Faculty of Health Media coverage overview for September, October, November and December 2013 In September, October, November and December 2013 a total of 663 media clips (125 September, 160 October, 182 November and 196 December) were reported for the Faculty of Health, including the associated Strategic Research Centres. The coverage reached a potential audience of more than 38,344,656 people (9,713,708 September, 9,502,992 October, 8,589,467 November and 10,538,489 December). 73 staff were quoted in the media about their specific research projects or commented on issues related to their areas of expertise, including: • Melissa Weinberg on Australian Wellbeing Index results that pointed to the importance of • • • • • • relationships on happiness and wellbeing Peter Miller on proven ways to reduce alcohol related violence and on the increasing cases of violence and anti-social behaviour resulting from the use of methamphetamines Gary Sacks on the need for governments to enforce improvements to food labelling as one way to address the growing obesity problem and on restricting trans-fats Alison Carver on research that found Australian parents are more reluctant than UK parents to allow kids to walk to school Alan Pearce on research into the impact of sports concussion on the brain Paul Bennett on research into the use of laughter yoga with dialysis patients Rachel Carey on a study that aims to protect the foodbowl and save farms in Melbourne’s fringe suburbs (A full list of media active staff and where they were quoted is included with this report. Please note that this list only includes those clips where a staff member has actually been quoted and does not include other articles that relate to a specific study or activity. Copies of the media clips are available on request. Contact Mandi O’Garretty, ext 72776, email [email protected] ) NOTES Media clips are articles, summaries of radio and television interviews and online mentions picked up by the media unit through our monitoring service and internal online monitoring. We do our best to capture all articles and broadcast interviews however our monitoring may not be comprehensive. Please contact Mandi O’Garretty in the Media Unit if your media coverage has not been picked up. This overview is a snapshot of the Faculty’s coverage and does not provide any evaluation of impact or reputation. Audience reach is based on the figures our monitoring service has for print, radio and television stations. Where staff are listed as being quoted in more than one media clip, it should be noted that this does not relate to the number of interviews undertaken as some media outlets share stories, for example if a staff member is listed as being quoted in 10 clips, this could be the result of one media interview. Faculty of Health media active academics September 2013 Interviewee Alison Kennedy School Medicine Boyd Swinburn Health & Social Development SRC Date National Centre for 02/09/2013 Farmer Health 11/09/2013 Population Health 12/09/2013 Brendan Crotty David Parkin Don Jefreys Felice Jacka Media outlet Radio National Headline/summary Sunraysia Daily Voxy radio New Zealand online Helping prepare for bad times NZ 'failing in obesity prevention' 05/09/2013 05/09/2013 Geelong Advertiser Geelong Advertiser Lure for regional doctors Rural training upgrade for doctors 05/09/2013 09/09/2013 ABC Central Victoria ABC South Western Victoria 774 ABC Melbourne Exercise and Nutrition 23/09/2013 Sciences Psychology Mental Health and 22/09/2013 Wellbeing Medicine Psychiatric Health 04/09/2013 SRC 05/09/2013 James Dunbar Greater Green 10/09/2013 Triangle University Department of Rural Health Jo Salmon Julie Pasco Health & Social Development Exercise and Nutrition CPAN Sciences Medicine Gold Coast Sun Central Tweed Sun IN THE HOW TO DE-CLUTTER YOUR HOME Food a factor in children's behaviour ABC South East SA New research is suggesting social and economic factors have a much greater influence on cardiovascular health than previously thought. We're not alone 26/09/2013 Warrnambool Standard ABC1 13/09/2013 Radio National 21/09/2013 28/09/2013 Daily Telegraph Adelaide Advertiser POWER OF THE POOCH Power of the pooch How our puppy love helps keep us happier, healthier 28/09/2013 13/09/2013 Courier Mail Geelong Advertiser Getting new leash on life Healthy baby study suits mums to a D 16/09/2013 Jan Garrard Sunday Mail Adelaide Web link http://www.voxy.co.nz/health/nzfailing-obesity-prevention/5/167461 Katie Lacy Melissa Weinberg 18/09/2013 Health Canal online Geelong study sheds on light children’s bone health http://www.healthcanal.com/bonesmuscles/43015-geelong-study-shedson-light-children%E2%80%99s-bonehealth.html Exercise and Nutrition CPAN 23/09/2013 Sciences Psychology Mental Health and 22/09/2013 Wellbeing Geelong Advertiser Teen tastes on trial Perth Now online 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 5AA 4BC 2UE 936 ABC Hobart Adelaide Advertiser Daily Telegraph Herald Sun Courier Mail Wellbeing survey: Why your mother- http://www.perthnow.com.a in-law is good for you u/lifestyle/health/wellbeingsurvey-why-yourmotherinlaw-is-good-foryou/story-fnhlcxz91226724661692 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 Gold Coast Bulletin Hobart Mercury 23/09/2013 23/09/2013 Daily Telegraph Daily Mail UK online Mums the secret of happiness Seeing your mother-in-law is good for you 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 24/09/2013 30/09/2013 Others in law not monsters 23/09/2013 Geelong Advertiser 6PR 3AW Northern Territory News Cairns Post 23/09/2013 Townsville Bulletin Two mums better than one Mums the secret of happiness Two mums better than one Some strange truths about mums-inlaw Best to keep mother-in-law close Mothers-in-law come in from cold Mother of all myths gets blown sky high Happiness is a mother-in-law who's close to home Maternal bond boosts happiness http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar ticle-2430038/Seeing-mother-lawgood-How-seeing-halfs-mumactually-helps-maritalhappiness.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Michael Vagg Medicine 13/09/2013 Geelong Independent Kids still pay for fluoridation wail Nicole Reinhart Nikki Dowling Psychology Psychology 27/09/2013 14/09/2013 Geelong Advertiser WA Today online Paul Gastin Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 30/09/2013 Wangaratta Chronicle Study reveals just how much impact tackling has on footballers Peter Miller Psychology Mental Health and 03/09/2013 Wellbeing The Conversation Psychology Mental Health and 12/09/2013 Wellbeing Live Science online Psychology Mental Health and 12/09/2013 Wellbeing Rochdale UK online Psychology Mental Health and 13/09/2013 Wellbeing CTV news Canada online Psychology Mental Health and 13/09/2013 Wellbeing On Medica online Warning over mixing energy drinks with alcohol? Psychology Mental Health and 14/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 16/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 16/09/2013 Wellbeing Courier Mail Alcohol and energy drinks a dangerous combination ABC news online Newcastle's tough liquor laws had immediate effect Mental Health and 17/09/2013 Wellbeing Newcastle Herald Booze rules stem blood Psychology Psychology Psychology Walking style key to autism Mobile barriers uncovered in telephone polls http://www.watoday.com.au/digitallife/digital-life-news/mobile-barriersuncovered-in-telephone-polls20130913-2tqcz.html http://theconversation.com/whoshould-be-educating-us-aboutalcohol-related-violence-8966 Energy Drink Studies May Be Clouded http://www.livescience.com/39622by Industry Ties energy-drinks-alcohol-industryties.html Just how harmful are energy drinks http://www.rochdaleonline.co.uk/n mixed with alcohol? ews-features/2/newsheadlines/82429/just-how-harmfulare-energy-drinks-mixed-withalcohol Research supported by energy drink http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/heal industry may be downplaying harms: th-headlines/research-supported-bydoc energy-drink-industry-may-bedownplaying-harms-doc1.1453395#ixzz2rf7Y2U00 http://www.onmedica.com/NewsArt icle.aspx?id=22e9331c-fefc-4fe1ba98-c07945a227ff ABC Newcastle http://www.abc.net.au/news/201309-16/newcastle27s-tough-liquorlaws-had-immediate-effect/4959914 Psychology Mental Health and 17/09/2013 Wellbeing Psychology