Principal's Message – Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs

2 December 2014
Volume 39
Principal’s Message – Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Children
This week we say THANK YOU to teachers who are completing contracts at the end
of this week – Laurie Chirgwin (Year 1 Green), Caitlin Purdie (Year 2 Blue), Cynthia
Richards (Year 5 Green) and Erica Willcox (Year 6 Green). We thank each of these
teachers for the amazing contribution they have made to learning and teaching at Sts
Peter & Paul’s School. We wish Laurie and Caitlin all the very best in their new
endeavours and sincerely thank them for all that they have contributed to the school.
We look forward to having Mrs Willcox and Mrs Richards with us again next year as
they engage in contract and relief teaching.
For many people in this part of the world Advent heralds the start of the annual
school holidays and the frenzied activities leading up to Christmas – ‘only (so many)
days to Christmas!’ The weather is hot as summer starts to bite. Those who seek
relief from the heat in air-conditioned shopping centres will be singing along to
Christmas carols that focus on the baby Jesus. What has Advent to say to our
December experiences?
The Advent readings form a rich tapestry of images centred on the truth that God has
come among us. In Advent we do not pretend that we are waiting for Jesus to be
born in a stable. That happened once in history and it will not happen again. We
remember that birth as we remember our own birthdays. The God who came among
us is still among us. Advent’s invitation is to become aware of the all-pervading
presence of the risen Jesus as Emmanuel – God among us.
‘They watch for Christ, are sensitive, eager, apprehensive in mind, who are awake,
alive, quick-sighted, zealous in honouring him, who look for him in all that happens,
and who would not be over-agitated or overwhelmed if they found that he was
coming at once …
‘This then is to watch: to be detached from what is present and to live in what is
unseen; to live in the thought of Christ as he came once, and as he will come again;
to desire his second coming, from our affectionate and grateful remembrance of his
first’. (John Henry Newman Parochial and Plain Sermons Vol. 4)
Therefore, the final week of the school year has arrived, a week of busyness, of
completing tasks, of celebration and of anticipation. It is the first week of Advent,
the beginning of a new liturgical year. In contrast to the frenetic activity of the last
week at school, Advent is a time of waiting, of preparation and of hope.
Significant school events are scheduled for the remainder of the school year. Please
note the following dates in your diaries:
Wednesday 3 December
 6.00pm – Senior Leaders Graduation and Awards Evening in the
Church followed by Supper in the Good Samaritan Hall
Friday 5 December
 9.30am – End of Year Mass
 11.20am – Final Assembly in the Good Samaritan Hall
 12.00pm – Students Dismissed
Friday 19 December
 Parish Christmas Carols at Sts Peter & Paul’s School Good Samaritan Hall:
 5:30pm – Sausage Sizzle
 6:00pm – Carols Commence
The school community is invited to attend our end of year Eucharist celebration on Friday at 9.30am.
Please join us in the Church as we give thanks for the many blessings this year has bought us.
Students will finish school at 12.00 noon on Friday. The 2015 school year will commence
on Wednesday, 28th January.
Thank you
A huge thank you to the following ladies who have helped with the stocktake of our take home
readers this week - Lana Killian, Sam and Kira de Lore, Zina van Zeeland, Julie Gulisano, Angela
Owens, Veronique Smith, Fiona Robertson, Anita Tichelaar and her sister Kylie. These ladies work
tirelessly to complete this task and ensure that the books are in good condition and ready for next
year. It is a time consuming task at this busy time of year and we sincerely appreciate their hard
work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Take Home Readers – Missing Books
We have a significant number of take home readers missing this year. These books are a valuable
part of the reading program in the early years of learning as the children need to practise their skills
in a variety of settings. A considerable amount of the English budget goes towards making sure that
we have a variety of interesting and engaging texts. The books average around $10.00 each so this
mounts up when there are large numbers missing. Can we ask that you have a good search at home
(school bags, cupboards, under beds, your own library …) and return any books as soon as possible.
School Fees and Levies
Thank you to all those families who have paid their 2014 School Fees and Levies. It would be
appreciated if all accounts could be settled before the holidays which commence on Friday, 5th
December. All families experiencing difficulties are asked to make an appointment to see the
As this term draws rapidly to a close, reflection on the year brings to mind countless snapshots of
quality, relevant learning and teaching which have allowed students to grow in a welcoming,
compassionate and accommodating environment. Sts Peter & Paul's School is able to offer and
achieve so much because the students are enthusiastic and willing to learn, staff members are
interested and ensure that opportunities abound and parents enrich this school community by their
generosity and care. My thanks to everyone who has contributed to an extremely rewarding 2014
school year.
