Ethel An HBO Documentary Film TEACHER’S GUIDE GRADES 7 – 12 WRITTEN BY GREG TIMMONS THIS TEACHING GUIDE IS PRODUCED BY HBO DOCUMENTARY FILMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RFK CENTER FOR JUSTICE & HUMAN RIGHTS Film Synopsis: “Ethel” celebrates the life of Ethel Kennedy – matriarch of one of the most influential families in American politics. Directed by her daughter, Rory, the documentary is a personal portrait, featuring interviews with Ethel and her children Kathleen, Joe, Bobby, Courtney, Kerry, Chris and Max. The film spans Ethel’s political awakening, the life she shared with Robert Kennedy and the years following his death, when she raised their 11 children. Given the Kennedys’ place at the forefront of many of the pivotal events of the modern era, the sweep is vast, ranging from the McCarthy hearings and the Civil Rights movement, to Vietnam and the anti-war movement, to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. As the film shows, just as John F. Kennedy’s death moved Robert to recommit to a life of public service, Robert’s death pushed Ethel to do the same. She founded the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights and Justice to help carry on his work, and has participated in human rights delegations all over the world. Today, many of her children work for social justice, which is often attributed to their father’s influence, but as Rory reminds Ethel, Robert Kennedy died when they were very young. She’ll have none of it. “I just don’t feel I can take the credit,” Ethel says, with a wisdom forged from hardship and triumph, “Nobody gets a free have your wits about you, and do what you can and dig in because it might not last.” Program Running Time: 1:37:12 Themes/topics explored • Politics as a tool for doing good for others • Understanding the importance of living during important historical events • The evolving role of women in politics and society • Living an engaged life as an example for one’s children Content Areas: Social Studies, U.S. History, Civics and Government Grade Level: 7-12 Learning Objectives The Student will… • Describe the significance of key historical events in which Ethel Kennedy lived and their relevance today. • Evaluate the role of politics in addressing social concerns in the 1960s and today. • Analyze Ethel Kennedy’s role in her husband’s political life and compare with partners of political figures today. • Analyze the issues Bobby and Ethel Kennedy fought for in the 1960s and their importance today. • Evaluate the importance of parents sharing with their children the work they do and the values they hold. Standards Alignment from McREL ( U.S. History • Standard 27: Understands how the Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics • Standard 28: Understands domestic policies in the post-World War II period • Standard 29: Understands the struggle for racial and gender equality and for the extension of civil liberties Civics • Standard 1: Understands ideas about civic life, politics, and government • Standard 10: Understands the roles of voluntarism and organized groups in American social and political life 1 • • Standard 28: Understands how participation in civic and political life can help citizens attain individual and public goals Standard 29: Understands the importance of political leadership, public service, and a knowledgeable citizenry in American constitutional democracy Time Frame: • Film viewing time: 1 hour 37 minutes. • Lesson Option 1 – Class Discussion: 1 class period • Lesson Option 2 – Multiple Activities o Create a Timeline: 1 class period o Video Viewing Activity: 1 to 1 ½ class periods o Challenge Envelope Activity: 1 class period o Culminating Activity: 1 class period or as homework Biography: Ethel Kennedy was born into a large Catholic family in Chicago in 1928. A bright and active young woman, Ethel grew up in Connecticut and married Robert F. Kennedy in 1950. Ethel and Bobby would share a passion for politics, service to their country, and social justice that they would pass on to their eleven children. As the wife of a rising political star, Ethel was often at the forefront of many pivotal events in the mid-20th century such as the McCarthy hearings, the Civil Rights movement, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the groundbreaking political elections of the 1960’s, and the battle for labor rights. During this time, she encouraged her children to understand the historical importance of the times and be actively involved in improving the lives of others. In 1968, while running for president of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. Ethel would make it her life’s work to pursue their shared vision, and raise their eleven children to value the gift of a contributory life. In honor of her husband, Ethel, along with friends and family, created the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights to ensure his spirit would live on through supporting individuals, alliances, and organizations dedicated to improving human rights around the world. The Center bolsters the efficacy of human rights defenders, and empowers students worldwide through their human rights education program Speak Truth To Power. The RFK Center also recognizes the work of activists, authors, journalists, and students who have stood up against oppression. As Ethel became a political force in her own right, she personally tackled human rights issues both at home and abroad. She has