Children's 101 Materials

*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Children's 101 Materials
Lesson 1: What's the Bible and How
do I Read It? God's Map for Our Lives
Lesson 2: Is Anybody Out There?
Discovering Who God Is
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
"What Should I Do?"
"The Greatest Invention"
Poster illustrating the seven
days of creation
"Jesus Is…"
Fruit (real, fake or drawings)
labeled with each fruit of the
Lesson 3: Who Is Jesus? Exploring the
Claims of Jesus Christ
Lesson 4: What Does the Holy Spirit
Do For Me? Understanding the Holy
Spirit's Role in My Life
Lesson 5: Remember When?
Reviewing Children's 101, Lessons 1 – 4
Lesson 6: What is Sin? The Good, the
Bad & the Ugly
"Memory Madness"
Solar system (model or
• Black & red food coloring
• Three cups
• One pitcher of water
Children’s 101 Materials
Game Supplies
List of what the Bible says to do
• Bible per student
• Quiet Time journal per
26 letters cut out on paper
List of true & false statements
about Jesus
• Large star stickers (one per
• Coin (for flip)
• Blindfold
• Fruit of the Spirit (from Object
• Obstacles (chairs, tables, etc.)
Labels (to print review cards on)
Paper/cardstock for labels
Large bull's-eye
Masking tape
Stickers (two per student)
• Candle
• Large glass
• Match
Jeopardy posterboard
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
Mustard seeds
• Large container filled with rice &
50 paper clips
• Smaller bowl
• Two blindfolds
• Timer
• Bible per student
• Highlighters
• "How to Become a
Christian Booklet" per
student (create own or
contact Saddleback
Church Resources to
Lesson 7: Why Should I Be a
Christian? Exploring Faith and Salvation
"The Glory of the Cross"
Lesson 8: What's Baptism All About?
Baptism Class
"Wheel of Baptism"
Lesson 9: How Long Does Salvation
Last? God's Promise for Eternal Security
Lesson 10: What Will Heaven Really
Be Like? Jesus Welcomes His Followers
Lesson 11: Remember When?
Reviewing Children's 101, Lessons 6 –
Lesson 12: What's Communion All
About? The Last Supper
"Salvation Scramble"
• Construction paper
• Jewels
• Miscellaneous
• Glue sticks
• Scissors
"Moments of Memories"
"Communion Word
Wedding ring
Magic sand
• Loaf of bread
• Bundle of grapes
Children’s 101 Materials
• Two sponges
• Four water buckets (two with
line to reach marked on inside;
two filled with water)
Five keys
Five boxes with prizes inside
Five locks (one per box)
Ten questions
• Puzzle pieces that spell out
• Masking tape
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
• Four Communion symbol-cup,
bread, donkey & cross-printouts
• Masking tape
Baptism class (use your
church's process for
children or contact
Saddleback Church
Children's Ministry)
Small object ("Uncover
the Truth")
Crayons or markers
Jeopardy posterboard
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 13: Ready to Take
Communion? In Remembrance of Him
Lesson 14: Why Did God Make Me?
Discovering Your Purpose
Lesson 15: How Do You Define
Worship? Purpose 1: Worship
Lesson 16: What Does God's Team
Look Like? Purpose 2: Belong
Lesson 17: How Can I Grow in My
Faith? Purpose 3: Grow
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
"Matthew 23 & 24 Quiet
Time Check-In"
"What's the Purpose?"
"Joyful Noise"
• "Base System" poster (p.
57 baseball diamond) with
Velcro for words on base
paths & pitcher's mound
• Pitcher's mound
"God's Team Jersey"
"Base System" poster
First base (BELONG)
"Base System" poster
Second base (GROW)
"My Spiritual Garden"
Lesson 18: Is It as Easy as 1, 2, 3?
Purpose 4: Serve
Lesson 19: Will You Accept This
Mission? Purpose 5: Share—Go and
Game Supplies
"Heart, Hands & Time"
"Go Into All the World"
List of words and actions
• 2x4 piece of wood
• Timer
• Good growth floral poster (two
per group)
• Poor growth floral poster (two
per group)
• Items (real or on paper) that
build good and bad foundations
• Masking tape
• "Base System" poster
• Third base (SERVE)
• Soap
• Two large towels (one for
washing & one for drying)
• Washing basin filled water
• "Base System" poster
• Home plate (SHARE)
• Inflatable world globe
• Yarn
• Masking tape
Children’s 101 Materials
Communion LIVE
(students should bring
their notebooks with
• "Heart of Worship" by
Matt Redman on CD
• CD player
• Symbol of surrender
(per student for
Seeds (little bag per
student for "ONE Way to
Spend Time with God")
List of church ministries
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 20: Remember When?
Reviewing Children's 101, Lessons 14 –
Lesson 21: How Do I Know What is
Right and What is Wrong? Making
Choices Part 1: Truth
Lesson 22: What Would You Do?
Making Choices Part 2: Forgiveness
Lesson 23: Where Do I Look for
Wisdom? Making Choices Part 3:
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
"Memory Madness"
Completed "Base System"
"Measure It!"
Polygraph test (real or
"Wisdom Words"
Blown-up black balloon
Clear pin
"Wise Old Owl" poem
Owl (stuffed animal or
• Description of owl's
Lesson 24: Remember When?
Reviewing Children's 101
"Mega Memorization"
Church t-shirt
Children’s 101 Materials
Game Supplies
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
Jeopardy posterboard
Toilet paper rolls
• Wheel of wisdom (create own)
• Colored wisdom cards with
questions & point values
• Bible per student
• Dictionary
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
• Review/summary of
key Children's 101
• Jeopardy posterboard
Lesson 1
What’s The Bible and How Do I Read It?
(God’s Map for Our
Our Lives)
Lesson Objective:
To know how to look up a Bible verse and why we have different versions of the Bible.
Hopefully, your students will have a sense of awe for the power of God’s Word.
Prayer as You
You Prepare:
God, as our “Seek the Treasure” verse says, Your Word “is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness.” Your Word changes lives. I pray that it would change
my students’ lives this week. Help them become more familiar with the Bible as they strive to
know You more. Amen.
In the classroom
Begin the Journey:
Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Everyone has had these moments. This
might be a great time to share a story from your life with your students. Did the Bible help you
make the right decision? A personal story will help your students get to know you and show
them that everyone faces difficult choices in life. It will also show them that the Bible can point
us in the right direction in these difficult times.
Activity Page: WHAT SHOULD I DO?
We all have times in our lives when we have to make tough decisions. Even your
students make decisions that affect their lives each and every day. But, how do they make
these decisions? Do they react based on their emotions? Do they respond based on how they
have seen others respond? Or do they decide based on what the Bible says? This week’s
handout explores the question, “What does the Bible tell me to do when I have to make a
tough decision?” Have your students look up the Bible verse following each tough situation to
come up with a decision that is based on God’s Word!