Mental Health and 19/09/2013 Wellbeing Psychology Mental Health and 20/09/2013 Wellbeing Psychology Mental Health and 21/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 21/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 21/09/2013 Wellbeing Psychology Psychology Mixing energy drinks and alcohol dangerous: expert http://health.msn.co.nz/healthnews /8724409/mixing-energy-drinks-andalcohol-dangerous Popular Science online Is Red Bull Downplaying Research On http://www.popsci.com.au/science/i The Harms Of Mixing Alcohol And s-red-bull-downplaying-research-onEnergy Drinks? the-harms-of-mixing-alcohol-andenergy-drinks RTT News online Industry May Be Downplaying Risks http://www.rttnews.com/2189353/i Of Alcohol And Energy Drinks ndustry-may-be-downplaying-risksof-alcohol-and-energydrinks.aspx?type=hnr Weekend Gold Coast Early closure fewer fights Bulletin Newcastle Herald Crime is lower when pubs close earlier Herald Sun online Red Bull 'influences' alcohol research, http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news academic claims in British Medical /red-bull-8216influences8217Journal alcohol-research-academic-claims-inbritish-medical-journal/storyfnii5s3y-1226723803123 Psychology Mental Health and 21/09/2013 Wellbeing New Zealand Herald online Booze and energy drink mix shows increase in aggressive behaviour Psychology Mental Health and 22/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 22/09/2013 Wellbeing Mental Health and 26/09/2013 Wellbeing Sunday Telegraph Red Bull funds key alcohol research Sunday Mail Brisbane Energy drink study a load of Red Bull The Conversation Think alcohol and energy drinks are http://theconversation.com/thinknothing to worry about? Think again alcohol-and-energy-drinks-arenothing-to-worry-about-think-again18271 Psychology Psychology Psychology Russell Keast msn New Zealand online Molecular and Medical Research Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing Exercise and Nutrition CPAN Sciences 27/09/2013 ABC1 29/09/2013 Sunday Telegraph CHEAP BOOZE FUELS FIGHTING 29/09/2013 Sunday Mail Brisbane 01/09/2013 Australian Healthy Food Guide Violence focus on grog-shop discounts tastebuds control your weight and how to train them ! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/n ews/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid= 11127823 Sandi Elliott Tim Crowe Greater Green 10/09/2013 Triangle University Department of Rural Health Whyalla News Health students and benefits to benefit from simulated scenario workshops Greater Green 12/09/2013 Triangle University Department of Rural Health Port Lincoln Times Health students to learn from simulation training Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 11/09/2013 Times of India online Top 5 myths about weight loss Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 21/09/2013 Sydney Morning Herald online Good news from dark sources Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 23/09/2013 The Conversation Health Check: the low-down on eating vs juicing fruit and veg Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 29/09/2013 4BC http://articles.timesofindia.indiatim es.com/2014-0125/fitness/41970265_1_weight-lossfat-loss-tim-crowe http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/di et-and-fitness/good-news-from-darksources-20130919-2u0a1.html http://theconversation.com/healthcheck-the-low-down-on-eating-vsjuicing-fruit-and-veg-18054 Faculty of Health media active academics October 2013 Interviewee Ajeet Singh Alison Carver Amie Hayle phd student School Medicine Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Medicine SRC CPAN Psychiatric Health SRC Date 18/10/2013 25/10/2013 Media outlet Geelong Advertiser Herald Sun Headline/summary Easing your mind with a cheek swab City traffic brake City traffic brake 25/10/2013 774 ABC Melbourne 17/10/2013 Channel 9 17/10/2013 Channel 9 17/10/2013 Channel 9 17/10/2013 Channel 9 17/10/2013 Channel 9 Darwin 17/10/2013 WIN Hobart 17/10/2013 GEM Interview with Dr. Alison Carver, Deakin University about calls for the CBD speed limit to be reduced to 30km/h. New research shows that two-thirds of retired woman are having trouble sleeping at night. New research shows nearly a third of retired women have trouble falling asleep, compared with 12 percent of men. A study of 1000 retirees found that nearly 30% of women have trouble sleeping, and only 12% men. Women were less likely to feel rested in the morning, and those with health problems were worse. New research shows that two-thirds of retired woman are having trouble sleeping at night. A study of 1000 retirees found that nearly 30% of women have trouble sleeping, and only 12% men. Women were less likely to feel rested in the morning, and those with health problems were worse. New research shows nearly a third of retired women have trouble falling asleep, compared with 12 percent of men. Hormones may be an influencing factor, and those with health problems fared worse, part New research shows that two-thirds of retired woman are having trouble sleeping at night. Web link Caryl Nowson Exercise and Nutrition Sciences James Dunbar CPAN 17/10/2013 Channel 9 18/10/2013 Channel 9 01/10/2013 Good Health Greater Green 17/10/2013 Triangle University Department of Rural Health 17/10/2013 17/10/2013 Jenny Gianoudis John Tombourou Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Psychology CPAN 04/10/2013 CPAN 07/10/2013 Mental Health and Wellbeing 13/10/2013 08/10/2013 08/10/2013 New research shows that two-thirds of retired woman are having trouble sleeping at night. New research shows that nearly a third of female retirees are having trouble falling asleep. SHOULD OUR FOOD Warrnambool Standard Report confirms poverty, disadvantage rate worse in rural areas Warrnambool Standard Report confirms poverty, disadvantage http://www.standard.net.au/story/184 online rate worse in rural areas 5945/report-confirms-povertydisadvantage-rate-worse-in-ruralareas/?cs=72 Warrnambool Standard Report confirms poverty, disadvantage http://www.standard.net.au/story/184 online rate worse in rural areas 5945/report-confirms-povertydisadvantage-rate-worse-in-ruralareas/?cs=72 Channel 7 (nationally) A new technique which involves targeted exercising is helping to combat falling bone density in the elderly population and osteoporosis sufferers. Medical Xpress online Exercise program gives older people http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013the power to prevent osteoporosis 10-older-people-powerosteoporosis.html Channel 9 Williams speaks with Professor John Tombourou, Deakin University about raising the drinking age. 2GB Interview with Deakin University Health Psychologist Professor John Toumbourou about raising the drinking age. 666 ABC Canberra Interview with Professor John Toumbourou, Deakin University, on Australian of the Year Ita Buttrose calling for the drinking age to be raised from 18 to 21. 12/10/2013 Canberra Times online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 12/10/2013 Age online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 12/10/2013 Stock & Land online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 12/10/2013 Brisbane Times online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 12/10/2013 The Age online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 12/10/2013 Sydney Morning Herald online Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come 15/10/2013 18/10/2013 Herald Sun ABC Ballarat ACTION PLEA ON TEEN DRINKING Interview with John Toumbourou, Chair, Psychology, Deakin University, Geelong. Toumbourou talks about the research he has conducted which says that parents should be stricter in regards to alcohol use at home 18/10/2013 HO FM A new study from Deakin University shows parents who take a firm line with teenagers drinking at home, minimise the threat of binge drinking later on. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/nati onal/raising-the-drinking-age-a-goodidea-whose-time-may-never-come20131011-2vdvb.html http://www.theage.com.au/national/ra ising-the-drinking-age-a-good-ideawhose-time-may-never-come20131011-2vdvb.html http://www.stockandland.com.au/new s/metro/national/general/raising-thedrinking-age-a-good-idea-whose-timemay-never-come/2674672.aspx http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/nati onal/raising-the-drinking-age-a-goodidea-whose-time-may-never-come20131011-2vdvb.html http://www.theage.com.au/national/ra ising-the-drinking-age-a-good-ideawhose-time-may-never-come20131011-2vdvb.html http://www.smh.com.au/national/raisi ng-the-drinking-age-a-good-idea-whosetime-may-never-come-201310112vdvb.html 18/10/2013 04/10/2013 New research have been released that shows that parents who take a firm line with teenagers drinking at home minimise the effect of binge drinking later in life. 6PR Parents who take a firm line with teenagers on drinking in the home reduce their children's likelihood of binge drinking in later life according to John Toumbourou from Deakin University. BAY FM A Deakin University study based in Geelong has found that parents supplying alcohol to their children is having a big impact on teen binge drinking. Warrnambool Standard Under-age drinking prompts call for primary school classes Warrnambool Standard Experts call for primary age alcohol http://www.standard.net.au/story/187 online warnings 7028/experts-call-for-primary-agealcohol-warnings/?cs=72 Warrnambool Standard Experts call for primary age alcohol http://www.standard.net.au/story/187 online warnings 7028/experts-call-for-primary-agealcohol-warnings/?cs=72 Sydney Morning Herald Raising the drinking age: a good idea whose time may never come Geelong Advertiser RAISE DRINKING AGE TO 21 Crikey health blog online What are the health implications of the http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/20 ever-widening gap between people and 13/10/28/what-are-the-healthimplications-of-the-ever-widening-gapnature? between-people-and-nature/ Geelong Advertiser Coeliac detection coup 29/10/2013 01/10/2013 Herald Sun Nursing Review Let me travel Disabled student's plea Something' s not working 01/10/2013 Morning Bulletin Try living with mother-in-law 03/10/2013 Southern Argus 16/10/2013 Wynnum Herald Seeing your motherin-law is good for you Buying advice that matters the most 18/10/2013 18/10/2013 31/10/2013 31/10/2013 31/10/2013 12/10/2013 Jonathan ‘Yotti’ Kingsley and Sarah Driscoll Health & Social Development Julie Pasco Medicine Mark Stokes Maxine Duke Psychology Nursing and Midwifery Psychology Melissa Weinberg 18/10/2013 28/10/2013 Psychiatric Health SRC Mental Health and Wellbeing 3AW 16/10/2013 Southern Star Springwood Redcliffe & Bayside Herald Southern Star Springwood Wynnum Herald South West News Northside Chronicle South East Advertiser Westside News Paddington North West News Courier Mail online Buying advice that matters themost 17/10/2013 17/10/2013 17/10/2013 Buying advice that matters the most Consider all good advice before signing http://www.couriermail.com.au/realest a property contract ate/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfnihpmzi-1226741421669 Albert & Logan News Buying advice thatmatters themost City South News Buying advice that matters the most Caboolture Shire Herald Buying advice that matters themost 17/10/2013 17/10/2013 Albert & Logan News Herald Sun online 17/10/2013 Perth Now online 17/10/2013 Daily Telegraph online 17/10/2013 news.com.au Buying advice that matters the most Consider all good advice before signing http://www.heraldsun.com.au/realesta a property contract te/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfnhytr0m-1226741421669 Consider all good advice before signing http://www.perthnow.com.au/realesta a property contract te/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfnhlgp12-1226741421669 Consider all good advice before signing http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/real a property contract estate/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfnhytr0n-1226741421669 Consider all good advice before signing http://www.news.com.au/finance/reala property contract estate/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfncq3era1226741421669?from=public_rss 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 16/10/2013 Buying advice thatmatters themost Buying advice that matters the most Buying advice that matters the most Buying advice that matters the most Buying advice thatmatters themost Buying advice that matters the most Buying advice thatmatters themost Michael Berk Michael Vagg Medicine Psychiatric Health SRC Medicine Olivia Dean Medicine Paul Gastin Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Psychiatric Health SRC 17/10/2013 Brisbane Courier-Mail online pays to listen to property cops 17/10/2013 Adelaide Now online It pays to listen to property cops 19/10/2013 Mother ALWAYS KNOWS BEST 19/10/2013 Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin Weekend Post 19/10/2013 19/10/2013 28/10/2013 Townsville Bulletin Weekend Post Portland Observer 29/10/2013 Hamilton Spectator 30/10/2013 Casterton News 01/10/2013 Good Health 01/10/2013 Good Health Will you inherit your mother's health ? 01/10/2013 Radio Adelaide 01/10/2013 2SER FM 28/10/2013 Geelong Advertiser Report by Emma Lancaster about a new study finding that protein found in the Chinese red- headed centipede may hold the secret to treating chronic pain: Michael Vagg, Clinical Senior Lecturer, Deakin Around one in five Australians will suffer from chronic pain in their lifetime and the impact of chronic pain costs the country over $34 billion annually. Acne meds ease blues 02/10/2013 Narooma News AFL tackling force Four vital opinions can make or break your buy ALWAYS KNOWS BEST ALWAYS KNOWS BEST Seeing your mother-in-law is good for you Seeing your mother-in-law is good for you Seeing your mother-in-law is good for you Your genes can have as much influence as your lifestyle on your risk of disease, and even what age you hit menopause. http://www.couriermail.com.au/realest ate/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfnihpmzi-1226741421669 http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/reale state/consider-all-good-advice-beforesigning-a-property-contract/storyfni0c830-1226741421669 Penny Love Peter Miller Tamara May Thomas Hammond Psychology Population Health Mental Health and Wellbeing Psychology Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing 25/10/2013 12/10/2013 Geelong Advertiser ABC news online Staff health declines 'Drastic measures' flagged to curb alcohol-fuelled violence 15/10/2013 Medical Xpress online 16/10/2013 Health Canal online Firm rules by parents can prevent adolescent binge drinking Firm rules by parents can prevent adolescent binge drinking 29/10/2013 ABC Gippsland 29/10/2013 ABC Gippsland online 29/10/2013 ABC Online 17/10/2013 ABC online Jenni Henderson interviews Peter Miller, Associate Professor, Deakin University about the issue of alcohol in the community. Alcohol a bigger problem than ice': drugs in Gippsland Alcohol the greater evil in the Latrobe Valley Autism may have many 'lost girls' 17/10/2013 ABC Goldfields online Autism may have many 'lost girls' 10/10/2013 AAP Newswire 10/10/2013 Radio Adelaide FED:Carers are most unhappy Aussies: study Pre-recorded interview with Thomas Hammond, Researcher, Deakin University, by Annie Hastwell, Reporter, about carers being the most likely to suffer from severe depression. 10/10/2013 6PR 10/10/2013 6PR Interview with Thomas Hammond, psychology researcher, Deakin University, to discuss his work on the poor wellbeing of carers. Continuing Interview with Thomas Hammond, psychology researcher, Deakin University, to discuss his work on the poor wellbeing of carers. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-1012/drastic-measures-flagged-to-curbalcohol-fuelled/5018538 http://medicalxpress.com/news/201310-firm-parents-adolescent-binge.html http://www.healthcanal.com/substanc e-abuse/43940-firm-rules-by-parentscan-prevent-adolescent-binge- http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/20 13/10/29/3878966.htm?site=gippsland http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/20 13/10/29/3878966.htm http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles /2013/10/17/3870311.htm?topic=healt http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles /2013/10/17/3870311.htm?site=goldfie lds 10/10/2013 10/10/2013 11/10/2013 11/10/2013 11/10/2013 12/10/2013 12/10/2013 14/10/2013 10/10/2013 Tim Crowe Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 05/10/2013 2UE Robertson says people who care for sick and disabled family members and friends are the most unhappy Australians according to research from Deakin University. Perth Now online Carers are most unhappy Aussies: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/br study eaking-news/carers-are-most-unhappyaussies-study/story-fnhrvfuw1226736917975 Launceston Examiner Carers 'unhappiest Aussies' Border Mail Carers are most unhappy Aussies ABC Far North Interview with Thomas Hammond, psychology researcher, Deakin University, about mental health. Illawarra Mercury Carers are most unhappy Australians: study 6minutes (Crikey health) Carers the most unhappy in Australia http://www.6minutes.com.au/news/lat online est-news/carers-the-most-unhappy-inaustralia 936 ABC Hobart Interview with Thomas Hammond, psychology researcher, Deakin University, regarding the mental health of informal carers. 