Wheelwright Lane Primary School Newsletter Issue 4: 4.10.11 www.wheelwrightlane.warwickshire.sch.uk Schools across Warwickshire are taking part in a world record to try and serve the most roast dinners in a day. The Food for Life Roast Dinner Day will take place on Wednesday 12th October. The choice is Roast Pork Loin or a cheesy courgette sausage. If you would like your child to participate in this please send £1.85 to school. Teacher Training Days set for 2012 are: Friday 10th February Friday 1st June Our Harvest Assembly is due to take place on Thursday 13th October at 9.10am. Each Class will contribute in some way and Parents are very welcome to attend. We will be collecting tinned and packet produce to donate to a local cause. If you would like to send in a donation please feel free to do so from this point on or indeed on the day if you would prefer. Thankyou in advance for your kind donations. Next Friday 14th October we will be coming together with Exhall Grange for our joint Science Day. The day will be a fun learning day focusing on Science Investigation based around the theme of Pirates. Diary dates for the Autumn Term are shown below and will be included and updated on every newsletter. 13.10 14.10 17.10 19.10 21.10 31.10 3.11 5.12 12.12 13.12 14.12 16.12 16.12 3.1.12 4.1.12 Harvest Festival Super Science Day Parents Evening Parents Evening Finish for Half term Children return to school Governors meeting Enterprise Week Christmas Concerts 9.30/1.30 Christmas Concert 1.30 Christmas Concert 1.30 Church Nativity School Finishes for Christmas Teacher Training Day Children return to school The children will be investigating many things including; What is the Best shape for a Pirates sail? What would a Pirate wear in a storm? and how to make periscopes. The day will follow the same format as our previous enrichment days where the children choose which workshop to attend and we group the children vertically (a few from every year group) We also have a visiting Planetarium for the day and all the activities are offered free of charge to all children. What we would like though please, is for the children to dress up as Pirates. Ripped t-shirts, shorts, scars and eye patches are a good starting point! We would also like the children to bring a picnic lunch for that day so we can keep the planetarium set up in the hall enabling all the children to access it. If children have free school meals we will gladly supply a packed lunch. The teachers too will be dressing up (even me!) as we look forward to enriching the children’s investigative skills in Science. Speeches and elections have taken place and votes have been counted and verified! This years House Captains are: Ruby Sapphire Emerald Diamond Antony Harris Lauren Cox Katrina Hands Fion Watson Kessia Garfield Tayla Wilkinson Harshiran Hayer Bradley Chilton School Council Elections have also taken place and our new representatives are: Amber Class Amethyst Class Turquoise Class Quartz Class Topaz Class Jet Class Bethany Barnes Shaw Strang Jack Conroy Olivia Burrows Sam Morgan Charley Pearson Natasha Neale Dillon Swarm Charlotte Summers George Makings Sajidha Jaman Jessica Turfey Hopefully your children will have spoken to you about the changes to lunchtime that have taken place. We no longer have sandwiches in the classroom and all children eat their lunch together in the hall. It is a nice social time for the children and they have been very well behaved. On Thursday which is Reading Buddy Day we are trialing having an Active Playground for those that like to run around, play football and basketball etc and a quiet playground for those that prefer to play board games, read, draw or have construction equipment. The children will choose which playground they would like to go on and we are hoping this will stop children feeling anxious about playtime. If this is successful we are planning to roll this out at lunchtime. Children can change their minds each day and are not restricted to the same playground forever! Next Parent Clinic is Friday 21st October at 2.45pm with Mrs Browne our Deputy Head Teacher. Children who have an Individual Education Plan (I.E.P) at School Action will have their I.E.P’s reviewed during Parent/Teacher Consultations. Children who have an I.E.P at School Action plus or a statement of Special Education Needs will have their targets reviewed with me either the week before half term or the week after. Look out for letters coming home directly to parents. We have been having a real push on movement around the school during lesson change, break time and lunchtime and I have to say I’m really impressed with the orderly and sensible way the children are moving around the school. We are now working on improving children’s behaviour at lunchtime which is the time they really let off steam! We are providing lots of activities for them to do and have eliminated hotspots such as prolonged lining up periods. What we are noticing is that some children do not have the same regard for the lunchtime staff as they do other school staff. Please could you help support us in this by reminding your children to be as polite and courteous to our lunch staff as they are to us during the school day. Any suggestions you may have to improve lunchtimes will be gratefully received! We have a phased plan in place, watch this space for more developments……..
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