marched with Cesar Chavez, sat with Native Americans at Alcatraz, boycotted fast food businesses with the Immokolee Workers, demonstrated outside the South African and Chinese embassies, joined the Global March for Children, pulled tires out of the Anacostia River, trekked up mountainous terrain in Mexico to visit unjustly convicted prisoners, traveled to Haiti to see the effects of the US blocking loans, visited Apartheid era South Africa, ( and 40 years later) , crossed the Edmund Pettis Bridge with John Lewis, confronted dictator Arap Moi in Nairobi, filled a 757 with relief supplies for African countries, visited orphanages in Angola and raised millions of dollars for human rights work around the globe. Ethel continues to be politically and social active and loves spending time with her family which includes 37 grandchildren and one great-grand child. Directed by her daughter Rory, the HBO documentary “Ethel” shares her story, and is an educational tool to help students appreciate the life and times in which she lived. 2 How to use this Guide This lesson guide offers teachers two options for presentation to their class. In Lesson Option 1, teachers can present the film in its entirety OR present individual clips from the film available at This can be done either as homework or in class, Teachers can then review the suggested discussion questions provided and end with the culminating activity. Lesson Option 2 offers several activities that can be conducted in a continuous fashion or as standalone activities. This will give teachers optimum flexibility in using the film and lesson guide in their classes. LESSON OPTION 1 – Post-Viewing Activity Opening Activity 1. Write this quote up on the front board or overhead. “It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.” Robert Kennedy, 1966 2. After giving students a chance to think about the quote, form them into small groups of 2-3. Ask them, “What does it mean to have courage?” and allow them a few seconds to discuss. Write down several ideas on the board. After discussion develops, ask the following questions to different members of each group in a full class discussion: • Does courage mean something different for men and women? • Does the meaning of courage differ among people of different ages, ethnic groups, or social classes? • Does courage mean standing up for something you believe in even when others don’t? 3. Show the film, “Ethel” or ask students to watch individual clips, either as homework or in class. After viewing the video, discuss the following questions with students. • Describe the significance of inviting Dr. Ralph Bunche to speak at the University of Virginia Law School in 1951. How does such an action bring the issue of racial equality to a public institution like the university? Do you think this was a good idea or not? Explain you answer. (Clip 1) • For what reasons did Ethel Kennedy take her children to see their father at work while he was in Congress and as Attorney General? Do you think this was a good idea? Why, or why not? Is this something you would do with your children? Explain you answer. (Clip 2) • Ethel Kennedy worked on John Kennedy’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 1953 and his presidential bid in 1959. Discuss the role she played in these political elections and how it compares to the role women play in campaigns today. (Clips 3a & 3b) • Discuss the values Ethel and Robert Kennedy instilled in their children: • Politics is an admirable profession, a tool for doing good for others. • Understanding the historical importance of the times they lived in. • Living an exemplarily life. • Dealing with loss. • Carrying on a family legacy. 3 Which of these do you feel are the most important and why? (All clips) • How does Ethel play a pivotal role in her husband’s life after the death of his brother, John Kennedy? Explain how she was able to help her husband refocus his life and carry on the work he and his brother had started. (Clip 5) • Ethel Kennedy was deeply involved with Robert Kennedy’s human rights work. Adopted by the United Nations and ratified by the United States government in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes rights in clear and simple terms the rights which belong equally to every person- Identify some of the issues Robert Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy were concerned about, how they relate to the articles of the UDHR, how they chose to address these issues and the importance of these issues today. (Clip 7) Lesson Option 1 Culminating Activity Have students create an explanation of what it means to be courageous. This can be a one page paper, visual representation or performance piece (song or short skit). Students should use examples from the film “Ethel” to illustrate and support their points, but they can also draw from other people’s experiences or their own. LESSON OPTION 2 – Multiple Activities Opening Activity – Create a Timeline* This activity will help students understand the times in which Ethel spent much of her adult life and provide a context for the film. Students (working in small groups or individually) will research and summarize each main event and construct a brief presentation that can be done orally or as a digital presentation (slide show, webpage entry or other). Procedure 1. Divide the class into 9 small groups and distribute the timeline handout to each group. Then assign each group one of the events in the timeline. Intro and exit points from the film are provided on the student handout. 