2UE A new study, being presented at the Australian Psychological Society's annual conference, has found carers are among Australia's unhappiest people, with 40% suffering severe depression and stress. Northern Daily Leader Good news from dark sources 09/10/2013 11/10/2013 12/10/2013 Esperance Express Good news from dark sources Hervey Bay Observer Whole fruit is best MSN New Zealand online How much water should we really drink? 14/10/2013 ninemsn.com.au Woman says raw food diet makes her look like a teenager http://health.msn.co.nz/healthnews/87 37697/how-much-water-should-wereally-drink http://food.ninemsn.com.au/healthyre cipes/newsandfeatures/8738454/wom an-says-raw-food-diet-makes-her-looklike-a-teenager 15/10/2013 Donnybrook Bridgetown Good news from dark sources Mail Faculty of Health media active academics November 2013 Interviewee Alison Carver School Exercise and Nutrition Sciences SRC CPAN Date 07/11/2013 Media outlet The Australian Headline/summary Web link UK kids top local efforts at a stroll 07/11/2013 07/11/2013 Herald Sun 702 ABC Sydney KIDS KEPT IN A BUBBLE Interview with Alison Carver, Deakin University, on her research indicating the majority of Australian parents choose to drive their children to primary school rather than walk. 07/11/2013 Health Canal online 07/11/2013 ABC News online Aussie primary kids bubble http://www.healthcanal.com/publicwrapped tighter than UK children health-safety/44657-aussie-primary-kidsbubble-wrapped-tighter-than-ukchildren.html Australian parents more reluctant http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11than English to allow kids to walk 07/fewer-aussie-kids-walk-to-schoolto school, study shows than-english-study-suggests/5075590 07/11/2013 The Australian online British kids have more freedom to http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation walk to school than Aussies al-affairs/policy/british-kids-have-morefreedom-to-walk-to-school-thanaussies/story-fn59nlz9-1226754533791 11/11/2013 Geelong Advertiser Study drives walk talk Parents found to favour car for school run 11/11/2013 Geelong Advertiser online Let Aussie kids walk to school 07/11/2013 Radio Australia news online Australian parents more reluctant http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/asia/2 than English to allow kids to walk 013-11-07/australian-parents-moreto school, study shows reluctant-than-english-to-allow-kids-towalk-to-school-study-shows/1216370 http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/n ews/let-aussie-kids-walk-to-school-saysdeakin-study/story-fnjuhxh01226756857485?from=geelong+advertis er_rss Andrew Lewis Ann Taket Bob Pease Bosco Rowland Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing Health & Social Development Health & Social Development Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing 01/11/2013 Geelong Advertiser online Geelong's teen text troubles 02/11/2013 04/11/2013 04/11/2013 Geelong Advertiser Geelong Advertiser Geelong Advertiser online 04/11/2013 Geelong Advertiser online Texting teens torment Depression help plan Study aims to address shortfalls in http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/n children's care ews/study-aims-to-address-shortfalls-inchildrens-care/story-fnjuhxh01226752676970 Depression help plan http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/n ews/study-aims-to-address-shortfalls-inchildrens-care/story-fnjuhxh01226752676970?from=geelong+advertis er_rss 22/11/2013 Geelong Independent Call to 'man up' against assault 21/11/2013 18/11/2013 23/11/2013 Surf Coast Times Geelong Advertiser Geelong Advertiser Play empowers bystanders Step up to stop attacks Why didn't she leave? 13/11/2013 Sydney Morning Herald Alarm over child drinking, multiple liquor outlets Age Higher drink risk for children in areas with more liquor outlets 13/11/2013 13/11/2013 3AW Interview with Bosco Rowland, Deakin University Ridge says there is a report suggest there is an increase in the number of places selling alcohol. http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/n ews/geelongs-teen-text-troubles-associal-media-obsession-drives-parentsup-the-wall/story-fnjuhori1226751573229?from=geelong+advertis er_rss 13/11/2013 2GB Interview with Bosco Rowland, Deakin University about Deakin University surveyed teenagers and found a close relationship between the number of liquor outlets and the age at which young people started drinking 13/11/2013 ABC News online http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-1113/takeaway-booze/5088882 http://www.smh.com.au/national/alarmover-child-drinking-multiple-liquoroutlets-20131112-2xeq0.html Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.canberratimes.com.au/natio liquor outlets nal/alarm-over-child-drinking-multipleliquor-outlets-20131112-2xeq0.html 13/11/2013 The density of liquor outlets is linked to youth drinking Sydney Morning Herald Alarm over child drinking, multiple online liquor outlets 13/11/2013 Canberra Times online 13/11/2013 Brisbane Times online 13/11/2013 Warrnambool Standard Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.standard.net.au/story/1904 online liquor outlets 566/alarm-over-child-drinking-multipleliquor-outlets/?cs=12 The Courier online Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/19 liquor outlets 04566/alarm-over-child-drinkingmultiple-liquor-outlets/?cs=12 Sunraysia Daily online Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.sunraysiadaily.com.au/story liquor outlets /1904566/alarm-over-child-drinkingmultiple-liquor-outlets/?cs=7 13/11/2013 13/11/2013 Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/natio liquor outlets nal/alarm-over-child-drinking-multipleliquor-outlets-20131112-2xeq0.html 13/11/2013 Illawara Mercury online Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/st liquor outlets ory/1904566/alarm-over-child-drinkingmultiple-liquor-outlets/?cs=7 13/11/2013 Examiner online Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.examiner.com.au/story/190 liquor outlets 4566/alarm-over-child-drinking-multipleliquor-outlets/?cs=7 13/11/2013 Bendigo Advertiser online 14/11/2013 Medical Xpress online 16/11/2013 13/11/2013 13/11/2013 Younger teens more likely to use alcohol if they live near bottle shops Northern Daily Leader Kids caught up in booze culture Newcastle Herald Liquor outlets lead kids to drink: study Newcastle Herald online Alarm over child drinking, multiple liquor outlets 14/11/2013 Illawara Mercury online Alarm over child drinking 13/11/2013 666 ABC Canberra Daryl Pedler Medicine 01/11/2013 ABc news online Fiona Andrews Health & Social Development 28/11/2013 Herald Sun Gary Sacks Health & Social Development 01/11/2013 ABC North West WA 14/11/2013 The Conversation Population Health Alarm over child drinking, multiple http://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/s liquor outlets tory/1904566/alarm-over-child-drinkingmultiple-liquor-outlets/?cs=12 http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-11younger-teens-alcohol-bottle.html http://www.theherald.com.au/story/190 4566/alarm-over-child-drinking-multipleliquor-outlets/?cs=12 http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/st ory/1908130/alarm-over-childdrinking/?src=rss Australian researchers say they have found a clear link between the level of underage drinking and the number of takeaway alcohol shop nearby. Call for better distribution of http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11doctors in regional areas 01/call-for-better-distribution-of-doctorsin/5063228 