Quail Notes December, 2014 CELEBRATING Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference Dear Friends and Members of Desert Hills Lutheran, It is December and time for us to again find ways to welcome the Christ child into the world and into our own lives. This month can get away from us and sometimes we try to place all our spiritual marbles into the marble bag on December 24th or maybe even December 25th. The season of Advent was always a way of helping us keep our focus and our thanks to God. We will have a wonderful Christmas Concert on December 11 and each Sunday will help us make our own journey to Bethlehem. In between we will take care of the other activities of the season, but we won't forget the “reason for the season.” I mentioned in an E-Quail about our esteemed Administrator, David Thatcher, retiring. He will be leaving us at the end of January but will be part of the congregation following retirement. David has been so important in our financial stability, the building programs and capital appeals. A consultant came in eight years ago and said that my skills were not in administration and he was right. Thanks be to God that we hired David. We wish him all the best. We will miss his laughter in the hallways. We also say goodbye to Larry Schwartzlow. He too has retired and, in fact, has started his retirement already. He wanted to ride off into the sunset with no fanfare. Larry has an amazing work ethic and devoted great energy into making sure our place looked beautiful both inside and out. He will be missed. That is all for now. I'll see you at worship! Merry Christmas! Blessings, Pastor Martin Christmas Concerts December 5 & 6, 6pm — Joy Ringers & Lord of the Ringers perform at the Tubac Luminaria Festival, Tubac December 11, 3 & 7pm — DHLC Christmas Concert Reflections of His Light at Desert Hills Lutheran Church, GV Christmas Eve Worship Schedule 1:00pm & 3:00pm — A Country Christmas — Country Gospel Band 5:00pm — Traditional Worship — Celebration Singers 7:00pm — Traditional Worship — Chancel Choir Christmas Day Worship Schedule 10:00am — Traditional Worship — Christmas Choir In this issue: Grace Notes ............................... Lutefisk Dinner ........................... Footloose Singles Group ............ Parish Nurse Notes .................... Stephen Ministers ...................... Women’s Ministries ................... DHLC Book Groups .................... Fellowship Group Event ............. Men’s Ministries ....................... Photo Directory .......................... “Looney Lutherans” Play............ Education Committee Events .... Council Report ........................... Estate Sale Donation .................. Estate Sales Schedule................. Global Missions .......................... Meet the Authors....................... Scandinavian Club ...................... Foundation Corner ..................... Thank You! ................................. Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Verse of the Month And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10 Grace Notes MELODY by Director of Music Ministry, Judy Starr H A R M O N Y As we come to the end of 2014, I would personally like to thank everyone who has participated in the Music Ministry at DHLC. Some of us are here year-round and others are here for the winter season. There are many hours of practice for musicians and singers. Thank you for your participation and for touching the hearts of the members of our church. There are other staff members who help with sound, lighting, bulletins, ticket sales and publicity. All of these things are critical to the success of the Music Ministry. Thank you so much for your time and your support. The Worship Arts Team also contributes so much to our concerts with the decorations and banners. They help the whole presentation so much. We had a wonderful Halloween Organ Concert. It was fun to see so many people dressed in costume. It was a funfilled evening for everyone. (See the photos below.) The Joy Ringers and Lord of the Ringers are performing at the Tubac Luminaria on December 5 & 6, at 6pm. Be sure to stop by and support these great musicians from DHLC. On Thursday, December 11, we will have our annual Christmas Concert, Reflections of His Light. There will be two concerts on that day — 3pm & 7pm. Tickets are needed for seating. Both of these concerts fill up. We hope you will join us for this holiday production. One new church member said to me that she loves being here because the congregation loves to sing. It is so inspiring to her. That is why she is attending this church. There is great joy in the service. So, you hymn warriors, keep up the good work. You make a difference, too! Lutefisk Dinner — Friday, January 16, 4:30pm Menu: Lutefisk with melted butter or white sauce, meatballs, potatoes, coleslaw, lefse, rice pudding, lingonberry sauce and krumkake. Tickets ($17) will be available starting December 6 & 7 after worship services and from the receptionist during the week until sold out. There will be more tickets available this year, so bring your friends. Upon arrival, tickets will be exchanged for a number for the order of seating. There will be entertainment in the sanctuary while waiting for your number to be called. This dinner is sponsored by the Scandinavian Fellowship Group. 