C100 Application under the Children Act 1989 for a child arrangements, prohibited steps, specific issue section 8 order or to vary or discharge a section 8 order To be completed by the court Name of court Date issued Case number Fee charged/Remission ID Summary of application Full name of applicant Full name of respondent(s) Some people need permission to apply See Section C of the leaflet CB1 for details on who needs permission and how to get permission. If you are applying for an order by consent, Sections 12 to 15 on mediation and MIAMs should not be completed. Other information for the court (tick if relevant) I am applying for Child Arrangements Order - where the child(ren) will live Child Arrangements Order - who the child(ren) spend time with The application is urgent, please give reasons in Section 3b on page 5 The application is to be made without notice to another party, please give reasons in Section 3c on page 5 Prohibited Steps Order Specific Issue Order The application is for an order to formalise an agreement (consent order) which is attached to this form Are you aware of any other current or previous court cases concerning the child(ren) listed over the page? Name of the court where proceedings heard Yes No Case no. Date/year (if known) C100 Application under the Children Act 1989 for a child arrangements, prohibited steps, specific issue section 8 order or to vary or discharge a section 8 order (04.14) C100_0414_4.indd 1 © Crown copyright 2014 12/03/2014 13:12 Please list the name(s) of the child(ren) and the type(s) of order you are applying for, starting with the oldest. To understand which order to apply for read the booklet CB1 Section D. Child 1 - Full name of child Date of birth D D / M M Gender / Y Y Y Male Y Female Not Known Relationship to applicant(s) Child 2 - Full name of child Relationship to respondent(s) Date of birth D D / M M Gender / Y Y Y Relationship to applicant(s) Female Relationship to respondent(s) Date of birth D D / M M Gender / Y Y Y Relationship to applicant(s) Female Relationship to respondent(s) Date of birth D D / M M Gender / Y Y Y Y Not Known Relationship to applicant(s) Order(s) applied for Male Y Not Known Child 4 - Full name of child Order(s) applied for Male Y Not Known Child 3 - Full name of child Order(s) applied for Order(s) applied for Male Female Relationship to respondent(s) Before completing this form please read the leaflet ‘CB1 – Making an application – Children and the Family Courts’ and the leaflet CB7 - Guide for separated parents: children and the family courts. You can get a copies of these your local court or at www.justice.gov.uk. Please also read the information notes and complete the checklist at the end of the form. t 'BJMVSFUPDPNQMFUFFWFSZRVFTUJPOPSTUBUFJGJUEPFTOPUBQQMZDPVMEEFMBZUIFDBTFBTUIFDPVSUXJMMIBWFUP BTLZPVUPQSPWJEFUIFBEEJUJPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOSFRVJSFE t *GUIFSFJTOPUFOPVHITQBDFQMFBTFBUUBDITFQBSBUFTIFFUTDMFBSMZTIPXJOHUIFEFUBJMTPGUIFDIJMESFOQBSUJFT RVFTUJPOBOEQBHFOVNCFSUIFZSFGFSUP t $BGDBTT$"'$"44$:.36XJMMDBSSZPVUDIFDLTBTJUDPOTJEFSTOFDFTTBSZ4FF4FDUJPO+PGMFBøFU$#GPSNPSF JOGPSNBUJPOBCPVU$BGDBTTBOE$"'$"44$:.36 2 C100_0414_4.indd 2 12/03/2014 13:12 3FRVJSFNFOUUPBUUFOEB.FEJBUJPO*OGPSNBUJPOBOE"TTFTTNFOU.FFUJOH.*". Before making an application for a child arrangements order, prohibited steps order or specific issue order (a section 8 order) you must first attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). At the MIAM an authorised family mediator will consider with you (and the other party if present) whether family mediation, or another form of non-court dispute resolution, would be a more appropriate alternative to court. You must have attended a MIAM before making this application unlessUIFSFRVJSFNFOUUPBUUFOEB.*".EPFTOPU apply because the section 8 order you are applying for: t JTGPSBDPOTFOUPSEFSPS t DPODFSOTBDIJMEXIPJTUIFTVCKFDUPGTFQBSBUFPOHPJOHFNFSHFODZQSPDFFEJOHTDBSFQSPDFFEJOHTPS TVQFSWJTJPOQSPDFFEJOHTPSJTBMSFBEZUIFTVCKFDUPGBOFNFSHFODZDBSFPSTVQFSWJTJPOPSEFS PS t ZPVBSFFYFNQUGSPNUIFSFRVJSFNFOUUPBUUFOEB.*".4PNFFYFNQUJPOTZPVDBODMBJNPUIFSTNVTUCF certified by a family mediator). All applicants must complete sections 1 to 11 and complete and sign section 16 of this form. In addition, you must UJDLPOFPGUIFCPYFTCFMPXBOEFOTVSFUIBUZPVZPVSMFHBMBEWJTFSPSBGBNJMZNFEJBUPSDPNQMFUFTBOETJHOTUIF relevant section(s) of this form as shown. 1a. If you ticked ‘Yes’ to the RVFTUJPOPOQBHFBCPVU current or previous court cases, are/were any of those cases about an emergency protection, care or supervision order? 