November 23, 2014 “A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition” 1807 Bedford Street Rome, NY 13440 Rectory 315.336.3082 Fax 315.336.3083 email: [email protected] web: 5748 Stokes-Lee Center Rd. Lee Center NY 13363 Rectory/Parish Center 315. 336.2661 Fax: 315.336-8418 email: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE Daily M-F at 9:00 am Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Daily Wed., Thu. at 8:00 am Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am w/Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sep.-May) Sunday 11:00 am Rectory/Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Pastor Rev. Robert L. Kelly Deacon Ed Doyle (H) 336-6647 FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Kathy Sledziona, DRE w/Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sep.-May) Pastor Rev. Robert L. Kelly or by appointment Rectory/Office Hours Monday—Thursday 7:30 am - 12:30 pm or by appointment 315.334.9570 email: [email protected] Music Director: Mark Radlowski Organists: Jean Burgdorf, Rita Ossont Secretary/Bulletin: Sherri Coia Grounds & Maintenance: David Wheat Webmaster: Karl Hahn Business Admin.: Patricia Pagano Parish Council President: Craig Brown Trustees: Mary Marlar, Thomas Wick FAITH FORMATION Ken Puchalski 315.336-2661 email: [email protected] Music Director: Scott Rutledge Organist: Jennifer Evans Secretary: JoAnn Gardner Bulletin: Sherri Coia 336-3082 email: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.): Mary Jane Gruver Grounds & Maintenance: Volunteers Parish Council President: Patrick Hetherington Trustees: Charles Engelbrecht, Patricia Box WELCOME! If you are new in the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass or at the rectory. We want to know and serve you! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: St. Paul’s: Sat. 3:30-3:45pm St. Joseph’s: Sat. 5:30-5:45pm or by appointment PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Parish registration (census) forms are available at the exits of church; you may indicate that you would like a registration form on the visitors envelopes found in the pews and they may be placed in the collection basket. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: All couples SACRAMENT OF THE SICK, HOUSE & HOSPITAL CALLS: planning to be married at St. Paul’s or St. Joseph’s should notify Father Kelly as far in advance as possible ~ at least 6 months. Please notify the rectory if you know anyone who is unable to get to church but wishes to receive the Sacraments. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: At Mass or on Sunday ~ by appointment only ~ St-Pauls-Catholic-Church-Rome-NY-Syracuse-Diocese R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of inquiry, learning and faith development for people interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the rectory for information. Weekly Bulletin (in color) can be found on-line at ST. PAUL’s This Weekend - November 23, 2014 336-3082 CHRIST THE KING “ALL SOULS” Intentions offered at all Masses this month. Daily Mass In The Chapel This weekend: 11/23 Ezekiel 34:11-12 1Corinthians 15:20-26 Matthew 25:31-46 Monday, November 24th: St. Andrew Dung-Lac 9:00 Sophie Pelose ~ Louis Viviani Tuesday, November 25th: 9:00 Joseph G. Clark - 1st Anniv. ~ Mary Ellen Wednesday, November 26th: 9:00 Donna Hartigan Grover ~ Mother & Family *** Barbara Ruane ~ Nettie Hartigan 10:00 (Bethany) Communion Thursday, November 27th: THANKSGIVING 9:00 FOR THE PARISH Liturgical Cycle A Readings Next weekend : 11/30 Isaiah 63:16b-17 1Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 ST. JOSEPH’S 336-2661 Wednesday, November 26th: 8:00 Les Murphy ~ Les & Donella Murphy Thursday, November 27th: Thanksgiving 9:00 Joan M. Szalkucki-Wedding Anniv. ~ Husband Ben *** Anna Damon ~ Family Next weekend: November 29/30: Friday, November 28th: 9:00 John A. McNiece -Birthday ~ Pagano Family *** Nena Zakala - Birthday ~ Audrey & Dan 6 pm Bob Purpura ~ Lee Unity Senior Citizens 9 am Ida Patrick ~ Jean & Ken Puchalski *** J. Paul Center ~ Les & Judy Radford St. Paul’s Devotional Candles: Ed & Joan Herr - 75th Birthdays ~ Maureen Next weekend: November 29/30: 1st Sunday of Advent 4 pm *** 11 am *** Sue & Lyle Pelton ~ Kay Nettie Riley ~ Mark & Celeste Snyderman Frank, Elizabeth & Marie Melie - daughter/sister Jean Mr. & Mrs. John Finley ~ Family St. Joseph’s Memorials: Sanctuary Light ~ Wayne Woodward~ Paul & Marian Thompson Bread & Wine ~ Anthony Vidzar ~ Family We ask you to pray for the sick of our parishes listed below and for all those not listed and in need of our prayers. Call the office to add a name to our list or remove a name when the crisis has passed. New names added will appear in italics for 1 month. Kari Barber Bob Clark Joe Crossman Jean Hawkins Marie Howard Suzanne Hoyt Laura Dahle Fred Jackson RuthAnne Duckworth David J. Fiore Sally Gay Joseph Genovese Joseph Gomes Eileen Gurecki Cheryl Kegley Tom Kraeger Peter Mastracco Marge McDonald Margaret OˊConnor Pam OˊConnor Randall Bowman Andrea Pouliot Sharon Reilly Kellyne Brown Herb Brown Jerry Cooper Jaxon Cope Flora Rubino Jackie Rolewicz Bernice Salce Y.D. Sharma David Stephan Chris Trophia Kathy Wajda Ayden Davis Bill Gavin Kathy Gavin NiCastro Susan Haggert Christian Wilcox Chester Kirk Ron Lamandia Doris Ludwig Marge McDonald Loretta Marsh Dianne & Joe Irving Moyer Betty Riggleman Debbie Roe Chris Rushton Peggy Rutledge Sharon Schultz Dr. Paul Temple Karen Tomasi Walt Von Matt Special Intention Tommy Nicole Clare Frank Robin Liturgical Ministers for next weekend: November 29/30 — First Sunday of Advent Lector 4pm Duane Wallace 6pm Deb Flack 9am Judy Mullin 11am Mary Ellen Powers Eucharistic Ministers Master/ Thurifer (SP) B. Fiore, B. LoVaglio, J. Nash, M. Nash B. Barrett, B. Gavin,, J. Ortolano, D. Piersall L. Coluccio, J. Mullin, J. Pangborne Eucharistic Ministers for Rome Hospital Nov. 30th - Team 2 – St. Mary/St. Peterˊs H. Bowers, B. Falk, M. Finster, H. Hesler A. Clark/ E. Drozd Hospital Visitor (SP) N. Dite Week of 11/30: Servers A. Burgdorf, N. Burgdorf, C. Ott C. Ott B. Diehl, D. Flack, M. Gluck P. Hagerty, B. Kelly, D. Kelly, K. Morrison, M. Post Ushers (SJ) C.L.O.W. (Childrens B. Salce, Q. Salce K. Rabe, K. Smith C. Podkowka, J. Podkowka, N. Jeselson Liturgy) SP 4pm 11/29 No CLOW SJ Sundays at 9am Money Counters (SJ): Team 4- Dillman/Baldygo Fr. Bob’s Message "Come, you who are blessed by my Father . . . For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and your clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me . . . "Whatever you did for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25: 31-46 “In the kingdom of God, there are not front-door people and back-door people. In the reign of Christ, all are welcomed through the front door, all have a place at the banquet table of heaven, all stand before God humbly and gratefully as children of the Father. In the parable of the sheep and goats, Jesus the Shepherd-King calls us to see him in the faces of the poor, the hungry, the needy, the lost. Our care for the poor, our work to alleviate poverty and injustice in our communities, our holding ourselves accountable for creating more opportunities for the under-educated and under-employed is our first and most meaningful response to our baptismal call to proclaim the coming of God's Kingdom in his Christ. On this last Sunday of the church year, may we embrace God's vision of his creation and our place in it; may God's spirit instill in us the compassion and wisdom to recognize every human being as the manifestation of God's life and love in our midst. This weekend Nov. 22/23: CHRIST THE KING Sacrament of the Sick/Healing Mass Following the 9 am (SJ) & 11 am (SP) Mass If you have received this Sacrament before you may receive it again. There is no limit to the amount of times you may receive it. Please sit in the designated pews in the front of the Church. If you are not able to attend this Mass and wish to receive it at home, Please call Fr. Bob at the office 336-3082. Thursday: November 27th: THANKSGIVING If you join us this morning for Mass, please bring a food item to help re-stock the local food pantries. The Parish Offices are closed Thursday and Friday. From our homes to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Fr. Bob and the Staff at St. Paul’s & St. Joseph’s Next Weekend: Nov. 29/30: 1st Sunday of Advent SJ Bible Discussion “Joy to the World” 10:15-11:15am SP No Children’s Liturgy of the Word today! Have a Blessed Thanksgiving! C.L.O.W. will resume next weekend. SJ Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9am