Newsletter July 24 – Term 3, Week 2 50 Grossmans Rd, Torquay 3228 Tel:(03) 5261 4246 Fax: (03) 5261 6221 Website Mass Times in Parish Anglesea: Sat. 5.30pm Torquay: Sun. 8.45am Grovedale: Sun.10.30am Parish Phone: 52439891 Term 3: Welcome back. Confirmation: Sunday 27th July School Closure Day: Monday 11th August Swimming: th 1/2 - 14 August 3/4 - 27th August Sacrament of Eucharist: Sunday 7th or 18th September Term 4: School Photos: 6th November For Functions, Hotdog/Sushi dates please refer to P&F information. An up to date calendar can be found on our school website. Confirmation: This Sunday July 27, we have a large group of Yr 6 students who will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. The students have prepared well for the Sacrament and have a good understanding of what it means to continue their journey as active members of the Catholic Church. On Tuesday, they had a reflection day and met Bishop Vincent Long Nguyen, who will be the main celebrant at their Confirmation. Please keep these students in your thoughts as they take their next step in their faith journey. Matilda Adlam, Jarrod Africa, Liam Africa, Mia Clay, Annie Atkinson, Jessie Balcombe, Angela Ball, Riley Beste, Lottie Blackwood, Sheldon Bourk, Daniel Clarke, Ellen Cooney, Martha Day, Jessica Dean, Meghena Delgado, Georgia Denney, Mackenzie Ewings, Charlotte Foss, Noah Gadsby, Billy Gibbons, Genevieve Gold, Olivia Gross, Evie Houghton, James Hughes, Xavier Huxtable, Ella Johnson, Millie Johnson, Zoe Jones, Lilyanna Keating, Riley Lewis, Hunter Locke, Will Marshall, Ava McKeegan, Leah Meaney, Rylee Morris, Julia O’Hanlon, Daisy O’Kane, Sari Rae, Remony Reid, Jack Rickerby, Connor Sayers, Lincoln Sertic, Paris Taylor, Siobhan Traynor, Henry Van Til, Lachlan Vassallo, Lili Walker and Indi White. School Fees: Last week outstanding school fee statements were sent home with your child. We ask that the fees be finalised by the end of this term. If you have any concerns regarding payment of your fees please feel free to contact Tess at the office on a Tuesday or Thursday to discuss a payment plan. Uniform Shop: The 2 new coats (shell and fleece lined) are now available at the uniform shop. The winter opening hours are: Mon-Thursday 11:30-5:00 Friday closed Saturday 10:30-1:30 3/4 News Composting Is the Way to Go By Paddy, Ethan, Tom and Cohen 3/4 Blue & Green “Hey Mum. I just finished my apple. What do I do with the core? “Imagine if we had a compost bin. We could get free soil and we wouldn’t have to travel to Bunnings or somewhere else for it. More people should compost to help our environment. There are many benefits in composting. One benefit is that composting makes great soil for free and while you compost, it lessens landfill and helps the planet. You can make a garden by using your soil and seeds or flowers. When someone comes over they could say, “Look at that garden. We could make a garden like that at home.” That would be awesome. If you want to make your house more sustainable, why don’t you try composting? You can get free soil so you save money. If you compost, it will sustain your house. You can plant veggies and fruit without having to pay for the rich soil. The only cost you will have is the cost of the plants you buy. Methane makes global warming. If everybody doesn’t compost then landfill will fill up. Landfill is not meant for things that can be recycled, reused and composted and these things help the planet. If people compost, it will stop methane gas from forming. Methane gas leads to global warming. Scientists are worried about global warming because too much sun is getting through the ozone layer making global warming. Look at all the great things that can happen if you compost and now look at all the bad things if you do not compost. So as you can see, composting is awesome and cool. START COMPOSTING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Year 3/ 4 Parent Helpers In line with the Year 3/4 Investigation Topic “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” and The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project, the students will be encouraged to cook a range of healthy food this term. As we would love all students to have the opportunity to participate in cooking, parent helpers would be greatly appreciated. Although children are encouraged to cook independently, adult supervision is necessary for safety reasons. If you think you would be able to volunteer a few hours supervising your children in the kitchen this term please let your children’s classroom teacher know via e-mail. Following this, an appropriate time and day can be arranged. With Thanks, Maddie Lindquist Drop off zone: We would like to remind everyone that the front of the school is a 3 minute Drop Off Zone only, for children to exit the car and come into school. Please don’t leave your car to walk your child in to class from this area. This helps keep the traffic flowing smoothly. Infectious disease: Please advise our office if your child is away sick with an infectious disease i.e. chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, etc. This information is important as we need to inform other students and staff members. Tuesday, August 5, 2014 2014 REACH VIETNAM DAY REACH Vietnam Project – Kontum Visit January 2015 In a flyer used for the REACH Vietnam Appeal recently, we mentioned the possibility of our parishioners and school parents visiting the community of nuns and girls at Kontum, Vietnam, in mid-January 2015. We held an information evening early this month and discussed the dates and