CEO PRESENTATION Dearest customers, suppliers, partners and friends, Jaume Mir Founder and CEO of Biochemize S.L. It looks short in time, but next December we will proudly say that we built this company three years ago. Walking wisely due to the global crisis we are all immersed, but with the greatest illusion to make true the challenge of growing up and strengthening, step by step, in Biochemize we try, through giving value propositions to our customers, to implement industrial bioprocesses that we develop –alongside with our network of scientific partners‐ and whose responsibility make us be gladly proud of being permanently on the edge of the techno‐scientific platform we operate. This is an enterprise which allows us to contribute in the development of a more sustainable society. Conscious of the need of increase our visibility, we finally have edited the first version of our catalog, where we show the services we offer, the biocatalytic reactions we have developed during this time and the collection of enzymes and microorganisms we have stored. Despite we have a long path in front of us, we could not have been able to be here without the trust –and also patience‐ of our customers, as well as our partners’, whose generosity makes them share their knowledge with us, in the aim of gathering these services for the wealth of the chemical and pharmaceutical companies we serve, in order to help them to achieve the needed technology to make them more competitive. We also have to be grateful with the Public Administrations for the trust they have in our work, feeding some of the research projects we are involved now (ten European projects and one national) to consolidate our own technical platform. This catalog we present here is a first edition –more will come in time‐ of the possibilities we offer in the industrial development and implementation of several bioprocesses (using enzymes and microorganisms), where we already have a consolidated experience. We hope this catalog will be a useful tool –alongside with the rest of the documents you can download directly from our web ( )‐ for our customers, as well as for the rest of companies of the sector which are interested in a first contact with biocatalysis. Any question about biocatalysis and its industrial application, please do not doubt to contact us. Sincerely yours, Jaume Mir Martínez, CEO of Biochemize S.L. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CEO PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................. 2 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4 2. LOCATION ................................................................................................................................. 4 3. OUR TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 6 4. PLATFORM TO BIOCHEMIZE (P2B) ........................................................................................... 7 5. PRODUCTS & SERVICES............................................................................................................. 7 5.1. Technical Assessment and Consulting .......................................................................... 7 5.2. Development of biotechnology processes ................................................................... 8 5.3. Obtaining of building blocks ........................................................................................ 8 5.4. Support in Discovery of new chemical entities ............................................................ 8 6. OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 9 6.1. Racemic resolutions .................................................................................................... 9 6.2. Esterifications and amidations .................................................................................. 11 6.3. Aldolic additions ....................................................................................................... 12 6.4. Oxoreduction processes ............................................................................................ 13 6.5. Decarboxylations ...................................................................................................... 14 6.6. Hydrations and dehydrations .................................................................................... 14 6.7. Microbial fermentation processes ............................................................................. 15 6.8. Enzyme production processes ................................................................................... 16 7. PARTNERS, ASSOCIATIONS AND COLLABORATORS .............................................................. 16 8. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 25 9. WHY CONTRACTING BIOCHEMIZE? ........................................................................................ 26 10. CONTACT ............................................................................................................................... 