Illinois Action for Children Annual Report 2009–2010 Celebrating 40 Years of History & Action T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 2 Letter from Illinois Action for Children Board Chair Richard Sewell, and President and CEO Maria Whelan 4 40 Years of History and Action 8 2009 – 2010 Summaries and Highlights 12 Financial Highlights 14 Acknowledgements b Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2008–2009 Believe with us! Illinois Action for Children is a catalyst for organizing, developing and supporting strong families and powerful communities where children matter most. As we close on our 40th year of service, Illinois Action for Children’s dedication to the people we serve – the working families of Illinois — remains as strong as ever. We know that parents love their children and want them to be happy and healthy. Our job is to continue to organize those dreams so that families are heard and their dreams become public will. Dear Friends, Over the past four decades, Illinois Action for Children has been proud to organize from the grassroots up to ensure that all children and families throughout the state—especially the children and families who are the most vulnerable—have access to the quality early care and education, and other vital supports that are necessary to live a healthy and happy life. The organization’s history is best described by powerful words such as ‘tenacity’ and ‘action,’ as we are no strangers to pushing our way through a thicket of obstacles and resistance. The past few years have presented considerable challenges for Illinois Action for Children, and we have fought boldly, along with the state’s entire human services community, to maintain the public support necessary to provide essential services to families in Illinois. Proposed budget cuts would have been devastating, but our grassroots membership heeded our call to action and did not let up. They are still not letting up. We have seen our members listen and take passionate, creative action when they realize what we say is true: the power of Illinois Action for Children sits with them. The years of mobilization and collaboration have made Illinois Action for Children and our members stronger. We will use the lessons learned from these tough times to continue and direct our work into the future. Since the organization’s founding in 1969, we have been on the right side of this fight— believing in providing children with the opportunity to reach their full potential. We recognize and act upon the fact that preparation for a child’s school and life success begins, at least, at birth. We believe that it takes strong families and powerful communities to raise able children. Our founder, the late Sylvia B. Cotton, began this journey more than forty years ago by taking on powerful leaders and demanding that they do more to protect the well-being of working families and vulnerable children. Today, we are proud to 2 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 continue in this tradition and legacy set by Sylvia, and we do it well. Our work is tireless, as we strive to provide parents with an array of choices and access points, so they are able to maintain employment without worry of who is caring for their children, and what the children’s day will be like. In recent years, Illinois Action for Children’s efforts have leveraged increased resources to serve children’s critical health, literacy, and social and emotional needs. There are multitude important accomplishments that we can all be proud of. Thank you for all the ways that you’ve supported this important work over the past two years and since our beginning. We look forward to many more years of working to better the lives of all children. Richard Sewell, Board Chair Maria Whelan, President and CEO Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 3 Sylvia B. Cotton, Our Founder 4 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 Forty Years of History and Action Illinois Action for Children’s long, inspiring history is a testament to the extraordinary change that can happen when an unyielding commitment is made to organizing, developing and supporting strong families and powerful communities where children matter most. It all started forty years ago when a small group of smart, politically active women, led by our founder Sylvia B. Cotton (1913–2008), recognized significant changes in the structure of American families. Women were working in jobs outside the home. This work was sometimes a choice, but more often a necessary response to crushing urban poverty. That’s when Sylvia Cotton and her colleagues asked the question no one else was asking, “What about the children?” After a government study on the state of child care in Chicago documented that a crisis did indeed exist, this organization, then known as the Day Care Crisis Council of