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 520-648-1633 www.dhlc.org Halloween Organ Concert Photos Worship Times Saturday — 5:00pm Sunday — 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st & 3rd weekend of each month at all services. Sunday School Classes at 9:30am September-May Office Hours Monday-Friday — 8:30am to 4:00pm Pastoral Staff Rev. Dr. Martin N. Overson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Richard Lind, Associate Pastor Quail Notes newsletter is published monthly. E-mail articles for consideration for the January issue by December 15 to [email protected]. Limit articles to 300 words or less. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions. Footloose Singles Group The Christmas dinner potluck will be on Sunday, December 14, from 2 to 5pm in the fellowship hall. Please sign up by December 12 and designate what you will bring. The meat will be provided. We will play Christmas bingo and sing Christmas carols. We will also have a White Elephant gift exchange, so be looking for those great gifts. The Footloose Singles group will be attending the Gaslight Theater Christmas show on Friday, December 19, at 3:00pm. We will meet at the church at 1:30pm for carpooling. The tickets ($18) must be paid for in advance at the church office. Please purchase your ticket no later than December 3. 2 Notes Incorporating spiritual values into health education Celebrating and Toasting in the Holidays Without Risky Drinking People drink for many reasons, whether it is football season or celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Research and scientists are still working on learning why people use, abuse and sometimes become addicted to alcohol. About two-thirds of American adults had at least one drink during the past year, more than one in ten adults grapple with alcohol dependence or alcoholism and one in five struggle with alcohol abuse. We know from research that roughly half the risk for alcoholism can be explained by some genes as well as the environment, including friends and family, your anxiety and stress levels and even your childhood experiences. When it comes to harmful drinking, problems can range from neglecting family responsibilities, damage to the liver and cause several types of cancer, inflammation of the pancreas and brain damage. Alcohol interacts with drugs that you may be taking for a medical condition and can exacerbate the alcohol content in your blood system which can cause damage to the liver. When it comes to holiday drinking, the consequences can range from making an embarrassing remark to causing a deadly accident and/or being arrested for drunk driving. The reported problem with holiday drinking is that people often drink for longer periods of time than they normally do. If you decide to drink during a holiday celebration, drink responsibly! Pace yourself and limit yourself to half of an alcohol-containing drink per hour, don’t drink on an empty stomach, alternate alcohol-containing drinks with nonalcoholic ones such as water, soda or juice and make sure you have a designated driver to get everyone home safely after the celebration. Resources: National Institute on Health and Human Services/Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism May God grant you wonderful memories, hope, joy, peace and a SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON! Anna Tometczak, RN – Parish Nurse Upcoming Health & Wellness Events: Red Cross Blood Drive at DHLC, Thursday, December 11, from 9am to 2pm. To schedule your appointment or for more information, contact our Parish Nurse at 648-1633, ext. 29 or log on to redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: desert. Caregiver’s Support Group meets the second Thursday of the month from 10:30-11:30am. The next Support group meeting is Thursday, December 11. Contact our Parish Nurse at 648-1633, ext. 29 or by email at [email protected]. Stephen Ministers: The After People People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People. Stephen Ministers are there: … after the phone call you hoped you’d never get. … after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life. … after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you. … after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.” … after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.” … after your son or daughter honks the horn, waves and drives away – and the house suddenly seems empty. … after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on and your loved one is led away. … after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are ready to come alongside you – or your friends, neighbors or relatives – and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. If you would like to speak with someone about having your own Stephen Minister, please call Emilie Odde, 393-0639 or Wally Mohr, 625-2682. If you would like information to become a Stephen Minister, please call Betty Behm, 648-0271 or Katharine Baker, 398-6767. A new Stephen Ministry training class has been scheduled for 2015. The dates are February 17 through March 17, Tuesdays and Fridays, 8:30am to 1pm. If you have any questions about this ministry, don’t hesitate to call Katharine Baker, 398-6767 or Betty Behm, 648-0271. 