2014 SICA Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists 6 8 November [THU] ~ [SAT], 2014 Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Korea www.ksa-conference.org “Patient Safety and Quality Outcome” 2014 SICA Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists “Patient Safety and Quality Outcome” Invitation ………………………………………04 Organization ……………………………………06 Program at a Glance (Korean) ………………07 Program at a Glance …………………………08 Program in Detail ……………………………11 Registration Guidelines ………………………20 Guidelines for Abstract Submission ………24 Social Events …………………………………26 Accommodations ……………………………27 Seoul Attractions ………………………………28 Floor Plan ………………………………………30 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Invitation 대한마취통증의학회 회장 대한마취통증의학회 이사장 윤 명 하 홍 기 혁 President Ki Hyuk Hong Chairman The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Myung Ha Yoon The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists 존경하는 대한마취통증학회 회원 여러분 Dear colleagues 존경하는 대한마취통증의학회 회원 여러분 Join us in Seoul for Academic Advances and Friendship 안녕하십니까? On behalf of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (KSA), it is my great pleasure to announce that 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the KSA will be held in Seoul, Korea from November 6th to 8th, 2014. 안녕하십니까? We are very happy to announce that in 2014 Seoul International 금번 제91차 종합학술대회는 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology(SICA) 국제학술대회로 서울, 롯데호텔월드에서 11월 6일(목)~8일(토) 3일간 알찬 프로그램으로 개최합니다. ‘Patient Safety and Quality Outcome’의 캐치프레이즈 하에 마취통증의학 영역의 이론적 지식을 들을 수 있도록 세부 분야별로 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 분야의 전문가 초청 특강을 마련하였습니다. 지난해 회원들로부터 반응이 좋았던 워크숍과 전공의 대상으로 진행 되었던 전공의 Debate(Perioperative Hyperoxia vs. Normoxia)와 전공의 Quiz 대회를 지난해보다 조금 더 보완을 하여 준비를 하였습니다. 또한 강원도 정선에서 개최 되었던 ‘마취통증의학의 밤’ 을 통해 회원들과의 만남의 장으로 더욱 더 빛난 학술대회가 되었고 좋은 추억으로 남아 다시한번 회원 여러분들과 좋은 추억 하나를 더 만들기 위해 올해는 아름다운 ‘한강의 밤’ 경치를 느끼면서 우리나라 선율을 들으며 식사를 하실 수 있도록 선상 Gala dinner를 준비 하였습니다. 회원 여러분의 즐거운 만남과 친교의 장이 될 수 있기를 기대하며, 해외 전문가들과도 학술적인 교류와 친교의 기회가 될 수 있는 자리가 되길 바랍니다. 끝으로 이번 학술대회를 위해 노력을 아끼지 않으신 제18대 임원진과 특히 백희정 학술이사님 이하 학술위원, 연자, 좌장분들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다. 또한, 어려운 상황임에도 학회의 발전을 위해 기꺼이 많은 협조를 해 주신 여러 업체 관계자 분들께도 깊이 감사드립니다. 2014 SICA의 성공적인 개최를 기원하며 회원 여러분의 많은 참여를 기대하며, 행복과 건강이 항상 함께 하시길 기원 드립니다. The KSA was founded in 1956 and has contributed greatly in promoting the updated knowledge and integrating key medical discipline in the field of anesthesia. With a view to highlighting the role of KSA as an invaluable source of support in advancing science and education throughout Korea and beyond, we feel more than convinced that 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology will become essential on the account of its coordination function and responsibility in providing most up-todate information to meet the needs of anesthesiologists from all over the world. The scientific program for this three day event will include invited lectures by internationally acknowledged professionals in anesthesiology, pain medicine and critical care medicine, as well as contributed oral communications and poster sessions. This meeting will provide a unique opportunity to exchange views on the most recent developments in every aspect of specialty. Furthermore, 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology will offer an excellent opportunity for companies that want to position themselves as leaders in the field by showcasing their latest products, services and technologies useful in the practice of anesthesia. 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology (SICA)가 11월 6일부터 8일까지 서울에서 개최됩니다. 국제학회를 우리나라에서 개최하게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다. 아울러, 2014 SICA는 제 91차 종합학술대회와 함께 개최됩니다. 대한마취통증의학회는 모든 마취통증의학 분야의 선생님들에게 최신 지견을 드리고자 노력해왔습니다. 이 대회를 통하여 모든 선생님들이 한걸음 더 발전할 수 있는 계기가 되길 바랍니다. 그리고 성공적인 학술대회가 되도록 모든 마취통증의학 의사가 열정과 열의를 가지고 이 행사에 참여해주시길 부탁 드립니다. 또한 2014 SICA에 참석하는 많은 외국인에게 우리나라의 음식, 예술 등의 다양한 한국 문화를 경험할 수 있는 멋지고 소중한 기회가 되기를 기대합니다. 2014 SICA는 회원 여러분들뿐만 아니라 많은 해외 전문가들과도 학술적인 교류와 친교를 강화시킬 수 있는 자리입니다. 함께하시어 기억에 남을 수 있는 자리를 만들어주시길 바랍니다. 다시 한번 모든 회원들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁 드립니다. Conference of Anesthesiology (SICA) will be held in Korea, which is combining with the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, and welcome all participants. Traditionally, KSA have successfully provided the latest knowledge to all members in all fields of anesthesiology. These activities will continue to upgrade the anesthetic sciences in future. And we hope to act these events with any anesthesiologists having a passion and enthusiasm. Another impact of 2014 SICA is the excellent experience of various Korean cultures in all delegates. Food, art and places will be a wonderful favors. Join your colleagues and friends in Seoul, and you will have a memorable and worthwhile conference. We are looking forward to seeing you in Seoul at coming 2014년 11월, 서울에서 뵙길 고대합니다. November, 2014. Best regards, The KSA welcomes the world to Seoul, Korea in 2014 and join us for an exciting event in an unforgettable location. Best regards, 감사합니다. 대한마취통증의학회 이사장 홍기혁 04 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY President Ki Hyuk Hong The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Chairman Myung Ha Yoon 대한마취통증의학회 회장 윤명하 The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 05 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Organization Program at a Glance (Korean) History Korean Society of Anesthesiologists The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists was founded in 1956 and has made efforts to promote exchange of information among Korean anesthesiologists and to actively participate in the activities of international societies of anesthesiologists 11월 6일(목) We meet annually to exchange and to share scholastic information. The annual meeting is held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (3 days), November. 