1b."SFZPVDMBJNJOHFYFNQUJPO GSPNUIFSFRVJSFNFOUUP attend a MIAM? Yes If Yes, skip sections 12 to 15 but complete section 6a to provide additional details. No If No, please answer question b. Yes If Yes, complete and sign section 12 and complete 13. No If No, please answer question c. 1c. Has a family mediator informed you that a NFEJBUPSTFYFNQUJPO applies, and you do not need to attend a MIAM? Yes 1d. Have you attended a MIAM? Yes If Yes, you must ensure that the family mediator completes and signs section 14. No If No, please answer question d. If Yes, you must ensure that the family mediator completes and signs section 15. No If No, you cannot make this application. 3 C100_0414_4.indd 3 12/03/2014 13:12 2. The child(ren) - further details 2a. Are any of the children known to the local authority children’s services? Yes No Don’t know 2b. Are any of the children the subject of a child protection plan Yes No Don’t know 2c. Do all the children share the same parents? Yes No If Yes please state which child and the name of the Local Authority and Social worker (if known) If Yes, what are the names of the parents? If No, please give details of each parent and their children involved in this application Please state everyone who has parental responsibility for each child and how they have parental responsibility (e.g. ‘child’s mother’, ‘child’s father and was married to the mother when the child was born’ etc.) (See Section E of leaflet CB1 for more information) 2d. Who do the children currently live with? Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Other If other, please give the full address of the child, the names of any adults living with the children and their relationship to or involvement with the child. If you do not wish this information to be made known to the Respondent, leave the details blank and complete Confidential contact details Form C8 4 C100_0414_4.indd 4 12/03/2014 13:12 3. Why are you making this application? Have you applied to the court for permission to make this application? 3a. Please give brief details: t BOZQSFWJPVTBHSFFNFOUTGPSNBM or informal), and how they have broken down t ZPVSSFBTPOTGPSCSJOHJOH this application to the court (including any concerns about your children) Yes 1FSNJTTJPOOPUSFRVJSFE Do not give a full statement, please provide a summary of any relevant grounds and reasons. You may be asked to provide a full statement later. t XIBUZPVXBOUUIFDPVSUUPEP t SFBTPOTHJWFOCZUIF respondent(s) for their actions in relation to this application. 3b. If the application is urgent, please give reasons why 3c. If the application is to be made XJUIPVUOPUJDFQMFBTFFYQMBJO why 5 C100_0414_4.indd 5 12/03/2014 13:12 4. Agreements about who a child is to live with and/or spend time with and when 4a. Have you previously prepared a Parenting Plan? Yes If No, you can download a copy from the website www.cafcass.gov.uk/parentingplan No If Yes, please attach the plan to this application form 5. Risk 5a. Do you believe that the child(ren) named at Section 1 IBWFFYQFSJFODFEPSBSFBUSJTLPG FYQFSJFODJOHIBSNGSPNBOZPGUIF following by any person who has had contact with the child? any form of domestic violence Yes No child abduction Yes No child abuse Yes No drugs, alcohol or substance abuse Yes No other safety or welfare concerns Yes No If you answered Yes to any of the above, please complete form C1A (Supplemental information form). 6. Other court cases which concern the child(ren) listed on page 1 - further details 6a. Did you provide details on page 1 of other court cases now, or at any time in the past, that concern the children listed on page 1? Yes If Yes, please attach a copy of any relevant order, and complete the EFUBJMTPGUIF$BGDBTT$"'$"44$:.36PóDFSBOEDIJMETTPMJDJUPS below. If you do not have a copy of the order please complete all the additional details below. No If No, please go to Section 7 Additional details Name of child(ren) /BNFBOEPóDFJGLOPXO PG $BGDBTT$"'$"44$:.36PóDFS Please tick if additional sheets are attached. 6 C100_0414_4.indd 6 12/03/2014 13:12 7. Attending the court Section N of the the booklet ‘CB1 - Making an application - Children and the Family Courts’ and the leaflet ‘CB7 Guide for separated parents: children and the family courts’ provide information about attending court. If you require an interpreter, you must tell the court now so that one can be arranged. 