Title Author(s) The functional roles of the polymorphisms of a secretary candiate tumor suppressor, serum amyloid A1 (SAA1), in nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) Yeung, Man-chung; 楊敏聰 Citation Issue Date URL Rights 2011 http://hdl.handle.net/10722/144785 The author retains all proprietary rights, (such as patent rights) and the right to use in future works. The functional roles of the polymorphisms of a secretary candidate tumor suppressor, serum amyloid A1 (SAA1), in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) by YEUNG Man Chung B.Sc., HKUST A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy at The University of Hong Kong October 2011 i Abstract of thesis entitled The functional roles of the polymorphisms of a secretary candidate tumor suppressor, serum amyloid A1 (SAA1), in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) Submitted by Yeung Man Chung For the degree of Master of Philosophy The University of Hong Kong In October 2011 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a cancer which occurs in high frequency in Southern China. The identification of diagnostic and prognostic markers will be highly beneficial for early stage NPC detection. Previous microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT) studies showed that the transfer of an intact human chromosome 11 suppresses the in vivo tumor growth of a NPC cell line (HONE1) in nude mouse tumorigenicity assays. By using a 19K oligo-microarray analysis, one candidate tumor suppressor gene (TSG), Serum Amyloid A 1 (SAA1), which showed differential expression in the tumor-suppressive hybrid cells versus their matched tumorigenic revertants, was chosen for further study in this project. Frequent down-regulation of SAA1 expression was observed in both NPC cell lines and clinical ii tumor biopsies, and promoter hypermethylation is one major gene silencing mechanism. It is of interest to investigate whether physiological levels of SAA1 expressed locally in the normal nasopharyngeal tissue play a novel protective role against tumor development. SAA encodes an acute phase HDL-associated apolipoprotein, whose levels are greatly elevated following injury, inflammation, and cancer. This plasma protein is mainly synthesized in the liver. SAA is a generic term for a family of acute-phase proteins encoded by different genes with a high allelic variation. SAA1 maps in a 150 kb region of chromosome 11p15.1. It has five coding alleles, SAA1.1, SAA1.2, SAA1.3, SAA1.4, and SAA1.5. A number of studies have demonstrated the association between the increase in plasma SAA level and tumor development. However, the functional role of SAA1 in tumor progression has not been well-characterized. This study aims to determine the relationship between SAA1 polymorphisms and the risk of NPC and to determine the usefulness of SAA1 variants as a biomarker for NPC diagnosis. This study also aims to investigate the anti-tumor activities of SAA1 variant proteins and to study the functional roles of ectopically-expressed SAA1 proteins in NPC cell lines. My results of SAA1 genotyping showed that only three SAA1 isoforms (SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5) were observed in both Hong Kong NPC patients and healthy people. The iii frequency of SAA1.5/1.5 genotype in NPC patients was higher compared to that in healthy individuals, which indicates that the SAA1.5/1.5 genotype may associate with a higher risk of NPC development. Reintroduction of the three SAA1 isoforms in tetracycline-regulated HONE1-2 cell lines and lentivirus-controlled expression systems inhibited angiogenesis in vitro. Treatment of SAA1 recombinant proteins also inhibited endothelial cell viability, adhesion, and angiogenesis. Differential inhibitory effects were observed among the three SAA1 isoforms. Results of the functional studies showed that the SAA1.5 recombinant proteins consistently elicit the lowest inhibitory effects on endothelial cell viability and tube formation ability among the three isoforms. In conclusion, the current functional evidence indicates that a single variation of an amino acid residue can significantly reduce the activities of SAA1. The secreted SAA1.5 protein might contribute to the weakest protective effects against NPC formation, which may be associated with a higher risk of NPC development. Word count: 483 iv DECLARATION I declare that the thesis and the research work thereof represent my own work, except where due acknowledgement is made, and that it has not been previously included in a thesis, dissertation or report submitted to this University or to any other institution for a degree, diploma or other qualifications. Signed: ____________________________ Man Chung YEUNG v Acknowledgements It is one of the greatest achievements in my life to complete the MPhil study under the supervision of Dr. Hong Lok Lung and Prof. Maria Li Lung in these two years. Many people provided help to me throughout my study; without their help I would not be able to accomplish as much. First, I would like to thank my supervisors, Dr. Hong Lok Lung and Prof. Maria Lung, for providing me the opportunity to be a MPhil student. From them, I learned the scientific thinking and writing skills, and the serious and persistent attitudes towards science. My gratitude also goes to all my labmates in Prof. Lung’s Laboratory, Dr. Josephine Ko, Villus Kwong, Dr. Paulisally Lo, Dr. Victor Wong, Dr. Candy Chan, Valentine Yu, Evan Law, and Gerry Huang. They all provided me reliable support and assistance in my research. I shall particularly like to thank Dr. Victor Wong and Dr. Paulisally Lo. They did not only teach me lots of technical skills and knowledge, but also gave me encouragement and valuable advice for my research throughout these two years. My thanks also go to Prof. Didier Trono, for the supply of the lentiviral vectors, pWPI, pMD2.G, and psPAX2 for our research project; Prof. Eugene Zabarovsky for providing the inducible transfection vector system; Prof. George Tsao for providing the immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cell lines, NP69 and NP460, vi and the immortalized esophageal cell lines, NE1 and NE3 cell lines; Dr. Carol Szeto and Dr. Ka Ming Lee for analyzing the 3D structure of the SAA1 protein peptides. Last but not least, I thank my family for their support and encouragement during my MPhil study. vii Table of Contents Abstract Declarations Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figures Page i v vi viii xiii List of Tables List of Abbreviations xvi xvii 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) 1.1.1 Histology of NPC 1 1.1.2 Epidemiology 3 1.1.3 Risk factors for NPC 3 Diet 3 Epstein-Barr Virus 6 Smoking 7 1.1.4 Gene predisposition of NPC 1.2 1.3 1 9 Gene polymorphisms 9 Familial aggregation 10 Cytogenetic alterations 11 Molecular genetics of cancer 14 1.2.1 Multi-step progression model 14 17 Angiogenesis 1.3.1 Pro-angiogenic factors 19 1.3.2 Anti-angiogenic factors 20 viii Page 1.4 Oncogenes 20 1.5 Tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) 23 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.5.1 p53 pathway 24 1.5.2 p16/pRB pathway 25 Mechanisms of TSG inactivation 27 1.6.1 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) 28 1.6.2 Mutations 28 1.6.3 Epigenetic silencing 29 29 Methods to identify TSGs 1.7.1 Positional cloning 30 1.7.2 Functional cloning 32 Various chromosome transfer techniques 33 1.8.1 Whole and truncated chromosome transfer 33 1.8.2 YAC transfer (YACT) 34 1.8.3 BAC and P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) transfer 35 The current MMCT-based approach in identification TSGs in NPC 35 1.9.1 Role of chromosome 11 in NPC 37 1.9.2 Chromosome 11 NPC genes identified by MMCT 39 Serum amyloid A (SAA) family 41 1.10.1 SAA1 isoforms in amyloidosis 41 1.10.2 SAA1 and cancers 44 1.10.3 Functions of SAA1 45 48 1.11 Aims of the project ix Page Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 53 2.1 Tissue culture 53 2.2 Tissue specimens and blood samples 54 2.3 RNA extraction 57 2.4 DNA extraction from mammalian cell lines 58 2.5 DNA extraction from patient tissue samples 58 2.6 DNA extraction from blood of healthy individuals 59 2.7 Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 60 2.8 DNA sequencing 60 2.9 Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (Q-PCR) 64 2.10 Bisulfite treatment 65 2.11 Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) 66 2.12 Bisulfite genomic sequencing (BGS) 69 2.13 5-aza-2’ deoxycytidine treatment 70 2.14 Plasmid construction 70 2.15 Stable transfection 75 2.16 Recombinant SAA1 protein expression and purification 77 2.17 Preparation of total protein lysates and conditioned media from mammalian 79 cells 2.18 Western blot analysis 79 2.19 HUVEC and HMEC tube formation assays 81 2.20 Real-time cell viability assay 83 2.21 Cell adhesion assay 84 2.22 Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) 85 x Page assay 2.23 Statistical analysis 86 Chapter 3: Results 87 3.1 Genotyping of SAA1 in NPC patients versus healthy individuals 87 3.2 Gene expression analysis of SAA1 in chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched 89 TSs 3.3 Gene expression analysis of SAA1 in other NPC and esophageal squamous cell 91 carcinoma (ESCC) cell lines and clinical biopsies 3.4 Mechanism of gene silencing of SAA1 101 3.5 The anti-angiogenic effects of the endogenous SAA1 isoforms 106 3.5.1 Establishment of SAA1 stable transfectants 106 3.5.2 The secretary SAA1 proteins from the stable transfectants inhibit endothelial 108 cell tube formation in vitro 3.6 The biological activities of the SAA1 recombinant variant proteins 112 3.6.1 Production and purification of SAA1 recombinant proteins 112 3.6.2 The inhibitory effects of the recombinant SAA1 isoforms on endothelial cell 114 tube formation 3.6.3 The endothelial cell viability was differentially inhibited by the exogenous 116 SAA1 variants 3.6.4 The effects of SAA1 isoforms on endothelial cell-NPC cell adhesion 120 3.6.5 SAA1 induced-apoptosis in endothelial cells 124 3.7 The direct anti-tumor effects of the recombinant SAA1 variant proteins in xi 126 Page NPC cells 3.7.1 The effects of the recombinant SAA1 on NPC cell viability 126 3.7.2 SAA1 induced-apoptosis in NPC cells 129 Chapter 4: Discussion 132 4.1 Expression of SAA1 in the chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched TSs and 134 NPC and ESCC cell lines 4.2 Mechanism to silence SAA1 expression 135 4.3 Genotyping of SAA1 in NPC patients versus healthy people 136 4.4 The anti-angiogenic properties of SAA1 proteins 138 4.5 The direct anti-tumor effects of the recombinant SAA1 variant proteins on 140 NPC cells 4.6 General discussion 141 Chapter 5: Conclusions 147 Chapter 6: References 149 Appendix: 171 Table A1) Genotyping of SAA1 isoforms in 80 NPC patients. 171 Buffer list 174 xii List of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Page Anatomy of the human nasopharynx. 2 Age-specific incidence rate and mortality rate of NPC in 2007. 5 Proposed mechanisms of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent proteins 8 in NPC development. Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 LOH frequencies of 36 microdissected primary NPC tumors detected by microsatellite analysis. CGH analysis of 20 primary NPC biopsies. Hallmarks of cancer and their potential therapeutic targets. A genetic model of multi-step pathway in colorectal cancer from Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 normal epithelium to metastatic tumor. Proposed pathogenesis model for NPC. Well-studied gatekeeper TSG pathways. Summary of approaches used for TSG identification. Figure 11 12 13 15 16 18 26 31 Outline of our strategy to identify TSG by using microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT). The nucleotide and amino acid differences among the five SAA1 isoforms and the amino acid sequence. Region of the SAA1 CpG sites containing sequence in the promoter. The vector map of pETE-Bsd. The vector map of pWPI. The vector map of pET-28a-(+). 36 90 Figure 22 The chromosome 11 19K oligo-microarray results showing the SAA1 expression in MCHs and their matched TSs. The SAA1 gene expression in HONE1, 556.15, the four MCH cell lines and their TSs. The SAA1 gene expression in six NPC cell lines. Real-time PCR performed with 42 pairs of NPC tissues. The SAA1 gene expression in 15 ESCC cell lines and 3 pairs of ESCC tissue samples. MSP analysis of SAA1 promoter methylation in seven NPC cell Figure 23 lines and two immortalized NP cell lines. BGS analysis of 5 CpG sites in SAA1 promoter region of seven Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 xiii 43 67 71 73 74 93 95 96 100 102 104 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 34 NPC cell lines and the immortalized NP460 cell line. Page The SAA1 gene expression in four NPC and five ESCC cell lines 105 before and after treatment with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine. The SAA1 RNA expression in the HONE1-pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, 107 1.3, and 1.5 (H1-pB-SAA1.1, -1.3, and 1.5) transfectants and the Western blot analysis of SAA1 protein in conditioned media of these transfectants. The GFP expression of C666-pWPI-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, and the 109 vector-alone transfectants and the Western blot analysis of SAA1 protein in conditioned media of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 expressed cells. HUVEC tube formation assay of the HONE1-2 SAA1 variant transfectants and vector-alone control. HUVEC tube formation assay of C666 SAA1 transfectants and vector-alone control. The SDS PAGE analysis of His-tag SAA1.1 recombinant proteins and the Western blot analysis of the purified His-tag SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 variant proteins. The effects of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 recombinant proteins on HUVEC tube formation. The effects of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 recombinant proteins on HMEC tube formation. The real-time HMEC cell viability assay studying the effects of 0.5 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins and various concentrations of SAA1.3 protein. The real-time cell viability analysis for studying the effects of 0.5 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on NP460. Figure 38 The cell adhesion assays for studying the effects of the exogenous SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HUVEC-HONE1 cell adhesion. The cell adhesion assays for studying the effects of the exogenous SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HMEC-HONE1 cell adhesion. The TUNEL assay for the apoptosis detection of HUVECs treated with the exogenous SAA1.3 protein. Western blot analysis of caspase 3 expression in the SAA1.3 protein-treated HUVEC cells. Real-time cell viability analysis for studying the effects of 0.5 Figure 39 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HONE1 cells. The TUNEL assays for studying apoptosis induced in HONE1 Figure 35 Figure 36 Figure 37 xiv 111 113 115 117 118 119 121 122 123 125 127 128 130 Page Figure 40 Figure 41 cells by the recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins. Western blot analysis of caspase 3 expression in the SAA1.3 protein treated-HONE1 cells and buffer control. The 3D model of the secondary structure of the human SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 peptides predicted by PyMol. xv 131 143 List of Tables Table 2 Table 3 Page Sex ratio, median age, and cumulative risk for 20 leading cancer 4 sites for incidence and mortality rates in 2007. Oncogenic proteins over-expressed in NPC. 22 Background information and culture conditions for cell lines used 55 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 in this study. RT-PCR primer sequences, conditions, and product sizes. Primers for DNA cloning. Primers used for the methylation study of SAA1. Antibodies used in Western blot analysis. Table 1 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 61 63 68 82 A comparison of SAA1 genotypes between NPC patients and healthy groups. Microarray detection of SAA1 in HONE1 versus MCHs and MCHs versus TSs. 88 Correlation between SAA1 expression assessed by Q-PCR in Hong Kong NPC biopsies and clinicopathological parameters. Comparison of SAA1 isoforms between tumor tissues with increased and decreased SAA1 expression by Q-PCR. 97 xvi 92 99 List of Abbreviations AA-amyloidosis ATM BAC Bcl2 BGS BL Amyloid A protein-amyloidosis Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) checkpoint kinase Bacterial artificial chromosome B-cell lymphoma protein 2 Bisulfite genomic sequencing Burkitt’s lymphoma BLU/ZMYND10 bp BRCA1 BRCA2 BSA Zinc finger, MYND-type containing 10 Base pair Breast cancer 1, early onset Breast cancer 2, early onset Bovine serum albumin BZLF1 CADM1 CCL2 CD55 BamHI W leftward reading frame 1 Cell ADhesion Molecule 1 Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 Complement decay-accelerating factor CDK CFDA CGH CRC CRYAB CYP2E1 Da DMEM DNA Cyclin dependent kinase Methacrylated carboxyfluorescein diacetate Comparative genomic hybridization Colorectal cancer Alpha-crystallin B chain Cytochrome P450 2E1 Dalton Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium Deoxyribonucleic acid dNTP dox E. coli EA EBERs EBNA EBV EC ECL Deoxyribonucleotide peptide Doxcycline Escherichia coli Early antigen Epstein-Barr encoded RNAs Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen Epstein-Barr virus Esophageal cancer Enhanced chemiluminescence ECM EDTA Extracellular matrix Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid xvii EGF EGFR Erk FGFRs FGFs FPRL-1 GAPDH GlPS GSTM1 Epidermal growth factor EGF receptor Extracellular-signal-regulated kinases FGF receptors Fibroblast Growth Factors Formyl peptide receptor like-1 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Ganoderma ludicum polysaccharides Glutathione S-transferase M1 HD HEPES HL HLA HMEC Homozygous deletion 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid Hodgkin’s lymphoma Human leukocyte antigen Human microvascular endothelial cell HPV16E6/E7 hTERT HUVEC IgA Human papillomavirus type 16 E6/E7 Telomerase reverse transcriptase Human umbilical vein endothelial cell Immunoglobulin A IgG IPTG LB LMP1 LOH MCH MIPOL1 MMCT MSP Immunoglobulin G Isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactopyranoside Luria Broth Latent membrane protein 1 Loss of heterozygosity Microcell hybrid Mirror image polydactyly 1 Microcell-mediated chromosome transfer Methylation-specific PCR NF-κB NMR NPC NSCLC NTRK PAC PBS PCR PDGF Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells Nuclear magnetic resonance Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Non-small cell lung cancer Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase P1-derived artificial chromosome Phosphate-buffered saline Polymerase chain reaction Platelet-Derived Growth Factor PEG PLGF Polyethylene glycol PlacentaL Growth Factor xviii PTPRG PVDF Q-PCR RAGE RASSF1A Rb RNA RPMI RT-PCR Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase gamma Polyvinylidene fluoride Quantitative reverse transcription PCR Receptor for advanced glycation end products Ras association domain family 1, isoform A Retinoblastoma Ribonucleic acid Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium Reverse transcription PCR SAA SAGE SDS SNP SR-B1 Serum amyloid A Serial analysis of gene expression Sodium dodecyl sulfate Single nucleotide polymorphism Scavenger receptor class B member 1 TBS TGF-β THY1 TLR Tris-Buffered Saline Transforming Growth Factor-β Thy-1 cell surface antigen Toll-like receptor TNF TSG TSLC1 TSs TUNEL VCA VEGF VEGFR Wnt Tumor necrosis factor Tumor suppressor genes Tumor Suppressor in Lung Cancer 1 Tumor segregants Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling viral capsid antigen Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor VEGF receptor Wingless-type MMTV integration site family YAC YACT Yeast artificial chromosome YAC transfer xix Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) 1.1.1 Histology of NPC The nasopharynx is a fibromuscular tube located in the uppermost part of the pharynx behind the nasal cavity (Figure 1). NPC is a squamous cell carcinoma originating from the epithelial cells around the nasopharynx. There are mainly three histological subtypes of NPC, which all show distinct clinical behaviors and characteristics (Type I, keratinizing squamous carcinoma with varying degree of differentiation; Type II, differentiated non-keratinizing carcinoma; Type III, undifferentiated non-keratinizing carcinoma). Among the three types of NPC, type III is most common and is strongly associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Types II and III have a better prognosis and are more sensitive to radiotherapy treatment (Goh and Lim 2009). Radiotherapy is the primary treatment choice for NPC (Spano et al 2003) and together with adjuvant chemotherapy improves the overall survival rates (Teo et al 1999, Wei and Sham 2005). Surgery is usually the last choice for NPC as the nasopharynx is located deep inside the skull. Stages I and II are sensitive to a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, as early diagnosis of NPC is difficult, most NPC patients are diagnosed at late stages. The 1 Adapted from: American Society of Clinical Oncology (http://www.cancer.net/patient/Cancer+Types/Nasopharyngeal+Cancer/ci.Nasopharyn geal+Cancer.printer) Figure 1: Anatomy of the human nasopharynx. 