SECTION I: BOOKS & PERIODICALS LISTED BY COUNTRY/AREA OF INTEREST I.i Australia AUS AFFHO Newsletter, Aug 1998. Australasian Federation of Family History Organisation. 44 pp. AUS Ancestor, quarterly journal of the Genealogical Society of Victoria, 1975, 3 issues; 1976, 3 issues. AUS/RES Australian Genealogists’ Society, Guide to the Library, 1983. 48 pp. AUS/RES Census and Musters, Australia & British Isles, by Janet Reakes, 1986. 88 pp. AUS/RES Compiling Your Family History, by Nancy Gray, 1986. 36 pp. AUS/RES Family & Local History Sources in Victoria, edited by. Frances Brown, Dom Meadley, & Marjorie Morgan, 1983. 80 pp. Also: 7th edition, 2001, edited by Frances Brown & Dom Meadley. 118 pp. AUS Griffith Genealogical & Historical Society [Journal of], IBIS LINKS, Mar 1991. 31 pp. AUS Griffith High School Reunion 1956-1986, edited by Kay Davenport. AUS Growing up in the Goldrush, by Michael Dugan, 1983. 57 pp. AUS/RES How to Trace Your Convict Ancestors: their lives, times & records, a Janet Reakes guide, 1987. 71 pp. AUS/RES How to Trace your Family Tree (and not get stuck on a branch), Janet Reakes Bicentennial Guide, 1788-1988. 64 pp. AUS/RES How to Trace your Missing Ancestors, Whether Living or Dead, a Janet Reakes guide, 1986. 96 pp. AUS New South Wales Society for Crippled Children [History of the], by Sir Kenneth Coles & James Donaldson, 1976. 146 pp. AUS/RES New South Wales State Library: Pathfinder No. 1, sources of information in the State Library of NSW collection on births, deaths & marriages in New South Wales, 1987 (2 copies). 82 pp. Also held: Pathfinder No. 2: Sources of information in General Reference Library Collection on BD&M in England, 1988. 33 pp. AUS/RES Newspaper cuttings scrapbook: Birth, death, marriage & memorium notices, Nov 1914, from the Melbourne Age. AUS/RES Newspaper: Index to Parade magazine, “Know your Ancestors”, 1971-1980, compiled by Vera Cobden, 1983. 82 pp. AUS Permanent Addresses: Australian down under, stories & legends behind Australia’s gravestones, by R. Brasch. 1995. 328 pp. AUS/RES Pioneer Memorial Park at Botany Cemetery, produced by Cape Banks Peninsula Family History Group, 1987. 67 pp. AUS Richmond Gaol & Richmond Police District, by Geoff Lennox, 1993. 41 pp. AUS/RES Roots & Branches: ancestry for Australians, by Errol Lea-Scarlett, 1979. 231 pp. AUS South Australia [A New Look at], by Max Colwell & Ronald Coudrey, 1975. 48 pp. AUS South Australia [The National Trust in], by Max Colwell & Peter Finch, 1973. 223 pp. AUS South Australian Genealogist, 1988-1993. 1 AUS/RES Sydney Street Directory, Gregory’s special commemorative 52nd ed. 1987. 273 pp. AUS/RES Tasmania: Index to BD&M vol. 1, 1900-1910, compiled by Launceston Branch of Genealogical Society, Tasmania, from Examiner newspaper. 186 pp. AUS Touring the Flinders Ranges, RAA travel guide. 88 pp. AUS Valley Genealogist, Bega Valley Genealogy Soc. Inc, NSW, vol. 13, no. 1, Feb. 2000. AUS Your Family Tree, vol. 1, nos. 3, 7, 9 & 10, 1987. I.ii Britain BRI AA 2001 Great Britain & Ireland Road Atlas (A-3 size). 88 pp. BRI/RES Addresses for Research in the United Kingdom and Australia, compiled by Peter Wimms & Rama McGee, 1999 (black folder). BRI/RES Basic Sources for Family History: back to the early 1800s. BRI Britain 1995. Collins Handy Road Atlas. BRI/R Britain. Collins Superscale Atlas. 1990. BRI Channel Islands [The]: a new study, edited by Victor Coysh, 1977. 255 pp. BRI Companion to the British Army 1660-1983, by David Ascoli, 1983. 319 pp. BRI/R Crockfords Clerical Directory, 1948, 2042 pp; 1975-76, 1487 pp. BRI/RES Dictionary of National Biography: from the earliest times to 1900, eds. Sir Leslie Stephen & Sir Sidney Lee, 22 volumes, publ. 1967-68 by OUP. Also, 6 further issues covering the years 1901-1960, eds. E. T. Williams & Helen M. Palmer, 1971. BRI/R Dictionary of National Biography to 1930 - Oxford. BRI/RES Family History, Record of Repositories in Great Britain (green folder). BRI Family Tree Magazine: tracing your British ancestry, 1986, vol. 2, nos. 1-6; from 1987 to 1991, all issues [12 yearly]; 1991, vol. 7, nos. 2 & 12; and all issues from 1992 onwards. BRI/RES FFHS [Federation of Family History Societies]: Local Newspapers 1750-1920: England & Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man: a select location list, by Jeremy Gibson, 1987. 64 pp. BRI/RES Genealogical Research in England & Wales, by David E. Gardner & Frank Smith, 1977, vols 1, 2 and 3. BRI Ghosts, Smugglers & Secrets of Britain’s Inns. 48 pp. BRI/RES Heraldry & Genealogy, by L. G. Pine, 1957. 192 pp. BRI/RES How to Locate & Use Manorial Records, by Patrick Palgrave-Moore, 1985. 25 pp. BRI/ISLE OF MAN Journal of the Isle of Man Family History Society, Fraueyn as Banglaneyn, Feb., Aug., Nov. 1996; Feb., May, Aug. & Nov. 1997. BRI/RES Maps of Great Britain Showing Regional Distribution of Surnames, extracted from Family History Monthly (pink folder). BRI/RES My Ancestor was a Migrant (in England or Wales): how can I trace where he came from? by Anthony J. Camp, 1987. 44 pp. BRI/RES National Genealogical Directory, 1979, edited by Michael J. Burchall & Judy Warren. Also held: 1988 issue. 2 BRI/R Phillimore Atlas & Index of Parish Registers, England, Scotland, Wales, edited by Cecil R. Humphery-Smith, 1995. 306 pp. BRI/RES Research Material Available to Genealogists in United Kingdom & Europe (green folder). BRI/RES Tracing Your British Ancestors, by Colin R. Chapman, 1993. 108 pp. BRI/RES Tracing Your Origins: a complete guide to discovering your English, Welsh, Scottish & Irish ancestors, by Angus Baxter, 1982. 304 pp. BRI/RES Whitaker’s Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage & Companionage. 738 pp. BRI/R Who’s Who, 1962, by Adam & Charles Black. I.iii England ENG/RES Anglican Parish Boundaries in London before 1837, West Surrey Family History Society research aid no. 2. ENG Army Service Records of the First World War, by Simon Fowler, William Spencer & Stuart Tamblin, 1996. 55 pp. ENG/RES Bedworth [Warwickshire] Research Material, 2 folders (green & orange) [includes burial records, 1821 census, memorial inscriptions, almshouse lists]. ENG Bedworth Genealogy Society Newsletters, 1990-1991. ENG Berkshire Family History Society Magazine, 1980-1982, 9 issues. ENG Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry Journal, Ancestor, Nov. 1973-1974. Also held: list of members interests 1973. 48 pp. ENG Black Country Bugle, West Midland newspaper supplement, 1993-94. ENG Bygone Birstall: a century of change, 1988, Birstall & District Local History Society. 64 pp. (2 copies). ENG City of Canterbury: the ancient seat of Kentish kings (tourist booklet). 25 pp. ENG/RES City of London Parish Registers, Guildhall Library research guide 4. 1991. 129 pp. ENG Cleveland Family History Soc. Journal, Apr 1988, vol.3, no.10. 51 pp. ENG Cockney Ancestor, Journal of the East of London FHS, 1981-1982, 3 issues, each 32 pp. ENG/RES Cornwall Family History Society Directory of Members’ Interests, 1977-81, 3 issues. ENG Cornwall Family History Society Journal, 1978-81. ENG/R County Maps of Old England, by Thomas Moule, originally publ. 1830, repr. 1990. 127 pp. ENG/RES Devon Family History Society, 1851 Census Surname Index: East Stonehouse, Plymouth, 1990. 