Best wishes to you all for a peace filled Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing you all a very safe
and happy holiday.
Peace and Best Wishes
Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs
Student Medications
If your child has Medication held at the School Office these must be collected by Friday 5th December.
Last week we sent home a letter to all relevant families requesting that medication be collected by NO
LATER THAN 12:00pm on the last day of School.
APRE News – Mr Brendan Schostakowski
The Year 6 and Year 7 students, our Senior Leaders for 2014, will celebrate their Graduation tomorrow evening 3
December with a Liturgy beginning at 6pm in the Church. Please keep these students and their families in your
prayers as they give thanks for the many ways they have grown – spiritually, academically, physically and
emotionally - during their years at Sts Peter and Paul’s. The theme for this year’s graduation is “Gratitude in Bloom”.
“I always thank God … for in Him I have been enriched in every way” 1 Corinthians 1:4-5
We will celebrate the end of our school year with a Mass of Thanksgiving this Friday 5
December beginning at 9.30am in the Church. During this Mass we will have a
‘handing over’ of leadership from this year’s Year 6 and Year 7 Senior Leaders to our
Year 5 leaders for 2015. You are welcome to join us for this Eucharistic celebration as
we thank our God for the many blessings of this 2014 school year and say farewell to
those who are leaving our Sts Peter and Paul’s community.
A very special THANK YOU to everyone for your very generous giving to this appeal over the last few weeks. Our
local St Vincent de Paul will be distributing hampers and toys at Christmas and your wonderful contributions will
ensure that those not so fortunate in our community will be able to enjoy some special ‘Christmas goodies’ which
make this season so special.
will come
when people live
in friendship, side by side,
and cherish understanding more than
hatred, greed and pride.
Peace will come when people see all people as the same, and no one has to live in fear, in ignorance, or shame.
Peace will come when people who are needy can reach out for shelter, food, or love, and no one has to do without.
Peace will come when people learn to listen and to care about the rights and dignity of people everywhere
Peace will come when love and trust and kindness know rebirth, and on that day all people will rejoice in peace on
Amanda Bradley
Let the Spirit of Christmas join our hands in unity, and lift our hearts in hope, peace and love.
Thank you to everyone for your support throughout the year. I wish you all a very happy, holy and safe Christmas,
and to those families who will be leaving our Sts Peter and Paul’s school community, best wishes for the future.
God bless.
APA News...Mr Damien Sullivan
End of Year Events
Concert: Last Thursday night was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended the fabulous school concert in our Good Samaritan
Hall. Again this year it was a fantastic extravaganza. What an exciting way to end the year. Thanks to Mrs Burchill, Mrs Foster,
staff and of course students, whose talents are remarkable, for making this year’s concert better than ever. A special mention
has to go to the Year 6 and 7 students who did an amazing job for their busy evening.
Splash: Last Friday saw the Year 3 and 4 students enjoy their end of year excursion at Splash.
South Bank: The Year 5 students also participated in a great day at their Science Centre and South Bank excursion on Friday.
Wet n Wild: I know from first-hand experience that the Year 6 and 7 students and teachers had a great day yesterday.
Hawthorne Cinema: Yesterday the Year 1 and 2 students enjoyed their trip to the cinema to see Maya the Bee.
Cleaning & Grounds
Thank you to our cleaners who have taken so much pride in keeping the school clean. Ian Stevenson, our groundsman, also
must be thanked for the efforts he has shown in maintaining tidy and safe school grounds as well as Kevin O’Loghlen for the
work he does around the school. To the students who have worked tirelessly gardening and taking pride in the school’s
environment, thank you.
School Uniform
Towards the end of this term some students are becoming a little ‘slack’ with wearing the correct school uniform, particularly with shoes,
socks and hair accessories. We ask that parents please ensure that their children are wearing the correct school socks, shoes and school
coloured hair bands, etc. for coming to school. White sports shoes can only be worn on days when the class has sport or PE.
Bee Champions
Congratulations to Olivia (2B), Nick (1G), Lily (2R) and Xavier (1G) who were drawn out of the box as Bee Champions at last
week’s assembly. They have been helping our school to be a happy and safe place for students.
