THE MESSENGER First Presbyterian Church, Clarkesville, Georgia me15, No.11 November, 2009 Sabbatical Update Definition of Sabbatical: The word has its roots in the Biblical concept of Sabbath (to rest). Sabbath keeping is setting aside time that God consecrates and makes sacred. It is a time for shifting gears in order to rest, study, reflect, and travel so when pastor returns to the church, he/she is refreshed and renewed in body, mind and spirit. *My Sabbatical Theme is ‘A Time for Gathering In’. I propose to take a Sabbatical to become more whole. The 2nd World War ruptured my family of origin. The losses, trauma and shame caused my parents to leave Germany and immigrate to America with me in tow (I was 7). My parents never talked about the war and rarely about family. It was as though our lives had no ‘before.’ I am now a wife, mother, grandmother and pastor, but I am not whole. This sabbatical is my journey towards wholeness. Prayer, reading and reflection will sustain me on the journey. My context is Greifswald, Germany, where I will partake in a Summer Sabbatical for pastors at the University Institute. I will take seminars relevant to my journey, read Bonhoeffer’s ‘Cost of Discipleship’, and visit the hospital in Hadamar, where my grandmother was exterminated by Nazi doctors. I will reconnect with relatives, including a half sister who does not know I exist. Far away from my busy pastorate, but less than 200 miles from my birthplace, I will gather pieces of myself. At journey’s end, I will be more whole. I will share my story with my children and, preach to my flock about the need for wholeness. I have been meeting with a Sabbatical Planning Team (Janis Morrison, Kathy Palmer, Jan Peak, Evelyn Waugh, and Tina Evans) since June, 2009. Personnel Committee, Session, & NEGA Presbytery Committee on Ministry approved Sabbatical. FPCC Staff (Connie Worley, Donna James, Pat Peterson, & Elaine O’Mary) support Sabbatical. My family (Brice, our children, and extended family) support the Sabbatical. I have been accepted to be part of a Pastor’s Sabbatical Semester in Greifswald, Germany at The Institute for Evangelism & Church Development. The Greifswald program timeline is April 6-July 17, 2010. Dr. Darrel Guder, Dean & Professor at Princeton Seminary has agreed to be my ‘email conversant’ during the Sabbatical. I will travel while in Germany in order to reconnect with long lost family which was torn apart by WWII. Greifswald is 120 miles from where I lived as child and 190 miles from where I was born. If at all possible, Brice will accompany me on the Sabbatical. The Supply Pastor will be Rev. Tom Query, who has signed a contract to carry out pastoral duties from Sun, April 4, 2010 to Sun, July 18, 2010. The cost is $200/wk (includes mileage). Sabbatical Planning Team will continue to work with me to prepare congregation for my absence. SPT is working on division of duties: “Who Does What List” for congregation. I have applied for a Sabbatical Grant with The Louisville Institute (Lily Endowment). *Italicized words above are part of Summary Statement, which was sent to Louisville Institute as part of my application for a Sabbatical Grant. With thanksgiving, Lisa For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 SESSION NEWS BYTES ‘Bytes’ from Session Meeting, October 25, 2009 Session voted to accept another bequest from Estate of Catherine Erwin ($5,099.31). Per earlier Erwin Estate request ( that money be used for Personnel), Session voted to put money into Personnel Budget. FH update & renovation plans from Terry Rogers read to Session. Officer Christmas Party (Elders/Deacons) to be held, Thurs, Dec. 10, at Lisa’s house. Need for a use of Fellowship Hall policy discussed and sent to Property Committee. th Children’s Christmas Pageant to be held Wed, Dec. 16 Due to Baptism Nov. 1, Communion to be served as people come forward (using small cups & pre-cut bread) Offerings Report For Nine Months Ending September 30, 2009 Description Budget Mortgage Reduction Franklin House Soup Kitchen/Souper Bowl Pastors Discretionary Launch A Kid McAlpine-Kennedy Seminary Fund Easter Lillies Tapes NE Georgia Hour of Sharing Mothers Day Pentecost Peace Offering Amount $149,759 $4,995 $3,436 $591 $2,200 $100 $3,975 $490 $105 $225 $535 $298 $5 Senior Luncheon $30 Total $166,744 In-Kind $1,845 Contributions Report September 2009 Tithes & Offerings $17,637 Total Expenditures $17,481 YTD 2009 $150,654 $157,792 Listed Expenses include part of Pastor's salary ($5,000 /yr) and all of DCE salary Whatever may be your task, though you were working for (AMP) work at it heartily from the soul and cheerfully, as the Lord rather than people. Colossians 3:23 Join us Sunday Mornings for Sunday School There is something for everyone! 