11월 6일(목) Organizing Committee President, Organizing Committee Ki Hyuk Hong Chairman, Organizing Committee Myung Ha Yoon Chair, Planning Committee Sang-Hwan Do Chair, Scientific Program Committee Hee-Jung Baik Chair, Financial Committee Sang Kee Min Chair, Financial Committee Jun Heum Yon Chair, Public Relations Committee Dong-Won Kim Chair, International Liaison Committee Yong Sup Shin Chair, Information Committee Kyung Joon Lim Secretary-general Seong-Hyop Kim Secretary, International Liaison Committee 11월 7일(금) Justin Sangwook Ko Sub-Specialty Associations • The Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine • The Korean Pain Society • Korean Society of Neuroanesthesia • The Korean Neuromuscular Meeting 지도전문의 입문교육 12:00 ~ 15:00 가톨릭대학교 성의교정 의생명산업연구원 2층 대강당 2014 추계 연수교육 12:.30 ~ 17:50 가톨릭대학교 성의교정 성의회관 1층 마리아홀 2014 정기 평의원회 15:00 ~ 18:00 가톨릭대학교 성의교정 의생명산업연구원 1층 1002호 2014 정기 총회 11:20 ~ 12:25 롯데월드호텔, Crystal B 2nd East Asian Congress for Anesthesiologist 13:35 ~ 17:00 롯데월드호텔, Crystal C 전공의 Debate Perioperative Hyperoxia vs. Normoxia 16:00 ~ 17:00 롯데월드호텔, Crystal A E-poster Session Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ 09:00 ~ 17:00 롯데월드호텔, Pearl Poster PresentationⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ 09:00 ~ 12:25 롯데월드호텔, Emerald Workshop Ⅰ,Ⅱ 09:00 ~ 17:00 롯데월드호텔, Topaz Gala Dinner 17:30 ~ 20:30 잠실선착장(Eland Cruise) E-poster session Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ 09:00 ~ 12:15 롯데월드호텔, Pearl Poster presentation Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ 09:00 ~ 12:15 롯데월드호텔, Emerald 전공의 Quiz 대회 10:15 ~ 12:15 롯데월드호텔, Crystal A Workshop Ⅲ 09:00 ~ 12:15 롯데월드호텔, Topaz 11월 8일(토) • The Korean Sociey of Pediatric Anesthesiologists • The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology • The Korean Society of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiologists • The Korean Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists • Korean Association for Respiratory Care • The Korean Spinal Pain Society • 전공의 Debate에 참여하신 질문자에게 소정의 상품을 드릴 예정이오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 또한 전공의 Quiz 대회 참여하신 분 중 성적우수자에게도 시상을 할 예정이오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. • Korean Society of Interventional Muscle and Nerve Stimulation Therapy • 금번 제91차 종합학술대회는 국제학술대회로 진행되어 예년보다 다채로운 프로그램으로 준비 하였습니다. 회원 여러분들의 많은 관심과 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다. 06 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 07 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program at a Glance Program at a Glance November 6, 2014 (Thursday) Time (KOR) : Korean Language (ENG) : English Language Maria Hall (Seoul St.Mary's Hospital) Jade / Ruby Time 07:00-08:00 09:00-12:30 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum I (ENG) 12:30-17:50 November 7, 2014 (Friday) 08:00-09:00 (KOR) : Korean Language (ENG) : English Language Crystal A Crystal B Crystal C Emerald Topaz Basic Measurement in Anesthesia (KOR) Morning Session (KOR): The Korean Society of Organ Transplantation Anesthesia Morning Session (KOR): The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology Poster Presentation I, II, III Workshop I (09:00-12:00) Jade/Ruby Pearl Workshop Hands-on Session I (09:00-12:00) e-Poster Session I, II, III 2014 Autumnal CME Program (KOR): 2014 추계 연수교육 Opening Address 09:00-09:10 09:10-10:05 Special Lecture I (ENG) (09:10-09:50) 10:05-11:05 11:05-11:20 Symposium I (KOR) (10:00-12:20) Special Lecture VI (ENG) Special Lecture III (ENG) Special Lecture VII (ENG) Coffee Break General Assembly (KOR) 11:20-12:25 12:25-13:30 Luncheon I (KOR) 13:35-14:35 Lecture on Humanities (KOR) Special Lecture IV (ENG) Introduction to Research Grant (KOR) Special Lecture V (ENG) 14:40-15:40 Coffee Break 16:00-17:00 Meet the Experts in Laos and Mongolia (ENG) Residents' Debate (KOR) Special Lecture VIII (ENG) Luncheon II (KOR) 15:40-16:00 17:10-18:10 08 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Special Lecture II (ENG) 2nd East Asian Congress for Anesthesiologist (ENG) 2nd East Asian Congress for Anesthesiologist (ENG) 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum II (ENG) e-Poster Session IV, V Workshop II (14:00-17:00) Workshop Hands-on Session II (14:00-17:00) e-Poster Session VI Symposium for Vitalization of Domestic Medical Devices (ENG) THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 09 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program at a Glance Program in Detail - 2014 Autumnal CME Program : 추계연수교육 November 8, 2014 (Saturday) (KOR) : Korean Language (ENG) : English Language November 6, 2014 (Thursday) Room: Maria Hall, Seoul St.Mary's Hospital Time 07:00-08:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 Crystal A Crystal C Emerald Topaz Jade/Ruby Pearl Morning Session (KOR) Clinical Update Morning Session in Obstetric (KOR) Anesthesia The Korean Society for Anesthetic Morning Session Pharmacology Research Study (KOR) Abroad (KOR) IMS Society Medical Legislation Committee (KOR) Symposium III (KOR) Symposium II (KOR) (10:15 ~ 12:35) 12:30-13:00 Sedation in ICU 13:00-13:30 VIMA Sang Tae Kim (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea) Jin Hee Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Session Chair: Keon Sik Kim (Kyunghee Univ., Korea) 13:30-14:00 The Postanesthesia Care Unit 14:00-14:30 Patient Controlled Analgesia; PCA 14:30-14:40 Coffee Break Jae Hang Shim (Hanyang Univ., Korea) Session Chair: Kye-Min Kim (Inje Univ., Korea) 14:40-15:10 Management of Perioperative Arrhythmia 15:10-15:40 Anesthetic Concern for Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery Seung Hoon Baek (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Sung Uk Choi (Korea Univ., Korea) Session Chair: Bong Ki Moon (Ajou Univ., Korea) CME Program 4 15:40-16:10 Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Pain 16:10-16:40 Anesthesia for Awake Craniotomy 16:40-16:50 Coffee Break Younghoon Jeon (Kyungpook National Univ., Korea) Kyeong Tae Min (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Session Chair: Young Kyun Chung (Gyeongsang National Univ., Korea) CME Program 5 10 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Hyo Seok Kang (Eulji Univ., Korea) CME Program 3 e-Poster Poster Workshop Workshop Presentation Session III Hands-on Session III IV, V, VI VII, VIII, IX Residents' Quiz Events (KOR) Session Chair: Hun Cho (Dongguk Univ., Korea) CME Program 1 CME Program 2 Special Lecture Special Lecture X (ENG) IX (ENG) Coffee Break 10:00-10:15 10:15-12:15 Crystal B 16:50-17:20 Statistics in Anesthetics 17:20-17:50 Korean Health Care Environment and Medical Ethics Hyun Kang (Chungang Univ., Korea) Bok Kyu Kwon (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 11 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program in Detail - 2014 SICA November 7, 2014 (Friday) Crystal A 07:00-08:40 Basic Measurement in Anesthesia (KOR) Session Chair Ji-Yeon Sim (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) ISO 80601-2-55:2011 Safety and Performance of Gas Monitors Wonsik Ahn (Kyunghee Univ., Korea) ISO 80601-2-56:2009 Safety and Performance of Thermometers Seong-Hyop Kim (Konkuk Univ., Korea) ISO 80601-2-30:2009 Particular Requirements for The Basic