Metropolitan Chicago, was created. The Council initially focused on Chicago, successfully advocating for a City Office of Child Development and stricter regulatory standards for both center-based and home-based care. Within a few years it became clear that the day care crisis existed on both a state and national level, and so the focus of the Council’s work broadened. Staff were hired as funding became available. When there was limited staff, a committed Board stepped up and continued to focus on an agenda around city, state, and federal issues. When all else failed, the Board members organized bake sales so that newsletter could be printed. Over the years, the Council grew and developed programmatically and operationally. The name was changed to the Day Care Action Council of Illinois. Additional staff members were hired by the hundreds, new facilities were leased and renovated, and the leadership implemented new programs and new approaches in terms of work. Sylvia retired, and a series of talented men and women stepped up to provide strong Board leadership. Once again, the organization’s name changed to reflect a necessarily broader work and mission. Our name became the Day Care Action Council of Illinois with an emphasis on “Action.” In the mid 1980’s, the Chicago Community Trust made a key, two-year grant to support the development of what became the Child Care Resource and Referral Program. This grant created fiscal stability that allowed a then small staff to focus on long-term organizational development. During the next decade, the Council grew and developed programmatically and operationally. Advocacy work was augmented by services to support parents and providers—helping parents to locate child care and make informed decisions about this care, and also helping providers improve practice. A pilot for the administration of child care support funds was implemented. As time went on, funding increased as both state government and the private sector invested in this work. Then, in 1996 “welfare reform” became a major topic at both the national and state level. The Day Care Action Council, founded on thinking ahead of the curve, led a major re-organization of the state child care program. This work, called “Striving Families, Thriving Children,” included a broad range of public, provider, and advocacy partners. It resulted in a new articulation of Illinois’ plan to implement welfare reform and returned to the initial question upon which we were founded: “What about the children?” Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 5 Forty Years of History and Action, continued... In 2007, First Lady Michelle Obama spoke of Illinois Action for Children’s work at the organization’s annual benefit. Illinois made several critical decisions as it answered this question and developed its welfare reform program. Central to this approach was the idea that a lack of child care would never be a barrier to work. As long as a parent qualified for care in terms of income and employment, the care for their child would be available and affordable. The administration of this program became the responsibility of Child Care Resource and Referral providers across the state. The Day Care Action Council became the lead provider in Cook County. The impact of this approach on the work of the Day Care Action Council cannot be understated—not only in terms of fiscal resources and responsibilities, but also in terms of the powerful public and private partnership that developed between us and key public sector partners, especially the Illinois Department of Human Services. 6 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 The next ten years saw staff hired by the hundreds, our budget increasing exponentially, new facilities leased and renovated, new staff leadership and programs, and new approaches in terms of our Board of Directors. Our name changed to reflect our broader work and mission. That’s when this organization became known as Illinois Action for Children, with an expanded emphasis on “Action.” First Lady Michelle Obama spoke of Illinois Action for Children’s work at the organization’s annual benefit in 2007. She said, “It is because of your tremendous advocacy efforts that our political leaders on both sides of the aisle have a better understanding of the challenges that our families face in the state of Illinois. When Barack was in the State Senate he worked closely with [Illinois] Action for Children to make sure that children and families were a priority in the state. Through [Illinois] Action for Children’s advocacy work, child care assistance, and provider resource programs, you have been able to connect services to the families that need help the most.” In honor of the 40th anniversary and as part of a powerful new Strategic Plan, Illinois Action for Children has revitalized its mission to increase and edify its work