Encourage your students to start saying, “Because the Bible says this, I will:” in order to
rely on God’s Word for direction.
Did You Know?
Take out your Bibles and walk through looking up a Bible verse. Familiarize your
students with the parts of a Bible address. The answers are:
Genesis (book)
1 (chapter)
3 (verse)
Children’s 101 LEADER GUIDE
Object Lesson: THE BIBLE
What better object lesson than a Bible? Show your students the Bible. Open up its
pages, show your students the chapters and even encourage them to check out the table of
contents. Make sure each student has their own Bible to read through and investigate so you
can begin to show your students how to study the Bible.
Seek the Treasure:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and
training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
Uncover the Truth:
Be sure each student has their own Bible to work through this section. If not, encourage
students to share and help each other out. Otherwise, have some extras to use during Kids
Small Groups in your classroom.
The Bible is divided into two major sections. Do you know what they are?
Old Testament and New Testament
The Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language. The New Testament was
written in Greek. Does anyone in your small group know either of these languages?
Answers will vary. The vast majority will be “no,” but if you happen to have a
true, genuine “yes,” ask that student more about the language such as how did they
learn it, was it hard and even see if they are willing to teach the small group some.
• My Bible version:
Answers will vary. If your students still need to purchase a Bible, we recommend
NIV as it is the most straightforward read for children, widely available and the
translation used for the Bible references in “The Journey.”
What do the letters stand for?
Answers will vary. NIV is New International Version. NLT is New Living
Translation. And NASB is New American Standard Bible. These are some of the more
popular Bibles that your students may have.
Look up Psalm 119:105. What does this verse describe the Bible as?
“A lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
What do you think that means?
Answers will vary based on student response. Answers may include that the Bible
enlightens your thoughts, helps you to see where to go next in the dark paths of life,
sheds light on the situation when we cannot see or do not know what to do or the Bible
helps us to see the next step or make the right choice no matter what.
Children’s 101 LEADER GUIDE
Find the Purpose:
Your students may or may not have a favorite Bible verse. If not, look up themes or
keywords in the index. Maybe share some of your favorites to get your students started in the
right direction. This is a great chance for your students to freely thumb through the Bible and
see what catches their attention.
Read Mark 1:35. Based on this Scripture, what do you think a quiet time is?
According to Mark 1:35, Jesus modeled a quiet time. Some things we can learn
from His quiet time are: it was early in the morning (apart from working time), out of
the house (a special place), secluded (alone) and spent in prayer (one-on-one fellowship
with God).
Set the tone from the start as far as Quiet Time Check-in. Remember that we can only
take a student as far as we are willing to go ourselves. With that in mind, you must model a
consistent quiet time. Maybe you have something that you separately are working through in
your quiet time; keep it up. If not, read alongside what your students will be doing during Kids
Small Groups.
In this first year, the Children’s 101 students will read through Matthew and Mark over
five days out of the week. When this is spread out over 23 lessons (Lesson 24 does not have a
Quiet Time Check-in), that is only 115 days out of 365 in the year. In the grand scheme of
things, it is not asking too much to have your students set aside a quiet time, following Jesus’
model, to spend time with our Heavenly Father. They can do it and you can be there to support
them, pray for them and hold them accountable.
Children’s 101 LEADER GUIDE
Objective—To live out what the Bible says to do and to know what the Bible does not
say to do.
Materials—List of what the Bible says to do
Instructions—Have your students stand up. Tell them that they are to follow the
leader’s instructions. If the leader says, “The Bible says” they are to do the action. If the
leader does not preface an action with “The Bible says” your students should not do the
action. If they do the action without “The Bible says” they must sit down. Basically this
game is a simple spin on “Simon Says.”
For example, “The Bible says, ‘Love your Neighbor’ in Mark 12:31.” Your students
should then show a friend love with a hug, high five or handshake. If you just say “Hit
your Neighbor” your students should not do anything because “The Bible did not say
so.” Play for five minutes. The final student standing is the winner! If there are multiple
students standing, then they are all winners!
Make sure your students listen carefully to the instructions. After all, we would want
them to model this careful attention if they were looking into the Bible themselves for
wisdom and direction.
1. Is the entire Bible true? How do we know?
2. What happens if you do not read your Bible?
3. What does it mean to “hide God’s Word in your heart?” Why is this so important?
Send a postcard to your students. You could share one of your favorite Bible verses or
send a postcard with “The Journey” theme verse of Psalm 25:4 on it. Even encourage your
students as they begin to dig deeper through their quiet time at home. Be creative and make it
personal as you encourage your students through “The Journey.”
Children’s 101 LEADER GUIDE
What Should I Do?
We all have times in our lives when we have to make tough decisions. Look at the
situations below. How would you respond? What does the Bible say to do?
Look up the verse, and then write your answer.
#1. John invites Carl over to play basketball. Because he has so much homework to do,
Carl knows that his mom would say, “No.” But, he could always tell his mom they are
studying. PROVERBS 12:22
#2 Sarah has been saving her allowance for 6 months to buy a new outfit. When she gets
to the store, the shirt she wants costs more money than she has. She could always just
put the shirt in her bag when no one is looking. EXODUS 20:15
#3 Mark did not study for his spelling test this week. He knows that if he fails, he will be
grounded for a month. What if he just put the answers in his lap and copied them?
#4 Laura’s grandma just passed away. Her friend, Mary wants to be there for her.
What can she do to help comfort her friend? 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3–4
#5 Sandra is afraid of the dark. She does not like her mom to leave her side when the
lights go out. ISAIAH 41:10
#6 Martin’s little brother Simon is so annoying. All he does is say dumb things.
Martin could always ignore his little brother. 1 TIMOTHY 4:12
#7 Nicole’s dad asked her to clean her room, but she does not want to. She would rather
just watch TV instead of pick up her toys. EPHESIANS 6:1
#8 On the soccer field, Colin misses the ball. He is so angry that he lets a bad word slip.
Children’s 101 Lesson 1 Activity Page
What Do I Do?
We all have times in our lives when we have to make tough decisions. Look at the
situations below. How would you respond? What does the Bible say to do? Look up the
verse, and then write your answer.
#1. John invites Carl over to play basketball. Because he has so much homework to do,
Carl knows that his mom would say no. BUT, he could always tell his mom they are
studying…PROVERBS 12:22
God does not lying. Carl should tell his mother the truth, and tell his friend he
has homework to do.
#2 Sarah has been saving her allowance for 6 months to buy a new outfit. When she gets
to the store, the shirt she wants costs more money than she has. She could always just
put the shirt in her bag when no one is looking… EXODUS 20:15
The Bible says not to steal or take what doesn’t belong to us. Sarah should save
more money or choose a less expensive outfit.
