase the care they provide.
“This investment of a new MRI for our
hospital strengthens our capacity to deliver
better health care services for our patients,”
says Empey.
The addition of a second machine in
Oshawa will only add to the success the
provincial government has had in reducing
wait times.
Provincial wait times for MRIs have
decreased by 15 per cent since 2004.
Photo by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express
The machine will be able to perform up
Caplan, minister of health and longto four procedures an hour, which will
term care. and Kevin Empey, Lakeridge Health’s CEO
result in 50 per cent better image quality.
The new machine also has a bigger unveil a photo of the new MRI machine.
Page 11
Searching for dead stock solutions
Farmers have only a
few options should
they lose one of their
By Clint Hurley
Monsignor Paul Dwyer co-op student
Taking care of livestock is a challenge at
the best of times for local farmers.
But what happens when one of them
According to the Dead Animal Disposal
Act, an animal must be buried under two feet
of earth within 48 hours.
Although disposal of dead animals is
required by law, there has been some confusion for local farmers on how to deal with
carcasses, especially since Mad-Cow
Disease plagued farmers when the crisis
happened nearly a decade ago.
The viability of businesses that dealt with
dead stock weakened considerably after new
regulations came into play making hides and
other animal parts practically worthless.
Questions on who could pick up dead
stock and where it could be dropped off lingered and left farmers with few options.
Special funding was provided to make
sure farmers were able to access a dead
stock removal service in order to comply
with regulations. However, this funding has
recently expired.
Now both the federal and provincial government have stepped in to help again.
Growing Forward, a program developed
after the expiry of the other funds, gives
farmers a way to pay for composting their
Composting is an alternative to dead
stock services and was introduced in 1996.
Since then it has gained in popularity.
The program only pays for about
$15,000, states an Ontario Federation of
Agriculture release. The organization hopes
to get up to $45,000.
“Growing Forward is an agreement
signed by the federal government and
provinces, and supports both food and environmental issues,” says Leona Dombrowsky,
Ontario minister of agriculture, food and
rural affairs.
“For producers who are interested in
environmental farm plans, Growing Forward
provides dollars for that.”
Allowing dead and decaying animals to
accumulate in locations that are out-of-sight
is unacceptable because of the dangers of
disease as well as attracting wildlife to the
carcasses, the release explains. Having
options is important.
New regulations have just recently been
released highlighting what can be done to
animals, as well as, some new methods for
“The regulations have expanded to
include cattle, goats, horses, poultry, rabbits
and deer,” says Minister Dombrowsky.
“We have included new regulations
regarding collection of dead livestock on
The Nutrient Management Act takes care
of on-farm disposal, as well as the Food
Safety and Quality Act for off-farm disposal.
“There are a number of new options for
farmers to dispose of dead livestock,”
explains Minister Dombrowsky.
Burial in disposal vessels, usually made
of steel or concrete, incineration and anaerobic digestion (where micro organisms break
down the animal) are just a few of the many
new options that have been added to the
rules regarding dead stock.
These options must correspond with separation and setback distance regulations, so
as not to be too close to a farming area.
“Environmentally sound methods have
been put in place to protect our water
resources,” Minister Dombrowsky says,
adding water supply will not be affected by
the disposal of dead livestock.
Famous artist featured at art gallery
Andor Weininger, a Bauhausler in Canada
By Lindsey Cole
The Oshawa Express
Hungarian-born Andor Weininger’s work
is eclectic. Small scale. Fun.
Such is the way Curator Dr. Oliver Botar
would describe the late artist’s work, which
is being showcased at the Robert
McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa.
Over the weekend an open house was
held for the exhibit with representatives
from the Hungarian embassy on-hand to
show their support for an artist who wasn’t
widely accepted or acknowledged in
Dr. Botar described Weininger’s work
and history in ‘A Bauhausler in Canada: only stayed for a few years, as his work
Andor Weininger in the ‘50s,’ which he has wasn’t widely accepted in Canada at the
time, explains Dr. Botar.
been working on since 2001.
“During that
“This exhibitime he protion is the first
a lot of
exhibition of this
“During that time he produced a lot of duced
work. It’s hard
work. It’s hard to know why he wasn’t
to know why he
1956,” says Dr.
wasn’t acknowlBotar.
edged,” says Dr.
“He was the
Dr. Oliver Botar Botar.
A modernist,
artist to work in
Weininger’s work features self-portraits
Bauhaus was one of the most influential with energy and vibrancy, he says. “I would
describe it as a kind of happy modernism,”
art and design schools of the 20th century.
The artist came to Toronto in 1951 and he states, adding it’s the type of exhibition
Cell phone legislation
In Ontario we are going through a cell
phone revolution.
As early as 2002, a local coroner's jury recommended a total ban on cell phone use after
an Ajax man and his two-year-old daughter
died when their truck was hit by a train while
the man was making a phone call.