in the service of children and families. This Strategic Plan was developed in 2008, when the Board and senior staff decided on the need for a targeted plan to guide the organization’s next chapter. The plan is intended to increase the capacity for organizational growth. The plan’s development and implementation are an inclusive process, designed to both maximize internal engagement and involve external stakeholders. Essential to the plan and moving forward, the organizational leadership has written a new mission statement and developed strategic goals to be executed over the next five years. The new mission is: Illinois Action for Children is a catalyst for organizing, developing and supporting strong families and powerful communities where children matter most. Illinois Action for Children envisions a future in children and families, especially those most vulnerable, have the opportunities and resources they need. The new strategic goals include: responsive programs and public policies, collaborative relationships, compelling messages, dynamic leadership, and organizational excellence. The entire staff and community of Illinois Action for Children sees a world of possibilities in this work, and embraces the opportunity to all recommit to our work together. Since the organization’s founding, Illinois Action for Children has made a difference in the lives of children and families through a broad spectrum of community outreach and advocacy programs. By integrating Program Services with Public Policy and Advocacy work, the organization develops systemic approaches to meeting families’ needs. The new Strategic Plan and action agenda are enabling Illinois Action for Children to stay focused on our enduring priority and core mission—early success and opportunities for children and support for working families—by expanding our framework and increasing our reach to help communities build critical supports. In May of 2008, Illinois Action for Children organized a rally, “Week of Action,” to mobilize early care and education advocates statewide in grassroots activities to raise awareness for critical issues related to children and families Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 7 8 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 2009–2010 Summaries and Highlights The past two years marked an important milestone in Illinois Action for Children’s history and began the official celebration of our 40th anniversary of service. The following summary highlights accomplishments of our work, as the organization has continued to grow stronger, move forward and remain steadfast in our mission. Child Care for Working Families Policy and Advocacy The Illinois Department of Human Services’ (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provides low-income, working families with access to highquality and affordable child care. CCAP, administered in Cook County by Illinois Action for Children, ensures that parents are able to maintain employment and that their children will be cared for in a safe, nurturing environment. Illinois Action for Children’s Public Policy and Advocacy (PPA) program works with and on behalf of a constantly growing member base of more than 2,500 child care providers, parents, educators, and other advocates, to bring focus to a number of shared policy priorities. PPA engages and empowers parents and child care providers to participate in the political process as a means to affect real change. By building state and national policy advocacy around a grassroots membership, we ensure a focus on the priorities identified by those most directly affected. Our CCAP staff at Illinois Action for Children serves more than 3,000 clients in-person each week at the agency’s three walk-in sites on the West, South and North sides of Chicago. By phone, the CCAP staff and Child Care Resource & Referral parent counseling staff, serves more than 50,000 callers each month. PPA 2009 and 2010 victories include: mobilization against a proposed child •Successful care budget cut that would have reduced income In Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) overall, Illinois Action for Children’s CCAP staff served 623,823 callers and made 14,228 child care referrals. For Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10), CCAP staff served 561,483 callers and made 12,143 child care referrals. In FY10, we awarded Quality Counts Grants to 374 providers and centers to improve equipment and resources for their programs, at a total of $1,015,491. Furthermore, we granted a total of $254,189 in professional development funds to providers for expenses such as tuition, conferences, workshops, and accreditations. eligibility for the Child Care Assistance Program to 50 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, after our previous work has already established it at 200 percent of the poverty level. April 21, 2010 budget rally that drew 15,000 •An advocates and shut down the State Capital, bringing the most advocates to Springfield at one time ever. from the Illinois House and Senate for early •Support care and education, including statements from more than two-dozen representatives pledging that they would not vote for a budget that cut early childhood funding. Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 9 2009–2010 Summaries and Highlights, continued . . . of a workgroup on recommendations of •Leadership how to spend Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act child care funds in Illinois, which included reduced co-payments and extended job-search time for parents; this work also implemented an Infant Toddler Specialist Network, embedded in the Child Care Resource & Referral system, which has provided 21 specialists now working with programs that care for infants and toddlers. of the Quality Counts and imple•Implementation menting the Quality Counts: Quality Rating System to improve child care program quality. assistance visits to more than 100 child •Technical care programs around the state, providing staff and parents with legislative and policy updates on early childhood and family supports, and the opportunity to participate in advocacy trainings and ultimately learn how to become more effective advocates. June 18th 2009 budget rally at Chicago’s •Our Thompson Center, which drew more than 5,000 people from the early care and education community, along with workers and supporters from all the types of human services programs. The program also: the sunset date for Preschool for All, •Removed making the program permanent. negotiated with the Illinois Department •Successfully of Human Services and the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget to increase reimbursement rates for center-based child care providers, on par with increases previously negotiated by SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana for family child care providers. a statewide Capital Bill that, for the first •Introduced time in history, included dedicated funding for early childhood facilities. advocacy to fund and launch the creation of •Provided a network of infant/toddler specialists. Community Partner Outreach and Education Illinois Action for Children works with five community partner organizations whom we fund (Children’s Home + Aid, YWCA, Centers for New Horizons, Good Shepherd, and the Carole Robertson Center for Learning) and a network of 21 child care centers in south and west suburban Cook County, to conduct numerous workshops and trainings intended to increase quality in the early care and education field. In FY10, we worked with these partners, as well as El Valor, to conduct professional development trainings for 19,781 child care providers. S pec i a l P r of i l e : The Heart of Our Work: People Power Quality Counts grant recipient Kimberly Cooper, Founder of Wee Care Christian Learning Center “I’ve always had a passion to teach and to give children the foundation they need to excel in life,” said Kimberly Cooper of Harvey, Illinois. Fueled by a strong ambition to work in the child care field, Kimberly started the Wee Care Christian Learning Center nearly ten years ago. A lifelong resident of Harvey, Illinois, Kimberly knows first-hand of the area’s high need for quality, affordable child care. “I wanted to give back to the community that I grew up in,” Kimberly said. “We wanted to have a center that’s comparable to any center that may be in richer neighborhoods.” 10 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 Kimberly recently won a Quality Counts Grant from Illinois Action for Children that helped her purchase equipment for her center. She was glad to receive the support, as much of her budget goes to staff and operation expenses. In addition to new toys for children to use, Kimberly used her grant to purchase diaper changing tables, a Mullen Scales of Early Learning system to enhance individual child assessment, and other equipment. “About 95 percent of our parents receive child care through CCAP, the Child Care Assistance Program, and that’s a really big thing for us,” Kimberly said. “It’s really helpful for the parents in this area.” Early Education Illinois Action for Children’s Early Learning programs make early education available to young children so that they will be ready to succeed when they start school. We work with parents, community groups, and local governments to identify the best ways to connect children with early learning opportunities. Our programs have created a national model for providing preschool to children in home child care who would otherwise not have access to early education, and for training providers to become a child’s first teacher. In FY09 and FY10 we: to provide Preschool for All in child care •Continued centers throughout