Ebenezer United Methodist Church November 23, 2014 Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. Flowers on the altar are given in memory of Rodney Reed. They are given by his family. Greeters Ushers Worship Leader: Acolyte: Assisting with Today's Services 8:30 Bob & Rhonda Vible 11:00 Ron & Peggy Case 8:30 Ed Wolfe & Curtis Reedy 11:00 John Humphreys & Don Grimes 8:30 Wayne Anderson 11:00 Don Pruden 8:30 Justin Dennis 11:00 Haden Helojoki CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY Commitment Sunday "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” Matthew 25:40 Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:30 & 11:00 am GATHERING Announcements/Greeting Kindly sign our pew register and pass to your neighbor. Please sign your name, address, and phone number as we’d like to acknowledge you being with us today. VIDEO MISSION MOMENT United Methodist Student Day Offering Sunday, November 30 “Songs of Thanks and Praise” Good Chimes Sharon Elery Rogers Italian Hymn, Lyons & The Ash Grove *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Sheep and goats are welcome here. Saints and sinners are part of God’s world. Come; rejoice in Christ Jesus, who welcomes us all! Come; share in his grace, that we all might become sheep— who feed one another, who show compassion and love, who offer comfort and mercy, who give as we have received. Come; rejoice in Christ Jesus, who welcomes us all! *PRAISE SONG UMH 694 “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” St. George’s Windsor CHAPEL TIME Children K – 5th grade may leave for Kids Own Worship, 11 am Service only. SCRIPTURE PRAYER (in unison) Jesus Christ, our sovereign, who is seated above all powers in the heavenly places, we worship you with gladness, for you are over all things, the head of the Church. Jesus Christ, Son of Man, who stands with us when we are hungry and sick, we give you thanks and bless your name. We come to you, you who are enthroned above all, even as you stand among us, and we thank you for your faithfulness to all generations. Amen. 2 EPISTLE LESSON Ephesians 1:15-23 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. *SRIPTURE SONG UMH 174 “His Name Is Wonderful” Audrey Mieir *GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 25:31-46 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. MINISTRY OF MUSIC (8:30) “All Thy Gifts of Love” Youth Singers David L. Brunner For food in a world where many walk in hunger, for peace in a world where many walk in fear, for friends in a world where many walk alone, we give you thanks, O God. For health in a world where many walk in sickness, for joy in a world where many walk in grief, for friends in a world where many walk alone, we give you thanks, O God. For love in a world where many walk in anger, light in a world where many walk in darkness, friends in a world where many walk alone, we give you thanks, O God. For these and all the many things unspoken, for gifts unknown or, as of yet unseen. For these and all thy gifts of love, we give you thanks, O God. (11:00) “Come, You That Are Blessed by God” Anne Krentz Organ Chancel Choir Words: adapt. Matthew 25:34-40 MESSAGE Rev. Ted Day STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Tom Fort *RESPONSE TO THE WORD (responsive) Pastor: In the past few weeks we have been challenged to consider our Stewardship commitment supporting the Ministry programs of our Church for the coming year. We have been given an opportunity to express our intentions. We have now arrived at the time when our pledges will be dedicated publicly, together with our own commitments to our Ministry here at Ebenezer. People: We give You but Your Own, whatever the gift may be; All that we have is Yours alone, a trust O Lord from You. Leader: As You have chosen us, O GOD, and enriched our lives, People: We offer ourselves, our talents, and our substance to You. 3 Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: To the Ministry of the Gospel, the inspiration of sacred music, and the singing of the Hymns of the ages. We offer ourselves, our talents and our substance to You. To the Christian Education of Children, the Guidance of youth, and to the Spiritual Security and Renewal of those of mature years. We offer ourselves, our talents, and our substance to You. To the Christian character of our neighborhoods, the spirit of tolerance and good will. We offer ourselves, our talents, and our substance to You. For the Christianization of the world, the economic and spiritual elevation of untold millions. We offer ourselves, our talents, and our substance to You. Looking for that day when the Spirit of Christ shall clothe itself in the hearts of all