Thank you
As I write this last newsletter piece for the year, I am amazed at how quickly the year has gone by. I would like to express my
sincere thanks to staff, students and parents for your fantastic support for the Sts Peter & Paul’s community in 2014. Best
wishes to those students and families who have finished their school years at Sts Peter and Paul’s. We have loved getting to
know you and will miss you as you move into your new school lives. Finally, may I wish each and every one a happy and safe
Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Thanks for your tremendous support in 2014
Damien Sullivan
Stairs to Years 5, 6 and 7 Classrooms and OSHC
Please note the stairs from Collings Street leading to OSHC and the Years 5, 6 and 7 classrooms are closed
Access to these rooms will be available from Collings Street stairs which lead to the Year 4 classrooms and from
Victoria Street.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Year 6/7 Care and Concern Committee Experiences 2014
Over the past year we have been a part of the Care and Concern Committee. This has been a wonderful experience. We have learnt many
new things, one of the most important being, how it is so easy to change people’s lives in a positive way by working together as a group of
students to make the school community aware of different situations.
The first project we organised was the ‘Rosies- Friends on the Street’ Winter Collection. ‘Rosies- Friends on the Street’, is made up of a
group of volunteers who supply homeless people (in Brisbane city and other centres throughout Queensland) with meals, multiple choices of
beverages and other essentials such as swags and toiletry items. These volunteers are also there to provide a friendly chat to the many
homeless people who visit the Rosies vans each night. Our school donated enough items to keep the Rosie’s vans in Brisbane supplied for a
whole year! This was a great project!
The Year 6 classes blanket stitched scarves to donate to the Ecumenical Coffee Brigade. The volunteers in this organisation provide
beverages, sandwiches and a friendly chat to homeless people in the early hours of the morning. Representatives from the Care and Concern
student group presented these scarves to a volunteer from the Ecumenical Coffee Brigade during one of our school assemblies.
Our third project this year was The Crayon and Pencil Collection and Donation Appeal. During assemblies and on the school intercom, we
encouraged the school community to donate pencils, crayons and other stationery items. These stationery donations were presented to
representatives from The Good Samaritan Early Childhood Centre in Kiribati and St Brendan’s School in Moorooka to help it’s large
immigrant community and Centacare Community Connections in Cannon Hill. This project was a great success, with many stationery items
Our final project for this year has just finished. We assisted the SVDP group in the parish by asking the school community to donate different
food and Christmas items. These items will be packed into hampers by the SVDP group members and given to families in our local
community who are less fortunate than us. Again, there were so many items donated!
The Year 6/7 Care and Concern Committee wouldn’t have had so much success with the different projects throughout the year if it wasn’t for
Mrs Mobsby. She has been a great help to us. We would like to thank Mrs Mobsby for her wonderful effort, time and the skills she has put
into co-ordinating the 2014 Student Care and Concern Committee.
Written by Ellen O’Driscoll (6 Blue) and Olivia Nordberg (6 Blue) on behalf of the Year 6/7 Care and Concern Committee.
Thankyou – Year 6/7 Care and Concern Committee 2014
I would like to thank the 2014 Year 6/7 Care and Concern Committee for their dedication and commitment this year. These students meet
with me weekly to organise the various projects that are conducted throughout the year. Some of their responsibilities were to speak during
the school assemblies, make posters to advertise each project and write articles that were included in the school newsletters. Thanks to the
efforts of these students in generating an awareness of these projects and the Sts Peter and Paul’s community for their generosity, we had a
very successful year.
I wish each of these school leaders continued success as they move into secondary education. I have enjoyed working with such an
enthusiastic group of students who have one very important thing in common, they have a genuine interest in helping those less fortunate
than themselves.
Yolanda Williams
Nikita Bond
Asha Quigley
Arabella Gardner
Jasmine Wong
Mia Pafumi
Rowan Gorey
Tarlyn Gardiner
Olivia Nordberg
Georgia Gavin
Grace Hutcheson
Alyssa Granato
Ellen O’Driscoll
Julia Martinelli
Freya Dean
Megan Mobsby Co-ordinator – Year 6/7 Student Care and Concern Committee
School Banking
The Commonwealth Bank have advised us that the Projector Cups are on back order and will be available to those children who
have ordered them in Term 1, 2015.