The inquest heard that the driver failed to
notice the flashing lights and gates at a
Pickering railway crossing while chatting. As
I recall the details of this accident, it seems to
me the father was on the phone to his wife
who heard the impact.
From this point on, I was in favour of banning cell phone use while driving. However
we needed more tragedies to convince our
politicians. In 2006, a Keswick woman and
her four-year-old son died when their car spun
out of control and slid into a Holland Marsh
South Simcoe police said the driver was
talking to a friend on a cell phone as she drove
in a snowstorm. It has taken long enough but
finally the provincial government has put into
Page 12
law that we cannot use a cell phone or any
other hand held gadget while driving.
This comes into effect this fall, but it still
fails to address a much more serious problem
that is being recognized in many other countries
In Ontario, the Ontario Medical
Association (OMA) has released research that
shows a crash is four times more likely to
occur if a cell phone had been used up to 10
minutes prior to the collision. As the doctors
say, it has become a habit for many of you,
and you see it as a harmless practice. However
the OMA report also found that the use of a
cell phone while driving leads to dangerous
changes in drivers' behaviour. Among these
changes are the average drivers speed, slower
brake reaction time, slower response times to
traffic light changes and reduced visual monitoring of mirrors and instruments, with some
drivers abandoning them entirely.
How many of us have not been the victims
of some cell phone driver exhibiting erratic
behaviour behind the wheel?
To allow hands free cell phone use, appears
to me to be trying to appease the cell phone
manufacturers, some of which I am sure contribute to the coffers of the ruling political parties. Some experts agree that phone use of any
kind while driving a vehicle poses an unwarranted danger.
When you come across a fatal accident or
are involved in any car accident yourself, you
might better appreciate the dangers of driving
a vehicle on our highways.
Certainly I notice my speed and that of others always decreases after passing an accident
It seems to re-enforce the fact that we must
be completely diligent while driving.
In my view Global Positioning Systems
should also only be programmed at the side of
the road. There are a lot of fans of GPS systems. I am not one of them. The majority of
people, I know who use them would be better
off by using MapQuest before their drive, to
get directions.
To be fair, it is not just cell phone use. How
many of us have followed behind drivers that
have to look at their companions while talking
to them and driving at the same time? They
take their eyes off the road every few seconds.
Several years ago, a friend and I were moving his daughters’ furniture, etc. out of a
Ryerson College Residence to an apartment. I
could not believe my eyes when we pulled
alongside a Toronto Taxi driver who had the
Toronto Sun fully opened on his lap and was
reading it while driving.
Sad to see our society seemingly disrespecting the attention required to operate a
motor vehicle, unimpeded by distractions of
any sort.
If you have a youngster at home with a cell
phone, you may not wish to read my next column on health concerns and cell phone use.
You can always e-mail your comments to
[email protected]
that impresses. “I think it means a lot to his
For those who don’t know the artist, Dr.
Botar has a few words of wisdom when taking a look at his work.
“I’d like them (exhibitors) to do two
things. I’d like them to discover a lost piece
in the mosaic of Canadian art history.
And recognize the artist and his happy
work – art that he never promoted and never
tried to sell. For him to be shown in Canada,
a country he felt slighted by, I think it’s really important. It’s almost righting a wrong.”
Weininger’s work is featured at the
gallery until June 28.
Time to swing
for the music
Golf fans, grab those clubs and get ready to
swing for a good cause.
The Ontario Philharmonic, formerly
known as the Oshawa Durham Symphony
Orchestra, is holding a charity golf tournament.
Dinner, an auction and exciting entertainment will also be featured after the tournament
for those who aren’t as handy with golf clubs.
It will be held on May 14 at the Oshawa
Golf and Curling club, starting at 12:30 p.m.
Before the tournament starts, golfers can practice their skills on the driving range and get
some tips from professional golf instructors.
There will also be a barbeque lunch before
the tournament.
During the match there will be several skill
testing competitions and giveaways, including
at least one $10,000 hole in one prize and
every golfer who attends will receive complementary Ontario Philharmonic Tickets.
All of the proceeds will go towards benefiting the Ontario Philharmonic and there will
even be celebrity golfers present, including
Canadian singing icon Michael Burgess.
He will be performing at the gourmet dinner afterwards, as will a trio of musicians from
the Ontario Philharmonic.
Golf and dinner packages are available for
$250 per person, with dinner packages costing
just $100.
To register, or for more information, contact the Ontario Philharmonic office at 905579-6711 or call Laura at 905-571-3109
MAY 13 2009
To have your baby included in The
Oshawa Express Echo Baby, please
send a photograph of your child (infant
to 2 years) to:
The Oshawa Express, 600 Thornton Rd.
S., Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 6W7.
Email: [email protected]
This is a free service. Photos will be
available for pick up at this location.