27 3 1. INTRODUCTION Biochemize S.L. is a biotechnological company focused in the design and development of processes based on biocatalysis. Our technological platform lies in the use of enzymes or microorganisms to perform chemical reactions able to substitute manufacturing processes based on classical organic chemistry. 2. LOCATION We are located in Barcelona (Spain). Our laboratory work takes place in the Technology Centres of our strategic partners: CSIC‐IQAC: Spanish Council for Scientific Research – Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia IQS: Institut Químic de Sarrià We have our headquarters facilities and business administration office in the Fòrum Nord de la Tecnologia at BCNactiva. Corporative office Fòrum Nord de la Tecnologia, BCNactiva Address: C/ Marie Curie, 8‐14 08042‐Barcelona, SPAIN E‐mail: [email protected] Telephone: +34 93 129 84 47 4 Fòrum Nord de la Tecnologia, BCNactiva Facilities IQAC‐CSIC Address: C/ Jordi Girona, 18‐24 08034‐Barcelona, SPAIN Telephone: +34 93 400 61 00 IQS Address: Via Augusta, 390 08017‐Barcelona, SPAIN Telephone: +34 93 267 20 00 5 3. OUR TECHNOLOGY Biochemize S.L. develops bioprocesses using biocatalysts (enzymes or microorganisms) in single or multiple transformation steps. Our technological platform P2B (Platform to Biochemize) is capable to perform high throughput screening of biocatalysts, reaction conditions, suitable substrates and products obtained. The screening can be done in a short period of time and renders information about different possible bioprocesses and conditions that could be further developed at a larger scale. 6 4. PLATTFORM TO BIIOCHEMIZE ((P2B) P2B is the key to determine e quickly wiith low risk and at very y small scalle if a conce eptual biotraansformation is technolo ogically viabl e. Oncee the succeeeding biocattalysts or bbioprocesses have been n identified, Biochemize e S.L. invesstigates at lab b scale the e experimentall conditions w which can lead to the higghest yields. Two aapproaches can be follow wed: oprocess: Development of biopro ocesses suittable to suubstitute allready P2B Bio establisheed synthetic procedures up to an ind dustrial scale e P2B Discovery: Perfo orm biotranssformations that can lea ad to a (new w) chemical entity with improved featurres comparedd to the starrting molecule om P2B‐Biopprocess allow ws estimatio ons of produuctivity, costts and The information obtained fro risks needed to confirm whetther the proccess is feasib ble at industrrial scale. P P2B Lab Scale Sccreening of bio ocatalysts & cconditions Fea asibility Cata alyst selectionn & conditions & optimization Indus strializattion Estimation off Productivity,, Costs & Riskss 5. PROD DUCTS & SER RVICES Bioch hemize S.L. o offers the following contrract research h services to customers: Technical Assessmentts and Consuulting Developm ment of biote echnology prrocesses Obtainingg building blo ocks Support in discovery of new chem mical entitiess 5.1. Technical Assesssments and Consulting We offer theoretical evalu uations and consulting to verify the feasibilitty of substituting cheemical syntheetic processe es by biotechhnology. (Exp perimental w work is also ppossible) 7 The assessments include estimations of yields, engineering needs, costs, risks, regulatory aspects, etc. Biochemize S.L. has a worldwide network of contacts: suppliers of biocatalysts, manufacturers, analytical services, researcher, advisors, etc. We offer consulting and contact extension possibilities to customers through our own network. 5.2. Development of biotechnology processes Substitution of processes based on synthetic organic chemistry by biotechnology. A Bioprocess can be more efficient, costs saving or less contaminant A Bioprocess can be highly selective. Sometimes allows reducing synthetic pathways (e.g. protection/deprotection steps) The development ranges from theoretical design to industrial scale‐up and implementation. This latter phase is carried out by the customer under the support and supervision of Biochemize S.L. 5.3. Obtaining of building blocks Building blocks obtained by biotechnology can be used as alternative source of reagents, starting materials and intermediates for chemical synthesis. Building blocks can help to reduce synthesis steps of current processes or skipping reagents or intermediates hazardous, unstable, or complex to be obtained. 5.4. Support in discovery of new chemical entities Synthesis of potential new chemical entities through biotechnology approaches. 8 Biocatalysts can be used to obtain new lead, lead optimization, me‐too and me‐better compounds by modification of already available structures. Strategy especially interesting for molecules of natural origin and/or complex structure. Biotechnological transformations can be applied to obtain a new molecule without complex synthetic processes or avoiding the use of synthetic reagents that can deeply change the original structure. Biochemize S.L. can perform High Throughput Screening through the P2B technology. 