2. Provide time for students to research their timeline entry’s historical details and compose a brief description of the event. 3. Have each group construct a timeline entry card either on poster board or as a digital presentation (digital slide or webpage). 4. Provide an opportunity for all students to present their timeline entry to the class or publish them online. Debriefing Questions Review the following questions with students: • Review the issues the United States was confronting during the scope of this timeline. • What events were familiar and what events were new to you? What events surprised you and why? • Which issue/event do you feel had the greatest impact on the country and the American people? Explain why. • What issues from the timeline is the United States still dealing with today? How well do you think Americans are dealing with these issues? Explain your answer. * Though not essential, it is suggested that students view the film “Ethel” either as home work or in class before starting this activity. You can also have students view the film clips related to each entry on the timeline. 4 Activity 2 – Video Viewing Activity Ethel Kennedy’s life with Bobby provided her a wealth of experience and opportunities to make a difference. In this activity, students will work in groups to examine key events in the life of Bobby and Ethel Kennedy and main themes of the film “Ethel.” This activity provides students with the content for Activity 3 and the Culminating Activity. Procedure 1. Divide the class into small groups of 3 to 4 students. 2. Distribute the handout “Video Viewing Activity – Graphic Organizer.” 3. Have students take notes on each of the seven video segments and discuss the questions on the graphic organizer. 4. After students have viewed the clips and completed the graphic organizer, hold a general discussion over the following topics highlighted in the clips: • The role of politics in addressing social concerns • What it’s like to live during important historical events • The role of women in the 1960s and their role today • Living an exemplary life promoting ethical values • Exposing young children to the realities of political life Activity 3 – Challenge Envelope Activity This activity will help students review key concepts from the film “Ethel” in a unique writing/discussion activity. This activity can be adopted for email, Twitter or blog discussions. 1. Write each challenge question from the list below on an envelope. • Provide examples of how Ethel and Robert Kennedy believed in the idea that politics is an admirable profession and a tool for doing service for others. • Why do you think Ethel Kennedy exposed her young children to their father’s work and encouraged them to understand the issues of the time they lived in? • Explain whether you feel Ethel Kennedy was a traditional wife and mother in the 1960s. • Provide examples of how Ethel Kennedy promotes human rights values she and her husband Bobby shared. • Why do you feel it is important for parents to help their children understand their family’s legacy/history? 2. Divide the class into small groups. 3. Provide each group with as many 3x5 index cards as there are envelopes. 4. Distribute one envelope to each group. Have the groups answer the question on the front of their envelope and write an answer on the index card. Then put the card in the envelope. 5. Have the groups rotate the envelopes to each group, but ask that they don’t read the other groups’ answers while composing their own answer. They should compose their own answer on a new index card and place it in the envelope and send it back into circulation. 6. After each group has answered each question, ask that they pick the best response from their last envelope to share with the class. Ask students for any thoughts or comments they may have on the question responses. Culminating Activity Have students write an essay on one of the following essential questions. In their essay, students shouldn’t just report the facts, but also express their opinions on the issues surrounding the question. 5 • • • • Are politics and public service as admirable a profession today as they were in the 1960s? Are they effective tools for addressing the nation’s problems and issues? Provide examples to support your views. Compare and contrast Ethel Kennedy’s role in the 1960s with people who are married to political figures today or are in politics and public service. What similarities and differences do you see? Describe any connections you see from the work that Ethel Kennedy did to what women do today in politics and public service. Are the human rights issues Ethel and Bobby Kennedy fought for in the 1960s important today and if so, what are these issues and how do you think they should be addressed? How does the act of engaging young children in the work and values of their parents help them understand their family’s legacy? Explain whether you feel it is a good idea for parents to expose their children to the realities of life at an early age and the work their parents do to address those realities. Extension Activities • Ethel Kennedy lived during an era where the social expectations of women could have limited her involvement in politics, yet she was able to work creatively within her role and make an impact. Realistically consider what expectations society (your school, your parents, your friends) has