7a. Do you or any of the parties need an interpreter or other assistance (e.g. sign lanuage signer) at court? Yes No If Yes, please specify the language and dialect: 7b. If attending the court, do you Yes No or any of the parties involved have BEJTBCJMJUZGPSXIJDIZPVSFRVJSF special assistance or special facilities? If Yes, please say what the needs are Please say whether the court needs to make any special arrangements for you to attend court (e.g. providing you with a separate waiting room from the respondent or other security provisions). $PVSUTUBòNBZHFUJOUPVDIXJUIZPVBCPVUUIFSFRVJSFNFOUT 7 C100_0414_4.indd 7 12/03/2014 13:12 8. About you (the applicant(s)) Applicant 1 (You) Applicant 2 (if applicable) Full names Previous names (if any) Male Gender Date of birth (If under 18 read section R of leaflet CB1) D D / M M Female / Y Y Y Male Y D D / M M Female / Y Y Y Y Place of birth (town/county/country) If you do not wish your address to be made known to the respondent, leave the details below blank and complete Confidential contact details Form C8. Address Postcode Postcode Home telephone number Mobile telephone number Email address Have you lived at this address for more than 5 years? Yes No Yes No If No, please provide details of all previous addresses you have lived at for the last 5 years. If you do not wish your contact details to be made known to the Respondent, leave the details blank and complete Confidential contact details Form C8 8 C100_0414_4.indd 8 12/03/2014 13:12 9. The respondents Sections G and H of the the booklet ‘CB1 - Making an application - Children and the Family Courts’FYQMBJOXIPB respondent is. If there are more than 2 respondents please continue on a separate sheet. Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Full names Previous names (if known) Are they willing to attend a MIAM? Yes Gender Date of birth (If party under 18 read section R of leaflet CB1) No Male D D / Yes Female M M / Y Y Male Y Not known No Y D D / Female M M / Y Y Y Y Not known Place of birth (town/county/country) Address (to which documents relating to this application should be sent) Postcode Postcode Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known Home telephone number Mobile telephone number Email address continued over the page 9 C100_0414_4.indd 9 12/03/2014 13:12 Have they lived at this address for more than 5 years? Yes No Don’t know Yes No Don’t know If No, please provide details of all previous addresses for the last 5 years below (if known, including the dates and starting with the most recent) 10. Others who should be given notice 5IFSFNBZCFPUIFSQFPQMFXIPTIPVMECFOPUJöFEPGZPVSBQQMJDBUJPOGPSFYBNQMFTPNFPOFXIPDBSFTGPSUIF child but is not a parent. Sections G and I of the the booklet ‘CB1 - Making an application - Children and the Family Courts’FYQMBJOXIPPUIFSTBSF Person1 Person 2 Full names Previous names (if known) Male Gender Date of birth D D / M M Female / Y Y Y Not known Male Y D D / M M Female / Y Y Y Y Not known Address Postcode Postcode Not known Not known Please state their relationship to the children listed on page 1. If their relationship is not the same to each child please state their relationship to each child. 10 C100_0414_4.indd 10 12/03/2014 13:12 11. Solicitors details Do you have a solicitor acting for you? Yes No If No, see section R of leaflet CB1 for more information If Yes, please give the following details Your solicitor’s name Name of firm Address Postcode Telephone number 'BYOVNCFS DX number Solicitor’s Reference Email address 11 C100_0414_4.indd 11 12/03/2014 13:12 "QQMJDBOUDMBJNTFYFNQUJPOT GSPNBUUFOEBODFBUB.FEJBUJPO*OGPSNBUJPOBOE Assessment Meeting (MIAM) The applicant has not attended a MIAM because the following MIAM FYFNQUJPOT BQQMJFT Domestic violence (see Section 13a) Child protection concerns (see Section 13b) 6SHFODZTFFSection 13c) 1SFWJPVT.*".BUUFOEBODFPSQSFWJPVT.*".FYFNQUJPOTFFSection 13d) Other (see Section 13e) Signed Applicant Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Signed Legal representative (if relevant) Name Firm’s name Address Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Now go to the relevant part of Section 13BTTIPXOBCPWFBOEUJDLUIFCPYT under the relevant heading and provide further information where this is asked for. 12 C100_0414_4.indd 12 12/03/2014 13:12 'VSUIFSEFUBJMTPG.*".FYFNQUJPOT DMBJNFECZUIFBQQMJDBOU (To be completed by the person intending to make a court application or their legal representative) *GZPVIBWFDMBJNFEB.*".FYFNQUJPOJO4FDUJPOZPVNVTUBMTPUJDL UIFSFMFWBOUCPYT JOUIFSFMFWBOUQBSUPGUIJTTFDUJPOBTTIPXOCFMPXUP confirm that you have the necessary evidence to support your ground(s) for FYFNQUJPO8IFSFZPVBSFBTLFEUPQSPWJEFBEEJUJPOBMEFUBJMTZPVNVTUEPTP Section 13a - Domestic violence evidence The applicant confirms that there is evidence of domestic violence, as specified below: BSFMFWBOUVOTQFOUDPOWJDUJPOGPSBEPNFTUJDWJPMFODFPòFODF a relevant police caution for a domestic violence offence given within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the QSPTQFDUJWFBQQMJDBUJPO evidence of relevant criminal proceedings for a domestic violence offence XIJDIIBWFOPUDPODMVEFE a relevant protective injunction which is in force or which was granted