Safety and Essential Performance of Automated Non-Invasive Sphygmomanometers Jae Hong Park (Inje Univ., Korea) ISO 80601-2-61:2011 Safety and Performance of Pulse Oximeter Sang Hun Kim (Chosun Univ., Korea) Crystal B 07:00-09:00 Morning Session (KOR) Session Chair Jaemin Lee (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) The Korean Society of Organ Transplantation Anesthesia Lecture: Intraoperative Fluid Management of Kidney Transplantation Anesthesia Hyub Huh (Korea Univ., Korea) Lecture: Donor Safety in Living Related Liver Transplantation Soon Ae Lee (National Cancer Center, Korea) Case Presentation: Flat-Line Thromboelastometry and Pulmonary Thromboembolism during Liver Transplantation - 2 Case Presenations: a Diagnostic Dilemma Sun-key Kim (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Crystal C 07:30-09:00 Morning Session (KOR) The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology How to Use a Linear Regression to Identify Trends of Clinical Data? Maeng Soo Kang (IBK Economic Research Institute, Korea) Introduction to Non-Linear Mixed Effects Model Tae Kyun Kim (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Modeling of Recovery Profiles in Mentally Disabled and Intact Patients after Sevoflurane Anesthesia Teo Jeon Shin (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Session Chair Younsuk Lee (Dongguk Univ., Korea) Dong-Won Kim (Hanyang Univ., Korea) Hemodynamic Monitoring and Optimal Volume Management during Anesthesia Hemodynamic Monitoring and Volume Management for Sepsis Patient (The Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine) Sungwon Na (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Crystal B 10:05-11:05 Special Lecture III (ENG) Session Chair Hong-Seuk Yang (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Inhalational Anesthesia Neuromuscular Blockade Techniques to Wake Your Patient Up Faster-Older, Fatter, Quicker Paul H Hertz (Univ. of Illinois, USA) Perioperative Management of Neuromuscular Transmission Matthias Eikermann (Harvard Univ., USA) Hemodynamic Monitoring and Volume Management in Low Cardiac Output Patients (The Korean Society of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiologists) Young Lan Kwak (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Hemodynamic Monitoring and Volume Management for Intracranial Aneurysm Patient (The Korean Society of Neuroanesthesia) Yoonki Lee (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) Case Presentation: Severe Post-transplant Brain Injury in a Hemodynamically-Stable Child with Acute Hepatic Failure Jae Hoon Lee (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Crystal C 10:05-11:05 Special Lecture VII (ENG) Session Chair Sang-Hwan Do (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Hemodynamic Monitoring and Volume Management for Liver Transplantation Patient (The Korean Society of Organ Transplantation Anesthesia) SANG-HYUN KIM (Soonchunhyang Univ., Korea) Lecture: Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Liver Transplanted Recipients Jong Hae Kim (Catholic Univ. of Daegu, Korea) Hemodynamic Monitoring & Fluid Therapy in Preeclampsia (The Korean Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists) Jung Won Hwang (Seoul National Univ., Korea) 11:05-11:20 11:20-12:25 General Assembly (KOR) Coffee Break 11:20-12:20 Special Lecture VIII (ENG) Session Chair Sang Chul Lee (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Pain Management Challenges and Controversies in Assessment of Chronic Pain and Treatment Outcomes Michael Gofeld (Univ. of Toronto, USA) Opening Address 09:10-09:50 Special Lecture I (ENG) 09:10-10:05 Special Lecture II (ENG) Session Chair : Ki Hyuk Hong (President of The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Korea) Session Chair : Myung Ha Yoon (Chairman of The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Korea) Past, Present and Future of WFSA How Might Anesthesia Be Delivered: Lessons from Outside Medicine David J Wilkinson (President of World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, UK) 10:00-12:20 Symposium I (KOR) Session Chair Gyu Jeong Noh (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Lecture: Role and Characteristics of Transthoracic Echocardiography in Liver Transplantation Candidates Bo Hyun Sang (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) 09:00-09:10 Crystal A John P. Abenstein (President-elect of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, USA) 09:10-10:05 Special Lecture VI (ENG) 12:25-13:30 Luncheon I (KOR) Session Chair Keum Young So (Chosun Univ., Korea) Obstetric Anesthesia Recent Advances and Controversies in Obstetric Anaesthesia and Analgesia Warwick D.Ngan Kee (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 12:25-13:30 Luncheon II (KOR) Session Chair Kyo Sang Kim (Hanyang Univ., Korea) Session Chair Seong Wan Baik (Pusan Univ., Korea) Collaboration between surgeon and anesthesiologist in the management of neuromuscular blockade during surgery Optimal Dose of Oxycodone Administration for Postoperative Pain Control with Diverse Regimen of Oxycodone Injection Yunseok Jeon (Seoul National Univ., Korea) The surgeon’s perspective Seong-yeob Ryu (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) The anesthesiologist’s perspective Seong Wook Jeong (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) Q&A 12 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 13 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program in Detail - 2014 SICA November 7, 2014 (Friday) Crystal A 13:35-14:35 Lecture on Humanities (KOR) Crystal B 13:35-14:35 Special Lecture IV (ENG) Session Chair Hee-Jung Baik (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) Laughter As The Panacea for All Ills Hae Yeol Oh (Haha Center for Well-Being, Korea) November 7, 2014 (Friday) Session Chair Il-Ok Lee (Korea Univ., Korea) Pediatric Anesthesia Update on Acute Pain Therapy in Children Karin Becke (Hallerwiese Hospital, Germany) Crystal C 13:35-17:00 2nd East Asian Congress for Anesthesiologist (EACA) (ENG) 13:35-14:35 Session 1 The Role and Vision of Anesthesiologists and Pain Physician for Pain Management in East Asian Countries Session Chair: Ki Hyuk Hong (President of The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Korea) The Role of Anesthesiologist and Pain Physician for Pain Management in China Dong Xin Wang (Peking Univ., China) 14:40-15:40 Introduction to Research Grant (KOR) 14:40-15:40 Special Lecture V (ENG) Session Chair Ju-Tae Sohn (Gyeongsang National Univ., Korea) Introduction of Basic Research Programs in Science and Engineering on