ARIES March 20 to April 19
Headstrong and impulsive,
with a lively personality, you
plunge into life without much forethought. Are you using your inborn
talents to earn a living? If you dislike
your job, it is time to change it.
TAURUSApril 19 to May 20
When shopping, you choose
the finest things that money
can buy. Do not buy on impulse or
invest money without thinking things
through first. Take a creative approach
to your job. Project self-confidence.
GEMINI May 20 to June 21
Outgoing, lively and talkative,
you are totally interested in
what is going on around you.
Consider your goals and plans for the
future and follow through on current
projects. Spend time with friends.
CANCER June 21 to July 22
Self-disciplined, ambitious and
hard working, you will be able
to get caught up with paperwork after
May 16. Network with people who
can help you advance in your career.
Attend parties and socialize.
LEO July 22 to August 22
A go-getter, you have a
vibrant personality and great
interpersonal skills. Your standing and
reputation in the community are highlighted now. Turn a career dream into
a reality.
VIRGO August 22 to Sept 22
You see things as they should
be: clean and in perfect
order...The workaholic of the Zodiac,
you also need playfulness and frivolity.
Take a course of study that will broaden your horizons.
LIBRA Sept 22 to Oct 23
A charmer, you want life to be
pretty and harmonious and do
whatever you can to make it so. Good
time to get engaged or to schedule a
wedding. Put off making financial decisions until June.
SCORPIO Oct 23 to Nov 22
You enjoy being a private person and only let people know
what you want them to know. This is not
a time to go it alone, take the necessary
steps to improve your relationship with
your partner. Go for a physical.
SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 to Dec 21
You love games of all kinds and
particularly enjoy an occasional
game of poker. Venus and Mars
are energizing your love life, but these
two can also create a bit of jealousy.
Improve efficiency in the workplace.
CAPRICORN Dec 21 to Jan 19
Like the mountain goat, your
goal is to climb and climb until
you reach the top. Do repairs
around the house, but be patient, if a
domestic project slows down. Join
another family for a visit to Wonderland.
AQUARIUSJan 19 to Feb 19
Intelligent and forward thinking,
you live life by your own rules
and see the world through unique eyes.
Spruce up your house by planting
Petunias in flower boxes. Enjoy dinner
with friends.
PISCES Feb 19 to March 20
You seldom follow a tried and
true path, when something
strikes your fancy, you go for
it.Compelled to work hard, you could
start a new job after May 16. Take pride
in increasing your personal worth.
The Stars Say is provided by Joan Ann of Oshawa. For personal readings, call 905-725-9179 or visit her website at
Christopher is two years old. He loves playing with his cars.
The Oshawa Express would like to remind its readers to still send Express Perfect
Pet pictures in to run bi-weekly in the Echo Baby feature.
1. Poison plant
6. Spa
11. Do
14. Creep
15. Torcher’s misdeed
16. Near depletion
17. Concur
18. Jewelled headdress
19. “___ we there yet?”
20. Gun, as an engine
21. Honey drink
23. Overeat
25. Mournful poem
27. Egyptian structure
29. Leaf shape
31. Skirt fold
32. Perch
33. Misgiving
34. Taxi
37. Adhesive cement
38. Garden bulb
39. Speed contest
40. Affirmative
41. Apparition
42. Tubular pasta
43. Correspond
44. Wall Street figure
45. Scram
48. “Great!”
49. Dialect
50. Particle
51. Before
54. A title
55. Acer tree
58. Acquired relative
60. A young child
61. Uplift
62. Hotel offering
63. ___ Wednesday
64. Pavarotti, e.g.
65. “Come in!”
1. Mark for life
2. Craving
3. Fantastic
4. Amazement
5. Balmy weather
6. Southeast Asian
7. Waterless
8. ___ Today
9. ___’wester
10. Word game
11. Siren
12. Welsh dog
13. Thick woollen fabric
22. ___ roll
24. Cereal grain
26. Misplace
27. Braid
28. Dog’s cry
29. Unrestrained revelry
30. Tree trunk
31. Beat
33. Give an estimate
34. Romantic dinner
35. Clearasil target
36. Oktoberfest serving
38. “Now hear ___!”
39. Genuine
41. Eyelet
42. Assumption
43. Romance
44. Deuce
45. Panorama
46. Parting word
47. Gleefulness
48. Beef on the hoof
50. Choir voice
52. Charge per unit
53. Pitcher
56. Hearty brew
57. Cooking vessel
59. Religious woman
Kathleen Saxe
Word Game
May 6 Word Game answers
Page 13
MAY 13 2009
May 6 Crossword answers
May 14
Calling all Otaku and anime fans!
Come to the Legends Centre library at
7 p.m. You'll get to watch a variety of
anime episodes, draw your own
Manga characters and play Japanese
games to win fabulous prizes! Talk
about all your favourites, share the
latest news scoop, or just come and
meet some new friends. For ages 1218. Refreshments are provided. Free
registration at any library branch.