9:45-10:30 AM Nursery (ages 0-3)* *3, 4, & Kdg 1-6th grades Youth Class Youngish Adult Class Speak Easy Class The Diggers The Seekers Sylvia Heathcote, Jackie Vespi Joan Gateley, Kathy Palmer Desi Barrett, Anna Feeley Michael James Rotating Teachers Brice Graves & Ted Childs Al Peterson & Will Stucki Joyce Tomanek *Ages for children’s classes are determined by public school criteria, i.e., children who are 3 by September 1st. All adult classes are ageless!! Our Sunday School Offerings Go Near and Far (see bulletin board in Sunday School hallway for more details) Locally Nationally Globally Grace Gate Angels on a Leash Campus Crusade for Christ in support of John, Heather, and Jacob Martin CHRISTMAS FOR OUR MILITARY WILL YOU HELP US GIVE BACK TO OUR CHURCH MILITARY? WE ARE COLLECTING CHRISTMAS CARDS, SOCKS, PRE-PACKAGED FOOD ITEMS, FUN ITEMS,CD’s, DVD’s. SEE THE APPROVED LIST IN THE NEWSLETTER. WE NEED THESE ITEMS IN THE CHURCH BY NOVEMBER 7TH. THE SHIPPING WILL TAKE SOME TIME AND REQUIRES 5-6 WEEKS DELIVERYTO ENSURE DELIVERY FOR CHRISTMAS.. CONTACT BARBARA JOHNS 706-778-3017 WITH ANY QUESTIONS Children’s Chapel Children: God be with you here. Congregation: God be with you there. These are the words that start our Children’s Church gathering every Sunday. With these words, the children know that you are loving them and supporting them even though they are not in the sanctuary. And they know that they are a part of the church family. After we leave the sanctuary, there is prayer and time to get ready to enter the Children’s Chapel. Once they are seated on the floor in a circle, we have our call to worship. The Storyteller says… “This is a very special place. It is very special because God is here. In this place we have all the time we need. So we don’t have to hurry. We can walk more slowly. And we talk more softly, because someone might be talking with God, and we don’t want to disturb them. This is a special place to be with God, to talk with God, to listen to God, and to hear the stories of God.” And so begins their time of worship. Christmas Pageant Seems like only last week that the First Presbyterian Players were making their theatrical debut, but here it is time for the next production of our Christmas Pageant. This year’s pageant is ideally suited for small churches with tiny budgets, and will have only 2 major practices. Children, parents, and other interested parties will be receiving information soon about their roles in the play. Please put the following dates on your calendars: November 29th Pageant practice & pizza December 6th Pageant practice & pizza December 9th Fellowship Supper Pageant Right after worship Right after worship Supper at 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Please note that practice is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I know that is a busy time for everyone and many of you may be traveling, but if at all possible, please be present for that practice. Connie Connie Worley Director of Christian Education ITEMS FOR MILITARY LIST FOOD PRACTICAL FUN Instant Coffee Powdered Gatorade Powdered Hot Choc Kool-Aid Tea Bags Slim Jim's Triscuits Ritz Crackers Mini Bags Chips Rice Krispie Treats Bubble Gum Little Debbie Snacks Easy Mac Microwave Popcorn Granola Bars Power Bars Dried Fruit Trail Mix Canned Soup Ramen Noodles Tuna Oatmeal Lollipops Small Pringles Cans Canned Chicken Instant Soup Plastic Spoons Clorox Wipes Razors Shaving Cream Shampoo Conditioner After Shave Soap/body wash Mouth wash ** Deodorant T-Shirts Underwear socks Fluffy Towel Eye Drops Chapstick Sun Block Lotion Dental Floss Baby Powder Comb Hair Brush