P.O. Box 100
Burlington, NC 27216
Office: 336.438.2027
[email protected]
Stage Struck 2009
You may request more information on the budget by calling ACE: 336-438-2027.
Tutoring & Mentoring
2009 PROGRAMS (Continued)
ARTS Grants for Arts
Stage Struck is a showcase of the diverse, wonderful and creative
talent of Alamance-Burlington students. Designed not only as a fundraiser, it allows ACE to give back through an ARTS grant program.
Outcomes: ACE awarded over $3000.00 this past school year. More that 325
Alamance-Burlington students participated in ACE’s 2009 Stage Struck.
In the fall of 09, ACE hosted a similar event for the visual arts, Art
D’Vine. A beautiful calendar was created to show off our students’ work.
Outcomes: ACE awarded $1,625.00 in arts grants, 185 Pieces of Student
artwork went on display.
Shadow A Principal for A Day
Begun in the fall of 2007, ACE mobilizes business leaders from all walks
of life to experience firsthand the accomplishments and challenges facing
our county’s public schools. The goal was for participants to translate their
one-day experiences into an understanding of the role of school administrators; which in turn, may help nurture a continued relationship between the
business and school(s). The participants spend a half day in the schools and
then spend the second half at the business. Outcome: In 2009, 24 community leaders, 24 principals and central office administrators shared their days
with each other.
Collaborative Partnerships and Community Forums
ACE hosts public forums on relevant topics that effect education in our
county and collaborates with other local agencies and non-profits: Alamance
Chamber of Commerce, Elon University, Alamance Community College,
Dept of DSS, Alamance – Burlington Schools, Alamance Partnership for
Children and Alamance County Children’s Museum. Events such as Dropout Prevention, Ready Schools, What’s After High School, Alamance Youth
Leadership Academy, Road to Success are just a few partnerships ACE works
to support.
Outcome: These programs have delivered services and information to over
2,500 individuals, teachers, parents and students.
Students benefit from Classroom Closet supplies
ACE Educational Minute
ACE continues to provide statistics and facts about education to our schools’
athletic departments which are announced at sporting events. This is part of
ACE’s community awareness initiative.
Outcomes: Over 6,000 people in our community hear these important facts.
A Word from the ACE
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Education Summit 2009
It is my pleasure to serve as the chair of the ACE Board of Trustees. The
joint efforts of the Board of Directors, Trustees, Staff and many volunteers
have proven to be very beneficial to education in Alamance County.
The goal of the education summit is to educate, excite, and engage members
of the community to become involved with our public schools. This year 132
community leaders, parents, elected officials and others joined us. Our topic
was “Time to PERFORM: Pushing Education Reform Forward~ Organize,
Re-energize, Mobilize”. Bill Harrison, Ed. D, Chair of the State School Board
was our guest speaker. He shared where education must head and how each
community must take on the responsibility to see that our children are given
a viable and relevant education.
Little Leaders
In its first year, an idea that grew out of conversations between business
and education leaders, this landmark public-private partnership is designed
to model best practices in education, directly impacting students in local
classrooms. The Little Leaders project consists of four classes taught by highly
qualified effective teachers with a student/teacher ratio of 1:15. Each class
will begin in Kindergarten and remain together until completion of third
grade. The project addresses the best scenarios for academic success including
a year-round calendar and incorporates themes that expose students to the
arts, foreign languages, and other cultural activities outside the traditional
school setting. The classrooms are in four different elementary schools which
have a high population of students impacted by several risk factors.
Outcomes: As the program is in its first year the school system will assess the
following: Attendance, Academic Progress, Parent Engagement, Community
Service, Discipline referrals, Educational Field Trips, Technology, and Character
Education, which will be benchmarks against the traditional classroom.
The Classroom Closet, a free teacher supply store, is a tremendous resource for our teachers.
We need to encourage all businesses and individuals to give support to this worthwhile
project by donation supplies or financially.
Thank you for the
dictionary. I love it so
much that I will keep this
book for my whole life.
I wish the second
graders, when they go to
third grade, get one too.
Kevin S.
Andrews Elementary
Elon University supports ACE with interns and volunteers. By Elon’s participation, ACE
will continue to expand its educational support to the Burlington-Alamance School System.
The Little Leaders Program is proving to be a major educational step in the right directions.
We expect this program to continue to build strong young boys and girls in our school
Let’s show our support by standing behind the programs of ACE.