#3 Mark didn’t study for his spelling test this week. He knows that if he fails, he will be
grounded for a month. What if he just put the answers in his lap and copied them …
God honors those who are honest. Mark should have studied for the test, but
since he didn’t. he should try his best. If he fails, he should be ok with the
consequences since he didn’t prepare.
#4 Laura’s grandma just passed away. Her friend, Mary wants to be there for her.
What can she do to help comfort her friend…? 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4
We should be like God, and comfort those as God has, with love.
#5 Sandra is afraid of the dark. She doesn’t like her mom to leave her side when the
lights go out… ISAIAH 41:10
God says not to be fearful because He will be with us!
#6 Martin’s little brother Simon is SO annoying. All he does is say dumb things.
Martin could always ignore his little brother…1 TIMOTHY 4:12
1 Timothy 4:12 says we should not look down on anyone even if they are young.
Martin should have patience with his brother, and not be mean to him.
#7 Nicole’s dad asked her to clean her room, but she doesn’t want to. She’d rather
just watch TV instead of pick up her toys…EPHESIANS 6:1
The Bible says to honor and obey your parents. Nicole should obey her dad by
cleaning her room right away, even if she doesn’t want to.
#8 On the soccer field, Colin misses the ball. He is so angry that he lets a bad word slip…
The Bible says to get rid of bad things in your life. Colin should ask God for
forgiveness and stop using bad language.
Matthew 1 and 2
True or False: Jesse was the father of King David. (Matthew 1:6)
What name were Mary and Joseph to give to the baby? (Matthew 1:21)
What does the name “Immanuel” mean? (Matthew 1:23)
Who came to visit the baby in Bethlehem? What was in the sky that
helped to guide them? (Matthew 2:1–2)
When there was danger in Bethlehem, who appeared to Joseph in a
dream? Where did he tell them to go? (Matthew 2:13)
Children’s 101 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in
Matthew 1 and 2 (ANSWERS)
True or False: Jesse was the father of King David. (Matthew 1:6)
What name were Mary and Joseph to give to the baby? (Matthew 1:21)
What does the name “Immanuel” mean? (Matthew 1:23)
“God with us”
Who came to visit the baby in Bethlehem? What was in the sky that
helped to guide them? (Matthew 2: 1–2)
The magi (wise men); a star
When there was danger in Bethlehem, who appeared to Joseph in a
dream? Where did he tell them to go? (Matthew 2:13)
An angel of the Lord; Egypt
Children’s 101 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Children's 201 Materials
Lesson 1: What Does it Mean to Have
a Relationship with Jesus? The Gift of
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
"If I Could Have One Gift”
Wrapped gift
Lesson 2: How Does a Friendship
Grow? Being Friends with Jesus
Lesson 3: How Do I Grow in My
Relationship with Jesus? How to Start a
Spiritual Discipline
“Biblical Friendship”
Can-to-can telephone
“You Have Got to Start
Olympic athlete’s training
Lesson 4: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 201, Lessons 1–3
"Review Page"
Lesson 5: How Can I Listen to God?
Spiritual Discipline: Silence
Lesson 6: What is the Power of
Prayer? Spiritual Discipline: Prayer
Lesson 7: Why Do I Need to Go to
Church? Spiritual Disciplines: Belonging
to God’s Family
Lesson 8: How Do I Tithe If I Don’t
Have a Job? Spiritual Discipline: Giving
to God
Game Supplies
Wrapping paper
Scotch tape
Gift tag or paper w/ string
Two copies of six relay tasks
Gold medals for winning team
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
Small gift for each student
Jeopardy poster board
CD with nine noises
CD player
Blank paper
Noise answer list for leaders
"Do You Hear It?"
Human ear diagram
"Requests to God"
“Praying Hands” picture
Scenario cards (one per student)
"Symbolically Belonging"
List of criteria
Fake $1.00 (breaks up into
10 percent, 10 percent &
80 percent)
• Three sets of ten different areas
of “Life Cards”
• Cards with ten percent of what
we can give in those areas of
“Life Cards”
• Scotch tape
“Give 10 Percent of
Children’s 201 Materials
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 9: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 201 Lessons 5–8
Lesson 10: Ready for Communion?
Preparing Your Heart to Remember
Lesson 11: The Bible is So Big, Where
Do I Start? Understanding How the
Bible is Structured
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
"Review News"
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
Jeopardy poster board
"Luke 16 & 17 Quiet Time
Communion LIVE
"What Is It?"
Lesson 12: How Can I Love the Bible?
Learning Respect for God’s Word
Lesson 13: What is a Covenant? The
Bible: Part 1
Lesson 14: What Is the New
Covenant? The Bible: Part 2
Lesson 15: What Is the “Harmony of
the Gospels”? Understanding the First
Four Books of the New Testament
Lesson 16: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 201, Lessons 11–
“Show Some Respect!”
"Chart of Covenants"
• Picture of Ark of Covenant
• Picture of Noah’s ark
"Copy Cat"
• “Ten Truths”
• Markers or crayons
"Crossword Review"
Diamond (fake, picture or a
leader’s piece of jewelry)
• CD with four different
artists singing “The Star
Spangled Banner”
• Blank paper
Instruction manual
Children’s 201 Materials
• List of Bible verses and what
they say
• Bibles (one per student)
• Reward for winning team
• Two different colors of paper
crumpled up into paper wads
(represent “Bibles”)
• Masking tape
• Timer
• Container for “Bibles”
• Star stickers
• List of “If-Then” statements
• “World Problem” cards
• Various props
• Five bean bags
• Pens
• Labels
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
Extra Bibles (different
translations or
Research on the books
listed in “Uncover the
“Books of the Bible” song
on CD (optional)
Markers or crayons
Jeopardy poster board
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 17: What Do You Do in a
“Sticky” Situation? Why it is Important
to Memorize God’s Word
Lesson 18: Have You Ever Wanted to
Be a Detective? How to Study and
Apply God’s Word
Lesson 19: How Do I Put Studying
God’s Word Into Practice? Practicing
with the Book of Philippians
Lesson 20: How Do I Put Studying
God’s Word Into Practice? Philippians 1:
Dealing with Hard Times
Lesson 21: How Do I Put Studying
God’s Word Into Practice? Philippians 2:
I Can Shine for Jesus
Lesson 22: How Do I Put Studying
God’s Word Into Practice? Philippians 3:
Running the Race
Lesson 23: How Do I Put Studying
God’s Word Into Practice? Philippians 4:
God Knows What I think
Activity Page*
"A Picture is Worth a
Thousand Words"
"Decipher the Code"
"Philippians Overview"
• “Give Thanks” activity
• Decorative pens
• Stickers
• Gold star cut-outs
• Hole-punch
• String
• Markers
"The Symbol of
"Could You Be Content?"