2 identification of diagnostic and prognostic markers will be highly beneficial for early stage detection. 1.1.2 Epidemiology NPC is a unique disease which shows a distinct racial and geographic distribution. It is more frequently found in Southeast China, Southeast Asia, North Africa, Middle East, and Arctic regions, but is rare in most parts of the world (Jeyakumar et al 2006, Wei and Sham 2005). NPC is also named as the ‘Canton tumor’, as it is more common among the Cantonese-speaking group. In Hong Kong, NPC ranks as the seventh leading cancer in terms of incidence rates (Table 1, Figure 2), with a male to female ratio of 2.6:1. For the mortality rate, NPC ranks eighth in terms of mortality (Table 1), with a male to female ratio of 3.2:1. NPC is a common cancer among those aged between 20-44 years and the median age for diagnosis for NPC is 50, which is earlier compared with other cancers. NPC is one of the serious health problems in Hong Kong due to its high incidence rate, mortality rate, and early age of occurrence. 1.1.3 Risk factors for NPC Diet 3 A. B. (Adapted from: Hong Kong Cancer registry, Hospital Authority, HKSAR, 2007) Table 1: Sex ratio, median age, and cumulative risk for 20 leading cancer sites for A) incidence and B) mortality rates in 2007. 4 A. B. (Adapted from: Hong Kong Cancer registry, Hospital Authority, HKSAR, 2007) Figure 2: Age-specific A) incidence rate and B) mortality rate of NPC in 2007. 5 In previous epidemiological studies in NPC, consumption of preserved food such as salted fish, salted shrimps, and salted vegetables in endemic areas is associated with development of NPC (Armstrong et al 1983, Ho et al 1978, Yuan et al 2000). Early exposure and high frequency of consumption promote the risk for NPC. The nitrosamines and nitrites inside the preserved food are effective carcinogens and are capable of inducing tumor formation in animal experiments (Huang et al 1978, Yu et al 1989). Epstein-Barr Virus Epstein-Barr Virus is a DNA-containing herpesvirus. Some of its genes impact cell cycle control and induce tumor formation. It is associated with many human cancers such as Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL), Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL), gastric carcinoma, and NPC (Pagano 1999, Shah and Young 2009, Young and Rickinson 2004). Previous studies showed that NPC patient sera contain high levels of IgA and IgG antibodies against EBV viral capsid antigen (VCA), early antigen (EA) and Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA) (Lung et al 1993, Tsai et al 1998, Vokes et al 1997). Besides, EBV-DNA and Epstein-Barr encoded RNAs (EBERs) are frequently detected in NPC tissues. These studies suggest that EBV plays an important role in NPC tumorigenesis (Tsai et al 1998). The EBV latent membrane protein (LMP1) and 6 EBNA-1 are frequently over-expressed in EBV-positive NPC (Vokes et al 1997). LMP-1 is oncogenic in rodent fibroblasts and can inhibit the differentiation of human epithelial cells. On the other hand, EBNA-1 induces genomic instability and promotes oncogenesis in B cells of Burkitt’s lymphoma. These EBV latent proteins interact with each other and contribute to the pathogenesis of NPC by promoting cell proliferation, survival, invasion, and inhibiting apoptosis (Figure 3) (Chou et al 2008, Everly et al 2009, Mainou et al 2005, Valentine et al 2010). Though there is no direct evidence to prove EBV is the cause of NPC development, it is believed that EBV infection plays an important role in NPC tumorigenesis (Lo and Huang 2002). Previous studies indicated that EBV-A genome is present in NPC tissues, which may contribute to the early development of NPC. Smoking Cigarette smoking is found to contribute to various cancers including lung, stomach, oral, and pancreatic cancers. Cigarettes contain carcinogens such as nitrosamine and benzopyrene. Besides, cigarettes contain nicotine which may suppress individual immunity and contribute to cancer development (Hecht et al 2003). However, cigarette smoking is only weakly associated with NPC. It is found to be a weak or moderate risk factor in Taiwan (Cheng et al 1999), Philippines 7 anddddddd Adapted from Chou et al. 2008 Figure 3: Proposed mechanisms of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent proteins in NPC development. 8 (West et al 1993) and Southern China (Yu et al 1981). No direct correlation between cigarette smoking and NPC is found in Singapore (Lee et al 1994). 1.1.4 Genetic predisposition of NPC Gene polymorphisms The high incidence rate of NPC observed in Southern Chinese suggests that genetic and environmental factors may play a role in NPC development. Previous studies of genetic markers and familial aggregation showed that genetic polymorphisms of some genes are associated with cancer development. Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) are good examples to demonstrate the association between genetic polymorphisms and NPC development. CYP2E1 is a cytochrome enzyme responsible for metabolic activation of nitrosamine and is one of the variants associated with high risk for NPC development (Hildesheim et al 1995). GSTM1 is a phase II enzyme, which conjugates with the activated xenobiotic metabolites with charged species and detoxifies the carcinogen (eg. 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) in tobacco. Previous studies show the null genotype of GSTM1 is associated with high risk of NPC development (Nazar-Stewart et al 1999). Besides, some human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes such as A2, B46, and B17, were reported to have reduced efficiency in activating cytotoxic T-cell recognition and 9 host immune responses to EBV infection (Lu et al 1990) and may play important roles in development of NPC. Previous studies indicated that the Chinese population with these HLA alleles are associated with high risk of NPC development. Familial aggregation Familial aggregation is frequently observed in different cancers such as breast, retinoblastoma, and colon cancers. The genetic defects and alterations can pass to the offspring and increase their risk of cancer development. The studies of familial aggregation provide hints for identification of oncogenes and TSGs involved in the development of cancer. NPC familial aggregation was observed in endemic areas such as Hong Kong, Guangdong, Singapore, and Taiwan (Chen et al 1990, Lee et al 1994, Ung et al 1999, Yu et al 1986, Yu et al 1990). Previous studies show that chromosome regions 3p21.3, 4p15.1-q12, and 5p13 are associated with familial aggregation of NPC development (Feng et al 2002, Hu et al 2008, Hui et al 1999a, Zeng et al 2006). Recent studies also show that chromosome 6p is associated with NPC development in Southern Chinese (Li et al 2011). Genome-wide association studies have identified the NPC-associated region at 6p21.3 within the HLA region in Taiwanese (Tse et al 2009). The loci identified in the NPC familial aggregation studies may contain genes associated with NPC pathogenesis. Gamma-amino butyric acid B receptor 1, 10 HLA-A , and HLA complex group 9, located on chromosome 6p, were found to be highly associated with NPC in Southern Chinese (Li et al 2011). On the other hand, another chromosome 6p HLA haplotype A1-B37-DR6 was reported to be associated with predisposition for NPC (Coffin et al 1991). HLA-DPB1 was also reported to be associated with NPC in Guangdong Province Hans (Wang et al 2010). Cytogenetic alterations Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and loss of heterozygous (LOH) studies on NPC specimens have identified genetic alterations and chromosome regions which are important in NPC development. In LOH studies, allelic losses were detected on chromosomes 9q, 11q, 13q, and 14q (Figure 4). Highest frequencies of allelic loss were detected on chromosomes 3p (75%) and 9p (87%) in primary NPC tumors (Mutirangura et al 1997). In a GCH study, high frequencies of loss were observed on chromosomes 3p, 9p, 9q, 11q, 13q, 14q, and 16q (Figure 5) (Hui et al 1999a). This study also identifies multiple minimally deleted regions 3p14-24.2, 11q21-23, 13q12-14, 13q31-32, 14q24-32, and 16q22-23 (Lo et al 2000a). These regions may contain tumor suppressor genes that are inactivated during the development of NPC. All these findings suggest genetic alterations play an important role in NPC development. 11 Adapted from: Lo et al. 2000 Figure 4: LOH frequencies of 36 microdissected primary NPC tumors detected by microsatellite analysis. High frequencies of LOH are observed for chromosomes 3p, 9p, 9q, 11q, 12q, 13q, 14q, and 16q. 12 Adapted from: Hui et al. 1999 Figure 5: CGH analysis of 20 primary NPC biopsies. The vertical lines to the left of the chromosome represent loss of that region, while the lines on the right represent the gain of that region. High frequencies of loss are observed on chromosomes 3p, 9p, 9q, 11q, 13q, and 14q. 13 1.2 Molecular genetics of cancer 1.2.1 Multi-step progression model Cancer is a complex genetic disease which involves sequential acquisition of genetic alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) so as to transform a normal cell to a malignant one (Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004). The progression of cancer can be classified into different steps. Hanahan and Weinberg define ten hallmarks of cancer that govern the process of carcinogenesis. The process includes sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, avoiding immune destruction, enabling replicative immortality, tumor-promoting inflammation, activating invasion and metastasis, inducing angiogenesis, genome instability and mutation, resisting cell death, and deregulating cellular energetics (Figure 6) (Hanahan and Weinberg 2011). In colorectal cancer, a complete genetic model for normal colon epithelial cells to progress to adenomas and the subsequent carcinoma was reported (Fearon and Vogelstein 1990, Vogelstein 1990). This genetic model with multi-step genetic alterations for colorectal cancer (CRC) tumorigenesis is shown in Figure 7. The alterations of three types of genes are involved in tumorigenesis: the oncogenes, TSGs, and the DNA stability genes. In brief, the alteration of oncogenes and TSGs provide the growth advantages to a subpopulation of cells with altered cell cycle and death control. The mutated cells with growth advantages overgrow the 14 ttttttwas Adapted from: Hanahan and Weinberg 2011 Figure 6: Hallmarks of cancer and their potential therapeutic targets. 15 Modified from: Fearon et al. 1994 Figure 7: A genetic model of multi-step pathway in colorectal cancer from normal epithelium to metastatic tumor. 16 normal cells and finally resulted in cancer formation. A pathogenesis model of NPC was proposed by Lo and Huang (2002) (Figure 8). Genome-wide studies show loss of TSGs located on chromosomes 3p, 9p, and 14q and inactivation of TSGs Ras association domain family 1, isoform A (RASSF1A), p16, and p14 are the early events of NPC development (Chan et al 2000, Chen et al 2002). Inactivation of these TSGs may contribute to dysregulation of the DNA repair system and the release of growth control. Subsequent, overexpression of the oncogene B-cell lymphoma protein 2 (Bcl2), dysregulation of telomerase, and EBV infection may further transform the neoplastic tissues. Followed by the loss of chromosomes 11q, 13q, 16q, the neoplastic tissues may develop into invasive NPC. 1. 3 Angiogenesis Angiogenesis is an important process for cancer development, since tumors cannot grow beyond 2 mm diameter without blood vessels (Folkman 1971). Angiogenesis involves the formation of primary vascular plexus, resulting in the formation of new blood capillaries. The blood vessels are necessary for cancer cell survival, as they provide nutrients and oxygen to the cells and remove their metabolic wastes. Angiogenesis is also important for tumors to invade other tissues and metastasize to other organs. The ‘angiogenic switch’ is an important process in cancer 17 Adapted from: Lo and Huang 2002 Figure 8: Proposed pathogenesis model for NPC. 18 progression; it refers to the ability of a tumor to proceed from the non-angiogenic to angiogenic phenotype. If the tumor cannot go through the angiogenic switch, blood vessels will not be able to form and the size of tumor will remain constrained to a non-lethal state (Baeriswyl and Christofori 2009). The overall process of angiogenesis depends on the net balance between pro-and anti-angiogenic factors. 1.3.1 Pro-angiogenic factors The Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is a well-studied pro-angiogenic factor. The VEGF family consists of five members: VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, and PlacentaL Growth Factor (PLGF) (Ferrara 2002). Multiple isoforms of VEGF are generated by alternative splicing of VEGF-A pre-mRNAs. VEGF has positive effects on angiogenesis; it increases vascular permeability, promotes endothelial cell growth, migration, and survival (Roskoski 2007). Other pro-angiogenic factors such as Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β), and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) also have positive effects on angiogenesis (Makrilia et al 2009). FGFs are heparin-binding proteins, which interact with FGF receptors (FGFRs) on the cell surface and promote angiogenesis, wound healing, and embryonic development. TGF-β is a secretary protein, which causes immune-suppression and angiogenesis in 19 cancer, making the cancer more invasive. The PDGF stimulates endothelial cell proliferation and migration and inhibits apoptosis (Makrilia et al 2009). 1.3.2 Anti-angiogenic factors In contrast to pro-angiogenic factors, anti-angiogenic factors act as a negative regulator of angiogenesis. Angiostatin and endostatin are well-studied anti-angiogenic factors produced from proteolysis of larger molecules. Angiostatin induces apoptosis of endothelial cells, while endostatin inhibits endothelial cell migration, induces cell cycle arrest, and disrupts cell-to-cell adhesion (Ribatti 2009). In addition, other anti-angiogenic proteins such as thrombospondin (Haviv et al 2005), vasostatin, and calreticulin can also suppress angiogenesis by inhibition of cell proliferation and cell migration and induction of apoptosis (Pike et al 1998). Other inhibitors such as platelet factor-4 inhibit angiogenesis by inhibiting the binding of VEGF to endothelial cells (Yamaguchi et al 2005). RGD or YIGSR motifs are always found in proteins involved in anti-angiogenesis. For example, the anastellin is an anti-angiogenic protein containing the RGD motif (Carmeliet and Jain 2000) and some laminin-1 peptides contain the YIGSR motif and also inhibit angiogenesis (Malinda et al 1999). 1.4 Oncogenes 20 The activation of oncogenes from mutation or amplification of proto-oncogenes is a gain of function and is dominant. Proto-oncogenes are usually positive regulators and are tightly controlled. However, the activated oncogenes promote cell cycle, proliferation, invasion, and inhibit apoptosis. Oncogene activation is usually due to chromosomal translocations, gene amplifications, or mutations (Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004). Six classes of oncogenes are classified based on their functions, which include growth factors, growth factor receptors, plasma membrane G proteins, intracellular protein kinases, transcription factors, and cell cycle regulators (Bertram 2000). The oncogenic proteins over-expressed in NPC are listed in Table 2. Normal cells respond to external growth factors and proliferate by tightly controlled processes. Common external growth factors which induce cell proliferation includes epidermal growth factor (EGF), FGF, VEGF, PGDF, and Wingless-type MMTV integration site family (Wnt) (Bertram 2000). Normal cells can be transformed with inappropriate synthesis of growth factors. For example, Wnt and VEGF are the growth factors which are commonly found to be up-regulated in NPC tumor tissues (Shi et al 2006). VEGF is a growth factor found to be over-expressed in 40-70% of NPC tumor tissues. VEGF over-expression is associated with the high rate of metastatic relapse and reduced overall survival rate 21 Table 2: Oncogenic proteins over-expressed in NPC. Abnormal protein NPC with overexpression (%) NF-κB 100 Survivin 100 Intranulear β-catenin 92 Wnt protein 93 hTERT 91 Telomerase 85 Bcl-2 75-86 C-myc 90 Cyclin D1 66 Erk 53 EGFR 49 Data from Chou et al. 2008 22 (Krishna et al 2006, Li et al 2008b, Segawa et al 2009). External growth factors exert their proliferative action and induce a cascade of responses within a cell by binding to appropriate receptors on the cell membrane. These receptors include EGF receptor (EGFR), VEGF receptor (VEGFR), and neurotrophic tyrosine kinase (NTRK). Inappropriate expression of growth receptors can enhance the sensitivity of cells to the growth factors. The growth factor receptors are usually over-expressed in cancer cells and contribute to uncontrolled cell proliferation. For example, EGFR is over-expressed in more that 80% of NPC tissues (Fujii et al 2002, Leong et al 2004). It was found that over-expressed EGFR level is associated with poorer overall survival and tumor progression (Ma et al 2003). Signal transducers are located in the plasma membrane. They respond to the growth signal from the cell surface receptors and trigger the multiple phosphorylation events. The overall result will stimulate cell proliferation. The final class of oncogenes are nuclear transcription factors, which mediate the transcription of genes that contribute to tumorigenicity, including c-myc, cyclins, and β-catenin. 1. 5 Tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) TSGs are negative regulators of cell growth and suppress malignant transformation. The mutations of TSGs are loss-of-function events and can contribute 23 to cancer development. The mutation of TSGs can occur as a result of deletions, insertions, missense or nonsense mutations, or epigenetic silencing (Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004). According to Knudson two-hit hypothesis, mutation or loss on both copies (two-hits) of the TSG are necessary to contribute to tumor formation. Usually a TSG is inactivated by deletion of one allele coupled with mutation of another allele to loss its effect (Knudson 2001a, Knudson 2001b), although exceptions occur in haploinsufficiency and with dominant-negative effects (Payne and Kemp 2005). TSGs can be classified into gatekeeper and caretaker TSGs. Gatekeepers are TSGs, which regulate cell proliferation and death; inactivation of gatekeepers will lead to uncontrolled cell growth and tumor development. Well-studied gatekeepers include TP53 and pRb. Caretakers are DNA repair genes, which regulate genome stability; loss of caretakers will lead to more mutations in the genome. Examples of caretakers include ATM, breast cancer 1 (BRCA1), and breast cancer 2 (BRCA2). Re-expression of gatekeepers can suppress tumor formations, while re-expression of caretakers cannot. 1.5.1 p53 pathway p53 is a transcription factor, which is involved in inducing cell cycle arrest, cell senescence, apoptosis, inhibits cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and DNA repair 24 (Aurelio et al 1998, Chipuk et al 2005, Jin and Levine 2001, Levine et al 1991, Lowe et al 2004, Maddika et al 2007, Pietsch et al 2006). p53 suppresses cell growth and initiates cell death, preventing cells with DNA damage to overgrow into cancer. p53 mutations are found in more than 50% of cancers (Pietsch et al 2006), mostly as point mutations, which disrupt its binding ability to its cognate recognition sequence. The p53-related growth arrest pathway is mediated through p21 (WAF1/CIP1), which is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. p21 inhibits the phosphorylation of pRB by inhibiting the binding of cyclins A or E to CDK2 and cyclins D1 or D2 to CDK4. However, the mutational inactivation of p53 in NPC is rare, and overexpression of p53 was observed in NPC patient tumors. On the other hand, EBV infection also plays an important role in p53 activity and NPC development. The EBV protein, BZLF1 can directly interact with the p53 protein and inhibit its cellular function. Besides, EBV nuclear antigen 3C can initiate p53 degradation through the MDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination and degradation mechanisms. A summary of the p53 pathway is shown in Figure 9. 1.5.2 p16/pRB pathway The p16/pRB pathway is an important pathway controlling the G1 to S phase transition during the cell cycle. The mutation of the retinoblastoma (Rb) gene is 25 Adapted from : Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004 Figure 9: Well-studied gatekeeper TSG pathways. A) pRB/p16 and B) p53 signaling pathways. 