Cook County. the Community Connections Expansion •Continued Project, connecting home-based child care providers to part-day classroom-based services and networking opportunities, funded through a grant from the Grand Victoria Foundation a formal program evaluation of the Community •Began Connections Preschool program, in collaboration with Child Trends and the National Center for Children in Poverty. intensive coaching and professional develop•Offered ment for teachers at 4 child care centers as part of a three year Early Reading First grant to develop “centers of excellence.” care providers. We enrolled 688 child care providers in the program by the end of FY10, providing nutrition education and meal reimbursement to 4,248 children. The program facilitated more than $3,268,211 in meal and snack reimbursement in FY10 alone. FY09 through our Early Childhood Mental Health •InConsultation Program (ECMH), funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, with previous support by The Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation, Illinois Action for Children served 8,842 children at high-risk for social and emotional delays and behavior problems. Our Teen Parent Program assisted 633 new parent teenagers that year. “Night to Shine” Annual Benefits Illinois Action for Children’s annual “Night to Shine” gala event has raised significant resources to support our work. For the 2010 special anniversary event, held October 15th at the Chicago History Museum, the benefit committee was chaired by brothers Richard and Stephen Cotton, sons of Sylvia Cotton. Ravi Baichwal, ABC 7 news anchor, presided as emcee. Many friends of the agency were also in attendance, including U.S. Senator Dick Durban. A very special “Thank you!” to all of the generous donors and sponsors of the event over the past years. a series of 2-day capacity-building •Hosted workshops for child care centers in three regions of the state to prepare them to operate Preschool for All programs. a parenting education program at the •Began Juvenile Court of Cook County, for teen parents on probation. Vital Supports You’re Invited. . . In addition to other forms of outreach in FY09 and FY10, Illinois Acton for Children staff attends many community events and information fairs to provide resources and spread the word on the organization’s programs. Illinois Action for Children: • Distributed more than 60,000 books to children, families, and faith-based and community organizations throughout Chicago and suburban Cook County. Illinois Action for Children’s 11th Annual Celebration & Benefit Associates Board Illinois Action for Children is pleased to welcome our new Young Professionals Associates Board. The group provides fundraising and event leadership to assist the organization. the Healthy Food Program, enabled young •Through children in vulnerable communities to receive nutritious meals, and make nutrition education easily accessible to low-income parents and child Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 11 12 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 Financial Highlights Illinois Action for Children works hard to use its resources in an efficient and responsible manner. We look for opportunities to streamline processes to realize cost savings, as this ensures that available resources support our mission. Just 11 percent of our total annual budget supports management and operations, leaving a full 89 percent to support programs and advocacy. In 2010, 70 percent of Illinois Action for Children’s funding came from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), down from 95 percent eight years ago. Within the past two years, we have seen growth in funding for programs other than Child Care Assistance, including early learning initiatives such as Early Reading First and the Child Care Healthy Food Program, and have also sought funding for programs that focused on licensed-exempt home child care providers. As we look beyond the close of FY10, Illinois Action for Children intends to be even more proactive in securing private funds for our programs, as such diversity of funding is good for our future financial security. This includes more funding from national foundations, individual donors, and multi-year grants. We are especially thankful for generous contributions from our corporate and foundation supporters listed below. Please review our financial position and statement of activities. A copy of the audited financial statements and form 990s for FY09 and FY10 are available upon request. Respectfully, Peter England Treasurer, Board of Directors Illinois Action for Children FY09 Audited FY10 Audited Expenses Parent Services $ 1,049,673 $ 946,556 Provider Services 13,459,992 Certificate 14,565,61513,940,380 Public Policy and Advocacy Support Services Total Expenses 916,703 16,483,233 790,472 2,887,302 4,080,488 $ 