Object Lesson
Cardboard box
Magnifying glass
Photos of small group
(adult or children’s)
Game Supplies
Tray with 15 random items
Blank paper
Fact sheets
Award stickers
Random tools used to pass a
• Ball
• Container for ball
• Timer
• Spoons
• Marshmallows
• Obstacles (optional)
Muslin cloth
Race gear (i.e. shoes,
clothes, water bottle,
cycling helmet, stopwatch)
Dove of peace
Children’s 201 Materials
• Pipe cleaners
• Random objects to be
• Timer
Paper strips
Small storage container
per student (optional)
Grade 2 “How to
Worship Jesus: A
Journey to Discover
My Church” book
“This Little Light of Mine”
song on CD
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 24: Remember When?
Reviewing Children's 101
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
"Review Scrambled"
Checkered flag
• Labels (to print review cards on)
• Paper/cardstock for labels
Jeopardy poster board
Children’s 201 Materials
Lesson 1
What Does it Mean to Have a Relationship with Jesus?
(The Gift of Salvation)
Lesson Objective:
To look within and determine if your students have accepted the incredible gift of
salvation. If not, give them a chance to ask questions and possibly pray the prayer!
Prayer as You Prepare:
Lord, thank You for a wonderful start to Kids Small Groups in Children’s 201. If there are
students who have not made a decision to follow You, I pray that this week they would do so!
[Pray for each of your students by name as you prepare for the first lesson in Children’s 201]
In the classroom
Begin the Journey:
Let your students share their favorite gifts that they have given to someone else.
Remembering Christ’s free gift can both over-joy and overwhelm us—what gift could be
better than eternity with Jesus? This handout is a tool to encourage your students to think
about life’s greatest gifts. In the gift box pictured on the handout, encourage your students to
think creatively and draw what they think would be the most valuable gift they could receive. Is
it a new skateboard? Maybe a pony? Or is it world peace? What one gift would they choose for
themselves if money, space and time were not an issue?
Once your students have drawn their gift, have them answer the following questions:
1. Why is this gift of such great value to you?
2. If you were to give your gift to someone else, do you think they would value it in the
same way that you do?
3. Why do you think people do not accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation?
4. Why is Jesus’ gift the greatest gift imaginable?
Did You Know?
Even though your students may be familiar with the Wise Men, take time to read
Matthew 2 and/or Luke 2. We all can benefit from hearing the story of the Wise Men.
Children’s 201 LEADER GUIDE
Object Lesson: WRAPPED GIFT
People love to give and receive gifts. What better way to illustrate Jesus’ gift of eternity
than to actually give a gift? In your classroom will be a wrapped gift that you will give to one
student. They must receive it and unwrap it. Convey the following:
I have a special gift that I would like to give to someone. Can I have _________ come
up? Here is a gift just for you. All you have to do is accept it. Would you like to have it?’
If the student does not say, “Yes,” do not give them the gift. When they say, “Yes,”
then give them the gift. Have them open the gift in front of the small group. They can keep
what is inside. Then, ask these questions:
1. How does it feel to receive a free gift? Do you always have to accept it?
2. How would you feel if someone did not receive or accept your gift?
3. How do you think God feels when we say “No” to His gift of salvation?
If you would like, you can go the extra mile and give a “free gift” to all of your students.
After all, Jesus’ free gift of salvation is extended to everyone.
Seek the Treasure:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it
is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8–9)
Uncover the Truth:
Spend time carefully reviewing what a gift is. Break your students into groups that will
look up one of the four verses so they can better understand what a gift is.
Your students may come up with different TRUE or FALSE answers. Discuss the different
answers. Why are the four statements FALSE? Do any of your students feel ready to make a
decision to follow Jesus if they have not done so already?
Children’s 201 LEADER GUIDE
Write TRUE or FALSE by each statement below:
FALSE I can earn my way into heaven.
Salvation is a free gift given through the grace of God.
FALSE I am going to heaven because my parents are Christians.
Everyone must account individually for their relationship with Jesus.
FALSE I am a Christian because I go to church.
Going to church does not make you a Christian. Church is a means by which we grow in
our faith and have fellowship with other believers.
FALSE I think being a Christian means doing the best I can to get into heaven.
God’s Word is clear that the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord
and Savior.
Find the Purpose:
The first question should help you reiterate that you do not have to do anything to be
saved. You only need to accept the free gift of salvation. Romans 10:9–10 is a great verse to
review for your students who want to know more about how to become a Christian.
In this particular lesson, your students are to answer these questions silently on their
own, and then bring them to the small group for discussion.
According to Revelation 22:17, how do you “take the free gift of the water of life”
You come and take the water of life (salvation). There is nothing you can say or
do that will help you earn it. It is a free gift you must simply accept or receive.
Why is it so important to make the decision to follow Jesus?
Answers will vary. For example, it is so important because it has eternal impact.
It goes beyond a decision to a deeper, life-long relationship. Honestly, it is the biggest
decision they will ever have to make.
What does it mean to follow Him? (HINT: Check out Deuteronomy 13:4 for some ideas.)
Answers will vary. According to Deuteronomy 13:4, following Him means to
have respect for God, obey His commands, serve Him and hold fast (believe and be
committed) to His promises. Allowing God to be your leader and following His direction
for your life, wherever He goes.
What are some ideas, right or wrong, you have about what it means to have a
relationship with Jesus?
Answers will vary. Hopefully your students understand that God truly desires a
relationship with each of them. He does not want to just be acquaintances; He wants a
truly deep and meaningful relationship with everyone. That would look like long,
personal conversations, mutual respect and care and basic friendship. Some may
associate, positively or negatively, a relationship with Jesus to one with their earthly
father or even a ruler or king.
Children’s 201 LEADER GUIDE
Objective—To work as a team to “wrap up” their peers. Remember that it is what is on
the inside that matters most. Also, that we all have a free gift—salvation—offered to us,
and we need to accept and cherish it.
Materials—Wrapping paper, tape, bows and timer
Instructions—Divide your small group into teams of four. One student is the
designated “present.” The other students will have two minutes to wrap up their
“present” with wrapping paper and bows. Be sure that your students do not forget to
make a gift tag written to whom the present is for and from. At the end of two minutes,
one leader will be the judge of which present is the most beautiful, most creatively
wrapped and most appealing to be opened. Once one has been chosen, let the presents
unwrap themselves! Now, ask which present itself is the best. The answer is all of them!
What matters is not the outside wrapping, but rather the present inside and what we do
with it.
Keep the game under control as your students may be tempted to take the silliness to
the next level of out-of-control wrapping pandemonium.