CITY DWELLERS ENJOY HEALTHY INNER GLOW CITY DWELLERS ENJOY HEALTHY INNER GLOW Interview with Gary Sacks, Deakin University. Nicholls says a study published in the British Medical Journal says a tax on soft drinks could cut the number of obese adults in the UK by 180,000. US set to restrict trans fats, but should Australia follow? http://theconversation.com/us-set-torestrict-trans-fats-but-should-australiafollow-20127 26/11/2013 891 ABC Adelaide Interview with Dr Gary Sacks, WHO Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, Deakin University, about trans fats with the US Food and Drug Administration trying to remove them: Sacks explains what 28/11/2013 666 ABC Canberra Interview with Gary Sacks, Deakin University, and Jane Martin, Obesity Policy Coalition, on the right measures to take against the obesity crisis in Australia 28/11/2013 Canberra Times online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling 29/11/2013 Canberra Times 29/11/2013 Fat chance of beating obesity without ‘strict' food labelling Sydney Morning Herald Fat chance of beating obesity online without 'strict' food labelling http://www.canberratimes.com.au/natio nal/fat-chance-of-beating-obesitywithout-strict-food-labelling-201311282yehd.html http://www.smh.com.au/national/fatchance-of-beating-obesity-without-strictfood-labelling-201311282yehd.html#ixzz2pxBBpNC8 29/11/2013 Central Midlands and Fat chance of beating obesity Coastal Advocate online without 'strict' food labelling http://www.centraladvocate.com.au/sto ry/1940526/fat-chance-of-beatingobesity-without-strict-food-labelling/ 29/11/2013 Midland Xpress online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling http://www.elliottmidnews.com.au/stor y/1940526/fat-chance-of-beating-obesitywithout-strict-food-labelling/ 29/11/2013 The Courier online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/19 40526/fat-chance-of-beating-obesitywithout-strict-food-labelling/?cs=7 29/11/2013 Beindgo Advertiser online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling http://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/s tory/1940526/fat-chance-of-beatingobesity-without-strict-foodlabelling/?cs=7 Gery Karantzas Psychology Jan Garrard Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing 29/11/2013 Illawara Mercury online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling 29/11/2013 Warrnambool Standard Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling online 29/11/2013 WA Today online Fat chance of beating obesity without 'strict' food labelling 13/11/2013 ABC Goulburn Murray 14/11/2013 666 ABC Canberra Interview with Gery Karantzas, School of Psychology, Deakin University about how people react to meeting people they are attracted to. Twice as many cyclists have died on New South Wales roads in 2013 compared to last year, and nationally there has been a 39% jump in the number of bike riders killed this year. 14/11/2013 ABC news online Spike in NSW cyclist deaths prompts call for more training, awareness 14/11/2013 NSW cyclist deaths double in 2013 http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/201 3/s3890562.htm Cutting strip funding may lead to confusion Dabigatran bleeding data encouraging Ballarat underage drinking highest http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/18 in state, figures show 86327/ballarat-underage-drinkinghighest-in-state-figures-show/?cs=12 A Deakin University study has found children who live near bottle shops are more likely to drink than their peers. Jane Speight Psychology 15/11/2013 Radio National AM online Medical Observer John Amerena Medicine 29/11/2013 Medical Observer John Toumbourou Psychology 05/11/2013 Courier Mail online 13/11/2013 ABC Darwin Mental Health and Wellbeing http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/st ory/1940526/fat-chance-of-beatingobesity-without-strict-foodlabelling/?cs=7 http://www.standard.net.au/story/1940 526/fat-chance-of-beating-obesitywithout-strict-food-labelling/?cs=7 http://www.watoday.com.au/nat ional/fat-chance-of-beatingobesity-without-strict-foodlabelling-20131128-2yehd.html http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-1114/spike-in-nsw-cyclist-deaths-promptscall-for-more-training/5090986 13/11/2013 ABC North West WA Interview with Professor John Toumbourou, Deakin University. Nicholls says that researchers have discovered that the number of bottle shops in an area correlates with problems with underage drinking. 13/11/2013 ABC North Coast NSW 13/11/2013 ABC Darwin 13/11/2013 ABC Wide Bay 13/11/2013 ABC Coffs Coast 13/11/2013 Triple J 13/11/2013 720 ABC Perth 14/11/2013 GWN7 Deakin University surveyed 10,000 teenagers and found a close relationship between the number of liquor outlets and the age at which young people started drinking. A new Deakin University study has found young people who live near bottle shops are more likely to drink. A Deakin University study has found children who live near bottle shops are more likely to drink than their peers. A new study has found that rural teenagers are more likely to drink alcohol than their urban counterparts. New Deakin University research has confirmed young people are more likely to drink alcohol if they live near a number of bottle shops. New research from Deakin University shows young people are more likely to drink alcohol if they live near a number of bottle shops. New research has shown that the number of bottle shops in an area is correlated to the incidence of teen drinking. John Toumbourou and Bosco Rowland Mardie Townsend Mardie Townsend Mark Lawrence Maxine Duke Michael Vagg Peter Miller Psychology Health & Social Development Health & Social Development Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Mental Health and Wellbeing Channel 7 (nationally) 20/11/2013 Today Tonight online 27/11/2013 The Conversation 13/11/2013 01/11/2013 Radio National AM online Australian House And Garden Australian Women's Health Choice 28/11/2013 SBS Ethnic Radio 01/11/2013 01/11/2013 Population Health Nursing and Midwifery Medicine Psychology 20/11/2013 01/11/2013 16/11/2013 Mental Health and Wellbeing Alcohol and binge drinking is to blame for the death of one in eight Australians under the age of 25. Generation 'out of control' http://au.news.yahoo.com/todaytonight/lifestyle/article//19931050/generation-out-of-control/ Schoolies week: bad for the body, http://theconversation.com/schooliesweek-bad-for-the-body-bad-for-the-brainbad for the brain 20652 Takeaway alcohol shops linked to http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/201 teen drinking 3/s3889712.htm NATURE'S GIFT CALL THE OF WILD Trick or treat? Report on world hunger. In 2013, world hunger is still a major issue, with the UN World Food Program saying one in eight people are malnourished. Campus Review SOMETHING'S NOT WORKING Otago Daily Times online How do you choose over-thehttp://www.odt.co.nz/lifestyle/healthcounter painkillers? fitness/news-features/281571/how-doyou-choose-over-counter-painkillers 17/11/2013 4BC 05/11/2013 Yahoo news New Zealand 05/11/2013 Yahoo news online Interview with Dr Michael Vagg from Deakin University to talk about pain medication. Shorter trading hours 'key to reducing alcohol harm' Shorter trading hours 'key to reducing alcohol harm' http://nz.sports.yahoo.com/news/shorte r-trading-hours-key-reducing-032625999-spt.html http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/19687620/ shorter-trading-hours-key-to-reducingalcohol-harm/ 07/11/2013 ONE Associate Professor Peter Miller of Deakin University, an alcohol researcher who has also worked as a bouncer in nightclubs for 12 years, believes that the solution to alcohol-related harm is to reducing trading hours 07/11/2013 Newstalk ZB (Christchurch) Deakin University professor Peter Miller says reduced alcohol trading hours will significantly impact New Zealand's binge drinking culture. 