26 associated with retinal tumors. Rb mutations are found in other human cancers such as small cell lung cancer and osteosarcoma (Classon and Harlow 2002). However, the mutational inactivation of pRB in NPC is rare. pRb is a key negative regulator for cell cycle. In brief, the unphosphorylated pRb tightly binds to the E2F family members, which are transcription factors for genes involved in G1-S phase transitions. Cyclin-dependent kinase can phosphorylate pRb and lead to the release of E2F to allow the cell to pass through the cell cycle checkpoint (Ohtani et al 2004, Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004). However, overexpression of cyclin D1 was observed in many NPC patients. The overexpression of cyclin D1 increased the phosphorylation of pRb, when it binds to CDK4, resulting in uncontrolled cell growth. On the other hand, p16 also helps to control the p53 activity. The p16 is a member of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor family, which can inhibit the phosphorylation of pRB by cyclin D/CDK4 complex during G1-S phase transition (Wang et al 1999). The expression of p16 can induce cell cycle arrest and inhibit cell proliferation. High frequency of LOH and down-regulation of p16 are observed in NPC patients, suggesting that loss of p16 is important for NPC development. A summary of the pRB/p16 pathway is shown in Figure 9. 1.6 Mechanisms of TSG inactivation 27 1.6.1 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) Loss of heterozygosity is the loss of one allele of a gene in a heterozygous state to leave it in a homozygous state, which is commonly observed in tumorigenesis and TSG inactivation (Knudson 2001b). LOH can be detected by using polymorphic microsatellite markers and comparing their heterozygosity in the genomic DNA of normal and matched tumor samples. The studies of LOH are useful for identification of critical regions responsible for tumor progression and candidate TSGs. 1.6.2 Mutations Mutation is an important event in tumorigenesis. Truncating point mutations are frequently observed in tumor development, caused by deletions and nonsense mutations. Missense and nonsense mutations frequently occur in oncogenes and TSGs in various types of cancers. Missense and nonsense mutations are also observed in TSG inactivation (eg. ATM and TP53). Missense mutation altering the DNA sequence results in a different amino acid which is essential for its activity. A nonsense mutation converts a coding codon into a stop codon, resulting in a truncated protein product (Vogelstein and Kinzler 2004). Silent mutation alters DNA sequences without affecting the protein sequence. Missense and nonsense mutations affect the function of TSGs and are often involved in tumorigenesis. 28 1.6.3 Epigenetic silencing Epigenetic alterations are an important mechanism for TSG inactivation and are commonly observed in cancers. Epigenetic alterations result in a change of expression level without changing the genetic sequence. Promoter hypermethylation and histone deacetylation are mechanisms for epigenetic inactivation of TSGs (Egger et al 2004, Gronbaek et al 2007). Promoter hypermethylation occurs at cytosines located on the 5’ end of guanine of the promoter regions in CpG islands. The cytosine is then converted to 5-methylcytosine by DNA methyltransferases. The 5-methylcytosine inhibits the gene transcription by blocking the binding of promoter elements essential for initiation of transcription (Luczak and Jagodzinski 2006). On the other hand, histone deacetylation is also a common mechanism in TSG silencing. Histone deacetylases can remove the acetyl group from the N-terminal histone wrapped around the DNA in chromatin. The change of chromatin configuration will make the promoter region inaccessible to transcription machinery, and, thus, the gene transcription is repressed (Gronbaek et al 2007). 1.7 Methods to identify TSGs There are several approaches which can be used to identify candidate TSGs. Positional cloning of the regions showing loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and 29 homozygous deletion (HD) is one of the methods to identify candidate regions contributing to tumor suppression. On the other hand, chromosome transfer techniques such as yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transfer allow us to analyze the tumor suppressing activity of particular chromosome regions. Furthermore, after the identification of critical regions for tumor suppression, transfection of candidate genes from these regions into cancer cells allows us to obtain functional evidence for the tumor suppressing ability of these genes (Murakami 2002). Figure 10 summarizes the common approaches used in recent studies of TSGs. 1.7.1 Positional cloning Positional cloning of chromosome regions identified in linkage analysis of hereditary cancer is a traditional method to identify TSGs for further studies. For example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are high-penetrance breast cancer predisposition genes identified by genome-wide linkage analysis and positional cloning (Turnbull and Rahman 2008). Another example, RB1, is a well-studied TSG identified by linkage analysis and its mutation contributes to retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma (Friend et al 1986). In tumor development, inactivation of TSGs associated with LOH on specific chromosome regions is responsible for multi-step carcinogenesis. One of the 30 Adapted from: Murakami 2002 Figure 10: Summary of approaches used for TSG identification. 31 approaches to identify a TSG is positional cloning of a common region of LOH observed in primary tumors, but it is difficult to identify a single responsible gene from the candidate genes identified by this approach unless the target gene is associated with a homozygous deletion. 1.7.2 Functional cloning Another approach to identify a TSG is by functional cloning, which is a technique based on genetic complementation of defective cancer cells with DNA fragments of normal cells. The first step of functional complementation of a TSG is to introduce a normal DNA fragment into a cancer cells lacking the function of the relevant gene, which can be performed by different chromosome transfer methods, such as whole cell fusion, microcell fusion for intact or fragmented individual chromosomes, spheroplast fusion of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), lipofection of bacteriophage P1, P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC), bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) or plasmids carrying the target genes, etc. Then the next step is to examine the tumorigenicity of the malignant recipient cell line after the DNA transfer process. Functional cloning is useful for identification of regions contributing to tumor suppression, which may harbor potential TSGs (Murakami 2002). However, if the region identified contains multiple genes, further verification is required to 32 demonstrate the role of those genes identified in those critical regions. CADM1/TSLC1 in chromosome 11q22-23 is the TSG, which was originally identified by functional cloning in non-small cell lung cancer. 1.8 Various chromosome transfer techniques 1.8.1 Whole and truncated chromosome transfer Whole and truncated chromosome transfer can be performed by whole cell fusion and microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT) (Murakami 2002). Whole cell fusion in early cancer studies are performed by using the Sendai virus to enable the production of hybrid cells. Sendai virus and polyethylene glycol (PEG) can be used as fusogens for the construction of hybrid cells. However, multiple chromosomes are often transferred to the host cell, and the resultant hybrid cells are polyploid and unstable and some specific chromosomes will be lost. To transfer a particular chromosome into a host cell, the MMCT technique can be used to investigate the functional role of a specific chromosome in tumor suppression. By using this approach, a single human chromosome can be transferred into cancer cell lines. In this approach, a microcell donor, which contains a human chromosome of interest, is used as a donor to transfer selected chromosomes into tumor cells. Microcells presumably with one chromosome within a nuclear envelope and plasma 33 membrane are generated after disruption of the cytoskeleton of the donor cells (Prescott et al 1972). By fusing the microcell with the host cell, hybrid cells containing an extra chromosome can be produced and can be selected by endogenous markers (Fournier and Ruddle 1977). To transfer a fragment of a chromosome into a host cell, the donor chromosomes in the microcells are irradiated into smaller fragments before cell fusion. These experiments enable the transfer of a single copy of a chromosome into recipient cells, and the genes are expressed under the control of their endogenous promoters, enhancers, and are regulated in their native environment. Thus, MMCT provides an ideal method for studying gene expression closely mimicking its physiological level and regulation control under its native environment. 1.8.2 YAC transfer (YACT) YACT enables the cloning of a long genomic DNA (several megabases) to study the genes in a particular region (Murakami 2002). YAC transfer in mammalian cells can be performed by using PEG, micro-injection, and spheroblast fusion (Pachnis et al 1990, Pavan et al 1990, Schedl et al 1993). The advantage of using YACT to study gene functions is that only a single copy of DNA is transferred into the host cells, and the genes in the central portion of the YAC are expressed by the endogenous promoters. However, the YAC is less stable compared with chromosome fragments. 34 Gel purification of YACs often cause breakage or rearrangement (Reeves et al 1990). 1.8.3 BAC and P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) transfer By using the bacteriophage P1 cloning system, BACs and PACs may be used to clone smaller sizes of DNA fragments (80-200 kb) (Murakami 2002). Those fragments are more stable and easier to be manipulated, when compared with the whole chromosome and YAC. The BAC and PAC containing the target genes and their promoters can be transferred into the host cells by lipofection, but the disadvantage is that the copy number of the integrated DNA cannot be controlled. 1.9 The current MMCT-based approach in identification TSGs in NPC MMCT is a useful approach which has been used in our laboratory for years to study the tumor suppressing functions of various chromosomes in NPC (Figure 11). MMCT is the technique which allows the transfer of an intact or a truncated human chromosome into a cancer cell line. It aims to determine whether the exogenous chromosome is able to complement the defects in cancer cells. After the transfer, the resultant cell line contains an extra exogenous chromosome, which are called microcell hybrids (MCHs). The loss of the tumorigenic phenotype of MCHs provides functional evidence that the exogenously transferred chromosome contains tumor 35 Figure 11: Outline of our strategy to identify TSG by using microcell-mediated chromosome transfer (MMCT). 36 suppressing activities. The in vivo nude mouse assay is used to assess the tumorigenicity of the MCHs. Most of the tumor-suppressing hybrids only form tumors after a delayed lag phase. As those cells are under high selective pressure in the mice, some genes, presumably candidate TSGs, may be inactivated or eliminated in the emerging mouse tumors. Tumor tissues obtained from these nude mice are established in cell culture; these cell lines are called tumor segregants (TSs). Detailed microsatellite typing comparison between MCH and TS cell lines was performed to search for commonly deleted critical regions contributing to tumor suppression. After critical regions are identified, genes in these regions which are up-regulated in the MCHs but down-regulated in their matched TSs, are selected as candidate TSGs for further analysis such as global gene expression analysis, as described in the later section. In our previous studies, several NPC critical regions including 3p21.3, 11q13, 11q22-23, 13q12, 14q11.2-13.1, and 14q32.1 were identified by this MMCT-based approach (Cheng et al 1998, Cheng et al 2000, Cheng et al 2002, Cheng et al 2003, Cheng et al 2004, Lung et al 2004). 1.9.1 Role of chromosome 11 in NPC LOH in chromosome 11q was reported in several genome-wide studies, indicating that loss of chromosome 11 may be one of the major genetic changes 37 during NPC development (Chien et al 2001, Fan et al 2000, Fang et al 2001, Hui et al 1999a, Lo et al 2000a, Mutirangura et al 1997, Shao et al 2000, Shao et al 2001). A CGH study with 20 primary NPC tumors identified that chromosomes 1p, 3p, 9p, 9q, 11q, 13q, 14q, and 16q are commonly lost in NPC. A high incidence of loss (70%) was observed on chromosome 11q (Hui et al 1999b). Previous LOH study using high-resolution allelotyping with 382 microsatellite markers and microdissected primary NPC tumors indicated that high frequencies (74.1%) of allelic imbalance were observed in 11q (Lo et al 2000b). These studies indicated that chromosome 11 may play an important role in early stage NPC and may harbor candidate TSGs. Using MMCT, the MCHs containing intact chromosome 11 in the NPC HONE1 cell lines were shown to suppress tumor growth in nude mice, indicating that chromosome 11 contains gene(s) that suppress(s) tumor formation. It was found that 11q13 and 11q22-23 are critical regions for tumor suppression in NPC (Cheng et al 2002, Lung et al 2004). These critical regions were identified by using MMCT approaches with the NPC cell line HONE1, followed by detailed investigation of MCHs and their matched TSs using microsatellite analysis to narrow down the region of tumor-suppressive activity. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was also performed with BAC and cosmid probes to confirm the microsatellite data. TSGs located within the critical regions are harbored and their functions are often related to NPC 38 development such as angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis (Lung et al 2004, Lung et al 2005, Lung et al 2006, Lung et al 2010). 1.9.2 Chromosome 11 NPC genes identified by MMCT By using the technique of MMCT and the genotyping analysis of the MCHs/TSs, we have successfully refined three critical regions of 0.36 Mb, 0.44 Mb, and 0.3 Mb for tumor suppression at 11q22-23. In the third region with high allelic loss, a TSG, Tumor Suppressor in Lung Cancer 1 (TSLC1 or is now called Cell ADhesion Molecule 1 (CADM1)), is located (Lung et al 2004). The CADM1/TSLC1 gene was originally identified as a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by combinatorial analyses of YACT into human NSCLC cells with a tumorigenicity assay in nude mice (Kuramochi et al 2001). Down-regulation of CADM1/TSLC1 was found in 83% of the lymph node metastatic NPC samples (Lung et al 2006) and the down-regulation is caused by promoter hypermethylation (Hui et al 2003). Further functional studies indicated that over-expression of CADM1/TSLC1 in NPC can suppress tumorigenicity by cell growth inhibition and apoptosis induction (Lung et al 2006). These findings suggest that CADM1/TSLC1 is a tumor suppressor gene in NPC, which is significantly associated with lymph node metastases. As described in the above section, the known TSG CADM1/TSLC1 was 39 identified as a candidate gene in NPC from the genotyping analyses of the non-tumorigenic chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched TSs (Lung et al 2004). Differential expression analysis of 19K genes was performed in oligonucleotide microarray hybridization for these chromosome 11 MCHs/TSs pairs to hunt for some other unknown NPC genes. Another interesting gene was identified from this approach, Thy-1 cell surface antigen (THY1), which is located close to the previously defined 11q22-23 NPC CR (Lung et al 2005). By using a tissue microarray and immunohistochemical staining, it was found that down-regulated expression of THY1 was observed in NPC cases and its down-regulation is significantly associated with the lymph node metastasis. After transfection of THY1 gene into HONE1 cells, a dramatic reduction of colony formation ability was observed. Further studies indicated that the restoration of THY1 in HONE1 cells also suppresses tumorigenicity by arresting cell in G0-G1 phase and reduces cell anchorage-independent growth and invasiveness (Lung et al 2005, Lung et al 2010). These findings suggest that THY1 is a tumor suppressor gene in NPC, which is involved in invasion and shows an association with tumor metastasis. By using the same 19K oligonucleotide microarrays which identified THY1 as a candidate gene, SAA1 was also shown to be differentially expressed in the MCHs and TSs. This is the reason why SAA1 is chosen as a candidate gene for further analyses in this project. 40 1.10 Serum amyloid A (SAA) family The SAA gene family is located at chromosome 11p15.1 and encodes a number of differentially-expressed apolipoproteins, which are synthesized by the liver (Yamada 1999). There are mainly two classes of SAA, the acute phase SAA (A-SAA) and constitutive SAA (C-SAA), which are based on their responsiveness to inflammation. There are four members in the SAA family, SAA1, SAA2, SAA3, and SAA4, but only SAA1, SAA2, and SAA4 encode SAA proteins (Uhlar and Whitehead 1999). SAA1 and SAA2 are coordinately induced during the acute phase response. They share more than 90% sequence identity. SAA1 has five isoforms, SAA1.1, SAA1.2, SAA1.3, SAA1.4, and SAA1.5. SAA2 has two alleles, SAA2.1 and SAA2.2, which encode distinct proteins with a few amino acid changes. SAA3 is a pseudogene in the human genome. Finally, SAA4 gene is a constitutively expressed gene, sharing only around 53-55% identity with SAA1 and SAA2. All the SAA isoforms map in a 150 kb region of chromosome 11p15.1. 1.10.1 SAA1 isoforms in amyloidosis As mentioned earlier, SAA1 has at least five alleles (SAA1.1, SAA1.2, SAA1.3, SAA1.4, and SAA1.5) that encode distinct proteins (Uhlar and Whitehead 1999). The amino acids, which distinguish these five SAA1 isoforms, are summarized in Figure 41 12A. Previous studies indicate that SAA1 allelic polymorphisms may be associated with risk of diseases such as amyloid A protein-amyloidosis (AA-amyloidosis). AA-amyloidosis is a systemic complication of chronic inflammatory diseases caused by the aggregation of amyloid A protein into insoluble anti-parallel beta-pleated sheet fibrils. There are many symptoms of amyloidosis, such as heart failure, arrhythmia, vomiting, diarrhea, skin lesion, and petechiae (Reed and Morris 1992). SAA1.3 protein has been reported to be associated with higher risk, while SAA1.1 protein is associated with lower risk of developing AA-amyloidosis in Japanese rheumatoid patients (Baba et al 1995, Moriguchi et al 1999). Moreover, it has been reported that the SAA1.3 protein is associated with higher levels of SAA, which in turn are associated with the progression of AA-amyloidosis in Japanese rheumatoid patients. Indeed, later studies indicated that SAA1.3 is associated with increased transcriptional activity of the gene in Japanese rheumatoid patients (Ajiro et al 2006, Moriguchi et al 2005). In contrast, SAA1.1 is associated with higher risk of developing AA-amyloidosis in Caucasians (Booth et al 1998). As the function of SAA is closely associated with inflammation, the amino acid sequence differences in the SAA isoforms may contribute to the altered severity of inflammation, and may cause diverse risk levels of the disease. 42 A. B. SAA1.1 protein amino acid sequence MKLLTGLVFCSLVLGVSSRSFFSFLGEAFDGARDMWRAYSDMREANYIGSDK YFHARGNYDAAKRGPGGVWAAEAISDARENIQRFFGHGAEDSLADQAANE WGRSGKDPNHFRPAGLPEKY Figure 12: A) The nucleotide and amino acid differences among the five SAA1 isoforms. The five human SAA1 proteins are distinguished by several amino acid changes at positions 70, 75, 78, and 90. B) The amino acid sequence of SAA1.1 protein, the YIGSR- and RGD-like like motifs are highlighted in red and the SNP sites are labeled with grey color. 43 1.10.2 SAA1 and cancers Serum SAA protein levels are elevated up to 1000-fold in patient sera in response to a number of different stimuli such as injury, inflammation, and cancers (Rosenthal and Franklin 1975). The increased serum SAA protein levels in cancer patients suggest that SAA1 is associated with tumor development, but the functional role of SAA1 protein in cancer progression is still unclear. In addition, how each SAA1 variant is associated with the elevation of serum SAA level and each of their roles in tumor development remain unknown. SAA levels are higher in cancer patients with distant metastases and SAA levels are inversely correlated with patient survival (Biran et al 1986, Weinstein et al 1984) and response to chemotherapy (Kaneti et al 1984, Rosenthal and Sullivan 1979). These studies indicated that SAA1 may play a role in the metastasis process in cancers. Previous studies indicated that SAA level is best correlated with colorectal carcinoma occurrence among all the acute phase proteins (Glojnaric et al 2001). SAA was also found to be the most significant protein differentiating sera of lung cancer patients compared with sera of healthy individuals (Howard et al 2003). Serum SAA elevation was also reported in other cancer types such as, renal, pancreatic, prostate, breast, and gastric cancers (Chan et al 2007, Kaneti et al 1984, Kimura et al 2001, Le et al 2005, O'Hanlon et al 2002). As can be seen, the serum SAA elevation may be an important biomarker in cancer 44 development. In NPC studies, protein profiling studies of Hong Kong NPC patients sera showed that two SAA isoforms levels were significantly elevated at relapse compared with patients in remission, but the elevation was not observed in early NPC patients (Cho et al 2004). However, in early NPC SAA levels were not substantially elevated. Serum SAA is elevated in NPC patients, particularly in association with lymph node metastasis (Liao et al 2008). Besides studying the serum SAA levels in cancer patients, the expression of SAA directly in tumors was also studied in colon and gastric cancers. The SAA mRNA level was barely detectable in normal-looking colonic epithelium, but increased when epithelial cells progressed through dysplasia to neoplasia (Gutfeld et al 2006). In contrast, other studies showed that SAA protein was undetectable in the gastric cancer tissues, although they also observed the elevation of SAA in patient sera and its association with tumor stage, recurrence, and survival (Chan et al 2007). Previous serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) studies showed that SAA expression was reduced in metastatic colorectal cancer cell lines compared with primary colorectal cancer cell lines (Parle-McDermott et al 2000). 