6. OPERATIONS Biochemize S.L. offers the most outstanding and up to date technology options, while maintaining an industrial scope. If necessary, many operations can be outsourced to other companies and research centres under our direction and supervision. We have a powerful network of contacts in biocatalysis and bioprocessing. Several partnership agreements have been established. Biochemize S.L. is able to perform many biocatalyzed transformations. Our most recent experience is based on the following processes: 6.1. Racemic resolutions Racemic resolutions are carried out by enantioselective acylation (through esterification, amidation, transamidation or transesterification; or other reagents like sulphur derivatives) upon the enantiomer mixture, using lipases as catalysts in organic media. Other types of transformations can be used for racemic resolution, such as oxidative deamination. The only must for these special cases is that the enzyme used as catalyst has enantioselectivity for the substrates to be transformed. Examples: Arylpropionic acids with anti‐inflammatory activity: 9 Flavolignan derivatives: Piperidine /hydroquinoline derivatives: 1‐amino‐2‐propanol derivatives: R R NH2 OH + H3C O O NH2 O OH CH3 + R N H OH Alkenyldiol derivatives: 10 Hydronaphtalene derivatives by acylation: Hydronaphtalene derivatives by oxidative deamination: 6.2. Esterifications and amidations Esterifications and amidations are widely used reactions carried out using lipases as catalysts in organic media. These processes share the same basic technical concept as the racemic resolution, but the aim is not to separate enantiomers, but to obtain an ester or amide compound. Examples: Glycerol and several fatty acids: 11 Polycyclic acid and polyalcohol derivatives: R R H COOH H H H H H R O O (CH2)n + O O H H R (CH2)n O O (CH2)n (CH2)n OH (CH2)n (CH2)n OH HO (CH2)n O (CH2)n OH H R O H Amidation of peptides with fatty acids: Penicillin derivatives: 6.3. Aldolic additions Aldehyde and ketone compounds react through aldol reactions which make a new C‐C bond to be formed between the starting products. The process can be accelerated if enzymes with aldolase activity are used as catalysts. Examples: Aldolic addition between acrolein and an alkenylketone: 12 6.4. Oxoreduction processes Also called Redox reactions. Several enzymes can be used as biocatalysts (desaturases, dehydrogenases, oxidoreductases). Examples: Hydronaphtalene derivatives: Vegetable oils dehydrogenation: COOH COOH Carbonyl reduction of a hydroxyketone derivative: Hydroxylation of alkane derivatives: OH OH R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 OH 13 Hydroxylation of aromatic rings: 6.5. Decarboxylations Carboxy‐lyases, also known as decarboxylases, are enzymes that add or remove a carboxyl group in several compounds. Examples: ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA): 6.6. Hydrations and dehydrations The use of hydratases and dehydratases allows adding or removing a water molecule to a given structure. An alkene group is formed after dehydration or the functional group to which hydration occurs. Examples: Fructose dehydration Hydration of insaturated fatty acid derivatives 14 6.7. Microbial fermentation processes Biocatalytic transformations can be performed either with pure enzymes or using the enzymatic machinery of microorganism as whole cells (bacteria, fungi, yeasts). Wild type and recombinant microorganisms can be used for this purpose. Biochemize has a wide experience in fermentation processes to manufacture high value products from lab to industrial scale.Some examples are provided below: Aminosugar derivatives: production with a genetically modified microbial strain. Steroid derivatives: production by fermentation with a genetically modified microbial strain from sugars as galactose. Prebiotics: by fructosyltransferase catalysis from sucrose. HO H HO H O HO H H OH H O OH O O HHOOH H H OH H O HO OH H OH H 15 Vitamin K derivatives: d by b fermentaation using a a recombinant Escherichhia coli strain n that V eexpresses a q quinone‐oxid doreductasee. O R1 CH3 R2 R3 O f n with a gennetically mo odified SSesquiterpenoid hydrolactone deri vative: by fermentation SSaccharomycces strain. O R2 HO R1 A Anti‐infectivve compoun nds: with ddifferent strructures and d wide rangge properties as aantifungals o or antibioticss: penicillins,, lipopeptide es, monocarb boxylic acid dderivatives ‐lipoic acid d: by ferme entation withh a recombinant strain which w expreesses an octa anoyl‐ ttransferase ffrom Escherichia coli. 6.8. Enzyme producction processses Biocchemize takes advantage of its expeerience in biiocatalysis and fermentaation processes to produce and issolate enzym mes. As a reesult, severaal collaborative contactss and partne ership agreeements have been esttablished wi th importan nt companies and instituutions to prrovide enzymes with a wide range of applicatioons (see secttion 7). 