20142014-2015 City of Sandusky WINTER FUN GUIDE CITY OF SANDUSKY RECREATION DIVISION—222 MEIGS STREET—(419) 627-5886—WWW.CI.SANDUSKY.OH.US TINY CHEFS– NEW!! A day just for kids! Join Sandusky’s Chef Cesare Avallone for a pizza making camp where kids can learn to stretch and throw pizza dough, get a tour of the Hearth Tavern restaurant, bake their own pizza in a brick oven, and watch a live demonstraon of Chef Cesare hard at work. And, the best part, Tiny Chefs camp finishes at the table where kids enjoy their savory creaons! Fee includes personal pizza and $5.00 gi- card to The Hearth Tavern. Date: Sunday, December 7th Loca1on: The Hearth Tavern—215 E. Water Street Time: 1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. COOKIES FOR SANTA Class Size Limit: 20 Ages: 5 to 12 Fee: $15.00 per parcipant Santa Claus is coming to town! Have you made your cookies for Santa yet? It’s not too late! Join Sandusky Recreaon in decorang sugar cookies and coloring a plate to leave for Santa and his friends on Christmas Eve! Cookies donated by Wendy Kromer Specialty Confecons. Space is limited, pre-registraon is required. Date: Thursday, December 18th Loca1on: City Service Center– 1024 Cement Ave. Time: 6:00 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. Class Size Limit: 25 Ages: 3 to 10 Fee: $5.00 per parcipant HOLIDAY BOWLING Campers will receive instrucon from the staff at Star Lanes with PBA Bowlers Jeff and Cathy Lizzi direcng. Emphasis will be on proper grip, approach and follow-through. Bowling balls, shoes and lunch provided. Date: Tuesday, December 30th Ages: 6 to 10 and 11 to 16 Loca1on: Star Lanes– 2097 Cleveland Rd. Fee: $15.00 per parcipant Time: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN?!— NEW!! Or paint one… Join Harmony in Health instructor Laurie Rohrbacher for this fun dabble class that will teach you how to paint a snowman onto a canvas board for your keeping. Class fee includes all supplies needed and lunch will be provided to all parcipants by Pizza House East! Date: Saturday, January 10th Loca1on: Harmony in Health– 2215 Cleveland Rd. W #109 Time: 1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. Class Size Limit: 20 Ages: 10 to 14 Fee: $25.00 per parcipant MERRY CHEER EXTRAVAGANZA Join Sandusky High School Cheerleaders and camp instructor Carolyn Esposito for this one day cheerleading clinic! Campers will be grouped together by ages and will learn jumps, chants, cheers and dances that will prepare them for cheerleading try-pouts in the future. Campers will perform a final performance for all parents and spectators to watch, free of charge! Pre-registraon is available, walk-in registraon will be accepted. Date: Monday, January 19th Loca1on: Sandusky High School Gym Time: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Ages: All ages welcome! Fee: $20.00 per parcipant Camps Cont’d. and registra1on informa1on ——> BASEBALL Join Sandusky High Head Coach, Zack Moots, assistant coaches and current players in a one day camp to learn the basic fundamentals for the game of baseball. Camp will focus on hiLng, fielding and pitching. Campers should all bring a glove (if you have your own bat you may bring it as well). Names should be marked on all equipment. Date: Monday, January 19th Loca1on: Sandusky High School Aux. Gym Time: 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Ages: 8 to 14 Fee: $25.00 CAMP 911 Baseball Day Camp Agenda: 9:00am-9:30am Check in and Registraon 9:30am-11:00am split Beginners/Advanced Fielding and Pitching 11:00am-11:45am Lunch– Pizza 11:45am-12:45pm split Beginners/Advanced HiLng 12:45pm-1:00pm Player/Parent queson session for Coaches and Players Come experience what its really like to be a firefighter or a police officer. The camp is run by full-me firefighters and police officers. You will get to use a fire exnguisher, put on the gear firefighters use, learn about the role of police officers and their invesgave responsibilies and crime prevenon and tour both the Sandusky Police Staon and the Sandusky Fire Staon #1, all while having fun too! Special Guest K9 Officer Gunner will be making an appearance! Dinner provided to all parcipants by Pizza House East. All parcipants will be transported from the Sandusky Police Staon to the Sandusky Fire Staon by the Sandusky Transit System. Waivers must be signed at drop off. Date: Wednesday, February 11th Loca1on: Start– Sandusky Police Department– 222 Meigs St. End– Sandusky Fire Staon-600 W. Market St. Time: 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Class size limit: 30 parcipants Ages: 8 to 14 Fee: $10.00 per parcipant TOO COOL Ice Fishing Join Local Pro-Angler Michael Simonton and Erie MetroParks for this fun, adventure-educaon program designed to teach skills needed to dive into the COOL world of ice fishing! It’s fun and easy. Dress for the weather, fishing bait and tackle provided. Open to youth in grades K-12, adult presence is required. Limit 20 parcipants, must pre-register with