Jack R. Lindley
Chair, ACE Board of Trustees
Board of Directors
and Trustees
Mr. Edward Woodall
Mrs. Barbra Bond
Mr. Jeff Andrews
Mrs. Becky Loy
Immediate Past President
Classroom Closet shopping
Dr. Terry McNeill
Chair, Board of Trustees
To the Friends and Supporters of ACE:
Mr. Jack Lindley
Mr. Bob Almond
Mr. Jeff Andrews
Mrs. Stephanie Braxton
Mr. John Evans
Dr. Ana Benitez-Graham
Dr. Terry Farmer
Ms. Angela Kalo
Corp. Chad Laws
Dr. Deborah Long
Mrs. Barbara Massey
Mr. Darris Means
Mrs. Amy Pendergraph
Mrs. Barbara Sellars
Board of Trustees
Judge Wayne Abernathy
Mrs. Lummy Barnes
Dr. Anna Bass
Mr. Jim Butler
Mr. Paul Cobb
Mr. John Currin
Dr. Larry Covington
Mr. Dan Danieley
Mrs. Martha Jobe
Judge Tom Lambeth
Mr. Paul Mauney
Mr. Alan Norton
Mr. Fairfax Reynolds
Mrs. Rhonda Roberts
Mr. Steve Ross
Dr. Ron Shive
Mr. Holt Skinner
Mr. Bill Vestal
Mr. Mac Williams
Ex-Officio Members
Randy Bridges, Ed.D.
Superintendent ABSS
Mrs. Jackie Cole, Chair
ABSS Board of Education
Mrs. Ann Vaughan
Alamance County Commissioner
Executive Director
Mrs. Allison Gant
Five years have quickly passed since a group of passionate Alamance
County citizens came together for the purpose of improving
community involvement in our public schools. As we begin the year
2010, ACE’s mission remains relevant and necessary: “To ensure
all Alamance County students have access to high quality education by raising awareness,
coordinating resources and garnering community support.” Over the past year, ACE
has made significant strides toward aligning our focus and programs with this mission,
highlighted by two new initiatives, the Classroom Closet and Art D’Vine.
The foundation that delivers a quality education is quite simply quality teachers. The
Classroom Closet teacher supply store was opened in an effort to assist the AlamanceBurlington School System in recruiting and retaining highly-qualified teachers who value
working in a community that fully supports and assists them. Through the Classroom
Closet, teachers in the Alamance-Burlington School System are provided the chance to
visit our store-front location four times per year to obtain donated classroom supplies they
can utilize in their classes. In our first four months of service, over 215 teachers visits have
occurred to the Classroom Closet and over $60,000 in supplies generously donated by local
businesses and individuals have made it back to the classrooms.
Our initial Art D’Vine event in November provided significant public awareness of the visual
arts in our public schools, showcasing over 130 pieces of student art ranging from elementary
to high school. Coupled with our first student artwork calendar, featuring many of these
same pieces, ACE will be able to provide $2,200 of art grants back to our schools. This
nicely complements the $3,200 in Performing Arts Grants ACE provided to our schools
through funds raised at the 2009 Stage Struck performing arts showcase.
ACE’s continuing programs, including Tutoring and Mentoring, Third Grade Dictionary
Project, Shadow a Principal Day, Little Leaders and annual Education Summit also continue
to grow and provide a positive impact at both the individual student and community level.
We greatly appreciate the corporations and individuals who have faithfully contributed
monetarily to ACE. Your support is magnified in these challenging economic times and we
strive to provide you the thanks and recognition you deserve. The ACE Board of Directors
is also firmly committed to garnering funds through fundraising and grant opportunities.
Last year’s initial Mega Purse Sale, held in conjunction with the Times-News Newspapers
in Education program, yielded significant dollars, especially for a first-ever event. We will
continue to explore new and unique fundraising opportunities that serve the dual purpose of
increasing awareness for public education. We have also created a new Facebook page that
will facilitate the discussion of education in our community and we encourage you to join.
As ACE continues to facilitate awareness, discussion and shape the education landscape in
Alamance County, we covet your input and participation. With multiple ways to be active
and connected to our public schools, from donating materials to the Classroom Closet,
employing your time and talents by becoming a tutor or mentor, supporting our performing
and visual arts events or by contributing your financial resources to our cause, please consider
making ACE and public education one of your priorities this year.