Mass St. Peter’s Church 200 N. James St. Inaugural “SUNDAYS at 3” Concert Series w! Ne Nov. 23rd 3pm in the Parish Hall The first concert will feature pianist Fr. James Tormey & guest vocalists including Scott Rutledge. We hope you can join us! All proceeds from the concerts benefit the Food Pantry at St. Mary’s-St. Peter’s. Admission is free. Suggested donation $5 Zion Episcopal Church 140 W. Liberty St. Community Thanksgiving Prayer Service Sunday, November 23rd 7:00 pm All are welcome to join in this ecumenical Thanksgiving prayer service at the Zion Episcopal Church. Congratulations to our young people receiving the Charles Sykes Award for their service to their parishes. SJ Faith Formation Grades 1-8 10:15-11:15am Transfiguration Church 111 Ridge St. SJ Faith Formation Grades 9 & 10 9am Mass -11:15 am Perpetual Adoration Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 23rd 3:00 pm SJ Bible Discussion “Joy to the World” 10:15-11:15am In thanksgiving for the blessing of Perpetual Adoration in our community, we will be holding a prayer service at Transfiguration Church. All adorers and those interested are welcome! Monday: November 24th: St. John the Baptist Birthday Blessings and Best Wishes to our beloved Pastor Happy Birthday Fr. Bob! SP Faith Formation “Journey” & Grades 5-10 6:30 pm If Praise & Worship led by the Praise Band w! Ne First Saturdays of the month 6-7:30 pm Come join us in singing praises to Christ and Adoring Him! Come be rejuvenated! Next gathering December 6th. 800 Cypress Street C B December 6th 10am – 3pm & December 7th 10am - 2pm Tuesday: November 25th: SJ Quiet Time With Jesus 210 E. Dominick St. 7-7:30 pm in Church you missed Mass during the week, our weekly bulletin is published on the website (in color)! Please visit us at Join us for a weekend filled with laughter, fun, and holiday spirit. With over 100 local vendors, there is surely something for everyone on your Christmas list. High School students are needed to help set-up/tear down the craft fair. If you are able to help, contact: St. Paul’s Parish News The Eastern Region of the Syracuse Diocese VETERANS OUTREACH Program Faith Formation News Kathy Sledziona, Director (315) 334-9570 e-mail: [email protected] Meets at St. Paul’s Church, Rome, NY The group is open to and welcomes all veterans. We provide a welcoming community for all veterans, recent returnees from deployment in particular, providing an environment where all veterans can feel free to share their experiences. For more information: Please contact Gene at 225-1520 or e-mail: [email protected] Next meeting: Sunday, December 14th 1pm Topic: Remembrance of Pearl Harbor All Veterans from the Rome area are welcome to join this ministry. November/December Schedule Mondays: Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8*, 15 6:30 pm “JOURNEY” & Faith Formation Grades 5-10 Wednesdays: Grades K-4 Dec. 3, 10, 17 8:00 am Sun., Dec. 7th: 10th grade Confirmation Parent/Candidate Workshop & Enrollment Mass 10am - Noon * Dec. 8 - Immaculate Conception Mass in Church 6:30 pm STEWARDSHIP Actual Income Budgeted Expense Nov. 16 $ 6,234.00 $ 6,742.00 Totals: $ 151,701.00* $ 150,637.00 * Total (over) budget: + $ 1,064.00 Thank-You! Please join us in wishing our Staff members Pat Pagano and Mary Ellen Powers a very Happy& Blessed Birthday this week. Please pray for: Edward Pascucci and Theresa Noto who died recently, and their families. St. Paul’s Faith Formation invites you to the 1st Annual Feast of the Immaculate Conception Celebration Celebrant: Bishop Thomas Costello All are welcome to join us for at Mass 6:30 pm “Baby Shower” for Mary (bring a package of diapers) Art Exhibit (entries due: Dec. 1) and Reception “Art Exhibit & Reception”: EVERYONE is invited to participate in our Art Exhibit; children, teens, adult & family projects are welcome. Entries must be original works of art featuring Mary, Jesus, or the Nativity All art media permissible; painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, etc. as long as it is an original work. Entries should be ready for display and no larger than 20” x 30” and must be received by December 1, 2014. “Baby Shower for Mary”: Our offering of diapers (huggies, luvs & pampers sizes 3-6) will be donated to Rome Hospital Neonatal unit & Catholic Charities. “Reception”: Cookies and punch will follow Mass in the Parish Center and will feature “Mary’s Favorite Cookies”. If your name is Mary (or Marie), we invite you to bring in a plate of your favorite cookies to share! If you have a favorite cookie recipe from a Mary or Marie, that will work too! Social Ministry News ~ Our “DOOR TO DOOR” canned good collection for Thanksgiving continues. Place donations in wire baskets at exits. We welcome through the saving waters of Baptism those who were recently baptized: Leigha Nicole Mendoza Congratulations! And prayerful best wishes John Edmondson Who will receive the “Immaculata Award” from the Most Rev. Robert Cunningham today. The award will be presented at the Cathedral in Syracuse on Sunday, December 7th at 2:30 pm. The Immaculata Award recipients are selected for their many years of outstanding service to their parishes. All from the parish are welcome to attend! St. Joseph & St. Patrick 702 Columbia St., Utica First Friday Holy Hour for Vocations With Bishop Cunningham Friday, December 5th Mass at 6pm Holy Hour to follow at 7pm ADVENT at St. Paulˊs … Please save the enclosed flyer with our event dates and information for Advent. I will not be able to include a flyer in the bulletin every week as in prior years. Sherri St. Paulˊs Christmas Eve 3:30 Christmas Music w/Choir 4 pm Christmas Mass 7:30 pm Family Mass w/Tableau Christmas Day one Mass at 11:00 am w/congregational singing & organ accompaniment St. Joseph’s Parish News Contact: Ken Puchalski 336-2661 [email protected] 349 CLUB WINNER St. Joseph’s Faith Formation November Schedule: 11/15 ~ $100 Carl Parker Nov. 23: Grades 1-8 10:15-11:15 am Nov 23 Grades 9 & 10 9am Mass - 11:15 am No Class November 30th—Happy Thanksgiving ! Children’s Liturgy of the Word for children in K-6th grade during the 9:00 am Mass Stewardship 11/16 Regular $2,788 Capital Improvement $ 79 Loose Cash $ 628 All Saints $ 10 All Souls $ 20 Thanksgiving $ 95 Seminary $ 23 Human Development $ 297 The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated Saturday, December 6th at 10 am in Church St. Joseph’s Choir Thank You! Christmas Concert Friday, December 19th 7:00 pm All are welcomed to attend the concert, now in its 27th year at St. Joseph’s. St. Joseph’s Women’s Club Meeting Tues., December 9th under the direction of Scott Rutledge presents 1-3 pm All women of St. Joseph’s and St. Paul’s are welcome to CHRISTMAS BASKETS Christmas time is coming, and our parish is again packing Christmas baskets for those who need a little extra help to brighten their holidays. With continued economic problems, the need is greater than ever! Starting this weekend, tags will be available in the back of the church listing items that are needed in the baskets. White, Lucy’s House Collection present-shaped tags are for gifts, and red and green tags are At this time we will be collecting items for Lucy’s House. Items for food items. Please take one or more tags, purchase the that are need for the house: Towels & Wash Cloths For the children: Craft Items (i.e. coloring books, crayons, colored item(s) on the tags and bring the items to the back of the church by Sunday, December 14. Please attach tags to all pencils, markers, puzzles, sticker books, scissors, puzzle books, gifts as each gift is for a particular person. (It is not necessary etc.) When the children are able to go home, they send these to attach tags to food items.) supplies home with them. If you can not make the meeting and would like to donate to Lucy’s House, you may drop off the items For children's gifts, we suggest a price range around ten to at the Parish Office. Please label for “St. Joseph’s Women’s fifteen dollars. For adults, we are looking for a token gift Club”. If you have any questions, please call Pat Lamandia at something useful or fun to unwrap on Christmas. If you are 337-2243 or the parish office. not able to wrap your gift, we have volunteers to do this. Just bring in your unwrapped gift with its tag. If anyone would St. Josephˊs like to help with wrapping, sorting, or last minute shopping, Christmas Eve or if you have any questions, please call Mary Jane Gruver, 4 pm Childrenˊs Mass with Pageant 942-3099 ([email protected]). 