May 19
The Oshawa Historical Society is
holding their monthly meeting at their
new location at the McLaughlin
library’s auditorium. The event starts
at 7 p.m. and admission is $3. For
more information call the Oshawa
Community Museum and Archives at
(905) 436-7624 ext. 103.
Northview Community Centre is
holding their annual BBQ, starting at
5 p.m. This is a must-attend annual
event. Come and visit the Library
booth for games, prizes and costumed characters.
May 20
The One Parent Families Association
is holding a fund raising dance at the
Woodview Community Centre. We
welcome both singles and couples.
The doors open at 7:30 and dancing
begins at 8:00 pm. and includes a
hot buffet. Dress code is in effect.
Contact Dean at [email protected] or at 289-240-2146 for
more info, 151 Cadillac Ave.
May 21
Next steps for families and friends. A
new learning series for caregivers of
people with Alzheimer’s disease or
related dementia. Communication
and behaviour is the theme for this
session. It runs from 9:30 AM to 12
noon at the Durham Region
Alzheimer’s Society at 419 King
Street West, Suite 207. For more information and to register, call 905-5762567 or toll free at 1-888-301-1106.
May 23
If you have ever wondered how Fido
understands your commands or what
actually goes on in your feline's head
then you won't want to miss this interactive workshop at the McLaughlin
Page 14
library. Sheila Trecartin, a renowned
animal communicator and pet psychic who will discuss animal communication, will take you through some
enlightening exercises, and explain
how to enhance your relationship
with your pet. It starts at 2 p.m. and is
for teens and adults ages 12 and up.
Free registration at any library
St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church
Oshawa is holding its Spring Bazaar.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
May 26
May 6 Sudoku answers
Are you the ultimate Guitar Hero?
Show off your mad guitar skills at this
tournament, held at the Northview
Library at 7 p.m. The Guitar Hero and
runner-up will win a prize! For ages
12-18. Registration is limited. Free
registration at any library branch.
May 27
Annual plant auction. Get lots of
great plants and seedlings at bargain
prices! Everyone is welcome! Durham
District School Board Administration
building. 7:30 p.m. For more information contact Dianne Pazaratz at
905-433-7875 or Peggy Clark at
May 28
Got Game? Bring it to the
McLaughlin library at 7 p.m.! They
will be featuring a Mario Kart Wii
Tournament for ages 12-19. Snacks
and water will be available throughout the tournament. Space is limited.
Free registration at any library
May 29
Come to the Northview Community
Centre at 9:00am and join this lively
discussion of topics in the news. Bring
your own coffee or purchase a cup. A
joint programme between the
Oshawa Public Libraries and the
Oshawa Senior Citizens Centres. Free
registration at any library branch.
June 3
Drop-iin and party with the Nintendo
Wii at the McLaughlin library. They
have some of your favourite games,
and anyone aged 6-12 is welcome.
Drop in anytime between 6:00 pm
and 7:00 pm.
Sunday school
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the
Ten Commandments with her five and six year
old students.
After explaining the commandment to
"honor" thy father and thy mother, she asked,
"Is there a commandment that teaches us how
to treat our brothers and sisters?"
Without missing a beat, one little boy
answered, "Thou shall not kill."
Send us your jokes to
[email protected]
Photo by Robyn DePratto/ The Oshawa Express
The members of the Troubadours, a group that performs shows to
raise money for the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centres, celebrated
their 10th anniversary as a group recently. The 23-member group
performs songs from musicals, war songs, and songs from past eras.
MAY 13 2009
Leave of absence essential, says Bunting and Draffin
Hawkeyes shelve senior program
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
As the Oshawa Hawkeyes gear
up for their 50th anniversary this
season, the organization will go into
the 2009 campaign with one less
team on the playing field.
The Hawkeyes senior men’s
squad has taken a year’s leave of
absence from the Northern Football
Conference, citing a need to restructure its coaching staff and player talent pool with special emphasis
placed squarely on “local” products.
“Folding a team is not a good
way to go into celebrating 50 years.
We are aware of that,” says
Hawkeyes’ President Ian Bunting.
“But to put a team on the field
strictly because it is an anniversary
year isn’t the right thing to do, either.
There is a lot of work to be done to
get coaches and players in the
Durham Region involved in the senior program and this is the direction
we’ve taken.”
The men’s squad, formed in
2001, set a personal goal of copping
a league title in five years. Not only
but the senior
Oshawa team
went on to
M a j o r
League crown
in 2006.
And in a weird sort of way,
despite the pinnacle of claiming a
national title, their success also
nudged the program into a down turn
with the necessity of recruiting on
the back burner.
“We have to shoulder the responsibility for this,” admits Bunting.
“After winning in 2006, everyone
came back (in 2007) believing we
could win it all again and, therefore,
there was no need for recruiting. A
few younger players came out for the
team but, looking around at guys
who won the previous year, they felt
there was no
chance of getting
any playing time.