possible activities while we are there. This time, it will be a three day visit to the community. We will have enough opportunity to observe and interact with the group of girls we are supporting, visit the girls’ villages, visit families who have been entrusted with our newly introduced ‘pig program’, and have a brief tour of the local town of Kontum. The rest of the time will be available for individual travels and holiday purpose. This opportunity will be dependent on numbers interested and availability of a leader to support the group. If you are thinking of going to Vietnam for a holiday in January next year and are interested in visiting the community in Kontum please contact Joe & Cheryl Annetts, ([email protected]) or Father Linh, ([email protected]) for more information. Connecting with the people of Kon Tum and the surrounding area to enrich our education and the education of those at the convent. For only $5 you can come to school, have fun and support the people of Vietnam. What you get: The chance to wear casual clothes A stylish ‘Reach Vietnam’ wristband A pizza slice supplied by Baker’s Delight (One 8x14cm slice per student. Extra slices can be ordered for $1.50 each. Different toppings available) A fun afternoon of Vietnamese activities If a pizza slice is not to your taste you can still wear casual clothes, receive a wristband and join in the fun for a gold coin donation! All orders MUST be in NO LATER than Friday, August 1 Come celebrate and support a global cause! Any questions please feel free to email Adam Coustley at [email protected] Sustainability News: New Fruit Trees In the 3/4 learning community recently we have planted five new trees. We planted one nectarine tree, one almond tree, one apricot tree and two plum trees. This really suits our investigation topic of healthy eating this term. They will supply us with fresh fruit and nuts which we can use for cooking and other things. We are very happy that we have got 5 new fruit trees, and happy to be with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation. By Joe and Zach 3/4 Green Our new chickens Our new chickens were donated by Charley Popping and her family. Their names are Snowy, that’s the white chicken’s name and the black one is called Brownie. Charley brought the new chickens on Tuesday and the chickens are very happy in their new home. We have four chickens now and we are very excited to see how many eggs they’re going to lay. By Charley, Paris and Brent 3/4 Green The Green House On the 23rd of July St Therese bought a new green house. The greenhouse will be used for planting vegetables that we use in the kitchen to make healthy and delicious food. We bought our green house with the money that we received from a Barwon Water competition that our school won. St Therese decided to use the money wisely and used the money to help the school become more sustainable. Our school has a variety of vegetables that we use to make meals for us to eat and enjoy. The green house will be used for giving the vegetables heat & warmth in the cooler months. National Tree Day Planting On the 22nd of July the 3/4s and year 5s went to Black Rock to plant trees. We did this to be part of National Tree Week, which is this week. It is also National Tree Day this Sunday, the 27th of July. We planted approximately 400 trees with representatives from Barwon Water. We planted indigenous plants to the area and one was called Pig Face. We had lots of fun. RECYCLE YOUR BATTERIES You can recycle your old batteries at St Therese Primary School. The recycling bin is located in the front office. We will dispose of the batteries at Barwon Waste Management in Geelong North for you. Families are welcome and encouraged to drop off their batteries to our recycling bin. We will take button, AAA, AA, C, and D sized batteries. Batteries recycled in 2013/14- 27.28 kg. St Therese parents & friends TRIVIA NIGHT: Saturday 16th August, 7pm school hall. Table listings are in the office and filling up fast. Last year’s trivia night was a great success and fun had by all. Theme is 80’s but dress code optional, great prizes for best dress! So get your fluoro, lace and rara skirts ready for a great night! On the night there will be free bus service available starting at 12am, 12:30 and 1am. There will also be a raffle for a surfboard, generously donated by Ripcurl. Byo nibbles and drinks are available at the bar at great prices. Payment for the evening is to be paid by Friday 8th August; this can be left in P & F mailbox with name and table number written on an envelope. SCHOOL FEES RAFFLE Imagine a year without paying the family portion of your school fees! Yes, that’s right! The P & F are running the raffle again this year. One lucky family will win the family portion of their school fees, Valued at $1350. Tickets cost $25 each and you can purchase as many as you like to improve your chances of winning. We will accept cash, cheque, Visa & MasterCard. The raffle will be drawn on the Trivia Night, Saturday 16th August. Don’t worry if you have already paid your fees, you can still win. To enter please print and fill in the form below and place in an envelope in the P & F mail box in the office. Please make sure the form is filled out correctly, providing all information and how many tickets you require. You will need to fill out a form per ticket. If you are unable to print out the form, there will be forms in the office. IMPORTANT DATES TERM THREE July 30th: Hot dog day 6th August: Sushi day 13th August: Hot dog day August 16th: Trivia night 20th August: Sushi Day 