28 pp. ENG/RES Devon Family History Society, Members’ Interests 1990. ENG/RES Devon Record Office, Brief Guide Part 1, Official & Ecclesiastical. 75 pp. ENG/RES Discovering Your Family Tree, by David Iredale, 1977. 64 pp. ENG Empty Cradles, by Margaret Humphreys, 1966. 384 pp. (2 copies). ENG/RES England: a genealogical research guide, Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, 1983. 43 pp. ENG England: the New Shell Guide, edited by John Hadfield, 1981. 864 pp. ENG English Castles, tourist booklet. 32 pp. 3 ENG/RES Enjoying Archives: where to find them; what they are; how to use them, by David Iredale, 1973. 264 pp. ENG Essex Family Historian [The], 1979-1981, nos 11-21. ENG/RES Essex Society for Family History Handbook, plus supplements no.1 & no.2. ENG/RES Everyone has Roots: an introduction to genealogy, by Anthony Camp, 1978. 189 pp. (2 copies). ENG/RES Evington [Leicestershire] Parish Registers of Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1601-1837, transcribed by Jonathan Wilshere, 1986. ENG/RES Evington Probate Inventories 1557-1819, transcribed by Jonathan Wilshere, 1985. 63 pp. ENG/RES Family History Book [The], by Stella Colwell, 1984. 176 pp. ENG Family History Monthly, 1996 onwards. ENG Family History News & Digest, official journal of Family History Societies, published twice yearly, 1977-1992; Apr 1994 onwards. ENG/RES FFHS: Beginning Your Family History, by George Pelling. 60 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Current Publications by Member Societies, Spring 1982. 23 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Forming a One Name Group, by Derek A. Palgrave, 1981, 2nd ed. 17 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Lists of Londoners, by Jeremy Gibson & Heather Creaton, 1993. 39 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Oral Evidence & the Family Historian, by Lawrence Taylor, 1984. 24 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Probate Jurisdictions: a simplified guide where to look for wills, 2nd ed., 1982. 62 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Record Offices: how to find them, 2nd ed., 1982. 45 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: St. Catherine’s House, A McLaughlin Guide, by Eve McLaughlin, 1985. 12 pp. ENG/RES FFHS: Unpublished Personal Name Indexes in Record Offices & Libraries, compiled by J. S. W. Gibson, 2nd ed., 1987. 40 pp. (2 copies). ENG Genealogists’ Magazine, journal of Society of Genealogists, London, vols. 19 & 20 (6 issues/vol); vol. 21, nos 1 & 4; vol. 23, nos. 5-12; vol. 24, nos. 1-12 except nos. 3 & 4. ENG/RES Genealogy for Beginners, by Arthur J. Willis & Molly Tatchell, 1979. 198 pp. ENG/RES General Register Office, Tracing Records of Births, Marriages & Deaths, 1992. Office of Population Censuses & Surveys. 16 pp. ENG/RES Greater Manchester Archives, A guide to local repositories, Jan 1997. 12 pp. ENG/RES Guide to Ancestral Research London, by Phillip B. Dunn, 1987. 98 pp. ENG/RES How to Tap into English Family History Sources, by Elizabeth Simpson, 1983, NZSG. 15 pp. (2 copies). ENG/RES How to Trace your English Ancestors, a Janet Reakes guide, 1987. 163 pp. ENG Illustrated London News, several issues from Jan. 1859 to Dec. 1859. Also held: 16 issues 1963-1974. Also few pages of the Graphic, Jul. 1884 & 1903. ENG Immigrants and Aliens – A Guide to Sources on UK immigration and Citizenship by Roger Kershaw and Mark Pearsall ENG/RES In & Around Record Offices, by Rosemary Church & Jean Cole, Wiltshire Family History Society, 1987. ENG Isle of Man Family History Society: Fraueyn as Banglaneyn, 15th Anniversary Journal, 1994, 4 issues; 1995, 4 issues. ENG Kent Family History Society Journal, 1975-1977. 154 pp. 4 ENG Lancashire Family History Society, Feb. 1992, vol. 13, no. 1. 49 pp. ENG/RES Leicester Area, Thomson Local Directory 1982-1983. 104 pp. ENG/RES Leicester Guildhall: a short history & guide, by N. A. Pegden (tourist brochure with map). 23 pp. ENG Leicestershire Family History Society [later Leicestershire & Rutland FHS] Newsletter, from no. 40, Summer 1985 to no. 84, Summer, Jun. 1996; nos. 89-92, 1997; and no. 94, Winter, Dec. 1998. ENG Lives and Times of our English Ancestors, by Frank Smith, 1969. 230 pp. ENG/RES London & Middlesex Genealogical Directory, edited by Eileen D. Moore, 1980. 44 pp. ENG/RES Making a Pedigree, by John Unett, 1971. 137 pp. ENG/RES Marriage Licences: abstracts & indexes in the library of the Society of Genealogists (London), compiled by Lydia Collins, 1987. 22 pp. ENG/RES Marriage Records of England & Wales 1877-1999 [“A Comedy of Errors” or], by Michael Whitfield Foster, 1998. 224 pp. ENG Midland Ancestor, Birmingham & Midlands Soc. For Genealogy & Heraldry, Nov. 1975. 90 pp. ENG My Ancestor was a Coalminer by David Tonks ENG My Ancestor was a Policeman by Antony Shearman ENG My Ancestors were English Presbyterians or Unitarians by Alan Ruston ENG My Ancestors were in the Salvation Army by Ray Wiggins ENG Never Been here before – a fisrt time guide for family historians at the public Record Office PRO Readers Guide No. 4 by Jane Cox ENG Newspaper: Manchester Forum, Mar. 1996. ENG Newspaper supplement: Old Brum: when we were young, Sept. 1993, publ. by the Evening Mail. ENG/RES Non-Conformist, Roman Catholic, Jewish & Burial Ground Registers, Guildhall Library Research Guide, 1993. 33 pp. ENG Northamptonshire FHS [Journal of], Footprints , vol. II, nos 1, 3 & 4, 1990. ENG/RES Northamptonshire FHS Directory of Members’ Interests, 1989. 91 pp. ENG Northumberland & Durham FHS, Journal, vol. II, nos 1 & 4, 1986. ENG Nottinghamshire Family History Society Journal, 21 issues dating from Jan. 1993, vol. 7, nos. 6-11; vol. 8, nos. 1-9 & no. 12; vol. 9, nos. 1-5, Oct. 1998. ENG Official Handbook: Burgh of Johnstone, 1968. 36 pp. ENG Old Lincolnshire Photographs, by Janet Tierney, 1985. 48 pp. ENG Past Forward, Wigan Heritage Service, 1992, nos. 2-8; 1995, no. 10; 1997, nos. 15 & 17. ENG/RES Personally Speaking About This Ancestry Business, Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry, 1974. 141 pp. ENG Portrait of Hertfordshire, by Brian J. Bailey, 1978. 208 pp. ENG Portrait of Plymouth, by J. C. Trewin, 1973. 224 pp. ENG/RES Pre 1841 Censuses and Population Listings [England], by Colin R. Chapman, 1990. 91 pp. (2 copies). ENG/RES Public Record Office, England, General information, Kew & Chancery Lane, 1993 (pink folder). 5 ENG/RES Public Record Office, PRO Enterprises Catalogue 1: publications, 1992. 15 pp. (2 copies). ENG St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, Report of the Society of the Friends of St George’s & Descendants of the Knights of the Garter, 4 issues, 1984-85 - 198788. ENG Shropshire Family History Journal, 1987-1993. ENG Society of Brushmakers’ Descendants: The Journal, vol. 1 no. 2, 1993; vol. 1 nos. 8, 11 & 12, 1995; vol. 2, nos. 1-5, 1996. ENG Starving in Bedworth will not pay the loan: the Bellairs family and their contribution during the Ribbon famine, by Tony Davis, 1990. 95 pp. ENG/RES Story of Surnames, by L. G. Pine, 1969. 152 pp. ENG This England, summer 1987 issue. 82 pp. ENG Tiger Squadron: the story of 74 Squadron RAF in 2 World Wars, by Ira (“Taffy”) Jones, 1954. 295 pp. ENG/RES Tracing Your Ancestors, by Meda Mander, 1976. 148 pp. ENG Tracing Your First World War Ancestors by Simon Fowler ENG/RES Tracing Your Ancestors in the Public Record Office, by Jane Cox & Timothy Padfield, 1984. 