Social Policy Report Giving Child and Youth Development Knowledge Away Volume XXII, Number I 2008 Mathematics Education for Young Children: What It is and How to Promote It Herbert P. Ginsburg Joon Sun Lee Judi Stevenson Boyd Abstract Effective mathematics education for young children (approximately ages 3 to 5) seems to hold great promise for improving later achievement, particularly in low-SES students who are at risk of inferior education from preschool onwards. Yet there is limited understanding of what preschool and kindergarten mathematics education entails and what is required to implement it effectively. This paper attempts to provide insight into three topics central to understanding and improving early childhood mathematics education in the United States. First, we examine young children’s mathematical abilities. Cognitive research shows that young children develop an extensive everyday mathematics and are capable of learning more and deeper mathematics than usually assumed. The second topic is the content and components of early childhood mathematics education. We show that the content of mathematics for young children is wide-ranging (number and operations, shape, space, measurement, and pattern) and sometimes abstract. It involves processes of thinking as well as skills and rote memory. Components of early childhood mathematics education range from play to organized curriculum (several research based programs are now available) and intentional teaching. Third, we consider early childhood educators’ readiness to teach mathematics. Unfortunately, the typical situation is that they are poorly trained to teach the subject, are afraid of it, feel it is not important to teach, and typically teach it badly or not at all. Finally, we conclude with policy suggestions. The most urgent need is to improve and support both pre-service and in-service teacher training. A Publication of the Society for Research in Child Development Article begins on page 3 Social Policy Report Editor Lonnie Sherrod, Ph.D. [email protected] Associate Editor Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Ph.D. [email protected] Director of SRCD Office for Policy and Communications Mary Ann McCabe, Ph.D. [email protected] Managing Editor Amy D. Glaspie GOVERNING COUNCIL Arnold Sameroff Suniya Luthar Aletha Huston Ann Masten Greg J. Duncan Robert B. McCall Judith G. Smetana Ellen E. Pinderhughes Oscar Barbarin Elizabeth Susman Patricia Bauer Lonnie Sherrod Marc H. Bornstein Mary Ann McCabe Melanie Killen Alisa Beyer From the Editor It is a pleasure to introduce this issue of the Social Policy Report. Ginsburg and his colleagues have prepared a masterful piece on mathematical learning of and instruction forpreschool and kindergarten children. The authors describe what is known about early mathematical learning; they then apply their research to the development of a new curricula, Big Math for Little Kids. Their work is a great exemplar about how research informs practice as well as how a developmental scientist/scholar has been able to take his theory and build instructional materials from it. Indeed, this work reminds us that the following two statements are both true—there is nothing as practical as good theory and there is nothing as theoretical as good practice. In addition, given the state of math education for young children, such curricula have the potential to revolutionize current teaching practices. At the very least, they are likely to lead presachools to do more than the bare minimum when it comes to math education. This point is made forcefully by our two commentators—Robert Pianta and Deborah Stipek. Math education is currently a national priority because of its recognized importance to the future work force and hence to our international economic standing. Ginsburg and colleagues demonstrate the importance of basing attention to this topic on research and of the need to always place the child’s needs foremost. We hope that you enjoy this SPR as much as we do. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Ph.D., Associate Editor Columbia University Lonnie Sherrod, Ph.D., Editor Fordham University SRCD Executive Director POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Cheryl Boyce Dale Farran Barbara H. Fiese Bonnie Leadbeater Amy Lowenstein Karlen Lyons-Ruth Joseph Mahoney John Ogawa Cassandra Simmel Louisa Tarullo Lonnie Sherrod Mary Ann McCabe PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Anne D. Pick Ann Easterbrooks Sandra Graham William Graziano Brenda Jones Harden Amy Jo Schwichtenberg Joan Grusec Arnold Sameroff Gene Sackett Judith G. Smetana Lonnie Sherrod 2 Mathematics Education for Young Children: What It is and How to Promote It at all levels requires improvement, if not radical reform. Part of the solution may lie in effective early education, which has been shown to provide a foundation for later academic success (Bowman, Donovan, & Burns, 2001; Campbell, Pungello, Miller-Johnson, Burchinal, & Ramey, 2001; Reynolds & Ou, 2003), especially in the short term (Gormley, 2007) and arguably in the years thereafter (Ludwig & Phillips, 2007). Early education may even be seen as a good financial investment, resulting in economic benefits over the long term (Heckman, 2000). Initiating mathematics instruction as early as possible may be particularly beneficial. In the early years, both lowand middle-SES children have confidence in themselves as learners and expect to do well in school (Stipek & Ryan, 1997). Also, mathematics ability upon entry to kindergarten is a strong predictor of later academic success, and in fact is even a better predictor of later success than is early reading ability (Duncan et al., 2007). But as we shall see, implementing ECME on a wide scale is a massive and difficult undertaking. To do the job effectively, we need to grapple with some key issues, among them young children’s ability to learn mathematics, the nature of the early childhood mathematics curriculum, and teachers’ readiness to teach. Fortunately, research in cognitive developmental and educational psychology and in mathematics education can illuminate these basic issues and serve as the basis for policy recommendations. Herbert P. Ginsburg Teachers College Columbia University Joon Sun Lee Hunter College of the City University of New York Judi Stevenson Boyd Teachers College Columbia University Mathematics education for young children—roughly ages 3 to 5, or preschool to Kindergarten in the American system—is not new. Early childhood mathematics education (ECME) has been a key part of preschool and kindergarten practice at various times during the past 200 years (Balfanz, 1999). In the 1850s, Froebel introduced a system of guided instruction centered on various “gifts,” including blocks that ever since have been widely used to help young children learn basic mathematics, especially geometry (Brosterman, 1997). In the early 1900s, Montessori (1964), working in the slums of Rome, developed a structured series of mathematics activities to promote young children’s mathematics learning. Interest in ECME appears to wax and wane in response to social conditions. In the early years of the 21st century, policy makers, educators, and parents in the U.S., and indeed around the world, are again concerned with ECME. For example, in the U.S., Head Start has begun to strengthen its mathematics curriculum, and states like Texas and New Jersey are implementing new programs of ECME, especially for low-SES, minority children. Two widespread social concerns have contributed to the current interest. The first is that American children’s mathematics performance is weaker than it should be. Children from East Asia outperform their American counterparts in mathematics achievement, perhaps as early as preschool (Miller & Parades, 1996) or kindergarten (Stevenson, Lee, & Stigler, 1986). The second is that within the U.S., low-SES children, a group comprised of a disproportionate number of African-Americans and Latinos (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2006), show lower average levels of academic achievement than do their middle- and upper-SES peers (Arnold & Doctoroff, 2003). The current situation is detrimental to our children and the nation as a whole. American mathematics education Are Young Children Ready to Learn Mathematics? Over the last 25 years or so, researchers have accumulated a wealth of evidence (Baroody, Lai, & Mix, 2006; Clements & Serama, 2007; Ginsburg, Cannon, Eisenband, & Pappas, 2006) showing that nearly from birth to age 5, young children develop an everyday mathematics—including informal ideas of more and less, taking away, shape, size, location, pattern and position—that is surprisingly broad, complex, and sometimes sophisticated. Everyday mathematics is an essential and even inevitable feature of the child’s cognitive development, and like other aspects of the child’s cognition, such as theory of mind or critical thinking, develops in the ordinary environment, usually without direct instruction. Indeed, everyday mathematics is so fundamental and pervasive a feature of the child’s cognition that it is hard to see how children could function without it. Core Mathematical Abilities Even infants display core mathematical abilities. 