32,879,285 $ 36,241,129 $28,968,261 $ 32,679,676 3,716,318 2,724,611 91,495 76,020 (176,359) 249,620 $ 32,599,715 $ 35,729,927 Support and Revenues Government Contracts Grants and Foundations Corporate Contracts Interest, Investment Income and Other Revenues Total Support and Revenues Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 13 14 Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 Thanks! Acknowledgements A big “thanks!” to our members and 2009/2010 Board, and all of the companies, foundations, and partners who give generously to Illinois Action for Children. Board of Directors Richard Sewell, Chair University of Illinois Gail Nelson, Vice Chair Carole Robertson Center for Learning Peter England, Treasurer John Casey, Secretary Joel Carp Sr. V.P. Emeritus, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago /Jewish United Fund of Metro Chicago Reverend Sandra Castillo (former) Nuestra Señora de las Americas Church Mary Jane Chainski (former) Bounce Learning Network, Ounce of Prevention Fund Micki Chulick, Past Chair Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) J. Lee Kreader National Center for Children in Poverty Sandy Matthews U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights Cindy Moelis (former) Kathie Raiborn (former) Rogy’s Learning Place Monica Moss Education Consultant Diane Stout Circles of Learning Judie Walker Kendrick Chicago Coalition of Site Administered Child Care Programs Laurie Walker Skip-a-Long Child Development Services Maria Whelan President /CEO Illinois Action for Children Community Partners Carole Robertson Center for Learning Centers for New Horizons Children’s Home + Aid El Valor Good Shepherd Center for Exceptional Children YWCA Program Partners Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois State Board of Education City of Chicago/Department of Family and Support Services Chicago Housing Authority Chicago Public Schools Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Program Grant Support Grand Victoria Foundation The Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago Illinois Census Funder’s Initiative Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation INCCRRA The Irving Harris Foundation The Joyce Foundation Kraft Employee Fund McCormick Foundation PreK Now/Voices for Illinois Children U.S. Department of Education, Early Reading First W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation Woods Fund of Chicago Supporters $30,000 – $5,001 Bridgeview Bank Group Citibank Richard Cotton and Stephen Cotton, and the Cotton Family The GE Foundation J.B. & M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Kaplan Early Learning Company Lakeshore Learning Materials Northern Trust Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana Vanoy Jordan Enterprises, LLC David and Marilyn Vitale Alphawood Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation The Boeing Company Buffett Early Childhood Fund/ Ounce of Prevention The Chicago Community Trust Department on Aging, State of Illinois Evanston Community Foundation/ Illinois Early Childhood Fellowship Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. 15 Supports, continued . . . 16 $5,000 – $751 $750 and under Advent Building Maintenance, Inc. Douglas Baird Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Diana Beattie Beverly Bank & Trust Co. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois The Book Vine for Children Requita Brady Centers for New Horizons Chicago Coalition of Site Administered Child Care Programs Micki Chulick Megan Creel Sally Csontos Mr. Brendan and Carol Deely De-Kalb Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) Michael Dell’Armi Dominick’s Finer Foods Dowd, Bloch & Bennett El Valor Erikson Institute Eyes on the Future Anthony Graefe Graefe & Hansen, Ltd. Harriet Meyer & Ulrich E. Meyer Family Philanthropic Fund Sherri Hyson Illinois Education Association Tom Jakobsen JCW Incorporated John A. Logan College CCR&R Judie Walker Kendrick Kraft Foods, Inc. Lori Longueville Mesirow Financial Cindy Moelis Moelis Family Foundation Peter and Carol England PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Bank & Trust Company Quicker Printers Diana Rauner Jim and Sandy Reynolds The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Roger O. Brown Revocable Trust Dr. Cheryl Rucker-Whitaker John and Adele Simmons Skip-A-Long Child Development Centers Small World Learning Center Renee Snow Southwest Airlines Senator Heather Steans and Leo Smith US Toy/Constructive Playthings Maria Whelan and Jack Wuest Abbott Laboratories Fund Robert Ackley Kimberly Adams Daniel and Tonya Adelman David Alexander James Alexander Shira and Lee Armstrong Susan Baloun George Bansa Marlena Bansa Karen Banzuly Cary Barnette Rachanda Beckham Mary Bergen Kay Berkson Jonah Berman Noorjahan Bhohani Harold Black Tammy Blakly Robert Bloch Judith Block