Medical and Pharmaceutical Science in the Year of 2014 Young Min Park (National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea) Session Chair Sang Kee Min (Ajou Univ., Korea) The Role and Vision of Anesthesiologists and Pain Physician for Pain Management in Korea Keun Man Shin (Hallym Univ., Korea) Liqun Yang (Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgical Hospital,China) Low Dose Spinal Anesthesia for C Section: How Low Can You Go Susilo Chandra (Univ. of Indonesia, Indonesia) 17:10-18:10 Symposium for Vitalization of Domestic Medical Devices (KOR) Session Chair Gyu Jeong Noh (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Evaluation of Systemic Exposure to Ipratropium Bromide Delivered by Mesh Type Nebulizer during General Anesthesia Byung Moon Choi (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Use of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy for Assessing Body Water Composition in Healthy Volunteers Receiving Various Types of Fluid Teo Jeon Shin (Seoul National Univ., Korea) The Role and Vision of Anesthesiologists and Pain Physician for Pain Management in Japan Fumimasa Amaya (Kyoto Prefectural Univ. of Medicine, Japan) Q&A Meet the Expert Clinical Hepato-Protection, Update and Our Recent Work Pearl 14:40-15:40 Session 2 The Role of Anesthesiologists for Monitored Anesthesia Care (Procedural Sedation) in East Asian Countries Session Chair: Jin Liu (President of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, China) The Role of Anesthesiologist for Monitored Anesthesia Care in China Keliang Xie (Tianjin Medical Univ., China) November 8, 2014 (Saturday) Crystal A Session Chair Keum Young So (Chosun Univ., Korea) The Role of Anesthesiologists for Monitored Anesthesia Care in Japan Satoshi Hagihira (Osaka Univ., Japan) Clinical Update in Obstetric Anesthesia (The Korean Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists) Q&A 16:00-17:00 Residents' Debate (KOR) Moderator Do Yun Kim (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) Perioperative Hyperoxia vs. Normoxia Hyperoxia Je Do Son (Keimyung Univ., Korea) Bo Ra Yoo (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Young Hwan Choi (Catholic Univ. of Daegu, Korea) Jongyoon Baek (Yeungnam Univ., Korea) Normoxia Phenylephrine Infusion during Cesarean Section Hea Jo Yoon (Cheil General Hospital, Korea) Coffee Break 16:00-17:00 Meet the Experts in Laos and Mongolia (ENG) Session Chair Jung Un Lee (Chungnam National Univ., Korea) Anesthesia for DM Patient Traichit Chanthasiri (Vice President of Lao Society of Anesthesiologists, Laos) Postoperative Pain Control in Mongolia Shagdar Enkhtuvshin (Immediate Past President of Mongolian Society of Anesthesiology, Mongolia) Jae Sik Nam (Univ. of Ulsan) Se Hee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) Sun Mi Lee (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) You Na Oh (Hanyang Univ., Korea) 14 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Epidural Blood Patch Chae Seong Lim (Chungnam National Univ., Korea) 16:00-17:00 Session 3 Anesthesiologist Training and Subspecialties in East Asian Countries Session Chair: Sumio Hoka (President of Japanese Society of Anesthesiology, Japan ) Residency Training of Anesthesiology in China and Subspecialty Training in West China Hospital Zhu Tao (Sichuan Univ., China) Anesthesiologist Training and Subspecialties in Korea Dong Ok Kim (Kyunghee Univ., Korea) Anesthesiologist Training and Subspecialties in Japan Hiroshi Otake (Showa Univ., Japan) Q&A Crystal C 07:00-08:00 Morning Session (KOR) The Role of Anesthesiologists for Monitored Anesthesia Care in Korea Sangmin Maria Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) 15:40-16:00 Crystal B 07:30-09:00 Morning Session (KOR) Session Chair Seongwook Jeong (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology 08:00-09:00 Research Study Abroad (KOR) 08:00-09:00 Morning Session (KOR) Session Chair Young-Cheol Woo (Chungang Univ., Korea) A New Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Remifentanil Using Data from Multiple Studies Tae Kyun Kim (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Signaling Crosstalks Mediating Netrin-1 Induction of NO Seokyoung Song (Catholic Univ. of Daegu, Korea) Session Chair Young Jae Kim (Inje Univ., Korea) IMS Society Fluoroscopy Guided Interventional Microadhesiolysis and Nerve Stimulation (FIMS) in Lumbar Spinal Disorder. Kang Ahn (Ahn Kang hospital, Korea) The Assessment of Explicit and Implicit Memory Using Process Dissociation Procedure in Surgical Patients Byung Moon Choi (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) A Pilot Study on the Detection of Anesthesia Level by Using a fNIRS and EEG Combined Probe Jae Gwan Kim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) Reconfiguration of Functional Connectivity Patterns Using EEG after Administration of Hypnotic Agents Heon Soo Lee (POSTECH, Korea) THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 15 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program in Detail - 2014 SICA Program in Detail - Workshop November 8, 2014 (Saturday) Crystal A 09:00-10:00 Medical Legislation Committee (KOR) Session Chair Woon Seok Roh (Catholic Univ. of Daegu, Korea) Analysis of Expert Consultation Referrals to the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (KSA) from July 2009 to June 2014 Duk Kyung Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) Crystal B 09:00-10:00 Special Lecture IX (ENG) Session Chair Kook Hyun Lee (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Present to Win! Ron Cahoon (SFA Consulting, Korea) November 7, 2014 (Friday) Crystal C Workshop I Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Moderator : Youn Jin Kim (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) 09:00-10:00 Special Lecture X (ENG) Session Chair Jae Young Kwon (Pusan National Univ., Korea) How Can Alpha 2 Agonists Improve My Practice? Charles S. Brudney (Duke Univ., USA) Introduction of K-MEDI (Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency) and Its Arbitration Cases Related to Anesthesia or Pain Procedures Haenam Jung (Medical Dispute Mediation Committe/Mediator Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency, Korea) 10:00-10:15 10:15-12:15 Symposium III (KOR) Session Chair Yong Sup Shin (Chungnam National Univ., Korea) Kyung Joon Lim (Chosun Univ., Korea) How to Improve the Patient Safety and Quality Outcome in Pain Management US-Guided Pain Interventions: Neuraxial Structures (The Korean Pain Society) Jee Youn Moon (Seoul National Univ., Korea) The Nonsurgical Release Technique by