27th August: Hot dog day 3rd September: Hot dog day September 12th: Fathers day golf classic ________________________________________________________________________ St. Therese School Fees Raffle 2014 Tickets - $25 each Name: _______________________ Childs Class: _______________ Number of Tickets: ______ Method of Payment: Cash Cheque Credit Card Visa Name On Card: _______________________ Card No: ____________________________ Expiry Date: ____/_____/_______ Signature on Card: _________________________ MasterCard PARENTS AND FRIENDS MEETING Next night meeting will be Wednesday 6th August 7:30pm, at the Torquay Hotel. New parents are always most welcome. For those families that cannot make the meetings but would love to be involved or help in some way, please email Deb Adams on [email protected] . SECONDHAND UNIFORM SHOP Uniform shop opens every Wednesday 3:15 – 3:45pm. Second hand uniforms that are in great condition and clean can be placed in the bin provided near the school hall, clearly labelled. Cash only sales. ENTERTAINMENT BOOK Win a $50 Voucher at Sandbah Cafe with Entertainment Book. Pay for your Entertainment Book or Digital Membership and register your Gold Card by 31 July, and go into the draw to win a $50 voucher at Sandbah Cafe! For St Therese parents and staff only. And if you have already bought a Membership, you still go into the draw! To make your purchase, visit this year you can buy the Entertainment™ Book or the NEW Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which brings all the benefits of the book to your Smartphone! Pick up your Membership today by putting your name and payment details in an envelope in the P&F box at the Front office or call Sally Hart on 0409 272 523. PREP MORNING TEA Morning tea on Friday 1st August after morning school drop off at Moby’s, for prep mums. Hope to see many there for a cuppa and chat! BIG THANKYOU It was fantastic to see so many people turn out on a cold winter's night for our social night at Growlers last term. We would like to say a special thank you to Growlers for providing us with complimentary platters and for their wonderful hospitality. It was a great night. Our next social night will be in Term 4. More details to follow. P&F 2nd Annual Fathers day Golf Classic fundraiser WHERE – THE SANDS GOLF CLUB WHEN – FRIDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER TIME – 8.00AM SHOTGUN START Registrations and light breakfast from 7.00am FORMAT – AMBROSE (4 BALL BEST BALL) COST - $95 PER PLAYER, Includes green fees, cart, light breakfast, BBQ Lunch - $35 BBQ Lunch only (approx 12.30pm) - $500 Corporate Sponsor, Includes 2 players, course signage & lunch - $300 Non Playing Sponsor, Includes course signage & lunch Name …………………………………………………… PH…………………………………. Email ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Number of players………… x $95 Number of Lunch only ……………. X $35 Players Names .………………………………………… HCP……………….. (max 20) …………………………………………. HCP………………… …………………………………………. HCP…………………. …………………………………………. HCP…………………. Card No ………………./………………/………………./…………… EXP ……./……… Name on card ………………………………………………………………. For more information call Rob Montebello 0438 500663 Please place completed from in P&F box in school office If you are unable to print this out there are copies of the form in the office. Extend OSHC at St Therese Primary School Weekly recap Last week was the first week back from our Term two holiday. The children were extremely excited to be back at school and shared lots of their holiday experiences with each other. It was great to hear how much fun they had during the holidays! The children have enjoyed Outer Space week last week. Some children have made their own planets and now that they are dry, we will make them into our own space mobile and make our own solar system! We have also made our own aliens from playdough that we made ourselves and stuck on glitter, sequins, feathers, wool and pompoms. Straw rockets and starlight cups are some more activities enjoyed by the children during the week. Check out our photo book to see photos of our great activities! This term, we are looking forward to having some guests come by: A karate teacher, a dance teacher, Jo from the Queenscliff Aboriginal mob, the SES and probably many others. We are also planning more closely with the children, so this term your children will have a chance to help plan for the following weeks, and they will get to choose the activities we do and the food we eat! The children are very excited for this and participate enthusiastically, so we are looking forward to hearing more input from them. Before School Care has begun this term, and we have enjoyed having yummy and healthy breakfast and doing some arts and crafts, like friendship bracelets! We look forward to seeing some more faces throughout the term! – Kayla Our Extend Superstars are ………… Indiana L & Lilly M For being caring young girls and helping pack up without even being asked! You both deserve to be our Extend Superstars! Don’t forget to pick up your certificates! Next week’s activities: Superhero Week Monday July 28: Making superhero masks Tuesday July 29: Melinda’s Superhero Fun Wednesday July 30: Superhero challenge board and obstacle course Thursday July 31: Create a cape Friday August 1: Party streamer laser challenge Before School Care is now open! We look forward to seeing you soon. Operating hours and fees Before School Care: 7.00am – 8.30am $16.00 permanent, $18.00 casual *YOU PAY BETWEEN: $4.61 - $8.00 based on a permanent booking *Child Care Benefits and the non-income tested 50% Child