And so they left.
“And even in
2008, there were
still enough guys
around wanting
one more kick at
the cat and, once
again, we were
guilty of not doing any recruiting.
We felt it wasn’t necessary. But, in
our favor, we were very loyal to the
guys who had played for this team.”
The resignation of head coach
Donovan Wright and the retirement
of numerous veteran players placed
the executive in a challenging position.
They were left with either scrambling a team on the field and see how
it operates or taking a year off to
retool the on-field coaching staff and
player talent.
“I personally feel we need to
focus on our own local football talent who wants to continue to play
competitive football from the
Durham area as well as offering the
kind of coaching that can live up to
the high standards set by Donovan
Wright,” said Hawkeyes senior general manager Don Dreffin in a news
“To fill those needs and be competitive at the senior level will not be
an easy take. We also need more
sponsorship with the local economic
climate, it was just another area that
factored into this unfortunate decision.”
The Hawkeyes have
paid the Northern league
$1,000 to remain in good
Bunting says the
Durham coaches and players on the
field in 2010 will give the organization accessibility to making it to
practices easier along with exploring
the potential of future players within
this area.
Several players and coaches were
from outside Durham Region, constituting intermittent problems
throughout the course of the season.
Bunting adds the search for a
Durham coach is high on the list at
this point, noting,
“I would like to see us establish a
head coach within the next month.
That way, he will have an opportunity to go out during the summer and
recruit local players.”
Duggan emphasizes importance of participating in GCW card
Hacksaw still causing a buzz
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
From his early days when wrestling was a
sport to today’s keen entertainment orchestrated by WWE guru Vince McMahon, Duggan
With his patented 2x4 board over one has seen a lot of changes in wrestlers.
shoulder and a meaningful thumbs up with his
“The wrestlers are more professional now
left hand, Hacksaw Jim Duggan has given than back in the earlier days,” he notes. “It’s a
much different busigrapplers fits inside
ness from the hey-day
the squared circle
of the 1980s. Not necthese past 30 years.
essarily their ring
And while most
of his events have
approach to how they
been before huge
treat the business. Back
throngs of supportthen, we partied all
ers encompassing
night. I don’t think
the domination of
there is as much of that
(WWE), the 45wrestlers for the sake
year-old native of
of entertainment has
Glen Falls, New
changed as well, says
York, can still mix it
up with the best of
“The trend is now
them, be it on the
for smaller guys that
big stage or smaller
fly and are fast comvenues as demonpared to bigger guys
that brawl. And that’s
okay. It is all about
Wrestling (GCW)
card at the Legion
Duggan doesn’t fly.
Hall in Oshawa.
And he’s not necessariHe’s still got the
ly quick on his feet.
board, the thumbs
But Hacksaw does
up and the muchdemand the respect of
Photo by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express opponents while still
appreciated “Hooo!”
battle cry. Clearly, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is still causing a stir with his working up the energy
entertaining patented 2X4 at the Great Canadian Wrestling to give fans every reawrestler who has show at the Legion in Oshawa.
son to give him a
been successfully
hearty thumbs up and a “Hoooo!” as he enters
around the block on more than a few occa- the ring.
sions, still has what it takes to entertain a
Groomed for wrestling by Fritz Von Erich,
crowd. And he loves every moment of it.
Duggan’s initial goal was to play in the
“This is great, isn’t it?” he remarks behind National Football League (NFL) and although
a curtain with a huge grin while fans react to an signed by the Atlanta Falcons, constant knee
ongoing bout inside the ring. Duggan has taken injuries kept him from pursuing his dream.
on the elite over his illustrious career, includFollowing a coffee stop with the Canadian
ing Andre the Giant, the Iron Sheik and per- Football League’s (CFL) Toronto Argonauts,
haps the epitome of his success, outlasting 19 Duggan put away the pads for wrestling
other wrestlers to become the very first winner trunks. Ironically, Duggan began his pro career
at Royal Rumble. His ability to toss One Man as a heel, including a stint in Mid-South
Gang over the ropes as his final opponent put Wrestling during the early ‘80s where he
Duggan in the record books.
became Louisana State Champion.
MAY 13 2009
“The most fun I had was in the Mid-South
Wrestling,” he See DUGGAN Page 16
Page 15
Duggan wows the crowd
HACKSAW from Page 15
have 20,000 screaming fans watching you
previously with WCW. His most memoperform, I still think of that (bout) every so
he recalls. “The guys were much closer and rable was a bout against highly touted
Andre The Giant before a sellout crowd at
we all travelled together. It was the early
Currently signed to a WWE
‘80s, a wild time. I mean,
contract, the demand for Duggan
if we got into a bit of
and the 2x4 board has taken him to
trouble, there were peo30 countries, noting with a grin,
ple around to help sweep
“I’ve been to every state in the US
it under the rug.
and every province in Canada. The
Nowadays with cell
WWE is worldwide.”
phones and the Internet,
And yet, Duggan remains a full
you could see your name
supporter of smaller venues.
pop up on the screen. I’m
“I think folks come to shows
always telling kids to be
like the GCW with an open mind
very careful for that very
and 90 percent of the time they
say, ‘Hey, a little local show with a
Perhaps Duggan’s
big WWE production. It’s a great
biggest challenge was
night out.’
away from the ring in
“This is the roots of wrestling.