Hand Sanitizer Breath Mints Contact Lens Clnr Nail Files Nail Clipper ** non-alcohol AA & AAA Batt Stress Ball Stamps Writing Paper Envelopes Pens Newspaper Articles Paperback Books Puzzles Frisbees Hackie Sacks Journals Yo Yo's Jump Ropes Jokes & Comics Balloons Baseball Hats Bandannas Bug Off Birthday Decorations Banners Board Games Magazines Squirt Guns Foam balls Small Slinky All canned goods should have pull-off tops A Thornwell Home for Children offering will be received on November 22, 2009 Thornwell Home for Children is all about helping children and youth - caring for them, nurturing them, helping prepare them to become the faithful individuals God created them to be. Founded in 1875, today Thornwell is a vital ministry of the Presbyterian Church, serving children and families. Thornwell's referral network receives hundreds of calls from families in crisis and, each year, many children find their way to the home. Most arrive battered and broken, frightened, full of sadness and despair. At the Thornwell Home for Children, they are offered a safe haven; a warm, loving, family-style community in which to grow and thrive. FPCC helps support this home a not-for-profit organization - all services, programs, and ministries are made possible by the grace of God, Presbyterian (USA) churches in 16 presbyteries and their individual members, and other generous individuals and organizations. This Year’s Flu Season Dear Congregation, In recent weeks, the developing situation regarding the spread of the H1N1 flu is an understandable cause of concern for many. This year’s flu season is predicted to be worse than usual in terms of the numbers of people who are likely to get sick. Since this poses a serious health threat, many of us are wondering how we as a community of believers can minimize the spread of flu viruses. Influenza strains are spread through person-to-person contact. We could potentially share the flu virus through tiny particles released as we sneeze or cough or touch an infected surface. To help keep our church family as healthy as possible, we suggest that you observe the best health practices by washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer and, when sick, simply staying at home. Our Sunday morning worship is a welcoming and joyous gathering as we share in a spirit of prayer and thankfulness for the wonders of God’s grace. When Reverend Graves invites us to share in the ‘Ritual of Friendship,’ she does not tell us precisely how we are to do so. You may be fond of hugging or kissing the person beside you or, more frequently, shaking the hand of your neighbors in the pews around you. However, if you are not feeling well or feel a cold coming on, other acceptable ways of extending a greeting is a smile, a nod, and a word of greeting. During The Lord’s Supper, we celebrate our unity in Christ and share the bread and juice as a means of communing with God and knowing Christ is present in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our traditional way for distributing the elements, when Communion is offered by Intinction (at the Lord’s Table), is to use the common cup and loaves of bread. During this flu season we will, instead, offer bread cut in individual cubes and juice in individual cups to be discarded in a vessel held by one of the elders. We must go on living our lives, taking some precautions, but not stop living. The gift of our Christian community is precious to us - may we continue worshiping God who strengthens and sustains us through all things. chili cook-off First Wednesday November 4, 2009 Bring your favorite Chili dish Or Brownies Sponsored by FPCC Crossroads Youth Group Youth will judge entries and award prizes. Other food items needed if you don’t want to participate: Grated cheese, sour cream, chopped onions, chives crackers, hot sauce If you are interested in cooking chili or brownies, please contact Michael James. Also let him know what “other foods” you will be bringing so he can coordinate that as well. [email protected] 706 754-1261 brownie bake-off You are cordially invited To Our Annual “Thankful Wednesday” A Thanksgiving Celebration Supper At 1st Presbyterian, Clarkesville Wednesday