3 They can, for example, discriminate between two colCompetence and Incompetence lections varying in number (Lipton & Spelke, 2003) and Children’s minds are not simple. On the one hand, develop elementary systems for locating objects in space from an early age they seem to understand basic ideas of (Newcombe & Huttenlocher, 2000). Geary (1996) argues addition and subtraction (Brush, 1978) and spatial relathat all children, regardless of background and culture, tions (Clements, 1999). They can spontaneously develop are endowed with “biologically primary” abilities includ(Groen & Resnick, 1977) various methods of calculation, ing not only number, but also like counting on from the larger basic geometry. These kinds of number (given 9 and 2, the child abilities are virtually universal counts, “nine…ten, eleven”) From birth to age 5, young children to the species and require only (Baroody & Wilkins, 1999). At develop an everyday mathematics— a minimum of environmental the same time, children display including informal ideas of more and support to develop. certain kinds of mathematical incompetence, as for example less, taking away, shape, size, Everyday Mathematics when they have difficulty unlocation, pattern and position—that is Throughout the preschool derstanding that the number of surprisingly broad, complex, and some- objects remains the same even years, children’s everyday times sophisticated. mathematics develops in inwhen they are merely shifted teresting ways, often without around (Piaget, 1952) or when adult assistance. As Gelman they fail to realize that an odd (2000) puts it, “We can think of looking triangle (for example, young children as self-monitoran extremely elongated, noning learning machines who are right-angle, “skinny” triangle) inclined to learn on the fly, even is as legitimate a triangle as one when they are not in school with three sides the same length Mathematics education is (in part) and regardless of whether they (Clements, 1999). education in language and literacy. are with adults” (p. 26). In the ordinary environment, young Concrete and Abstract children develop a compreIn some ways, young hensive everyday mathematics children’s thinking is relatively entailing a variety of topics, including space, shape and concrete. They see that this set of objects is more than pattern, as well as number and operations, and comprising that; and they can add 3 toy dogs to 4 toy dogs to get the several important features. sum. Yet in other ways, young children’s thinking is very abstract. They know that adding always makes more and Spontaneous Interest subtracting less. They can easily create symmetries in three Young children have a spontaneous and sometimes dimensions (Seo & Ginsburg, 2004). They have abstract explicit interest in mathematical ideas. Naturalistic obideas about counting objects, including the one-to-one servation has shown, for example, that in their ordinary principle (one and only one number word should be asenvironments, young children spontaneously count (Saxe, signed to each object) and the abstraction principle (any Guberman, & Gearhart, 1987), even up to relatively large discrete objects can be counted, from stones to unicorns) numbers, like 100 (Irwin & Burgham, 1992), and may want (Gelman & Gallistel, 1986). to know what is the “largest number” (Gelman, 1980). Also, mathematical ideas permeate children’s play: in the Language and Metacognition block area, for example, young children spend a good deal Mathematics education is (in part) education in lanof time determining which tower is higher than another, guage and literacy. From the age of 2 or so, children learn creating and extending interesting patterns with blocks, the language and grammar of counting. They memorize the exploring shapes, creating symmetries, and the like (Seo first ten or so counting words (which are essentially non& Ginsburg, 2004). Everyday mathematics is not an imsense syllables, with no underlying structure or meaning), position from adults; indeed adults, including teachers, are and then learn a set of rules to generate the higher numbers often blissfully ignorant of it. (Ginsburg, 1989). For example, once you figure out that 4 forty comes after thirty, just as four comes after three, it is problems (Ginsburg & Pappas, 2004). They both use metheasy to append to the forty the numbers one through nine ods like counting on from the larger number or “derived and then go on to the next logical tens number, fifty, which facts” (4 and 5 is 9 because I know that 4 and 4 is 8 and comes after forty, just as five comes after four. 5 is just one more, so the answer has to be 9). Educators Young children also learn other kinds of mathematican use informal strategies like these as a foundation on cal language, like the names of shapes (“square”) and which to build school mathematics (Resnick, 1992). Secwords for quantity (“bigger” “less”). Indeed, some of these ond, although lower-SES children exhibit difficulty with words (like “more”) are among the first words spoken by verbal addition and subtraction problems, they perform many babies (Bloom, 1970). Mathematical words are so as well as middle-SES children on non-verbal forms of pervasive that they are not usually thought of as belonging these tasks (Jordan, Huttenlocher, & Levine, 1994). They to “mathematics” and are instead considered aspects of do not lack the basic skills or concepts of addition and general cognitive development or intelligence. subtraction. Third, lower- and middle-SES children exhibit Perhaps most importantly, language is required to exfew if any differences in the everyday mathematics they press and justify mathematical spontaneously employ in free thinking. With development, play (Ginsburg, Pappas, & Seo, children become increasingly 2001). In brief, although lowLow-SES children show less profi cient aware of their own thinking SES children’s performance mathematical performance than do their needs improvement, they exand begin to express it in words (Kuhn, 2000). These kinds hibit a good deal of competence middle-SES peers, particularly when of metacognitive skills are as on which ECME can build. Of metacognition is required, but do not necessary for mathematics as particular concern should be lack basic concepts and skills. for other topics and begin to the enhancement of language develop in children as young and metacognition. as 4 or 5 years of age (Pappas, Unfortunately, low SES Ginsburg, & Jiang, 2003). children are susceptible to a The hardest form of language for children to learn is pervasive risk factor, namely low quality schools (V. E. Lee the special written symbolism of mathematics, like 5, +, & Burkham, 2002) that fail to offer suitable mathematics - or =. For example, asked to represent a quantity like 5 education. Their teachers often fail to provide opportunities blocks, young children exhibit idiosyncratic (e.g., scribble) for mathematics learning and teach badly or not at all, as and pictographic (e.g., drawing blocks) responses and only we shall see below. much later can employ iconic (e.g., tallies) and symbolic (e.g., numerals like 5) responses (Hughes, 1986). Conclusions on What Children Know Finally, the importance of mathematical language In the ordinary environment, young children develop is underscored by the fact that the amount of teachers’ an everyday mathematics entailing a variety of topics, math-related talk is significantly related to the growth including space, shape and pattern, as well as number and of preschoolers’ conventional mathematical knowledge operations. Everyday mathematics encompasses more than over the school year (Klibanoff, Levine, Huttenlocher, “numeracy”; is both concrete and abstract; involves both Vasilyeva, & Hedges, 2006). Language is clearly deeply skills and concepts; and may be learned spontaneously as imbedded in mathematics learning and teaching. well as with adult assistance. Low-SES children show less proficient mathematical performance than do their middleSES Differences SES peers, particularly when metacognition is required, As in many other areas, lower-SES preschool chilbut do not lack basic concepts and skills. The question of dren generally perform more poorly on simple mathematiwhether young children are “ready” to learn mathematics cal tasks than do their more privileged peers (Denton & is beside the point: without much direct adult assistance, West, 2002). At the same time, the pattern of differences they are already learning some real mathematical skills and is complex and interesting. First, although lower-SES ideas. Learning mathematics is a “natural” and developchildren’s performance on informal addition and subtracmentally appropriate activity for young children. tion problems often lags behind middle-SES children’s, the two groups often employ similar strategies to solve Content and Components of Early Childhood 5 Mathematics Education If children are capable of learning mathematics, and if we choose to help them learn it, what kind of mathematics should we teach and how should we teach it? The decisions stem from our educational values and goals, but should be informed by psychological research. ECME promotes the learning of mathematics subject matter and ways of thinking by means of various components of the educational experience. rus rex,” they should have no problem with “hexagon” or “symmetrical”). Children need to learn to analyze and construct shapes and to understand their defining features (Clements, 2004). Various metacognitive functions also play a key role in mathematics learning. Children need to learn to be aware of and verbalize their mathematical strategies. Middle-SES children are more skilled at these aspects of metacognition than are lower-SES children (Ginsburg & Pappas, 2004). Subject Matter Children also need to mathematize—to conceive of Most preschool teachers typically instruct children problems in explicitly mathematical terms. They need to in a very narrow range of mathunderstand that the action of ematical content. They often combining one bear with two limit their focus to the names others can be meaningfully inof the common shapes (Graterpreted in terms of the mathham, Nash, & Paul, 1997) and ematical principles of addition The leading professional organizathe relatively small counting and the symbolism 1 + 2. One tions in the field recommend that numbers, up to about 20. They of the functions of mathematgenerally do little to encourage ics education is to help chilearly mathematics instruction cover counting or estimation, and dren to advance beyond their the “big ideas” of mathematics... seldom use proper mathematinformal, intuitive mathematics terminology (Frede, Jung, ics—what Vygotsky (1986) Barnett, Lamy, & Figueras, called “everyday knowledge.” 