3 Women's Ministries at DHLC Monday, December 1, 9am to 10:30am Bible Study—Lot's Wife: A Pillar of the Community A vast array of Christmas goodies will greet you; bring your friends, family, house guests and neighbors and enjoy this lively video and group discussion. Monday, December 8, 11:30am to 1:30pm Catered Luncheon Each year we explore a different holiday tradition and this year it will be Christmas in the Philippines with a visit from FASCOT - Filipino-American Sampguita Club of Tucson - who will entertain us with their colorful dress and native music and dance. Tickets are $5.00 and will be available between services two weeks prior to the luncheon or at the church office. Ticket deadline is Wednesday, December 3 and they will go fast! Saturday, February 14, 8am to 3pm Lighten Up ... Be Open to Joy & Laughter - Mini Retreat Return of delightful Moravian Bishop Kay Ward! Tickets ($20) will go FAST! They will be available at the December Bible Study and Luncheon. And they are the perfect Christmas gift. The Women's Ministries will be sponsoring a New Unwrapped Toy Drive for infants to children 12 years old. Suggestions are: learning toys, books, dolls, blocks, crafts, action figures, board games and movies. A detailed list of toys may be found on the Women's Bulletin Board or on the large Christmas box, both in the fellowship hall. Absolute deadline for your donations is Sunday, December 14. There will also be a collection for Safeway Gift Cards to benefit the Crossroads Mission in Nogales. Your generosity is GREATLY appreciated during this holiday season. As we go to print, the totals from our Boutique Sale are nearing $10,000! Checks will be presented to the Navajo Lutheran Mission School, Youth On Their Own, the Amado Youth Center and “51 Homes For Veterans.” Thrivent Financial Services contributed $300 to our efforts this year. A huge thank you goes out to all who donated, worked and prayed for this successful event. 26th Synod Convention/Gathering Notes - NAU Campus, Flagstaff, AZ - October 24-26 Grand Canyon Synod includes southern Utah, Nevada and Arizona. Peggy Bowker, Judy Gunson, Mira Johnson, Mazie Hastings and Suki Kisling represented DHLC. There were 118 attendees; plus 7 scholarship students from U of A and NAU. Moravian Bishop Kay Ward spoke on Lifeline Connections. LOVE offering (proceeds to the W-ELCA Grand Canyon Synod) was $3720 and Sunday offering (1/2 Churchwide; 1/4 NAU; 1/4 ASU and U of A) was $3,229. Newly elected officers: Laura Krueger, President; Suki Kisling, Vice President; Susan Drane, Secretary; Marlene Haller, Treasurer Fall Retreat, October 23-25, 2015, Spirit in the Desert, Carefree, AZ Ladies Literary Society Fellowship Group The Ladies Literary Society is a book discussion group that meets the 4th Friday of the month except December when we meet on the 3rd Friday, at 1pm. We welcome all who enjoy a good read and discussion. Following is a list of our upcoming books: December 19: Skipping Christmas by John Grisham January 23: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd February 27: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer March 27: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin Once again by popular demand the Fellowship Group has reserved 60 seats at the Gaslight Theatre for the performance of Two Gun McGraw—Showdown in Old Pueblo for the Sunday matinee on January 18, at 3pm. Tickets are $18 each and are available at the front desk (tickets must be purchased by January 1). Food and drinks are available for purchase at the theatre. There are handicap seats available so you need to mention that when you purchase tickets. Doors open at 2:15pm. These tickets always get sold out quickly so buy your tickets soon. Everyone is invited to attend! The Bookmen The Bookmen meet Wednesdays weekly at 7:45am at Manuel’s Restaurant for breakfast, fellowship and lively book discussion. All men are invited to join this group. 4 Men's Ministries at DHLC Men’s Bible Study meets weekly in the patio room on Thursdays at 1pm. All men are invited to attend. We are currently studying 1st Kings. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast—There is NO Men’s Fellowship Breakfast in the month of December. The next scheduled breakfast is January 22, at 8:30am in the fellowship hall. Our speaker in January will be Wally Mohr. He will be doing a presentation on our country’s national parks. All men are welcome to join us, so please set aside time to attend the breakfast fellowship. Handy Man Services is here to provide help to members and friends of DHLC. Handy Man Services remained busy throughout the summer and has become even busier now that more people have returned to Green Valley. We expect this to continue. If you would like to request services from this group, please let us know. The contact person is Marv Berke at 6480148 or [email protected]. Handy Man Services is looking for additional helpers. If you are willing to help, please contact Marv using the above contact information. It would also be nice to know what type of services you feel comfortable providing. Men@Work—The group meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Patio Room of the church. In December the dates are the 2nd & 16th. We have a great time and would like to see the group grow and become a source of enjoyment and fellowship for a larger number of men. If you have any questions or would just like to learn more about the group please contact Tim Warlick at [email protected] or call/text him at 336-7567. Men’s Health Group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month from October thru May. In December it will be meeting on the 15th. The meeting will be held at 9am in room 102, the back portion of the Chapel. Mark Dec will be presenting Friends In Deed and the services they provide to our communities. WoodWorkers—This group is currently working on Lenten Jig Saw Puzzles. There is work for both skilled and non-skilled woodworkers. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Louis Guthmueller at 399-9241 or [email protected]. December 2-6 & December 9-13 Thank you to those who signed up for the December picture appointments. Plan to be here at your appointment time which should take approximately one hour. Bring a can of food for the community food bank and you will receive an additional 5% off if you should decide to purchase pictures. You will receive one free photo. Please note that the background for your picture will be blue. The next appointments to sign-up for the directory will be announced through the bulletin and the E-Quail for January photos. DHLC Sponsoring “Looney Lutherans” Play The Looney Lutherans will present a play on Tuesday, January 27, at 7pm at DHLC. Tickets ($10) for the play will be on sale beginning December 15. Mark your calendars for this entertaining event. The Looney Lutherans are a trio of wacky gals using music, comedy and some help from the audience, to share some ageold wisdom for living a long and healthy life the Lutheran way. (But you don't have to be Lutheran to love 'em!) This trio of Looney Lutherans were the founding members of the hit musical Church Basement Ladies at the Plymouth Playhouse in Plymouth, Minnesota. 5 Desert Hills Lutheran is a Busy Place! The calendar is constantly changing. Check the weekly calendar in the weekend worship bulletin for upcoming events. The most current monthly calendar is on our website which can be accessed at www.dhlc.org and then clicking the calendar tab or by clicking the links at the top or bottom of each weekly EQuail. The two electronic screens in the church are a good place to look when you come in for an event/meeting and want to find out what room to go to. They are located in the reception area and in the west hallway. If you have a meeting or event and need to schedule a room, please go to the front desk and fill out the appropriate form. Calendar changes should be given to Jan Howard by calling 6481633 or emailing [email protected]. Education Committee Events CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Maggie Ramlow will present a Christmas program, Kenneth Bailey’s A Clear View of Christ’s Birth, on Thursday, December 4 & Friday, December 5, from 9 to 10am in the sanctuary. This is a repeat of last year’s program. MARTIN LUTHER KING IN THE WORLD TODAY: The education committee is meeting with Troy Justesen and Judy Starr to plan an interactive program of video and music that will begin at 11am on Martin Luther King Day, January 19, to be held in the sanctuary. The program will address human rights in the world today. With MLK and civil rights in the 60's began awareness of human rights for all. If you had personal experience with these issues that you would like to share, please let Maggie Ramlow know at [email protected]. In the Spring we will continue with learning about THE PARABLES. The dates are March 12 & 13, from 9 to 11am, in the fellowship hall. Congregation Council Meeting Highlights November 18, 2014 The Treasurer’s Report indicated that contributions to the 2014 Unified Fund are 7% ahead of last year. Expenses continue to be under budget. Contributions to the 2014 Debt Retirement Fund are 5% ahead of budget. It was another “Praise the Lord” financial report. Plans are proceeding to start serving a noon meal on Sundays starting in December. Dick Hansen, chair of the Audit Committee, reviewed the audit report from Terry B. Cogan, CPA. The Council met with Kevin Ford from TAG Consulting regarding engaging them to work with our congregation through a congregational survey and comparing our ministry with that of other churches to determine strengths and areas needing attention; coaching our staff; having focus groups regarding church strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities, hopes and dreams; and identifying our core values. The Long Range Planning Committee of the Council recommended that the Council consider engaging TAG Consulting. Following the meeting with Kevin Ford, the Council approved engaging TAG Consulting for work in 2015. Estate Sales Donation to Local Food Bank Christmas Concert “Reflections of His Light” Thursday December 11 3pm & 7pm No Admission Fee Tickets Required for Seating Tickets Available in Church Office Free Will Offering “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 6 Don Brown, church council liaison for the Estate Sales Team of Desert Hills Lutheran Church, presented a $1,000 check to Mary Jane Goodrick, Executive Director of the Food Bank of Green Valley. The check is in response to the Food Bank’s “Color My Feathers” campaign to purchase and distribute turkeys for the holidays. The DHLC Estate Sales Team consists of 3035 volunteers serving Green Valley residents by arranging and conducting estate sales. A commission is charged for this service and helping the Food Bank is our way of giving back to the community. The sales season is from October 1 through April 30 of the following year. Sales may be scheduled on a weekly basis except for church holidays weeks. Estate Sales Schedule Two DHLC Estate Sales are scheduled for December. Sales are held Thursday (7:30-11:30am) and Friday (7:30am to closing) unless otherwise noted. Watch for our ad in the Green Valley News for information on each sale. Be sure to stop by and shop! 1) December 4 & 5 2) December 11 & 12 Canoa Seca Estates II Country Club Estates 