of you as a young person well as your own limitations. In a small group brainstorm how you can make a big impact as a student on an issue you find important and plan an event to carry out your idea. Think of all the resources you do have- the internet (YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/STTP online,) your school, after school clubs and organizations, or your family for example. Remember, no matter who you are you can change the world now. Try something fun and simple and remember to include your friends. • Think of a human rights issue that may not be widely understood or accepted by your peers, your family, or your community but is important to you. Perhaps it is a religion that most people don’t understand or a topic people are typically uneducated about or fearful of like immigration or HIV/AIDS. Contact a local organization involved with these issues, and ask a subject matter expert to speak to your class, school, or club. You may need to work with your school to get permission to have a guest speaker. If it is not possible to find a person to speak, make or find an appropriate video that informs the audience about the topic and see if it’s possible to share it. • A public speech can be a very powerful way to share an idea or message, but is often a difficult skill to deliver that takes hard work and practice. In the film “Ethel” we learn that Robert Kennedy, a man known for his brilliant and moving public speeches, also had difficulty mastering this skill. For some people there are ways to communicate that cause less anxiety but still send a powerful message like art, or music. In groups of two choose a human rights issue you feel is important to speak about, and decide who your audience will be (think of your comfort level and your ability to make an impact). Visit one of the sites below to help you prepare your speech. Both partners should practice the speech, but decide who will make the actual speech in front of an audience. Now brainstorm a second way to communicate your message together that is different from a speech (music, poetry, skit, or photography or artwork). Try to use skills or talents the other student (who is not giving the speech) has to create your second message. Present both messages to your audience. Public Speaking Resources: 6 Timeline-Chronology Activity Student Handout Directions: Research details of the event you’ve been assigned and write a description in the space under “Historical Details.” Event Topic and Year 1950s Racial segregation in America 1953 Senator Joseph McCarthy’s SubCommittee on Investigations 1957 The U.S. Senate Labor Rackets Committee 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1963 Racial integration at the University of Alabama 1963 The assassination of President John Kennedy 1964 Robert Kennedy runs for U.S. Senate 1968 The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968 The assassination of Robert Kennedy Clip location (Intro/ Exit) Intro: 16:49 Historical Details (students research events) Exit: 18:02 Intro: 20:28 Exit: 22:25 Intro: 27:26 Exit: 30:09 Intro: 39:20 Exit: 41:55 Intro: 42:01 Exit: 45:02 Intro: 52:45 Exit: 57:05 Intro: 1:00:52 Exit: 1:05:50 Intro: 1:13:59 Exit: 1:16:56 Intro: 1:18:30 Exit: 1:25:07 7 Video Clip Note-Taking Graphic Organizer Directions: View each of the following video segments and take notes on the graphic organizer describing the event, the role Ethel Kennedy played in the event, and the contribution she made to the event. Then after each clip, discuss the questions that follow in your small group. Dr. Ralph Bunche speaks at the UVA Student Legal Forum (Clip 1) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: How did Ethel and Bobby Kennedy’s experience with Dr. Ralph Bunche reflect the issues of the time? Notes: Bobby Kennedy serves on the U.S. Senate’s Labor Rackets Committee (Clip 2) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: How did Ethel Kennedy taking her children to the senate committee hearings give her children an understanding of what their father did? What message did this sent to her children about the role of government? Notes: 8 John Kennedy’s Presidential Campaign (Clips 3a & 3b) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: What role did Ethel Kennedy see herself playing in the John Kennedy’s presidential campaign? How is this role typical or atypical of other women/wives in the 1960s? Notes: Cuban Missile Crisis (approx. 39 minutes in) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: Describe the dilemma Ethel Kennedy faced during the Cuban Missile Crisis. What choice would you have made if you were in the same situation as Ethel? Notes: 9 Robert Kennedy runs for the U.S. Senate (Clip 5) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: Describe how Ethel Kennedy’s participation in the U.S. Senate campaign helped her husband, Robert Kennedy. Notes: Addressing Social Problems in America (Clip 6) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: What message were Ethel and Bobby Kennedy trying to impart to their children when they discussed the conditions in Mississippi around the dinner table? Notes: 10 Carrying on Robert Kennedy’s Legacy (Clip 7) Describe the overall event Ethel Kennedy’s role Ethel Kennedy’s contribution Discussion Question: Why do you think Ethel Kennedy felt it was important to carry on Robert Kennedy’s beliefs and values through their children? Notes: 11
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