114 pp. (2 copies). ENG Victorian England [Life in], by W. J. Reader. ENG Warrington: 100 years a borough, general editor J. P. Aspden. 128 pp. ENG/RES West Surrey Family History Society Research Aid no. 15 Genealogical Research in Edwardian London (includes 1 loose map). 24 pp. ENG/RES Worcestershire General & Commercial Directory for 1820, compiled by S. Lewis. 500 pp. ENG Yorkshire [Goodbye to], by Roy Hattersley, 1976. 163 pp. ENG Yorkshire Archaeological Soc. Family History & Population Studies Section Newsletters, 1973-74. ENG Yorkshire Villages, by G. Bernard Wood, 1980. 208 pp. ENG Yorkshire: the East Riding, by Geoffrey N. Wright, 1976. 192 pp. I.iv Europe EUR/RES Barking Up That French Tree, by Margaret Audin, 1980. 61 pp. EUR/GER Berlin ’88, Press & Information Office of Land, Berlin [Tourist Guide]. INT/GER Deutschland: Magazine on politics, culture, business & science, 2 issues, nos. 4/99 & 4/2000. EUR/R Europe: AA Big Road Atlas of Europe, Oct. 1988, 4th ed. EUR Europe Since 1815: alternate edition, by Gordon A. Craig, 1974. 620 pp. EUR/GER Facts About Germany, Lexicon-Institut Bertelsmann, 1988.413 pp. EUR/GER From Bavaria to the World, publ. Übersee-Post-Organization, 1988. 109 pp. [Business promotional publication] EUR Grandmama of Europe: the crowned descendants of Queen Victoria, by Theo Aronson, 1973. 353 pp. EUR/R Great European War [History of the], 10 vols. EUR/RES How to Trace your Italian Ancestors for Australians & New Zealanders, by Betty Leone, 1994, Family History Series. 110 pp. 6 EUR Huguenot Ancestry, by Noel Currer-Briggs & Royston Gambier, 1985. 150 pp. EUR/RES In Search of Your European Roots: a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in every country in Europe, by Angus Baxter, 2nd ed. 1996. 292 pp. EUR/GER Outlook: Berlin, Berlin Information Centre, 1988. 96 pp. EUR/R Royal Families of Britain & Europe, 28 page family tree (in brown cloth bag). EUR/R Second Great War, edited by Sir John Hammerton, military editor Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles Gwynn, 9 vols. EUR/GER The Collector: Andreas Reischek - a biography, by Michael King, 1981. 196 pp. EUR/GER Voice From Germany, Richard von Weizsacker, 1985. 112 pp. EUR/GER Welcome to the Federal Republic of Germany, 1987 [Tourist Guide]. 97 pp. I.v International (includes Scandinavia & USA) INT/USA American Geographical Society Around the World Program Series, 13 issues covering Afghanistan, Austria, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bulgaria & Romania, Canada, France, Great Barrier Reef, Iraq, Syria, Tasmania, Turkey, United Arab Republic, publ.1965-71. INT/R Ancestry’s Concise Genealogical Dictionary, compiled by Maurine & Glen Harris, 1989. 259 pp. INT Barbados Museum & Historical Society [Journal of the], 2 issues: Mar 1974 & Feb 1952. INT/R Cassell’s World Pictorial Gazetteer. INT Civil Registration [Pocket Guide to], compiled by Christine Smith, 1995. [Covers Australia, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, NZ, Papua New Guinea]. 52 pp. INT/R Dictionary of Dates - Everymans, revised by Audrey Butler, 1964, 4th ed. 453 pp. INT/USA/ RES Genealogical Helper, Everton Publishers, USA, 1980, 5 issues; 1981, 1 issue; 1984, 1 issue; 1985-1987, 6 issues yearly, 1988, 5 issues. INT/SCA Geography of Norden: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, by Axel Somme, 1960. 363 pp. INT/SCA Happiness is Sharing Your Heritage: descendants of Norwegian emigrants to New Zealand, by Mac Larsen. 56 pp. INT/R History of the World, vols I, II & III. INT In Time: the Houstoun’s History, a biographical description of large numbers of Houston & Huston families throughout the world, by James Houston, 1976. 102 pp. INT/RES International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, American Biographical Institute, 1991. 373 pp. INT/RES International Genealogical Directory 1972-1973, United Kingdom. 49 pp. INT/USA/R Library [The]: a guide to the LDS Family History Library, edited by Johni Cemy & Wendy Elliott, 1988. 763 pp. INT Philips’ New Systematic Atlas for General Readers, 1921. INT/USA Remarkable Relations: the story of the Pearsall Smith Women, by Barbara Strachey, 1982. 358 pp. INT/SCA Scandinavian Genealogical Research [Aids to], by Mac Larsen, NZSG, 1986. INT/R Twentieth Century Business Book, edited by Walter Grierson, 4 vols. INT Webster’s Biographical Dictionary, 1953 edition, G & C Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass., USA. 1697 pp. 7 INT World History [32 problems in], by Edwin Fenton, 1964. 240 pp. INT World Illiteracy at Mid-Century, UNESCO, 1957. 200 pp. Ireland IRE/RES Ancestor Trail in Ireland, by Donal F Begley, 1982. 32 pp. IRE/RES Bradshaw’s General Directory of Newry, Armagh 1820, by Thomas Bradshaw. 149 pp. IRE/RES Handbook on Irish Genealogy: how to trace your ancestors & relatives in Ireland, by Heraldic Artists Ltd., 1978. 145 pp. IRE/RES How to Trace your Irish Ancestors, a Janet Reakes A-Z approach, 1992. 64 pp. IRE/RES How to Trace Your Irish Roots, by Nora Ni Aonghusa, 1987. 68 pp. IRE Ireland 1782-1879 [History of], (half vol.V), by Rev. E.A. D’Alton LLD, MRIA. 272 pp. IRE/R/RES Irish Church Records, edited by James G. Ryan, 1992. 207 pp. IRE/RES Irish Families in Australia & New Zealand, by Coffey & Morgan, 4 vols, revised [note: 2 different formats]: vol I, Abbott-Dynan, 226 pp; vol II, Eades-Lyttle, 228 pp; vol III, McAffee-Quirk, 102 pp; vol iv, R-Z, 115 pp. IRE Irish Family History, Journal of the Irish Family History Society, 3 issues: 1992, 1995, 1996. IRE Irish Family History Society Members’ Interests Directory, 1992. 63 pp. IRE/RES Irish Genealogy: a record finder, edited by Donal F. Begley, 1987. 257 pp. IRE Irish Link [Index to] no. 1, June 1984 to no. 29, June 1991. 34 pp. IRE Irish Link, Irish Family History Soc. magazine, sundry issues: 1986; 1990-1992; 1995; 1998-1999. IRE/RES Irish Telephone Directory 1991-1992 (6 books). IRE/RES Land Owners in Ireland 1876: return of owners of land of one acre and upwards, 1988. 325 pp. IRE Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild Subscribers’ Interest List, no. 10, 1987. 94 pp. (2 copies). IRE Ulster Link [The]: monthly magazine of those of Irish ancestry in Australia & New Zealand, 1976-77. I.vii New Zealand NZ A Township Like Ours [Colyton], by Dell Adsett, 1974. 102 pp. NZ Adoption Act 1955: a review by an interdepartmental working party: proposals for discussion. Dept of Justice, Jan 1987. 52 pp. NZ/RES Adventures in Genealogy, by Rae Nicholls, 1998 (pale blue folder). NZ Advocate Educate Control: the history of the New Zealand Engineers’ Union 1863-1983, by Bert Roth, 1984. 104 pp. NZ Age of Houses: illustrated [The], Lincoln College Farm Mgmt & Rural Valuation Dept, 1972. 246 pp. NZ Airs & Graces: an historical sketch of PN Music Club, by Edith Doretta Woodhouse, 1967. 86 pp. 8 NZ A Long Patrol – An Illustrated history of No. 1 Squadron RNZAF 1930 – 1984 by James Sanders NZ An Account of the Settlements of the New Zealand Company by Hon. HW Petre NZ And So We Began: a history of the Perrin family of Palmerston North, by Nancy Smith, 1992. 