2007, p. 21). In Vygotsky’s view, the goal is Yet, as we have seen, reto help children develop, over search shows that children are capable of learning content a period of years, a powerful and organized “scientific” far more complex than this. The leading professional orknowledge—in this case the formal concepts, procedures, ganizations in the field recommend that early mathematics and symbolism of mathematics. instruction cover the “big ideas” of mathematics in such areas as number and operations, geometry (shape and Components space), measurement, and “algebra” (particularly pattern) Given the goals of teaching subject matter and think(National Association for the Education of Young Children ing, what methods should we use? ECME can be thought and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2002; of as involving the following six components. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000), within learning contexts that promote problem solving, Environment analysis, and communication (National Council of TeachThe preschool classroom (or “childcare center”—we ers of Mathematics, 2006). use the terms synonymously) should contain a rich variety of objects and materials—such as blocks, dress up area and Mathematical Thinking puzzles—that can set the stage for mathematics learning. Understanding number involves more than saying a Widespread agreement on this requirement has resulted few counting words. It involves reasoning about number (if in the extensive use of the Early Childhood Environ2 and 3 is 5, then 3 and 2 must also be 5) (Baroody, 1985), ment Rating Scale (ECERS) (Harms, Clifford, & Cryer, making inferences (if we add something other than 0 to 3, 1998), which primarily provides a rating of the quality the sum must be bigger than 3) (Baroody, 1992), and deof the preschool “physical” environment. Research using veloping a mental number line (100 is much further away this measure shows that preschool environments vary in from 2 than is 20) (Case & Okamoto, 1996). Understandquality and that many require considerable improvement. ing shape involves more than knowing a figure’s name, But a rich physical environment by itself is not enough. although knowledge of correct mathematical vocabulary The crucial factor is not what the environment makes posis certainly necessary. (If children can learn “tyrannosau6 little time with children (Seo & Ginsburg, 2004) or tend only to manage their behavior (Kontos, 1999). Teachers do not appear to be sufficiently knowledgeable to see the opportunity for teaching a range of mathematical concepts in everyday situations (Moseley, 2005). In brief, teachers seldom attempt to exploit teachable moments, and even if they did, it’s hard to see how they could effectively keep track of and productively respond to the haphazard occurrences of Although essential for children’s inteachable moments in 20 or so young children, especially from tellectual development generally and diverse backgrounds (Hyun & for mathematics learning in particuMarshall, 2003). sible, but what children do in it. Thus, many New Jersey preschools score relatively high on the ECERS: “Over 40 percent scored 5 or better, placing them in the good to excellent quality range” (Frede et al., 2007, p. 11). Yet observation of these classrooms showed that “… the average Abbott preschool provides limited support for children’s mathematical skill development” (p. 20). Play We know that children do indeed learn a good deal of everyday mathematics on their own (Seo & Ginsburg, lar, play is not enough. 2004). Play provides valuable Projects opportunities to explore and These are extensive teacher to undertake activities than initiated and guided explorations can be surprisingly sophisof complex topics related to the ticated from a mathematieveryday world, like figuring out cal point of view (Ginsburg, how to create a map of the class2006), especially in block room (Katz & Chard, 1989). This play (Hirsch, 1996). Although kind of project can involve meaessential for children’s intelOrganized curriculum is an essential surement, space, perspective, replectual development generally part of ECME. resentation, and many mathematiand for mathematics learning in cal and other ideas (e.g., scientific) particular, play is not enough. It that have practical application and does not usually help children appeal (Worsley, Beneke, & Helm, to mathematize—to interpret 2003). They can help children to their experiences in explicitly learn that making sense of real-life problems can be stimumathematical form and understand the relations between lating and enjoyable. Although projects can be effective, the two. the danger is that they may turn into a “... a grab bag of any mathematics-related experiences that seem to relate Teachable Moment to a theme…” (National Association for the Education The teachable moment is a form of adult guidance of Young Children and National Council of Teachers of that enjoys widespread acceptance in the preschool world. Mathematics, 2002, p. 10). The teachable moment involves the teacher’s careful observation of children’s play and other activities in order Curriculum to identify the spontaneously emerging situation that can Yet projects may be useful if guided by a larger plan be exploited to promote learning. The popular Creative (Helm & Beneke, 2003), namely a curriculum, which is Curriculum program (Dodge, Colker, & Heroman, 2002) the fifth component of ECME. Organized curriculum is an relies heavily on use of the teachable moment. essential part of ECME. A curriculum can be characterized No doubt, the teachable moment, accurately perceived as “…a written instructional blueprint and set of materiand suitably addressed, can provide a superb learning exals for guiding students’ acquisition of certain culturally perience for the child (Copley, Jones, & Dighe, 2007). But valued concepts, procedures, intellectual dispositions, there is good reason to believe that in practice the teachand ways of reasoning…” (Clements, 2007, p. 36). A able moment is not an effective educational method. Most curriculum offers planned activities for the teaching of early childhood teachers spend little time in the careful mathematics. It assumes that mathematics does not always observation necessary to perceive and interpret such moneed to be sugar coated or integrated with other activities ments (J. Lee, 2004). During free play, teachers spend very 7 to appeal to young children, but can be an interesting and exciting subject of study in its own right. What could be more fascinating in a young child’s eyes than the identity of the largest number (Gelman, 1980)? Adults who fear introducing mathematics to young children may be reacting more to their own unfortunate encounters with the subject than to any appreciation of young children’s interests and capabilities. effectiveness is currently underway. Building Blocks (Clements & Sarama, 2007a) draws upon an extensive body of research on developmental trajectories to create materials “… designed to help children extend and mathematize their daily activities, from building blocks… to art and stories…” (Clements & Sarama, 2007b, p. 138). The materials are unique in integrating three types of media: computers, manipulatives, and print. The curriculum focuses on two major topics, space/geIntentional Teaching ometry and number/quantity. A “small scale summative Deliberate instruction—teaching—is of course reresearch” study showed impressive gains for low-SES quired by curriculum and is a key part of ECME. It is the children, especially in the areas of subitizing (“seeing” responsibility of educators to do more than let children a number quickly, without counting), sequencing, shape play or respond to teachable identification, and the compomoments. “In high-quality sition of shapes (Clements & mathematics education for 3- to Sarama, 2007b). Subsequent 6-year-old children, teachers research presents even more and other key professionals impressive support for the should… actively introduce program’s efficacy (Clements Preschool teachers need to engage in mathematical concepts, meth& Sarama, 2007c; What Works deliberate and planned instruction... ods, and language through a Clearing House, 2007). range of appropriate experiThe Measurement-based ences and teaching strategies” approach (Sophian, 2004) (National Association for the was developed for teaching Education of Young Children mathematics in the Head Start and National Council of Teachprogram. Drawing on the work ers of Mathematics, 2002, p. 4). Preschool teachers need of Russian psychologists (Davydov, 1975) and developed to engage in deliberate and planned instruction, an activity in collaboration with teachers, the program assumes that some think is developmentally inappropriate, as we shall the concept of unit is crucial to the early understanding soon see. of number, measurement, and geometric shapes. The curriculum includes a weekly project activity conducted by New Curricula Head Start teachers, various supplementary activities, and Fortunately, within the past 10 years or so, several weekly home activities for parents to conduct with their curricula inspired by cognitive developmental research children. An evaluation “…showed significant, albeit have become available. All are devoted to improving lowmodest, positive effects of the intervention” (Sophian, SES children’s achievement. 