Merry Christmas from your school banking co-ordinators Deb Waldron, Amanda Monckton, Melody Phillips, Cath Palmer and
Sonia Horsburgh.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal
The Student Care and Concern Committee and myself would like to thank the Sts Peter &Paul’s school community
for all the food/Christmas items donated during the recent St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal.
These items will be packaged into hampers by members of the parish St Vincent de Paul group and delivered to
families in our local community who are less fortunate than us.
Thank you to Melody Phillips, a member of the P&F Care and Concern Committee, for packaging a selection of these
items into a hamper that will feature in the offertory procession during our end of year school mass.
A BIG THANKYOU again for your generosity during this appeal.
Mrs Megan Mobsby, on behalf of the Year 6/7 Student Care and Concern Committee.
VACATION CARE: Our December and January Vacation Care programs are available now. In December we will be joining Santa
on his Christmas Journey Around the World! December highlights include a Bollywood Christmas day, a candle making
workshop and excursions to Settlement Cove Lagoon at Redcliffe, the Clem Jones Aquatic Centre at Carina and IceWorld at
Boondall. In January we have a great program of Under the Sea activities planned! Highlights include a visit from Oceanlife, a
trip to Underwater World and a jumping castle day! We will be closed for two weeks over the Christmas / New Year period.
Our last day of care before Christmas will be Wednesday 24th December. We will reopen on Thursday 8th January. From
Thursday 8th January we will welcome our 2015 Preps to Vacation Care. For more information including the Vacation Care
Booking Form please email [email protected].
OSHC ENTRANCE: We are now using the Victoria St gate to enter and exit OSHC. The gate in Collings St will remain closed. We
thank families for their understanding with this change.
ACTIVITIES: This week we are starting our Christmas activities at OSHC! Join us for Christmas crafts, cooking and games and
help us decorate the centre in time for the start of the festive season!
FRIDAY 5th DECEMBER: We will be providing a half day of care from 12pm on Friday 5th December, the last day of the school
year. We are organising, at no additional cost to families, a special ten pin bowling excursion for any children who attend on
this afternoon. Please contact OSHC if you wish to book you child/ren in for this day.
OSHC Champions: OSHC Champions this week are Yolanda Williams, Fergus Gledstone, April Wilson, Shane Collins and Hannah
Pearse. Well done!
2015 ENROLMENTS: 2015 Enrolment Information and Forms are now available. Please email OSHC
[email protected] or check the school website for more information.
SEASON’S GREETINGS: We would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year from everyone at OSHC. Best wishes for those families who are moving on at the end of the year.
Kind regards,
Claire Ravenswood
OSHC Coordinator
Lourdes Hill College
Important Information:
Applications for Year 7 2018 close on Friday 6th February 2015
Applications for Year 7 2019 (Year 3 students 2015) now open
If your daughter is currently in Year 3, 4 or 5 and you wish to submit an enrolment for her please contact the
College on 3399 8888 to request an Enrolment Pack or alternatively download from our website:
Saints Peter and Paul’s Catholic School in conjunction with Global Student Institute are welcoming 3 University students who
are studying to be Primary School Teachers in Japan. The student-teachers will observe classes and teach some Japanese
crafts and culture during their stay.
Please see the details below…
If you are interested in hosting a student please contact Nathan Evans on:
Mob: 0414 702 402
Email: [email protected]
Students: Aged 19 to 22
No. of Nights: 4
Arrive: Sunday March 1
Depart: Thursday March 5
Homestay Payment: $160
3 December
5 December
5 December
19 December
28 January
Graduation (Years 6 & 7)
End of Year Mass – 9.30am
Term 4 Ends – 12pm
Sts Peter & Paul’s Community Carols
School Resumes 8.40am
Circa Circus Classes
Circa classes are for all ages and skill levels. Learn specific skills in aerials, handstands, acrobatics, juggling, tumbling or a
mixture of them all! Book into our trials class the week before term commences to give it a go!
Trials week: January 24th – 29th 2015
Term one 2015: January 30th – April 2nd 2015
Train with Circa:
Hopscotch – by Circa Zoo
Hopscotch will take audiences on a surreal journey of jaw-dropping acrobatics that will open your heart and lift your
spirit. Fast and energetic, intricate and lyrical, this daring new creation showcases the circus skills of Circa Zoo, Circa’s
performance program for talented young people ranging from ages eight to 18.
When: 4, 5 & 6 December 2014, 7:00pm
Where: The Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts