Gulf Daily News Sunday, 23rd November 2014 Email: [email protected] 17 hrain’s bad drivers e exposed D AL OMARI e being exposed by a Facebook lations. ce On Our Roads group has more rly post photographs of poor parkin. e GDN that he started the group to egligent road users”. serving its purpose well,” he said. nting we want documented proof – of drivers breaking the law. ulture here in Bahrain – ignorance blem and ego is a massive part of nd you can’t reason with them then book group is to try and embarrass e hope that they will stop breaking police could not be everywhere at all times, it was the public’s duty to hold reckless drivers accountable. “I want this group to become more popular, because the more popular it becomes then the more effective it will be,” he said. “My hope is that some of the offenders will see the group or will hear of the posts – so they know that they are being watched, even while parking at a local mall. “Shame is an amazing motivator and we all have to do what we can to make the roads safer and more comfortable to drive on.” Mr Baqer explained that posts were monitored, to avoid expletives or people misusing the forum in anyway. Among some of the more popular posts are examples of bad parking. One member of the group, Ali Al Jufairi, posted a photo of a white Audi SUV that was parked on the pavement in a deserted car park. “How lazy can you be? With three vacant parking spaces,” he said. Fellow contributor Stuart Blaik sent in a photo of a trailer that had become unhitched and was rolling away near n Even drivers of small cars can be arrogant parkers n Improperly secured livestock caused concern among group users n Not even buses are exempt from the group’s eagle-eyed contributors the Gulf Hotel. “Trailer unhitches itself from a lorry and travels slowly about 20 metres before coming to a stop,” he said in a comment below the post. “Thankfully it didn’t happen on a three lane highway at 100kmph with someone behind.” Other photos of people parking across several disabled parking bays have generated a heated public response, while the group has also had a marked effect on at least one driver, who was spotted flouting the rules of the road in a Reza Hygiene-branded van. “I’m extremely grateful to a friend, a member of this group, who passed a clip to me regarding the ‘nutters’ who n A photo posted to the group shows that even with enough room to park properly, some drivers choose not to n Inconsiderate parkers are exposed drive up the dirt track on Janabiya Highway and then push onto the main road,” said Keith Watson. “As the division manager for Reza Hygiene in the region, I was appalled to see the clip of one of our drivers in a company vehicle doing exactly what I used to complain about when I used to take my children to school along that road. “Not only was the driver very severely disciplined, the incident was circulated throughout our company offices in the Gulf on the internal network – as a warning to all other employees whether driving a company vehicle, or not.” For more, search Arrogance and Negligence On Our Roads on Facebook. [email protected] n Group users questioned why these children were not wearing seatbelts
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