Yours for our children,
Mrs. Terri Stevens
Mrs. Suzan Bell
Ms. (Jennifer) Holt is
nice and has great
tricks to help me with
math. I learn new
things from her. She
helps me to be smarter
and understand more
problems. She helps
me to not give up,
encourages me, and
then I feel much better
about it. I wish I could
work with her every
Justin Horton
4th Grader
Grove Park Elementary
In Kind Donations 2009: Anthony and Co. & BMOC Investors LLC, Wachovia, Alamance Convention & Visitor Bureau, Alamance County Chamber of Commerce,
Alamance County Extension & Community Association, Alamance Eye Center, Barb Frances, BB&T, Betsy King, Bill and Kathy Woodruff, Susan Holland, Brenda Brown,
Burlington Printing, Candice Dixon, Carole Troxler, Carolina Biological, Carolyn Sanchez, Children’s Museum of Alamance County, Clarence Franklin, Custom Made
Screen and Digital Ink, Daren Walker, Davis Montgomery, Dee Harrison, Document Express, Drapery Boutique, Dwight Leadbetter, Ebeneezer UCC, ECPI, Elaine
Thuran, Elizabeth Bailey, Elon Service Learning, Elon University, Evelyn Deloatch, Genevieve Kee, Glen Raven, Gretchen Fisher, Haw River UMC,
Heidi Norwick, Helen Turner, Hoot-n-Nanny, Howard Fogleman, Industrial Paper Products, Jacquelyn Allred, Jan Peach, Jane Purdy, Janie McAvoy, Janie Mitchell,
Jayce Spencer, JeanMarie Koontz, Jeannette Blackburn, Karen Garrison, Karen Prohonic, Karyn Parsons, Katharine Barry, Kathleen Gwinnett, Kathleen Johns, Kay
Wightman, Kirk Dausman, LabCorp, Larry Mize, Laurie Newlin, Linda Maher, Linda Voncannon, Liz Dula, Lorie Ann Meek, Manpower, Margaret Freeman, Margie
Murray, Maria Baskin, Martha Jobe, Marti Asher, Mary Jane Ferrell, MDC Inc. Achieving the Dream, Melissa Glasco, Michele Price, Mildred Lankford, Mr. Thrift, Nancy
Miles, Nell Shelley, Omni Resources, One Name Therapeutic Massage, Patricia Carol, Patricia McIntyre, Peggy Smith, Penny Boswell, Pepperidge Farm, Phillips Chapel,
Randolph Bank, Sandi Moulton, Sharon Draper, Sharon Tate, Shirley Beyer, Smithfield Hams, Steve Can First Reformed UCC, Sue Draper, Susan and Tom Ryan, Susan
Hudson, Suzan Bell, Teresa McCauley, The Paper Factory, The Times News, Thompson Printing, TJ Maxx, Visual Planning, Vitamin World, Wal Mart.
Educating Everyone Takes Everyone
MBRACE Tutoring and Mentoring
This program called MBRACE, involves working with individuals, community
organizations, businesses, churches, non-profits, and service groups, to increase the
number of tutors and mentors in our public schools and to coordinate training and
placement of these tutors and mentors. We also offer a lunch buddy program.
• For the school year 2008-2009, ACE provided 134 student either tutors
or mentors
• 154 Volunteers worked with students.
• 21 schools received ACE’s serve ( 14 Elementary, 4 Middle Schools
and 3 High Schools)
• We provided assistance in three afterschool programs through our trained
volunteers: Salvation Army, Positive Attitude Youth Center and Mosaic.
Currently for the 2009-2010 year, the first half of the year has seen a tremendous
growth in requests.
Director of Programs
Director of Volunteerism
LITTLE LEADERS PROGRAM SUPPORTS Student’s Friend ( $10,000): LabCorp Teacher’s Friend ($5,000): Alamance City DSS, Stevenson Vestal/ Bill Vestal School’s
Friend ($1000-$4999): Anonymous, Ben Ansbacher, Burlington Pediatrics PA, Dr. and Mrs. Randy Bridges, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Norton, MidCarolina Bank, Wachovia Little
Leader’s Friend ($0-999): Ann Vaughan, Deborah Long, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Kernodle, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gittin, Dr. Chanak Choksi, Dr. Michael Touloupas, Dr. Paul
Byerly, Horace Mann, Dr. Kristen Moffitt, LaRosa Pinnix-Bailey, Margaret Hooper, Mary Erwin, PIP Printing and Marketing Services, Robert and Sarah Olenick, Steve and
Mary VanPelt
I am honored to address you on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Alamance Citizens for Education.