Care Rebate of up to $7500 apply for eligible families. Fees are per child per session. Kids Club Art Competition! Win a Luna Park Family Pass! Calling all Extend kids! Enter now to be in the running to win a Luna Park Family Pass. Theme: “My Cultural Tradition” To enter: Create a piece of Artwork then visit our website at to upload and submit your entry. The top 5 winning entries selected in each year level category will be uploaded onto our website for online voting! Don’t miss out! Enter today! Entries close: Friday 8 August, 2014. For further information and competition terms visit the Kids Club Competition page at Community News: Meagan Burch Music Tuition Music Lessons AT school Piano, keyboard, Guitar, Ukulele, Drum or Singing Lessons Private & Group of 2 Lessons During &/or After School Hours at School Come & try music lessons without committing to the full term. To enrol in, or to obtain more information please contact Meagan: [email protected] Providing Music Lessons in local schools since 1985. SMALL AND SNOTTY TO TALL AND SPOTTY Parent /Carer education series 2014. BATForce, Barwon Youth and Victoria Police have partnered with the Surf Coast Shire to present a series of three parent /carer evenings that promise to promote lots of discussion, a few laughs and some learning along the way. Torquay is a growing community and as our Young Population enter the exciting world of adolescences it is critical that as a community we are well prepared to support them on their journey. This means being ready to have the right conversations at the right time, knowing how to deal with the bumps along the way, how to promote healthy strong relationships and ensuing that Your children have the skills to take educated risks, know when to say NO and how to look after their mates. WHERE: Shire Offices, Torquay SESSION TIMES 7-8.45pm th WHEN: Wednesday 6 August - Celebrating Gen WiFi Leigh Bartlett The greatest gift we can give our Children is resilience. As the world becomes more fast paced we need to ensure that when (and they will) our Kids make mistakes they have the tools to bounce back. Tips for creating communication, discussing risk and consequence, talking about sex consent and ethics, the importance of healthy relationships and most importantly looking after your mates. Leigh has many years experience in the adolescent field and in more recent years has been a loud voice ensuring that parents and carers are considered in policy as the number one stakeholders in Young People’s lives. Guest speaker: Surf Coast Shire Wednesday 20th August- Cyber Safety Cath Hastie Technology is brilliant and offers up many opportunities for our Children. You will spend 120 hours teaching them to drive a car, come and find out what you can support your Children as they begin to navigate the cyber world. Cathy has been working in the area of cyber safety with Victoria Police for many years and presents a solutions based approach to managed technology in your home which is full of ideas and strategies which are easy to implement. Guest speaker:headspace Wednesday 27th August – Alcohol and other Drugs Josie Taylor Alcohol and Other Drugs are part of the world our Children live in, they WILL be faced with decisions at some time soon. This session will give you the information to begin discussions with your children – the myths and facts you need to get started, as well as tips for when they begin to go to parties. Josie presents from a harm minimisation perspective and with many years of experience offers up a wealth of knowledge and opportunity for learning. Guest speakerGlastonbury RSVP for session 1, 2 or 3 to [email protected] for more information call BATForce on 52214339. Momentum develops your success - Mums Communicating with Purpose U2C University of the 2nd Career at Spring Creek House Torquay Facilitator: Mira Williams Momentum Coaching Mentoring & Training 0419 326 944 [email protected] Empowering mums to be the best they can be Term 3 Dates: 6 week course Commencing Fri 1st August - Fri 5th September 8:45am -10:45am Participation options based on a minimum attendance of 14 people. Investment:$125 pp Early Bird Upfront payment: $115 pp Health Concession: $95pp A 2hr weekly workshop confidence boost to start every weekend on a positive note. Mums who will book in to this new course want to develop skills in: -skilling for employment pathways nd pathways to success Happy Mums create harmonious relationships in the home environment. When women are given opportunities to succeed in business, their families gain even more purpose. L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program Mentors Needed – Help Kids get behind the wheel This is your opportunity to help young people participate fully in a better community. We are looking for volunteers with driving experience to help our young learner drivers gain on the road experience through our L2P program. All it takes is one hour a week. L2P is a program which provides access to mentors / supervising drivers for young learner drivers who are facing significant barriers to gaining-on-road experience. Such barriers might include no access to a vehicle or a supervising driver. A 4 star ANCAP rated car is provided by the program, all insurances are covered and training is provided. Training will be held in Torquay on the following dates: • Saturday 26 July - Full Day • Sunday 27 July - Half Day For more information or to register your interest please contact Sarah or April on 5272 4011 or email [email protected]
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