people, swords shall be beaten into plowshares and peace shall cover the earth. We offer ourselves, our talents, and our substance to You. (Presentation of pledges and gifts.) *PRESENTATION OF GIFTS “We Thank You, Lord” For the gift of life and family, for all the beauty that we see. For the way You love eternally: we thank You, Lord. Michael J. Will When we grieve a loss or suffer pain and face the things that cause us shame, there is hope and healing in Your name: we thank You, Lord. And we return to You our gifts and service with a glad and gen’rous heart. And we return to You a glad and gen’rous heart. And we return to You our gifts and service with a glad and gen’rous heart. And we return to You a glad and gen’rous heart For the gift of life and family, for all the beauty that we see. For the way You love eternally: we thank You, Lord. We thank You, Lord. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION (in unison) Almighty and Everlasting GOD: You have given us life, Christian homes, indeed all that we have. Accept our gifts and these pledges which symbolize the giving of our lives. Transform the gold from our purses into programs which enlarge our vision and strengthen our Church, seeking the happiness of Children, the stimulus of Youthful ideas, and the assurance of the rewards of righteousness. We pray in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. 4 *PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. *DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING (responsive) Come, you who are blessed! Inherit all that is prepared for you! We leave this sacred space to claim the riches and glorious inheritance that are ours through Christ. Go out into the world to share your blessings with all in need. Amen. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. *SONG OF SERVICE “Whatever You Do” St. Denio 1. “Whatever you do to the least ones of these, I tell you in truth that you do unto me!” Lord Jesus, you taught us! May we learn anew that when we serve others, we also serve you. 3. In prisons and jails, Lord, we find a surprise: we see you in people whom others despise. At hospital bedsides we offer a prayer and find, when we visit the sick, you are there. 2. When poor, waiting children pray hunger will end, when those long-forgotten cry out for a friend, when thirsty ones whisper, “O Lord, where are you?” we hear, in their longing, that you’re calling, too. 4. When we reach to others in flood-stricken lands and offer our hearts there, and offer our hands, we notice, Lord Jesus, the gift of your grace; we see, in the crowds of the suffering, your face. 5. “Lord, when did we see you?” Your teaching is clear that when we serve others, we’re serving you here. And when your church heeds you and helps those in pain, then out of the chaos, hope rises again. © 2008 Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. Used by permission. Worship & Song 3128 *GOING FORTH “Now Thank We All Our God” 5 setting by Carlos Staszeski *please stand, as you are able. UMH: The United Methodist Hymnal (red) *This Order of Worship is subject to the direction of the Holy Spirit.* Scriptures in preparation for the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014: Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Our Prayers Our Nation Our President and Congress Family struggles; Job opportunities; Peace in the Middle-East Salvation of loved Ones; Our Schools; Guidance and protection of children, especially the young girls and their families abducted in Nigeria; North and Northeast states and Arizona suffering the effects of flooding; Texas and California suffering from drought Countries in turmoil, especially Syria Ukraine., Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia,; Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea suffering from the Ebola crisis Persecuted Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Malaysia & Singapore and the Fiji islands ; Nigeria, Uganda, and Sudan; Central Africa, Mali, Pakistan; Charleen Demetrio Jon Eric Klair Lauretta DeHaney Carol Dietz Esther McElhinney Tom Fort, Jr. Hazel Meyer Jan Klair Megan Wittman Zach Trexler Mary Simmons Lucille Zinn Donald Bogert Channie & Betty Dennis Dot Godwin Chris Snyder Evelyn Stehman Scott Lemmon Debbie Alexander Akshay Luthra Jenny May Wendy Bosari Luke Bogert Wallace Hudson Ruth Dore Ken Bieri Evelyn Lapointe Sherry Brelsford Shirley Worden Alex Botlluk Kevin Smith Helen Woods Family of Everett Warrington Lynn Lucht Please continue to remember those who serve our Country in the Military. Especially pray for Aaron Swatski, Autumn Bogert; Corey Matthis, Seth Meney, Matt Devestine and others represented from our Congregation. 