Board of Directors
Benefactor in Education ($15,000+): ARMC, Anonymous Donor, LabCorp Loyalist in Education ($5,000-$14,999): Duke Energy, Glen Raven Inc.,Hayden Harman
Foundation, Lummy Barnes, SunTrust Foundation, United Way Grant Leaders in Education ( $1,000-$2,499): BD TRIPATH, Capital Bank, Bertha Holt, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Davis, Alamance Chamber, Duke Energy Sustainer for Education ($500-$999): Alamance Eye Center, Dr. and Mrs. Randy Bridges, Dr. Benjamin F. Lowe, Ed
and Betsy Gant, Fairfax Reynolds, Jack Lindley, Rotary, Steve and Mary VanPelt, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Advocate for Eudcation ($250-$499): Burlington
Aademy of Dance and Arts, Barbra and Steve Bond, Becky Loy, Bob Almond, Dr. and Mrs. Mike Brennan, Jim Copland, John Currin, Jr. Burlington Women’s Club,
Kent and Pam Bonney, Kernodle Clinic, Murkel Enterprises LLC McDonalds, Paul Cobb, Phil and Marie Stuart, Scott and Kristen Moffitt, Tom Lambeth, Twin Lakes,
Vantage South, Wachovia, Wade and Ellen Harrison, Wayne Abernathy Friend for Education ($0-$249): ADK-Sorority, Alamance County Service League, Allison
Faircloth, Amy Pendergraph, Angela T Clark, Ann Vaughan, Anna Graham, Annie Young, Barbara Long, Barbara Massey, Barbara Taylor, Becky Loy, Bobby and
Patricia Bason, Burlington Motors, Carren Porterfield, Chad Laws, Darris Means, Deborah Long, Dina Rieley, Don Wells, Dr. Beth Powell, Dr. Lane Anderson, Dr. Wayne
Moore, Ed Woodall, Emily Millikin, Fairystone Fabrics, Gilliam Coble and Moser, Glenna Lewis, Greg and Wendy Lunsford, Henry Johnson, Holt Skinner, James and Jana
Peach, James and Patricia Hair, Jane Sellar, Jeff Andrews, Jeff Rachli, Jennifer Daughn, Jerry Dilleshaw, Jerry Dunn, Jessica Faucette, Jim and Pat Hair, JJ Evans, Joe
and Angela Kalo, June and Don West, Kate Crawford, Katherine Latta, Kelly May, Kingsdown, Dr. Kristen Moffitt, Dr. Larry Covington, Lenorah Stout, Linda Ellington,
Manpower, Lucy and Harold Kernodle, Lynn Chandler, Mac Williams, Margaret Pardue, Martha Jobe, Mary Erwin, Mike and Patty Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. David Polito,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shelton, Patrick Harman, Ruth Ann Phillips, Sandra Lindley, Stephanie Prichard, Steve and Mary VanPelt, Steve Ross, Terry Farmer, Terry McNeill,
Wendy Gooch, Wendy Stewart
Edward Woodall
Alamance Citizens for Education
• 225 Students are receiving assistance with 96 volunteers.
We have a need for an additional 76 unfulfilled requests that at this time we need
volunteers for! We need your help- Please join our team and help our students
succeed in their academics.
Classroom Closet
No one has more ability to influence the children of today than teachers. ACE
knows how difficult it is to start up a classroom. ACE’s new initiative, Classroom
Closet helps to support teachers by providing a store to shop for items needed for
their classroom, which support teaching and learning of all students.
Outcomes for 4 months (Sept-Dec 2009): 215 teacher visits, Product given away
$59,216.50, Number of students products are helping over 4,300, total volunteer
hours given 1,020.
Dictionary Project
The DICTIONARY PROJECT is designed to aid third grade teachers in their goal
to see all students leave at the end of the year as good writers, active readers, and
creative thinkers. ACE’s purpose is to provide third grade students in the
community with their own personal dictionary. The dictionary is for the children to
keep and use throughout their school career. All third grades in the county –public,
private, and charter receive a dictionary.
Outcome: ACE provided 2,058 in 2009