1.10.3 Functions of SAA1 In vitro analyses of the biological activities of recombinant SAA proteins 45 synthesized by bacteria are widely used to assess the physiological functions of serum SAA in vivo (Badolato et al 1994, Liang and Sipe 1995, Liang et al 1996, Preciado-Patt et al 1994, Preciado-Patt et al 1996, Xu et al 1995). It has been reported that SAA1 is involved in several functions, which include induction of extracellular matrix (ECM) degrading enzymes for tissue repair (Mitchell et al 1991, Strissel et al 1997), recruitment of immune cells to inflammation sites (Badolato et al 1994, Preciado-Patt et al 1996, Xu et al 1995), and lipid transport and metabolism (Cabana et al 1989, Hoffman and Benditt 1982, Liang and Sipe 1995, Liang et al 1996, Lindhorst et al 1997). Both functional YIGSR-like and RGD-like motifs are present in the SAA protein within close proximity (YIGSDKYFHARGNY; residues 29-42, Figure 12B) (Preciado-Patt et al 1994). Previous studies indicated that proteins with YIGSR and/or RGD motifs can inhibit angiogenesis, tumor cell adhesion to ECM, tumor growth, and metastasis (Chiang et al 1995, Iwamoto et al 1996, Nicosia and Bonanno 1991). It was found that the RGD motif is involved in integrin-dependent TGF-β activation. A latency associated peptide (LAP, a protein derived from the N-terminal region of the TGF-β gene product) containing an RGD motif can be recognized by αV containing integrins, such as the αVβ6 integrin. The αVβ6 integrin was the first integrin to be identified as TGF-β1 activator; it binds to the RGD motif in the LAP of the TGF-β 46 latent complex and induces a adhesion-mediated cell force, which then translates into biochemical signals and will cause the activation of TGF-β. As TGF-β plays an important role in anti-proliferation and apoptosis in normal epithelial cells and at the early stages of oncogenesis (Blobe et al 2000), the activation of TGF-β by the RGD motif may help to suppress tumorigenesis. A previous study by Nicosia and Bonanno (1991) showed that the RGD containing the synthetic peptides can suppress microvessel formation in the mouse aortic explant, which indicates the anti-angiogenic function of the RGD-motifs. On the other hand, YIGSR-like motif was also found to be involved in anti-angiogenesis, -tumor growth, and -metastasis. A previous study by Iwamoto et al. (1996) showed that co-injection of human fibrosarcoma cells with the synthetic peptides containing YIGSR-like sequences from laminin can inhibit angiogenesis, tumor growth, and experimental metastasis. As SAA1 proteins contain both the RGD and YIGSR-like motifs in close proximity, it may also play a role in inhibiting angiogenesis, tumorigenesis, and metastasis. The above evidence suggests augmentation of SAA protein during metastasis is functional and relates to the body’s homeostatic mechanisms. The acute-phase protein SAA might be involved, either directly or via its peptide fragments, in inhibition of inflammatory reactions or metastatic processes. Thus, the elevation of serum SAA may play an important role in combating malignancies. 47 On the other hand, SAA was found to play a role in mediating the anti-tumor activities of Ganoderma ludicum polysaccharides (GlPS) (Li et al 2008a). Their results showed that GlPS up-regulated the SAA protein expression and inhibited the tumor growth and tumor cell adhesion to vascular endothelial cells. In contrast, some studies suggest that low concentration of SAA protein can increase angiogenesis processes such as endothelial cell tube formation and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) migration in vitro (Mullan et al 2006). 1.11 Aims of the project NPC occurs with the highest frequencies among the Southern Chinese, suggesting there may be a genetic predisposition to NPC. Multiple genetic alterations in this cancer have been widely documented. Loss or inactivation of TSGs is necessary for neoplastic initiation and tumor progression. Compared with other common human cancers, not much is known about the molecular basis for NPC development. NPC remains a top priority for cancer studies in China and Hong Kong. We have previously used a functional complementation approach to generate chromosome 11 MCHs. Oligonucleotide microarray hybridization profiling of tumor-suppressive hybrids versus the tumorigenic recipient NPC cell line and tumorigenic revertants identified an interesting differentially-expressed gene, SAA1, 48 as a candidate gene in tumorigenesis. Its expression was elevated in all tumor-suppressive hybrid cells versus the recipient cell line and down-regulated in all tumorigenic revertants versus their corresponding hybrids. The SAA1 gene expression in the chromosome 11 MCHs and their TSs was verified in this study. I also examined the expression of SAA1 in other NPC cell lines and clinical tumor biopsies and its gene silencing mechanism(s). I found that SAA1 was indeed frequently down-regulated in the tumorigenic NPC cell lines and tumor tissues. It is of interest to investigate whether physiological levels of SAA1 expressed locally in the normal nasopharyngeal tissue play a novel protective role against tumor development. Three SAA1 allelic variants, SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, encoding distinct proteins with a few amino acid differences, were identified in NPC/normal tissues/cell lines and healthy Chinese individuals. SAA may be an important biomarker for human cancers. It is elevated up to 1000-fold in patient sera in response to a number of different cancers. However, how each SAA1 variant is associated with NPC development remains unknown. I attempted to compare the genotypes and allelic frequencies between the Hong Kong NPC patients and healthy individuals by direct DNA sequencing. How the SAA1 polymorphisms are associated with NPC risk were assessed. In NPC patients, significant elevations of SAA levels are demonstrated in 49 patients with lymph node metastases. What is less clear, however, is what possible role systemic serum SAA1 protein may actually play in tumor development. It is suggested that the elevation of serum SAA may play a major role in combating malignancies. In order to investigate whether the elevated serum SAA proteins in NPC patients is beneficial, the anti-tumor activities, including inhibition of tumor cell growth, adhesion, and anti-angiogenic properties of exogenous recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins were used to study their physiological relevance during tumorigenesis. Previous studies indicate the benefit of using recombinant SAA1 proteins which include: 1) the concentrations of protein and duration of treatment can be precisely controlled, 2) most recombinant proteins can retain their biological activities, 3) high yields of purified proteins can be obtained. The concentrations I applied in various cell growth and angiogenesis assays were based on the reported concentrations of elevated SAA levels in serum (200–2000 µg/ml) of NPC patients. The synthesis of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 recombinant proteins was performed in a bacterial-inducible expression with a His-tag protein purification system. These recombinant SAA1 variant proteins were produced by me because they are not commercially available. Since SAA1 contains the functional YIGSR- and RGD-like angiogenesis-inhibiting motifs within close proximity, I aimed to determine the role of SAA1 and its variant forms in inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor development. 50 This study on the tumorigenesis-associated activities of SAA1 will give us insight as whether its dramatic elevation plays any functional role in cancers. There is, as yet, no report describing the preferential association of any SAA1 variants with cancers. I aimed to provide genomic evidence for an allelic variant of human SAA1 that is strongly associated with NPC. Previous studies focused only on the quantitative changes of SAA levels in different cancers. This study aimed to investigate both quantitative changes and qualitative differences of SAA1 in NPC. Taken together, understanding the genetic and functional roles and activities of each SAA1 variant in tumorigenesis will provide new insight as to how SAA1 may serve as an useful prognostic biomarker for tumor progression and be a potential therapeutic target to improve control of this cancer. In brief, the aims of this project were to: 1. Determine whether there was any relationship between SAA1 polymorphisms and the risk of NPC and determine if SAA1.1, 1.3, or 1.5 variants could be used as a biomarker for NPC diagnosis 2. Investigate the anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor activities of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 variants in assays using recombinant SAA1 variant proteins and determine if they could be used as potential therapeutic targets in cancer 51 3. Investigate the functional roles of ectopically-expressed SAA1 variant proteins in two NPC cell lines 4. Validate the clinical relevance of SAA1 gene expression and protein levels in tumor versus normal tissues and the mechanism of SAA1 gene silencing in NPC. 52 Chapter 2: Materials and methods 2.1 Tissue culture The tumorigenic NPC cell lines, HONE1 (Glaser et al 1989, Yao et al 1990), HK1 (Huang et al 1980), HNE1 (Glaser et al 1989), CNE1, CNE2 (Teng et al 1996), C666 (Cheung et al 1999), and SUNE1 were used as the NPC cell lines for the gene expression and functional studies of SAA1. The immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cell lines, NP69 (Zhang et al 2004) and NP460 (Li et al 2006), were used as positive controls of SAA1 gene expression in experiments. The NP69 cell line was immortalized by transfection of a viral oncogene, SV40T antigen, while NP460 was immortalized by over-expressing telomerase. The recipient NPC HONE1 cell line, donor chromosome 11 mouse hybrid cell line (MCH556.15), four HONE1/chromosome 11 MCH cell lines (HK11.8, HK11.12, HK11.13, and HK11.19), and their TSs (HK11.8-3TS, HK11.12-2TS, HK11.13-1TS, and HK11.19-4TS) were used (Cheng et al 2000) for the verification of the 19K oligomicrarray analysis. The esophageal cancer (EC) cell lines, SLMT-1 S1 (Tang et al 2001), 81T (Hu et al 1984), TTn, HKESC2 (Hu et al 2002), EC1, EC18 (Pan 1989), KYSE30, KYSE70, KYSE140, KYSE150, KYSE180, KYSE410, KYSE450, KYSE510, and KYSE520 53 (Shimada et al 1992) were used for the SAA1 expression analysis. The immortalized esophageal epithelial cell lines, NE1, NE3, and NE083, were used as positive controls and a template for the cloning of SAA1.5. The NE1 and NE3 cell lines were kindly given by Prof. George. Tsao (HKU). The NE1 and NE3 were immortalized by overexpression of human papillomavirus type 16 E6/E7 (HPV16E6/E7) (Deng et al 2004), while the NE083 was immortalized by over-expressing telomerase (Zhang et al 2006). Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) and human microvascular endothelial cell (HMEC) were used for the in vitro angiogenesis assays. The HUVECs are isolated from normal human umbilical vein and are responsive to cytokine stimulation for the expression of cell adhesion molecules and the formation of blood vessels. HUVECs (C-003-5C, Cascade Biologics) were cultured on 30 µg/ml collagen type 1 coated culture plates. The HMECs are isolated from human macrovascular tissues and are also responsible for blood vessel formation. HMEC (Titz et al 2004) were cultured on 30 µg/ml fibrolectin-coated culture plates. The culture conditions of all the cell lines used in this study are listed in Table 3. 2.2 Tissue specimens and blood samples Eighty matched normal nasopharyngeal and NPC tumor tissue biopsies from 54 Table 3: Background information and culture conditions for cell lines used in this study. Cell lines Ethnic origin Differentiation status Culture conditions Origin Selection drugs HONE1 Chinese Poor DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC HONE1-2 Chinese Poor DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC 500 ug/ml G418 HK1 Hong Kong Well DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC NA HNE1 Chinese Poor DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC NA CNE1 Chinese Well DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC NA CNE2 Chinese Poor DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC NA C666 Hong Kong Poor RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S NPC NA SUNE1 NA NA DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S NPC NA NP69 Hong Kong Immortalized normal Keratinocyte-Serum Free medium Immortalized NP NA NP460 Hong Kong Immortalized normal 50% Defined Keratinocyte-Serum Free Immortalized NP NA medium + 50% Epilife medium SLMT-1 S1 Hong Kong Well DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S EC NA TTn Japanese Moderate DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S EC NA 81T Taiwanese Well DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S EC NA HKESC2 Hong Kong Moderate DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S EC NA EC1 Hong Kong NA RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA EC18 Hong Kong NA RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE70 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE140 Japanese Moderate RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE180 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE410 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE510 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE520 Japanese Moderate RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE30 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE450 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA KYSE150 Japanese Well RPMI1640 + 10% FBS + 1% P/S EC NA NE1 Hong Kong Immortalized normal Keratinocyte-Serum Free medium Immortalized EC NA NE083 Hong Kong Immortalized normal Keratinocyte-Serum Free medium Immortalized EC NA 55 HUVEC NA NA M199 + ECGF + Heparin sulfate + 20% Umbilical vein FBS endothelial cell NA line HMEC NA NA Endothelial growth medium MV Human NA macrovascular endothelial cell line 293T NA NA DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S Human embryonic NA kidney cell Chr. 11 NA NA DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S MCHs Cell lines 500 μg/ml G418 established from MMCT Chr. 11TSs NA NA DMEM + 5% FBS + 5%NCS + 1% P/S Tumor revetant of the chr. 11 MCHs 56 NA NPC patients were collected from Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong from 2006 to 2010. All the biopsies were stored in RNAlater solution (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) before RNA/DNA extraction. This study protocol was approved by the Hospital Institutional Review Board and written consents were obtained from all the patients. Fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy and biopsy of tumor and normal epithelium were performed. All the biopsies were verified histologically to identify the presence of tumor cells. Three hundred blood samples from healthy individuals without infectious diseases and cancers were obtained from the Hong Kong Red Cross, and human research ethics approval from the institute have been obtained. 2.3 RNA extraction Total RNA extraction of patient biopsies was performed by using the Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, CA, USA). The procedures were as described in the manufacturer’s manual. In brief, 1 ml Trizol reagent was added to each sample, then 0.2 ml chloroform was added to each sample to separate RNA from DNA and cell protein. The sample was then centrifuged at 12000 g for 15 mins; the mixture was separated into different layers. The upper aqueous phase was removed for RNA extraction. After that, 0.5 ml of isopropyl alcohol was added to each sample to precipitate RNA, then the sample was centrifuged at 12000 g for 10 mins. The RNA 57 pellet was washed with 1 ml 75% ethanol and then redissolved in RNase-free water. 2.4 DNA extraction from mammalian cell lines Cells cultured in 25 cm2 tissue culture flasks at 90% confluence were lysed in 3 ml homogenizing buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl, 100 mM NaCl, and 10 mM sodium EDTA, 0.75% SDS, and 0.22 mg/ml proteinase K (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland)) at 55℃ overnight. Three ml of phenol /chloroform/ isopropanol (25:24:1) was added to extract the DNA. Then the mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 mins to separate the aqueous layer from organic layer. The aqueous layer was obtained and the DNA inside was precipitated by adding 2 volumes of ice-cold 100% ethanol and 0.1 volume of 2 M sodium acetate. The precipitated DNA was washed with 75% ethanol followed by centrifugation at 14000 rpm for 10 mins. The ethanol was removed and the DNA pellet was air-dried. Then the air-dried DNA pellet was dissolved in 100 μl TE buffer (10mM Tris pH 8 and 1 mM EDTA pH8). 2.5 DNA extraction from patient tissue samples The same tissue biopsies were for both RNA and DNA extraction by using the Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, CA, USA). In brief, after the phenol/chloroform phase separation, the upper aqueous phase was removed for RNA extraction. The 58 phenol/chloroform phase and the interphase were used for DNA extraction; 0.3 ml of 100% ethanol was added to this remaining mixture for DNA precipitation, followed by centrifugation at 2000 g for 5 mins. The DNA pellet was then washed with 1 ml 0.1 M sodium citrate in 10% ethanol. After the wash, DNA was redissloved in 8 mM NaOH with 0.1 M HEPES. 2.6 DNA extraction from blood of healthy individuals The blood samples of healthy individuals obtained from the Red Cross were used for DNA extraction and genotyping of SAA1 in this study. The DNA extraction was performed by using the blood genomic Prep Mini Spin (GE Healthcare), following the manufacturer’s protocol. In brief, 2 ml of blood from each sample were separated into four 500 μl samples. For each 500 μl blood sample, 20 μl of Proteinase K and 400 μl lysis buffer were added to lyse the blood cells. The mixture was vortexed for 15 mins. Then, the lysate was loaded to the mini-column and followed by centrifugation at 11000 g for 1 min. The collecting tube containing the flow-through was removed and a new collecting column was replaced. Then, 500 μl of lysis buffer and 500 μl wash buffer were sequentially added to the column and removed after centrifugation at 11000 g for 1 min. The purification column was then transferred to a fresh DNase-free microcentrifuge tube and 200 μl of 70 pre-heated elution buffer was then added to the 59 column. The buffer was allowed to incubate with the column for 1 min in room temperature. Then the column was centrifuged for 1 min at 11000 g and the purified genomic DNA from the blood sample was obtained. 2.7 Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) The RNAs extracted from tissue samples were reverse transcribed into complementary DNAs (cDNAs). The cDNAs were reverse transcribed by using 1μg of total RNA, 40 units MMLV (USB, OH, USA), 100 units of RNase OUT inhibitor (Invitrogen, CA, USA), 10 mM Oligo dT (USB, OH, USA), 500 μM dNTP (USB, OH, USA), and RNase-free water. The reaction mixture was kept at 37℃ for 1 hour followed by 99℃ for five minutes. To detect the expression level of the target gene, cDNAs of samples were amplified by PCR reactions. PCR reactions were carried out with 1X PCR buffer, 0.2 mM dNTP, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 μM primers, one unit of Platinum Taq DNA polymerase (Invitrogen, CA, USA), water, and 1 μl of cDNA. The SAA1 primers, SAA1-RT-F1 and -R2, and the GADPH primers, GADPH-RT-F1 and -R1, were used (Table 4). The amount of PCR products was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. 