1. Do you think it was easy for God to give us the gift of His Son?
2. Do you think the joy of giving His gift outweighed His sorrow?
3. What is the greatest gift that you can share with others?
Particularly follow-up with any students that you know have not accepted the free gift of
salvation. Ask if they have any questions and assure them that you will get the answers if you
do not already know them. Remind your students that salvation is a free gift. Ask your students
if there is a gift that they can give someone this week just because. Encourage them to give
freely to show God’s love for everyone.
Children’s 201 LEADER GUIDE
If I Could Have One Gift
What do you think is the most valuable gift that anyone could give you? Is it a new
skateboard? Maybe a pony? Or is it world peace? What one gift would you choose for
yourself if money, space and time were not an issue? Using pictures and words, create the
most valuable gift anyone could give you in the open gift box and then answer the questions.
1. Why is this gift of such value to you?
2. If you were to give your gift to someone else, do you think they would value it in the
same way that you do?
3. Why do you think people do not accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation?
4. Why is Jesus’ gift the GREATEST gift imaginable?
Children’s 201 Lesson 1 Activity Page
Luke 1
What happened to Zechariah because he did not believe the angel?
(Luke 1:19–20)
What was the name of the angel that appeared to Zechariah and Mary?
(Luke 1:19; 26)
Whose house did Mary go to after the angel left her? (Luke 1:40)
What did Zechariah name his child? (Luke 1:63)
Who was Zechariah praising in his song? (Luke 1:68)
Children’s 201 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in
Luke 1 (ANSWERS)
What happened to Zechariah because he did not believe the angel?
(Luke 1:19–20)
He became silent and would not be able to speak until the birth of
What was the name of the angel that appeared to Zechariah and Mary?
(Luke 1:19; 26)
Whose house did Mary go to after the angel left her? (Luke 1:40)
Zechariah’s home to greet Elizabeth
What did Zechariah name his child? (Luke 1:63)
Who was Zechariah praising in his song? (Luke 1:68)
The Lord, the God of Israel
Children’s 201 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Children's 301 Materials
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
Lesson 1: Why Ask Why? Why Serving
in Ministry is Important
"The Search for Perfect
• Bingo cards (on Resources CD)
• Pens
Lesson 2: To Serve or To Be Served?
Having a Servant’s Attitude
Lesson 3: Why Can’t the Pastor Just
Do it All? The Body of Christ Working
Lesson 4: What’s the Truth About
Ministry? Ministry Top Ten
Lesson 8: What’s Love Got to Do With
It? Heart
List of Bible verses that
are examples of how
Jesus came to serve.
Serving Tray
“Building Up the Body”
Set of building blocks
“Ten Truths"
Magnifying glass
"Lesson Intersection”
Lesson 7: Where Are My Gifts?
Spiritual Gifts
Two cups
Four water pitchers
Two chairs
Two serving trays
“The Secret of Greatness”
Lesson 5: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 301, Lessons 1–4
Lesson 6: What’s My S.H.A.P.E.? My
Unique Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities,
Personality and Experiences
• “My Unique Print”
• Washable ink pads
• Towels/wet wipes to
wipe fingers clean
• Markers
"Spiritual Gifts Test"
“Heart Check”
Heart (picture or model)
Wrapped box w/ a surprise
inside for your students
• Two paper hearts stapled
together (heart pocket)
• Index cards
• Pens
Children’s 301 Materials
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
• Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
• “Heart Check Statements” (on
Resources CD)
• “Strongly agree” sign
• “Strongly disagree” sign
• Pitcher of water
• Different sized and
shaped containers
• Blank white paper
• Crayons
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
Lesson 9: Am I a Natural or What?
“My Abilities”
Lesson 10: Ready for Communion?
Preparing Your Heart to Remember
"Acts 24–26 Quiet Time
Communion LIVE
"Personality Profile”
Cookie cutters
“My Experiences”
Your students’ shoes
Lesson 11: Am I Mister or Miss
Personality? Personality
Lesson 12: Will You Walk with Me?
Lesson 13: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 301, Lessons 6–12
• Soft clay
• Hardened clay
"Finding S.H.A.P.E."
Lesson 14: Now What Do I Do with
My S.H.A.P.E.? Ministry Fair
“Ministry Picks”
(a packet with information
on church ministries that
children can serve in)
Lesson 15: Is There More to Ministry
Than Just Showing Up? Getting
Involved in Ministry
“Do Unto Others”
Lesson 16: What’s the Recipe for
Serving? Serving as the Body of Christ
“One Body
Lesson 17: Who Else Can Serve? Local
“Maze of Service”
Ministry t-shirt
• “Abilities” Bingo cards (on
Resources CD)
• Pens
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
• Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
• Chain
• Lock
Children’s 301 Materials
Students’ completed
Lesson 7, 8, 9, 11, &
12 Activity Pages
“Would you Rather?” questions
Ministry Fair LIVE
Leader “ministry
• Brown bag
• Heart (picture or model)
inside brown bag
Trophy (optional)
Toilet paper rolls
• Balls
• Two buckets
• Homemade chocolate
chip cookies
• Blank white paper
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Lesson 18: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 301, Lesson 14–17
Lesson 19: Why Would God Want to
Use My S.H.A.P.E.? Case Study of the
Apostle Paul
Lesson 20: How Can I Be Available to
Serve Others? Case Study of Esther
Lesson 21: Can You Run Away From
Your S.H.A.P.E.? Case Study of Jonah
Lesson 22: To Do or To Be? Case
Study of Mary and Martha
Lesson 23: Which Adventure Will You
Choose? Case Study of a Missionary
Lesson 24: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 301, Lessons 19–
Game Supplies
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
• Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
"Lesson Intersection"
"I am Unique"
“A Petition and a Request”
Three to five tennis balls
• Blue butcher paper
• Trashcan
• Two action figures
“Finding Courage”
Stress ball
“My Week”
“Window on the World” book
by Denise Spraggett
• Four corner signs (your county,
your state, “the United States”
& “the World”)
• Masking tape
Books, handouts, etc. on
different missionaries
“Yes” or “No” checkboxes on
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
• Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
"The Maze of Trust"
"Find the Purpose” section
on p. 97
Children’s 301 Materials
List of summer service
project options
Lesson 1
Why Ask Why?
(Why Serving in Ministry is Important)
Lesson Objective:
To learn where the motivation for serving in ministry should come from—the Great
Commandment! Your students will be challenged in this lesson to learn just what it means to
love God with their whole selves and to love others as Christ has commanded us.
Prayer as You Prepare:
Father, thank You for loving us and showing us how to love others. Help me to teach my
students Your perfect love as You have made it known on the cross and through Your Word.