Interventional Microadhesiolysis for Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder Jeoung Ho Kim (Ahn Kang hospital, Korea) Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) (The Korean Spinal Pain Society) Chan Hong Park (Wooridul Hospital, Korea) Preventive Analgesia (The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) Seong Heon Lee (Chonnam National Univ., Korea) Coffee Break 10:15-12:35 Symposium II (KOR) Session Chair Sioh Kim (Kyungpook National Univ., Korea) Ki-Young Lee (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Quality Outcome of Anesthesia Quality Outcomes in Cardiac Anesthesia (The Korean Society of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiologists) Ji-Yeon Sim (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Quality Outcome in TIVA (The Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) Dong Woo Han (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Quality Outcome in Pediatric Anesthesia (The Korean Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists) Jin Tae Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Quality Outcome in Neuromuscular Blockade and Its Reversal (The Korean Neuromuscular Meeting) Jin Young Chon (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: What Are We Trying to Prevent and Why? (The Korean Association for Respiratory Care) Sang Heon Park (Seoul National Univ., Korea) 16 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Room: Topaz 09:00-09:15 Clinical Sonoanatomy for Upper Extremity Blocks Hyeon Ju Shin (Korea Univ., Korea) 09:15-09:30 Clinical Sonoanatomy for Lower Extremity Blocks Young Duck Shin (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea) 09:30-09:45 Clinical Sonoanatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Truncal Blocks Young Hoon Kim (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) 09:45-09:50 Moving to Workshop Stations 09:50-10:20 Station 1 : Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia for Upper Extremity (above Clavicle) Hyeon Ju Shin (Korea Univ., Korea) 10:20~10:50 Station 2 : Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia for Upper Extremity (below Clavicle) Youn Jin Kim (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) 10:50-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00~11:30 Station 3 : Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia for Lower Extremity Young Duck Shin (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea) 11:30~12:00 Station 4 : Ultrasound-Guided Truncal Blocks Young Hoon Kim (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea) 10:15-12:15 Residnets' Quiz Events (KOR) Moderator Jin Hee Kim Residnets' Quiz Events Station S : Special Station for International; Non- KSA Member (by English) Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia for Upper, Lower Extremity Dae Geun Jeon (Dankook Univ., Korea) Workshop II TEE for Non-Cardiac Surgery , Korea Moderator : Ji-Yeon Sim (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) 14:00-14:10 TEE Knobology Jeong Hyun Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) 14:10-14:30 Basic TEE Views 14:30-14:50 Rescue TEE 14:50-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-16:00 Hands-on Practice I Sung Yong Park (Ajou Univ., Korea) Seung Hoon Baek (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Ji Hyun Chin (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Seong-Hyop Kim(Konkuk Univ., Korea) 16:00-17:00 Hands-on Practice II Jin Tae Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) Jong-Hwan Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) Jae Kwang Shim (Yonsei Univ., Korea) Yun-Seok Jeon(Seoul National Univ., Korea) Seung Hoon Baek (Pusan National University, Korea) Jin Tae Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 17 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Program in Detail - 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum Program in Detail - Workshop November 8, 2014 (Saturday) Workshop III Transthoracic Echocardiography November 6, 2014 (Thursday) Room: Topaz Moderator : Tae-Yop Kim (Konkuk Univ., Korea) 09:00-09:10 Registration & Group allocation 09:10-09:30 Introductive Lecture-Objectives for Basic Echocardiography 09:30-10:30 Hands-on for Acquisition of 2D Images and Views on Healthy Young Volunteers and Coffee Break 10:40-11:10 Hands-on for Evaluating Cardiac Update on Difficult Airway Management 09:40-10:20 Ultrasound-guided Nerve Block: BIS during Combined Regional and General Anesthesia Justin Sangwook Ko (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) Sungwon Na (Yonsei Univ., Korea) 10:20-10:40 Break Hyun Suk Yang (Konkuk Univ., Korea) 10:40-11:20 Intraoperative Monitoring for Liver Transplantation Anesthesia Young Chul Yoo (Yonsei Univ., Korea) 11:20-11:40 Break Yong Seon Choi (Yonsei Univ., Korea) 11:40-12:20 Perioperative Use of INVOS as a Transfusion Trigger 12:20-13:00 Anesthetic Management of Non-cardiac Surgery in Congenital Heart Disease Mijeung Kwak (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Invited Faculties Sonographer Function Using 2D Images and Jin Sook Song (Sejong General Hospital, Korea) Doppler Measurements on Healthy Young Volunteers Chan Suk Lee (Sejong General Hospital, Korea) Su Zanne Jo (Alpinion Medical System, Korea) 11:10-11:40 Hands-on for Cardiac Pathology on 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum I Driving Anesthesia Outcomes and Effectiveness in Asia 09:00-09:40 Multi-functional Simulator (Vimedix™, CAE Healthcare) 10:30-10:40 11:40-12:15 Q & A, Closing Heezoo Kim (Korea Univ., Korea) Jun Gol Song (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) Sang Hyun Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea) 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum I - PBLD Format: Case Presentation Panel of Experts: Tae-Yop Kim, Gordon Wong, Scott Kelley 15:00-15:30 Case 1: INVOS and BiS in Anesthesia for OPCAB surgery Eugene Jung/Tae-Yop Kim (Konkuk Univ., Korea) 15:30-16:00 Case 2: INVOS and BIS in Liver Transplantation Anesthesia Sun-Key Kim/Jun Gol Song (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea) 16:00-16:30 Case 3: Severe Post-transplantation Brain Injury in a Hemodynamically Stable Hepatic Failure Child Eun Jung Kim/Bon Nyeo Koo (Yonsei Univ., Korea) 16:30-16:35 Closing Multi-Functional Simulator (Vimedix™, CAE Healthcare) Room: Ruby + Jade November 7, 2014 (Friday) Room: Emerald 4th Asia Anesthesia Forum II Driving Anesthesia Outcomes and Effectiveness in Asia 18 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY 13:00-13:10 Opening Remark by