2.8 DNA sequencing 60 Table 4: RT-PCR primer sequences, conditions, and product sizes. Primer Product size (bp) Annealing temperature (°C) Primer sequence (5’-3’) SAA1-RT-F1 294 60 AGCCAATTACATCGGCTCAG SAA1-RT-R2 GAPDH-RT-F1 TACCCATTGTGTACCCTCTCC 548 60 GAGTCAACGGATTTGGTCGT GAPDH-RT-R1 GAPDH-RT-F2 ATCCACAGTCTTCTGGGTGG 220 55-60 GAAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTC GAPDH-RT-R2 GAAGATGGTGATGGGATTTC 61 DNA sequencing was performed to study the SAA1 allelic frequencies in Hong Kong NPC patients versus the healthy Chinese. Both NPC tumor tissues collected from NPC patients and blood samples collected from healthy individuals were used in this study. For genotyping the tumor tissue samples, the total RNA was obtained as mentioned in Section 2.3. After the total RNA of the tissues was extracted, cDNAs of the samples were produced by RT-PCR as mentioned in Section 2.7. The cDNAs were used as templates for PCR reactions. Amplification was carried out with 100 ng of cDNA, 1X PCR buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 200 μM dNTP, 0.1 unit of AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems, CA), 0.5 μM of forward and reverse primers (NheI-SAA1-F (Table 5) and SAA1-RT-R2 (Table 4)). The amplified SAA1 cDNA fragments (which contain the polymorphic region) from clinical tissues were sequenced by using the reverse primer SAA1-RT-R2. One minute of heat denaturation at 95°C was performed, followed by 40 amplification cycles of denatuation at 96°C for 10 sec, annealing at 50°C for 5 sec, and extension at 60°C for 4 min. G50 columns were used to remove excess dye and the samples were denatured before loading into the genetic analyzer. The DNA sequencing signals were detected by using the ABI PRISMTM 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). For the SAA1 genotyping of healthy individuals, the genomic DNA of the blood samples from healthy individuals was extracted by using the Blood genomicPrep Mini 62 Table 5: Primers for DNA cloning. Primer Annealing temperature (°C) Primer sequence (5’-3’) NheI-SAA-F 55 TACGGCTAGCATGAAGCTTCTCAC SAA1-BamHI-rev 55 CGACGGATCCTCAGTATTTCT PacI-SAA1-F 60 TACGTTAATTAAGCCACCATGAAGCTTCTCAC Pet-NheI-SAA-F 60 TACGGCTAGCATGCGAAGCTTCTTTTCGTT 63 Spin (GE Healthcare), as mentioned in Section 2.6. The genomic DNA obtained was used as templates for PCR reactions; amplifications were carried out with 100 ng of genomic DNA, 1X PCR buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 200 μM dNTP, 0.1 unit of AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems, CA), 0.5 μM of forward and reverse primers (NheI-SAA1-F (Table 5) and SAA1-RT-R2 (Table 4)). The PCR conditions were described in the previous paragraph. The PCR products obtained were purified by using the ExoSAP-IT (USB, OH, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol. The purified DNAs together were sequenced by using the reverse primer SAA1-RT-R2. The sequencing process was performed in the Genome Research Center in The University of Hong Kong. 2.9 Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (Q-PCR) The expression levels of SAA1 in normal and tumor nasopharyngeal biopsies were analyzed by Q-PCR. GAPDH was used as an internal control for equal loading. The SAA1 primers, SAA1-RT-F1 and -R2, and the GADPH primers, GADPH-RT-F2 and -R2 (Table 4), were used for this Q-PCR analysis. The SYBR Green PCR master mix (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) and the Step-One Plus real-time PCR machine (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) were used for the real-time PCR. In brief, 1X SYBR Green PCR master mix, 0.2 μM primers, and 1 μl cDNAs of samples in 20 μl reaction 64 volume were amplified in the following conditions: 95°C for 10 mins, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 30s, and 60℃ for 1 min. The 2-ΔΔCT method was used for the relative quantification of gene expression levels (Livak and Schmittgen 2001). The expression of SAA1 in NPC tumor samples was compared with the matched normal biopsies. 2.10 Bisulfite treatment Genomic DNAs of samples used in this study were treated with sodium metabisulfite to convert the unmethylated cytosine residues into uracil and leaving the methylated cytosine residue unaffected. The methylation of DNAs was studied by methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and bisulfite genomic sequencing (BGS). In brief, 2 μg of genomic DNAs diluted in 10 μl of water were denatured in 1.1 μl of 3N NaOH at 37℃ for 15 mins. After that, 104 μl of urea/metabisulfite solution (6.24 M urea and 2 M sodium metabisulfite (Sigma, MO, USA) and 6 μl of 10 mM hydroquinone (Sigma, MO, USA) were added to the DNAs and incubated at 55°C for no more than 15 hours. Then, the treated DNAs were purified by QIAquick PCR purification Kit (Qiagen, CA, USA), following the manufacturer’s protocol and eluted with 200 μl elution buffer. The purified DNAs were then denatured in 23 μl of 3N NaOH at 37°C for 15 mins. The DNAs were then precipitated in 20 μg of tRNA (USB, OH, USA), 65 50 μl of 10M ammonium acetate, and 500 μl of 100% ethanol at -20°C for 30 mins. Then the DNAs were centrifuged at 12000 rpm at 4°C for 20 mins. The DNA pellets were then washed with 500 μl of 70% ethanol and centrifuged at full speed at 4°C for 20 mins. Finally, the DNA pellets were dissolved in 50 μl of 10 mM Tris-Cl (pH8.5) solution. 2.11 Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) The SAA1 promoter is identified based on previous studies (Kumon et al 2002, Thorn et al 2003) and from sequence information from the UCSC Genome Browser (http://genome.ucsc.edu). The GC content, the observed/expected CpG ratio, and the number of CpG sites in the SAA1 promoter were determined by computer analysis (http://www.genomatix.de). The CpG sites of SAA1 in the promoter region were identified at the region from -1 bp to -390 bp across the transcription start sites (Figure 13). The MSP primers overlapping the CpG island of SAA1 were designed by MethPrimer (www.urgene.org/methprimer). The MSP primer sequences are listed in Table 6. MSP PCR reactions were performed with 1X PCR buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl 2, 200 μM dNTP, 0.2 units of AmpliTaq Gold polymerase (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA), 0.3 μM of primers mix, and 1 μl of bisulfate-treated DNA in 15 μl reaction volume. For the PCR reaction performed with the SAA1-MSP-M-F and 66 Figure 13: Region of the SAA1 CpG sites containing sequence in the promoter. Positions of the BGS PCR primers are indicated by thin arrows. Positions of the MSP forward and reverse primers are indicated by thick arrows. The CpG sites within the promoter region are labeled in red. 67 Table 6: Primers used for the methylation study of SAA1. Primer Product size (bp) Annealing temperature (℃) Primer sequence (5’-3’) SAA1-MSP-M-F 153 60 TTACGGGGTTTTTATTTTTAATTTC SAA1-MSP-M-R SAA1-MSP-U-F AATACCAATAATTTCTTCATCCCG 152 62 ATGGGGTTTTTATTTTTAATTTTGT SAA1-MSP-U-R SAA1-BGS-F AAATACCAATAATTTCTTCATCCCA 285 55-60 TGATTGGTAGAGTTAGGAGTTGGTT SAA1-BGS-R TCCCTAAAAAAAATCCCTACAAATC 68 SAA1-MSP-M-R primers, the annealing temperature of the PCR reaction was 60°C and the PCR reaction was performed for 42 cycles. For the PCR reaction performed with the SAA1-MSP-U-F and SAA1-MSP-U-R primers, the annealing temperature of the PCR reaction was 62°C and the PCR reaction was performed for 40 cycles. The PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. 2.12 Bisulfite genomic sequencing (BGS) The BGS primers of the SAA1 promoter were designed by MethPrimer (www.urgene.org/methprimer) (Figure 13). In brief, a promoter region of 285 bp of the bisulfite-treated DNAs was amplified by SAA1-BGS-F and SAA1-BGS-R (Table 6) for 30 cycles. The PCR products were then purified by QIAquick PCR purification Kit (Qiagen, CA, USA) and eluted in 30 μl of water. Electrophoresis of PCR products was performed on a 2% agarose gel. The purified PCR products were then cloned into the TA cloning pMD18T Simple Vector (TakaRa Biotechnology, Dalian, China) and transformed into competent cell DH5α by heat-shock transformation. The plasmid DNAs in the competent cell were extracted by using QIAprep spin miniprep kit (Qiagen, CA, USA). The SAA1 promoter fragment in the plasmid was then amplified by BigDye Terminator V3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) with the pMD18/T7 forward sequencing primer. The sequencing signals were 69 detected using an ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). The sequencing results of at least 15 clones from each cell line was analyzed by the QUMA program (http://quma.cdb.riken.jp/top/index.html). 2.13 5-aza-2’ deoxycytidine treatment To investigate the silencing mechanism of candidate tumor genes, the effects of dermethylation on candidate gene expression were studied by 5-aza-2’ deoxycytidine treatment. Cells were treated with 5 μM 5-aza-2’ deoxycytidine (Sigma, MO, USA) for five days. Freshly diluted drugs in medium were changed daily. After the treatment, the cells were harvested for RNA extraction and the expression levels of candidate genes were analyzed by RT-PCR. 2.14 Plasmid construction The pETE-Bsd vector (Figure 14) constructed by Protopopov and colleagues (Protopopov et al 2002) was used in this study for the establishment of tetracycline-regulated SAA1 stable transfectants. Full open reading frames of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 were amplified from cDNAs of cell lines NP460, MCH556.15, and NE083, respectively, by Platinum Pfx DNA polymerase (Invitrogen, CA, USA) with NheI-SAA1-F and SAA1-BamHI-rev primers. The cloning primers’ sequences are 70 Figure 14: The vector map of pETE-Bsd. Adapted from: Protopopov et al. 2002 71 listed in Table 5. For construction of pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, and -SAA1.5, the SAA1 PCR products s were excised by restriction enzymes Nhe1 and BamH1 (New England Biolabs, MA), and was ligated into the pETE-Bsd vector. The ligation products were transformed into DH5 α competent cells, the plasmids in the competent cells were then extracted by Plasmid Mini Kit (Qiagen, CA, USA). Direct DNA sequencing was used to verify the full length of the SAA1 insert sequences in the pETE-Bsd vector. The pWP1 vector (Addgene plasmid 12254, Figure 15) was a lentivirus expression vector we used to establish SAA1 stable transfectants in C666 cells. Full open reading frames of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 were amplified from plasmids of pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, and -SAA1.5 by Platinum Pfx DNA polymerase (Invitrogen, CA, USA) with PacI-SAA1-F and SAA1-BamH1-rev primers (Table 5). A Kozak sequence, GCCACC, was added to the 5’ end of the start condon of the forward cloning primer in order to increase the efficiency of gene expression. For construction of pWP1-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, and -SAA1.5, the 5’ end of the PCR amplified fragments were excised by Pac1 (New England Biolabs, MA) and the 3’ end was left as a blunt end, the cleaved DNA fragments were ligated into the pWP1 vector. Direct DNA sequencing was used to ensure successful cloning of the full length of the SAA1 inserts in the transformants. 72 Figure 15: The vector map of pWPI. Adapted from: Addgene (http://www.addgene.org/pgvec1?f=c&plasmidid=12254&cmd=showmap) 73 Figure 16: The vector map of pET-28a-(+). Adapted from: EcoliWiki (http://ecoliwiki.net/colipedia/index.php/pET-28a(%2B) 74 The pET-28a(+) (Figure 16) was used in this study for recombinant His-tag SAA1 protein production. The three SAA1 isoforms, SAA1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 were cloned into the pET-28a(+) vector. The three SAA1 isoforms with their signaling peptide equence removed were amplified from plasmids of pETE-BSD-SAA1.1, -1.3, and -1.5 by PCR reactions with Pet-Nhe1-SAA1F and SAA1-BamH1-rev primers (Table 5). For construction of pET-28a(+)-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, and -SAA1.5, the PCR product was excised by restriction enzymes Nhe1 and BamH1 (New England BioLabs, MA) and was ligated to the pET-28a(+) vector. 2.15 Stable transfection The tTA-expressing HONE1-2 cell line (Protopopov et al 2002) was transfected with pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, and -SAA1.5, and pETE-Bsd vector-alone for establishing of the tetracycline-regulated SAA1 stable transfectants and vector-alone, respectively. One μg of DNA was added into the cells on a 6-well plate with 5 l Lipofectamine 2000 reagent and 1 ml DMEM. The cells were incubated at 37°C for 6 hours. Then the mixed DNA and DMEM were removed and replaced by DMEM supplemented with serum. After overnight incubation, the cells were transferred onto 100 mm diameter dishes for selection. The cells were treated with selection medium with 5 µg/ml blasticidin after 48 hours of transfection. Independent clones were 75 picked after 3-4 weeks of selection. The total RNA was extracted from the clones, since SAA1 is a secretary protein, conditioned media was also obtained. RT-PCR, Q-PCR, and Western blot analyses, were used to screen for positive clones. The vector-alone was used as a control. For the establishment of SAA1 stable transfectants in the EBV-positive C666 cells, a lentivirus expression system was used. In brief, a 293T cell line was transfected with the envelope and packaging vectors, pMD2.G and psPAX2 (Addgene plasmids 12259 and 12260), and expression vectors pWP1-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, -SAA1.5, or the vector-alone, to generate viral particles. The 293T cells were seeded in a T75 flask with 50% confluency the day before transfection. The transfection mixture was prepared (4 μg of pMD2.G and psPAX2 and 30 l Lipofectamine 2000 reagent in DMEM of 800 l total volume) and incubated at room temperature for at least 20 mins. After 20 mins, the medium of the 293T cells was removed and 9 ml of fresh complete medium and 800 µl of the transfection mixture were added to the cells. The cells were incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. After 48 hours incubation, the medium containing the viral particles was transferred into a fresh 15 ml Falcon tube and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 mins. To concentrate the medium containing the lentivirus, 2.5 ml cold (4°C), PEG-it virus precipitation solution (LV810-A1, SBI) was added to 10 ml of lentivirus-containing medium, followed by refrigeration 76 overnight. Then the mixture was centrifuged at 1500 g for 30 mins at 4°C; the supernatant was removed and the residual mixture was spun down by centrifugation at 1500 g for 5 mins. The pellet was then resuspended in 1/10 of original volume with cold and sterile PBS at 4°C. The medium with concentrated lentivirual particules was used for the transduction of C666 cells. The C666 cell line was seeded in a 6-well plate with 50% confluence. The medium was then removed, and 2 ml of flash medium containing 8 µg/ml protamine sulfate and the virus-containing medium were added to the cells followed by a 48 hours incubation at 37°C. The pWPI plasmid is a bicistronic vector, which allows for simultaneous expression of a transgene and green fluorescent protein (GFP) marker to facilitate tracking of transduced cells. The C666 cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy to observe the transduction efficiency. The medium was removed from the transduced cells and fresh medium was added to the cells followed by 24 hours incubation at 37°C. The conditioned media of the SAA1 isoforms expressing and the vector-alone cells were obtained, and Western blot analysis was used to screen for positive cells. 2.16 Recombinant SAA1 protein expression and purification The recombinant SAA1 protein was produced by a bacterial inducible system 77 and purified by a His-tag protein purification system. The pET-28a(+)-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 plasmids were transformed into E coli (BL21) and cultured at 37°C overnight on Luria broth (LB) plates with antibiotic selection. The colonies on the LB plates were picked and cultured in 20 ml LB at 37℃ in a shaker incubator overnight. Then the starter culture was poured into 1 l of LB containing antibiotic and incubated at 37°C in a shaker incubator for 3 hours until the OD600 reached 0.6-0.8. To induce protein expression, 1 mM isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (USB, Cleveland, OH) was then added into the culture. After an induction of 3 hours, the bacterial culture was centrifuged at 14000 g for 15 min at 4°C. The supernatant was discarded; 30 ml of lysis buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 20 mM imidazole) was added to resuspend the pellet. The lysate was sonicated and centrifuged at 18000 rpm at 4°C for 20 mins. Two ml of Ni-NTA beads (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) was washed by 20 ml PBS to remove the ethanol. The supernatant was collected and added to the beads; the mixture was then transferred into a new tube and mixed in 4°C overnight. The mixture was then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 1 min at room temperature; the supernatant was removed while the beads were washed by 60 ml wash buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 40 mM imidazole) . Two ml of elution buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 500 mM imidazole) was added to the beads and vortexed gently. The mixture was centrifuged 78 at 2000 rpm for 2 min to collect the eluted proteins. The purified His-tagged SAA1 protein collected was then used to perform SDS-PAGE analysis in a 15% acrylamide gel to check the purity of the protein. Western blot analysis was also used to detect the purified SAA1 proteins. 2.17 Preparation of total protein lysates and conditioned media from mammalian cells To collect the protein in the mammalian cell lysates, cells in 60 mm2 tissue culture dishes were lysed in 200 μl lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl pH7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1% Trition X-100, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS and proteinase inhibitor (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switerland)) at 4°C for 1 hour. Then the cell lysates were centrifuged at 4°C for 5 min at maximum speed. The supernatant was collected. To collect the total protein in conditioned medium of a cell line, cells were grown in a T75 culture flask until 80% confluence. The culture medium was removed and replaced by 10 ml serum-free DMEM. Conditioned medium was collected after 16 hours incubation. The conditioned medium collected was centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 1 min to remove the cell debris. The supernatant was collected. 2.18 Western blot analysis 79 Western blot analysis hybridization was used to determine the protein expression of the target proteins in the total lysates, conditioned media, or the purified protein preparations. An equal volume of 2X protein loading buffer (100 mM pH 6.8 Tris-Cl, 200 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 4% SDS, 0.2% bromophenol blue, 20% glycerol) was added to the protein samples. Then the protein mixtures were denatured at 100°C for 10 mins and then cool on ice for 10 mins. The protein samples were separated in 10-15% SDS polyacrylamide gels by electrophoresis with 1X protein running buffer (20 mM Tris, 250 mM pH 8.3 glycine, 0.1% SDS). The SDS gel with separated proteins was transferred onto a 0.45 μM polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane (Millipore, MA, USA) by Mini Trans-Blot cell system (Biorad, Hercules, CA, USA) The PVDF membrane was activated by immersing in methanol. The activated membrane and the SDS gel were immersed in 1X transfer buffer for 10 mins. Then the filter papers, the gels, and the membrane were used to set up the transferring sandwich. The transferring sandwich was loaded on the transfer cell with 1X transfer buffer, and the transfer process was performed under 100 V for one hour. After the transfer process was completed, the membranes were taken out and immersed in blocking solution (5% non-fat skimmed milk in PBS-T buffer (PBS+0.1% Tween 20)), for one hour. Membranes were washed with PBS-T for three times and incubated with diluted primary antibodies at 4℃ overnight. The primary antibodies used in this study 80 are listed in Table 7. Then the membrane was washed in PBS-T three times and probed by Amersham ECL-HRP conjugated secondary antibody (1:3000) (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden) at room temperature for 30 mins. Then the membrane was washed in PBS-T for three times. The targeted proteins on the membranes were detected by using Amersham ECL reagent (Amersham Bioscieces, Uppsala, Sweden). The signals on the membrane were detected on a X-ray film. When the target was a phosphorylated protein, TBS-T (TBS+0.1% Tween 20) buffer was used instead of PBS-T for the incubation and washing steps after the transfer. 2.19 HUVEC and HMEC tube formation assays Endothelial cell tube formation assay was used to investigate the effects of SAA1 recombinant proteins or conditioned media of the SAA1 transfectants on in vitro angiogensis. In brief, HUVECs and HMECs were incubated in serum-free DMEM for one hour. Then 50 μl of growth factor-reduced Matrigel Matrix (BD Biosciences, MA, USA) was coated on a 96-well plate and solidified at 37°C for 30 min. The HUVECs/HMECs were harvested and resuspended in conditioned medium from the SAA1 transfectants and the vector-alone controls. Then 100 μl cells were added to the wells coated with Matrigel. For the tube formation assays performed with the recombinant SAA1 proteins, conditioned medium from HONE1 were used to culture 81 Table 7: Antibodies used in Western blot analysis Antibody Host Dilution Protein size (kDa) Catalog no. Source SAA1 Mouse 1:2500 ~14 Ab81483 Abcam α-tubulin Mouse 1:5000 60 #CP06 Calbiochem Caspase 3 Mouse 1:1000 37, 17,19 #9668 Cell signalling Caspase 9 Mouse 1:1000 48, 37, 10 #9508 Cell signalling Phospho-Akt Rabbit 1:1000 60 #4058 Cell signalling Phospho-Erk1/2 Rabbit 1:1000 42, 44 #4370 Cell signalling 82 HUVECs/HMECs. Ten μl of SAA1 proteins were added together with the cells followed by 4 hours of incubation for HUVECs and 12 hours incubation for HMECs at 37°C. The cells were observed by stereomicroscopy (Nikon TMS) at 100X magnification. The tube-forming ability was determined by measuring the total branch number. 