Help me to love You with my whole heart, soul and mind. Help me to love my neighbor as
myself. I ask that as we begin this Children’s 301 “Journey to Discover My S.H.A.P.E.” that my
students would truly understand that love must be the sole motivation and foundation for
serving in ministry. Thank You for each of the students that You have entrusted to me this
year. I need Your grace to teach them with accuracy, passion and love. Amen.
In the classroom
Begin the Journey:
Select a student to act out the “Mom” and “You” dialogue with you. Have your students
read aloud Matthew 22:37–39 together. This may be a good time to find out from your students
what their definitions of heart, soul and mind are. They may find it difficult to distinguish
between the three. Here is a helpful hint to clearly make this distinction.
Man is made up of three parts—spirit, soul and body.
SOUL—In Matthew 22:37–39 Jesus is referring to loving God through the whole use of
our soul. Our soul is the means by which man has self-consciousness (knows who he is). Our
soul is essentially everything that makes you, YOU! Our soul is the medium between our spirit
and our body. Our spirit was once dead through sin but has been resurrected through the work
of Christ. The soul is made up of two “organs”—the heart and the mind. It is through these
“organs” that we know who we are.
HEART—the part of you that decides how you will respond to God, the world
and man.
MIND—the part of you that stores information gained through the experiences of
your body, spirit, soul, conscious, heart and emotions.
BODY—Our body is the means through which we manifest outwardly who we are
inwardly. When the Spirit came to life at our salvation, our soul was renewed and restored to
the whole person that God originally designed it to be thus impacting how we live out our life in
our physical body.
We love God with our heart when we make decisions that are pleasing to Him. We love
God through our mind when the decisions that we are making by way of our heart are filling
Children’s 301 LEADER GUIDE
our mind with righteousness. When these two “organs” are being exercised righteously we can
truly love God with our WHOLE soul.
Have your students search for each characteristic, according to 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 of
what perfect love is in the “Perfect Love Word Search.” This may be a good time to ask your
students in what ways they can show perfect love to their family and friends.
Did You Know?
Although we fail many times in showing perfect love, encourage your students to focus
on putting into practice at least one of the traits of perfect love according to 1 Corinthians
13:4–7 in the weeks to come. Even though our love will never be perfect like God’s love, it is a
good example for us to follow and strive to imitate. Let’s strive for God’s perfect love in our
Object Lesson: THE CROSS
The cross is the ultimate example of perfect love. Jesus said that the greatest love that
you can show someone else is to lay down your life for that person. This is exactly what Christ
did for you. We can love because Christ first loved us. Let the cross serve as our reminder for
why we love and serve in the first place.
Seek the Treasure:
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.’ And the second is like it: ‘Love
your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37–38)
Uncover the Truth:
The Great Commandment calls us to first love God and then Others. This is why
“GO! ” can remind us to love God and Others. Are your students ready to “GO?”
Why does God call us, as Christians, to follow the Great Commandment?
First, God loves us so much and all He asks in return is for us to love Him back.
We are able to love God because He first loved us. Also, without doing these first two
things—loving God and loving others—the rest of what we do does not matter. Love is
the key to everything. Bottom line, a commandment means you must do it and that is
what we are called as Christians to do—the Great Commandment!
What is God trying to say here (“love your neighbor as yourself”)?
We probably care about ourselves a lot if we look at how we take care of
ourselves and live our lives. If we cared about others as much as we care about
ourselves, that would be a lot of concern and attention and time.
Children’s 301 LEADER GUIDE
Give one example of how you can love God with all your:
• Heart
Make decisions that are pleasing to God. Choose to go to church instead of
going out with friends. Pray before meals as a family.
Recognize areas in your life that make God sad and work hard to change those
things. Confess our sins and repent.
Think about the things we watch or listen to. Memorize God’s Word. Read a book
that teaches us truths about God or how we can better follow Him.
Write down what “love” is based on in 1 Corinthians 13:4–7.
Patient and kind.
Does not envy or boast.
It is not rude or self-seeking,
it is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.
Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres.
Find the Purpose:
In this section you will ask your students some tough questions dealing with loving
others. If you are finding that your students are responding with difficulty give your own
answers to the questions.
Who is the first person you think of as someone you can say you love “as yourself”?
Answers will vary. Hopefully at least one person will come to mind. Get your
students started by sharing your own answer as a leader first.
When was there a time you found it hard to love others as much as yourself? Why?
Answers will vary. Again, tough questions may be best answered first by a leader
to open up the discussion. Probably the “Why?” is more easily answered—because they
were mean, selfish, unkind, lying and more reasons that made it difficult to love that
particular person.
Why do you think the Great Commandment is the answer to “why serve in ministry”?
We serve in ministry because and only because Christ first loved us. We serve in
ministry as a response to Christ’s love. Serving in ministry is loving God back while at
the same time showing love to the people around us who need it the most.
How can you better demonstrate to others that you live according to the Great
How we live our lives on a daily basis. Are your actions, your words and your
deeds showing others how much you love God? If you are living out your love for God
others will notice it.
Children’s 301 LEADER GUIDE
Objective—Encourage your students to not only get to know each other but to discover
how perfect love can be put into practice through acts of kindness.
Materials—Bingo cards and pens
Instructions—Hand out the bingo cards and pens to your students. When you say,
“GO!” your students must ask other students if the random acts of kindness listed out
on the bingo has ever been done to them. The student that is the first to make a
horizontal, diagonal or vertical line by discovering how others have been acted kindly
towards wins! Play as many times as time permits. Even play for “blackout” where the
game is not over until you have crossed out every square on the card.
Your students must interact with different students. That means they can only have one
student fill in one box at a time. If you must have duplicates due to the size of your
class that is OK. But they can do so only after they have met everyone else once.
1. We often think about love as something we “feel” in our hearts. Is love more than
something we feel? How else can others experience love?
2. What are some practical things that we can do this week to show God we love Him?
What about our families? Friends? What about people we do not know as well, like a
new kid in class or a new neighbor?
3. Since this is your first Kids Small Groups lesson in Children’s 301, spend some time
praying for this next year. Ask your students if they have any requests pertaining to
Kids Small Groups. Is there something they want to learn or an area where they
really want to be challenged to grow, especially in serving? Have each student share
at least one thing.
Thank each student’s parent(s) for allowing you to serve as their child’s KSG leader.
Then, ask your student if they have ANY questions about this year of serving. If there are
questions that you cannot answer, feel free to contact your coordinator for support.
Children’s 301 LEADER GUIDE
The Search for Perfect Love
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,
r l
s r
s s
v p
g e
g s
n o
v v
s y
d n
o n
e b
g r
l i
no boast
no envy
not rude
not self seeking
not angered
no records
hates evil
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4–7)
Children’s 301 Lesson 1 Activity Page
Love ‘n’ Kindness Bingo
Go around your small group and find one person for each box to sign their name. Only
one signature per person to start. Five in a row wins!