Nov. 18 at 6:00 p.m. (with “Surprise Entertainment”) The Church will provide Turkey, Dressing, Gravy and Beverages. Please bring a Side Dish or Dessert (Pumpkin Pies encouraged). Please join us for great food, fellowship, and together We will praise God for our many blessings! For transportation, contact Elaine/church office 706-754- 2935). For questions or information, contact Mary Weese (706-754- 6906). Dear Church Family: I am writing to provide you all with an update of my ministry as Chaplain at Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga. I am very blessed to be getting this training as one of five Chaplain Residents in this year of the Chaplain training program. We bring Pastoral Care to patients, their families and even staff members all over Erlanger Hospital and the T. C. Thompson Children’s Hospital. Once or twice each week, when on call, I get to minister to all areas of the hospital during a 24 hour shift. Erlanger is the only Trauma Hospital in the region of Chattanooga and we get patients from Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Alabama who have suffered a trauma of some sort. Many of these trauma patients are flown in by helicopter to the hospital from various places and we get to meet quite a lot of people. Many of my hours are spent in the trauma area with distraught patients and family members. When not on call, I have areas that I minister to including: Dialysis, Same-Day Surgery waiting room, Medical /Surgical Intensive Care Unit and three floors of patients who have various illnesses or have had surgery and are recovering. We do see a lot of death and dying here, and self-care is really important for me. I also minister on two floors of the Sisken Rehabilitation Hospital with people recovering from major trauma and illnesses. It is very challenging work. All of my Master of Divinity work was completed in August, 2009. My fingers are crossed that I passed three of the Ordination Exams which I took, and which Lisa so kindly proctored for me in late August. Per the schedule of the PCUSA, grades from these Exams are to be released next week. I will be taking the Exegesis Examination in January, when leave from work is available. This year, I am spending deciphering my calling in detail, and feel led to Pulpit Ministry, but can also see myself as a Hospital or Hospice Chaplain. I hope to begin looking for a Church Position in the spring of next year. It was my great honor to lead a man to Christ the other night. He had been in a coma for two weeks and ‘awakened’. An atheist prior to his illness, he found God in the process and just needed to find our blessed Jesus as well. This was an unusual opportunity that I feel blessed to have had, as our goal as chaplains is to bring comfort, counseling and prayer to patients. God is walking with me in the halls of this Hospital daily, and blesses me to be a care giver to the sick and dying. Other residents and I have become close friends. One other Presbyterian USA resident is here who was a pastor for some 20 years, but is now training to be a Chaplain Training Supervisor. He and I are close. There are also three other Residents, one is a Lutheran, one a Church of Christ minister and one a Seventh Day Adventist minister. All of us have a Masters of Divinity Degrees and are in some process of becoming ordained. We form a good support system and my partners are blessing to be with. I don’t know if Lisa told you that Dick and I remarried on September 11, 2009. We both realized we made a mistake, and are very happy now. I call Dick my prayer warrior, as he sets a terrific example with his daily prayer. He spends much time on his knees before God. He is a big support for me and my ministry. Our marriage is on a much more stable footing this time. I miss the Church in Clarkesville a lot. I have a void in my life in that area. We do attend a local PCUSA Church near our home in Ringgold, GA but they are tiny and have no Choir, Sunday School, or Presbyterian Women’s group. Some good news from my family is that my daughter Clara got married in September to Sean Wright, the Army Ranger, who has been on the Prayer list. Sean is to be deployed to Afghanistan in