2.20 Real-time cell viability assay The effects of SAA1 recombinant proteins on cell viability were analyzed using the xCELLigence System (Roche, Springer Medizin, Germany) for real-time cell analysis. The xCELLigence System is composed of four main components: the 16-well electronic microtiter plate (E-plate); the Real-time Cell Analysis (RTCA) DP station, which accommodates the E-Plate and is placed in a tissue culture incubator; the RTCA Control unit, which operates the software and continuously acquires and displays the data; the RTCA analyzer, which sends and receives signals between RTCA control unit and RTCA DP station. In brief, the cells are seeded in E-plates that are integrated with gold micro-electrode arrays. Application of low voltage (less than 20 mV) alternating current signal leads to the generation of an electric field between the electrodes, which interacts with the environment of growth medium inside the wells and is differentially modulated by the number of cells covering the electrodes, 83 the morphology, and the strength of cell attachment. The impedance readout allows the detection and quantification of the cells inside the wells, and, therefore, allows the study of the effect of drugs in cell viability assay. The number of cells in the well is measured as a cell index and is shown on the RTCA control unit. The experiment was carried out following the manufacturer’s protocol. In brief, 50 l of medium was added to each well of the E-plate and incubated at 37°C for 15 min. Then the plate was loaded on the machine and the first measurement was taken. Then, 2 x 104 cells in 50 l medium were seeded to each well. The plate was loaded on the machine and the second measurement was taken, a continuous measurement of cell viability was performed every 15 min for 24 hours. Then different concentrations of SAA1 protein, control proteins, and solvent control in 100 μl medium were added to the wells and incubated in 37°C for another 150 hours, and the cell viability in the form of cell index was measured every 5 min. 2.21 Cell adhesion assay In order to investigate the effects of the recombinant SAA1 proteins on the cell adhesion ability between HONE1 and HUVEC/HMEC cells, the cell adhesion assay was performed. HONE1 cells were seeded on 24-well plates until confluent. Then HUVEC/HMEC cells were labeled with 84 fluorescent tracer methacrylated carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA, Sigma) (100 mg/L) at 37°C for 30 mins. Then the cells were harvested and washed by 10 ml 1X PBS three times. Then 5 X 104 fluorescence-labeled HUVECs/HMECs were resuspended in 500 μl DMEM with 10% FBS and 10% SAA1 proteins, and added to the HONE1 cells followed by 1.5 hour incubation at 37℃. Then the unbounded HUVECs/HMECs were washed away by 1X PBS three times. The cell adhesion ability was determined by the number of fluorescence-labeled cells observed under the microscope at 492 nm. 2.22 Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay To investigate the relationship between SAA1 recombinant protein and programmed cell death, TUNEL assay was performed by using the In situ Cell Death Detection kit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Cells were seeded on a 96-well plate until 80% confluence. Then the cells were air-dried and fixed with freshly prepared fixation solution (4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH7.4) at 25℃ for 1 hour. The cells were washed by 1X PBS three times and incubated in freshly prepared permeabilization solution (0.1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodium citrate) for 2 min on ice. After that the cells were rinsed with PBS and allowed to air-dry. Fifty μl TUNEL reaction mixture were added to each sample. The 96-well plate was then incubated in 85 the dark for 60 min at 37℃. After that the cells were washed by PBS three times. The cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy at 450-500 nm. 2.23 Statistical analysis The statistical analyses of the functional assays were made by Student’s t test. All p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. 86 Chapter 3: Results 3.1 Genotyping of SAA1 in NPC patients versus healthy individuals To study the relationship between the SAA1 allelic variants and the risk of NPC development, the allelic frequencies of SAA1 isoforms in NPC patients and healthy Hong Kong Chinese people were investigated by direct sequencing of cDNA from NPC tissues and blood DNA from healthy people. A total of 80 Hong Kong NPC patients and 308 healthy individuals were included for this SAA1 genotyping study. The results of sequencing are shown in Table 8. It can be seen that only SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 were observed in both Hong Kong NPC patients and healthy people, whereas SAA1.2 and 1.4 were not detected in any of those samples. The allele distribution analysis of SAA1 isoforms show that the frequency of SAA1.5 was the highest (60%) among the NPC patients, while the frequencies of the three isoforms were about the same among the healthy individuals. When compared the genotype of the NPC group versus the healthy group, the current results showed that the frequency of SAA1.5/1.5 genotype in NPC patients was higher (p-value = 0.0507), whereas SAA1.1/1.5 genotype was lower (p-value = 0.0833) than in healthy individuals. The p-value of the disproportionate frequency of SAA1.5/1.5 genotype between the disease and healthy groups is very close to the significant difference level (when the significance level is 87 Table 8: A comparison of SAA1 genotypes between NPC patients and healthy groups. SAA1 allele NPC patients Healthy group SAA1.1 36/80 (45%) 164/308 (53.2%) 0.1885 SAA1.3 41/80 (51.3%) 178/308 (57.8%) 0.2930 SAA1.5 48/80 (60%) 167/308 (54.2%) 0.3542 SAA1 genotype NPC patients Healthy group p-value (healthy verse NPC) SAA1.1/1.1 9/80 (11.3%) 33/308 (10.7%) 0.8907 SAA1.3/1.3 8/80 (10%) 32/308 (10.4%) 0.9187 SAA1.5/1.5 18/80 (22.5%) 42/308 (13.6%) 0.0507 SAA1.1/1.3 15/80 (18.8%) 57/308 (18.5%) 0.9602 SAA1.3/1.5 18/80 (22.5%) 70/308 (22.7%) 0.9655 SAA1.1/1.5 12/80 (15%) 74/308 (24%) 0.0833 88 p-value (healthy verse NPC) set to 0.05). 3.2 Gene expression analysis of SAA1 in chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched TSs By using the same 19K oligonucleotide microarrays, which identified THY1 as a NPC candidate TSG (Lung et al 2005), SAA1 was also shown to be differentially expressed in the chromosome 11 MCHs and TSs (Figure 17). In total, sixteen 19K microarrays were used: the recipient HONE1 cells versus four HONE1/intact chromosome 11 MCHs (HK11.8, HK11.12, HK11.13, and HK11.19), and the four hybrids versus their TSs (HK11.8-3TS, HK11.12-2TS, HK11.13-1TS, and HK11.19-4TS). Genes up-regulated in MCHs after chromosome transfer and down-regulated in the TSs are presumably putative TSGs (Robertson et al 1999). Stringency was set so that only data sets with expression ratios higher than 1.2 in hybrids/HONE1 cells and ratios less than 0.8 in hybrids/TSs for both duplicates were selected for further studies. Under the above criteria, SAA1 located at 11p15.1, was found to be one of the most differentially expressed genes among the 19K transcripts. The expression ratios of each duplicate from the hybrid pairs are summarized in Table 9. A comparison of the expression profile of HONE cells with the four hybrids, 89 Figure 17: The chromosome 11 19K oligo-microarray results show that the SAA1 expression is differentially expressed in MCHs and their matched TSs. 90 showed an increased expression of SAA1 in all the four hybrid clones. On the other hand, the mRNA levels of SAA1 were down-regulated in all four TSs, when compared with the corresponding MCHs. In order to verify the SAA1 gene expression, semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed for MCHs and TSs. The same batch of RNAs used in microarray analysis was used in this confirmation analysis and quantification revealed a good correlation between the fold-changes obtained in the microarray and RT-PCR for all four genes (Table 9 and Figure 18). Undetectable levels of SAA1 expression were observed in HONE1 cells and after transfer of an exogenous chromosome 11, the gene expression of SAA1 was induced in all four MCHs (Figure 18). When comparing the gene expression between these MCHs and their TSs, down-regulation of SAA1 expression was observed in all TSs, and complete loss of mRNA expression of SAA1 was observed in their HK11.8-3TS, HK11.13-1TS, and HK11.19-4TS (Figure 18). The human SAA1 genes was expressed in the mouse chromosome 11 donor cells, MCH 556.15, and this cell line was used as a positive control for this gene. Different batches of RNAs from the same set of cell lines at different passages also reveal similar results (data not shown). 3.3 Gene expression analysis of SAA1 in other NPC and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cell lines and clinical biopsies 91 Table 9: Microarray detection of SAA1 in HONE1 versus MCHs and MCHs versus TSs. Expression ratio* Cell lines Average Cy5/Cy3 Cy3/Cy5 11.8/HONE1 2.65 2.20 2.425 11.8-3TS/11.8 0.21 0.14 0.175 11.12/HONE1 2.72 5.95 4.335 11.12-2TS/11.12 0.44 0.45 0.445 11.13/HONE1 1.14 1.00 1.07 11.13-1TS/11.13 0.46 0.74 0.6 11.19/HONE1 1.72 1.70 1.71 11.19-4TS/11.19 0.26 0.36 0.31 *expression ratio is Cy5/Cy3, for dye-swap Cy3/Cy5 the expression ratio is the reciprocal 92 Figure 18: The SAA1 gene expression in HONE1, 556.15, the four MCH cell lines and their TSs. GAPDH was used as an internal control. 93 Besides HONE1 cells, I also studied the SAA1 expression in other NPC cell lines, which include HK1, HNE1, CNE1, C666, SUNE1, and CNE2 cells. No expression of SAA1 was detected in three NPC cell lines (HK1, C666, and CNE2), and barely detectable levels were observed in HNE1 and SUNE1 (Figure 19). The SAA1 gene expression was clearly detected in CNE1 and the level was slightly less than the NP460 and 556.15. To study the clinical relevance of SAA1 in NPC, Q-PCR was performed to determine the SAA1 expression level in NPC patient biopsies. In a total of 42 patients in different cancer stages, 23 of 42 (54.8%) tumor tissue samples showed down-regulated SAA1 expression of 1.7-fold or above, compared with their matched normal tissues (Figure 20). Among 42 pairs of NPC tissue samples, nine decreased by more that 10-fold in SAA1 expression. We also studied the association of SAA1 expression in the tumor tissues with their clinical information (Table A1 in Appendix). Only one pair of samples shows an increase by more than 10-fold of SAA1 expression. There was no significant association of SAA1 down-regulation with age and stage of tumor (Table 10). However, there are more SAA1 down-regulated cases found in male NPC patients than the female and the result is statistically significant (p-value = 0.0113). In order to determine the usefulness of SAA1.1, 1.3, or 1.5 variants as a biomarker for NPC diagnosis, we analyzed the 42 samples from the above Q-PCR 94 Figure 19: The SAA1 gene expression in six NPC cell lines. GAPDH is used as an internal control. MCH556.15 and NP460 cells were used as normal controls. 95 Figure 20: Real-time PCR was performed with 42 pairs of NPC tissues to study the fold-change of SAA1 expression in normal versus tumor tissues. A total of 42 pairs of NPC tissue samples was examined by real-time PCR, 23 (54.8 %) show a down-regulation of SAA1. Among 42 pairs of NPC tissue samples, nine show decreases of more that 10-fold in SAA1 expression. 96 Table 10: Correlation between SAA1 expression assessed by Q-PCR in Hong Kong NPC biopsies and clinicopathological parameters. Parameter Sex Age Stage Number of cases Ratio of down-regulated expression p-value Male 25/40* 17/25 (68%) 0.0113 Female 15/40* 4/15 (26.7) 60≥ 18/42 12/18 (66.7%) >60 24/42 9/24 (37.5%) I-II 15/42 8/15 (53.3) III-IV 27/42 15/27 (55.6 *the information of gender of two NPC patients were not available 97 0.0614 0.9401 assay with the SAA1 genotyping data (Table A1 in Appendix). The SAA1 gene expression for 42 genotyped normal and tumor tissue pairs; 54.8% of NPC tissues showed down-regulation of SAA1. Among those samples with decreased SAA1expression, SAA1.1 (61.1%) and SAA1.5 (65.4%) isoforms are frequently found (Table 11). In addition, increased SAA1 gene expression in tumor tissues is frequently observed in NPC patients with SAA1.1/1.1 (75%) and SAA1.3/1.3 (80%) genotypes, suggesting that SAA1.1/1.1 and SAA1.3/1.3 genotypes may be associated with an increase of SAA1 gene expression. On the other hand, a high percentage of SAA1.1/1.5 genotype (85.7%) shows decreased gene expression in tumor tissues, which suggests that the decrease in SAA1.1/1.5 expression may be correlated with the NPC tumor development. However, the difference is not statistically significant because of the small sample size. The SAA1 gene expression was also studied in another aerodigestive tract cancer, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). The global gene expression analysis of the tumor suppressive ESCC chromosome 14 MCHs (Ko et al 2005) versus their matched TSs was performed, SAA1 was found to be differentially expressed (Data not shown). These results suggest that SAA1 may also play an important role in ESCC tumor development.The expression of SAA1 in 15 ESCC cell lines was studied by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The expression of SAA1 was down-regulated in 14 out of 98 Table-11: Comparison of SAA1 isoforms between tumor tissues with increased and decreased SAA1 expression by Q-PCR. SAA allele Tissues with increased expression Tissues with decreased expression SAA1.1 7/18(38.8%) 11/18(61.1%) SAA1.3 10/20(50%) 10/20(50%) SAA1.5 9/26(34.6%) 17/26(65.4%) SAA1 Tissues with increased expression Tissues with decreased expression SAA1.1/1.1 3/4(75%) 1/4(25%) SAA1.3/1.3 4/5(80%) 1/5(20%) SAA1.5/1.5 5/11(45.5%) 6/11(54.5%) SAA1.1/1.3 3/7(42.9%) 4/7(57.1%) SAA1.3/1.5 3/8(37.5%) 5/8(62.5%) SAA1.1/1.5 1/7(14.3%) 6/7(85.7%) genotype 99 A. B. Figure 21: The SAA1 gene expression in (A) 15 ESCC cell lines and (B) 3 pairs of ESCC tissue samples. GAPDH is used as an internal control. NE1 was used as a normal control. SAA1 expression is down-regulated in 14/15 (93%) of the NPC cell lines. Down-regulated SAA1 expression was demonstrated in three selected ESCC paired tumor (T)/normal tissues (N). 100 15 ESCC cell lines compared with immortalized normal esophageal epithelial cell line, NE1 (Figure 21). The SAA1 expression was only detected in two ESCC cell lines, SLMT-1S1 and EC1, and the expression level of the SLMT-1S1 was down-regulated, whereas there was no obvious change in SAA1 expression for EC1. The SAA1 expression in three chosen ESCC tumor/normal tissue pairs was also studied by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The SAA1 gene expression was down-regulated in all three ESCC tumor tissues, when compared with their matched normal controls. 3.4 Mechanism of gene silencing of SAA1 The SAA1 promoter hypermetylation status was studied by methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and bisulfite genomic sequencing (BGS) assays in seven NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, HNE1, CNE1, CNE2, C666, and SUNE1). Methylated alleles were observed in five out of seven NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, HNE1, CNE2, and C666); barely detectable levels were observed in CNE1 and SUNE1 (Figure 22). Unmethylated alleles were observed in all seven NPC cell lines. Hence, heterozygous methylation was observed in these five NPC cell lines, but no homozygous methylation was observed in any of them. The results suggest that a heterozygous pattern of promoter methylation was observed in NPC cell lines. The immortalized epithelial cell lines NP69 and NP460 were use as normal controls in this assay; only 101 ee Figure 22: MSP analysis of SAA1 promoter methylation in seven NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, HNE1, CNE1, CNE2, C666, and SUNE1) and two immortalized NP cell lines (NP69 and NP460). Size of PCR amplicons is shown on the right. 102 unmethylated alleles were observed. Five CpG sites -297, -289, -268, -163, and -121 in the promoter region of SAA1in the seven NPC cell lines and NP460 were studied by clonal BGS. The results of the BGS study are shown in Figure 23. High frequencies of methylation were observed in the CpG position -297 and -289 in six NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, HNE1, CNE1, CNE2, C666, and SUNE1), moderate frequencies were observed in SUNE1, and low frequencies were observed in CNE1 and NP460. The percentages of methylation in other three CpG sites -268, -163, and -121 are generally much lower in all seven NPC cell lines; no methylation was observed in NP460 for these three CpG sites. A total of four NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, HNE1, and CNE1) were chosen for the demethylation treatment analysis. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to examine the SAA1 gene expression after the treatment. Treatment with the demethylation agent, 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine, resulted in the restoration of SAA1 expression in three NPC cell lines (HONE1, HK1, and HNE1), compared with the untreated controls (Figure 24). There was no change in SAA1 expression for CNE1. Taken together, it is likely that promoter hypermethylation is an important silencing mechanism to inactivate SAA1 in NPC cells. When five selected ECSS cell lines (TTn, 81T, HKESC, KYSE140, and KYSE180) with down-regulated SAA1 103 expression were treated with rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Figure 23: BGS analysis of 5 CpG sites in SAA1 promoter region of seven NPC cell lines and the immortalized NP460 cell line. Each row represents an individual allele and the circles represent a single CpG dinucleotide. The CpG sites -297, -289, -268, -163, and -121 are shown from left to right, unmethylation (○) and methylation (●) status of CpG sites are as indicated. 104 A) B) Figure 24: The SAA1 gene expression in (A) four NPC and (B) five ESCC cell lines before and after treatment with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine. GAPDH serves as an internal control. NP460 and NE3 were used as normal controls for comparison. 105 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine, increased expression was observed in all of them. Promoter methylation also seems to be involved in gene silencing in ESCC (Figure 24). 3.5 The anti-angiogenic effects of the endogenous SAA1 isoforms 3.5.1 Establishment of SAA1 stable transfectants As mentioned in the previous section, three SAA1 isoforms (SAA1.1, SAA1.3, and SAA1.5) were identified in NPC/normal tissues/cell lines and healthy Hong Kong Chinese individuals in the present study. To study the functional roles of the three SAA1 isoforms in NPC development, SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 were ectopically expressed in HONE1 cells with down-regulated SAA1 expression. The pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, -SAA1.5, and pETE-Bsd vector-alone clones were transfected into the tetracycline-regulated HONE1-2 NPC cell lines. Stable SAA1 transfected clones which express the SAA1 proteins were chosen for further studies. The SAA1 expression of the stable transfectants was confirmed by both Q-PCR and Western blotting. Two stable clones were obtained for each SAA1 isoform in HONE1-2 cells, namely, H1-pB-SAA1.1-C1 and -C2, H1-pB-SAA1.3-C1 and -C2, and H1-pB-SAA1.5-C1 and -C2. In Q-PCR analysis, all SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 transfected clones showed over-expression of SAA1 compared to the vector-alone, the levels of over-expression was comparable with the NP460 (Figure 25A). In the presence of dox, 106 A. 10000.00 Fold-change 1000.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 B. Figure 25: A) The SAA1 RNA expression in the HONE1-pETE-Bsd-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 (H1-pB-SAA1.1, -1.3, and 1.5) transfectants. In the absence of dox, the expression of SAA1 in all of the clones were higher compared the plus dox conditions. B) Western blot analysis of SAA1 protein in conditioned media of the same SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 transfectants. Secretary SAA1 proteins were detected in all the transfected clones. Coommassie blue staining of total protein in the conditioned media served as internal control. 