Been served
food by a
I gave
someone a
high five
Told that you
are loved
Asked to go to
the beach by a
Been taken to
the movies
Had a friend
help with
Someone sent
you a card
when you
were sick
you during a
tough time
Thrown a
birthday party
by your best
Someone gave
you flowers
Given help
when you
weren’t asked
I gave
someone a hug
baked you
Been given a
card for no
Someone got
you your
favorite video
someone cross
the street
Helped down
the stairs
when you
broke your
Mom washed
your dirty
I did
nice for
someone else
I told someone
I love them
Had a friend
stick up for
Was smiled at
by someone
cleaned up
your room
I told my KSG
leader how
great they are
Children’s 101 Lesson 1 Game
Acts 1–3
True or False: Joseph was chosen to replace Judas. (Acts 1:26)
What happened to the apostles on the day of Pentecost when they
were together in the house? (Acts 2:1–4)
Who stood up and spoke to the crowd about Jesus? (Acts 2:14)
Peter healed the _________________ in front of the temple. (Acts 3:7)
What did Peter tell the people to do after they saw him heal the man?
(Acts 3:19)
Children’s 301 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Children's 401 Materials
Activity Page*
Lesson 1: Is it History or His Story?
Discovering God’s Mission
Lesson 2: Mission Impossible or is it
Possible? Discovering Jesus’ Mission
Lesson 3: I’m Not Ready or Am I
Ready? Discovering My Mission
"Life Map”
Object Lesson
• Bead
• Long piece of string
“All Things are Possible”
“The Great Mission”
Lesson 4: Ready to GO? Children’s 401
PEACE Meeting
Lesson 5: What is My Heart Story?
Discovering What God Has Done in My
Lesson 6: How Can I Make a Heart
Connection? Writing My Heart Story
Lesson 7: Will Practice Make Perfect?
Practicing My Heart Story
Lesson 8: Am I Ready to Share My
Heart Story? Telling Others What God
Has Done
“5 W’s"
"H-E-A-R-T Acrostic”
Classic children’s storybook
“Creating My Heart Story”
Packet of seeds
Name papers
Construction paper
Markers or crayons
Glue sticks
“The Young and the Bold”
Children’s 401 Materials
Game Supplies
Example of a completed
“Life Map”
• Two sets of old clothes
• Blindfolds
Two decks of cards (or “Go Fish”
• Sheets of paper
• Pens
• Bowl
• Papers with words, actions,
people and places (Charades
• Timer
• Beach ball with “unsure” or nonconfident words (i.e. scared,
nervous, stage-fright)
• CD of music
• CD player
• Scrap paper (optional)
• Pushpins (optional)
• PEACE Meeting LIVE
with parents, leaders
and students
• CD of “We Must Go”
by Tim Hughes
Example of a student’s
• Plastic bags for seed
• Lined paper
Leader testimony
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
Game Supplies
Lesson 9: Want to Be Best Friends
Forever? Friendship Evangelism
“My Friendship Style”
Lesson 10: Ready for Communion?
Preparing Your Heart to Remember
"1 Timothy 2–6 Quiet
Time Check-in"
Communion LIVE
"Salt Please”
Salt shaker
List of questions
Lesson 11: Who Are You Talking To?
Determining Your Different Audiences
• Pictures of friends
hanging out
• Pictures of cliques
Lesson 12: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 401, Lessons 5–11
“Heart Story Timeline”
Photo album
"Need or Want"
Cup of water
“Global Giants”
“Discovering PEACE”
Olive branch
Lesson 13: What Are the Giants?
Discovering the Five Global Giants
Lesson 14: Who Can Tackle a Giant?
Ordinary People Empowered by God
Lesson 15: What is My PEACE?
Understanding the PEACE Plan
Lesson 16: How Can I Bring PEACE to
the World? Global PEACE
“World Map”
Children’s 401 Materials
• Bingo sheets
• Pens
The Five Love Languages
book by Gary
Chapman (optional)
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
• One bucket filled with clean
• One bucket half-filled with
water and a few drops of food
• Cups
• Chairs
• Blindfold
Photos of each student’s
Maps of your county,
state, the United
States and the world
Research (books,
handouts, etc.) on
• Whiteboard
• Whiteboard markers
• Mission Fair sign-up
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 17: Remember When?
Reviewing Children’s 401, Lessons 13–
Lesson 18: Ready for Mission Fair?
Mission Fair
Lesson 19: How Can I Say “YES” to
God? Preparing for PEACE Training 1
Lesson 20: Where’s the “I” in Team?
Preparing for PEACE Training 2
Activity Page*
“Giants vs. PEACE”
"2 Peter and 1 John 1–3
Quiet Time Check-in"
"Will You Go?"
“The Body”
Picture of team/group
climbing a mountain
Lesson 21: Can You Help Me With This
Log? Preparing for PEACE Training 3
“The Mind of Christ”
Lesson 22: How Do I Live a Life of
PEACE? Preparing for PEACE Training 4
Lesson 23: Can Anybody Hear Me?
Night of Prayer and Worship
Object Lesson
• Log
• Bag of sawdust or
Game Supplies
• Jeopardy board
• Categories (on Resources CD)
Double-sided cards with point
values and “answers” (on
Resource CD)
• Marble
• Cardboard tubes (one per
• Drawing of eye on whiteboard
or butcher paper
• Masking tape
• Popsicle stick
• Blindfold
“PEACE in Action”
Pictures of people living out
PEACE personally, locally
and globally
Children’s 401 Materials
Any final preparations for
Mission Fair LIVE
(Lesson 18)
Mission Fair LIVE
• Preparing for PEACE
Training LIVE
• Additional discussion
• Preparing for PEACE
Training LIVE
• Additional discussion
• Preparing for PEACE
Training LIVE
• Additional discussion
• Preparing for PEACE
Training LIVE
• Additional discussion
Night of Prayer and
Worship LIVE
*Activity pages can be found on the Resource CD
Lesson 24: Who Will Answer the Call?
Goodbye, Kids Small Groups; Hello,
Junior High
Activity Page*
Object Lesson
"The Journey”
• One rock with “Ephesians
4:1” written on it
• Rocks (one per student)
with “The Journey”
written on one side
• Sharpies
Children’s 401 Materials
Game Supplies
• Blank white paper
• Pens
Children’s 101-401 books
Lesson 1
Is it History or His Story?
(Discovering God’s Mission)
Lesson Objective:
To understand that each student’s life is a part of God’s greater story throughout
history. History is really all His Story. Also, to discover God’s mission.