within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the QSPTQFDUJWFBQQMJDBUJPO an undertaking given in England and Wales under section 46 or 63E of the 1996 Act (or given in Scotland or Northern Ireland in place of a protection injunction) — J CZBOZQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZUPBOPUIFSQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZBOE (ii) within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the EBUFPGUIFQSPTQFDUJWFBQQMJDBUJPO a letter from the person appointed to chair a multi-agency risk assessment conference confirming that — (i) any prospective party was referred to the conference as a high risk WJDUJNPGEPNFTUJDWJPMFODFBOE (ii) the conference has, within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the prospective application, put in place a plan to protect that party from a risk of harm by another QSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZ BDPQZPGBöOEJOHPGGBDUNBEFJOQSPDFFEJOHTJOUIF6OJUFE,JOHEPN within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the prospective application, that there has been domestic violence giving rise to BSJTLPGIBSNCZPOFQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZUPBOPUIFSQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZ a letter or report from a health professional confirming that the professional— J IBTFYBNJOFEBOZQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUZXJUIJOUIFUXFOUZGPVS month period immediately preceding the date of the prospective BQQMJDBUJPO JJ XBTTBUJTöFEGPMMPXJOHUIBUFYBNJOBUJPOUIBUUIBUQBSUZIBEJOKVSJFT PSBDPOEJUJPODPOTJTUFOUXJUIUIPTFPGBWJDUJNPGEPNFTUJDWJPMFODF and (iii) has no reason to believe that that party’s injuries or condition were OPUDBVTFECZEPNFTUJDWJPMFODF 13 C100_0414_4.indd 13 12/03/2014 13:12 Section 13a - Domestic violence evidence (continued) a letter from a social services department in England or Wales (or its FRVJWBMFOUJO4DPUMBOEPS/PSUIFSO*SFMBOE DPOöSNJOHUIBUXJUIJO the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the prospective application, any prospective party was assessed as being, or at SJTLPGCFJOHBWJDUJNPGEPNFTUJDWJPMFODF a letter or report from a domestic violence support organisation in the 6OJUFE,JOHEPNBóSNJOH (i) that any prospective party was, within the twenty four month period immediately preceding the date of the prospective application, admitted for a period of twenty four hours or more to a refuge established for the purpose of providing accommodation for victims PGPSUIPTFBUSJTLPGEPNFTUJDWJPMFODF (ii) the date on which that party was admitted to and, if applicable, left UIFSFGVHFBOE (iii) that that party was admitted to the refuge because of allegations by that party of domestic violence. Section 13b – Child protection concerns The applicant confirms that a child would be (i) the subject of the application and (ii) that child or another child of the family who is living with that child is currently: UIFTVCKFDUPGFORVJSJFTCZBMPDBMBVUIPSJUZVOEFSTFDUJPOPGUIF "DUPS the subject of a child protection plan put in place by a local authority. 14 C100_0414_4.indd 14 12/03/2014 13:12 Section 13c – Urgency The applicant confirms that the application must be made urgently because: there is risk to the life, liberty or physical safety of the prospective applicant PSIJTPSIFSGBNJMZPSIJTPSIFSIPNFPS any delay caused by attending a MIAM would cause: " BSJTLPGIBSNUPBDIJME # BSJTLPGVOMBXGVMSFNPWBMPGBDIJMEGSPNUIF6OJUFE,JOHEPNPSBSJTL of unlawful retention of a child who is currently outside England and 8BMFT $ BTJHOJöDBOUSJTLPGBNJTDBSSJBHFPGKVTUJDF % VOSFBTPOBCMFIBSETIJQUPUIFQSPTQFDUJWFBQQMJDBOUPS (E) irretrievable problems in dealing with the dispute (including the JSSFUSJFWBCMFMPTTPGTJHOJöDBOUFWJEFODF PS there is a significant risk that in the period necessary to schedule and attend a MIAM, proceedings relating to the dispute will be brought in another state JOXIJDIBWBMJEDMBJNUPKVSJTEJDUJPONBZFYJTUTVDIUIBUBDPVSUJOUIBUPUIFS State would be seised of the dispute before a court in England and Wales. Section 13d – Previous MIAM attendance or MIAM exemption The applicant confirms that one of the following applies: in the 4 months prior to making the application, the person attended a MIAM or participated in another form of non-court dispute resolution SFMBUJOHUPUIFTBNFPSTVCTUBOUJBMMZUIFTBNFEJTQVUF at the time of making the application, the person is participating in another form of non-court dispute resolution relating to the same or substantially UIFTBNFEJTQVUFPS in the 4 months prior to making the application, the person filed a relevant GBNJMZBQQMJDBUJPODPOöSNJOHUIBUB.*".FYFNQUJPOBQQMJFEBOEUIBU BQQMJDBUJPOSFMBUFEUPUIFTBNFPSTVCTUBOUJBMMZUIFTBNFEJTQVUF UIFBQQMJDBUJPOXPVMECFNBEFJOFYJTUJOHQSPDFFEJOHTXIJDIBSF continuing and the prospective applicant attended a MIAM before initiating UIPTFQSPDFFEJOHT UIFBQQMJDBUJPOXPVMECFNBEFJOFYJTUJOHQSPDFFEJOHTXIJDIBSF DPOUJOVJOHBOEB.