3776 Del Reyecuelo 1441 Maravilloso Global Missions — Alternative Gifts for Christmas Christmas is coming and we can help with your gift list! On December 6/7, 13/14 and 20/21, Global Missions will be offering you the opportunity to give a gift for family and/or friends while giving to people around the world. You purchase an animal or service, receive a gift card so you can notify your recipient that an animal or service has been given in their name and the funds go to the ELCA. The ELCA uses your gift to procure what you have designated and gives it to the person or group in need. The ELCA is careful with your gift and will also provide training so your gift can really make a difference. This is not a “hand out” but it is a “leg up” program. Will you participate in this important program with us starting December 6? Thanks from the Global Missions team. Meet the Authors On Saturday, December 6, the annual "Meet the Authors" Book Fair will be held in the DHLC fellowship hall from 1-4 pm. This event is sponsored by the Santa Cruz Valley Chapter of the Society of Southwestern Authors and will feature a large number of authors from Arizona. Short readings will be conducted by a variety of authors in different genres. Thank you for your support of this event! Scandinavian Club The Scandinavian Fellowship Group will meet Tuesday, December 9, at 5pm (back to regular day and time). Rev. Herb Chilstrom will reflect on the subject "Swedish Saints: an assumption, an oxymoron, or none of the above." All are welcome! Bring a dish for potluck, your own plate and silverware. Everyone is welcome! NO German Heritage Group until January. Watch the bulletins and E-Quail for further meeting information. Foundation Corner - Three Wise Gifts Perhaps we can thank the three wise kings from the east for our tradition of gift giving at Christmas. Just as the Christ child received three different kinds of gifts, His church today continues to need three kinds of wise gifts. The first is that of our regular weekly giving that we refer to as tithing. The second gift is that which we refer to as offerings where we can support ministries for which we have a passion. The third type of gift is that which we refer to as legacy giving. Legacy giving is where we take a portion of all that He has provided us throughout our life and return that portion to God’s continued work here on earth. These gifts come from our estate plans in thanks to Him for all that He has provided us. This Christmas won’t you please consider a legacy gift of your own? To receive assistance on how to give an end-of-year tax-wise legacy gift, contact our ELCA Foundation Gift Planner, Greg Shepherd, at: 909-910-6823 or [email protected]. Willing Witness Workshop—Save the Date! Plan on attending this very educational workshop conducted by our congregation’s gift planner, Greg Shepherd, Thursday, January 29 at 12pm. You will learn how you can witness to your loved ones through your will and trust as well as how to leave tax-wise gifts from your estate. Come learn about Christian preambles, charitable gift annuities for increasing your income, wealth replacement strategies, give-it-twice trusts and new tax laws regarding IRAs. The workshop will last from 12 to 1:30pm and lunch will be provided. Greg Shepherd has 25 years experience in the financial services industry and seven years working as a Regional Gift Planner for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He has worked with hundreds of members from over 50 congregations throughout the southwest and has been working with our congregation and the DHLC Foundation for the past year. 7 Pastor Martin always says that you don’t need the right words when sadness happens, you just need to “show up.” And that’s just what you did. You showed up to visit, you showed up with food; you showed up at Wayne’s service with wonderful hugs, you showed up with memorials in his name. My neighbors and unchurched friends were so impressed with how you gave and showed your love. And that wasn’t all! Special thanks to Judy Starr and the incredible Resurrection Choir, to Lorelie Conrad on trumpet, to Gordon and his great organ renditions. Your music went straight to my heart. Untold thanks to all my WELCA friends for the beautiful tables and millions of cookies. And lastly, a giant hurray to Troy Justesen for putting together the pre-service photo montage (a huge job!) and for Pastor Martin and his message. You have all blessed me and my family and we are very grateful. Thank you! Carol Pohl and Family Larry and I would like to thank everyone for all their concerns, prayers, cards and phone calls. Also grateful thanks to Pastor Richard Lind and Visitation Minister Antony Potter for their visits and prayers while Larry was in the hospital. God’s Blessings to you all … Larry & Jackie Schwartzlow Please Notify Us! Please be sure to make the church office aware of the desire for pastoral visits, communion at home, hospitalization, condition changes or moves to different facilities or home. Be sure to let us know the name of the hospital or facility. We want to stay in touch with you! CELEBRATING Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit # 16 2150 S. Camino del Sol Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352 www.dhlc.org Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material Please Deliver Promptly Please notify the church office of any address changes. 8 Green Valley, AZ
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