Prayer as You
You Prepare:
Jesus, we thank You for bringing us back together in our final year of Kids Small Groups
to learn more about You and Your story. Thank You for including us in Your story and Your
faithfulness throughout history. Help us to know that our own story is important to You and to
be used for Your purposes. Amen.
In the classroom...
Begin the Journey:
Everything in history happens for a reason. It is all part of His story.
Activity Page: LIFE MAP
Each student will be given an 11x 14 sheet of paper to create a life map. There will be a
completed example in your classroom to refer to. Basically, a life map is a map of one’s life
from birth to the present using art work, illustrations and anything else that highlights important
dates and events (i.e. birth of a sibling, move to a new place, accepting Jesus or baptism). Take
time to discuss each student’s life map and the important moments and events. Discuss how
each student’s story is part of God’s bigger story. God can and will use your students for His
purposes both big and small!
Did You Know?
Give your students an example or two to get them started. For instance, David became
King of Israel in about 1000 B.C. About 1000 years later, Jesus would be born and He was
David’s great great great grandson. God planned His family out well in advance so a Savior
could be born. Genesis is a good place to start for some good Old Testament history.
Did you know that our story here on Earth has a beginning, middle and end just like a
book? This bead represents our time here on Earth. This string represents eternity. In the grand
scheme of things, our time here on Earth is just a very small part of the big picture. Our life
here on Earth is a small fragment of our lives in eternity with God. However, even though it is
small, our story has a major impact on other people’s string—eternity. Use your story to change
the story of someone who may not know about the string of eternity.
Children’s 401 LEADER GUIDE
Seek the Treasure:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who
have been called according to His purposes.” (Romans 8:28)
Uncover the Truth:
Check in with your students’ understanding of the four major purposes behind God’s
mission. Try to clarify any confusion and answer questions as best as you can. Your students
should be honest about their responses to the four purposes.
Then use the investigative skills you have learned over the past few years to search
through God’s Word and find out what it says about each of these purposes.
There are lots of Scriptures in the Old Testament you can refer to such as the
creation of Adam and Eve, Noah and the great flood, Moses and more. They were all
part of God’s family who had a relationship with Him. For example, 1 John 3:1,
Ephesians 2:19, Revelation 4:11, Psalm 149:4, Romans 5:10, Proverbs 3:32 and
James 4:8.
2. God makes it clear we should follow Jesus’ example with verses such as Philippians
2:5 (“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”) or Matthew 4:19
(“’Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’”). Think of the
disciples and how they followed (or struggled to follow) Jesus. For example, Romans
8:29, Ephesians 4:14–15, John 13:15, 1 Corinthians 1:11 and 1 Peter 2:21.
3. The two most obvious examples in God’s Word of fulfilling His mission here on Earth
are the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. These are the solid rock
foundation we should rest our lives upon. For example, Matthew 28:18–20, Acts
20;24, John 17:18, Mark 16:15 and Psalm 67:2.
4. This eternal truth is reiterated time and time again in God’s Word from Genesis to
Revelation. Our hope rests in heaven with God, where He is preparing a special
place for us to live with Him forever if we believe in Him. For example, Matthew
19:29, Matthew 25:46, John 3:14–16, John 5:24, John 10:28, Romans 6:23, 2
Corinthians 5:1 and Hebrews 9:15.
Children’s 401 LEADER GUIDE
Find the Purpose:
Be sure that in the “Life Map” activity page that your students include their family
members. They (and you) will learn so much about their family and the part that each family
member has played in their life map. Use these helpful hints in move the discussion along:
What are some of your fears for this final year of Kids Small Groups as you discover and
experience God’s mission for your life?
Most fears come from a lack of understanding of what to expect. One of those
fears could come from knowing that they will be sharing their testimony. This can be a
scary thought! Another possible fear could be going on a PEACE mission trip. Many of
your students have probably barely left the comfort of this county much less considered
traveling overseas to another country. Validate the fears your students share.
What are you most excited for this year?
Answers will vary. Hopefully they have much to share as far as excitement. Some
of the things that they can look forward to will be sharing testimonies, Mission Fair and
going on a global PEACE Trip!
What are some things you learned about your family in today’s activity?
Answers will vary. Even if it is something very small like recognizing the number
of aunts and uncles they have to seeing how parts of their life map happened to their
parents too. Whatever they learn, write it down and share it.
How can you live out God’s mission in the family God has given you?
Answers will vary. Always work to strengthen your relationship with their family
members. Honor and obey your parents. Serve your family. Be the best brother, sister,
son or daughter that you can be!
Children’s 401 LEADER GUIDE
Objective—To demonstrate that as we go through life, meet new people and have new
experiences we gain and learn something new. We can repeat or copy others’ actions,
but we should try to make them our own, too. Our story constantly grows and changes
over time, just like the movements in the game, and God wants to use every part of our
story—good and bad—to teach us to be more like Him.
Materials—No materials required
Instructions—Ask your students to stand up and form a shoulder-to-shoulder line
where everyone is facing the leaders. There should be no more than ten in each line.
You can break your small group up into two teams if you have more than ten or play
two rounds where some play and some are the audience.
The first student will come up with an original movement or motion ( i.e.
stomping feet, clapping hands, moving hands up and down like a robot or turning in a
circle). The next student copies the first student and adds something else to the
movement (i.e. stomping feet while turning in a circle). The third copies the movements
of the first and second students and adds on another move. Keep going down the line
until the last student repeats all the movements made by the students before them and
adds their own. If someone forgets a movement start over!
Leaders, pay attention as you will probably have to help your students remember the
previous movements or come up with creative new movements.
1. How did it feel to make your own life map? Is it different looking at your life story
drawn out on paper? Where do you see God at work in your life story?
Is there someone in your life who does not know Jesus and you could share your
life map with?
Share your excitement, fear, joy and sadness for this final year of Kids Small
Groups. Spend time in prayer as a small group as you start your final year in KSG
together. Some things to pray for specifically could include consistency with quiet
times, testimonies, sharing Jesus with others and participating in PEACE.
Connect on the phone with your students and ask them if they have any prayer requests
or questions going into this new and final year of Kids Small Groups. After all, prayer is going to
make all the difference in the world for this year in particular. Set the tone from the beginning,
reassuring your students that you are thinking about them and praying for them throughout the
Children’s 401 LEADER GUIDE
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Children’s 401 Lesson 1 Activity Page
Galatians 1–4
True or False: To be a servant of Christ, you first have to please men.
(Galatians 1:10)
Why did Paul oppose Peter? (Galatians 2:15–16)
The righteous will live by _____________. (Galatians 3:11)
Who has the right to be called child or son of God? (Galatians 3:26–27)
Hagar and Sarah symbolize two convents of God. What does each
woman represent? (Galatians 4:24–26)
Children’s 401 Lesson 2 Quiet Time Check-in