96 pp. NZ Archifacts, ARANZ bulletin of the Archives and Records Association of NZ. From 1977-1982, 22 issues; 1983, 3 issues; 1986, 4 issues. NZ Archives & Manuscripts, ANZ Seminar, edited by R. S. Hill & M. D. W. Hodder, 1977. NZ Archives New Zealand, 1984. List of repositories in NZ, their holdings, hours of opening etc, compiled by Frank Rogers. Also held: vol. 4, 1992. NZ/RES Auckland Sources folder (manila foolscap). NZ Auckland Story [The]: New Zealand’s Queen City and its citizens through the years, by John Grainger, 1953. 99 pp. NZ Behold the Plains: the story of the old houses of Massey College, by Dorothea Joblin, 1970. 171 pp. NZ Borthwicks: a century in the meat trade, by Godfrey Harrison, 1903. 212 pp. NZ/R Brett’s Colonists’ Guide & Cyclopaedia of Useful Knowledge 1883, edited by Thomson W. Leys, (1980 reprint). 830 pp. NZ Bunnythorpe and District Vol. II, 1952-1975, by R. E. Clevely. 90 pp. NZ Bush Track to Highway: 75 years of settlement in the districts of Tangitu, Mapiu, Kaitangiweka & Aratoro, compiled by Tui Brake, 1976. 208 pp. NZ/RES Business & Trade Directory 1996: Manawatu-Rangitikei. 92 pp. NZ/RES Business Directory [Universal], Manawatu Rangitikei 1994. 88 pp. NZ/RES Business Information Directory 1996-97: King Country. NZ Camelia Kit [The]: teaching resource of New Zealand women’s history 1893-1993 (folder). NZ Candy Family [A]: a brief history (manila folder). 32 pp. NZ Carnot – The First Hundred Years Dorothy Pilkington 2006 NZ/RES Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North, NZ, 2000. 16 pp. NZ/R Cemetery Planning Manual, by William E. Jones, NZ Master Monumental Masons Assoc., 1991 (folder). NZ/RES Central Plateau: local directory, 1996-97. NZ City of Auckland, New Zealand: a history, by John Barr, 1922. 255 pp. NZ City of Palmerston North Borough By-laws 1920-1949. NZ City of Wellington Year Book 1950-52. Also held: the 1962-65 issue. NZ Colonial Experiences: sketches of people & places in the Province of Otago, by Alexander Bathgate, 1874, (1974 reprint). 286 pp. NZ Colonial One: Lorna Monckton of Newstead, by Dorothea Joblin, 1975. 238 pp. NZ Cyclopedia of Otago & Southland, publ. by Dunedin City Council, 1999, 2 vols. NZ Dept. of Survey & Land Information, 1998 (dark grey folder). NZ/RES Diplomatic List: diplomatic & consular representatives in New Zealand, Apr. 1994. 72 pp. NZ/R Directory of Directory: family, local & social historian’s guide to contents & holdings of New Zealand, by Donald Hansen, 1994. [Almanac, business, postal & telephone directories 1842-1960]. 9 NZ Directory of New Zealand Schools & Tertiary Institutions 1998, Data Management Unit, Min. of Educ. 199 pp. NZ Discharged in New Zealand: soldiers of the imperial foot regiments who took their discharge in New Zealand 1840-1870, by Hugh & Lynn Hughes, 1988. 128 pp. NZ/R Discover New Zealand: a Wise’s Guide, 1994. 569 pp. NZ Documentary Photography: History of New Zealand photography, 1995 (booklet & slides). NZ Early Fiordland, by John Hall-Jones, 1968. 199 pp. NZ Early Rangitikei, by James G. Wilson, 1914 (1976 reprint) (with map). 260 pp. NZ/RES Early Settlers Folders: A-J, & K-Z, 2 (dark green folders). Also separate Index, updated 1988 (spiral bound, light parchment cover). NZ Eight Days in One Hundred Years, Eketahuna & districts memories of a centennial, 1973. 64 pp. NZ End of a Line [The]: Catlins River Branch Railway, Catlins Historical Soc. 1971. 62 pp. NZ Extracts & Reprints Folder (small green): “British regiments in Napier 1858-1867”; “Croatian or Dalmation? Yugoslavia’s demise & the issue of identity”; “New Zealand, her commerce & resources”; “New Zealand colonization”, “Thames reminiscences”. NZ/RES Family History at National Archives, Bridget Williams Books/National Archives, 1991. 162 pp. NZ/RES Family History Research in New Zealand: a beginner’s guide, by Anne Bromell, NZSG. 29 pp. (2 copies). NZ Family of Capt. Henry Clouston 1822-1898, researched by Mary Clouston & Pam Oliver, 1989. 66 pp. NZ Family of Moses Haisman Covering the Years 1838-1993, assembled by Len Wakefield. 136 pp. NZ Family of Waugh 1883-1981, by D. Thomas Waugh. 75 pp. NZ Family Tree: Armorial & Genealogical Institute of NZ booklet, numerous copies from 1973-1981 period. NZ Famous New Zealanders of the 19th Century, Paul Hamblyn, 1973. 62 pp. NZ Farvel & Other Stories, by Yvonne du Fresne, 1982. 140 pp. NZ Feilding & District Historical Society: 125 years celebration of the Manchester Block settlement. Selected settler shipping passenger lists, 1999. NZ Feilding & the Manchester Block The European Settler Families: swamps, sandflies & settlers, comp. for Feilding & Districts Historical Soc. in 1999-2000, members involved Dorothy Mingins & Dorothy Pilkington. 140 pp. NZ Fifty Years of Rotary in Wellington 1921-1971, by Alistair Rowe, 1971. 116 pp. NZ First Fleet of Auckland, by Darry McCarthy, 1978. 118 pp. NZ/RES First Steps in Genealogy, by Colleen Main, NZSG (2 copies). NZ Fitzherbert Bridges, Palmerston North 1877-1987, 1986. 45 pp. NZ Flockhouse: a history of the New Zealand sheepowners’ acknowledgment of debt to British Seamen Fund, 1962. 35 pp. (2 copies). NZ Footprints of a Pioneer: a Hall story, by Rae Nicholls, 1982. 289 pp. NZ Foxton [Pioneers of], Foxton Historical Society 1990 official project arranged by Margaret Speirs, 1989. NZ Foxton 1888-1988: the first 100 years, by A. N. Hunt, 1987. 270 pp. 10 NZ Foxton Playcentre, 1954-1975. NZ Foxton, Historic Places, compiled by N. M. Frean for NZ Historic Places Trust. 50 pp. NZ Foxton’s First General Store, Cash Book, 1873, copied & indexed 1998. NZ From Bush Clearing to Borough, by Byron J. Bentley [Pahiatua & environs]. 75 pp. NZ From Bush to Borough: Levin New Zealand golden jubilee celebrations 19061956. 110 pp. NZ From Norway with Love by Rachel M Johnson NZ From Swamp to City: official souvenir 1887-1937 commemorating the Diamond Jubilee of the city [PN], comp. Robert H. Billens & H. Leslie Verry, 1937. NZ From the Midnight Sun to the Long White Cloud: Finns in New Zealand, by Olavi Koivukangas, 1996. 397 pp. NZ/RES Gavel & Quill: a guide to court records at National Archives, 1998. 103 pp. NZ/RES Genealogical & Family History Research in Taupo Library, 1995. 30 pp. NZ/RES Genealogical Research in Christchurch, by Marie Corser & Lynley Goldsmith, 1989. 44 pp. NZ/RES Genealogical Resources in the Hutt Valley, edited by Peggy Crawford for the Hutt Valley Group, NZSG, 1992. 114 pp. NZ/RES Genealogical Sources and Material in New Zealand, by George Walker. 18 pp. NZ/RES Genealogy, notes by Sue Evans, published Dominion Sunday Times (blue scrapbook). NZ/RES Genealogy Computer Packages, by David Hawgood, 1993. 48 pp. NZ Gisborne Photo News, no. 22, May 3, 1956. 68 pp. NZ Glaxo New Zealand: better people, better medicines. A book of photos. NZ Glaxo: the people who made Glaxo. From bonnie babies to better medicines. 182 pp. NZ Gledhill: the Gledhill family story [Nelson], by Beth Hunt, 1992. 216 pp. NZ Glen-Orua and Carnarvon – A History of Two Schools and their Communities by MA McMillan NZ Glimpses Into Early Manawatu. The story of Amos & Lydia Burr, by Vera L. McLennan-Boman. 222 pp. NZ Gold Trails of Otago, by June A. Wood, 1976. 88 pp. (2 copies). NZ Golden Era 1951-2001, St Mary’s Parish, Palmerston North Celebrating Golden Jubilee 17 Mar. 2001, by Garry O’Neill. 