6 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7:30pm at Resurrection Parish 3000 Videre Drive (off of New Linden Hill Road) Wilmington, DE 19808 302-368-0146 Come, ye thankful people, come, as we gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing! We come from: First Presbyterian Church-Newark, White Clay Creek Presbyterian Ebenezer UMC to gather at Resurrection Parish to raise the song of harvest home! Our own Rev. Ted Day is bringing the message, musicians from all four churches will be leading us in worship, and a combined handbell choir made up of ringers from First Presbyterian, White Clay and Ebenezer will be ringing their praises. Non-perishable food offering for Resurrection Parish Food Bank and cash offering for Doctors Without Borders for their response to the Ebola crisis will be received. Ebenezer is participating in The Salvation Army Red kettle Campaign again this year! The location is ZINGO’S on 3 consecutive Saturdays: December 6, 13 & 20. As we did last year, we have committed to 1 hour slots from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. We need volunteers to take part in this vital ministry…individuals, teams, families, no musical ability required! We’ll have sign-up sheets Sunday morning as well. Ebenezer Christmas Ornaments $10.00 each Glass ornaments: Available in burgundy or blue with the Ebenezer logo proudly displayed Great addition to any Christmas tree! Makes a great gift! All proceeds benefit Ebenezer Education Committee See Carolyn Hafer for more information SAVE THE DATE Sunday December 14th at 7 P.M. There will be a prayer vigil for Zach Trexler in the sanctuary. Pageant Rehearsals As we approach the Christmas season the children’s Sunday School classes will begin preparing for the Christmas Pageant. This preparation will require a change to the Sunday School schedule. Beginning Sunday, November 23, classes will meet for half of the time and the practice will be during the other half of the hour. Students will continue to report to the classroom then be accompanied by the teachers to the practice. Advent activities will be the focus of the class time during Advent. 7 Sunday Breakfast Mission 60-Ton Food Challenge The Great Thanksgiving Box Food Drive Ebenezer is again supporting the Sunday Breakfast Mission’s annual food drive. There is a box in the hall by the CLC for you to use in delivering your food gifts. This food will be used to fill Thanksgiving food boxes for the needy in the Wilmington area or you may leave your food items in the baskets at the altar. SBM Food Collection Items Canned Cranberry Sauce Boxed Stuffing Mix Boxed Cereal Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit Canned Soup Canned Yams Canned Gravy or Mix Pie Filling Instant Pudding and Jell-O Instant Potatoes Mac and Cheese Pasta Spaghetti Sauce Canned Tomatoes Canned Beef Stew Canned Ham Canned Spam Canned Beef Canned Chicken Canned Tuna Peanut Butter Jelly Drink Mix Baby Food Please note that this list serves as a suggestion list. Additional non-perishable food items can also be donated. ‘ Tis the season! It’s time for Ebenezer’s traditional Angel Tree gift-giving in support of this wonderful outreach program for incarcerated parents and their children. This year we’ve been assigned 22 children. We are asked to provide two gifts for each child for a total of 44 gifts, to be delivered to the children’s homes before Christmas. The Angel Tree and Tags will be available beginning November 23, 2014, in the narthex, please select an angel tag and complete the sign-up sheet. Wrapped gifts ($20 range) must be returned no later than Sunday, December 14. We hope you prayerfully consider helping. What a great way to share the love of Christ! Deb August, & Jean Coulbourne A Gentle Reminder… We love all our children here at Ebenezer, but for the safety of all, our church nursery is for children infant to Pre-K only. Children who are in Kindergarten or above should attend their appropriate Sunday School class during the Sunday School hour or attend the church service with their parents. Kids Own Worship is available for children during the 11:00 service. 8 Be a part of the 4000 plus young people and their leaders that will converge on Ocean City in 2015! The 28th Annual Youth Rally lasts for three worship-filled days, starting Friday, January 9th and concluding on Sunday, January 11th. RECOMMENDED AGES: grades 7th - Older FINAL REGISTRATION ENDS: December 15, 2014 (asking for those interested to commit* by Sunday, December 7th...PLEASE!) FEE: $79/person (youth and chaperones) If you are interested and/or need more information, please contact: Vicki Bouchat-Maynard at [email protected] 302-540-4547 OR Visit the website: http://www.umyoungpeople.org/ *NOTE: payment in full by 12/7/2014 Additional Youth Leaders participating in this wonderful event include: Tim Hudson, Jennifer Simmons, Jean Harlan and others. 