07/11/2013 Newstalk ZB (Christchurch) 07/11/2013 07/11/2013 Deakin University professor Peter Miller claims Christchurch's current alcohol education in effort to reduce binge drinking is ineffective. Newstalk ZB (Auckland) Authorities in Christchurch are being advised that initiatives to educate against the dangers of binge drinking do not work. CTV An alcohol symposium was held today in an effort to seek solutions to reducing alcohol-related harm. 18/11/2013 WIN Bendigo 18/11/2013 WIN Mildura Regional Victoria's front line emergency services say they are dealing with an increasing rate of cases involving methamphetamines. Regional Victoria's front line emergency services say they are dealing with an increasing rate of cases involving methamphetamines. Rachel Carey 18/11/2013 WIN Albury 18/11/2013 WIN Ballarat 18/11/2013 WIN Gippsland Front line emergency service workers says they are dealing with increasing cases of violence and anti social behaviour due to the use of methamphetamines. 19/11/2013 WIN Shepparton 07/12/2013 Voxy New Zealand online 02/11/2013 774 ABC Melbourne 19/11/2013 Radio National Bush Telegraph online Regional Victoria's frontline emergency services say they're dealing with increasing cases of violence and anti-social behaviour, stemming from the use of methamphetamines. Evidence to support restrictions http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/evidenc on liquor outlets to be presented e-support-restrictions-liquor-outlets-bepresented/5/173140 Interview with Dr Rachel Carey about sustainable food. Theatre confronting family http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/pr violence ograms/bushtelegraph/you-theman/5101514 Innovative project aims to http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2013 improve health literacy /11/25/innovative-project-aims-toimprove-health-literacy/ BUILT FOR STRENGTH Health & Social Development Nursing and Midwifery Population Health Richard Osborne Health & Social Development Population Health 25/11/2013 Crikey online Rob Daly Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Psychology CPAN 01/11/2013 Shape Magazine Mental Health and Wellbeing 03/11/2013 Sunday Telegraph Renee Fiolet Thomas Hammond Regional Victoria's frontline emergency services say they are dealing with increasing cases of violence and anti-social behavior, resulting from the use of methamphetamines. Western Victoria's frontline emergency services say they're dealing with increasing cases of violence and anti-social behaviour due to methamphetamines use. Counting the cost of caring too much Tim Crowe Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 03/11/2013 Daily Telegraph online Counting the cost of caring too much 12/11/2013 2SER FM Interview with Tim Crowe, associate professor in nutrition, Deakin University. Are juices good for you or is it another source of empty calories? http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news /opinion/counting-the-cost-of-caring-toomuch/story-fni0cwl5-1226751757283 Faculty of Health media active academics December 2014 Interviewee Alan Pearce School Psychology SRC Date 16/12/2013 Media outlet SYN FM Headline Web link Interview with Dr Alan Pearce, neuroscientist with Deakin University's School of Psychology and a leading researcher of a study. Compere says Deakin University has released an Australian first study on impact of sports concussion 16/12/2013 Sydney Morning Herald online 16/12/2013 Brisbane Times online 16/12/2013 WA Today online 16/12/2013 The Age online 16/12/2013 Canberra Times online 16/12/2013 Adelaide Now online Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.smh.com.au/afl/aflas NFL, study finds news/impact-of-head-blows-in-aflsame-as-nfl-study-finds-201312162zhdj.html Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/a as NFL, study finds fl/afl-news/impact-of-head-blows-inafl-same-as-nfl-study-finds-201312162zhdj.html Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.watoday.com.au/afl/aflas NFL, study finds news/impact-of-head-blows-in-aflsame-as-nfl-study-finds-201312162zhdj.html Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.theage.com.au/afl/aflas NFL, study finds news/impact-of-head-blows-in-aflsame-as-nfl-study-finds-201312162zhdj.html Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.canberratimes.com.au/a as NFL, study finds fl/afl-news/impact-of-head-blows-inafl-same-as-nfl-study-finds-201312162zhdj.html Footy knocks bad for the brain http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/ne ws/national/afl-players-can-sufferserious-longterm-impact-fromonfield-concussions-new-researchshows/story-fnii5smq1226784475895 16/12/2013 Tasmania Mercury online Footy knocks bad for the brain 16/12/2013 Cairns Post online Footy knocks bad for the brain 16/12/2013 Geelong Advertiser online Footy knocks bad for the brain 17/12/2013 Triple M 17/12/2013 Hot Tomato 17/12/2013 774 ABC Melbourne 17/12/2013 666 ABC Canberra Dr Alan Pearce, Deakin University says former AFL players who have suffered concussion have abnormal changes in brain activity. Sport Report: AFL - Dr Alan Pearce, Deakin University is calling on clubs to have a mandatory period of rest after players suffer a serious head knock. A Deakin University study has found concussion suffered during sport has a long term impact on the brain. A study of former Australian Rules footballers by Deakin University researchers has drawn a link between concussions on the field and brain damage. http://www.themercury.com.au/new s/national/afl-players-can-sufferserious-longterm-impact-fromonfield-concussions-new-researchshows/story-fnj3ty2c1226784475895 http://www.cairnspost.com.au/news /national/afl-players-can-sufferserious-longterm-impact-fromonfield-concussions-new-researchshows/story-fnjbnxui1226784475895 http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.a u/news/national/afl-players-cansuffer-serious-longterm-impact-fromonfield-concussions-new-researchshows/story-fnjbnxuh1226784475895 17/12/2013 3AW A Deakin University study has found there are long-term effects for footballers who suffer concussion, such as loss of motor skills and reduced reaction times. 17/12/2013 612 ABC Brisbane A Deakin University study has found concussion suffered during sport has a long term impact on the brain. Spokesman Dr Alan Pearce says sports administrators need to take notice. 17/12/2013 6PR 17/12/2013 HO FM 17/12/2013 5AA Deakin University neuro-scientist, Dr Alan Pearce has called for football clubs to implement mandatory rest periods for players who suffer serious knocks to the head. He says even at the amateur level Dr. Alan Pearce, Deakin University is calling on all AFL clubs to implement a mandatory rest period after players suffer a serious knock. A Deakin University study has found there are long-term effects for footballers who suffer concussion, such as loss of motor skills and reduced reaction times. 17/12/2013 SEN Interview with Alan Pearce, Deakin University, to discuss recent studies into the long term effects of concussion amongst AFL footballers. 17/12/2013 FOX FM Former AFL players who suffered concussion during their playing time have been found to have abnormal changes in brain function. Dr Alan Pearce, Deakin University, says concussion has long-term negati 17/12/2013 Radio National Tom Nightingale report about calls for tougher restrictions on injured athletes as new research links concussions from contact sports with brain damage. 17/12/2013 ABC NewsRadio Tom Nightingale report about calls for tougher restrictions on injured athletes as new research links concussions from contact sports with brain damage. 17/12/2013 720 ABC Perth Interview with Dr Peter Larkins, Sports and Exercise Physician. Darmody discusses research which proves that multiple concussions lead to changes in brain health in Australian footballers. She plays 17/12/2013 17/12/2013 17/12/2013 Herald Sun Age Adelaide Advertiser Player danger AFL head blows 'same as NFL' Players warned on brain dangers 17/12/2013 7LA Dr. Alan Pearce, Deakin University is calling on all AFL clubs to implement a mandatory rest period after players suffer a serious knock. 