1998 when he was diagnosed with kidney canPhoto by Robyn DePratto/The Oshawa Express The WWE is a phenomenon of
cer. He beat it and two
Hacksaw Jim Duggan gets ready to throw his opponent across the ring, show- which I am glad to be a small part
of it. Still, I see the young guys
years later, he was back
ing off some of his wrestling talent.
coming up looking for gimmicks
in the limelight with
and I’ve seen some crazy ones. They’re
Madison Square Garden in New York.
World Championship Wrestling (WCW).
doing it for the love of the business and
“That was a highlight,” he beams. “I
Duggan’s high profile matches are plenyou’ve got to appreciate that.”
mean, to sell out Madison Square Garden,
tiful throughout his stops in the WWE and
Dodgers rain on Red Sox parade
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
Rain postponed two scheduled Intercounty Baseball
League (IBL) contests at
Kinsmen Stadium during a twoweek period. But there was
nothing to prevent the Oshawa
Dodgers from raining on the
parade of defending champion
Brantford Red Sox Saturday
Stellar pitching by young
sensation Evan Grills and established Brandyn Agnew launched
the Dodgers to a doubleheader
sweep before more than 1,000
Page 16
spectators at Arnold Anderson
Stadium in Brantford, many
there to see the Red Sox receive
their championship rings.
Once the first pitch was
tossed, the Dodgers rang up a 32 win in the opener with Grills
going the distance and allowing
one earned run. Agnew pitched
six solid innings in the nightcap
to guide the Dodgers to a 7-4
“Not being able to get in a
home game was a bit frustrating,” said Oshawa’s bench boss
Dan Bleiwas, “but we’ll certainly take the two wins against the
defending champions. That’s a
nice start to the year.”
Dodgers were slated to stage
their home opener against the
Guelph Gryphons two weeks
ago, but was cancelled because
of a power outage on their home
field. A scheduled game last
Sunday afternoon against the
Barrie Baycats was nixed
because of unplayable field conditions.
They will try again this
Saturday afternoon against newcomer Mississauga Twins (formerly Stratford) at Kinsmen
Stadium, starting at 2 p.m.
Ironically, the Dodgers managed a single hit in the opener
during a tilt billed as a battle
of two quality pitchers
expected to go high in the
Baseball (MLB) amateur
entry draft this June.
Grills, 16, established
himself as the better of the
two starters before more
than 20 major league scouts.
Brantford starter Jake
Eliopoulos lasted only four
innings while giving up the
single hit to Oshawa’s Tyler
Hibbert. Grills, ranked 33rd
Crosschecker and slated as
the top Canadian, had good
command of his pitches,
allowing just five hits while
striking out four batters.
“I think what we saw
was a very good high school
pitcher become a great pitcher.
He literally stole the show in a
game of two pitchers projected
to go in the (MLB) draft. What
I also liked was two defensive
gems he made.”
As could be expected from
a young team, several players
remain out of the lineup
because of schooling south of
the border. Once these players
return, Bleiwas and cohort
Dino Roumel will be burning
the midnight oil while paring
down the roster.
“Yah, we have a challenge
ahead of us, but it’s also a luxury,” adds Bleiwas. “Better
being in this position rather
than the other way around.”
Trailing by a run in the second contest, the Dodgers put
on the rally caps and scored
four runs in the seventh inning
for the sweep. Cam Robulack
had two hits and drove in a
pair of runs for the Dodgers.
Tyler Patzalek doubled, scored
a run and drove in two more.
Jonathan Solazzo picked up
the save.
Brad Hogeterp went four
innings for the Sox, allowing
three earned runs. Following
their home opener on
Saturday, the Dodgers will be
at Christie Pits on Sunday
afternoon for a tilt against the
Toronto Maple Leafs.
deserve props
Generals grow
accustomed to
looking ahead
with a brand
new breed of
young hopefuls following the recent Ontario Hockey League
(OHL) Priority Selection, co-owner Rocco Tullio
acknowledges the immediate past still hurts.
Oshawa’s inability to qualify for post-season play
unquestionably took the wind out of their sails. A gutwrenching decision to set loose John Tavares and
Michael Del Zotto to the London Knights late in the
season also weighed heavily.
“We weighed the pros and cons, believe me,”
Tullio smiles. “We gave up two tremendous players.