*".FYFNQUJPOBQQMJFEUPUIFBQQMJDBUJPOGPSUIPTF proceedings 15 C100_0414_4.indd 15 12/03/2014 13:12 Section 13e – Other exemptions The applicant confirms that one of the following other ground for exemption applies: UIFQSPTQFDUJWFBQQMJDBOUEPFTOPUIBWFTVóDJFOUDPOUBDUEFUBJMTGPSBOZPG the prospective respondents to enable a family mediator to contact any of UIFQSPTQFDUJWFSFTQPOEFOUTGPSUIFQVSQPTFPGTDIFEVMJOHUIF.*". the application would be made without notice (Paragraph 5.1 of Practice Direction 18A sets out the circumstances in which applications may be made without notice.) (i) the prospective applicant is or all of the prospective respondents are subject to a disability or other inability that would prevent attendance at a .*".VOMFTTBQQSPQSJBUFGBDJMJUJFTDBOCFPòFSFECZBOBVUIPSJTFENFEJBUPS (ii) the prospective applicant has contacted as many authorised family NFEJBUPSTBTIBWFBOPóDFXJUIJOöGUFFONJMFTPGIJTPSIPNFPSUISFFPG them if there are three or more), and all have stated that they are unable to QSPWJEFTVDIGBDJMJUJFTBOEJJJ UIFOBNFTQPTUBMBEESFTTFTBOEUFMFQIPOF numbers or e-mail addresses for such authorised family mediators, and the EBUFTPGDPOUBDUDBOCFQSPWJEFEUPUIFDPVSUJGSFRVFTUFE the prospective applicant or all of the prospective respondents cannot attend a MIAM because he or she is, or they are, as the case may be (i) in QSJTPOPSBOZPUIFSJOTUJUVUJPOJOXIJDIIFPSTIFJTPSUIFZBSFSFRVJSFEUPCF EFUBJOFEJJ TVCKFDUUPDPOEJUJPOTPGCBJMUIBUQSFWFOUDPOUBDUXJUIUIFPUIFS QFSTPOPSJJJ TVCKFDUUPBMJDFODFXJUIBQSPIJCJUFEDPOUBDUSFRVJSFNFOUJO relation to the other person. the prospective applicant or all of the prospective respondents are not IBCJUVBMMZSFTJEFOUJO&OHMBOEBOE8BMFT BDIJMEJTPOFPGUIFQSPTQFDUJWFQBSUJFTCZWJSUVFPG3VMF (i) the prospective applicant has contacted as many authorised family NFEJBUPSTBTIBWFBOPóDFXJUIJOöGUFFONJMFTPGIJTPSIFSIPNFPSUISFF of them if there are three or more), and all of them have stated that they are not available to conduct a MIAM within fifteen business days of the date PGDPOUBDUBOEJJ UIFOBNFTQPTUBMBEESFTTFTBOEUFMFQIPOFOVNCFST or e-mail addresses for such authorised family mediators, and the dates of DPOUBDUDBOCFQSPWJEFEUPUIFDPVSUJGSFRVFTUFE UIFSFJTOPBVUIPSJTFEGBNJMZNFEJBUPSXJUIBOPóDFXJUIJOöGUFFONJMFTPG the prospective applicant’s home Now complete Section 16. 16 C100_0414_4.indd 16 12/03/2014 13:12 .FEJBUPSDFSUJöFTUIBUBQQMJDBOUJTFYFNQUGSPNBUUFOEBODFBU.FEJBUJPO*OGPSNBUJPO and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) (To be completed and signed by the authorised family mediator) (tick the boxes that apply) The following MIAM exemption(s) applies: An authorised family mediator confirms that he or she is satisfied that (a) mediation is not suitable as a means of resolving the dispute because OPOFPGUIFSFTQPOEFOUJTXJMMJOHUPBUUFOEB.*".PS (b) mediation is not suitable as a means of resolving the dispute because all of the respondents failed without good reason to attend a MIAM BQQPJOUNFOUPS (c) mediation is otherwise not suitable as a means of resolving the dispute. Signed Authorised Family Mediator (a family mediator who is authorised to undertake MIAMs) Family Mediation Service name Address Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Applicant or Legal representative to complete and sign Section 16. 17 C100_0414_4.indd 17 12/03/2014 13:12 15. Confirmation of attendance at a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) (To be completed by an authorised family mediator) The applicant has attended a MIAM to find out about and consider family mediation. The respondent part or parties also attended thie MIAM with the applicant to find out about and consider family mediation. The respondent party or parties has/have made or is/are making arrangements to attend a separate MIAM to find out about and consider family mediation. Mediation or other form of Dispute Resolution is not proceeding because: One or more of the people involved in the dispute have attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, but none decided to start or continue with mediation One or more of the people involved in the dispute attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting and was/were willing to mediate but the mediator has determined that mediation is unsuitable Mediation started but has either broken down or concluded with issues unresolved. Signed Authorised Family Mediator (a family mediator who is authorised to undertake MIAMs) Family Mediation Service name Address Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Applicant or Legal representative to complete and sign Section 16. 