The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Ki Hyuk Hong (President of The Korean Society Anesthesiologists, Korea) 13:10-13:30 Introduction of Asia Anesthesia Forum 13:30-14:00 Cognitive Dysfunction in The Elderly Post Anesthesia: Prevalence, Financial and Social Impact Gordon Wong (Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) 14:00-15:00 BIS Troubleshooting: Artifact Management and Pattern Recognition Scott Kelley (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA) 15:00-15:30 From Macro to Microcirculation for Practical Perioperative Organ Protection: Role of Noninvasive Monitoring Suraphong Lorsomradee (Chiangmai Univ., Thailand) 15:30-16:00 Break 16:00-16:30 The Role of INVOS in Congenital Heart Defect 16:30-17:00 West-China Liu’s Score for Perioperative Red Blood Cell Transfusion an Individualized Transfusion Strategy Jin Liu (President of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, China) 17:00-17:05 Closing Shou-Zen Fan (Natioanal Taiwan Univ., China) Shou-Zen Fan (National Taiwan Univ., China) THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 19 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Registration Guidelines Pre-registration Workshop I Slots:Up to 10 international participants (with foreign passports), and 20 domestic (Korean)participants. * International registration will automatically be cancelled unless a minimum number of 3 participants register. Deadline: September 30, 2014 http://www.ksa-conference.org/ Workshop II Slots:20 participants (Korean only) **Workshop 2 is NOT open to international attendees. Guidelines The conference offers 3 individual programs, which require separate registration. Please see the tables below for details; CME Program Educational Program for Certified Anesthesiologists Hands-On Workshop Date: November 6, 2014 *Registration for both programs is not possible. Please choose only one. *Members Only SICA Main Program Date: November 7-8, 2014 Workshop III Slots:Up to 5 international participants (with foreign passports), and 20 domestic (Korean) participants. * International registration will automatically be cancelled unless a minimum number of 3 participants register. CME Program (추계연수교육) **Members Only Classification Program & Registration Fees Pre-registration On-site Registration Certified Anesthesiologists KRW 60,000 KRW 72,000 Residents KRW 60,000 KRW 72,000 SICA Main Program Members Non members Classification Certified Anesthesiologists Residents Non-anesthesiologists (GPA provided) Nurses, etc. (Neither CME Point nor a text book will be provided.) Students Exhibitors (Exhibitors will be provided with up to 2 complimentary registrations. Extra registration is required for over 2 participants) Delegates International Group A Accompanying Persons Delegates International Group B Accompanying Persons Pre-registration KRW 100,000 KRW 60,000 On-site Registration KRW 120,000 KRW 80,000 KRW 100,000 KRW 120,000 KRW 60,000 KRW 80,000 Educational Program for Certified Anesthesiologists (지도전문의 입문교육) **Members Only /Slots are limited (Mx. 300 participants). Classification Pre-registration ONLY Certified Anesthesiologists FREE KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 USD 180 USD 50 USD 50 USD 20 USD 200 USD 70 USD 70 USD 30 KRW 50,000 Gala Dinner Fee: KRW 50,000 / USD 50 **Only 250 applications will be received, on a first-come first-served basis. Payment Method: Money transfer Bank Name Hana Bank Address 101-1, 1KA EULJI-RO, CHUNG-KU, SEOUL, KOREA International Group A All other countries excluding those in International Group B Swift Code HNBNKRSE International Group B Cambodia / India / Indonesia / Laos / Malaysia / Mongolia / Myanmar / Philippines / Thailand / Vietnam Account Number 105-910009-12004 Account Name The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Hands-On Workshop Cancellation Policy The workshop registration will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Classification Workshop I November 7, 2014 Workshop II (Koreans Only) November 7, 2014 Anesthesiologists KRW 120,000 (USD 120) Residents KRW 80,000 (USD 80) 20 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Workshop III November 8, 2014 All cancellations must be sent in writing (by e-mail) to the secretariat Date * All dates and times are based on Korean standard time (GMT+9 hours). Up to and including the deadline for Pre-registration Refundable After the deadline for Pre-registration Non-refundable **No refunds will be given for non-attendance. THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 21 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists 사전등록 안내 사전등록 마감 평점안내 • 2014년 9월 30일(화)까지(기한엄수) • 사전등록은 Online으로 http://www.ksa-conference.org/ 에서만 등록 가능하며 등록비 카드 결제시스템 도입으로 개인 등록만 가능합니다. • 의사면허번호 입력 오류 시 대한의사협회 평점보고에서 누락될 수 있으니, 반드시 의사면허번호를 바르게 기입해 주시기 바랍니다. • 초록 발표자는 사전등록 필수 사전등록비 구분 사전등록비 전문의 50,000 원 현장등록 불가 추계 연수교육 전문의 / 전공의 60,000 원 72,000 원 전문의 100,000 원 120,000 원 전공의 60,000 원 80,000 원 타과 전문의 100,000 원 120,000 원 간호사 60,000 원 80,000 원 선착순 240명 (등록취소 및 환불 불가) 50,000 원 현장등록 불가 Workshop Ⅰ WorkshopⅡ WorkshopⅢ 11월 7일(금) 11월 7일(금) 11월 8일(토) 09:00 ~ 12:00 14:00 ~ 17:00 09:00 ~ 12:15 전문의 120,000 원 120,000 원 120,000 원 전공의 80,000 원 80,000 원 80,000 원 구분 11월8일(토) 2점 - - 추계 연수교육 6점 - - 종합학술대회 - 6점 4점 1) 지도전문의입문교육과 연수교육을 중복으로 등록 불가 2) 의협에서 주관하는 의사보수교육의 시행지침에 따라 학술대회 등록을 하였더라도 학회 참석을 하지 않는 회원에게는 본 학회에서는 절대로 평점을 부여하지 않습니다. 행사 당일 회원 참석 확인을 체크하기 위하여 RFID 도입을 하여 학회 명찰에 바코드를 넣어 강의장 출입 확인과 강의 종료 후 등록데스크에서 출석 체크를 하는 회원에 한하여 평점을 부여 할 예정입니다. 구분 현장등록비 지도전문의 입문교육 (선착순 300명) Gala dinner (유람선) 11월7일(금) 구분 사전등록 유의사항 종합학술대회 11월6일(목) 지도전문의 입문교육 11월 6일(목) 11월 7일(금) 11월 8일(토) 출석체크 확인시간 전문의 전공의 지도전문의 입문교육 17:00 ~ 이수증 발행 평점 부여 - 추계 연수교육 17:40 ~ 평점 부여 전공의 스티커 발행 17:00 ~ 평점 부여 출석 체크 확인만 함 12:00 ~ 평점 부여 전공의 스티커 발행 종합학술대회 • 학술대회 7일(금)과 8일(토) 양일 모두 출석 체크 하신 전문의만 10평점 부여 • 학술대회 7일(금)과 8일(토) 양일 모두 출석 체크 후 전공의 스티커 학술대회로 1장 발부 3) 연수교육 이수내역 확인은 KMA 교육센터(http://edu.kma.org)에서 직접 로그인하여 확인해주시기 바랍니다. ① 행사 당일 출석 체크를 한 전문의 / 전공의만 이수자 결과 보고 예정 ② KMA 교육센터로 14일 이내(2014.11.21.) 