But at the end of the day, we agreed it was the right
decision to make. We set ourselves up for the future.”
Changes these past couple of seasons have been
plentiful from front office to player personnel.
The addition of Florida Panthers’ head skipper
Peter DeBoer and former NHL’er Adam Graves as
owners helped put a structure in place.
“We even put together a new scouting staff so, it all
starts today. This is when we move forward,” he adds.
The selection of forward Boone Jenner as
Oshawa’s top pick is a “big step” in the right direction,
says Tullio.
“Boone is a huge piece of this puzzle. This young
man is everything and more and our fans will grow to
like him very quickly because he doesn’t cheat on any
shift. He’s out there giving it his best.
“This is an exciting time. The owners talked and
we do not want to miss the playoffs again. We want to
make sure that every year we’re re-tooling rather than
rebuilding and we’re going into next season very confident.”
Perhaps noteworthy is the fact the Generals will be
going forward with the current coaching staff in place.
And well this should be the situation. The staff headed by coach Chris DePiero put together a successful
start to last season before levelling out somewhat. The
new recruits on the heels of the London deal stepped
up impressively, especially goaltender Michael Zador,
defenceman Scott Valentine and forward Christian
Under no conditions did ownership consider an
coaching change, emphasizes Tullio.
“Our coaching staff was put in a very, very difficult
situation because obviously they weren’t left with a lot
of draft picks. We had made some questionable trades
in the past and they did their best with what they had.
“You’ve got to give your coaching staff an opportunity to develop, an identity and culture and I can tell
you for what our staff stands for in morals, their values and structures they put in place, people might not
see it instantly. But they will see it over time.
‘We’re developing a reputation in this country as a
team people want to play for once again. We are getting agents calling us on a regular basis and we know
we’re doing things right.
“Our coaching staff deserves a huge amount of
accolades. Their progression might not be noticed
until the next 12 to 24 months. But you will see a totally different hockey team that bodes well for the
MAY 13 2009
Basketball star lands scholarship to Vermont
By Robyn DePratto
Durham College Co-Op Student
Oshawa resident Kendra Seto is
on her way to Vermont. The 17-yearold is a student at Eastdale
Collegiate and her exceptional talents on the court have led to a basketball scholarship at the University
of Vermont.
She plays small forward for both
her school’s team and for the
Scarbrough Blues.
She’ll also be playing in the All
Canada Classic on June 6 at Seneca
College and is even featured on the
poster promoting the event.
This all-star game will feature the
top 20 male and female ball players
from across the country and Seto
was one of the lucky few selected.
The Oshawa native is also up for
the Miss Basketball Ontario award
and a second award she says she’s
not quite sure of.
Surprisingly, Seto says she didn’t always play basketball.
“I’ve always played all the
school sports,” she says.
Playing basketball in all four
years of high school, Seto also
played three years of volleyball and
two years of rugby.
“This year I’m doing soccer,”
she adds.
A busy schedule like that sounds
tough, but Seto says it’s not for her.
“I’ve just done it for so long I’m
used to it,” she says.
Her basketball career really took
off back when she was in Grade 8 at
Vincent Massey Public School.
“I was at a game one time and
Kendra Seto
two parents approached my dad,”
Seto says.
She explains they told her dad
they needed players for their team,
the Blues, and she soon found herself on the court with them.
“I went for one tournament,” she
says, adding she attended practices
with the team and started playing for
them fully the next year.
Seto has been courted by several
teams to come and play for them
once she graduates.
This, she says, is thanks largely to
the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)
recruiting summer league that she
was a part of.
“It felt good that I was getting all
this attention,” she says.
Sometimes though, she says all
the phone calls after tournaments got
a little crazy.
“Sometimes when I got back, I’d
have 10 calls,” she says.
Out of all the schools that left
messages, she chose the University
of Vermont.
“Vermont has a really good basketball program and staff,” says
Seto, who wants to be a high school
teacher and be able to bring her
degree back to Canada.
She says she’s nervous but excited at the same time about moving so
far from home.
She’s also glad it’s only six hours
away, so that her family will be able
to come and see her play.
“I’m just looking forward to the
experience of moving away from
home and playing at that level,” she
Stop thief! Hockey’s greatest burglary attempts
Not surp r i s i n g l y,
objects connected with
national game have been a favourite target of
thieves over the years, especially when they
are connected with the NHL and its personnel.
These are souvenirs that cannot be purchased.
But where there’s a will there’s a way.
Hockey’s top prize, the Stanley Cup, has
been a popular item, which has prompted
more than a few to ignore the certain consequences of robbery. One of the earliest incidents may be credited to a snowstorm. Even
though it was April 13, the night the Rangers
topped the Leafs for the championship in
overtime in 1940, Mother Nature dumped an
excess of the white stuff on Toronto, marooning the visiting Blueshirts.
But, they took it all in stride, enjoying a
victory celebration at the Royal York Hotel.