Sandusky Recreaon. Date: Sunday, February 15th Loca1on: Paper District Marina 611 W. Shoreline Drive Time: 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Class size limit: 20 parcipants Ages: 6 to 18 Fee: $10.00 per parcipant SOCCER Join Sandusky High School Boys Head Coach Ryan Fry and members of the Sandusky High School Boys/Girls Soccer team for a one day soccer camp. This camp will help kids gain an interest and love for the game of soccer and also help them acquire basic soccer skills that will help them succeed at the high school level. Date: Monday, February 16th Loca1on: Sandusky High School Gym Time: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Ages: 8 to 14 Fee: $20.00 DODGEBALL Join Sandusky Recreaon for a one day dodgeball camp! This is a great opportunity for your child to learn a game that can be played at a local park or backyard. The basics of dodgeball will be introduced along with a tournament that will incorporate all of the different ways to play dodgeball. This league is run by Curt Oddo. Thank you! Date: Saturday, February 21st Loca1on: Hancock Elementary School Gym Time: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Ages: 6 to 12 Fee: $15.00 per parcipant DOWNTOWN SANDUSKY SANTA CLAUSE & COOKIE HOUSE HOURS Sponsored by KeyBank and the Sandusky Community Celebrations Council WASHINGTON PARK 5:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. FRI., SAT., SUN. FRI., SAT., SUN. FRI., SAT., SUN. TUES. (REINDEER NIGHT) FRI., SAT., SUN. MON.(LAST NIGHT) NOVEMBER 28,29,30 DECEMBER 5,6,7 DECEMBER 12,13,14 DECEMBER 16 DECEMBER 19,20,21 DECEMBER 22 SANTA’S REINDEER NIGHT Tuesday, December 16th 5-8 p.m. Appearances by 2 of the winning reindeer of the annual reindeer games. Santa and the reindeer will be available for visitation and pictures. Carols will be provided by the Margaretta High School Brass Ensemble and Choir. CAMP REGISTRATION & RELEASE Iherebygivemypermissionfor_____________________toparticipateintheCityofSanduskyRecreationDivisionProgramthatbeginson________andendson ________.Additionally,IwaiveandreleaseallrightsandclaimsfordamagesandinjuriesagainsttheCityofSandusky,theSanduskyCityAdministration,Sandusky’sRecreationDivision,SanduskyCitySchools,employees,representativesandinstructorsofthesegroupswhilemychildisparticipatinginorattendingthisprogram. SANDUSKYRECREATIONDEPARTMENTEMERGENCYMEDICALAUTHORIZATION Participant'sName:_______________________BirthDate:__________Age:______Grade:_________Address:________________________ City:_______________Parent’sName(s):_________________________________Phone:____________ Father’sPlaceofEmployment:________________Phone:____________Mother’sPlaceofEmployment:_______________Phone:___________ Relativeorothercontact:_____________________________Phone:____________ Pleaseplaceyourinitialsontheappropriateline:____Mychildiscoveredbymedicalinsurance InsuranceCompanyName______________Group#__________Policy#__________Address___________________Phone_________________ ____Mychildisnotcoveredbymedicalinsurance:I,theundersigned,willassumeresponsibilityforanymedicalexpenseshe/sheincursduringparticipationinanySandusky RecreationProgram.Intheeventreasonableattemptstocontactpersonslistedaboveareunsuccessful,Iherebygivemyconsentfortheadministrationofanytreatments deemednecessarybyDoctor_____________(preferredhospital)oranyhospitalreasonablyaccessible.Thisauthorizationdoesnotcovermajorsurgeryunlessmedical optionsoftwootherlicensedphysiciansordentists,concurringinthenecessityforsuchsurgery,areobtainedpriortotheperformanceofsuchsurgery. Foryourchild’sprotectionincasemedicaltreatmentisnecessary,thefollowinginformationisneededbyanyhospitalorpractitionernothavingaccesstotheminor’s medicalhistory:Anyallergies:_________________Medicationsbeingtaken:____________________PhysicalImpairments:__________________ Dateoflasttetanusshot:_____________Otherpertinentfactstowhichphysicianshouldbealerted:_________________________ ******************************************************************************************************************************** Pleasewritetheprogramyouareregisteringfor:1._____________________________ Registration:Toregisterforsportscamps,pleasecompleteentireregistra 2._____________________________ tion/medicalformandreturntoSanduskyRecreation.Allprogramfeesmust accompanytheregistrationform.Youwillbenotifiedandfeerefundedifa 3._____________________________ programiscanceled.ItisthepolicyoftheRecreationDivisiontomakeactivitiesavailabletoallyouthregardlessoffinancialstatus.InformationconcernAmountEnclosed:_________DateFeePaid:_________ ingscholarshipsisavailable.ContacttheRecreationofficeat419.627.5886for SignatureofParentorGuardian:___________________________Date:_________ moreinformation.MakecheckspayabletoSanduskyRecreation. MAILTHISFORMORDROPOFFWITHTHEAPPROPRIATEFEETO: SanduskyRecreation222MeigsStreetSandusky,OH44870 Foradditionalinformation,contactSanduskyRecreation(419)627-5886
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