7. PARTTNERS, ASSO OCIATIONS A AND COLLABO ORATORS Bioch hemize makes possible its work thhanks to se everal collab borators, supppliers and joint‐ ventu ures. Among these associations we caan find: 16 IQAC‐CSIC As a collaborator company of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), we develop our work in their laboratories. The Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC), along with the CSIC, provides us facilities from services to several materials, in order to achieve our goals in the fields of Chemistry and Biotechnology. Their research work makes them expertise in several aspects like, for example, their knowledge about aldolases. We also make mention of a few services that they offer: Microanalysis Service Magnetic Resonance Service SAXS‐WAXS (Small and Wide Angle X‐Ray Scattering) Service Service of Synthesis of High Added Value Molecules Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Service Proteomics Service IQAC‐CSIC is located in C/ Jordi Girona 18‐24, 08034‐Barcelona (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 93 400 61 00 ICP‐CSIC The Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP) belongs to the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). There, we can find advanced methods for catalysis, working with inorganic and enzymatic processes. They are expertise in enzymatic screening and working with esterases. They also offer an analytical support unit for research activities, which uses techniques and services such as: Transmission Electron Microscopy Photoelectron Spectroscopy Service Atomic Force Microscopy Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy ICP‐CSIC is located in C/ Marie Curie 2, 28049‐Cantoblanco, Madrid (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 91 585 48 00 17 CBMSO‐CSIC The Molecular Biology Center Severo Ochoa was organized as a joint center formed with groups from the CSIC and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). The main research fields of the CBMSO are Cell Biology and Immunology, Virology and Microbiology, Molecular Neurobiology and Genome Dynamics. As a result of their research works, they are skilled in achieving the thermostability of oxoreductase, esterase, glycolase, dehydrogenase, nucleosid phosphorilase and acetilase peniciline. The CBMSO also offers scientific, technical and administrative services such as: Animal Facilities Bioinformatics Flow Cytometry Fermentation Service Genomics & Massive Sequencing Electron Microscopy Confocal Microscopy Proteomics Drosophila Transgenesis Service CBMSO is located in C/ Nicolás Cabrera 1, Campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid, 28049‐Madrid (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 91 196 44 01 IQS The Chemistry Institute of Sarrià (IQS) belongs to Ramon Llull University (URL). They manage research groups in Molecular Engineering; Feed Food and Environmental Safety; Biological Chemistry and Biotechnology, among others. We have to make mention of the acquired knowledge in the Glycosiltransferases and Glycosilsintases, as a result of their research works. On the other hand, they possess services like: Mutagenesis Directed Evolution Targeted Screening Identification of Alternative Synthesis Ways Redesign of Enzymes IQS is located in Via Augusta 390, 08017‐Barcelona (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 93 267 20 00 18 UB Pharmacy The faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona has several groups dedicated to Biochemistry, Biomedicine and Biotechnology. They have a collection of enzymes and microorganisms useful for the hydroxylation of fatty acids. Their expertise in fatty acids and microbial/enzymatic transformations is recognized. They are also specialists in working with statine. Besides, UB Pharmacy offers several services: Cryogenics Service Medicine Development Service Greenhouse and Vivarium Service Special Reaction Service Animal Experimentation Facilities Radiologic Protection Service Mass Spectrometry Service Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service UB Pharmacy is located in Av/ Joan XXIII 27‐31, 08028‐Barcelona (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 93 402 13 14 Barcelona Supercomputing Center Mare Nostrum Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has a multidisciplinary research team, which is focused on four fields: Computer Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Computer Applications in Science and Engineering. In the field of Life Sciences, all different research groups offer services related with their research lines: Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics Computational Genomics INB‐Computational Bioinformatics Node Proteins Interaction and Docking Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling BSC is located in C/ Jordi Girona 29‐31, 08034‐Barcelona (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 93 413 77 16 19 Polyclone Bio Polyclone is an integrated biology company with expertise in molecular, cell and computational biology, catering to the bio‐pharma and healthcare industries. For these industries, Polyclone provides in‐silico and in‐vitro