2004, p. 59). Sophian also notes that an indirect outcome The Big Math for Little Kids curriculum (Balfanz, of the program was to elevate teacher and parent expecGinsburg, & Greenes, 2003; Ginsburg, Greenes, & Baltations about preschool children’s potential for learning fanz, 2003) uses activities and storybooks to engage chilmathematics. dren first in learning key concepts of number, then shape, The Number Worlds curriculum (Griffin, 2007b) pattern, measurement, operations on number, and finally covers basic number concepts from preschool through the space. Activities are offered for each day of the school sixth grade. It pays special attention to helping children year. Within each of the larger topics, the activities are navigate among the three different worlds of “…real quanarranged in order of difficulty, as indicated by research on tities that exist in space and time, the world of counting the developmental trajectories of children’s mathematics numbers… and the world of formal symbols” (Griffin, learning. Thus, in the case of number concepts, children 2007a, p. 375). Building on the natural developmental profirst begin to learn number words, and then encounter congression, the program attempts to teach concepts foundacepts of cardinal number, representation, and next ordinal tional for learning and to promote rich connections among number, in that rough order. Research on the curriculum’s different areas of knowledge. Number Worlds relies heavily 8 on hands-on games and activities that “capture children’s emotions and imaginations as well as their minds” (p. 379), and stresses the central role of language. The program, aimed primarily at low-SES children struggling in school, has shown promising results (pp. 390-392). The Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum (Klein & Starkey, 2002) includes 29 small-group preschool classroom activities employing manipulatives and 18 home activities for parents to use with their children. “The activities are designed to be sensitive to the developmental needs of individual children. Suggestions are provided for scaffolding children who experience difficulty…” (Klein, Starkey, Clements, & Sarama, 2007, p. 5). The content of the program involves number and operations, space, geometry, pattern, measurement and data, and logical reasoning. The program also made use of the DLM Express software (Clements & Sarama, 2003), an earlier version of the Building Blocks software discussed above. Evaluation research showed impressive gains, with large effect size, for low-SES children in the treatment group. Storytelling Sagas (Casey, 2004) is a series of specially created supplementary mathematics storybooks for preschool through grade 2. Each of the six books focuses on a different content area (such as space, pattern, or measurement) and combines oral storytelling with hands-on activity. The books all have a strong visualization/spatial reasoning component. The series of books obviously stresses the very important role of language as it involves children in active learning of mathematics. Evaluations of the program are underway. One study showed that embedding mathematics activities in stories is an effective pedagogical method for promoting spatial reasoning in a sample of low-SES kindergarten children (Casey, Erkut, Ceder, & Young, in press). In addition to these developments, the High/Scope curriculum (Hohmann & Weikart, 2002), one of the most popular in early childhood education, is being updated and will be called Numbers Plus. As the title suggests, the new curriculum will focus on number, but will also include activities in shape, space, measurement, “algebra” (mostly patterns), and data analysis. The new High/Scope mathematics curriculum will provide far more challenging (and we think appropriate) mathematics than did its earlier version, which was limited in scope and content, and will include professional development activities. The new curriculum will be carefully evaluated as well. Although the curricula described above vary in many ways, they are all research-based and seem to hold promise for promoting the mathematics education of young chil- dren, particularly those from low-SES backgrounds. Are early childhood teachers ready? Early childhood education is increasingly becoming a common experience for young children in the U.S. Between 1970 and 2005, enrollment in some type of school (including private childcare centers, publicly supported preschools and kindergartens, and Head Start) increased substantially: for children ages 3 to 4 enrollment grew from 20 to 54 percent, and for children ages 5 to 6 it grew from 89.5 to 95.4 percent (U.S. Department of Education & National Center for Education Statistics, 2007). Many children are in school, ready and eager to learn mathematics. But are teachers and other childcare providers (for our purposes we refer to them as teachers as well) ready to teach them? Teacher Qualifications How do we know whether a person is qualified to teach early mathematics? The consensus of professional leaders and policy makers is that the minimum standard for early childhood teachers should be a four-year undergraduate degree with specialization in early childhood education (Bowman et al., 2001). Yet the certification requirements for early childhood teachers vary considerably across the U.S. For example, during the 2005-2006 school year, only 18 of the 38 states funding preschool programs required the lead teachers in every classroom to have a four-year college degree (although it may not involve training in ECME). The other 20 states had no such requirement (Barnett, Hustedt, Hawkinson, & Robins, 2006). If possession of the BA is the criterion, the largest number of “qualified” teachers can be found in programs located in public schools. Around the year 2003, all kindergarten teachers and eighty-seven percent of pre-kindergarten teachers in public schools had at least a bachelor’s degree (Barnett, 2003). Teachers in other center-based settings (for example, Head Start programs) are less qualified (as defined by degree). Of course, educational credentials are only a proxy for relevant knowledge and skills acquired in the colleges and universities. The real issue is whether an undergraduate degree—especially an undergraduate degree in early childhood education—provides teachers with knowledge and skills useful for teaching early childhood mathematics. The answer is discouraging. The undergraduate degree—even with a major in early childhood education—is not a good predictor of classroom quality and children’s academic outcomes (Early et al., 2007). 9 One reason may be that postgraduate programs do development providers or administrators, teacher educanot appear to adequately prepare early childhood educators from 2- and 4-year institutions of higher education, tion majors to teach domain-specific knowledge to young or state policymakers spontaneously discussed any kind children (Isenberg, 2000), especially mathematics (Copley, of subject matter knowledge as relevant for preschool. 2004; Sarama, DiBiase, Clements, & Spitler, 2004). For Furthermore, during eight focus group meetings, none of example, although almost 80% of preschool to grade 3 the stakeholders discussed mathematics at all (Lobman, preparation programs in New Jersey 4-year colleges offer Ryan, & McLaughlin, 2005b). When explicitly asked to coursework targeted to literacy, only 16% offer coursework compare the relative value of different academic topics, targeted to mathematics; 74% offer mathematics education early childhood teachers rate mathematics as significantly only as a part of a comprehensive early childhood educaless important than literacy (Blevins-Knabe, Austin, tion course; and 10% do not offer mathematics education Musun-Miller, Eddy, & Jones, 2000; Musun-Miller & at all. The situation is not better for 2-year community colBlevins-Knabe, 1998). leges; 18% of them do not offer Yet early childhood early childhood mathematics; teachers may be aware of almost 50 percent offer it only the changes in the field that as part of another course; and demand more rigorous ECME. ...many prospective and current preless than 40% offer it as a stand When asked directly to focus school teachers do not like mathematalone course (Lobman, Ryan, on the role of mathematics ics, are afraid of it, and do not want to & McLaughlin, 2005a). Colin early childhood education, leges and universities provide they generally agree that their teach it. prospective teachers with few young students could and opportunities to learn about should engage in mathematiECME. cal learning, especially basic “numeracy readiness skills” Teachers’ Beliefs such as one-to-one correspondence, understanding of Our personal experience suggests that many prospecmore and less, simple counting, and sorting. Geometry tive and current preschool teachers do not like mathematand measurement concepts were less popular (J. S. Lee ics, are afraid of it, and do not want to teach it. The avail& Ginsburg, 2007b; Sarama et al., 2004). able research does not put the issue so bluntly, but provides At the same time, goals and beliefs about methods evidence consistent with our observations. In general, early of early mathematics education vary depending on the childhood teachers place higher priority on the social, population of children teachers serve (J. S. Lee & Ginsemotional, and physical domains in their classrooms than burg, 2007a, 2007b). Preschool teachers working with on intellectual or academic activities (Kowalski, Prettimiddle-SES children at private preschool programs for the Frontczak, & Johnson, 2001; J. S. Lee, 2006). Preschool relatively affluent appear to take a relatively unstructured and kindergarten teachers alike emphasize that, in order approach to mathematics education. They feel that it is to be ready for success in school, young children need to important to foster children’s positive dispositions and be healthy and socially and emotionally competent, but feelings, but that it is not as crucial to teach mathematics that it is not as important for them acquire basic literacy knowledge or skills. They believe that children should and mathematics knowledge and skills (Lin, Lawrence, & learn mathematics through self-initiated play, exploration, Gorrell, 2003; Piotrkowski, Botsko, & Matthews, 2001). discovery learning, and problem solving. One exception is that the greater the school’s poverty level By contrast, preschool teachers working with children and the greater the number of minority students enrolled, from low-SES families at publicly funded preschool the more kindergarten teachers identify lack of academic programs such as Head Start or Universal Pre-kindergarten skills as a major problem to be addressed in the transition place strong emphasis on