17/12/2013 666 ABC Canberra A Deakin University study has found concussion suffered during sport has a long-term impact on the brain. The university tested 40 retired AFL players and found they had abnormal changes in brain function 17/12/2013 The Transcontinental Port Augusta online AFL head blows same as NFL: study 17/12/2013 AFL news online 17/12/2013 news.com.au 17/12/2013 Newcastle Herald online 17/12/2013 ABC AM online Study links AFL and brain damage http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/ 2013/s3912791.htm 17/12/2013 The Guardian online Concussion study finds problem for all footballers, not just elite players http://www.theguardian.com/societ y/2013/dec/17/concussion-studyfinds-risk-all-players 17/12/2013 Sports Business Daily online League Notes: Study Shows Impact Of AFL Head Blows Same As NFL https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.co m/Global/Issues/2013/12/17/League s-and-Governing-Bodies/Notes.aspx http://www.transcontinental.com.au /story/1976732/afl-head-blows-sameas-nfl-study/ Make concussion rest mandatory, http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013study says 12-17/rest-the-concussed-study AFL players can suffer serious http://www.news.com.au/national/v long-term impact from on-field ictoria/afl-players-can-suffer-seriousconcussions, new research shows longterm-impact-from-onfieldconcussions-new-researchshows/story-fnii5sms1226784475895 Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.theherald.com.au/story/ as NFL 1976732/afl-head-blows-same-as-nflstudy/ 17/12/2013 ABC World Today online Concussion researcher calls for codes to force players to sit out games 17/12/2013 Illawarra Mercury online 17/12/2013 Daily Telegraph online 17/12/2013 Perth Now online 17/12/2013 SEN SportSENtral online Impact of head blows in AFL same http://www.illawarramercury.com.a as NFL u/story/1976732/afl-head-blowssame-as-nfl-study/?cs=12 AFL players can suffer serious http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/n long-term impact from on-field ews/afl-players-can-suffer-seriousconcussions, new research shows longterm-impact-from-onfieldconcussions-new-researchshows/story-fnii5smt1226784475895 AFL players can suffer serious http://www.perthnow.com.au/news long-term impact from on-field /afl-players-can-suffer-seriousconcussions, new research shows longterm-impact-from-onfieldconcussions-new-researchshows/story-fnii5smr1226784475895 Dr Alan Pearce talks concussion http://www.sen.com.au/displayMorning Glory article-2013/Dr-Alan-Pearce-talksconcussion-Morning-Glory/63007 17/12/2013 Herald Sun online AFL players can suffer serious http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news long-term impact from on-field /victoria/afl-players-can-sufferconcussions, new research shows serious-longterm-impact-fromonfield-concussions-new-researchshows/story-fni0fit3-1226784475895 17/12/2013 ABC Online 18/12/2013 Star Community online Concussion researcher calls for codes to force players to sit out games Geelong researcher confirms fears for ex-players/Footy linked to brain damage 20/12/2013 22/12/2013 Geelong Independent Sunday Mail Adelaide Footy linked to brain damage Aloisi's vision sees West soar back to top flight and beyond http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/ content/2013/s3912962.htm http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/ content/2013/s3912962.htm http://bellarine.starcommunity.com. au/indy/2013-12-17/geelongresearcher-confirms-fears-for-explayersfooty-linked-to-braindamage/ Alison Kennedy Medicine National Centre for Farmer Health 27/12/2013 Virtual Medical Centre online Sport’s concussion has long term http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.co impact on the brain m/news/sports-concussion-has-longterm-impact-on-the-brain/18907 17/12/2013 3AW Dr Alan Pearce, Deakin University is calling for mandatory periods of rest after players sustain a serious knock to the head. 09/12/2013 Country News insert Grief stories study 11/12/2013 18/12/2013 Cobram Courier West Wimmera Advocate 04/12/2013 3WM Research into bereavement Volunteers needed Research into farming families affected by a traumatic death Interview with Alison Kennedy, PhD Candidate. The National Centre for Farmer Health, together with the University of New England, is conducting research into the impact suicide and accidental death has on farmers Busting out the latest beer belly http://www.freenewspos.com/news/ remedies and research article/e/289028/today/busting-outthe-latest-beer-belly-remedies-andresearch Interview with Brad Aisbett from Deakin University to talk about bushfire safety. In search of a Pozible cure Medical science student's cure http://www.standard.net.au/story/1 campaign 959324/medical-science-studentscure-campaign/?cs=72 Researchers have turned to tropical freshwater zebrafish to tackle muscular dystrophy and are turning to crowd source funding to help with funding the program. Anne Turner Exercise and Nutrition Sciences CPAN 09/12/2013 Free News online Braid Aisbett Exercise and Nutrition Sciences CPAN 10/12/2013 2SER FM Dan McCulloch Medicine 09/12/2013 09/12/2013 Warrnambool Standard Warrnambool Standard online 20/12/2013 ABC1 (nationally) Medicine 20/12/2013 ABC News 24 (nationally) 20/12/2013 ABC news online 02/12/2013 ABC South East SA 01/12/2013 Mivision Researchers have turned to tropical freshwater zebrafish to tackle muscular dystrophy. Tropical zebrafish used to test in Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment http://www.abc.net.au/news/201312-20/tropical-fish-used-in-musculardystrophy-treatment/5170536 Gary Sacks Health & Social Development Harrison Weisinger Jenny Gianoudis Medicine Exercise and Nutrition Sciences CPAN 18/12/2013 The Almagest online Exercise program gives older people the power to prevent osteoporosis Jo Salmon Exercise and Nutrition Sciences CPAN 10/12/2013 3AW John Toumbourou Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing 20/12/2013 The Almagest online Julie Pasco Psychiatric Health SRC 18/12/2013 Interview with Prof Jo Salmon, Deakin University James says Mont Albert Primary School has the world's first standing classroom. Firm rules by parents can prevent http://www.thealmagest.com/firmadolescent binge drinking rules-parents-can-preventadolescent-binge-drinking/7656 Man power lost as obesity grows, http://medicalxpress.com/news/201 study finds 3-12-power-lost-obesity.html Geelong men weak and fat Weighty men lose muscle, bone http://www.sciencealert.com.au/ne ws/20131812-25114.html Geelong men 'becoming weaker as they grow fatter' Obesity Causes Bone And Muscle http://www.asianscientist.com/healt h-medicine/obesity-bone-muscle-lossLoss In Men, Study men-2013/ Weighty Men Lose Muscle, Bone, http://www.biospace.com/news_sto Deakin University Study ry.aspx?StoryID=319519&full=1 Medicine Population Health Medical Xpress online 19/12/2013 19/12/2013 Geelong Advertiser Science Alert online 20/12/2013 Geelong Independent 26/12/2013 Asian Scientist online 30/12/2013 Biospace online Interview with Dr Gary Sacks, World Health Organisations Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, Deakin University about transfats. Deakin's New Training Centre http://www.thealmagest.com/exerci se-program-gives-older-peoplepower-prevent-osteoporosis/7460 Kevin Murfitt Health & Social Development Kylie Ball Exercise and Nutrition Sciences CPAN Lana Williams Medicine Psychiatric Health SRC 20/12/2013 Lina Ricciardelli Psychology Mental Health and Wellbeing Lukar Thornton Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Mardie Townsend Health & Social Development Psychology Marita McCabe CPAN Mental Health and Wellbeing 24/12/2013 Radio Australia online Giving children with disability in the Pacific a voice http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/int ernational/radio/program/asiapacific/giving-children-with-disabilityin-the-pacific-a-voice/1238896 13/12/2013 The Conversation Geelong Advertiser The ACT’s food environment plan http://theconversation.com/the-actsis good – here’s why food-environment-plan-is-goodheres-why-20344 Driven to make a difference 08/12/2013 Sun Herald Lifestyles of the rich and anxious 08/12/2013 Daily Life online Young, rich people have higher rates of depression and anxiety, says study 08/12/2013 Brisbane Times online Children of affluent people more http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/n likely to suffer psychologicial ational/children-of-affluent-peopleproblems more-likely-to-suffer-psychologicialproblems-20131207-2yyb2.html 08/12/2013 Newcastle Herald online Young, rich people have higher rates of depression and anxiety, says study 08/12/2013 WA Today online 06/12/2013 ABC Science online 13/12/2013 The Conversation 01/12/2013 INTHEBLACK http://www.abc.net.au/science/articl es/2013/12/06/3906611.htm?topic= health The ACT’s food environment plan http://theconversation.com/the-actsis good – here’s why food-environment-plan-is-goodheres-why-20344 