107 the SAA1 gene expression was significantly reduced in all SAA1 stable clones when the transgenes were switched off. The Western blot analysis for the conditioned media of the stable clones was performed, as SAA1 is presumably a secretary protein in the NPC cell lines. The protein expression of SAA1 in conditioned media was observed in all of the SAA1 transfectants (Figure 25B). The levels of the secreted SAA1 protein in the two SAA1.5 clones were the highest, whereas the SAA1.3 clones were the lowest. These results were consistently observed in at least three sets of Western blot. In addition, SAA1 stable transfectants were also established by a lentivirus expression system. The lentiviral plasmids pWP1-SAA1.1, -SAA1.3, -SAA1.5, and the vector-alone were transduced into the EBV-positive C666 cell line. SAA1 is not expressed in C666 cells as described in previous section (Figure 19). Results of transduction showed that more than 90% of C666 cells expressed the GFP reporter gene, observed by fluorescence microscopy (Figure 26A). The SAA1 protein expression of the C666-pWPI-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 stable transfectants was confirmed by Western blotting. The expression of SAA1 proteins in conditioned media was observed in all of the transfectants of C666 cells (Figure 26B). 3.5.2 The secretary SAA1 proteins from the stable transfectants inhibit 108 A.……….. B. Figure 26: A) The GFP expression of C666-pWPI-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, and the vector-alone transfectants. The C666 cells without any pWPI vector were used as a negative control. B) Western blot analysis of SAA1 protein in conditioned media of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 expressed cells. Secretary SAA1 proteins were detected in the C666-pWPI- SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 cells. Commassie blue staining of total protein in the conditioned media served an internal control. 109 endothelial cell tube formation in vitro Successful blood vessel formation is important for tumor growth, since cancer cannot grow beyond 2 mm diameter without blood vessels (Folkman 1971). The ‘angiogenic switch’ is an important process in cancer progression; it refers to the ability of a tumor to proceed from the non-angiogenic to angiogenic phenotype. To study the effects of secretary SAA1 protein on tube-forming ability of human endothelial cells, the HUVEC tube formation assay was performed. The HUVECs are endothelial cells which will undergo tube formation in response to angiogenic stimulation. The conditioned media from the H1-pB-SAA1.1-C1, 1.1-C2, 1.3-C1, 1.3-C2, 1.5-C1, 1.5-C2, and H1-pB-C1 vector-alone transfectants were incubated with HUVECs for 4 hours. The expression of the secreted SAA1 proteins in the conditioned media of SAA1 stable transfectants was verified by Western blot analysis (Figure 25). HUVECs are able to differentiate into tube-like structure mimicking blood vessel formation in vitro. The total branch numbers of each sample were measured and compared with the vector control. The two SAA1.1 transfectants showed the highest inhibitory effect on tube formation ability, while the two SAA1.5 transfectants showed the lowest inhibitory effect (Figure 27). Only one clone of each SAA1 isoform statistically significantly reduced the tube formation ability of HUVECs (H1-pB-SAA1.1-C1, H1-pB-SAA1.3-C2 and H1-pB-SAA1.5-C2) (Figure 110 Figure 27: HUVEC tube formation assay of the HONE1-2 SAA1 variant transfectants and vector-alone control. A) Representative results of the HUVEC tube formation assay of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, and vector-alone transfectants (100 X magnification). B) The percentage of tube formation ability of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 clones, as compared to their vector-alone control. The clones which showed a statistically significant inhibition on tube formation ability compared with the vector control are marked with a (*) on top of the column. 111 27B). Besides using HONE1 as a recipient cell line for transfection studies, we also successfully obtained stable transfectants of the EBV-positive C666 NPC cells with the pWPI lentiviral vector system (Figure 26). In vitro tube formation of HUVEC was performed for these C666-pWPI-SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 transfectants. After incubation of the conditioned media with HUVEC cells, their tube formation ability was differentially inhibited; C666-pWPI-SAA1.5 could not significantly reduce the tube formation, whereas C666-pWPI-SAA1.1 and -SAA1.5 dramatically reduced by about 70% to 80% of the HUVEC tube formation and the differences were statistically significant (Figure 28). 3.6 The biological activities of the SAA1 recombinant variant proteins 3.6.1 Production and purification of SAA1 recombinant proteins To study the biological activities and to fine-tune the differential effects of the three SAA1 isoforms in NPC development, the recombinant His-tagged proteins of the three SAA1 isoforms, SAA1.1, SAA1.3, and SAA1.5, were produced. The use of these recombinant proteins allows accurate quantification of each SAA1 isoform used in various assays and offers an advantage over the use of conditioned medium obtained from the SAA1 stable transfectants. 112 A.--- B. Figure 28: HUVEC tube formation assay of C666 SAA1 transfectants and vector-alone control. A) Representative results of the HUVEC tube formation assay of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, and vector-alone transfectants (100 X magnification). B) The percentage of tube formation ability of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 clones, as compared to their vector-alone control. The clones, which showed a statistically significant inhibition on tube formation ability compared with the vector control, are marked with a (*) on top of the column. 113 To further study the effects of SAA1 at the protein level, SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 were subcloned into the pET-28a(+) vector and were expressed in the BL21 bacterial cells to produce the three His-tagged SAA1 variant proteins. The purified proteins were eluted in three times from the affinity column. A clear single band with the size of 14kDa was obtained after the purification. One liter of bacterial culture can approximately generate 8 mg of purified protein and the average overall purity was around 98% (Figure 29A). Western blot analysis was performed to confirm the presence of the SAA1 proteins (Figure 29B). 3.6.2 The inhibitory effects of the recombinant SAA1 isoforms on endothelial cell tube formation To compare the inhibitory activities of the three SAA1 isoforms on angiogenesis, the effects on HUVEC and HMEC tube formation assays after treatment with the recobminant SAA1.1, 1.3, or 1.5 proteins was examined. Identical quantity of the three SAA variant proteins was used to treat the HUVECs and HMECs and was used to compare the relative inhibitory effects of the three SAA1 variant proteins on the tube formation ability of these two endothelial cell lines. The conditioned medium of HONE1 cells was used to stimulate the tube formation of both HUVEC and HMEC. When 4 mg/ml and 1 mg/ml of SAA1 proteins were used for the HUVEC and HMEC 114 A. B. Figure 29: A) The SDS PAGE analysis of His-tag SAA1.1 recombinant proteins produced by the His-tagged purification system. The His-tag SAA1.1 proteins from the three final elutions are circled in red and the overall purity of the protein is 98%. B) Western blot analysis of the purified His-tag SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 variant proteins. 115 tube formation assays, respectively, the SAA1.3 protein treated samples showed the greatest suppression in both HUVEC and HMEC tube formation abilities (43% inhibition for HUVECs and 47% inhibition for HMECs), while the SAA1.5 recombinant protein treatment showed the least reduction in both cell lines (19% inhibition for HUVECs and 5% inhibition for HMECs) (Figures 30 and 31). The recombinant BSA protein was used as a negative control protein for both the HUVEC and HMEC tube formation assays. Cells treated with BSA of same concentrations (4 mg/ml for HUVEC and 1 mg/ml for HMEC) did not show any significant reduction (>10%) of tube formation ability of HUVEC and HMEC. Thus, the recombinant SAA1 variants differentially suppressed the endothelial cell tube formation in vitro. 3.6.3 The endothelial cell viability was differentially inhibited by the exogenous SAA1 variants Since the suppressive activities of the three exogenous SAA1 isoforms on the endothelial cell tube formation was clearly demonstrated, we planned to study the effects of those recombinant SAA1 proteins on cell viability of HMEC by using the Roche´s xCELLigence System for real-time cell viability analysis. The results show that reduction of cell viability was observed in HMECs treated with 0.5 mg/ml recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins (Figure 32A). Among the three SAA1 isoforms, SAA1.3 was the most suppressive (~70% in average) in cell viability, while 116 A. B. Figure 30: The effects of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 recombinant proteins on HUVEC tube formation. A) Microscopic views at 40X magnification showing the tube formation ability of HUVECs with or without the treatment of 4 mg/ml SAA1 variant proteins. B) The percentage of tube formation of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins treated HUVEC, as compared to the solvent control. BSA was used as a negative control protein. 117 A. B. Figure 31: The effects of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 recombinant proteins on HMEC tube formation. A) Microscopic views at 40X magnification showing the tube formation ability of HMECs with or without the treatment of 1 mg/ml SAA1 variant proteins. B) The percentage of tube formation of the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 protein-treated HMEC, as compared to the solvent control. 118 A. B. Figure 32: The real-time HMEC cell viability assay was used to study the effects A) of 0.5 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins and B) of various concentrations (0.2 to 1 mg/ml) of SAA1.3 protein. The solvent and same concentration of BSA were used as controls. The arrow indicates the addition of SAA1 proteins. 119 SAA1.5 was the least (~50% in average). In addition, the inhibitory effects of the recombinant SAA1.3 protein were dose-dependent; 0.2 mg/ml of SAA1.3 protein was still effective in reducing the HMEC cell viability (Figure 32B). The inhibitory effects of SAA1 proteins is likely to be cell type-specific, as 0.5 mg/ml of the three SAA1 protein slightly increased the cell viability of NP460 for the first 72 hours. The cell viability was slightly decreased thereafter, but still remained at high levels, when compared with the solvent control (Figure 33). 3.6.4 The effects of SAA1 isoforms on endothelial cell-NPC cell adhesion The effects of the three SAA1 isoform proteins on endothelial cell-NPC cells were studied. HONE1 cells were seeded on a 96-well plate until the cell density reached confluence, then fluorescence-labeled HMECs/HUVECs and SAA1 proteins were incubated with the HONE1 cells for 3 hours. The number of HMECs/HUVECs attached to the HONE1 cells after the incubation was compared with samples without the SAA1 treatment. The recombinant SAA1.1- and SAA1.3-treated samples showed the much higher reduction on the number of attached endothelial cells than SAA1.5 for both HUVECs and HMECs (Figures 34 and 35). Both SAA1.1 and 1.3 proteins could reduce the adhesion of endothelial cell/HONE1 cell by at least 60% (Figures 34B and 35B). The sample treated with BSA did not show significant effects on the 120 Figure 33: The real-time cell viability analysis was used to study the effects of 0.5 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on NP460. The solvent control was used for comparison. The arrow indicates the addition of SAA1 proteins. 121 A. B. Cell adhesion ability (%) Cell adhesion assay 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Buffer control BSA 1.1 1.3 1.5 Figure 34: The cell adhesion assays study the effects of the exogenous SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HUVEC-HONE1 cell adhesion. A) Microscopic views at 40X magnification showing the CFDA-labeled HUVECs with or without the recombinant SAA1 protein treatment (1 mg/ml). B) The percentage of attached HUVEC after the treatment with the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins, compared with the solvent control. Same concentration of BSA was used as a negative control protein. 122 A. Cell adhesion ability (%) B. 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Cell adhesion assay Buffer control BSA 1.1 1.3 1.5 Figure 35: The cell adhesion assays study the effects of the exogenous SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HMEC-HONE1 cell adhesion. A) Microscopic views at 40-X magnification showing the CFDA-labeled HMECs with or without the recombinant SAA1 protein treatment (1 mg/ml). B) The percentage of attached HMEC after the treatment with the SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins, compared with the solvent control. Same concentration of BSA was used as a negative control protein. 123 cell adhesion, showing that the inhibitory effects of the SAA1 proteins are specific. 3.6.5 SAA1 induced-apoptosis in endothelial cells The treatment of SAA1 proteins suppressed cell growth as shown by the real-time cell viability assay. To investigate whether this is due to the induction of programmed cell death, the possibility of SAA1-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells was studied by the TUNEL assay. The TUNEL assay detects apoptotic events by detecting DNA fragmentation and labeling the terminal ends of the nucleic acid. When the cells are undergoing apoptosis, the DNA inside the nucleus will be fragmented. The fragmented DNA can be labeled by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, which catalyzes polymerization of fluorescence-labeled nucleotides to the free 3’-DNA ends. The fluorescein labels incorporated in nucleotide polymers can be detected and quantified by fluorescence microscopy. The HUVECs were grown on 96-well plates and treated with 1 mg/ml of SAA1.3 protein for 20 hours before staining for TUNEL assay. Untreated cells are treated with DNAase digestion to generate DNA fragmentation in order to obtain a positive control (data not shown). Stained cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy. The observed fluorescence signals represent the DNA fragmentation inside the nucleus, indicating the cells have undergone apoptosis. The results show 124 A. B. Figure 36: The TUNEL assay for the apoptosis detection of HUVECs treated with the exogenous SAA1.3 protein. A) Microscopic views at 40X magnification showing the fluorescence-labeled HUVECs with DNA breakage after treatement of 1 mg/ml of SAA1 proteins. B) The number of apoptotic cells induced by the treatment with SAA1 variant proteins. The same concentration of BSA was used as a negative control protein. 125 that fluorescence signals were only detected in the recombinant SAA1.3 treated sample, but not detected in the buffer control, indicating that the apoptosis was induced by the SAA1.3 protein (Figure 36). To further study the role of the recombinant SAA1 protein in the apoptotic pathway, HUVECs were treated with the most prominent SAA1.3 protein (1 mg/ml) and their cell lysates were obtained for the detection of the apoptosis effector molecule caspase 3. Caspase 3 was detected by Western blot analysis. Results show cleaved caspase 3 was induced after treatment with the SAA1.3 protein (Figure 37). The results indicated that SAA1.3 protein induced the activation of caspase 3 in HUVECs. 3.7 The direct anti-tumor effects of the recombinant SAA1 variant proteins in NPC cells 3.7.1 The effects of the recombinant SAA1 on NPC cell viability The direct anti-tumor effects of the recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on the cell viability of HONE1 cells were studied by using the real-time cell analysis. The results show that reduction of cell viability was observed in HONE1 cells treated with the three exogenous SAA1 proteins (0.5 mg/ml) (Figure 38). Among the three SAA1 isoforms, highest reduction on cell viability (~60% in average) was observed in 126 Figure 37: Western blot analysis of caspase 3 expression in the SAA1.3 protein-treated HUVEC cells. The HUVECs were treated with 1 mg/ml SAA1.3 protein for 2 hours. α-tubulin was used as an internal control. Active caspase 3 was detected after the treatment of SAA1.3 protein. 127 Figure 38: Real-time cell viability analysis was used to study the effects of 0.5 mg/ml SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins on HONE1 cells. The solvent control was used for comparison. The arrow indicates the addition of SAA1 proteins. 128 the SAA1.3-treated cells, while the lowest reduction (~30% in average) was observed with the use of the SAA1.5 protein. The number of HONE1 cells dramatically dropped from 5 to 10 hours after the addition of the three exogenous SAA1 proteins and the cell number increased thereafter. The cytotoxic effects of the recombinant SAA1 proteins appear to be transient. 3.7.2 SAA1 induced-apoptosis in NPC cells The TUNEL assay was used to determine whether the recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins would induce apoptosis in HONE1 cells. The results show that the apoptotic fluorescence signals were only detected in HONE1 cells treated with the three SAA1 proteins (1 mg/ml), but not detected in the BSA control. All the three SAA1 proteins are able to induce apoptosis in HONE1 cells (Figure 39). The SAA1.3 protein was chosen for further apoptotic pathway analysis. The activated caspase 3 was detected after 2 hours treatment with the 1 mg/ml SAA1.3 protein (Figure 40). The results indicated that SAA1.3 protein was able to induce the activation of caspase 3 in HONE1 cells. 129 A. B. Figure 39: The TUNEL assays for studying apoptosis induced in HONE1 cells by the recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins. A) Microscopic views at 40 X magnification showing the fluorescence-labeled HONE1 cells with DNA breakage after treatment of all three SAA1 proteins (1 mg/ml). B) The number of apoptotic HONE1 cells induced by the treatment with SAA1 variant proteins. Same concentration of BSA was used as a negative control protein. 130 Figure 40: Western blot analysis of caspase 3 expression in the SAA1.3 protein treated-HONE1 cells and buffer control. α-tubulin was used as an internal control. Active caspase 3 was detected after the treatment of 1mg/ml SAA1.3 protein for 2 hours. 131 Chapter 4: Discussion Our previous MMCT studies show that the transfer of an intact chromosome 11 suppressed the tumorigenicity of the NPC HONE1 cells (Cheng et al 2000). Differentially expressed genes were identified by the 19K oligo-microarray analysis. Genes which are down-regulated in tumorigenic cells (HONE1 and TSs) and up-regulated in non-tumorigenic cells (MCHs) were selected as candidate tumor suppressor genes for further analysis. SAA1 was one of the candidate TSGs identified and was selected for further study in this project. MMCT approaches were successfully used to identify CRs associated with tumor suppression in the NPC HONE1 cell line system and to test candidate TSGs mapping to these regions for their role in tumor suppression. We discovered that BLU/ZMYND10 (Yau et al 2006), PTPRG (Cheung et al 2008) at 3p14-21, MIPOL1 (Cheung et al 2009), and CRIP2 (Cheung et al 2011) at 14q11-13 and 14q32, are genes found to map into CRs and are important for tumor suppression. The monochromosome transfer approach identified a 3p14 gene, ADAMTS9, as a candidate TSG, which is down-regulated in both NPC and EC cell lines and tumors (Lung et al 2008). It contributes to cancer development via its anti-angiogenesis role. Using this approach we also identified several important chromosome 11 genes in NPC including, 132 CADM1/TSLC1, THY1, and CRYAB (Lung et al 2005, Lung et al 2006, Mineva et al 2005). Gene expression profiling using the 19K oligonucleotide microarray was utilized to identify candidate genes within our critical tumor suppressive regions. THY1 was identified using this approach, which is established in our laboratory. The present genotyping analysis of SAA1 indicated that out of the five SAA1 variants, it seems like only three of them, SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, are expressed in the Hong Kong Chinese. Thus, these three SAA1 isoforms were selected for further functional analyses in the present study. By analyzing the amino acid sequences of the three SAA1 variant proteins chosen in the present study, they all contain the YIGSRand RGD-like motifs with close proximity (Preciado-Patt et al 1994). Proteins with YIGSR and/or RGD motifs can inhibit angiogenesis (Chiang et al 1995, Iwamoto et al 1996, Nicosia and Bonanno 1991), thus, the anti-angiogenic potential of the three Hong Kong Chinese expressed SAA1 isoforms was examined by the in vitro endothelial cell tube formation assays. Although numerous studies have already indicated that the serum SAA level is dramatically induced in patients with various types of cancer, our gene expression analyses clearly show that SAA1 was consistently down-regulated in all the tumorigenic NPC cell lines and the chromosomes 11 TSs. These results suggest that the physiological levels of SAA1 expressed locally in the normal nasopharyngeal tissue play a novel protective role against tumor development. 