9 10 Gifts for the Christ Child “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” Matt. 18:5 At all of Ebenezer Church’s worship services on Sunday, December 7th and 15th, 21st and at each special service on Christmas Eve you are welcome to bring a gift of baby food for the Christ Child. The items we collect will be distributed to families in need through St. Stephen’s Food Pantry in Wilmington. Your food gifts will truly be a blessing to the young innocents among us for whom our Lord has a special place in his heart. Please consider this ministry while shopping for your holiday meals and make a visit to the baby food aisle. Thank you and may God’s Peace be with you in this blessed season. Paul and Beth Manchester Once again we are collecting home-baked cookies to distribute to inmates in Delaware prisons. This is a small way to show them that God hasn’t forgotten them. We need your help to get 70,000 cookies this year. This would be a good project for circles, youth, men , etc. as well as individuals. Please send sturdy cookies with no Brownies, Peanut Butter or Nuts, and no Aluminum Foil wrapping. The cookies will be packed at Peniel United Methodist Church. Please have the cookies in the Ebenezer kitchen in boxes listing how many are in the box by the morning of December 2 and I will deliver them to Peniel. Phil Gardner Hebrews 13:3 says "Remember those in prison as though in prison with them" 11 Contributions can only be made online at www.umcmission.org/give. We are asking for donations to be made for Sue Givens to continue you her good works Paraguay. The UMCOR Advance number is # 3021089. This goes directly to the school in Paraguay. And Global Ministries will allocate the “matching funds” dollar for dollar. 12 On the Calendar this week…. Sun 11/23 Mon 11/24 Tues 11/25 Wed 11/26 Thur 11/27 Fri 11/28 Sat 11/29 FAMILY PROMISE BEGINS—LOWER LEVEL 3:00PM Millcroft Ministries FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL 1:00pm Staff Meeting FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL 9:30 Advent Bible Study (Rm. 204) 11:30am AA (Rm. 204) 12:30pm Daybreak Counseling 7:00pm Advent Bible Study (Rm. 204) FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL 10:00am Hope Dining Room 11:00am Intercessory Prayer (Pastor’s Study) 6:30pm Cub Scouts (CLC) 7:30pm ALAnon (Room with a View) 7:00pm Ecumenical Thanksgiving service (Resurrection Parish) FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL Office Closed 6:45pm N A (Rm. 204) FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL Office Closed FAMILY PROMISE—LOWER LEVEL 9:45pm NA (CLC) Looking Ahead Mon Tues 12/1 12/2 Wed Thurs 12/3 12/4 11:30am Social Single Seniors UMC GIVING TUESDAY 9:30am Advent Bible Study (Rm. 204) 7:00pm Missions Meeting 5:00pm UMW Christmas Dinner 6:30pm Health & Wellness Ted Day, Pastor Kerry W. Dietz, Minister of Worship & Music Calvin Keeler, Sr. Minister of Visitation Kathy Bieri, Preschool Director Judy Nazarewycz, Administrative Assistant All our members, ministers Church email: [email protected] Website: EbenezerUMCNewark .org Phone (302) 731-9495 13 A poinsettia display will adorn our church altar again this Christmas. If you would like to participate, place an order by using the form below. You may put the completed form, along with your payment, in the offering plate or send it to the church office. In lieu of flowers, a gift of equal amount may be given to support homeless families. The deadline to order is Sunday, November 30th. The cost of each poinsettia will be a $12. Please pre-pay your order by making checks to Ebenezer UMC, indicating in the memo line whether it is for poinsettias or a donation to the homeless. I want to order _______ (indicate number) poinsettias. I want to donate _______ (indicate $ donation) to homeless families. Check enclosed _______ Cash enclosed _________ [Please print] (Please complete…we do not keep information from previous year) IN MEMORY OF: ________________________________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF: __________________________________________________________________________ GIVEN BY: [envelope number________] __________________________________________________________ ___ I would like my poinsettia delivered to a home bound member after 11:00 a.m. service on Dec. 21. ____ I will pick up my poinsettia on December 25. ____ I am willing to leave my poinsettia the sanctuary through December 31. 14
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