WINDING UP TO WIND DOWN 08/12/2013 Sunday Herald Sun THE POWER OF RED http://www.dailylife.com.au/nationa l/young-rich-people-have-higherrates-of-depression-and-anxiety-saysstudy-20131207-2yy6t.html http://www.theherald.com.au/story/ 1958263/young-rich-people-havehigher-rates-of-depression-andanxiety-says-study/?cs=7 Children of affluent people more http://www.watoday.com.au/nation likely to suffer psychologicial al/children-of-affluent-people-moreproblems likely-to-suffer-psychologicialproblems-20131207-2yyb2.html0 Healthy food options 'only add a dollar fifty a day' Matt Dunn Health & Social Development Megan Teychenne Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Melissa Weinberg Psychology Michael Vagg Paul Bennet Medicine Nursing and Midwifery CPAN Mental Health and Wellbeing 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 17/12/2013 Sunday Mail Brisbane Sunday Mail Adelaide Sunday Telegraph Sunday Territorian Sunday Tasmanian Sunday Times The Conversation THE POWER OF RED THE POWER OF RED The Power of Red THE POWER OF RED THE POWER OF RED THE POWER OF RED Clean syringe programs must also http://theconversation.com/cleansyringe-programs-must-also-cater-forcater for steroid users steroid-users-21012 Call for bodybuilder syringes http://bellarine.starcommunity.com. au/indy/2013-12-27/call-forbodybuilder-syringes/ Call for bodybuilder syringes Nonexercise physical activity reduces cardiovascular risk Mum's the word for making hubby happy 10 Food, Health And Diet Myths www.businessinsider.com.au/10Which Refuse To Die food-health-and-diet-myths-whichrefuse-to-die-2013-12 Interview with Michael Vagg from Deakin University to discuss the 23andMe genetic test. Vagg says the FDA, the American equivalent to the TGA, was concerned with the test as it made a number of unveri 27/12/2013 Bellarine Independent online 27/12/2013 01/12/2013 Geelong Independent Medicine Today 06/12/2013 Fraser Coast Chronicle 04/12/2013 Business Insider online 08/12/2013 4BC 17/12/2013 The Age online Laughter yoga best medicine 16/12/2013 Bendigo Advertiser online Laughter yoga the best medicine http://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.a at Moorabbin u/story/1976205/laughter-yoga-thebest-medicine-at-moorabbin/?cs=12 17/12/2013 The Courier online Laughter yoga the best medicine http://www.thecourier.com.au/story at Moorabbin /1976205/laughter-yoga-the-bestmedicine-at-moorabbin/ http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/l aughter-yoga-the-best-medicine-atmoorabbin-20131216-2zh02.html Peter Enticott, Psychology Peter Miller Psychology Rachel Carey Health & Social Development Mental Health and Wellbeing Population Health 17/12/2013 Warrnambool Standard online Laughter yoga the best medicine http://www.standard.net.au/story/1 at Moorabbin 976205/laughter-yoga-the-bestmedicine-at-moorabbin/?cs=12 Dialysis is no laughing matter; http://medicalxpress.com/news/201 however researchers are now 3-12-dialysis.html asking if it should be Dialysis is no laughing matter; http://www.healthcanal.com/kidney s-urinary-system/46024-dialysis-is-nohowever researchers are now asking if it should be laughing-matter-howeverresearchers-are-now-asking-if-itshould-be.html Is kidney dialysis a laughing http://www.medicalsearch.com.au/Ismatter? kidney-dialysis-a-laughingmatter/f/13734 Laughter yoga best medicine Love hormone oxytocin makes http://www.health.ninemsn.com.au/ kids with autism more social: family/8765771/love-hormonestudy oxytocin-makes-kids-with-autismmore-social-study 'Pre-Gaming' Linked To High-Risk http://www.medicaldaily.com/preBehavior In Young Adults: Why gaming-linked-high-risk-behaviorDrinking Before Hitting The Bar young-adults-why-drinking-hittingCould Be Dangerous bar-could-be-dangerous-264220 18/12/2013 Medical Xpress online 18/12/2013 Health Canal online 27/12/2013 Medical Search online 17/12/2013 04/12/2013 Age ninemsn.com.au 03/12/2013 Medical Daily online 26/12/2013 SBS online Comment: We drink in the town and country, but who drinks more? http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article /2013/12/26/comment-we-drinktown-and-country-who-drinks-more 26/12/2013 The Conversation We drink in the town and country, but who drinks more? http://theconversation.com/wedrink-in-the-town-and-country-butwho-drinks-more-9957 30/12/2013 04/12/2013 Ballarat Courier Wyndham Weekly Alcohol: a changing view FOOD BOWL BEING RAIDED 04/12/2013 Weekly Times 04/12/2013 Wyndham Weekly online Sprouts about as vegie edge eroded Werribee South market gardens part of key study http://www.wyndhamweekly. com.au/story/1793499/werrib ee-south-market-gardenspart-of-key-study/ Renee Fiolet Nursing and Midwifery Rhonda Brown Nursing and Midwifery Russell Keast Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Sharleen O'Reilly Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Stuart Smith Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Sue Brumby Medicine 10/12/2013 Melton Weekly 10/12/2013 Melton Weekly online 20/12/2013 04/12/2013 Geelong Independent Warrnambool Standard online Jobs in food to 'boom' Warrnambool workshop drives changing attitudes towards women 12/12/2013 JOY 94.9 FM Interview with Dr Rhonda Brown from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin University, to talk about smoking amongst the gay community. CPAN 03/12/2013 Age The pudding panel has spoken CPAN 03/12/2013 Sydney Morning Herald The pudding CP panel has spoken CPAN 10/12/2013 ABC Gippsland Interview with Dr Sharleen O'Reilly, Deakin University. Foenander says Baw Baw Shire Council is going to partner with Central West Gippsland Primary Care Partnership and other local health and well-being providers 05/12/2013 ABC Melbourne Webcast Interview with Stuart Smith, Food Safety Senior Lecturer at Deakin University, about use by dates on food products. Smith says the food industry uses these dates to cover themselves legally. 14/12/2013 Hamilton Spectator Renewed hopes for farmer health centre National Centre for Farmer Health Farm study a first step in keeping the food bowl filled Bacchus Marsh farm study a first http://www.meltonweekly.com.au/st step in keeping food bowl filled ory/1793729/bacchus-marsh-farmstudy-a-first-step-in-keeping-foodbowl-filled/?nav=Y2F0X2lkLzE1 http://www.standard.net.au/story/1 949063/warrnambool-workshopdrives-changing-attitudes-towardswomen/?cs=383 Tim Baker Tim Crowe Medicine Centre for Rural Emergency Medicine 14/12/2013 Warrnambool Standard Hospital's snake bite advice 03/02/2013 ABC Health online 10/12/2013 98.5 Sonshine FM Can you overdose on vitamin and http://www.abc.net.au/health/talkin mineral supplements? ghealth/factbuster/stories/2013/12/ 03/3903806.htm Obesity experts are excited by a Melbourne's school trial of the world first standing classroom. So far most children are choosing to stand. 10/12/2013 98.5 Sonshine FM A Melbourne primary school has decided to trial the world's first standing only classroom. 10/12/2013 HEART FM Health experts are praising Melbourne's first standing only primary school classroom. Obesity Expert Professor Tim Crowe from Deakin University says standing is better. 10/12/2013 C FM Toowoomba Health experts are praising Melbourne's first standing only primary school classroom. Obesity Expert Professor Tim Crowe from Deakin University says standing is better for people. 16/12/2013 702 ABC Sydney 17/12/2013 Geelong Advertiser Interview with Associate Professor Tim Crowe of Deakin University about the suggested eight glasses of water per day. Crowe confirms that the eight glasses is a myth Humble beetroot takes a lot of beating Yann Gibert Medicine 18/12/2013 ninemsn.com.au Vitamin pills offer no benefits and http://food.ninemsn.com.au/healthy are a waste of money: study recipes/newsandfeatures/8773122/vi tamin-pills-offer-no-benefits-and-area-waste-of-money-study 03/12/2013 K-ROCK FM Dr Yann Gibert, a Geelong researcher at Deakin University, is hoping his work on the plastic compound used to make food and drink containers will see it banned in Australia. 03/12/2013 BAY FM 03/12/2013 Geelong Advertiser Dr Yann Gibert, Deakin University, is hoping his work on a controversial plastic compound used for food and drink containers will finally see it banned in Australia. Plastic link to obesity
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