25 pp. NZ/RES Goldmining Ancestors: a guide to beginning research, compiled by Margaret Riordan, 1996. NZ Greytown, Glimpses 1857-1967: a history of the fortunes of one hundred & ten years of Methodism in the Wairarapa, by Greytown Methodist Church Book Committee. 66 pp. NZ GRINZ Yearbook 1987, edited by Guy C. Palliser, Genealogical Research Institute of NZ. 98 pp. NZ Hamblyn Family History: Plymouth to New Plymouth, Fitzroy District 1841 to 1976, by M. N. Shaw. 312 pp. NZ Heraldry Society [New Zealand], newsletters from 1987-1992 (yellow folder). NZ Historic Houses & Churches in New Zealand [including some local houses, Manawatu, Palmerston Nth, Rangitikei], collated by B. Farrington, 1998 (dark blue foolscap folder). 11 NZ Historic Places in New Zealand, Historic Places Trust magazine, 1983 onwards. NZ Historic Places Newsletters, up to 1998. NZ History of Freemasonry in North Island New Zealand, by Alan B. Bevins, 2001. 358 pp. NZ Hohipera Journal: the New Zealand General Hospital in Cairo 1916 [includes names of staff & patients who died]. 43 pp. NZ Home & Country, Journal of NZ Country Women’s Institute, Jul/Aug 1985. 72 pp. NZ Honour before Honours … 125 years of education at Waiuku George Street School. 39 pp. NZ/R Horowhenua: its Maori place names & their topographic & historical background, by G. Leslie Adkin, 1948 (1986 reprint). 446 pp with area maps. NZ/RES How to Transcribe Cemetery Inscriptions, 1981, NZSG. 1981. 12 pp. (2 copies). NZ Hunt Family: 150 years in New Zealand 1840-1990, 1990. 212 pp. NZ I Do: 125 Years of Weddings in New Zealand, by Sandra Coney, 1995. 104 pp. NZ I Have Kept the Faith: biographical introduction to the life of Abraham Honore 1821-1894, by Christopher Honore, 1998. 68 pp. NZ In the Club – A History of the Chartered Club Movement in New Zealand by Jack Rolfe NZ In the Land of Dwindle River: a Waihemo journal, by George Griffiths, 1982. 48 pp. NZ/RES Index to Places & Streets, Elections New Zealand 1987, prepared by Dept of Survey & Land Information. Also held: 5th ed for 1992. NZ Information Relative to New Zealand, compiled for the use of colonists, by J. Ward, MDCCC.XL, (1975 reprint). 168 pp. NZ Invercargill, Centenary 1871-1971: centenary of Invercargill municipality, by J. O. P. Watt. 177 pp. NZ Irish Kiwi, by Norman Eccleston, 1990. 112 pp. NZ Jepsen Journal 1872-1992: Jorgen & Karen Jepsen, the history of their life, by Eunice Jepsen. 115 pp. NZ Journal of Henry Sewell 1853-7, vol. 1, edited by W. David McIntyre, 1980. 510 pp. NZ Journey in the Northern Island of New Zealand 1842, by W. R. Wade, (1977 reprint). 206 pp. NZ Kairanga: more than 100 years, by R. G. Mildon, 1989. Also 1 map, 1 plan (Kairanga School) in handi tube. 319 pp. NZ Kapiti Coast, by W. C. Carkeek, 1966 (1978 reprint). 187 pp. NZ Last Ripple: a century of Methodism in the Manawatu, by John R. Grigg, 1972. 210 pp. NZ Levin [Your Future’s in], 1956 (publicity booklet). NZ/RES Library, Alexander Turnbull /National: Fact Sheets Folder, compiled 1999. 38 pp. NZ/RES Library, Alexander Turnbull: Church records held, Nov. 1987 [includes Manuscripts, Parish records held to Mar 1993]. (3 copies held) NZ/RES Library, Alexander Turnbull: Windows upon our Heritage, catalogue of reproductions of paintings, photos, books etc., 1986. 68 pp. NZ/RES Library, Auckland Central City: Sources for New Zealand Pakeha Genealogy, 1994. 53 pp. NZ/RES Library, Auckland Public: List of maps & atlases held in the Social Sciences Dept., 1991. 34 pp. 12 NZ/RES Library, Auckland Public: Researching Family History: booklist of genealogical holdings held by the Auckland Public Library, 1982, and 1987 (2 vols). NZ/RES Library, Auckland Public: Selected list of books on genealogy held in Social Sciences Dept, 1982. NZ Library, Canterbury Public: So You Want to Grow a Family Tree, 1982. 18 pp. NZ/RES Library, Dunedin Public: Sources on Genealogy in the McNab Collection, 1985, by Stephen Innes. 25 pp. NZ/RES Library, Hamilton Public [Genealogical & Family History Research in], 1990. 34 pp. NZ Library, Hocken: Annual Report 1988. Also 1989, 1994; 1995; 1997. NZ/RES Library, Hocken: Some holdings. Includes F&J, Friends of the Hocken collection newsletter, from Mar. 1997. Also Hocken Bulletin (yellow folder). NZ/RES Library, National: Fact sheet folder, assembled 1999. NZ/RES Library, National: Family history collection, May 1996 (pink folder). NZ/RES Library, Palmerston North Public: Bibliography of the Manawatu, 1979, 134 pp (2 copies). Also held: Supplement to the Bibliography, 1978-1982, by Christopher Campbell (green A4 folder). 33 pp. NZ Life in a Young Colony: selections from early New Zealand writing, edited by Cherry A. Hankin, 1981. 287 pp. NZ Line of the Road: a history of Manawatu County 1876-1976, by M. H. Holcroft, 1977. 216 pp. NZ Macraes to New Zealand Supplementary Indexes, compiled by Molly J. Akers & Eileen A. McMillan, 1996. NZ Macraes to New Zealand, compiled by Molly J. Akers, 1994. 448 pp. NZ Magic of Print [The], Wanganui Newspapers Ltd. booklet. 16 pp. (2 copies). NZ Manawatu & Surrounding Districts (scrapbook). NZ/RES Manawatu Area: Public memorials & plaques in churches, public buildings, collated by PN branch NZSG. 40 pp. NZ Manawatu New Zealand in the New Millennium, 2000. 44 pp. NZ Manuka, Magazine of the Auckland Training College, 2 issues: no. 10, Jul 1919 & no. 11, Aug 1920. 68 & 72 pp respectively. NZ Maori-European Wars, Paul Hamlyn, 1973. 62 pp. NZ Marlborough is our Homeland, by Rex A. Weber, 1991 [McCormick, Esson, Fuller families]. 213 pp. NZ Massey University Graduation Programme 1999. 136 pp. NZ Memories, New Zealand, Feb/Mar 2000. NZ Memories of the Manawatu Early Days in and Around Palmerston North, by Sylvia L. Dalefield. 94 pp. NZ Men about Town: Some Palmerstonians in Caricature, by J. S. Monro, 1970. 32 pp. NZ More than Hardware: Arthur Hopwood & the business he founded, by Keith Goldsack, 2000. 96 pp. NZ Mosquitoes & Sawdust: a history of Scandinavians in early Palmerston North & surrounding districts, by Val Burr, 1995. 167 pp. NZ/RES Museums of New Zealand, museum address list, 1994. 44 pp. NZ My First 80 Years: an autobiography, by Helen Wilson nee Ostler, 1951. 241 pp. NZ My Roots are in Glamorgan, by Joan Coburn, undated family history. 13 NZ/RES National Archives of New Zealand Genealogical Sources, by Judith S. Hornabrook, NZSG. NZ/RES National Archives, Auckland: Genealogical sources (small green folder). NZ/RES National Archives, NZ: A Cumulative List of Holdings, 1976. 60 pp. NZ/RES National Archives, NZ: Guide for genealogical searching at National Archives. NZ/RES National Archives, NZ: Summary of work, 1968-1972, & yearly 1973-1976. NZ/RES National Archives, NZ: What’s National Archives all about? NZ Nelson College Old Boys’ Register 1856-1908, 1st ed. 1901, compiled & edited by J. Harold Moore, 1909. 222 pp. Also held: 2nd ed. 1909, compiled & edited by J. Harold Moore & C. H. Broad. NZ Never Ending, Still Beginning: centennial history of All Saints’ Church, Palmerston North, NZ 1875-1975, by R. P. Wigglesworth, 1975. 74 pp. NZ New Zealand Armorist, Journal of the Heraldry Society [NZ branch], 1986-1993. NZ New Zealand Bobby Calf Pool Movement [A History of the], by B. C. O’Connor, 1979. 