교육 이수자 결과 보고 해당교육 이수자 KMA 교육센터(http://edu.kma.org) 로그인 • ID 및 비밀번호는 대한의사협회 홈페이지 가입 ID와 비밀번호 동일 • 제91차 종합학술대회 이수자 확인 2014년 11월 24일(월)부터 이수자 본인이 직접 확인 [Mypage] – [연수교육 이수내역 확인] 란에서 확인 가능 • Workshop Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ 선착순 20명(등록비 결제 순으로 마감 / 단, Workshop Ⅰ은 외국인 10명 포함하여 30명까지 등록 가능) • Workshop Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ 등록비 결제 후 등록취소 및 환불 불가 사전등록비 결제 안내 • 사전 / 현장등록 모두 카드결제 및 현금결제 가능 • 사전등록비 송금 계좌번호 하나은행 105-910009-12004(예금주 : 대한마취통증의학회) • 등록취소 및 환불 : 2014년 10월 31일(금)까지 [단, 기간 이후 및 행사 당일, 행사 종료 후 환불 불가] 등록취소요청서를 작성하신 후 [email protected]로 보내 주시기 바랍니다. 22 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 23 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Guidelines for Abstract Submission Important Dates 초록접수 안내 일반연제 초록접수 안내 th Deadline for Abstract Submission: August 14 , 2014. Notification of Abstract Acceptance: TBD Deadline for Abstract Submission is extended to August 14th. Please refer to this notice Guidelines • Please keep in mind that abstract submission must be performed electronically via the website. • Abstracts which have already been published in a journal or presented at another conference will not be accepted, with the exception of those currently in the process of review. • Abstracts must be written in English. Original Research - Abstracts will be selected for oral presentation (e-poster session) or poster presentation. The scientific committee will be responsible for choosing outstanding abstracts for oral presentation, which is titled our ‘e-poster session’. - Length of title:Less than 30 words - Structure:Background-Methods-Results-Conclusions - Length of body:Less than 300 words - Reference:2 references allowed - Figures & tables:Combination of up to 2 allowed Original Research Limits (length of body) 1 copy of figure or table 300 words 2 copies of figure or table 300 words Case report 1 copy of figure or table (70 words) 2 copies of figure or table (120 words) - Structure:Introduction-Case-Conclusions - Figures & tables:Combination of up to 2 allowed Limits (length of body) 230 words 180 words • 초록접수는 Online으로 http://www.ksa-conference.org/ 에서만 접수하며 초록접수 심사와 원활한 학술대회 준비 관계로 초록접수 마감을 예년보다 두 달 정도 앞당겨 마감하게 되었습니다. 회원 여러분의 많은 협조 부탁드립니다. •초록접수 마감 당일(8월 14일)은 초록접수 폭주로 인하여 원활한 접수가 어려울 수 있으므로 가능한 초록접수 마감 2~3일 전까지 완료해 주시기 바랍니다. • 본 학회 학술지 혹은 타 학회 학술지, 잡지에 기 출판된 논문은 접수할 수 없으며, 기출판되지 않는 논문만 접수할 수 있습니다. (단, 현재 심사 중인 논문, 투고 예정 논문은 초록으로 접수할 수 있습니다.) 일반연제 초록 작성안내 • 발표언어 및 초록 작성은 영어로만 진행 됩니다. • 초록접수 시 글자 수를 제한하였기에 글자 수 초과 시 초과된 글자 수만큼 자동으로 본문의 내용이 삭제됩니다. 본문 내용 입력 시 글자 수 확인을 바로 하실 수 있으며, 초록접수 완료 전 미리보기 화면으로 전체 내용을 확인 하신 후 완료해 주시기 바랍니다. 다시 한번 이점 유념해 주시기 바랍니다. • 접수 완료 된 초록 수정은 ‘초록수정하기’에서 8월 14일(목)까지 수정 가능합니다. • 초록접수 완료 후 ‘초록접수현황’에서 접수현황을 꼭 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. 초록접수현황에서 본인의 초록검색이 안 되는 경우는 올바르게 초록접수가 안 된 것이므로 다시 재접수해 주시기 바랍니다. 일반연제 발표 및 전시안내 ① 11월 7일(금) 09:00 ~ 17:00 Room 8(Pearl) : E-poster sessionⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ ② 11월 8일(토) 09:00 ~ 12:15 Room 8(Pearl) : E-poster session Ⅶ,Ⅷ,Ⅸ ③ 발표용 E-poster는 Power point 6~9장으로 구성하여, 발표 시 스크린을 보면서 발표 ④ 좌장의 지시에 따라 주어진 시간 내에 발표 [한 연제의 발표시간은 4분~5분이며, 2분~3분 청중의 질의응답(총 7분)] ⑤ 초록접수 마감 후 학술위원회에서 초록심사를 한 후 E-poster session 발표 여부가 결정 될 예정입니다. E-poster session 통보 받은 초록만 E-poster 발표 가능하며, Power point 준비는 E-poster session 통보 받은 후 준비해 주시기 바랍니다. (E-poster session Power point 작성 안내는 개별 공지 예정) ⑥ E-poster session 발표 언어는 영어입니다. Poster presentation Presentation E-poster Session - File format:MS-Powerpoint only - Authors are asked to prepare around 6-9 slides. - Case reports:Introduction-Case-Conclusions 일반연제 초록접수 유의사항 E-poster session Case Reports - Length of title:Less than 30 words - Length of body:Less than 300 words • 2014년 8월 14일(목)까지(기한엄수) • 초록 발표자는 사전등록 필수 ※ 초록접수 기한이 8월 14일(목)까지로 연장되었습니다. 이점 참고 부탁드립니다. - 5 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A - Research abstracts:Background-Methods-Results-Conclusions - Upload via the website Poster Presentation - Size of Poster:80cm (W) X 120 cm (H) - Research Abstracts:Background-Methods-Results-Conclusions - 40 minutes for presentation, standing in front of your poster - Case Reports:Introduction-Case-Conclusions - Posters must be written in English - A presenting author must bring the printed poster to the conference. 24 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY ① 11월 7일(금) 09:00 ~ 12:25 Room 4(Emerald) : Poster presentationⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ ② 11월 8일(토) 09:00 ~ 12:15 Room 4(Emerald) : Poster presentation Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ ③ 전시용 Poster 가로 80cm, 세로 120cm 판넬에 전시 할 수 있도록 poster로 제작해 주시기 바라며 Poster는 영문으로 작성해야 합니다. ④ 전시용 Poster 제작 시 약 2m 떨어진 거리에서도 쉽게 읽을 수 있도록 구성하여 만들어 주시기 바랍니다. ⑤ 전시용 Poster는 초록집에 표기한 연제 번호와 각 Poster 판넬 상단에 표기된 번호를 확인 후 부착, 일반연제 발표자는 주어진 발표 시간(40분)동안 전시용 Poster 앞에서 청중의 질의응답에 개별적으로 발표하는 방식으로 진행합니다. ⑥ 초록접수 마감 후 학술위원회에서 초록심사를 한 후 Poster Presentation 진행 여부가 결정 될 예정입니다. Poster Presentation 통보 후 전시용 Poster 준비해 주시기 바랍니다. (Poster Presentation 작성 안내는 개별 공지 예정) ⑦ 전시용 Poster는 주어진 발표 시간 이전에 부착해 주시고 주어진 발표 시간 40분 동안 전시 후 발표자가 직접 수거해 주셔야만 다음 전시용 Poster를 부착 할 수 있습니다. ⑧ 질의응답 시 언어는 질문자에 따라 한글 또는 영어입니다. 초록 채택이 되었다고 하더라도 E-poster Session 와 Poster Presentation 발표자는 사전등록을 해 주셔야 하며, 사전등록을 하지 않을 경우 초록 채택이 취소됩니다. THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 25 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Social Events Gala Dinner Accommodations Lotte Hotel World (Conference Hotel) The 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology will host a gala dinner on the Hangang River Ferry Cruise Ship. River cruising is one of the best ways to enjoy the scenery around the Hangang River, which flows through the heart of Seoul. On the cruise, you can see the Hangang River's beautiful sights, various small islands, Namsan Tower, Jamsil's Multi Sports Complex, and other famous tourist spots. • Venue:Hangang River Ferry, Seoul • Entrance Fee:USD 50 (first-come first-served) • Course:Jamsil 一 Ttukseom 一 Hannam Bridge 一 Jamsil Resting in a scenic environment surrounding the beautiful Seokchon Lake, Lotte Hotel World is a business hotel located at the heart of the Gangnam business district, which ensures maximum satisfaction to business travelers. It is also a life-style hotel for families, next door to the world's largest indoor theme park, Lotte World Adventure and Magic Island. The cozy and refined facilities and high-class service touch the heart of each and every guest visiting Lotte Hotel World. • Only conference registrants can purchase a ticket of the Gala Dinner. Each registrant may purchase up to 5 tickets. • The amount of tickets is limited; please apply for the Gala Dinner online as soon as possible. • Ticket will be provided at the registration desk onsite. • Registrants must wear their name badge and have the ticket in possession when joining the event. Room Type Deluxe Club (Breakfast Inc) (Executive Deluxe) 26 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Special Rate (KRW) Double 230,000 Twin 230,000 Single 280,000 Double Occupancy 320,000 THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 27 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with Patient Safety and Quality