January. Clara has started her first job as an Occupational Therapist in Athens, GA and she and Sean are very happy. I saw my eight-month-old granddaughter this weekend and three of my children. They are all well. One thing that my Chaplain training is teaching me is what is important in life. Our families are precious gifts from God. Life is very fragile. My heart aches for those at the hospital who lose family members there so very often, and this makes seeing my own family very precious occasions for me. I hope to come back to worship with you folks very soon. I have appreciated being able to be amongst you all, as I always feel the closeness of God when in the Church. God’s blessings be upon each one of you. I miss you and hope to see you soon. Sincerely, Sherrie McAllister Congratulations to Sherrie McAllister! For passing all 3 August Ordination Exams (Theology, Worship/Sacraments, Polity) Sherrie had already passed the Bible Content Exam And will take her Bible Exegesis Exam in Jan, 2010 We are so proud of you, Sherrie! New Address Sherrie McAllister 336 Pebbleshores Drive Ringgold, GA 30736-2921 Family Members and Friends who are in Military Lt. Col. Alex K. Fulford 6816 Burbage Landing Circle Suffolk, VA 23435 Ben Ervin Lt. Col. Bob Snyder 1st Lt. Larry Williams Spencer Griswold SSgt. Matt Summers PSC 9 Box 2000 APO AE, 09123 (Germany 4 months) Justin Mosely If you have time to send a card or letter to one of our military persons, that would be wonderful! Please let us know the address of your loved one or friend so it can be included. Crawford Shane Caudell S/Sgt Micah Bradford · PFC 2 Doria, Domnick 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry 1st. Brigade 101st Airborne Division Fort Campbell, KY 42223-5185 Timothy R. Palmer HHC, 1-2 IN BN FOB KALSU APO AE09312 FPCC Home Touch, Nursing Home and Assisted Living List 2009 Fred Waugh 154 Granny Smith Circle Clarkesville, GA 30523 706-754-2562 Winky Arrendale PO Box 261 Clarkesville, GA 30523 706-754-2648 Ruth Robbins (Linda’s mother) c/o Matt and Linda Jones 854 Syacamore Lane Clarkesville, GA 30523 Olean Cathy 635 Washington Street Clarkesville, GA 30523 706-754-2804 Ike & Carolyn Smith 436 Gastley Road Clarkesville, GA 30523 706-754-2445 (Carolyn is sister of Dan Dixon) Frances Childs (Ted Child’s mother) Oak Heritage Nursing Home P.O. Box 280 Baldwin, GA 30511 706-778-8377 Gertrude Barrett Magnolia Hills 504 Historic Highway 441 North Demorest, GA 30535 706-754-3462 Sarah Ferguson Habersham West Nursing Home P.O. Box 37 Demorest, GA 30531 706-754-7189 Jean Towers (Mary Weese’s mother) c/o Mary Weese 580 Beaver Lake Drive Clarkesville, GA 30523 Suzanne “Suzi” York (Sarah Ferguson’s sister) 5808 Fieldstone Ct. Clermont, GA 30527 Suzi lives with her nephew, Douglas Ferguson Dear Church Family, If you have time to send a card, make a call or pay a visit to any of the folks listed above, that would be wonderful. If we have inadvertently left someone off the list, please let the office know (706-754-2935). Thank you. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 181 Jefferson Street Clarkesville, Georgia 30523 Telephone 706-754-2935 - FAX 706-754-3120 Minister - Rev. Lisa Graves: [email protected] Music Director - Donna James: [email protected] Organist - Patricia Peterson: [email protected] Secretary - Elaine O’Mary: [email protected] Director of Christian Education -Connie Worley: [email protected] Youth Director – Michael James: [email protected] Treasurer - Don Robinson Assistant Treasurer - Pam Hill Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. THE SESSION Moderator - Rev. Lisa L. Graves Class of 2009 Class of 2010 Jim Bruce Stuart Delugach Barbara Johns Phoebe Martin Darrin Johnston Diane Mayes Elder Emeritus - Dan Dixon Class of 200 Cat Simpson Mary Weese FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 181 JEFFERSON STREET P.O. BOX 354 CLARKESVILLE, GA 30523 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator - Joan Gateley Class of 2010 Joan Gateley Linda Head Clerk of Session - Tina C. Evans Class of 2011 Deanna Anglin Tom Evans Anna Feeley Class of 2011 Phil Hull Suzanne Harper Dan Palmer
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