56 pp. NZ/R New Zealand Electoral Atlas, by Alan McRobie, June 1991. NZ New Zealand Founders Bulletin, vol. 21/1, no. 57, 1982/83 & vol. 23, no. 61 198697. NZ New Zealand Gazette, 111 copies: 1884 vol. 2, 1887 vols 1 & 2; 1888-1915 vols 1 & 2 yearly; 1916-1932 vols 1, 2 & 3 yearly. Also 1959 vol. 1. NZ New Zealand Legacy, Journal of the NZ Federation of Historical Societies, 2 issues: 1990, no. 2 & no. 4. NZ New Zealand Medal to Colonials… New Zealand Wars 1845-1872, by Richard Stowers, 1998. 130 pp. NZ/RES New Zealand Newspapers on Microfilm, 1996 (photocopy). 27 pp. NZ New Zealand Official Year Book, 6 issues, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1981, 1986-87. NZ New Zealand Women’s Weekly, Aug. 1966 issue. NZ New Zealanders in Brockenhurst: the No. 1 NZ General Hospital 1916-1919, 1996. 16 pp. NZ Newspaper: Christchurch Press, 1890-1936, 7 issues. NZ Newspaper: Community Manawatu, 1998 onwards. NZ Newspaper: Freelance Weekly, 1954, 2 issues. NZ Newspaper: Reflecting our Past. Also Jubilee Times 1941-1991. NZ Newspaper: RSA Review, most issues 1985 onwards. Also RSA WWII anniversary tribute. (2 copies). NZ Newspaper: Tribune Palmerston North Centennial Issue 1970-1971. NZ Newspaper: Waikato Times Hamilton Centennary Issue, August 1964. NZ Newspaper: Weekly News, 1969, 1 issue; 1954, 6 issues. NZ Newspapers: The Times, 1948-1949, 10 issues; Dominion, Nov. 1970 issues; Manawatu Evening Standard 1956 & 1983, 2 issues; Sports Post 1975, 2 issues; Evening Post 1969, 2 issues; Shantytown Gazette 1975, 1 issue. NZ/RES Newspaper cuttings folder: “Early Settlers”, articles from the Tribune about local identities (large black folder). NZ/RES Newspaper cuttings scrapbook: Birth, death & marriage columns, 1996-1997, from Manawatu Evening Standard, compiled by Olga Zeinert (7 books). 14 NZ/RES Newspaper cuttings scrapbook: from the Manawatu Evening Standard, 1955 (brown paper cover). NZ/RES Newspaper index to Manawatu Evening Standard Vital Records, 4th quarter 1983 (manila folder). 19 pp. NZ Newspaper supplement: 100 Years of News 1863-1963, publ. by NZ Herald. NZ Newspaper supplement: Birth of Palmerston North. Manawatu Evening Standard Centenary Supplement, Mar 1971 (2 copies, blue folder). NZ Newspaper supplement: Evening Post: a century of headlines. NZ Newspaper supplement: Feilding: the first 100 years. NZ Newspaper supplement: Manchester Block 125 years on, a review publ. by the Feilding Herald, Jan. 1999 (2 copies). NZ Newspaper supplement: Millennium Review, Manawatu, [each issue covers a 10 year period, from 1900-1999], publ. by Manawatu Evening Standard. NZ Newspaper supplement: Our Century: Wanganui & District from 1900-2000, publ. by Wanganui Chronicle. 42 pp. NZ/RES Newspaper supplement: Your Guide to a Successful Reunion, publ. by Wanganui Newspapers, 1999. 23 pp. NZ/RES Newspaper supplementary Index to Birth, Death & Marriage Columns, Manawatu Evening Standard, 1985, compiled by Judy Ward. Also held: 1 scrapbook of birth, death & marriage columns Dec. 1993-Dec. 1995, and 1 scrapbook Oct-Dec 1983. NZ Nine Thousand Bricks a Day by Jim Lundy, with editorial assistance from Dorothy Pilkington and Margaret Tate NZ Nottingham to Northern Wairoa: being the record of the family of Joseph Simpkin & Elizabeth Haddon. 42 pp. NZ/RES NZSG, Cemetery Records NZ, a list of holdings as at Dec. 1985. 1988; and 1992 (2 copies: 1 with fiche in PNC Library). NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1991, “People of the Bay”, Hastings. 298 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1993, “Tracking the Lines”, Palmerston North. 141 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1994, “Something of Interest”. 440 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1995, “Central Government in Wellington: 130 years”, compiled by Judy Kirby. 202 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1996, “Gateway to Scenic Southland”, Invercargill. 178 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1998, “Work ‘n Pastimes”, Dunedin. NZ NZSG, Conference Proceedings, 1999, “Look North Over the Hills and Far Away”, Whangarei. 361 pp. NZ NZSG Conference Proceedings, 2001, “Taranaki Odyssey”, compiled & edited by Michael Butler, New Plymouth. 223 pp. NZ NZSG, Conference, 1993, report on conference by Angela Finnerty to PN Branch AGM. NZ/RES NZSG, Constitution & Rules (2 copies). NZ/RES NZSG, District Keys to the NZ Registration Indexes. Births, 1848-1900; 19011920. Deaths, 1848-1900; 1901-1920. NZ NZSG, Family Biography, 1990 sesquicentennial: competition collection in the Alexander Turnbull Library, 1991. 115 pp. NZ/R NZSG, Family Research Directory [New Zealand], 1990, edited by Jan Gow & Garth Houltham. Also held: 1993, 1997 & 2000 issues. 15 Also held: NZ/RES NZSG Gen-Guide 101, A Beginner’s Guide to Family History Research in New Zealand, by Anne Bromell, 5th ed. 2001. 35 pp. Also: Gen-Guide 102: New Zealand Electoral Rolls, by Anne Bromell, 2001. 9 pp. NZ/RES NZ/RES NZSG, Guidelines for Groups, 1984 (brief research handout). 16 pp. NZ/RES NZSG, List of Library Holdings as at Dec 1981. Also held: Library Holdings Catalogue, 1993. NZ/RES NZSG, List of Members: 1971; 1976 (2 vols); and yearly from 1986-1991. Also PN branch 1993. NZ/RES NZSG, Localities of Members Research, to Apr 1981. 68 pp. NZ/RES NZSG, Members’ Research, 14 issues from 1976-1991. NZ NZSG, Military Records Relative to NZ, material presented by Herbert H. Farrant to Annual Conference, Invercargill, 1996 (dark pink folder). 34 pp. NZ NZSG: Millennium Writing: a collection of writing from members of the PN Branch, 2001 (folder). NZ NZSG, New Zealand Genealogist, annually 1970-1979, 1981 onwards. NZ NZSG, Newsletters, 1967-69. NZ/RES NZSG, Pandora’s Box, compiled by Dawn Chambers, Lower Hutt, Mar.-Apr. 1996 (yellow folder). NZ/RES NZSG, Register of Completed Projects, Apr. 1991. NZ/RES NZSG, Register of Members’ Research, 31 Mar. 1976. Also held 1970. NZ/RES NZSG Scottish Interest Group, Members Interest Booklet, Mar. 2001. NZ/RES NZSG Service Awards, folder, Palmerston North Branch recipients. NZ/RES NZSG, Speakers’ Register, 1991-1992. Also held: 1994. NZ/RES NZSG, Surname Index to Record of Ancestry Sheets, vol. I, as at Dec. 1972. Also vol. III, Record of Ancestry Sheets, Archives and First Families as at 31 Apr. 1975. NZ NZSG, Wellington Branch 25th Anniversary 1970-1995. 72 pp. NZ Oamaru Harbour: port in a storm, by Gavin McLean, 1982. 176 pp. NZ Off the Record, Friends of the Alexander Turnbull Library magazine, Aug. 1994. NZ Official History of New Zealand’s Effort in the Great War (4 volumes): vol. I, Gallipoli, by Major Fred Waite; vol. II, France, by Col. H. Stewart; vol. III, Sinai & Palestine, by Lieut.Col. Guy Powles; vol. IV, War Effort of NZ, edited by Lieut. H. T. B. Drew. NZ Old Manawatu, by T. L. Buick, 1903 (1975 reprint). 407 pp. NZ One Lady at Wairakei, by Rudyard Kipling, 1983. 55 pp. NZ Organising a Family Reunion: a step by step guide, by Elizabeth A. Barlow & Joy McDougall, 1986. 16 pp. NZ Otago Early Settlers Museum Newsletters, Apr. 1989-Dec. 1991 (8 issues) (manila folder). NZ Otaki Historical Society Historic Journal, vol. 3, 1980. 121 pp. NZ Our Country: a brief survey of New Zealand history and civics, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd, 7th ed. 225 pp. NZ Our Lesser Stars: twelve New Zealand family biographies, 1990, NZSG. 328 pp. (2 copies). 