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Please scroll down to see the full text. 2014 Metrologia 51 S289 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0026-1394/51/6/S289) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 03/12/2014 at 14:56 Please note that terms and conditions apply. | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Metrologia Metrologia 51 (2014) S289–S292 doi:10.1088/0026-1394/51/6/S289 Diode-array UV solar spectroradiometer implementing a digital micromirror device A Feldman1,2 , T Burnitt3 , G Porrovecchio2 , M Smid2 , L Egli4 , J Gröbner4 and K M Nield5 1 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Co, United States of America Cesky Metrologicky Institut, Prague, Czech Republic 3 Principal Optics, Reading, UK 4 Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center, Davos Dorf, Switzerland 5 Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand, Callaghan Innovation, Lower Hutt, New Zealand 2 Received 9 June 2014, revised 11 August 2014 Accepted for publication 21 August 2014 Published 20 November 2014 Abstract The solar ultraviolet spectrum captured by commercially available diode-array spectroradiometers is dominated by stray light from longer wavelengths with higher intensity. The implementation of a digital micromirror device in an array spectroradiometer has the potential to enable the precise selection of desired wavelengths as well as the ability to reduce spectral intensity of some wavelengths via selective mirror modulation, both reducing long wavelength stray light. A prototype consisting of off-the-shelf components has been assembled to verify the validity of the base concept, and initial measurements have been performed to confirm the throughput and image qualities such as spectral resolution and astigmatism. Keywords: spectroradiometer, digital micromirror device, ultraviolet radiation (Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal) Introduction Diode-array spectroradiometers provide a low-cost and effective alternative to expensive scanning double monochromators, yet their dynamic range is insufficient to accurately measure ultraviolet (UV) radiation. While diode-array spectroradiometers can complete the acquisition of the entire UV solar spectrum in a few seconds, the portion of the spectrum below 320 nm is dominated by the stray light signal. The stray light originates from high-intensity radiation at longer wavelengths, which affects the signal at the detector pixels for wavelength regions with low irradiance levels. The high dynamic range of atmospheric solar UV radiation, approximately 6 orders of magnitude [1], results in considerable bias of the low intensity at around 290 nm to 320 nm measurements with conventional array spectroradiometers. An earlier theoretical study [2] of commercial spectroradiometers demonstrated a four order of magnitude stray light contribution from wavelengths above the UV range of interest (290 nm to 440 nm), which would interfere with an accurate UV spectral intensity measurement. The same study proposed 0026-1394/14/060289+04$33.00 that implementing a digital micromirror device (DMD) could significantly reduce the impact of stray light using two techniques. The first involves leveling the dynamic range of the incoming radiation by selective wavelength modulation [2, 3] where the undesired wavelengths are modulated at high frequency, creating an effective repetition rate, reducing their intensity and stray light contribution. The second method is to select a precise range of wavelengths using the DMD as an effective bandpass filter [2]. While the use of DMDs in spectroradiometer applications has been previously explored for visible light [4–6] and infrared applications [7], in this study a novel micromirror diode-array UV spectroradiometer (µ-MUV) was assembled from off-the-shelf components to demonstrate the validity of the modelled stray light reduction concepts in the UV range. Instrument specific attributes such as spectral resolution and slit function were characterized. In addition, the impacts of the DMD modulation techniques, stray-light spectral filters and physical intra-instrumental baffling were quantified. S289 © 2014 BIPM & IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK Metrologia 51 (2014) S289 A Feldman et al Figure 1. Optical design schematic of the µ-MUV prototype composed of four spherical mirrors (M1–M4), a 600 G mm−1 diffraction grating, DLP micromirror chip, and CCD detector array. Experimental setup Results Initial modelling of the µ-MUV prototype using optical design software was used as the basis for the experimental design [8]. The optical design was carried out with the main aim to preserve throughput of the optical system and to optimize its spectral resolution. Figure 1 shows the key elements of the model and subsequent prototype composed of a plain