solutions like: Nucleic Acid Studies Peptide Analysis and Design Protein and Enzyme Modifications Small Molecule Research Cell Culture Studies Molecular Diagnostics Polyclone is headquartered in #437, 40th Cross, Jayanagar 5th Block, 560041‐Bangalore (INDIA). Telephone: +91 80 266 387 66 Richcore Richcore is an application research oriented biotech company dedicated in developing sustainable and eco‐friendly enzyme solutions that improve quality of life and help conserve food, water and energy. Richcore offers novel solutions for industries such as Bio‐fuel, Sugar & Alcohol, Waste Water Management Treatment, Renewable Energy, Paper and Textiles. They are expertise in: Enzyme Engineering Microbiology and Strain Improvement Recombinant Microbial Cell Culture Biochemical Engineering Gene Cloning and Expression Fermentation Development Product application and Process development Richcore is located in Plot #204 and 237, Bommasandra – Jigani Link Road, K.I.A.D.B Industrial Area, Bangalore, Karnataka, India‐560105 Telephone: +91 8110 419777 20 Novozymes The core business of Novozymes is industrial enzymes, microorganisms and biopolymers. Novozymes employs in‐house projects, strategic alliances, and acquisitions to enter new business areas. Novozymes is expertise in these technology areas: Microbiology and Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Assays and Application Technology Expression Technology and Fermentation Immunology and Toxicology Novozymes is located in Krogshoejvej 36, 2880 Bagsvaerd (DENMARK). Telephone: +45 4446 0000 PPF‐UAB The Fermentation Pilot Plant (PPF) provides scientific and technological support for semi‐ industrial scale cultivation of microorganisms and development of enzymatic processes. There is possible to find an expertise useful for pharmaceutical, chemical, veterinary and agro‐food sectors. The pilot plant is able to work in processes which need 1000 L of capacity. The facilities are located in a laboratory belonging to the Chemical Engineering Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). They are able to provide services like: Design, development and optimization of bioprocesses Collection, characterization and preservation of microorganisms Culture medium design Growth and production kinetics Analytical methods implementation Culture strategies study Scale‐up development Downstream development Production of large quantities of biotechnological products and/or cell biomass Production under Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) The PPF is located in the Chemical Engineering Department (Building Q‐UAB), 08193‐ Bellaterra, Barcelona (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 93 581 38 29 21 UVigo The University of Vigo has several departments in the scientific and technological areas. Among them, we can find departments involved in Life Sciences like: Functional Biology and Health Sciences Plant Biology and Soil Sciences Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology Ecology and Animal Biology Organic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Chemical Engineering Natural Resources and Environment Engineering Some of the most remarkable skills and services are: Isolation of extremophile and hiperthermophile enzymes Collection of lipases and esterases Separation of isoenzymes Transference of knowledge about the esterases and the substrates they work with Besides, they hold the patent of a few enzyme productions. The University of Vigo has few campuses. The main one is located in As Lagoas, Marcosende University Campus, 36310‐Vigo, Pontevedra (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 98 681 20 00 ULisboa The University of Lisbon has as collaborators several National Portuguese Institutes and associated Laboratories, with a highly contribution for the scientific and technological development. In the field of Life Science, we can make mention of: Chemistry and Biochemistry Center Molecular Physics and Chemistry Center Sustainable Energy Systems Center Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics Institute Research in Environmental Chemistry Unit As one of our collaborators, they have shared with us their expertise in the research work about Cutinases. The University of Lisbon Campus is located in Av/Professor Egas Moniz 1600‐190, Lisbon (PORTUGAL). 22 Telephone: +351 217 960 184 UdL During the latest years, the University of Lleida (UdL) has got a relevant position in several research fields. Among all those fields, the UdL has a leader position in the agro‐food field, as a member of the Agro‐food Connect‐EU Group. The current Strategic Plan defines four preferential areas for their activities: Agro‐feeding Biomedicine Sustainability and Technology Zonal and Social Development They offer services like: Micro reactors Service Screening of Enzymatic Activities in microorganisms (plus lipases and oxo‐reductases) The UdL is located in Pl. de Victor Siurana 1, 25003‐Leida (SPAIN). Telephone: +34 97 370 20 00 ICIQ‐URV The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is a leading institution in the field of chemistry, which has as objectives knowledge and technology transfer to the chemical, pharmaceutical and energy industrial sectors. ICIQ and the University Rovira I Virgili (URV) share several facilities in order to achieve synergic goals. They have an interesting enzyme collection: oxidant acidophilus of methyl groups, oxidoreductases, acetic bacteria, enzymes which make disulphur bonds, as well as 20 enzymatic activities reported in their collection. The ICIQ and the URV offer services like: Mutagenesis Targeted Screening Directed Evolution Organocatalysis The ICIQ is located in Av. Països Catalans 16, 43007‐Tarragona (SPAIN). 