Chapter 10 - Alcohol WK Worksheet Section 1 - Alcohol Affects the Body Write “S” on the line in front of a short-term effect of alcohol. Write “L” on the line in front of a long-term effect of alcohol. ______ 1. diminished immune system function and decreased ability of the body to absorb vitamins ______ 2. cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver cancer, brain and heart damage ______ 3. reduced reaction time and impaired judgment, self-control, memory ______ 4. nausea, vomiting, poor vision, blackout, coma, death ______ 5. possible cancer of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach Using items from the list below, fill in the table to show the possible long-term and short-term effects of alcohol on the body. kidney strain cancer of mouth, stomach, esophagus, and liver diminished immune system function cirrhosis poor vision loss of self-control impaired judgment vomiting hepatitis anemia reduced reaction time nausea decreased ability of the body to absorb vitamins heart damage shrunken brain and dead brain cells blackout memory loss coma and death 1. Short-Term Effects 2. Long-Term Effects 6. What is the purpose of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)? In what types of emergencies would CPR be necessary? Give specific examples. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What are some part-time jobs that might require or desire you to be certified in CPR? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Every bottle of alcohol has a government warning on its label. (1) According to the surgeon general, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems. 8. Why do you think this warning was added to alcoholic beverages? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ronald is 55 years old. He has been drinking alcohol heavily since age 21. In the spaces provided, list the possible longTerm effects of alcohol use on each part of Ronald’s body. 9. Brain - ______________________________________________________________________ 10. Esophagus - _________________________________________________________________ 11. Pancreas - ___________________________________________________________________ 12. small intestine - ______________________________________________________________ 13. heart - ______________________________________________________________________ 14. Liver - ______________________________________________________________________ Mary is considering drinking alcohol at a party. In the spaces provided, list the possible short-term effects of alcohol use on each of the following. 6. Her stomach - __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Her heart and blood vessels - ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Her brain - _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Her safety - ____________________________________________________________________________________ Section 2 - Alcoholism Affects the Family and Society Each slice of the pie indicates a percentage of the total cost of alcohol to society. The asterisk (*) indicates the total cost of alcohol to society. 1. What percentage of the total costs of alcohol to society is due to health problems? 2. What was the cost of alcohol due to crime, expressed in dollars? (Hint: Use the information next to the asterisk.) 3. What fraction of the costs of alcohol to society is due to medical bills? 4. Why do you think the majority of the costs of alcohol to society are related to health problems? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART I Decide which stage of alcoholism each example below demonstrates: problem drinking, tolerance, dependence, or alcoholism. Write the correct term in each blank. 5. Carlos only drinks at parties, but he always gets drunk. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Mr. Gomez begins drinking in the morning and sips all day at work to keep his hands from shaking. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Ms. Salcido used to have one glass of wine with her lunch every day, but lately she has been drinking more than one glass of wine at lunch. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Ms. Robinson has lost three jobs within a year because she cannot stay away from alcohol, not even during the day. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Juan has a headache every day until his first drink. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Sylvia turns down an invitation to Carlos’s “dry” party because she never has any fun at a party without alcohol. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART II Decide which person(s) mentioned in PART I in each statement below might apply to. Write their name(s) in the space provided. 11. Family members might be experiencing guilty feelings and might be subjected to violence and neglect, as well as disregarding their own needs. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Family members belong to Al-Anon or Alateen. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Person(s) may be responsible for huge emotional, physical, and financial __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miguel is an alcoholic. His alcoholism developed in stages. Complete the chart by writing the letters that identify his symptoms next to the stage of alcoholism in which they occur. 14. problem drinking: 16. tolerance: STAGES OF ALCOHOLISM 15. dependence: 17. addiction: a. drinks alcohol and gets drunk almost every day b. needs more alcohol to produce the same effect c. experiences withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, shaking, and nausea d. drinks alcohol to avoid boredom, escape anxiety, relieve stress, or cope with depression e. is both physically and emotionally dependent on alcohol f. becomes secretive, paranoid, and defensive as he tries to hide his drinking behavior g. puts alcohol before everything else, craves alcohol, and cannot control his drinking h. cannot drink alcohol in moderation or limit his drinking to appropriate times i. believes that he needs alcohol to function properly j. substitutes alcohol for food, which can lead to malnutrition Answer these questions about Nathan’s alcoholism. 18. What effects of Miguel’s alcoholism might his wife and children are experiencing? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. How might Miguel’s alcoholism affect society? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3 - Drugs and the Brain 1. Complete the chart below about the problems associated with alcohol use. In the left-hand column of the chart, list problems drunk driving can cause. In the right-hand column, list problems underage drinking can cause. Problems Drunk Driving Can Cause impairment of skills needed to drive Problems Underage Drinking Can Cause criminal record 2. What are some ways to deal with peer pressure to drink alcohol? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is SADD and what is its mission? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Making GREAT Decisions 4. Oh, no! It was already 1:00 A.M., and Beto had promised his parents that he’d be home by 12:30 A.M. Beto wanted to ask Sarah for a ride home, but she had been drinking. On the other hand, he would have the chance to ask her out. Beto remembered that his parents had always said that they would pick him up if he needed a safe ride home. But Beto had wanted Write below the advice you would give Beto. Remember to use the decision-making steps as outlined in the textbook. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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