ruled 600 G mm−1 diffraction grating, a 1024 pixel × 720 pixel extended graphics array (XGA) digital light processor (DLP) micromirror chip [9], a back-lit 2048 pixel × 250 pixel charge coupled device (CCD) detector array [10], and four spherical mirrors (M1–M4). Light is introduced into the system via a 100 µm core optical fibre with subsequent collimation onto the grating by the first spherical mirror (M1). The reflected wavelength spectrum is focused via the second spherical mirror (M2) onto the DLP, where the incident light is normal to chip face. The DLP operates along a 16.7◦ angle where the ‘on’ position projects the spectral image horizontally and vertically at the same angle. Similarly, the ‘off’ position projects the image at an identical opposing angle down and away. The ‘float’ position is unpowered and acts as an ordinary flat mirror. Due to this angular functionality, utilization of the DLP requires a second plane of operation that commercially available spectrometers cannot currently accommodate. The projected light is collimated and then focused onto the CCD array by the last two spherical mirrors (M3 and M4). The astigmatism generated by the use of off-axis spherics is exploited by binning the CCD camera’s vertical pixels, effectively using it as a onedimensional array. In comparison to the model, the technical implementation of the µ-MUV prototype varied slightly due to real-world conditions and available equipment. The modelling accounts for the physical dimension of the CCD detector, but not the accompanying housing and equipment. Therefore, slight angular adjustments of M3, M4, and the CCD detector were made to preserve the normal incidence and spectral image on the detector. Additionally, due to availability, a 200 µm core optical fibre was used in place of the modelled 100 µm core optical fibre as the source. Lastly, an actively-cooled CCD detector would be used, but owing to availability, an air-cooled alternative was utilized. The whole DMD operates as a plane mirror when all pixels are configured in the ‘on’ position and determination of device specific parameters such as spectral range, spectral resolution, and bandwidth is possible. The spectral range is tunable using the angular adjustment of the grating. The angle was then adjusted to cover the range of 270 nm to 425 nm using the characteristic peak spectra of a mercury pen lamp to calibrate the wavelength range. The model intends on the image to be 1 : 1 on the CCD detector from the DMD, yet this limits the spectral range and usable space on the CCD because the DMD device uses 1024 pixels to the 2048 pixels of the CCD detector array. Due to this size mismatch, the spectral image was centred on the detector and causes the spectrum truncation effect seen in this study. As seen in figure 2(a), using a 407 nm laser, the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the slit function of the spectroradiometer was determined to be 2.5 nm. This measurement was achieved by varying the integration time of the CCD array until saturation, where the slit function is determined based on the barely saturated spectrum. The model predicts a 1 nm bandwidth using a 100 µm core optical fibre, implying that employing the smaller specified core diameter fibre could improve the bandwidth to 1.25 nm. As with most array spectrometers, the diode-array is placed at the focal plane of the incoming light and the spectral resolution capability is determined by horizontal CCD pixel density. Based on the incident spectral range and number of pixels illuminated, the spectral resolution of the CCD array was determined to be 0.2 nm per pixel. As the array detector bins all incoming light, any stray light is incorrectly interpreted as spectral intensity. Stray light is generated within commercial spectroradiometers by unwanted reflection off optics, and can be introduced by both internal and external elements [11]. For the µ-MUV prototype, the DMD chip itself generates stray light due to the array-like nature of the micro-mirrors with a 13.68 µm mirror pitch [9] in addition to typical stray light sources. To identify the spectral range of stray light incident on the CCD detector a tungsten halogen white light source and Schott glass filters were placed in front of the detector. According to their specifications, high-pass filter UV360 allows wavelengths greater than 360 nm; bandpass filter B38 allows the range from 320 nm to 700 nm; and S290 Metrologia 51 (2014) S289 A Feldman et al (a) (b) Figure 2. (a) Using a 407 nm laser, the slit function of the spectroradiometer was determined to be 2.5 nm using the FWHM of varying integration periods. (b) Using various filters, the majority stray-light contribution was determined to be above the spectral range of interest. (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) Half of the DMD was modulated in the DMD ‘on’/‘off’ positions at specified duty cycles to demonstrate dynamic range leveling and stray light reduction. (b) Modulation of longer wavelengths by DMD switching with B05 filter allowing only UV. bandpass filter B05 permits the range from 340 nm to 540 nm. Figure 2(b) demonstrates that majority source of stray light is due to light greater than 550 nm as both bandpass filters data sets have considerably lower stray-light contribution indicated by lower noise floor. The stray light above 550 nm can best be attributed to the spectral image incident on the DLP chip, where the UV region of interest for this study is focused on the center of the chip, and longer wavelengths extend past the edge of the DMD. To eliminate the scattering effects of the edges of the DLP chip, physical baffling was implemented to reduce this source of stray light. As noted earlier, the ‘float’ position of the DLP acts as a flat mirror, scattering light that is not actively projected along the desired path. Furthermore, the spectral range that falls outside the DMD is scattered by the device housing. Rudimentary baffles were installed throughout the system including the edge of the DMD housing where the infrared radiation was scattered and on the ‘inside’ edge of the CCD detector. Such efforts were rewarded with an approximate 30% broadband reduction in stray-light contribution, by comparing measurements of intensity with and without baffles. Lastly, to demonstrate the intended DMD concepts, basic light-modulation techniques were implemented for initial stray-light reduction attempts, where half of the DMD was modulated at various duty cycles. For this test, the same tungsten halogen white light source was used and the portion of the DMD chip with longer wavelengths was chosen to flatten the dynamic range and reduce stray light in the shorter wavelength region. Duty cycles ranging from 5% to 100% are shown in figure 3(a), and as expected the intensity of the modulated region decreases proportionally with the duty cycle. As the duty cycle decreases however, the range in the S291 Metrologia 51 (2014) S289 A Feldman et al ‘on’ portion from 290 nm to 350 nm subsequently decreases by a fraction of a percent. It is interesting to note that while the contribution in this range does demonstrate some stray light reduction, the reduction in amplitude of the background signal (430 nm to 450 nm) is more pronounced. As noted with the brief filter study, the majority of the stray light comes from longer-wavelength radiation, so a large improvement in signal to noise ratio was not expected, yet the concept of DMD modulation to level the dynamic range still holds true. Another interesting feature is the nominal 10 nm roll-off, which further enforces the bandwidth study. Furthermore, utilizing the B05 filter and the modulation techniques demonstrates that indeed there is still a large stray light contribution from longer wavelength light, yet the modulation does indeed reduce the scattered light as seen on the edge of the DMD at wavelengths 430 nm and above. Conclusion A prototype solar UV spectroradiometer implementing a DMD was constructed from off-the-shelf components. Basic device parameters such as bandwidth, spectral range, and spectral resolution were measured. In comparison to commercially available spectroradiometers, the µ-MUV prototype has a wider slit function and poorer spectral resolution, but is capable of reducing stray light via modulation techniques as predicted. Initial results indicate that dynamic range leveling can suppress stray-light contribution in the UV range of interest, yet further testing is needed. There is a considerable amount of future work to attain the specifications outlined in the in the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) report no. 191 [1] and the European Metrology Research Program (EMRP) project goals. The second stray-light reduction technique of using the DMD to select and raster the spectral range selection needs to be demonstrated. Additionally, improvements on the prototype such as; replacing the detector with an actively cooled model will reduce dark currents and improve the dynamic range detection capabilities; removal of the thin window on the DLP enclosure will eliminate unnecessary UV absorption and improve the UV signal; and a new light-tight enclosure has also been fabricated, which will reduce external contributions to stray light. Acknowledgments Part of this work has been supported by the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) within the joint research project Traceability for Terrestrial Solar UV Irradiance Measurement (Solar UV). The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union. The authors acknowledge support from NIST and CMI. Contribution of an agency of the US government; not subject to copyright. 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