Outcome the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Seoul Attractions Amsa-dong Prehistoric Settlement Site COEX Korean Folk Village National Museum of Korea The Amsa-dong Prehistoric Settlement Site is built at one of the Neolithic remains in the country, situated in Amsadong, Gangdong-gu in Seoul. This place consists of massive dugout huts, and shows the lifestyle of the Neolithic Era (3,000 ~ 4,000 B.C.). It represents a huge community whose people lived in groups at one place. The COEX is a destination of top business events, where people can experience domestic a n d fo re i g n ex h i b i t i o n s . Underneath, the COEX Mall is the largest underground shopping mall in Asia. It acts as a healthy playground and cultural space for youth, and offers diverse food from all over the world with fun events every day. The Korean Folk Village is an outdoor folk village that was built to reserve and promote traditional Korean culture. It is an excellent place for Korean children to learn about their ancestors firsthand, and for foreign visitors to experience Korean folk culture as a tourist attraction. Gwanghwamun Square Everland The National Museum of Korea has about 135,000 items in possession. About 5,000 artifacts are displayed in the 18 permanent exhibition halls. The ground floor contains Buddhist artwork, handicrafts, and historical arts. The first floor exhibits all sorts of ceramic works made in the Goryeo and Joseon era, while the second floor displays various kinds of relics and artwork from the prehistoric times and the Three Kingdoms era. Gwanghwamun Square is divided into six sections. At its center stands a statue of King Sejong the Great, the fourth and most respected king of the Joseon Dynasty and creator of Hangeul, Korea's alphabet; and a statue of Admiral Yi Sunshin, a naval commander noted for his victories against the Japanese navy during the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598) and a hero among Koreans. Other attractions include the popular 12·23 Fountain, a sculpture of Haechi (the symbol of Seoul), a flower carpet, and Yeoksamulgil ( or the "Waterway of History") on either side of the square. Everland is South Korea's largest and best theme park. It is the land of festivals 365 days a year. There are 5 main festivals held every year: the Korean traditional culture festival, 'Hope Hanmadang', the 10 million flowers displayed in spring, 'Flower Carnival', the sweltering heat busting festival in the summer, 'Summer Splash', the enjoyable party with families, 'Happy Halloween', and the romantic winter story festival, 'Christmas Holiday Fantasy'. The Banks of the Han River Along the banks of the Han River, there are large-scale sports and leisure facilities, providing daily sports activities. These include fascilities such as the Juvenile Sports Arena, where young people enjoy playing basketball and inline skating, the Outdoor Swimming Pools, where people appreciate lakeside scenery and sunlight, and the Nature Study Field, where children can learn about nature with their families. By taking a cruise ship from the Jamsil dock, guests can enjoy the night view of Seoul. Lotte World Lotte World is the so-called Korean Disney Land. Unlike other amusement parks which contain lots of rides, Lotte World is a theme park organized according to certain themes. The boarding facilities, buildings, performances, parades, food and souvenir shops are all arranged by the themes. Insa-dong One of the best places in Seoul to purchase traditional Korean art, products, and other souvenirs, as it is filled with antique shops, art galleries, traditional stationery shops, handicraft shops, pottery and porcelain shops, bookstores, and art supply stores. Insa-dong is also home to many traditional restaurants and teahouses. 28 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY Han River Ferry Cruise The Han River is a natural site in the city and, after launching of its cruise ship, this place is crowded with local visitors and foreign travelers to take a rest and travel. The view of the beautiful bridges over the Han River is as competitive as an art exhibit. Its nightscape is so wonderful that it can't be replicated elsewhere. Aquarium Visitors to the aquarium can have a close look at beautiful coral reefs, tropical fish, and even man-eating sharks without underwater equipment. Also, the visitors can actually touch them! This aquarium is the biggest in the country, and applies state-of-the-art technology. N Seoul Tower N Seoul Tower, located in Mt. Nam, is the heart of Seoul, the symbol of Seoul, and the highest place of Seoul. It overlooks the most beautiful landscape, and offers a great resting place for citizens, surrounded by nature. It is also a tourist spot for foreign visitors. Gyeongbokgung National Assembly Gyeongbokgung is a royal palace, and was the main palace in the Joseon Dynasty. This palace leans towards Mt. Bukak and the wide yukjo-geori (street of six ministries) lies in front of Gwanghwamun. This palace was the heart of the capital city, Hanyang (today's Seoul), and it is now the best palace in the country. The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea is the place where the members of the National Assembly discuss state affairs. It conducts legislation, bill examination, investigation and inspection, and parliamentary diplomacy. The assembly consists of the Speaker, 17 standing committees, 3 special committees and other committees. Cheongwadae 63 City The Cheongwadae (pavilion of blue tiles) is the official name of the executive office and official residence of the South Korean head of state. This place also refers to the overall complex of buildings that conduct state affairs. The 63 City is the third tallest building in the country. It has an observation deck (63 Golden Tower), a large aquarium (63 SeaWorld), an IMAX theater (24mx20m mega screen) and other fascinating facilities. THE 91ST ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS | 29 2014 Seoul International Conference of Anesthesiology in conjunction with the 91st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Floor Plan 3F Main Venue Meeting Room Meeting Room (Crystal Ballroom A) (Crystal Ballroom B) Meeting Room (Crystal Ballroom C) (Emerald Room) Meeting Room x) pa 10 n( o i t tra gis Re Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Room Room Room Room (Pearl) (Ruby) (Jade) (Topaz) B1F Sapphire Ballroom Exhibition Area 2 14 25 7 18 6 Exhibition Area 1 30 | 2014 SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
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