10 pm Christmas Mass We will be packing the baskets on Sunday, December 21 Christmas Day one Mass at 9:00 am after the 10:00 Mass. If anyone is able to help with packing or distribution, we could certainly use the help. Thank you very much for your continuous generosity! This parish has truly join us in the parish center for our annual afternoon meeting of Christmas card writing for the shut-ins of the parish, the cookie exchange (bring 2 dozen cookies if you want to participate), fellowship and goodies to eat. brightened Christmas for so many families! Feast of the Immaculate Conception Monday, December 8, 2014 Mass 6:30 pm Art Exhibit and reception to follow Bishop Thomas J. Costello, Celebrant Theme: “A Baby Shower for Mary” Offering: Huggies, Luvs or Pampers Art Exhibit entries due: Dec. 1 All are WELCOME! St. Paul’s Parish 1807 Bedford St., Rome, NY 13440 Advent at St. Paul’s St. Paul’s Children’s Choir Children in grades 3-8 welcome The Children’s Choir will sing for the 7:30 pm Liturgy on December 24th. Practices begin Wednesday, December 3rd at 4:00 pm. Mrs. Burgdorf will meet you in church. It is important to attend every practice: Dec. 3, 10 & 17 and a dress rehearsal on Sunday, Dec. 21 at 1:00 pm Solo parts are decided at the first rehearsal. Sign-up sheet in the vestibule or parish center! Contact: Jean Burgdorf 336-2376 St. Paul’s Christmas Covered Dish and Sing-A-Long Saturday, December 13th following the 4:00 Mass Please bring a dish to pass for 5 (veggies, salad, dessert). Refreshments and chicken dish will be available. Free will offering. Sign up sheets available. 2014 Social Ministry Events Please use the GOLDEN ENVELOPE in your packet to support the important year-round “corporal works of mercy” of our Social Ministry Committee. GIVING TREE The annual Giving Tree program will begin BEFORE Thanksgiving this year. The Christmas trees will be set-up this weekend in the link & vestibule. Please choose a tag (or 2) when you’re at church during the week or on the weekend. Collections will be the weekends of Nov. 29 & Dec. 6th. Or drop off during week (Deadline Dec. 8th) The trees will have many star-shaped ornaments with a requested gift (and size) for a local family in need. Please consider choosing one (or more) of the ornaments, and purchasing a gift (in the $10-$15 range). Please place the unwrapped gift, along with the star ornament in a plain bag in front of the Blessed Mother’s altar. Catholic Charities St. Paul’s Parish Bell Ringers We will again help the Salvation Army in their yearly holiday fundraising. The date and time we have been given is: Saturday, December 20th 9 am -3 pm at PRICE CHOPPER This is a wonderful way to share the meaning of the season with family and friends. Please consider signing up for a 1 hr. shift (inside) at Price Chopper. The sign-up sheet is in the church vestibule. St. Paul’s Family Mass Christmas Eve 7:30 pm Featuring the Christmas Tableau (pageant) For those who are young and “young at heart” who wish to participate in the Christmas Eve Tableau during the 7:30 pm Family Mass. There will be a joint practice with the choir on: Sunday, December 22nd at 1:00 pm Please sign up on the sheet in front of Church or in the Parish Center if you are interested. Please use your green envelopes or submit an envelope with the names of your loved ones and who it is from. Suggested donation: $10 ~ Deadline: Mon., December 22nd ~ Nov. 29/30 Mittens/Knit Goods Dec. 6/7 Toys (unwrapped) Dec. 13/14 Personal Items Dec. 20/22 Festive Foods St. Paul’s traditional Giving Project takes place on each of the Sundays of Advent. Please place your gifts in front of St. Joseph’s altar. We are called upon as Catholics to give to those in need. During these hard economic times, many families will only have the gifts & necessities collected by our local churches. Every item helps. Feast of the Immaculate Conception Celebration with Bishop Costello Art Exhibit and Reception with “Mary’s Cookies” Monday, December 8th 6:30 pm in Church Faith Formation classes (5-10) will attend during class time. All are welcome! “The Light Is On For You” at St. Paul’s & St. Joseph’s Monday, December 15th 4-7 pm City-wide Penance Service St. John the Baptist Wed., Dec. 10th 7pm PLEASE save this flyer with parish dates for Advent season ! Serving your health care needs for 50 years
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