133 The functional relevance of the locally expressed SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 was examined by ectopically expressing these three SAA1 isoforms in HONE1 and the EBV-positive C666 cells. Whether the effects of exogenous serum SAA1 (presumably to be expressed in the liver) in cancer patients’ sera are similar to the locally expressed SAA1, the anti-angiogenic properties of exogenous recombinant SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 proteins with physiological levels were examined. The concentrations of the recombinant SAA1 proteins applied in various cell growth and angiogenesis assays are based on the reported concentrations of elevated SAA levels in serum (200–2000 μg/ml) of NPC patients. In addition, the genotypes and allelic frequencies of the three SAA1 isoforms between the Hong Kong NPC patients and healthy individuals were compared. The association of the SAA1 polymorphisms with NPC risk were assessed to determine whether this association would play any functional role. 4.1 Expression of SAA1 in the chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched TSs and NPC and ESCC cell lines Based on the stringency setting of the present microarray analysis of the differentially expressed genes in the chromosome 11 MCHs and their matched TSs, the role of SAA1 in NPC was investigated. SAA1 might be a possible candidate TSG 134 in NPC. The differential gene expression levels identified by microarray analysis of SAA1 were validated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. SAA1 was found to be down-regulated in all four TSs compared with their corresponding MCHs, suggesting that the inactivation of SAA1 may be associated with the alteration of tumorigenicity in MCHs. On the other hand, semi-quantitative PCR studies showed that SAA1 was reduced in most NPC cell lines compared with the normal immortalized epithelial cell line and the chromosome 11 donor cell line. The current Q-PCR studies of the normal/NPC tissue pairs also showed that SAA1 was frequently down-regulated in the NPC biopsy specimens. Down-regulation of SAA1 was also detected in another aerodigestive tract cancer, ESCC. Barely detectable and low SAA1 expression levels were detected in the ESCC cell lines, TTn and 81T, respectively (Figure 24B), these low levels of gene expression sometimes are undetectable under the same PCR conditions (Figure 21A). It is likely that the aberrant SAA1 expression might not be specific to NPC. These results further indicate that the SAA1 down-regulation may contribute to the tumorigenicity in NPC. 4.2 Mechanism to silence SAA1 expression From the results of the MSP studies, SAA1 promoter methylation was observed in most NPC cell lines. Methylated alleles at the nucleotide positions -163 and -61 of 135 the SAA1 promoter were frequently observed in NPC cells. Although an unmethylated allele (CpG sites at positions -163 and -61) was present in HK1, C666, and CNE2 cells by MSP, undetectable expression of SAA1 was observed in these cell lines. Their loss of SAA1 gene expression can be explained by the BGS results. The current BGS results indicate that CpG sites at positions -297 and -289 were heavily methylated in most of the NPC cell lines which include those three cell lines. Although very few CpG sites are found in the SAA1 promoter, methylation of these two CpG sites may represent important regulation of SAA1 transcription; the CpG sites at positions -297 and -289 actually overlap with the putative YY-1 and NFκB transcription factor binding sequences (Kumon et al 2002, Thorn and Whitehead 2002). Taken together with the demethylation analysis, it is likely that promoter hypermathylation is an important gene silencing mechanism in the NPC cell lines. 4.3 Genotyping of SAA1 in NPC patients versus healthy people The SAA1 polymorphisms have been reported as risk factors in certain inflammatory diseases. SAA1.3 is associated with increased risk and SAA1.1 with decreased risk of AA-amyloidosis in Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients (Baba et al 1995, Moriguchi et al 1999). However, SAA1.1 polymorphism is a risk factor for developing AA-amyloidosis in Caucasian populations (Booth et al 1998). We studied 136 whether the SAA1 polymorphism is associated with NPC development or not. Direct sequencing of NPC tissue samples from NPC patients and blood samples from healthy Chinese individuals in Hong Kong allows the study of isoform distribution. SAA1.1, SAA1.3, and SAA1.5 were identified in all the NPC patients and healthy people with Chinese ethnic background. In Caucasians the SAA1.3 allele occurs only at a frequency of 5.3% (Booth et al 1998), whereas SAA1.1 and 1.3 alleles occur in similar frequencies in Japanese (Yamada, Okuda et al. 2003). Thus, it is clear that ethnic differences occur. The allelic frequencies of the three SAA1 isoforms do not show a significant difference between NPC patients and healthy groups. Interestingly, the frequency of SAA1.5/1.5 genotype in NPC patients was 65% higher than healthy group; this suggests that SAA1.5/1.5 is associated with higher risk of NPC development. However, this difference is not statistically significant (p-value = 0.0507). The p-value of this disproportionate frequency of SAA1.5/1.5 genotypes between the disease and healthy groups is very close to the significant difference level (when the significance level is set to 0.05). This indicates that Hong Kong people with the SAA1.5/1.5 homozygous genotype may be associated with an increased risk for NPC. To verify the frequency distribution of this SAA1 isoforms, the sample size of NPC patients will be increased in future studies. 137 4.4 The anti-angiogenic properties of SAA1 proteins Angiogenesis is essential for successful tumor development (Hanahan and Weinberg 2011). The regulation of angiogenesis is a balance between the expression of pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors (Baeriswyl and Christofori 2009). Conditioned media of the SAA1 stable transfectants of HONE1 and C666 cells reduced the HUVEC tube formation abilities in vitro, suggesting the restoration of the secretary SAA1 in the NPC cell lines can inhibit angiogenesis. However, it is difficult to precisely control the levels of SAA1 protein secreted by the stable transfectants in the conditioned media, as reflected by the Western blot analysis of SAA1 in the conditioned media. Apparently, the stable clones expressing SAA1.1 seem to be the most anti-angiogenic, while the SAA1.5 expressing cells were the least. The use of recombinant SAA1 proteins is able to accurately compare the inhibitory effects of angiogenesis among the three SAA1 isoforms. All three SAA1 recombinant proteins were able to inhibit the HUVEC and HMEC tube formation abilities, which is consistent with the results of using the conditioned media of the stable transfectants. Among the three SAA1 isoforms, SAA1.3 showed the greatest inhibitory effects, while SAA1.5 showed the least inhibitory effects on the tube formation of HUVEC and HMEC. The results of tube formation assays indicate that SAA1 variant proteins could differentially inhibit the NPC cells-induced angiogenesis. 138 The real-time cell analysis results clearly show that the treatment with all three recombinant SAA1 proteins significantly reduced the viability of both HUVEC and HMEC. SAA1.3 showed the strongest inhibitory effects on the HMEC cell viability. None of the three SAA1 variant proteins resulted in any significant effect on the cell viability of the normal epithelial cell line, NP460. These results suggest that the inhibitory effects of the SAA1 proteins on cell viability are cell type-specific. These results suggest that the inhibition of the endothelial cell viability may contribute to the reduction in their tube formation abilities after the SAA1 treatment. Results of our cell adhesion assay show that treatment of SAA1 recombinant proteins can reduce the HUVEC and HMEC adhesion ability in HONE1 cells. SAA1.3 was also the most effective in reducing the adhesion ability of both cell lines, whereas SAA1.5 was the least. These results are in agreement with the endothelial cell tube formation and real-time cell viability assays. In addition, I demonstrated that SAA1.3 could induce apoptosis in HUVECs. In addition, we also attempted to study the cleavage of caspase 3 in response to the SAA1.3 treatment in HUVECs, as caspase 3 is one of the major effector molecules in apoptosis (Pradelli et al 2010). The Western blot results clearly show that active caspase 3 was detected in the SAA1.3-treated HUVECs; it is likely that SAA1.3 induced HUVEC apoptosis via a caspase 3-dependent pathway. Taken together, the angiogensis assays results clearly 139 show that high concentrations of SAA1 proteins (0.2-4 mg/ml) are inhibitory on the vascular endothelial cells and this is probably due to the induction of apoptosis. In contrast, it has been reported that low concentrations of SAA protein significantly increased angiogenesis processes including endothelial cell tube formation and HUVEC migration in vitro (Mullan et al 2006). Their conclusions were based on the use of a commercially available recombinant SAA1 protein. However, this human SAA1 protein differs to the actual SAA1 protein by substitution of two amino acid residues. Whether this discrepancy is due to the change of amino acid sequence or is due the low SAA1 concentrations they used, further investigation are required to answer this question. 4.5 The direct anti-tumor effects of the recombinant SAA1 variant proteins on NPC cells Direct treatment with the three recombinant SAA1 proteins reduced the cell viability of HONE1 cells for the first few hours; the HONE1 cells numbers increased thereafter. This is in contrast to the inhibitory effects on the endothelial cells. It is likely that these temporary inhibitory effects are cancer cell-specific, since NP460 with the same treatments did not show any significantly effects as mentioned in the previous section. All three SAA1 variant proteins could induce DNA fragmentation 140 and caspase 3 activation after the addition of SAA1.3. The SAA1 protein induced apoptosis in the NPC cell line. Furthermore, the anti-tumor effects of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 on HONE cells are similar, which is in contrast to their differential anti-angiogenic effects on the vascular endothelial cells. 4.6 General discussion From the results of the SAA1 genotyping study, the SAA1.5/1.5 genotype is associated with higher risk of NPC development. Although SAA1 has been reported to interact with various cell surface receptors, which might contribute to enhancement of cell proliferation and angiogenesis, those receptors include FPRL-1, TLR-4, TLR-2, SR-B1, TAINS, CD55, and RAGE (Malle et al 2009). However, the present study showed that the SAA1 proteins are inhibitory in tumor cell growth and angiogenesis. Based on the results of the various functional assays of SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5, we clearly show that SAA1.1 and SAA1.3 consistently elicit the high inhibitory effects, while minimal effects are observed for SAA1.5; the difference in activities between the SAA1.1/1.3 and SAA1.5 can be as high as 5-fold. It is likely that an individual, who carries the homogenous SAA1.5/1.5 genotype, possesses the least protective effects against tumor formation. That may explain the higher occurrence of SAA1.5/1.5 in the NPC patients, when compared with the healthy people. People with 141 this SAA1 genotype are more susceptible to cancer development including NPC. Among the three SAA1 isoforms, all of them contain the same numbers of amino acids and complete RGD- and YIGSR- like motifs. The major differences among these isoforms come from the amino acids located at the positions 70 and 75. It was found that SAA1.3 was the most prominent SAA1 variant with respect to its in vitro anti-angiogenic and anti-cancer activities. Its amino acids at positions 70 and 75 are both alanine residues. Based on the 3D model of the secondary structure of the SAA1.3 peptide predicted by PyMol, we found that the side chain of alanine 70 and 75 are facing opposite to each other (Figure 41). When alanine 75 is replaced with a more hydrophobic valine residue in SAA1.5, it will contribute to increase of hydrophobic force on this side-chain facing side and probably would result in the reduced activities of this SAA1 variant. In the case of SAA1.1, the side chain of valine 70 is facing the hydrophilic side of the helix, which will cause an increase in hydrophobicity of this side. The increase in hydrophobic force on the hydrophobic side of valine 75 in SAA1.5 is more prominent than the hydrophilic side of valine 70 in SAA1.1, with respect to their biological activities. The change of a single amino acid residue may not contribute to a major conformational change of the protein structure of SAA1 itself, but may affect to its binding partner(s) on the affected cells. In addition, the two polymorphic amino acid residues are not located within the RGD142 Figure 41: The 3D model of the secondary structure of the human SAA1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 peptides predicted by PyMol (http://robetta.bakerlab.org/). The region with the polymorphic amino acids at positions 70 and 75 is illustrated for each isoform. 143 and YIGSR-like motifs (Figure 12B), the change in amino acid residues 70 and/or 75 may affect the exposure of these implicit functional motifs, and contributes to the discrepancies in the biological activities among the three SAA1 isoforms. We also tried to predict the tertiary structures of the three SAA1 variant proteins, but the results are not consistent as the c-scores of all the predicted models with I-TASSER (http://zhanglab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/I-TASSER/) or Robetta (http://robetta.bakerlab.org/) (data not shown) were too low. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray crystallography are the methods which can be used to accurately determine the 3D structures of the SAA1 variant proteins. Early diagnosis and surgery of NPC are difficult, as the nasopharynx is located deep inside the skull. Most NPC cases are diagnosed at the late stage due to the non-specific and late symptoms including headache, nasal, weight loss and aural dysfunction (Wei and Sham 2005). It is important to identify diagnostic and prognostic markers for early detection and treatment of NPC. Previous studies indicated that EBV infection is associated with the development of NPC. There is convincing evidence suggesting that EBV infection is strongly associated with the development of NPC (Chan and Lo 2002, Cho 2007, Feng et al 2011, Ng et al 2006). Indeed the EBV genome is present in almost all NPC tissues, which makes it an ideal tumor marker for NPC. Quantitative analyses of EBV antibodies and plasma EBV 144 DNA have been demonstrated to be clinically useful for early detection, monitoring, and prognosis of NPC (Cho 2007). Other potential NPC biomarkers include matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) (He et al 2011), fibulin-3 (Hwang et al 2010), and serum CCL2 (chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 or monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1)) and serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) (Lu et al 2011) are new potential biomarkers identified in recent studies for NPC prognosis. Previous studies of protein profiling have identified the serum SAA level was significantly elevated at relapse compared to patients in remission. However, in early NPC SAA levels were not substantially elevated. Serum SAA is elevated in NPC patients, particularly in association with lymph node metastases (Cho et al 2004, Liao et al 2008). The elevated serum SAA level might not be directly associated with NPC tumor lesions, but could be a secondary product produced by the hepatocytes. This was suggested by the studies showing that the protein was not detected in a tumor biopsy section, whereas substantial staining was observed in a control liver resection from a non-cancer patient (Cho et al 2004). Besides NPC, SAA has been shown to be elevated in various types of cancer, including breast cancer (Chan et al 2007), lung cancer (Liu et al 2007, Liu et al 2011, Sreseli et al 2010, Sung et al 2011), gastric cancer (Chan et al 2007), pancreatic cancer (Bunger et al 2011), ovarian cancer (Urieli-Shoval et al 2010), and renal cancer (Ramankulov et al 2008, Vermaat et al 145 2010). As mentioned above, numerous studies focused only on the quantitative changes of serum SAA levels in different cancers. To my knowledge, this is the first report to describe the preferential association of SAA1 variants with cancers. For future study, our research team wants to determine whether the elevated SAA levels in NPC are associated with any of the SAA1 genotypes and allele distributions of those patients, and clinicopathological parameters and the protein expression levels will be analyzed to identify any statistically significant associations. We aim to investigate both quantitative changes and qualitative differences of SAA1 in NPC, that will probably provide new insight as to how SAA1 may serve as an useful prognostic biomarker for tumor progression and metastasis. 146 Chapter 5: Conclusions This project aims to study the functional role of the candidate TSG, SAA1, which was identified by a monochromosome transfer approach in NPC. SAA1 down-regulation was observed in NPC cell lines and tumor tissues. Promoter hypermethylation is one of the major mechanisms contributing to the SAA1 silencing. Results of SAA1 genotyping in the Hong Kong NPC patients versus the normal healthy individuals showed that the SAA1.5/1.5 genotype appears to be associated with a higher risk of NPC development (p-value = 0.0507). The sample size of the NPC patients in the genotyping study is small; more samples need to be collected and genotyped in the future. Both endogenous and exogenous SAA1 were able to suppress angiogenesis in vitro. The anti-angiogenic effects among the three SAA1 isoforms identified in the current NPC and healthy individuals were fairly different. Among the three isoforms, the recombinant SAA1.3 protein consistently showed the greatest inhibitory effects, while these activities of SAA1.5 were the weakest. 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Sample 1 SAA1.1 SAA1.3 √ √ SAA1.5 Gender Stage Age NA* III(T1N2) NA* 2 √ M III(T1N1) 73 3 √ M II(T2N0) 51 √ M I(T1N0) 55 NA* III(T2N2) NA* M IVb(T1N3) 78 F II(T2N0) 48 M IVa(T4N2) 83 M II(T2bN1) 54 F III(T3N1) 30 5 √ 6 √ √ 7 8 √ 10 √ 20 √ √ 14 √ √ √ √ 22 √ √ M II(T2bN1) 36 25 √ √ F III(T3N1) 46 F II(T2N2) 33 M III(T2bN2) 51 M T2bN2M0 64 M T3N2M0 59 √ M T1N0M0 47 √ M T2bN0M0 56 M T3N3M0 70 27 √ 38 √ 42 √ 43 √ √ √ √ √ 44 45 √ 48 √ 50 √ √ F T2bN1M0 55 52 √ √ F T2bN2M0 56 53 √ M T2bN1M0 66 M III (T1N2M0) 43 54 √ √ 55 √ √ M IV (T4N1M0) 83 56 √ √ M III (T2bN2M0) 49 57 √ M III (T3N2M0) 43 58 √ M II (T1N1M0) 58 59 √ √ M III (T3N2M0) 46 60 √ √ M I (T1N0M0) 56 61 √ √ F II (T2aN1M0) 45 M IVa (T4N2M0) NA* M III (T3N0M0) 50 62 √ 63 √ √ 171 √ 64 F III (T2bN2M0) 50 M IVa (T4N2M0 68 √ M III (T1N2M0) 73 √ M III (T3N2M0) 50 √ F III (T3N1M0) 49 √ NA* IVa (T4N1M0) NA* √ NA* IVa(T4N2M0) NA* 71 √ M I (T1N0M0) 60 72 √ F II (T1N1M0) 52 73 √ F III (T2bN2M0) 68 65 √ √ 66 67 √ √ 68 69 70 √ 74 √ F I (T1N0M0) 53 75 √ M I (T1N0M0) 53 76 √ M III(T1N2M0) 42 M I (T1N0M0) 62 √ 77 78 √ M IVa (T4N0M0) 59 79 √ M IVa (T4N1M0) 54 80 √ F T3N0M0 (III) 76 √ F T2aN2 (III) 53 F T1N3a (Ivb) 74 M T2N1 stage II 50 M T3N1 stage III 63 √ M T1N2 stage III 36 √ M T3N2 stage III 61 F T3N2 stage III 34 F T3N2 stage III 52 M T2N3bM1 stage Ivc 80 M T2N2 stage III 64 81 √ 82 √ 83 √ √ 84 85 86 √ 87 √ √ 88 √ 89 √ 90 √ 91 √ √ M T2N0 stage II 46 92 √ √ M T1N0 stage I 75 √ 93 √ √ F T2N1 stage II 44 94 √ √ M T1N0 stage I 76 F T1N2 stage III 56 √ F T1N1 stage II 72 √ 95 96 97 √ √ M T4N1 stage Iva 61 98 √ √ M T1N0 stage I 49 99 √ M T3N3 stage Ivb 55 F T1N0 stage I 49 100 √ √ 172 101 √ √ M T3N1 stage III 71 102 √ √ F T2N1 stage II 82 √ M T4N1 stage Iva 80 √ M T1N3M1 stage Ivc 60 √ M T2N1 stage II 47 √ F T1N3 stage Ivb 42 103 104 √ 105 √ 106 107 √ √ F T2N1 stage II 39 108 √ √ M T1N3 stage Ivb 49 √ F T2bN0 53 √ M T1N3b 35 √ M T1N3b 35 110 111 112 √ √ *the information of the patient was not available 173 Appendix Buffer List Freezing buffer - 10% DMSO - 50% Fetal bovine serum - 40% non-selective growth medium Homogenizing buffer - 50 mM Tris - 100 mM NaCl - 10 mM sodium EDTA TE buffer - 10 mM Tris - 1 mM EDTA 6X DNA gel loading buffer - 0.25% (w/v) bromophenol blue - 0.25% (w/v) xylene cyanol FF - 40% (v/v) glycerol Denaturing solution - 1.5 M NaCl - 0.5 M NaOH PBS, pH 7.4 - 2.67 mM potassium chloride (KCl) - 1.47 mM potassium phosphate monobasic (KH2PO4) - 137.93 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) - 8.10 mM sodium phosphate dibasic (Na2HPO4) anhydrous Protein lysis buffer - 50 mM Tris-Cl (pH7.5) 174 - 100 mM NaCl - 1% Triton X-100 - 0.5% sodium deoxycholate - 0.1% SDS 2X Protein loading buffer - 100 mM Tris-Cl (pH6.8) - 200 mM β-mercaptoethanol - 4% (w/v) SDS - 0.2% (w/v) bromophenol blue - 20% (v/v) glycerol 1X Protein running buffer - 25 mM Tris - 250 mM glycine (electrophoresis grade) (pH8.3) - 0.1 % (w/v) SDS 1X Transfer buffer -24mM Tris - 192 mM glycine (electrophoresis grade) - 20% (v/v) Methanol 175
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