16 NZ Overseas Posts: a list of New Zealand representatives abroad, 2 issues: Mar. 1994 & Sept. 1994. NZ/PAC Pacific Scrapbook 1943-1947: a pictorial history of a young New Zealand Corsair pilot in the Pacific & Japan & of allied co-operation in the Pacific war, by Bryan Cox,1997. 182 pp. [See also separate index compiled by Terry Hatfield.] NZ Palmerston North Commercial Travellers & Warehousemens’ Assoc. Club Room Opening, 1973. NZ Palmerston North Police District Register of Personnel, up to 1986. 65 pp. NZ Palmerston North: a centennial history, by George Conrad Petersen, 1973. 254 pp. NZ Palmerston North High School Historical Survey 1902-1951, by John Murray, 1952. 230 pp. NZ Parochial District of All Saints, Palmerston North [A Short History of the], edited by Rev. George Dent, 1928. 64 pp. NZ Pearn Pioneers, Cornwall-Taranaki, 1986. 76 pp. NZ Pioneer Trails of Hawkes Bay, by Miriam Macgregor, 1975. 95 pp. NZ Pioneering Days of Palmerston North, by G. C. Petersen, 1952. 102 pp. NZ Pioneering to Prosperity 1874-1974: centennial history of the Manchester block, by D. A. Davies & R. E. Clevely, 1981. 179 pp. NZ Pioneers: an album from the past. 49 pp, undated. [Early photographs, compiled for MoTaT]. NZ Poem in Stone [A]: History of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, New Plymouth 18461971 (1978 reprint). 76 pp. NZ Policing: the evidence, an exhibition held at National Archives from June 1986 to mark the centenary of the NZ Police. 16 pp. NZ Port Chalmers: gateway to Otago, by H. Bowman, 1948. 224 pp. NZ Port Preservation: the story of Preservation Inlet & the Solander Grounds, by A. Charles & Neil C. Begg, 1973. 398 pp. NZ Poyntzfield: the McKenzies of Lower Rangitikei, by Rob Knight, 1975. 256 pp. NZ/RES Register of Aliens, under the Registration of Aliens Act 1917, NZ Dept. of Internal Affairs (cream folder). NZ/RES Register of Teachers in NZ with a Current Practising Certificate, as at Mar. 1997. NZ/RES Review of Southland Regional Newspaper Collection, by Alan Francis Bryce, 1996. NZ RNZAF News, 4 issues 1961-63; also Silver Jubilee Supplement 1962; and Air Force Day 1964 (blue folder). NZ Rotorua Constructs, 1961, supplement to the Jan issue of Contracting and Construction. 84 pp. NZ Royal NZ Fencibles: a complete index, military pensioners who were enlisted 1847-1852 by the British Govt. at the request of Sir George Grey, compiled by Shirley E. Kendall. 35 pp. NZ Sappers Association (NZ) Inc.: Your history 1960-1985 your heritage, by Seymour Jack, 1985. 242 pp. NZ Scandinavian Mission of the Methodist Church of NZ 1872-1894, by Geo. I. Laurenson, publ. Wesley Historical Soc. as vol. 13, no. 1 of its Proceedings [undated]. 16 pp. NZ Scots of New Zealand [The], by G. L. Pearce, 1976. 240 pp. 17 NZ Scottish Immigrants to New Zealand: notes, passenger lists & family lines from The Gael Fares Forth, compiled by W. J. Houston (green folder). NZ Secondary Education in New Zealand: a directory for international students, 2nd ed., 1993. NZ Seminar for Local Historians, Dept. of University Extension, 1978. 68 pp. NZ Settlements of the New Zealand Company [An Account of], by the Hon. H. W. Petrie 1842 (1971 reprint). 94 pp. NZ Shannon Family from Antrim, Ireland to New Zealand, by family members, 2000. 148 pp. [Includes separate family trees.] NZ Single Track: the construction of the Main Trunk Railway, by R. S. Fletcher, 1978. 224 pp. NZ Sixty Years On 1999, Celebrating Diamond Jubilee Marist Brothers’ High School, Palmerston North, 1939-1974, by Garry O’Neill. 63 pp. NZ Standing in the Sunshine: a history of New Zealand women since they won the vote, by Sandra Coney, 1993. 332 pp. NZ Stewart Island’s Kaipipi Shipyard amd the Ross Sea Walers by JPC Watt NZ Stinson’s Bush, by Georgina McDonald, 1957. 239 pp. NZ Stirling Story, by Barbara James. 44 pp. NZ Stones Otago & Southland Directory, 1945. NZ Sugar Workers Sugar Town: an oral history of Chelsea Sugar Refinery 18841984, 1984. 28 pp. NZ Takapau, 1976: Story of Takapau, centennial celebration. 21 pp. NZ Terry Family Record, 1989 (manila foolscap folder). 82 pp. NZ The Denniston Miners Union - A Centennial History 1884 – 1984 by Len Richardson NZ The First Hundred: in search of the very early-day plumbers of Palmerston North, by Arthur S. Quennell, 1970. 32 pp. NZ The Way We Were Pictorial Memories of Early NZ: Manawatu/Wairarapa, text by Valerie Davies, 1994. 79 pp. NZ They Came to New Zealand, A private project compiled by Derek Griffis, Nov 1992. NZ Thing of Beauty [A]: Parish Church of All Saints, Palmerston North, by Betty King & Eileen R. Wright, 1975. 93 pp. NZ Those Who Speak to the Heart: the Nova Scotian Scots at Waipu 1854-1920, by Maureen Molloy, 1991. 171 pp. NZ Time of Transition: Whakarongo School & District Twelve Decades On, by Val Burr, 1999. 119 pp. NZ Tour of Historic Graves of Terrace End Cemetery, 23 Feb., 1986, prepared by Ian Matheson. NZ/RES Tracing Family History in New Zealand, by Anne Bromell, 1991. 196 pp. (2 copies). NZ/RES Tracing Family History Overseas from New Zealand, by Anne Bromell. 196 pp. NZ/RES Union List of NZ Newspapers Before 1940, by D. R. Harvey, 1985. 159 pp. NZ United States Forces in NZ 1942-1945, by Denys Bevan, 1992. 408 pp. NZ University of Canterbury: roll of graduates, May 1971. 20 pp. NZ University of Otago: roll of graduates, May 1988. 570 pp. (2 copies). 18 NZ Unquiet Earth: a history of the Bolton Street Cemetery, by Margaret H. Alington, 1978. 359 pp. NZ Veterinary Surgeons in New Zealand, 6 issues, 1972-1980. NZ Video for Teachers, compiled by Leon Wickham & Murray Warn. 31 pp. NZ/RES Waikato Resources, compiled by Hamilton Group, NZSG. 1988. NZ Waiouru Soldier, vol. 4, no. 6, Ju.l 1956. 48 pp. NZ Waitohi Hammonds, by Vera Hunt, 1987. 76 pp. NZ Wanganui River, story of New Zealand’s most beautiful river, 1957. 48 pp. NZ Wanganui’s Finest: 125 years of firefighting in Wanganui 1866-1991, by Athol L. Kirk & Bryan H. Barkla. 95 pp. NZ War in the Tussock: Te Kooti & the battle at Te Porore, by Ormond Wilson, 1961. 72 pp. NZ Wartime memories – Stories from or men, women and children in World war II by Peter McQuaid NZ Webster Branch 1300-1982, by Doug Webster, 1992. 68 pp. NZ Wellington, Horowhenua & Wairarapa, by Peter Mounsey, 1988 (travel guide). 278 pp. NZ Wellington’s Northern Suburbs 1919-1945, compiled by Julie Bremner for Onslow Historical Society, 1983. 128 pp. NZ Wesley Historical Society (NZ) Journal, 1996. 84 pp. NZ West of the Tararuas: an illustrated history of the Wellington & Manawatu Railway Co., by Douglas Hoy, 1972. 136 pp. NZ/R Who’s Who in New Zealand, 1925, by G. Scholefield. NZ Who’s Where in our Maori Field, Presbyterian Church of NZ, 1961. Also: Who’s Who in our Overseas Fields? Presbyterian Church of NZ, 1959. NZ William Swainson FRS, FLS & C.: the anatomy of a 19th century naturalist, by Sheila Natusch & Geoffrey Swainson. 202 pp. NZ Wills and Supporting Documents, by Pam Frontin-Rollet, Nov. 2000 (folder). NZ/R Wise’s Auckland Provincial Directory, 1944. NZ/R Wise’s Business Directory, 29 sundry issues, 1980-1990, incl. Wellington, Auckland, Otago/Southland & Christchurch. NZ/R Wise’s Directory, 1946. NZ/R Wise’s NZ Post Office Directory, 1953-54. NZ Women at St. Andrews: a history of the Hamilton Ladies’ Golf Club, by Isobel Northover, 1992. 171 pp. NZ Women of Spirit: stories of NZ Salvation Army women from the last 100 years, by Barbara Sampson, 1993. 