The dancers in an adjoining ballroom some-
how filtered into the party and a local was discovered trying to sneak the famous trophy out
of the building under his coat.
Possibly the most famous burglary made
the headlines 22 years later. On March 29,
1962 the Canadiens were visitors in Chicago
for the first round of the playoffs. The coveted
mug was on display in the Stadium and a
devoted Hab’s fan, Ken Kilander, bribed the
security officer who was guarding it with
$250, picked the lock on the case and headed
for the exit, announcing he was taking it back
to Montreal where it belonged. This was the
result of a dare by Montreal reporters, which
was to be revealed later as a grand April Fool’s
joke. The police weren’t laughing. Kilander
was arrested and fined.
Game-worn sweaters are a highly prized
memorabilia and some fans have no scruples
about how they get one. In 1965, four
Blackhawks had to scrounge different numbers for the next match when their jerseys disappeared during action at the Montreal Forum.
And, a year later, the Red Wings had to borrow uniforms from their junior team in
Hamilton because their entire quota of white
sweaters were taken
when they visited
In March 1989,
car windows were
smashed and referees uniforms taken.
In September the
same year, a teenager somehow got
away with Archie,
Ranger’s good luck
charm, a stuffed
gorilla. But Brett
Hull’s experience
takes the cake.
While he was play-
ing for St. Louis in the late 1990s, someone
stole the license plate off his car.
Argos get together for a day
Football League (OTFL) is
getting a taste of the big
leagues for one day.
The Oshawa circuit, which
has been providing players
with an active outlet for more
than 40 years, is staging a
spring football tournament on
Saturday, May 30 at Lakeview
And they’ll be getting plenty of support by the Canadian
Football League’s (CFL)
Toronto Argonauts.
In a bid to accommodate all
skill levels, the men’s division
will feature an elite competitive level and one with the
focus on recreational play.
MAY 13 2009
“We are extremely excited
to be able to showcase our
league to a wider audience. We
are very grateful for the support the Toronto Argonauts
have shown us,” said OTFL
President Scott Elkington in a
press release.
The games will feature
teams of 10 to 14 players per
squad with a maximum of
seven players on the field at
one time. Rules are set by
Touch Football Ontario.
This event is a part of
Argos Double Blue Week in
Oshawa, to be held May 23 to
Participants can join as a
team or an individual at $35
per player. Participants will
receive two ticket vouchers
for an Argos game and prizes
for the winners will include a
private box for an Argos
game, Argos ticket packages
and prize packages.
Members of the Argos
organization will be attending
the one-day event, along with
cheerleaders and Jason, the
There will also be games
for fans of all ages, along
with a barbecue and a meet
and greet session.
Further information on
getting involved can be found
Page 17
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Margaret Jane
At Lakeridge Health Port Perry on Thursday, May 7th, 2009. Jane,
beloved wife of the late Jack Bellinger. Loving sister of Jim Mitchell
and his wife Susan of Cleveland, Ohio and sister-in-law of Winston
Bellinger and his wife Heather of Vernon, Ontario. Much loved aunt of
Deborah (Blair Taylor) of Alexandria VA, Wendy Mitchell (Mike Dodd) of
Pender Harbour BC, Jeff Mitchell of Banff AB, Paula (Jeff McAuley) of
Goderich ON, and Susan Bellinger of Ottawa ON. A Service of
Remembrance was held at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, May 11th, 2009 at
(905-433-5558) with reception to follow. No flowers by request.
Donations to your favourite charity would be appreciated. Online condolences may be made at
A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Hedwigs Polish Roman
Catholic Church, 411 Olive Avenue, Oshawa, on Wednesday May 6,
2009 at 10:00 am. Arrangements have been entrusted to McINTOSHANDERSON FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King Street East, Oshawa
Estate planning
Ruth Blanche
(Past President and Life Member Auxiliary Lakeridge
Health Corp. Oshawa; Alumini of Trafalgar Castle
College, Whitby; Member Lenore Group-Simcoe
Street United Church)
Peacefully at Lakeridge Health Corp., Oshawa, on
Sunday May 10, 2009, five days before her 96th
birthday. She was the beloved wife of the late Harry
(1977) and was predeceased by her parents Fred
and Blanche Roberts and her sister Joan. She is survived by her loving
son David and his wife Barbara, also her grandchildren Vanessa Taylor
and Christopher Taylor. She is also survived by her great-grandchildren
Kaitlynn and Dylan Taylor. She will be greatly missed by her friends
and family who will be received at McINTOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL
HOME LTD., 152 King Street East, Oshawa (905-433-5558) on
Wednesday May 13, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until time of service at 11:00
a.m. in the chapel. Interment at Oshawa Union Cemetery. Donations
in memory of Ruth made to the Durham Region Humane Society or the
Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family.
Online condolences may be made at
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MAY 13 2009
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MAY 13 2009