Mr. & Mrs.W. Bolster Manuela Bonilla Nicolle Bonilla John Bouman Jill Bradley-Harris Tranae Brockhouse Diana Brown Donald Browne Tom Browning David and Julie Burg Marilyn Burke Cerathel Burnett Christine Busby Ida Butler Tiny Byrd Stacey Byrnes Chris Bzdon La Donna Calhoun Carole Robertson Center for Learning Angel Carroll Emily Carroll Thomas Carroll Joel and Leasha Carp John and Pat Casey Catch Thirty Five Veronica Cavellero Joseph Cavise Maria Cepeda Mary Jane Chainski Jason Choi Micki Chulick Leonette Coates Robert Coates Kiki Collias Firman Community Services Carla Cox Paul Corcoran Rebecca Creighton Crow Chizek and Company, LLC Nancy Cunningham Susan Curtis Illinois Action for Children • Annual Report 2009–2010 Deborah Daro Beth Davis Renee DeBerry Mary Debose Jan Deissler Jacquelyn Dortch Ann Drake Monique Draper Joyce Dugan Judith Duratinsky Stephen and Margaret Dyer John Eckroth Donna Eklund Marsha Engquist Erie Neighborhood House Ricardo Estrada Jean Ferguson Helen Figaro First Step Child Care Center Inc. Carlos Fortenberry Charles Fournier Jan Fox Sylvia Frazier Seth and Robyn Frieden Maria Gandara Darchelle Garner Azieb Gebrehiiwet Kathy Getz-Wolf Johnnie Giles-Powell Katherine Gnapp Karen Goldman Good Shepherd Center for Exceptional Children Jennifer Gorin Graham Grady Charles Graham Greg Graham Julie Gray Pete Gray Cryssida Green Philip Griffin Margarita Guillen Jeff Hanneman Laura Hansen Donna Hardy Sayonara Harris Tiffany Harrison Harrison and Company Judy Hartley Michael and Deborah Held Dawn Hinton Keysha Hoffman Sydney Hollander Michael Horne Erin Hotz Robert Houston HSS Partners, LLC Jessica Hubbard Sister Julia Huiskamp Kim Hunt Mattie Hunter I&G Charitable Foundation April Jackson Ed Jacob Cereme James Judy Johnson Linda Johnson Rice Sam Kaplan Susan Kaplan Sokoni Karanja Karen Karl Susanna and Thomas Kelly Wesley Kennedy Kim Kerbrat John Kleb Katherine Kloppenburg Ben Kreader and Gary Trethaway J. Lee Kreader Jennifer Kushto Melanie Laithwaite Lake Shore Schools Laner, Muchin, Dombrow, Becker, Levin, and Tominberg, Ltd. Katharine and James Law Tom Layman Frances and Elliot Lehman Dan Lesser James Lichtman Sabrina Limehouse Laurel Lipkin Marilyn and Philip Liss Trinita Logue Clara Lopez Luz Lopez Maria Lopez Vivian Loseth William Lowry Gillian M. Lusins Nancy Maclean Robert and Sharon Mahar Kevin Malone Manske Dieckmann Thompson Mary Marcheschi Sandra Matthews Alma Matthews-Lesure Eileen McCarthy Brendan McCormick Summer Marie McQuiod Andrea Melville Ron Meyer Ed Miller Katrina Miller Vivian Miller Jenny Miranda Peggy Montes Barbara Montgomery Leon D. Moore, Jr. Beverly Morris Joanne Muellman Suzanne Muellman Zachary Nauth Gail Nelson Muani Newash Carolyn Newberry Elizabeth Newell Phyllis Nickel Terrance Norton Sessy Nyman Sheila O’Connell Kellie O’Connell-Miller Becky O’Herron Patty Oji Elizabeth Olson Kathleen Olsen Bruce Orenstein Cathy Paul Shanta Payton-Scott Nicki Pecori Darlene Pokorny Damon Pollack Melissa Ponce Alicia Ponce De Leon Sarah Pontious John Raba Kathie Raiborn Aaron Rapoport Elliot Regenstein Brooks & Aleta Rettker David Rettker Marie Rettker Ricardo, Inc. Vanessa Rich Becky Rieck Margaret Riehl Kate Ritter Emily Rivera Lynda Robbins Sharyl Robin Christine Robinson Jocelyn Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robinson Robin Robinson Rogy’s Learning Place Maria Rojas Richard Rosenstein Louis & Ruth Rubin Jesse & Michele Ruiz Charles Rushing, Jr. John Ryan Kathy Ryg Gustavo Saberbein Nancylee Sachaschik Lisa Sams Linda Saterfield Edward Scanlon Jane Schaafsma Ellen Schall Dorothy and Larry Scheff Amber Scott Janet Scott Scott Seftenberg Richard Sewell Cory Shields Alisa Shudofsky Jennifer Sierecki Kinja Simmons Chester Singleteary Dale Singleton Khamphoui Singvongsa Skip-a-Long Child Development Karen Slimmon Michael Slutsky Robert Spodek Yvonne Spurlock Traci Stanley Jerome Stermer Ronald Stern David Sternlicht Kathy Stohr Diane Stout Sally Stovall Patricia Suh Adam Summers Paul Swaney Samir Tanna Nancy Teboda Susan and Ted TePas Valerie Terrell Nancy Timmers Margaret Tobey Chris Tokarski Sharifa Townsend Ayesha Traylor Jim Troxel Deborah Tuggle Urban Media Group L.L.C. Asha Veal Kristin Velasquez Stephen Volk Jennie Walker Laurie Walker Matilda Walker Monica Walker Ruby Walker James Wall Steve Ware Warehouse Direct Joe Whelan Charlotte Whitaker Pam Wicking Diana Wildner Carolyn Williams Cynthia Williams Tammy Williams Andrew Wilson Dori Wilson Janet and Jeff Wilson Andrea Maya Windholz Jill Wohl Cass Wolfe Aminah Wyatt Wesley Wyatt Danielle Yanick Leama Yates Jackie Zanders Rachel Zawacki Maria Zeller Strong Families and Powerful Communities. Where Children Matter Most. c 4753 North Broadway • Suite 1200 • Chicago, Illinois 60640 • 312.823.1100 Strong Families, Powerful Communities, Where Children Matter Most.
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