23 Telephone: +34 97 792 02 00 BTG UCM The Biotransformation Group (BTG) has been selected as Quality Research Group by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). The BTG research areas are Biotechnology, Organic Chemistry, Biocatalysis, Natural Products, Pharmaceutical Technology, Polymer Synthesis, Synthesis of Nanostructures and Green Chemistry. This research work is applied to Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Pharmaceuticals, Agricultural, Food technology Composites and Nanostructures Synthesis, and Fine Chemical Industries. In the field of Biocatalysis, the BTG has shared with Biochemize its services and knowledge, especially in Glucosiltransferases and Lipases. The BTG works in few research centers. The headquarters is located in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UCM in Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n, 28040‐Madrid (SPAIN) Telephone: +34 91 394 18 20 TWB INSA The Toulouse White Biotechnology has a synergetic relationship with the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA). The TWB develops new ways of production, based on the use of renewable carbon. Their goal is to become a reference in the transfer of technology of industrial biotechnology based on white biotechnology. TWB has an interesting transfer of knowledge in lipids, glucids and glicosiltransferases. Some of their services concern: Production of Energetic Molecules (Biofuels) Intermediates for Chemistry (Synthons) Biopolymers Biomaterials TWB is located in Parc Technologique du Canal ‐3, rue des Satellites – 31400 Toulouse (FRANCE). Telephone: 05 82 95 27 09 www.insa‐ 24 c‐LEcta c‐LEcta is an industrial biotechnology company developing and implementing sustainable and economic industrial processes based on customized enzymes and microbial production strains, with applications in Fine and Green Chemicals, Food/feed, Life Science Tools and Biofuels. They have an interesting collection of more than 100,000 microorganisms and enzyme products like: Asparaginase, Serratia Nuclease or Lipases. Besides they are capable of working in: Mutagenesis Directed Evolution Enzymatic Engineering Protein Engineering Protein Production Strain Development Biocatalysis c‐LEcta is located in Perlickstrasse 5, 04103‐Leipzig (GERMANY). Telephone: +49 341 355 21 40 www.c‐ OTHER SUPPLIERS More Biochemize enzyme and microorganisms suppliers are: University of Aachen (Benzaldehid liases) RIP‐University of Groningen (Tautomerases, 4‐Oxo Crotonil Tautomerasa) Karolinska Institutet (Dehydratases) DuPONT Industrial Bioscience (Dehydratases) Biomar (Collection of 85000 microorganisms) Bird Engineering (Pseudomonas S1, HMF, FDCA) ICOG‐CSIC (Sulphotransferases, Glicosaminases) 8. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Biochemize S.L. follows a project management approach which comprises several development phases: 25 P2B Bioprocess Theoretical Evaluation PHASE 1 Experimental Exploratory Research PHASE 2 Technology Development Scale‐Up Industrial Implement. PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 P2B Discovery Bibliography Assessment Biotransform. Secreening Biocatalyst Selevtion & Reproduction Compound Characteriz. Small Scale Production Each phase is not planned nor quoted until the previous phase is not completed and the results presented. Control of Risks and Costs: The customer decides the project continuation at each phase depending on results and conclusions obtained so far. 9. WHY CONTRACTING BIOCHEMIZE? We offer the most outstanding and up to date technology options. Industrial scope guaranteed: productivity, costs and risks are the key drivers of our evaluations. Our technology platform (P2B) is a powerful tool for fast, low risk and small scale proof of concept verifications. We increase the success possibilities through the P2B platform and our network of contacts. Project management based on a development by phases approach. The customer controls the risks and costs associated to the project development. 26 10.CONTACT Biochemize SL c/ Marie Curie 8 ‐ 14 08042 Barcelona Fòrum Nord de la Tecnologia, BCNactiva E‐mail: [email protected] Telephone: +34 93 129 84 47 Jaume Mir Founder CEO and Commercial Director E‐mail: [email protected] Telephone: ++34 686 441 120 27
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