the need for ECME to prepare to elementary school (Rimm-Kaufman, Pianta, & Cox, their children for kindergarten and beyond. They believe 2000). that teachers should work with overall goals and plans But in general, early childhood teachers do not place for mathematics education, set time aside specifically for a high value on teaching mathematics. A focus group study mathematics, and expect their students to participate in showed that very few preschool teachers, professional mathematics activities regardless of their interests. In order 10 to achieve their goals, these teachers tend to rely heavily on ready-made curricula and materials and to use computers to promote children’s mathematical learning. In brief, early childhood teachers believe that social emotional learning is more important than literacy, which in turn they see as more important than mathematics. When asked directly about teaching mathematics, teachers agree that children should learn some basic aspects of number. Teachers of low-SES children tend to favor more directive instructional methods of than do teachers of middle-SES children. Graham et al. (1997) observed that mathematics was not a salient topic of discussion, not even opportunistically or spontaneously, in two preschool programs with a reputation for high overall quality. When mathematics was discussed, the conversation lasted less than a minute, primarily centering on very basic concepts such as age, numeral recognition, and names of shapes. Interestingly, these teachers reported that they believe mathematics is important, and that they indeed engaged in mathematical discussions with their children. Observing 20 preschool classrooms, Brown (2005) rarely saw teachers scaffolding children’s exploration of mathematical ideas or suggesting Teaching Practice challenges. Brown also found Early childhood teachers’ that those teachers who rated low emphasis on mathematics mathematics as important did also manifests itself in their not necessarily teach it freThe poor quality of instruction practice. Empirical observation quently. In short, mathematics is...troubling. of a large number of classrooms seems to be seriously overshows that: “We can characterlooked in preschool classrooms ize these early education envieven when teachers say that ronments as socially positive it is important and that they but instructionally passive” teach it. (Pianta & La Paro, 2003, p. The picture does not look 28). Moreover, teachers spend much better at kindergarten much less classroom time on level. Chung (1994) found mathematics than on literacy. that, although 30 public school Our most urgent need is to improve Layzer and colleagues (1993) kindergarten teachers were teacher training and support. observed that in preschool only observed to spend a quarter 15% of the class time during of their classroom time on periods of core programmatic mathematics, it was usually activity in the morning was integrated with other learning spent teaching mathematics activities and seldom taught and science, compared to 29% spent on teaching reading as a separate subject. Even more troubling, most of the and language. Similarly, according to Early and colleagues mathematics time was spent on rote learning of basic skills. (2005), only 8% of classroom time is spent on math activiMany early childhood teachers seem to be adept at preparties involving counting, time, shapes, sorting, while 21% ing the physical environment that includes mathematics, is devoted to literacy activities. but not at teaching it (J. Lee, 2004). The situation is similar in kindergarten. Teachers report spending 39 minutes in each session, 4.7 days a Where do we go from here? week, for a total of 3.1 hours each week on mathematWe have seen that: ics, whereas the comparable figures for reading are 62 • There is a clear need for ECME, particularly to minutes, 4.9 days, and a total of 5.2 hours (Hausken & enhance the school success of low-SES students who are Rathbun, 2004). Because children’s mathematics gains at risk of school failure; over the course of their schooling are related significantly • Children have the potential and desire to learn to the amount of time they spend on the subject (Guarino, mathematics, even at an abstract and symbolic level; Hamilton, Lockwood, Rathbun, & Hausken, 2006), the • ECME is more complex, deep and difficult than quantity of early childhood mathematics instruction is a usually assumed; cause for concern. • The means for teaching early mathematics—most The poor quality of instruction is also troubling. importantly research-based curricula—are available (al- 11 Early Childhood Mathematics Education: What is Math and What is Education? Robert C. Pianta University of Virginia As Ginsburg, Lee, and Boyd document so clearly, young children are capable of a wide range and depth of thinking and learning in mathematics; such capacities appear to be sensitive to environmental input; and the systems in place for ensuring the quantity and quality of such inputs are at best third-rate. Their nine recommendations are sensible, appealing to developmental scientists, early educators, and education researchers. But for these recommendations to have desired effects, several challenges remain to be addressed. First, there is a core question – what skills and knowledge fall within the domain of mathematics? The studies of math performance catalogued by Ginsburg and colleagues are a laundry list of content and cognition: number, space, memory, time, quantity, etc.. Children are capable of more than what classrooms require of them, but we need a more detailed documentation of the developmental connections among what young children can learn and the skills tested in school. Visit any elementary school and if you see math instruction (see Pianta, Belsky, Houts, Morrison, & NICHD ECCRN, 2007), you will be struck by the hodge-podge of activities, focus, and target-skill areas. At the risk of oversimplification, more than 2 decades of research on language development and early literacy helped describe the developmental course of literacy and role(s) played by skill areas such as phonological processing; now every early literacy curriculum emphasizes instruction in phonological and meaning-based skills, rather than one versus the other. Developmental science has yet to map mathematics trajectories to the same extent. If there is to be some systematic link among children, teachers, and curriculum, we need to know how mathematics is organized developmentally – how does understanding quantity or order translate into the kind of performance we call “mathematics” in 4th grade? What skills are essential as a focus of instruction? Clearly-articulated developmental pathways are essential if instruction is to move beyond the “skill of the week,” and a particular challenge is whether the disparate skills observed in various labs are the product of some underlying, organizing process. The design of curriculum and training of teachers are very different if four domains of math skills develop independently or whether a common cognitive capacity accounts for growth in each. Studies of development in mathematics must also consider issues of context, scaling, and assessment if findings will translate from lab to classroom. Although knowledge is increasing about what young children can do in lab situations, research has yet to describe whether such skills are necessary or present norms for their performance, information that could drive the construction of useful assessment systems. And because the learning of mathematics is embedded in interactions with the “stuff” of the world and with “teachers,” it is dependent on the knowledge of the teacher and their skill engaging young children through feedback, sensitivity, and attentiveness to cues for learning. Well-described trajectories or developmental curricula will not by themselves increase mathematics performance; literacy curricula proven effective in rigorous trials often fall short when scaled in typical implementation contexts. Ginsburg and colleagues are right to focus on the knowledge and skills of teachers, and how to effectively improve them, as a central focus of research if the progress of developmental science will be realized in gains in children’s competence. The very low levels of active, cognitively-engaging teaching that occurs in most classrooms, even when staffed by certified, licensed, or degreed teachers (see Pianta et al., 2005) is sobering. We need more careful study of effective instructional processes, of ways to assess these processes reliably in large samples, of factors that regulate their presence and how to improve them. This requires a science linking the “what can be” in the lab with “what is” and too often “what will be” in the classroom, a science of teachers and teaching requiring the joint attention of both developmental and education scientists. Ginsburg, Lee, and Boyd advance a timely argument for serious attention to mathematics both by policy-makers that attend to early education and by scholars who focus on development. Their argument identifies two challenges facing the field: the need for a developmental mapping and theory of mathematics skill and how to systematically study teaching as it can be produced, leveraged, and improved. References Pianta, R., Belsky, J., Houts, R., Morrison, F., & NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2007). Opportunities to learn in America’s elementary classrooms. Science, 315, 1795-1796. Pianta, R., Howes, C., Burchinal, M., Bryant, D., Clifford, R., Early, D., & Barbarin, O. (2005). Features of pre-kindergarten programs, classrooms, and teachers: Do they predict observed classroom quality and child-teacher interactions? Applied Developmental Science, 9(3), 144-159. 12 The Price of Inattention to Mathematics in Early Childhood Education is too Great Deborah Stipek Stanford University Looking across international comparative studies, American students’ performance in mathematics is in the bottom third (Ginsburg, Cooke, Leinwand, Noell, & Pollock, 2005). This is not news. We have known that American students perform poorly in math and science on international comparisons for many years. More recently, longitudinal studies have shown that math concepts, such as knowledge of numbers and ordinality, at school entry are the strongest predictors of later achievement, even stronger than early literacy skills (Duncan et al., 2007). It is curious that so little attention is paid to the mathematical learning of young children, which serves as the foundation for future math understanding and school achievement. Ginsburg, Lee, and Boyd remind us that young children can and do learn mathematical concepts, and they could learn much more if we supported their learning. But, as they explain, preschool teachers are given almost no preparation to teach mathematics. The consequence, apparent to me in visits to hundreds of preschool and kindergarten classrooms, is that mathematics is simply not taught. When we planned to assess instructional strategies in math we often had to go back to a program day after day to see anything that looked like an effort to facilitate children’s math learning. When we did see it, variations on two approaches predominated. The first involves sheets of paper with numbers on one side and groups of objects on the other. Children draw a line from, for example three stars on the left to the number 3 on the right, or from four balloons to the number 4. The other common activity involves painting macaroni and pasting them in boxes on colored paper in groups that reflected the number written in each box. Children seemed to enjoy both tasks, to be sure. And they may develop some eye-hand coordination or artistic talent in the macaroni painting and pasting activity. But it is hard to imagine a more inefficient way to promote an understanding of number. We cannot blame the teachers. Until recently we have not expected instruction in mathematics in early childhood education programs. And in addition to not being trained, many are not comfortable with their own mathematical skill. Furthermore, the difficulty of teaching young children mathematics is typically underestimated. I once observed a group of highly qualified preschool teachers receive intense training in assessing young children’s mathematical understandings. They became adept at diagnosing children’s misunderstandings. But after many months of weekly meetings they all confessed that they were not at all sure what to do after they had identified a problem. We realized that they needed much more than training in assessment. Ginsburg et al. describe the many different strands of mathematical thinking and skills young children need to learn, as well as the many ways we can facilitate their mathematical learning -- with materials, opportunities to play, taking advantage of teachable moments, guiding children’s explorations, and using math curriculum as a guide for instruction. The teacher is key to all of these strategies for promoting math understanding. Even children’s play needs to be guided to focus their attention on math concepts (e.g., providing props for a post office or store, and modeling buying and selling). Until we make mathematics learning a priority, and until we invest in preparing early childhood educators to be effective math teachers, we can expect avoidance and ineffective practices to continue, and we will continue to be embarrassed by the poor performance of children in the country that has been the world leader in innovation. I am deeply grateful to Ginsburg, Lee, and Boyd for calling our attention to a serious national problem. References Duncan, G., Dowsett, C., Claessens, A., Magnuson, K., Huston, A., Klebanov, P., Pagani, L., Feinstein, L. Engel, M., Brooks-Gunn, J., Sexton, H., Duckworth, K., & Japel, C. (2007). School readiness and later achievement. Developmental Psychology. 43, 14281446. Ginsburg, A., Cooke, G., Leinwand, S., Noell, J., & Pollock, E. (2005). Reassessing U.S. international mathematics performance: New findings from the TIMSS and PISA. Washington DC: American Institutes for Research. Deborah Stipek, Ph.D. is the James Quillen Dean and Professor of Education at Stanford University. Her doctorate is from Yale University in developmental psychology. Her scholarship concerns instructional effects on children’s achievement motivation, early childhood education, elementary education and school reform. In addition to her scholarship, she served for five years on the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the National Academy of 13 curricula (later, through in-service work, they will learn to implement a specific curriculum) and to appropriate pedagogy; and help them to think critically about ECME (Ginsburg, Jang, Preston, Appel, & VanEsselstyn, 2004; Ginsburg, Kaplan et al., 2006). Further, the course should supplement the traditional textbook and readings with extensive analysis of videos involving children’s thinking (J. S. Lee, Ginsburg, & Preston, 2007). Teachers need to avoid both vague theory and mindless practice. On the one hand, a course needs to help prospective teachers get beyond the dogmatic parroting of what have become vacuous concepts like “constructivism” or “developmentally appropriate practice.” On the other hand, it should help them to think about why an apparently attractive “manipulative” activity may or not work. As we have seen, ECME courses are rare. Good ones may also be difficult for individual faculty members to create de novo. The government and education authorities should support the development and use of model college and university ECME courses and should help faculty to learn to teach them, perhaps through summer institutes and other means. The courses also need to be evaluated in a deeper manner than provided by the typical student popularity ratings. though some are still being evaluated); • Yet teachers are generally not well prepared to teach early mathematics, may not want to teach it, and often teach it badly or not at all. In brief, the need, potential, and some means exist, but we are not currently providing sound ECME, especially to the children most in need. Given this analysis, we offer the following recommendations concerning teacher training, curricula, professional development in a curriculum, development of educational materials, research on children and teaching, and development of and research into assessment and evaluation. Teacher Training and Support Our most urgent need is to improve teacher training and support. As we have seen, early childhood professionals are often treated badly (low pay and prestige perhaps lead the list) and have not been given the training or resources they need to do their job properly. Yet they need to know so much! They need to understand the mathematics, the children, the curriculum, methods of assessment, and pedagogy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the most pressing need in ECME is to improve teacher education at all levels. The federal government, states and local educational authorities need to provide extensive support for both pre-service (college and university level) and in-service teacher training. Recommendation 2: Provide extensive in-service training and support Teaching an early mathematics curriculum is not easy. It is more than child’s play in several senses. It requires not only appreciating the essence of the curriculum, but also understanding mathematics, individual children, methods of assessment and pedagogy. Early childhood teachers need training in implementing the curriculum they are required to teach and in examining their own teaching. Specific training of this sort cannot be provided at the preservice level, which of necessity must be generic. Successful in-service training should be extensive, frequent and long-term. It should help teachers to reflect on their methods, to share difficulties and successes. Some workshops we have seen are mere collections of activities. They can be useful if teachers understand how and why to use them. But these “low level” workshops seldom explore these matters in any depth; they lack a conceptual framework for understanding the activities to be undertaken. Other, “high level” workshops traffic in abstract principles like constructivism or developmentally appropriate practice. These principles can be useful if teachers understand how they relate to the teaching of specific activities. Yet the high level workshops seem disconnected to a signifi- Recommendation 1: Stress relevant and rigorous content in pre-service training As recommended by the Eager to Learn report (Bowman et al., 2001), an earned early childhood education degree from a four-year college should be a condition of employment for early childhood teachers. Yet that is not enough. The study leading to the degree must involve some relevant and rigorous content. As we saw, many early childhood college programs fail to provide adequate instruction in ECME. It is perhaps ironic that programs typically offer students the least help in what they find most difficult (mathematics) and the most help in what they feel is easiest (literacy). Clearly, there should be more courses devoted to ECME. But what should they teach? We have few examples that can serve as models. In our view, a successful ECME course needs to introduce students to the new research literature on children’s mathematical thinking; help them understand methods of formative assessment, like observation and clinical interview; teach them the basic mathematical ideas underlying ECME; expose them to various 14 cant degree from the nitty-gritty of classroom practice. local educational authorities should support the developWe propose that “theoretically grounded specificity” is ment of new curricula. Early childhood mathematics currithe key (Ertle et al., in press). Teachers need to learn to cula are only in their infancy (or perhaps early childhood). think deeply about the specific activities they use and why We have not yet reached the limits of our ingenuity in the they use them. creation of materials, activities, software, story books, Recommending extensive in-service professional deguidelines for exploiting free play, projects, television velopment is easier than providshows, and toys. In creating ing it. As in the case of college these components of ECME, ECME courses, few successful developers should certainly models of early mathematics take into account researchThe federal government, states professional development acbased information on the typiand local educational authorities tivities are available. To some cal “trajectories” (Clements, should mandate (and pay for) extent, efforts in literacy provide Sarama, & DiBiase, 2004) some suggestions. For example, through which children’s the use of research-based early Kinzie, Pianta and colleagues mathematical thinking natuchildhood curricula. have developed a web-based rally progresses. At the same system with which teachers use time, we believe, curriculum a specially developed evaluadevelopers should not treat tion rubric (CLASS) to analyze them as setting final and abvideos of teaching, including solute limits on what children their own efforts (Kinzie et al., can learn. Most research from We need to conduct teaching experi2006). In any event, the federal which observed trajectories ments that provide unusually stimuand state governments and local derive involves examination lating conditions designed to push education authorities should not of children’s current abilionly fund extensive in-service ties, and does not necessarily children’s performance and learning professional development, but explore what children can do to their outer limits. also encourage the development under stimulating conditions. of new programs of professional In any event, the government development and research on should support vigorous and their effectiveness. creative development efforts, involving not only researchers but also those, including teachers, who can provide the necessary creativity, imagination, whimsy and fun that Curricula Recommendation 3: Promote curricula researchers are not trained to supply (and for which some The federal government, states and local educational may have little talent). authorities should mandate (and pay for) the use of reResearch search-based early childhood curricula. Since the NAEYC/ Several kinds of research are needed. Over the past NCTM Guidelines were released, a great deal of progress has been made. Preschools, kindergartens, and childcare 30 years or so, cognitive developmental researchers have Centers have begun the process of implementing curricula. provided a body of knowledge that has transformed our views of young children’s mathematical minds. This kind Head Start is rethinking its mathematics curriculum; High of research is flourishing and remains valuable. But more Scope is strengthening its approach. But despite the best importantly we need educational research on several relaefforts of NAEYC/NCTM, there is still a good deal of resistance in the early childhood community, for a portion tively unexplored topics—research on what children can of which any planned, intentional curriculum—no matter do in rich environments, on teacher knowledge and how how intellectually exciting—is anathema, equivalent to to enrich it, and on teaching itself. the worst of dreary schooling. Recommendation 5: Support research on learning potential Recommendation 4: Develop new curricula At the same time, the federal government, states and As both Papert (1980) and Vygotsky (1978) 15 pointed out, children may be more capable than we exyoung children, perhaps partly because it is so seldom pect, and we can only learn about their true abilities if we done. Recent research (Ball, 1993; Lampert, 2001; Shulchallenge them and test them under deliberately atypical man, 1987) has added considerably to our knowledge of conditions. Research of this type is limited, although there teaching at the elementary level and beyond. But researchare a few distinguished exceptions. For example, 4- and ers have paid scant attention to the special challenges of 5-year-olds can easily be taught the basics of addition and teaching 4- and 5-year-olds. For example, can they be subtraction (Zur & Gelman, taught in large groups, as they 2004) and to investigate geooften are in Korea (French & metrical ideas like symmetry Song, 1998)? How should (Zvonkin, 1992). Yet most the teacher of young children developmental research foemploy manipulatives or Research providing an understanding of cuses on what is, not on what introduce symbolism or read good teaching—that is, teaching that is could be. But the issue is not mathematical stories? What probably atypical—can serve to inform what is; the issue is what we kind of pedagogical content our views of quality ECME. can engineer (although what knowledge (Shulman, 2000) is may constrain what is posdo they need? Research prosible). We need to conduct viding an understanding of teaching experiments that good teaching—that is, teachprovide unusually stimulating ing that is probably atypiconditions designed to push children’s performance and cal—can serve to inform our views of quality ECME. learning to their outer limits. Before the web’s invention, we could not have known that 4-year-olds could surf it. Assessment and Evaluation Recommendation 8: Support research on and Recommendation 6: Support research on teacher development of assessment methods knowledge and how to enrich it We also require research and development efforts in Teachers are the key to the success of ECME. the areas of assessment and evaluation. To provide effecChildren are capable of learning mathematics. The issue tive instruction, teachers need to understand what children is how to help teachers teach it. Teaching is guided by know and don’t know, and how they are learning. Methods views of learners and learning (Lampert, 2001) and by of “formative assessment” can help teachers obtain this knowledge of subject matter (Ma, 1999). As William James vital understanding. The field of early education has trapointed out many years ago, the teacher’s “intermediary ditionally favored observation as the primary method for inventive mind” (James, 1958, p. 24) must apply general understanding young children. Yet observation, like any principles to the individual case so as to promote learning. other assessment method, is only as good as the theory The issue then becomes understanding the teacher’s mind, on which it is based. If they are to learn anything about which unfortunately is often not as inventive as is required. children’s mathematical knowledge, teachers need to know We need research to illuminate how teachers think about what to look for as they observe, for example, children’s learning, how they interpret the individual child’s behavior, block play. We need research on how well teachers observe how they think critically about their teaching efforts and and interpret children’s behavior, and we need to develop children’s learning, and what they understand of both the methods to help teachers improve these skills. curriculum and the mathematics underlying it. We also Yet observation is not enough. As Piaget (1976) require teaching experiments for teachers, that is, invespointed out many years ago, “... how many inexpressible tigations of how we can help the teacher mind to become thoughts must remain unknown so long as we restrict ourmore inventive and more facile in critical thinking. Such selves to observing the child without talking to him?” (pp. experiments can inform programs of professional develop6-7). To learn about what is hidden in children’s minds, ment, which in turn should undergo evaluation. teachers need to engage in effective clinical interviewing (Ginsburg, 1997). Not many teachers—at any level of Recommendation 7: Support research on teacheducation—seem to use this method in a systematic way. ing The issue for developers is how to help teachers become We know little about teaching mathematics to comfortable with and proficient in use of clinical interview- 16 References Arnold, D. H., & Doctoroff, G. L. (2003). The early education of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 517-545. Balfanz, R. (1999). Why do we teach children so little mathematics? Some historical considerations. In J. V. Copley (Ed.), Mathematics in the early years (pp. 3-10). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Balfanz, R., Ginsburg, H. P., & Greenes, C. (2003). The Big Math for Little Kids early childhood mathematics program. Teaching Children Mathematics, 9(5), 264268. Ball, D. L. (1993). With an eye on the mathematical horizon: Dilemmas of teaching elementary school mathematics. The Elementary School Journal, 93(4), 373-397. Barnett, S. W., Hustedt, J. T., Hawkinson, L. E., & Robins, K. B. (2006). The State of Preschool: 2006 State Preschool Yearbook. New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research. Barnett, W. S. (2003). Better teachers, better preschools: Student achievement linked to teacher qualifications. New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research. Baroody, A. J. (1985). Mastery of basic number combinations: Internalization of relationships or facts? Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 83-98. Baroody, A. J. (1992). The development of preschoolers’ counting skills and principles. In J. Bideaud, C. Meljac & J. P. Fischer (Eds.), Pathways to number: Children’s developing numerical abilities (pp. 99-126). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Baroody, A. J., Lai, M., & Mix, K. S. (2006). The development of young children’s early number and operation sense and its implications for early childhood education. In B. Spodek & O. Saracho (Eds.), Handbook of research on the education of young children (Vol. 2, pp. 187-221). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Baroody, A. J., & Wilkins, J. L. M. (1999). The development of informal counting, number, and arithmetic skills and concepts. In J. V. Copley (Ed.), Mathematics in the early years (pp. 48-65). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Blevins-Knabe, B., Austin, A., Musun-Miller, L., Eddy, A., & Jones, R. M. (2000). Family home care providers’ and parents’ beliefs and practices concerning mathematics ing in the context of classroom activities (for example, as the child plays with blocks); the task for researchers is to investigate whether teachers can indeed learn to use the method to develop practical interpretations that can guide teaching. Recommendation 9: Support research on and development of evaluation methods Evaluation is another area requiring development and research efforts. Curricula need to be evaluated. We need to know “what works.” But this process is fraught with conceptual difficulties. A useful evaluation instrument must have strong “construct validity.” That is, it should measure what research shows to be important about young children’s learning of mathematics. Yet few researchbased evaluation instruments are currently available. We require research-based and theory-informed evaluation instruments that can be used to determine whether programs do indeed enhance children’s meaningful learning. Fortunately, the federal government is now supporting research and development efforts designed to produce rigorous and theoretically meaningful evaluation instruments in the areas of mathematics, literacy, language, and emotional development. Nevertheless, considerably more work on evaluation needs to be undertaken by collaborative teams of researchers in cognitive development and measurement. Conclusions This paper has shown how research knowledge has provided a basis for sound ECME. We have also shown how implementing it presents many difficult challenges, particularly improving the education and professional development of our teachers. But as we go forward, we must remember that ECME cannot in itself perform magic (Brooks-Gunn, 2003). ECME operates as part of a larger social and educational context. For ECME to succeed, teachers need to be adequately paid and supported. Children need good education in all areas, in literacy and art as well as mathematics, and at all levels, from preschool through the university. Children need adequate health care and the emotional support provided by a warm and caring teacher (Arnold & Doctoroff, 2003). They need to escape from the debilitating effects of poverty: 18% of American children live in extreme poverty and another 21% live in low-income families (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2006). Attention to ECME must be part—only a small part—of a comprehensive educational and social agenda. 17 in the early years (pp. 66-79). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Clements, D. H. (2004). Geometric and spatial thinking in early childhood education. In D. H. Clements, J. Serama & A.-M. DiBiase (Eds.), Engaging young children in mathematics: Standards for early childhood mathematics education (pp. 267-297). 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His research interests include the development of mathematical thinking (with particular attention to young children and disadvantaged populations) and the assessment of cognitive function. He has also developed mathematics curricula for young children, tests of mathematical thinking, and video workshops to enhance teachers’ understanding of students’ learning of mathematics. Currently he is exploring how computer technology can be used to help teachers assess children’s mathematical knowledge. He is also involved in the creation and evaluation of Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning, a new web-based video system designed to promote meaningful learning at the University level. nature of teacher-child interactions, classroom quality, and child competence, through standardized observational assessment. Dr. Pianta has conducted research on professional development, both at the pre-service and in-service levels. He has published more than 300 scholarly papers and is lead author on several influential books related to early childhood and elementary education. He has recently begun work to develop a preschool mathematics curriculum, incorporating a web-based teacher support component. Dr. Pianta received a B.S. and a M.A. in Special Education from the University of Connecticut, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, and began his career as a special education teacher. Judi Stevenson Boyd is a Research Project Coordinator for the National Institute for Early Education Research. She has collaborated on multiple field research projects, conducting training in child assessments and classroom observation instruments and coordinating data collection. She has also co-authored a preschool mathematics assessment system, which has been used widely to assess classroom mathematics instruction, as well as to provide professional development for teachers. Judi holds a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology from Rutgers University and is currently a doctoral student in Cognitive Studies in Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, with a focus on early childhood mathematics and professional development. Joon Sun Lee is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at Hunter College of The City University of New York. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Ed.M. in Early Childhood Education, and M.A. in Developmental Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research interests include early childhood professional development in mathematics, especially focusing on teachers’ beliefs. Currently, as a part of an ongoing collaboration between Hunter College and Columbia University, she has integrated a web-based video system, Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning, into her courses and is evaluating its effectiveness in early childhood teacher preparation. She also serves as an educational consultant for inner city early childhood programs. Deborah Stipek, Ph.D. is the James Quillen Dean and Professor of Education at Stanford University. Her doctorate is from Yale University in developmental psychology. Her scholarship concerns instructional effects on children’s achievement motivation, early childhood education, elementary education and school reform. In addition to her scholarship, she served for five years on the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the National Academy of Sciences and chaired the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Increasing High School Students’ Engagement & Motivation to Learn. Dr. Stipek served 10 of her 23 years at UCLA as Director of the Corinne Seeds University Elementary School and the Urban Education Studies Center. She joined the Stanford School of Education as Dean and Professor of Education in January 2001. She is a member of the National Academy of Education. Robert Pianta is the Dean of the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, as well as the Novartis US Foundation Professor of Education and a Professor in the Department of Psychology. He also serves as the Director for both the National Center for Research in Early Childhood Education and the Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning. Dr. Pianta’s work has focused on the predictors of child outcomes and school readiness, particularly adultchild relationships, and the transition to kindergarten. His recent work has focused on understanding the 23 Social Policy Report is a quarterly publication of the Society for Research in Child Development. The Report provides a forum for scholarly reviews and discussions of developmental research and its implications for the policies affecting children. Copyright of the articles published in the Report is maintained by SRCD. Statements appearing in the Report are the views of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by the Editors or by SRCD. Electronic access to the Social Policy Report is available at the Report’s website: Purpose Social Policy Report (ISSN 1075-7031) is published four times a year by the Society for Research in Child Development. Its purpose is twofold: (1) to provide policymakers with objective reviews of research findings on topics of current national interest, and (2) to inform the SRCD membership about current policy issues relating to children and about the state of relevant research. Content The Report provides a forum for scholarly reviews and discussions of developmental research and its implications for policies affecting children. The Society recognizes that few policy issues are noncontroversial, that authors may well have a “point of view,” but the Report is not intended to be a vehicle for authors to advocate particular positions on issues. Presentations should be balanced, accurate, and inclusive. The publication nonetheless includes the disclaimer that the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Society or the editors. Procedures for Submission and Manuscript Preparation Articles originate from a variety of sources. Some are solicited, but authors interested in submitting a manuscript are urged to propose timely topics to the editors. Manuscripts vary in length ranging from 20 to 30 pages of double-spaced text (approximately 8,000 to 14,000 words) plus references. Authors are asked to submit manuscripts electronically, if possible, but hard copy may be submitted with disk. Manuscripts should adhere to APA style and include text, references, and a brief biographical statement limited to the author’s current position and special activities related to the topic. (See page 2, this issue, for the editors’ email addresses.) Three or four reviews are obtained from academic or policy specialists with relevant expertise and different perspectives. Authors then make revisions based on these reviews and the editors’ queries, working closely with the editors to arrive at the final form for publication. The Committee for Policy and Communications, which founded the Report, serves as an advisory body to all activities related to its publication.
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