18 C100_0414_4.indd 18 12/03/2014 13:12 16. Statement of truth *[I believe] [The applicant/respondent believes] that the facts stated in this application are true. *delete as appropriate *I am duly authorised by the applicant/respondent to sign this statement. Print full name Name of applicant solicitors firm Signed Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (Applicant) (Applicant‘s solicitor) 1PTJUJPOPSPóDFIFME (If signing on behalf of firm or company) Proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against a person who makes or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth. 19 C100_0414_4.indd 19 12/03/2014 13:12 Checklist for completing form C100 Relevant sections of this application will be provided to Cafcass upon issue of proceedings. The information contained JOQBHFTUPPGUIJTGPSNFOBCMFT$BGDBTTUPDPOEVDUFORVJSJFTQSJPSUPUIFöSTUDPVSUIFBSJOHXJUIPVUJUUIFZDBOOPU DPOEVDUUIFJSJOJUJBMTBGFHVBSEJOHDIFDLTBOEFORVJSJFT 8IJMTUFWFSZRVFTUJPOJOQBHFTUPPGUIJTGPSNTIPVMECFDPNQMFUFEPSTUBUFEUIBUJOGPSNBUJPOJTOPUBWBJMBCMFUIF GPMMPXJOHFTTFOUJBMJOGPSNBUJPOJTSFRVJSFECZ$BGDBTT$"'$"44$:.36BOEGBJMVSFUPQSPWJEFUIJTJOGPSNBUJPODPVME lead to unnecessary delays to proceedings: Page 1 Page 6 Write in your full names Tick the type of order you are applying for Tick whether the application is urgent Tick whether the application is to be made without notice to another party Tick if you are your application is for an order to formalise an agreement (consent order) Tick to indicate whether there are linked "OTXFSRVFTUJPOBCZUJDLJOHUIFSFMFWBOUCPY to indicate whether you previously prepared a Parenting Plan). "OTXFSRVFTUJPOBBCPVUSJTLCZUJDLJOHUIF SFMFWBOUCPYT *GZPVBOTXFSFEA:FTGPSBOZPG UIFTFCPYFTZPVTIPVMEBMTPDPNQMFUFBOETVCNJU to the court with your application a completed supplemental information form C1A. *GZPVUJDLFEUIFCPYPOQBHFUPJOEJDBUFMJOLFE proceedings, please complete section 6a which asks for further details. QSPDFFEJOHTBOEJGTPQSPWJEFEFUBJMTJOUIFCPYFT Page 2 Page 7 The full name(s) of the child(ren) in the proceedings Their date(s) of birth Their gender The applicants relationship to the child(ren) The respondents relationship to the child(ren) "OTXFSRVFTUJPOTBBOECCZUDLJOHUIFSFMFWBOU CPYFTBOEQSPWJEFEFUBJMTJOUIFCPYPGBOZTQFDJBM arrangements you need in order to be able to attend court. Page 8 Your (applicant’s) full name Any previous names Your (applicant’s) gender and date of birth Your (applicant’s) address, including the Postcode Note: if you (the applicant) does not wish the address to be made known it should be included in an accompanying form C8. Your (the applicant’s) telephone number and if applicable, mobile telephone. Page 3 "OTXFSRVFTUJPOBXIFUIFSUIFSFBSFQBSBMMFM proceedings for an emergency protection order, care order or supervision order) by ticking the SFMFWBOUCPYFT "OTXFSRVFTUJPOCXIFUIFSZPVBSFDMBJNJOH FYFNQUJPOGSPNUIFSFRVJSFNFOUUPBUUFOEB.*". "OTXFSRVFTUJPODXIFUIFSBGBNJMZNFEJBUPSIBT JOGPSNFEZPVUIBUBNFEJBUPSTFYFNQUJPOBQQMJFT "OTXFSRVFTUJPOEXIFUIFSZPVIBWFBUUFOEFEB MIAM). Page 9 Page 4 "OTXFSRVFTUJPOTBUPEBCPVUUIFDIJMESFO XIP BSFUIFTVCKFDUPGZPVSBQQMJDBUJPOCZUJDLJOHCPYFT and providing details where appropriate. Page 5 The respondent’s full name Previous surnames (if known) The respondent’s gender and date of birth The respondent’s address, including the Postcode The respondent’s telephone number and if applicable, mobile telephone Page 10 5JDLXIFUIFSQFSNJTTJPOUPJTSFRVJSFEUPNBLFBO application Complete section 3a to provide brief details about why you are making the application If you ticked ‘application urgent’ on page 1, complete section 3b. If you ticked ‘application made without notice to another party’ on page 1, complete section 3c Whether the respondent has lived at their address for more than 5 years Full details in section 10 for other parties who should be given notice of the application Page 11 Solicitor’s details (if applicable), including a telephone number 20 C100_0414_4.indd 20 12/03/2014 13:12 Page 12 Page 17 *GZPVBOTXFSFERVFTUJPOCPOQBHFXJUIA:FT ZPVNVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYIFSFUPJOEJDBUFUIF DBUFHPSZPG.*".FYFNQUJPOUIBUZPVBSFDMBJNJOH You (and your legal representative if relevant) TIPVMEUIFOTJHOBOEEBUFUIFCPYFTTIPXOBOE then go to page 13. If a family mediator has informed you that a NFEJBUPSTFYFNQUJPOBQQMJFTZPVNVTUBTLUIFN to complete and sign this page of the form. Page 18 If you have attended a MIAM you must ask the family mediator who conducted it to complete and sign this page of the form. Page 13 to 16 *GZPVBSFDMBJNJOHBOFYFNQUJPOGSPNBUUFOEBODF BUB.*".ZPVNVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYJO sections 13a to 13e to tell the court more about ZPVSDMBJNFEFYFNQUJPO Page 19 Check that you (and your solicitor if relevant) have completed and signed Section 16. General information for completing this form 1. 