226 pp. NZ Women of Westland, compiled by Greymouth Branch of National Council of Women, 1960. 96 pp. NZ/RES Writing & Publishing Your Family History, by L. M. H. Cave, NZSG. NZ/RES Writing a Book, collated by Rae Nicholls, 1998 (black folder). 19 I.viii Research RES Birth, Marriage & Death Register Entries, Book One, includes index [black A-3 folder]. See also: Unrelated Certificates, Births, Marriages & Deaths, Book Two, includes index at back [grey A-4 folder].. RES Computer Software: Brothers Keeper: genealogical software for IBM compatible computers (3 disks held). RES Computers for Family History: an introduction, by David Hawgood, 1994. 60 pp. RES Computers for Genealogy, by Janet R. Worthington, 1985. 39 pp. RES Examples of Handwriting 1550-1650, by W. S. B. Buck, 1965. 71 pp. RES Family History Annual, by Michael J. Burchall, 1985. 183 pp. (2 copies). RES Family Tree Detective, by Colin D. Rogers, 1983. 145 pp. RES Gedcom Data Transfer: moving your family tree, by David Hawgood, 1994. 44 pp. RES Genealogical Dictionary [Ancestry’s Concise], compiled by Maurine & Glen Harris, 1989. 259 pp. RES Genealogical Research Directory, national & international, Keith A. Johnson & Malcolm R. Sainty, 1981-1997 (except 1993); 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2006. RES Genealogy Research Service Centre (promotional leaflet). RES Getting it Taped: a guide to cassette recording. RES Handbook for Genealogical Correspondence, published by Cache Genealogical Library, 1974. 274 pp. [How to write various genealogical letters.] RES Help: “Contacts” from English Woman’s Weekly, and “Helpline” from NZ Woman’s Day from 1993 onwards (2 cuttings scrapbooks with index folder). Also, “Help Wanted” letters 1984-1987 from the Australasian Post (scrapbook). See also: Folder of extracts from 1999-2000 NZ Women’s Day “your helpline”; NZ Woman’s Weekly “Can you help?” & Australian Women’s Weekly “Where are they now?”, collated and indexed Oct. 2000. Further folder of extracts covering 19992001 collated Oct. 2001. RES See also: Folder of indexed extracts from The Star, Dunedin, 1996-2000, “Tracing Your Ancestors”. Further folder covering 2000-2001 collated Oct. 2001. How to Find the Roots and Fruits of your Family Tree by Jan Gow 1985 RES How to Record Your Family Tree, by Patrick Palgrave-Moore, 1979. 34 pp. RES How to Record Your Grandfather. 1. Recording oral history; 2. Tapes. RES In Search of Ancestry, by Gerald Hamilton-Edwards, 1979. 293 pp. RES Parish & Vital Records Listings, Jul. 1975, Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. RES Practical Family History, June 1999, and ongoing from Oct. 1999. RES Record Protection in an Uncertain World, Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (brochure). 15 pp. RES Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One-name Studies with FFHS, 2nd ed, 1979. 39 pp. RES Relatively Speaking: the family tree way to better health, by Ross Meillon & Chris Reading, 1984. 278 pp. RES Searching Overseas: a guide to family history sources for Australians & New Zealanders, by Susan Pedersen, 1987. 96 pp. RES The A to Z of Genealogy - A handbook by Janet Reakes 20 RES I.ix Under the Southern Cross: 3rd Australasian Congress on Genealogy & Heraldry Congress Papers, 1983, NZSG. 307 pp. Scotland SCO Argyll and the Southern Hebrides [Portrait of], by David Graham Campbell, 1978. 191 pp. SCO Bonnie Bits O’Bonnie Scotland, 1954 [picture studies]. 48 pp. SCO Come Over the Bridge to Dunfermline, illustrated guide book. 48 pp. SCO Dumfries & Galloway Official Guide 1975 (in Scottish small publ. box). SCO/RES Gazetteer of Scotland: including a glossary of most Gaelic names, rev. by R. W. Munro, 1973, 2nd ed. 353 pp. SCO Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society Newsletters, no. 3, 1978; no. 5, 1979; no. 7, 1980. SCO In Scotland Again, by H. V. Morton, 1933, 2nd ed. 415 pp. SCO/RES In Search of Scottish Ancestry, by Gerald Hamilton-Edwards, 1972. 252 pp. SCO/RES Introducing Scottish Genealogical Research, by Donald Whyte, 1982, 4th ed. 33 pp. SCO/RES Monumental Inscriptions for Leslie Churchyard, publ. by Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society, 1983. SCO North to John O’Groats: an album of photographic studies of Scotland’s furthest North, publ. J. B. White Ltd. SCO Portrait of the Highlands, by W. Douglas Simpson, 1970. 288 pp. SCO Scotland [A souvenir picture book of]. SCO Scotland [Clans & Tartans of], by Robert Bains, re-edited Margaret O. Macdougall, 1961. 319 pp. SCO/RES Scotland [The parishes, registers & registers of], 1993. SCO Scotland, edited by L. R. Muirhead, 1947, 2nd ed. (includes maps). 454 pp. SCO/RES Scotland: a genealogical research guide, 1987. 61 pp. SCO/RES Scots Kith & Kin: a constant source of information for those interested in Scottish names, their clans & family with fully illustrated clan map, publ. for Clan House, Edinburgh. 94 pp. SCO Scots Link, Scottish family history magazine, Austr. & NZ, 1990 onwards. SCO Scots Magazine, sundry issues from 1970-1989; also May & Dec. 1993, Mar. 1994, Feb.-Apr. & Jun. 1995. SCO Scottish Clans and Tartans: looking into the past: people, places, and customs, by Dwayne E. Pickels, 1999. 64 pp. SCO Scottish Genealogist, quarterly journal of the Scottish Genealogy Society, 44 issues 1974-1990. Also held: Supplement relating to Register of Members’ Interests Aug 1978. SCO/RES Scottish Genealogy [Beginners’ Guide to], compiled by Ewen K. Collins, 1992, publ. Tay Valley Family History Soc. SCO/RES Scottish Roots: a step by step guide for ancestor-hunters in Scotland & overseas, by Alwyn James, 1984. 182 pp. SCO Skye, by Derek Cooper, 1970. 242 pp. SCO Tay Valley Family Historian, 9 issues & membership list, 1993-1995. 21 SCO Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors: a guide to ancestry research in the Scottish Record Office, by Cecil Sinclair, 1990. 153 pp. SCO/RES Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry, by Kathleen B. Cory, 1990. 195 pp. I.x Shipping SHI Best of Sail, by Basil Lubbock, 1972. 179 pp. SHI Colonist’s Voyage to New Zealand, by Alfred Fell, (1973 reprint), [describes the voyage of the Lord Auckland in 1841]. 112 pp. SHI Cutty Sark: last of a glorious era, by Alan Villiers, 1953. 96 pp. SHI/RES Lloyd’s Marine Collection & Related Marine Sources at Guildhall Library, [A guide to the], compiled by D. T. Barriskill, 1994. 59 pp. SHI/RES Log of Logs: a catalogue of logs, journals, shipboard diaries etc 1788-1988 for Australia & NZ, by Ian Nicholson. 630 pp. SHI/RES National Register of Shipping Arrivals Australia & New Zealand, by Andrew G. Peake, 1992. 58 pp. SHI Shipwrecks: New Zealand Disasters 1795-1950, by C. W. N. Ingram & P. O. Wheatley, 1950. 520 pp. SHI Union Fleet 1875-1968, by J. Farquhar, 1968. 56 pp. SHI Union Line: a short history of the Union Steam Ship Co. of NZ Ltd, 1875-1951, by Sydney D. Waters. 148 pp. I.xi Wales WAL Wales [A History of]: earliest times to Edwardian conquest, by Sir John Edward Lloyd, vols I & II, 1948. 816 pp. WAL Wales: a new study, edited by David Thomas, 1977. 338 pp. WAL Wales [Landscapes of North], by Roy Millward & Adrian Robinson, 1978. 207 pp. WAL Wales: the shaping of the nation, by Prys Morgan & David Thomas, 1984. 272 pp. 22
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