3. 4. If you are aware of any previous or current court cases concerning the child(ren) who would be the subject of the Section 8 order you are seeking then ZPVNVTUUJDLUIFCPYPOQBHFUPJOEJDBUFUIJTBOE QSPWJEFBTNVDIJOGPSNBUJPOBTZPVDBOJOUIFCPYFT and at Section 6a of this form. 6. If you are applying for an order by consent you TIPVMEUJDLUIFCPYPOQBHFUPNBLFUIJTDMFBSBOE attach the draft order with the C100 form. You need to complete this form if you want to ask the DPVSUUPNBLFPSDIBOHFBOFYJTUJOHPSEFS BCPVUB child(ren) and your application is for: t BDIJMEBSSBOHFNFOUTXIFSFBDIJMETIPVMEMJWF XIPBDIJMETIPVMETQFOEUJNFXJUIPSCPUI PS t BTQFDJöDJTTVFPSEFSGPSFYBNQMFJGZPVBSF asking the court to decide whether a child’s TVSOBNFTIPVMECFDIBOHFE PS t 2. 5. Requirement to attend a Mediation, Information and Assessment Meeting BQSPIJCJUFETUFQTPSEFSGPSFYBNQMFJGZPV are asking the court to prevent a person from removing a child from a school). *UJTOPXBMFHBMSFRVJSFNFOUUIBUVOMFTTBO FYFNQUJPOBQQMJFTBQFSTPOXIPXJTIFTUPBQQMZUP court for one or more of the orders listed above must first attend a Mediation, Information and Assessment Meeting (a MIAM). At the stage before proceedings UIFPUIFSQBSUZUIFSFTQPOEFOU JTFYQFDUFEUP attend either the same MIAM or a separate MIAM. These orders are known as “Section 8 orders”. You NVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYPOQBHFUPJOEJDBUF which type of order(s) you are applying for. (If you wish to ask the court to enforce a previous Section 8 order you need to complete a different court form – the C79). 8. Pages 1 to 11 set out the core information you need to provide if you wish to make an application to the court. You also need to ensure that relevant Sections 12 to 15 are completed and that your or your solicitor sign and date the Statementr of Truth in Section 16 of this form. Your application cannot be processed unless either Section 12 or Section 13 or Sections 14 and 15 have been completed and signed and your IBWFBOTXFSFEBTNBOZRVFTUJPOTBTQPTTJCMFBU pages 1 to 11. At the MIAM, a trained family mediator will give you (the applicant) and the other person if present (the respondent) information about family mediation and other types of non-court dispute resolution. They will consider with you whether non-court dispute resolution would be an appropriate way to resolve the dispute. It is then for the applicant and respondent to decide whether or not to do so. 5IFSFRVJSFNFOUGPSUIFBQQMJDBOUUPBUUFOEB.*". does not apply if a Section 8 order is being applied for and: If your application is urgent, or if you are making your application without notice to another party UIFSFTQPOEFOUT ZPVNVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYPO page 1 of this form. You must then provide details in the relevant Section, as indicated on page 1. t UIFPUIFSQFSTPOJTJOBHSFFNFOUBCPVUXIBU you are asking the court to order (the order is a iDPOTFOUPSEFSw PS t UIFSFJTBOPOHPJOHDBTFBCPVUUIFDIJMESFO who would be the subject of the Section 8 application and that case concerns an emergency protection order, a supervision order or a care order, or if one of those orders has previously been made. 21 C100_0414_4.indd 21 12/03/2014 13:12 in supporting Practice Direction (judicial guidance) 3A. These are available online at: www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/family/ practice_directions/pd_part_03a :PVNVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYPOQBHFPGUIJT form so that the court knows whether the MIAM SFRVJSFNFOUBQQMJFTXIFUIFSBOFYFNQUJPOBQQMJFT (and why) or whether you have attended a MIAM. You must also complete the relevant section(s of the form as indicated on page 3. Your application will not be processed (issued) unless you complete these parts of the form. Paying for MIAM attendance or for family mediation :PVNBZRVBMJGZGPSMFHBMBJEJGZPVNFFUPOFPSNPSF forms of evidence for domestic violence or child protection concerns (see paragraph 29 below for how to check eligibility for legal aid). MIAM exemptions and MIAM attendance "TUIFBQQMJDBOUZPVBSFFYQFDUFEUPIBWFDPOUBDUFE a family mediator in order to make arrangements to attend a MIAM unless : t UIF.*".SFRVJSFNFOUEPFTOPUBQQMZGPSPOF PGUIFSFBTPOTFYQMBJOFEBUQBSBHSBQIPGUIFTF notes, or t ZPVBSFDMBJNJOHB.*".FYFNQUJPOPSBGBNJMZ NFEJBUPSDFSUJöFTUIBUBNFEJBUPSTFYFNQUJPO applies. 20. Please note: the family mediator will discuss with you and the other person whether you wish to attend the MIAM separately or together. Family mediators have a responsibility to ensure the safety and security of all concerned and will always check with each of you that attending together is your individual choice and is safe. Information about mediation 21. If suitable, mediation can be a better way of resolving issues about arrangements for children when you and your partner separate or divorce. Mediation can CFMFTTFYQFOTJWFUIBOHPJOHUPDPVSUJOUIFMPOH run and much less stressful on all the family. It can also help you as parents to focus on your child(ren)’s needs in making decisions about them. 12. You should give the mediator the contact details of the other person so that the family mediator can contact them to check their willingness to attend a MIAM. If the other persons (or none of the other persons if there is more than one respondent) is or are unwilling to attend a MIAM this is a ground for UIFGBNJMZNFEJBUPSUPFYFNQUZPVGSPNBUUFOEJOHB MIAM. 22. Family Mediation is a process that involves an independent third person who assists both parties involved in a family dispute to reach a resolution. Family mediation can be used to settle any of the following issues: 13. If you or your solicitor believe that you have grounds GPSDMBJNJOHFYFNQUJPOGSPN.*".BUUFOEBODFZPV PSZPVSTPMJDJUPSNVTUUJDLUIFSFMFWBOUCPYPOQBHF 3 of the form and complete and sign where shown Sections 12 and 13 of this form. 14. If a family mediator wishes to certify that a mediator’s FYFNQUJPOBQQMJFTBOEZPVEPOPUOFFEUPBUUFOEB MIAM you must ask the family mediator to complete and sign Section 14 of this form. 15. If you have attended a MIAM you must ask the family mediator who conducted the MIAM to complete and sign Section 15 of this form. t "SSBOHFNFOUTGPSDIJMESFO t 'JOBODJBMBSSBOHFNFOUTBOEEJWJEJOHVQ property t "OZDPNCJOBUJPOPGUIFTF t "OZPUIFSEJTQVUFTUPEPXJUITFQBSBUJPOBOE divorce. 23. Family Mediation is not just for divorcing or separating couples – it is a means for resolving a range of family disputes whether they arise from divorce or separation of cohabiting parents Family Mediation could also help resolve issues with wider family members such as grandparents. *GZPVDMBJNB.*".FYFNQUJPOBOENBLFBO BQQMJDBUJPOUPUIFDPVSUUIFDPVSUXJMMJORVJSFJOUP UIFUIFHSPVOETGPSFYFNQUJPO5IFDPVSUNBZBTL you to produce written evidence (see Section 13 of UIJTGPSNGPSEFUBJMTBHBJOTUFBDIFYFNQUJPOTIPXO 24. Mediation is a completely neutral process which involves an impartial mediator facilitating negotiation between the parties to agree their own arrangements by way of a Memorandum of 6OEFSTUBOEJOH:PVDBOBTLBTPMJDJUPSJGZPVIBWF POFUPDIFDLUIF.FNPSBOEVNPG6OEFSTUBOEJOH *GUIFDPVSUEFUFSNJOFTUIBUUIFFYFNQUJPOXBT wrongly claimed it may direct you to attend a MIAM and, if the case has already progressed to the first hearing, may adjourn the case to enable to make arrangements to attend a MIAM. The court also has the power to direct the other person(s) in the case (the respondents) to attend a MIAM if they did not do so before you made your Section 8 application. 25. Some mediators and solicitors are working together UPQSPWJEFöYFEGFFQBDLBHFTGPSNFEJBUJPOXIJDI includes legal help and advice. If you are eligible for legal aid for family mediation you could receive mediation free of charge and some advice from a solicitor to support you in the mediation process. 18. The detailed procedure relating to the MIAM SFRVJSFNFOUBOE.*".FYFNQUJPOTBOEBUUFOEBODF is set out in Part 3 of the Family Procedure Rules and 22 C100_0414_4.indd 22 12/03/2014 13:12 26. If both parties agree, you can ask the court to endorse what you have agreed by issuing a consent order. The mediator will help you to decide whether your case is complicated and does in fact need the court to consider your situation and make an order. The mediator should also tell you about other localservices and options for resolving your dispute. Further information and sources of help 27. A family mediation service finder is available within UIF(PW6,XFCTJUFQSFWJPVTMZLOPXOBT%JSFDU(PW at: www.familymediationhelpline.co.uk/find-service.php 28. The family mediator who undertakes the MIAM for you must be a member of a national mediation organisation which adheres to the Family Mediation Council’s Code of Conduct and the mediator must be authorised to conduct MIAMs. The service finder will help you find such a mediator. 29. You can find out more about legal aid, including whether you may eligible for legal aid on the new -FHBM"JE*OGPSNBUJPO4FSWJDFPOUIF(PW6,TJUFBU www.gov.uk/check-legal-aid or you can telephone the Civil Legal Advice direct helpline 0845 345 4345. 30. Alternatively the web app Sorting Out Separation is now available at: www.sortingoutseparation.org.uk 31. The app provides information on services as well as An Action Plan and a link to legal aid information. 23 C100_0414_4.indd 23 12/03/2014 13:12 24 C100_0414_4.indd 24 12/03/2014 13:12
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